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Phylum Cnidaria

anemona and
A B Cnidaria include animals such
A) Jellyfish
B) Actinias and anemones
C) Corals

Cnidaria are simple animals. They have an
epidermis that covers the external surface of
the animal.
They have a mouth surrounded by tentacles.
The tentacles have a special kind of cells that
work as an harpoon. They trap small animals
and take them inside the mouth, to the
gastrovascular cavity.
Digestion takes place in the gastrovascular
cavity, and nutrients are distributed among the
body of the animal.

There are two types of cnidarias: the medusa

type (jellyfishes) and the Polyp type (actinias,
anemones and corals).
The polyp type lives attached to a rock.
Cnidarians have a radial symmetry. That means that you
can cut the animal in any direction (in the vertical axis)
to obtain to identical halves.
Cnidarians have a mouth surrounded by tentacles,
which are used to hunt small animals. The food is
taken into the mouth and goes to the
gastrovascular cavity, where digestion takes place.
Cnidarians can feel touch and they have nerve
cells. They have also some photoreceptor cells
which can sense light.
Cnidarians have a special type of cell called cnidocyte. When touched, the cnidocyte fires a small harpoon
with toxins. That is why jellyfishes “bite” us. Usually cnidocytes are on the tip of the tentacles.
Cnidarians can sense touch.
Statocyst They also have
photoreceptor cells
grouped in eye spots. Eye
spots are different from
true eyes. Eye spots can
detect light, but they do
not form images.

Cnidarians also have

statocysts which detect
position. Inside the
statocyst there is a small
stone that can move
around with gravity and
indicates the position to
the animal.
Some cnidarians can reproduce asexually ,
by a process called gemmation. This hydra is
producing a small individual that will
eventually detach and live freely.

Cnidarians usually reproduce sexually (next

slide). They release gametes in the water,
where fertilisation takes place. The
fertilisation produces a zygote which
develops into a larva. The larva grows and
transforms into an adult.

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