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Question Bank
Unit 2

(2 Mark questions)

1. Define data mining.

2. Differentiate data warehousing and data mining.
3. Why data mining?
4. State the two types of data mining task.
5. Define DBMS.
6. List all the data mining functionalities.
7. Define Decision tree.
8. Define support and confidence.
9. Define evaluation analysis.
10.State outlier analysis.
11.Define transverse link and intrensic link.
12.What is data pre-processing?

(Long answer questions)

1. Explain all descriptive data mining functionalities. (10)

2. Explain the knowledge discovery process in data mining. (8)
3. Explain Data Mining architecture with neat diagram. (8)
4. Explain issues and challenges in data mining. (8)
5. Explain any two different kinds of data which can be mined? (8)
6. Explain Data Cleaning? (8)
7. Explain the data mining application areas and applications. (7)
8. List and explain data mining task primitives. (7)
9. Explain Data Integration? (5)
10.Explain Data transformation? (5)
11.Explain the following datamining functionalities (5)
i. mining frequent pattern
ii. Mining associations
12.Explain how transactional data can be mined? (5)

13.Explain classification and regression for predictive analysis in data

mining. (5)
14.Write a note on Decision tree. (5)

Unit 3

(2 Mark questions)
1. Mention the 2 parameters used in association mining.
2. Write the issues of Apriori algorithm.
3. Which are the different improved Apriori algorithms.
4. What is classification?
5. Which are the two steps included in classification process.
6. Differentiate between classification and prediction.
7. Mention the applications of classification Algorithms.
8. Write any two applications of neural network.
9. Define decision tree.
10.What do you mean by support vector machine?

(Long answer questions)

1. Explain Apriori algorithm. (8 marks)

2. Write a note on decision tree (7 marks)
3. Explain supervised learning with example. (5 marks)
4. Explain unsupervised learning with example. (5)
5. Explain the association rule (8)
6. Explain the support vector machine classifier (8)
7. Consider the following transaction, Apply the association Rule mining to
get the association rule with min support of 2 and confidence of 50%.
The frequent 3 item sets for the given problem are:

TID List of Items

T100 I1,I2,I5
T200 I2,I4
T300 I2,I3
T400 I1,I2,I4
T500 I1,I3
T600 I2,I3
T700 I1,I3
T800 I1,I2,I3,I5
T900 I1,I2,I3
8. Consider the following transaction, Apply the association Rule mining to
get the association rule with min support of 2 and confidence of 50%.
Find the frequent 3 item sets for the given problem.

9. Write a note on sampling algorithm (5)

10.Explain Partition Algorithm with the help of an example. (8)
11.Explain Bayesian Classifier (5)
12.Consider the given data set , apply Naive Baye’s algorithm and predict
that if a fruit has the following properties then which type of fruit it is?
Fruit={Yellow, sweet, long} and the frequency table is:
Fruit Yellow Sweet Long Total
Mango 350 450 0 650
Banan 400 300 350 400
Others 50 100 50 150
Total 800 850 400 1200

13.Explain KNN algorithm (5)

14.Apply KNN algorithm and predict the type of Fruit or food type to which
tomato (sweet=6, crunch=4) belongs.

Ingredien Sweet Chruc Food

t h type
Grape 8 5 FRUIT
Green 3 7 Vegitable
Nut 3 6 Protein
Orange 7 3 Fruit

15.Explain ID3 algorithm

16.Explain CART algorithm

Unit 4

(2 Mark questions)
1. Write the difference between centroid and medoid.
2. Write Euclidean Distance Formula.
3. Write Manhattan Distance Formula.
4. What is a dendrogram?
5. Differentiate data mining with web mining.
6. Write a note on web mining.
7. What is the use of HITS?
8. What is clustering?

(Long answer questions)

1. What is clustering? what are the different clustering techniques (10)

2. Write the advantage of clustering? (05)
3. Explain similarity and distance measures? (05)
4. Write a note on the Applications of clustering? (05)
5. What are outliers? (05)
6. Write a note on hierarchical algorithms. (06)

7. Give an example for a hierarchical algorithm (06)

8. Explain Agglomerative hierarchical clustering? (05)
9. What do you mean by divisive hierarchical clustering? (05)
10.Write a note on partitional algorithms? (05)
11.How does the K-mean Clustering algorithm work? explain with an
example (10)
12.Write K-mean Clustering Algorithm (07M)
13.Consider the given set Solve the following problem using K- Mean
D= (2,3,4,10,11,12,20,25,30). Find the clusters with K=2 (10)
14.Solve the problem using K-Mean Algorithm.
Given data points are (2,4,10,12,3,20,30,11,25) with k=2 clusters. (10)
15.Use K- Mean clustering algorithm to divide the following data into two

X1 1 2 2 3 4 5

X2 1 1 3 2 3 5

16.Use K- Medoids clustering algorithm to divide the following data points

into two clusters (1,1) (2,1) (4,3) (5,4) (8 Marks)

17.Explain the concept of partitioning around medoids. (7)

18.Write a note on web mining. (5)

19.Write and explain different data mining techniques (10)

Write a note on web content mining
Write a note on web structure mining
Write a note on web usage mining.

20.What is the use of the Page Rank Algorithm in web mining? (4)
21.Explain the advantage and disadvantage of web usage mining (4)
22.Write the Application of web usage Mining (4)
23.What are Clever Systems? explain (4)
24.Write a note on supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.

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