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TASK 1 Undesrtanding the introduction to a presentation

1. Look at the categories in the table. They refer to feature academic

website. Match students’ comments 1-6 about different academic
websites to the correct category.

Category Comments
Information (what is is about ?) 1 and 6
Authory (who writes it ?) 2 and 5
Design (how does it look ?) 3 and 4
1. ‘all the texts have useful facts’
2. ‘It’s a university website so i thinkit’s reliable’
3. ‘It’s really easy to find link’
4. ‘I like the colours and it use great photos’
5. ‘all the writer are qualified lectures and researchers’
6. ‘it has articles on hundreads of differend subjects’.

2. Watch the introduction to a students presentation.

1. What is the presentation about ?
2. In what order does he talk about the categories in 1 ?

Answer :

1. Internet research (website at university ) to studyng .

2. Author, design, information.

TASK 2 Understanding the featured of a web page

1. Match the words/phrases in the list with the parts of the web page 1-8.

1. Link
2. Home page search box

3. Logo

4. Image

5. Heading

6. Name

7. Domain

8. PDF

2. Watch the main part of student's presentation. Compelete the notes.


On an academic website, look for:

1. Link ending with the letters edu

2. Search box for the university

3. Logo for different subject areas


Look at the design:

4. The home page is simple. 5. It uses one image and one or two colours

6. You can use the keywatch to find information quickly

7. The name's are easy to read


Check the information on the site:

8. Click on the PDF to open an article

• look at the title

• quickly read about the author

TASK 3 Noticing the language of presentations

1. Watch the presentation again. Number the expressions 1-8 in order you
hear them

Firstly, i’m going to talk about... (4) My talk is three parts:..(3)

Today i’d like to talk about... (2) To sum up...(7)

Hello. My name’s..... I (1) Are there any question? (8)

Finally. I,ll talk about... (6) Secondly, we’ll look at...(5)

2. Which expression in 1do u use for:

a. Introducing the presentation? Today i’d like to talk about... (2)

b. Sequencing information? Firstly, i’m going to talk about... (4)

c. Ending the presentation? To sum up...(7)

TASK 4 : Practising sequencing and adding information

1. Complete another Introduction with words from Academic Language. Then
listen and check.

I’m going to talk about the library’s online resource. 1 Firstly, we’ll look at
how you register on our website. 2secondly I’ll talk about using the home page.
And 3 Finally I’ll talk about the information on the site. 4in addition I’ll show you
how to find specific information for your courses. We’ll 5also have time for
questions at the end.

Task 5 Preparing and giving a short presentation

1. Prepare a short presentation about a website you often use for studying. You
can show the website during the presentation.

Make notes about.

• the authority of the website

• the design
• the information

2. Work in pairs and practise your presentation. When you listen to you partner,
do they ide language for:

• Introduction the presentation? (yes, he did the introduction during the

• sequencing and adding information? (yes, he sorted and added
information in the presentation well)
• ending the presentation? (yes, he ended the presentation by reading the

3. Take turns to give your presentation. Watch the presenter. Do they:

• talk about the authority, design, and information?

•™use expressions to introduce, sequence, and add information, and end
the presentation?

Task 6 Identifying the main points of a lecture

1. Look at the picture of a kingfisher and a shinkansen train

• Describe this bird. Use adjectives

A kingfisher is a very past but with a long narrow beaks

• How are the bird and the Shinkansen train similiar?

The bird and the train are both very fast

2. Watch three short extracts from a lecture about the science of biomimetics.
Number the extracts in the correct order (1-3)

The lecturer

• Explains why the Shinkansen train is similar to a kingfisher

The Shinkansen train is similar to a kingfisher in that they both move very fast

• Defines the word biomimetics.

Biomimetics is the scientific study of design in nature

• Giving an example of biomimetics design

An example of biomimetics design is Shinkansen train

Task 7 Taking notes with a mind map

1. Read the script of Extract 1 from the lecture. Then look at a student mind map
of notes on Extract I and compare the lecturer's words with the student's notes.
Delete any words with the student's does not write down.

2. Which types of word does The student not write in The mind map!

• The japanese bullet train the shinkansen and a kingfish

3. Watch extract 2 and 3 again and note download important word about the
Example of biomimetics

• Shinkansen trains in Japan are very fast, and are designed to be like the
speed of a kingfisher

4. Work On pairs. Compare your notes in 3.

TASK 8 Practising defining and explaining with examples

1. Work in pairs. Match 1-3 with a-c to make three sentences from lecture.
1.Fiber optics is the sciences of using glass or plastic fibre transmit light.

2. In other work light cas travel through cables made of fibre optics.

3.Let me give you an example of fibre optics used in the telecommunication


2. Listen and check. Indentify which sentences in 1 are a definition, an

explanation, an an example.


Fiber optics is the sciences of using glass or plastic fibre transmit light.


In other work light cas travel through cables made of fibre optics.


Let me give you an example of fibre optics used in the telecommunication


3. Complete two more exstracts from lectures. Then listen and check.

A. Thermosetting plastic is special heart-household appliances. In other words, it

can become very hot, but it doesn,’t change shape. For example, a modern electric
kettle is a household application made of thermosetting plastic.

B. An integrated circuit is a tiny piece of silicon with electronic circuits. Let me

example by showing thousand of electronic components. This is a good example
of an integrated circuit.

Task 9 Defining and explaining terms

1. Work in pairs. Read two texts about design ideas.

Student A: Read the text on this page about anthropomorphism in design.

Student B: Read about Smart materials in design

Draw a mind map and make notes about:

• The definition
• The explanation

• Any examples

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