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In PDCA cycle analyzing the causes are done during which phase

Collection of continuous data is inexpensive

Potential solution are generated and tested on a small scale

Used for Data collection purpose

Narrow down the list of potential causes

You are managing a development project, high level design document

PDCA stands for

Control limits can be changed by the customer

A charter is a document that provided purpose, goals and solution for the improvement team

How many metrics can be addressed in one SPS projects

TRUE about pareto charts

Telecom company billing error bankrupt

True about 5-why analysis

Not one of the five lean principles

Shape of a normal distribution is impacted primarily by

If yield of process is 99.98% sigma level

Pareto chart FTR SLA 75.6 root cause

Ecommerce application payment failures

Histogram is used to

Odd one out

Difference between the highest and lowest value in a data set is called

A brm doing a project on billing and receivable management visual format

Pick the ones which represent discrete data

Engagement customer quality of service offshore onsite

Numerous customer

Brainstorming session
Data collection forms

Critical X’s lean project PI 20% 80%

The process control plan consists of a response plan

An improvement team has estimated $150

Visualization relationship two variables

ABC small size cars inventory

Root cause analysis is required in

A process has a mean = 10 and standard deviation

Reducing variation

Run chart with 7 or more increasing

Whenever a project team is collecting requirements from the customer for a particular CR 80%

Stable process
Software development process value stream setup

Help desk engagement delivery manager

Project manager of a production support project

Statistical process control chart

Kano model direct relationship

Project Y selecting
Role in six sigma

Improvement project lead is ticket resolution

Five fields application form
Mistake proofing

Goal statement adhering to SMART
Pilot implementation of the designed solution happens in plan phase

DMAIC methodology

Lean systems use the standardization of components

Tool often used to help identify possible causes is

What is a major possible barrier for the value flow

Products with low demand should be

Prioritizing CTQ in a process improvement project.

Which part of the smart rule is clearly missing from this goal improve support team productivity

Cycle time US UK APAC

Shapes is used to termination point in a process flow diagram

Ticket turnaround time central tendency

5S technique
Organize brainstormed ideas

Help desk engagement 45 mins 20 mins range

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