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l. Introduction
For many years, it has been typical for school-aged children to be bullied by their classmates
and even schoolmates. Have you experienced it? Have you witnessed it? Many students are
bullied, especially on social media. Bullying is the act of intentionally harming someone
physically, verbally, or psychologically. Bullying is often repeated over time and involves an
imbalance of power. Bullying is something I strongly oppose; because it can have a negative
impact on an individual’s health, both physically and mentally. It can begin as early as the
preschool years. Bullying behaviors become more intense during middle school, and can
continue into high school. It can happen anywhere group of kids meet, like at school, camp, or
in an afterschool or daycare setting.

ll. Body
Bullying has been around for centuries. One of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied.
49.8% of tweens (9 to 12 years old) said they experienced bullying online. (Patchin & Hinduja,
2020). Students who experience bullying are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep
difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school, some may lead into
suicide. Tweens who were cyberbullied shared that it negatively impacted their feelings about
themselves (69.1%), their friendships (31.9%), and their school work (6.5%). However, children
get a taste of the real world, they learn how to be independent and how to defend themselves,
but not everyone is capable of being self-sufficient and defending themselves, because people
is different from each other, have different traits which makes us all unique in our own different
ways, and not everyone can do what that person can do; some can, but not everyone.

lll. Conclusion
Violence against children, in all form including online bullying or cyberbullying, has devastating
effects on the physical and emotional wellbeing of young people. This can create lasting
emotional and psychological scars, even physical harm. Children/youth do not have to be
bullied, but we cannot guarantee that they will not be. Empowering the youth to be confident
and strong individuals who treat everyone with respect, can help the child/youth to fight the
bully. A bully has no chance against someone who has a strong support system and a clear
understanding of what is right and wrong. Parents can also assist children in being a good
friends and classmates who accept and aid one another by providing an environment that
celebrates differences and bullying is not tolerated.

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