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Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

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A schematic framework for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Green Building
Rating System (GBRS)
Thais Sartori *, Robin Drogemuller , Sara Omrani , Fiona Lamari
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia


Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) tools link the environmental context of a building to the design decision-
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) making framework. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Green Building Rating Systems (GBRS) are the two ap­
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) proaches commonly used to holistically analyse the environmental performance of the whole building. While
Green Building Rating System (GBRS)
GBRS is mostly based on a checklist with many qualitative criteria, LCA compels decision-makers to base the
Software tools
analyses on numerical evidence, facilitating the comparison between design choices. Some GBRS, such as LEED,
BREEAM and Green Star, have been incorporating LCA as part of their assessment system. This practice brings
transparency to the design process and increases designers’ awareness of the building’s environmental impact.
Consequently, this paper aims to develop a schematic EIA framework within the design life cycle, proposing
future research directions to support its development. The framework was based in three parallel analyses: (1)
comparison between LCA and GBRS assessment methodologies, (2) analysis of the LCA parameters within GBRS,
and (3) investigation of LCA software tools focused on buildings that comply with GBRS requirements. The
research found that, rather than performing either a GBRS or an LCA, the most appropriate EIA methodology will
depend on the design life cycle stage. Graphical outputs and connection with 3D modelling will improve the
evaluation of environmental impacts as a process integrated with the design.

1. Introduction 3. Passive tools, such as Green Building Rating Systems (GBRS),

guidelines or checklists and Environmental Product Declarations
The building industry brings substantial benefits to the world’s so­ (EPD).
ciety and economy. However, such benefits come with significant
environmental impacts. It is estimated that 40% of the global green­ Many studies of building impact assessments limited their analysis of
house gas (GHG) emissions derive from the building sector, including energy performance during the usage stage, focusing on type 1 of the EIA
the production of building materials and direct and indirect energy classifications mentioned above [3,4]. However, especially with the
consumption [1]. However, this high environmental cost also comes advance of nearly zero energy building (NZEB), when the new tech­
with great potential to shift this scenario. Hence buildings have become nologies allow buildings to decrease energy usage and apply cleaner
a focus of GHG emission reduction initiatives. off-grid energy sources, embodied impacts derived from materials
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) tools are developed to allow became a more significant issue. Although operational energy still rep­
decision-makers to understand the impacts of their choices by con­ resents the highest part of the building’s life cycle, NZEB may lead to
necting the environmental context to the decision-making framework buildings with a higher portion of embodied energy and embodied
[2]. EIA tools can be divided into three main groups: carbon [5–7]. Therefore, to holistically analyse the performance of the
whole building throughout its life cycle, LCA and GBRS from the above
1. Energy and ventilation modelling; EIA classification are used.
2. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools; The main goal of LCA is to address the potential environmental im­
pacts of all input and output flows within a product’s life cycle, from raw
material acquisition, manufacture, use, maintenance, until end-of-life

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Sartori).
Received 10 September 2020; Received in revised form 3 November 2020; Accepted 15 December 2020
Available online 21 January 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

[8]. Due to the increasing interest of governmental groups on the systems mainly look at the environmental impacts [22], with minimum
awareness of the impacts of the construction industry, LCA has become emphasis on analysing economic, social and institutional issues. LEED is
more attractive, particularly to material manufacturers, through publi­ more critical when evaluating the social pillar of sustainability, while in
cation of environmental product declarations (EPD). EPDs communicate CASBEE the allocation of credits is more balanced among environment,
environmental information of construction products, services and pro­ society and economy assessments [22].
cesses, by quantifying all the input and output flows based on scientific Following the demand from the construction industry for trans­
data [9]. In other words, EPD is a document owned by manufacturers parency, Green Building Rating Systems (GBRSs) have been incorpo­
who wish to publicly disclose the LCA of their products. Although EPDs rating Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) into their credits system. By
do not guarantee a more sustainable construction material, the under­ introducing LCA as one of the criteria, rating systems increase the credits
standing of the chemical emissions can reduce the impact on the envi­ given to simulation of buildings performance, basing the assessment on
ronment by motivating changes in the manufacturing processes. empirical calculation methods. This practice tends to increase in GBRSs
Likewise, it gives the decision-makers more responsibility for their because of the market and governmental drive for improved awareness
material choices, since EPDs allow them to make quantitative and of the ecological impacts of the construction industry [23]. A consistent
scientific-based comparisons. framework gathering the potential of both GBRS and LCA should reduce
Studies that applied LCA methodology for buildings started in the their limitations and increase designers’ awareness of the impact of
’90s, and it has been growing ever since [10]. The European Committee buildings [24].
for Standardization (CEN) organized Technical Committees (TCs) to Previous studies found limitations in the ability of GBRS’s to address
develop standardised methods aiming the sustainability of buildings, LCA and raised the concern about existing assessment methodologies:
including EPDs. The CEN/TC 350 is structured in 6 working groups,
including environmental, social and economic performance of buildings • Schlegl, Gantner, Traunspurger, Albrecht, and Leistner [25] recom­
[11].An important contribution of CEN/CT 350 was the publication of mended improvements in DGNB and developed a template to stan­
EN 15978 [12]. The British version of this standard supports the decision dardise the structure, collection and evaluation of LCA results in
making and documentation process and establishes the concepts to be certification systems focused on the German context. One of the
followed by all practitioners, e.g. system boundaries, function units and limitations found during the data collection was the variety of LCA
reference study period. However, no regulation dictates the use of LCA results presentation formats provided by the different software tools,
methodology for the assessment of the impacts of construction-related demonstrating the need for a more standardised interface that fa­
activities [13].Fig. 1 shows the different stages of building Life Cycle cilitates the comparison of results and the development of
Assessment [12]: (A1 - 3) product stage, (A4-5) construction process, benchmarks.
(B1-7) use stage, (C1-4) end of life, (D) benefits and loads beyond the • Lessard, Anand, Blanchet, Frenette, and Amor [26] found contra­
system boundary. The assessment can be categorized by their scope, dictions in the LCA impacts and the credits given by LEED for the
considering only the product stage (cradle to gate), whole building same building material. For instance, none of the simulated scenarios
life-cycle (cradle to grave), or adding the impacts beyond end-of-life that awarded credits in LEED significantly reduced the environ­
(cradle to cradle). mental impacts. A similar evaluation was performed by Collinge
GBRS are voluntary labelling schemes that measure the performance et al. [27]. The authors found inconsistencies when evaluating
of green buildings by assigning credits and weights to environmental GBRS-related materials through LCA. The materials certified by
topics, sorted into appropriate categories. The concept of GBRS was GBRSs did not perform better than the corresponded conventional
motivated by Green Building Councils (GBCs) around the world, aiming materials.
to communicate to the market the extent of a building’s commitment to • Ismaeel [24] introduced certainty indexes to non-LCA based GBRS
sustainable development [14]. Owners or developers voluntarily submit credits, i.e. credits that do not provide a strong base to quantify the
their building through a third-party evaluation process to validate the environmental impacts, such as design guidelines or site selection.
green strategies applied. Since the introduction of GBRS, various rating The goal is to discuss the scientific base behind GBRS credits by
systems have been developed in different regions internationally. Some analysing the impact categories of GBRS in an LCA perspective. The
of them can be easily adapted to other regions’ requirements, such as study found discrepancies on the environmental impact weighting in
SBTool, a generic rating system framework that assists local organiza­ GBRS.
tions to develop their own GBRS based on their region-specific context • Lee, Tae, Gong, and Roh [28] proposed a method to implement an
[15].Table 1 shows information about six different Green Building LCA framework in a Korean GBRS, predicting the contribution of
Rating Systems: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design different building materials in relation to the building components
(LEED), Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment and the whole building. The framework allows designers to quickly
Method (BREEAM), Green Star (GS), Haute Qualité Environ­ iterate the decisions on construction materials to achieve the target
nementale1(HQE), Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Envi­ certification score.
ronment Efficiency (CASBEE), and Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Nachhaltiges Bauen2 (DGNB). The rating systems presented in Table 1 Although many studies attempt to analyse the relationship among
are the most cited systems in the Scopus database, and they are well Environmental Impact Assessment tools, some are focused in a specific
known worldwide [16,17]. GBRS, not examining it in a broader context. No study was found that
Energy, water and material are the most common categories ana­ has analysed the relationship between LCA and GBRS from a software
lysed by rating systems, followed by site and indoor and outdoor envi­ tool perspective. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to develop a sche­
ronmental qualities. Energy is the category that has the highest matic EIA framework within the design life cycle, proposing future
weighting in most GBRS worldwide, accounting for 25%–30% of the research directions to support its development. Three parallel ap­
total credits available [18–21]. LEED is one of the most energy-oriented proaches were used. The first one, detailed in section 2, compares LCA
systems, focused on the reduction of energy demand during the opera­ and GBRS assessment methodologies, based on the literature review. In
tional stage by applying renewable energy sources and reducing cooling section 3, LCA parameters within the GBRS mentioned in Table 1 were
and heating loads [18]. Based on the main pillars of sustainability, rating analysed, based on their respective user guides. In section 4, the authors
investigated LCA software tools focused on buildings that comply with
GBRS requirements, evaluating their functionalities according to the
High environmental quality. parameters described in ISO 14040 [8]. In section 5 the schematic EIA
German Sustainable Building Council. framework is discussed. Finally, the last section of this manuscript

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

Fig. 1. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) stages of buildings.

Table 1
Most cited GBRS.

Country International International Australia International Japan International

Certification US Green Building Building Research Green Building Cerway - France Institute for Building Environment and German Sustainable
body Council Establishment group Council of Australia Energy Conservation (IBEC) Building Council
First version 1998 1990 2002 1997 2004 2008
Latest update 2019 2016 2017 2016 2014 2018
Flexibility 167 countries 83 countries 1 country 16 countries 1 country 20 countries
Number of 408 189 40 65 72 44
citations a
Citations in Elsevier’s Scopus database. The search methodology is based on Bernardi et al. [16].

indicates future research directions to support the development of the design choices [20]. Sensitivity analysis through comparing different
proposed framework. materials supports designers in making decisions since the results of LCA
This study limits the scope to the GBRS described in Table 1, more itself do not guarantee optimization of the sustainability of products and
specifically on the international version for new non-residential build­ processes [10].
ings. The LCA software tools analysed are recommended by GBRS or Although the publication of BS EN 15978 represented progress to­
complies with GBRS requirements. This study focused on analysing the ward LCA of buildings [12], it is still difficult to compare the results of
software tools only from an LCA viewpoint, not from GBRS perspective. different assessments. The reasons include the geographical location of
the building, which defines the weather, materials production chains,
2. Comparison of LCA and GBRS methodologies regional electricity mix, local regulations, in addition to technological,
cultural and social differences [10,30,31]. The significant variability of
GBRS assessment considers quantitative and qualitative measures. results found in many LCA studies [13,32] indicates that there is still
Qualitative criterion points are granted whether a particular environ­ significant opportunity for a more transparent and systematic assess­
mental issue is applied or not [18], which makes this type of credits ment. Another challenge inherent in construction-related LCAs is the
simpler to assess. However. He et al. [18] pointed out that qualitative uncertainty of the results, considering that buildings have a long-term
credits can be used as checklists by practitioners, limiting building life cycle. The predictions and assumptions that need to be made con­
design by indicating commonly used green techniques. Besides, it is cerning operational energy use, maintenance, remodelling and occu­
more complicated to determine the actual building performance only by pants’ indoor comfort may change over time [33].
choosing and applying different strategies. Criteria-based systems such Another difference relies on the way the outputs are informed. While
as GBRS are more flexible in terms of which category a building is more rating systems emphasise the improvements and advantages of the
likely to obtain credits. In other words, if a building does not perform so design decisions, LCA outputs are focused on the environmental dam­
well in one category, it can be compensated for by higher performance age, such as natural resource depletion. This difference makes rating
against a different criterion. However, the concentration of credits in systems more appealing to the construction industry through explicit
only one category may become an issue if a project achieves a specific identification of choices and they allow green certification to be used as
certification level without any credits in another critical category such a marketing strategy.
as indoor environment quality [29]. Despite the many differences in the methodological approach
Criteria based on quantitative data rely on the building’s perfor­ described above, one similarity between LCA and GBRS is the effect of
mance assessment supported by scientific techniques and can be more human judgment when setting up the importance of each impact cate­
complicated to implement because it depends on specific calculation gory. In rating systems, this decision is based on the category weighting,
methods and simulations. Nevertheless, increasing quantitative mea­ while in LCA, this decision is made during the interpretation process.
sures in GBRS, such as adding LCA as one of the criteria, can increase the This human factor gives both assessments types a level of subjectivity,
scientific value behind the credits [27], while motivating innovation in not based on scientific facts, but on the developer or practitioner’s value
the design [18]. Full LCA evaluates the impacts through the entire judgments [14].
building life cycle, providing numerical evidence when comparing Although both EIA tools evaluate a building’s environmental impact

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

systematically and holistically, LCA focuses on a global or regional 3.3. Green Star (GS)
spectrum, and the pros and cons of a new building in a community and
neighbourhood context are often ignored [10]. Specific local ecology Green Star (GS) is an Australian rating system, first launched in 2002
and infrastructure impacts, such as the influence of the building on the by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). Green Star follows
micro-climate, wind and solar access, as well as the ability to modify the the same comparison methodology as LEED, i.e. the assessment results
surrounding transportation system, are not addressed with an LCA can be compared with a building with similar construction and usage. It
approach [2]. Also, multi-criteria systems such as GBRS can inform a can also be compared to a hypothetical building representing standard
more extensive set of LCA impact categories [27]. construction practices or an actual building constructed in the last five
years, similar to the proposed building [45]. It is unclear what part of the
3. LCA within GBRS building the practitioner should consider for LCA evaluation, and the
system is flexible on the system boundary, which may lead to incon­
Apart from the well-known check-lists practices, LCA compels GBRS sistent results. However, Green Star establishes that the performance
practitioners to search for more authentic sustainable solutions, stimu­ should be peer-reviewed and carried out by a verified experienced LCA
lating the search for innovations in the design. Still, a robust and sys­ practitioner. There are up to 7 points available for LCA that represents
tematic LCA approach becomes a challenge when applied in a user- 6.4% of all credits available. The credits earned depend on the cumu­
friendly framework such as criteria-based systems. The shift from lative percentage impact reduction of 7 mandatory impact categories
descriptive to performance-based design is necessary to unlock the [45]. However, more points are available for increased life cycle impact.
barrier that prevents designers from implementing green technologies
and assessment mechanisms [34]. Table 2 shows the LCA requirements 3.4. Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE)
for the GBRSs established in Table 1. There are many types of certifi­
cations available, such as housing, interior design and in-use. This study, HQE launched the first version in France in 1997 [46]. Although
however, focuses on the certification of new construction HQE has many certification partners in other countries, such as Brazil,
non-residential buildings, since that is the type of certification that en­ Lebanon and Canada, it is mostly applied in France. From the rating
compasses a more diverse range of building usages. Also, the interna­ systems analysed in this report, HQE is the only one that does not clearly
tional version of each system was chosen, when available. implement LCA [24]. Although the practical guide for non-residential
buildings under construction considers LCA as one of the methods to
limit the environmental impact of the building, it does not specify the
3.1. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
necessary technical criteria, such as the impact categories and the sys­
tem boundaries [47]. The assessment is made to create awareness of the
LEED’s first version was launched in 1998 in the United States by the
environmental impacts caused by the chosen construction materials, and
US Green Building Council (USGB), a non-profit building industry or­
not to demonstrate a real reduction on the impacts. This lack of precise
ganization [40]. It is the most flexible rating scheme, available in 167
requirements may lead to misunderstandings and confusion, discour­
countries, becoming the most well-known certification system in the
aging practitioners from including this assessment as one of the certifi­
market.The latest update of LEED for new building design and con­
cation criteria.
struction, launched in November 2013, gives up to 5 points for reducing
the building’s life cycle impacts, which represents 4.5% of all credits
3.5. Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency
available [41]. It is possible to get these credits by renovating part of the
building, reusing some materials or performing an LCA of the structure
and enclosure of the building. For the latter option, the assessment
CASBEE was developed by the Japan Sustainable Building Con­
compares the final solution with a baseline building similar to the pro­
sortium (JSBC). Since it started in 2004, over 500 projects have been
posed design, demonstrating a minimum 10% reduction on the impact
certified, among commercial new and existing buildings, detached
categories [42]. The baseline design is self-declared in LEED and “must
houses and real estate [48]. The only LCA impact category analysed by
be of comparable size, function, orientation, and operating energy per­
CASBEE is greenhouse gas emissions (Life Cycle CO2 – LCCO2). There are
formance” [41]; p. 496). LEED’s reference guide establishes some of the
two ways of conducting an LCCO2. The first one is through a standard
scope elements, such as a 60 year service life and a cradle to grave
calculation using reference values of a level-3 performance building, and
system boundary. It also indicates the appropriate impact assessment
the other way to use individual calculations with a highly accurate
methods for North American projects and global characterisation
LCCO2 estimate [49]. In the first method, the CO2 emissions results are
models that should be used in other parts of the word [41].
carried out automatically as the carbon-related criteria are filled out in a
spreadsheet developed by CASBEE. In other words, the life cycle
3.2. Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method approach is not a criterion option because the carbon emissions levels
(BREEAM) are calculated along with the certification process. The cradle to grave
approach estimates the embodied carbon of the most important struc­
BREEAM was the first commercialized GBRS. Its first version was tural materials and uses CO2 emission coefficients to estimate the pri­
launched in 1990 in the United Kingdom and was applicable for only mary energy consumed during operation. The categories associated with
new office buildings [43]. To date, it is applied in over 76 countries [43], LCCO2 are within Q2 – Quality of service, LR1 – Energy and LR2 – Re­
but most of the certified projects are from the Europe. In the latest in­ sources & materials, whose sum of points represents 31.6% of all cer­
ternational version of BREEAM for new non-residential fully fitted tification credits. According to Lee et al. [28], CASBEE methodology is
buildings, there are up to 6 points when performing a whole-building not able to investigate the benefits of green materials usage, due to its
LCA, which represents 5.9% of all credits available. BREEAM recog­ limited database that only brings significant construction materials,
nises that LCA is a methodology that still needs to mature. Therefore, the such as concrete, steel and wood.
credits available focus mostly on the robustness of the software tool,
method, data and scope of the assessment, aiming to create benchmarks
by collecting much building performance information [44]. The credits
for performing an LCA are based on the assessment method and data
quality, as well as on the scope of building elements included in the
analyses [44].

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

Table 2
Life Cycle Assessment requirements based on Green Building Rating System.
LEED v4.1 BC + D BREEAM International New Green Star - HQE - Non- CASBEE for DGNB - New
New construction Constructions 2016 - Non-residential Design & As residential buildings (new construction buildings
fully fitted Built v1.2 building under construction) - commercial building

Weight 4.5% 5.9% 6.40% 3,1% 31.60% 9.50%

Part of the building Structure and - Mandatory: Envelope, structure, - - Structure or Structure - Structure -
assessed enclosure finishes, upper floors, internal walls, finishing construction works.
- Extra credits: Foundations, internal - Structure and - Structure - services
finishes, building services and finishing
Characterization TRACI, CML and - IPCC, WMO, - _ CML
modela ReCiPe CML
Building service life at least 60 years 60 60 (suggested) - 60 50
cycle (years)
Method Reporting or Reporting Comparison Comparison Comparison Reporting or rating
Recognised ATHENA Impact ByggLCA, Conpact, OneClickLCA, _ ELODIE, Team Internally _
Software tool Estimator, Envest 2, eTool, Green Guide, COCON, ELODIE, Building developed
LCA Design SimaPro, MRPI Freetool MPG, nova EQUER, SBS spreadsheet
GaBi Building Sustainability, Anavitor/
System boundary Cradle - grave Flexible Flexible - Cradle - grave Cradle - grave
Functional unitb ft2 - m2 GFA - Kg CO2/yr.m2 M2 SA*a
Credits for EPDs 1 1 Up to 3 Up to 7 - -
TRACI [35]; CML [36]; ReCiPe [37]; IPCC [38], WMO [39].
Gross floor area (GFA); surface area multiplied by the reference year considered (m2 SA*a).

3.6. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB)3 software tools that deliver better environmental results, especially when
going through the certification process. If the software tool selection
DGNB is the most recent among all rating systems analysed, founded criteria are based on the desired outputs, how reliable is the assessment?
in 2008 by the German Sustainable Building Council. From all rating [55].
systems analysed, DGNB has the most detailed description and specifi­ Although the building’s LCA software tools investigated were rec­
cations for the Life Cycle Assessment category, representing 9.5% of all ommended by rating systems, this report focused on analysing the
credits available. One of the reasons is that the rating system focuses on software tools only from an LCA perspective. To check if the software
a holistic approach, emphasising the building’s performance through tool complies with the certification conditions, each GBRS needs to be
LCA [50]. The certification system provides reference values for most of assessed separately, since there is not a common standard followed by
the impact categories, based on a top-down statistical study conducted all of them.
in 2017 gathering data from approximately 200 buildings [25,51]. It EtoolLCD was founded in 2010 by an Australian consultant team, but
also establishes a limit and target factors applied to the reference values. it has been expanding to other countries. OneClick LCA has a similar
These reference values are self-proclaimed based on different types of user interface compared to EtoolLCD. The main idea of the software
buildings that have been previously certified. Although it is a good developers is to make LCA easy for designers, especially when
starting point to create benchmarks, it does not represent the full comparing different design alternatives [56]. Athena impact estimator is
spectrum of construction industry practice, because it only considers an open-source tool, developed by The Athena Sustainable Materials
buildings that were certified [25]. Points are awarded if the LCA results Institute, a non-profit research collaborative located in the United States
comply with the reference values, but higher points are earned if the [57]. Tally, developed by Kieran Timberlake and PE International [58],
impacts reach or fall below the target values. Additional points are is a plugin into Revit, a BIM 3D modelling software. Computer-Aided
awarded for buildings that focus on carbon-neutrality in operation and Architectural Life-cycle Assessment (CAALA) is also a plugin, develop
construction, according to the agenda 2030 [52]. This requirement is by Bauhaus University Weimar [59]. It uses Sketchup or Rhino to sup­
likely to gradually become part of the certification in future versions port 3D modelling. It was developed mostly for residential buildings, but
[53]. its usage can be extended to commercial buildings as well.
Since the software tools analysed target building designers and
4. LCA software tools for GBRS consultants, this study considers how well these tools comply with the
current construction process needs and designer practices, while
To deliver reliable and consistent results, the choice of software tools following the technical requirements of LCA methodology. Therefore,
becomes an essential aspect of LCA assessment. Table 3 shows the the analysed categories were divided according to the four stages of LCA:
characteristics of 5 building-specific LCA software tools. They were goal and scope, inventory analysis, impact assessment and
chosen based on the GBRS recognised software tools, detailed in Table 2, interpretation.
as well as on the ability of these programs to comply with rating systems,
based on the developer’s manuals and recommendations. Studies have 4.1. Goal and scope
shown inconsistencies in the results when comparing a building’s LCA
with a full LCA software tool [54]. When analysing LCA software tools The first phase of an LCA is the definition of goal and scope. The
by comparing the assessment results, it is crucial to consider the LCA former establishes the reasons why the study is being carried out and to
inputs and algorithms adopted by each software tool. The lack of what kind of audience the results will be communicated. The scope
knowledge of these parameters might lead the user to search for defines, among other elements, the functional unit, the system boundary
and the lifespan of the building. Table 4 demonstrates the software tools
considering the requisites of the first phase of LCA.
German Sustainable Building Council. Life cycle definition: Although all software tools indicate all stages of

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

Table 3
LCA software tools focused on buildings.
eToolLCD OneClick LCA (student Athena impact estimator Tally Caala

Developer eTool Bionova Ltd ASMI - Athena Sustainable KT Innovations Caala Ltd
Materials Institute
Country Australia Finland United States United States Germany
Last updated - - May 2019 (version 5.4) sep 2018 -
Web source
Platform Web-based Web-based Stand-alone software Plug-in + web-based Plug-in + web-
Types of licenses Open use, researcher, consultant, Starter, business, expert, Open source Commercial or Essential, Pro or
enterprise or specialist other tools. Educational Expert

Table 4
Analysis of software tools based on LCA criteria – Goal and scope.
eToolLCD OneClick LCA (student license) Athena impact Tally CAALA

Life cycle Cradle – cradle, Cradle - cradle Cradle - cradle Cradle - cradle Cradle - cradle
Operational Included Included excluded excluded calculated or included
energy use
Material- no no yes yes no
Building type Commercial and residential Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Not specific Commercial and residential
Institutional, Residential, Historic Industrial,
or protected monuments. Institutional,
Parts of Substructure, superstructure, Foundation and substructure, Foundation, walls, Parts of Envelope, internal wall, floors, ceilings,
building internal finishes, Fitting structure and enclosure, finishing columns and beams, building that columns, balcony, windows, skylights,
considered and other materials, external roofs, floors were modelled shadings, volumes around the building
areas, services that makes a shadow
Functional Dwelling, Bedroom, Occupant, m2 Absolute value, per unit area Absolute value, per Absolute value, per area
units usable floor area, m2 fully unit area, project per area
enclosed floor area, m2 gross floor baseline
Special focus None Certification purpose Buildings with Revit Autodesk German standards, permits and
limited height. users certifications

a building’s life cycle, eToolLCD is the only one that distinguishes all 4.2. Inventory
stages of the building’s life cycle according to EN 15978 [12]. This
feature provides the user with a clear overview of which life cycle stage Also known as life cycle inventory (LCI), this phase requires the
needs improvements. In addition, eToolLCD supports the impacts that collection of relevant data needed to quantify the inputs and outputs of
originate from appliance energy consumption, which are non-building the product system throughout its life cycle [60]. The choice of database
related impacts and is considered optional according to the standard has significant relevance in any LCA study because the inputs and out­
[12]. puts of the system are based on the characteristics of the manufacturing
Operational energy use: EToolLCD and OneClick LCA do not calcu­ process. It needs to be transparent, so users can verify if the assumptions
late the operational energy use, however, they allow the user to input of the database fit that specific LCA study, providing replicable and
this information, as well as the electricity and fuel grid. CAALA is the verifiable results [61]. Table 5 demonstrates the software tools consid­
only software analysed that estimates the final and primary operational ering the requisites of an LCI according to EN ISO 14040 [8].
energy requirements according to DIN V185994, but this option is only Character of data input: Qualitative data input means that the user
available for apartment buildings or single-family houses. Because it chooses an option from a given list or checklist, i.e. the modules and
calculates operational energy, there are many other variables considered indicators to be considered, the building substructure type, as well as
in the assessment, such as the thermal properties of materials, thermal pre-established scenarios for construction and end-of-life. It facilitates
bridges, surcharges and airtightness, climatic zone, as well as shading the data inputs, especially in the early stages of design, when exactly
devices and on-site shading obstacles. information is not yet available. Fig. 2 shows an example of OneClick
Material-focused: The primary input information in all software tools LCA qualitative input when choosing the material concrete. A colour
analysed is related to the type and quantities of each construction ma­ code is provided, graphically represented as a CO2 cloud, indicating the
terial. However, for Athena and Tally, these are the only input infor­ relative emissions of a particular material inside the material group so
mation required to perform the assessment. For all other programs, the that the user can choose the greener one. This feature is not available in
user can add services, transportation, and equipment. the student license. One of the downsides of qualitative inputs is the
“black box” approach that does not allow the user to modify or access
the parameters considered. Quantitative data input is when the inputs
are based on numbers, such as materials quantities and units, building
area, calculation period and transport distance, giving the user more
DIN V 18599 is a German standard for energy efficiency of the buildings. It control of the assessment’s variables.
calculates the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, Input format: Main data can be inputted in a table format, or through
ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting.

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

Table 5
Analysis of software tools based on LCA criteria – Inventory analysis.
eToolLCD OneClick LCA (student license) Athena impact Tally CAALA

Character of data Quantitative and qualitative Quantitative and qualitative Quantitative and Quantitative and Quantitative and qualitative
input qualitative qualitative
Input format Tabular Tabular and geometric based Tabular Geometric based Geometric based
Necessary inputs PROJECT: location, LC PROJECT: location, area, type, - Information specific - 3D model in - Construction comparison:
modules, indicators, site certification pursued. about the building Revit component, boundary,
attributes. DESIGN: Stage of the construction - Building Operating - Choose study period
STRUCTURE: Structure process, project type, frame type, Energy Consumption materials in - Preliminary and blueprint
information, construction included parts, default parameters. - Assemblies, their the database planning: object data,
scope, energy and water scope. Building materials, energy consumption, characteristics, and building construction,
DESIGN: templates or water consumption, construction site measurements. technical building
elements for each category, operations, building area, calculation - Add extra materials. equipment
EPDs, design details, function, period.
Flexibility of Flexible Partly flexible Inflexible Inflexible Inflexible
default settings
Level of File exchange or standalone Run-time interoperable, file exchange or Standalone Run-time Run-time interoperable
information standalone. interoperable
exchange with
the design model
LCI Databases Australasian LCI, BRE IMPACT Ecoinvent, EPDs and LCIA ATHENA’s database GaBi 8.5 ÖKOBAUDAT Database
EN 15804
Data location Australia European, North American, Middle The United States and United States Germany
Eastern, Asia Pacific and South American Canada

that have some level of communication with the computer-aided design

(CAD) model. Run-time interoperability is available when the EIA
software tool uses a plugins to exchange data, and file exchange methods
are the ability of software tools to export and import relevant file
LCI Databases: LCA databases are geographical location dependent.
For instance, OneClick LCA provides a broader range of databases and
geographical locations, but these databases are not available in the
student license.

Fig. 2. Example of qualitative input data in OneClick LCA, graphically repre­

sented as CO2 clouds. 4.3. Impact assessment

Also known as life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), this stage allo­
a geometric-based computer model. Geometric based input is performed
cates LCI outcomes to impact categories and category indicators. The
via plugins when software tools use the 3D model software platform to
type of impact categories and the impact indicators for each category
extract information about the building’s materials and quantities.
depend on the LCIA calculation method, also known as characterisation
OneClick LCA and Tally use the Revit 3D model platform, while CAALA
model. Table 6 shows the analyses of the software tools in an LCIA
developed plugins for both Sketchup and Rhino. EToolLCD and Athena
do not support a 3D model, even though the former attempted to
Characterisation model: The software tools analysed do not clarify
develop a Revit plugin. In Athena, all data are manually entered, and the
what characterisation model they have applied, because most of the data
material volumes are calculated by the program based on assumptions.
come from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Therefore,
Flexibility of default settings: Since all of the software tools analysed
CML5 [36] and TRACI6 [35] are characterisation models extracted from
are intended to be used by building’s designers or consultants, the use of
the requirements of EPD’s databases used by the software tools
default settings makes the assessment quicker and easier, by providing
pre-established templates for common construction practices. Among
Impact category: EtoolLCD is the only software tool analysed that
the software tools analysed, EtoolLCD provides the most flexibility,
contemplates all impact categories cited in EN ISO 15978 [12].
giving the user the autonomy to edit many parameters, such as material
Impact categories beyond EN ISO 15978: All tools analysed consider
characteristics, waste factor, material life cycle, disposal method,
impact categories beyond the ones mentioned in EN ISO 15978 [12].
transport distance, etc. This feature allows the users to build their own
Impacts related to “human health deterioration due to emissions of
set of templates, based on the company history and location dependent
particulates from fossil fuel combustion” were only contemplated by
construction processes.
Level of information exchange with the design model: There are
many levels of association between the design and a building perfor­
mance simulation tool [62]. The most comprehensive method is when 4.4. Interpretation
the assessment is fully integrated with the design, so the numerical
calculations are carried out as the project progresses. None of the soft­ Life cycle interpretation, although it is often denoted as the last
ware tools analysed is fully integrated with the design. On the opposite
edge are the standalone software tools, whose data are manually entered
with no association with the design, such as Athena. In this case, the Centrum voor Milieukunde – Universiteit Leiden (Douche language). Centre
simulations are performed separately and need to be continuously of Environmental Science – Leiden University (English translation).
Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environ­
updated as the project develops. In between these extremes are the tools
mental Impacts.

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

Table 6
Analysis of software tools based on LCA criteria – Impact assessment.
eToolLCD OneClick LCA Athena impact estimator Tally CAALA

Characterization CML CML and TRACI TRACI CML

model TRACI
Impact categories GWP, ODP, AP, EP, POCP, ADP_elements, GWP, ODP, GWP, ODP, AP, EP, POCP, ADP_ GWP, ODP, AP, EP, POCP GWP, ODP, AP, EP,
ADP_ fossil fuels, resource use, waste AP, EP, POCP fossil fuels POCP
categories and output flows, leaving the
system impacts.
Impact categories PERT b, total use of non-renewable Total primary Total use of non-renewable primary PERT b, total use of non- PERT b, total use of
beyond EN15978 primary energy resources energy energy resources, total primary renewable primary energy non-renewable
energy, human health particulate resources, total primary primary energy
from mobile sources energy resources
Global warming potential (GWP), Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer (ODP), Acidification potential of land and water (AP), Eutrophication
potential (EP), Formation potential of tropospheric ozone photochemical oxidants (POCP), Abiotic Resource Depletion Potential for elements (ADP_elements), Abiotic
Resource Depletion Potential of fossil fuels (ADP_ fossil fuels).
Total use of renewable primary energy resources (PERT).

phase, should be addressed during the entire assessment, as it confronts benchmark chosen by the user.
the outcomes of each phase with the goal and scope defined at the Rating system compliance: All of the software tools analysed comply
beginning of the assessment. This is preferably the last stage in an with one or more rating systems. For instance, EtoolLCD provides an
iterative refinement loop applied at each of the key decision making extensive set of recommended practices to get credits by demonstrating
points in the building design process. Table 7 contemplates the inter­ impact reduction. OneClick LCA is a tool focused on rating systems due
pretation phase in the software tools analysed. to features such as add-ons that make the assessment compatible with
Validation of the results: All software tools analysed allow the user to the target certification, as well as a workflow manager to assist users
perform a sensitivity analysis, comparing the results after changing any throughout the process.
parameter. Besides the sensitivity analysis, eToolLCD also provides ex­
amples of assessment results from other buildings, such as residential 5. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) framework
dwellings or multiple storey office buildings. The validation happens
when the results of the building assessed are contrasted with the outputs The existing certification schemes that include LCA in their criteria
of a building with similar characteristics [63]. OneClick LCA also pro­ system still struggle to deliver an effective assessment framework,
vides this function, but not on the student license. For primary energy especially during the building design process. Considering that both
demand, primary energy non-renewable (PENRT) and global warming assessment methodologies aim to evaluate the environmental impact of
potential (GWP), CAALA provides reference values based on German the buildings in a holistic and systematic way, LCA should not be an
standards. option in GBRSs. The most appropriate approach is if all certification
Presentation of results: Results are presented in tables, certificates, criteria can be evaluated from an LCA perspective. However, the mix of
graphs and reports. For certification purposes, tables and reports are qualitative and quantitative assessment will depend on the design stage.
useful to build the required documentation. Graphical representations Some studies proposed methods to follow LCA throughout the design
are very efficient in delivering the assessment outputs, especially when stages. Cavalliere, Habert, Dell’Osso, and Hollberg [64] used a range of
the tool is aimed at designers. Fig. 3 shows examples of graphical databases that corresponded with different design stages. The analyses
outputs. in the detailed stages were consistent with the earlier analyses. Consis­
Character of data output: As well as the inputs, the outputs can also tent results were also found in Rezaei, Bulle, and Lesage [65]. The as­
be presented qualitatively or quantitatively. Quantitative outputs are sembly materials database was structured in a tree format, using a
generated based on numerical calculations. They can be presented in a statistical approach to calculate the uncertainties in the early stage of
table format, or in a more visual way, through graphics, charts and di­ design.
agrams. Qualitative outputs are presented in a report format, describing Referencing Macleamy curve [66], Fig. 5 proposes a schematic
the purpose of the assessment, methods, data sources and recommen­ impact assessment framework within the design life cycle.
dations. It can also show that the results of a specific impact category are In an early design environment, when assumptions are made to
within a scale based on benchmarks or reference values, as per Fig. 3 (a). overcome the uncertainties of design choices, the assessment may take a
Fig. 4 shows an example of a qualitative output from EToolLCD when the qualitative approach similar to GBRS, with some pre-established design
environmental sustainability scale gives a rating level depending on the options. However, as the design progresses and information becomes
percentage of greenhouse gas emissions reduction compared to a more detailed, the assumptions made in the beginning need to adapt to

Table 7
Analysis of software tools based on LCA criteria – Interpretation of LCA results.
eToolLCD OneClick LCA (student license) Athena impact estimator Tally Caala

Validation of the Sensitivity analysis and Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis and
results comparison with benchmark reference values
Presentation of Table, certificate, graphical Table and graphical Table, graphical Table, graphical Table, graphical
results presentation and reports presentation presentation and reports presentation and report presentation and report
Character of data Quantitative and qualitative Quantitative and qualitative Quantitative Quantitative and Quantitative and
output qualitative qualitative
Rating system Green Star, BREEAM BREEAM, LEED, DGNB, Green Green Globes and LEED LEED DGNB, BNB and BNK
compliance Star, among others

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

Fig. 3. Examples of graphical outputs representations. (a) Share of embodied and operational impacts in CAALA; (b) Comparison between design options in
OneClick LCA.

Fig. 4. Environmental sustainability scale in ETool LCD.

the new decisions, taking a more accurate and quantitative approach, • The lack of a robust database to support benchmarks and reference
similar to LCA. The detailed assessment performed later in the design values may discourage green building councils from establishing LCA
will provide feedback to the pre-established solutions adopted in early as a pre-requisite for certification. To address this gap, Hollberg,
stages so that the qualitative approach can be updated with the lessons Lützkendorf, and Habert [68] proposed a mixed top-down and
learned in the later stages. This framework can also be adapted to an bottom-up approach to support the development of benchmarks
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) environment when the design efforts focused on guiding the design process.
are concentrated in the early stages. In this case, the more detailed data • Life cycle impact categories focus only on the environmental dam­
in early design decreases the need for assumptions and pre-establish age, not informing on the impacts on social and economic pillars of
solutions, encouraging the search for more innovative green designs. sustainability;
However, there are limitations: • LCA software tools focused on buildings, such as those analysed in
this manuscript, evaluate the impacts on the environment as a pro­
• Building’s LCA methodology is still a long and complex process for cess in parallel with the building design, instead of integrated. Since
designers and building consultants [67]; these software tools are focused on certification systems, LCA can be

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

Fig. 5. Schematic impact assessment framework within the design process.

considered a topic on a check-list, instead of a process that informs decision-makers rely on software tool simulations, this article discusses
designers. The integration with 3D modelling through Building In­ the ability of LCA software tools recommended by GBRS to communi­
formation Modelling (BIM) is a way to reduce this limitation [69,70]. cate the results to designers while fulfilling the LCA requirements.
Conclusions and suggestions for future work are discussed in this session
6. Conclusions and future research directions and summarized in Table 8.

This article analysed two different whole building Environmental

Impact Assessment (EIA) tools - Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and Green 6.1. LCA within GBRS
Building Rating Systems (GBRS). Their main characteristics were dis­
cussed, pointing out their disparities and similarities. This article also Among the principal methodologies used by regulations and rating
discussed some of the rating system requirements for the LCA criterion, systems to address embodied emissions, the ones mostly used by GBRS
such as building’s life service, functional unit, and embodied emissions are reporting, comparison and rating [72]. Considering the rating sys­
methodology. It also explored some LCA software tools focused on tems analysed in this study, BREEAM is the only one that calculates and
buildings that are suggested or complied with GBRS. The aim was to reports the construction project’s emissions. By reporting the results,
provide a schematic EIA framework within the design life cycle, as well BRE Global intends to collect enough data to create a benchmark robust
as to propose future research directions to support its development. enough to be included on the following BREEAM version updates [44].
Focusing on the decision-maker perspective, the framework will be The comparison methodology compares the emissions of a design
further improved through interviews with the founders of LCA software baseline with an environmentally improved proposed design. In this
tools and users. case, in order to obtain the pursued credits, the green options should be
In addition to the schematic EIA framework, the contribution of this acknowledged before being applied [72]. DGNB uses the rating meth­
work is to bring software tools to the debate of LCA within GBRS. Since odology when LCA results are confronted with limit, target and refer­
ence values [51]. Among the identified methods to address embodied

Table 8
Conclusions and future directions.
Conclusions Future directions

EIA LCA should not be considered a criterion separate from other categories in An integrated LCA methodology that includes impact categories related to social
framework GBRS since the goal of both tools is to assess building’s impact holistically and and economic pillars of sustainability.
The most appropriate assessment methodology will depend on the design stage. Develop an EIA framework focused on the decision-maker’s perspective, by
interviewing LCA software tool founders and users. Moreover, a case study will be
used to validate the framework.

LCA within In a simplified approach, the assessment should be focused on the building A framework to perform a gravity analysis [71] to statistically identify the most
GBRS materials that contribute the most to the LCA results. relevant LCA parameters from each building typology.
For some rating systems, even when a cradle-to-grave approach is stated, the Studies that build an understanding of the influence of construction material
operational energy use (B6 stage) is not considered. choice in operational energy consumption.
From the embodied impact methodology identified by certification systems, Build benchmarks to support construction regulations, policies and certification
rating is the one that better inform building’s environmental impacts. systems.

Software tool Graphical outputs emphasising the advantages of the green initiatives motivate Evaluate which graphical output format is more informative among designers,
the construction industry to apply Environmental Impact Assessment tools. and will most likely drive designers to apply sustainable solutions.
LCA software tools recommended by rating systems are simple to use, but they Development of a more informative LCA software tool that consistently supports
are not transparent on what assumptions and parameters they have used on the designers throughout all project’s stages.
LCA software tools focused on buildings evaluate the impacts on the Integration with 3D modelling through Building Information Modelling (BIM)
environment as a process in parallel with the building design, instead of being

T. Sartori et al. Journal of Building Engineering 38 (2021) 102180

impact, rating is the most efficient, followed by comparison and system needs to be changed in order to improve the environment results
reporting [72]. Therefore, there is a need for benchmark values to [79,80]. Even though the user still needs some level of experience to
evaluate the environmental performance of buildings throughout their interpret LCA results, the use of simplified tools is a good approach in a
life cycle, [68,73]. pre-design or conceptual context when the materials and processes are
When evaluating a building’s embodied impacts, a practical not yet defined in detail. As the project develops, designers must be able
approach is to perform a simplified LCA, focusing on the materials and to identify the critical dependencies in order to make the necessary
decisions that most significantly influence the assessment results [67, changes to the previous assumptions [67].
74]. This practice, although already recognised in building LCA guide­ This study also questioned the accuracy of these software tools out­
lines [60,75], is still not widely defined or used. Therefore, a future comes, since benchmarks are still not yet standardised, and there is not
research opportunity is to conduct gravity analyses [71] to statistically an established methodology that gauges LCA software tool results. For
identify the most relevant LCA parameters for each building typology. instance, looking only at the impact category, eToolLCD is the only
The impacts from energy use during the operational stage, known as software tool that could be applied to all rating systems analysed in this
the B6 stage [12], must also be acknowledged and balanced with the study, because it considers all impact categories stated in EN ISO 15978.
embodied impacts. From the rating systems analysed in this manuscript, However, in terms of database, it would only support Green Star,
only CASBEE and DGNB mandatorily consider LCA. These are also the because of the geographical database location. The question that arises
rating systems that mandatorily consider the impacts of the energy de­ here is would eToolLCD support other Green Star LCA criteria? Future
mand during use, such as appliances, HVAC and lighting. For all the research is needed to develop a software tool or framework that supports
other rating systems analysed, even when a cradle-grave approach is designers to perform a whole building’s life cycle EIA throughout the
stated, they do not necessarily include the energy required for opera­ design process. Factors that need to be examined in future research
tional energy use, but only maintenance, material replacement and projects are set out in Table 8.
refurbishment. In fact, some rating systems give extra credits when
including operational energy, such as Green Star and BREEAM. It is CRediT authorship contribution statement
important to note that the energy efficiency of the building also depends
on the thermal and physical properties of the envelope’s assembly, such Thais Sartori: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - original
as U-value,7 R-value8 and solar absorptance.9 In other words, the choice draft. Robin Drogemuller: Conceptualization, Writing - review &
of envelope material is strictly related to the building’s energy efficiency editing, Supervision. Sara Omrani: Conceptualization, Writing - review
during operation [76]. An apparently non-environment friendly mate­ & editing, Supervision. Fiona Lamari: Conceptualization, Writing - re­
rial may provide the building with a high energy operational perfor­ view & editing, Supervision.
mance, but this analysis can only be made with a systematic LCA
Declaration of competing interest

6.2. Software tools

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
The software tools analysed in this manuscript are intended to be
the work reported in this paper.
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