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Practical Research 2

Quarter 1- Module 3
What I Know:
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C

What’s In:
1. Research- the systematic investigation into and study of
materials and sources in order to established facts and reach
new conclusions.
2. Kinds- a group of people or things having similar
3. Cause- A reason for an action or condition.
4. Dependent- something that relies on the independent
5. Vary- Change from one condition, form, or state to another.
6. Variable- Not consistent or having a fixed patter; liable to
7. Mentor- An experienced and trusted adviser.
8. Uses- Take, hold, or deploy (something) as means of
accomplishing a purpose or achieving a result; employ.
9. Effect- An event, condition, or state of affairs that is
produced by a cause.

What’s New:
- There are seven persons in the picture so it means that we
have seven variables. Every individuals has their own
kind of variable.

What’s More:
1. Variable refers to changing qualities or characteristics of
persons or things like age, gender, ideas, achievements,
intelligence, etc.
2. Independent Variable- are those that are suspected of being
the cause in a causal relationship. If you are asking a cause
and effect question, independent variable will be the
variable that you suspect to cause the effect.
Dependent Variable- are variable that relies on independent
variable. It can use to gain outcomes and results of the
influence of the independent variable, the dependent
variable receives the intervention.
Extraneous Variable- is used to establish the link between
Independent Variable and dependent variable. It is also the
primary cause of the change in dependent variable.

What I Can Do
Independent Dependent Variable Extraneous Variable
Sunflower plant Measurement of the Fourth plant

1. Independent Variable 6. Situational Variable
2. Dependent Variable 7. Active Independent Variable
3. Extraneous Variable 8. Attribute Independent Variable
4. Confounding Variable 9. Variable
5. Participant 10. Intervening Variable.

Additional Activities:
I have learned in this topic about the variables, their
meanings and its function. I also learned to identify the
independent variable and dependent variable. I have learned to
differentiate all kinds of variables.

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