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1.  List and explain in 1 to 2 sentences thru an example for each of the 5 internet of things.  (10 pts)

Wearable Health Monitors – It’s an electronic device that collect information about the physical activity and heart
rate of the wearer. It is designed as so the wearers can monitor and take control of their health by just looking at the
wearable device equipped on them.

Connected Appliances – These are appliances such as washing machine, security cameras, refrigerators or any
other household products that can be connected to your devices via internet. This way, such appliances can be
controlled and automated in a distance just by a simple command using an electronic device.

Motion Detection – It uses special sensors that can detect and monitor the vibration of buildings, bridges, dams
and such large-scale structures. It is used to identify disturbances and patterns in the vibrations to prevent possible
catastrophic incidents.

Smart Barcode Readers – It is used in retail stores to aid the employees in improving the processes in managing
inventory. These smart devices can detect products as they are removed from the cart and enter the data to the
computer automatically which saves time and effort for the retailers while alternately improving customer experience
as it’s faster.

IoT Data Analytics – These are analysis generated by devices which are applied to investigate motion data sets,
geographical data, healthcare data, and other types of data. These are commonly used in businesses to identify
trends and patterns in the market.

2.  Apply 5 benefits of IoT in organizaitons Jusitfy in 1 to 2 sentences (10 pts.)

Monitor Business Processes – IoT gives the business organizations the ability to monitor all the processes that
undergo in an operation. In Agriculture for example, there are sensors that can collect data about details in rainfall,
humidity, and temperature; IoT can also monitor the infrastructures in the surroundings.

Helps in Making Better Business Decisions – IoT can help organizations to make a more systematic and logical
approach in planning out their next business moves. This is because revenues, expenses, and all the others finances
are more accurately computed and presented by machines, eliminating possible errors when making business

Integrate and Adapt Business Models – With all the help and assistance that IoT provides in business
operations, to leave rethink about their old business models. This in turn will encourages organizations to develop
and adapt a more sophisticated business approach and strategies.

Save Time and Money – IoT makes activities that requires physical effort to be done with more accuracy and
efficiency. This makes operations in an organization run more smoothly and effectively which in turn will save up
time and money.

Enhance Employee Productivity – Because IoT lifts up burden for the employees and make their job easier,
employees can instead direct their energy in the mental labor part of their job. This assistance they get from IoT will
improve their productivity in performing their assigned task.

3.  List 5 emerging Trends in Information Technology and explain in 1 to 2 sentences (10 pts.
a. Artificial Intelligence and Smart Machines

Artificial Intelligence and Smart Machines – An intelligence demonstrated by computers or machines

capable of performing task with more speed and accuracy than humans. Artificial intelligence is already
used areas such navigation apps, healthcare, streaming services, and other areas to assist people in their
job and activities.
5G – It’s the 5th generation of mobile network that allows anyone and any machines to virtually connect
to one network. It aims to provide a better network capacity, faster data speed, more uniform user
experience and the such than its predecessor 4G network.

Virtual Reality – It allows users to interact with 3-dimensional visual or any sensory environment and
experience simulated reality made possible by computer modeling. As of yet, the application of Virtual
Reality is only widely used in gaming and entertainment industry where users especially gamers wear VR
goggles, headsets, gloves or bodysuits.

Augmented Reality – It introduce an interactive experience of real-world environment where real

images, objects and sounds are altered as so it’s enhanced. Augmented Reality does not immerse users
in a simulated experience as much as Virtual Reality so its use is more practical and versatile.

Internet of Things – Refers to the concept of connecting devices to the internet or other devices, making
activities be done with ease and convenience. Such examples are turning on a TV hands-free and locking
or unlocking a gate in a distance.

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