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Surface Chemistry 5.

Chapter 5 Surface Chemistry

1. Wood charcoal adsorbs coloured impurities. 7. Chemisorption involves formation of unimolecular
2. Phyisorption is favoured by low T and high P. layer.
3. Factual. 8. Extent of physical adsorption decreases on
increasing temperature.
4. Chemical adsorption is irreversible due to formation
of new bonds and compounds. 9. In chemical adsorption, one layer is adsorbed.
5. Factual 10. Adsorption is always an exothermic process as it
involves formation of new bonds.
then decreases.
1. 2KClO3
MnO 2
2KCl + 3O 2 7. Because reactant and catalyst are present in same
aqueous phase. The process is called homogenous
2. A catalyst increases the rates of both forward and catalysis, and H2SO4 is the homogenous catalyst.
backward reactions equally.
Pt(Catalyst) 8. When one of the products formed catalyses the
3. 2SO 2 + O 2 As 2 O 3 (poison)
2SO3 reaction, it is called an auto catalyst.
4. A catalyst lowers the activation energy of a reaction. 9.
5. Activation energy changes when catalyst is used in a orbitals.
reaction. Other parameters mentioned remain same. 10. Maltose
Glucose : Fact.
6. Fact : Memorize it.
1. Lyophobic sols are not solved appreciably. 5. Lyophilic possesses solvent loving nature and thus
2. a thin layer of dispersed phase is formed around the
sol particles. This is called solvation.
6. Oxides and hydroxides generally form positively
sols. charged sols.
3. Starch is a colloid or sol. Others form a solution. 7. Naturally occurring sols are generally lyophilic.
4. Liquid + Solid = Gel (e.g. Butter) 8. Gelatin is naturally occurring sol, hence lyophilic.
(Dispersed (Dispersion (Colloid)
phase) medium) 9. Factual.
10. 2HNO3 + 3H 2 S " 3S + 4H 2 O + 2NO

1. Sky looks blue due to scattering of light by dust 6.
particles present in the atmosphere Tyndall effect. starch in mg added to 10 ml standard gold sol which
2. Brownian Motion. prevents the coagulation of gold on adding 1 ml of
10% NaCl solution. So the amount of starch is 0.25g
3. Movement of (charged) colloidal particles under = 250 mg. Hence gold number is 250.
electrophoresis due to opposite charge. 7. Emulsions are liquid in liquid colloids.
4. Fact. 8. Hardy Schulze Rule : Greater the charge on the ion
5. The soap particles and grease form an emulsion.
9. Jelly is an emulsion, i.e. liquid in liquid colloid.
10. Butter is water in oil type emulsion.
5.2 Chemistry
1. Smoke is an aerosol (Solid carbon particles dispersed 21. Lyophobic sol scatters a beam of light and passes
in air).
2. Fact : Platinum black adsorbs H2 gas most strongly. 22.
the sea (more concentrated). Hence the process is
x x 1
3. m = KP1/n or log m = log K + n log P; osmosis.
x 23. Sulphur sol contains large aggregates of S8
Plot of log m vs log P is linear with slope = 1/n.
molecules. (Multimolecular Colloid)
4. (d) is true, London Dispersion forces or Vanderwaal’s
24. Crystalloids (true solutions) and colloids differ in
particle size.
5. In physisorption, Vanderwaal’s forces are
25. Dispersion of ppt. into colloidal sol is called
peptisation. It is a method for preparation of colloids.
26. Colloidal sol shows Brownian movement.
surface area and hence greater is the extent of
adsorption. 27. Size of colloidal particles is 10 6 m 10 9m.
7. The substance that gets adsorbed is called adsorbate. 28. Random motion of colloidal particles is called
Brownian movement.
8. Extent of physical adsorption decreases with
increase of temperature. 29. Breaking and dispersion into colloidal state is a
process called peptisation.
9. Rate of physisorption increases with decrease in
temperature, as does the extent of physisorption. 30. At CMC (Critical Micellization concentration), the
D.P. particles associate to form micelles.
10. Amt. of oxalic acid (H C O . 2H O) initially present
2 2 4 2
1×50 For soaps CMC is 10 4
10 3 mol L 1.
= 1000 × 126 = 6.30 g
31. Electrolytes neutralize the charge on colloidal
Amt. of oxalic acid after adsorption particles and dispersion medium and coagulation
0.5×50 takes place.
= 1000 × 126 = 3.15 g
Amt. adsorbed = 6.30 – 3.15 = 3.15 g 32. Suspensions of precipitates can be converted into
3.15 colloids by fragmentation as suspended particles are
Amount adsorbed per gram of charcoal 0.5
of larger dimension than colloidal particles.
= 6.30 g
33. The simplest way to check a colloidal sol is by
11. In hydrogenation of oils, Ni is used as a catalyst. Tyndall effect as the path of light (say from a torch)
12. A catalyst decreases the activation energy of forward becomes visible due to scattering.
and backward reactions. 34. Soap + water is an example of micelles.
13. A catalyst changes rate constant in a reaction.
35. Ferric hydroxide sol is positively charged so the
14. A catalyst cannot initiate a reaction. anion with the largest magnitude of charge is the
most effective for its coagulation.
15. (a) is a true statement.
16. Adsorption theory is applicable to heterogeneous 36. Gold number was given by Zsigmondy.
catalysis. 37. Sulphide sols are negative sols.
17. (b) is true. 38.
18. In autocatalysis, a product catalyses the reaction. charged and are coagulated by AlCl3 > BaCl2 > NaCl.
19. According to the adsorption theory a catalyst 39. Coagulation value and coagulating power are
increases the rate of a reaction by decreasing the inversely related. Refer question 35 above. Now,
Activation Energy. This in turn in done by facilitating the one which is least effective (NaCl) will have the
a new reaction mechanism. largest coagulation value.
20. ZSM 5 (size selective catalyst) converts alcohol to
Surface Chemistry 5.3
40. Gold number is the minimum weight in mg of a 45. At isoelectric point, colloidal particles become
lyophilic colloid which must be added to 10 ml of neutral and hence also become highly unstable.
a standard gold colloid to prevent its coagulation by
46. Sedimentation potential is the reverse of
1ml of a 10% NaCl solution.
electrophoresis. (Refer theory)
41. Negatively charged As2S3 sol is coagulated most
47. Cow milk is an emulsion stabillised by casein.
effectively by MgCl2. This is because oppositely
charged Mg2+ ions have maximum charge. 48.
42. Colour of gold sol prepared by different methods is 49. Cod liver oil is water dispersed in oil : Factual.
different because of different particle sizes. 50. A colloidal solution of cellulose nitrate in ethyl
43. Rubin number : Remember it. alcohol is called collodion.
44. Alum helps in purifying water by ions which
coagulate the negative mud particles.


1. Accumulation of substance on the surface of the 10. Softening of hard water : Ion exchange resins used
other substance is known as adsorption. for softening of hard water is based upon selective
and competitive adsorption of ions on resins.
Na2Z + Ca+2 — CaZ + 2 Na+
2. The organic polymers containing groups like –
COOH, –SO3H and –NH2 etc. possess the property
of selective adsorption of ions from solution. These
are quite useful in the softening of water.
For physical adsorption, activation energy is low
and H is negative. 11.
adsorbed to a greater extent than carbon dioxide and
3. Emulsion is liquid in liquid sol. cause its desorption from a metal surface.
4. The volume of N2 at STP required to cover the iron
12. On increasing pressure more molecule will come
surface with monolayer = 8.15 ml g 1
into contact with the surface of solid adsorbent.
22400 ml of N2 at STP contains = NA molecule of N2
8.15×N 13. According to Freundlich isotherm : m = Kp1/n or
8.15 mL = 22400 A =2.19 × 1020 molecule of N2 x 1
log m = log K + n log P (For solution, P = C).
Area occupied by 2.19 × 1020 molecule of N2 = 2.19
14. Total surface area of eight cubes = 8 × 6 × b 2 × 2 l
1 1
× 1020 × 16 × 10 18 cm2 = 35.06 × 102 cm2 surface
area of the iron adsorbed = 0.35 m2 g 1 Apply for formula
In short A=
Surface area on n splits of a cube = 8n × 6 × b 2 l
volume covered by the N 2 molecule×N A ×Area occupied by single molecule 1 2n
6291456 = 8n × 6 × b 2 l
5. are adsorbed to a 1 2n
2 2n . 1048560
greater extent than gases like O2, N2 and H2. n . 20.
6. As temperature increases, physical adsorption 15. Activation energy is required for chemical
decreases because physical adsorption is exothermic adsorption.
and reversible process.
16. Negative catalyst provides a path of higher activation
7. According to Freundlich adsorption isotherm, energy decreasing the rates of both forward and
x 1/n
m \ kP (n > 1) . backward reactions.
8. Physical adsorption decreases as temperature 17. Finely divided iron is used as catalyst in manufacture
increases as desorption increases with temperature. of NH3.
9. Sponge will be completely soaked by water, so it 18. Hydrolysis of ester produces acid which catalyses
is absorption. Note that water enters the bulk of the its hydrolysis so as reaction proceed, rate of reaction
sponge. increases. Example of auto catalysed reaction.
5.4 Chemistry
19. Catalyst provides new path to the chemical reaction 30. Colloidal particle shows Tyndall effect because of
which has lower value of activation energy. Reactant it’s larger size.
and product will not be affected, so there will not
31. Silver sol in water is an example of lyophobic
be any change in state parameter like enthalpy and
internal energy.
20. Adsorption theory is given for heterogeneous 32. Electrophoresis means movement of colloidal
catalyst. Example : adsorption of gas on solid
surface. 33. Effectiveness of ion in coagulation is directly
21. A gold sol in hydrated stannie oxide is called purple proportional to magnitude charge on coagulating
of cassius : Fact ion.

22. Colloid is heterogeneous, biphasic mixture. 34. Cellulose is macromolecular colloid.

23. Dialysis is used to purify colloid. 35. Brownian motion is due to unequal impact of
molecules of the dispersion medium on the colloidal
24. Fog is an example of liquid dispersed in gas. particles.
25. Blood is a colloidal solution containing a –ve charge 36. Liquid in solid sol is gel.
colloidal particle (Albuminoid), bleeding can
37. Gelatin is positive sol.
be stopped by use of alum or FeCl3 solution. The
addition of Al3+ or Fe3+ causes coagulation of blood, 38. Ferric hydroxide is a positive sol.
so bleeding stops. 39.
26. Gold number \ Protecting power
40. Colloidal particle has size range of 1 to 1000 nm.
27. Their protective action is because of their lyophilic 41. Lyophilic colloid is solvated by dispersion medium
nature. and becomes more stable.
28. 10 ml of 1 M NaCl contains NaCl = 10 × 1 = 10 milli 42. Lower the gold number, higher the protecting power
mole of lyophillic colloid.
200 ml of As2S3 required NaCl for the coagulation = 43. Liquid in liquid is known as emulsion.
10 milli mole
44. Formation of micelle occurs above Kraft
For 1000 ml of As2S3, required NaCl for the
coagulation = 10 × 1000 / 200 = 50 milli mole
45. In milk, liquid fat particles are dispersed in water.
29. Lyophilic solution is easily solvated and quite stable
in solvent.

x 1 As2S3 adsorbs S2– ions (common between H2S and
1. log m = log k + n log P
As2S3 and thus is negatively charged).
n = tan 45 ln k = 0.69
As2S3 + H2S As2S3 | S2– : 2H+.
n=1 k=2
6. Reddish brown sol is prepared by adding FeCl3 in
m = 2 × (0.5)
Fe(OH)3 precipitate. Fe (OH)3 | Fe3+ : Cl
m =1 7. 200 mL of the sol required = 0.73 g HCl
2. Gold sol is multimolecular colloid. 0.73
= 36.5 mol = 0.02 mol = 20 m mol.
3. Loss of water from gel is called Synerisis and the 20mmole
reverse process is called Thixotropy. 0.2 lit = 100
8. As2S3 is negatively charged sol so more positively
4. All are facts to remember. charged ion will have minimum coagulating value
5. As2S3 colloidal sol is obtained when As2O3 is and maximum coagulating power.
saturated with H2S : 9. Similar charged colloidal particles will repel each
As2O3 + 3H2S As2S3 + 3H2O. other so colloidal system will not get coagulated.
Surface Chemistry 5.5
10. Micelles have large molar mass so less colligative 30. As2S3 is negatively charged.
31. Impurity destabilises the solution.
11. Chemisorption is monolayer phenomenon.
32. A catalyst does not change the state of equilibrium
12. Physisorption is reversible and its extent increases or S, H or G of the reaction.
with pressure.
33. Small particles display greater Brownian motion.
13. Gel is liquid in solid dispersion. More the gold
34. Delta formation is because of coagulation.
number, less is the protective power of the lyophilic
colloid. 35. Monolayer is formed during chemisorption.
14. (a) G = H – T S < 0 as S < 0 so H has to 36. Solid in gas is known as aerosol.
be negative 37. Silica gel is used to adsorb water.
(b) micelles formation will take place above T and
above CMC 38. The process of imbibing water when elastic gel are
placed in water is called as imbibition.
(c) Fact : to be remembered
39. Interconversion of sol and gel is known as thixotropy.
(d) Fe3+
40. At low pH the basic group will be ionized
(protonated) so will have positive charge and hence
15. Mo and Cu are promoters in the reactions given in
sol particles will move towards cathode.
(a) and (b)
41. Minimum coagulating value will be for the ion with
(c) CO/H2S is a poison for this reaction : Fact
maximum charge and since the sol particles are
(d) BaSO4 is a poison for this reaction : Fact negatively charged, hence positively charged are
required for coagulations
16. Aluminum hydroxide is a +ve sol, so – ve ions are
effective in its coagulation. 42. We want to prepare sol of AgI having positively
Cellulose solution is an example of macromolecular charged particles, so a little excess of Ag+ should be
colloid. added to KI.
+AgNO 3 (remaining)
17. Due to addition of protective colloids a protective 43. AgNO3 (excess) + KI — AgI
layer is formed around colloidal particle. Other AgI/Ag+
statements are all true. 44. AgI coagulates mist hanging in air.
18. Adsorption is dependent on temperature. 45.
19. This is because of absorption. particles of TiO2.
46. (i), (ii) and (vi) are examples of homogenous
20. Gold sol and Fe(OH)3 sol are hydrophobic.
21. Lyophobic colloid are solvent hating. millimole of electrolyte
47. Coagulating value = volume of solution (in lit.)
22. Physical adsorption is multilayer.
= 250 = 8
23. Positive and negative sol will precipitate each other.
24. Colloidal particle diameter is 10–9 m to 10–6 m.
x 1
48. log m = log k + n log P
25. Egg albumin is marcomolecular colloid and soap
1 o
solution is associated colloid. n = tan 45 log k = 0.3010
n=1 k=2
26. Egg albumin is lyophlic colloid.
m = 2 × (0.3)
27. Absorption is a bulk phenomena. x
28. All three are example of coagulation. m = 0.6
49. Flocculation value = 3.33 millimoles/L
29. These are prepared by direct mixing 3.33
Millimoles required for 20 mL = 1000 × 20
The particles may or may not migrate under the
Mass in milligrams required for 20 mL
Large quantities of electrolytes is required to cause = 1000 × 20 × 120 = 8 mg
5.6 Chemistry
coagulation power of AlCl3 54. (a) Mechanical property of colloid particle is known
50. coagulation power of NaCl as Brownian movement.
coagulation value of NaCl 52
= coagulation value of AlCl = .093 = 559.14
3 1
(b) Gold number \ protection power
51. Surface area per gram of silica gel = area occupied
by each N2 × no. of N2 molecules (d) Formation of a sol is done by peptization.
= 16.2×10 -20 × &b 22400 l ×6.02×10 23 0 = 560 m2.
55. (a) Gold sol is prepared by Bredig’s Arc method
52. ( S)adsorption = ve. Only statement (ii) is incorrect. and it is negatively charged

53. Gold number is minimum amount of protective dialysis.

colloid which can protect 10 mL standard gold sol
from coagulation when 1 mL of 10% NaCl is added. (c) As2S3 sol is prepared by Double decomposition
reaction and it is negatively charged
Gold number = 0.02. Answer = 2.
(d) Zeta potential potential difference between
stable layer and disperse layer. (Electro kinetic
(e) Casein is lyophilic Protective colloid.

1. We know the Freundlich adsorption isotherm, 8. Adsorption takes place due to the presence of
x residual forces on the surface. After adsorption,
m = kP

these are decreased.

Taking log on both the sides, we get
x 1 9. TiCl3 Ziegler Natta polymerisation
log m = log k + n log P
PdCl2 Wacker process
Slope (m) = n , intercept (c) = log k CuCl2 Deacon’s process
y 2 1
From graph, slope = x = 4 = 2 V 2O 5 Contact process
1 1
or, n = 2 & n = 2 10. Initial mmoles of CH3COOH = 0.06 × 50
So, m = k.P1/2 Final mmoles of CH3COOH = 0.042 × 50
x Hence, mass of CH3COOH adsorbed per gram of
Therefore, m is proportional to P1/2.
2. Fact.
(0.06 - 0.042) ×50×10 -3 ×60×103
3. For coagulation of negatively charged arsenious = 3 = 18 mg
sulphide sol, trivalent cation (Al3+) is far more 11. According to Hardy Schulze rule, greater the charge
effective than divalent cation (Ba2+) which in turn is on cation, greater is its coagulating power for
more effective than monovalent cation (Na+). negatively charged solution. So, order of coagulating
4. Combustion of coal does not need any catalyst. power : Na+ < Ba2+ < Al3+.
5. For Tyndall Effect the refractive indices of D.P. 12. m \ P1/n where n > 1.
and D.M. should be considerably different and the 13. Since adsorption is exothermic process so H of
incident wave should have a wavelength comparable adsorption is always negative.
to the diameter for the D.P. particles.
14. CO is oxidised to CO2 with steam in the presence of
6. According to the Freundlich adsorption isotherm a catalyst followed by absorption of CO2 in alkali.
x 1/n
m = kP
Steam KOH
CO + H2 catalyst
CO2 + 2H2 K2CO3
x 1 l
log m = log K + n log P . So slope = n 15. Higher the gold number, lesser will be the protective
7. Longer hydrophobic chain, lesser CMC power of colloid.
Surface Chemistry 5.7

1. m
decreases with increase in concentration. III is physical adsorption as on increasing
After micelle formation the number of charge temperature, extent of adsorption is decreasing.
carrying particles decreases and hence the m also IV is representing enthalpy change (which is high)
decrease. during chemical adsorption (due to bond formation)
So, is valid for chemical adsorption. So, answer is
2. As the adsorption of methylene blue over activated
(a) and (c)
characoal is physisorption (Reference : NCERT),
it is accompanied by decrease in enthalpym, and is 10. (a) due to preferential adsorption of common ions
reversible. (b) Adsorbption of solvent molecules occur in
3. Sb2S3 is a negatively charged sol, so the cation with lyophilic sols not lyophobic sols.
the highest charge is the most effective coagulating (c) due to repulsion not due to attraction
agent. (d) The layer of oppositely charged particles around
4. Longer the hydrophobic part of the molecule any colloidal particles will decrease the potential
easy will be the formation of micelle. (Longest energy of system as a whole.
hydrocarbon chain) 11. (a) H = –ve for adsorption
5. In lyophilic sols the dispersed phase have great (b) Fact
affnity (attraction) towards dispersion medium. So
(d) Chemical bonds are stronger than Vanderwaal’s
they are self stabilizing.
forces so chemical adsorption is more
6. Physical adsorption is exothermic process so its exothermic.
extent decreases with increase in temperature.
12. Volume of one mole of silver atoms
7. (a) Liquid in gas colloids are called liquosol not 108
= 10.5 cm3/mole
(b) For adsorption H < 0 and S < 0 108 1
Volume of one silver atom = 10.5 × cm3
6.022×10 23
(c) Brownian motion depends on both size of D.P. 4 108 1
and viscosity of D.M. So, 3 rR3 = 10.5 × = 1.708 × 10 23
6.022×10 23
[neglecting the void space]
critical temperatures are adsorbed to greater R3 = 0.407 × 10 23
R3 = 0.407 × 10 29
8. (a) As electron transfer is involved, so chemisorption
Area of each silver atom
is taking place.
R2 = × (0.407 × 10 29
(b) Adsorption is exothermic process.
so, number of silver atoms in given area
(c) The *
orbitals of O2 accommodate the
10 -12 108
= -29 3 2/3 = (r×2)
(0.407×10 m )
(d) As electron enters antibonding MO, bond length
increases. = 1.6×107 = y×10 x
x = 7.
9. In physisorption on increasing temperature at
constant pressure, adsorption decreases while in
chemical adsorption on increasing temperature due
to requirement of activation energy adsorption will
increase at same pressure. So, I is physisorption
while II is chemisorption.
5.8 Chemistry

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