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Name: Christian B.

Santos __________________ Date:


Course/Section: Bsed - 3EDFIL6A___________ _ Professor:



My Learning Episode Overview

Episode 2 provides me with an opportunity to observe learners of different
ages and grade levels. It highlights the differences in their characteristics and needs.
As a future teacher, it is important for me to determine my learner’s characteristics
and needs so that I will be able plan and implement learning activities and
assessment that are all developmentally appropriate.
My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this episode, I must be able to differentiate the characteristics and needs of

learners from different developmental levels.
My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along with the following:

● quality of my observations and documentation,
● completeness and depth of analysis,
● depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
● completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
● time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essentials
Here are major principles of development relevant to this episode:
1. Development is relatively orderly, Development follows directional patterns
such as, from the head to the toe (cephalocaudal), and from the center of the body
then outwards (proximodistal)
2. Development take place gradually.
3. All domains development and learning-physical, social and emotional, and
cognitive – are important, and they are closely interrelated (NAEYC, 2009)
4. Development proceeds toward greater complexity, self- regulation, symbolic
or representational capabilities, (NAEYC, 2009)
My Tools
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation

report on the provided space. Your teacher may also recommend another
observation checklist if a more detailed observation is preferred.
1. Observe their gross motor skills. How they carry themselves. How they
move, walk, run, go up the stairs, etc.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are
their concerns?

1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy,
sad, easily cries, mood-shifters)
2. How they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behaviour. Are they self-

1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their
language proficiency.
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for
the evidence of their thinking skills.
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how they show
problem solving abilities.


Domain Name:____________ Name:____________
Age:______________ Age:______________
Yr/Sec:___________ Yr/Sec:___________

Gross-motor skills

Fine-motor skills

Self-help skills


Interaction with Teachers

Interaction with




Moods and temperament,

expression of feelings

Emotional Independence


Communication skills

Thinking skills


My analysis

Level Salient Characteristic Implications to the Teaching-

Observed Learning Process

Age range of learners



Age range of learners

My Reflections/Insights
1.) While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences
when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with
the learners you observed?

Yes, one of our similarities is that when my teacher asks a question and I don't know
the answer, I simply ask my seatmates for help. And one of the differences is that
even when I am bored in class, I pay close attention.

2.) Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reason. How did
she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social and
cognitive). How did it affect you?

Ms. Ramos, my high school teacher, is one of the teachers I will never forget
because she is my closest teacher and she helps me in my high school life by
giving me ideas for projects and advice when I have a problem. I can also see in
her that she is a good teacher, which inspires me to be a good teacher.

3.) Share your other insights here.

There will be students who are uninterested in your lesson when you teach it. As
a result, in order to keep your students' attention, you must be active as a


Directions: read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. A 14-year-old felt ignored by her crush whom she believes is her one true love. She is
crying incessantly and refuses to listen and accept sound advice that the teacher is
offering. Her refusal to accept is because.

A. She thinks what she feels is too special and unique, that no one has felt
like this before.
B. The teenager’s favorite word is “no”, and she will simply reject
everything the teacher says.
C. 14-year-olds are not yet capable of perspective-taking and cannot take the
teacher’s perspective.
D. Teenagers never listen to adult advice.

2. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop to fine motor skills of the 4-
year-olds. Which of the following should be best to consider?

A. Provide daily coloring book activities.

B. Ask the children to do repeated writing drills everyday.
C. Encourage children to eat independently.
D. Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand
muscles daily.

3. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-
year-olds. Which of the following should be best to consider?

A. formal operational stage

B. Concrete operational stage
C. Pre-operational stage
D. Between concrete and formal operational stage

MY LEARNING PORTFOLIO____________________
1. What is you’re your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a
future teacher?

Erikson’s Psychosocial Development theory

Psychoanalytic theory was an enormously influential force during the

first half of the twentieth century. Those inspired and influenced by Freud went
on to expand upon Freud's ideas and develop theories of their own. Of these
neo-Freudians, Erik Erikson's ideas have become perhaps the best known.
Erikson's eight-stage theory of psychosocial development describes growth and
change throughout life, focusing on social interaction and conflicts that arise
during different stages of development. While Erikson’s theory of psychosocial
development shared some similarities with Freud's, it is dramatically different in
many ways. Rather than focusing on sexual interest as a driving force in
development, Erikson believed that social interaction and experience played
decisive roles. His eight-stage theory of human development described this
process from infancy through death. During each stage, people are faced with a
developmental conflict that impacts later functioning and further growth. Unlike
many other developmental theories, Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory focuses
on development across the entire lifespan. At each stage, children and adults
face a developmental crisis that serves as a major turning point.

2. Clip some readings about this theory and paste theme here.

3. What are the “Three Components and Personality Adjustment

The earliest part of the personality to emerge is the id. The id is present at birth and runs on
pure instinct, desire, and need. It is entirely unconscious and encompasses the most primitive
part of the personality, including basic biological drives and reflexes. The id is motivated by the
pleasure principle, which wants to gratify all impulses immediately. If the id's needs aren’t met,
it creates tension. However, because all desires can’t be fulfilled right away, those needs may be
satisfied, at least temporarily, through primary process thinking in which the individual
fantasizes about what they desire.

The second part of the personality, the ego, arises from the id. Its job is to acknowledge and
deal with reality, ensuring that the id’s impulses are reigned in and expressed in ways that are
socially acceptable. The ego operates from the reality principle, which works to satisfy the id’s
desires in the most reasonable and realistic ways. The ego may do this by delaying gratification,
compromising, or anything else that will avoid the negative consequences of going against
society’s norms and rules.

The ego operates at conscious, preconscious, and unconscious levels. The ego’s consideration of
reality is conscious. However, it may also keep forbidden desires hidden by unconsciously
repressing them. Much of the ego’s functioning is also preconscious, meaning it happens below
awareness but takes little effort to bring those thoughts into consciousness.

The superego is the final part of the personality, emerging between the ages of 3 and 5,
the phallic stage in Freud’s stages of psychosexual development. The superego is the moral
compass of the personality, upholding a sense of right and wrong. These values are initially
learned from one’s parents. However, the superego continues to grow over time, enabling
children to adopt moral standards from other people they admire, like teachers.

The superego consists of two components: the conscious and the ego ideal. The conscious is the
part of the superego that forbids unacceptable behaviors and punishes with feelings of guilt when
a person does something they shouldn’t. The ego ideal, or ideal self, includes the rules and
standards of good behavior one should adhere to. If one is successful in doing so, it leads to
feelings of pride. However, if the standards of the ego ideal are too high, the person will feel like
a failure and experience guilt.

4. How can this guide you as a future teacher?

My Learning Rubric (How did I perform this episode?)

Field Study 1, Episode 2 – The Learners’ Characteristics and Needs
Name of FS Student: _______________________________ Date Submitted: ____________________
Year & Section: _____________________ Course:
Learning Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs
Episodes 4 3 2 improvement
All episodes were All or nearly all Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
done with episodes were done were done with episodes were done;
Learning Activities outstanding quality; with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives
work exceeds were met but need
expectations improvement
3 2 1
All question/ episodes Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were answered were not answered were not answered.
completely; in depth completely. completely. Grammar and
Analysis of the answers; thoroughly Clear connection Vaguely related to spelling
learning episodes grounded on theories. with theories the theories unsatisfactory
Exemplary grammar Grammar and Grammar and
and spelling spelling are superior spelling acceptable

4 3 2
Reflection statements Reflection Reflection statements Reflection statements
are profound and statements are clear, are shallow; are unclear and
clear; supported by but not clearly supported by the shallow and are not
Reflections/ Insights the experiences from supported by the experiences from the supported by the
the learning episodes experiences from the learning episodes experiences from the
learning episodes learning episodes

4 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis questions
clear, well-organized complete, clear, well- incomplete; were not answered.
and all supporting; organized; most supporting Grammar and
documentations are supporting documentations are spelling
Learning Portfolio located in sections documents are organized but are unsatisfactory
clearly designated available and logical lacking
and clearly marked
4 locations
3 2 1
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two days
Submission of deadline deadline the deadline or more after the
Learning Episode deadline

4 3 2 1
COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating:
(Based on


Score 7- 9-8 10 11 12-13 14 15 16 17 18-19 20
Grade 5.0 3.5 3.0 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.0 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.0
71- 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99
AMADO D. PEBRES DATE: _____________________

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