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Content Page

Introduction to Computer related to AutoCAD _ _ 2

What Is AutoCAD and Used steps _ _ _ _ _ 3-5


Define the component and used of AutoCAD _ _ 6-7

Total Station

How To work AutoCAD and co-operate staff _ _ 8

Level man
Data Encoder

Which Company or Organize Use This Software _ 9-11

Electrical Installation/In fracture

How to Open, create and Save _ _ _ _ _ _ 12-14
AutoCAD software application look like _ _ _ _ 14-15
AutoCAD Drawing land/surface _ _ _ _ _ _ 16
AutoCAD design in Electrical_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16
AutoCAD Drawing Tools _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17
How to draw real shape /House _ _ _ _ _ _ 17
Water Pool Drawing real sample _ _ _ _ _ _ 18
Market Place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18
Ground Field _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18
Excel to convert excel data plot/measure _ _ _ _ 19-20
How to Plot a point/used each measurement_ _ _ 21
How to print Different paper Size page_ _ _ _ _ 22
Revision and summarize with different practice_ _ _ _ 23
Final Exam and test/Evaluation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24

Introduction to Computer And AutoCAD What I mean


Hardaware Software

Applicatio System
Input Output Process Storage
n Software

Microsoft Surving Language Operating

Office Software software System
Sofware/ Gis,
Pechtree/ifrs Autocade

What Are AutoCAD and Used
Hardware comprises the equipment needed to support the many activities needed for
geospatial analysis ranging from data collection to data analysis. For desktop GIS, the central
piece of equipment is the workstation, which runs the GIS software and is the attachment
point for ancillary equipment. The use of handheld field technology and mobile GIS is also
becoming an important data collection tool in GIS. With the advent of web mapping, web
servers have also become an important piece of equipment.

Different types of software are important. Central to this is the GIS application package. Such
software is essential for creating, editing and analyzing spatial and attribute data, therefore
these packages contain a myriad of geospatial functions inherent to them.
Extensions or add-ons are software that extends the capabilities of the GIS software package.

Component GIS software is the opposite of application software. Component GIS seeks to

build software applications that meet a specific purpose and thus are limited in their spatial
analysis capabilities.
Utilities are stand-alone programs that perform a specific function. For example, a file format
utility that converts from on type of GIS file to another.

There is also web GIS software that helps serve data and interactive maps through Internet
Geospatial data is the core of any GIS. There are two primary types of data that are used in
GIS: vector and raster data. A geo database is a database that is in some way referenced to
locations on the earth. Geo databases are grouped into two different types: vector and
Vector data is spatial data represented as points, lines and polygons.  Raster data is cell-
based data such as aerial imagery and digital elevation models. 

Coupled with this data is usually data known as attribute data.  Attribute data generally
defined as additional information about each spatial feature housed in tabular format.
Sometimes attribute data is stored separately in a spreadsheet file such as Excel or Google
Sheets. Attribute data is linked back to geospatial data by relating unique values found in the
same populated column in the GIS dataset and the attribute data.

In a GIS, each piece
of data contains a geographic location and attributes that describe it.  The red dot on the
map is a Fortune 1000 company headquarter and the attributes are displayed in the
information window.

Documentation of GIS datasets is known as metadata.  Metadata contains such information

as the coordinate system, when the data was created, when it was last updated, who created
it and how to contact them and definitions for any of the code attribute data.
There are many different ways that GIS data can be collected.  Head up digitizing (the
process of tracing GIS data directly on the screen), LiDAR, drones, GPS, and satellites are
some of the ways GIS data is created.

GIS data layers. Source: FCDC

Well-trained GIS professionals knowledgeable in spatial analysis and skilled in using GIS
software are essential to the GIS process (More: Building a GIS Career). There are three
factors to the people component: education, career path, and networking. The right
education is key; taking the right combination of classes.  Selecting the right type of GIS job
is important.  A person highly skilled in GIS analysis should not seek a job as a GIS developer
if they haven’t taken the necessary programming classes.  Finally, continuous
networking with other GIS professionals is essential for the exchange of ideas as well as a
support community.

How To work AutoCAD and co-operate Surving

What makes data spatial? Spatial data

simply has to do with geographical representation
of an entity or feature on earth’s surface i.e. it
refers to information that is associated with a
location or place. Spatial data has particular
characteristics that can be described in terms of:
shape, place and relationship to other spatial
data. It may be recorded on a map, held as
records in a database or even be represented as a
photograph. Remember that Geography is, in
fact, the study of spatial information and we are
surrounded by geography. You will also discover
that most information is either spatial or has a
spatial component.

GPS Data Models Vector Data – (geo-objects) features are

represented as Points, Lines, Polygons - Figure 5 (3) Raster Data –
Store features on a grid or as pixels –

Another Gis
Mobile Tabular and
attribute data are non-spatial
but can be linked to location
data – in fact an important
aspect of spatial data is that it
often contains attribute
information. That implies that
a description of the feature
(e.g. road) is held in some

Total Station
A total station is an optical
instrument commonly used in
construction, surveying and civil
engineering. It is useful for measuring
horizontal angles, vertical angles and
distance — it does this by analyzing the
slope between itself and a specific point

How To work with cowork/Staff

How To co-operate with other Group/Department

Sample AutoCAd Software

How To became an Architecture/
The description might be the name or the type of road (A, Secondary, Highway, 3rd class). This
information might be held in a database record or simply written or depicted on a map. The
following is another example: Shelters dataset – shelters are a spatial feature and the associated
information about the shelter - name, Address, capacity etc are non-spatial attributes linked to the
shelter by its location. Spatial / Geographic data: Shelter location – x coordinate, y coordinate Page |
16 Non-Spatial Tabular or Attribute data: Shelter name, Address, Capacity etc At this juncture it is
important to remember what you put into the GIS – i.e. the specific geographic and tabular/attribute
data is what you get out, so make efforts to plan any data collection, with your outputs or end
products in mind.

1. Nominal – just gives a name, an identifier. No computational information but useful in

distinguishing different values.
Network Installation
Manager to Drawing

Serial No. Item Name Quantity Meter Total Length

1 Truck 50 50*10 500
2 Rolling cable 50 50*10 500
3 Coaxial Cable 50 50*10 500
4 Tube 10 10*1 10
5 Poll 20 20*3 60

2. Ordinal – this assigns rank to events or objects. It is a natural order for example first, second,
third or ranking household income as “high”, “average” or “low”.
Survey to Architecture

Serial No. Road Type/Actual Phase Condition Meter Total Length

1 Old Road Good 50*10 500
2 Bad Road Good 50*10 500
3 Maintain Road Bad 50*10 500
4 Infrustruction Road Good 10*1 10
5 People Live Bad 20*3 60

3. Interval – incremental; no multiplying or division but you can express ratios or differences, for
Example Building
From Data Encoder to Architecture

Serial No. Building Setup Condition Meter Total Length

1 New 0-20 100000*20/100 20000
2 Old 21-30 100000*10/100 10000
3 Built 31-40 100000*10/100 10000
4 Un built 41-80 100000*40/100 40000
5 Wait 81-100 100000*20/100 20000

4. Ratio – length or area Geographic Data Types

example, Field.
Level man vs Architecture

Serial No. Field Step Condition Meter Total Length

1 Cultivate land 3/9 5000*3/9 5000
2 Irrigation Land 4/9 5000*4/9 2222.22
3 Un cultivate Land 0.5/9 5000*0.5/9 1000
4 Mountain 0.2/9 5000*0.2/9 111.11
5 Slope 0.3 5000*0.3/9 166.66

Data Types Data Values

1. Spatial Map Data – this is the location and shape of an event or feature.

2. Attribute Data – This is Descriptive data. It identifies what the map data is. These are all
considered non-spatial because by themselves they do not pinpoint a location.

It can be qualitative (nominal data) or quantitative (ordinal, interval or ratio data)

3. Image Data – satellite image, aerial photographs and scanned maps fall into this category.

How To Open, Create and Choose Paper

Paper choose

Activate Code

How To create and begin autoCAD

Working Software/app

How To Start and shape The Interface

How To Make A sample Shape on it

Practical How To Make Measure inch

How To Make Land Like Exercise
How To Make Land Surface Shapes

3D Object

How To Make Plotting In Electrical machinery together

Drawing sample of Building Architecture Department sample

With In Tools

Drawing sample of Road for Road Construction Company

Insert text

Measure area of dum


Write Working Instruction of power station

400 m

Poll 1




Give Map the field of Bus Station

With Colour 3d

Drawing sample of Station of water pool & football root like Building
and design sample

Drawing Sample of village & market place for electrical


Insert Different shape out from files

Car in 3d


Full house based on the above example

Insert Data From Surving Material Collect
With Excel Sheet

From Data Collector Pivice Tube Of Network

From total Station

Road Example

From sattilete
Build Example

How To Print Different Plate Form

Pdf a4 paper

3d Image and A3 paper

BillBoard Size

Revision And Conclusion Exercise
Draw A football Land With Their Stand

1] Task it must have grass land

2] It must have Supporter stand

3] It must visible

4] It have colorized

Evaluation And Test

Draw The Church Building
Task To Do
1] It must Have all stair

2] It must have visible

3] It must have show their land/surface

4] It must have title

5] It must show all each measure


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