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Global Jams – Upload guide

As you know Jammers are asked to share their work with the world. This is because:
1. Sharing is caring, and we can all be proud to show our work and to share and learn
with other Jammers, all over the world. It's a legacy of what we did.
2. Academic researchers will use the documentation library from the Jams to learn
about innovation behaviour. This "research opportunity" is a key part of the value of
Jams to the outside world, and there have already been several interesting studies
on the Jam uploads. The goodwill (and potentially grant money) from studying how
Jammers work is a key part of the Jam’s not-for-profit "business model”.
3. Having a rush to meet the deadline makes the Jam more exciting, with a real feeling
of "climax" when the upload deadline is coming.

1. Jammers are guided through the upload process by text at the upload site. But they
may need help from you.
2. One responsible Jammer per team ("Upload Angel") should take care of the upload
for their Team. The Team will need a plan for what to do if that team member is
"lost"... (The Upload Angel does not have to be a team member, but it might be
3. Teams should upload all through the Jam, not just at the end! Try to have at least
two upload sessions per day.
4. Teams should upload full documentation of an interactive prototype. This will be
many files, not just one! (Avoid making fancy videos and animations. It's a waste of
iteration time!)
5. You can change your uploads any time, before and after you hit “Submit”. Upload all
through the Jam, not at the end.
6. Teams should upload all through the Jam, and must "Submit" (make visible) their
Project before the Upload Deadline on the last day of their Jam. Don't worry,
uploads can be changed any time, before and after Submission.

What to do
1. The web address for uploads is (it will also be linked
directly from the main Global Jams webpage).
2. Every step of the upload is guided by text instructions at the site itself.
3. Check out the step-by-step "Cheat sheet" with detailed "how to upload" instructions
4. If you – or Jammers – have trouble with the upload, get help

REMEMBER! Upload all through the Jam, not at the end! If you try to do all uploads
at the end, you will have a HORRIBLE JAM! Trust us, we have seen it many times. :)
Global Jams – Cheatsheet
Step 1: Login / Registration and basic information
- create after team forming
PLEASE NOTE: Only one person per team needs to do this (sometimes we call this
your “upload angel”).

Go to to go to our project submission system.

Login / Register an account

First option: Register using your existing Google, Facebook, or Twitter accounts. Follow
the instructions on the screen to connect your account.

Second option: Manually create an account by filling in the registration form.

Third option (for Jammers of GSJam or GovJam 2018 or later): If you already have an
account simply login.
After a manual registration, you need to verify your email address before you can start a
new submission. Please follow the instructions on the screen.

After you login, start your submission. Hit the “Start new submission” button.

You only need to know 4 pieces of information to create your initial project page:

• a title,
• a tagline,
• a short description and
• a list of your team mates.

Since Jamming is all about iterations, and because concepts change:


Fill in the basic details first.

You need to click “Save + next” before you can add other details of your submission. No
worries though, you can always come back and change those details.

Add tagline and description

Fill in the fields “Tagline” and “Description” in the „Descriptions“ tab. Hit „Save + next“
at the end.
Add team members

“Save & close”

Click in “Save & close” for now. Come back later to add and upload more material.
Step 2: Documentation - do all day until the
deadline - upload early and often

Go back to your submission

Add and update as you go along

Use the “Attachments“ tab to add files that document your progress step by step. Think
of this as your “project diary” that shows the history of your project throughout the Jam.
What shall I upload for a good submission? Here is a list of things you might want to
collect or create:

• Research data, e.g. images/video footage of stories from users with a short
description text that explain what the image/video is meant for
• Research findings and insights
• Idea sketches or early concepts
• Documentation of your (functioning) service prototypes (this should be the main
part of your submission, not just a presentation. You might include tangible parts of
your service like tickets, brochures (with small print!), images or videos of things you
build, wireframes or even working software, as well as other service design outputs
like customer journeys, personas, stakeholder maps, business models (e.g. as a
Business Model Canvas), budgets, etc.)
• Documentation of your work process: How did you work? What did you learn?
• Impressions: why not show us some of the fun you had?

Any recommendation how to upload? As you and your team work along and produce
first results, consider ZIP-ing it and uploading it here and now! You can always replace
it later with newer versions.

Why? There will be an upload rush on the last Jam day. Try to avoid that last minute
rush when everybody tries to upload their stuff at the same time.

How much can we upload? You can upload multiple files up to 250 MB each. This
should be enough for any project.

What should we do with video material? There are many good sites to share videos
but we recommend using YouTube or Vimeo. Many Jam videos can be found there
already. After you uploaded a video to YouTube or Vimeo, just add it with the “Add link or
video” in the “Attachments” tab.
Step 3: Pitch presentation and round up - fill in
before the upload deadline on the last days - make
your work accessible
Add logo and video pitch

Round up your submission

Double check your overall submission and make changes where necessary.

Depending on the type of Jam you are in there might be some more fields (e.g. for
teams participating in a Deep Jam at GSJam). Any additional fields will come with a
clear description.
Add a brief reflection of your Jam experience

Confirm copyright and licence settings

Finally, submit your work

Tipps for a smooth submission
Choose one responsible person to create and update your submission. When you
create the project take a few minutes to fill in some placeholder content so you get a
feel how things work.

You do not have to be part of the team to set up the project! This means if you find
someone in another Team who has already done this - or an “Upload Angel” - you can
ask them to help you!

Always remember: the core of your upload should be the documentation of a

functioning prototype and not the presentation of an idea!

Don't waste time on a fancy presentation or film! Instead of spending hours on an

animated film, why not simply film your final 3 minute pitch presentation? If you have
uploaded the rest of the documentation files, you can add the pitch presentation
after the upload deadline.

Upload any part of the documentation as soon as you have it finished. Some people
schedule 2-3 upload times for intermediate results (e.g. in the evening before the final
Jam day and on final Jam day 11:00)

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