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Name: Saad Ehtisham Roll Number: BBHMF18-139

Section: BBA-8 Submitted to:

Toyota Production Principles

1. Use pull and avoid overproduction.

Again, we love how they want to achieve that balance between what’s actually selling and
what they’re making. Eliminating wastage and excess stock keeps their capital huge and
their profits clean

What is meant by Pull System.

A pull system is a Lean technique for reducing the waste of any production process. Applying a
pull system allows you to start new work only when there is customer demand for it. This allows you
to reduce overhead and optimize storage costs


For Example, if we see market Honda and Toyota both are the one of the biggest company of the
world. Both companies are update their vehicles on the demand of customers and maintained their
their customers value

2. Heijunka.
Consistency is more important than meeting demands. You have to maintain a pace that
does not over exert the company. If there is a great demand, your customers simply have to
wait. Don’t think of the clients who turn away as lost business, it’s simply good practice not
to overtax your machines and your people.

Industrial explanation of Heijunka:

Heijunka is a Lean method for reducing the unevenness in a production process and minimizing
the chance of overburden. The term Heijunka comes from Japanese and literally means leveling. It
can help you react to demand changes and utilize your capacity in the best possible way.

Heijunka allows you to produce and deliver value to your customer at a steady pace so that you can
react to fluctuations according to your average demand. For that purpose, the method has two ways
of leveling production:

1. Leveling by volume
2. Leveling by type
3. Respect your outside forces.
Toyota honours its suppliers and strives to better them. They demand strictly and often
heavily, but only because they want their suppliers to achieve excellence as well.


People with integrity value other principles, including honesty, respect, personal responsibility,
compassion, and dependability. These qualities are integrated into the Six Pillars of Character
offered by the Josephson Institute, a nonprofit organization that develops and delivers services and
materials to increase ethical commitment. The pillars are:

 Trustworthiness

 Respect

 Responsibility

 Fairness

 Caring

 Citizenship

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