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In collaboration with Beacon House Therapeutic Services & Trauma Team

)ome+hin9 unexpeded and very fri9h+enin9 happened
fo me +ha+ made me fear for my safe+y. As a
resul+ my brain and body are 'sfuck in +rauma

as a way fo profec+ me from +he scary fhin9
happenin9 a9ain. If's like my brain can'+ learn +ha+ I
am adually safe ri9hf now.

To cope wifh +he feelin9 +ha+ I'm consfonfly in

dan9er1 I swin9 befween drfferen+ survival modes fo
keep safe when I feel scared.
Why is ;f so imporfanf +ha+ you know fh;s?
The parf of my brain a d iv at ed fo help me survivel is

d;fferen+ from +he parf of my brain acf;vafed when I rn cai rn.


I ca n ,o.nly Jearn

properly when +he calm

p,a rf of my brain is
\ adiva+ed. When I'm in a
survival s+a+e ;+ f akes

over from my
calm. brain and I sfru9gle
fo Jecrn. If I don''f feel
safe, you won+ be abJe fo
feach me.
The problem ,i s ., if 1
s really hard +o see when I m
survjvaJ mode

I Jook very drfferenf fo how I feeJ inside a nd offen I can


remain in survival mode for so lon9, +ha+ ;f seeMs like

par+ of rny personahfy.

I would love your help fo

feel safe so I can learn. For
you fo see fha+ I ar,, in a
survival sfafe and ,if 's nof c
personalify fraif.. I realty wan+ fo
learn., I r eally wanf fo feel ok

Wha+ I look l;ke in Freeze...

x No+ inferes+ecl bored

x Confusedi for9e+ful
x Talkin9 abouf somefhin9 else
x I-lord fo move fhrou9h +he +ask
x Nof lis+enin9
;x S"farin9 info space, daydreaming
. ....._ _..
_ .

x Clumsy
Wha+ I am aware of..
x My brain is slowing down
x Trying +o fhink of sornefhin9 safe

.I. ..I
x I can'+ do fh;s
x Feeling deeply anxious
x I can hear you're 9e#in9
x S'farl-ing +o shu+ down
.x I feel under a#ack
How my body feels ...
,x Frozen br a.i n

X If I don'+ move., you ccn1+ see me

x Every+h;ng feels like a dream
x Under affack
.X In a fog
x D;sc, onnecf ed
x Numb,uk
Wha+'s happening in my Inner World ...
X I can'+ bear you,r rejecf ;on
X I need fo feel safe
X S'hame, I hate myself
X I'm scared I don'+ know
wha+ s 9oin9 +o happen

X When I fail af fh;s you'll

send me aw,ay

X When you realise I can' do

+h;sl you won'+ wan+ me in
your class anymore
You can help me feel safe wifh fhe following ...
Do +he f a sk wifh me

Deep bre,af h;n9

Te.II me Tm ok & +haf rm .safe
Ask me +o· push my hands down under MY
sea+ ,& l;ff myself up off fhe cha;r
../ GenfJy , wo nder where Tve 9one & welcoMe
me beck fo +he room
Make +he fask sMoUer & more prediclable
Tell me k.JndJy who I arr,. & whcf rm do1n9
../ Te.lJ me wha+ you won+ me , fo do l:J
Wff ho + showing frusfraf jon,uk
Who+ I look l;ke in Fli9h+ ...
X Run away
x Keeping SUPER, bu sy
X Nof copin9 in free f;rne
X Need fo be -flrsf or af fhe fronf
X Bumpin9 info people
X Avoidjn9 fcsks and acf ivlf;es
X Baby +alk or silly voices
X Hyperacf;vel 9;ddy & silly
X H;ding under fab,es
Wha+ I am aware of ...
.X Unable fo focus
X Lonely
X Panic
X Feeling bad, movernenf is d;s, f r a 1

X Shame
X Overwhelmed
X Worried abou+ wha+ happening nexf
X Anxious, appr e.h ensive,uk
How my body feels
X E s cape run & hide
x Painful joinfs
.x Numb
x V;brafinB
.X Ready for a cfio

n X Jumpy & fense

X )ick
Wha+s happening in my Inner World
x I wan+ +o escape from +h;s
scary momenf bu+ I can'+
X I donf wan+ you fo see my
real feelin9s., you can'+
handle +he""
x I am really worried I can'+
do whafs 9oin9 fo happen

Yo'-A can help Me feel safe wifh fhe following ...
Keep me close by
V Deep breafhin9
Give me a easy & famjliar +ask
V Make +hin9s pred,c+able
" TeJI me I'm safe., show me, a
safe place or person I can go f o
v kindly folk +hough whaf mi9h+
be fricky

www.innerwo r
Wha+ I look like in F;9h+ ...
x Hof & bofhered
x A.n9ry & 099ressive
X Conf rollin9
X We or blamin9

x Shoufy & or91Jmen+a+;ve

x Pushin9 away friends
x Demondin9
x Inflexible
Wha+ I am aware of ...
x I'm in dan9er
x Really scared
X I am all alone
x I feel bad
x Fri9h+ened
x Unimpor+anf
x Invisible
Wha+s happening in my Inner World ...
.x I ca n be cross at +he people

I reall y wan+ fo be cross af


X I 1
m gojn9 +o
push you away \
before you 9ef rid of me
.X Unsafe

X I hafe myself: I a rn 1

unloveabJe., I wan+ fo d;e

Why wasn f
I 9, 0 0 ,d enough?
X I need fo be in confrol &
make hjngs pr ed;cf a1 b,l e
You can help me feel safe wifh fhe following ...
Give me a role
../ S"upporf me so,cjaJly
\ I
ii/ Mafch my energy

Make fhings predicfable

ii/ Deep brea+hing
ii/ Connee+ & show empa+hy
before exploring +he
conseq_uences of my behaviour
Wha+ I look J;ke in )ubm;f ...
x )oc;ally wifhdrawn
x Complian+
'l [
x Qu;e+ ,.e..- , ,,,.

x Unable +o fhink,jus+ yes

or no answers
.x Pass,ve
x Resigned
x Neufral expression
X Low m.o o d
Wha+ I am aware of ...
x I can'+ +h;nk
;x. Tummy aches ..I., I
x Tjred ---------
x )ad
;x. Lonely
I-low my body fee/ ...
X Worn no e11er9y

X I+'s 9ive11 lP.f

X )/ow
x ieorfl.f/
x f>oorly
Whafs happenin9 in my Inner Wor/d ...
x WAy couldn'f I be beffer, I'm
comple-1-ely useless (, t)
X I hafe mysel{ I am
X If's all my fouH
X Nofhin9 will ever feel ok
X I can' keep myself safe
X I wanf -l-o d.i e
You can help me feel safe wifh fhe following ...
Repef;f;ve simple +asks
../ We;9h+ed blankef
Bu,;Jd;n9 wifh le90 or play-dou9h - , \
TeJI me I'm safe ·
Deep brea+h;n9
..; S"pendin9 f;me 'Wif h1 a frusfed adul+
..,. Do fhe fask wif h me
TeJI me wha+ fo do wif hou.+

show;n9 frus+ ra+ ion

·,u k
)pending jusf a small a Moun+ of fiMe Making
me feel safe., acfjvafes +he ,caJm par+ of my
brain and I am ready for you fo feach me

I Mighf need you +o do fhis a few fimes

fhroughouf +he +ask bu+ fhe more my brain
knows how fo sfay infhe calm zone, f h1 e less
likely I am fo 90 info survival mode.

Thank you for helping me every day +o Make

safe and life chan9in9 differences fo my brain.

If's an amazing fhin9 you're doing for me.

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