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TOPIC Teaching Strategy

STUDENT TYPE College Students (BSED)
DATE April 4, 2022

Content Standards: The learner would understand the Teaching Strategies itself and
its given examples.
Performance Standards: The learner dependably perform at least one of the teaching
strategies that was discussed.
I. Objectives At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to at least
obtain 75% knowledge and understanding of the following:
a) Discuss the Teaching Strategy and its example.
b) Answer the questions related to the discussion.
II. Content Teaching Strategy
III. Learning -
Resources -
- Powerpoint Presentation
- Pictures
IV. Procedures
Before the discussion: Preliminary Activities (3 mins)
- Prayer
- Checking the Students’ day
- Checking of Attendance (online attendance tracker)
- Checking of the Learning Target

(Prior discussion on Method of Teaching)

Who can briefly explain Method of Teaching? Who can recall at
least one example of Method of teaching and describe it?

(Group the students into 4. Let each group of students form a line
and let them face their back. I, as their instructor, will call the
first students in every line and each one of them will be given
examples of teaching strategies in a piece of paper. They will
memorize it within 30 seconds. This is a race. They will relay it
to their group members until it reaches the last student of their
group. They will raise their hand if they are ready to recite and I
will ask, “What’s the message (group number)? The first group
that will accurately recite the statements given, will be rewarded.)

The statements:
- Questioning to Check for Understanding
- Summarise New Learning in a Graphical Way
- Teach Strategies not just Content
- Be Flexible about How Long it takes to Learn

Based from the statements I had given, what do you think is our
topic for today?
(*presentation of the Aim of the Discussion/Objective*)
During the discussion: ELICIT:

(The students will move their chairs to create a wide space at the
center of the classroom. Every discussion, I, as the instructor, will
ask them. The student who will answer would be picked using the
passing the ball game while chanting, “Holy Spirit activate, Holy
Spirit activate, Holy Spirit activate, activate, activate” twice. If
the ball stopped to them, they have to stand up and answer my
question for them to earn participation points.)

1. What comes in to your mind when you hear the word
2. How about “strategy”?
3. Combining the two words which will come out as
“teaching strategy”, how do you define it from your own


1. What does the teacher does in this image?

 (Interacting with
 (Story Telling)

 (Making the
Students Participate)

2. Base from your answer, does it make sense to student’s

3. What do you call these actions of a teacher?


Analyze and understand the discussion well.

Teaching Strategies are the methods that teachers used to deliver

course material in ways that keep students engaged and practicing
different skills.

The following are the example of Teaching Strategies.

1. Clear Lesson Goals- clarity of what you want your

students to learn during discussion.
2. Show and Tell- tell them what do they need to know and
show them how to do the tasks you want them to be able
to do.
3. Questioning to Check for Understanding- techniques
such as student answer-boards and tell a friend help you to
check for understanding before moving on.
4. Summarise New Learning in a Graphical Way- a
fantastic way to finish off your show and tell.
5. Plenty of Practice- practice helps students to retain the
knowledge and skills that they have learned while also
allowing you another opportunity to check for
6. Provide your Students with Feedback- it provides your
students with a tangible understanding of what they did
well, of where they are at, and of how they can improve.
7. Be Flexible about How Long it takes to Learn- when
you adopt mastery learning, you differentiate in a different
way. You keep your learning goals the same but vary the
time you give each child to succeed.
8. Get Students Working Together- To increase
productivity of your groups, you need to be selective
about the tasks you assign to them and the individual role
that each group member plays.
9. Teach Strategies not just Content- to teach learners the
effective execution of many tasks that you ask to students
to perform in school.
10. Nurture Metacognition- your students may think about
what strategies they could use before choosing one and
they may think about how effective their choice was
before continuing with or changing their chosen strategy.


1. Have you ever experienced teaching? If yes, how did you

made your teaching very interesting and not boring? And
if no, if you were to be a teacher, what would be your way
to make your discussion very entertaining?
2. If you are to choose among the teaching strategies stated,
what would it be? Why?
After the discussion: EXTEND:
1. Why do you think teaching strategies must be learner-
2. Let’s say for example, half of your class are visual
learners, and the other half are non-visual learners, how
will you make your teaching strategy effective for the
whole class?

- As a future educator, what do you think is the best way to
encourage students to involve themselves voluntarily in
the class discussion?

- As a BSED student, you all know that teaching is not only
teaching. A teacher must be interactive to his/her students.
In what way will you maintain the excitement on your
students’ eyes every time they will think that it’s your
turn to teach them?

1. It is a teaching strategy wherein you will tell the students
what do they need to know and show them how to do the
tasks you want them to be able to do. (Show and Tell)
2. A teaching strategy which provides your students with a
tangible understanding of what they did well, of where
they are at, and of how they can improve. (Provide your
students with feedback)
3. Method of teachers to deliver course material in ways that
keep students engaged and practicing different skills.
(Teaching Strategy/ies)
4. A teaching strategy wherein your students may think
about what strategies they could use before choosing one
and they may think about how effective their choice was
before continuing with or changing their chosen strategy.
(Nurture Metacognition)
5. It is a teaching strategy which to increase productivity of
your groups, you need to be selective about the tasks you
assign to them and the individual role that each group
member plays. (Get students working together)

Other option:

1. Choose at least one from the teaching strategies discussed

and create an essay discussing your chosen strategy. Be
guided with the following guide questions:
a) What is your Teaching Strategy?
b) What is your understanding about your chosen
c) In what way will it help the students to learn
d) How will you conduct it in online learning? In
onsite learning?
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection

Prepared by: Checked by:


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