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Name: Katie Page

Date Submitted: 2/6/2022

Cell: 8018578883
Course for which this was submitted: EDUC 6940

Identifying a Collaborative Team

a. Select three to five colleagues with varying levels of experience who will effectively serve with you as

collaborative team members. Provide a rationale for your choice of each colleague.

In working with my administrator in my school, it was determined that we needed to create a

team of individuals that could promote and build family and community engagement within our

school. For this collaborative team I thought it would be best to include individuals from multiple

different grade levels, so that we could incorporate a variety of viewpoints and ideas. I selected

four teachers within our building, and also our assistant principal so that we could have an

administrator on the team as well. In the artifact chart below, I have included the rationale for

inviting each individual to be part of this team.

b. What steps did you take to elicit/encourage each colleague’s involvement with the team? Why did you

choose the steps?

The first step that I took to elicit each colleague’s involvement was introducing the collaborative

team as a whole to the faculty and staff. I provided an outline for what I was seeking to

accomplish with the collaborative team and explained the training that would take place for the

individuals involved on the team through Scholastic. I watched for interest and listened for ideas,

questions, and concerns throughout the presentation so that I could gauge which individuals

might be a good fit. I then made the list I have attached below and wrote out my rationale for

wanting that individual to be on the team. After this, I approached each person and I used the

rationale to explain why I thought they would be a good fit for the team. All of them seemed

interested in joining the collaborative team and it was not a challenge for me to get them engaged.
I think this had a lot to do with me introducing it to the faculty first and explaining the importance

of it as we moved forward as a whole within our school.

c. What structure did you put in place to support and sustain the team during the collaborative work?

Provide a rationale.

I made sure to implement the same format and template for team discussions that our principal

introduced which focuses on the questions from DeFour for PLCs. Even though this team would

be focusing directly on family and community engagement, we could still follow those questions

for determining what was working so far, what was not, and what further steps needed to be

taken. I also worked to make sure I understand the time and effort level that each individual was

going to be able to put in. With so much else going on, I did not want to overwhelm anyone so we

worked as a team to determine action items that each person felt they could accomplish.

Required artifact for this activity:

● A representative page of a spreadsheet, table, or chart that describes/lists the certification,

experiences, and qualifications of each

colleague (maximum of one page)

Name Certifications/Qualifica Experiences Rationale


Tammie Wilson Ed TECH Endorsement 3rd Grade Teacher Middle grade teacher,
Teaching License information and insight
with her Ed TEACH
endorsement for digital
personality where she
loves to interact with
families and get them
very involved in her
students’ education.

Joshua Frampton Teaching License Kindergarten Teacher Insight of a

Kindergarten teacher
who sees families
sending their children
to school for the first
time, could provide
thoughts on getting
families involved from
the beginning of child’s

Michelle Wright Teaching License 2nd Grade Teacher Has taught both lower
ESL Endorsement 4th Grade Teacher and upper grades, is our
School Union Rep. school’s union
representative so she
can ensure that policies
and procedures are
being followed as a
collaborative team.

Kim Babka Teaching License 1-3 Grade Teacher Has taught lower
Administrative License District Early grades, also has
ESL Endorsement Childhood Specialist experience working
from the district
perspective with a wide
variety of schools, able
to share experiences of
what is working in
other schools. Our
assistant administrator
so she can provide
approval on ideas and

Aubrey Badger Teaching License 5th Grade Teacher Representative as an

ESL Endorsement upper grade teacher to
help us understand
older students as they
transition out of the
elementary school

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