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The STEM Hub: Curriculum Draft

Terrence Dai, Cindy D. Keung, David Pham, and Jeffrey Vuong

Department of Educational Technology, UBC
ETEC 510: Design of Technology - Supported Learning Environments
Dr. Tatiana Bourlova
August 14, 2022

Table of contents

A note about technology……………………………………………………………….….…..3

Pedagogical Approach………………………………………………………………….…..…4
Webpage Overview……………………………………………………………………….…....6
STEM Resources and Curricular Activities……………………………………………..….10
Scratch/CSfirst Google Classroom………………………………………………….….10
Tynker and Minecraft: Education Edition………………………………………….…...12
EIM Technology…………………………………………..……..…..…………….…....13
Raspberry Pi…………………………………………..……..…..……………..…….…15
Kiwi Co…………………………………………..………………………………..…....18

A note about the technology

Computer or Mobile Device

This web-based, online resource is designed to be used in an environment that offers

one-to-one access to a computer or a mobile device. It is assumed that users have access to the
World Wide Web, the internet and know how to locate a website, its subsequent pages to browse
text, multimedia and interactive learning activities.


The STEM HUB provides K-12 teachers with a STEM resource repository they can use in
their own learning communities in which they can implement into their curricular activities. The
repository is housed in Weebly and divided into three categories: Robotics and electronics,
coding and learning activities. The designed space should be featured with a shared,
open-sourced, and information-gathering online platform for STEM educators who are searching
for the technologies or tools that may be helpful for their pedagogy. In each category, there will
be a descriptive relevance of the field (why and how is the category relevant to our education
system), as well as the related resources. In each resource’s subpage, we will have an
introduction, suggested lesson plan, and demo learning activities. The goal is to reduce the
number of stressors involved in integrating technology into a curriculum and advocate for more
STEM-related curricula. After visiting our website, we want teachers to feel empowered and
motivated to incorporate STEM resources into their everyday lessons and engage students in
topics relating to the STEM field. Teachers should note that for resources that involve hardware,
a budget is needed because products from EIM Technology, Raspberry Pi and Kiwi Co incur
costs to the user.

Pedagogical Approach

We focused our lessons around the ADST Big Ideas of the BC Curriculum.



Constructionism is a key part in our resources as it asserts that “knowledge is not simply
transmitted from teacher to student, but actively constructed by the mind of the learner. Children
don’t get ideas; they make ideas” (Kafai and Resnick, 1996, p.1). The resources we have found
allow teachers and students to play and create with the program or technology at hand. We want
to make sure that students are able to create without limitations to develop their passion and


There is a “concern for [the] growing demand for an educated workforce with technical skills
required by occupations dependent upon science and mathematics knowledge” (Melguizo and
Wolniak, 2012, p.2). Many of the free resources help engage students through play, and
immersive learning makes practice and routine become second-nature. Sources like Scratch or
Minecraft: Education Edition emulate the immersion of play-based learning with purposeful
instructional learning, helping students hone their skills by building off of curriculum outcomes
that develop from the grades prior. This allows teachers to find relevant and helpful resources
related to the latest research in effective pedagogical practices that set up students for success in
navigating, familiarizing and using essential and transferable technology skills.

As students enter grade 10, 11, 12, the skills become more specific such as Web Development,
Electronics and Robotics, or even Metalwork. The resources that are provided allow adaptability
for subject specific content and easy implementation no matter the grade or student.


According to Ghavifekr et al. (2016), there are still barriers that exist when integrating
technology into the classroom including a lack of resources, time, access, and technical support.
We want to make sure that teachers and students are able to find and use well established
technologies that do not require a lot of background knowledge and can be implemented
efficiently with the tools they have at hand. Resources we have provided allow them to use free
simulations or be able to use physical tools to build hands-on learning with technology. Programs
such as Minecraft: Education Edition, or Scratch are forward thinking applications that allow
users to learn complex tasks such as coding.

We have also included programs and tools that require a small fee such as Raspberry Pi, EIM
technology or Kiwi Co., but are useful in broadening the technology (mini computers to
breadboards to automatons) used for students and teachers alike.

Problem Based Learning

One of the most effective ways for students to learn is by having them see the value in the work
and projects they do. The BC curriculum in science repeatedly emphasizes the importance that
students are able to “Generate and introduce new or refined ideas when problem solving.”
Lessons and activities that emulate skills that would be needed in the working world and to
accomplish the curriculum outcomes. Students are able to research up-to-date contemporary
issues, using simulation projects to delve further on the most up-to-date information from
different resources. For example, Minecraft: Education Edition content is made in collaboration
with National Geographic, the Nobel Peace Centre and World Wild-life Fund to help simulate
solutions on environmental issues.

Website Overview

2. User Guide: This is what a teacher needs to know to use the website

The users of the website will be navigating through a Weebly website. We chose this because it
is a free resource for both user and host and it is relatively easy to manage so when more
resources we reviewed are ready to be added, it can be done with ease. It is also a platform we
could edit to be visually appealing and engaging for the user with little expertise in site-building.
In addition, we aimed to create a simplistic and fun aesthetic to reduce any feelings of
intimidation by technology or any feelings of overwhelmedness.

Here is a visual diagram of what each link leads to on our website:

Fig.1 Diagram of the website map.

With one or two clicks, users should be able to access the resources we tailored for them.

The Homepage

Fig.2 Home page of the STEM Hub

This page provides us with a video introduction to the website and all the links to access different
content (our main sections) at the top of the page (Fig.2). We made sure users would be greeted
with an introduction video from us to create a friendly and welcoming environment. We wanted
to make sure that users were able to see our faces and connect with us visually.

Main Sections:
From the home page, users are able to access 4 main pages of our website:
1. Introductions
2. Robotics and Electronic Resources
3. Coding Resources
4. Curriculum Draft

Framework of each sub-page:

Each main page of our website will be divided into separate sub-pages that users can explore.
They can be found at the top of our page for easy access.

Fig.3 Example Subpages for the “Introduction” tab

Below is a short description of each subpage that is found in the STEM hub:

Introduction Tab

a. What is STEM?
● The description of STEM and its significance in our education system
b. Rationale
● What is our purpose and goal for creating this website
c. About Us
● A brief introduction to the Team and creators of the STEM Hub

Robotics and Electronic Resources tab (contains a Padlet)

a. Resources
● Raspberry Pi
i. Description of Raspberry Pi and its possible uses
● Kiwi Co.
i. Description of Kiwi Co. and its possible uses
● EIM Technology
i. Description of EIM Technology and its possible uses
b. Curricular Activities
● On this page, there will be lessons that can be actively used by educators for our
resources. For an example and more descriptive summary, please refer to STEM
Resources and Curricular Activities

Coding Resources tab (contains a Padlet)

a. Resources
● Scratch
i. Description of Scratch and its possible uses
● Minecraft: Education Edition
i. Description of Minecraft: Education Edition and its possible uses
b. Curricular Activities
● On this page, there will be lessons that can be actively used by educators for our
resources. For an example and more descriptive summary, please refer to STEM
Resources and Curricular Activities

Curricular Draft page

a. This is where you will be able to find our curricular draft and how-to page

References page

a. References that were used in The STEM Hub

b. Users will be able to access the same articles we used to research our resources

Comments and Feedback

a. Teacher feedback
b. Content and Resource feedback

STEM Resources and Curricular Activities

1. Scratch/ CSfirst Google Classroom

The website below contains Google classroom tutorials, resources, lesson plans and student
assessment tools in order to structure learning using Scratch:

Purpose of Scratch:

● Scratch is the world’s largest coding community

● Uses connecting-block-format for children to learn coding language with a simple
visual interface.
● Students can use Scratch to code their own interactive stories, animations, and
● Educators can integrate Scratch across many different subject areas and age
● One of the ways that this can be done is through Google Classroom platform
called CSFirst.

Example Lesson:

Objectives linked to BC curriculum competencies

● “Students will be able to Identify key features or potential users and their
● “Gather peer and/or user and/or expert feedback and inspiration •
● “Make changes, troubleshoot, and test again”
● Teachers will be able to know how to navigate and operate Scratch
● Teachers will be able to find and select a lesson plan suitable for student grade and
learning outcomes


● Project based assessments where students are able to demonstrate what they have
learned by producing different forms of digital art using scratch.

Below is a sample of some of the pre-made lesson plans that teachers can access and use, along
with video tutorials and learning outcomes.

How to use this resource:

● Teachers will be provided with fully-laid-out lesson plans from CSfirst with
highlighted learning outcomes of the skills being demonstrated within the

2. Tynker and Minecraft: Education Edition

Purpose of Tynker and Minecraft (Education Edition):

● Minecraft is one of the most popular and high selling games franchises in the
● Minecraft: Education Edition is free to use. There are platforms where hundreds
of lessons and servers are created and shared for teachers to use for specific
lessons of learning.
● Highly and heavily incorporates the exploration of different topics of Science and
Math, such as Chemistry, Biology, or physics, through interactive simulations.

Example Lesson:

Objectives linked to BC curriculum competencies:

● Teachers will be able to find different lessons that students can use online through
the minecraft platform.
● Students will be able to apply learning skills outcomes from the BC curriculum to
design games or characters using Tynker.
● K-9 BC Curriculum Competencies:
i. Mathematics- “Connect mathematical concepts to each other and to other
areas and personal interests”
ii. Science- “Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific
topic or problem of personal interest”


● Choose a Lesson in accordance to grade level and subject area that is related to
your teaching area
● What would your students learn from this? How would it enhance, extend their
existing knowledge
● How does this resource and the learning activity fulfill BC’s competencies within
ADST and across the curriculum?

How will teachers use this resource?

● Be able to navigate the Minecraft: Education Edition explore lessons for resources

● Teachers will be able to do a basic search and Advanced search to find a possible
lesson they could use based on subject, grade and age

Below, is where teachers can find premade lesson plans based on subject, age and grade in
the Minecraft: Education Edition:

3. EIM Technology

Purpose of EIM Technology

EIM Technology is a technology company that designs and develops many portable
experimental instruments tools? used in electronics..EIM Technology provides learners with tools
that can be easily set up to create a comprehensive-electronics-experimental environment. no
need to perform hands-on experiments at a specific place, so it greatly increases the opportunities
for students to perform hands-on activities. Additionally, EIM Technology has a browser-based
circuiting simulation tool, called ‘circuit JS’ where learners build mock circuits and test it, so
they are able to learn theoretical knowledge about electronics and robotics from running the
simulation, performing actual experiments, and analyzing data. Through the process of building,

measuring, and analyzing different circuits, learners formulate their understanding of electronics
and robotics.

Example Lesson:

Objectives linked to BC curriculum competencies:

● Goals and rationale: builds on students’ natural curiosity, inventiveness, and desire
to create and work in practical ways
● Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages.
● Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
● Testing: know which tool should be used, how to measure desired parameters in a
correct way
● Making and Building: demonstrate competency and proficiency in skills at
various levels involving manual dexterity
● Documentation skills
● Directly applied to Electronics 10-12 and Robotics 10-12,and Engineering 11-12


● Choose a topic or a specific course according to your teaching area

● Taking an example from Electronics 11, Ohm’s Law. Students not only need to
know how to solve a numerical question about voltage, current and resistors on a
paper, but also students are required to present an experimental report.
● Experimental report contains: simulation result, experimental result, and
● In order to assess the report, students need to demonstrate an actual experiment
with using correct instrument to measure voltage, current and resistance

How do teachers use this resource:

● Follow step-by-step instructions via a downloadable PDF to complete three

learning activities related to electronics
● The three lessons include:
a. Knowing Basic Electronics Components (Electronics 10-12)
b. Ohm’s Law (Science 10, Electronics 11-12)
c. Series and Parallel Circuits (Science 8, 9)
● Use simulation tool to compare and verify their circuits

4. Raspberry Pi

Purpose of Raspberry Pi:

The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a registered, educational charity and company that enables
people of all ages to explore computing (software and hardware). Their signature product: the
Raspberry Pi motherboard is priced at a low cost and is small in size, so it is a great hardware
tool for beginners. Raspberry Pi makes hardware accessible to a wide demographic because of its
price point and easy software installment for all ages.

Example Lesson:

Objectives linked to BC curriculum competencies :

● Directly applied to Electronics and Robotics 10, Electronics 11, Electronics 12,
Robotics 11, Robotics 12, Engineering 11, Engineering 12
● Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages.
● Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
● Testing: know which tool should be used, how to measure desired parameters
● Making and Building: demonstrate competency and proficiency in skills at
various levels involving manual dexterity


● Teachers choose appropriate hardware products to assemble a basic, everyday set

up to demonstrate their knowledge of technology.

How do students and teachers use this resource?

Students and teachers engage in individual or collaborative work to identify and assemble
hardware parts provided by Raspberry Pi to create a complete and functional desktop set of
hardware e.g. keyboard, possible motherboard, cables, mouse, etc..

5. Padlet

In the context of our project, learners will not need to know how to implement Padlet.
Instead, learners will be using the direct application of it because it is embedded into the web
page and meant to be a space to assess prior knowledge, self-evaluate and exchange ideas.
However, we offer a bit of an explanation of the mechanics of how to set up the Padlet
application, its logistics and how it is constructed into a reusable space for discussion, text-based
interaction and exchange of ideas/thoughts.
Padlet is a front-end, digital and free online resource that provides a space for users to add
text. The end result is like a “note-pad” to type on. Within the Padlet application, once you have
created your online “pad”, using prescribed design features, Padlet generates an HTML code that
you simply cut and paste into the Weebly website (we used Weebly to construct our
website/project). Weebly has a web construction feature that makes it convenient to embed
codes. It is called “embed code” and you simply drag it to the space on the web page where you
want the Padlet placed. Note that all editing of the original Padlet needs to be done in the Padlet
applications and all updates are automatically made in the website where it is embedded. Once
the Padlet is embedded, it becomes a collaborative space where learners can read and contribute
to a discussion. Users of Padlet aren’t involved in the front-end construction. They benefit from
the end-result and application of it.

To start typing on the Padlet and add your contribution, click on the plus sign at the bottom
right corner:

After you click the “+” sign, your notepad will show up for you to type on. When you have
finished typing, click “Publish”. You can edit and/or add text whenever you need.

6. Kiwi Co.

The Kiwi Crate company is an online store that sells crates (or boxes) that contain parts
that students build and put together to complete a structure and/or device related to science,
physics and engineering. Each crate comes with prescribed, individual parts and instructions to
which learners evaluate, decipher, follow in order to assemble the final project. Students explore,
through hands-on activities such as building, designing and making improvements, of a
pre-selected crate or box, an area of interest that involves engineering, science, physics but also
geography and culture. Through the process of learning to assemble specific parts of a crate,
learners formulate their understanding and mechanism of the science, physics and engineering
involved in the project.
The purpose of including this resource in this project is to identify Kiwi Co. as a great
curriculum and tool for students from K-Adult who want the opportunity to engage in a hands-on
engineering, coding, science, technology project. The activities are low-risk and step-by-step
instructions are given where the learner can work at his/her own pace.

Products from their website (


Example Lesson:

Objectives linked to BC curriculum competencies:

● Goals and rationale: “builds on students’ natural curiosity, inventiveness, and desire
to create and work in practical ways”
● Literacy competencies: since students need to read, follow sequence of instructions
in order to assemble the project successfully and to get it to work:
● Numeracy: spatial reasoning and spatial intelligence, make connections and
estimations, mental math calculations, makes measurements, sequences steps

● Browse the Kiwi Co website
● Choose a crate according to grade level and subject area that is related to your
teaching area

● What would your students learn from this? How would it enhance, extend their
existing knowledge
● How does this resource and the learning activity fulfill BC’s competencies within
ADST in your grade and cross-curricularly?

How do teachers use this resource?

● Browse crates per grade or per category
● Students can engage in individual or collaborative work to complete the design of the
● Teachers can implement a project in their curriculum, manage each project in
collaborative and/or individual settings

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