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Nowadays, the technologies and distractions to which children are subjected make it a truly

titanic task for many parents to ensure that their children perform well in school and develop

a taste for studying.

"However, if we work with them from an early age on the acquisition of study habits, in the

future we will have children with fewer learning difficulties, greater capacity for

concentration and comprehension, and with better social skills and self-confidence". So says

the psychopedagogue of Clínica Vespucio, Paloma Vilches.

Specialists agree that it is good to start this activity at an early age, developing a routine that

ideally should be applied every day, establishing a fixed schedule. In the long term, the

benefits of inculcating a study habit in children will allow them to have spaces for dispersion,

which are very important and can be reflected in family coexistence.

As the educational psychologist points out, "this means that the child will have space to share

with his parents, will be able to enjoy outings and recreational moments in which he can

develop his creativity through play, for example, in addition to developing his social skills,
which are fundamental outside the field of study. And on the other hand, this routine will

facilitate improved academic performance."

Parental commitment is key

First of all, it should be noted that study practices can be implemented at any time in life, so

parents can begin to establish habits at stages when children are not yet beginning their formal

education or when they start elementary school, middle school and even college.

The important thing is that parents support this task by trying to instill in their children to be

organized with their time.

For Paloma Vilches, "in young children it is good, for example, to keep a calendar with a

series of activities where they can visualize concretely what activities they should carry out

on a daily basis. You can always innovate in this sense and parents have the option of

incorporating images or didactic objects into their children's calendar that allow the child to

mark the tasks they are carrying out".

In the case of teenagers or university students, it is advisable to encourage study based on

their personal interests and the motivation they have to carry out this type of activities.
In either case, the study routine is something that should be planned based on the time

available, leaving the weekend for them to have enough free time to rest from the tasks and

activities that keep them connected from Monday to Friday with the whole school process.

A place that has the necessary materials to carry out their study time should also be

considered. In addition, it is advisable to avoid all kinds of distractions during their routine,

such as television, toys or smartphones.

The educational psychologist indicates that the ideal is "to start by encouraging those subjects

or tasks that are of interest to the child or that are easier for him/her to do because he/she has

more skills for it. From this basic motivation, one can begin to establish a real study habit.

Then, in an intermediate way, one can choose a subject that is more complex for the child,

and then return to something simpler, so that the routine is not something complex or tedious

from the beginning".

Parents should also consider that there should be short breaks or breaks in the study day to

allow time for rest and for the child or adolescent to drink water, eat or simply clear his or

her head for a few minutes and then return to school.

The most important thing is to give children the tools and support necessary for study to be

a positive practice and an instance that allows them to develop important intellectual and

social skills.


Learning study skills will not only help you in university, they will also help you succeed in

life. Good study skills can increase your confidence, competence, and self-esteem. They can

also reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines.

By developing effective study skills, you may be able to cut down on the numbers of hours

spend studying, leaving more time for other things in your life.

Good study skills can improve your ability to learn and retain knowledge.

Look at the Big Picture

Ask yourself these questions: How many exams do I have to study for? What are the dates

of these exams? How much time do I think I should dedicate to each subject? What is my

grade going into the exam, and what is the exam worth towards my final grade?


In university it may seem like there is always a paper due or an exam coming up. Prioritize

and plan out what needs to be done first, what needs your best effort, and what can wait.

Schedule what and when you want to study. An agenda is one of the best tools you can use

to organize school life.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Cramming is not the most effective way to study. When you start to study weeks in advance,

you have more time to reach your academic goals. You also have time to ask questions about

everything you do not fully understand.

Set Up a Study Area

Find an area where you can spread out your notes, your computer, and your books. Try to

find somewhere that is well-lit, comfortable, and where there is little distraction. There are

good options for study spaces in all the libraries across campus.

When You Study

Make Your Own Notes

What are the titles, headings, and subheadings? Are there any bolded words? These can be

great indicators of what information is important.

Having beautiful notes and a perfectly highlighted textbook doesn’t matter if you do not

understand the information. Don’t be afraid to get messy when scrawling out ideas on paper

and connecting them in your head.

Put It in Your Own Words

Paraphrasing is a great technique to help you really understand material. Try reading over a

page or paragraph of information, covering it up, then repeating the information in your own


Teach It

Find someone who does not understand the material and teach it to them. Doing this can help

you understand concepts in less time than studying by yourself.

Should I Study by Myself or in a Group?

At different points in your learning process you may find that you benefit more from studying

on your own than in a group, or vice versa. The key is to know where you are getting the

most from your efforts and are the least distracted.

What Material Should I Start With?

Start with the most challenging sections and move on from there. Spend only a little time

quickly reviewing the material you know well.

Exam Anxiety

Exams are among the most important and stressful parts of university life. Exam anxiety is a

common and normal reaction. It can become problematic, however, when it is intense,

persists over time, or interferes with academic performance.

Tips for Taking Exams

Get an adequate amount of sleep the night before.

Give yourself time in the morning to go through your regular routine, eat a good breakfast,

and plan your study strategy for the day.

Quit studying at least half an hour prior to the test.

Avoid getting to class too early. Time before exams is usually spent worrying.

Use strategies to ease tension and anxiety if they start becoming too much.
Sit where you feel comfortable and will not be distracted.

Don’t be your own worst enemy. Don’t talk to yourself in a way that discourages you or

makes you doubt your abilities.

Read each question slowly, twice. Underline or highlight key words and phrases. Reword

the question in a way that makes sense to you.

If you cannot answer a question, take a deep breath and go to the next one. Return to the

questions you are unsure about later.

Study Apps

There are many tools and applications that can help you stay organized and study more

efficiently, including:

Google Calendar (agenda/planner)

iStudiez Pro (schedule/assignment planner)

EasyBib (automatic citations)

Duolingo (language learning app)

StudyBlue (flashcards)

Dragon Anywhere (dictation app)

Wolfram Alpha (answer search engine)

Focus Booster (pomodoro timer)

Significance of the study, conceptual framework, scope and delimitation of the study

and the definition of terms.

Study habits are commonly known as the usual behavior or habitual practices by a person in

order to study and learn effectively. Study habits help students make their studies easier to

understand and make their learning experience comfortable and enjoyable. Having good

study habits are important for a student because it will help them to improve their academic

learning and skills. Some students may have ineffective and inefficient study habits which

may cause them learning problems and get frustrated.

According to Roy (2013), “The future of a country depends upon the moral values imparted

to individuals during their student life. Moral lessons should be properly implemented among

students in school and colleges.” (“Moral Values,” par. 3) Values are ideals and principles

that a person follows to determine the right and wrong. These virtues and ideals are essential

in building up the character of an individual because it will be the standards the person will
look up to as he/she grows up. Values can be built on an individual mainly by his/her family,

peer group, teachers and especially the school itself. These values can be acquired through

emulation of other people, and also through education.

With many habits, the sooner you start practicing and developing good habits, the better

chance you will have that you will continue with them. We all know that good study habits

are essential to educational success. Good study habits are an important part of any student’s

success. We probably can diminish the academic dishonesty by promoting good study habits

with students, and letting the students know that good study habits are very important when

it comes to school. Still, even procrastination can be overcome with proper study habits, and

improving your study habits is the key to better studying. Good study habits are a great tool

to have in the toolbox of life.

Many of the tips for success for online students are the same as those for students in an onsite

classroom. Consider asking your school’s student council to take on a study tips project.

Following a few simple study tips can help students effectively learn new concepts and

theories. There have been numerous published tips students can use as a guide for good study


A good way to stay organized is to use folders so you child can keep his/her assignments

until needed and it is a great way of staying organized. Once children reach the grades where

homework and tests are part of the curriculum, there are many things parents can do to

encourage good study habits. An effective way to study is to study before and while you do
the homework. A little amount of homework may help elementary school students build

study habits. Being organized and having homework routines are the most important things

in helping your child develop good study habits for life.

All learning, however, is a process which settles into certain steps. Students with learning

problems, however, may still have generally inefficient and ineffective study habits and

skills. Becoming aware of your learning style will help you to understand why you sometimes

get frustrated with common study methods.

Effective study habits are a very import part of the learning process. Good study habits are

all about keeping to a daily routine and giving all subjects equal treatment. If your study

habits are weak, take a “study skills” course or have someone show you good study habits.

The problem is that those high school study habits are hard to shake. Hard work and good

study habits are assets that should be nurtured. Motivation and study habits are obviously

crucial as well. Good habits are important for all students to protect investments of time and

money and to achieve educational goals. After that experience your study habits are

permanently altered, this will help your own preparation as you start teaching and last a

lifetime. The main priorities are class attendance, time management, and great studying

habits are necessary workings for an academic success.

Why are study habits important?

Good study habits help don’t just help in school; they help in professional settings and life in

general. Practicing good habits regularly allows you to be your most productive and efficient.

Successful students tend to become successful professionals, and this success is often built

on well-established habits. The best study habits turn into good habits for any time.

Unfortunately, students do not generally learn study skills in school. With rare exceptions,

there are few classes in either public or private schools focused on them. Students are

expected to develop these skills on their own. All students develop habits, but many of these

habits can be counterproductive. For example, countless parents complain about their

students doing homework while watching television. That is a study habit, just not a good


Developing good study habits early usually leads to retaining and using these habits

throughout life. Middle school and college chemistry students are at different levels, but both

can use the same habits to learn the material. A CEO and a high school civics students have

different needs, but both need to be organized and focused to reach their goals.

What are the Best Study Habits?

The best study habits include:

Time management

Developing a personal learning style

Clear note-taking

Studying efficiently

Working effectively with teachers tutors

Success in every part of life requires good organization. Getting and staying organized allows

students and adults alike to accomplish tasks efficiently. It’s more than having a tidy desk; it

involves tasks like managing multiple work spaces at school, effective record keeping, and

clear labeling.

Time Management is also an excellent habit for both students and professionals. It minimizes

stress, errors, and time waste. Time management begins with tools as simple as a calendar or

egg timer. Practicing macro (weeks, months) and micro (days, hours, tasks, projects) time

management helps students complete tests within the time limit, and project managers track

progress on year-long projects.

Developing a personal learning style is important because everyone learns differently. Some

students do best with visual examples. Others prefer dialogue with teachers. Some learn

everything they need from reading books straight through. Flashcards, mnemonics, and
memory tricks can all help different kinds of learners. Find what works for you, and build

your study plan around that.

Clear note-taking is essential. Remember, you’re taking notes so you can reference them

while you study later. Make sure you can easily read and understand them. There are different

ways to do this, so play around.

Studying efficiently means you can retain, repeat, apply, and synthesize information.

Studying efficiently tends to happen when your other good habits are in play. Are you

organized and managing your time well? Do you know how you best learn and retain

information? Are your notes clear and easy for you to understand?

Finally, working effectively with teachers and tutors is key to getting the most out of your

education. Trust your educators, and trust the process.

How Can I Improve My Study Habits?

It’s never too late to start improving your habits. It takes a conscious effort, self-discipline,

and hard work. Most people, adults included, have a difficult time doing this on their own.

It’s hard to be constructive and self-critical, and it’s easy to be complacent. Regardless, every

person reaches a point in life where it is too challenging to keep track of accomplish your
goals without a plan for doing so. We need to keep changing and growing, and good habits

help this.

Start by getting familiar with the habits discussed here. Ask yourself: am I already practicing

these? How can I be more effective? Take inventory of your answers. Then, think of simple

steps and begin practicing them, one at a time. For example, if you need to work on

organization, buy or repurpose folders to organize your notes and resources by subject. If you

need to improve time management, get a weekly planner that works for you and fill it out at

the start of every week. Regular practice is key.

Parents can help too. Parents should collaborate with students, learning about effective study

habits, and working to integrate them into daily life. Practicing these habits together helps

parents stay involved and informed about student needs and goals. One simple strategy is to

have weekly planning sessions, where students and parents discuss their goals, schedule, and

what they’re anticipating for the week.

Finally, consider seeing a tutor. Tutors specialize in maximizing study efficiency, and focus

on an individual student’s learning needs to develop a personalized study plan. A

fundamental part of any good plan comes down to practicing good habits.

To learn more, visit our academic tutoring page.

Practice Makes Permanent

Developing and practicing these habits makes them permanent. The school year often gets

interrupted, through scheduled breaks, through the summer, and through snow days.

Sometimes, extenuating circumstances shut schools down and require students to study from

home. In these gaps, it’s easy for students to fall off their studies and lose the knowledge they

gained in school. However, if you practice these skills regularly, it’s much easier to stay on

top of your studies, even when school isn’t in session.

These steps will help you develop positive study habits. Think of it as investing in yourself.

Each skill takes time to learn but ultimately saves time and energy in the long run. That is

what it’s all about: building an efficient and effective process that allows you to accomplish

all of your work while opening up time for the fun things in life.


(Techniques, s.f.)

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