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Midterm Examination

AE 21 (IT Applications Tools in Business)

Name: Wengelyn H. Herminado Course/Year: BSA 1

I. Instruction: Fill in the table with the correct answer (2 points each)

Hardware Requirements
Windows OS Processor Storage RAM (Memory)
Windows XP Intel Pentium IV 100 GB HDD 2 GB
Windows 7 1 GHz 20 GB 2 GB
Windows 8 1 GHz CPU 20 GB 2GB
Windows 8.1 1 GHz 20 GB HDD 2GB
Windows 10 1 GHz 20 GB 2 GB
Windows 11 1 GHz 64 GB 4 GB

II. Essay (5 points each)

1. Operating System Functions and Uses

Operating system functions are Booting, it is the process of starting the

computer. Next is User Interface that control on how you enter data and information
to display on screen. Multitasking, its functions is to allow single user to work on to
or more applications at the same time. Memory management it optimizes the use of
random memory while they are being processed. Spooling, its function is to sent
print jobs to buffer instead of directly to the printer. An operating system also
monitors the performance of the reports information and also it manages files.
Operating system also establish network connection and controlling network traffic.

2. How files are being processed within the operating system (e.,g. word
documents, videos, applications)

Operating system manage files that includes a program called file manager where
you can save files. The operating system manages how data is organized into files.
This make it easier for the user to see files using program where and how files are
stored, deleted, read, found and repaired.

3. How does the operating system manage files? Expand your answer.

Operating system manage files we are doing in the computer. It manages storage
by providing a file management system that keeps track of the names and locations
of files and program. It also manages all the software and hardware on the computer.
Most of the time, there are several different computer programs running at the same
time and they all need to access on your computer’s central processing unit, memory
and storage.
4. Explain the difference in performance between a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and a
Solid-State Drive (SSD).

A hard disk drive is a traditional storage device that uses mechanical platters
and a moving read/rite head access data while a solid-state drive is a newer,
faster type of device that stores data on instantly accessible memory chips. SSD is
more reliable than HDD, it is commonly using less power and result in longer
battery life because its data access is faster and the device is idle more often.

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