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Unit 6 Written Assignment

This unit’s Written Assignment focuses on creating a References page with all of the
sources you use in your research paper. Copy and paste your thesis statement at the
top of your page for the purpose of this assignment. Remember, places
like can help formulate this page if you need it.

Your page will be graded on keeping with the APA style, with the strength of your
references (remember, peer reviewed references from the UoPeople or Google Scholar
search are stronger than regular Google searches), and if the references you have
actually fit into your thesis.
As our world is quickly becoming more and more reliant on Artificial Intelligence and we see internet of
things almost all around us, we should consider teaching coding to children from a young age. This can
help greatly as every field in their professional life would need the use of computers and having some,
basic coding knowledge would make it easy to understand different systems. Modern coding languages
are easy to learn and there are tons of resources online. One can even learn coding from YouTube for
free. It would also may be pique children's curiosity about the mechanisms at work behind their favorite
gadgets. While everyone should know some amount of basic coding, should it be taught as one of the
main subjects in elementary schools? Would it be more burdensome for children or would children
actually easily integrate it. It might be that coding is too hard at the elementary level and many children
might not be able to keep up.
Dredge, S. (2014, September 4). Coding at school: A parent's guide to england's new computing
curriculum. The Guardian. Retrieved March 10, 2022, from

Sokoler, S. (2018, March 8). Why we should teach coding in elementary school. eSchool News.
Retrieved March 10, 2022, from

Wise, R. (2021, September 27). The benefits of teaching coding to elementary school students
(resources included). Education and behavior. Retrieved March 10, 2022, from

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