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n um b er.

'P u b lis h e d a t th e SINDEL'AR STUDIOS Jan u ary

b le .v je .n - 2 6 0 0 S HOOVER ST, Los A n g e le s, C a l - 1 9+ 0
• (?oj>yrfahi~ S a in t CfermcLttiPre&& i 9 4 0 '

B y th e A scended M asters and th e ir A c c red ited Messengers

M r. a nd M rs. G. W . B allard and son, D onald
S U B S C R IP T IO N P R IC E I N U N I T E D S T A T E S S 3 .0 0 A Y E A R , I N S T A T E
O F C A L IF O R N IA S 3 .0 9 A Y E A R . « - •>
I N O T H E R C O U N T R I E S S 3 .5 0 A Y E A R . " 'W
P U B L IS H E D M O N T H L Y . S IN G L E C O P IE S 3 5 C E N T S .

T h e "V oice of th e I AM ” is th e m outh -p iece th ro u g h w hich

th e A scended M asters’ In s tru c tio n can reach th e stu d en ts
q u ic k ly , th a t the m ost p o w e rfu l w o rk possible fo r A m erica
a n d th e w o rld m ay be done b y th e stu d e n ts to release the
g re a te s t L ig h t in th e sh o rtest tim e.
I t w ill also co n tain in fo rm a tio n as to w here the A ccred ited
M essengers, M r. an d M rs. G. W . B allard an d son, D onald, are
tea c h in g th e A scended M asters’ In stru c tio n on the " I AM .”
T h e in fo rm a tio n given u n d e r th e heading of "Y o u n g A m er­
ic a ” w ill be th e A scended M asters’ help to the y o ung people
f o r th e ir p ro tectio n an d illu m in atio n , as they are the builders
o f th e new civ ilizatio n an d are the channels th ro u g h w hich
th e A scended M asters w ill give th e ir L ig h t fo r the use of the
o u te r w o rld in the G olden " I AM” Age.
T his m agazine is not an o u tle t fo r articles fro m the s tu ­
d en ts, b u t is th e o u tp o u rin g of the help fro m the Ascended
M asters an d has no h u m an concepts in it.

2 600 S outh H o o v er S tre e t Los A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia

• " I AM” H ERE! •

AM” here! Do you see Me? " I AM” here! T hen receive Me!
" I AM ” looking a t you! " I AM ” clearin g the w ay!
I have long, long been p lan ­ A ll before you is yielding,
ning Feel My G lorious L ight Ray!
E a rth ly veils to step th r u ; B reathe I t in! Use Its Pow er!
I have loved and h av e held you I t is com ing rig h t th ru !
In My H e a r t’s D azzlin g L ig h t; W atch My Light! Look w ith in It!
" I AM” S aint G erm ain speaking— See My A rm s raised to you!
T a k e My H an d ! Reach My
H eight!
" I AM” here! Real and living,
" I AM” M aster— all free!
" I AM” here! Do you feel Me?
Still y o u r th o u g h t and y o u r feeling!
" I AM” p o u rin g L ight th r u — Speak th e W ord! Come to Me!
Cosmic L ight Rays tra n sc e n d e n t
Let y o u r Presence A lm ighty
T o enfold and lif t you! Raise you now — m ake you know
T hen accept T hem and use T hem , A ll the L ight in O u r O ctav e,
Feel th e H elp th a t I give! All the G ifts W e bestow !
Be My L um inous Presence—
Blaze My Love! M ake Joy live!
" I AM” here! You have conquered!
" I AM” here! You have called Me! " I AM” holding y o u r hand!
" I AM” an sw erin g you! Face to face We are speaking—
I p rep are each one— daily All V ic to r’ous you stand!
To be raised to Me too! T h ru the G re a t " I AM” Presence,
Do you know how I love you, You have opened L ig h t’s D oor—
" I AM” off’rin g you all— " I AM” Saint G erm ain speaking!
T hen accep t My F u ll P ow er, "Y ou are FREE ev erm o re” !
A nsw er now My H e a r t’s call!

W ashington Class— N o vem b er 30, 1939
ELOVED C hildren of the L ight, I g reet
you in the N am e and the P erfection of
y o u r Life! and on this day, w hich is the
beginning of the g re a te r a tte n tio n th a t is
given to Me, let us u tilize this tim e to the utm o st
of its P ow er because of the a tte n tio n of m ankind.
You perhaps do n o t know this, b u t from to-day
m ankind become m ore a t peace, are less irrita b le
and also less u n k in d to each other. This tim e, We
are going to u tilize a P ow er never before used
upon this ea rth . Y our Beloved S aint G erm ain is
u rg in g by all the Forces of the Cosmic L ight, the
achievem ent of w hich H e has told you. This is
one p a r t of the reason fo r it.
C an you expand y o u r im agination ju st a little
and contem plate w h a t is m ade possible in this
achievem ent, th r u the a tte n tio n given Me d u r ­
ing the rem ainder of this tim e? W e have alw ays
u tilized this o p p o rtu n ity to some degree, b u t tw o
years ago, W e determ ined to m ake this the o u t­
stan d in g action of the a tte n tio n of the people to
Me fo r hun d red s of years upon this e a rth , th o u ­
sands in fact.
I w as serving even before My M inistry, though
I was expected th r u prophesy. Y et only now has
the apex been reached of th a t Service w hich I ex­
pect to render. O f course you as S tudents of the
L ight, w ill receive the fu ll Benefit of th a t. W ill
you be kind enough to accept It?
I am sure you all believe in My R eality! M any
of you w ere th ere and k new Me in person, so you
o u g h t to. I sometimes smile a t the doubts about
Saint G erm ain, w hen m any of the people w ho
d o u b t H im lived a t one tim e and kn ew H im per-
sonally. I t is a curious th in g , isn’t it th a t m an ­ W hy can n o t people th in k of Me as practical?
kind w o uld d o u b t a th in g th ey once knew ? Yet W hy did they n o t record of Me the Joy I expressed
people do it in this em bodim ent. People declare so often? W hy did they tr y to m ake Me long
a th in g one day and m onths la te r deny it. So is it faced w ith o u t a smile? T he joy and know ledge
any w o n d er th ey deny th ings in a past em bodi­ of Life is happiness, d ear people, and you cannot
m ent, th e m em ory of w hich they do not recall? be happy w ith o u t smiling. Oh, w h a t a smile will
R eally h u m an beings are stran g e indeed, and do, as one of the beloved stu d en ts sittin g here has
y et th in k ! O u t of those h u m an form s comes the recently had proof, in co n tactin g individuals who
G lory of E te rn ity ; because only by the Life w hich had read these u n k in d articles. By th a t smile and
is anchored w ith in those form s, m ay they arise kindness she won a g re a t V ictory, th e beginning
into th e G lory w hich is O urs. You can n o t do it of w hich w ill be in and cover these U nited States.
except from bodies like those. T hen, d ear people, I wish to add one W ord to w h a t Saint G erm ain
w hile th e substance and th e s tru c tu re is composed said to you and in answ er to w h a t you asked this
of perhaps n in ety -eig h t cents w o rth of chemicals, m orning, Lotus. W ith the consum ing of the astral
yet it is still im p o rta n t— how v ery im p o rta n t dear and psychic w orld and the rem oval of the entities
people! You can n o t and no one ever did or ever from A m erica, it w ill include the th o u g h t form s
w ill m ake th e Ascension except from the purified of vicious forces by w hich m an k in d have created
substance of physical bodies. and b u ilt the conditions th a t have sometimes been
T here has been lu rk in g in m any the idea th a t fa r w orse th a n even discarnates.
one m ay m ake the Ascension a f te r so-called d eath ; Intense anger, intense h a tre d , intense sex de­
b u t th a t can n o t be accom plished because the call p ra v ity w ill create th o u g h t form s m ore pow er­
fo r th e Ascension m u st be m ade to the " I AM fu l th an the o rd in a ry discarnate because they
Presence” and th e Ascended M asters from w ith in are charged w ith the co n stan t energy of th e in ­
the physical side of Life. You can n o t do it o th e r­ dividual and w hen they reach the form as large,
wise, no one ever did in the w orld. W hen the Life- or nearly as large as the form of the individual
stream is severed, w ith d ra w n from y o u r h e a rt who has been th eir c reato r, they become very
and body, it finishes th a t form . The substance p o w erfu l. This Consum ing A ction th a t is going
disintegrates and goes back into the U niversal on is one of the conditions w hich w ill b rin g such
from w hich it came. release to m ankind a f te r this week.
D ear people you do not see it from the atm os­ D ear ones, you th in k very kindly of My M in­
phere here, b u t th e electrical substance and force istry and all th a t I b ro u g h t to m ankind, m ost of
in the atm osphere is the same as th a t of w hich w hich you do not know . H ow ever, y o u r Beloved
y o u r bodies are composed before they are charged Saint G erm ain is com pleting th a t M inistry in a
w ith h u m an qualification. I t is not an y th in g u n ­ m agnificent m anner w hich is indescribable. W hy?
u sual, b u t I w a n t to c a rry you in th o u g h t and Because H e is the Law, the A u th o rity fo r the
feeling into th a t P u rity w hich is yours to-day. Violet C onsum ing Flame, w hich I was n o t; and
6 7

th a t is w h y My M inistry did n o t reach f u rth e r upon this e a rth in tw o and a h a lf million years.
th a n it did and w h y m uch of the R eality w hich I wish to call y o u r a tte n tio n to tw o things.
I gave w as covered up, in o rd er to p re v e n t m an ­ Y our Beloved S anat K u m ara came and took up
k in d h av in g th e Freedom w hich w as theirs, or His Residence upon e a rth in the beginning upon
could have been, th r u It. T o-day, th ere is being w h a t is now the Gobi D esert. I came and took up
given this G re at G re a t Assistance. My Residence in Ju d ea, Saint G erm ain came, and
W hy is it th a t d u rin g My M inistry all these w hile I can n o t q u ite say H e took up His Residence
things could n o t come about? For instance, the in A m erica, yet H e found w ith in Am erica the
dissolving an d rem oving of th e a stra l or psychic A lta r, the only A lta r of safety le ft to the people
w o rld ; th e d estru ctiv e substance and the d e stru c ­ of earth .
tion of all th o u g h t form s, n o t only the d e stru c ­ Do you not see again the T rin ity of A ction in
tive, b u t all less th a n P erfe ct th o u g h t form s? Be­ fo u r and a h a lf m illion years? T h a t is a very long
cause y o u r Beloved S aint G erm ain is the Law th a t period of time. M ankind have come and gone, b u t
b ro u g h t th e A ctiv ity , L aw and P ow er of the those G reat Ones have gone on forever. Sanat
Violet C onsum ing Flam e in to action upon this K um ara living in His E tern al Y outh; I living in
e a rth — th e only m eans by w hich these things My E tern al Y outh; y o u r Beloved Saint G erm ain
could be done. living in His E tern al Y outh; the Goddess of L ight
T h a t accounts fo r w h y these g re a t trem endous and all Those G reat Ones living in T h eir E tern al
activities are tak in g place to -day. A ll of this is Y outh.
p erm an en t, d ear people. W h at th e G re a t Cosmic You, to-day, have the o p p o rtu n ity to d raw
L aw removes never re tu rn s. So you have no need from these bodies enough of the purified substance
to question or fe a r hav in g to rep eat the calls to c a rry you into yo u r Body of E tern al Y outh.
w hich m ake fo r this G re a t A chievem ent. Do you u n d erstan d m y precious people w h a t this
I w a n t you to feel how m uch you owe to y o u r means? Perhaps one day, if you have permission
Beloved S aint G erm ain. H ow W e all Love H im ! and if you care to, you m ay look dow n the Stream
H ow m uch you owe to the Goddess of L ight and of Life from w hich you have come; and observe
how W e all Love H er! Do you q u ite u n d erstan d w h a t has been there. T hen, w ill you u n d erstan d
th a t th e vow She m ade centuries ago She is f u l­ these W ords to-day. O f course Life is gracious,
filling to -d a y ; and She is fulfilling it, if you w ill beneficent in usually closing the door from one
p ard o n the term , w ith a vengeance. W hile there em bodim ent to an o th er; fo r in some of the con­
is no vengeance in H e r as you use the term , it w ill ditions m ankind have gone th ru , they could never
convey som ething of w h a t it means to you w ith look upon them and be sane.
a pow er. T o-day, in the G lory of the Pow er of the Violet
T h a t is w hy you w ho live now, even in the C onsum ing Flame, all th a t m ay be erased if you
face of the conditions th a t stan d before you, are will use It. T hen, if you w ere to look dow n y o u r
th e m ost fo rtu n a te individuals th a t have lived Life Stream , you w ould only see the good w hich
8 9

is there. I ask you to th in k it over and see if it is T he Glorious Ones w ho have joined this G reat
n ot w o rth w hile to have consum ed all the u n d e­ H ost of L ight in ca rry in g the purified substance
sirable conditions of th e activities of y o u r Life of e a rth into th eir use, w ill one day find the Glories
Stream and have th e b eau ty and P erfection of of E te rn ity enfolding them . I t is said th a t Moses
looking upon and c arry in g its m em ory in to yo u r was c a u g h t up in a C hariot of Fire and several of
E tern al Body of Light. the O thers w ere c a u g h t u p in a C h ario t of Fire,
W hen I was in Ju d ea and passing th r u the p e r­ because th a t was the concept of those days. Every
secution w hich was Mine, My ow n In n e r Sight one is c a u g h t up in th a t Fire of Purification which
was very clear; fo r I w as seeing and know ing brings the G lory and P erfection of Life— which
cause and effect of conditions. I w ondered then, makes of y o u r purified body, a Body of E ternal
w ould th ere come a tim e w hen those conditions Light.
m ight be rem oved from the e a rth . T o-day, I see So in y o u r o p p o rtu n ity , beloved C hildren of
it is being done and I am g ra te fu l to have a p a rt L ight, to-day, stand firm er th a n you ever did
in it. against the forces of darkness. Be silent and go
O nly as m an k in d see from the H ig h er sta n d ­ fo rw a rd in the G lory of y o u r adoration and call
p o int, could th ey possibly observe the in te rfe r­ to y o u r Presence of L ight. Let I t p o u r into your
ence imposed upon every h u m an being th a t has m ental and feeling w o rld and y o u r physical body
been in em bodim ent, w hen re tu rn in g again and like a m ighty riv er, Its G lory and P u rify in g P er­
again. T hen, w ould you see the forces th a t try fecting Energy. T h a t E nergy of course is Light.
to p rev e n t th e ir Freedom in th e L ight. So, to-day, L ight dissolves all darkness and as you have the
in this last g re a t o p p o rtu n ity , rem em ber w hen o p p o rtu n ity , utilize I t in Its fulness by yo u r sin­
someone tries to instill d o u b t w ith in you th a t y o u r cere devotion to It.
o p p o rtu n ity is here. I f you let them do it, the The Messengers and W e appreciate yo u r Love
o p p o rtu n ity m ay n o t come again. to them beyond all expression, b u t rem em ber you
serve Life fo r y o u r Freedom ; and in this greatest
These poor u n fo rtu n a te s w ho have tu rn e d aside of all opportunities to serve now , stan d unyield­
and become vicious, b e tte r had they n o t lived in ing and become one day not long hence a W hite
any em bodim ent, th a n to fail now d u rin g the apex Fire Being in com m and of all substance and en­
of th e Assistance offered by the conditions of the ergy. I th a n k you.
Cosmic L ight. S aint G erm ain told them tw o years
ago, an d I believe said in the classes, th a t such
people w ould become o ut-casts from h u m an ity .
Such th ey w ill be. I f you w a n t to be one of those
the privilege is y o u rs; b u t it is no idle th in g , it
is no im agination, dear people, it is an actu a l
W ashington, D. C. Class— D ecem ber 3, 19}9
T LAST, I too m ay join the G reat Ones
in telling you how m uch I rejoice in the
g re a t change th a t has tak en place w ith ­
in a few weeks w ith in each one of you.
I represent the Law of H arm ony to this e a rth
and do you know the scope w hich th a t covers?
I t is a g re a t deal, the harm ony of m ind and body,
the harm ony of m usic, the harm ony of in d u stry ;
and this you will enjoy, the coming harm ony of
y o u r in d u strial m achinery. T here w ill not be the
heavy ro arin g m achinery w hich you have to-day.
You possibly w ould not believe th a t I am a very
good m echanic M yself. In the progress of Life in
gaining O u r Freedom, one becomes a rounded o u t
Being, as it w ere, and you become aw are of all
things th a t are necessary fo r m ankind to-day. If
you w ere to see My delicate H ands, you w ould
never believe th a t once I w ielded heavy ham m ers.
T h a t of course was a long tim e ago b u t, n ev erth e­
less, We gain no v icto ry of any g re a t consequence,
beloved ones, w ith o u t w inning it.
N ow th en , the m a tte r of w inning it is so com ­
p arativ ely easy, if only you w ould not have th a t
frig h tfu l resistance or feeling and desire th a t you
m ust b a ttle things o u t hum anly. O f course, once
in aw hile, if som ething rushes upon you, you have
a rig h t to defend yourself physically; b u t a fte r
all in y o u r continued application you w ill build
such a p o w erfu l defense th a t shortly, it w ill have
gained its pow er so nothing w ould rush in upon
you. T h a t is the Pow er of H arm o n y m aintained
w ith in y o u r m ind, body and feeling w orld.
Oh, m y d ear people, we have looked w ithin
you. We have w atched the change as certain
things w ere called to y o u r a tte n tio n . Sometimes W hen you begin to see the Goal and to feel Its
the L ight expanded, sometimes it did not, show ­ approach, I tell you it is no easy th in g not to get
ing by th a t of course how m uch you understood. anxious. I w ould not blam e you if you did. H o w ­
We can alw ays tell the degree of y o u r com prehen­ ever, it does n o t help any.
sion by the expansion of y o u r L ight. N ev erth e­ I did n o t have such a g re a t p a r t in this recent
less, y o u r progress in the past six weeks has s u r­ G reat A chievem ent, b u t My P a r t comes now.
passed the en tire year. A fte r the G reat Ones have cleansed and purified
Do you u n d ersta n d w hy, m y beloved ones? Be­ th a t g re a t b elt of the e a rth ’s atm osphere, then I
cause of the co n sta n t rem oving of this pressure m u st charge the whole of it and re-establish it by
from m ankind. Y our call releases m ore and m ore the Substance of H arm ony. T hen, H arm o n y w ill
of th a t G re at L ight and it takes action m ore and be the pressure upon m ankind instead of h u m a n ­
m ore w ith in y o u r m ind, body and feeling w orld. ity ’s ow n discordant creation, a vastly different
I do th in k it is w ell w o rth rep eating again to ­ thing, I assure you. If you saw tw o objects be­
n ig h t, to rem ind you m y dear ones, th a t every­ fore you and the pressure of eith er harm ony or
th in g in y o u r u n d erstan d in g of Life, the "M ighty discord upon the tw o, you w ould soon decide w ith
I AM,” is perfected from w ith in o u t. Y our m ental Me th a t the pressure of H arm o n y is m uch m ore
and feeling w o rld has got to be perfected. Y our desirable.
body is the last object, then harm ony reigns fo r­ You w ould scarcely believe th a t as I have been
ever. compelled to look upon some of the conditions
w hich have accrued th r u the Messengers’ en­
W on’t you allow Me to en te r into y o u r w orld
deavor to c a rry this L ight, w h a t I have seen.
to-n ig h t? V ictory has offered you His G arden.
Looking w ith in the tw o dividing lines on the one
T o -n ig h t, I offer you My Field of Paradise from
individual and I saw the forces actin g th ere w ith ­
w hich you m ay g a th e r every Force th a t is M ine;
in th a t one h u m an form . I tell you, it is a b o u t
from w hich you m ay gain the p a tte rn s of P erfec­
the most incredible th in g you e v e r witnessed.
tion and have th e In stru c tio n of how to apply
Life try in g to assert Its D om inion, because you
these Laws as I have applied Them , in gaining
have been calling fo r I t; and the forces of hum an
V ictory of holding and sustaining this Com plete
H arm o n y w ith in you. creation actin g th r u the in tellect w a n tin g to stop
it. N ow the only w ay is to keep rig h t on w ith yo u r
My d ear ones, it is n ot difficult. Because you call to Life and y o u r Decrees and all of a sudden,
have tried to do things w ith the hum an, you have you w ill find all these things subsiding. T he in ­
m ade things v ery difficult fo r yourselves m any tellect w ill stop try in g to ta lk back to you be­
times— of course not inten tio n ally . I love the ex­ cause if it can n o t speak d irectly to you, it will
pression of o u r Blessed F ran k — instead of g ettin g tr y its best to reach you th r u the feeling, m aking
in a h u rry , ju st " ta k e it easy,” and th a t is w h a t you dou b t, fe a r or an y th in g it can do to get your
every h u m an being needs to-day. a tte n tio n off the V ictory of the Light.
14 15
Oh, m y dear ones, an o th er th in g I w a n t to say cient, w hen y o u r radiance touches those individ­
to you to -n ig h t is, rem em ber it w ill be sometime uals they n a tu ra lly w ill have the same desire you
before I speak to you again. Do n o t th in k I am do. I f y o u r dom inant pow er is harm ony, then
saying this to you com m ercially, b u t, O h, if you they w ill feel th a t and they actu ally w ill w a n t
w ould only tak e this firm determ ined stand. I am to do w h a t you w a n t to do, because it w ill be
not concerned a t all w ith w h a t y o u r position is, rig h t. M any times w ith individuals w ho are a
w h eth er you are a clerk or w h e th e r you are the little stu b b o rn , call them by nam e and if it is im ­
head of a g re a t establishm ent, it m akes no differ­ p o rta n t say: "N o w , you w a n t to do w h a t is rig h t.
ence in th a t respect, b u t tak e the stan d : "M ighty 'M ighty I AM Presence’ speak to th eir H igher
I AM Presence,” You are the D irecto r of m y a f ­ M ental Bodies and see they do it.” T here is n o th ­
fairs! You are the D irecto r of th e C u rre n ts of ing w ro n g a b o u t th a t, asking them to do the rig h t
L ight, W isdom an d E nergy w hich m ake me suc­ thing. I t w ould save you so m uch, b u t w atch
cessful. N ow aside from follow ing Y our P ro m p t­ th a t you do n o t continue to feel h u m an ly you are
ings and m aking m y call, I tak e my hands off.” doing these things. I f you do, you w ill p u t y o u r­
T hen, be sure you do and p u t things in the H ands self in the same condition because the Presence,
of y o u r Presence as th e D irectin g Intelligence, the "M ighty I AM” m ust be the D oer if you are
Pow er an d Force of action th a t govern y o u r a f ­ to be free from distress, lim itations and the con­
fairs and business. I f you are a salesm an, you can ditions w hich beset the h u m an , w hen the hum an
go o u t and sell an y th in g th a t is rig h t if you w ill is try in g to be the Doer.
tak e th a t stan d and m ain tain it, u n til you get T o -n ig h t, w hen you retire, determ ine to come
sufficient m om entum . Some can s ta r t rig h t o u t to Me in My Field of Paradise and see w h a t is there
from the beginning. w aitin g fo r you. T he p erfect th in g th a t each one
Did you ever notice, d ear people, every person requires fo r the m om ent is th ere w aitin g fo r you.
likes to be independent and it is q u ite rig h t. You You know the Messengers have sometimes
w ere born conquerors by th e P ow er of L ight. I t th o u g h t they w ere g ath erin g a ra th e r large fa m ­
is no w o n d er th a t people of p ecu liar n a tu re s do ily— b u t O urs is still larg er.
n o t w a n t to bow before th e influence of th a t D id you notice how the storm clouds low ered
w hich they m u st sometimes do com m ercially. In on S atu rd a y (Dec. 2, 1939)? M uch of th a t pres­
this g re a t U n d erstan d in g , do you n o t see all w ould sure was b a ttlin g w ith all fierceness to reach the
be governed by harm o n y and n a tu ra lly y o u r as­ people and gain som ething th a t w ould hold them
sociation, y o u r contacts, w ould be governed by w ith in its dominion. I f you had seen w ith in it,
the same thing? you w ould have seen strange things. T o-day, th a t
You see dear ones, it is n ot a m a tte r of y o u r belt w hich w as so terrib le, w ill be one of iridescent
influence or com pelling somebody else to do some­ colors, shedding Its Glorious R adiance upon m an ­
th in g ; b u t if y o u r force p o u rin g fo rth is suffi­ kind forever.
16 17
You in A m erica w ho are th e v a n g u a rd of the u n k n o w n — a t least such as have been given since.
C hildren of L ight fo r this e a rth , should appreciate T herefore, it w as expected th a t a certain d e stru c ­
it w ith all y o u r being; an d m ay I th r u the P ow er tive force w ould have to be released before this
of My W ords of H arm o n y convey to you the G reat could come fo rth . N ow this achievem ent will
G reat Love of th e Messengers fo r y o u r g re a t g ra ­ govern perhaps tw o -th ird s of th a t req u irem en t
ciousness in this class. I t has been f a r th e m ost w hich a d estru ctiv e force w ould have had to re ­
tra n scen d en t y et in the experience of the Mes­ lease fo r it to be done.
sengers; and yet this class to -d a y is only the be­ T here are a few o th er things th a t are to be done
ginning of w h a t can be. One day, I tr u s t the h a r ­ w hich I believe w ill com pensate fo r the whole
m ony w ill be sufficient th a t w hen you go fo rth th in g . I f such be the case, you w ill see such
from these classes, y o u r g arm en ts w ill be scintil­ changes a b o u t this e a rth as w ill delight you; and
latin g for hours w ith points of Light. no hum an being seeing them w ill ever d o u b t this
A ccept the g re a t P erfectio n w hich is yours, the Law.
o p p o rtu n ity fo r h av in g this. W e do n o t m ention You w ill observe th a t these g re a t a rro g a n t dic­
things w hich are n o t w ith in y o u r grasp, b u t We ta to rs are in g re a t confusion to-day. T hey do not
m ention them fo r y o u r encouragem ent, stre n g th k n o w w h a t to do or w hich w ay to tu r n and th a t
and pow er to reach o u t fo r them , to have them , to is w ell. W hen the feeders of d estru ctiv e things
utilize them and to give them fo rth to y o u r fel- are w ith d ra w n , it is ju s t as if you had attach ed
low -m an. to y o u r physical body, a bag of lim itless energy
G re a t is th e P ow er of L ight and H arm ony. and someone cam e along w ith a sw ord and c u t it
G reat is th e P ow er of th e Cosmic A ctiv ity ; and loose.
perhaps Lotus you an d th e stu d en ts w ould like to W hy can n o t m ankind see and replace all th a t
have ju st a w o rd a b o u t th e D ispensation fo r w hich d estru ctiv e activ ity by holding th e ir a tte n tio n to
Jesus has asked. T he G re a t Beings from the G reat th e Presence of Life, th e "M ighty I AM,” w hich
C e n tra l Sun feel it w iser to w ith hold the Dis­ is the E tern al F ountain of limitless energy fo r all
pensation ju st a little yet, u n til certain o th er th a t is upon this e a rth or anyw here else? B ut the
things are accom plished in A m erica fo r in th a t desires w ith in m ankind m ust change first. T h a t
th ere w ill en te r then th e fu ll G lory of E tern al w ill come about.
Freedom. R em em ber, W e shall have m any good times in
May I explain to you som ething w hich is not My Field of Paradise. I th a n k you.
explained in th e Goddess of L ib erty ’s Vision to
W ashington? She did n ot see o r expect a t th a t
tim e th a t these m agnificent things w hich have
been done w ere possible of achievem ent because
a t th a t tim e, D ispensations fo r this e a rth w ere
Washington, D. C. Musical— December 4, 1939
S W E have w atch ed the progress of the
stu d e n t body and have seen the m agnifi­
cent changes in th e ir voices and bodies
tak e place, it is a g re a t g re a t encour­
agem ent, stre n g th and pow er th a t W e are able to
release th ro u g h the a tte n tio n of individuals which
brings results the h u m an could n o t possibly attain .
W ith in the h u m an voice are possibilities th a t no
one un-ascended has touched, in both speech and
song. N ow I w ould offer this suggestion, if there
are those of you w ho care to tr y it o u t. T ake it
deliberately and firm ly a t least th re e times a day:
" M ighty I AM Presence,’ speak and sing w ith
Y our P erfect Voice th r u m e.” You w ould be su r­
prised, d ear people, how in times of need and ad ­
vice, how the Presence w ould speak th r u your
voice by th a t in v itatio n .
T he little child m u st first learn to speak, then
Life gives expression th r u th e sound and speech.
You to-day , and th ere are m ore th a n tw o -th ird s
of this audience w ho could change th e ir voices so
m uch in th irty days w ith definite practice— Oh
n o t long, b u t ju st m aybe fifteen or tw e n ty m in­
utes feel the Presence speaking or singing. H ow ­
ever, the stu d e n t body of A m erica are singing fa r
beyond th e o rd in ary . I t is so ad m itted by some of
the g reatest au th o rities in the land. One of the
g reatest au th o rities in Boston declares th a t the
" I AM” S tudents sing so f a r beyond th e train ed
singers w hom they have trie d to g et to do cer­
tain things. Y et the " I AM” S tudents do them
w ith p e rfe c t ease.
T herefore, you see som ething of w h a t you can
do. W on’t you tak e ad v an tag e of it? Individually
and w hen you are in G roups like this, ju st let go, Music was using slang. H ow ever, th a t is quite
ju st sing to y o u r h e a rt’s co n ten t. You m ight be yo u r privilege.
surprised. You w ill find you are strik in g certain N ow , to -n ig h t in this m agnificent attu n em en t,
intonations th a t have before been u ncom fortable. d ear people, I w a n t you to feel how m uch has been
T he Messenger saw Saint G erm ain do this a t gained; because in the achievem ent of this music
the opera one n ig h t and of course H e w ould n'ot the Messenger has b ro u g h t fo rth , rem em ber the
m ake the experim ent had H e n o t kno w n H e w ould w ay is being p repared fo r the m usical a r t of the
be able to sustain it. H e p oured fo rth to the tenor A m erica of the f u tu re . I am going to perhaps
and soprano a t a ce rta in point, His C u rre n t of stretch y o u r cre d u lity a g re a t deal, b u t I expect
L ight and th eir voices changed so definitely and to see com paratively soon, th r u the calls of the
perceptibly th a t all in th e audience rose to th eir stu d e n t body in A m erica, th a t w hen you approach
feet rig h t in th e m idst of it; and th e singers w ere C hristm as tim e, you w ill find over some of your
as astonished as th e audience, yet knew not w h a t cities w here the stu d e n t body is so devoted, the
had done it. T hey ju st took it fo r g ran te d they Voice of the Presence of the Angelic H ost w ho will
w ere in b e tte r a ttu n e m e n t th a t n ig h t th a n o rd i­ sing to you from th e O ctave of L ight. T hey will
n ary . Such is th e possibility. focus the O u tp o u rin g from the O ctave of Light
You see, d ear ones, so fa r in the o u te r w orld like a g re a t m egaphone, the Bell of w hich will
there are no m usical in stru m en ts th a t tak e the rest over the city co n cen tratin g the sound, u n til
place of the h u m an voice. T hey do have them in it is know n and heard by the physical ears.
the R etreats, b u t you should u n d erstan d th a t I have w atched w ith g re a t in tere st this terrific
y o u r h u m an voice is all in stru m en ts. You all achievem ent (rem oval of entities and psychic
know how p e rfec tly th e voice can im itate the w o rld ) and if you th in k , beloved students, th a t
flute, u n til you can n o t tell w hich is w hich. you are in earnest, you should see those G reat
M ankind’s trem endous stru g g le fo r a livelihood Ones of L ight w ho have rendered this stupendous
has discouraged them and m ade them believe th a t service and y o u r earnestness is th a t w hich will
the things th a t they k new in th eir h earts and felt one day lift you to Them .
w ere tru e did not seem possible of a ttain m en t. This music and y o u r R adiance going fo rth to ­
I ask you to observe ju st one th in g concerning n ig h t has rendered a m ighty service of w hich I
the Messenger. W hen he w as a lad and atten d ed m ay not tell you to -n ig h t b u t you w ill hear of
lectures and someone w ould speak w ith m ore en­ it la te r— and one very g re a t service to y o u r City
thusiasm and fire th an an o th er, he w ould be so of W ashington.
lifted and his feeling was, Oh, to be able to speak
like th a t in public— and it has all come about. May I ask you to silently look w ith in yourselves. Do
I use one of y o u r slang phrases? "Y ou h av en ’t you feel all these possibilities a t hand? A re you
seen an y th in g y e t.” Does th a t sound q u ite right? really accepting th a t the hum an, a f te r all, is D i­
I tr u s t you w on’t go o u t and say the Goddess of vine? I t is all a m a tte r of changing y o u r atten tio n
22 23
from here to there. Is th a t not an easy th in g to Royal T eton, already w ritte n and im perishable.
m ake you a D ivine Being fro m a h u m an being— H ow w ould you like to have th a t come fo rth and
th e change of y o u r a tte n tio n fro m here (h u m an ) be used am ong the students? I t w ould save you
to th ere (H ig h e r O ctav es)? b u t th a t means firm a lot of exertion, w ould it not? T h a t was k ep t a
determ in atio n to keep it aw ay fro m here (h u m an secret from this Messenger u n til ju st now , altho
o cta v e). he passed the en tran ce m any times.
N ow beloved ones, I o rd in arily w ould not touch In My closing W ords, I w a n t to say som ething
upon this point, b u t I feel it so keenly in the a u d i­ th a t I know m ust touch y o u r hearts as few things
ence to -n ig h t. Most of you have gained a very can. You love y o u r A m erica and the rep resen ta­
b e a u tifu l m om entum . Do n o t be concerned ab o u t tion of y o u r Flag, to -n ig h t, calls this to My a tte n ­
y o u r problem s as you call them b u t m ore con­ tion. Do you know th ere is the com pleted Flag
cerned on seeing th e com pletion and the solution. of yo u r A m erica in the Royal T eton in Jew els of
Make y o u r dynam ic calls, tak e y o u r atte n tio n off p erfect color, b ro u g h t dow n long, long, long cen­
here (h u m an octave) and p u t it back there turies before A m erica was ever conceived? T hen,
(H ig h er O ctaves) and w hen the th o u g h t of y o u r do you n o t u n d erstan d how g re a t was Saint G er­
problem re-occurs again, give an o th er charge and m ain’s W isdom and how H e w atched very care­
go on w ith y o u r a tte n tio n on th e P erfection of fu lly , allow ing those to assert th eir a u th o rity and
the com pleted th in g and you w ill find the p ro b ­ th e ir feelings in connection w ith it? Yet one day
lems w ill disappear from y o u r w orld. w hen you see th a t Flag in the N ew Age come
Oh, it has been w orse in o th er em bodim ents, b u t fo rth and the fulness and completeness of it, you
W e are speaking of this one ju st now . My dear w ill drop to y o u r knees in such g ra titu d e as you
ones, w hen W e have seen th e stru g g le of m usi­ have never fe lt in the w orld and th ere w ill be
cians in this em bodim ent, it has been the most not one single person in A m erica w ho is loyal to
p itifu l th in g W e have ever w itnessed. T here are A m erica th a t w ill not feel it.
thousands of people w ith voices like angels; b u t A m erica was conceived in the L ight a long long
they have n o t had the encouragem ent or been g iv ­ tim e ago. Once w hen a g re a t civilization had
en the o p p o rtu n ity to sing. N o t k now ing these reached its apex upon this land, th a t Flag was
g re a t Laws, they did n o t compel th e o p p o rtu n ity . used. I t was preserved and this is the first tim e,
D id you q u ite get those words? "D id not compel it has ever been m entioned to the o u te r w orld.
the o p p o rtu n ity .” In the u n d erstan d in g of these Please consider it a M ighty Sacred tr u s t to you
G rea t Laws, you can compel the o p p o rtu n ity for and cherish the th o u g h t, the m em ory u n til the
the things you w a n t to do. day th a t you see it in its physical form w ave be­
The m usic, w hen it came th r u the g re a t Mas­ fore y o u r eyes. T h a t w ill be the com pleted A m er­
ters in th e earlier p a r t of the c e n tu ry , came u n d er ica w hen Peace on E a rth , good w ill to m an w ill
still g re a te r difficulty. Saint G erm ain says I m ay be a R eality.
tell you a b o u t th e M usical L ib rary th a t is in the I th a n k you.
24 25
H e gave, u n d er the D irection of o u r Beloved As­
cended M aster, Saint G erm ain. H e is glorious, be­
yond w ords to describe! His Love and L ight are
Limitless and He pours them to all for the Free­
dom of A m erica and all m ankind.
May the whole w orld accept and use the T r u th
H e b ro u g h t and the V ictory H e can now give to
all w ho w ill apply this M ighty Law of the " I AM”
and be free forever.
The atten tio n of the w orld now will tu r n to
the en tire stu d e n t body and because of D ad d y ’s
Ascension there w ill be the desire in m any to
know more about the Ascension. We ask the
"M ighty I AM” of each one to illum ine him or her
w ith the fu ll Ascended M asters’ Consciousness
and Illum ination of this M ighty V ictory and
m ake everyone know the fu ll T r u th of this Law.
A y ear ago, the G reat D ivine D irecto r said a
D ispensation had been given from the G reat C en­
tra l Sun, to accomplish som ething on this e a rth
th a t had never been done before. I t was to w ith ­
d ra w all purified essence from the physical s tru c ­
tu re and raise I t into the H igher M ental Body and
the H igher M ental Body raise again into the Elec­
tro n ic Body. T h ru this D ispensation, it w ill p er­
B A C H R A C H 1935-
m it hundreds of thousands a t this tim e to m ake
• O U R MESSENGER’S ASCENSION • the Ascension w ho otherw ise w ould have to come
back for an o th er em bodim ent.
(/'T 'v U R Precious Beloved Messenger, M r. G uy T h a t D ispensation was given to step up the vi­
f ‘ I W. B allard, m ade his Ascension a t the b ra to ry action of this planet and to release into
\ __ / Royal T eto n a t m id n ig h t D ecem ber 31, the Ascended M asters’ O ctave a certain gro u p of
I* ' ■-‘I 1939. H e was given His Ascension u n ­ the h u m an ity from o u r e a rth w ho are the design­
der the N ew D ispensation. H e is now o u r Beloved ers of the civilization w hich is to come fo rth here
Ascended M aster of L ight w ho can give Limitless in the fu tu re . You, the " I AM” S tudents are th a t
H elp to all w ho w ill accept and apply the As­ group! All w ho are intensely sincere, call to the
cended M asters’ In stru c tio n of th e " I AM” w hich "M ighty I AM Presence” fo r th eir Ascension,
26 27
m ake th e ir application and call to the Ascended fo rth the G re a te r Intelligence and Pow er of Life
M asters fo r T h e ir Assistance, w ill be given th a t to open the w ay fo r the Ascended M asters to give
Assistance as you give obedience to the L ight and T h eir Assistance as the individual gives obedience
hold y o u r feelings harm onious. to the Law.
U n d er the old Dispensation, th e individual had T he stu d en ts who have been u n d er this R ad ia­
to p u rify and illum ine th e atom ic s tru c tu re of tion fo r the p ast five years, have sent fo rth these
th e physical body and raise it o u t of the atm os­ M ighty Decrees by w hich the w o rld has been
phere of e a rth . Because of th e onrushing A ction cleared of so m any viciously d estru ctiv e forces.
of the Cosmic L ight, m any are a t th e stage w here T hey have rendered a trem endous service to Life
they u n d erstan d the Law of th e " I AM” enough and have enabled Life to free the h u m an ity of this
to m ake th e call and the Ascended M asters are e a rth from d estru ctiv e forces w hich acted here
read y to give the Assistance. Y et, they have not fo r m ore th a n tw o m illion years. Because they
had tim e enough to d ra w th e in ten sity L ight re ­ have rendered service to the m any, Life has opened
q u ire d into th e flesh body, because the P ow er of the w ay and has provided fo r th eir ow n Freedom,
L ight in th e ir calls had to be given and used for fo r they have given Freedom to others.
th e pro tectio n of A m erica. T h erefore they have Even the " I AM” S tudents w ho do n o t intensely
n o t had tim e enough to co n cen trate th eir a tte n ­ desire the Ascension and m ake definite application
tion upon the p u rify in g and p erfectin g of the fo r it, call to th eir ow n "M ighty I AM Presence”
physical body beyond a c ertain point. H ow ever, and the Ascended M asters and use the V iolet C on­
because they have rendered service to the m any sum ing Flame w ill not a tta in it. If y o u r in te n t
in A m erica and th e w orld, th e G re a t Law has giv­ is not sincere, serious and determ ined enough, you
en the D ispensation by w hich they could still w ould not m ake it ju st because you are an " I AM”
a tta in th e Ascension in this em bodim ent. S tu d en t. I t has to be a th in g you definitely choose
N ow , th e o u te r w o rld needs to u n d erstan d this to do in this em bodim ent by y o u r ow n free w ill.
Law of the " I AM” and distinguish the difference You definitely call the A ction of the G reat Law
betw een one passing o u t of the body w ho does of Life into the physical octave to dissolve yo u r
n o t call this L aw in to action and th e one w ho does lim itations and let you go fo rw a rd free to expand
call fo r his Ascension. An in d ividual w ho simply the G reater Pow ers of creatio n ; b u t if th a t deci­
passes o u t of th e body w ith o u t u n d erstan d in g this sion is not determ ined and inflexible w ith in you,
Law , w ith o u t know ing th ere is the Ascension to the G reater Intelligence and P ow er w ould not act.
be a ttain ed , w ith o u t know ing of his " I AM P res­ You m u st w a n t y o u r Ascension and w a n t I t m ore
ence” and w ith o u t calling fo r the Assistance of th a n a n y th in g in the physical w orld if you are
the Ascended M asters, does not m ake the Ascen­ to accomplish y o u r E tern al V ictory. T he c ra v ­
sion w hen he passes o u t of the body. T h a t in d i­ ings and attach m en ts to the physical w o rld of
vid u al has to come back again in an o th er physical things are w h a t have k ep t m ankind from the V ic­
body. T he one w ho w ill do those things calls to ry of the Ascension fo r centuries. T h a t is w hy
28 29
it is absolutely im perative, if people are to have ica needs th a t w ith g re a te r speed th a n you know .
the Ascension, th a t they u n d e rsta n d the use of This is w hy it has been released. T here are m any
the G re at C reative W ord, " I AM,” and call fo rth vicious plans still try in g to focus and control the
the Assistance of th e Ascended M asters, fo r no one activ ity of o u r people. T h a t tide has to be
can ever gain the Ascension, u n til a f te r they have stemmed. W e have to m aintain O u r c o u n try ’s
done th a t. protection th r u the L ight w hich has been given
Even the Saints of the churches, m any of w hich us! T he Ascended Ones have given the G ifts of
have m ade th e Ascension, had th e u n d erstan d in g L ight and Freedom fo r us to use, b u t W e are the
of the " I AM” p riv ately or secretly and they had ones w ho m ust m ain tain the protection of those
to know the Ascended Beings in o rder to reach gifts, if we are to keep them in the fu tu re .
th e Ascension and become a Sainted Being. T h a t In His U nlim ited S tate, o u r Blessed D addy can
is an In n e r Law w hich none can b reak. wield infinitely m ore Pow er of the L ight Rays,
So, w hen people of the o u te r w o rld are discus­ th a n he could th ru the physical body or th a n I
sing w h a t has happened to Mr. B allard, please can w ield in this body. I w a n t you to u n d erstan d
m ake it clear th a t Mr. Ballard has made the As­ this clearly, so w hen the o u te r w orld has an y th in g
cension! H e definitely w ith d re w all the purified to say ab o u t it, m ake y o u r statem en t w ith positive
essence from th a t physical form and raised it into force; for I assure you I am telling you the T r u th
his H ig h er M ental Body, th en blended w ith the and w ill never tell you an y th in g b u t the T ru th .
Body a t the Royal T eton w hich has become w holly The Law is Real, T ru e and A ll-p o w erfu l, P e r­
p u re substance th r u the centuries. H e is a w holly fect! You never need to use an y th in g b u t Its
Ascended Being and H e can w ield Pow er in th a t G re a t L ight and T r u th of the Law. W e have
Body w hich A m erica needs rig h t now ; and H e is nothing to cover up. This Ascended M aster T r u th
doing It w ith no u n c e rta in ty . of the " I AM” is a M ighty Law , a Law m ankind
In o rd er to have d ra w n fo rth th a t Same G reater should have know n over tw o and a h a lf million
Pow er and use I t th r u his physical body, he w ould years. I t has been no easy th in g over a period of
have had to tak e m onths in the R e tre a t u n d e r the seven years, to tr y to get people to u n d erstan d
direction of Saint G erm ain and the O th er As­ this and help them to m ake the application w hich
cended Ones to p o u r the L ight into his flesh s tru c ­ is the Lever of L ight th a t penetrates into the m en­
tu re ; to illum ine it and hold the P ow er w ith in it, ta l and feeling w orld of m ankind, so they u n d e r­
in o rd er to release the in ten sity of the L ight Rays stan d the Ideal w hich w ill raise them o u t of th eir
w hich is needed a t this tim e. H e can do a Service g rief and lim itations of the centuries. I t has been
now in His Ascended M aster Body for the dis­ the g reatest accom plishm ent of the ages. T here
solving of vicious conditions in A m erica, th a t will has only been One P ow er w hich did it and th a t
be v ery definitely evident in the n ear fu tu re . was o u r ow n "M ighty I AM Presence” and the
In the Ascension w hich has tak en place, H e can G reat L ight Rays from the Ascended M asters.
d ire ct those M ighty L ight Rays quick ly and A m er­ Theirs is the O nly Pow er th a t ever did an y th in g
30 31
co n stru ctiv e in this w orld. I t is th e Pow er w hich
is g re a te r th an hu m an consciousness. W e stand in
and by th a t M ighty Presence an d V ictory to d ra w
fo rth G re ate r P ow er th a t m ore of m an k in d ’s con­
cepts m ay be cleared.
A fte r all, the Suprem e O bjective and Goal of
the Ascended M asters’ In stru c tio n of the " I AM,”
has been to m ake clear to th e people th a t the p u r ­
pose of h u m an em bodim ent was th e V ictory of
the Ascension in w hich P erfectio n is atta in e d and
m aintained etern ally . T here has to be som ething
in this U niverse g re a te r th a n th e m isery of m an ­
T he Ascension is th e m ost gloriously p ractical, E W ISH to ex ten d to the stu d en ts ev ery ­
sane, sound, balanced A ctiv ity of L ight. I t is the w here, o u r deepest Love and Blessings
g reatest Ideal, Purpose and A ctiv ity of Life th a t fo r the N ew Y ear, to pledge o u r co n tin ­
m an k in d has or ever com prehended on this e a rth ued effort to give every assistance possi­
or ever w ill. I t is the G rea t Law and none can ble and b rin g fo rth m ore P erfection this y ear th a n
avoid it. I t is only a m a tte r of tim e. In th e East ever before.
one of th e Ascended M asters said: "Y ou are not W e tak e this o p p o rtu n ity to th a n k all fo r th eir
going to have limitless tim e in w hich to decide Love, th eir Blessings and L oyalty to the L ight and
w h eth e r you w ill have y o u r Ascension or not. o u r hum ble efforts. M ay the L ight w ith in you
You are going to decide w ith in the n ex t few co n tin u e to expand and lift you in to y o u r com ­
m onths.” Everyone on this p lan et w ill m ake th a t plete Freedom and Ascension before the close of
Suprem e Decision before m any m onths. this year.
All w ho really w ith sincere d eterm ination w a n t K indly accept o u r Love, L ight and g ra titu d e
th a t G rea t E tern al V ictory of Life, can have the fo r y o u r C hristm as C ards, y o u r G ifts and Love
Assistance of the Ascended Masters, w hich w ill G ifts th ru o u t the year. W e have blessed each one
enable them to a tta in I t a t the close of this em ­ and asked th a t it be am plified back to you a m illion
bodim ent. fold.
We are try in g to help every h u m an being on W ith deepest Love, w e are
e a rth free him self from all lim itatio n and distress MRS. G. W . BALLARD
of th e cen tu ries; b u t he m u st w a n t th a t Freedom D O N A LD E. BALLARD
w ith enough positive force and d eterm ination to
open the w ay fo r th e H elp to be given.
32 33
H E CARDS req u ire d fo r closing " I AM” Do you realize the difference in you r thought
S tu d y G roups have been held u p u n til and feeling between a general Universal Sub­
w e have f u r th e r In stru c tio n from Saint stance and a Focus of Power which you can d ra w
G erm ain. F u rth e r notice w ill be given right into you r own hand? Do you not see there
as quickly as w e have this w o rk ed out. is a diffusion of substance in the thought and
In th e m eantim e all G roups can be closed and feeling as a Universal thing; while when you
official reg istratio n ta k en a t a la te r date. think of you r Individualized "I AM Presence
MRS. G. W . BALLARD you as Its out-picturing here in the human form,
bring that whole Focus just like a vast funnel
into action here in the body. (K -17 )
• N O T IC E • I wish you to understand definitely that in
H E LARGE A nim ated C h arts are now much th at We do you w ill not always hear of
read y fo r delivery an d those already any outer report; b u t We w ill often allow enough
ordered have been shipped. T hey can be of a report to come into the outer to make you
obtained fro m the S A IN T GERM AIN aware of that to which We have referred. (K-17 )
PRESS, Los Angeles B ranch, P.O . Box 428, Los
I say to you again, for goodness sake don’t
Angeles, C alif.
w o r ry about your financial supply. If you make
the call to Life w ith earnest sincere determina­
tion, then Life is compelled to answer. Life is com­
• GEMS OF L IG H T • pelled to, b u t you have to be patient, until Life
A n y individual who is wholly, w ilfu lly vicious finds Its fulness of action to produce these results.
ere many years w ill absolutely be w ith d ra w n (K -17 )
from the body b y the Cosmic Law. The vicious­ Oh, beloved ones, p u t a w a y all childish human
ness within the outer a c tiv ity of mankind has got qualities, all doubts, fears and unbelief and just
to know its master. It has got to k n ow th at the let Us help you more qu ickly into this Great Free­
Power of Light, of good, is taking Its Supreme dom. (K -1 7 )
Dominion in the w orld. (K - 1 7 )
Take you r positive, permanent, eternal stand Remember every W ord We give to you is Law,
that there are no other gods before Me, rem ind­ and if the fu ll pow er of you r feeling w o rld re­
ing yourselves It is you r "Mighty I AM Presence,” sponded to it, you w ou ld express exactly every­
Whose Rays of Light and Energy beat your thing which We say to you, which is Law, the Law
heart. (K -1 7 ) of Life. (K -1 7 )
34 35
"Right here in yo u r physical octave are billions T is o u r g re a t privilege and joy to a n ­
of dollars of w ealth ready to be used, which only nounce the release of tw o new songs by
a w ait the sufficient harmony w ithin certain in­ G odfre R ay King (M r. G. W. B allard)
dividuals to have it released w ith o u t limit. I mean " N a d a O u r Love” and " I AM” Come,
b y that in sustained a ctivity. If We could be sure the lyrics of the la tte r by C hanera. T hey are
th at you w ou ld be master of yo u r feeling world, charged w ith trem endous Pow er of L ight and
We could release into your hands, to-night, all b rin g dynam ic Blessings and Pow er from N ad a
th at you could use, or show you where it was.” and Jesus direct.
( Saint Germain) D u rin g the Seven Sacred W eeks beginning w ith
N ovem ber 3 Oth— T hanksgiving D ay— u n til J a n ­
"Do you not see th at all experience is just to u a ry 18 th , we ask the " I AM” S tudents to use
train you to depend w h olly upon the 'I AM Pres­ these tw o songs as m uch as possible because of
ence,’ the G iver of all th at is good? It w ill give Jesus’ m ore intensified O u t-p o u rin g d u rin g this
you everything in the w orld, th ru th at Life, if tim e, w hen the a tte n tio n of m ost of m ankind is
you w ill b u t stand b y It firmly w ith great d eter­ upon H im ; also because of the D ispensation from
mination and call It into action. E very desire the G reat C en tral Sun for w hich H e has been
th at holds the picture of the thing you wish to calling.
use, w ill require this M ighty Energy to take com­ I f the students w ill call to the G reat C en tral
mand and produce the thing you require.” (Saint Sun to give Jesus this D ispensation and use these
Germain ) songs, as a m eans of a ttu n e m e n t and release of His
As you keep calling fo rth this Ascended Mas­ P ow er and V ictory of L ight, they w ill ren d er a
ters’ Substance and knowing how impossible it is trem endous service to A m erica, them selves and
for It to be requalified, then you are giving the the w orld.
Power of the Life directed from the Higher Men­
tal Body Its fu ll Dominion to act. (K -1 7 ) • N A D A O U R LOVE •
When you command Perfection to manifest in N A D A O U R LOVE is dedicated in E tern al
yo u r bodies or in yo u r activities, I t is the A u th o r­ Love, G ra titu d e and Blessing to the "M ighty I
i ty of Life commanding, because Perfection con­ AM Presence” and the Beloved Ascended Lady
tains no human qu ality for It is the fu ll A u th o r­ M aster N ad a, whose Blessing to the e a rth is so
ity of Life. N o w just please tr y to grasp this, be­ tran scen d en t, Real and m agnificent beyond de­
cause then you are using the fu ll A u th o rity and scription.
Power of Life to produce the Perfection for tvhich May the G reat Cosmic L ight expand H e r Pow er
you call. ( K- 17) th r u this song, u n til I t brings the V ictory of the
L ight everyw here on earth forever.
w ays” ! H e told the T ru th ! H e can and w ill come
It w as first sung in Chicago and is dedicated to
to everyone w ho w ill provide the rig h t condition
th a t C ity because it is the p erm an en t atom in the
to a ttr a c t H im .
h e a rt of th e w o rld and A m erica is th a t h eart.
May o u r Beloved N ad a bless th e C ity of C hi­ Jesus the C h rist has stood in o u r ow n home
cago, u n til it becomes an A labaster C ity of Light, m any times in His Visible T angible Ascended Mas­
w ith in w hich stands the " I AM” Tem ple of L ight te r Body. H e has held us in His Arms. W e have
w ith the Glorious U nfed Flame b lazing fo rth Its kissed His H ands. H e is Real! N o pow er nor h u ­
P erfectin g B alancing P ow er to raise every hum an m an being on e a rth can ever change th a t T r u th
being in to the Ascension. and R eality w hich we know to be from actu al
personal physical experience. W e stan d by I t for
M ay all the Ascended M asters’ P ow er of Light, all E tern ity , because IT IS TR U E.
Love and W isdom fill Chicago w ith the V ictory
of L ight so dazzling, as to b rin g fo rth Its fu ll His Voice spoke the W ords of this song. They
P erfection quickly. are His A nsw er to o u r h ea rts’ call fo r His P res­
ence. T hey describe His A ctiv ity of com ing th r u
May this song be sung th ru o u t the w orld and
the atm osphere of e a rth and th a t w hich H e is
everyone w ho uses it receive his ow n individual
doing N O W , fo r the Freedom of m ankind.
Freedom and V ictory of th e L ight in stan tly .
May everyone feel the T r u th of these W ords
• " I AM” COME! • and have the fu ll Blessing w hich they bring.
" I AM” COME has been b ro u g h t fo rth as a " I AM” Come was first sung in Los Angeles
M agnet of Jesus’ P ow er of Light. I t is a Focus of and is dedicated to th a t city w here once again
o u r acceptance of Jesus’ r e tu rn in His Visible, the Pow er and V ictory of the "L ig h t of God th a t
T angible, Ascended M aster Body. never fails” shall come fo rth in Its Fulness and
E very tim e it is sung, played, heard or the m ake it an A labaster C ity of L ight, to w hich the
p ic tu re contem plated, each in d iv id u al’s energy Ascended M asters and the Angelic H ost w ill once
gath ers into a Focus of L ight, Love and Pow er again come fo rth tangible to the physical senses
th a t becomes th e M agnet of a ttra c tio n w hich of m ankind. U nto th a t end, do w e use this song
d raw s H im again into close personal association fo r the Freedom of all.
w ith those w ho accept His T angible Presence " I AM” Come has been m ade in a V ictor Record
here on e a rth w ith us N O W ! by the trio of Voice, H a rp and N ovachord.
Jesus has come m any times in the last tw o th o u ­
sand years in His T angible Ascended M aster Body
to individuals w ho called to H im fo r help. H e w ill
alw ays come even now to those w ho w ill p u rify
themselves and m ake the condition necessary for
H im to come! H e said: "Lo 'I AM’ w ith you a l­
38 39


KFW B, H ollyw ood, Los Angeles, C alifo rn ia

9:00 A.M. M ondays, T u esdays, T h u rsd ay s,
F ridays, S atu rd ay s • NOTICES •
K TSA , San A ntonio, T exas 4 :00 P.M. M ondays
KRE, B erkeley, C alifo rn ia 8 :1 5 -8 :3 0 P.M. M ondays, 1. O ur Loose-Leaf Binder and Decrees
W ednesdays, Fridays T is o u r privilege and w e are very g ra te ­
W O RL, Boston, Mass. 7 :45-8 A.M. T uesdays fu l to announce th e release of a Loose-
W CPO . C in cin n ati, Ohio 9 :1 5 -9 :3 0 P.M. W ednesdays leaf B inder fo r Special Decrees as they
K FR C , San F rancisco, C alif. 1 0 :4 5 -1 1 :0 0 A.M. Sundays
K FJZ , F o rt W o rth , T exas
come fo rth from tim e to time. I t is m ade
9 :4 5 -1 0 :0 0 A.M. Sundays
KGB, San D iego, C alif. 4 :3 0 -4 :4 5 P.M. Sundays in e x tra heavy green cloth to m atch the SA IN T
4 :4 5 -5 :0 0 P.M. W ednesdays GERM AIN SERIES and stam ped in p u re gold-
KFEL, D en v er, C olorado 1 0:30-10:45 A.M. Sundays leaf.
KFOX, Long Beach, C alif. 10:45-1 1:00 A.M. Sundays T he Decrees are p rin ted on paper to m atch the
W IP , Philadelphia, Penna. 10:45-1 1:00 A.M. Sundays, o th er books of the SA IN T GERM AIN SERIES,
M ondays, T uesdays, W ednesdays, T h u rsd ay s punched to fit the Binder as fillers.
K W JJ, P o rtla n d , O regon 9 :4 5 -1 0 :0 0 A.M. Sundays As new songs come fo rth the lyrics w ill be
9 :3 0 -9 :4 5 P.M. Tuesdays
p rin ted to fit this Loose-leaf B inder also. (T h ree
KOL, Seattle, W ash. 1 0:30-10:45 A.M. Sundays
W K A T , Miami Beach, Florida 1 0 :1 5 -1 0 :30 A.M. Sundays
w ill soon be released.)
W H N , N ew Y ork C ity , N . Y. 1 1:4 5 -12:00 Noon This fills a long felt req u irem en t of the whole
M ondays, W ednesdays, Fridays stu d e n t body and w ill m ake unnecessary any
W A T L , A tla n ta , G eorgia 5 :3 0 -5 :4 5 P.M. T uesdays m im eographing or copying of Decrees by the
W X Y Z, D e tro it, M ichigan 9 :3 0 -9 :4 5 A.M. Sundays G roup Leaders or students. T he Decrees w ill be
W K ZO , K alam azoo, M ichigan 9 :4 5 -1 0 :0 0 A.M. Sundays copyrighted so no m istakes can occur, and w e ask
N O T E : W e r e s e r v e a ll R a d io B r o a d c a s tin g r ig h ts u n c o n d itio n a lly , a n d no everyone to respect Saint G erm ain’s C opyright in
o n e is a llo w e d to b r o a d c a s t a n y o f th e " I A M ” I n s t r u c t i o n , o r r e a d fr o m th e
b o o k s o v e r th e R a d io e x c e p t M r. o r M rs. B a lla r d .

40 41
o rd er to keep all a cc u rate and T ru e to H is Decrees V ICTRO LA & P H O N O G R A P H RECORDS
fo r P erfection.
T he Loose-leaf Binders w ill be released about All Records from N o. 100-A & B to No. 116-A
th e last w eek in N ovem ber and are fo r sale by the & B inclusive have been w ith d ra w n .
Saint G erm ain Press. (W e w ill soon release six­
teen pages (8 leaves) of new D ecrees.) T en (1 0 ) T he follow ing In stru m e n ta l (L otus R ay King,
Pages of these Decrees is th e sm allest ord er we fill. H arp ist, and F rederick L andw ehr, N o v ach o rd ):
Binder Price $1.25__________ ___ Postpaid $ 1.40 ( 2 00-A — L ight of My H e a rt
Decrees 1 cen t per page (2 pages to the le a f), (200-B — Rose of L ight
plus postage. (2 0 1 -A— Lotus My Love
(N o d isco u n t allow ed on D ecrees) (201-B — Voice of the Presence
2. Charts In Action
T he final test and experim ental w o rk has been (202-A — Son of L ight
com pleted on the C harts-in -A ctio n . T he balance (202-B — Call to L ight
of th e m a n u fa c tu rin g w ill be com pleted w ith all (2 0 3 -A— R ainbow Rays
possible speed and th e orders filled ju st as n ear (203-B — Oh, W orld V ictorious
N ovem ber 1st as possible.
T he follow ing w ith T rio (L otus R ay King,
3. Concerning Music, Lyrics and Records H arp ist, Violet F airchild, Soloist and Frederick
I t is Saint G erm ain’s R equest th a t the " I AM”
L andw ehr, N o v a c h o rd ):
S tudents no longer use any of the music, lyrics ( 5 00-A — L ight of My H e a rt
nor records by V irginia L aF errera or C atherine (500-B — Rose of L ight
O th er m usic an d lyrics are being released ju st (501 - A— Lotus My Love
as rap id ly as possible and th e lyrics fo r each new (501 -B— Voice of th e Presence
song w ill be available fo r the Loose-Leaf B inder as (502-A — Son of L ight
q u ick ly as possible. ( 502-B— Call to L ight
T he follow ing songs have been w ith d ra w n :
Goddess of L ib erty (503 - A— R ainbow Rays
V ictory ( 503-B— Oh, W orld V ictorious
Ascended M aster Y outh (504-A — " I AM” Come
M inute Men of Saint G erm ain
A nybody desiring to have the covers fo r fra m ­ Records are now available a t the Saint G erm ain
ing m ay secure same a t th e Saint G erm ain Press, Press, P. O. Box 1133, Chicago, 111.
Chicago, 111. Price—
Price 50 cents each..-...... ..... ..... .Postpaid 5 5 cents D ouble faced Records $2.50 Postpaid $2.75
(N o d isco u n t a llo w ed on Song-covers) Single faced Records $1.50 Postpaid $1.75
42 43
W e hereby n o tify all readers an d individuals I 6 O O S H O O V E R ' ST.
everyw here, th a t ev ery th in g in th e books of the Los A n g e l e s , ' c a l
We are now prep ared to receive subscriptions
TIO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN TO fo r the year beginning w ith the issue of M arch,
G RO U P LEADERS is covered by o u r copyrights 1940, and it will m aterially assist o u r planning
w ith all rig h ts reserved, including foreign tra n s ­ if those intending to renew th eir subscriptions
lations. w ill send th eir renew als as early as possible.
This means, w e w ill n o t allow this in stru ctio n All subscriptions m ust s ta r t w ith M arch, 193 6,
and In fo rm atio n to be deleted, distorted, a d u lte r­ 193 7, 193 8, 1939 or 1940. All back issues may
ated o r d ilu ted fo r any purpose w hatsoever and be secured a t any tim e, eith er by yearly subscrip­
tion or single copies a t the follow ing rates:
w e shall p ro te c t them fu lly .
In C alifornia $3.09 a year
W e are determ ined th a t this G IFT OF L IG H T ,
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended In U nited States outside of C alifornia $3.00
M asters to m an k in d SHALL BE PR O TEC TED In o th er countries $3.50 a year
an d k ep t PU RE, TR U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — Single copies, 3 5 cents
FOREVER— th a t m ankind m ay receive its E te r­
nal Freedom and th e g reatest possible Blessing. T he m agazine m ay be purchased in a ttra c tiv e
b o u n d v olum es, m a tc h in g th e S a in t G e rm a in
W e shall use o u r Full Pow er and o u r F ull R ig h t Series and holding one y ear’s issues. Price, $4.25.
to m ain tain COM PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T Binding y o u r ow n copies, $1.2 5. Plus shipping.
ALL TIMES. Y our change of address m u st reach this office n o t la te r th an
the 10th of the m onth in o rd e r to assure th a t m o n th ’s issue
being sent to the new address on the re g u la r m ailing date.
S A IN T GERM AIN PRESS Y our co-operation w ill be ap p reciated and o u r service to you
and assured.
T h a n k you!
• THE •
7£ f Sizes below can be purchased a t the

2600 South H oover S treet Los A ngeles, C alifornia U N V E IL E D M YSTERIES, V olum e I ___ __ By G o d fre R ay K ing
C o n ta in in g th e f ir s t g r o u p o f t h e a u t h o r ’s e x p e rie n c e s .
P r ic e $ 2 .5 0 , P o s tp a id $ 2 .7 5
J e s u s F o ld e r, size 5 x 7 , h a n d c o lo r e d ..- $ .5 0 T a x $.02 P o s ta g e $.15
S a in t G e r m a in , h a n d c o lo re d , 5 x 7 _______ .5 0 T a x .0 2 P o s ta g e .1 5 T H E M AGIC PRESEN CE, V olum e I I _____By G odfre R ay K ing
J e s u s S a tin b o o k - m a r k ___________________ .3 5 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .0 5 C o n ta in in g th e s e c o n d g r o u p o f th e a u t h o r ’s e x p e r ie n c e s .
S a in t G e r m a in S a tin b o o k - m a r k .3 5 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .0 5 P r ic e $ 2 .7 5 , P o s tp a id $ 3 .0 0
J e s u s M in ia tu r e , d e sk f r a m e d ______ 1 .5 0 T a x .05 P o s ta g e .2 0
S a in t G e r m a in M in ia tu r e , f r a m e d __________ 1 .5 0 T a x .05 P o s ta g e .2 0 T H E " I AM ” DISCOURSES,
J e s u s M in ia tu r e , 2 * /2 x 3 I/ 2 f o l d e r ______ .2 5 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .05 V olum e I I I _______ By th e A scended M aster, S aint G erm ain
J e s u s M in ia tu r e , 2 ,/ 2 x 3 ,/ 2 t i n t e d f o l d e r ______ .4 0 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .05 C o n ta in in g t h i r t y - t h r e e D is c o u r s e s , e x p la in in g th e A s c e n d e d M a s te r s ’ A p p lic a ­
S a in t G e r m a in M in ia tu r e , 2*/2x3*/2 f o ld e r .2 5 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .0 5 tio n o f t h e " I A M ,” w i t h t h r e e c o lo r p la te s . P r ic e $ 2 .7 5 , P o s tp a id $ 3 .0 0
S a in t G e r m a in M in ia tu r e , 2 !/ 2 x 3 l/ 2 tin t e d
f o l d e r ___________ ____ .4 0 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .0 5 T H E " I AM ” A D O R A T IO N S , A FFIR M A T IO N S A N D DECREES,
J e s u s s e a l s ________________________ .1 0 T a x .0 0 P o s ta g e .03
S a in t G e r m a in s e a ls _______________
V olum e V— P a rts 1 and 2 ---- ------- By C han era
.1 0 T a x .0 0 P o s ta g e .0 3
A s e le c tio n o f p o w e r f u l A d o r a tio n s , A ffirm a tio n s a n d D e c re e s o f th e " M ig h ty
" I A M ” P i n s _________________ 1 .0 0 T a x .0 3 P o s ta g e .1 0
I A M P r e s e n c e .” P r ic e $ 1 .7 5 , P o s tp a id $ 2 .0 0
" I A M ” R in g s _______________________ 1 2 .0 0 T a x .3 6 P o s ta g e .2 0
M a s te r J e s u s , 1 2 x 1 6 , h a n d c o lo r e d ___ 2 .0 0 T a x .0 6 P o s ta g e .25
M a s te r S a in t G e r m a in , 1 2 x 1 6 , h a n d c o lo re d 2 .0 0 T a x .0 6 P o s ta g e .25
G o ld F o ld e r J e s u s a n d S a in t G e r m a in , 1 2 x 1 6 8 .0 0 T a x .2 4 P o s ta g e .25 V olum e V I By V arious of the A scended M asters
B ro w n F o ld e r J e s u s a n d S a in t G e r m a in , 1 2 x 1 6 7 .0 0 T a x .21 P o s ta g e .25 C o n ta in in g t w e n t y D is c o u rs e s d i c t a t e d b e f o r e h u n d r e d s o f s tu d e n t s , w i t h th r e e
J e s u s ’ A sc e n sio n , 1 2 x 1 6 ______ 1 .2 5 T a x .0 4 P o s ta g e .2 5 c o lo r p la te s . P r ic e $ 2 .7 5 , P o s tp a id $ 3 .0 0
J e s u s ’ A sc e n sio n , m i n i a t u r e f o l d e r ___ .2 5 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .05
T h e L u m in o u s P re s e n c e , 1 2 x 1 6 ______ 1 .2 5 T a x .0 4 P o s ta g e .2 5 A SC EN D ED M ASTER L IG H T ,
T h e L u m in o u s P re s e n c e , m i n i a t u r e f o l d e r ___ .2 5 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .05 V olum e V II______ By V arious A scended M asters and Cosmic Beings
Jesu s, 1 5 x 1 8 , fra m e d ___________ 5 .5 0 T a x .1 7 P o s ta g e .2 5 C o n ta in in g tw e n t y - s i x D is c o u rs e s , d i c t a t e d b e f o r e h u n d r e d s o f s t u d e n t s , w i t h
S a in t G e r m a in , 1 5 x 1 8 , f r a m e d ______________ 5 .5 0 T a x .1 7 P o s ta g e .2 5 t h r e e c o lo r p la te s . P r ic e $ 3 .0 0 , P o s tp a id $ 3 .2 5
J e s u s , 7 x 9 */2, f r a m e d ___________ ______ 2 .5 0 T a x .0 8 P o s ta g e .2 0
S a in t G e r m a in , 7 x 9 y 2 , f r a m e d ______________ 2 .5 0 T a x .0 8 P o s ta g e .2 0 " I AM” A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S _____ By C hanera
Jesu s, 5 54x7 f r a m e d . __________________ 1 .0 0 T a x .03 P o s ta g e .2 0 V e s t p o c k e t E d itio n o f p o w e r f u l A d o r a tio n s a n d A ffirm a tio n s .
S a in t G e r m a in , 5 / 2x 7 y 2i f r a m e d _________ .. 1 .0 0 T a x .0 3 P o s ta g e .2 0 P r ic e $ 1 .0 0 , P o s tp a id $ 1 .2 0
J e s u s s e a l, s ilv e r f r a m e d , t i n t e d _____________ .3 0 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .0 5
S a in t G e r m a in s e a l, s ilv e r f r a m e d , t i n t e d _____ .3 0 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .0 5 " I AM” D ECREE B O O K LET__________________________ By C hanera
J e s u s , 2 4 x 3 2 , se p ia fin ish ________ 1 5 .0 0 T a x .45 P o s ta g e E x . c o l. A p a p e r b o u n d b o o k le t, c o n ta in in g a c o lle c tio n o f " I A M ” D e c re e s w h ic h
S a in t G e r m a in , 2 4 x 3 2, s e p ia f in i s h __ ______1 5 .0 0 T a x .45 P o s ta g e E x . col. e v e r y o n e c a n u s e t o b r in g F r e e d o m to th e i n d iv id u a l, A m e ric a a n d th e w o r ld .
J e s u s , 1 9 x 2 4 , sep ia f in i s h ____ _____________ 7 .5 0 T a x .2 3 P o s ta g e E x . col. S iz e 5 54 x 8. P r ic e r e d u c e d t o 5 0 c e a c h , P o s tp a id 6 5 c
S a in t G e r m a in , 1 8 x 2 4 , s e p ia fin is h _________ 7 .5 0 T a x .2 3 P o s ta g e E x . col.
" I A M ” E m b le m s ( s t i c k e r s ) _________________ .1 5 T a x .01 P o s ta g e .0 5
" T h e M a g ic P r e s e n c e ,” 3 0 x 4 8 ___ ____ ______ 1 5 .0 0 T a x .4 5 P o s ta g e In c l. T R A N S L A T IO N S
" T h e M a g ic P r e s e n c e ,” 1 2 x 2 0 _________ 1 .0 0 T a x .03 P o s ta g e .2 0 BOOKS IN BRAILLE
T A X C O L L E C T E D O N L Y I N S T A T E O F C A L IF O R N IA " U N V E I L E D M Y S T E R IE S ” — I n T w o V o lu m e s ______________________ P r ic e $5 .2 5
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — I n T h r e e V o l u m e s ---------------------------- P r ic e $7 .7 5
" T H E ' I A M ’ D IS C O U R S E S ” — I n T w o V o l u m e s ___________________ P r ic e $ 6 .7 5
" A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S ” ________________________ ( I n p r e p a r a t i o n )
p lu s m a ilin g c h a rg e s

• THE •
A b e a u t i f u l l y l ith o g r a p h e d c o lo r c h a r t , s u ita b le f o r f r a m i n g a n d m e d ita tio n . C o n ta in in g m a n y n e w a n d o r ig i n a l so n g s f o r w h ic h m u s ic w ill b e p u b lis h e d a n d
re le a s e d as q u i c k l y as p o s sib le t h r o u g h th e S a in t G e r m a in P re ss.
S iz e 12 x 2 0 . P r ic e $ 1 .0 0 , P o s tp a id $ 1 .2 0
P r ic e e a c h 50 c e n t s .___________________________________________ ___P o s tp a id 5 5 c e n ts
L a r g e r siz e o n h e a v y lin e n f o r S t u d y G r o u p s a n d i n d i v i d u a l u se . V IC T R O L A A N D P H O N O G R A P H RECORDS
S ize 30 x 4 8 . P r ic e $ 1 5 .0 0 , m a ilin g c h a rg e s in c lu d e d ( R R - 1 2 0 1 — I N V O C A T I O N .............. .............................................. M r. a n d M rs. B a l la r d a n d Son
/ R R - 1 2 0 2 — H A R P C O N T E M P L A T I O N ( S ile n t N i g h t ) ......................... ............M rs. B a l la r d
( R R - 1 2 0 3 — B E N E D I C T I O N _____________ _________ ______ ____.___ M r. a n d M rs. B a lla r d
PIC T U R E OF T H E A SCEN D ED M ASTER, S A IN T G ERM A IN / R R - 1 2 4 7 — H A R P C O N T E M P L A T IO N ( N e a r e r M y G o d t o T h e e ) ----------M rs. B a lla r d
H a n d c o lo re d s te e l e n g r a v in g s o f e tc h in g s b y C h a r le s S in d e la r. ( 2 0 0 - A — L I G H T O F M Y H E A R T ( I n s t r u m e n t a l ) -------- ------ L o t u s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
S ize 12 x 16. P r ic e e a c h $ 2 .0 0 , P o s tp a id $ 2 .2 5 | 2 0 0 -B — R O S E O F L I G H T - ................. ......... —
...... .............. .......... F r e d e r ic k L a n d w e h r , O r g a n is t
( 2 0 1 - A — L O T U S M Y L O V E ( I n s t r u m e n t a l ) _______ _____ — ——L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
P IC T U R E OF T H E COSMIC B E IN G , O R IO N , b e tte r k now n as
I 2 0 1 -B — V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E __________________ F r e d e r ic k L a n d w e h r , O r g a n is t
" T H E OLD M AN OF T H E H IL L S” ( 2 0 2 -A — S O N O F L I G H T ( I n s t r u m e n t a l ) ________________ ___ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
H a n d c o lo re d s te e l e n g r a v in g o f e tc h in g b y R o b e r t A g u ila r . / 2 0 2 -B — C A L L T O L I G H T ._____________________ ______. F r e d e r ic k L a n d w e h r , O r g a n is t
Size 1 2 x 1 6 . P r ic e $ 2 .0 0 , P o s tp a id $ 2 .2 5 ( 2 0 3 -A — R A I N B O W R A Y S ( I n s t r u m e n t a l ) __________________ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
/ 2 0 3 -B — O H , W O R L D V I C T O R I O U S ....................................F r e d e r i c k L a n d w e h r , O r g a n is t
"T H E V OICE OF T H E fI AM ’ ”
__ . / L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
M o n th ly M a g a z in e c o n ta in in g a r tic le s e x p la in in g th e L a w o f L ife ; a lso D is ­ 50 0 - A — L I G H T O F M Y H E A R T no I y j 0 je t F a ir c h ild , S o lo ist
5 0 0 -B — R O S E O F L I G H T ... .... ^ F r e d e r ic k L a n d w e h r , N o v a c h o r d
c o u rs e s b y th e A sc e n d e d M a s te rs a n d o t h e r i m p o r t a n t s u b je c ts . B a c k n u m b e r s
a v a ila b le b e g in n in g F e b r u a r y , 193 6. Y e a r ly s u b s c r ip tio n s b e g in w i t h M a rc h , __ T . ( L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
5 0 1 -A — L O T U S M Y I.O V E
1939. P r ic e $ 3 .0 0 , S in g le C o p y 3 5c— In C a l if o r n ia $ 3 .0 9 < V io le t F a ir c h ild , S o lo ist
5 0 1 -B — V O IC E O F P R E S E N C E
F r e d e r ic k L a n d w e h r , N o v a c h o r d

R A D IO B R O A D C A ST IN G T R A N S C R IP T IO N S L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
502-A— S O N O F L I G H T — T r i o ___________________ / v . . _ . .
A S e rie s o f B ro a d c a s ts a v a i la b le f o r u se , c o n ta in in g e x p la n a tio n o f th e L a w o f 5 0 2 -B — C A L L T O L I G H T | V io le t F a ir c h ild , S o lo ist
F r e d e r ic k L a n d w e h r , N o v a c h o r d
L ife ; also p r o te c tio n f o r A m e ric a . F o r in f o r m a tio n w r i t e S a in t G e r m a in P re s s, L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
5 0 3 -A — R A IN B O W R A Y S — T r i o ____
P . O . B o x 1 1 3 3 , C h ic a g o , Illin o is . V io le t F a ir c h ild , S o lo ist
5 0 3 -B — O H , W O R L D V I C T O R IO U S
F r e d e r ic k L a n d w e h r , N o v a c h o r d
/ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p i s t
5 0 4 -A — " I A M ” C O M E — T r i o -------------------------------- < V io le t F a ir c h ild , S o lo ist
( F r e d e r ic k L a n d w e h r , N o v a c h o r d
L IG H T O F MY H E A R T V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E T h e s e R e c o rd s a r e s u ita b le f o r i n d i v i d u a l c o n te m p la tio n o r u s e in S t u d y G ro u p s .
LO TU S MY LOVE R O SE O F L IG H T P r ic e — D o u b le f a c e d R e c o rd s $ 2 .5 0 ..................................................................... ...... P o s tp a id $ 2 .7 5
O H , W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S SO N O F L IG H T P r ic e — S in g le f a c e d R e c o rd s $ 1 .5 0 ____ ___________________________________P o s tp a id $1*75
A G r o u p o f S o n g s— M u sic a n d L y r ic s b y G o d f r e R a y K in g . T h e s e so n g s a r e
e s p e c ia lly c h a r g e d w i t h p o w e r f u l h e a lin g a n d s p e c ia l a c t i v i t y , a c c o r d i n g t o th e
H ea d q u a rters fo r A ll P ublications
m e a n in g o f th e ly ric s .
E a c h p ie c e o f m u s ic h a s b e a u t i f u l l y lith o g r a p h e d c o v e rs in c o lo r, s u ita b le f o r
S A IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, P. O. Box 113 3, Chicago, 111.
f r a m i n g , e a c h r e p r e s e n ti n g t h a t w h ic h th e m u s ic p o r tr a y s .
P r ic e e a c h $ 1 .0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P o s tp a id $ 1 .1 5 W estern R ep resen tativ e
S IN D E L A R STU D IO S, 2600 So. H oover St., Los A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia
C o p y r ig h te d b y S a in t G e r m a in P re s s , C h ic a g o , Illin o is
MYSTERIES PRESENCE Di s c o o r s e s


AMD A FTlK M A tlO H *

^ A IK T Q e R M A IK ^ E R IE S
N U M B E R .’ ‘P u b l is h e d a t the S I N D E L A R . S T U D I O S FEBRU ARY
tw e lv e 2 6 0 0 S H O O V E R S T ,L o s A n g e l e s . C a l • i 9 +o
‘ C ’o p y rijfhi- Satrit CferTruim f ’iess 194- 0 ■
B y the A scen ded M asters a n d th eir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. an d M rs. G . W. B a lla r d a n d son, D o n ald

(ijvJI', OF C A L IF O R N IA $3.09 A Y E A R .
IN O T H E R C O U N T R IE S 4 3.50 A Y E A R . > J*'
P U B L ISH E D M O N T H L Y . S IN G L E CO PIES 3 5 C E N T S .

T h e "V o ic e o f the I A M ” is the m ou th -p iece th ro u g h w hich

the A scended M a ste rs’ In stru c tio n can reach the stu d e n ts
q u ic k ly , th a t the m ost p o w e rfu l w o rk possible fo r A m erica
an d th e w o rld m ay be done by the stu d e n ts to release the
g re a te st L ig h t in the sh o rtest tim e.


T h e in fo rm atio n giv en u n d er the h ead in g o f " Y o u n g A m e r­

ic a ” w ill be the A scen ded M a ste rs’ help to the y o u n g people
f o r th eir p ro tectio n an d illu m in atio n , as they are the b u ild e rs
o f the new c iv iliz a tio n and are the chann els th ro u g h w hich
the A scended M asters w ill giv e th eir L ig h t fo r the use o f the
o u te r w o rld in the G olden " I A M ” A ge.
T h is m ag azin e is not an o u tle t fo r artic le s fro m the s t u ­
d en ts, b u t is the o u tp o u rin g o f the help fro m the A scended
M asters an d h as no h u m an con cep ts in it.

2 6 0 0 S o u th H o o v e r S tre e t Los A n g eles, C a lifo rn ia
G odfre O ur Loved
-—^ ODFRE', O ur Loved One, Ascended—
| Victorious forever Thou art,
Supreme in Thy Glorious Pow’r,
L ... — -J1 Yet never from us dost Thou p art!
Stand here in our daily presence,
Blaze Thy Light— Thy G reat Ecstasy,
Wield now Thy Cosmic Dominion,
Make us all M aster— like Thee!

In M ajesty so transcendent,
Thou dost dwell there in Peace above,
Perfecting our world forever,
Revealing Thy G reat Cosmic Love;
Thy M antle all bright and enfolding
W raps us in Thy Substance of Light,
Clothes us in Thy Lum inous Pres’nce,
Invincible unto Thy Height.

M aster Thou a rt— all commanding,

"T h e Presence” — "T h e Glorious 'I AM’ ” —
D irector of Cosmic Light Rays,
G reat Lord of the U nfed Flame!
Oh, raise us to Thy Full Glory,
Ascended in V ict’ry and Light,
Filling earth with God’s G reat Power
God’s Ju stice— God’s Freedom— God’s M ight!
— C h an era

• "M IG H T Y I AM P R E SE N C E ” •
• P A R T III •
VERY time one issues an Ascended M as­
ter " I AM” Decree, the Light from the
H e a r t o f the in d iv id u a l’s E le ctro n ic
Body (the Upper Figure in the C h art)
releases instantly, intensifying and expanding the
R ay of Light which flows from the H eart of the
Presence into the heart of the flesh body (the
lower figu re).
T h ru the individual’s continued application,
greater and greater Pressure of Light, which
m eans g r e a te r P e rfe c tio n , is released by the
"M igh ty I AM Presence,” into, th ru and around
the physical body. T h at is the O N LY W AY by
which one gains a momentum in the use of the
Power of Light to produce greater and more in­
stantaneous action in the fulfilm ent of one’s D e­
When the individual calls to his or her own
"M ighty I AM Presence” the Light in that one’s
own Life Stream expands and intensifies (the
R ay o f L ig h t e n te rin g the head o f the low er
fig u r e ); but when the individual calls to the
Ascended M asters fo r Assistance, Their P erfec­
tion— which is alw ays eternally sustained— pours
into the mind, body and feeling w orld of th at one
th ru the Golden R ay enfolding the White Ray.
Their Consciousness, Light, Substance and En­
ergy are absorbed exactly as the Sun’s Rays are
absorbed by the plant life of our earth. T h at is
the Power of Radiation which They pour con­
stantly to all who will accept and absorb It.
The Light Rays from each one’s own "M ighty
I AM Presence” (the Upper Figu re) are Its R a­
diation and Life in the physical body. Life is the
Supreme A uthority of the Universe. It unfolds Body and pours continually, until the Perfection
Its Patterns of Perfection thru substance and he desires is expressed.
form . Life plants the seed containing the Pattern The Light Rays coming into the physical body
of Perfection into the substance of earth and by expand the Perfection from within out. The Light
pouring into it from outside of itself the G reater Rays which go out from the Electronic Body to
Power o f Life, which is the Light from our phy­ assist others also condense a certain am ount of
sical sun, the pattern is unfolded and draw n up Their Light-Substance around the physical body
as the plant. T h at is its next octave of existence. to hold Perfection there also. T h at is why one
Ju s t so within the hum an being there is placed cannot call forth the Power of Light from his
the P attern of Perfection from the G reat C entral own " I AM Presence” to help others w ithout pro­
Sun of this System of Worlds. T h at P attern is ducing a large portion of that same good in his
alw ays Perfection and is placed within the sub­ own world.
stance of a physical body. In order to draw forth These two actions of Life and Light are alw ays
and fulfill the individual’s Perfection which is required to raise every hum an being into the
the Ascension, each one m ust have the Radiation greater Perfection of Life where he or she be­
from the Ascended M asters to enfold his or her comes the wholly Divine Being— the Ascended
entire mind, body and feeling world. M aster.
The Assistance of the Ascended M asters m ust The Circle of Colors around the upper figure
be given the individual thru the R ay of his own in the C hart, are the Special Qualities which the
Life, which pours into the physical body from "M ighty I AM Presence” uses to produce those
the "M ighty I AM Presence.” They enfold the Q ualities of Perfection in the physical w orld, as
individual’s Life Stream in the Eternally Sus­ well as in Its W orld of expanding Perfection at
tained Perfection of Their own Life Stream s. T h at Cosmic Levels of Creation.
is Light-Substance from Their O ctave of Life. I f one issues an Ascended M aster " I AM” D e­
This is why no one can be freed from the lim­
cree to enfold a person or condition in Divine Love
itations, problems and imperfection of his physi­
and Compassion, a R ay of White Light clothed in
cal existence w ithout understanding w hat and an outer Radiance of Pink Light flashes forth in­
where the "M ighty I AM Presence” is. The indi­ stantly from the head, heart and hand of that
vidual m ust know T H A T , before he can be free one’s Electronic Body (the Upper Figure in the
and he m ust also call unto his Presence and the C h a rt). It goes directly to where the individual
Ascended M asters; because Their enfolding Light sends It and keeps pouring w ithout lim it, until
Rays are the Power which draw s the individual’s
the Decree is completely fulfilled.
L ife and Its Activities up into the Perfection of
the next O ctave of existence. I f the person to whom this help is directed is
When one calls forth the greater Perfection of too disturbed or discordant to accept the instan­
his own " I AM Presence” to assist someone else, taneous fulfilm ent, the fu lly Perfected condition
a Light R ay goes forth from his own Electronic w aits outside the au ra of that one, until the
energy of his emotional body becomes still and
harmonious enough to let the Perfection desired
enter into the individual and bring its blessing.
The very im portant thing to remember is that
when you issue an Ascended M aster " I AM” D e­
cree, the Light R ay which goes forth from your
own Electronic Body, instantly becomes enfolded
by and qualified with the Ascended M asters’
Consciousness and Feeling of the Perfection de­
sired. T h at holds all the substance and energy in
the condition in a rate of vibration which no h u­
man discord nor resistance can ever change. GO DDESS OF L IG H T ’S D ISC O U RSE •
Therefore the Light becomes the eternally sus­ Philadelphia C lass — W ashington, D . C . *
tained Perfection of the Ascended M asters. In • A ftern oon , N ovem ber 12, 1939 •
this w ay everything anyone does in the use of ELO VED ones of the Light, in conveying
this Ascended M aster Instruction of the " I AM,” to you to-day something of the G reat
is alw ays a perfect accomplishment because the Law and your p art of It, try to under­
Q uality of Perfection is eternally sustained, but stand that the Law of Life excuses no
the qu an tity is constantly expanding. one, no m atter w hat the cause may be. I f an in­
So as the student sends forth his Ascended dividual is not wholly responsible, then the re­
M aster " I AM” Decrees, he should alw ays vis­ sponsibility of course is less, but if one willingly
ualize and feel the Upper Figure in the C hart, does a thing, then that one is wholly responsible
which represents his own Electronic Body, send­ for it.
ing forth the Light Rays, enfolded in the A s­ Before proceeding, I wish to say something to
cended M asters’ Perfection and fulfilling his call the blessed ones of Cincinnati and Columbus,
instantly. Ohio: "T h e discarnate entities have been removed
I f one requires supply of any kind, including from both cities within the city lim its.” Cincin­
money, he should see a R ay of Golden Light en­ nati has been calling for a long time and We
folded in bright green go forth from his own shall certainly call blessings upon the city of
Electronic Body, calling to the Ascended M asters Colum bus which has made possible the return of
to qu alify it with Their Eternally sustained and the answers from many of the students in re­
ever-expanding supply which can only be used gard to the vicious conditions that have been
constructively. generated.
This is why the constant use of the C hart brings It requires patience, beloved students, to allow
such great Perfection and holds it eternally sus­ the G reat Law of Life to act to produce the re­
tained; because when you look upon that C hart, turn currents, but such is the Law . You cannot
you are visualizing Perfection and absorbing It send out something w ithout its return. Every
into your feeling every moment you accept Its
Presence. 9

vicious individual who sends out falsehood and to win the Victory We m ust win. We are deter­
tries to tear others to pieces, m ust be torn to mined that the vicious forces in America which
pieces by his own viciousness. already know they have failed, shall feel their
We have ju st recently received a Dispensa­ failu re in its fulness.
tion— I have received this M yself— wherein it Do you not see this, beloved students? The
gives Me a certain Freedom to act upon vicious pity of it is, many do not believe Us. Oh, if you
individuals and I shall use that to the fullest of saw as We do the treachery and deceit which is
My Power and Ability. So rest at peace, beloved going on— even sometimes among those claim ing
students. This attem pted viciousness will soon to be students. Why will people do these things?
disappear. Why will people intrude themselves into some­
These beloved Messengers who never harmed a thing in which they have no belief nor accep­
fly have been set upon by such depraved creatures tance? B ut every one of these people will be
as p u t forth these articles. Those individuals will weeded out. I ask you to w atch and observe it.
yet understand, they are dealing with a Power Saint Germain has told you this for some two
of Light with which they cannot cope. They have years that there is no person going to remain in
made m any sneering rem arks b u t they m ay yet this A ctivity claim ing to be a student, who is not
see them fulfilled. a Real student. I w arn you, beloved ladies and
This w orld, this sphere of earth has had a long gentlemen, a person who continues to use intox­
fierce struggle. I have been a p art of that stru g ­ icants, tobacco and all those things which bring
gle. I have gone thru w hat no other Being upon depravity upon m ankind, is not a student and
this earth ever went thru! Therefore, can you never will be so long as they continue that.
imagine My Determ ination to free the earth fo r­ Now don’t kid yourself— pardon the expres­
ever from hum an discord and viciousness? sion— into believing that We do not know ; that
T o think of the m any w onderful people in our your Life Stream does not know. How can peo­
governm ent and in our industries who even yet ple be so foolish? Y our H igher Mental Body knows
hesitate to assert themselves! You remember that every thought, feeling and motive which ever
your Beloved Saint Germain fired the men into passed thru your feeling world and so do We.
signing the D eclaration of Independence. In this Then why try to go on deceiving Life or your
Dispensation which is given Me, one of the things fellow-man? There are those in this room to-day
is to fire these fine men and women of America who are trying to do it, but they alone m ust pay
into an activity that will do things for Am erica, the penalty.
which alone comes thru that. I know how to reach D ear people, We are offering the G reatest G ifts
these people. of Life. I am speaking wholly outside of your
You need not be surprised if you hear of Us call to Life. We are offering the G reatest G ifts
appearing here and there all over Am erica, be­ of Life to you. Can you do anything for Us, ex­
cause if necessary We shall not hesitate to do it, cept to pour your Love and Blessings to Us? We
10 11
have everything, and yet, We are willing to come w ithdraw from this A ctivity! Once We pleaded
into your hum an octave in the vibratory actions for m ankind to study, apply and understand this
that are here. Do you understand, dear people, Law . We do this no more! M ankind has had the
w hat it means— a Pure Being coming into the opportunity for five years and now if they will
octave of earth? We m ust clothe Ourselves in not study, apply and understand, the very repel­
Invincible Arm or to shut out the vibratory action lent force of their own Life Stream will throw
while We move here. Sometimes, it is like a G ar­ them out of this Light. We know who is sincere
ment of Light, sometimes it is like a Shield of and who is not. W atch the activity of these
Arm or, according to the requirem ent in which classes as they are continued closed; and you will
We move. But if you do not believe Us, w hat are see how the repellent forces of a destructive in­
you to believe in the world? You do not believe dividual coming into a class room like this, will
each other, at least most of m ankind do not. If
not let such an individual to remain tw enty min­
you cannot believe something that is G reater
Wisdom than you, how are you going to be lifted
Therefore, dear people when Life offers you,
out of the conditions in which you exist?
when We offer you the G reatest G ifts o f Life and
This T ru th and Law are ju st as practical as almost plead with you to accept them, be honest
your schools of to-day. The little children go and
with Life! Let your motives be right! I know
are trained until their graduation. We are Those
w hat m ankind’s habits have been for centuries
who have gone on and are Free. We do wield this and that is why We have been so patient. The
Power and poor foolish imbeciles say: "W ell if
whole activity of mankind has been to try to de­
You wield this Power why don’t you use it?”
ceive each other in business and in social affairs.
N ever in their ignorance stopping to think that
God alone knows as We w atch the social world,
the L aw of Life from the lowest to the highest
the terrible seething vortex of treachery and de­
m ust be complied with. Their ignorance could
ception. W hat a pity (is it not?) that mankind
not see that, but you can be sure We never fail
have forgotten that each human being should be
to co-operate with the Law of Life and Its re­
a God Being and the Light that beats each heart
quirem ents. The whole scheme of Life would be
and gives each one Life, is the God Being within
upset were We not to do that. Life does not
the human form.
perm it disobedience anywhere in the Universe
How can anybody doubt this G reat Light
w ithout penalty.
when the evidence is before every human being?
N ow remember, these classes are being closed The intelligence, Light and energy that beats
to give you the G reatest Blessings ever given
each one’s heart is acting there thru every hu­
mankind on the face of this earth. I ask you in man being. When Life w ithdraw s from a very
the honor of your own Life Stream and that of
active form which a few minutes before was so
your H igher Mental Body, if your motive is not
buoyant, the body lies there as absolutely help­
clean, right and sincere tow ard this Light, to
less as an infant— more so when Life w ithdraw s
— then Life was the Intelligence and Power a c t­ saw the greater, greater and greater strength ac­
ing within the body. How can human beings fail cum ulating, suddenly He saw the time w as ready
to see this, when it is before them constantly? to try it out. It has not been in vain. To have
H ow m ankind dislikes to face the G reat G reat achieved this in the few short years is a miracle
T ru th ! H ow they dislike to turn , face themselves of the ages, dear people; and remember for five
and see w hat they have done that is w rong! But years these precious Messengers held their own
only by doing so can you correct your mistakes. defense and asked no one’s assistance. You will
Do you know why your Beloved Saint G er­ notice that during that time not a single thing
main and We love these Messengers so much? happened of any appreciable disturbance.
Because from the beginning they have, w ithout N ow your fu tu re, beloved students, depends
O ur asking, turned daily and faced themselves. upon your honesty to Life, your P urity to Life!
They have asked the Power of Light to take out Do you understand that in the coming forth of
of them every human impulse. T h at is why they the Goddess of P urity, you could as easily almost
hold the position they do to-day. You have not as breathing have every impure desire taken out
seen behind the scenes, dear people, you do not of you, your mental and feeling w orld and it
know w hat these Beloved Messengers have gone would be forgotten? However, please do not feel
th ru to carry on for your Freedom, for your hap­ that you can ju st go on with your old human
piness and for your supply. You will never know habits of centuries upon centuries standing and
until your Ascension; b u t they have been brave expect to gain your Freedom. Life is looking
and strong. N ow that the beloved student body everyone in the face to determine each one’s
thruout America are ready to leap to their rescue strength and w hat every person is going to do
and defense, then will Life become more joyous now, so that Life m ay give everyone his or her
and give them G reater Freedom. Freedom.
Remember, my dear beloved students, Saint Y our Ascension is offered you at the close of
Germ ain searched this earth for more than one this embodiment, absolutely certain and definite,
hundred years for someone who would be strong if you comply with the little We require. Is there
enough to carry this Light and at times He al­ a human being on this earth who w ould not w ant
most gave up, thinking that there was no use to that, a fter you have lived hundreds and thou­
search fu rth er. Then, one day, when He remem­ sands of lives in privation and distress?
bered His Children of the long ago and looking Recently, I heard two students say: "W ell
into the Life Stream saw the strength which was anyhow, we do not retain the memory of those
there, He said: "W e shall try it ou t,” and it has lives of privation, we lived before.” Don’t be
been fa r more successful than He could have an­ too sure of that. I would never make that rem ark
ticipated at its inception. again, for Life m ay suddenly turn loose and re­
D uring the past hundred years, a fter the es­ veal those embodiments to you. Do not play with
tablishing of the Freedom of America and He Life! Do not defy Life, my dear people!
14 15
Since the M ighty Victory came to the Royal be even more intensified in the coming ten day
Teton, everything upon this earth is undergoing class here.
terrific change, with a Speed and Power incred­ Do not talk about these classes outside, dear
ible. I would not even attem pt to describe it to people. Spies are everywhere and in the fu tu re
you. So many Cosmic Activities have already there w ill be no outer notice of when or where
occurred in the sky and yet people pass them by the classes are to be held. A fte r all, We are in a
as ju st a passing thing. If you are not gratefu l position to control conditions when We choose to
for the small things, how can you expect the do so; and more and more there w ill be Ascended
greater! . M aster Friends raised up everywhere to bless you
There have been innumerable Cosmic A ctiv­ and these Beloved Messengers.
ities in the sky within the past year. When the Remember, beloved students, m any of you have
Messengers were in the A uditorium Theatre in not heard this, b u t thru the call to this Beloved
Chicago, a white cross lay over the Auditorium Messenger alone, (M r. G. W. B allard ) over tw en­
for more than two hours and most of the body ty thousand instantaneous healings have been
of students saw it. The Messengers have a picture achieved by his calls in five years. There is no
of it. T hat had to be substance to produce a pic­ such other record upon the earth as this, and yet
ture. The Messengers do not know it to this there are people who w ant to destroy him. Do
minute, but certain things were planned then, you not see the difference m y dear people be­
which the Cosmic Light hovering over the build­ tween R eality— this G reat Wise T ru th — and the
ing prevented. falsity and viciousness of m ankind? These are
Beloved ones, you can have the Glory and In­ conditions now th at m ust be met and are being
vincible Protection of the Cosmic Light and These handled. We are gaining more and more A u th or­
G reat Ones, for the little that Life asks you to ity in the conditions of earth and fo r the student
give in obedience— ju st your sincere devotion to body every week and We shall assert this A u ­
your Presence and harmony m aintained in your thority to the fu llest extent as it is granted.
feelings. So very little to ask for all the G reat Therefore, in your own individual application,
G ifts that Life will give you! I could not enu­ be earnest, honest and sincere, dear people, as if
m erate them, but these are Activities which are your very Life depended upon it. Do not try to
yours, ready to pour forth into your Life, use deceive each other. Do not try to deceive Life.
and world of action; but if you will not believe, Do not feel you can do something under cover
if you will not accept them as yours, how can th at is not known. Such a thing is impossible.
you have them? You m ight hide it tem porarily from your fellow-
We are so very gratefu l to the management man, b u t not from Us nor your H igher Mental
of this building and the student body who have Body. As you feel that and determine to cancel
been here, for the service that has been rendered deceit forever from your feeling w orld, your joy
for your governm ent during these days. It will and happiness will grow in leaps and bounds
16 17
and you will see that you never really experienced
the fulness of happiness, un til th at deceitful feel­
ing had left your feeling world.
I f spies and people come to you fo r inform a­
tion, it does not mean you have to tell them all
you know. If you know there are people asking
w hat they should not, tell them it is none of their
business. Oh, do not hesitate, dear people. Some
o f the false train ing that has m ade people hesi­
tate to assert their dominion, in order to hold
harm ony in their world is outrageous. D ear peo­
ple, do not hesitate to use the G reat Law to
produce these results. You have struggled thru
thousands of centuries and now your opportu­
nity for Freedom is here. Will you enter in and
do the little th at is required th at you m ay enter
into Freedom and the door of discord and lim ita­
tion close behind you forever? I thank you.

"W e have come to the tim e w hen the in d iv id ­ • Philadelphia C lass — W ashington, D . C . *
u a l w ho w ill be dyn am ically positive in the ap p li­ • E ven in g, N ovem ber 12, 1 9 } 9 •
cation o f this L a w an d let people know th a t you ELO V ED Students of the Light, even
know e x a ctly w h at you are doing an d th a t there though We pass thru some trying ex ­
is nothing can in terfere w ith it, w ill ab so lu tely periences, still We are happy; still We
w ipe out o f existence all h um an resistan ce . ” are victorious, as you w ill presently see.
(K -1 7 ) I can only briefly touch, to-night, upon the m any
" Y ou have seen in the w ork o f the M essengers achievements in Europe and here durin g these
w herever th a t G re at Positive Force has gone past few weeks. You w ould think probably that
fo rth , the h um an q u a lity w as w iped ou t w hich in the experiences at home, We should remain at
w ould have become d istu rb in g or d e stru c tiv e . ”
home, b u t afte r all the world is O ur Home— the
(K -1 7 ) w orld is your home really. In your knowledge
of the "M ighty I AM,” you no longer are an in­ nothing about it, there is no resistance because
dividual serving one, b u t serving all in the great the Inner w ants Perfection o f every description.
calls to Light. You see the H igher M ental Body o f every indi­
Children of the Light, while this has been said vidual w ants Perfection the same as you do b u t
so m any times, I repeat it again to-night because because the outer being is so imbued and charged
I w ant you to feel all it means to you and the w ith the affairs of the outer hum an creation, it
encouragem ent and strength which it is in your does not adm it the resistance is there, until some
application and in your G roup W ork. I f you stop day some tragic thing occurs. Then the Light
to contem plate w h at it means to send forth a breaks th ru th at and tem porarily, sometimes per­
Force of Light, a Pressure of Light which is non- m anently, the Light re-establishes Itself.
resistant, if you please, into the m ental and feel­ You, to-day, have this very great privilege and
ing w orld of m ankind, you w ill see how trem en­ if you are ju st patient, you w ill find We are
dous is your Power to hold the V ictory o f the quite able to cope w ith conditions, not alw ays
Light everywhere. Only We can possibly observe as you w ould like to have Us do perhaps, b u t
the effect upon people whom It touches. nevertheless, We m ust use a Power of Light th at
For instance, ju st to give you a brief idea. The is perm anent. You know to force a thing is not
G roups of students in G erm any th at are really quite the perm anent w ay to handle conditions,
very w onderful, have been accepting the calls of although I do not wonder th at m ankind seem to
a million people in Am erica, fo r the solving of feel sometimes it is quite justifiable. H ow ever,
the conditions which exist there. A nucleus of a fte r all, when you are dealing with the L aw of
Power, a Focus of L ight, enables this Light to Life, you m ust abide within It.
establish Itself and then spread. Those people are I do say this to every G roup Leader and those
issuing the Decrees the same as you are. There­ in every San ctu ary and R eading Room in the
fore, th at Power and Pressure o f Light is going land— especially the Sanctuaries and Reading
forth into the m ental and feeling w orld of m an­ Rooms: "Y o u m ust take a more positive stand,
kind. Its fa r reaching Power, my dear people, is release a force in those places and throw out
indescribable. people who get nosey. There is no law in this land
Y our fa r reaching Power of Light here in th at allows anybody to come into your place and
Am erica in the m ental and feeling w orld of snoop around.” I can use your lan gu age quite as
m ankind is indescribable. It is unnecessary, but well as you, b u t I w ant you to see and un der­
I could give you the exact figures of exactly stand exactly w hat that means.
w hat it has done in these five years. Do you know that our blessed Frances Ekey
You m ust remember th at only as m ankind in has been the first one among the student body
the outer mind come to know a thing and then to expose the spies and treachery in their m idst?
become resistant to it, is there resistance in the T h at is the signal for w hat w ill be done thruout
feeling w orld of individuals. I f the outer knows America. You m ust not feel afraid o f those peo-
20 21
pie! Every one of those individuals is a cow ard at to have the Whole of the Law or none. When We
heart and if such people see you are not afraid in O ur G reat G ifts o f Light and kindness, tell
of them, they will get out of reach fa st enough. you w hat We know is the absolutely positive
These are conditions which for a little time now, im perative need as to w hat is to be done and then
m ust be m et by a Very Positive Force. you do not believe Us, you w ill find you have
You ju st w ait, beloved ones, until these classes made a m istake. There is not one hum an being
have been closed for six months or a year. I f you living in embodiment to-day who does not need
do not see a scram bling in the outer w orld, then the Violet Consuming Flame more than any one
I will miss My guess. Many in the outer world thing in the world, aside from the knowledge of
actu ally thought th at you and the Messengers his or her own "M ighty I AM Presence,” because
had to have these people. Well, We happen to you have got to have dissolved this accum ula­
have Dispensations instead. We are resourceful tion thru embodiments of hundreds and thou­
— you m ight have noticed it. sands of centuries.
In Europe, I w as known as one of the G reatest D ear people, now please listen: when We have
Diplom ats. I hope I have not lost My Diplom acy, offered you the G ift of your Ascension by a little
(applause) The people in Am erica at one time or obedience, if you doubt th at for one second,
another m ight have doubted My R eality b u t the please do not remain in this Light or under this
people of Europe know very well I am Real! A ctivity. Do you think for one m inute th at We
There are hundreds, if you knew who they were, w ould raise your hopes to something We did not
to whom you could go and mention My N am e know could be attained? To do such a thing
and they w ould bow on their knees, because I w ould be the most vicious thing on earth and
have served them, because I have protected them We do not happen to be that kind o f people.
from drastic things. Everything, dear people, de­ When We tell you something, We mean every
pends upon th at which is within the Life Stream Word We say; and if you can believe It and ac­
of individuals. I mean by that of course, people cep t It in y o u r feelin gs, you w ill h ave the
who do not understand about the Consuming Blessing.
Flame, could not be expected to have anything
consumed, because there would be no w ay of Almost the entire num ber in this room, to­
doing it. night, if they would give this little obedience We
I say to you dear students— I notice the Mes­ ask, could have their Ascension at the close of
senger called your attention to it— if you believe this embodiment. My dear people, won’t you
for one m inute th at you do not need to use that aw aken and see w hat that means? The Ascension
Violet Consum ing Flame, you will w ake up one is as practical as your gasoline engine, because
day to great unhappiness and distress in your it is the Law of Life. You could not accomplish
w orld. When you have touched this Light, dear It physically in a million years b u t your call to
people, you cannot take p art of It— you have got your " I AM Presence” in the A ctivity o f your
H igher Mental Body, can raise you and draw
you into your Ascension— but be practical in the Therefore, be wise, dear students in the fu tu re.
process to-day. Go on about your regu lar busi­ We have done for the present w hat We can do,
ness activities. There are dozens and dozens of so fa r as reaching the people in the outer, the
times, fo r the moment durin g the day, when you public, is concerned. When We begin again, We
are not speaking to someone when you can send w ill have reversed the currents which were d ra g ­
the call: ** 'M ighty I AM Presence’ charge My ging in the wrong kind of people. The great
H igher M ental Body to raise me into the Ascen­ achievement of five years th ru these humble Mes­
sion in this embodiment.” My dear people, those sengers and your w onderful assistance, is u n p ar­
constant calls can be going forth th ru ou t the day alleled in the history of the earth. One day, I
silently. Y our H igher Mental Body hears every­ shall take you and show you the exact records
thing and with the strength and substance which of all th at has been done and w hat this achieve­
w ould go forth from you in that call, you would ment of five years has been. We sometimes men­
quickly bring about your release. tion it, b u t my dear people, it is only a fragm ent
I do not think it is ju st wise to give you the of w hat is actu ally being done.
details to-night, b u t We have secured a Dispen­ We have a means recently established by which
sation for certain p arts of Europe, in which We We can reach people, certain people, at any time.
can render tremendous Service to the people This I have been endeavoring to do for almost
there who are really good and loyal people. Oh, sixty years— a t last it is accomplished! This w ill
do not think, my dear people, that all the people help tremendously in the regulation of things
o f Germ any are N azis. There are m any w onder­ and in the raising up of Ascended M aster Friends
fu l people there. There are m any w onderful G er­ which you have been calling for as defenders of
mans in Am erica, b u t there are some who are this Light.
not so w onderful. They are com paratively few The puny minds who have been unkind to this
in comparison to the great num ber who are w on­ Light do not know that the governm ent has
derfu l and even with some of those it is not w atched this A ctivity from the beginning and
alw ays their fa u lt. Sometimes, they are forced knows th at there is not one h arm fu l thing in it;
into destructive conditions. Only within a few b u t only G reat Good, G reat Blessings, to A m er­
days, inform ation has been conveyed to them to ica and great blessings to the people who will
be on gu ard and accept no more of the dictations apply this T ru th . K -17 saw to it th at this was
of the gestapo of Germ any. done.
I f you only knew how that vicious activity Therefore, in all th at m ust be met (and really
once, not so long ago, held sway in Am erica, you there is very little in the fu tu re ) use wisdom!
w ould not believe it possible, unless you saw Rejoice in your Victory of the Light in the know l­
with your own eyes; but these are conditions edge of your G reat Presence of L ife; for unless
th at it w as largely up to Us to tear out by the you have tested out individuals and find them to
roots and it is being done with a steady, sure, be really sincere, give them no inform ation w h at­
pow erful Pressure o f Light. soever. I f you, as students and G roup Leaders,
24 25
will take this stand as the Messengers suggest to man qualities— doubts, fears or w hatever human
you, ju st say: " I f you w ant to find out about this obstruction is there. Sometimes, you get excited
G reat Light, read those books, and when you and rush into your application and accomplish
have read them many times come back if you like, nothing at all. It is in the stillness that your G reat
and I will talk to you.” Compel them to read Life Stream can pour Its Power of Harm onizing
those books. A ctivity forth to render the service.
Really, beloved students, you can never so R eally, dear people, will you please whenever
wisely spend extra moments you have as to read something suddenly confronts you, if necessary
a few pages of those books. It w ill keep you in take time enough to go by yourselves for ten
attunem ent, in touch with Those G reat Powers m inutes and still yourselves. C all the Powers of
of Light. My dear people, every D ictation is Real! your "M ighty I AM Presence,” your Life Stream
Every D ictation is by the Individual whose Nam e into action to move before you, to harmonize, to
is attached, and you draw from that Individual control and to solve that condition. You w ill find
His or H er Power of Light and Special Qualities It will do it, b u t you cannot do it if you go into
whatever they m ay be, when you are reading it with agitation and disturbance. T h at is why
them. You are doing exactly as you w ould to m any have not had the successful application
your school teacher. Your teacher says: "T h is is they would like, but the Law is the same. The
the rule for the problems you have here.” You Law does not change for anyone. You M UST
do not say about your teacher that "H e is crazy ,” A BID E IN T H E LAW to have Its G reat Results.
because you would never solve your problems. Therefore, to-night I w ould like you to hear
You say: "H e knows, he has proven them.” You Me say it, because it is true, that I consider this
go ahead and use his rules and they solve your one of the most successful classes to the Powers
problems. of Light that We have experienced, (applause)
You remember in taking moving pictures, if you
So with man to-day. You m ay know the G reat­ have observed they often are compelled to shift
est Law s in the Universe, but w ithout your own locations. Well, We decided it was wiser to shift
application of Them, you will never prove Them locations and out of it has come greater good
in the world. M ankind is at the point where they than We could have really expected at the mo­
m ust prove these things for themselves. It is won­ ment Ourselves. A gain, I give thanks to the bles­
derfu l to do Us the honor to listen to Us, but it sed m anagem ent of this building. I w ant every­
is fa r more w onderful and honorable to Life to one who has come forth with such great loyalty
apply the Law and prove It to yourselves con­
and assistance to the Messengers to know that I
shall endeavor to bless them as never m ankind
My dear ones, let Me say again that there is not was blessed.
one of you who cannot successfully apply this I was talking yesterday with the Goddess of
Law if you will first stop and still yourself and Light and N ad a. We were referring to some con­
ask the H igher Mental Body to dissolve the h u­
ditions upon earth and I said: "W ill not those Some day, when I become a Moving Picture
blessed people one day rejoice, when they are free D irector, I shall show you w hat can be pro­
from having to think about money?” I f you have duced. A lready I have plans th at mankind may
a lot of money, it takes a lot of energy to take see in action the circulation of the blood thru
care of it; and if you don’t have any, you are the body and the circulation of the nerve fluid
using a lot o f energy in w an ting to have it. So th ru the body. When individuals stand before
afte r all there comes a balance. I f you really this to which I refer the reflection before them
know th at your " I AM Presence” is your T reas­ w ill show any spot or circulation within the body.
ure-house (and my dear ones, never w as anything You will see it and you w ill be able by that which
in the whole wide w orld so true as th at) then you We shall give you, to dissolve any imperfection
m ust be supplied. O f course your Presence does instantly. It is not exactly a m irror, b u t a means
not hold coined gold to release, although We of help by observing its activities and applying
could produce plenty of it and the greatest tech­ the Law s, w ithout allow ing accum ulation of long
nicians in the w orld could not tell the difference, standing to gather.
(applause) You see, dear people, the reason so m any things
In Europe for more than one hundred years, occur in the disturbance o f m ankind’s bodies is
I precipitated gold wherever I moved and used because so much accum ulates in the feeling world
it, b u t you m ust be wise in doing that. We have before people have discovered it. They do not
the numbers, We have the record o f all the gold know it is there until it begins to out-picture
coin in each country and of all the money that th ru the body. Then, sometimes in order to use
has been destroyed. Therefore, when we utilize wisdom, it takes a little time to dissolve and cause
this privilege, o f course We balance with the it to disappear w ithout doing it too rapidly. O f
T reasu ry of the N ations where We are. A fte r all, course with Us, when We do a thing We can do
could We be expected to live under hum an laws, it with the sweep of O ur H ands, which you could
when We have risen above them? Isn’t coined not do; but a fte r all We are the Law upon w h at­
money m an’s creation, to see if some one cannot ever We act and will you please see this and
get more than the other? Isn’t the exchange of accept it to-night?
the world b u t m an’s creation? A few years ago,
the m arks went down until millions and millions As you observe in the C hart, the Golden R a ­
o f dollars were lost, because some individual said diance enfolding your own Life Stream , thru
it should be so. which We pour into your w orld O ur Substance
Money has been gathered from dozens of ave­ and Q ualities, do you not see— provided you be­
nues over Am erica to be sent to Germ any and lieve in Us, feel O ur R eality and m ake the call
the N azis; b u t I have My Eye on every bit of it to Us, after you have called to your Presence—
(applause) and if I cannot prevent it otherwise, that We can give you Assistance, at first, which
I can change and shift its location. you will not get from your Presence, because of
28 29
your lack of confidence? T h at is why the world India where these things are so often done, it is
needs Us so much to-day. T h at is why the stu ­ a most sacred thing. N o one ever speaks of it
dent body needs Us so much to-day. We can do outside of these walls, if it be a banquet or w h at­
for you w hat you cannot possibly do for you r­ ever it m ay be. N ow , you m ust feel the same.
selves and th a t is y o u r only sa lv a tio n , d ear You m ust feel this G reat Law is sacred and not
people. With O ur Assistance, you gain a far to be talked about. If a M anifestation occurs
greater intensity from your calls to your own small or great, you m ust consider It the most
Life Stream . Yet We are One with your "M ighty sacred thing in your Life and not talk about It.
I AM Presence.” You know the American people are very ta lk ­
An Ascended Being is the Law of Life, ju st the ative. They have never thought it necessary to
same as your own "M ighty I AM Presence,” only curb themselves by self-control; while the peo­
We have carried the Purified Substance of earth ple of the East, the Orient, have been taught
into O ur O ctave which enables Us to act in all the opposite— silence. N ow there m ust come a
capacities, either in the O ctave of Light or here. balance. The Orient should have ju st a little
T h at is why We are able to supply things and more talk and the Am ericans should have ju st a
do things that m ankind cannot as yet do for them­ little more silence; then you will find a great
selves. N ow , you are all coming to the time when great blessing pour out upon you.
you will be able to do these things and call them N ow , dear ones, We w ant to do these things
forth. for you, but We cannot over-step the Law s of
I w ant very much as soon as possible to show Life and you can be sure you will not have to ask
you a little something of precipitation. I w ant Us the second time, when that moment arrives. It
an audience like this to see come out of the a t­ is O ur Intent and has been from the beginning
mosphere that which remains a physical sub­ that when We do begin to appear tangibly to
stance, or at least a tangible substance— it would you, that We m ay continue to do this and to act
not be physical, because it would be wholly pure, among you to become the Law for the student
b u t it would be a tangible substance. body— and when We do that, I assure you there
In these closed classes— I cannot tell you when will be no Peglers or Millers, (applause) They
this m ight be done, but abide in O ur Wisdom as are ju st passing shadows and the student body
to such time as it m ight be. I w ant this fo r YOU, is keeping them quite busy now. May the stu ­
not for the public! Really, dear people, if some dents continue, until they show the world their
such thing occurs, I tru st every human being stand for the G reatest Light that has ever been
on his or her honor never to say a word outside known to man.
of the class room about it. You would be beset I love you, I thank you and I bless you, pre­
by thousands of humans beings ju st out of curios­ cious Children of the Light. May the G lory of
ity; and if you do not listen to Me, you will see your Light expand and may O ur C ourage pour
too late. Enjoy these things. In the Retreats of into your world with the Strength and Power
30 31
to hold you in the Dominion of th at Light until
you win your fu ll Victory and Ascension!
I say again, your Ascension w ith the little
obedience asked is assured and is as practical as
anything in your mechanical world. Y our calls
set the Powers of your Life Stream into action
to bring that Raising Power which cleanses,
purifies and lifts you one day into your Freedom.
Feel this! Do not think it is unusual. I f you do, • AM ERICA’S FREEDOM •
you ju st delay the opportunity. It is not a thing
unusual, because Life is the most practical A c­ M ERICA! "L a n d of the Light of God,”
tivity in the entire Universe. L ife has produced G reat H eart of all things Divine,
your mechanics and everything th at is in your Arise in the Strength of G reat Hercules,
w orld of mechanics to-day. Life is the Intelli­ And shatter all chains that bind!
gence, the M ighty Focus and P urity o f L ife in
the "M ighty I AM Presence” ; and the H igher Thou a rt the H eart of the "L ig h t of the W orld,”
M ental Body and the Ascended Beings are w ith­ God’s Cup of L ife’s Holy Light,
out limit. Guard well Thy Trust for the children of earth!
Therefore, to-night, will you accept O ur Bles­ Be strong in all that is RIG H T!
sings, every one of the Ascended M asters, the
Cosmic Beings, the Legions of Light and the Cos­ Let the "M ighty I AM” — Its Blazing Pow’r
mic Light, to hold you in Their M ighty Em brace Hold Victory evermore,
of Light, until the fulness of your V ictory in Let Its Glorious Love and U nfed Flame
your Ascension is achieved? Remember, every­ G uard constantly Thy G reat Door!
thing We can do to be of Assistance comes
w ithout asking. All We require to see and know George W ashington, Lo, has ascended now,
is that you are tru ly sincere; that you are m ak­ And He guards Thee as of old,
ing your utm ost application, then everything The Freedom He brought thru our Flag shall
will be done to give you O ur Assistance. We are wave
not limited in any manner whatsoever. Forever in Love untold.
T ake O ur Blessings, take O ur Word to release
from your Treasure-house the money supply you Am erica! Land of the "G re at I AM,”
require until th at day when you no longer re­ O ur C ountry— our own Blest Home
quire it; when you move and hold your hand to The Ascended Master N ation of earth—
the Light and receive Its G ifts upon the instant. T H Y A SC EN SIO N TOO HAS COME!
I thank you.
— C h an era
" G ive all pow er to y o u r 'M igh ty I AM P res­ T IS our great privilege and joy to
ence’ an d see th at nothing gets betw een you and announce the release, about F eb ru ­
Its P erfection . It is the m ost v ita l thing in any
L ife . ” (K -1 7 )
a r y 1 5 th , o f p h o t o g r a p h s o f o u r
B e lo v e d M e sse n g e r, M r. G u y W.
"T o -d a y , in the treach ery th at exists in the B allard.
legal in terp retatio n o f the law s there is not a
thing th at really could be perm an ently protected, Because o f the m any requests of the stu ­
except fro m the Inner C all to the 'M ighty I AM dents these pictures are being made av ail­
Presence .’ Y our call w ould cause the Presence to able to them for contem plation. Each picture
ac t th ru a legal fo rm or ac tiv ity to produce p ro ­ is a M ighty Focus of our Beloved M essenger’s
tection fo r you. T h at is all the protection anyone Ascended M aster Consciousness, Power and
has to-day. The distortion of the legal ac tiv ity
o f the ou ter w orld is so g re a t— I m ean th at legal V ictory o f Ligh t for Am erica and all m an­
channels w ill not p ro tect you, w ith ou t y o u r call kind. M ay every picture raise all who look
to the 'I AM Presence’ to ac t th ru o u t the legal upon it into the Perfection of the Ascended
q u a lity an d action. (T h a t should be know n by M asters which we are calling forth for all
the stu d e n ts.)” (K -1 7 ) hum anity.
" H u m an qu alities have no pow er before the These lovely photographs are done in gold
Pow er o f Ligh t. I f you once get the fu ll convic­ tone and m ounted ready for fram in g. There
tion th at a ll you call fo rth is the Su bstan ce and
Pow er of Ligh t which know s not one single re ­
are three sizes:
sistance to h um an qualities an d hum an qualities A ctu al size of photograph:
have not a p article of resistance to It, then you
know This L igh t goes into action an d all hum an 8 x 1 0 ......................Price $ 2.50
substan ce an d qualities dissolve before It. I tell 1 1" x 1 4 ' ...................... " 3.50
you my dear ones, if you only get the fu ll convic­
tion o f th at, you are M aster of every condition by 30 x 4 0 ” ...................... " 25.00
the Pow er an d Substan ce of L igh t. You can do it Shipping C harges E x tra
by the dem and T O H A V E T H E F U L L F E E L IN G
A N D C O N V IC T IO N th at to this L igh t S u b ­ These photographs can be obtained from
stance which you call fo rth there is no resistance.
T h erefore, It goes into action to a given objective
a t y o u r call an d does w h at you require. T h ere­ P. O. Box 113 3, Chicago, Illinois
fo re, th at is the end of it .” (K -1 7 )

E A R E happy to announce the release T is our great privilege and joy to an­
nounce the release of two new songs by
o f all songs now used and au th or­ G odfre Ray King (M r. G. W. B allard)
ized by us in all our classes, those of "N a d a O ur Love” and " I AM” Come,
the Appointed Messengers and Vol­ the lyrics of the latter by Chanera. They are
unteer A dvanced W orkers, also ” 1 AM ” charged with tremendous Power of Light and
Stu d y G roups, in Loose-leaf form to fit the bring dynamic Blessings and Power from N ada
Special Decree Binders. and Jesus direct.
D uring the Seven Sacred Weeks beginning with
This G roup of songs contains all of Mr. Novem ber 30th— T hanksgiving D ay— until Ja n ­
G. W. B alla rd ’s songs which have been re­ u ary 18 th, we ask the " I AM” Students to use
leased to date. It is w ell th at all ” 1 AM ” these two songs as much as possible because of
G roups secure and use these because of the Jesu s’ more intensified O ut-pouring during this
vib ratory action they release; also the A s­ time, when the attention of most of m ankind is
upon H im ; also because of the Dispensation from
sistance D addy B allard can now release thru
the G reat Central Sun for which He has been
them from H is Ascended M aster O ctave. calling.
These Loose-leaf songs m ay be secured I f the students will call to the G reat Central
from the Saint Germ ain Press, P.O. Box Sun to give Jesus this Dispensation and use these
113 3, Chicago, Illinois, for 1c per page or songs, as a means of attunem ent and release of His
Power and V ictory of Light, they will render a
2c per leaf, same as the Loose-leaf Decrees. tremendous service to Am erica, themselves and
We also have a q u an tity o f the original the world.
Song Books (both new and slightly used) • N A D A O U R LOVE •
form erly used by us. These do not contain
- N A D A O U R LOVE is dedicated in Eternal
the complete list o f songs, b u t w ill be o f as­ Love, G ratitude and Blessing to the "M ighty I
sistance in Beginners’ G roups where indi­ AM Presence” and the Beloved Ascended Lady
viduals do not have the Loose-leaf Songs. M aster N ad a, whose Blessing to the earth is so
transcendent, Real and magnificent beyond de­
Price new song books . . . 5c each
Price used song books . . . 3 c each May the G reat Cosmic Light expand H er Power
thru this song, until It brings the Victory of the
Plus Express or Postage Light everywhere on earth forever.
It was first sung in Chicago and is dedicated to w ays” ! He told the T ru th ! He can and will come
that City because it is the permanent atom in the to everyone who will provide the right condition
heart of the world and America is that heart. to attract Him.
May our Beloved N ada bless the City of Chi­ Jesus the Christ has stood in our own home
cago, until it becomes an A labaster City of Light, many times in His Visible Tangible Ascended Mas­
within which stands the " I AM” Temple of Light ter Body. He has held us in His Arms. We have
with the Glorious Unfed Flame blazing forth Its kissed His Hands. He is Real! N o power nor hu­
Perfecting Balancing Power to raise every human man being on earth can ever change that T ru th
being into the Ascension. and Reality which we know to be from actual
May all the Ascended M asters’ Power of Light, personal physical experience. We stand by It for
Love and Wisdom fill Chicago with the Victory all Eternity, because IT IS T R U E.
of Light so dazzling, as to bring forth Its fu ll His Voice spoke the Words of this song. They
Perfection quickly. are His Answer to our hearts’ call for His Pres­
May this song be sung thruout the world and ence. They describe His A ctivity of coming thru
everyone who uses it receive his own individual the atmosphere of earth and that which He is
Freedom and Victory of the Light instantly. doing NOW , for the Freedom of mankind.
• " I AM” COME! • May everyone feel the T ru th of these Words
and have the fu ll Blessing which they bring.
" I AM” COME has been brought forth as a
M agnet of Jesu s’ Power of Light. It is a Focus of " I AM” Come was first sung in Los Angeles
our acceptance of Jesu s’ return in His Visible, and is dedicated to that city where once again
Tangible, Ascended M aster Body. the Power and Victory of the "L ig h t of God that
Every time it is sung, played, heard or the never fails” shall come forth in Its Fulness and
picture contemplated, each individual’s energy make it an A labaster City of Light, to which the
Ascended M asters and the Angelic H ost will once
gathers into a Focus of Light, Love and Power
that becomes the M agnet of attraction which again come forth tangible to the physical senses
of mankind. Unto that end, do we use this song
draw s Him again into close personal association
for the Freedom of all.
with those who accept His Tangible Presence
here on earth with us NOW ! " I AM” Come has been made in a Victor Record
Jesus has come many times in the last two thou­ by the trio of Voice, H arp and Novachord.
sand years in His Tangible Ascended M aster Body
to individuals who called to Him for help. He will
alw ays come even now to those who will p u rify
themselves and make the condition necessary for
Him to come! He said: "L o 'I AM’ with you al­
38 39

N O W B R O A D C A S T IN G T R A N S C R I P T I O N S :

K F W B , H ollyw o od , Los A n geles, C a lifo rn ia

9 :0 0 A .M . M on d ays, T u e sd a y s, T h u rsd a y s,
F rid a y s, S a tu r d a y s
K T S A , San A nton io, T e x a s 4 :0 0 P.M . M ondays O u r Loose-L eaf Binder an d Decrees
K R E , B erk eley, C a lifo rn ia 8 :1 5 - 8 :3 0 P.M. M ondays, T is our privilege and we are very g rate ­
W ednesdays, F rid ay s
7 :4 5 -8 A.M . T u e sd a y s
fu l to announce the release o f a Loose-
W O R L, Boston, M ass.
W CPO . C in cin n ati, Ohio 9 :1 5 - 9 :3 0 P.M . W ednesdays
leaf Binder for Special Decrees as they
K F R C , San F ran cisco , C a lif. 1 0 :4 5 - 1 1 :0 0 A .M . S u n d ay s come forth from time to time. It is made
K G B , San D iego, C a lif. 4 :3 0 - 4 :4 5 P.M . S u n d ay s in extra heavy green cloth to m atch the SA IN T
4 :4 5 - 5 :0 0 P.M . W ednesdays G ERM A IN SERIES and stam ped in pure gold-
K F E L , D en v er, C olorado 1 0 :3 0 -1 0 :4 5 A.M . S u n d ays leaf.
K F O X , L on g B each, C a lif. 1 0:45-1 1:00 A.M . S u n d ay s The Decrees are printed on paper to m atch the
W IP, P h iladelp h ia, Penna. 10:45-1 1:00 A.M . S u n d ay s, other books of the SA IN T G ERM AIN SERIES,
M ondays, T u e sd a y s, W ednesdays, T h u rsd a y s
9 :4 5 - 1 0 :0 0 A.M . S u n d ay s
punched to fit the Binder as fillers.
K W JJ, P o rtla n d , O regon
9 :3 0 - 9 :4 5 P.M. T u e sd a y s
As new songs come forth the lyrics will be
K O L , Seattle, W ash. 1 0 :3 0 -1 0 :4 5 A.M . Su n d ay s printed to fit this Loose-leaf Binder also. (Three,
W K A T , M iam i B each, F lorid a 1 0 :1 5 -1 0 :3 0 A.M . Su n d ay s will soon be released.)
W H N , N ew Y o rk C ity , N . Y. 1 1:4 5 - 1 2 :0 0 N oon This fills a long felt requirem ent of the whole
M ondays, W ednesdays, F rid a y s student body and will make unnecessary any
W X Y Z , D e tro it, M ichigan 9 :3 0 - 9 :4 5 A.M . S u n d ay s m im eographing or copying of Decrees by the
W K Z O , K a la m az o o , M ichigan 9 :4 5 - 1 0 :0 0 A.M . Su n d ay s Group Leaders or students. The Decrees w ill be
N O T E : We reserve a ll R adio B roadcastin g rights uncon ditionally, and no copyrighted so no mistakes can occur, and we ask
one is allow ed to b ro ad cast an y of the frI AM” In stru ctio n , or read from the
books over the Radio except Mr. or Mrs. B allard . everyone to respect Saint Germ ain’s Copyright in

40 41
order to keep all accurate and T ru e to His Decrees V IC TR O LA & PH O N O G R A PH RECO RD S
for Perfection.
The Loose-leaf Binders will be released about All Records from No. 100-A & B to No. 116-A
the last week in Novem ber and are for sale by the & B inclusive have been w ithdraw n.
Saint Germ ain Press. (We will soon release six­
teen pages (8 leaves) of new Decrees.) Ten (1 0 ) The follow ing Instrum ental (Lotus R ay King,
Pages of these Decrees is the smallest order we fill. H arpist, and Frederick Landw ehr, N o v ach o rd ):
Binder Price $1.25 ___________ Postpaid $ 1.40 (200-A — Light of My H eart
Decrees 1 cent per page (2 pages to the le a f), (200-B — Rose of Light
plus postage. (201 -A— Lotus My Love
(N o discount allow ed on Decrees) (201-B — Voice of the Presence
2. C h arts In A ction
The final test and experim ental w ork has been (2 0 2 -A— Son of Light
completed on the Charts-in-Action. The balance (202-B — C all to Light
of the m an ufacturin g will be completed with all (2 0 3 -A— Rainbow Rays
possible speed and the orders filled ju st as near (203-B — Oh, W orld Victorious
Novem ber 1st as possible.
3. C on cernin g M usic , L yrics an d Records The follow ing with T rio (L otus R ay King,
It is Saint Germ ain’s Request that the " I AM” H arpist, Violet Fairchild, Soloist and Frederick
Students no longer use any o f the music, lyrics Landw ehr, N o v ac h o rd ):
nor records by V irginia LaFerrera or Catherine ( 500-A— Light of My H eart
(500-B — Rose of Light
Other music and lyrics are being released ju st (501 -A— Lotus My Love
as rapidly as possible and the lyrics for each new ( 501-B— Voice of the Presence
song will be available for the Loose-Leaf Binder as
quickly as possible. ( 502-A— Son of Light
The follow ing songs have been w ithdraw n: ( 502-B— Call to Light
Goddess of Liberty ( 503-A— Rainbow Rays
Victory (503-B— Oh, World Victorious
Ascended M aster Youth
Minute Men o f Saint Germain (5 04-A— " I AM” Come
Anybody desiring to have the covers for fram ­ Records are now available at the Saint Germain
ing m ay secure same at the Saint Germain Press, Press, P. O. Box 113 3, Chicago, 111.
Chicago, 111. Price—
Price 50 cents each..................... Postpaid 5 5 cents Double faced Records $2.50 Postpaid $2.75
(N o discount allow ed on Song-covers) Single faced Records $1.50 Postpaid $1.75
42 43
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the
T IO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN TO We are now prepared to receive subscriptions
G RO UP LEA D ER S is covered by our copyrights for the year beginning with the issue of March,
with all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­ 1940, and it will m aterially assist our planning
lations. if those intending to renew their subscriptions
will send their renewals as early as possible.
This means, we will not allow this instruction
All subscriptions m ust sta rt with M arch, 1936,
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, ad u lter­ 1937, 1938, 1939 or 1940. All back issues may
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and be secured at any time, either by yearly subscrip­
we shall protect them fully. tion or single copies at the follow ing rates:
We are determined that this G IFT OF L IG H T , In C alifornia $3.09 a year
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended In United States outside of California $3.00
Masters to m ankind SH A LL BE PR O T E C T ED
In other countries $3.50 a year
and kept PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D —
FO REV ER— that m ankind m ay receive its E ter­ Single copies, 3 5 cents
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. The m agazine may be purchased in attractive
bound volum es, m atch in g the S ain t G erm ain
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right
Series and holding one year’s issues. Price, $4.2 5.
to m aintain CO M PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T Binding your own copies, $1.2 5. Plus shipping.
Y o u r c h an g e o f ad d re ss m u st reach this office not la te r th an
the 10th o f the m onth in o rd e r to a ssu re th a t m on th ’s issue
S A IN T GERM AIN PRESS being sent to the new ad d re ss on the r e g u la r m ailin g d ate.
Y o u r co-op eration w ill be a p p re c iate d and o u r serv ice to you
and assu re d .
MR. A N D MRS. G. W. BA LLA RD T h an k you!

• THE •
Sizes below can be purchased a t the SAINT GERMAIN
!a v
* * A ,

2600 South H o o v er S treet L os A n geles, C a lifo rn ia U N V E I L E D M Y S T E R IE S , V olu m e I __________ B y G o d fr e R a y K in g

C on tain in g the first grou p o f the au th o r’s experiences.
P rice $2.5 0 , P o stp aid $2,75
Je su s F old er, size 5x7, hand colored $ .50 T a x $.02 P ostage $.15
Sain t G erm ain, hand colored, 5 x 7 _________ .50 T a x .02 P ostage .15 T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E , V olu m e I I __________ B y G o d fr e R a y K in g
Je su s Satin b o o k -m ark ______ ________________ .35 T a x .01 P ostage .05 C on tain in g the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
Sain t G erm ain Satin book-m ark . _________ .35 T a x .01 P ostage .05 P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $ 3 .00
Je su s M in iatu re, desk fram ed ______ .... 1.50 T a x .05 P ostage .20
Sain t G erm ain M in iature, fr a m e d ___________ 1.50 T a x .05 P ostage .20 T H E " I A M ” D IS C O U R S E S ,
Je su s M in iature, 2 x 3 /z fo ld e r __ ________ .25 T a x .01 P ostage .05 V olum e I I I ___________ __ B y the A scen ded M a ster, S ain t G erm ain
Je su s M in iatu re, 2 / z x i / z tinted fo ld e r ______ .40 T a x .01 P ostage .05
C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, ex p lain in g the A scended M asters* A p p lica­
S ain t G erm ain M in iature, 2 I/ i x 3 I/ i f o l d e r __ .25 T a x .01 P ostag e .05
tion o f the ” 1 AM ,” w ith th ree color p late s. P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostp aid $3.00
S ain t G erm ain M in iatu re, 2 '/2x3 / 2 tin ted
fo ld e r .... _______________ ___ __________ .40 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Je su s seals .. _____ _______________________
T H E ” 1 A M ” A D O R A T IO N S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D D E C R E E S ,
.1 0 T a x .00 P ostage .03
Sain t G erm ain seals _______ __ ____ .10 T a x .00 P ostage .03 V olum e V — P a r ts 1 and 2 _________ ___ ________ _______ _ B y C h an e ra
" I AM ” Pins ____________________________ 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .10 A selection o f p o w erfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations and D ecrees o f the "M ig h ty
" I AM ” R in gs ___________________________ 1 2.00 T a x .36 P ostage .20 I AM P resence.” P rice $ 1 .7 5 , P ostp aid $ 2 .0 0
M aster Je su s, 1 2 x16, hand colored __ ____ 2.00 T a x .06 P ostage .25
M aster Sain t G erm ain, 1 2 x 1 6 , hand colored ... 2.00 T a x .06 P ostag e .25 A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S ,
G old F old er Je su s and Sain t G erm ain , 12x16 8.00 T a x .24 P ostage .25 V olum e V I By V a rio u s o f the A scen ded M asters
Brow n Fold er Je su s and Sain t G erm ain , 12x16 7.00 T a x .21 P ostage .25 C on tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d ictate d b e fo re h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith three
Je su s* Ascension, 1 2 x 1 6 ............................. ............. 1.25 T a x .04 P ostag e .25 color p late s. P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostp aid $3.00
J e s u s ’ Ascension, m in iatu re fo ld e r __ ______ .25 T a x .01 P ostage .05
T h e L u m inou s Presence, 1 2 x1 6 ____________ 1.25 T a x .04 P ostage .25 A SC E N D E D M A ST E R L IG H T ,
T h e Lum inous Presence, m in iatu re fo ld e r___ .25 T a x .01 P ostage .05 V olu m e V I I --------- B y V a rio u s A scen ded M asters an d C osm ic B eings
Je su s, 1 5 x 1 8 , fram ed . ________ _____ 5.50 T a x .17 P ostag e .25
C on tain in g tw en ty -six D iscou rses, d icta te d b efore h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith
S a in t G erm ain , 15x18, fr a m e d ____ ___ ______ 5.50 T a x .17 P ostage .25
th ree color p late s. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , P ostp aid $3.25
Je su s, 7 x9 l/ 2> fr a m e d ..... .................................. 2.50 T a x .08 P ostage .2 0
S a in t G erm ain , 7 x 9 l/ 2, fram ed . ___________ 2.50 T a x .08 P ostag e .20 " I A M ” A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S B y C h an e ra
Je su s, 5 Zi x 7 / z , fram ed ................... ............ .... 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .20
V est p o ck et E dition o f p o w e rfu l A d oration s and A ffirm ations.
Sain t G erm ain , 5 / 2x7 l/ z , fr a m e d _____ ______ 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .20
P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P ostp aid $ 1.20
Je su s seal, silver fram ed , tinted _____________ .30 T a x .01 P ostag e .05
S a in t G erm ain seal, silver fram ed , tin te d ____ .30 T a x .01 P ostag e .05
" I A M ” D E C R E E B O O K L E T ____ ________ _____________ B y C h an era
Je su s, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish..................................1 5.00 T a x .45 P ostag e E x. col.
Sain t G erm ain, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish .............1 5.00 T a x .45 P ostag e E x. col. A p ap er bound booklet, co ntaining a collection o f " I AM ” D ecrees which
everyone can use to b rin g Freedom to th e in d iv id u al, A m erica and the w orld.
Je su s, 1 9 x 2 4 , sepia finish ......... ................... 7 .5 0 T a x .23 P ostag e E x . col.
Size 5 Zz x 8. P rice reduced to 50c each, P ostp aid 65 c
S a in t G erm ain , 1 8 x 2 4 , sepia finish ............. 7 .5 0 T a x .23 P o stag e E x . col.
” 1 A M ” Em blem s (stic k e r s) ______ ________ .15 T a x .01 P ostage .05
" T h e M agic P resence,” 3 0 x4 8 ______1 5.00 T a x .45 P o stag e Incl. T R A N S L A T IO N S
" T h e M agic P resence,” 1 2 x 2 0 ______ 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .20
T A X C O L L E C T E D O N L Y IN ST A T E O F C A L IF O R N IA "U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S” — In T w o V olum es_____________________ P rice $5.25
s " T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T h ree V olum es__________________ P ric e $7.75
" T H E 'I AM ’ D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olu m es.................................. ..P ric e $6.75
"A S C E N D E D M A ST E R D ISC O U R S E S” ............................. ...............(In p rep aratio n )
plu s m ailing charges

• THE •
C on tain in g m any new and o rigin al songs fo r w hich m usic w ill be published and
A b e a u tifu lly lith ographed color c h art, su itab le fo r fram in g and m editation .
released as q u ick ly as possible th rou gh the Sain t G erm ain Press.
Size 12 x 20. P rice $1 .0 0 , P ostp aid $1.20 P rice each 5 0 ce n ts__________________________________________ P ostp aid 5 5 cents
L a r g e r size on heavy linen fo r S tu d y G ro u p s and in d iv id u al use. V IC T R O L A A N D P H O N O G R A P H R EC O R D S
Size 30 x 48. P rice $ 1 5 .0 0 , m ailing ch arges in cluded I R R -1 2 0 1 — IN V O C A T IO N _____________________________M r. an d M rs. B a lla rd and Son
(R R - 1 2 0 2 — H A R P C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N i g h t ) -----------------------M rs. B a lla rd
P IC T U R E O F T H E A SC E N D E D M A STE R , JE S U S (R R - 1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N ___ _______________________________ M r. an d M rs. B a lla rd
P IC T U R E OF T H E A SC E N D E D M A STE R , S A IN T G E R M A IN j R R -1 2 4 7 — H A R P C O N T E M P L A T IO N (N e a re r My G od to T h e e )-------- M rs. B a lla rd
H an d colored steel en g rav in g s o f etch ings by C h arles Sindelar. (2 0 0 - A — L IG H T O F MY H E A R T ( In s tr u m e n ta l)------------ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
Size 1 2 x 1 6 . P rice each $2.00, P ostpaid $2.2 5 I 2 00-B — R O SE O F L I G H T _____________________________F red erick L an d w eh r, O rg an ist
I 2 0 1 -A— L O T U S MY LO V E (In stru m e n ta l) ----- ------------- L o tu s R a y K in g, H arp ist
P IC T U R E OF T H E CO SM IC B E IN G , O R IO N , better known as J 201-B — V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E _________________ F red eric k L an d w eh r, O rg an ist
" T H E O LD M AN OF T H E H IL L S ” I 2 02-A — SO N O F L IG H T (In s tr u m e n ta l)___________ ____ ..—L o tu s R a y K in g, H arp ist
H and colored steel en g rav in g o f etch ing by R o b ert A g u ila r. j 202-B — C A L L T O L I G H T ___________________________ F red eric k L an d w eh r, O rg an ist
Size 12 x 16. P rice $ 2 .00, P ostpaid $ 2 .2 5 I 203-A — R A IN B O W R A Y S (In s tr u m e n ta l)-----------------------L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
j 2 03-B— O H , W O R L D V IC T O R I O U S __ _____________ F red eric k L a n d w eh r, O rg an ist
" T H E V O ICE OF T H E 'I AM’ ”
M onthly M agazin e co n taining a rticle s ex p lain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ 100-A LIGHT OF MV H E A R T -T ri.---------- <
co urses by the Ascended M asters and oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ack num bers J0 0 -B R O SE O F L I G H T ------------------------------- 1 F red erick Lan d w eh r, N ovach ord
a v ailab le begin ning F e b ru ary , 193 6. Y e arly su b scrip tion s begin w ith M arch, _ . I L o tu s R ay K in g, H arp ist
50 1 -A -LO TUS MY L O v e T -------------------- ( v io |c t F J rch il| ; Solo? t
1939. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , Single C opy 3 5c— In C alifo rn ia $3.09
501-B — V O IC E O F P R E S E N C E ------------------------( F red erick Lan d w eh r, N ovach ord

L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
R A D IO B R O A D C A ST IN G T R A N S C R IP T IO N S 5 02-A — SO N O F L IG H T — T rio V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
A Series o f B ro ad casts a v ailab le fo r use, co ntaining ex plan ation o f the L aw of 502-B — C A L L T O L I G H T ______ F red erick L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
L ife ; also protection fo r A m erica. F or in form ation w rite Sain t G erm ain Press,
P. O. Box 1133, C h icago, Illinois. 5 03-A — rR\ A
u INwB/On W
o i nR A Y S - TTO
vrrTnD r i oTTC
. _______________ /| viM et FF airch
V iolet a L c ^ild
d ’, SSoloist
^ o ? ,^
5 03 -B O H , W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S ---------------- \ F red erick L an d ’w ehr, N ovach ord
L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
5 04-A — " I AM ” COM E— T r io . V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
M USIC OF T H E SPH ERES -------------{ F red erick L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
L I G H T O F MY H E A R T V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E T h ese R ecords are su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l contem plation o r u se in S tu d y G rou ps.
LO TU S MY LO VE R O SE O F L IG H T P rice— D ou b le faced R eco rd s $ 2 .5 0 ...................... ................................................P ostp aid $2.7 5
O H , W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S SO N O F L IG H T Price— Single faced R ecords $ 1 .5 0 -------------------------------------- ---------P o stp aid $1.7 5
A G ro u p o f Songs— M usic and L y rics by G o d fre R ay K in g. These songs are H ead q u arters fo r A ll Publications
especially ch arg ed w ith p o w erfu l healing an d special a ctiv ity , acco rdin g to the
m eaning o f the ly rics.
E ach piece o f m usic has b e a u tifu lly lith ographed covers in color, su itab le fo r
SA IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, P. O. Box 113 3, Chicago, 111.
fra m in g , each represen tin g th at w hich the m usic p o rtray s.
P rice each $ 1 .0 0 ___ _____________________________________________ P ostpaid $1.15 W estern R e p re se n tativ e
S I N D E L A R S T U D IO S , 2 6 0 0 So. H o o v e r S t., L os A n g eles, C a lifo r n ia
C o p y righ ted by S ain t G erm ain P ress, C h icago , Illin ois
TH E “ I A M ” I
D isc o u n t I

amd A m nm now
M Jtf!

^ t \ e ^ jy V IN T Q E R M A I N $ E R IE £
B y th e A scen d ed M asters a n d th e ir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. a nd M rs. G. W . B allard a n d son, D onald


m . 'Jt, OF CALIFORNIA $3.09 A YEAR. f S J 1,

The "Voice of the I AM” is the m outh-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most pow erful w ork possible for America
and the w orld may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.


The inform ation given under the heading of "Young Amer­

ica” w ill be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illum ination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters w ill give their Light for the use of the
outer w orld in the Golden "I AM” Age.
This m agazine is not an outlet for articles from the stu ­
dents, but is the outpouring of the help from the Ascended
Masters and has no human concepts in it.

2600 South H oover Street Los Angeles, California
• T H E "C R Y S T A L C U P ” •
AY th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” o f L iq u id L ig h t
Be y o u rs to d rin k this h o u r;
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” su p p ly to you
L ife’s M ig h ty Cosm ic P o w e r:
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” fro m H e ig h ts D ivine
Be offered y o u to -d a y ;
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” of L iq u id L ig h t
R eveal G re a t V ic to ry ’s W ay.

M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” o f L iq u id L ig h t
R elease y o u n o w — all fre e ;
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” p o u r o u t Its G ifts
Blaze f o r th fo r all to see:
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” illu m in e now
R aise all a t L ife’s C o m m an d ;
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” of L iq u id L ig h t
P o u r fro m th e G re a t " I A M ” !

M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” o f L iq u id L ig h t
Be h eld w ith in m y h a n d ;
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” n o w com e to those
W ho re a lly u n d e rs ta n d :
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” fro m S ain t G erm ain
Become th e H o ly G ra il;
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” of L iq u id L ig h t
Serve n o w , so none c an fail!

M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” o f L iq u id L ig h t
S ta n d f o r th — fo re v e r flow ;
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” fro m L ife’s ow n Source
Its Love an d Peace b esto w :
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” an d U n fe d Flam e
R eveal th e P resence too;
M ay th e " C ry s ta l C u p ” of L iq u id L ig h t
T h e " I AM ” Self com e th r u !

T h in k o f it, frie n d s o f A m erica! N o lo n g e r
need m a n k in d m ove in th e co n d itio n s w h ic h th e y
h a v e c re a te d a b o u t them selves o f lim ita tio n , of
discord a n d p riv a tio n ; fo r to -n ig h t, I say to y o u :
e v e ry h u m a n being on th is e a r th w h o w ill m ak e
th e call to th e " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce,” y o u r in ­
d iv id u a liz e d P resence, y o u r Source o f L ife, w ill
R IE N D S o f A m erica a n d fe llo w -s tu -
b rin g t h a t D o m inion f o r th a n d q u ic k ly !
d e n ts, re m e m b er to -n ig h t " I AM ” th e
T h e re fo re , frie n d s o f A m erica a n d beloved s tu ­
P o w e r t h a t b e ats y o u r h e a rts!
d e n ts, listen ! A ssert t h a t D o m in io n as y o u n e v er
" I A M ” th e L ig h t t h a t y o u r H ig h e r
d id in y o u r L ife b e fo re . R em em b er th e re is no
M en tal B ody d ire c ts to give y o u L ife a n d actio n
single th in g w h ic h stan d s b e tw e e n y o u r h u m a n
w ith in y o u r h u m a n form s!
fo rm a n d y o u r " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce,” th e G o v ­
" I A M ” th e E n e rg y o f th e U n iv erse w h ic h y o u
c an call in to a c tio n a t a n y m o m en t to re n d e r y o u e rn o r o f th is U n iv erse. See th e P o w e r o f Its L ig h t!
w h a te v e r service is re q u ire d ! W ill y o u m ak e th e Feel th e P o w e r o f Its L ig h t go in g fo r th ! T h e n BE
th e D o m inion o f t h a t L ig h t in y o u r w o rld of
c all a n d fre e yourselves, o r re fu se to m ak e it an d
actio n !
re m a in in th e lim ita tio n s a n d chains o f y o u r ow n
W e m ove in th e P o w e r o f L ig h t, O h c h ild re n
c re a tio n ? R em em ber, n o th in g in th e w o rld can
o f e a rth ! W e s ta n d in Its su p rem e D om inion! W e
c h ain o r b in d y o u b u t y o u rse lf.
w a lk in th e s e c u rity o f Its M ig h ty P o w e r, fre e
R em em ber, frie n d s o f A m erica, th e tim e o f
h y p n o tic fo rce fro m one h u m a n b ein g c o n tro llin g fo re v e r fro m h u m a n opinion! W e sp eak w ith th e
A u th o rity a n d P o w e r o f L ife! W e go s tr a ig h t on
a n o th e r has ceased u p o n th is e a rth ! O b serv e this!
P ro fit b y i t a n d re m e m b er w h e n a su g g estio n o f to o u r G oal, th e H e a r t o f L ig h t— O u r T re a s u re -
house th e re , a n d O u r g lo rio u s Ship k n o w s no
h y p n o tic d o m in a tio n is g iv en to y o u , it is n o t tru e .
shore. F illed w ith th e G lo ry o f L ig h t, filled w ith
Y ou a re fre e fro m all h y p n o tic su g g estio n fro m
th e P o w e r o f th e " M ig h ty I A M ,” I t sails an d
a n y h u m a n bein g on th e face o f th is e a r th an d
c a rrie s y o u seren ely on in th e G lo ry o f y o u r
h e n c e fo rth ! T h e re fo re , y o u h av e th e a u th o r ity to
h e a r t’s desire; a n d th e one w h o lives in th e
call y o u r " M ig h ty I AM P resence” in to a ctio n to
" M ig h ty I A M ” w ith th e vision a n d a tte n tio n
p ro je c t Its M ig h ty L ig h t R ays in to y o u r w o rld
fixed th e re , w ill find his w o rld so g lo rio u s an d
o f a c tio n a n d h a v e th e re th e G lo ry o f Its H a r ­
free , filled w ith all t h a t is fa ir, filled w ith th e
m onious P resence a n d th e D om inion o f th e L ig h t
G lo ry a n d s e c u rity o f e v e ry th in g one c an d e ­
w h ic h b rin g s happiness, s tre n g th an d c o u ra g e to
m a n d an d live in th e P e rfe c tio n o f L ife su sta in e d
y o u to m ove f o r w a r d in th e P a th w a y o f th a t
in th e G lo ry o f G od’s C o m m an d .
R ay o f L ig h t a n d w h e re yo u m ove, find th e h a r ­
m ony o f t h a t L ig h t w a itin g you. In in d iv id u a l O h, frie n d s o f A m erica, to -n ig h t beloved s tu ­
d e n ts, in th e G lo ry o f all t h a t is, see a n d feel th e
co n d itio n s in th e P o w e r o f L ife, you becom e th e
S u p rem a c y o f th e Life t h a t b eats y o u r h e a rt.
D om inion o f t h a t L ig h t.
Y o u r call is sufficient! Y o u r P o w e r o f L ig h t in
y o u is th e D om inion o f y o u r w o rld ! L et I t assert
Its e lf a n d h a ste n I t b y y o u r h a rm o n y a n d co­
o p e ra tio n w ith y o u r call to It. T h e n see how
q u ic k ly discord a n d lim ita tio n s w ill cease fro m
y o u r w o rld ; fo r ” 1 AM ” th e L ig h t t h a t m oves
f o r w a r d a n d asks no h u m a n opinion.
" I AM ” th e L ig h t t h a t m oves in to a ctio n ,
sw eeping e v e ry discord fro m y o u r w o rld .
" I A M ” th e L ig h t, th e T o rc h o f E te rn ity , b e ck ­
o n in g m a n k in d to th e ir G oal! See M y L ig h t, O h
frie n d s o f A m erica w ith y o u r eyes focused u p o n
Its U n fe d F lam e fo llo w in g in Its G lorious tr a in • M R. R A Y B O R N ’S D ISC O U R SE •
o f L ig h t to y o u r G oal! F ind y o u r jew elled H om e • M inute Men— O akland, C alif. •
in th e O c ta v e o f L ig h t! Such is y o u r p riv ileg e, • A u g u s t 20, 1939 •
O h frie n d s o f A m erica, O h fe llo w -stu d e n ts!
' E N T L E M E N o f th e L ig h t, M in u te M en
T o -n ig h t, m ay y o u e n te r in to th a t P a th w a y
o f S a in t G erm ain ! th e M essenger is v e ry
o f L ig h t looking n e ith e r r ig h t n o r le f t a n d m ove
k in d in r e fe rrin g to M e; b u t as I see it,
fo r w a r d in Its M ig h ty Im p ellin g G lo ry , u n til y o u
I; I am n o t d eserv in g o f a n y special c re d it,
s ta n d th e re fo re v e r free.
fo r H a rm o n y w as ju s t n a tu r a l w ith in Me all M y
M an k in d has so long believed, visioned an d
L ife. N o m a tte r w h a t som eone trie d to do to Me
fe lt th e y w e re h eld w ith in som ethin g fro m w h ich
fin a n c ially o r o th e rw ise, I n e v e r fe lt u n k in d . I
th e y co u ld n o t e x tric a te them selves. I say to yo u ,
n e v e r k n e w w h y , u n til his com ing in to M y H om e
to -n ig h t: T h e re is n o t one co n d itio n ex istin g in
a n d S a in t G e rm a in ’s a p p e a ra n c e th e re . T h e n , fo r
th e w o rld in w h ic h y o u r call to th e " M ig h ty I
th e first tim e, I b eg an to u n d e rs ta n d th e L aw s
AM P resence” o f L ife a n d L ig h t w ill n o t q u ic k ly
t h a t w e re o p e ra tin g , q u ite n a tu r a lly , t h r u Me.
fre e y o u a n d b y th e P o w e r of H a rm o n y !
I say to y o u , g en tlem en th r u o u t A m erica, W e
M an k in d h a v e n o t le a rn e d h ow to use th e
h av e m ad e some special in v e stig a tio n c o n ce rn in g
P o w e r o f H a rm o n y , b u t th e y a re b e g in n in g to
th is d u rin g these five y ears. T h e re a re a g re a t
k n o w . T h e y a re b e g in n in g to u n d e rs ta n d a n d
m a n y m a g n ificen t m en in A m erica w h o a re loyal
soon m a n k in d w ill in th e P o w e r o f L ig h t, re fu se
A m erican s, w h o h av e w ith in th e m n a tu r a lly
to see th e offence o f officials. In ste a d b y c allin g
t h a t sam e g re a t h a rm o n y w h ic h w as M ine. T his
th e P o w ers o f th e " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce” in to
is one o f th e g re a t th in g s W e a re d e p en d in g on
a ctio n , w ill m ove in Its G lorious P a th w a y in to
n o w a n d in th e f u tu r e fo r th e re q u ire m e n ts of
th e G oal w h ic h k n o w s no o b s tru c tio n o f a n y
A m erica.
k in d .
D id yo u observe in th e p ap ers th is m o rn in g yourselves. W ell, I am f r a n k to say, fo r a few
— o f co u rse W e w a tc h th e n ew sp ap ers, b u t it m o m en ts I h a d ju s t a little p a lp ita tio n , b u t I
does n o t ta k e Us long to re a d th e m — b u t did y ou k n o w H e assisted Me in q u ie tin g th a t d o w n ; fo r
n o tice w h a t th e Dies C o m m ittee is d o in g , in c a ll­ in a fe w m in u te s I fe lt q u ite a t ease w ith H im
in g fo r th e re v o k in g o f th e c h a rte rs o f all G e r­ a n d th a t c o n v ersa tio n fo r tw o h o u rs o r m ore
m a n B u n d a ctiv itie s in A m erica? (a p p la u se — w h ic h to o k place w as O N E n e v e r to be fo rg o tte n
au d ien ce risin g ) T h a n k y o u g en tlem en ! W e shall in e te rn ity . S a in t G e rm a in has n e v e r p e rm itte d
n e v e r le t u p u n til t h a t is achieved (a p p la u se ) Me to give t h a t co n v ersa tio n to th e M essenger,
b u t I am still a sk in g fo r th e p riv ileg e— fo r y ou
a n d th is is w h y . O n ly a sm all p e rc e n t o f those
people a re in v eig led — yo u w ill n o tice th e w o rd k n o w it is said, if y o u keep a f te r a th in g y ou
— a re inv eig led in to t h a t false belief. H o w ? By fin ally g e t it a n d w h e n it is g ra n te d , y o u w ill
a b so lu te false prom ises a n d those p ro m isin g k n o w rejoice q u ite as m u c h , I th in k , as th e M essenger.
such th in g s can n e v e r be fu lfille d to those people. T hese a re close m a g n ific e n t to u ch es o f Life!
G ro u p s a n d in d iv id u a ls a re inveig led in to th e (W o n ’t y o u be seated ?)
R ecall h o w m a n y tim es w h e n som eone to w hom
B u n d b y v a rio u s in d iv id u a ls a n d t h r u claw s to
b rin g d is tu rb a n c e in to A m erica. y o u feel v e ry h a rm o n io u s o r w h o m y o u like v e ry
W ell I am a fiery A m e ric an , even th o u g h I am m u c h comes in to y o u r m id st, ju s t w h a t tak es
A scended! R em em ber W e do n o t fo rg e t th a t place in y o u r feelin g w o rld . R ecall th e happiness
w h ic h en ab led U s to re a c h th e G oal o f L ife an d a n d rejo icin g . W ell th a t is e x a c tly — o n ly g re a tly
if y o u love y o u r S a in t G e rm a in , h o w m u c h do intensified— w h a t is com ing in to y o u r feelin g
y o u suppose I love H im , as w ell as M rs. R ay b o rn w o rld w ith V ER Y G R E A T IN T E N S IT Y .
a n d O u r Blessed C h ild re n ? D o y o u realize th a t W e h av e ta lk e d a b o u t it b e fo re , b u t I w a n t to
O u r w hole F am ily becam e A scended t h r u H is to u c h u p o n it a g ain to -d a y so y o u m ay , if you
A ssistance a n d t h r u th e M essenger w h o m S ain t w ill, feel w h a t it m eans to y ou w h e n y o u hav e
G e rm a in sen t th e re com ing in to O u r H om e. W h y o f y o u r o w n v o litio n chosen to sty le yourselves
th e " M in u te M en o f S a in t G e rm a in .” Feel ALL
d id H e send th e M essenger to M y H om e? Be­
cause u n b e k n o w n to Me, M rs. R a y b o rn h a d t h a t m eans! D o y o u u n d e rs ta n d in do in g so, it
a lre a d y m ad e th e A scension; a n d w h e n th e M es­ com pels a special a c tiv ity in to a ctio n in ev ery o n e
sen g er cam e, it w as rev ealed t h a t She h a d . o f y o u a n d t h a t y o u becom e a closer p a r t o f H is
W o rld o f P e rfe c tio n ? I am m e n tio n in g th is, b e ­
G en tlem en , y o u w h o h av e longed to m eet S ain t
G e rm a in in th e T a n g ib le Body please g e t M y cau se I w a n t y o u to feel it is a resp o n sib ility —
Feeling now ! S h o rtly a f te r th e M essenger cam e th e re is no q u e stio n a b o u t t h a t — b u t it is a th o u ­
in to M y H om e one m o rn in g a b o u t five o’clock, I san d tim es w o rth a n y resp o n sib ility it m ig h t
a w a k e n e d o u t o f a sound sleep a n d th e re stood seem to be to yo u .
S a in t G e rm a in in H is T a n g ib le Body, looking a t I th in k to -d a y t h a t w ith in six m o n th s, S ain t
Me as I a w a k e n e d ! H e w as ju s t as ta n g ib le as G e rm a in w ill give in to th e use o f th e M in u te

8 9
M en some th in g s w h ich w ill b rin g y ou rig h t u p ­ a p p lic a tio n , as a m a tte r o f expression, looking
sta n d in g in th e joy o f y o u r a b ility to do this n e ith e r r ig h t n o r le ft. Y ou a re g o in g stea d ily f o r th
a n d also in th a t w h ic h w ill be fo r y o u r personal to w a rd y o u r G oal, m a k in g y o u r c o n s ta n t a p p li­
use. T r y to feel as I speak these W o rd s th a t it is c a tio n w ith no a n x ie ty as to w h e n it is going to
n o t ju s t a n expression. N o t o nly is y o u r " I AM p ro d u c e those re s u lts b ecau se som etim es in th e
P resen ce” y o u r T re a su re -h o u se , b u t y o u h av e a n x ie ty as to — " w e ll w h y d o n ’t I g e t th e re s u lt
e n te re d th e T re a su re -h o u se o f A m erica a n d S ain t r ig h t n o w ? ” o r " O h , w h y doesn’t t h a t re s u lt come
G e rm a in , in h a v in g joined th e M in u te M en g la d ly f o r th im m e d ia te ly ? ” — y o u th r o w a feelin g in to
a n d w illin g ly . N o w th is is n o t in a n y w a y a n in ­ y o u r call w h ic h in a w a y repels it, a t le ast fo r
d u c e m e n t fo r m en to com e in to th e M in u te M en’s th e tim e. I t is y o u r o b e d ien t p a r t to a c c e p t th e
A c tiv ity fo r th e y m u st com e because th e y love th in g s y o u w a n t, fo r t h a t b rin g s th e ir speedy
to re n d e r a service; b u t I say to yo u w h o a re r e n ­ release to yo u .
d e rin g th is service: R em em ber one d a y w h e n y ou Y ou k n o w it is v e ry w o n d e rfu l a n d v e ry easy
find h ow re a lly g en ero u s S a in t G e rm a in is an d fo r Me to u n d e rs ta n d these L aw s as ap p lied to
t h a t H e is th e T re a su re -h o u se o f th e U n iv erse th e com m ercial w o rld b ecau se I in v o lu n ta rily
fro m w h ic h to d ra w , yo u w ill k n o w H im as H e u sed so m a n y o f th e m in M y O w n ex p erien ce. I
re a lly is. love v e ry m u c h to ta lk to th e M in u te M en b e­
Y ou see h ow g en ero u sly H e has p ro v id e d fo r cause I am able to co n v ey in to y o u r feelin g w o rld
th e M essengers to c a r r y on th is L ig h t. W h en c e r­ M y G lo ry a n d V ic to ry o f c o m m ercial ach iev e­
ta in th in g s a re achieved, H e w ill t u r n a la rg e m e n t. Does it so u n d s tra n g e to y o u , t h a t bein g
p o rtio n o f H is A tte n tio n a n d P o w e r to th e bless­ w h o lly fre e fro m those th in g s, I w o u ld still h av e
in g a n d su p p ly o f th e M in u te M en. a n in te re s t in th em ? W ell, if so, y o u do n o t q u ite
G en tlem en , I w a n t to te ll yo u th is m o rn in g — g ra sp th e L aw . I f th e A scended M asters w e re
Please do n o t fo rg e t to keep u p y o u r c o n sta n t n o t in te re ste d in y o u , in D iv in e O rd e r a n d in
a p p lic a tio n in g a in in g th e m o m e n tu m a n d please D iv in e J u stic e fo r th e co m m ercial w o rld , h o w
do some v e ry d efin ite w o rk each d a y on y o u r w o u ld th e people o f e a r th o b ta in it? Y ou see
m oney su p p ly . T h e re is a reason o f w h ic h W e shall y o u c a n n o t g ain i t t h r u ju s t h u m a n effo rt. W ith ­
te ll y o u la te r b u t y o u r call is im p e ra tiv e . Y ou, o u t th e k n o w le d g e o f th e " I AM P resen ce” w h ic h
as in d iv id u a ls m u s t specialize in some th in g s. gives y o u th e e n c o u ra g e m e n t, h o w c a n th e P o w e r
Y ou m ay n o t be th e ju d g e o f th a t, b u t since y o u in th e O ne In te llig e n c e a n d L ig h t go f o r th an d
a re n eed in g (sh a ll w e say?) a lim itless fin an cial be h eld su sta in e d to b rin g it a b o u t?
su p p ly to re n d e r th e Service to th e L ig h t w h ic h I t is one th in g to call a n d th e n e n te r in to actio n ,
yo u m ig h t d esire; th e n it is ju s t th e M EA N S by g e n tle m en , fo r th o u sa n d s o f people w ith b u t little
w h ic h y o u h a v e th e R IG H T to call f o r th y o u r k n o w le d g e c an call a th in g in to a c tio n ; b u t to
lim itless su pply. h o ld it su sta in e d is a f a r d iffe re n t th in g an d
R em em ber y o u c an do it n o w — positively! y o u r P resen ce is th e o n ly s u sta in in g P o w e r th e re
I t o nly m eans y o u a re going on a n d on in y o u r 11
is in th is U niv erse. E ven y o u r m o m e n tu m is n o t a m ista k e i t is to a llo w y o u rselv es to c ritic iz e
sufficient w ith o u t th e c o n s ta n t su sta in in g P o w er persons, places o r co n d itio n s fo r a n y reason w h a t ­
o f y o u r " I AM P resen ce.” T h a t is one p o in t I w a n t e v e r because y o u a re c h a rg in g y o u r w o rld w ith
y o u to g e t, if y o u w ill th is m o rn in g because if th e q u a lity w h ic h y o u a re c ritic iz in g a n d th a t
y o u do n o t see th a t, y o u w ill re p e a te d ly a t in te r ­ is th e m ost d a n g e ro u s th in g a g a in st y o u r success.
v als recede fro m th e a tte n tio n a n d conscious Y ou c a n n o t affo rd to do it. I t does no good a n d
a c k n o w le d g m e n t t h a t y o u r " I AM P resen ce” is on th e o th e r h a n d , i t does release te rrific a lly
th e O ne a n d O n ly S u sta in in g P o w e r, fo r Its a c ­ tra g ic th in g s a t all tim es. In f a c t it does h a rm
tio n comes a b o u t a t y o u r call. a t all tim es, a n d a c c o rd in g to th e in te n s ity o f it,
N o w le t us use o u r blessed M r. S in d elar as one is it m o re o r less p o w e rfu l.
illu s tra tio n in th e a c tiv ity o f th e M agazine. N o t Suppose som eone does y o u a c tu a l h a rm . A l­
o n ly does he h a v e to m ak e th e phy sical e ffo rt in th o u g h y o u m ig h t lik e to h u m a n ly re ta lia te , th e
g e ttin g it o u t, b u t th e re m u s t be th e releasin g W isdom o f th e L a w is to call on th e L a w o f F o r­
fro m th e " I AM P resen ce” o f th e P o w e r o f L ig h t giveness fo r his m ista k e a n d give p raise a n d
to re g u la te co n d itio n s so as to ho ld a n alm ost in ­ th a n k s , t h a t y o u re m a in u n to u c h e d a n d u n a f ­
v o lu n ta r y S tre a m o f Its E n e rg y stea d y , stea d y , fe c te d b y it.
ste a d y u p o n one o b jectiv e. T h a t is w h y th e u n ­ I ask y o u to observe th is am o n g th e v a s t s tu ­
d iv id e d a tte n tio n to th e P resence t h r u y o u r calls d e n t body. I h a v e n e v e r seen su ch a m a g n ific e n t
releases th e P o w e r o f th e P resence in to actio n th in g in M y e n tire ex p erien ce. N in e ty p e rc e n t o f
w h ic h is p o sitiv ely in c re d ib le , u n til y o u co m p are th is g re a t s tu d e n t b o d y o f A m erica a n d th e w o rld
th e tw o w a y s o f do in g a th in g a n d see th e d iffer­ a re a b so lu tely h a p p y a n d w illin g to give obedience
ence. N o w , o u r blessed C h arles is com ing in to to w h a t th e M essengers ask — obedience to L ife
t h a t v ib r a to r y a c tio n w h e re m ore an d m ore, a l­ — because t h a t is all t h a t is ask ed so a ll m ay
m ost in v o lu n ta rily , th e re is com ing a stea d y flow m o re q u ic k ly re a p th e P e rfe c tio n th e y desire. I t
o f P o w e r fro m th e P resence o f L ife t h r u th e a c ­ is a n u n h e a rd o f th in g a n d y e t it is done.
tiv ity o f th e M agazine in its m ore a n d m ore T h e v e ry sm all p e rc e n t w h o re se n t g iv in g th e
p e rfe c t c o lo rin g a n d a rtis tic w o rk a n d in th e obedience to L ife w h ic h is necessary fo r th e ir h a r ­
flow o f Its e n e rg y in to th e c o n d u c tin g o f th e m o n y , is h a rd ly w o r th c o n sid erin g . Y ou a re so
business. h a p p y a n d w illin g to give w h a te v e r obedience to
R em em b er g e n tle m en , L ife n e v e r c ritic iz es n o r L ife is necessary a n d as y o u keep y o u rselv es h a r ­
condem ns you. T h e A scended M asters n e v e r m onious, so y o u r c all goes f o r th w ith m o re a n d
c ritic iz e n o r co n d em n you. Som etim es in c e rta in m o re in te n s ity , m o re a n d m o re speedily a n d p o w ­
th in g s, th e h u m a n m u s t be h eld in obedience e r f u l does th e m o m e n tu m com e f o r th w h ic h w ill
u n til S e lf-g o v e rn in g p o w e r ta k es it p lace; b u t one d a y sw eep in to a ctio n a n d th e w h o le o f w h a t
t h a t is n o t critic ism , n o r is it co n d em n a tio n . I f h a d seem ed to o b s tru c t y o u r w a y , w ill h a v e v a n ­
y o u w ill u n d e rs ta n d th is, y o u w ill see how g re a t ished o v e r n ig h t. W ith some, it w ill v a n ish g r a d ­
12 13
u a lly , w ith o th e rs th e m o m e n tu m c o n sta n tly co m p lete release w ill com e! J u s t feel t h a t Love
rushes in to a c tio n a n d th e th in g is done a t once, fro m y o u r P resence! V isu alize It! I t is y o u r
b u t th is a p p lic a tio n is th e a ssu ra n c e o f y o u r physical sig h t in a c tio n w ith in .
V icto ry . In th e se c re t o f o u r h e a rts a n d in a d o ra tio n
T h a t rem in d s Me o f in s u ra n c e . D o n o t m isu n ­ to t h a t P resence, le t u s be c h ild re n a g ain . Such
d e rs ta n d Me, b u t y o u r re a l sincere a tte n tio n to Love a n d a d o ra tio n to y o u r S ource o f L ife does
y o u r " I AM P resen ce,” is th e g re a te s t in su ra n c e n o t in te rfe re w ith y o u r positiveness to th e o u te r
in th e U n iv erse. Y et i t is o nly w isdom to keep w o rld as y o u go f o r th in to a c tio n ; b u t to t h a t
in su ra n ce on y o u r c ars, b ecause to some degree, G re a t P resen ce o f L ife w h ic h is th e In te llig e n c e
if y o u a re off g u a rd , th e y becom e s u b je c t to th e a n d E n e rg y a c tin g t h r u y o u r h u m a n fo rm , feel
conditions a ro u n d o th e r in d iv id u a ls. T h e n , if so sw eet a n d k in d to I t. Y ou c a n n o t feel su ch
som ebody ru n s in to y o u in spite o f y o u r a p p lic a ­ Love to y o u r " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce” w ith o u t
tio n , y o u h a v e so m eth in g to rep lace th e d am age. th e feelin g o f g r e a t h a rm o n y . In su ch g re a t h a r ­
Y ou see g e n tle m en , th is L a w is th e m o st p r a c ­ m o n y , Its P o w ers w ill release so tre m e n d o u sly to
tic a l th in g e v e r k n o w n in th is U n iv e rse w h e n y o u t h a t y o u w ill fin d i t w e ll w o r th w h ile.
c o rre c tly u n d e rsto o d . I t is th e sam e th in g m a n y D u rin g th e tim e w h e n I saw a m o n g th e co m ­
tim es in ph y sical co n d itio n s, if in d iv id u a ls h a v e m e rc ia l a c tiv itie s th e co n d itio n s th e n e x istin g , I
n o t y e t g a in ed th e m o m e n tu m to q u ite cope w ith th o u g h t w h a t a w o n d e rfu l th in g i t w o u ld be, if
a s itu a tio n a n d som etim es o u te r assistan ce is some d a y , so m eth in g w o u ld com e a b o u t so m a n ­
needed, h a v e it. T h a t need n o t in a n y w a y d e tr a c t k in d w o u ld all feel h a rm o n iz e d — fo r in th e co n ­
fro m y o u r a p p lic a tio n , unless y o u a llo w i t to feren ces o f th e com m ercial w o rld , su ch tra g e d ie s
do so. to o k place. D o y o u k n o w in th e co n feren ces w ith
I f y o u w e re o u t h e re in th e s tre e t a n d you o th e r m en o f th e com m ercial w o rld su ch a th in g
needed in fo rm a tio n w h ic h y o u w e re n o t fa m ilia r n e v e r once o c c u rre d in a c o n v e rsa tio n w h e re I
w ith a n d I cam e alo n g a n d gave y o u th e in f o r ­ w as p re sen t? I m a rv e le d a t i t tim e a n d a g ain . I
m a tio n , w o u ld t h a t d e tr a c t fro m th e a p p lic a tio n h a d n o t th e slig h te st idea a n d c o u ld n o t h av e
w h ic h y o u w e re n a tu r a lly m a k in g ? O f co u rse acc e p ted th e n th a t I w as th e cau se o f i t ; b u t th e
no t. T h a t is w h y a n d h o w y o u w a n t to be p r a c ­ L ig h t o f M y " I AM P resen ce” flooded f o r th t h r u
tic a l in all th is In s tru c tio n of th e A scended M as­ M y N a tu r a l H a rm o n y a n d com pelled all in th e
ters. K eep y o u r fe e t on e a r th a n d y o u r h e ad on R ad ian c e o f i t to becom e h a rm o n io u s. T h a t P o w e r
th e B reast o f y o u r " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce.” o f H a rm o n y is e x a c tly w h a t y o u c a n m a k e y o u r ­
G en tlem en , t h a t is n o t less m a n ly . D o y o u k n o w selves in y o u r calls to th e Presence. Y ou c a n be
w h a t y o u c an do w h e n a n x ie ty has beset you? su ch a P o w e r, su ch a m a g n e t o f h a rm o n y t h a t as
Y ou c a n la y y o u r h e ad on th e B reast o f y o u r th e R ad ian c e goes f o r th fro m y o u r P resen ce t h r u
" M ig h ty I AM P resen ce,” like a ch ild w h o is tire d y o u r p h y sical body, no one com ing in to Its R a ­
a n d goes to its m o th e r; a n d in t h a t stillness such d ia n ce w ill w a n t to be in h arm o n io u s.
14 15
T h a t re q u ire s a m o m e n tu m g a in ed to a c e rta in R em em b er th e A scended M asters w a n t to help
p o in t. A ll o f y o u a re ra p id ly a p p ro a c h in g th a t y o u a n d if y o u a re in a position w h e re y o u need
p o in t n o w w h e re y o u c a n begin to b rin g this specific D ire c tin g In te llig e n c e say: " 'M ig h ty I
f o r th a n d if y o u w ill do as th e M essenger has AM P resen ce’ release th is A scended M aster D i­
asked so m a n y tim es, w h e th e r th e need seems to re c tin g In te llig e n c e r ig h t n o w , w h ic h I n e ed ,”
be th e re o r n o t, y o u w ill be v ic to rio u s. W h en you and y o u w ill have it.
s ta n d on y o u r fe e t call th e P resen ce to c h a rg e Suppose y o u w e re in te re ste d in m in in g an d
y o u r m in d , b o d y a n d feelin g w o rld w ith Its th e re w e re ric h spots on y o u r la n d , y o u c a n say
Lim itless e n e rg y , w ith Its M ig h ty D ire c tin g I n ­ to y o u r P resen ce: " 'M ig h ty I AM P resen ce’ d i­
tellig en ce, q u alified w ith th e A scended M asters r e c t m e to th e ric h e st spots h ere, so I m a y save
C onsciousness in all y o u do. Y ou w ill g a in a m o ­ tim e a n d expense.” W ell, w h y w o u ld y o u n o t be
m e n tu m o f t h a t a n d is th e re a n y th in g w h ich an sw ered !
c o u ld in te rfe re w ith It? O b serv e h o w im possible I ask y o u to observe t h a t a m a z in g ex p erien ce
su ch a th in g w o u ld be. re fe rre d to in th e "M ag ic P resen ce.” A f r e a k o f
Y ou a re e n te rin g in to th e m ost p o w e rfu l, n a tu r e h a d o c c u rre d a n d th e en g in eers o f th e
m a th e m a tic a lly a c c u ra te , defin ite L a w k n o w n in w o rld w o u ld h a v e said it w as im possible to find
th is U n iv erse, w h ic h is th e L a w o f y o u r o w n gold a t t h a t p o in t. Y et, S a in t G e rm a in seeing,
L ife. I t does n o t m a k e a p a rtic le o f difference k n o w in g , d ire c te d Me to th e e x a c t n u m b e r o f
w h a t som ebody a ro u n d y o u is d oin g , if y o u do fe e t I w as to d r if t in to re a c h it a n d I fo u n d th e
n o t le t it g e t y o u r a tte n tio n I E v e ry b o d y a ro u n d ore b o d y to th e e x a c t fo o t t h a t H e in d ic a te d .
y o u m a y m ak e m istakes, b u t if y o u w ill s ta n d Blessed Bob w h e n H e saw Me s ta r t th is w o rk ,
ste a d fa s t in y o u r " I AM P resen ce,” y o u w ill find th o u g h t I w as p o sitiv ely a little b it off because
y o u rs e lf no p a r t o f those m istakes. his te c h n ic a l tra in in g h a d ta u g h t h im t h a t such
I say a g ain , I o fte n see in d iv id u a ls re q u irin g a a th in g w as im possible. H e w a n te d to say to Me
c e r ta in a m o u n t o f m oney to su ccessfu lly go f o r ­ so b a d ly : " O h M r. R a y b o rn , d o n ’t w a ste y o u r
w a r d to a n a ch iev em en t. G en tlem en , believe Me, m o n ey .” I f e lt it as p la in as c o u ld be, b u t H e did
y o u r " I AM P resen ce” W ho b e ats y o u r h e a r t, is n o t v e n tu r e to voice it. W h en he w a tc h e d — I
th e T re a s u re -h o u se o f all y o u c an e v e r re q u ire . h a v e n o t asked H im since, b u t I do n o t th in k he
I f y o u w ill keep c a llin g a n d c allin g I t in to a ctio n slep t d u rin g t h a t tim e. D a ily his a n x ie ty becam e
a n d say: " 'M ig h ty I AM P resence’ release th r u g re a te r a n d g re a te r, as to w h e th e r it w as going
D iv in e O rd e r a n d D iv in e J u stic e th e m oney s u p ­ to w o rk o u t o r n o t. W h en it d id H e alm o st co l­
p ly I re q u ire to c a r r y th is w o rk on su ccessfu lly ! lapsed.
Y ou see t h a t I m ak e no m ista k es,” I t w ill a n sw e r. G en tlem en , t h a t w as o n ly th e W isdom o f Life
I f it is in m in in g , y o u c an h a v e th is help . Since a c tin g , u n to u c h e d b y h u m a n q u a lific a tio n . S ain t
I am v e ry fa m ilia r w ith m in in g , I speak o f it an d G e rm a in IS th e P e rfe c tio n o f L ife a n d seeing an d
I ask y o u to re m e m b er w h a t S a in t G e rm a in did k n o w in g c le a rly th a t th e gold w as th e re , m eas­
fo r m e, o r caused th e M essenger to do.
u re d ju s t as a c c u ra te ly as y o u m e asu re w ith y o u r tio n o f y o u r o w n L ife’s e n e rg y b y a c c e p tin g th e
ta p e line th e n u m b e r o f fe e t b e tw e e n because sug g estio n s o f th e m ass o f m a n k in d w h ic h still
H e c o u ld see t h r u th e w alls a n d p erceiv e th e dis­ im pose th e feelin g o f age a n d in a b ility . Y ou h a v e
ta n c e b e tw ee n . th e sam e L ife, th e sam e e n e rg y w ith in y o u r b o d y
T h e re is no reason in th e w o rld w h y an y o n e as y o u d id w h e n y o u w e re y o u n g if y o u a sse rt
w h o w ill a ttu n e h im self o r h e rs e lf to th e " I AM it. N o t o n ly th a t, b u t y o u h a v e th e W isdom a n d
P resen ce,” c a n n o t see t h r u a n d k n o w th e G oal P o w e r o f y o u r P resen ce N O W w h ic h y o u c an
fro m th e b e g in n in g . I t is w h a t e v e ry one o f y ou, call in to a ctio n to c h a rg e y o u r b o d y w ith Its
one d a y , w ill com e to do. W o u ld t h a t n o t rem ove L im itless e n erg y .
a ll a n x ie ty as to ach iev em en t? O f course! E v e ry I w o u ld n o t be s u rp rise d if th e M essenger is
tim e so m eth in g o ccu rs in y o u r h u m a n feelin g to n o t as old as an y o n e in th e room , b u t does h e la c k
m ak e y o u a n x io u s, d o u b tfu l o r q u e stio n th e W is­ e n erg y ? T h a t is w h y g e n tle m en . H is c o n ta c t w ith
dom , th e A u th o r ity o r P o w e r o f th e P resence to S a in t G e rm a in rem o v ed th e m ass su g g estio n th a t
d ire c t y o u , silence i t a n d say: " 'M ig h ty I AM w as s ta r tin g to im pose age u p o n h im a n d t h a t is
P resen ce’ silence th is th in g ! I d o n ’t w a n t it! I th e reason it w ill n e v e r g ro w a n y m o re th a n it
w o n ’t h a v e i t ! ” T h e n , " 'M ig h ty I AM P resen ce,’ is to -d a y . In s te a d less a n d less. S uch is th e P e r ­
Y ou ta k e c h a rg e h ere! R eplace th is h u m a n q u a l­ fe c tio n w h ic h y o u r calls to th e P resen ce should
ity w ith Y o u r P e rfe c tio n a n d see i t is s u sta in e d .” p ro d u c e in y o u r p h y sical body. F irst, a sto p p ag e
T h e n , y o u w ill dism iss t h a t c o n d itio n a n d go on o f all sense a n d feelin g o f age. T h e n th e re v e rsa l
in th e F reedom a n d h a p p y h a rm o n io u s a c tiv ity o f th e c o n d itio n w h ic h r e tu r n s y o u to m o re y o u th ­
o f a ch iev em en t. f u l a c tiv itie s, in ste a d o f go in g on s u b je c t to th e
I f yo u h a d been w ith these M essengers, y ou m ass suggestions o f all m a n k in d .
w o u ld h a v e seen th e th o u sa n d s o f tim es in w h ich N o w re m e m b er, it is th e a c c u m u la tio n o f th e
a n alm o st te r r if y in g th in g su d d e n ly w o u ld loom ages, o f th e m ass su g g estio n o f age, w h ic h m a n ­
u p in f r o n t o f th e m a n d y e t, w ith a fe w d y n am ic k in d has to c o n te n d w ith ; a n d y o u h a v e to be
calls to th e P resence th e th in g w as silenced an d v e ry positive a g a in st it, t h a t y o u do n o t a c c e p t
d isap p e a re d n e v e r to r e tu r n . T o -d a y , y o u a re in it. In v o lu n ta rily , I rep elled th e h u m a n sense o f
th e sam e position to do th e sam e as th e y do. T h a t age. I looked alw ay s a t least tw e n ty y e ars y o u n g e r
is th e p o in t to w h ic h y o u a re bein g raised. th a n I re a lly w as. I m ad e n o e ffo rt to a tta in y o u th ,
Please do n o t le t so m a n y y ears o v er y o u r h ead b u t th e n a tu r a l h a rm o n y w ith in Me d id su sta in
m ak e yo u feel y o u a re less cap ab le, less d y n am ic. it, in sp ite o f all co n d itio n s a b o u t Me. T h is is th e
T h a t is n o t a R ea lity . T h a t w h ic h imposes age o r p o in t y o u a re com ing to in y o u r a p p lic a tio n , fo r
in a b ility on y o u is n o t tru e ! I t is h u m a n c re a tio n th e L ig h t w ill n a tu r a lly rep el su ch suggestions.
a n d h u m a n consciousness im posed u p o n th e in d i­ I f y o u w ill m ak e th e call to c h a rg e y o u r b ody,
v id u a l. T h a t is o u te r scientific k n o w led g e, if you y o u w ill fin d y o u a re able to c h a rg e it w ith th e
c a re to look a t it t h a t w a y . I t is y o u r re -q u a lific a ­ lim itless e n e rg y o f y o u r " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce.”
18 19
N o w I m u s t to u c h u p o n one p o in t. By n a tu r e , in g th e re q u ire m e n ts o f th e L a w o f L ife so
b y n a tu r a l desire, I n e v e r h a d a n y desire to w aste y o u m ay be re a d y fo r th e A ssistance w h ic h S ain t
M y sex e n e rg y , e x c e p t to use i t in th e b rin g in g G e rm a in a n d W e c a n give y o u , w h e n i t comes to
f o r th o f o u r tw o c h ild re n . T h e th o u g h t w as sel­ y o u r o th e rw ise passing, to d r a w y o u in to y o u r
dom w ith in Me. T h e c o n d itio n o f m a n k in d , to ­ A scension fo re v e r fre e fro m these d is c o rd a n t, d e­
d ay , is t h a t in h a v in g w a ste d so m u c h o f th e ir s tru c tiv e a n d lim itin g co n d itio n s o f e a rth ? Such
e n e rg y th e y do n o t fin d it easy to re p la ce it; b u t F reed o m a n d V ic to ry c a n be fo r e v e ry one o f y ou,
if th e s tu d e n ts a n d th e M in u te M en u n d e rs ta n d if y o u w ill believe i t a n d give th e obedience
th e im p e ra tiv e need o f th a t, th e y w ill call th e necessary.
" M ig h ty I AM P resen ce” in to a c tio n , to ta k e o u t I te ll y o u , if y o u ask th e P resen ce deep ly an d
o f th e m all su ch desires a n d re -e stab lish th e sin cerely to ta k e a n y u n d e sira b le desire o u t of
su p p ly o f e n e rg y w h ic h is th e s tre n g th o f th e ir y o u , it w ill be done. T h e n y o u do n o t b a ttle !
Presence t h a t th e y re q u ire . T h e n y o u do n o t feel t h a t y o u a re b ein g d ep riv ed
W e k n o w q u ite as w e ll as y o u do w h a t th e o f so m eth in g ! A f te r all a fe w y e ars o f obe­
d o cto rs recom m end. A g re a t m a n y o f th e m , n o t d ience to L ife, is so little e ffo rt to give y o u y o u r
all, say i t is a m ista k e n o t to do it. T h e y a re E te rn a l Freedom . T h in k , those fe w m o m en ts of
w h o lly m ista k e n g e n tlem en ! I f people c o n tin u e g ra tific a tio n , o r a w h o le life tim e o f i t is abso­
to believe th a t, th e y w ill go d o w n t h r u th e sh ad o w lu te ly n o th in g , in co m p ariso n to one hou r o f fe e l­
o f so-called d e a th . Y ou c a n n o t w a ste t h a t e n erg y , in g th e G lo ry o f th e C u rre n ts fro m y o u r " I AM
w h ic h y o u need to re a c h o u t to th e P resence, in P resen ce” flow ta n g ib ly a n d fre e ly in to y o u . T h a t
o rd e r to g a in y o u r m o m e n tu m a n d h a v e Its P e r­ is w h y y o u r p riv ileg e to -d a y , is th e g re a te s t ev er
fe c tio n . k n o w n to m a n a n d y o u h a v e y o u r S a in t G erm ain
A g r e a t m a n y , b o th m en a n d w om en, h a v e r e ­ to th a n k fo r it!
belled so fu rio u s ly a n d becom e v io le n tly vicious I th a n k y o u fo r y o u r p resen ce, f o r y o u r a t te n ­
b ecause th e T r u t h w as to ld th e m a b o u t th is L aw tio n , a n d t r u s t t h a t I m ay h a v e b een o f some
— b u t e v e ry one is w h o lly fre e to obey I t o r n o t. b en efit, in h e lp in g y o u to u n d e rs ta n d a n d g rasp
W e k n o w w h a t is n ecessary fo r m a n k in d to g ain th e g re a t sim p licity o f these L aw s, to l if t y ou
th e ir F reedom ! W e m u s t te ll th em ! T h e n , th e y in to y o u r G lo rio u s E te rn a l F reedom a n d y o u r
m u s t decide w h e th e r th e y a re going to u tiliz e I t A scension in th is em b o d im en t.
o r n o t, b u t W e k n o w positiv ely th is is im p e ra tiv e T h a n k y o u so m u ch .
fo r y o u r Freedom .
G en tlem en , since y o u c an h av e y o u r A scension
a t th e close o f th is e m b o d im en t! W ho o f y o u can
te ll Me to -d a y , w h e n th e close o f th is em b o d im en t
is fo r you? C an a n y one o f y o u te ll Me? T h e n ,
w h y is it n o t w o r th m a k in g e v e ry e ffo rt in o b ey ­
20 21
little g r e a te r R ejoicing? T h a t is ju s t w h a t I feel
to -d a y a n d t h a t is w h y I am h e re to th a n k ev ery
s tu d e n t w h o is sincere th r o u g h o u t th is la n d fo r
e ach one’s g ig a n tic assistance in th is w h ic h W e
h a v e accom plished. S u ch a th in g w o u ld h a v e been
co m p letely im possible w ith o u t those M ig h ty D e­
crees a n d C alls fro m th e s tu d e n t b o d y o f e a rth .
C e rta in D isp en satio n s t h a t w e re g ra n te d w o u ld
h a v e been im possible w ith o u t th em .
T r y to fo llo w Me f o r ju s t a m o m en t. I k n o w
it is a lo n g re a c h , b u t tr y . H e re W e w e re o p e ra t­
in g w ith in th e e a r th ’s sp h ere, dissolving, con­
su m in g a n d fo re v e r re m o v in g th e viciousness in
those w h o a re in h a b ita n ts o f th e psychic o r a stra l
p la n e, w h ic h w as th e d e s tru c tiv e fo rc e g e n e ra te d
a n d c re a te d b y m a n k in d t h r u m o re th a n tw o an d
a h a lf m illion y ears. T h a t is o n ly a p a r t o f it.
N o w th e n , in one g r e a t leap , s ta n d w ith Me in
• G O D D ESS O F L IG H T ’S D ISC O U R SE • th e R ad ian c e o f th e G re a t C e n tra l S u n , looking
• W ash ington Class— D ecem b er 3, 1939 • u p o n th is th e lo w est v ib r a to r y a c tio n in a n y sys­
E L O V E D ones o f th e L ig h t, I com e to te m o f p la n e ts— fo r be a ssu re d o f th is, th e re are
y o u to -d a y p erh ap s th e h a p p iest h o u r no p la n ets e x istin g w h ic h h a v e a lo w e r v ib ra to ry
o f M y e n tire ex p erien ce. Y ou m ig h t a c tio n th a n th is e a r th . T h a t is th e reaso n w h y
w o n d e r w h y since W e a re , as A scended th is p re p a ra tio n h a d to be m ad e, fo r th e release
Beings, th e fu ln e ss o f H ap p in ess. Is th e re an y o f these u n f o r tu n a te beings w h o h a d b een c a u g h t
lim it? Is a n y th in g e v e r com plete? N o t u n til y o u a n d h e ld in th e psychic p la n e fo r— O h , m y peo­
h a v e becom e a B eing w ith in th e G re a t C e n tra l ple, t h a t y o u o n ly k n e w h o w long! D o y o u k n o w
S u n a n d a D ire c to r o f Forces a n d C u rre n ts of some o f those people c a u g h t in th e a s tr a l an d
L ig h t a n d P o w e r w h ic h g o v e r n S y ste m s o f psychic w o rld h a d n o t em bodied in th o u san d s
W o rld s. T h e n c a n y o u feel t h a t y o u h a v e reach ed a n d th o u san d s o f y ears? Y ou c a n n o t im ag in e w h a t
a p o in t o r C e n tra liz e d Focus of In fin ite W isdom th e ir c o n d itio n w as! H o w c o u ld p ro g ress be m ade
a n d P o w e r. w h e re th e re w as n o o p p o rtu n ity ? T o re m a in f o r ­
W e m a y a lw ay s d r a w to Us w h a t W e re q u ire , e v e r u p o n th is e a r th w ith no c h a n g e o f v ib ra to ry
b u t w h e n W e, too, h a v e g re a t a ch iev em en t, w h ic h a c tio n w o u ld fin a lly m ean in e rtia . T o re m a in in
W e k n o w m eans e v e ry th in g in th e w o rld to a n y o th e r sp h ere o f a c tiv ity in one v ib r a to r y a c ­
m a n k in d , th e n h a v e W e n o t a r ig h t to h av e a tio n , m eans so f a r as th e h e ig h t o r d e p th o f th a t
22 23
v ib r a to r y a ctio n is co n cern ed , t h a t it w o u ld b e ­ sands o f c e n tu rie s, b u t th e A scended M asters w ill
com e in e rtia . n o t a llo w th e m to com e f o r th u n til still f u r t h e r
P a rd o n Me if I digress ju s t a m o m en t. Y ou p r e ­ ch an g es ta k e place. W h a t do y o u th in k d e s tr u c ­
cious " I A M ” S tu d e n ts o f A m erica w h o h a v e fe lt tiv e fo rces w o u ld do w ith p lan es o f t h a t k in d ?
y o u r a u th o r ity a n d a b ility to c all th e Presence D o y o u n o t see, p recio u s people, th e W isdom o f
in to a c tio n a n d su p p ly y o u a n d en ab le y o u to Life? W ill y o u please ab id e in th e W isdom o f
tra v e l fro m one p o in t to a n o th e r in A m erica, these G re a t O nes a n d o f y o u r G re a t P resence
h a v e accom plished a splendid th in g . I t is one of W h o k n o w so w ell w h a t is rig h t? H o w c a n th e
th e g re a te s t th in g s, d e a r people, in y o u r ex p e ­ fin ite k n o w , e x c e p t a t in te rv a ls o f p e rfe c t a t-
rien ce. T h e c h an g e w h ic h t h a t b rin g s in itse lf tu n e m e n t? H o w c an people k n o w th e fu ln ess o f
m eans m o re th a n y o u w ill e v e r k n o w . As tr u e as th e W isdom o f Life?
I am te llin g y o u , y o u c a n n o t s ta y in one room M ay I offer one v e ry k in d ly su g g estio n , b e ­
o r one e n v iro n m e n t y e a r in a n d y e a r o u t a n d p ro ­ cau se th e re is n o w a n d th e n one w h o fa lls in to
gress. Y ou h a v e g o t to g e t o u t. Y ou h a v e g o t to th is h a b it? D o n o t say to y o u r fe llo w -s tu d e n ts
c h an g e y o u r v ib r a to r y a ctio n , a n d th a t is w h y it t h a t e v e ry m ove y o u m a k e, y o u a re d ire c te d b y
has been necessary in o rd e r fo r y o u r L ig h t to y o u r P resence. T h a t co u ld n o t possibly be tr u e in
e x p an d . o u r p re s e n t s ta te ; b ecau se y o u a re c o n s ta n tly
Y ou re m e m b er in th e e a rly p a r t o f o u r A m e r­ c o n ta c tin g v ib ra to ry actio n s o f th e o u te r w o rld
ica, th e hom e life o f th e people in m a n y respects w h ic h y o u do n o t y e t q u ite u n d e rs ta n d h o w to
w as v e ry w o n d e rfu l. I t w as a t one tim e q u ite th e w a r d off. T h e re fo re , m a k in g a s ta te m e n t o f t h a t
sam e in S o u th A m erica. A t t h a t tim e th e re w as k in d opens y o u b ro ad -sid e m a n y tim es to rid ic u le ,
seldom d is tu rb a n c e re a c h in g in to th e c o u n try . b ecau se y o u r actio n s do n o t fu lfill y o u r s ta te ­
B ecause o f la c k o f ch an g e in e n v iro n m e n t a t m e n t! I f y o u w e re u n d e r th e D ire c tio n o f y o u r
m a n y p o in ts, th e people becam e alm o st f a n a tic a l; P resen ce e v e ry m o m en t, y o u w o u ld do th e P e r ­
fo r th e y lived a n d d w e lt u p o n one idea, re v o lv ­ fe c t T h in g e v e ry m o m en t, y o u see. So be c a re fu l
in g , re v o lv in g a n d re v o lv in g it, u n til it becam e in m a k in g s ta te m e n ts t h a t y o u m a y be fre e fro m
a n a b so lu te la w , w h e th e r it w as r ig h t o r w ro n g . c ritic ism w h ic h y o u call u p o n y o u rse lf.
I t becam e a la w to those in d iv id u a ls an d th a t I th in k I sh all te ll y o u so m eth in g — I am su re
a ctio n w as n o t c o rre c t. n e ith e r o f th e m w ill o b ject. O ne d a y th is M essen­
T o -d a y in th e ch an g e w h ic h is going on, y o u g e r said (in r e f e r r in g to some th in g s in his e a rly
w ill see w o n d e rs o f th e a ir. I t r u s t n o w t h a t this life a n d lim ita tio n s ) : " S a in t G e rm a in , w h y in
c le a rin g a w a y has been done, th e re w ill be p e r­ c re a tio n d id I h a v e to go t h r u all th a t ? ” S a in t
m itte d to com e f o r th ere long fo r y o u r g re a t G e rm a in looked a t him , sm iled a n d said : " W e ll
blessing, th e a e ria l n a v ig a tio n w h ic h is all re a d y . y o u c re a te d it, w h y w o u ld n ’t you? Y ou a re no
T h e re a re a ir plan es t h a t c a n n o t h a v e a n a cc i­ d iffe re n t fro m an y o n e else. I f y o u c re a te a th in g ,
d e n t. Those planes h a v e been k n o w n fo r th o u ­ y o u h a v e to ex p erien ce it.” I t is q u ite tr u e . Blessed
24 25
people, L ife w ill n e v e r im pose one single ato m o f y o u conceive w ith Me fo r a m o m e n t w h a t a tr a n s ­
a n y th in g u p o n y o u f o r w h ic h y o u a re n o t r e ­ fo rm a tio n t h a t w o u ld be? I te ll y o u , m y d e a r
sponsible. I t w o u ld be im possible. O n th e o th e r people, fo r y o u w h o a re h e re to -d a y , it is pos­
h a n d , L ife w a n ts to give y o u e v e ry good th in g sible. Be firm e r a n d m o re u n y ie ld in g to o u tsid e
e v e ry m o m e n t, b u t y o u r h u m a n q u a lific a tio n th in g s. T r y , tr y , try !
a n d re fu s a l o f obedience p re v e n t i t — n o t alw ay s M y d e a r ones, m a y I speak to y o u ladies fo r
in te n tio n a lly , fo r m a n y tim es it is because you a m o m en t? Y ou k n o w y o u som etim es feel q u ite
h a v e n o t k n o w n . N e v e r th e le s s , th e s e a r e th e a s tru g g le in h o u se-clean in g tim e o r in th e sp rin g
a c tu a l Sim ple L aw s t h a t e x ist a n d unless y o u a n d fa ll w h e n y o u m u s t a d ju s t to th e seasons. M y
u n d e rs ta n d th e m , d e te rm in e to ab id e in th e ir house w as m u c h la rg e r. I t h a d to be cleansed an d
W isdom a n d obey th e m , y o u w ill go on m a k in g p u rified . M y H om e is A m erica. W h en th e A u th o r ­
these m istak es a n d h a v in g these co n d itio n s to ity a n d O p p o rtu n ity w as h ere, I rejoiced t h a t a t
h a n d le . la st M y O p p o rtu n ity h a d a rriv e d a n d I a cte d
N o w I te ll y o u f r a n k ly — th is is a tre m e n d o u s w ith all th e Jo y a n d P o w e r o f M y B eing, w h ich
s ta te m e n t to m a k e even to th is n u m b e r o f people, w as lim itless. I used all I co u ld call f o r th in t h a t
b u t if e v e ry one o f y o u h e re in th is room this g re a t a ch iev em en t w h ic h w as accom plished in so
a fte rn o o n w o u ld do e x a c tly w h a t y o u k n o w y ou sh o rt a tim e.
sh o u ld do, in t h i r t y days, th e re w o u ld n o t be a These a re th e th in g s W e a re do in g fo r y o u , b e­
so lita ry th in g t h a t w o u ld b in d y o u ; b ecau se y o u cause y o u love th e L ig h t, because y o u love th e
k n o w y o u sh o u ld s ta n d g u a rd o v e r y o u r feelings. M essengers. I am going to say so m eth in g n o w
Y ou k n o w y o u sh o u ld n o t a c c e p t a n y suggestions w ith fu ll Force a n d P o w er. L et no s tu d e n t in this
a n d y o u k n o w y o u sh o u ld keep you rselv es h a r ­ la n d o r a n y w h e re else e x p e c t U s to give Assis­
m onious. T hose a re th e T H R E E P R IN C IP A L ta n c e w h o does n o t love th e M essengers. T h e y
T H IN G S t h a t w o u ld keep y o u so re a d y fo r th e w ill h av e no A ssistance fro m th e A scended M as­
O u t-p o u r in g o f th e G ifts o f L ife to y o u t h a t y ou te rs I assu re yo u . W h en these tw o blessed c h ild re n
w o u ld n o t w a n t f o r a single th in g ; a n d n o t o n ly h av e stood a g a in st th e forces t h a t w o u ld h av e
t h a t b u t y o u w o u ld k n o w th e e x a c t th in g to do d estro y ed a p la n e t, th e n those w h o c a n n o t love
a t all tim es. th e m shall n o t h a v e O u r A ssistance. T hese Mes­
C an y o u im ag in e w h a t th is w o u ld m ean? J u s t sengers h a v e g iv en m iracles o f p ro o f w ith o u t
ta k e one o f y o u o u t o f th is au d ien ce. E v en fro m n u m b e r to th e w o rld o f th is L aw .
th e s ta te y o u a re in to -d a y , if y o u w o u ld s u d ­ W ith all S a in t G e rm a in ’s glo rio u s in te n t, w ith ­
d e n ly be a w a re in e v e ry call y o u m ak e fo r W is­ o u t th e m y o u w o u ld n o t h a v e th is G re a t L ig h t
dom , t h a t I t is th e re d ire c tin g y o u so p o w e rfu lly a n d L a w to -d a y . T h e ir p a tie n ce has been In fin ite.
no h u m a n e lem en t even o f y o u r o w n q u a lific a ­ T h e re fo re , re m e m b er, beloved s tu d e n ts, in th e
tio n c o u ld in te rfe re w ith it, yo u w o u ld m ove in closing o f these classes, it m eans a g re a t step f o r ­
e v e ry step o r a c tiv ity in th e W isdom o f L ife. C an w a rd in th e F reedom o f e v e ry sincere s tu d e n t in
26 27
th e la n d ; a n d it is o n ly a sh o rt tim e, u n til e v ery d ra g th e c h ild re n o f e a r th in to th e m ire an d d e p th
one w h o is n o t sincere w ill ta k e h im self o r h e rself o f th e ir o w n filth . T h e y a re w o rse th a n those
o u t o f th is G re a t L ig h t. I t is a L a w a n d w h e n th e cag ed an im als, b u t a f t e r a tim e th e y w ill subside
fo rc e o f I t comes to a c e r ta in p o in t su ch in d i­ fo r th e y w ill be com pelled to liste n a n d be ta u g h t
v id u a ls w ill alw ay s re v e al them selves q u ic k ly . some p o rtio n o f each d ay . W h en th e A scended
M y d e a r ones, le t Me say th is: In e v e ry w a lk M asters com e a ro u n d th e m , th e y a re a b so lu te ly
o f L ife w h e th e r it be in y o u r hom es, y o u r b u si­ still. T h e ir h a tr e d is te rrib le to beh o ld , b u t th e y
ness, y o u r in d u s trie s o r y o u r n a tio n , d eceit is th e k n o w th e y c a n n o t to u c h n o r h a rm th e A scended
m ost fiendish th in g k n o w n to m a n because it O nes. T h e re fo re , th e y h a v e to listen to w h a t T h e y
opens th e in d iv id u a l to e v e ry o th e r d e s tru c tiv e say, a n d one d a y T h is T r u t h w ill fin d a n in ro a d
fo rc e th e re is. W a tc h y o u r p recio u s in te lle c t, a n d even th a t f r ig h tf u l co n d itio n o f m illions o f
w a tc h y o u r feelin g w o rld , so th e re is n e v e r a y ears s ta n d in g w ill be a n n ih ila te d fro m th e e a rth .
desire to deceive anyone. Y ou do n o t a lw ay s h a v e T h a t is w h y , to -d a y , I w a n t y o u d e a r people
to te ll som ebody w h o is b ra z e n , th e T r u th , b e ­ to u n d e rs ta n d t h a t th is L a w is A lm ig h ty . I t is
cause su ch a n one asks y o u q u estio n s t h a t a re none In fin ite a n d a c c o rd in g to y o u r d e te rm in a tio n ,
o f his o r h e r business; b u t y o u w ill find as W e y o u r obedience to L ife, y o u r w illin g n ess to s ta n d
h a v e o fte n said, t h a t w h e n y o u a re firm a n d le t b y y o u r D ecrees a n d calls, w ill y o u find L ife
people k n o w y o u w ill n o t to le ra te th e ir v icio u s­ c h a rg in g a n d fillin g y o u r w o rld w ith all th e G ood
ness o r th e ir gossip, th e n it w ill soon d isap p e a r— G ifts L ife holds a n d th e y a re w ith o u t lim it.
b u t as long as som ebody w ill listen , it w ill keep
u p . T h a t is w h a t p lay s h avoc w ith m a n k in d . I t T h in k o f it in all those h u n d re d s a n d h u n d re d s
stirs u p th e ir feelings a n d opens th e m to all k in d s o f y ears I liv ed in t h a t P e rfe c te d B ody, I n e v e r
o f forces w h ic h u p to th is tim e w e re w a tc h in g to h a d to th in k o f food o r ra im e n t o f a n y k in d . A ll
p re v e n t th e people’s F reedom . T his fo rce w ill co n ­ I h a d to do w as desire so m eth in g a n d it w as th e re
tin u e to w a tc h , b u t w ith no m o re in flu en ce. b y M y side— P e rfe c t. Is t h a t n o t a f a r m o re d e sir­
I w a n t some o f y o u to c o m p reh en d th is n o w ab le w a y to live L ife, th a n to s tru g g le in h u m a n
c le a rly , o th e rw ise I w o u ld n o t m e n tio n it. Y ou ex isten ce fo r food, sh e lte r a n d ra im e n t to w e a r?
h a v e been a t th e c irc u s, m ost o f y o u I th in k , a t D o y o u k n o w , I th in k y o u w o u ld be in te re ste d
least as c h ild re n , a n d y o u h a v e seen th e cages of in th is v e ry m u c h ; t h a t it is o n ly since th e g re a t
w ild anim als. W h en th e re is a little d is tu rb a n c e , c a ta c ly sm o f e ig h ty th o u s a n d y ears ago t h a t b la c k
y o u h a v e seen h o w th e y a re all on th e ir fe e t, a le rt, a n d re d w e re k n o w n to m a n k in d . I t n e v e r ex isted
ro a rin g a n d h a v in g a noisy tim e. W ell t h a t is in th is w o rld b e fo re t h a t tim e. M an y h a v e r e ­
o n ly a slig h t co m p ariso n to th e co n d itio n o f th e sen ted o u r p recio u s L o tu s’ fiery a d m o n itio n fo r
places these forces a re in fro m th e a s tr a l w o rld th e d isc o n tin u e d use o f those colors; b u t y o u
w h e re th e y a re com pelled to look u p o n th e e a r th sh o u ld th a n k h e r on y o u r knees fo r h e r fiery d e ­
a n d see h o w th e y m a y no lo n g e r in flu en ce an d te rm in a tio n to h a v e y o u see th e R ea lity .
28 29

W h y do you th in k in m a n y o f th e e a rly c en ­ ence, R ad ian c e a n d L ig h t R ays b y y o u r side, to

tu rie s — fo r it still c o n tin u e d in use in th e g re a t h o ld y o u ste a d y on th e P a th w a y u n til th e q u ic k
In c a C iv iliz a tio n , also on A tla n tis a n d in th e Sev­ re c o v e ry fro m all th e co n d itio n s o f th e p a st a n d
e n ty T h o u sa n d Y ear C iv iliz a tio n o f w h ic h S ain t th e G lo ry o f th e f u tu r e , b rin g s y o u in to O u r P e r­
G e rm a in has to ld y o u — t h a t T hose G re a t Beings fe c t A ttu n e m e n t o f Life? T h e re W isdom alone
alw ay s w o re c e rta in colors h e re (so la r p le x u s) speaks Its M ig h ty F iats t h r u y o u r voice a n d th e
a n d h ere (s p le e n ), a c c o rd in g to th e co n d itio n in M ig h ty R ad ian c e a n d P o w e r o f th e L ig h t, comes
w h ic h T h e y w e re called U pon to a ct? U su a lly th e fo r th t h r u y o u r feelin g w o rld , to hold e v e ry ­
m a te ria l w as p liable m e ta l w h ic h w as p o w e rfu lly th in g in y o u r w o rld in com plete a n d P e rfe c t
c h a rg e d . W h a t a h e av e n ly blessing to m a n k in d O bedience to Life. I th a n k yo u .
to -d a y , if th e y b u t u n d e rsto o d th a t! As y o u h av e
been to ld so m a n y tim es, o nly t h r u y o u r solar
p lex u s c a n th e viciousness o f m a n k in d e n te r. Some­
tim es i t e n te rs t h r u th e spleen, b u t m o re o fte n
th r u th e solar plex u s. I t n e v e r e n te rs t h r u th e • GEMS O F L IG H T •
in te lle c t, because y o u r so lar p lex u s is th e d o o rw a y
to y o u r feelin g w o rld . T h a t is w h y a n y su d d en T o -d a y , y o u w h o are resting so serenely in this
d is tu rb a n c e affects th e stom ach, even in cau sin g M ajestic Circle in w hich the Messengers are held,
y o u to v o m it. T h a t is L a w d e a r ones. have no idea w h a t it w o u ld be to go ba c k into the
W ill y o u n o t please, n ow to -d a y , d e te rm in e to o u te r w o r ld , o u t of this Circle. O n ly b y Assistance
say n o t a w o rd to anyone? T h in k these th in g s fr o m the G re a t Ones could y o u possibly endure it.
o u t fo r yourselves. D e te rm in e to give th is obe­ I repeat again, yo u have no idea h o w y o u are lifte d
dience. D e te rm in e to m ak e y o u r a p p lic a tio n w ith an d held w ith in this M ig h ty Radiance. ( G re a t D i­
such p o w e r a n d a u th o r ity th a t th e an sw ers to vine D ir e c to r )
all y o u desire m u s t com e q u ic k ly .
W h e n e ve r it is necessary fo r a thing to be dis­
D o y o u th in k y o u w h o h av e stood b y en ab lin g
cussed, determ in e before y o u s ta r t the discussion,
th is g re a t a ch iev em en t to ta k e place, a re going
th a t it shall not reach into the atom ic s tr u c tu r e of
to be fo rg o tte n b y a n y o f Us? O h, m y d e a r peo­
y o u r b o d y or y o u r feeling w o rld . Each one of y o u
ple, if yo u k n e w h o w W e Love a n d Bless y o u fo r
begin train in g yourselves to do th a t. N o m a tte r
th e s tre n g th w h ic h y o u h av e, w h ich has en ab led
w h a t it is necessary to discuss, d eterm in e not to
y o u to re n d e r th is service! I t is w o n d e rfu l!
a llo w it to register in the atom ic s tr u c tu r e of y o u r
T h e re fo re , to -d a y , in this m ost h e av e n ly o f
b o d y or y o u r feeling w o r ld a t a ny tim e. R em em ­
classes, m ay I offer yo u M y H a n d in lov in g th a n k s
a n d g r a titu d e fo r all y o u r a p p lic a tio n fo r A m e r­ ber this— W h a t enables y o u to have d e te r m in a ­
tio n ? The Intelligence and E nergy of y o u r Pres­
ica, fo r m a n k in d , yourselves an d o th erw ise? M ay
ence. ( G re a t D ivin e D ir e c to r )
y o u feel th a t H a n d G rasp , O u r c o n sta n t P re s­
30 31
• T H E V IC T O R Y O F T H E A S C E N S IO N • in it a re th e re c o rd s o f a ll e a r th ly ex p erien ces fro m
H E A scended M asters h a v e said r e g a r d ­ all em bodim ents.
in g th e A scension, th a t th e L aw o f Life W h en th e A scension ta k es p la ce o r w h e n one is
d em ands a c e rta in a m o u n t o f self-effo rt b ein g p re p a re d fo r th e A scension, th e d isc o rd a n t
o r g iv in g fro m th e ph y sical side o f exis­ co n d itio n s w h ic h th e o u te r w o rld calls illness,
tence. T his response fro m th e h u m a n to th e D iv in e o n ly re g is te r in th e ato m ic s tr u c tu r e o f t h a t in d i­
is a b so lu te ly necessary if T h e ir A ssistance to th e v id u a l’s b o d y ; because th e A scended M asters co n ­
in d iv id u a l is to be released. sum e all re c o rd s o f d isco rd fro m th is p h y sical
T h a t p ro p o rtio n is a t least o n e -th ird o f th e w o rld in th e e th e ric b o d y o f th e one w h o is to a c ­
e n e rg y a n d su b sta n c e w h ic h L ife d em an d s m u s t com plish th e A scension.
com e fro m th is ph y sical w o rld in o rd e r to fu lfill In cases o f illness, w h e re th e in d iv id u a l is to be
th e L a w o f L ife’s P e rfe c tio n in th e n e x t O c ta v e g iv en th e A scension, th e A scended M asters do n o t
above th e p hysical. a llo w th e d isco rd o f p h y sical su ffe rin g to leave
M an y people t h r u th e c e n tu rie s p a st h av e a c ­ its re c o rd in th e e th e ric b o d y ; fo r T h e y do n o t
com plished th e V ic to ry o f th e A scension b y t r e ­ a llo w su ch a re c o rd to be le f t in th e in d iv id u a l’s
m en d o u s service to L ife in m a n y em b o d im en ts; L ife S tream . I n ra isin g in to th e A scension ALL
b u t in th e e m b o d im en t in w h ic h th e V ic to ry w as re c o rd s o f d isco rd fro m A LL em b o d im en ts a re
co m p leted , each p erson w as g iv en th is e x a c t A s­ fo re v e r con su m ed , fro m th e E N T IR E L ife S tream
cended M aster U n d e rs ta n d in g o f th e G re a t C re a ­ o f th e p erso n w h o is to ascend.
tiv e W o rd s o f L ife— " I AM ” ! L ife o n ly p e rm its P e rfe c tio n to e x ist in th e A s­
E ach one w as ta u g h t b y some A scended M aster cen d ed M asters’ O c ta v e a n d t h a t is th e n e x t A c­
in p riv a te b e fo re th e final w o rk of ra isin g th e flesh tiv ity o f L ife above th e h u m a n .
s tr u c tu r e w as co m p leted . Som etim es fo r days, W h en th e p h y sical b o d y is c re m a te d , th e fire
w eeks, m o n th s o r y ears b e fo re th e co m p letio n consum es th e q u a litie s o f d isco rd w h ic h h a v e been
ta k e s place, th e H ig h e r M en tal B ody a n d th e A s­ im posed on th e flesh o r e a r th ly su b sta n c e ; b u t
cen d ed M asters g iv in g T h e ir R a d ia tio n , d ra w th e e v ery o n e has to h a v e th e A ssistance o f th e A s­
p u rifie d su b sta n c e fro m th e physical flesh s tr u c ­ cen d ed M asters to consum e th e reco rd s o f im p e r­
tu r e g ra d u a lly u p in to th e H ig h e r M en tal Body. fe c tio n in th e e th e ric b o d y a n d t h a t is w h y th e
T h e n w h e n th e fin al w ith d ra w in g o f th e L ig h t use o f th e V iolet C o n su m in g F lam e fro m th e
— w h ic h is th e e n e rg y o f L ife in th e p h y sical body H ig h e r M en tal B ody a n d th e A scended M asters
— ta k e s place, th e e th e ric b o d y w ith d ra w s fro m has been g iv en th e " I A M ” S tu d e n ts a n d m a n ­
th e physical body. W h a t rem ain s o f th e flesh is k in d to h elp e v ery o n e consum e th e re c o rd s o f all
b u t th e atom ic s tr u c tu r e o r chem icals o f e a r th in his p a st m istak es.
w h ic h th e d iscord o f h u m a n feelin g has re g iste re d E v ery o n e on e a r th w h o w ill call to th e " M ig h ty
its q u a litie s. T h e e th e ric body is com posed o f th e I AM P resen ce” a n d th e A scended M asters to use
F IN E S T o f th e physical su b sta n c e o f e a r th an d t h a t I n n e r p u rif y in g a ctio n o f th e F ire E lem en t

32 33
w h ic h is th e V iolet C on su m in g F lam e c an be set Cosm ic Q u a lity to th is e a r th is O bedience. H is
fre e fro m all m istakes a n d distress o f th is w o rld . w h o le V ic to ry o f L ife in c a r ry in g f o r th th is L ig h t
I f he w ill h a rm o n iz e his feelin g a n d give obedience o f th e " I A M ” fo r th e F reedom o f A m erica a n d
to th e L a w o f his o w n L ife, he c an h a v e his A scen­ all m a n k in d , is one M ig h ty K ey n o te o f Illu m in e d
sion in th is e m b o d im en t a t th e close o f his o th e r­ O bedience to H is o w n " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce”
w ise e a r th ly span. a n d th e A scended M asters, w h ic h accom plished
In th e case o f C a rd in a l B onzano, th e w o rk o f H is E te rn a l Freedom .
H is A scension w as com p leted d u rin g th e E u c h a - So w ith all th e Love a n d G r a titu d e o f o u r L ife
ristic C ongress in C hicago, b u t th e final w ith ­ S tream s w e also p o u r o u t o u r h e a rts to o u r o w n
d ra w in g o f H is E th e ric B ody did n o t ta k e place " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce” a n d to H im in L oving
u n til some m o n th s la te r. Y et H e m ad e th e A scen­ Illu m in e d O bedience fo re v e r.
sion a n d t h a t is th e T r u t h re g a rd le ss o f w h e th e r /
ig n o ra n t m inds u n d e rs ta n d th is L a w o r not!
T h e In n e r w o rk o f M r. B a lla rd ’s A scension w as
com p leted in H o n o lu lu in 193 6, b u t H is E th e ric
B ody d id n o t w ith d r a w u n til D ecem b er 29, 1939. • GEMS O F L IG H T •
T h a t is w h y o u r B eloved A scended M aster, S ain t Y o u r m o vin g pictu res have given y o u m a r v e l­
G e rm a in , a n d th e O th e r A scended M asters said ous illustrations of h o w w h en one in d ivid u a l rises
so re p e a te d ly t h a t H is Body w as n o t like th e b o d ­ w ith determ in a tio n to annihilate vicious condi­
ies o f th e re s t o f m a n k in d , even th o u g h to th e tions, it gives others the courage and confidence
a p p e a ra n c e w o rld H e seem ed like o th e r people. to join th em ; and th e y p u t doxvn the d e str u c tiv e
B ecause ig n o ra n t d o u b tin g people do n o t u n ­ forces alm ost a t once. ( K - 1 7 )
d e rs ta n d these M ig h ty In n e r L aw s a n d A c tiv itie s
o f L ife as th e A scended M asters do a n d as T h e y " If there w e re no o bstru ction in the intellects
h a v e ta u g h t us, does n o t c h an g e th e T r u th , R e a l­ o f hu m an beings, three times w h a t is alrea dy
ity , M ig h ty Cosm ic P o w e r a n d V ic to ry o f H is m a n ifest, w o u ld have been m anifest fo r the bles­
A scension, a n d n e v e r w ill! sing of m ankind. Those n o t u n dersta n din g are
T h e M ig h ty P ro o f o f H is A scension a n d th e co n sta n tly w a n tin g to produce effects w ith o u t
p ro o f o f th e T rem e n d o u s Cosm ic P o w e r H e n o w changing th e cause to produce Perfection. Y ou
w ields, is th e h u n d re d s a n d th o u sa n d s o f in s ta n ­ can never have a thing sustained as long as m a n ­
ta n eo u s an sw ers to th e calls of th e " I A M ” S tu ­ k in d do t h a t .” ( K -1 7 )
d en ts all o v e r th e w o rld , w h ic h a re b ein g released "In y o u r Decrees as yo u have begun to k n o w ,
e v e ry w h e re to all w h o a re m a k in g those calls in there is no hum an a u th o r ity or p o w e r of qualifi­
Love to H im a n d in obedience to Life. cation th a t can a n y longer w ith h o ld these m a g ­
As o u r B eloved S a in t G e rm a in ’s Cosm ic Q u a l­ nificent blessings fro m m a n k in d .” ( K - 1 7 )
ity is F reedom to m a n k in d , o u r B eloved D a d d y ’s
34 35
MRS. G. W . B A LLA R D A N D D O N A L D d ra w s th a t in to itse lf is raised in to th e sam e v ib r a ­
• T H E LA W O F T H E L U M IN O U S P R E S E N C E • to ry a ctio n a n d hence becom es th e A scended
H E N th e A scended M asters h a v e e x ­ M asters’ H a rm o n y a n d P e rfe c tio n . I f h a rm o n y is
p la in e d to th e " I A M ” S tu d e n ts th e m a in ta in e d th e P e rfe c tio n rem ain s p e rm a n e n tly .
M ig h ty P o w e r o f c o n s tru c tiv e a ctio n W h en y o u call to th e in d iv id u a l’s H ig h e r M en­
w h ic h is released w h e n one visualizes ta l B ody to h o ld t h a t A scended M aster Focus o f
th e L u m in o u s P resence o f Jesus o r a n y o th e r A s­ P e rfe c tio n e te rn a lly su sta in e d , th e n th e P e rfe c ­
cended M aste r e n fo ld in g a person, place, c o n d i­ tio n is h eld th e re u n til th e in d iv id u a l does a cc e p t
tio n o r th in g — T h e y h a v e giv en th e s tu d e n ts a it p e rm a n e n tly . T h is is a tre m e n d o u s P o w e r o f
seven fo ld P o w e r o f L ig h t to p ro d u c e th e A s­ A ssistance to m a n k in d , becau se a n y A scended
c en d ed M asters P e rfe c tio n o f L ife, r ig h t h ere M aster c an p ro je c t as m a n y L ig h t R ays as H e
a n d n o w t h r u these physical bodies in th is p h y si­ chooses a n d h o ld a re p lica o f H im self w ith in each
c al w o rld . R ay . I t c a n be so p o w e rfu lly fo cu sed t h a t it b e ­
T h e s tu d e n ts do n o t co m p reh en d b u t a f r a c ­ comes a n o u tp o st, as it w e re, o f H im self w h e re H e
tio n y e t o f th e L im itless P o w e r w h ic h th e y can focuses H is D ire c tin g In te llig e n c e a n d E n e rg y to
w ield , if th e y w ill tr a in them selves to hold this do w h a te v e r is re q u ire d a n d w h e n th e A ssistance
a ro u n d e v ery o n e th e y c o n ta c t; fo r in so doing has fu lfille d th e need o f th e in d iv id u a l, th e A s­
th e y g a th e r a m o m e n tu m v e ry q u ic k ly w h ich b e­ cen d ed M asters dissolve th e fo rm .
comes a g ig a n tic P ressu re o f L ig h t c h a rg in g in to W h en y o u call y o u r H ig h e r M en tal B ody to
all th e ir D ecrees a n o v e r-w h e lm in g P o w e r to p ro ­ s ta n d b eh in d y o u a n d clasp in g Its H a n d s a ro u n d
d u c e in s ta n ta n e o u s fu lfilm e n t. y o u d r a w y o u in to Its e lf, y o u r H ig h e r M en tal
W h en y o u v isu alize th e L u m inous P resence of Body does th a t in s ta n tly a n d y o u c an feel th e
Jesus, S a in t G e rm a in , o u r Beloved M essenger o r physical sensation o f Its L ig h t filling y o u r feelin g .
a n y A scended M aster as a Being o f B lazing W h ite W h en y o u call to y o u r " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce”
w ith a s u rro u n d in g R ad ian c e o f G old, th e A s­ to c h a rg e y o u w ith th e Q u a litie s o f a n y p a r tic u la r
cended M aster w hose likeness y o u call f o r th , in ­ M aster, th e M aster sends H is E n e rg y c h a rg e d w ith
s ta n tly g a th e rs th e E lec tro n ic L ig h t S u b stan ce in t h a t Q u a lity to fill y o u a n d th e H ig h e r M en tal
th e a tm o sp h ere t h r u a L ig h t R ay in to a fo cu s or B ody w h ic h is e n fo ld in g you.
fo rm w h ic h is a re p lic a o f H im self. H e th u s q u a l­ Y o u r H ig h e r M en tal Body d ra w s th e M a ste r’s
ifies all t h a t L ig h t-S u b sta n c e w ith H is A scended E n e rg y a n d S u b stan ce in to y o u r feelin g w o rld ,
M aster C onsciousness, Feeling, P o w e r a n d M astery even in to th e flesh o f y o u r b o d y , a n d a n ch o rs H is
in fu ll V ic to ry o v e r th e c o n d itio n to be h a n d led . P e rfe c tio n o f L ife w ith in y ou. N o h u m a n discord
W h a te v e r is e n fo ld e d in th a t likeness of th e c an e v e r re q u a lify H is P e rfe c t S u b stan ce, so y ou
M aster begins im m e d ia te ly to absorb th e M a ste r’s h av e a c e r ta in p a r t o f y o u r w o rld t h a t begins to
E n e rg y a n d S u b sta n ce w h ic h is alw ay s q u alified h o ld P e rfe c tio n p e rm a n e n tly w ith in Its e lf an d
w ith P e rfe c tio n e te r n a lly su stain ed . W h a te v e r la te r on w ill o u t-p ic tu r e t h a t P e rfe c tio n also.
36 37
O h, th a t e v ery h u m a n being on e a r th co u ld
re a lize w h a t a M ig h ty P o w e r fo r F reed o m th e use
o f th e L u m in o u s P resence is fo r all w h o w ill v is u ­
alize Its P resence a n d A c tiv ity a n d u n d e rs ta n d Its
A u th o r ity to a n n ih ila te all d iscord a n d lim ita tio n .
C o n te m p la te th e fu ln ess o f all th is m ean s to yo u
a n d h a v e th e fu ln ess o f Its Blessing e v e ry w h e re
y o u m ove fo re v e r.

"I tell y o u th a t yo u are C hildren of L igh t and • B LESSIN G O F T H E C H A R T S A N D •
to the degree th a t y o u u n d ersta n d i t and giv e • F L A M E S -IN -A C T IO N •
joyous obedience to the little w h ich is asked, yo u E L O V E D " I A M ” S tu d e n ts, th e A scended
w ill find yourselves financially independent. Y ou M asters h a v e asked t h a t y o u use th e
w ill find yourselves p r o v id e d w ith tr a n s p o rta ­ C h a rts a n d F la m e s-in -A c tio n , to c h a rg e
tion w h ich is the suprem e of the m o m e n t.” (K -1 7 ) th e atm o sp h ere o f y o u r hom es a n d places
"Oh, m y dear ones, th r u the selfishness of h u ­ o f business w h e re v e r y o u c an , w ith th e P o w e r o f
m an beings, ly in g in W ash ington , to -d a y , there th e " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce” a n d th e R a d ia tio n
are discoveries w h ich w o u ld tra n sfo rm the w hole o f th e A scended M asters.
earth. T h ey are rea d y to be p u t into physical W h en y o u re a lize t h a t th e v e ry v ib r a to r y a c ­
fo r m an d pro d u ce Perfection. I M yself am qu es­ tio n o f th e L ig h t a n d e n e rg y fro m th e C h a rts a n d
tioning ju s t a little w h e th e r i t w ill n o t be neces­ F la m e s-in -A c tio n , p o u rs o u t th e A scended M as­
sa ry fo r some one or m ore of the A scended Mas­ te rs ’ Q u a litie s in to th e a ir o f th e room w h e re v e r
ters to come in the tangible b o d y to these in di­ th e y a re illu m in ed a n d in a ctio n , y o u c an each d a y
viduals; an d pa rd on Me i f I use the te rm , force m a k e th e call fo r th e m to be am plified a th o u sa n d
them to see the error of their w a ys. N o w the tim e tim es m o re p o w e rfu lly th a n th e y w e re th e d a y
has come in the d em a n d of the Cosmic L a w w hen b efo re.
hum an beings m a y no longer w ith h o ld fr o m I f y o u once b eg in to realize w h a t a lim itless
m an k in d the Blessings w h ich are here fo r them. Focus o f A scended M aster C onsciousness, L ig h t,
M any individuals have done i t v e r y v iv i d ly fo r E n e rg y a n d P o w e r, y o u c an call f o r th t h r u these
f o r t y years.” ( K - 1 7 ) blessed C h a rts a n d F lam es-in -A ctio n w h ic h S a in t
G e rm a in has b r o u g h t f o r th fo r y o u r A ssistance,
38 39
y o u w o u ld n o t miss one d a y in d y n a m ic a lly c a ll­ • P IC T U R E S O F " I A M ” S T U D E N T S •
in g f o r th such c o n c e n tra te d A scended M aster EL O V ED ones, o u r Blessed A scended
P o w e r a n d P e rfe c tio n t h r u these c o n tin u e d a c tiv ­ M aster, S a in t G e rm a in , said a t th e tim e
ities o f L ig h t, E n e rg y a n d V ib ra tio n , as w o u ld th e N e w D isp en satio n w as giv en fo r th e
c h a rg e e v e ry th in g a ro u n d th e m w ith th e m ost A scension o f all sincere d e te rm in e d " I
a m az in g m iracles a n d V ictories o f th e L ig h t. A M ” S tu d e n ts a t th e close o f th is e m b o d im e n t:
Y ou h a v e n o t th e slig h te st com preh en sio n y e t n o t to say a n in d iv id u a l h a d m ad e th e A scension
o f w h a t a tre m e n d o u s m o m e n tu m o f e n e rg y you unless H e said so.
c o u ld d ra w f o r th in one m o n th , a n d h av e it q u a l­ T h e re h a v e been some " I A M ” S tu d e n ts w h o
ified w ith th e special Q u a lity o f one o r m o re o f h a v e passed fro m th e p h y sical b o d y ; a n d H e has
th e A scended M asters w hose defin ite A c tiv ity you n o t said w h e th e r th e y d id o r did n o t m ak e th e
needed to do w h a t yo u desire in p ro d u c in g P e r ­ A scension, e x ce p t in a fe w cases w h e re H e did
fectio n . m e n tio n th e nam es.
S ta n d in f r o n t o f y o u r C h a r t o r F lam e-in -A c- T h e re fo re , w e ask th e S tu d e n ts n o t to pass p ic ­
tio n a n d call first to y o u r " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce” tu re s o f su ch in d iv id u a ls a ro u n d am o n g th e s tu ­
a n d th e n to one o r m ore o f th e A scended M asters to d e n t body fo r c o n te m p la tio n . E ven if some h av e
p o u r t h r u it a n intensified a ctio n o f T h e ir P o w e r, ascended, y o u sh o u ld re m e m b er t h a t if th e A s­
M iracles a n d V ictories o f th e L ig h t— w ith T h e ir cen d ed O ne h a d n o t giv en a g re a t service to m a n ­
e te rn a lly su sta in e d D iv in e J u stic e , D iv in e Love, k in d o r h a d d r a w n f o r th a g r e a t m o m e n tu m of
Ease, C o m fo rt a n d Peace fro m th e H e a r t o f th e e n e rg y t h r u service re n d e re d to th e L ig h t in th e
G re a t Silence a n d each d a y in crease t h a t a th o u ­ p h y sical body, t h a t O ne w o u ld h a v e to re n d e r th e
sand tim es m ore th a n th e d a y b e fo re , u n til y o u r service in th e A scended M asters’ O c ta v e , in o rd e r
room , hom e o r place o f business is so filled w ith to call f o r th th e G re a te r P o w e r o f L ig h t.
t h a t S u b sta n ce a n d P o w e r fro m th e A scended O u r B eloved M essenger, M r. B a lla rd , h a d a g i­
M asters O c ta v e , as to p ro d u c e th e m ost am az in g g a n tic m o m e n tu m a lre a d y d r a w n f o r th , t h r u H is
Blessings in y o u a n d y o u r w o rld . Service to A m erica a n d m a n k in d in b rin g in g this
T h e A scended M asters ask all o f y o u w h o h av e A scended M aster I n s tru c tio n f o r th a n d t h r u H is
C h a rts a n d F lam es-in -A ctio n to begin doing this close c o n ta c t w ith th e S tu d e n t body. B ecause o f
r e g u la rly each d a y ; a n d see w h a t a g re a t d iffe r­ th a t c o n te m p la tio n o f H is P ic tu r e a n d calls to
ence it w ill m ak e in y o u r w o rld a n d activ itie s. H im a re b rin g in g f o r th in s ta n ta n e o u s an sw ers.
W e call e v ery d a y fo r th e " M ig h ty I AM P re s­ H e has been p re p a re d to re n d e r tre m e n d o u s
ence” a n d th e A scended M asters to b rin g these A ssistance a n d is d o in g it w ith Cosm ic P o w e r, b u t
in to th e use o f all w h o re a lly desire th e m a n d m ak e i t does n o t m ean t h a t e v ery o n e w h o ascends is p re ­
th e ir sincere call to th e Presence to p ro v id e th em p a re d to do th e sam e th in g a t th is tim e.
w ith these Blessings to b rin g f o r th m o re in s ta n ­ T h e p h o to g ra p h s o f O u r B eloved M essenger
ta n eo u s P e rfe c tio n to all. h av e been d e fin itely p re p a re d a n d c h a rg e d b y H im
40 41
a n d us to re n d e r tre m e n d o u s Service to all w ho MRS. G. W . B A LLA R D A N D D O N A L D
use th e m fo r c o n te m p la tio n ; b u t t h a t is q u ite a • P A Y IN G BILLS •
d iffe re n t th in g fro m in d iv id u a ls w h o h a v e ju s t
T has been o u r Beloved A scended M aster,
ascended a n d h a v e n o t t h a t m o m e n tu m o f L ig h t
S a in t G e rm a in ’s re q u e st fro m th e b e g in ­
a lre a d y d ra w n fo rth .
n in g o f th is " I A M ” I n s tru c tio n th a t all
So please do n o t c irc u la te p ic tu re s to g e t th e
w h o re p re se n t th is A scended M aster A c­
s tu d e n ts to use th e m fo r c o n te m p la tio n . E v e ry ­
tiv ity re m e m b er th e Ideals o f th e A scended M as­
one’s a tte n tio n needs to be h eld on w h a t S ain t
G e rm a in a n d O u r M essenger h a v e g iv en because te rs in all p erso n al a n d business re q u ire m e n ts.
o f th e p ro te c tio n needed fo r A m e ric a ; fo r T h e y H e insisted th a t w e p a y all o u r ju s t a n d h o n ­
b o th h a v e a G re a t M o m en tu m o f P o w e r a lre a d y o ra b le d eb ts an d o b lig atio n s, keep o u r bills p aid
d ra w n f o r th fo r A m e ric a ’s V ic to ry in th e L ig h t on tim e a n d do e v e ry th in g w e k n e w how to be
now ! D iv in ely J u s t, h o n est, a n d h o n o ra b le in all o u r
dealin g s w ith all m en.

• D E C R E E A T M EALS • E v e ry sincere, loyal, d e te rm in e d " I AM ” S tu ­

d e n t sh o u ld do likew ise in o rd e r to be a R eal " I
"M ig h ty I A M Presence” an d G re a t H ost of AM ” S tu d e n t.
A scended Masters! C harge this fo o d w ith T h y A s­
cended M asters’ P re cip ita ted Light-S ubstance, T h e D iv in e L aw o f th is A c tiv ity is to face L ife ’s
an d see th a t w e are p rivileg e d to sit a t the table responsibilities, call th e " M ig h ty I AM P resen ce”
w ith our B eloved Saint G erm ain, Jesus and our a n d th e A scended M aste rs’ P o w e r in to a c tio n to
Beloved Messenger ( D a d d y B allard) and p a rta k e release w h a te v e r is n ecessary to do th a t. I f y o u
o f T h eir P recip ita ted Food this v e r y hour. W e w ill keep yo u rselv es h a rm o n io u s a n d m a k e y o u r
th a n k Thee it is d on e! r e g u la r d y n a m ic a p p lic a tio n , y o u w ill p o sitiv ely
h a v e released in to y o u r use w h a te v e r y o u re q u ire
• DECREES • to do these th in g s.
"M ig h ty I A M Presence” send the 'Light of G od W e a re m a k in g th e call fo r e v e ry one u n d e r
th a t n e v er fails’ before me an d into e v e r y th in g I th is R a d ia tio n e v ery d ay , fo r te n tim es m o re th a n
do, to produce the A scended M aster Blessings and y o u re q u ire o f ev e ry good th in g in c lu d in g m o n ey ;
P erfection into e v e r y th in g I desire to accomplish a n d all used in th e Service o f th e L ig h t d ire c te d
an d into e v e r y th in g I contact.
b y A scended M aster W isdom . W ill y o u do th e
"M ig h ty I A M Presence” charge m y E lectronic sam e fo r all a n d help hold th e H o n o r o f th e A s­
T u b e of L igh t w i t h the A scended M asters’ P o w er, cen d ed M asters in all you do?
Feeling, A ccep tan ce, Confidence and D om inion of
th e Light. MRS. G. W . B A LLA R D A N D D O N A L D

N o w w hen yo u have seen y o u r a b ility to do GEMS O F L IG H T
these things and you do it once you kn o tv then W hen y o u are doing physical action an d yo u
th a t yo u can do it a g ain ; and as yo u do it again g e t you rselves into a d rip p in g perspiration, p u t
and again, y o u gain the P o w er and a u th o r ity — som ething on, a coat or som ething u n til yo u cool
not a ny g rea te r a u th o r ity , b u t I mean the g reater off. Y o u w ill n e v er p a y the p e n a lty if y o u do th a t,
feeling of a u th o r ity into the thing and you w ill b u t as sure as y o u go a round in y o u r shirt sleeves,
do it a t w ill. ( K - 1 7 ) s tan d still and su d d e n ly cool off, y o u r bodies are
I w a n t so m uch fo r everyon e of yo u to ta ke th a t su b je ct to congestion, u n til y o u come to the point
determ in a tion in the g overn in g of y o u r bodies; w h ere y o u in v o lu n ta r ily repel such a condition
th a t y o u can sw eep th a t L ight c u r re n t th ru and all the tim e b y y o u r m o m e n tu m gained, th r u y o u r
sw eep o u t all discord and keep it out. O h w h e th e r a pplication of charging the L ight-Substance
y o u requ ire it or not, m ake it a da ily practice a rou n d y o u r bodies. I see this c o n sta n tly, because
tw ic e a d a y to sweep o u t all im perfectio n then y o u r bodies are so m uch m ore sensitive than you
recharge it w ith the Perfection of the A scended realize. ( K - 1 7 )
Masters. I th in k I w o u ld p re fe r a t the present th a t
y o u th in k of it an d feel it as the A scended M asters’ U n d er the L a w of Life, y o u have to k n o w a
Self-lum inous In tellig en t Su b sta n ce; then y o u do th in g and then become its m aster. T h a t is w h y
n ot u n k n o w in g ly let in a n y hu m an q u a li ty , b e ­ m an kin d in the p ast in the endeavor to ignore cer­
cause y o u cannot do it in th a t; w hile in the Pure tain conditions or things have of t en m ade th e m ­
Substance of Li fe yo u m ig h t u n k n o w in g ly let in­ selves su b ject to them. ( K - 1 7 )
to it the action of some hum an q u a lity . ( K - 1 7 ) Y o u cannot go against the L a w of Li fe; you
Y ou cannot afford to let a f e w individu als e x ­ cannot go against the Cosmic L a w . I t w ill flatten
h au st y o u b y their pu ll w h ich makes yo u unfit y o u o u t as sure as y o u do it, b u t w h e n y o u are
to serve in the g r e a te r ca pa city. ( K - 1 7 ) w o r k in g in co-operation w ith It, all Perfection
D o n o t le t yo u rse lf go in this response to the can be b r o u g h t fo r th . ( K - 1 7 )
o u te r pu ll u n til y o u are exhausted. There is n o th ­ The G re a t C en tra l Focus w h ich y o u k n o w as
ing gained b y it an d in f a c t o fttim es o p p o rtu n i­ the G re a t C en tra l Sun is the A u th o r ity fo r this
ties are lost fo r y o u in d iv id u a lly and fo r y o u r System of w o r ld s ; and w h a te v e r th a t W isdom
service. ( K - 1 7 ) directs is the L a w , an d is there a n y g r e a te r A u th o r ­
From the Inner v ib r a to r y action and s ta n d ­ i t y than t h a t ? Is there a n y a u th o r ity b u t th a t }
p oint y o u w h o are sincere, loyal and d e term in ed Do yo u n o t see hum an beings are n ot a u th o r ity
"I AM ” S tu d en ts are no more a p a r t of the o u ter fo r the G re a t Cosmic A ction , because th e y don’t
w o r ld , than if y o u d id not exist in it; b u t if yo u k n o w ; b u t th a t G re a t W isdom w h ich sees and
a llo w hum an qualities to act, then yo u m ake k n o w s all in Its fa r reaching Blessing an d effect
yourselves a p a r t of it in spite of y o u r Inner L ight; to m a n kin d m u st be d r a w n into a u th o r ity here
b u t th a t does n o t a lte r the f a c t th a t yo u are still in y o u r physical octave. ( K- 1 7 )
n o t of it. ( K - 1 7 ) 45
T IS our great privilege and joy to announce the
release, about February 15 th, of photographs of
our Beloved Messenger, Mr. G uy W . Ballard.
Because of the many requests of the students
these pictures are being made available to them for contem­
plation. Each picture is a M ighty Focus of our Beloved Mes­
senger’s Ascended Master Consciousness, Power and Victory
of Light for America and all mankind. May every picture
raise all w ho look upon it into the Perfection of the Ascended
Masters w hich w e are calling forth for all hum anity.
These lovely photographs are done in gold tone and
m ounted ready for fram ing.
FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF RADIO STATIONS A c tu a l size o f photograph:
N O W BRO ADCASTING TRANSCRIPTIONS: 8" x 1 0 " ................................................ Price $2.50
11" x 1 4 " ................................................ " 3.50
KFWB, H ollyw ood, Los Angeles, California 1 5 Vi" x \ 9 l/ i " ..................................... " 10.00
9:15 A.M. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 30" x 4 0 " ................................................ " 25.00
Fridays, Saturdays SH IPPIN G CHARGES EX TRA
KRE, Berkeley, California 8 :1 5 -8 :3 0 P. M. Mondays, These photographs can be obtained fr o m
W ednesdays, Fridays S A IN T G E R M A IN PRESS, IN C .
WORL, Boston, Mass. 7:45-8 A.M. Tuesdays P.O. Box 113 3, Chicago, Illinois
WCPO, Cincinnati, Ohio 8 :15-8:30 P.M. Wednesdays
KFRC, San Francisco, Calif. 10:45-11:00 A.M. Sundays • N O T IC E S •
KFEL, D enver, Colorado 10:30-10:45 A.M. Sundays • CHANGE IN N o. 1 O U TLIN E •
KFOX, Long Beach, Calif. 10:45-11:00 A.M. Sundays In the Regular "I AM” Study Group O utline the follow ing
W IP, Philadelphia, Penna. 1 0:45-11:00 A.M. Sundays, changes are made to shorten the w ork:
Mondays, Tuesdays, W ednesdays, Thursdays Discontinue N o. 10 of the O utline and substitute N o. 26 in
KWJJ, Portland, Oregon 9 :4 5 -1 0 :0 0 A.M. Sundays the Book of Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees— Vol. V.
9:30-9:45 P.M. Tuesdays D iscontinue N o. 14 of the O utline and substitute N o. 73 of
KOL, Seattle, Wash. 10:30-10:45 A.M. Sundays the Loose-leaf Decrees.
W KAT, Miami Beach, Florida 10:15-10:30 A.M. Sundays • C H ART OF "THE MAGIC PRESENCE” •
W H N , N e w York C ity, N . Y. 11:45-12:00 Noon It is our great privilege and joy to announce the release
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays of the lithographed Charts, made from the new Chart, same
W XYZ, D etroit, M ichigan 9 :30-9:45 A.M. Sundays as the C harts-in-A ction, in tw o sizes as follow s:
WKZO, Kalamazoo, M ichigan 9 :4 5 -1 0 :0 0 A.M. Sundays Size 3 0 x 5 2 Vi on heavy linen for Study Groups and indi­
vidual contem plation. Price $12.00, Express C ollect.
N O T E : W e reserve all R adio B ro a d ca stin g rig h ts u n c o n d itio n a lly , an d no
Size 1 2 x 2 1 on medium w eight paper. Price $1.00, post­
one is a llo w e d to b ro a d ca st a n y o f th e " I A M ’’ In s tr u c tio n , or read fr o m th e
bo o ks o v e r th e R a d io e x c e p t M r. or M rs. B allard.
paid $1.20.
The tw o smaller sizes listed under "Saint Germain Series,”
46 w ill be released later.
__ _
W e h e re b y n o tify all re a d e rs a n d in d iv id u a ls SlNDELARiSTUDIOS
1 6 0 0 - S •HO O V E H ST.
e v e ry w h e re , t h a t e v e ry th in g in th e books o f th e °° L o s A n q e l e S, CAL ”
" I A M ,” O U R PU B LIC L E C T U R E S, A FF IR M A ­ • P U B L IS H E R ’S A N N O U N C E M E N T •
T IO N S A N D IN S T R U C T IO N S G IV E N T O W e a re n o w p re p a re d to receive su b scrip tio n s
G R O U P LEA D ER S is covered b y o u r c o p y rig h ts fo r th e y e a r b eg in n in g w ith th e issue of M arch,
w ith a ll rig h ts reserv ed , in c lu d in g fo re ig n tr a n s ­ 1940, a n d it w ill m a te ria lly assist o u r p la n n in g
lations. if those in te n d in g to re n e w th e ir su b scrip tio n s
w ill send th e ir ren ew als as e a rly as possible.
T his m eans, w e w ill n o t allo w th is in s tru c tio n A ll su b scrip tio n s m u st s ta r t w ith M arch , 193 6,
a n d In fo rm a tio n to be d eleted , d is to rte d , a d u lte r ­ 193 7, 1938, 1939 o r 1940. A ll b a ck issues m ay
a te d o r d ilu te d fo r a n y p u rp o se w h a tso e v e r a n d be secu red a t an y tim e, e ith e r by y e a rly su b sc rip ­
w e shall p ro te c t th e m fu lly . tio n o r single copies a t th e fo llo w in g ra te s:

W e a re d e te rm in e d t h a t this G IF T O F L IG H T , In C a lifo rn ia $3.09 a y e a r

T R U T H A N D FR EE D O M fro m th e A scended In U n ite d S tates o u tsid e o f C a lifo rn ia $3.00
M asters to m a n k in d SH A LL BE P R O T E C T E D
In o th e r c o u n trie s $3.50 a y e a r
and kept PU RE, TR U E A N D U N C H A N G ED —
F O R E V E R — t h a t m a n k in d m ay receive its E te r ­ Single copies, 3 5 cen ts
n a l F reedom a n d th e g re a te s t possible Blessing. T h e m ag azin e m ay be p u rc h a se d in a ttr a c tiv e
b o u n d v o lu m e s , m a tc h in g th e S a in t G e rm a in
W e shall use o u r F u ll P o w e r a n d o u r F u ll R ig h t Series an d h o ld in g one y e a r’s issues. P rice, $4.2 5.
to m a in ta in C O M PL E T E P R O T E C T IO N A T B inding y o u r o w n copies, $1.2 5. P lu s shipping.
Your change of address m ust reach this office not later than
the 10th of the month in order to assure that m onth’s issue
S A IN T G E R M A IN PRESS being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date.
Your co-operation w ill be appreciated and our service to you
and assured.
M R. A N D MRS. G. W . B A LLA R D Thank you!


48 49
• TH E •
'e ? Sizes below can be purchased a t the 'A ' • SAINT GERMAIN •
* *
• SIN D E L A R S T U D IO S •
W l • SERIES •
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volum e I ___ ______ By Godfre Ray King
2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California C ontaining the first group of the au th or’s experiences.
P rice $ 2 .5 0 , P ostp a id $2.75

Jesus Folder, size 5x7, hand colored _________ $ .50 T ax $.02 Postage $.15
TH E MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II ............ ........By Godfre Ray King
C ontaining the second group o f the au th or’s experiences.
Saint Germ ain, hand colored, 5 x 7 ______ ___ .50 T ax .02 Postage .15
Price $2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $ 3.00
Jesus Satin book-m ark_____ ________________ .35 T ax .01 Postage .05
Saint Germ ain Satin b ook -m ark ......................... .35 T ax .01 Postage .05 THE "I AM” DISCOURSES,
Jesus M iniature, desk fra m e d ____________ .. . 1.50 T ax .05 Postage .20 Volume III_______ ____ ____ By the Ascended Master, Saint Germain
Saint Germ ain M iniature, fram ed ___________ 1.50 T ax .05 Postage .20 C ontaining th ir ty -th re e D iscourses, exp lain ing the A scended M asters’ applica­
Jesus M iniature, 2 ^ x 3 * /2 fo ld e r ___ ________ .25 Tax .01 Postage .05 tion o f the "I AM ,” w ith three color plates. Price $ 2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $3.00
Jesus M iniature, 2 l/ 2x y i/ 2 tin ted fo ld e r............ .40 T ax .01 Postage .05
Saint Germain M iniature, 2 ^ x 3 '/^ fo ld e r___ .25 T ax .01 Postage .05 TH E "I AM” A D O R ATIO N S, AFFIRM ATIONS A N D DECREES,
Saint Germ ain M iniature, 2 $6x3 / z tinted Volume V— Parts 1 and 2 -------------------- ------------------------ By Chanera
fold er . ____ ______ ___________________ .40 T ax .01 Postage .05 A selection o f p o w erfu l A dorations, Affirm ations and D ecrees of the "M ighty
Jesus s e a ls - - _______________________________ .10 T ax .00 Postage .03 I AM P resence.” P rice $ 1 .7 5 , P ostpaid $2.00
Saint Germ ain seals__________________________ .10 Tax .00 Postage .03
"I AM” Pins ______________________ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .10 ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES,
"I AM ” Rings ____________________________ 12.00 T ax .36 Postage .20 Volume V I.................. .......... ........... By Various of the Ascended Masters
M aster Jesus, 1 2 x 1 6 , hand colored ___ ____ 2.00 T ax .06 Postage .25 C ontaining tw e n ty D iscourses d icta ted before hundreds o f stu d en ts, w ith three
M aster Saint G erm ain, 12 x 1 6 , hand colored — 2.00 Tax .06 Postage .25 color plates. Price $ 2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $3.00
Gold Folder Jesus and Saint G erm ain, 12x16 8.00 T ax .24 P ostage .25
Brown Folder Jesus and Saint G erm ain, 12x16 7.00 Tax .21 Postage .25 ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT,
Jesus* Ascension, 12x16 ...... ........ _....................... 1.25 T ax .04 Postage .25 Volume V II—.By Various of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
Jesus’ Ascension, m iniature fo ld e r__ ________ .25 Tax .01 Postage .05 C ontaining tw e n ty -six D iscourses, d icta ted b efore hundreds o f stu d en ts, w ith
The Lum inous Presence, 12x 1 6 ..... ................... 1.25 T ax .04 Postage .25 three color plates. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , P ostpaid $3.25
The Lum inous Presence, m iniatu re fo ld e r___ .25 Tax .01 Postage .05
Jesus, 1 5 x 1 8 , fram ed - ........ .............................. 5.50 T ax .17 Postage .25 "I AM” A DO RA TIO NS A N D A FFIR M A TIO N S..... . By Chanera
Saint G erm ain, 15x18, fram ed _____ __ — 5.50 Tax .17 Postage .25 V est P ock et E dition o f p o w erfu l A dorations and Affirm ations.
Jesus, 7 x 9 / 2 » fra m ed _____________ ____ _____ 2.50 T ax .08 Postage .20 Price $ 1 .0 0 , P ostp a id $1.20
Saint G erm ain, 7 x 9 */2 , fra m ed _______ ______ 2.50 T ax .08 Postage .20 "I AM’* DECREE BOOKLET ............................. ...................... By Chanera
Jesus, 5 Y 2 x 7 l/2y fram ed ____________________ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20 A paper bound b o ok let, containing a collection o f ” 1 AM” D ecrees w hich ev ery ­
Saint G erm ain, 5 I/ 2x 7 1/2 , fram ed ............... 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .2 0 one can use to brin g Freedom to the in d iv id u a l, Am erica and the w orld.
Jesus seal, silver fram ed, tin ted .... __ ______ .30 T ax .01 Postage .05 Size 5 l/ z x 8. Price 2 5 cen ts each, P ostpaid 40 cents
Saint Germ ain seal, silver fram ed, tin te d ____ .30 T ax .01 Postage .05
Jesus, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish _______ _____ ___ 15.00 T ax .45 Postage Ex. col. SPECIAL "I AM ” DECREES
Saint G erm ain, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia fin is h .......... 15.00 T ax .45 Postage Ex. col. LOOSE-LEAF BIN D ER in heavy green cloth , stam ped to m atch the Saint G er­
Jesus, 19 x 2 4 , sepia finish.......... ....................... 7.5 0 T ax .2 3 P ostage Ex. col. m ain Series. For Special "I AM ” D ecrees as they com e o u t from tim e to tim e;
Saint G erm ain, 18x24, sepia finish _______ 7 .5 0 T ax .23 P ostage Ex. col. also Loose-leaf Songs. T hese D ecrees and Songs are printed on fillers punched
'*1 AM” Emblems ( s t ic k e r s ) - ............................... . .15 T ax .01 Postage .05 to fit Binder, w hich hold about 150 leaves (3 0 0 p a g es).
"T he Magic Presence,” 3 0 x 4 8 _______ _______15.00 T ax .45 Postage Incl. Binder Price $1.25 each, P ostp a id $1.40
"The Magic Presence,” 12x 2 0 ____ ____1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20 D ecrees and Songs l c per page (2 pages to the le a f ).
P ostp a id — a cco rd in g to w e ig h t.
"U N V EILE D MYSTERIES”— In T w o V o lu m e s.......................................... Price $5.25
"T H E MAGIC PRESENCE”— In Three V olum es............................... ...... P rice $7.75
"T H E *1 AM’ DISCOURSES”— In T w o V olum es.......................................P rice $6.75
50 "A SC EN D E D MASTER DISCOURSES”— In T w o Volum es .............P rice $7.00
P lu s M a iling Charges
• THE • • THE •
A b e a u tifu lly lithographed ch art, su itab le for fram in g and contem plation. VICTROLA A N D PH O NO G RAPH RECORDS
Size 30 x 52Y z on h eavy linen for S tu d y G roups and in d ivid u al use. R R -1 2 0 1 — IN V O C A T IO N .. Mr. and Mrs. B allard and Son
P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , m a ilin g charges in c lu d e d ( R R -1202— C O NTEM PLATIO N (Silen t N ig h t ) .............................................Mrs. Ballard
Size 12 x 21 on m edium w eig h t paper. P rice $ 1 .00, P ostpaid $ 1.20 ] R R -1203-— B E N E D IC T IO N ............................................................ . Mr. and Mrs. Ballard
Size 5 x 7 l/ 2 on lig h ter paper. Price 15 cents each. P ostpaid 18 cen ts \ R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N TE M PLA TIO N (N ea rer M y God to T h e e ).................... Mrs. Ballard
Size 2 54 x 3 Va — s°ld in lots o f n ot less than one dozen.
P rice 5 0 cents per dozen, P ostpaid 5 3 cen ts | 2 0 0 -A— L IG H T OF MY H E A R T (In str u m e n ta l)—......... ........Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
(200-B — ROSE OF L IG H T ............................................... Frederick Landw ehr, N ovachord
This anim ation of the Charts and Flam es enables the stu d en t to feel the action ( 2 0 1 -A — LOTUS MY LOVE (In str u m e n ta l)................... ............L otus R ay K ing, H arp
o f both w ith p o w erfu l in ten sity. ( 201-B — VOICE OF TH E PR ESENC E....................... Frederick Landw ehr, N ovach ord
Size 30 x 5 2*4. Price $ 2 0 0 .0 0 each, P lus E xpress | 2 0 2 -A — SO N OF L IG H T (In str u m e n ta l)............................ ........Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 5 0 .0 0 each, P lus E xpress | 202-B — CALL TO L IG H T -........................................-F red erick Landw ehr, N ovachord
A ll prices fo r C harts and F lam es-in-action f.o.b. Los A ngeles, C alifornia. O rder (2 0 3 -A — R A IN B O W RAYS (In str u m e n ta l)---------------------- Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
from SA IN T G ERM AIN PRESS, IN C ., Los A ngeles Branch, P. O. Box 4 2 8 , j 203-B — O H W O R LD V IC T O R IO U S................... ... Frederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
Los A ngeles, C alifornia. (2 0 4 -A— SILENT SE N T IN E L (In str u m e n ta l)............................ L otus R ay K ing, H arp
PICTURE OF TH E ASCENDED MASTER, JESUS (204-B — AMERICA O U R BELOVED L A N D ...........F rederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
H and colored steel en gravin g o f etch in g by Charles Sindelar. 2 04-C — ” 1 AM ” COME (S in g le) (In stru m en ta l)
| Frederick Landw ehr, N ovachord
Size 12 x 16. P rice $ 2.00 each, P ostpaid $ 2 .2 5 .................... ...........
500-A — L IG H T OF MY H E A R T (T.........
r io )..... ........... /f Lot
.............. Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
PICTURE OF T H E COSMIC BEING, O R IO N, better know n as ' / i r : . I . * tj • ___L;1 J
500-B — ROSE OF L IG H T ............... . . . . . ________ "j V iolet Fairchild, Soloist
r _ 1 *_

"THE OLD M AN OF TH E HILLS” V F rederick Landw ehr, N ovachord

H and colored steel en gravin g o f etch in g by R obert A gu ilar. 5 0 1-A — LOTUS MY LOVE ( T r i o ) ------------ --------- / L ot" s R ay K ing, H arp
Size 12 x 16. Price $ 2 .00. P ostpaid $ 2 .2 5 5 01-B— VOICE OF T H E PRESENCE ___ _____ ) V iolet Fairchild, Soloist
A ctu a l photographic reproduction in G oldtone. 502-A — SO N OF LIG H T ( T r i o ) ....... ........................./ L ^ s R a Y Ki” « ’ H * rP
Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2.5 0, P ostpaid $ 2 .8 5 502-B— CALL T O L IG H T ........................... ................S VloIet F airchild, Soloist
Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3.50, P ostpaid $ 4 .00 V Frederick Landw ehr, N ovachord
Size 15 x 19 Yz. P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xpress co llect
503-A — R A IN B O W RAYS ( T r io ) ____ ___ ______ / Lotus R ay K inS. H arp
Size 30 x 40 . Price each $2 5.00, E xpress co llect
503-B — O H W O RLD VIC TO R IO U S ______ _____ ) V lolet Fairchild, Soloist
"THE VOICE OF TH E 'I AM’ ” V Frederick Landw ehr, N ovachord
M onthly M agazine con tainin g articles explaining the Law o f Life; also D is­
5 0 4 -A— SILENT SE N T IN E L ( T r i o ) _____________/ Lotus R aV K inS> H arp
courses by the Ascended M asters and other im portant subjects. Back num bers
5 04-B — AMERICA O U R BELOVED L A N D ......... *) V iolet F airchild, Soloist
a vailab le beginning F ebruary, 193 6. Y early subscriptions begin w ith March, I Frederick Landw ehr, N ovachord
1940. P rice $3 .0 0 , Single copy 3 5 cen ts
( Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
RADIO BRO ADCASTING TR ANSCRIPTIO NS 504-C — **I AM ” COME (S in g le) (T r io ) ---------- < V iolet Fairchild, Soloist
A Series o f Broadcasts availab le for use, containing explanation o f the Law of * F rederick Landw ehr, N ovachord
Life; also protection for A m erica. For Inform ation w r ite Saint Germ ain Press,
Chicago, Illinois. These Records are su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l contem plation or use in S tu d y Groups.
Price each $ 2 .5 0 ........................................................................................................... P o stp a id $ 2 .7 5
H ea d q u a rters fo r A ll P ublications
R A IN B O W RAYS N A D A O UR LOVE LIG H T OF MY H EA R T S A IN T G E R M A IN PRESS, P. O . Box 113 3, C h icag o , 111.
A G roup o f Songs— M usic and Lyrics by G od fre R ay K ing. These songs are
especially charged w ith p ow erfu l healing and special a c tiv ity , according to the W estern Representative
m eaning o f the lyrics.
Each piece o f m usic has b ea u tifu l lithographed cover in color, su itab le for SINDELAR STUDIOS, 2600 So. H oover St., Los Angeles, California
fram in g, each representing th at w hich the m usic portrays. C opyrighted by Saint Germ ain Press, C hicago, Illinois
P rice each $ 1 .0 0 .. ........ ........ ........................................... ........ ...................... P ostpaid $ 1 .1 5
< ^ K e £>A IN T Q E R M A IN $ E IV IE £
B y th e A scen d ed M asters a n d th e ir A c c re d ite d M essengers
M r. a n d M rs. G . W . B a lla r d a n d son, D o n ald

OF C A L IF O R N IA $3.09 A Y E A R . C l jf
H '!*' IN O T H E R C O U N T R IE S $ 3.50 A Y E A R .
P U B L ISH E D M O N T H L Y . S IN G L E C O P IE S 3 5 C E N T S .

T h e "V o ic e o f the I A M ” is the m ou th -p iece th ro u g h w hich

th e A scen ded M a ste rs’ In stru c tio n can reach the stu d e n ts
q u ic k ly , th a t the m ost p o w e rfu l w o rk possible fo r A m erica
an d the w o rld m ay be done b y the stu d e n ts to release the
g r e a te st L ig h t in the sh o rtest tim e.


T h e in fo rm atio n g iv en u n d er the h ead in g o f " Y o u n g A m e r­

ic a ” w ill be the A scen ded M a ste rs’ help to the y o u n g people
fo r th eir p ro tectio n an d illu m in atio n , as they are the b u ild e rs
o f th e new c iv iliz a tio n and a re the ch an n els th ro u g h w hich
the A scended M asters w ill g iv e th eir L ig h t fo r the u se o f the
o u te r w o rld in the G olden " I A M ” A ge.
T h is m ag azin e is n ot an o u tle t fo r a rtic le s fro m the s t u ­
d en ts, b u t is the o u tp o u rin g o f the help fro m the A scen ded
M a sters an d h as no h u m an con cep ts in it.

2 6 0 0 S o u th H o o v e r S tre e t L os A n geles, C a lifo r n ia
R E A T Cosmic Light in Thy descent
To this Thy world below,
Illumine all Thy Children here
All Freedom now bestow!
Send forth Thy Rays of Living-Fire,
T hy G reat Light Path blaze thru,
Consume all that is less than Thee,
Command Perfection too!

G reat Light from out the Central Sun,

Clothe us in Substance Real,
Enfold all in T hy Love Supreme,
Make us Thy Presence feel!
Thou a rt the "Blessed G reat I AM,”
The Flame of Life and L igh t;
Thou art the V ictor all serene
In Thy fu ll Glorious M ight!

On Eastern Morn Thy G ift to earth,

Descended blessing all,
Absorbed by man whom Thou dost love
And to Thy H eart doth call!
Encircling earth and ent’ring in,
Thy Light doth ever stream !
G reat Cosmic Power! flood the earth,
Show all L ife’s Way Suprem e!
— Chanera

w orld again to m ar that happiness. I thank you

and bless you.
If there is some w ay by which the G reat Law
will perm it my Life Stream to do th at which pre­
vents w ar in Am erica, will you let me do it that
our people may not know the distress of the rest
of the w orld? If there is some w ay, will you open
I shall do everything possible. Y our request
shall be remembered in the coming months. Your
great loyal heart seeks so earnestly the Freedom
• M AHA C H O H A N ’S D ISC O U R SE • of m ankind. May the entire mass of mankind
W ashington, D .C. Class— May 28, 1939 aw aken to w hat you mean to them and give the
obedience to Life which is required. T hank you!
H R U the arm of this Messenger I pour Thank you!
My Love and G ratitu de to your beloved Beloved students, great is My Privilege, to-day
Lotus, for in th at day when I prepared in being able to render this Service and I ask you
her for This W ork, this Service which to silently while I am talking to you, call on the
is now being rendered, I knew then her great Law of Forgiveness for all your m istakes and the
strength, her great purity, her invincible cou r­ m istakes of all m ankind. Let us take that one a t­
age; and m ay you ever remember her as the sym ­ titude of feeling and consciousness for this Serv­
bol of L ife ’s G reat Dominion, the Glory and V ic­ ice which I wish to render to-day— and that is
I thank you, beloved Lotus, for your service A LL D O U B T A N D FEA R. Then when this is
rendered and all th at will yet be done. Place your done, I shall expect your outer determ ination to
face to the ''M ighty I AM Presence” and go fo r­ refuse acceptance as you move among mankind
w ard Its V ictory of Light. W orry not! Be con­ of anyone’s else doubt or fear. I am acting upon
cerned not about w hat m ankind m ay say or do, your individual worlds to-day, upon your feeling
b ut remember We love you and shall one day draw world and rendering this service.
you to O ur H earts forever— free in the m agnifi­ This shall go to every student in Am erica and
cent glory of your service rendered to m ankind the w orld who is honest and sincere to the Light.
thruout the centuries. I have prepared you since the beginning of this
I thank you and bless you, m ay happiness abide class for this and it is one of the reasons I am
within you forever and m ay naught touch your here. There are so many lovely, very loyal peo­
ple who w ant This Light so sincerely but they
will insist upon listening to disintegrating con­ gotten your Source so long, the "M ighty I AM,”
versations, concerning the Messengers or concern­ you came to believe th at It did not exist. Then,
ing the G reat L aw which your Saint Germ ain has since the doubt that has accum ulated, either you
brought forth. N ow if you do this, you are defeat­ yourself or someone m ust assist you to remove
ing your own purpose. it. I tell you, my dear ones, as long as any form
N ow , once again I am try in g to-day to help of doubt acts in your w orld, you cannot have
you and, no m atter w hat I say, please remain your V ictory and so m any are nearing their V ic­
quiet th at this C urrent o f Light and Energy m ay tory to-day.
render this Service. I shall explain to you quite N ow , ju st let Me draw one illustration for you
simply how it is done. The C urrents which I re­ — I think th at w ill be quite sufficient. There are
lease, th at have been draw n here for this purpose, vicious individuals in Am erica who every so
I release th ru your feeling w orld T O D ISSO LV E often begin to p u t forth the suggestions of doubt
T H E C A U SE, EFFE C T A N D R EC O R D OF as they move among the students in the pretense
Y O U R A C C U M U LA T IO N OF D O U B T A N D of being 100% Students. T hus they begin to
FEA R. subtly spread: "W hy don’t the Messengers pro­
You w ill observe how imm ediately when this duce some great phenomenon? W hy don’t they
Messenger began the experiences w ith Saint G er­ produce proof of this G reat L aw ” ? My dear peo­
main, all the fear that had beset him all this life­ ple, never w as there such proof given in the world
time vanished. Well, I am here to render exactly of the existence of this G reat Law , as the Mes­
th at same Service to you in the com fort of your sengers have given to the w orld; b u t th at is one
city, although you seem to think it is w arm . of the things the vicious individuals use as a
W ould you not like, all o f you, to be aw are that subtle means to spread among the students to
you are the governor of everything which touches make them doubt, and th ru doubt comes fear.
your w orld where there w ould be neither heat D id you ever know that?
nor cold nor any extrem e, b u t where you could Therefore, beloved ones, you are the guardians
live in the P erfect Balance of Life? of your bodies. You are the guardians of your
I f you will allow Me to remove the doubts worlds. I f you won’t do your p art in being that
and fears from your feeling w orld this hour, then gu ard , how w ould you expect Us to be the gu ard
you will live in the Perfect Balance of Life. W hat instead? We do gu ard you m any times when you
threw you out o f balance? D oubts and fears! are un aw are of things b u t since you m ust now
Who can tell Me where doubt comes from ? Why call th at Invincible G uard about you or a thing
w as it not called something else? Do you know you wish to protect, you m ust be aw are of the
it is one thing, one qu ality, which can be pro­ m any w ays in which it m ust a c t; to keep out
jected into your w orld more easily than any other doubt, to keep out fear, to keep out hum an su g­
q u ality th at exists. gestions, to keep your own feelings from revolv­
Shall I explain to you the origin of the w ord ing upon any destructive qu ality or thought.
"d o u b t” ? Forgetfulness! Because you have fo r­ Please observe how the Messengers have pled so
6 earnestly w ith the students.
Observe the C hart. There you have the p riv ­ Can you understand for a few moments w hat
ilege, the opportunity, o f calling your " I AM it has m eant for these beloved Messengers to go
Presence” into action to establish that Invincible forth in the defense of N atu re th ru ou t these five
Tube of Light about you which is the Pure E ter­ years of the classes— when m ankind in their ig ­
nal Substance of Light that w ould in a com para­ norance try to cu rtail or destroy crops, to destroy
tively short time become an Invincible Ascended the fru its and vegetables which I have caused to
M aster Protection to you; and that means from be produced thru N atu re? There are those who
everything in the outside w orld o f human q u al­ w ould say: "W hy w ould a Being of th at Power
ities. The student body have not realized this, be­ come and talk to us” ? You are a p art of Life. I
cause o f their constant movement in the outer am Life in Its G reat Perfection, why w ouldn’t I
world for they could not quite let themselves talk to you?
believe th at such a thing w as possible. It so happens that in O ur Wisdom, We are not
Remember, I prom pt you earnestly to-day, it concerned about numbers, except where the num ­
is not so much w hat you are thinking, b u t watch bers are necessary to a certain achievement. Why
your feeling, my dear beloved ones! There is where did I take this precious child (L o tu s) under My
everything occurs! I f you begin to revolve a dis­ Direction and prepare her for your blessing? Do
cordant feeling, you will have a cyclone of de­ you understand, m y dear ones, th at when I took
structive force acting in your feeling w orld be­ her under My Observation, I could have draw n
fore you know it. The Messengers have prompted her th at hour into My H eart and her form would
you to stand gu ard against all o f these things. have been there; because she w as ready and w ill­
N ow in this class I am here to-day to prepare you ing to have every human thing ground out of
for that which is follow ing because the Radiance her? The hum an was ground out then! The be­
released in this room is ever intensifying in Its loved student body haven’t quite realized that.
Power. A fte r your m any prom ptings and this en­ N ow to-day in rendering this service, will you
ergy is released, if you q u alify it discordantly the be kind enough to remind yourselves at least once
difficulty is yours, because We are prom pting you a day that this Service has been rendered; which
not to do it. The Messengers also have. will give you strength as you contact the outer
N ow for instance you perhaps do not see Me, w orld in your activities, to repel all doubts and
b u t I am here, very tangible. You do not see the all fears th at are in the feelings of people about
currents of Energy which I am operating in this you. I can p u t up a certain G uard for you, but
room, but does that m ake them any the less tan ­ that is not sufficient. You m ust place th at gu ard
gible? I am sure m any of you will feel My A s­ about yourself and call for it to be sustained and
sistance definitely, but since all Power of any then stand by it. W hat do We mean by that? We
consequence that you use even in the hum an oc­ mean you m ust refuse acceptance and repel every
tave is invisible, why not accept O ur R eality and doubt or fear th at touches your consciousness!
O ur Assistance. My dear ones, you are going to It is the only means by which We can m ake this
find shortly that We are very Real and very T a n ­ permanent around you. If you will render that
gible! 9
slight service to yourself and to Life, then We will the student body to-day who would m aintain his
be able to m ake this perm anent for you and there or her balance in this Light w ithout O ur Assist­
are m any in this room for whom it w ill be done. ance because of the pressure th at is still upon
Why is it so easy to listen to some discordant m ankind, even though it is vanishing so rapidly.
thing and then begin to revolve it in the feeling Is it stran ge that according to your sense of time,
and build a destructive force out o f it? Because it w ould require a little while to remove the ac­
as yet there has not been a sufficient qu an tity of cum ulation of centuries, at least two and a half
this destructive force removed from the earth to million years of accum ulation? T h at has been the
free you enough from its pressure; b u t if you time, since you began to release discordant feel­
will call your "M ighty I AM Presence” to form ing from your feeling w orld.
Its T ube of Light about you, then you will quickly I m arvel, beloved ones, to-day th at w ith all the
disconnect yourself from th at pressure about you. earnestness of the Messengers and their sincerity,
Observe! I f you are discordant, you are not only m ankind do not remember more, do not feel the
having your pressure to handle, b u t you are h av ­ responsibility of their Freedom, do not hold steady
ing the whole mass pressure of m ankind’s discord and refuse discordant things more. It seems quite
upon you. Then is it any wonder you do not a l­ incredible, because this is not a tem porary thing.
ways have self-control and m astery? T h at is why This is your Eternal Freedom!
you cannot afford to listen to anything which Since I am the A uthority for the Life A ctivity
stirs up your feelings concerning persons, places o f this planet, when I assert to you th at Saint G er­
or conditions. Someone is w ondering: "W ell w hat m ain’s Promises can be m ade an A lm ighty R eal­
would we talk abou t” ? I answ er: T H E P E R FE C ­ ity for everyone of you who is sincere and true
T IO N OF LIFE ! to the Light, then is it not w orth it? Is it not w orth
Shall I say a very startlin g thing to you? With any effort upon your p art, if it covered a period
the average individual who has not contacted this of m any years, even let alone a few very short
Light and has not made any effort to govern his years?
feelings, do you understand that seventy-five per­ N ow dear people! fix in your mind once and
cent of his feeling is discordant? Alm ost all of forever th at We are R eal! This Light is Real!
those people are unaw are of at least thirty-five This Instruction is Real and is the L aw o f Life!
percent of that destructive qu ality which is a c t­ You will never find anything beyond It any­
ing within their feeling world. where in this physical octave now or ever! When
N ow dear ones, since you are unaw are of so you have come to be aw are of your "M igh ty I AM
much of this condition th at is acting within your Presence” the Source of your Being, you have
feeling w orld, how in the N am e of Life are you touched the H ighest Power that you can draw
to be free w ithout O ur Assistance, since you do upon this earth and if you seek through teaching
not believe the discord is there? I am tryin g to outside, you are childish and foolish.
show you how necessary O ur Assistance is, even When We have told you that by holding your
in your knowledge of the " I AM Presence” and attention upon the Instruction which Saint G er­
your calling It into action. There is not one in
main has given, you can quickly be free, why will and I tru st that every one of you will remember
you spend time reading other things, when every this and rejoice at O ur Service rendered. Many of
minute your attention is upon your " I AM Pres­ the student body thruout Am erica and the world
ence” or any one of these G reat Ones who have have wondered why they could not produce cer­
given these D ictations, you are doing the utm ost tain results! Why they could have answers to
in your power to attain your immediate Freedom some of their calls and apparently no answers to
and your Ascension and the Freedom for Am er­ others! U sually it is because some p articu lar
ica? Then why divide your attention with other qu ality has lived a longer duration in their feel­
things? I am not interested in the things that ing w orld than others which are removed more
have not produced Perfection for mankind and quickly.
you should not be! I f you plant a seed and the roots of th at tree
Why do you think that We have not come forth grow deep into the earth, is it not much more
in this manner before? Various sources touch O ur difficult to uproot th at tree than one whose roots
G reat Light that is tru e ; but We could not and grow on the surface? T h at is the w ay it is with
would not come forth, until Saint Germ ain who habits and qualities which you have kept charged
is the Law of the Seventh Ray, which brings the into your feeling world embodiment a fte r em­
Violet R ay to this earth, came forth and gave the bodiment. Do you really understand, beloved
people the use of that Ray. We could not and students, that all qualities o f your own genera­
would not come forth because m ankind had no tion have not been removed from your feeling
means of m aking the effort for dissolving and con­ w orld? W hatever you have generated stands
suming their own accum ulation of the centuries. there w aiting for your return, from one embodi­
Mankind has got to make that effort! M an­ ment to the other. Y our own accum ulation stands
kind has got to m ake that call! All we could do there and you enter into it! Then do you not see
would not remove your responsibility for that! the necessity for O ur Help when that accum ula­
We can give you tremendous Assistance of course, tion has been there so long?
but unless you are m aking your m axim um effort, It is not sustained by Life Itself. It is the
your Life Stream will not perm it O ur Assistance charged energy from your Life Stream , b u t it
— but with your m axim um effort, almost any­ does not act within Life Itself. Then when you
thing m ight be done; because that is all Life de­ have charged that into your feelings and around
mands. Oh, the beneficence of Life which a fter you hundreds and thousands of times, there is
all your centuries of discord, is ready to free you nothing to dispose of it. Since it belongs to you,
in a few short years at most! Why cannot m an­ it w aits for your return and you enter into it
kind see it— then give the obedience to Life which from eight years to fourteen; or varyin g some­
lets Its great Freedom and Perfection come forth times from seventeen or eighteen, sometimes nine­
so quickly? teen, according to the n atu ral intensity of the de­
My dear ones, I am very glad to see a greater velopment of the human form.
comprehension to-day of O ur Hum ble Efforts N otice how beneficent and m agnificent Life
is to you. Life will withhold that when you are
a child from acting about you; but when you earth. For many of them, it will be too late for
are coming to m aturity then Life says: "N o w here their return to the Light. Y our Life Stream dear
is what belongs to you,” and It m ay not withhold people, the Life Stream of every one, is the only
it. ju dge of that hum an form . Therefore, remember
To-day, you are being set free with great speed We do not judge you, b u t Life Itself w ill! When
and Power and only because of certain A uthority you have been given repeated opportunities and
from the G reat Source of all Intelligence to this then you turn Life aside, you will pay! There is
system of worlds, could these things have been not a thing We nor anyone else can do to prevent
done. They never have been done before upon it.
this earth. You are moving in the time and age I have seen those in your beloved Am erica who
where the greatest gratitu d e and blessing should have been so loyal to this Light for a short time,
go forth ever in the history of your experience. and then allow human qualities and gossip to in­
To the degree that you feel it and do pour forth trude and steal into their feeling w orld which
your gratitu d e and praise to Life, will you find causes doubt to arise that has turned them aside
more quickly, the action of Its Infinite Power — severing their opportunity at least in this em­
within and about you. bodiment for Freedom, for their Ascension. Very
These are pow erful things, dear people. They stubborn and vicious can be the hum an! I f you
are great Law s of Life! You or I or anyone else allow it to m aster you, then is there anyone but
cannot change them! They are established by the yourself to blame?
Source of all Life to this planet, to this system The student body has had the most m agnificent
of worlds of which you and the earth are the prom pting ever given any civilization on the face
densest. of this earth ; and Life will presently say: "N o
So to-day, in rendering this Service to you, more” ! N o more prom ptings can be given” ! Then,
will you feel Its im portance; will you feel Its We m ust cease those prom ptings! The Messengers
R eality; and will you stand by that which it has m ust cease those prom ptings! Will you take the
been My Jo y and privilege to do for you; feeling, opportunity while it lasts to gain your Freedom,
knowing, being determined that it is Real and to gain your self-control; and be M aster over
not a passing thing? If I am w illing to make the yourselves?
effort to assist you, are you not w illing to stand It is w onderful, it is glorious, my dear ones, to
by that, until you see the fu ll out-picturin g of have O ur Assistance as you do. We feel your
it? gratitu d e ofttim es; but you never had such
Therefore, the people of the past five years Friends in the world, as We who come to your
who have allowed the intervention of doubts and assistance to-day. In all these classes, you w ill ob­
questionings to come in concerning the R eality of serve that recently— within the last few months
This W ork, are going to find great dismay when — in every class there is a certain A ctivity taking
great Proof, Cosmic Proof begins to flood the place for your Blessing, for your Freedom. Do
you accept It as a G reat R eality, or as tem porary
blessing? If you do not m ake It Real and Eternal
can It be sustained? You are the Decreer of
whether a thing shall be sustained or not.
We can charge your w orld; but you m ust sus­
tain w hat We do. For instance, I have rendered
this Service fo r you to-day— for everyone in the
room. I f you go forth tom orrow and say: "O h
that w as all im agination, that w as all talk ,” that
very moment, you w ill have closed the door to
the Service which I came to render and H A V E
A C T U A L L Y R E N D E R E D . You will instantly
open your door to the old qualities and you will
go on as before. I f you accept this Service ren­
dered, you w ill never be the same again for you
will have a C ourage, Strength and Power that
you never knew existed in the w orld and you
w ill have a calm poised self-control th at you
never knew w as there. I leave it with you to
I thank you and bless you and call your Life
Stream into action thru your H igher Mental Body,
to see th at this Service rendered you is sustained,
all-pow erfully expanding, not only to hold sus­
tained your dominion b u t to pour forth that
Radiance to those you contact so it will sta rt the • G R E A T D IV IN E D IR E C T O R ’S D ISC O U RSE •
removal of fear and doubt from the w orld of O akland Class— A ugust 27, 193 9
others whom you contact.
I call the Infinite Blessings of the Powers of thank you Children of the Light, and
Light to sustain, protect, direct and hold you so in that which I shall present to you to­
pow erful in the em brace of Life, that never again night, try to feel w hat obedience to
m ay one single discord touch you or affect you Life really is, and w hat your p art is in
or your world. May the Peace of Life abide and the endeavor to attain Freedom from all human
enfold you; and m ay the Treasure-house of your creation thru aeons of time. Oh, how great should
"M igh ty I AM Presence,” have Its Doors opened be your gratitu d e for the privilege of gaining It!
wide fo r the supply of all you require; and m ay I am compelled to call your attention to a few
the Wisdom of L ife direct everything henceforth things to-night which some seem to be over-look­
in your w orld. I thank you.
16 17
ing. It seems quite p itifu l that I should be com­ advantage of the O pportunity which We have
pelled to speak of this, a fter two years of prom pt­ offered.
ings. O f course this only means a few , but then N ow if you do not w ant this, then th at is quite
I m ust speak to those few. your own business! Go your w ay, b u t do not pre­
When you are offered your Ascension, w hat tend to be an " I AM” Student when you carry
is the idea of so dynam ically searching for fu rth er on such actions. My beloved people, when We are
human companionship? I am talking about the doing this— We are under no obligations to go to
husbands and wives who have families. A hus­ this Supreme Effort to set m ankind free, if they
band who has a good fam ily should take care of don’t w an t to be free.
it and not be running around for some other You have been told repeatedly, th at unless you
woman. I make it very clear to you. You cannot cease your sex desire, you cannot gain your Free­
m isunderstand to whom I am speaking, you know dom and Ascension. I say to you men of Am erica,
very xvell to whom I am speaking. If for no other if you cannot give Freedom to your blessed com­
reason, your children should be your great con­ panion who has rendered such m arvelous service
sideration. You have that responsibility. in companionship to you, then you are no man. I
Students of the Light, ladies or gentlemen, to say beloved people, a fte r you have gratified your­
seek these classes to gain acquaintance and com­ selves thru hundreds and thousands o f embodi­
panionship for sex desire is the most infam ous ments, in the N am e of your God, in the N am e of
thing ever on this earth! These classes which teach your Life, can you not stop and resist it for a few
the sacred P urity of Life shall not be used for years to gain your Ascension and Eternal Free­
such things and there are those who have been dom? W hat a p itifu l thing! I f in this time of great
doing it. I tell you if you don’t stop it, I shall pick Light and Blessing, m ankind will not give this
you out! This thing m ust stop from our student slight obedience, how can you expect your suffer­
body! When We have made the effort and ab ­ ing to cease?
solutely can assure you of your Ascension at the N ow do not m isunderstand Me! I am not tr y ­
close of this embodiment— and it does not m ake a ing to be a dictator to you, b u t I am telling you
bit of difference whether you believe that or not— the L aw ! I f you go on doing the things th at con­
then at least m ankind should have the honor to stantly m ake for discord and unhappiness, my
stand free from the thing which has draw n them dear people, where in the N am e of God is your
into lim itations for all these aeons of time. conscience? Do not be surprised if I release the
There are some who are very glorious, won­ Fire, the Flame of Life to burn these desires out
derfu l, and yet they constantly seek the com pan­ o f you to-night, (applause) Can you not be as
ionship of human beings; when they should be anxious as We are to have your Freedom and give
seeking the Companionship of their own "M ighty the little obedience that Life requires, in com pari­
I AM Presence” so pow erfully that not a single son to all the m istakes you have made th ru ou t all
thought but of It should pass thru their minds the lives you have lived? N ow Life asks so little!
if they hope to achieve their Ascension and take We ask so little to give you that Eternal Freedom.
18 19
We are not speaking idle w ords! We are speak­ I say to you blessed ladies of the Light, be not
ing of Infinite Divine Law s which We can fu lfill; dismayed in the unhappiness that has come of
and there is not a human being or all on earth your search for and acceptance of the Light. Stand
who can say Us nay! We are the Law and it so firm and unyielding by your "M igh ty I AM Pres­
happens, that I am the Law for the student body ence” and your "M igh ty I AM Presence” will
in this respect! I am w atching every student in take you thru and one day hold you in Its G lori­
America and the w orld! Oh, to think that m an­ ous Em brace of Light— free forever from these
kind when the eternal opportunity of Freedom hum an desires which d rag m ankind down deeper
is here before you, handed to you upon a golden and deeper into the mire and m aya of hum an
diamond p latter, has so little self-control as not creation.
to w ant Freedom ; or believe they can secretly do Oh, my dear beloved students, I again assert,
things of which We do not know and which are so little is asked and yet some will still stubbornly
daily depriving them of Freedom. refuse to give the little obedience. Do you not
Love your families. Love your friends, but with realize, beloved Students of the Light, th at every­
a dignity that bars forever any w rong thought one of you m ust now stand by your " I AM Pres­
and feeling, in your motives. Do not try to tell Me ence” — I don’t care how much you love your
different! From some students Saint Germ ain has wives, husbands and children? You are on your
asked obedience for two years and He has been own tw o feet to-day in the Radiance of your
ignored. I shall not be ignored! I w ant these be­ Presence and you win the V ictory or fail! T h at
loved students to understand that unless such does not mean that you should be less companion­
motive and intention is changed, they shall recede able in the P urity of your association. It should
from this Light. We plead for your Eternal Free­ cause you to love each other more.
dom, but certain Law s m ust be fufilled in this ac­ A man and woman who do not w ant each other
tivity. Those who come into this activity with the to be free from the sex desire are un fortu n ate,
wrong motive must leave it! We are preparing a most un fortu n ate. This is the first time I have
definite pattern for these United States and that ever perm itted this subject to be touched upon
pattern shall not be interfered with by any stu ­ Ascension D ay ; but it had to be done to-night,
dent in the land, (applause) because your Ascension is more im portant than
N ow if a fter this offer, and you know in your anything in this world. O f course you do not quite
hearts it is true, you don’t w ant to give this obedi­ understand all about I t; you do not quite realize
ence w ithdraw from this Light! Go and seek your w hat that really means to you. It sounds per­
human companionship and remain in the chains haps sometimes like so m any words, b u t It means
of your hum an creation a few more centuries. you will move in a body of Perfection in Eternal
Masculine and feminine association in business is Light, free from pain, distress and anxiety, filled
alw ays permissible, but why seek companionship with the glow ing Presence of Life, b eau tifu l as
and for w hat when you have your G reat Pres­ a dream and able to project the Light Rays
ence to whom you should be giving all your a t­ wherever you will, to render service to the U ni­
tention? verse.
20 21
When I take My time to come and flash These sire out of that one and would if he or she made
Words to the Messenger for your Blessing; when the call.
I have a Service to render in the G reat Cosmic I tell you, beloved students, to enter into any
Octaves of this U niverse; it ought to be w orthy kind of conversation which draw s your attention
of your attention, consideration and obedience— to those feelings and activities is dangerous in the
not to Me, b u t to your Life. We are but Spokes­ extrem e. Do not enter into v u lg ar conversation,
men of the L aw ! The choice, the decision, the de­ beloved students, if you w ant to be free and I say
termination m ust remain with you as to whether this to the young people: "Y o u are an example
you wish to give obedience or not. It is quite all to the entire w orld, and if you allow yourselves
right if you w ant to w ait; but to use this A ctivity in the happenings of the day to enter into v u lg ar
as a means of th at which is im fam ous and sets an conversations of any kind, th at passes to every­
example of deceit before the world is most u n ­ one and then the outer world says: 'I f that is a
happy to the great, the tremendous Efforts of sample of the young people of the " I AM” we don’t
Saint Germain. I f you are not an example of this care for It.’ ” You m ust w atch your conversation
G reat Light which He has brought and thru and your acts, Students of the Light, whether you
which He is giving you your Freedom, how can have years over your head or whether you are in
you be free? You think it is very unhappy to be your teens.
a disgrace to your fam ily or friends. How much Do you not see, beloved ones, that in all Saint
more unhappy it is then to be a disgrace to Him. G erm ain’s Effort and in w hat He has raised you
(applause) to at this time, you m ust try to be an exam ple of
Therefore, my beloved ones, let My W ords, let His G reat Law , P urity and Perfection?
My G reat Power of Divine Love which floods this We w ant you, if you will, to have your Free­
room, aw aken you to-night, to your true respons­ dom, beloved Students of the Bay D istrict who
ibility to your families. I say to you ladies: I f your have been so loyal. Yet a few in your m idst have
home life has become unbearable and you have spread these desires among the students; and be­
severed it, don’t seek the companionship of other cause they w ould not control those desires them­
men whose fam ilies should have their attention! selves, they have tried to impose that destruction
T o-day that will absolutely prevent your Free­ upon the other students. They try to intensify
dom in this embodiment. those feelings in other students until they could
Allow Me to inform you of the thing th at cre­ not control themselves so as to d rag them off the
ates the greatest viciousness known in the human Pathw ay of Light. N ow you m ust gu ard against
form — ungratified sex desires. It will m ake a this, beloved Students.
hum an being the most vicious individual ever I say to you, remember ladies and gentlemen
known, when th at desire wells up to a certain you are under the All-seeing-eye of God when
point and the individual tries not to g ratify it— you enter this Light! Do not try to ju stify you r­
when the Presence of Life could take such a de­ self that your motive is right, when the impelling
22 23
force b ack of it is w rong! I am here, to-night, to signal of something undesirable there, you should
give you release. T o those who have been u n fo r­ stand on your feet at once and say: " 'M ighty I
tun ate in such activities, if you care to accept it, AM Presence’ take it out this instant and see that
I give you now this Assistance and I w ithdraw my H igher Mental Body stands gu ard over my
from you th at desire and consume it M yself. Can feeling world, so no more of this enters it.” There
I do more? B u t if you re-create it again, then My is no reason you should not be protected and it
Efforts are in vain. When such great and splendid makes no difference w hat is being projected at
service has been given by the student body, We you. With so much in the w orld about you, you
do not w an t to see anyone fail, b u t I repeat again: cannot search it out, b u t you can have your gu ard
anyone who seeks the student body for th at mo­ up so pow erful that none of those suggestions
tive is not a student! Their interest is ju st a pre­ can penetrate it; and do not suggest to yourself
tense; b u t a fte r all, if you allow some of those that you are not strong enough to do it. Your
desires to be imposed upon you and act them out Presence is the One to whom you m ake the call
you are still responsible! and can you tell Me you are too frail to speak
N ow I tell you fran k ly, beloved students, there the Words to your " I AM Presence” ? I think not.
is no excuse in this momentum gained, for anyone Therefore, be alert, be aw are! You m ust see
to say: " I have called and called to my Presence.” th at these beloved Messengers have had every­
W hat good does it do you to call to your Presence, thing known to man projected at them directly,
if the desire is going on? C all fo r th at desire to be by groups o f people to try to drive into their feel­
taken out and replaced by the satisfaction of the ing w orld those nefarious suggestions, b u t not
Presence; b u t to keep calling for the Presence to once have they succeeded. Then you m ay do the
do something and then go on in the revolving of same thing, if you will.
the desire, is ju st annulling and counter-acting My dear ones, you cannot read the closing chap­
your call. N ot only that, b u t m any times you in­ ter o f the "M agic Presence” too often, and when
tensify it by the greater energy which you are you w ant any direct contact with Me, read that
calling forth. last chaper. By th at means, I will be able to give
The reason I am here to-night is because there you Assistance at any time by the projection of
are a few in this audience who are in the most My own Light Rays and the Messenger can tell
dangerous position! Unless you heed My W ords, you something of Their Power.
you w ill find yourselves by your own volition Beloved students, I have hoped these three
out of this Light. I w ant to protect you, if you years to find those whom I could bring together
will allow Me to do so. Remember w hat We, m any and fo r whom I could render a Service in the
of the Ascended Ones, have told you a goodly com fort of your W estern land th at I rendered to
num ber o f times: that the element in the earth the Children in the Cave of Light in India; and
which is vicious tow ard this Perfection o f the I am holding you in the Radiance o f th at C ave of
Light, will try to project everything im aginable Light to-night.
into your feeling and consciousness. A t the first N ow you to whom I am speaking— ju st a few
24 25
to-night— if you take offense at w hat I am say­ be visible, the Light from My H eart and My Head
ing, I bid you goodbye. We cannot longer go on is ju st as tangible going forth to your heart and
using time and energy for those who w ill not give head to-night as It w as to those in C hananda’s
the little obedience required. I ask you, beloved Home. Will you try to feel It with all the kindness
ones, when the G lory of the Freedom of Eternity of your hearts? T ry to feel for ju st a few mo­
stands before you, how can the attention revert ments w hat this means to you!
to the things that have dragged you into lim ita­ Oh, my dear ones, I am no figment of your
tions fo r thousands of centuries? im agination. I am a M ighty Real Being, and I
As the Beloved Ascended M aster Jesus said to am flashing These Words to this Messenger and
His disciples before His Ascension: "C a n you not I am speaking these W ords, not he; for I am the
w atch with Me one hour” ? I say to the students: One who flashes Them for him to repeat! Make
"Beloved ones of Am erica! Can you not give this no m istake about th at! I w ant to render this Serv­
obedience w ithout hum an desires a few months ice to-night for the attainm ent of those in this
or a few years in order to have this Freedom which class these ten days, in the G lory of the V ibratory
We know you can have” ? action of everyone of you who has been here each
Do you understand, beloved ones, why so many day. It is m agnificent to behold. I w ant that to
stubbornly refuse to come into this G reat Light? remain. I w ant that to expand and intensify each
Because they instinctively know th at they would day henceforth.
have to let go of those hum an desires which they W ould you be greatly surprised if I told you
do not w ant to let go of. Well they m ight be su r­ to-night— and I think I should— there are a great
prised, if they w ould come how suddenly from num ber am ong the student body who have al­
within them w ould disappear those desires. Such ready passed their n atu ral span of Life and they
things have occurred m any times in these au d i­ are living on O ur Time now? Should that mean
ences. something to you? Should it not mean your u t­
There is a definite reason why I m ust call these most great calm effort to sustain it? Who of you
things to your attention to-night, because there in this audience, to-night, can tell Me the Inner
are those in this audience who have not long to Action that has taken place within you these ten
prepare. Do you quite understand Me when I days? Who of you in San Francisco can tell Me
say: "T h ere are those in this audience who have w hat took place within your w orld in the three
not much time to prepare” ? Give the obedience days Class in San Francisco? I could tell you very
the little time th at remains. As you well know, readily.
one in Chicago in two weeks more w ould have been Is it possible, beloved ones, that there is any
assured of her Freedom. Can you not w atch with student or one in the land who feels that We are
Me a few days, a few weeks or a few months or obligated to pat him or her on the back and say:
even a few years, if necessary, for that Freedom? "Y o u are a good fellow, go on” ? Is it not your
Do not mind if I come very close into your own effort th at is required? For you need fa r more
hearts to-night, for while I am not allow ing It to than pattin g you on the back. We need to pour
26 27
into your feeling w orld th at G lory o f the P urity Since the achievement has been so great because of
and Perfection of Life which is the sustaining your loving kind obedience, why not go on and
Power and the Substance from which you can on with the little yet required which gives Him
draw but you become so immersed thru the a t­ your greatest Light and Energy with which to
tention to the outer w orld th at you forget It. I gain the Final V ictory for you and for America?
think a fte r to-night, you w ill remember It at I know your hearts are good, so good, but you
least once a day. In fa c t I think I shall see that do not gu ard your feelings sufficiently, dear ones!
you do, if you don’t mind, (applause) Please be alert to it, then you will avoid all these
Beloved ones, as your slang phrase goes— shall things that w ould m ar the beauty and m agnifi­
I p u t you on the spot to-night? Yes, I think I cent expansion of the Light within your heart,
shall, (applause) Then listen carefu lly. You have within the cells of your body which means every­
been inform ed that certain Dispensations were thing for the attainm ent of this Goal to. which
secured from the C entral Source of all Life, In ­ you are going now and very rapidly.
telligence and Substance to this system of worlds, We have told you I think several times that
haven’t you? I f you went to your banks here to now each one is wholly responsible to his or her
receive assistance you would have to leave some " I AM Presence” fo r each One’s success or fa il­
evidence of your sincerity, would you not? T h at ure. So I say to you beloved friends and G roup
is a little crude w ay to p u t it, b u t nevertheless Leaders, do not feel too much responsibility for
it seems to fit ju st now. Well, since We are receiv­ those who are o f age. They too have their own
ing and shall receive more Dispensations from " I AM Presence,” and you should not feel the re­
th at G reat C entral Source to this system ; then sponsibility since their attention has been called
who do you suppose is to take the responsibility to that G reat Presence. Thus, will you m ake each
fo r you as to whether you give obedience or not? one strong when he or she finds each one m ust
Who do you think did? Y our Beloved Saint G er­ depend upon his or her own "M ighty I AM Pres­
m ain! (applause— audience rising) ence,” and not your call fo r success.
May I use another of your slang phrases? Then I tru st I am m aking M yself clear to you but
since being inform ed of this, are you going to let remember, even though I m ust be very firm in
Him down now? (applause) I am sure you are this to-night, My Love is none the less— in fa c t it
not. (applause) H e would not say this to you is even greater, because o f the necessity, (a p ­
H im self, b u t I think it is only ju st to you and to plause) I do not condemn you for these m istakes
Him. You m ust feel your responsibility to th at — those few to whom I am speaking; b u t I tell
G reat M agnificent Friend of Am erica, (applause) you that Life will close the door to this O ppor­
You will remember th at He and your Beloved tun ity, if it does not cease at once, then blame no
N ad a were the only ones who saw at first th at one b u t yourselves.
this Achievement could be. The rest of Us, not T h at is how greatly I love you to inform you
having looked into the condition, b u t He said of and give you the O pportunity, whether you like
His own volition: " I w ill try it ou t.” (applause) Me or not for it, is entirely up to you. I shall not
28 29
w orry about it at all. We serve the Light. We do have friends in the world anywhere thru the cen­
not expect any assurance of hum an obedience turies of embodiments, in case you should remem­
about w hat We do. We render the Service and ber, who refused to look upon your mistakes and
O ur p art is finished! For all the students in A m er­ would still hold your hand to assist you on to Per­
ica who have had the opportunity of coming to fection regardless? Well, We are doing that and
these classes, my dear people, it is a magnificent sometimes both of your hands are held in the
thing, as one day you will see. great strength that you require, to surm ount a
N ow I presume some will call Me a mind reader, condition which would otherwise be terrifying
but in all that has passed thru your mind as you to you. T h at is how We love hum anity. T h at is
move among the outer w orld in conversation, do how We love the children of earth.
you know how uncertain you have sometimes Do you not think that I am quite fortun ate,
been? You need not do this publicly now, but since in the beginning I refused to lower My Con­
agree with yourself whether I am correct or not. sciousness or to accept th at my intellect w as the
One time you are very firm against vicious gos­ authority? So I have for a long time been the
sip. Then another time when you have been going G uardian of the children of earth and My friends
pretty steady all day and you are not quite so of that age are still here in embodiment, (a p ­
fu ll of energy, someone comes along and talks to plause)
you and a fter that one leaves and you go on you You can understand a little something then of
say: " I wonder about th at! I wonder if that in­ the strength and power of the Messengers to stand
dividual did th at! I wonder if this Law is all I against all human forces and continue the serv­
think it is or all that is claimed fo r It! I wonder ice to your happiness, your Freedom and your
why I feel this w ay” ! I can tell you why you feel limitless supply.
that w ay— because you accepted the vicious gos­ So, to-night, this has not been so fierce a fter
sip and feeling that you listened to and if it dis­ all, has it? (applause) Ju st a heart to heart talk
couraged you the fa u lt is yours. You don’t have that We m ust have sometimes. Do you remember
to listen to it and you don’t have to accept it! when you were a little child when you grew so
N ow my dear ones, I tru st in the few months w eary, you ran in the house and said: "O h mother,
ahead to see the greatest rew ard to My Hum ble I am so tired” ; and your mother sat down and you
Efforts, to-night, th at I have witnessed in a good cuddled up in her lap and went sound to sleep?
while. I am not asking you if you are going to This time, you are curling up in the Lap of Life,
give obedience to the suggestions I have offered wide aw ak e; wide aw ake! I speak to the H igher
but I say to you, I tru st that I shall see in a few Mental Body of each one of you: "See th at these
months the greatest achievement so fa r witnessed hum an form s are wide aw ake, alert, strong, pow ­
by you who are here to-night, (applause) W hat­ erfu l and filled with the Strength of Life. T ake
ever you m ay do, We still continue to hold your and hold their Dominion now and forever by the
hand until you say: "le t go” ! (applause) Power of Light that beats their h earts.”
Oh yes, O ur hearing is very good. We would I thank you.
hear you, if you asked Us to let go. Did you ever 31
E A ST E R SU N R ISE SERV ICE • nections which were silent in some channels for
• 1940 • about eight hours.
V ER three thousand " I AM ” Students This answer to our calls and those o f the A s­
gathered Easter Morning at the Sunrise cended M asters will bring joy and gratitu d e to
Service in Glendale, C alif., at the Oak- our hearts forever; and all m ankind shall feel
mont C ountry Club. that Light intensifying until It has wiped out
We had decreed to be able to see the Sun and every destructive force in m ankind, the earth
so we did, also it was not seen anywhere else in and its atmosphere forever.
the surrounding locality. Ju st before the Sun rose All our Love, gratitu d e and adoration to the
above the edge of the m ountain, the Golden Light- "Blessed M ighty I AM Presence,” the G reat Host
Substance poured like Golden Snow into the a t­ of Ascended M asters, the G reat Cosmic Beings
mosphere and m any saw It. and this G reat Cosmic Light from us all forever.
As I began the Invocation, every phrase tra v ­ MRS. G. W. BA LLA R D A N D D O N A LD .
elled across the grounds into the m ountains in a • GEMS OF L IG H T •
feminine voice and returned to us the masculine
Voice of our Beloved Messenger, G uy W. Ballard, Saint Germain
as clear, distinct and n atu ral as ever. For at least "R ig h t here in your physical octave are billions
ten minutes, phrase by phrase sent out returned of dollars of wealth ready to be used, which only
and completed the circle or curren t of force sent aw ait the sufficient harmony within certain in­
forth in Love and Blessing to the world. dividuals to have it released w ithout limit. I mean
Each song as it w as finished carried its melody by that in sustained activity. I f We could be sure
on and on into the m ountain range, carry in g all that you would be m aster of your feeling world,
the Love, Light and Blessings of our hearts to en­ We could release into your hands, to-night, all
fold the earth being charged with the Power of that you could use, or show you ivhere it w as.”
a Thousand Suns to hold the V ictory of the Light
everywhere in Am erica and then to bless the Saint G erm ain:
world. "D o you not see that all experience is ju st to
The G reat Cosmic Light as of a Thousand Suns train you to depend wholly upon the rI AM Pres­
from our G reat C entral Sun, for which Jesus, the ence,' the G iver of all that is good? It will give
Goddess of Liberty, A rctu ru s, the Goddess of you everything in the world, thru that Life, if
Light, Saint Germ ain, O ur Beloved Messenger
you will but stand by It firm ly with great deter­
and Others of the Ascended H ost had called,
mination and call It into action. Every desire
touched the earth in unison with the Light from
that holds the picture of the thing you wish to
our physical sun; and the tremendous Power of
use, will require this M ighty Energy to take com­
It w as so great the entire radio and telegraph
m and and produce the thing you require.”
w orld recorded the terrific effects upon their con­
32 33

Shrine A uditorium , Los Angeles, March 31, 1940

A T U R D A Y , March 30, 1940, while a u ­

tographing, our Beloved Saint Germain
stood within His own G reat R ay of LESSED G roup Leaders, the Love and
Light and poured H is M ighty Power of respect which the Students of the " I
the Violet Consum ing Flame in th ru and around AM ” pour to you is a T ru st to you from
the entire Shrine A uditorium . Above Him stood Saint Germ ain and the other Ascended
the G reat Cosmic Beings from the G reat Central M asters!
Sun pouring Their M ighty Light and Power to Do not betray that T ru st by holding a feeling
enfold all. within yourselves that the " I AM” Students are
your students; or take credit to yourselves for
Sunday, March 31, 1940, again as I began to
being so good or so p o w erfu l; or because you think
autograph the first book, a G reat Golden R ay of
you have a greater understanding of the Law
Light filled the auditorium and within It came
than the student.
an immense Eagle of White Fire whose Wings
Such feelings are very subtle. They can throw
spanned the entire width of the auditorium . This
you out of this Light before you know it, if you
was a Messenger from Venus who brings trem en­
are not constantly on gu ard. The " I AM” S tu ­
dous Light to the earth, for the protection of all dents belong to the "M ighty I AM Presence” of
that is constructive and for special Assistance to
Life from the G reat C entral Sun and not to any
the United States of Am erica. G roup Leader. Each one belongs to his own
T h at M ighty Power and O ut-pouring of Light "M ighty I AM Presence.”
is the release of a special all-protecting Action to In order to keep those feelings out of you or
every person, place, condition and thing under from acting to destroy the good in your world,
this R adiation; and will stand enfolding every one remember how much you did not am ount to, u n ­
until the fu ll V ictory of the Light is attained and til Saint Germ ain and our Beloved Messenger gave
the Ascension completed. you this Light.
O ur Beloved Messenger, G uy W. B allard was
Visualize this M ighty A ctivity of Light as often and is the Open Door thru which this Light could
as you can and feel Its M ighty Victory. be given to set us all free. Even Saint Germain
MRS. G. W. BA LLA R D A N D D O N A LD . said: He tried for six hundred years to get this
Light released in the physical w orld to set m an­
kind free, and only our Beloved Messenger was
strong enough to be the Open Door.
N ot you nor I nor anyone in this world should cover attem pts in thought, feeling, word or ac­
ever have credit for that but ju st our Beloved, tion, to give credit to any one’s personality, not
Blessed Messenger— our Precious G uy W. B allard! even my own, for bringing this Ascended Master
We all bow before His G reat Strength and Light Light, Instruction and Freedom of the "M ighty
which have saved us all. I AM Presence” to m ankind and holding this Light
We had Jesus for nineteen hundred years. We until they are free.
had the M asters as Theosophy and the Orient Soon the very intensity of this Light will be
tau gh t! We have had countless statem ents of the its own defense and only those who reveal It thru
Law of T ru th and Perfection; but only one per­ their own bodies will be believed by the people.
son a year out of three and a h alf billions of peo­ All under this Radiation belongs to Saint G er­
ple on this earth ever attained his Ascension. Even main for the Victory of the Light, Freedom, Pro­
with all the assistance given m ankind in the cen­ tection and Divine Ju stice to America and her
turies past, none of us were able to apply w hat people and for the Freedom of all mankind.
we knew enough to gain our Freedom. MRS. G. W. BA LLA R D
Since our Beloved Messenger came and gave
this Light from Saint Germain, we have all had
much greater good and Freedom in our own in­ • N O T IC E S •
dividual worlds. Then never let any of us for No. 1
one second ever dare to think, say, feel or do any­ ~ R O U P L E A D E R S , please ad d ress all
thing that would try to make others feel or be­ correspondence concerning G roup A c­
lieve that we are the Power or U nderstanding tiv itie s or a n y th in g co n cern in g this
which is helping to set the student free. The A ctivity to Mrs. G. W. B allard or SA IN T
O N LY POW ER in this A ctivity or any other that
G ER M A IN PRESS, P.O. Box 1133, Chicago, Illi­
ever did anything good for anyone is the Divine
nois, or Sindelar Studios, 2600 So. Hoover St.,
A ctivity of Life which is the "M ighty I AM Pres­
Los Angeles, and it will be forw arded to us
ence” and no hum an being in this A ctivity shall
wherever we are, as Mr. P. B. Crouse is no longer
ever take the credit in thought, feeling, word
a member o f our Staff nor is he in this Light.
or act and remain as a G roup Leader or repre­ No. 2 '
sentative of this M ighty Ascended Master In stru c­
We notify and w arn all " I AM” Students and
tion of the " I AM” — the only possible hope of
Freedom or Divine Ju stice to the people of this people everywhere now, that our Beloved Mes­
senger, Mr. G uy W. Ballard, never said to anyone
that there were jewels or gold at any definite
We are only privileged to carry the "C u p of
L igh t” which the Ascended Masters have en­ place on any individual’s mine or mining prop­
trusted to our care! We shall oppose everybody
and everything who at any time openly or under We hereby notify all individuals owning, op­
erating or interested in mining not to use Mr.
B allard ’s name nor this Ascended M aster " I AM” "C h arge this Decree with the Light and Power
A ctivity to influence people to invest in mining as of a Thousand Suns and keep it eternally sus­
ventures nor to loan them money for any reason tained and ever expanding.”
Because people have asked our Beloved Mes­ A N N O U N C E NEW RECO RD S
senger or m yself to bless their properties does not Rainbow Rays with Dedication (T rio)
mean that we sponsor nor approve of them as in­ 1002-A and B Rainbow Rays with dedication
vestments for any reason w hatsoever; for to do on reverse side describing the action and viz-
so would be disobedience to this Ascended Master ualization to be used.
Law of the " I AM” and Saint Germain. Price each $2.00, Postpaid $2.2 5
O ur names and the tru st the people have in us
shall not be used to exploit any kind of business • C LA IM IN G A U T H O R IT Y •
venture in any activity for private profit of any
individual or group, even for the fu rth erin g of EC A U SE of the recent claims by various
this A ctivity of the L igh t; because every one individuals that they are receiving dic­
m ust stand on his own merits, carry his own ob­ tations from our Beloved Messenger,
ligations honestly and honorably, pay his bills Mr. G uy W. Ballard, and Others of the
and take fu ll responsibility for everything he Ascended M asters; and that they are authorized
does; and this Ascended M aster Instruction of to give forth this Ascended M aster Instruction
the " I AM” stands forever free from all such to the world, your attention is again called to
activities and entanglements. our Beloved M aster Je su s’ Discourse on C hrist­
mas D ay, December 2 5, 193 5, in Los Angeles,
MRS. G. W. BA LLA R D A N D D O N A LD . wherein He says:
No. 3 "L e t no one desire to transcend or replace these
Beloved Students: Beloved Messengers, in this Light and expression
Please do not send m anuscripts or music for our of the 'I AM’ that Saint Germ ain has given forth.
use, as we are now using only th at which our They have proven their ability to stand in the
Beloved D addy brought forth and the Songs we Light and with no personal desire, carry un self­
have provided in the Loose-leaf form. ishly the Pure U nadulterated Message of the
Also, please do not send us clippings or articles 'M ighty I AM Presence’ ; and until the Ascended
which you desire to have returned. Many times M asters come forth in their tangible, visible
this is not possible and in the fu tu re we will not bodies, they will remain the D irect Messengers
return anything sent fo r our use or perusal, of Saint Germ ain, M yself and Others of the A s­
music or otherwise. cended M asters. It is only thru their joyous and
No. 4 willing obedience to O ur slightest Wish, that it
Add the follow ing words to any of the D e­ has been possible to bring forth this expression
crees given in the Decree Books:
38 39
and understanding of the 'I AM,’ in the purity M • GEMS OF L IG H T • |p
and clearness in which it is expressed to-day.
"T h e students will be wise indeed, no m atter Saint G erm ain:
how great their inspiration, to stand steadfast in "M y dear ones, when I say to you that I have
their use of 'Unveiled M ysteries,’ 'The Magic opened the Door fo r your Ascension in this em­
Presence,’ 'The I AM D iscourses,’ and 'The I AM bodiment and will stand the first One to greet
A dorations and Affirmations,’ for these words you and give you the outer Assistance to com­
are cups that carry the fulness of the Ascended plete It at the close of your earthly Pilgrim age,
M asters’ Perfection into the consciousness of the I mean that tvith all the Poiver that it holds.
individual; and there is naught else in the outer If that is not worth any effort at obedience and
w orld to-day, that will carry this conviction with d e term in atio n to serve h arm o n iou sly to y o u r
so great a pow er.” Freedom, then I could not conceive of any en­
This same admonition has been given forth in couragem ent or any inducement that might be
several other D ictations which have not yet been sufficient.”
published. We call the students’ attention to this Saint G erm ain:
so they will not be misled, then each m ust choose "A m erica needs this Light Oh so much. Do not
w hat they wish to follow. O ur du ty is to state let yourselves be deceived fo r one minute. The
the T ru th as It has been given to us. The Ascended , most diabolical forces on this earth are still w atch­
M asters’ Words are good enough for us, how ing, spying and playing their netw ork of intrigue
about you! to destroy your A m erica; and if it comes to an
MRS. G. W. B A LLA R D A N D D O N A LD . outer conflagration, too well will you under­
stand and know how great has been the T ruth
f jf i • GEMS OF L IG H T • of My W ords.”
Saint G erm ain:
G reat Divine D irector rrI do not think you understand how I felt
Do you not see, dear ones, how much more won­ when you were with Me in that seventy thou­
d erfu l it is, to live in happiness and kindliness to sand year civilization to which We have often
each other and to all m ankind, than to allotv an y­ referred. You had reached a great state of m as­
thing to disturb or irritate you or make you feel tery then; b u t because the G reater Wisdom said
the desire to gossip? Oh, dear ones, see the v ast to Me: rw ithdraw ,’ when I was gone, you did
difference. See w hat the Privilege and the G lory is not stand by Me then. Don’t fail Me notv fo r your
before you. Oh, dear hearts, this G reat L aw of own sake. You went again into greater density,
L ife is no idle dream . It is no im agination of h u­ coming again into the stru ggle of hum an exis­
man concepts, b u t a G lory eternal in Its ever- tence. N ow the opportunity is so ready, so open
expanding Magnificence. before you.”

40 41
|j|: • GEMS OF LIG H T • § jj| (| j | j • GEMS OF LIG H T •

Saint G erm ain: Saint G erm ain:

"O h , w hat do others’ opinions am ount to? "Is it not strange, beloved ones, that people
W hat does that which others say am ount to? become so imbued with the desire fo r some great
With your concentrated attention upon the Pres­ m anifestation, that they become violently vicious
ence of all Life and Its G reat Perfection you can in order to attem pt to force it into action? They
have Perfection. Oh, that great statem ent: rStand try to compel Beings whom they could not touch
in your Presence and let the w orld roll by,’ w hat or affect to do their hum an will. In their great
an apropos statem ent it is, fo r the outer world ignorance they think they can force Us to do
of hum an creation w ill roll by and leave you u n ­ something that O ur Wisdom says is not yet time.
touched when you stand firm enough in the It shows how ignorant the hum an is when it is
H arm ony of L ife, or your Presence, the fM ighty disturbed. The heart in every one of them, knows
I AM’.” th at this Law is true and it tries to impel that
force into the intellect and a t moments, a t inter­
Saint G erm ain: vals it succeeds, b u t only fo r a time.”
" I w ant you to remember this, that w hatever
I say to you, w hatever Others of the Ascended Saint G erm ain:
M asters m ight say to you, it w ould be impossible
"M y dear ones, in all th at you have heard Us
fo r it to be criticism of you. It is only a statem ent
mention, do you not see th at it is only a fragm en t
of the T ru th which We know to be th at becomes
of that which We are actu ally doing. In the great
your Freedom. Therefore, if you feel We criti­
num ber of dictations which have been given, it
cize you, you have missed the point entirely. Do
is such a sm all part. To cover the field w ould
you not see that if I wished to criticize you, I
have required ten times the num ber, in order to
w ould remain silent and let you go on your w ay
describe to you a p art of all We have done in the
into the conditions of your own creation? Since
endeavor to protect and bless m ankind. I f you
I am w illing to stand in your defense, even to
looked from O ur O ctave of Light upon the a t ­
defend you again st your own human creation,
mosphere of earth, you would not recognize it
then th at ought to be a Friend w orth while.”
as it existed ten years ago. It is as different a l­
most as dayligh t and darkness, and the reason is
Saint Germ ain: this: a t that time here and there was a dim light
" It is incredible how m any people in human visible from O u r O ctave, to-day in various parts
form w ould sell their chance of Freedom fo r a of Am erica it has almost become self-lum inous.”
few dollars.”
42 43

N O W B R O A D C A S T IN G T R A N S C R I P T I O N S :

K F W B , H olly w o od , Los A n geles, C a lifo rn ia

9 :0 0 A.M . M on days, T u e sd a y s, T h u r sd a y s,
F rid a y s, S a tu r d a y s
K R E , B erk eley , C a lifo rn ia 8 :1 5 - 8 :3 0 P. M. M on d ays,
W ed n esd ay s, F rid a y s • FLA M ES-IN -A C T IO N •
W O R L , Boston, M ass. 7 :4 5 -8 A .M . T u e sd a y s ELO V ED " I AM” Students, the Ascended
W C P O , C in cin n a ti, Ohio 8 :1 5 - 8 :3 0 P.M . W ednesdays M asters have asked that you use the
K F R C , San F ran cisc o , C a lif. 1 0 :4 5 -1 1 :0 0 A.M . S u n d ay s C harts and Flames-in-Action, to charge
K F E L , D en v er, C o lo rad o 1 0 :3 0 - 1 0 :4 5 A .M . S u n d ay s the atmosphere of your homes and places
K F O X , L ong B each , C a lif. 1 0 :4 5 -1 1:0 0 A .M . S u n d ay s of business wherever you can, with the Power of
W IP, P h ilad elp h ia, Penna. 10 :4 5 -1 1 :0 0 A .M . S u n d ay s, the "M ighty I AM Presence” and the Radiation
M on d ays, T u e sd a y s, W ed n esd ay s, T h u r sd a y s of the Ascended M asters.
K W JJ , P o rtla n d , O regon 9 :4 5 - 1 0 :0 0 A .M . S u n d ay s When you realize th at the very vibratory ac­
9 :3 0 - 9 :4 5 P.M . T u e sd a y s tion of the Light and energy from the C harts and
K O L , S e a ttle , W ash. 1 0 :3 0 - 1 0 :4 5 A .M . S u n d ay s Flam es-in-Action, pours out the Ascended Mas­
W K A T , M iam i B each , F lo rid a 1 0 :1 5 - 1 0 :3 0 A .M . S u n d ay s ters’ Q ualities into the air o f the room wherever
W H N , N e w Y o rk C ity , N . Y. 1 1 :4 5 - 1 2 :0 0 N oon they are illumined and in action, you can each day
M ondays, W ed n esd ay s, F rid a y s
make the call for them to be amplified a thousand
W X Y Z , D e tro it, M ich igan 9 :3 0 - 9 :4 5 A .M . S u n d ay s
times more pow erfully than they were the day
W K Z O , K a la m a z o o , M ich igan 9 :4 5 - 1 0 :0 0 A.M . S u n d ay s before.
W T A T , H a r t fo r d , C onn. 1 0 :4 5 - 1 1 :0 0 A .M . S u n d ay s I f you once begin to realize w hat a limitless
K C K N , K a n sa s C ity , K a n sa s 9 :4 5 - 1 0 :0 0 A .M . S u n d ay s Focus of Ascended M aster Consciousness, Light,
N O T E : We reserve a ll R ad io B ro ad castin g righ ts u n con d ition ally , and no Energy and Power, you can call forth thru these
one is allow ed to b ro a d c a st an y of the " I AM ” In stru c tio n , or read from the blessed C harts and Flames-in-Action which Saint
books over the R adio except M r. or M rs. B a lla rd .
Germ ain has brought forth fo r your Assistance,
44 45
you would not miss one day in dynam ically call­ • V IC TR O LA & PH O N O G R A PH RECO RD S •
ing forth such concentrated Ascended Master
Power and Perfection thru these continued activ­ All Records from No. 100-A & B to No. 116-A
ities of Light, Energy and V ibration, as would & B inclusive have been w ithdraw n.
charge everything around them with the most The follow ing Instrum ental (Lotus R ay King,
am azing miracles and Victories of the Light. H arpist, and Frederick Landw ehr, N o v ac h o rd ):
You have not the slightest comprehension yet (200-A — Light of My H eart
of w hat a tremendous momentum of energy you (200-B — Rose of Light
could draw forth in one month, and have it q u al­
ified with the special Q uality of one or more of (201 -A— Lotus My Love
the Ascended M asters whose definite A ctivity you (201-B — Voice of the Presence
needed to do w hat you desire in producing Per­ (202-A — Son o f Light
fection. (202-B — C all to Light
Stand in front of your C hart or Flame-in-Ac-
tion and call first to your "M ighty I AM Presence” (2 0 3 -A— Rainbow Rays
and then to one or more of the Ascended M asters to (203-B — Oh, W orld Victorious
pour thru it an intensified action of Their Power, The follow ing with T rio (L otus R ay King,
M iracles and Victories of the Light— with Their H arpist, Violet Fairchild, Soloist and Frederick
eternally sustained Divine Ju stice, Divine Love, Landw ehr, N o v ac h o rd ):
Ease, C om fort and Peace from the H eart of the (5 00-A — Light of My H eart
G reat Silence and each day increase that a thou­ ( 500-B— Rose of Light
sand times more than the day before, until your
room, home or place of business is so filled with (501 -A— Lotus My Love
th at Substance and Power from the Ascended ( 501-B— Voice of the Presence
Masters O ctave, as to produce the most am azing ( 502-A— Son of Light
Blessings in you and your world. ( 502-B— Call to Light
The Ascended M asters ask all of you who have
(503 - A— Rainbow Rays
C harts and Flam es-in-Action to begin doing this
( 503-B— Oh, World Victorious
regu larly each day; and see w hat a great differ­
ence it will make in your world and activities. (5 04-A— " I AM” Come
We call every day for the "M ighty I AM Pres­
Records are now available at the Saint Germain
ence” and the Ascended M asters to bring these Press, P. O. Box 1133, Chicago, 111.
into the use of all who really desire them and make Price—
their sincere call to the Presence to provide them
Double faced Records $2.50 Postpaid $2.75
with these Blessings to bring forth more instan­ Single faced Records $1.50 Postpaid $1.75
taneous Perfection to all.

46 47
We hereby notify all readers and individuals 1 6 0 0 'S H O O V E K ST.
everywhere, that everything in the books of the ° Los A n g e l e s ,'c a l -•
We are now prepared to receive subscriptions
T IO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN TO for the year beginning with the issue of March,
G RO UP LEA D ER S is covered by our copyrights 1940, and it will m aterially assist our planning
with all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­ if those intending to renew their subscriptions
lations. will send their renewals as early as possible.
This means, we will not allow this instruction All subscriptions m ust sta rt with M arch, 193 6,
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, ad u lter­ 1937, 1938, 1939 or 1940. All back issues may
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and be secured at any time, either by yearly subscrip­
tion or single copies at the follow ing rates:
we shall protect them fully.
In C alifornia $3.09 a year
We are determined th at this G IFT OF L IG H T ,
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended In United States outside of C alifornia $3.00
M asters to m ankind SH A LL BE P R O T E C T ED In other countries $3.50 a year
and kept PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — Single copies, 3 5 cents
FO REV ER— th at m ankind m ay receive its E ter­
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. The m agazine m ay be purchased in attractive
bound volum es, m a tch in g the S ain t G erm ain
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right Series and holding one year’s issues. Price, $4.25.
to m aintain CO M PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T Binding your own copies, $1.2 5. Plus shipping.
A LL TIM ES. Y o u r ch an g e o f ad d re ss m u st reach this office not la te r th an
the 10th o f the m onth in o rd e r to a ssu re th a t m o n th ’s issue
b ein g sen t to the new ad d re ss on the r e g u la r m ailin g d ate .
S A IN T G ERM AIN PRESS Y o u r co -op eration w ill be a p p re c ia te d and o u r se rv ice to you
assu re d .
T hank you!
• THE •
Sizes below can be p u rc h ase d a t the • SAINT GERMAIN •
• SIN D E LA R STU D IO S • • SERIES • *' ' ^
1Sw”• <3

U N V E I L E D M Y S T E R IE S , V olu m e I _________ B y G o d fr e R a y K in g
2 6 0 0 S ou th H oov er S tre e t L os A n geles, C a lifo rn ia C o n tain in g the first g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
P rice $ 2 .5 0 , P ostpaid S2.7S
T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E , V olu m e I I __________ B y G o d fr e R a y K in g
Je su s F old er, size 5 x7, hand co lo re d __ ______ $ .50 T a x $. 02 P o stag e $.15 C on tain in g the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r ’s experiences.
Sain t G erm ain , hand colored, 5 x 7 ............................ 50 T a x . 02 P o stag e .15
P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostp aid $3.00
Je su s Satin b o o k -m ark ................................................... 3 5 T a x , 01 P ostag e .05
Sain t G erm ain Satin b o ok-m ark ----------- .3 5 T a x , 01 P ostag e .05 T H E " I AM” DISCOURSES,
Je su s M in iatu re, desk fram ed ........................... 1.50 T a x . 05 P o stag e . 2 0 V olu m e I I I ----------------------- B y the A sce n d ed M a ste r, S ain t G erm ain
S a in t G erm ain M in iatu re, fr a m e d ...................... 1.5 0 T a x . 05 P ostag e .20 C o n tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, ex p lain in g the A scen ded M asters’ ap plica­
Je su s M in iatu re, 2 } / z x 3 l/ z f o l d e r ____________ .25 T a x . 01 P ostag e .05 tion o f the " I A M ,” w ith th ree color p lates. P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostp aid $3.00
Je su s M in iatu re, 2 l/ z x 3 / z tin ted fo ld e r -------- .40 T a x . 01 P ostag e .05
Sain t G erm ain M in iatu re, 2 / i x 3 / z f o l d e r --- .25 T a x . 01 P ostag e .05 T H E " I A M ” A D O R A T IO N S , A F F IR M A T IO N S A N D D E C R E E S ,
Sain t G erm ain M in iatu re, 2 / z x 3 / z tin ted V olu m e V — P a r ts 1 an d 2 ________________________________B y C h an era
fo ld e r ______ ____ _____—......................................40 T a x . 01 P ostage .05 A selection o f p o w e rfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations an d D ecrees o f the "M igh ty
Je su s s e a ls ___ ___-......-............... -....................-....... — *10 T a x . 00 P ostag e .03 I AM P resence.” p r ice $ 1 .7 5 , P ostp aid $2.00
Sain t G erm ain seals .............. _............................— .1 0 T a x . 00 P ostag e .03
” 1 A M ” P i n s ________________ ______ __________ 1.00 T a x . 03 P o stag e .10 A S C E N D E D M A S T E R D IS C O U R S E S ,
" I A M ” R in gs ...................... ............. .................... ....................3162 .0
P 0ostag
T a ex . 20 , V olu m e V I ------------------------ B y V a rio u s o f th e A sce n d ed M asters
M aster Je su s, 1 2 x 1 6 , hand colored --- ---------- 2 .0 0 T a x , 06 P o stag e .25 C o n tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d ic ta te d b e fo re h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith three
M aster Sain t G erm ain , 1 2 x 1 6 , hand c o lo re d .... 2 .0 0 T a x . 06 P ostag e .25 co lor p late s. p rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $ }.0 0
G old F old er Je su s and S ain t G erm ain , 1 2 x1 6 8.00 T a x , 24 P ostag e .25
Brow n F old er Je su s and S ain t G erm ain , 1 2 x1 6 7 .0 0 T ax . , 21 P ostag e .25 A SC E N D E D M A ST E R L IG H T ,
Je su s* Ascension, 1 2 x 1 6 ------- ------------------ — 1.2 5 T a x . 04 P o stag e .25 V olum e V II B y V a rio u s o f the A scen ded M aste rs an d C osm ic Beings
Je s u s ’ A scension, m in iatu re fo ld e r -------------- .2 5 T a x , 01 P ostag e .05 C o n tain in g tw en ty -six D iscou rses, d ic ta te d b e fo re h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith
T h e Lu m in ou s P resence, 1 2 x1 6 .... — 1.25 T a x , 04 P ostag e .25 th ree color p la te s. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , P ostp aid *5 .2 5
T h e Lu m in ou s P resence, m in iatu re f o ld e r ---- .2 5 T a x 01 P o stag e .05
Je su s, 1 5 x 1 8 , fram e d ................................... 5.50 T a x 17 P ostage .25 " I A M ” A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S ...... B y C h an era
S a in t G erm ain , 1 5 x 1 8 , fram e d ...................... 5.50 T a x 17 P ostage .25 V est P o ck e t E d ition o f p o w e rfu l A d o ratio n s an d A ffirm ations.
Je su s, 7 x 9 */2 , fram ed ...... ..................... ............ 2 .5 0 T a x 08 P ostage . 2 0 P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P ostp aid $1.20
S ain t G erm ain , 7 x 9 l/ z > f r a m e d - ........ ................. - 2 .5 0 T a x ,08 P ostag e . 2 0 " I A M ’* D E C R E E B O O K L E T .... .......................... .................. ... B y C h an era
Je su s, 5 i/ 2 x 7«/2, f r a m e d ......................................... 1.00 T a x ,03 P ostage . 2 0 A p a p e r bound bo oklet, contain in g a collection o f " I A M ” D ecrees w hich every­
S ain t G erm ain , 5 l/ z x 7 l/ z , fram ed -------- — 1.00 T a x 03 P ostage . 2 0 one can u se to b rin g Freedom to the in d iv id u a l, A m erica an d the w orld.
Je su s seal, silv e r fram ed , tin ted ------ ------------- 30 T a x ,01 P o stag e .05
Size 5 Vi x 8. P rice 25 cen ts each , P o stp aid 40 cents
Sain t G erm ain seal, silver fra m e d , tin te d ------ .3 0 T a x ,01 P ostag e .05
Je su s, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish ........................ 15.00 T a x .45 P ostag e E x . col. S P E C IA L " I A M ” D E C R E E S
S a in t G erm ain , 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish --------- 15.00 T a x .45 P o stag e E x . col. L O O SE -L E A F B IN D E R in h eavy green cloth , stam ped to m atch the Sain t G er­
Je su s, 1 9 x 2 4 , sepia finish ................................. 7.50 T a x .23 P o stag e E x . col. m ain Series. F or Special " I A M ’ * D ecrees as th ey come o u t fro m tim e to tim e;
S a in t G erm ain , 1 8 x 2 4 , sepia finish ---- 7.50 T a x .23 P o stag e E x . col. also L oose-leaf Songs. T h ese D ecrees and Songs a r e p rin ted on fillers punched
**I AM ” E m blem s (stic k e r s) ---------------------- .15 T a x ,01 P ostag e .05 to fit B in d er, w hich hold ab o u t 150 leaves ( 3 0 0 p a g e s).
" T h e M agic P resence,” 3 0 x 4 8 ............... ....... 15.00 T a x . 45 P o stag e Incl. B in d er P rice $ 1.25 each, P ostpaid $1.40
" T h e M agic P resence,” 1 2 x 2 0 ......- 1.00 T a x .03 P o stag e .20 D ecrees an d Songs lc p er p ag e (2 p ag es to the le a f ) .
P ostp aid — acc o rd in g to w eight.
" U N V E I L E D M Y S T E R IE S ” — In T w o V olum es _ P ric e $5 25
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T h ree V olu m es...__ __________ P rice $7.75
" T H E *1 AM* D IS C O U R S E S ” — In T w o V olu m es......... P rice $6 75
50 " A S C E N D E D M A ST E R D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olum es ______P ric e t7 .0 0
P lu s M ailin g C h arges
• THE • • THE •
C H A R T O F " T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ”
A b e a u tifu lly lith og rap h ed ch art, su ita b le fo r fra m in g an d contem plation . V IC T R O L A A N D P H O N O G R A P H R E C O R D S
Size 30 x 52 on h eavy linen fo r S tu d y G ro u p s an d in d iv id u al use.
I R R -1 2 0 1 IN V O C A T IO N ---- ----------------------------- M r. and M rs. B a lla r d and Son
P ric e $ 1 2 .0 0 , m ailin g ch arg es in clu d ed
( R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N i g h t ) ............. ..............................M rs. B a lla rd
Size 1 2 x 2 1 on m edium w eigh t p ap er. P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P ostpaid $ 1.20
Size 5 x 7 l/ z on lig h te r p ap er. P rice 15 cents each, P ostp aid 18 cents ( R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N -------------------------------------------- M r. and M rs. B allard
Size 2 y2 x 3 % — sold in lots o f not less th an one dozen. ( R R - 1 24 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (N e a re r M y G od to T h e e ).................... M rs. B a lla rd
P ric e 50 cents p e r dozen, P ostp aid 53 cents | 2 0 0 -A — L I G H T O F M Y H E A R T (I n s tr u m e n ta l)__________ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp
C H A R T S A N D F L A M E S -IN -A C T IO N i 200-B — R O SE O F L I G H T - .............................................F red eric k L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
T h is anim ation o f the C h a rts and F lam es enables the stu d en t to feel th e action | 2 0 1 -A— L O T U S MY LO V E ( In s tr u m e n ta l).._______ ___ ___ L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp
o f both w ith p o w e rfu l in ten sity . I 2 01-B — V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E .—.................. F red erick L an d w eh r, N o vach ord
Size 30 x 5 2 * 4 . P ric e $ 2 0 0 .0 0 each, P lu s E x p ress \ 202 -A — SO N O F L IG H T (In s tr u m e n ta l) .....................................L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp
S ize 1 2 x 2 1 . P rice $ 5 0 .0 0 each , P lu s E x p ress I 202-B — C A L L T O L I G H T ............................................. F red eric k L an d w eh r, N o vach ord
A ll p rices f o r C h a r ts an d Flam es-in -action f.o .b . Los A n geles, C a lifo rn ia . O rd e r
| 203 -A — R A IN B O W R A Y S (In s tr u m e n ta l)___________ ___ .L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp
from S A IN T G E R M A IN P R E SS, IN C ., Los A n geles B ran ch , P .O . B ox 4 2 8 ,
( 2 03-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S ........................ F red erick L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
Los A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia .
P IC T U R E O F T H E A S C E N D E D M A S T E R , J E S U S 1 2 0 4 -A — S I L E N T S E N T I N E L (In s tr u m e n ta l) ............................ L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp
\ 2 04-B — A M E R IC A O U R B E L O V E D L A N D ..... F red eric k L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
( L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp
H a n d colored steel en g ra v in g o f etch in g b y C h arles Sin delar. 2 04-C — " I AM ” CO M E (S in g le ) (In stru m e n ta l)
Size 12 x 16. P ric e $ 2 .0 0 each, P ostp aid $ 2 .2 5 \ F red eric k L a n d w eh r, N ovach ord
P IC T U R E O F T H E C O S M IC B E IN G , O R IO N , b e tte r k n o w n as 500-A — L I G H T O F MY H E A R T ( T r i o ) ............... / L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp
500-B— R O SE O F L I G H T ............... .................\ V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
"T H E O LD M A N O F T H E H IL L S ” ( F red erick L an d w eh r, N ov ach o rd
H a n d co lored steel e n g rav in g of etch in g by R o b ert A g u ila r.
Size 1 2 x 1 6 . P rice $ 2 .0 0 . P ostp aid $ 2 .2 5 501-A — L O T U S MY LO V E ( T r i o ) ............................/ L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp
5 01-B— V O IC E O F T H E P R E SE N C E V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
P IC T U R E O F O U R B E L O V E D M E S S E N G E R , G U Y W . B A L L A R D ' F red erick Lan d w eh r, N ovach ord
A c tu a l p h otog rap h ic rep ro d u ctio n in G old tone.
Size 8x10 . P ric e each $ 2 .5 0 , P ostp aid $ 2 .8 5 502-A — SO N .O F L I G H T (T r io ) ............................. / L° t u s R a y K in g, H a rp
Size 11 x 14 . P ric e each $ 3 .5 0 , P o stp aid $ 4 .0 0 5 02-B — C A L L T O L I G H T V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
Size 15 x 19 y2. P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p ress collect I F red eric k L an d w e h r, N ovach ord
L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp

S ize 30 x 40 . P rice each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E x p ress collect 503-A — R A IN B O W R A Y S ( T r i o ) ...................
" T H E V O IC E O F T H E 'I A M ’ ” 503-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
F red erick L an d w eh r, N o vach ord
M onthly M agazin e co n tain in g a rtic le s ex plain in g th e L aw o f L ife ; also D is­
co u rses by th e A scen ded M asters an d oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ac k n u m bers 504-A — S IL E N T S E N T I N E L ( T r io ) ............. L L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp
a v a ila b le begin n in g F e b ru a ry , 193 6. Y e a rly su b scrip tio n s begin w ith M arch, 5 04-B— A M E R IC A O U R B E L O V E D L A N D \ V iolet F a irch ild , Soloist
1940. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , Sin gle copy 3 5 cents v F red erick L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
R A D IO B R O A D C A S T IN G T R A N S C R I P T I O N S L L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp
504-C — " I A M ” COM E (S in g le ) (T r io ) \ V iolet F a irch ild , Soloist
A Series o f B ro ad casts av a ila b le fo r use, co n tain in g ex p lan atio n o f the L a w o f
L if e ; also p ro tection f o r A m erica. F o r In fo rm atio n w rite Sain t G erm ain P ress, \ F red erick L an d w eh r, N o vach ord
C h icago , Illinois. These R ecord s a r e su ita b le fo r in d iv id u al co ntem plation or u se in S tu d y G ro u p s
M USIC OF T H E SPH ERES P rice each $ 2 .5 0 ......................................... ........................................ ........ ...........P ostpaid $ 2.75
" I A M ” CO M E R O SE O F L I G H T V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E
LO TU S MY LO VE SIL E N T S E N T IN E L A M E R IC A O U R B E L O V E D L A N D H e a d q u a r te r s f o r A ll P u b lica tio n s
A G ro u p o f Songs— M usic and L y ric s by G o d fre R a y K in g. T hese songs are S A IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, P. O. Box 1133, Chicago, 111.
especially ch arg ed w ith p o w e rfu l h ealing and special a c tiv ity , acco rdin g to the
m eanin g o f the ly rics. W estern R e p re se n tativ e
E ach piece o f m usic h as b e a u tifu l lith ograp h ed co ver in color, su ita b le fo r S I N D E L A R S T U D IO S , 2 6 0 0 So. H o o v e r S t., Los A n g eles, C a lifo r n ia
fra m in g , each rep resen tin g th at w hich the m usic p o rtra y s.
P ric e each $ 1 .0 0 ________ ____ - ...................—-....... -....................-..............P ostpaid S I . I t C o p y righ ted by Sain t G erm ain Press, C h icago, Illin ois
N U M B ER . “'P u blished a i the. SINDELAR. STUDIOS m ay •
T H R E E , 2600 S HOOVER ST, Los A n g e l e s , C a l • 1940 •
O o p yricfh i^S a in t Cferm axrtPres^ 1 9 4 0 ’

By the Ascended Masters and their A ccredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W . Ballard and son, Donald
OF CA LIFO RN IA S3.09 A YEAR. C |# f,
IN O T H ER CO U N TR IES $3.50 A YEAR. '*]/<•'

The "Voice of the I AM” is the m outh-piece th ro u g h w hich

the A scended M asters’ In stru c tio n can reach the students
quick ly , th a t the m ost pow erful w ork possible fo r A m erica
an d the w orld m ay be done by the stu d en ts to release the
g reatest L ight in the shortest tim e.
The inform ation given u n d er the heading of "Y oung A m er­
ica” w ill be the A scended M asters’ help to the young people
fo r th e ir protection and illum ination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels th ro u g h w hich
the Ascended M asters w ill give th e ir L ight fo r the use of the
o u te r w orld in the Golden " I AM” Age.
T his m agazine is not an o u tlet fo r articles from the s tu ­
dents, b u t is the o u tp o u rin g of the help from the Ascended
M asters and has no hum an concepts in it.
2600 South H oover S treet Los Angeles, C alifornia
ESCEND! Thou Almighty,
Beloved Violet Flame!
The G ift of Life’s Freedom
From Blest Saint Germain;
Blaze th ru us Thy Power,
Cleanse all by Thy Might,
Reveal Love’s Perfection
From His Cosmic Height!
"I AM” Thy Full Presence,
Commanding all now,
To be Light’s Dominion
T hru each heart’s own vow;
To fill earth w ith Splendor
In Thy Mighty Name,
We call into action
Thy Pure Violet Flame!
We stand in Thy Glory,
Thy Great Blazing Light,
Whose Pure Violet Fire
Releases Its Might;
Until in the Heavens
Bursts God’s Cosmic Morn,
Lo! O ur W orld as a SUN
In Splendor is born!
We sing Life’s G reat Anthem
In praise unto Thee,
Oh, Pure Violet Fire,
Blaze! Set m ankind free!
"I AM” all Thy Presence,
Beloved Saint Germain!
Adored Violet Flame!
— Chanera
N ew York, May 18,1939
|P !W ) GREET you, beloved ones, in the Name
of your "M ighty I AM Presence” and
your Ascension. May the fulness of th at
conviction be so established w ithin you
this hour th at no hum an questioning, no hum an
conditions or their accum ulated substance may at
any time in the fu tu re interfere w ith your one
pointed vision, your Ascension.
May I congratulate, th ru the hand of this be­
loved Messenger, our beloved Lotus for those
words— "I AM” Come. May th at blessing of those
words be the Eternal Freedom and Ascension for
all, because no one can sing those words w ithout
My C urrent of Light and Energy flowing into his
or her being and world, to purify, harmonize,
perfect and draw each one into the Ascension.
You have heard My Words, beloved ones, th at
have come down th ru tw o thousand years; and
yet, how little has been comprehended of the—
may I use the term — gigantic meaning to m an­
kind in their acceptance of those Words. You ob­
served the Cup last night representing the Glory
of My Victory, the Goal of all m ankind, which
Parsifal represents to the world. Allow Me to
draw your attention, in as brief an explanation
as possible, to some of these things so you may, if
you will, become more firmly anchored in the
Power of your "M ighty I AM Presence” first, then
th at of the Ascended Masters and Myself.
I assert to you again, all the Ascended Masters
are One w ith Me in the Perfection of Life! We
each fulfill O ur own Mission as Life requires it;

^A Slw D E t^R ^j
but so far as O ur Perfection and Wisdom are con­ in the position to allow your Presence of Life, your
cerned, according to the need all Ascended Mas­ "M ighty I AM Presence,” to draw you th ru that
ters are able to reach into the H eart of everything Open Door into Ascension. H um anly, you can but
in this Universe and draw forth w hatever They make the call! Leave it to the Wisdom of your
require; in T ru th, in Light, in Substance, in En­ Presence as to how, when and at w hat time it
ergy and in everything th at is required. As you shall be done. You cannot judge in the human!
quite well know, only in your hum an octave is My beloved ones, silence all attem pts of the
a means of exchange required, as you know it hum an to judge. Unless you abide in the Wisdom
to-day. Light in the Octaves above is O ur only of your Presence, how can you achieve your E ter­
exchange! nal Freedom? It is impossible for the hum an to
How many th ruo ut these, let us say recent, judge. If only the beloved students would not a t­
years have dwelt a little more upon the one state­ tem pt to judge, would just live and abide in O ur
m ent— " 'I AM’ the Open Door th at no man can Wisdom! Your Beloved Saint Germain makes no
shut” ? Do you comprehend, beloved students, mistakes, and for a single student to criticize Him
th at to-day in your beloved Chicago, the Goddess is unfortunate, most unfortunate indeed!
of Light made clear and definite to you, and many To-day, in rendering this Service for you, I ask
observed it, th at She did open th at Door for every you for a few moments to be still and ask your
sincere student in America and the world? So Presence and the Ascended Masters to take out of
they may enter th ru th at Door into the Octave your feeling world all doubt. Then will you ask
of Light, which is the Ascension of every one. That your Presence to take command and fill you w ith
Door is Real! T hat Door was opened at th at mo­ the complete assurance in your m ental and feel­
m ent into the Ascended Masters’ Octave! Do you ing world as to O ur Reality, of the T ru th of every
understand w hat this means? It is the Octave of W ord th at Saint Germain has brought forth!
the Ascension! (Silence)
Oh, th at the doubts of m ankind could be re­ You will pardon Me if I use the term , b u t puny
moved, and yet beloved ones, understand they hum an intellects th at try to discriminate, try to
can only be removed by yourselves. We cannot pass judgm ent, are b ut blocking their own path­
remove th at which you insist on holding to. There­ way in a w ay th at is so unfortunate. Beloved ones,
fore, in draw ing your attention to the "Open allow Me to remind you again, anything in the
Door which no man can shut,” in the illustration world th at makes you feel discord w ithin your
given you by the Goddess of Light, will you ac­ feeling world or criticism, condemnation or judg­
cept th at as though you stand alone in the world ment, is hum an creation trying to prevent your
and th at Door is opened for you? It is! You can­ Victory of Life. If you are not strong enough to
not open those Doors, you in the physical octave! stand against it and insist on allowing discord to
It is impossible, but since you have come to know find action th ru your speech and feeling, you will
the Presence of all Life which is the A uthority of go down under it.
the Universe, your world included, then you are
6 7
Command the hum an to be silent and call Life, for your own Freedom. You are not serving Saint
your "M ighty I AM Presence,” to take out of you Germain, you are not serving the Messengers, you
those discordant qualities; and hold your atten­ are serving Life for your Freedom.” You are as­
tion and your feeling away from those discordant sisting Saint Germain, you are assisting the Mes­
things. Every discordant quality th at attem pts to sengers, quite true, b u t if you have the feeling
act in you, is alone trying to prevent your Vic­ th at you are serving them, it leaves you constantly
tory. It does not m atter w hat seems to be the cause. open to outer things to intrude th at will disturb
W ill you understand, beloved students, there is you.
only one cause in the Universe for all th at acts You have thought Me your G reat Friend and
in your world, and th at is yourselves, your feel­ Em ancipator th ru these tw o thousand years— b ut
ing? W hatever you allow to act w ithin your feel­ my dear ones, can you not see th at Saint Germain
ing is your master! This has been said so often, is the Law of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Ray, to
b ut until it is conquered, We m ust keep repeat­ this earth? It is the only means of releasing the
ing it! cleansing, purifying Power. Do you not see then,
I am trying in the beginning of My Talk to th at He is a greater Emancipator than Myself;
you to-day, to clear your world, to cleanse and yet He is using identically the same Laws and He
purify it, so the Substance which I shall later re­ is also using the accum ulated energy of m ankind
lease will find Its perm anent action, and I m ust whose attention has been upon Me th ru these two
have your co-operation. I cannot do something thousand years. He will also use the energy from
against your will. Your will, so far as your world those who will come to understand this Law.
is concerned, is param ount and your will can No hum an being on this earth can ever have his
lead you to the heights or drag you to the depths. or her Eternal Freedom w ithout the Ascended
I may not interfere w ith your free will, not even Masters’ Knowledge of the "M ighty I AM Pres­
to save you and bring you into Eternal Freedom! ence,” the Source of your Life. Please, do not try
Since you have gone th ru hundreds and hun­ to pass judgm ent in the hum an, when individuals
dreds of centuries in hum an distress and lim ita­ make the Ascension who have given so little outer
tions, now when every Force of Light is being con­ attention— which has been done and still more
centrated upon the children of earth and Dis­ will be done th ru the H igher M ental Body of each
pensation after Dispensation granted from the one— perhaps even eighty percent in the coming
Source of all Intelligence, Power and Light to this release of the Cosmic Light could be done, before
System of Worlds to give m ankind their Freedom the outer attention is even draw n to these G reat
— those who have come to know the requirem ents, Truths. So allow at no time anything to cause you
surely can give the little needed obedience. Oh, to pass even an opinion about these G reat Laws.
not to Us, but to your own Life! T urn your attention to the "M ighty I AM Pres­
Remember, beloved students, while this has ence” and hold it there.
been said so many times recently, try to feel the I congratulate our blessed, blessed Federal
full conviction of it to-day: "You are serving Life Judge who is using this Power so greatly in bring­
8 9
ing Light into the legal world and into the world make the call, so as to prevent the devastation of
of industry, needed so much to-day. America.
Remember, th at the forces of destruction hav­ Observe, beloved students, to-day why m an­
ing found they cannot gain any headway in kind should understand th at they own no single
openly attacking This W ork and the Messengers, thing in this Universe. Life is the owner of all!
are now trying to do it w ith even greater power W hen individuals give sufficient obedience to Life,
secretly. They have no power! We know th at and Life will supply them w ith all th at any outer form
you should know it w ith even greater intensity could use in Its Limitless abundance.
than you have up to the present time! Will you Since your "M ighty I AM Presence” has given
take a stronger hold on your feeling and have the you Intelligence and Activity th ru out these hun­
determ ination to silence every tongue th at tries dreds of centuries, which you had forgotten, rea­
to speak against This W ork or this G reat, Great, lize th at you are now being reminded of It again.
G reat Light? It is the greatest healing Presence in the Universe.
I say to you th at is one of the fiercest destruc­ W hen you can remove all obstruction of doubt
tive forces tow ard This Light in America to-day! and questioning in your mind, the Light of your
You, as students, m ust decide how much you are Presence will heal you instantly; b ut to hold in
going to be influenced by it. It is draw ing individ­ your mind something of hum an determ ination,
uals into it from various other sources which have will prevent the Light coming forth pure and u n ­
wanted to oppose This W ork because they can qualified to render the Mighty Healing Service.
go there and spew forth their discord and vicious­ Do not let any student advise another w hat
ness in darkness and in quiet. Anything th at oper­ th at one should do in a crisis. Each one m ust call
ates in darkness is alone of the darkness! Every­ to the Presence and determine w hether he or she
one, even w ithout the knowledge of This W ork use the outer or Inner means. If you advise an­
should understand that! So, beloved students, if other and th at one takes your advice and makes
you allow yourselves to be draw n into those a mistake, you are responsible for it. I would not
things, We cannot prevent it, because you have care to take th at responsibility, if I were you.
free will. Now, to-day, in calling your attention to these
Remember, this Light will be the Victory of requirem ents, let Us charge the C urrent of En­
this earth no m atter w hat the turm oil mankind ergy instantly th ruo ut the room and let those
m ust pass th ru in their purifying process. They Alm ighty Healing C urrents flow th ru each h u ­
could have it in peace and harmony if they would; man form, cleansing and purifying each one for
but if they will not, then millions will pass out of Saint Germain has established over this floor the
these bodies. We shall be prepared to draw them most pow erful action of the Violet Consuming
into O ur Octave of Light and there remove the Flame yet known and into this We shall sweep
remaining obstruction; but We tru st m ankind all hum an qualities, if you will perm it Us to do
will see the Light enough and enough of mankind so. Then remember, your Self-control of the fu ­
10 11
ture is the only means by which this A ctivity may into the outer world, you m ust be alert! Stand
be held sustained. guard over your feelings! Hold Self-control
We love you, beloved ones, beyond any words under all circumstances! Then the Radiance
to express and when We see so m any of you near­ which is established, will go out and harmonize
ing the Goal of your Eternal Freedom and then and bring every condition required into Divine
danger, great danger rushes in by doubts and O rder for your blessing, supply and Perfection.
criticism, O ur H earts ache. You have become a If your attention is fixed upon the need of sup­
p art of Us in your willingness to tu rn to the Light. ply instead of the Presence th at supplies it, how
If you tu rn from It after once having known It, can you expect to have it? If your attention is
it is as if your Life Stream pulled Itself loose. We held so much of the time upon the distress of your
cannot help b u t feel that, and while We know no body instead of the Presence th at can remove it,
sadness nor depression, We cannot help b ut feel how can you have it removed? Any person w ith
th at ache at the failure of one of God’s children. pain or distress in the body, who is determined,
W hen you understand th at anything which can w ith great calm serenity say to th at: "You
makes you doubt or criticize is trying to prevent have no power! Be thou silent! 'M ighty I AM
your Freedom, then you should be alert to it and Presence’ see this is done.” Then, "Ascended Mas­
silence it instantly. ters, lend Your Assistance th at this may be for­
As We reverse these Mighty C urrents and re­ ever removed, cause, effect and record from my
lease this cleansing, purifying activity to sweep being.” Then you would have no difficulty in
th ru you for a few moments, accept them. Then having these conditions removed.
following that, anchor w ithin your being the If you have a critical feeling w ithin you be­
Power of Light th at knows no doubt, fear nor cause a condition has not been healed and you
criticism. (Silence) take the attitude: "W ell it is up to Life to heal
T hru the "Open Door” which the Goddess of me,” it is a childish foolish thing to do. You are
Light opened to you, I draw these Mighty Streams the cause of those conditions and to take the a t­
of Light and Energy, charged w ith the P urity of titude th at Life, if It w ants you to continue m ust
the Intelligence of the Presence of all Life, an­ do your bidding, regardless of w hether you give
choring Its intensified action w ithin your physi­ the obedience or not, is childish and foolish. W hat­
cal heart. W hatever sensation you feel, qualify ever condition is in your world you have been the
it instantly w ith the Perfection of Life, the Per­ cause of it. Therefore, do not feel critical to Life
fection of your "M ighty I AM,” to set you for­ because you have not been healed. R ather call on
ever free. (Silence) the Law of Forgiveness for th at mistake still re­
How very rem arkable it is to find the instan­ maining which has prevented the healing.
taneous glowing response of your Light within. Oh never, never, never, my beloved ones, ques­
Remember, my dear beloved ones, after this tion or criticize the request for obedience th at is
Charge has been given to-day, as you go again your Freedom. We know w hat you require, the
12 13
outer cannot possibly know. If you do not allow you understand th at in O ur Promptings only the
Us to prom pt you and help you, then you are lost greatest power of Love and kindness goes forth—
in the maze of hum an creation. for th at is the solvent of the discord in the world
Never was a greater more gigantic blessing re­ — b ut w ithout obedience We cannot give you
leased to m ankind than last night (at Parsifal). your Freedom.
To-day is a continuation of it from a somewhat W hy do you think, my beloved ones, th at more
different angle for the blessing, protection and did not give response to Me when I even left the
directing Power of the people of America. In this blazing burning Etheric Record of the Ascension?
releasing Power to-day, please for a few moments Because the Power of the Violet Consuming Ray
accept, and I mean by that, call your Presence had not come forth yet to the earth and only
to give you the full power of acceptance so every those who were very greatly determined were
human quality may be swept from your mind, able to release themselves from the binding
body and feeling world and the atomic struc­ powers of hum an creation. Hence only a few were
ture of your physical body, th at this w ork to-day present to witness th at G reat Victory of Life, the
be complete. Ascension.
From the G reat Central Sun, the Source of all Oh, my beloved ones, do not ever let the thought
Intelligence to this System, there is pouring forth or feeling pass th ru your minds: "W hy don’t We
into this room to-day C urrents of Light and En­ come forth in O ur Tangible Bodies.” My dear
ergy to every sincere student here and th ru out ones, time and again We have been ready, but
America and the world, the exact Radiance which the harm ony was not sufficient among the stu­
I am releasing to you. They will not immediately dent body to perm it it and when you see yourself
know the same full conscious im port of it o ut­ every little while being subject to voicing criti­
wardly, but it will be set into action to later find cism and condemnation, then do you wonder why
full expression. We do not come forth? It is not O ur fault. It is
May I add again, whenever there is the im­ not the fault of Life, but the lack of your Self­
pulse to speak a critical or unkind word, silence control. Don’t ever say that it is time th at some
it instantly, th at you may be saved from the con­ of Us come forth now. You shut your door tighter
sequences of its expression. You see beloved ones, than ever w ith such a feeling. O ur Wisdom alone
it is one thing to feel a thing b ut it is another m ust direct. The Wisdom of your Presence of Life
thing to voice it and give it the Power of vibratory m ust alone direct. I prom pt you to-day again.
action th ru the spoken word. You give things so O ur Love enfolds you forever. We w ant you
much greater power to destroy you, when you so earnestly to win your Victory in this life. Ac­
allow yourselves to voice things th at are a mis­ cept the new Dispensation. How can those in the
take or things th at are destructive. outer judge w hat their Presence of Life w ith Its
May you accept the fulness of all th at I have vast Wisdom can do for them? It is the Power
offered you to-day w ith so great a Love and may th at raises you into your Freedom, cuts you free
14 15
from all hum an limitations and from the binding speed, there is being w ithdraw n the influence and
power of earth and its accum ulation. A fter all power from all destructive individuals. T ry to
earth is not responsible. Earth would have been feel that. T ry to accept it and continue to assert
pure, if m ankind had not charged it w ith their w ith all the power of your beings, to all appear­
im purity. ances of discord, lim itation and distress: "You
Remind yourselves, will you please, of all that have no power! You are of b ut hum an creation!
has been done to free the earth, to cut you free The Power of My Light is greater than all human
from all hum an creation, to dissolve and consume creation put together! Therefore, I stand in the
cause, effect and record of it. Think earnestly, Oh Light of God, my 'I AM Presence,’ and draw to
my beloved ones, of how many times these beloved this hum an form and my world, their own.”
Messengers have issued the Fiat of Life w ith such N ot one thing in the world can prevent that
great power and determ ination th at you be cut but discord in your own feelings. To-day, as this
free by the Sword of Blue Flame from all hum an glorious cleansing, purifying Activity is taking
accumulations and th at It dissolve and consume place and this prom pting remains which will
cause, effect and record of th at which has held make you more alert than ever in your world, let
you bound th ru o u t the centuries. If you would It give you your full feeling of happiness, your
accept It, you would have your Freedom imme­ supply, your Victory and your Ascension— for
diately. Powers of Light th at you do not even dream of
Now beloved ones, as you return from this hour and th at We may not even mention at this time
into the outer world, remember your Victory is are working incessantly for your good. I thank
your Self-control in feeling, thought and speech. you and bless you forever.
You can be so firm and yet so kindly. • GEMS OF LIGHT •
I thank you for this opportunity to render this Saint Germain:
service, to-day, also to the student body thruout W hen Life, when I, can lift you as I have lifted
America and the w orld; and do you realize how these Messengers into the opulence of every good
precious you are to Us? True, you are struggling thing, then don’t you w ant My Help? W on't you
out of your hum an accumulations, but it should harmonize yourselves that I may give it to you?
be such great rejoicing. Oh, the greatest power
of rejoicing! No m atter w hat the remaining Saint Germain:
struggle m ight be, still it should be considered an America needs this Light Oh so much. Do not
opportunity of the ages. W ith your Goal in sight, let yourselves be deceived for one moment. The
absolutely assured w ith your obedience to Life, most diabolical forces on this earth are still w atch­
then is there anything in the outer world which ing, spying and playing their netw ork of intrigue
should hold you to prevent it! to destroy your America', and if it comes to an
For your happiness and encouragement I say to outer conflagration, too, well will you understand
you w ith G reat A uthority, with G reat Power and and knotv how great has been the T ru th in My
16 17
"I AM” the Presence th at knows the fulfilling
of the Mighty A rcturus’ Fiat and th at of the God­
dess of Liberty!
"I AM” the Power, the Intelligence w ithin hu­
man beings th at draws them unto this Light and
demands the silence of hum an qualities; th at My
Power of Light may flow forth like a Mighty River
unto the blessing of America and her people; to
take command of her government th ru its offi­
cials, Ascended Master Friends of America, who
shall be placed there!
"I AM” the Presence th at knows no defeat any­
where in this Universe, once I can have the full
attention of my garm ent in hum an form!
"I AM” the Power of the Light th at knows no
opposite and th at momentum is gaining Its Do­
minion, until one day not far off, My Dominion
shall reign by Its Power of Light th ru hum an be­
ings everywhere.
I issue this Fiat to the dictators of the w orld:
"You shall fail in every attem pt to dominate the
people and take from them My Presence anywhere
in the Universe” !
"I AM” determined to take My Dominion in
the Light w ithin the hearts of all m ankind and
their intellects! Their hum an qualities of vicious­
• MR. BALLARD’S "I AM” PRESENCE SPEAKS • ness shall subside; shall be dissolved and consumed
Oakland Class, A ugust 24, 1939 by My Power in their hearts! T hat Light is the
"I AM” the Victory of Light in America! Dominion and soon, enough of m ankind will be
AM” the Power th at raises up limitless giving the attention which will give Me the Power
numbers of Ascended Master Friends of and momentum th ru the raising of m ankind, to
A m erica! establish My Dominion of the Light forever, which
"I AM” the Light, the Intelligence, is Peace and Good Will to man upon this earth!
the Energy acting th ru hum an beings to forever "I AM” the Presence, the Power and the action
silence all hum an qualities! of the SWORD OF BLUE FLAME in the H and of
the H igher Mental Body of everyone of My Chil-
18 19
dren on this earth; to now cut free forever My
Light from hum an creation and release Its Power
of the Violet Consuming Flame, th at all human
qualities be dissolved forever!
"I AM” the Power th at knows no defeat any­
where in this Universe; and have only waited the
time, when enough attention of m ankind would
be given again to Me to assert this Dominion! I
call forth the Power of the Cosmic Light, of which
I AM the A uthority, to release w hatever is re­
quired, to allow the Powers, the Legions of Light,
the Cosmic Beings and the Ascended Masters to
take Their Dominion th ru m ankind upon this
earth, to render this Service th at I require at this
Remember, Children of the Light— "I AM” the
Dominion of the Light w ithin your hearts! Let
My acceptance take command! Let My Discrim­
ination act w ithin you! Let My Power of Light
dissolve all hum an discord and restore your homes • GODDESS OF LIGHT AND HARMONY’S •
to Divine Order, th at Divine Justice may be ren­ •DISCOURSES •
dered there to everyone! Washington, D. C., Musical, May 22, 19)9
" I AM” the Power in the fu tu re in the homes
of America, and "I AM” Its Dominion there! Chil­ GODDESS OF LIG H T
dren of earth lift thy hearts to Me, I AM thy Life! ELOVED ONES of the Light, great has
Oh, students of Light, w aver no longer, "I AM” been O ur rejoicing. Since We may not
the Dominion w ithin you! Your H igher Mental direct you in w hat you shall do, We
Body, which is My Commanding Presence for all often aw ait your decisions to see how
Intelligence and C urrents of Light and Energy, much you will follow the promptings. We m ust
is All-powerful! Let It act! Call your Higher do this, and you beloved ones did follow this
Mental Body to see th at you remain free, u n ­ prom pting w ith considerable determ ination, and
touched by hum an discord which deprives you of it is well.
My Presence and Form taking and holding Its Please refrain from any applause to-night, as
Dominion w ithin your hum an form and world of the W ork th at is being done requires stillness of
action. See th at this is done to-day, and BE My the atmosphere for some things I shall say may
Freedom of the Light forever! almost startle you. I shall only take a small part
of the time.
20 21

We have not intim ated this to you before, but which has been so useful in your city. May you
when in Chicago I opened the "First Door” into feel a great rew ard for your blessed blessed ef­
the Octave of the Ascended Masters, Whose Light forts!
has been streaming forth ever since, I started a It is most encouraging to see how thruout the
certain Service for your Freedom. To-night, I nation, greater and greater harmony is coming
opened the "Second Door” ; and remember, there among the entire student body. The change in
are but three to be opened! This means much to the desire of the feeling world (shall I say to
you, or should, and is of pow erful significance in you?) spells great Victory. Keep on, and on, and
your joy, in your very determined service to the on, my beloved ones, in ever increasing joy and
Light. May I congratulate all of you and will you enthusiasm in the calls to Life, in the call for
join Us in accepting this. How determined you Freedom, supply and Perfection.
have been here in the great Capital of your coun­ The Archangel Michael did not tell you w hat
try. I assure you that your efforts will not be in His tremendous Service m eant to you in supply,
vain, be assured of that! as well as other achievements. Do you under­
As this "Second Door” is opened to-night, great stand, my dear ones, how it is th at you do not
has been the Achievement in your city, because all have the limitless supply of all you wish to
of this Substance which was released from this use? Sometimes one m ight be a millionaire and
room— and will any of you say to Me th at you still not have all he wished to use in the Service
can sing and not be happy? Do you sing when of the Light. Observe in the future, the magnifi­
you are not happy? If you started to and were cent use which will be made of the substance of
not happy, you soon would become so. your exchange. It is only a little further on, until
The outer world has known very little of w hat the great decision will be made and, as the Light
the Power of real music means to the world. You becomes victorious, how rapidly will hum an dis­
have observed certain melodies living w ith such cord disappear.
vividness th at always carry so great a harmony W hen the "T hird Door” is opened into the
and which never changes. Such will become the Ascended Masters’ Octave, you will see manifes­
entire musical activity of the earth as the greater tations on your earth th at m ankind could not
and greater Perfection comes in. even imagine. Some very unkind individuals are
In th at which I have been waiting to do, I have still asserting th at the Messengers have not given
received all I required to-night, for its achieve­ the m anifestation of the Glory which they repre­
ment. Saint Germain does not wish Me to advise sent. How unfortunate those individuals are
you just yet of th at Activity, but I call your a t­ when never in the history of the earth was so
tention to it enough that you may feel the Glory much evidence of Perfection given as has been
of its Power. Perhaps during the class He may thruout this class work. So when such assertions
see in His Wisdom to tell you; but, to-night, it is come to you, silence them at once!
O ur great Joy to have th at released into O ur use There are still many foolish individuals in the
22 23
world, so if you should meet some of them, take activity and how this expansion of the Light
notice and see how foolish hum an beings can be. th ru the spoken word and th ru intense feeling
It will be no trouble to observe. M ankind are all released, goes out and enfolds the m ental and
struggling, some w ith great joy in accepting the feeling world of m ankind almost instantly; for
Perfection of Life; some whose hum an accum u­ th ru your short-wave Radio you are instantly
lation is so very great battle and battle and battle. across the earth. Does th at not prove to you th at
Do you know my dear ones th at really the only there is one Universal Substance of Light th ru
battle there is— is just your own battle w ith which everything plays and acts instantly, and
yourself? Oh, many blame persons, places and why the Ascended Masters know no time nor
conditions, but after all, one day, they will find space? If you could not hear across the earth in­
all the battle th at exists in the world is just w ithin stantly, then there would still be time and space
themselves, so far as each one’s own individual b ut since in your physical octave, you are having
world is concerned. , the proof th at the G reat Light transcends time
Oh, the resistance th at is in individuals when and space, even in your outer manifestation, then
they cannot always have their own way! T hat is w hy not accept It in the Glory of O ur Transcen­
so rapidly disappearing and We rejoice w ith you. dent Activity? When We say these things to you,
I once knew w hat it was to feel tem porary re­ you are still having the outer proof, but m ankind
sistance w ith very great intensity; so We feel does not recognize it.
great Patience w ith unfortunate individuals who Some of the statem ents We have made, many
allow viciousness to control them, but th at can have thought were simply far-fetched b ut after
last only for a certain period. all either before or following there is the m an­
Really the change has been very great in indi­ ifestation in the outer world of the very thing We
viduals in New York. The Messenger does not have said. O f course We have been using these
know of b u t two, b ut there were many in the activities a long time. Now m ankind are naturally
same position who had been held away from this coming into the more transcendent Activities of
G reat Light by very unkind gossip and vicious­ Life; for w hat are We? Just a greater A ctivity
ness; but when they determined to come and of Life, because We have dissolved and consumed
find out for themselves, their joy knew no bounds every particle of im purity w ith which We were
and such it will be thruout the United States. surrounded at one time.
In your calls, dear ones, how w onderful has The Divine D irector never allowed Himself to
been the m anifestation of the Glory of th at ex­ be draw n into the density of the lower vibration.
panding Light, th ru the m ental and feeling world The Archangel Michael never allowed Himself to
of mankind. You have heard the Messengers speak be draw n into the lower vibrations which became
of this very often, b ut how little is really com­ the present activity of earth. Now then, to-day
prehended of w hat th at means. Your beloved in your activity, you are steadily rising out of
Lotus has conceived marvelously clear this great all these conditions.
24 25
There are thousands in America, to-night, who things are being understood and accepted which
w ith a sudden determ ination and dismissing of have been a struggle or a resistance.
hum an qualities would stand free on the instant. So to-night, p u t away, Oh beloved ones, every
I call this to your attention here, because of the particle of resistance in your feeling world! Re­
many in your midst who stand near the Open joice in your ability to call the Powers of your
Door of their Freedom and when the "T hird Presence into action to set you free! T hat means
Door” opens, there will be many who will be your health, your supply and everything else!
actually swept into th at Freedom. They will say Your call is supreme! W hy would it not be? Your
and others will say: "W ell they made little effort Presence answers th ru your Higher Mental Body
apparently,” b ut since all is achieved th ru the and It knows no opposition, knows no resistance
Power of your H igher Mental Body, then who and knows no defeat! Then w hy will It not act
shall say how much effort was made! to set you free, supply you and give you health
Oh, do not struggle, my dear ones. Make your and strength?
calls earnestly and sincerely and leave the m an­ There are many of you who can release almost
ifestation in the Wisdom of your Presence. If it limitless energy and it is w onderful. Here above
is something urgent, such as supply, your health you is the Limitless Energy of the Universe which
or something of th at kind say: " 'M ighty I AM belongs to you, which awaits your call to charge
Presence’ see th at it is done now,” then leave it your body— b ut notice, it will not charge it w ith ­
to the Wisdom of the Presence and do not keep out your call. T ry to comprehend, to-night, w hat
on feeling the outer struggle. Do not keep on th at one w ord "charge” means. W hen you say:
feeling the responsibility. When you have made " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ charge my body and
the call, know th at it is done. Then abide in the feeling w orld w ith Your Limitless Energy,” it is
stillness of the "I AM Presence” th at allows Its the immediate release and if you will stand by
speedy M anifestation to come forth. th at in your acceptance, then as you gain the
Oh such change, such change! We congratulate momentum, you will find the Limitless Energy
your beloved Leaders in the firmness w ith which there at your command.
they have stood in this Light— Drs. Sally and We observe among the students now and then,
Bond Bressler. Do you not see, my beloved ones, one who is releasing th at Limitless Energy and
how in every locality there must be someone or no longer knows w hat it is to become tired or
more who will not be touched or who will not exhausted. Everyone can do it; but, Oh, allow
w aver in their determ ination to stand in the Me to prom pt you, to-night, while you are here
Presence of Light and let Its Power pour forth? in this charged atmosphere, as you are always in
Many times, people do not understand their firm ­ the presence of the Messengers. You do not guard
ness and unyielding attention to the Light but yourselves sufficiently. As you go out and move in
to-day, in the clearness of the comprehension of the outer world, you begin to feel th at vibratory
the student body th ruo ut America, so many action pressing upon you, and many times you
26 27
give acceptance to it in the feelings w ithout is the only thing th at can make the constructive
knowing it. activity permanent.
To-night, try it out and see if I am not telling If you allow w ar to come into your country,
you the T ru th. Use your own effort and call to still following it, this w ork would have to be done.
your Presence silently while I am talking now, Be not deceived, my dear ones! In your midst
to charge you w ith th at Invincible G uard as you there is still a netw ork of destructive individuals
go forth to-night; so you do not accept one single and spies thruout your country. Oh, that the
vibratory action of hum an creation from the entire student body of America m ight believe
outer world. Then, as you keep yourselves h ar­ th at and make the call so they be revealed and
monious, you will find th at it will be sustained. removed from your land. You can make the call
This is im portant at this time because much is to th at they are revealed and removed from your
be done by the first of A ugust; much is to be done nation! W hy should you not? You have a right
and We are rejoicing tremendously to-night. I to! Since you know of a Power th at can govern
think you feel it, for We feel more victorious, these things w ithout destructive force, then why
to-night, than We have at any time. T hat means not have It.
from O ur Octave the w ay is opening for more For your sake, We are so grateful to-night, and
and more and more to be released to hold the if We are grateful should you not be? We are
students steady in their call to Life to have Its free, but you who w ant to be free should be as
Glory flood their beings and worlds. grateful as We are! G ratitude is a magnificent
When you have made the call do not let your activity of Life— magnificent, I repeat my dear
hum an qualities question it, b ut instead let Its ones. You should feel for a few moments the
Power flood forth. In leaving this w ith you to­ gratitude th at charges the feeling world of your
night, remember We are your strong powerful beloved Messengers. For the slightest thing their
Friends; and as you stand in the Light w ith a gratitude is boundless, and for the privilege of
sincerity and undisturbed power in your call to serving m ankind when they m ight be quite free.
the Presence, We will always stand ready to am­ It is one thing to serve of necessity and quite
plify every sincere effort upon your part. another thing to serve for the joy of serving, for
W hat a blessing is filling the earth! While much the Freedom of others. In your becoming more
sincere effort m ust still be made in your calls, vividly aware th at you are serving Life for your
until the great change takes place in your gov­ Freedom, then w hat a vast difference there comes
ernm ent, in your industries and in your trans­ into your feeling world for then you know that
portation, clearing out every destructive force; every single effort on your p art is a step toward
yet remember, your calls to the Presence of Life, the Victory of Life. Keep it up, my dear ones! Let
the "M ighty I AM,” amplified by the Ascended Us give you the Assistance th at We alone may
Masters, are the G reatest Power in this Universe, give! One day in the joy of your Eternal Freedom,
to bring about the remedy of these conditions. It will you thank Us, as only then you can compre­
28 29
hend how to thank. Oh, We do not seek thanks,
but in the releasing of these Ascended Master
Qualities of thanks, praise and gratitude, m an­
kind m ust do it in order to have O ur Assistance.
It is your quickest relief and release just as
calling on the Law of Forgiveness for your mis­
takes and all mistakes is an Alm ighty Power for
your quick release. T hat is why as m ankind un­
derstands more of w hat these simple things mean,
then will they enter in w ith Glory and a Power
to receive the Glory of Freedom with a speed that
would be incredible to-day.
Light, the Light th at beats your heart, is the
Power of this Universe! T ry to feel It more each
day so when you call to the Presence and Power
of Light, you know th at It is sufficient. You know
the answer is forthcoming at once. Then you will
transcend time and space right here; and you
will know w hat the old saying means: "Before
you have called, I have answered.” BELOVED HARMONY
I thank and bless you beloved ones of the Light. GREET you in the Name of Freedom!
I give you My Praise and G ratitude for your Beloved ones, to-night, you have come
steadfastness to the Light! May It ever intensify to know something of the greater h ar­
and expand, until you know no opposition to that mony of Life as your voices were raised
Light. I thank you. in praise, which is song. I realize th at the children
• GEMS OF LIGHT • of earth are fast coming into a realization, ac­
Saint Germain: ceptance and an expansion of Life by which the
N ever allow a feeling to arise within you of a Power of Harm ony may quickly take Its Do­
desire to draw something from any wealthy per­ minion.
son. If they give you something, well and beauti­ Many of you are feeling w hat the Messenger
fu l, but for any feeling to go out from you to draw has said in his own experience— how so few years
that to you from them tvould be a disappointment ago he was so distracted, filled w ith anxiety and
in the end and tvould prevent your "M ighty I AM various kinds of distress and how to-day, his Life
Presence” from doing the greater things for you is one of tranquil poise and harm ony which
tvhich It w ill do. nothing disturbs. T hat is the example to all of
30 31
you of Dominion which you can obtain. Remem­ is sustained.” Your Higher Mental Body stands
ber he still has the atomic structure similar to ready to sweep out every condition in your feel­
yours and if he can have self-control, govern it ing world w ith its cause, effect and record, and
and feel th at continuous peace, harmony and set you free now! W ith O ur Assistance, why not
poise which holds the Central Focus for the stu­ accept your Higher Mental Body now in the fu l­
dent body of the world, then you can also. Do you ness of Its Power? Do not waste hours and days
understand how he has to be th at Focus, and if in questioning about this being done.
anything broke th at Focus, how the Central poise Oh, the Freedom that is filling the feeling
of th at would be throw n out of balance? Do you world of the students th ruo ut the land! You
understand w hat th at means? I ask the Staff, if would scarcely believe th ru the num ber in this
they understand w hat that means? If the heav­ room to-night, the service that you have ren­
ens fell, still he m ust remain poised, untouched dered. Oh, my dear ones, I think it would not be
and undisturbed. Do you understand, my dear well to state m athem atically just w hat was done,
ones? you m ight feel quite puffed up. Do you not u n ­
Beloved students, I speak to all to-night, th ru derstand w hat it means w ith any and all h ar­
their Higher Mental Bodies— to every student in monious efforts upon your part? Know th at your
America and the world, these words: "To the Higher Mental Body is constantly ready, waiting,
degree th at you come into this great calm poise and has been all these centuries for this oppor­
and hold yourselves undisturbed by any condi­ tunity to release Its Powers. Remember, w hat
tions w hatever about you, do you lend Us that you have seen m anifest th ru the physical form
Almighty Power to spread thruout the m ental is b ut a fragm ent of w hat is going on in the men­
and feeling world of m ankind and render the tal and feeling world because Perfection must
service so needed at this time. To the degree th at come there first.
you allow your feelings to become disturbed, are It does seem— no, I had better w atch out— let
you serving the forces of destruction. us say peculiar, th at m ankind does not more
My dear ones, don’t let any student in the land clearly comprehend in everything they do, in
say to Me: "I cannot m aintain self-control.” That every call they make, th at their H igher Mental
is an acceptance of hum an qualities which is out Bodies are the Power in action, if they will but
in the future! D O N ’T EVER LET YOURSELVES still the hum an feelings. My dear ones, there is
VOICE WORDS TH A T YOU DO NOT W ANT not one of you who could not have the instan­
TO HAVE MANIFEST IN YOUR WORLD. No taneous answer to every call if your hum an qual­
m atter w hat occurs in your experience, still ities were silent enough and still enough! Every
stand by the Power th at— " 'I AM’ the Power of one of you can do it, because it is the "I AM Pres­
Self-control in this body, in this feeling world! ence” th ru your Higher Mental Body that causes
'M ighty I AM’ take out anything less than Your the stillness. You make the call, the demand— if
Ascended Master Power and see Thy Self-control you please, the command: " 'M ighty I AM Pres­
32 33
ence’ see th at I remain still and quiet! See th at I My dear ones, it is very w onderful to have
remain harmonious.” Many times, when some­ reached a point where some of these things can
thing starts to disturb you, if you would assert be brought to your attention which will give you
th at firmly, you would find the other would be strength and power, th at you have not known
done in a moment. existed in your own feeling world. The Messen­
M ankind have been so enwrapped in the shell gers are the example to all m ankind, dear ones.
of hum an qualities th ru disturbance th at they They have battled forces, as you know, which
still do not continuously feel their authority to would have annihilated a regim ent and yet they
be the "Presence of H arm ony” ; b ut since We are go on untouched by those forces. Since such a
offering such great Assistance, is it possible you m ighty focus of the destructive force acts in the
still do not believe Us? When We say, We have world, then when the Messengers can go serenely
projected into your feeling world certain Q ual­ on, is there any question of your Victory? Could
ities, certain Assistance, I ask you to ask yourself: there be any question, I repeat, of your Victory?
"N ow am I feeling the fulness of that? If not, See and know this! It is not as if they were not the
'M ighty I AM Presence’ make me feel it” ! Do you example, it is not as if they had not proven for
not see many simple statements like th at would five years their ability to call the Presence into
bring the instantaneous release and relief you action to dissolve all discordant conditions, as
require? they move forw ard.
Please take notice of it for I tell you, dear ones, In all cities where they have been, the same
you are at the point of the greatest victory th ru thing has had to be done again, again and again;
thousands of lives. Oh, w eary not, in going on in but they take no credit to themselves. They make
your strong pow erful determined assertions and the call to the "M ighty I AM,” Presence of Life,
calls to the "M ighty I AM Presence” which beats and give all credit there because th at is the
your heart— the Victory of Light! Many times, I Power which goes forw ard and does the thing
know when you become just a little tired and you required; and they refuse to feel the responsibil­
begin to wonder— "A fter all is this Law so great! ity. It is well.
W hy do I get w eary” ? Because you let yourself! I ask you a question, to-night, and you can just
I ask you to observe: Do you ever feel a sense of silently answer it to yourselves. How many of
weariness when you are feeling happy? Then, it you in the room, to-night, do not feel a great re­
is discord th at makes you tired and grow weary! sponsibility for someone else? I mean you think
Do you see th at your beloved Messengers are you do. Is there any one who does not? Dear ones,
under the most pow erful discipline th at you could you see an individual over here and you see an
possibly imagine? Oh, you do not see that, I know. individual over there somewhere and you think:
You do not see behind the scenes. You do not see, "Oh w hat a mistake th at one is making! Why are
the Staff does not see, w hat is going on in their they doing this? W hy are they doing th at” ? Are
world and how firm and unyielding they m ust you not feeling responsible for someone else? Is
stand, th at all may be free. th at not wholly unnecessary?
34 35
You w orry about your husbands, your wives, the students everywhere. You cannot afford, my
your sons and your daughters, physically feeling dear ones, to have opinions about others. If some­
a responsibility for their Perfection. Oh, my dear thing seems to be required, make the call to their
ones— parents why w orry— when you have and "I AM Presence” to produce Perfection in them
they have the Greatest Power and Intelligence in then take your hum an mind and feeling off them
the Universe to which you can call to be their and you will see Perfection quickly manifest.
Perfection, their Blessing, their D irecting Intel­ I rejoice that this Understanding is very rap­
ligence, their Invincible Protection, which you idly coming in the student body. How w onderful
cannot physically give! W hy not be at peace and it would be, if you saw just now the Activity
call th at Alm ighty Power into action for their which is taking place in this room. N ot one of
Protection, their D irecting Intelligence and then you will go forth into this room feeling in the
you rest in the Power of th at Wisdom? W ould it least tired. May I remind you, many felt the
not be much better? You cannot take them by w arm th in the room to-night, uncom fortably so.
the hair and say: "N ow you just do this.” You Do you know w hat you could do w ithout any of
know the children of to-day won’t accept that, these fans? The num ber who are here could all
you m ight have noticed; b ut you can speak to charge forth one m ighty call to make the atmos­
their Presence and the H igher Mental Body will phere comfortable in the room and it would
respond and do at your call w hat you could never remain so. You will learn, ere long, to make your
do in a whole life time for their blessing and pro­ own atmosphere. T hat will be valuable in many
tection. ways.
Then, if you will take your attention off their Do you know th at w ithin your Tube of Light,
hum an selves the Powers of Light will take com­ you could so charge forth this Activity th at you
mand because ofttimes my dear ones, your h u ­ would be perfectly com fortable in the midst of
man feeling goes out to them and prevents your intense outer heat? How do you suppose the
call taking command and being the answer you Ascended Masters w alk th ru blazing fire? If you
require. T hat is the Power of Harmony. If you knew th ruo ut the ages the num ber of people
become violently disturbed and fear something who have been taken out of the most intense heat
happening to them, do you not see th at many of burning buildings by Ascended Masters you
times, you compel the very thing you fear to hap­ would be surprised.
pen? T hat is considerable responsibility. The same How do you suppose individuals w alk w ith
w ith your friends. The same with your fellow bare feet, over white heat? Oh no, there is no
students. preparation p ut on their feet when th at is Real!
Oh, my dear ones, if in any requirem ent you T hat is because above, below and around them
would say: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ take care is a Tube of Light th ru which no heat, no cold
of them ” ! then take your mind off, w hat a glory penetrates; and as your Beloved Kuthum i once
would fill your world and would fill the world of said: "I sit in the heights of the Him alayan
36 37
Mountains and I have made a hole in the storm is clear. The King of your world, the Presence of
clouds while I w rite these words to you,” at an Life is far more pow erful than a physical king
altitude th at would have frozen ink instantly. and if m ankind have respect for a hum an being
Such can be done, it is done constantly. W hy not who is made king of a nation, then how much
begin to claim it, to achieve it, dear ones! greater respect should they have to the Presence
Oh, do you not see th at everything of achieve­ of Life which is the Governor of the Universe,
m ent is but a certain momentum gained? If you instead of nations?
do not begin to call for it, how are you going to Think of it! Your "M ighty I AM Presence” is
create a momentum which brings it about? Oh, the Governor of the Universe whose Dignity and
my goodness, how many times We have observed Power would enfold you and move you forw ard
the students making dynamic firm unyielding in Its Majesty and Power. Only let It do so.
calls, then all of a sudden contacting something T hat is why, to-night, in this magnificently
discordant in the outer world and they say: "Oh charged atmosphere in the glory of these calls, do
dear, I think there is not any use of m aking more you realize how many G reat Beings you sang to,
effort,” just when they were so near gaining the in praise to-night? If not, recall it. Take your
momentum which would have swept in and swept list and refer to it and see how many of the G reat
before them, sweeping everything discordant out Beings of Light and Power you sang to to-night.
of their worlds. You never spent time in so valuable an activity
T hat is why I say, my dear ones, you cannot as you have to-night. Beloved ones, I ask you to
afford to let up. How do you know in the outer, appreciate it w ith the fulness of your ability, for
you are not near th at Freedom? It m ight be hours, while you have released in song your praise to
it m ight be years, but w hat is the difference when these G reat Ones, you have rendered a service to
you know your Goal? I say to you to-night, please yourselves little imagined, to-night. Call for its
leave th at to the Wisdom of your Presence and invincible protection and call th at nothing in­
go on, and on, and on. It is so magnificent, dear trude to m ar the Harm ony and Perfection of th at
ones! How vastly different from m aking appli­ which enfolds you to-night. You are the decreer,
cation in something where you did not know you are the determ iner of w hether you are going
your Goal. Now, knowing the Goal and knowing to m aintain it or not. We can only prom pt you
it only requires steady unyielding application in and the Power is there beating your hearts this
your call to the Presence of Life to gain the mo­ moment which will do it.
m entum which will sweep every discordant thing The Messenger said: "W ould you mind rem ain­
out of your world, you move forw ard in full ing an hour?” Do you know th at is close at hand?
serenity— the Conquering Presence of Light. If I am observing correctly, I think you have not
When a king in your physical world moves noticed th at hour a particle, have you? Oh, my
forw ard everything in the pathw ay is cleared, is dear beloved ones, you are at the point of tra n ­
it not? Vast crowds surge but in his pathw ay all scending time and space, when you can live th ru
38 39
an hour as a few moments in holding your a t­
tention upon the Perfection of Life. Then why
not m aintain it? Only the touch w ith the outer
world and the attention being draw n away, is
all th at prevents you from m aintaining it. D eter­
mine not to let it be draw n here and there. P ut HE No. 1 Study Group Outline has been
it back again and again to the Presence and say: revised and the changes are now in
" 'M ighty I AM Presence’ take command of my Loose-leaf form. This has been done to
world of action,” then happily, joyously move enable every Study Group to build ex­
forw ard in your Pathw ay of Light. I thank you. actly the same pattern at the Inner Level and give
to the G reat Divine D irector the most pow erful
momentum possible for the protection of America,
the greatest need at this hour.
We ask all Study Groups to follow this exactly
as given (regardless of w hat may have been given
out verbally or gone out in our correspondence)
and eliminate all personal remarks, so the focus
of energy and the pattern are not changed from
\ w hat the G reat Divine Director requires.
• CHARGING OUR FLAG • There are no exceptions to this service which
E ask every "I AM” Student in America He has asked us to render. This applies to the
and the world at least once every day Regular Study Groups, the Minute Men, the
call to the "M ighty I AM Presence,” the D aughters of Light, the Young People’s Groups,
G reat Host of Ascended Masters and all Patriotic Groups, in fact all Groups.
G reat Cosmic Beings to charge th ru every flag in The following also applies to every Group
O ur C ountry the Ascended Masters’ Power, Pro­ Leader under this Radiation and we make this
tection and Victory of a Thousand Suns; to an­ request th at the greatest num ber of Ascended
nihilate every destructive condition and activity Master Words, releasing the most pow erful Ac­
in the United States of America this instant; and tion of Light for the protection of America, may
to replace all th at is destructive by the Ascended be charged into the atmosphere over our country;
Masters’ Almighty Perfection, Divine Order, Di­ and into the m ental and feeling world of every
vine Justice and Light’s Glorious Freedom to our hum an being in our land and th ruo ut the world.
people forever! Please use only the Invocations and Benedic­
MRS. G. W. BALLARD tions from the Discourses and the Dictations, as
DONALD BALLARD they are always the Ascended Masters’ Words.

40 41
No Group Leader’s invocation or benediction can
possibly release as great power as the Ascended
Masters’ Words. So please never use any invoca­
tion or benediction but th at which the Ascended
Masters have given.
Every Group Leader should have someone pre­
pared to conduct the Study Group in case of his
or her absence. It is also necessary to have another
musician prepared to substitute in case of a simi­
lar condition.
W herever there is an organ and a novachord
or piano and organ it is beneficial to have both
played to augm ent the beauty and Perfection of
the music.
The Student body has been informed before not
to adm it anyone wearing red or black clothing or
red or black shoes to the 100% Groups. As soon
as the new students understand the Law and the
reason for the request to discontinue the wearing
of red and black, they are expected to obey the
Law and not w ear those colors. A fter a reason­
able time has been allowed to enable them to ob­
tain clothing of the right colors, they are expected
to give this co-operation.
If anyone stubbornly refuses to comply w ith
this regulation, then he or she is not in th at one’s • GODDESS OF PURITY •
right place and the Group Leader is justified in T is our very very great privilege to an­
refusing to adm it such a student to the regular nounce the release of a new song—
Study Groups. "T H E GODDESS OF PURITY” by our
Beloved Ascended M essenger, G odfre
• GEMS OF LIGHT • Ray King.
Saint Germain: T hru this glorious music and lyrics, the God­
W hy, w hat does the outer world hold for you, dess of Purity does release H er Light-Substance
m y dear ones, w ithout this Light? You know that of Purity into the mind, body and world of every­
it holds absolutely nothing. one who will accept H er Blessed O ut-pouring. She
stands ready to release H er Cosmic Power of P u r­
42 43
ity to sweep out of the mind, body and world of OUR MESSENGER’S VOICE
all who give H er their Love, gratitude and Obedi­ T is the greatest joy and privilege of our
ence, every destructive impulse, condition and lives to announce the release of phono­
accum ulation; and to replace those qualities w ith graph records of our Beloved Ascended
H er G reat Eternal P urity and Perfection for all Messenger’s Glorious Invocations, Bene­
th ru whom She pours H er Light Rays. dictions, Radio Broadcasts and Class talks given
This Song is charged w ith the pow erful healing by Him at the Shrine Class in 1937.
Energy and Substance from the Goddess of P u r­ They have been p ut on phonograph records, so
ity, and as it is heard, sung or played, may its as many people as possible can have O ur Blessed
Almighty Healing, Perfecting Presence pour th ru Messenger’s voice in the *'I AM” Study Groups
and around all who contact it in any way. and in the individuals’ homes.
May everyone on earth sing this magnificent If the students will use them in their own homes
song and help to release the Ascended Master every day, calling to Him to charge His full As­
P urity which all m ankind need so much! cended Master Consciousness, Energy, Light, Vic­
May the Blessings of Light, Love, Peace, Pro­ tory and Power th ru them, into each one’s own
tection and Perfection pour out to all th ru this home and affairs, it will enable Him to charge tre ­
song so pow erfully th at the very earth trembles mendous Power of the Cosmic Light and Perfec­
at the blaze of H er Glory and all accept the G reat tion into the individual and his world.
Perfection and Help She brings. Therefore, our Blessed Messenger will really be
The picture on the cover is the gift and bless­ able to function in tw o Octaves of Light at the
ing of our beloved May DaCam ara whom we same time; for in doing this, there is really no b ar­
thank and bless for her m ighty service. May bless­ rier between our physical world, where He re­
ings w ithout lim it forever fill her and her world leased such Light and Power to help us all and the
and give her the Ascension in this embodiment! full Divine Perfection of His Ascended Master
This song was first sung in Chicago and is dedi­ Octave. It will also enable Him to charge every
cated to th at city to release a m ighty O ut-pour­ word He spoke then, w ith His Present full As­
ing of the Goddess of P urity ’s Power and Light cended Master Power of Light, to raise all to the
there, until Chicago becomes an Alabaster City of Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light and Perfec­
Light as the Ascended Masters have commanded. tion and set us free from all limitations.
May every hum an being on earth see this Great His Words were recorded at th at time by Mr.
Blessed Goddess of P urity face to face in the Visi­ Cecil Stokes and have been given to us as a glad
ble, tangible Body and have the greatest blessing free gift and service of Love, by him for the serv­
of all time, the Ascended Masters’ Purity, Power ice to and blessing of the "I AM” Students, Amer­
and Perfection to raise all into Perfection forever. ica and the world. We acknowledge this gift and
In Eternal G ratitude, thank and bless Mr. Stokes w ithout lim it forever!
44 45
We call for his Ascension and that of his loved
ones in this embodiment!
May everyone on earth have these records and
play them w ithout limit, so O ur Beloved Messen­
ger can release all the Power, Protection and Bless­
ing of Light possible for each one’s Ascension and m
the Eternal Victory of the Light for America and RADIO ANNOUNCEMENTS
all m ankind now.
May these records bless you and all in the world
w ithout limit forever and forever.
DONALD BALLARD KFW B, H ollyw ood, C alif. 9:00 A.M. M onday,
T uesday, T h u rsd ay , F riday, S atu rd ay
3300-A — Invocation N o. 1_______ ____ ___M r. G. W . B allard KRE, Berkeley, C alif. 8:30-8:45 P.M. M onday,
W ednesday, Friday
3300-B— Invocation N o. 2 __ ________ . M r. G. W . B allard W O RL, Boston, Mass. 7:4 5 -8 :0 0 A.M. Tuesdays
3301-A — Benediction ________ ___ ___ M rs. G. W . B allard W CPO , C incinnati, O hio ___ 8 :1 5 -8 :3 0 P .M . W ednesdays
KFEL, D enver, C olorado _____ 10:30-10:45 A.M. Sundays
3301-B— Benediction ___M r. G. W . B allard K FO X , Long Beach, C alif. 10:45-11:00 A.M. Sundays
3302-A — Invocation ________ ____ M r. G. W . B allard W IP, Philadelphia, Penna. 10:45-11 A.M. Sunday,
M onday, T uesday, W ednesday, T h ursd ay
3302-B— T here Is N o D eath ______ —. M r. G. W . B allard K W JJ, P o rtlan d , O regon 9 :45-10:00 A.M. Sunday
9 :30-9:45 P.M. T uesday, F rid ay
T he Above Records .............. Price $2.50— Postpaid $2.75 KOL, Seattle, W ashington 10:30-10:45 A.M. Sundays
(3303-A — Beginning of D ictations ......M r. G. W . B allard W K A T, M iami Beach, Florida 10:15-10:30 A.M. Sundays
'33 03 -B — C ontinuation D ictation M r. G. W . B allard W H N , N ew Y ork C ity, N . Y. 10:00-10:15 A.M. M onday,
W ednesday, S atu rd ay
i3303-C — C ontinuation D ictation M r. G. W . B allard W K ZO , K alam azoo, M ichigan 9 :45-10:00 A.M. Sundays
(3303-D — C on tinuation D ictatio n M r. G. W . B allard W T H T , H a rtfo rd , Conn. 1 0:45-11:00 A.M. Sundays
K CK N , K ansas C ity, Kansas 9 :45-10:00 A.M. Sundays
(3303-E — C ontinuation D ictation M r. G. W . B allard (E very O th er Sunday)
i330 3 -F — C ontinuation D ictatio n ..... M r. G. W . B allard W SG N , B irm ingham , A labam a 12:15-12:30 N oon, Sundays
N O T E : W e reserve all Radio B roadcasting rights unconditionally, and no
These Six Records N o t Sold Separately one is allow ed to broadcast any o f the " / A M ” In stru ctio n , or read fro m the
Price $7.00— Postpaid $7.75 books over the Radio except M r. or Mrs. Ballard.

46 47
We hereby notify all readers and individuals SINDELAR STUDIOS
everywhere, th at everything in the books of the 1 6 0 0 S H00VEK' ST
Lo s A n q e l e s ,- CAL x
TIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO We are now prepared to receive subscriptions
GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights for the year beginning with the issue of March,
w ith all rights reserved, including foreign trans­ 1940, and it will m aterially assist our planning
lations. if those intending to renew their subscriptions
will send their renewals as early as possible.
This means, we will not allow this instruction All subscriptions must start w ith March, 193 6,
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, adulter­ 193 7, 193 8, 193 9 or 1940. All back issues may
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and be secured at any time, either by yearly subscrip­
we shall protect them fully. tion or single copies at the following rates:
We are determined th at this GIFT OF LIGHT, In California $3.09 a year
TRU TH AND FREEDOM from the Ascended In United States outside of California $3.00
Masters to m ankind SHALL BE PROTECTED In other countries $3.50 a year
and kept PURE, TRUE AND UNCHANGED— Single copies, 3 5 cents
FOREVER— th at m ankind may receive its E ter­
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. The magazine may be purchased in attractive
bound volumes, m atching the Saint G erm ain
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right Series and holding one year’s issues. Price, $4.2 5.
to m aintain COMPLETE PROTECTION AT Binding your own copies, $1.2 5. Plus shipping.
ALL TIMES. Y our change of address m ust reach this office not later than
the 10th of the m onth in ord er to assure th a t m onth’s issue
SAINT GERMAIN PRESS being sent to the new address on the reg u lar m ailing date.
Y our co-operation w ill be appreciated and o u r service to you
and assured.
MR. AND MRS. G. W. BALLARD T h ank you!
48 49
• THE •
Sizes below can be purchased at the
U N V EILED M YSTERIES, V olum e I __________ By G odfre R ay King
2600 South H oover Street Los Angeles, C alifornia C ontaining the first group of the a u th o r’s experiences.
Price $2.5®, Postpaid $2.75
T H E M AGIC PR ESEN CE, Volum e I I ___________By G odfre Ray King
Jesus Folder, size 5x7, hand colored.. . $ .50 T ax $.02 Postage $.15 C ontaining the second group of the a u th o r’s experiences.
Saint G erm ain, hand colored, 5x7___ .50 T ax .02 Postage .15 P rice $2.75, Postpaid $3.00
Jesus Satin bo ok-m ark____ .. .35 T ax .01 Postage .05 T H E " I AM” DISCOURSES,
Saint G erm ain Satin book-m ark __ . .35 T ax .01 Postage .05 V olum e I I I __________________By the Ascended M aster, Saint G erm ain
Jesus M iniature, desk fram ed ____________ .... 1.50 T ax .05 Postage .20 C ontaining th irty -th re e Discourses, explaining the Ascended M asters’ applica­
Saint G erm ain M iniature, fram ed __ 1.50 T ax .05 Postage .20 tion of th e " I AM,” w ith th ree color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $).00
Jesus M iniature, 2 5/2x3% fo ld e r_______ .25 T ax .01 Postage .05
Jesus M iniature, 2 I/ 2x 3 I/ 2 tin ted fo ld er______ .40 T ax .01 Postage .05 T H E " I AM ” A D O R A T IO N S, A FFIR M A TIO N S A N D DECREES,
Saint G erm ain M iniature, 2 / z x 3 /z folder .25 T ax .01 Postage .05 Volum e V— P a rts 1 and 2_____________ _______ ___ ______By C hanera
Saint G erm ain M iniature, 2 % x3 x/z tin ted A selection of po w erful A dorations, Affirm ations and Decrees of the "M ighty
folder ___ ... _____________________ .40 T ax .01 Postage .05 I AM Presence.” Price $1.75, Postpaid $2.00
Jesus seals . __________________________ .10 T ax .00 Postage .03
Saint G erm ain seals_________________ .10 T ax .00 Postage .03 ASCEN D ED M ASTER DISCOURSES,
"I AM” Pins ______ _____ . 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .10 Volum e V I________________ By V arious of the Ascended M asters
"I AM” Rings __________ 12.00 T ax .36 Postage .20 C ontaining tw en ty Discourses d ictated before hu ndreds of stu dents, w ith three
M aster Jesus, 12x16, hand colored___________ 2.00 T ax .06 Postage .25 color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid fi.OO
M aster Saint G erm ain, 12x16, hand colored 2.00 T ax .06 Postage .25
Gold Folder Jesus and Saint G erm ain, 12x16 8.00 T ax .24 Postage .25 A SCEN DED M ASTER L IG H T ,
Brown Folder Jesus and Saint G erm ain, 12x16 7.00 T ax .21 Postage .25
Jesus’ Ascension, 12x16 _____ . _______ ____ 1.25 T ax .04 Postage .25
Volum e V II—.By V arious of the Ascended M asters and Cosmic Beings
C ontaining tw enty-six Discourses, d ictated before hu ndreds of students, w ith
Jesus’ Ascension, m in iature folder ......... .... .25 T ax .01 Postage .05 th ree color plates. P rice $3.00, Postpaid $3.25
The Lum inous Presence, 12x16 __ _____ ___ _ 1.25 T ax .04 Postage .25
The Lum inous Presence, m in iature fo ld e r__ .25 T ax .01 Postage .05 " I AM ” A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S ....... By C hanera
Jesus, 15x18, fram ed .. ________ ______ 5.50 T ax .17 Postage .25 Vest Pocket E dition of po w erful A dorations and Affirm ations.
Saint G erm ain, 15x18, fra m ed ___________ 5.50 T ax .17 Postage .25 Price $1.00, Postpaid $1.20
Jesus, 7 x 9 /2 , fram ed . .............................. ...... 2.50 T ax .08 Postage .20 " I AM ’* DECREE BOOKLET .......................... ......................By C hanera
Saint G erm ain, 7 x 9 % , fram ed _____ __ 2.50 T ax .08 Postage .20 A paper bound booklet, containing a collection of " I AM” Decrees w hich every­
Jesus, 5 /z x7 / z, fra m ed ___ ____________ ... 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20 one can use to bring Freedom to the individual, Am erica and the w orld.
Saint G erm ain, 5 l/ z x 7 l/ z , fram ed _______ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20 Size 5 l/ z x 8. P rice 2 5 cents each, Postpaid 40 cents
Jesus seal, silver fram ed, tinted _________ .... .30 T ax .01 Postage .05
Saint G erm ain seal, silver fram ed, tin te d ____ .30 T ax .01 Postage .05 SPECIAL ” 1 AM ” DECREES
Jesus, 24x32, sepia finish ____________ 15.00 T ax .45 Postage Ex. col. LOOSE-LEAF BIN D ER in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Saint G er­
Saint G erm ain, 24x3 2, sepia finish ______ 15.00 T ax .45 Postage Ex. col. m ain Series. For Special " I AM” Decrees as they come ou t from tim e to tim e;
Jesus, 19x24, sepia finish ......... .................. 7.50 T ax .23 Postage Ex. col. also Loose-leaf Songs. These Decrees and Songs are p rinted on fillers punched
Saint G erm ain, 18x24, sepia finish _______ 7.50 T ax .23 Postage Ex. col. to fit B inder, w hich hold about 150 leaves (300 pages).
"I AM” Emblems (stickers) __ _______ ____ .15 T ax .01 Postage .05 B inder P rice $1.25 each, Postpaid $1.40
"T h e Magic Presence,” 30x48 ____ 15.00 T ax .45 Postage Incl. D ecrees and Songs lc per page (2 pages to the lea f).
"T he Magic Presence,” 12x20 ....... 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20 Postpaid— according to w eight.
"U N V EILE D MYSTERIES”— In T w o V olum es.......................................... P rice $5.25
"T H E M AGIC PRESENCE”— In T hree Volum es....................................... Price $7.75
"T H E *1 AM’ DISCOURSES”— In Tw o Volum es.............................. .......Price $6.75
"A SCEN D ED MASTER DISCOURSES” — In T w o Volumes ........ Price $7.00
50 Plus M ailing Charges
• THE • • THE •
• SERIES • ■ JPwM7' • SERIES •
A b eau tifu lly lithographed c h art, suitable for fram ing and contem plation. V IC TR O LA A N D PH O N O G R A P H RECORDS
Size 30 x 52^4 on heavy linen fo r S tudy G roups and individual use. ( R R -1201— IN V O C A T IO N __________________________ M r. and M n . B allard and Son
P rice $12.00, m ailing charges included ( R R -I2 0 2 — C O N TEM PLA TIO N (Silent N ig h t).............................................M r., B allard
Size 12 x 21 on m edium w eight paper. Price $1.00, Postpaid $ 1,20
Size 5 x 7 Yz on lig h ter paper. Price 15 cents each, Postpaid 18 cents ( R R -12 03— B EN ED IC TIO N ................................................................... Mr. and Mr«. B allard
Size 2 l/ z x 3 3/ 4— sold in lots of not less than one dozen. ( R R -1247— CO N TEM PLA TIO N (N e are r My God to T h ee )..................... M r.. B allard
P rice 5 0 cents p er dozen, Postpaid 5 3 cents ( 200-A — L IG H T OF MY H E A R T (In stru m e n ta l).................... L otui R ay K ing, H arp
CH ARTS A N D FL A M ES-IN -A C T IO N J 200-B— ROSE OF L IG H T ..............................................F rederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
This anim ation of the C h arts and Flam es enables the stu d en t to feel the action ( 201-A— LOTUS MY LOVE (In s tru m e n ta l)................... ....... Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
of both w ith po w erful intensity. ( 201-B— VOICE OF T H E PR ESEN CE__________ Frederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
Size 30 x 5 2 l/ z . P rice $200.00 each, Plus Express ( 202-A — SON OF L IG H T (In stru m e n ta l)................................... L otus R ay K ing, H arp
Size 12 x 21. P rice $50.00 each, Plus Express ( 202-B— CALL T O L IG H T .............................................Frederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
All prices fo r C h arts and Flam es-in-action f.o.b. Los Angeles, C alifornia. O rd er ( 203-A — R A IN B O W RAYS (In stru m e n ta l)............................. L otus R ay K ing, H arp
from SA IN T GERM AIN PRESS, IN C ., Los Angeles B ranch, P .O . Box 428, ( 203-B— O H W O RLD V IC T O R IO U S____________ Frederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
Los Angeles, C alifornia. f 204-A — SILEN T SE N TIN EL (In stru m e n ta l)......................----- Lotus R ay K ing, H arp
PIC TU R E OF T H E A SCEN DED M ASTER, JESUS ( 204-B— AM ERICA O U R BELOVED L A N D ......... F rederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
PIC TU R E OF T H E A SCEN D ED M ASTER, SA IN T G ERM A IN _ _ ( L otus Ray King, H a rp
H and colored steel engraving of etching by C harles Sindelar. 204-C " I AM” COME (S.ngle) (In stru m e n ta l) j F rederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
Size 12 x 16. P rice $2.00 each, Postpaid $2 .2 5
PIC TU R E OF T H E COSMIC B EIN G , O R IO N , b e tte r know n as 500-A— L IG H T OF MY H E A R T (T rio ) .............. { L otus R ay King, H arp
"T H E OLD M AN OF T H E H ILLS” 500-B— ROSE OF LjQpj'j* s Violet Fairchild, Soloist
\ F rederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
H and colored steel engraving of etching by R obert A guilar. 501-A— LOTUS MY LOVE ( T r io ) ----------- --------- / J;?1"* ^ ay **” *• ^ “ r P
Size 12 x 16. P rice $2.00. Postpaid $2 .2 5 501-B— VOICE OF T H E PRESENCE ------------- )' vF ,0 ' et
PIC TU R E OF O U R BELOVED M ESSENGER, GU Y W . BALLARD rederick L andwS°ehr, lo,“N ovachord
A ctual photographic reprod uction in Goldtone. 502-A— SON.OF L IG H T (T rio ) ................ ............../ R ay King, H a rp
Size 8 x 1 0 . P rice each $ 2.50, Postpaid $2.85 5 02-B— CALL T O L IG H T .........................................— A Y,0‘et F » '« h .ld , Soloist
Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3.50, Postpaid $4.00 V F rederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
Size 15 x \ 9 l/ z. P rice each $10.00, Express collect 50J-A — R A IN B O W RAYS (T rio )----------------------- / *-otus R ay King, H a rp
Size 30 x 40 . Price each $2 5.00, Express collect 5 0 3 -B— O H W O RLD V IC TO R IO U S ____ ___ ) Violet Fairchild, Soloist
"T H E VOICE OF T H E *1 AM ’ ” Frederick TL andw ehr, N ovachord
V Fre
M onthly M agazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also Dis­ 504-A— SILEN T SE N TIN EL ( T r io ) -------------- / ^ t u s R ay King, H a rp
courses by th e Ascended M asters and o th er im p o rtan t subjects. Back num bers 5 04-B— AM ERICA O U R BELOVED L A N D -------) V iolet Fairchild, Soloist
available beginning F ebruary, 193 6. Y early subscriptions begin w ith M arch, V F rederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
1940. P rice $3.00, Single copy 3 5 cents ( L otus R ay King, H a rp
R A D IO BR O A D CA STIN G T R A N SC R IPT IO N S 504-C— " I AM” COME (Single) ( T r io ) ----- ----- Violet Fairchild, Soloist
A Series of Broadcasts available fo r use, containing explanation of the Law of ' Frederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
Life; also protection fo r A m erica. For Inform ation w rite Saint G erm ain Press,
Chicago, Illinois. These Records are suitable fo r individ ual contem plation or use in S tu d y G roups.
MUSIC OF THE SPHERES P rice each $2.50............................................................................................................. Postpaid $2.7 5
" I AM” COME ROSE OF L IG H T VOICE OF T H E PRESENCE H eadquarters for A ll Publications
A G roup of Songs— M usic and Lyrics by G odfre Ray King. These songs are SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, P. O. Box 1133, Chicago, 111.
especially charged w ith pow erful healing and special activity , according to the W estern R epresentative
m eaning of the lyrics.
Each piece of m usic has b e au tifu l lithographed cover in color, suitable fo r SIN D ELA R STU D IO S, 2600 So. H oover St., Los A ngeles, C alifornia
fram ing, each representing th a t w hich the music portrays. C opyrighted by Saint G erm ain Press, Chicago, Illinois
P rice each $1.00..................................................................................................Postpaid $1.15

C T tie £>A1NT Q E R M A IN $> E R JE £
By the Ascended Masters and their A ccredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The wVoice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.
This magazine is not an outlet for articles from the stu­
dents, but is the outpouring of the help from the Ascended
Masters and has no human concepts in it.
2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California

REAT Goddess of Justice! Almighty! Su­
From out the G reat Silence, pours forth
Thy Pure Stream
O f Light in Its Glory— so great in Its Pow’r
The very earth trembles in this Cosmic Hour,
Reveal now Thy Vict’ry! Thy Love shall rule all!
Thine own Blazing Presence steps th ru at our call!
G reat Goddess of Justice! Give Thy G reat Command!
Hold all things in balance w ithin this God’s Land!
Use Thy Sword of Blue Flame! Thy Justice Divine!
For earth shall be cleansed and w ith Heaven combine!
Lo, all shall obey Thee, shall bow to Thy Law
And m ankind Ascended shall be w ithout flaw!
G reat Goddess of Justice, Lov’d Freedom’s Tw in Ray,
In Thy Mighty Descent, announce Life’s T rue W ay;
Thy Name th ru the ethers shall ever resound,
Till Freedom and Justice on earth shall abound,
For man shall become— "more than m an”— ALL
The "Presence I AM,” each one’s Destiny!
G reat Goddess of Justice! to Thy H eart we call,
May Thy Flame envelop and m ankind enthrall;
For all shall adore Thee in all th at they do
And let Thy Perfection forever pour thru!
"I AM” Thy G reat Justice! "I AM” Thy Pure
"I AM” Thy Full Vict’ry! "I AM” Freedom’s
— Chanera
Now returning to our America. Your beloved
Lotus’ call the other day in its power and majesty,
was the last needed to start the consuming of the
astral world. While not entirely removed from
the earth, its focus was removed, (applause) I
shall give you some idea of the m anner in which
it was done. Upon the earth, you have a com­
pound where you gather certain forces, your
animals for instance, to hold them w ithin check.
Circulating above the earth is a compound into
which these destructive forces of m ankind’s cre­
ation and generation have been draw n. They will
no longer affect m ankind nor the earth b ut they
will remain there until those for whom it is pos­
sible, can be taken to the Octave of Light. Never
again shall th at condition of hum an conscious­
ness cause its destructive force to act upon the
• SAINT GERMAIN’S DISCOURSE • surface of this earth.
Shrine Class— Los Angeles, Calif. One of the most vicious ancient vortexes of
July 16,1939 destructive force w ithin your state has been re­
ELOVED sons and daughters of Light, moved from your coast city of San Pedro. The
to-day is My day of rejoicing w ith you definite attem pt was made to destroy everything
in the G reat Achievements. All thus far which has been there and all who had focused
are perm anent and never are the de­ their endeavors there. In all cities where there
structive forces which We have removed to act has been the foreign element in the exchange of
again upon this earth, be remembered or find commerce, frightful destructive activities have
action. been focused in the past. T hruout your America,
Let us begin w ith the intim ation which you those have been destroyed and removed. This will
had in the dissolving of the qualities and condi­ cause a great change in the feeling of the men
tions in Africa, to which the Goddess of Liberty who serve in th at capacity— such as the longshore­
referred in the third episode of W ashington’s men and the various individuals who handle the
Vision. T hat very ancient cause has been removed. shipping activities. Accept this in your feelings
The conditions there to-day, are the last frag ­ and know it is done; and know th at no person
m ent of the pow erful destructive forces which can release energy which will be utilized for any
once wielded their powers from th at focus. recurrence of such a thing.
The Light is being set into action now, for the
4 5
removal of these vortexes of destructive force Its Freedom and Release. Now, if m ankind insist
th at are the cause and effect of the strikes and on returning their attention to the destructive
the treacherous destructive elements which have conditions of the outer w orld and accepting
entered into the once helpful unions of America. falsehoods th at tu rn them from the Pathw ay of
Those forces th at have seized upon the energy of Light, then all O ur Assistance m ust be w ith­
m ankind to try to destroy them, will no longer draw n.
have power nor influence. The transform ing activity which has gone on
Owing to the tremendous other service which w ithin your boundaries is th at for which I have
was required, there still remains some service to w aited a very long time. My rejoicing is so great
be rendered in the removing of the entities from to-day for you and for America. The assurance
the State of California. However, eighty per­ of protection for America is sixty percent on the
cent have been taken away, (applause) You side of the protective Power. T hat should mean
could not possibly in your outer consciousness much to you, should mean greater encourage­
estimate w hat this will mean to the people and m ent to go on in your m ighty, m ighty Decrees.
as you have your attention draw n to this and Remember, beloved students, let no one spread
accept it, you will find your world taking on a the disintegrating idea th at you should dissolve
new life; your feelings change; your confidence your larger Groups into small ones! W hat a great
and courage restored; and you will find th at all tragedy th at would be! Build, build and build
attem pt to support viciousness will quickly re­ your great Groups, until greater space is re­
tu rn upon those who send it forth. M ighty is this quired to accommodate them. There is your
Victory! Power-house! Your great Groups in Los Angeles,
Life compels Me to say to you th at after to­ those of a thousand, three thousand and five
day, July 16, 1939, from all students or those thousand people sending forth these M ighty Calls
who have claimed to be, who doubt the Messen­ in one great volume, are the Power which has
gers, Myself or the Reality of this G reat Light, made such great achievement possible.
all O ur Assistance will be w ithdraw n. We can­ There has been the attem pt to spread the
not give time and energy to those who do not poisonous breath among m ankind to revert to
w ant to be free. There are many in your America smaller groups. My dear people! It is the volume
who w ant this G reat Light and are calling for It of power th at has gone forth in the large Groups
w ith great earnestness. They will soon join your which has made m any of these things possible.
great Arm y of Light. Those who w ilfully become W here it is not possible to have the larger Groups,
vicious m ust be out-casts from mankind. There­ the smaller ones are very desirable of course and
fore, understand this definitely beloved students. are w onderful. I am not speaking disparagingly
For five years, an inestimable Assistance has been of the eastern p art of our country where they
given! Every one has an ”1 AM Presence” which do not have these large Groups; but if I mistake
has tried th ru the H igher Mental Body to give not in the near future, you will find th at those
6 7
Groups will build w ith great speed and power. you of the G reat Achievements which have taken
The destructive element th at We have w ith place; b u t suffice it to say th at the Glory of this,
patience allowed time to redeem themselves, are w ith your continued application, will mean such
no longer to be given time. They m ust be pulled changes as will delight you beyond all expression.
out by the roots from w ithin the Student Body If you had stood by My side th ru the past two
and it will be done. Everyone who spreads vi­ hundred years, you w ould realize w hat I mean.
ciousness tow ard these Messengers, this G reat If you could have seen the little response I had,
Light or Its Reality will be removed from the until I took this beloved Messenger under my
Student Body, be assured of that! This thing shall care, and then your Beloved Lotus and Donald,
cease! Because of the G reat Effort made by the you would see all this Light means to you. Your
Cosmic Beings and the Ascended Masters in re­ great Love, devotion and gratitude to them and
leasing the Cosmic Light to render this service, to Me, is a M ighty releasing Power and is th at
it cannot go on longer. We have given abundant which has enabled the release of m ankind to
time for people to decide w hether they w ant to come.
serve the Light or not. If they do not, of course Do you quite understand— I see you do not—
th at is quite their choice, b u t they cannot have w hat it m eant when I said all who were in the
O ur Assistance further, nor can they remain in astral w orld, the psychic w orld, and the discord­
the pretense of serving this Light. antly changed substance have been removed into
Therefore, to-day in bringing you this joyful this compound above the earth; th at their in­
Message of the Glory and Victory of the Light, fluence may not touch the earth? Do you realize
I tru st you will appreciate all It means to you th at this means the hum an creation of m ankind
individually, your affairs and th at of the nation. — the thought forms generated by discordant
Your W ondrous Goddess of Light is responsible feeling and misuse of sex which has built such
for the great Victory in Africa. H er Service to diabolical forms th at have tortured mankind?
this earth is very great and H er Power to deal Your attention was called to the fact, th at hence­
w ith vicious vortexes of ancient accum ulation is forth, you would sleep w ith greater joy and
very great. peace and less disturbance. Be assured you will
G reat H arm ony will soon begin to take His for these creations will not to rtu re m ankind
Dominion th ruo ut the student body— not only in during sleep.
holding you yourselves stabilized in the Harm ony Be assured of this, beloved students, and re­
of Life, b ut in the H arm ony th at will flow th ru member th at they are removed! If there is any
you. Many of these conditions had to be removed reaction of th at which you have been experienc­
from the earth before He could begin to release ing, it is not from these forces. It is b ut th at which
His Powers. The coming forth of the Goddess of has been registered w ithin your structure of the
P urity and the Goddess of Justice has made so hum an form by those influences. In th at case,
much possible. There are volumes I m ight tell call your "I AM Presence” to dissolve by the
8 9
Power of the Violet Consuming Flame, anything have been permanently achieved. W hatever We
th at has registered w ithin your feeling world do th ru your call to the "I AM Presence”— your
or the structure of your body. Then you will Presence of Life— becomes perm anent, for the
quickly be free from any disturbance. This has discord does not re-establish itself. Therefore, it
been one means by which m ankind have been is a steady movement in cleansing the earth. As
over-w rought, disturbed and confused by these We have asked you to call the Presence to use
destructive forces— after all just their own h u ­ the Violet Consuming Flame and cleanse your
man creation. body, your m ental and feeling world, so are We
Beloved ones, you perhaps have forgotten th at doing th at which you cannot do, in cleansing the
the Goddess of Justice is here and Justice m ust atmosphere of earth to remove from you th at
be established— Divine Justice th ru o u t our be­ great pressure of discord.
loved Student Body! Remember, the Goddess of T ry to feel while I talk to you the importance
Justice is w atching over every student and D i­ and the Reality of this! I say to you, beloved stu­
vine Justice m ust be rendered! This is going to dents, do not allow yourselves to feel or breathe
become more and more noticeable as you move one word, th at w hat I have said to you is not
forw ard: "Speak only when your words are the true. If you do not believe it be silent, for I shall
Golden Light of T ru th .” watch! We have been patient w ith the doubt of
In all th at m ankind has been th ru in the past, mankind! In the future, doubt m ust take its
please understand they are released this day. toll because those who have come to know the
This not only refers to you, beloved students, "I AM Presence” can keep doubt out if they will;
b ut the great body of m ankind who have been b u t you cannot do it, if you continue to listen to
reaching out and struggling as one whose head falsehood and gossip. We have told you this h un ­
was almost under w ater. It was. The great num ­ dreds of times. I tru st I shall never have to men­
ber of m ankind in this seething vortex of hum an tion this subject again, b u t it is up to you now
discordant creation were almost submerged; b ut to decide!
now they are still able to breathe the Light of It is easy enough to keep out doubt, if you do
the Golden Sun of Light. Now their discord not listen to falsehood and every w ord th at is
shall recede and they will straighten themselves, uttered against these Messengers and This W ork
awake from the sleep of the senses and w ith a is falsehood. T hat should be known w ithout any­
joyous sense of Light in their hearts, reach forth body telling you! If you listen to it and respond,
to the "G reat I AM Presence” and be lifted into the penalty is yours! This is definite— very, very
Its M ighty Embrace of Freedom. U nderstand and definite!
feel the full Power of all this means to you! Therefore, in this day, let us now enter into
This day is the most Sacred Day to you in more the G reat Magnificent Splendor th at is here, feel
than jour hundred thousand year si These A ctiv­ the full Reality and enter into the G reat Free­
ities and more, some of which I may not mention, dom of all this achievement has m eant for you.
10 11
Could you observe, as I do, the interior of this diately informed Me of this im portant thing
great auditorium to-day, you would observe one They had to care for and here I was left. Does
of the most beautiful things you have ever known the Law spare even Me? However, I am exceed­
in white, violet and gold. The outer eye does not ingly rejoiced and happy th at I may convey to
see th at Beauty and Perfection. Yet, the Light you, this G reat Magnificent Reality so your outer
within your heart sees and knows It and is draw ­ consciousness and attention may hold it, so you
ing from Its M ighty Power, Its Radiance to plant do let th at Glorious and M ighty A ctivity flow
w ithin your feeling world the Glory of all It into your mental and feeling world and out
means in your achievement. into your world of action like a great River of
To-day, w ith more than five hundred thou­ Light! To the degree th at you hold and recall
sand in America starts the very definite action the memory of this which I have said to-day,
tow ard their Ascension under the new Dispen­ will you feel Its Mighty Action taking place in
sation. T hat is something to think about! My your world.
dear ones it is Real! It is True! Therefore, let On the retu rn of the Messengers at Christmas
everyone rejoice in his or her heart and accept it, time, may the student body th ru o u t America
for in the acceptance of the assurance of five find such release and such Freedom from all bind­
hundred thousand people’s Ascension, w hat do ing powers which the earth has held th at there
you think th at would do as assistance to yours? will be no question in the mind of anyone of the
To-day, is the G reat Day of Victory! You w ill Reality and Power of this G reat Light at his or
remember months ago, the M ighty Victory in*, her call to do each one’s bidding in every con­
vited you into His Garden. Many accepted the structive thing. This stands before you ready for
invitation which accounts for the G reat Victory action. According to your sincerity and deter­
to-day. I am speaking very quietly and slowly to mination, will you find it quickly moving in and
you, to-day, for I am anchoring the Mighty Ac­ your whole world changing into one of confi­
tion of every W ord which I speak into your dence, courage and assurance.
feeling world for service. Never in your lifetime Once more I remind you, my beloved ones, in
— in any embodiment— did you ever receive any­ your financial application, you m ust take a firm
thing like this. determined stand to have released from your
I m ight tell you just a little joke on Myself. Treasure-house, your own m ighty abundance of
Did you ever have friends on earth th at when all you require w hether it be money or anything
you w anted them to do something, all of a sud­ else. Then, your Presence will set the forces into
den decided they would not do it for you? Well, action th ru the Light Rays, to act under the di­
I stand in th at position to-day w ith My Friends rection of your H igher Mental Body to produce
in the Octave of Light. I approached one after this. You m ust come to know it is definite! It
the other to take this D ictation this afternoon cannot fail! It only means your steadfast appli­
and give It forth b ut they all seemed very busy; cation to keep the energy flowing forth from
and as I w ent from one to the other, They imme­ 13
your feeling world to bring about not only the yourselves, Myself and your Friends the Ascended
result for the moment, but to build th at per­ Masters a very great service, a very great oppor­
m anent result to last as long as you require it in tunity to do for you w hat you cannot do for your­
hum an embodiment. selves, except th ru your call, which gives Us the
A fter all, how many years do you think the opportunity to give you th at which We do release
five hundred thousand to whom I referred have for your blessing.
to remain here? Are you m athem atically in­ Will every one just close his or her eyes for a
clined? You know m ankind has established the few moments and feel this deeply? (Silence) It
limit of three score and ten— some have only ten is well, very well! Thank you so much. Won’t
left, I mean according to the hum an estimate. you be seated?
Then in the Victory th at stands before you, I ask It is very gratifying to find your great Determ ­
you beloved Children of the Light: "Could any­ ination for your Freedom. Never, beloved stu­
thing in the w orld make you unhappy again, in dents, have you ever entered into the Glory of
knowing th at your Goal was so near at hand?” such determ ination as is w ithin you to-day to
A fter thousands of centuries in which you have stop all discord; and I assure you, if you will be
been living in hum an limitations similar to this, dynamic against all of th at discord which tries to
you have come to know th at your Freedom is at come into your world, you will know such peace
hand. and happiness as you have never known in many
You will never find one W ord I tell you fail embodiments. This remains w ith you to determ ­
to be fulfilled! Remember, you are the outhority ine! We have told you the need and told you w hat
in your world! According to your acceptance and to do!
and your determ ination to apply these T ruths, To-day, in your final Goal which you are a t­
will I give and th ru your steadfast application, taining, you cannot afford to let friends or rela­
will you know more quickly than you imagaine, tives pull you from the Pathw ay of Light— such
the T ru th of My Words to-day. Therefore, I w ant a one is not your friend or relative either. So stand
you to feel all th at this means to you. your guard th at you may have the Blessing of
Won’t you all stand for just a few moments? th at which I have brought for you to-day; rarer
Will you kindly accept—-I may not enum erate than all the jewels m ankind has ever know n; and
them, but will you accept all of the Powers which will you consider it so th at the fulness of all
are here for your blessing, into your m ental and good may find Its quick pow erful protecting, per­
feeling world and your world of action? As you fecting A ctivity w ithin you in Its ever-expanding
are standing, just silently call to your Presence Beauty and Perfection.
and say: " 'M ighty I AM Presence,’ give me Your Accept My Hand-clasp in yours and feel th at
Complete Acceptance of this; and see th at the H and remain in yours until the H and of My As­
Higher Mental Body wields this Power from w tih- cended Body greets you in the Octave of Light.
in my feeling world to my Freedom, supply, hap­ I thank you and bless you forever.
piness and Ascension.” You will have rendered
HE Cosmic Moment has struck beloved
ones, when the Ascended Masters call
you to Victory and Freedom in the
Blessed beloved Mothers of America, I speak
directly to your hearts, and I am pleading for
the greatest cause in the Universe— THE PRO­
I speak from the H eart of Creation, the Mighty
Fiat of Life:— "Thou Shalt not Kill” ! To the ac­
complishment of th at end do we, the Mothers of
America, pledge our all for the protection of the
minds, the bodies and feelings of our people.
The Mothers of America are Divine Eternal
Cosmic A uthority over the bodies of our people!
Vicious hum an beings, nor groups of them, who
have the brazen effrontery to defy the Laws of
Life, shall not fake our people out of our country
to foreign lands and drive them into the jaws of
destruction; neither shall they draw th at destru-
tion here.
The Ascended Masters have said th at the Moth­
ers of America can release terrific energy through
our feeling of Love for our children; and the As­
cended Masters at our call to the "M ighty I AM
Presence” can and will take up the energy of our
Love, our Light, and our Life and amplify th at
to w hatever degree is necessary, to prevent w ar
or any other destructive force from destroying
our beloved ones. The mad on-rushing destruc­
tion of unbridled selfishness shall not go on in its
fury in annihilating the bodies of m ankind,—
w ithout the full repelling Power and the Victory
of Light returning to them the fullness of their Mothers of America, the emotional bodies of
own destruction. We can and shall call the As­ our children are one w ith our feeling world! If
cended Masters to release the Blazing Cosmic we qualify the energy in our feeling world, and
Light, to hold our beloved country and our peo­ theirs, w ith the Ascended Master "I AM” Decree
ple protected by God— the Power of the Universe, — TH A T WAR SHALL N O T INJURE OR DE­
the "M ighty I AM Presence”— the "Light of God STROY OUR PEOPLE NOR OUR LAND OF
th at never fails.” LIGHT— WE CAN POSITIVELY exert a force
If insane fiends of destruction have the audac­ th at will SHATTER every plan to rob us of our
ity to plan w ar and destruction to annihilate or loved ones, our homes and the blessings of Free­
cripple the bodies of 130 million people; then we, dom guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the
the straight-thinking constructive people of the United States of America. Therefore, we stand,
United States of America, and the Americas, can face, and conquer all destructive forces, on our
and shall exert our Eternal A uthority of Life and Constitutional right of Self-protection and Free
protect and save the bodies of those 130 million Speech!
people, and more. T hat is w hy I call to the hearts of the Mothers
There is no law in heaven nor earth which can of America, to arise in the God-given A uthority
prevent the Power of the Cosmic Light driving and Freedom which you are, and which still exists
the destruction planned for our people back into in the United States of America and issue the
its own cause and holding it bound there until command to every destructive force w ithin our
all destructive forces and plans are annihilated borders to go back into its own cause and annihi­
and replaced by the Freedom and Perfection of late itself from our country forever!
Life which is our eternal Divine birthright. Remember, Mothers of America, our children
There is a Power greater than the discord of are Life’s T rust to us; and Life will hold us re­
hum an beings! T hat Power is the "M ighty I AM sponsible if we do not use every Power th at Life
Presence,” the G reat Host of Ascended Masters provides to fulfill th at tru st and to take our
and the Cosmic Beings. They can and do project loved ones forever to the Freedom and Perfection
Their Cosmic Power and Pressure of Light into of Life, which the Law of the Universe has com­
destructive activities at our call. manded shall be fulfilled— and th at is the attain ­
Then will you, every Mother in America, join m ent of the Ascension.
w ith the "I AM” Students, regardless of your W ith th at call to the "M ighty I AM Presence”
faith, belief, or any other condition of the outer and the Ascended Masters to w ithdraw and w ith­
world— will you join the "I AM” Students and hold all money, energy, power, supply, influence
ourselves and draw forth the full Power of the and activity of every kind from all destructive
Cosmic Light for the Victory and Freedom of individuals and plans within our country— we
our homes, the Freedom of the United States of give the Greatest Power and A uthority in the
America? Universe, an open door th ru which the Cosmic
Light Rays can be concentrated and held focused
into every vortex of destruction th at has arisen is to be protected, your Life m ust release its pro­
in America until all destruction ceases forever! tection in, through and around you; and you
Every m other can do th at w ith an intense feel­ m ust call Life into action to accomplish that, and
ing which releases dynamic power and blazing for all m ankind also. It cannot come otherwise,
Light into every condition this hour which would and since no other channel in the world can pro­
draw our people into w ar! Will you do that? We tect the people in the Americas, b ut the super­
are, and you can! hum an power of Life, it is time to use It now
H um an beings can’t keep you out of w ar! Sci­ w hether you fully understand Its Mighty action
ence hasn’t kept m ankind out of w ar! Education or not!
hasn’t kept people out of w ar! The money powers T ry it out; make the call; give the Ascended
of the w orld haven’t prevented w ar! O ther ac­ Masters’ "I AM” Decrees, and definitely concen­
tivities of hum an beings haven’t stopped the de­ trate your Power of Life for the protection of
struction of w ar! Then w hy not reach up while your loved ones; and you will as surely see th at
there is yet time and open the door for the release Power of the Cosmic Light act, as the Universe
of the only Constructive Consciousness, Power exists.
and A ctivity of Life in the whole world which Beloved Mothers of America, the Ascended
can and will stop w ar and all m ankind’s destruc­ Masters and we love the people of America as
tion w ith a speed and action th at destructive in­ few can understand! We and the "I AM” Stu­
dividuals will feel and understand? dents shall use every power at our command to
If every m other in America would, w ith all protect you, your children, your loved ones, and
the feeling and power of her being, command in America, which is our home. We would rather
the Name of the "M ighty I AM Presence” and lose our physical bodies defending the United
the Ascended Masters, th at w ar shall be blasted States of America and the Constructive activities
from our land forever and th at the Eternal Vic­ of our people in this, our blessed land of Light
tory of the Cosmic Light SHALL give Divine Jus­ than to be here or be a people w ithout a country,
tice, Freedom and Protection to all th at is con­ under the heel of vicious individuals, like many
structive in our land forever, it positively will of the small nations of Europe to-day. Who w ants
be done; b ut the mothers who are th at authority to live in a physical body in conditions th at are
cannot expect others to use it for them because worse than death? W ar is worse than death, a
it is the duty of every hum an being to exert his thousand times!
own free will and decide w hat he wishes to ex­ Then lift your hearts to-day, stand steadfast to
perience. the G reat Eternal Cosmic Power of Light which
Life, the greatest Intelligence, th at created the is the "M ighty I AM Presence” of the Universe.
Universe, breathes through you and beats your Stand w ith It! Stand by It! Stand for It! w ith
heart and is greater than the discord of all de­ all you are and have and you will find all the
structive individuals on earth; b ut if your body Powers and Beings of Light will stand by you
20 21
and your loved ones and release the Limitless MRS. G. W. BALLARD No. O.R.-L.
Power of the Cosmic Light, until all are free and All rights reserved by Saint Germain Press
Victory is yours in the full attainm ent of the P.O. Box 1133, Chicago, Illinois
Ascension. • "I AM” !— PROTECT OUR AMERICA •
We greet the "I AM” Students who have been HE Cosmic Moment has struck beloved
listening in to this broadcast and enfold you in ones when the Ascended Masters call you
the Ascended Masters* full Victory, Power and to Victory and Freedom in the Light.
Perfection of Light. We ask you to join us in the To-day our call is directed to the
closing decree, and enfold all in the United States "M ighty I AM Presence” to give our United
of America, the Americas, and the world in th at States of America the Mightiest Protection in the
"Cosmic Light as of a thousand Suns” ; and may Universe, th at we may forever repel the vicious
it blaze w ith a Power th at no w ar nor other de­ on-rushing destruction in the rest of the world.
structive force can ever destroy our people, our The Ascended Masters have determined th at
Freedom, our Divine Justice, and the blessings of those who live w ithin the borders of the United
our beloved land of Light. May th at Light blaze States of America shall have protection, if they
and blaze the Ascended Masters’ Victory, Invinci­ will stand w ith the G reat Blazing Supreme A u­
ble Protection, and limitless supply for all w ithin thority and Life of the Universe, the "M ighty I
our land who seek the Constructive W ay of Life, AM” and the G reat Host of Ascended Ones. Those
for who gave us the Blessings of our country shall be
"The Light of God never fails” ! given the honor and respect th at is their due and
"The Light of God never fails” ! every vicious attack upon our honor and charac­
"The Light of God never fails” and the ter shall be returned upon its creator and take
"M ighty I AM Presence” is th at Light! its toll. Every hum an being w ithin our borders
should feel his individual responsibility at this
time— in spite of the on-rushing destruction of
w ar surging in almost every other country of
the world— arouse everyone’s desire to protect
America and jump to her defense w ith a Power
th at is Invincible.
GOD TABOR America’s Flag shall be honored everywhere,
"At no time be discouraged or disturbed when not only because of w hat it means to us b u t be­
things try to intrude, because they have no power; cause it is the Open Door into the Light of the
and the moment one is aware that something dis­ Ascension for all mankind. T rue patriotism shall
cordant is acting, take command at once! Still again reign w ithin our land and our people shall
everything and settle it right there”! be the honor of the Ascended Masters to all m an­
kind, until all are free.
If one cannot love the country which shelters they may know how and why America is the
and feeds him, he should leave th at country; for H eart of Light for the whole world, why this
remember, even an animal understands the hand Light is the only G uard for the sanity of all m an­
th at feeds it and is loyal to th at hand; and surely kind and w hy loyalty to Light and to America is
those individuals w ithin our borders who are re­ imperative, if the constructive activities of Life
ceiving their living here and who dare to talk are to be sustained in our country.
against the Ideals for which America stands, Every straight-thinking person in the United
should no longer be allowed to have influence States of America should be on guard against
anywhere w ithin our activities. listening to, or allowing discredit or dishonor to
Remember, ingratitude is the road to deprav­ defile the reputation of our early patriots. They
ity! Therefore, everyone who is a native of the gave their lives th at we m ight have a home and
United States of America, should be taught from country where we could enjoy the Good America
babyhood his responsibility to his own Life; to his gives us to-day. To recall or m anufacture discred­
parents; to his home; to his country; and to h u ­ iting inform ation about individuals who gave us
m anity! Those who are here from other lands and our country, our Freedom and the Blessings we
understand how great is O ur Freedom and Good now enjoy, is a depraved, vicious thing, brought
they receive compared to those conditions which about to destroy our love and respect for this
have driven them here from other countries— Glorious God-given Land of Light!
should also understand well w hat it means to be T hat vicious practice shall be annihilated from
grateful for this greater Good and Victory of Life. every activity of our land forever! O ur early pa­
Each one should understand the necessity of be­ triots gave us all we now have. They gave us
ing grateful for all good, th at all may continue their all— in most cases their lives— and greater
to release Good to him, and he in tu rn send th at Love hath no man than he who gives his life for
Good to all. the Freedom of his fellowman.
Individuals in the United States of America Those who w ant to betray or injure our United
who think some other form of government is bet­ States of America are lower than the animal— for
ter than ours, should be made to leave our coun­ even an animal loves to go to its home and is
try and be compelled to live under the govern­ grateful to the channel which provides th at home.
m ent which they think is so w onderful. The m a­ The land th at gives its blessing to sustain the phys­
jority of the people in the United States of Amer­ ical body of an individual, is entitled to his loy­
ica are here because they have chosen embodi­ alty and his gratitude.
m ent here of their own free-will and their loyalty The discordant creations w ithin and around
belongs here where they receive their food and destructive individuals in the United States of
shelter. America can positively, at your call, be bound
This true and Ascended Master Understanding back into their minds and bodies and held abso­
of Life m ust be taught to all within our land th at lutely inactive, if you, the constructive people
24 25
w ithin our borders, will use this Almighty Power G ratitude to Life is a kindly, happy, expand­
of the Cosmic Light, the "M ighty I AM Presence” ing feeling and action of energy to all Its creation
and the Ascended Masters D irecting Intelligence, and th at m ust come through the individual him­
to command and repel all discordant conditions self. So precious people, struggling in the outer
into their cause and then to command th at force world to-day, try sending out your G ratitude to
to annihilate its own cause. Life for every good thing; and give Life, your
Life is a priceless G ift of the "M ighty I AM own "M ighty I AM Presence,” a chance to set you
Presence” to you, for G ratitude to Life is the free by releasing Its Mastery th ru you.
passport to opulence and the fulness of all good You w ant Freedom! The world w ants Free­
things. Opulence of every good thing is, and al­ dom! T rue Freedom is Perfection and you can
ways has been, the Divine W ay to live Life, and only produce Perfection by using energy con­
the Divine W ay of Life is Eternally Sustained structively. Therefore, I say to the people in the
Happiness. United States of America, Awake! People of the
Eternally Sustained Happiness is the great Light w ithin America, Arise! and take your do­
m otor of Life which supplies you w ith limitless minion in the Light! O ur United States of Amer­
energy, and limitless energy in use is Almighty ica is facing the greatest crisis in its history. The
Power and you can not do anything w ithout some very foundation of our government and Freedom
energy. is being threatened by individuals and forces th at
Harm ony m aintained in the feelings, the As­ are wholly vicious.
cended Masters’ use of the words "I AM,” and We can! We must! We shall! protect our land,
the projection of Their G reat Cosmic Light Rays, our people, our Freedom, by the Almighty Power
are m astery over every problem in the world of the Cosmic Light at the command of the As­
— individual, national, and inter-national and cended Masters and through our call to the
when people are grateful to you you make every "M ighty I AM Presence.” You have the Power of
effort to do more for them. When you are grateful Life and Light to stop all viciousness now! Help
to your Source for the Blessings th at you receive release the people from the injustice th at has been
w ithin this country, you will be more than w ill­ imposed upon them, for you are one w ith their
ing to defend it w ith all you are, w ith all you m ental and feeling world.
have and to protect the Blessings th at are still America is our home! America is as im portant
w ithin our use. Then Life is just as willing to do as our bodies! America’s protection is our respon­
more for you as you pour out G ratitude for the sibility! And Light is the only possible Victory
God th at is here and as you call the Law into and Invincible Power of protection anywhere in
action into releasing G reater Good from Life to the Universe! Use your authority of Life to com­
protect your fellowman, you too will receive the mand the Power of Light to blaze into every
greater O ut-pouring of Life and Its full Mastery activity of our government and our people, to
and Victory. stop the action of every destructive individual,
26 27
power, and force forever; and you will find the our borders, shall not control our land! Shall not
Ascended Masters and the "M ighty I AM Pres­ destroy our people! Shall not interfere w ith the
ence” will answer you beyond your fondest God-given Freedom, Divine Justice, Perfection
dreams. H um anity shall once again see those Cos­ and the Victory of the Light which is America’s
mic manifestations and G reat Beings of Light destiny, for th at is the Alm ighty Power of Light,
descend and forever consume m ankind’s self­ and
generated discord because the G reater Power of "The Light of God never fails!”
Life is taking the earth in hand to cleanse it. "The Light of God never fails!”
Use the G reat Command of Life and compel "The Light of God never fails!” and the
all destruction to annihilate itself. Dare to use "M ighty I AM Presence” is th at Light!
Life’s Intelligence and Power and the G reat Cre­
ative W ord, "I AM,” as the Ascended Masters do,
to blast all intrigue, treachery and spy activity
from our America and from the Americas!
The Ascended Masters positively will release
Their Power of the Cosmic Light, and th at "Light
of God never fails.”
Every straight-thinking person in our land
needs you! Every constructive activity w ithin GOD TABOR
our borders needs your call for its protection! "W ill you to-night just for a few moments
America needs you! America calls you! America’s while we are speaking of this particular thing,
patriots from the realms of Light challenge you try to feel the limitless power of your own Stream
to defend America! Answer them now and set of Life from your Presence that beats your heart,
her free forever! and try to feel It now and forever sustained} N ot
Beloved ones who have listened to our broad­ only in your feeling world in the Radiance of Its
cast, we ask you to help America now and enfold Light, but in the atomic structure of the body.
you in the G reat Blazing Cosmic Light. We ask Feel that charge fill you w ith dynamic action.
you to tu rn your hearts to the Power of Light Stop and still yourself just a few moments at least
and make your call to the "M ighty I AM Pres­ three times a day and feel that Light charge thru
ence” and the Ascended Masters to bless every you naturally. Decree in your call to charge an
person, place, condition and thing in the United intensification of It into every atom of your body;
States of America, the Americas and the world and feel It hold Its Dominion of Strength, Joy,
w ith the Invincible Protection of the Cosmic Happiness and Power.”
Light, and command forever w ith the last breath
you have th at w ar and every other destructive
force th at is driven against America or arises in
"Having observed thru many cycles of time,
the activity of mankind in their approach to the
Light, it is the most gratifying experience in thou­
sands of centuries to see the expansion of the
Light in the hearts of mankind. There are many
who have not touched this Understanding yet
but who ARE responding to the call of those
Mighty Decrees issued by the students thruout
America and the world.”
"Once the students really understand that they
have Infinite Power in these Decrees, they will
find a Power and speed of achievement that will
be the most astonishing thing in their entire expe­
rience. A great many are coming to understand
that they are dealing w ith Real Law; a Law that
responds more quickly and more accurately than
the response of the engine in your cars and just
as practical and mechanical in its action.”
"It was My Privilege many centuries ago, I
should say many hundreds of centuries ago, to
have been instrumental in aerial navigation, when • GODDESS OF PURITY •
we were at the height of that civilization wherein T is our very very great privilege to an­
aerial transportation far exceeded what it is to­ nounce the release of a new song—
day. You might have observed that in the books "T H E GODDESS OF PURITY” by our
where the cities were built in the form of a wheel. Beloved A scended M essenger, G odfre
All Life’s action really is in the form of a wheel, Ray King.
because of the wheel of birth and rebirth— a con­ T hru this glorious music and lyrics, the God­
tinual thing, until the achievement of the Ascen­ dess of P urity does release H er Light-Substance
sion. So it is in the Cosmic A ctivity; the Great of P urity into the mind, body and world of every­
Cosmic "Wheel is compelling Our Assistance to the one who will accept H er Blessed O ut-pouring. She
earth.” stands ready to release H er Cosmic Power of P u r­
30 31
ity to sweep out of the mind, body and w orld of • OUR MESSENGER’S VOICE
all who give H er their Love, gratitude and Obedi­ T is the greatest joy and privilege of our
ence, every destructive impulse, condition and lives to announce the release of phono­
accum ulation; and to replace those qualities w ith graph records of our Beloved Ascended
H er G reat Eternal P urity and Perfection for all Messenger’s Glorious Invocations, Bene­
th ru whom She pours H er Light Rays. dictions, Radio Broadcasts and Class talks given
This Song is charged w ith the pow erful healing by Him at the Shrine Class in 1937.
Energy and Substance from the Goddess of P u r­ They have been p u t on phonograph records, so
ity, and as it is heard, sung or played, may its as m any people as possible can have O ur Blessed
Alm ighty Healing, Perfecting Presence pour th ru Messenger’s voice in the **I AM” Study Groups
and around all who contact it in any way. and in the individuals’ homes.
May everyone on earth sing this magnificent If the students will use them in their own homes
song and help to release the Ascended Master every day, calling to Him to charge His full As­
P urity which all m ankind need so much! cended Master Consciousness, Energy, Light, Vic­
May the Blessings of Light, Love, Peace, Pro­ tory and Power th ru them, into each one’s own
tection and Perfection pour out to all th ru this home and affairs, it will enable Him to charge tre ­
song so pow erfully th at the very earth trembles mendous Power of the Cosmic Light and Perfec­
at the blaze of H er Glory and all accept the G reat tion into the individual and his world.
Perfection and Help She brings. Therefore, our Blessed Messenger will really be
The picture on the cover is the gift and bless­ able to function in tw o Octaves of Light at the
ing of our beloved May DaCam ara whom we same time; for in doing this, there is really no b ar­
thank and bless for her m ighty service. May bless­ rier between our physical w orld, where He re­
ings w ithout lim it forever fill her and her w orld leased such Light and Power to help us all and the
and give her the Ascension in this embodiment! full Divine Perfection of His Ascended Master
This song was first sung in Chicago and is dedi­ Octave. It will also enable Him to charge every
cated to th at city to release a m ighty O ut-pour­ w ord He spoke then, w ith His Present full As­
ing of the Goddess of P urity ’s Power and Light cended Master Power of Light, to raise all to the
there, until Chicago becomes an Alabaster City of Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light and Perfec­
Light as the Ascended Masters have commanded. tion and set us free from all limitations.
May every hum an being on earth see this G reat His Words were recorded at th at time by Mr.
Blessed Goddess of P urity face to face in the Visi­ Cecil Stokes and have been given to us as a glad
ble, tangible Body and have the greatest blessing free gift and service of Love, by him for the serv­
of all time, the Ascended Masters’ Purity, Power ice to and blessing of the "I AM” Students, Amer­
and Perfection to raise all into Perfection forever. ica and the world. We acknowledge this gift and
In Eternal G ratitude, thank and bless Mr. Stokes w ithout lim it forever!

We call for his Ascension and th at of his loved
ones in this embodiment!
May everyone on earth have these records and
play them w ithout limit, so O ur Beloved Messen­
ger can release all the Power, Protection and Bless­
ing of Light possible for each one’s Ascension and RADIO ANNOUNCEMENTS
the Eternal Victory of the Light for America and
all mankind now.
May these records bless you and all in the world
w ithout limit forever and forever. FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF RADIO STATIONS
DONALD BALLARD KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. 9:00 A.M. Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday— 950 kc.
KRE, Berkeley, Calif. 8:30-8:45 P.M. Monday,
3 3 00-A— Invocation No. 1_______________ Mr. G. W. Ballard Wednesday, Friday— 1370 k.c
WORL, Boston, Mass. 7:45-8:00 A.M. Tuesdays— 920 kc.
3300-B— Invocation No. 2-----------------------Mr. G. W. Ballard WCPO, Cincinnati, Ohio 8:15-8:30 P.M. Wed.— 1200 kc.
3301-A— Benediction Mrs. G. W. Ballard KFEL, Denver, Colo. 10:30-10:45 A.M. Sundays— 920 kc.
KFOX, Long Beach, Cal. 10:45-11:00 A.M. Sun.— 1250 kc.
3301-B— Benediction ______ Mr. G. W. Ballard WIP, Philadelphia, Penna. 10:45-11 A.M. Sunday,
3 302-A— Invocation ------------ ------------------Mr. G. W. Ballard Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday— 610 kc.
KWJJ, Portland, Oregon 9:45-10:00 A.M. Sunday
3302-B— There_Is N o D eath_____________Mr. G. W. Ballard 9:30-9:45 P.M. Tuesday, Friday— 1040 kc.
The Above Records___________ Price $2.50— Postpaid $2.75 KOL, Seattle, Wash. 10:30-10:45 A.M. Sundays— 1270 kc.
WKAT, Miami Bch., Fla. 10:15-10:30 A.M. Sun.— 1500 kc.
(3303-A — Beginning of D ictations---------- Mr. G. W. Ballard W H N, N ew York City, N . Y. 10:00-10:15 A.M. Monday,
<3303-B— Continuation D ictation.......... — Mr. G. W. Ballard Wednesday, Saturday— 1010 kc.
WKZO, Kalamazoo, Michigan 9:45-10:00 A.M. Sundays
(3303-C— Continuation Dictation .........Mr. G. W. Ballard and Wednesdays— 590 kc.
(3303-D — Continuation Dictation -....... Mr. G. W. Ballard W THT, H artford, Conn. 10:45-11:00 A.M. Sun.— 1200 kc.
<3303-E— Continuation Dictation— Mr. G. W. Ballard KCKN, Kansas City, Kan. 9:45-10:00 A.M. Sun.— 1310 kc.
(Every Other Sunday)
13303-F— Continuation Dictation------ ---Mr. G. W. Ballard WSGN, Birmingham, Ala. 12:15-12:30 N ., Sun.— 1310 kc.
These Six Records N ot Sold Separately W TCN, Minneapolis, Min., 10:15-10:30 A.M. Sun.— 1250 kc.
Price $7.00— Postpaid $7.75 NOTE: W e reserve all Radio Broadcasting rights unconditionally, and no
one is allowed to broadcast any of the "I AM” Instruction, or read from the
books over the Radio except Mr. or Mrs. Ballard.
We hereby notify all readers and individuals S i n d e l a t l ;STUDIO S
2 ,6 0 0 S H O O V E R , S T .
everywhere, th at everything in the books of the L o s A n g e l e s ,-CAL
GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights All subscriptions m ust start w ith March, 193 6,
w ith all rights reserved, including foreign trans­ 193 7, 1938, 1939 or 1940. All back issues may
lations. be secured at any time, either by yearly subscrip­
This means, we will not allow this instruction tion or single copies at the following rates:
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, adulter­ In California $3.09 a year
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and In United States outside of California $3.00
we shall protect them fully.
In other countries $3.50 a year
We are determined th at this GIFT OF LIGHT, Single copies, 3 5 cents
TRU TH AND FREEDOM from the Ascended
Masters to m ankind SHALL BE PROTECTED
and kept PURE, TRUE AND UNCHANGED— The magazine may be purchased in attractive
FOREVER— th at m ankind may receive its E ter­ bound volumes, m atching the Saint G erm ain
Series and holding one year’s issues. Price, $4.2 5.
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing. Binding your own copies, $1.25. Plus shipping.
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right Your change of address must reach this office not later than
to m aintain COMPLETE PROTECTION AT the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
ALL TIMES. being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date.
Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you
and Thank you!
36 37
• THE •
Sizes below can be purchased at the • SAINT GERMAIN •
2600 South Hoover Street ^' Los Angeles, California UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume I__________ By Godfre Ray King
Containing the first group of the author’s experiences.
Price $2.50, Postpaid $2.75
Jesus Folder, size 5x7, hand colored________ $ .50 Tax $.02 Postage $.15 THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume I I ....................By Godfre Ray King
Saint Germain, hand colored, 5x7_________ .50 Tax .02 Postage .15 Containing the second group of the author’s experiences.
Jesus Satin book-mark____________________ .35 Tax .01 Postage .05 Price $2.75, Postpaid $5.00
Saint Germain Satin book-mark___________ .35 Tax .01 Postage .05 THE "I AM” DISCOURSES,
Jesus Miniature, desk framed______________ 1.50 Tax .05 Postage .20 Volume III_________________ By the Ascended Master, Saint Germain
Saint Germain Miniature, framed_________ 1.50 Tax .05 Postage .20
Jesus Miniature, 2 I/2 x 3 I/ 2 folder__________ .25 Tax .01 Postage .05 Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters’ applica­
Jesus Miniature, 2 y2x 3 l/ 2 tinted folder____ .40 Tax .01 Postage .05 tion of the "I AM,” with three color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00
Saint Germain Miniature, 2 l/ 2x.3l/ 2 folder .25 Tax .01 Postage .05 THE "I AM” ADORATIONS, AFFIRMATIONS AND DECREES,
Saint Germain Miniature, 2 !/2x3 l/ 2 tinted Volume V— Parts 1 and 2______________________________By Chanera
folder _________________________________ .40 Tax .01 Postage .05
Jesus seals_________________________________ .10 Tax .00 Postage .03 A selection of powerful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the "Mighty
Saint Germain seals________________________ .10 Tax .00 Postage .03 I AM Presence.” Price $1.75, Postpaid $2.00
"I AM” Pins _____________________________ 1.00 Tax .03 Postage .10 ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES,
"I AM” Rings ____________________________ 12.00 Tax .36 Postage .20 Volume V I________ ____________ By Various of the Ascended Masters
Master Jesus, 12x16, hand colored_________ 2.00 Tax .06 Postage .25 Containing twenty Discourses dictated before hundreds of students, with three
Master Saint Germain, 12x16, hand colored .. 2.00 Tax .06 Postage .25 color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00
Gold Folder Jesus and Saint Germain, 12x16 8.00 Tax .24 Postage .25
Brown Folder Jesus and Saint Germain, 12x16 7.00 Tax .21 Postage .25
Jesus’ Ascension, 12x16 ___________________ 1.25 Tax .04 Postage .25
Jesus’ Ascension, miniature folder_________ .25 Tax .01 Postage .05 Volume V II—By Various of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
The Luminou$ Presence, 12x16 ____________ 1.25 Tax .04 Postage .25 Containing twenty-six Discourses, dictated before hundreds of students, with
The Luminous Presence, miniature folder. .25 Tax .01 Postage .05 three color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3.25
Jesus, 15x18, framed _________________ 5.50 Tax .17 Postage .25
Saint Germain, 15x18, framed_____________ 5.50 Tax .17 Postage .25
Vest Pocket Edition of powerful Adorations and Affirmations.
Jesus, 7x9 l/ 2f framed_____________________ 2.50 Tax .08 Postage .20 Price $1.00, Postpaid $1.20
Saint Germain, 7x9 l/ 2> framed_____________ 2.50 Tax .08 Postage .20
Jesus, 5*/2x 7*/2, framed___________________ 1.00 Tax .03 Postage .20 "I AM’* DECREE BOOKLET.....................................................By Chanera
Saint Germain, 5 l/ 2x 7 l/ 2y framed__________ 1.00 Tax .03 Postage .20 A paper bound booklet, containing a collection of "I AM” Decrees which every­
Jesus seal, silver framed, tinted____________ .30 Tax .01 Postage .05 one can use to bring Freedom to the individual, America and the world.
Saint Germain seal, silver framed, tinted .30 Tax .01 Postage .05 Size 5 l/ 2 x 8. Price 25 cents each, Postpaid 40 cents
Jesus, 24x32, sepia finish ___________ 15.00 Tax .45 Postage Ex. col. SPECIAL ”1 AM” DECREES
Saint Germain, 24x32, sepia finish .... ____ 15.00 Tax .45 Postage Ex. col. LOOSE-LEAF BINDER in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Ger­
Jesus, 19x24, sepia finish________________ 7.5 0 Tax .2 3 Postage Ex. col. main Series. For Special "I AM” Decrees as they come out from time to time;
Saint Germain, 18x24, sepia finish ______ 7.50 Tax .23 Postage Ex. col. also Loose-leaf Songs. These Decrees and Songs are printed on fillers punched
"I AM” Emblems (stickers) ________________ .15 Tax .01 Postage .05 to fit Binder, which hold about 150 leaves (300 pages).
"The Magic Presence,” 30x48___ __________ 15.00 Tax .45 Postage Incl. Binder Price $1.25 each, Postpaid $1.40
"The Magic Presence,” 12x20 ___________ ___ 1.00 Tax .03 Postage .20 Decrees and Songs lc per page (2 pages to the leaf).
TAX COLLECTED ONLY IN STATE OF CALIFORNIA Postpaid— according to weight.
"UNVEILED MYSTERIES”— In Two Volumes Price $5.25
"THE MAGIC PRESENCE”— In Three Volumes Price $7.75
38 "THE *1 AM’ DISCOURSES”— In Two Volumes......................................Price $6.7 5
"ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES”— In Two Volumes ..... Price $7.00
Plus Mailing Charges
• THE • • THE •
A beautifully lithographed chart, suitable for framing and contemplation.
Size 3 0 x 5 2 on heavy linen for Study Groups and individual use. \ RR-1201— INVOCATION_________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Son
Price $12.00, mailing charges included \ RR-1202— CONTEMPLATION (Silent N ig h t)_____________________ Mrs. Ballard
Size 12 x 21 on medium weight paper. Price $1.00, Postpaid $1.20 ] RR-1203—-BENEDICTION________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Ballard
Size 5 x 7 ^ on lighter paper. Price 15 cents each, Postpaid 18 cents ( RR-1247— CONTEMPLATION (Nearer My God to T hee)............. —. Mrs. Ballard
Size 2 l/ z x 3 %— s°ld >n lots of not less than one dozen. ( 200-A— LIGHT OF MY HEART (Instrum ental)__________ Lotus Ray King, Harp
Price 5 0 cents per dozen, Postpaid 5 3 cents ( 200-B— ROSE OF LIGHT..............................................Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
CHARTS AND FLAMES-IN-ACTION j 201-A— LOTUS MY LOVE (Instrum ental)________ ____. . Lotus Ray King, Harp
This animation of the Charts and Flames enables the student to feel the action I 201-B— VOICE OF THE PRESENCE...................... Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
of both with powerful intensity. ( 202-A— SON OF LIGHT (Instrum ental)....................................Lotus Ray King, Harp
Size 30 x 52l/ 2. Price $200.00 each, Plus Express ( 202-B— CALL TO LIGHT.................................... -..... Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
Size 12 x 21. Price $50.00 each, Plus Express
All prices for Charts and Flames-in-action f.o.b. Los Angeles, California. Order ( 203 - A— RAINBOW RAYS (Instrumental) .............................. Lotus Ray King, Harp
from SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., Los Angeles Branch, P. O. Box 428, ( 203-B— OH WORLD VICTORIOUS.......................Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
Los Angeles, California. j 204-A— SILENT SENTINEL (Instrum ental)............................Lotus Ray King, Harp
Hand colored steel engraving of etching by Charles Sindelar. 204-C "I AM” COME (Single) (Instrumental) F ^ eric7 ^ n d w ”hr,PNovachord j
Size 1 2 x 1 6 . Price $2.00 each, Postpaid $2.25 500-A—LIGHT OF MY HEART (Trio).............. / Lotus Ray King, Harp
500-B— ROSE OF LIGHT................................... .. v Frederick
Y10‘et Furehdd, i
Landwehr, Novachord
501-A— LOTUS MY LOVE (Trio)......................... / Lolus Ray King, Harp
Hand colored steel engraving of etching by Robert Aguilar.
Size 1 2 x 1 6 . Price $2.00. Postpaid $2.25 501-B— VOICE OF THE PRESENCE —.............. Violet Fairchild, Soloist A Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
Actual photographic reproduction in Goldtone. 502-A— SON OF LIGHT (T r io )................................ / **“§’ ” »r?
Size 8 x 1 0 . Price each $ 2.50, Postpaid $2.85 502-B— CALL TO LIGHT.................. .........................i VY*°>et Frederick Landwehr, SoloutNovachord
Size 11 x 14 . Price each $ 3.50, Postpaid $4.00
Size 15 x 19 y2. Price each $10.00, Express collect 503-A— RAINBOW RAYS (T rio)............................. / J'®4"* **arp
Size 30 x 40 . Price each $2 5.00, Express collect 503-B— OH WORLD VICTORIOUS................ A Y,0*et Fairchild, Soloist
"THE VOICE OF THE 'I AM’ ” V Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
Monthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also Dis­ 504-A— SILENT SENTINEL (T rio )......................... / ^ * •“*,
courses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects. Back numbers 5 04-B— AMERICA OUR BELOVED L A N D -------) Violet Fairchild, Soloist
available beginning February, 1936. Yearly subscriptions begin with March, I Frederick Landwehr, N< Novachord
1940. Price $3.00, Single copy 3 5 cents ( Lotus
Lot Ray King, Harp
RADIO BROADCASTING TRANSCRIPTIONS 504-C— "I AM” COME (Single) (Trio) .............^< Violet Vio Fairchild, Soloist
A Series of Broadcasts available for use, containing explanation of the Law of ( Frederick
Fre Landwehr, Novachord
Life; also protection for America. For Information write Saint Germain Press, These Records are suitable for individual contemplation or use in Study Groups.
Chicago, Illinois. Price each $2.50........ l..............................................................................................Postpaid $2.75
"I AM” COME ROSE OF LIGHT VOICE OF THE PRESENCE H eadquarters for A ll Publications
A Group of Songs— Music and Lyrics by Godfre Ray King. These songs are
especially charged with powerful healing and special activity, according to the Western Representative
meaning of the lyrics.
Each piece of music has beautiful lithographed cover in color, suitable for
SINDELAR STUDIOS, 2600 So. Hoover St., Los Angeles, California
framing, each representing that which the music portrays. Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Chicago, Illinois
Price each $ 1 .0 0 ..........................................................................................Postpaid $1.15
m y s t e r ie s PRESENCE DJSCOU^sgj

0 8

A IK T Q e R M A IN ^ E R IE t f
H #6* R ST, L o P a n g e l e s . C a l
*Jerimin9hvs^fnci94o ■
By the Ascended M asters and their A ccredited M essengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. B allard and son, D onald

S U B S C R IP T IO N P R IC E IN U N IT E D S T A T E S $3.00 A Y E A R , IN ST A T E
OF C A L IF O R N IA $3.09 A Y E A R .
IN O T H E R C O U N T R IE S $3.50 A Y EA R .
P U B L ISH E D M O N T H L Y . S IN G L E C O P IE S 3 5 C E N T S .

The " Voice of the I AM” is the m outh-piece through which

the Ascended M asters’ In struction can reach the students
q uickly, th at the most pow erful w ork possible fo r A m erica
and the w orld m ay be done by the students to release the
greatest L igh t in the shortest time.


The inform ation given under the heading of "Y o u n g A m er­

ic a ” w ill be the Ascended M asters’ help to the young people
fo r their protection and illum ination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended M asters w ill give their Ligh t fo r the use of the
outer w orld in the Golden " I AM ” Age.
This m agazine is not an outlet fo r articles from the s tu ­
dents, bu t is the outpourin g of the help from the Ascended
M asters and has no hum an concepts in it.

2 600 South H oover Street Los Angeles, C alifo rn ia
H H ercules, so G reat G reat H ercules, T hy Strength
Thou a rt, we call,
T h y Wisdom and To fill us day and night;
T hy Pow ’r T h a t now like Thee we blest
C h arge all who know or seek the serve Life
Ligh t T ill this earth blazes brigh t,
W ith T hy Strength every W ith all Perfection from Thy
h our; Sphere
T o m ake V ictor’ous by T hy Love And H arm on y’s tru e Song ;
A ll— all who know T h y N am e, T ill L igh t and Love rule
Who face and serve their Source everyw here
of L ife, And Ju stice righ ts each
The Glorious "G re a t *1 AM ’ ” ! w rong!

T hy M ajesty, Oh M ighty One, T hy Power now, G reat Cosmic

From Realm s of Cosmic Ligh t, Lord,
Shines now on earth to bless once Release— ch arge fo rth Its
more M ight!
D irected by T hy Wisdom tru e
From T hy transcendent
T o lift earth from its plight!
H eight,
Blaze fo rth T hy Lightning and
The onw ard m arch unto their T hy R ays!
Home C h arge all by T hy G reat
O f men still stru g g lin g on; Flam e!
Com mand all now to do T hy R eveal to man, L ife ’s P erfect
W ill! W ay,
Decree L ig h t’s V ict’ry won! The Cosmic W ord— ” 1 AM ” !

Oh, Being brigh t— Thou Elohim

From S ta rry Realm s above,
Bring fo rth on earth T hy Ligh t Suprem e,
T hy G lory and T hy Love;
Oh, build anew fo r everyone
His own tru e Home of L igh t!
Com mand each one to enter in
And be T hy Cosmic M ight!
— C banera

ditions, We may not move until some of mankind
give Us the opening by just such a call as the Mes­
senger gave of his own voluntary action. This full
Power of Realization which came with the call
to the Higher Mental Body of everyone, was the
thing We needed and have been waiting for. So
I ask you to rejoice in the fullest possible way.
Oh my dear ones, please understand, no m atter
what your experience has been, that you are gain­
ing an individual momentum in your call to the
Presence of Light and Life, which will one day
make you Invincible before all conditions. Please
feel it, then go forw ard with the Courage and
Strength which is your "M ighty I AM Presence.”
You have all strength and courage in the Universe.
Won’t you feel that? Won’t you stand in the Glory
of that unyielding Presence of Life, which as you
• SA IN T GERM AIN’S DISCOURSE • know will not only render a greater service to
America, but to yourselves?
Shrine Class— Los Angeles, Calif. Do you understand, beloved ones, what the co­
Ju ly 7 ,1 9 3 9 operation with Life for the protection of a nation
H A N K you greatly, beloved ones of the means? It means your maximum effort given to
Light. This which has been revealed to the protection of America, must mean your In­
you to-day, regarding your application vincible Protection individually. Now, I am speak­
in calling to the Higher Mental Body of ing of those who have Self-control and keep in­
an individual, I have waited for since the begin­ harmony out of their worlds; because whoever or
ning of the Messenger’s experience with Me. There whatever you are, whatever your mighty calls to
are certain calls with their accompanying realiza­ the Presence of Life or whatever your experiences
tion which must come from one or more of man­ may have been, beloved ones, if you allow inhar­
kind before We can act. This, to-day, will not mony to intrude into your midst you may undo
only in itself bring forth a far greater and al­ the things you have gained for months.
mighty release in your call for the protection and That is why you m ust be firm and strong in
blessing of America; but it will enable Us to do holding control of, and dominion in, your feeling
many things We have waited to do these ten years. world so when you have gained a momentum,
I wish you to feel the importance of what the you do not destroy it and have to rebuild it again.
voluntary call from an individual in the human Understand that when you have gained a mighty
form means to Life and to Us. Under certain con­
momentum, you have gathered forces for a great all limiting human conditions: "Y ou have no
objective. Then, if you allow tragic discord to rush power,” with the Full Power of the Presence back
in, you dissipate that energy quicker than you can of your call, the limiting conditions will not have
imagine. It simply rushes forw ard and is dissi­ any power in your world to act or deprive you of
pated. Ju st as if you had an army which had great what you need. Therefore, be firm and unyielding
cannons all ready for action— if they ran them up in your application.
into the air and fired them, would it not be a Oh, I rejoice so greatly with you beloved stu­
diffusion of energy? It would be a lot better for dents, in the way you are gaining the greater
the people, but that would not be intended con­ power, strength and energy during the past six
centration of energy. months. It is very wonderful.
Now, one more point I want to make in connec­ Beloved ones, Mighty are the Activities taking
tion with this that you may have the full com­ place within and about you. I am not going to say
prehension of it, if possible. My dear ones, remem­ very much about that just yet except to call your
ber what your concentrated attention means upon attention to it so you may, if you will, add your
an objective. Suppose you have as you think, dras­ call to the Presence to make it Invincible and etern­
tic need of a certain amount of finance, say: ally sustained; but that for which We have waited
" ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ release that from Your these five years, is being done in this class. When
Treasure-house! You know this need.” Your you go out of this class afternoon or evening, do
Higher Mental Body knows it. Then, the action not allow a single person to talk against this Light
takes place and if you will stand unyielding by to you. The reason for that is this: I am trying
that and do not begin to look to somebody outside, and the Great Ones are trying, to help you gain
but wait for the Presence to act, you will know a certain powerful Momentum which will be the
definitely and you will never fail to have it. Almighty Sustaining Power with you at the close
You must be firm, determined and unyielding of this class.
in all this application if you want immediate re­ We want to see you have such a Victory within
sults. There is a blessed one sitting right here in the coming months before the Messengers return,
this room who when the Messengers were here that you will be the Victory of the Light! This can
before, met the climax of his experience. The fam ­ be without question according to the momentum
ily were without food, but he stood. He said: " I which is already here and in all you have gained
know my 'Mighty I AM Presence’ is the Supply thus far. When the Messengers, I or some of the
and Power I am going to stand by that Presence, Great Ones call your attention to some point of
if the heavens fall until I have it,” and he stood. achievement, anchor It! Clinch It into your world
Three hours later, the release came and it will ever by your acceptance, eternally sustained!
grow in its mighty building and supplying power. My dear ones, once mankind understands the
He stood against that human creation which had Infinite Power of the word "acceptance,” they will
tried to scare him out, but it had no power; and I be glorified; just as when you understand the full
say to you beloved ones, if you really can say to Power and Activity of your attention, you will
6 7
become immediately the Victory of the Light! will accept this Decree in Its fulness to release Its
Your attention is the Almighty Power and Direc­ Power and Action for you, then keep your call
tor of these Great Currents of Energy held sus­ going to sustain It, you will see it is brought
tained. If you ask your " I AM Presence” to govern into manifestation quickly and you will be co­
your attention, you will be able to hold it readily operating with that Fiat to bring about its fu l­
and easily upon the Ascended Masters’ Perfection; filment.
but if you diffuse your energy by letting your a t­ Oh, my dear ones, when you call for something
tention keep wandering hither and thither and you think you need on the spot and if it does not
upon discordant, limiting things, how can you arrive the way you think it should, my goodness,
expect to have anything but destructive qualities don’t become discouraged or begin to wonder, if
acting thru you and your world? it is coming. Stand by your call and it would come
Oh, I rejoice so extremely, for soon We will if the heavens fell! You must understand that to
not have to refer to these discordant things! We win the Victory by your Authority and Power
will ju st hold your attention upon the Goal of of your Presence of Life— the "M ighty I AM” !
Perfection and let the other things roll by. That I w ant you blessed ones, every student in this
is the Glory of Life! It is your Divine Privilege, land, to have his or her financial freedom! I shall
your Divine Right, your Divine Authority; and not stop until every student in this land has com­
you are coming into It so rapidly, beloved ones. plete financial Freedom. It don’t make any differ­
Oh, have all the courage of your "M ighty I AM ence to Me whether you are to blame or not, that
Presence!” thing is going to get out! It has got to do it! We
I say to you, and I send forth to those absent are the Power and Victory of the Light and if
who have had such financial struggles: "M ighty there be any obstruction in your own individual
Power of the Higher Mental Body of each one of world, then it must get out too! So don’t hold on
those precious people! Take command of that to it! Let it go!
body, that mind, that feeling! Silence every activ­ My dear ones, if you ever knew the transform a­
ity of doubt, fear and confusion! Clear it away tion which has taken place in this Messenger stand­
by tht Power of Light! Send all those beloved ones ing before you, you would be astonished. There
forth victorious in their financial world. Release are few people who ever had greater financial fear
from the Treasure-house of their Presence all sup­ than he. It came on all of a sudden and to-day it
ply of money they require for their happiness, does not exist. Therefore, see what the transfor­
com fort and service in the Light” ! mation can be. That takes dauntless courage, but
Every one, please accept that Fiat issued and now his calls are answered every time. The Fiat
have Its Victory! There is no power of human ac­ which I issued for you ju st now has to be answered
tivity which can deprive you in that call to your and will be permanent, if you will accept It and
Presence of Life! The human activity cannot over hold It sustained in your feeling and conscious­
rule your " I AM Presence” ! Therefore, if you ness.
8 9
It is one thing to call for a thing and have a a great impulse of Power goes forth before the
temporary result; but my goodness, when you Out-picturing is complete. There is nothing wrong
w ant to have a thing sustained call for it to be about it, but generally speaking, the entire world
sustained! Your very call is the signal to Life to must be cleared, before the continuous Almighty
answer you; and your Higher Mental Body wants Power of your application produces Its continu­
you to have it when you are willing to give obedi­ ous result.
ence to Life. Suppose you do slip occasionally, do You have gained that momentum now, so stand
you think your Higher Mental Body is going to by it unyielding.
condemn you for it? Not a bit of it, but It says: I am watching, utilizing every opportunity for
"G et up and try again.” If you slip down on the your financial Freedom; and remember when the
ice do you just lay there? If you slip in your ap­ Messengers have gone on, still I am watching.
plication, are you going to stop? It would be just There are great avenues that I can and will re­
the same as laying down on the ice and just w ait­ lease, when the students have become stabilized
ing for someone to come and pick you up. You and will no longer listen to gossip or speak it, lis­
might get cold before anyone got there; and if ten to falsehood or repeat it. I have those avenues
you get discouraged in your application, you are ready. They obey My Command and some of them
liable to get cold in your application. are right out here in the physical world. In fact,
There is one thing I certainly do love in your they are already in the physical world but some
slang of earth and that is "pep.” It certainly does of them are out here in your commercial activities.
give the average individual an instant release of I want you to see that not for one moment are
added courage and energy. Beloved ones, I try to you forgotten. Therefore, as you again and again
be so natural with you so you won’t feel I anj fa r hold steady within that Great Light of your Pres­
off or somewhere out of your reach. So, if I want ence, Its Dauntless Courage and Activity, you
to use your slang, I will use it. Who shall say I will find suddenly one day that Great Door will
should not? Our opponents would say: "T h a t is open and you won’t worry about finances again.
not an Ascended Master Activity.” Well We shall Do you realize that the great student body
see whether it is or not! when they become harmonious enough are one?
To-day, while I have been talking to you, great Do you realize that one day the Ascended Masters
things are being done. Accept the fulness of this will be the Governing, Ruling Power of your
Power, but do not be concerned about Its Out- America? Then Divine Order and Divine Justice
picturing. It will out-picture fast enough. Re­ will come into action with a Power and Speed you
member, and do not forget it, beloved students, never conceived possible and it is not so fa r away.
that all Perfecting Activity of achievement comes You know the report has gone forth many times
from within out. The entire preparation and the that I have not fulfilled My Promises. I have not
entire Cleansing Power must be released before missed one and I never shall; but I must have your
the Perfection can out-picture. Once in awhile, obedience to Life individually, before I can do cer­
10 11
tain things individually. That is why in these Power of action is. Let It go on and just rejoice.
Promptings to-day and the release of this Inner These afternoon classes are Mighty Activities,
Power, I know you will feel Its Reality as you dear people, and to-day is one of the greatest thus
never have. You are building your momentum far. Ju st accept It. Remember what I told you
and that is what We want you to have. Then, the other day, that sometimes for certain activi­
greater and greater sustaining and assisting Power ties, We must have the Messengers feet on the
can be poured forth into your world of action. ground in order to release certain Currents of
More and more are these so-called Invisible C u r­ Energy. So We are utilizing these opportunities
rents of energy being drawn into tangible action to pour forth Our Light, just as you are as a
and one day perhaps not in a mixed audience, but "G reat Cup of Light” — for truly you are that
not so fare distant, when you come before the Mes­ "C u p ” !
sengers and Us, those Mighty Currents of Light I am watching the Activity of the Light with­
and Energy will be connected immediately and in your hearts and within the cells of your bodies
flow thru your body and world. You know when and when I see that, I am quite satisfied with Its
you have a permanent wave, how the apparatus Action. Will you be as kindly to yourselves? If it
is attached to you? In a similar manner, will these is satisfactory to Me, It must be to you.
Currents of Energy join your own Life Stream I thank you and bless you for this opportunity
just above the head or atmosphere of your feeling to serve once again; to remind you of what it
world. They will join and flow into Its Mighty Ac­ means when certain voluntary calls go forth
tivity. Whether you comprehend that expression which bring the Great Great Release. You are
or not, just accept It in your feeling and to the fortunate in being here to-day, to be a part of that
fullest of your ability, then let Its Power go into very Great Release, and I thank you.
Oh such changes, such changes, my beloved stu­ • GEMS OF LIG H T •
dents have come in your world in six months! It
is wonderful to behold. Have all the courage and GREAT D IVINE D IRECTO R
strength in the world. There are some of you who Kemember! I say to you again, this Garment
have thought: "M y goodness, it does not seem to is no imaginary thing, but a Garment of Self-
Me I have attained anything.” Don’t be the judge! luminous, Intelligent Light-Substance of the As­
Don’t judge yourself, and most of all don’t judge cended Masters, which you can wear, which will
your Presence of Life which is doing this Inner not soil or wear out, but is always ready for use.
Work, that one day bursts thru your outer real­ Try to feel how magnificent it is and I say to you
ization. You will then see and understand that ladies, that Garment will take upon Itself w hat­
Great Work which has gone on, although you are ever form you give it. Perhaps some day you can
not outwardly aware of it now. That is why I make it visible as an evening gown, as an afte r­
keep pompting you not to judge what the Inner noon or a traveling gown.
12 13
TH E LAW OF CLEAN LINESS Therefore, those who do not make the neces­
sary effort to keep their persons and worlds in the
ELOVED Students under this Radiation, most orderly, clean, comfortable and Perfect
the Law of this Ascended Master " I AM” state, will be constantly meeting discord and de­
Activity is absolute cleanliness— inner struction until they give the attention to cleanli­
and outer— in mind, body and feeling ness and order which is necessary to produce Per­
world. fection. This is absolutely required in every ave­
When the individual understands what body nue of this Ascended Master " I AM” Activity
odors draw toward the physical body, everyone and is the way by which each one rises out of all
will keep the body clothing absolutely clean and discord, distress, limitation and imperfection of
free from body odors of every kind. every kind.
Our Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain That is one reason why it is necessary to wear
told us in the beginning of the Dictations, to defi­ clean light colors and have more beauty in our
nitely call for Ascended Master Cleanliness and surroundings to repel all that is less than Life’s
to charge our minds, bodies, clothing and world Perfection, Beauty and Ascended Master Power,
with absolute spotliness and immaculate cleanli­ for the full Victory of the Ascension of all.
ness. That includes body odors of all kinds and if We ask each one under this Radiation to give
the " I AM” Students knew how body odors a t­ this request close attention of loving, adoring, il­
tract the mental and feeling creations of destruc­ lumined eternal obedience for each one’s own
tive forces, they would know how necessary it is greatest Freedom, Perfection and the Ascension.
for those under this Radiation to do everything Everything we do as a student body then is a
possible to keep from attracting those vicious powerful raising activity for America and all
creations of other people and in the atmosphere mankind.
of such conditions. — Mrs. G. W. Ballard and Donald
When one keeps the mind, body and clothing
immaculately clean, there is no substance nor en­
ergy in his or her world vibrating at a rate which • GEMS OF LIG H T •
is attuned to destructive creations; and hence GREAT D IVINE DIRECTO R
they have no energy or substance by which to Oh beloved ones, can you for just a moment feel
hold connection with those who desire cleanliness so eternally that deep, deep magnificent privilege
and Perfection. that is yours to know this Great Presence of Life?
One can never be too careful about the cleanli­

Oh the privilege! the source of all beauty, Per­
ness of the mind, body and clothing; but the more fection, supply of everything in the world that is
of the Ascended Master Qualities we desire to out- desired for use
picture, the more we should watch to make our
personal habits as Perfect as those Great Ones.
14 15
• RADIO BROADCASTS • from positions of authority, and the various ac­
MRS. G. W. B A L L A R D N o. O .R.-BB tivities of our people, every individual or group
All Rights Reserved by SA IN T GERM AIN PRESS, IN C ., P.O. BOX 1133, CHICAG O , ILL.
of individuals who is seeking to destroy you by
• " I AM” — AW AKENING TH E • either war, or subversive destructive activities in
• "VO ICE OF TH E PEOPLE” • other channels.
| > .......<| HE Cosmic Moment has struck beloved The ((Voice of the People” must go on record
j | | ones when the Ascended Masters call you with a fierce relentless command; "th at destruc­
| [ | j to Victory and Freedom in the Light. tion shall not act to rob us of our Freedom, our
ly S S Beloved fellow-Americans, you are the Protection, nor our Divine Justice.” Vicious, de­
voice of the people of the United States of Amer­ praved individuals, who want to destroy the Good
ica. Ask yourselves just how much you love Amer­ that the American people have been enjoying, will
ica and what you would do to keep w ar out of not protect you who are constructive. You have
our borders; or any other destructive force from got to arise and draw the Almighty Power of Life
destroying our loved ones and the Blessings we en­ to protect yourselves and demand that those in­
joy here. Ju st how much are you ready to do, to dividuals be removed from our country for all
keep destruction out of America? time! If you do not remove them, they will re­
If we are going to keep our Freedom, Divine move you.
Justice, and the right supply of the things of Life It just so happens that the Ascended Masters
here for the use of our people, then certain indi­ have said to u s:— " I f the American people would
viduals have got to be removed from avenues that arise and take the authority that is theirs in this
are every hour planning your destruction; for in­ land and use it for the Protection of themselves
dividuals in various activities of our people, and and their fellowmen, Life— the Authority of the
in positions of authority, are determined to de­ whole Universe— will answer you faster than you
stroy and rob you, me and all who are construc­ dream. Almost as soon as you would call, with an
tive, of the things that Life has given us here. Then absolutely irresistible demand for the Protection
you and I must be twice as much determined that of every good thing in America— Life would re­
they SHALL BE REMOVED, if we are going to lease a Power that would collapse every destruc­
hold continuous all the Blessings we are now en­ tive force within our country in a very short
joying. time!”
You are the " Voice of the People,” and the Beloved fellow Americans, there is no more time
"Voice of the People” must go on record in abso­ to give quarter to vicious destructive individuals
lute defiance and opposition to those who seek to whose deliberate intent to destroy you and the
take from you, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Freedom of this country, is unmistakable. Those
Happiness, or the good things which Life has en­ individuals have got to be removed by your "Voice
trusted to your care. and authority.”
I f you are going to keep from being destroyed, Make your call to the "M ighty I AM Presence,”
then you must exert an authority that removes and the Ascended Masters: that each day all de­
16 17
struction within our land shall be a million times surely feel the whip of depraved, vicious individ­
weaker than it was yesterday; and all that is con­ uals, as they sleep longer! You are facing the hour
structive and ready to protect the sanity of man­ when every human being in the United States of
kind and the Freedom of Life, shall each day be America who does not w ant to be dictated to by
made a million times more Victorious, more Pow­ the vicious individuals who operate a military m a­
erful, more Invincible— over all destructive chine, must arise now and shatter the machine,
forces. or else be ground under the wheels of its destru-
The Ascended Masters have said: "There shall tion!
arise in the United States of America, strong, You have no longer, further time to choose!
dauntless, determined, relentless Americans— de­ Every individual, in physical action, from now on
fenders of America; strong, Invincible Powers of will be forced to make his choice— willingly or
Light, who will be far more interested in protect­ unwillingly— and declare himself either for the
ing America and the Ideals for which she stands, Freedom and Victory of the Light which America
than they are in their own personal fortunes.” is to the world and which we have enjoyed thus
Destructive forces and individuals can con­ far— or you, in action, will stand against that
tinue their operations only as long as constructive Freedom and Victory of the Light!
people permit them. The Ascended Masters are Beloved fellow Americans, do you realize that
ready to stand beside every constructive individ­ Life in physical bodies is a travesty on the Uni­
ual who calls to them for assistance and to re­ verse when individuals bow and obey the will
lease a Pressure and Power of Light that will of insane human beings that are so ignorant they
shatter every destructive plan that has been grad­ will not understand Life, nor obey Its Law of
ually weaving its net-work of domination to de­ Balance?
stroy every Ideal of Life of which America must
be the fulfilment to the world. L ift your hearts! Call forth the Limitless
I tell you, in spite of every destructive force of strength and Courage of the Great Elohim, H ER ­
mankind, the Eternal Victory, Freedom, Divine CULES! Charge forth the Victory and Power of
Justice, Abundant Supply and Perfection of Life His Light, in, thru, and around every construc­
— cannot and shall not be destroyed on this earth! tive person, place, condition and thing in the
The very Law of the planet— the System to which United States of America this hour; and each day
we belong— defies every destructive force, and make the call that this Power shall be increased
always w ill! a million times, until all that is constructive is
Life and this planet are greater than all the made so Invincible against destructive individ­
totalitarian desires of the maniacs of w ar; but the uals and forces, that we are able to stand in the
people who will not believe what the Ascended midst of any condition in our country and com­
Masters have said, or will not awaken in time to pel the destruction to be repelled into its own
make the call that releases this Power, will as cause and take its toll there!
18 19
Call forth the Cosmic Power of Light from the tion should remember that Obedience to the Laws
Great Goddess of Justice, and demand that She of that Constitution are the conditions under
w alk the earth once again with Her Legions of which they are permitted to live here. When they
Light and compel Divine Judgm ent to descend want to destroy that which has been the Open
and take Its Toll of every destructive individual Door to all our Good, then they should be removed,
and force in our Blessed United States of America! and swiftly, by the "Voice of the People” !
Beloved people of the Light, this Ascended Mas­ Free speech does not mean the right of individ­
ter knowledge of the " I AM” is Real! It is Inexor­ uals to talk against the Government of this land,
able Law ! It can never fail! It is the only possible as guaranteed to us by the Original Constitution
Security in the whole Universe for individuals of the United States of America, and the original
who want the Constructive Way of Life! Purity of the United States Supreme Court.
Therefore, stand in and with It, and have It! Beloved fellow Americans, you— the people of
D raw forth Its Power! Blaze Its Light! Command the United States of America— who want the Con­
the release of Its Victory; and "stand within that structive Way of Life, Freedom, Divine Justice
Light and draw to yourselves your own,” in the and Protection sustained— you are the Authority
fulness of every good thing that Life wants you in this land! Not individuals nor groups who want
to have. to destroy your Blessings. You must make your
I tell you the Law of Life is Freedom, Divine voice heard! You must feel your Authority, Power
Justice, and an Abundant Supply of every good and Dominion! for what would even these de­
thing for every human being who will use the structive individuals do if you were not here?
Energy of Life constructively; and send it forth Do you realize that the Resources of this coun­
to produce Harmony, Happiness and Perfection try are yours? What individual or group has a
for all the rest of mankind also. The Law of Life right to take from you that which was here when
is Perfection, Freedom, Victory by the Power of you came into physical life? Destructive individ­
Light, and Mastery over all Substance and En­ uals and groups did not bring the prosperity of
ergy, wherever you move! You cannot be Happy this country here! It was placed here by Life—
nor Victorious in the Constructive Way of Life the "M ighty I AM Presence” — as the G ift of the
when you are poverty-stricken, or under the heel Universe to you who want the Constructive Way
of fear and doubt. Fear and doubt cannot pro­ of Life.
tect you! Poverty will not protect you! Then you Freedom and Divine Justice w alk this earth,
must arise, and make the "Voice of the People” beloved ones, and you will find Great Cosmic Be­
heard! Command every destructive individual in ings who bear those Names, will yet w alk forth
our land to get out of our country with the speed visible and tangible to the physical sight and touch
of lightning and be no more, so far as we are con­ of human beings! They stand ready to strip this
cerned! People who eat the food of this land and country of every destructive force and individ­
enjoy the Freedom guaranteed by our Constitu­ ual, if you— the "Voice of the People” — will make
20 21
the call in time, with enough determination, give Power of the Cosmic Light; with that Mighty Call
no quarter to destructive individuals or forces, that— "AM ERICA SHALL ARISE AND SH A T­
and insist that that decree keep going up, until TER FOR ALL TIME TH E HOLD OF D E­
the Fullness of the Cosmic Light cuts off the action STRUCTIV E IN D IVIDUALS AND FORCES
of all that is destructive. UPON HER PEOPLE AND HER RESOURCES.”
The Ascended Masters have said that if the peo­ I tell you, America is the Inheritor of the Free­
ple— the "Voice of the People” — will make the dom, Divine Justice and Perfection of Life! We
call, We will do it; but it takes your spoken word, must defend that, release It and blaze It for the
using the Great Creative Word of Life " I AM” — Protection of all mankind from the Insanity of
in the full Authority of your own Life— to fulfill wholesale destruction. I tell you, destructive
the Law of the Universe which permits the re­ forces cannot and will not protect you; and any
lease of the Cosmic Power of Light with Force individual, or group, who asks you to destroy the
enough to compel the annihilation of all that is Law of Freedom and Divine Justice, has no In­
destructive. telligence and no right to the Blessings of our
Do you realize that you would be a thousand land.
times better off to stand unflinchingly with the I tell you, with all the Power of my being; in
Powers and Victories of the Light, and go thru the Name of the Great Host of Ascended Masters;
whatever is necessary in the physical experience in the Name of your own "M ighty I AM Pres­
and give that Life and Light Eternal Obedience, ence” ; I call forth the "M ighty I AM Presence”
than ever once to do the will of vicious, depraved and Higher Mental Body of every individual in
destructive individuals who lack intelligence so the United States of America this moment, w hat­
greatly that they will not protect that which is ever blaze of the Cosmic Light is necessary, to
constructive, or give Obedience to the Law of shatter and annihilate for all Eternity every de­
the Infinite Universe? structive force within our land; every destructive
I tell you there is no Intelligence in destructive plan this moment shall be annihilated— cause, ef­
activities! They have lost the Power of Discrim­ fect, record and memory— and be replaced by the
ination— else they would understand the Wisdom Ascended Masters’ Almighty Freedom, Divine
of obeying the Law of Balance and have the Great Justice, and Invincible Protection to our people!
Happiness and Perfection which that always Destructive forces in our country have no
brings. power! unless the "Voice of the People” is silent!
Then you, beloved fellow Americans, feel with We who represent this Protective Power for the
me to-night with all the Power and Victory of Freedom of mankind, shall not be silent! Our
the Cosmic Light, that you are the "Voice of the Voices SHALL be heard! and they shall penetrate
People.” " I AM” the Voice of the People, claim­ the ears of every destructive individual in our
ing the United States of America and all who are country until those individuals fail in their in­
constructive within our borders, into the Victory tended destruction against our people and they
and the Service of the Light; into the Invincible shall know their failure in its fullness, by the
22 23
Power of the Cosmic Light!
We stand in, with, by and for every construc­
tive individual who is trying to defend the United
States of America; and I call forth Invincible Pro­
tection for them by the Legions of Light in all
that they do to protect our people, our Freedom,
Our Divine Justice and our Resources.
Will you, the " I AM” Students and all who hear
this broadcast, do likewise? Give this protection
to all who are trying to protect you; and awaken AM” ! AMERICA VICTORIOUS! •
the people everywhere to use their Voices against
the planned destruction that would engulf us, if MERIC A! Victorious!
we do not use our Authority to command its an­ Shed forth Thy Light All-Glorious!
nihilation? Burst all Thy chains! Set all now free!
Beloved " I AM” Students, to-night we call the Release Thy Power! Make all men see
"M ighty I AM Presence” and the Ascended Mas­ Thy Strength Supreme! Thy Wisdom True!
ters to envelop you in the Invincible Protection Thy Light and Will to carry thru
of the "Cosmic Light as of a thousand Suns,” and Great Freedom’s Law — our own Birthright
hold you untouched by destruction forever. Will To all of Good— by God’s Great Might!
you call that forth also for every Constructive America! Awake and call!
person, place, condition and thing in the United The brave of heart to answer all
States of America, and the Americas and for all Who Justice seek and right demand—
mankind? We issue this Mighty Fiat that the con­ Defenders of Our Blessed Land!
structive people in the Americas shall inherit the Call unto Heights of Light above,
Americas and the Blessings there are within them! That Realm of Life where God’s Pure Love
We stand, face and conquer by the Invincible And Legions bright will answer you!
Presence” which is the Victory and Light of the They now descend! " I AM” come thru!
Power and Victory of Cosmic Light! So shall all
constructive persons within our land receive our America! Ascend in Light!
Protection, if they will make their voices heard Raise high Thy Torch and let blaze bright
thru the Great Command of the "Mighty I AM All— All within Thy Sacred H eart!
Presence” which is the Victory and Light of the Thy Flame of Life shall not depart—
Universe, and " I AM” the A ltar for mankind!
"T h a t Light of God never fails” ! The " I AM” Presence all shall find!
"T h e Light of God never fails” ! Thy people strong are brave and true!
"T h e Light of God never fails” ! and the America! God answers you!
"M ighty I AM Presence” is that Light! — Chanera
24 25
• RADIO BROADCAST • marvelous Blessings of Life shall come forth in
No. O.R.-CC the United States of America to bless our people;
All rights reserved by Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.
to give very Great Joy and very Great Service—
P.O. Box 1 1 ) } , Chicago, Illinois
if the people themselves, who are constructive,
• "I AM” — AMERICA’S PERFECT AVIATION • will make the call for Invincible Protection to all
HE Cosmic Moment has struck beloved that is Constructive in every avenue of Aviation
ones when the Ascended Masters call in our country.
you to Victory and Freedom in the When we call forth the Power and Victory of
Light. the Cosmic Light to protect all that is Construc­
Beloved fellow Americans, the Ascended Mas­ tive, there must also go forth at the same time,
ters have been watching the activities of Avia­ the call to Life to release a Power that stills and
tion in the United States of America for many then dissolves all that is destructive.
months past; and are determined to bring forth When destructive vortices of Energy are whirl­
in this country marvelous, fool-proof, accident- ing in the atmosphere of earth, or acting thru
proof planes for the Protection of those who are human beings, that force must, first of all, be
Constructive. We have made the calls for many stopped and then driven back into its own cause
months, for Invincible Protection to every Con­ by a Pressure of Energy that is greater than itself.
structive activity of Aviation and every individ­ The energy that keeps our physical planet in
ual in those channels who is Constructive. We motion and Life expressing upon it, IS greater
shall continue making those calls, because we are than the amount of energy destructively qualified
determined to bring forth in our country the Per­ which has been accumulated and released by hu­
fection in aerial transportation, which the As­ man beings for destructive purposes.
cended Masters have said must come forth here. When man’s intellect, thru holding its atten­
However, do you realize that the Ascended tion upon the invention of destructive machines,
Masters are governing the m anufacture of planes uses its God-given Energy and mental faculties
that cannot be destroyed by the guns of war? to do only that which undoes the Great Cosmic
There will come forth Substance of which air­ Work of Creation, how long do you think the
planes can be made, which is indestructible. Those Greater Intelligence that owns the entire earth
airplanes can anchor in mid-air, and it would be and its humanity, will let destructive individuals
impossible for them to have an accident of any thw art Its Plans of Cosmic Action?
kind; but do you imagine the Ascended Masters Destructive individuals should remember that
are going to release that knowledge into the hands there are Beings and Powers and Laws in this Uni­
of vicious, depraved individuals who would use verse, greater than their own puny human intel­
it to blot out mankind from this earth? N O ! The lects which are so full of ignorance and pride that
Ascended Masters are Beings of Wisdom; of they have lost the True Way to live Life.
Power; of Light; and of Divine Love, beyond all Life never gave anyone anything but Good;
human concepts! They will see to it that those for the Energy every human being ever used in
26 27
this world came into the mind and body harmoni­ Do you want to survive just to fear and suffer
ously qualified. The individual, having free-will, and obey the command of an intelligence that has
is free at every moment to use that Energy either gone insane with destructive desires? If you do—
constructively or destructively. There is no Law we do not! If there is one thing on the face of this
in the Universe that compels you to go down, if earth that destructive individuals fear, it is hu­
you choose to rise! There is no law in the universe man beings who do not fear them; because all who
that compels you to be destroyed, if you choose to are destructive have done so much that is wrong,
survive! There is no Law— manmade or Divine that can be revealed at any moment, that they
— that can take your identity out of the Uni­ themselves live in constant fear of the reactions
verse! Therefore, some day, sometime, somewhere, of their destruction.
you have got to return to your Source and fulfill You who want the Constructive Way of Life
the Divine Plan of Creation to be wholly pu r­ can be free from that fear and can call forth the
ified and expand Perfection thru your own Crea­ full recoil upon all destructive individuals, of
tive activities in a physical body! Fear and doubt every plan they have to destroy others. For remem­
are the only things that deprive you of the Per­ ber, the battle of Light and darkness, in the world
fection that Life has commanded you to some day to-day, is not a battle of individuals. It is a battle
out-picture. Fear and doubt are concerned wholly of the mental and feeling world, which is the loca­
with your physical body, because they are both tion of the Energy of each one’s Life-Stream. You
feelings that determine what shall happen to your are a mental and feeling being. In order to be
physical body. happy, you must feel Harmony and have that
When you know there is in the Universe an In­ Harmony sustained. You know, without my tell­
telligence and Power of Life greater than your ing you, that destructive individuals and groups
physical body and you can draw that forth thru who want to take from you everything that you
your call, then why not trust It to release all of know you have a right to use, will not give you
Its Power thru you all the time, to produce the any Harmony in your mental and feeling world.
Perfection quickly that you must some day ex­ Then, the battle that is going on to-day between
press? the constructive and destructive forces in hu­
Please do not feel that vicious, destructive in­ manity, is but a battle of mind and feeling.
dividuals are so much more powerful than the Then, will you lift your consciousness, your
Life that owns the Universe, that you are com­ mind, to your own "M ighty I AM Presence” and
pelled to bow to their vicious, depraved demands. the Ascended Masters— that Part of Life which
We have said to you repeatedly, if you bow at can never think nor feel destructive conditions
the crack of the whip of vicious destructive in­ nor forces; and, using the full authority of that
dividuals whom you fear, what do you expect Life and Consciousness, control the Energy in
will be the condition of your own mind, your your world harmoniously and command the en­
body, and your feeling world, if you survive ergy of destructive individuals to destroy its own
under their tyranny? cause, which is their feeling? You do not have to
28 29
accept a destructive feeling from any human be­ pelled to turn your attention back to your Source
ing in this Universe, unless you want to! and fulfill that which It wants you to do.
When you understand that to let go of your The attention of our early patriots was held
fear and dependence upon the so-called avenues with very great determination on the Ideals of
of protection of the physical world, and stand un­ Freedom from taxation; and the desire to worship
conditionally, 100 percent, with that Power of their Source as they chose. Their attention was
Life which owns the Universe — your own upon Divine Justice and Freedom. They held it so
"M ighty I AM Presence” and the Ascended Mas­ powerfully upon their Ideal, that Life was com­
ters— means you will be protected at all times. pelled to give them the Protection necessary to
If you fear destructive individuals, more than bring that Ideal forth into physical fulfillment.
you trust in your own feelings— thru the Life They gave their all, to provide those conditions
that beats your heart and the Consciousness of for us. Will you do as much for the generations
the Ascended Masters which wants to give you yet to come?
only good and greater good— then how could you When I said the other evening that the vicious­
be protected? Fear of destructive forces is what ness and destructive plans of individuals and
makes mankind slaves to destruction. groups in the United States of America which has
How can you fear or doubt the Power and In­ already mortgaged the lives of three generations
telligence of Life that placed you here in a physi­ yet to come, wants now to mortgage the life and
cal body? As long as It keeps breathing your lungs body of every human being in the United States
and beating your heart, It must have some use for of America— you should take your cue before it
your body; and if you will but give It your a t­ is too late!
tention enough to ask the purpose of your physi­ No human being, nor group of them in all of
cal embodiment, what It wants you to do, and the humanity of earth, have any right under any
how It wants you to do it— you will as surely law— Divine or human— to own nor control the
receive Its reply as you ask the question. Could minds and bodies and energy of three generations
Life place you here without a purpose in so doing? yet to come. Life owns your bodies and your minds
Then if you will call forth from Life the knowl­ and your energy— not the destructive intent of
edge of that purpose, you can also call forth the depraved human beings who have not understood
Power of Protection to keep you protected until the Great Law of Life enough to give It obedi­
that purpose is fulfilled. ence, that they might have Happiness, perma­
Human beings thruout the centuries have been nently sustained. All destructive individuals and
leaning on something outside of their own Life forces are both ignorant of the purpose of their
and that Great Perfect Intelligence which built own existence and viciously rebellious against
the Universe— the "M ighty I AM” and the As­ Obedience to the Divine Law and Constructive
cended Masters. As long as you lean on anything Plans of the Universe. We as American citizens
Human, you will be disappointed; and you must have no right to sell our children and our chil­
be, until by force of circumstance you are com­ dren’s children into slavery; for the Law of Our
30 31
Land forbids that! Higher Mental Bodies into action to give us Pro­
Do you think there could be any such thing as tection and to bind back into its own cause the
Protection to you under the authority of such full pressure and accumulation of their own vi­
individuals? Then please awaken and give your ciousness intended for the rest of the people.
ALL now, in your call to the Presence, the "M ighty Life demands the use of the words " I AM” , and
I AM” and the Ascended Masters, that those in­ the use of the Great Command, in order to focus
dividuals be removed from our country com­ the Cosmic Light Rays to a definite objective to
pletely and unconditionally; that all authority render that service. When you issue an Ascended
be withdrawn from them in whichever channels Master " I AM” Decree, you provide a point of
they are acting, and that they be replaced by concentration to which the Ascended Masters
those intelligent, fearless, strong, honest, deter­ focus a stream of Energy that continues to build
mined people of the Light to hold the Freedom until it overwhelms that against which it is di­
of Life and the Divine Justice of the Law of Bal­ rected.
ance, above everything in the physical world. No one has a fragm ent of an idea how impor­
tant the Great Creative Word of Life is. That is
You know there used to be a little limerick that what we are asking you to use with a fierce de­
said: "H itch your wagon to a star and jump right termination in your feelings, that no authority
in and there you are.” I say turn your attention of destructive individuals shall over-rule Author­
to the "M ighty I AM Presence,” and the Great ity of Life to command Protection for that which
Host of Ascended Masters, make your call in the is Constructive. Whoever releases the most energy
full Authority of your own Life for the Protection will win. The Ascended Masters can release Limit­
of the Highest Ideals of Life in the United States less Energy. Destructive human beings can not
of America, and issue your Great Command— use Infinite Energy. When you understand that,
that America shall remain forever free and un­ you will give these Decrees with the Authority
touched by destructive forces; and you will have of Life and Light that knows only one result—
an answer from the next Octave of Life above Victory— and Greater Victory for every con­
the human, with a Power and Force that destruc­ structive call that you make.
tive individuals will comprehend and obey. So arise now in the full Authority of your own
We have said to you repeatedly, the Ascended Life-Stream, and issue the Great Cosmic Com­
Masters have assured us that no matter how fierce mand, that the Victory and Power of Light in the
the struggle might be, for the Constructive peo­ United States of America shall each day blaze
ple in the United States of America to defend forth a million times more Powerful than the day
their rights guaranteed to them under the Con­ before, until no destructive force can survive
stitution of the United States of America, yet under that Cosmic Light; but all that is Construc­
shall they come out of that condition Victorious, tive shall be Energized by it and America hold
by the Power of Light! We shall not yield one the Freedom of Life for all mankind, until all
inch to destructive individuals nor forces, be­ reach up and accept it and go forth the fulfill­
cause we call their "Mighty I AM Presence” and ment of Its Victory.
32 33
The Ascended Masters have asked the "I AM”
Students and all who love Perfection, to call forth
Invincible Protection for every Constructive ac­
tivity of Aviation and every Constructive indi­
vidual within those channels; to so build that mo­
mentum that it crowds out of existence every­ • RADIO AN NO U NCEM EN TS •
thing that is destrucive and removes all individ­
uals who oppose the Greater Freedom, Blessing
and Perfection which the Ascended Masters have ST A T IO N S N O W B R O A D C A ST IN G T R A N S C R IP T IO N S
decreed shall come forth to fill our land and Bless
our people— for America shall arise and express KFW B, H ollyw ood, C alif. 8:15 A.M. M onday, T uesday,
T h u rsd ay , Friday , S atu rd a y —
such Glory, Beauty and Freedom that Life in­ 9:45 P.M. E v ery Evening— 950 k.c.
tends, as no human beings have ever dared hope! K R E , Berkeley, C a lif. 8 :3 0 -8 :4 5 P.M. M onday,
The Ascended Masters have said: This Work W ednesday, F rid ay — 1370 k.c
goes forw ard Victorious, in spite of any human W O RL, Boston, Mass. 7 :4 5 -8 :0 0 A.M. T uesdays— 920 kc.
being or all on earth; that America shall stand W CPO, C incinnati, Ohio 8 :1 5 -8 :3 0 P.M. Wed.— 1200 kc.
Victorious by the Power of Light before every de­ K F E L , D enver, Colo. 1 0 :3 0 -1 0 :4 5 A.M. Sundays— 920 kc.
structive force, even though all the rest of the K F O X , Long Beach, C al. 1 0 :4 5 -1 1 :00 A.M. Sun.— 1250 kc.
world combined against the constructive people of W IP, Philadelphia, Penna. 10:45-11 A.M. Sunday,
America. Please accept that, beloved ones, and call M onday, T u esday, W ednesday, T h u rsd ay — 610 kc.
this Power forth with such Almighty Over­ K W JJ, Portland, Oregon 9 :4 5 -1 0 :0 0 A.M. Sun day
whelming action, that you stem the tide of the 9 :3 0 P.M. T u esday, 9:15 P.M. Friday— 1040 k.c.
destruction which is trying to rob you of every­ K O L, Seattle, W ash. 10:3 0 -1 0 :4 5 A.M. Sundays— 1270 kc.
thing that makes Life worth while. W K A T , Miami Beach, Fla.
We charge forth such Invincible Protection 9 :3 0 -9 :4 5 A.M. Sun day— 1500 k.c.
around all the " I AM” Students who have listened W H N , N ew Y ork C ity, N . Y. 1 0 :0 0 -1 0 :1 5 A.M. M onday,
in, that no destructive force shall interfere with W ednesday, S atu rd a y — 1010 kc.
their Great Eternal Freedom; and we ask you in W XY Z , D etroit, Mich.
turn to envelop every constructive person, place, 1 0 :4 5 -1 1 :0 0 A.M. Sundays— 1240 k.c.
condition and thing, in that Great Power of the W KZO, K alam azoo, M ichigan 9 :4 5 -1 0 :0 0 A.M. Sundays
and W ednesdays— 590 kc.
Cosmic Light a million times greater than yester­
day, to hold them untouched by destruction, for­ W T H T , H a rtfo rd , Conn. 1 0 :4 5 -1 1 :0 0 A.M. Sun.— 1200 kc.
ever, for K C K N , K ansas C ity, Kan. 9 :4 5 -1 0 :0 0 A.M. Sun.— 1310 kc.
(E v e ry O ther Sun day)
"The Light of God never fails” !
W SG N , Birm ingham , A la. 12:1 5 -12:3 0 N ., Sun.— 13 10 kc.
"The Light of God never fails” !
W T C N , Minneapolis, Min., 1 0 :1 5 -1 0 :3 0 A.M. Sun.— 1250 kc.
"T h e Light of God never fails” ! and the N O T E : W e reserve a ll R ad io B ro ad castin g rig h ts u n co n d itio n ally , an d no
"M ighty I AM Presence” is that Light! one is allow ed to b ro a d ca st an y o f the " I AM ” In stru c tio n , or read fro m the
books over the R ad io excep t M r. or M rs. B a lla rd .
Love, Gratitude and Blessings to the "M ighty I AM
Presence,” the United States of America and the
Americas; that a nation of Ascended Masters may
come forth on this earth to lead the rest of man­
kind into the next Octave of Life’s experiences—
the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Light, the full
Master Power of the Universe.
We ask all who sing, play or hear this song to
send forth their heart’s deepest Love and Blessings
to all within the United States of America and
the Americas; that a momentum of feeling may
be charged forth into our Country which will
strengthen and make Victorious every Construc­
tive Activity and individual within our borders
We ask that all " I AM” Study Groups never
fail to sing this song once in each meeting for
America’s blessing.
America, we love you! America, we love you!
America we love you, and our Love is great enough
to hold you eternally Victorious in the Light.
"GO DDESS OF PU R ITY ” is dedicated in Eter­
nal Love, Gratitude and Blessing to the "M ighty
I AM Presence” and the Beloved Cosmic Being, the
• NEW MUSIC • Goddess of Purity, whose purifying activity of
T is our great privilege and joy to an­ the Light Rays, mankind and the earth MUST
nounce the release of two new songs by have to hold enough harmony here to enable them
Godfre Ray King (Mr. G. W. Ballard) to survive into the future.
— "Am erica Our Own Beloved Land,” The Goddess of Purity controls all activities of
which was released some time ago, and— the "G od­ the Quality of Purity to mankind and the earth
dess of Purity.” and She will pour forth Her Cosmic Assistance to
everyone who will call to the "M ighty I AM Pres­
• AMERICA OUR OWN BELOVED LA N D • ence” and give Her recognition. The moment you
"AM ERICA OUR OWN BELOVED LA N D ” place your attention upon Her, you are definitely
was our Beloved Messenger’s own G ift of Love to in connection with Her Great Perfection and
America and her people and is dedicated in Eternal Power of Life because everyone can contact that
36 37
which is Greater than himself thru his attention. SPECIAL NO TICE
The Light Rays which She projects are Light,
Substance, Energy and Perfection from H er Great T is our great privilege to announce that
Sphere of Activity and carry tremendous H ar­ all future pressings of Phonograph Rec­
mony and Healing Power because all anyone ords will be made from a new blue trans­
needs to heal the mind, body or feeling world is parent flexible material. We have been
complete Purity of the substance of his or her working on these for some time and feel we now
mental, emotional and physical bodies. have them perfected to the point where we can
When this music is heard, played or sung, visu­ offer them to the public.
alize Her Mighty Light Rays of Pure Eternal
Light-Substance pouring in, thru and around This blue transparent material carries a special
your physical body, your home and your affairs healing quality and vibratory action and we know
— forcing out all other substance and leaving you will be happy with them.
everything clean, pure, harmonious and Perfect Because of the increased cost of this special m a­
in the Dazzling White Light of each one’s own terial it will be necessary to increase the cost
"M ighty I AM Presence.” slightly. Prices are as follows:
Send your Love and gratitude to Her and call
for H er Out-Pouring to be sustained, until all are All double faced records made from blue trans­
as Perfect as She is. Since mankind knows so lit­ parent material $3.00 each— Shipping charges
tle about this Great Glorious Being of Light, let extra.
us welcome H er with every atom of our beings; The only Records we have released made from
and ask H er to pour thru us Her Greatest Help, this new material are those of our Beloved Mes­
until all mankind are as Pure, Beautiful and Per­ senger, Mr. G. W. Ballard, as follows:
fect as She is. No. 3 3 0 0 -A & B No. 3 3 0 3 -A & B
3 301-A & B 3 3 0 3 -C & D
3 3 0 2 -A & B 3 3 0 3 -E & F
All RCA Records now on hand made from the
regular material will be sold at the prices formerly
• SPECIAL DECREE • quoted— $2.50 for double faced records— Ship­
"M ighty I AM Presence” and my Higher Men­ ping charges extra.
tal Body! Blaze between me and that individual
Please send all orders for phonograph records
a million Light Kays as of a Thousand Suns. Pro­
ject Your Cross of White fire and hold It between direct to the SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS, IN C., Los
Angeles, Calif., P.O. Box 428, as all shipments will
me and that personality until I am wholly as­
cended. be made from Los Angeles direct, instead of the
Chicago Office.
38 39
It is our privilege and joy to announce the re­ • BRA NCH OFFICE •
lease of another Series of Records of our Beloved T is our privilege and great joy to announce
Messenger’s (Mr. G. W. Ballard) Voice— talks the opening of a Branch Office of the SA IN T
given by Him at the Shrine Class 193 8, as follows: GERMAIN PRESS, IN C., and the SA IN T
GERMAIN FO U N D A TIO N in Los Angeles,
N o. 3 3 04-A— Invocation and Explan ation of the C h art, where Group Leaders and dealers may secure their stock
Mr. G. W. B allard both retail and wholesale.
N o. 3304-B— Invocation and Explan ation o f the C h art,
We ask all Group Leaders west of the Rockies who
Mr. G. W. B allard
have been sending their orders to the Chicago Office, to
N o. 3304-C — Invocation and Explan ation o f the C h art, now send them to the Saint Germain Press, Inc., Western
Mr. G. W. B allard Branch, P.O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
N o. 3304-D — Invocation and E xplan ation o f the C h art, The regular 30 percent discount will be given on all
M r. G. W. B allard orders of $ 3.00 or over (this same arrangement has gone
N o. 3305-A — This T ru th , Love and H arm ony, into effect in Chicago), and a small carrying charge will
M r. G. W. B allard be added to cover shipment of stock from Chicago to
N o. 3305-B— This T ru th , Love and H arm ony, Los Angeles.
Mr. G. W. B allard No charge accounts will be opened, so we ask all to
N o. 3306-A — T ru e U n derstan ding o f D ivine Love,
accompany their order with check or money order to
Mr. G. W. B allard prevent delay. All orders will be shipped as promptly as
N o. 3306-B— T ru e U n derstan ding o f D ivine Love, possible and will be sent C.O.D. from Los Angeles, un­
Mr. G. W. B allard less funds are included to cover pre-payment.
In order to save delay in shipment, we ask that great
N o. 3307-A — C alling the Presence............... M r. G. W. B allard care be taken in listing of orders and figuring cost so
N o. 3307-B— C alling the Presence________Mr. G. W. B allard everything is in Divine Order before it is sent.
N o. 3308-A — H elping all M ankind ........... Mr. G. W. B allard We are grateful to render this additional service and
believe it will be of great assistance to those on the West
N o. 3308-B— H elping all M an kin d_____ Mr. G. W. B allard
Coast, and will also save much time in delivery.
Please send all orders for phonograph records Money will be refunded to those having a credit bal­
direct to the SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS, IN C., Los ance with the Chicago Office, as those funds cannot be
Angeles, Calif. P.O. Box 428. used for purchasing stock on the West Coast. Therefore,
may we request that your check accompanies order.
These Records are all made from the blue trans­ We wish to extend our deepest appreciation of your
parent material. splendid co-operation at all times and we know greater
Perfection will come forth in the future.
Price Each $3.00 Shipping Charges E xtra — Mrs. G. W. Ballard and Donald
40 41
E wish to announce the release We hereby notify all readers and individuals
everywhere, that everything in the books of the
of our new Charts, reproduced SA INT GERMAIN SERIES, the VOICE OF TH E
from the Large Chart used in " I AM,” OUR PUBLIC LECTURES, AFFIRMA­
our Classes. GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights
with all rights reserved, including foreign trans­
These Charts are more intense and lations.
brilliant in color than the former ones; This means, we will not allow this instruction
therefore, more perfect. and Information to be deleted, distorted, adulter­
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and
They are produced in two sizes as we shall protect them fully.

follows: We are determined that this GIFT OF LIG H T,

T R U T H AND FREEDOM from the Ascended
12"x21' medium weight paper .. $1.00 Masters to mankind SHALL BE PROTECTED
Postpaid.. $1.20 and kept PURE, TRU E AND UN CH ANG ED —
FOREVER— that mankind may receive its Eter­
30"x521/£" on linen and mounted for nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing.
hanging .......................... Each $12.00 We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right
Shipping Charges Postpaid ALL TIMES.

The two smaller sizes — 2x/i x 53A" SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS

and 5 x IVi" on light paper will be and
released at a later date.
42 43
rw i Sizes below can be purchased a t the

S i n d e l a r ;St u d i o s 2600 South H oover Street ^ Los Angeles, C alifornia

1 6 0 0 S H00VEK' ST.
LOS ANQELES' CAL $ .50 T a x $.02 P ostage $.15
Sain t G erm ain, hand colored, 5x7.. .50 T a x .02 P o stag e .15
Je su s Satin b o o k -m ark .................... .35 T a x .01 P ostage .05
• PUBLISHER’S ANNOUNCEM ENT • Sain t G erm ain Satin b o o k -m a rk ___ .35 T a x .01 P ostage .05
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• THE • • THE •
U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S, Volum e I ______ ____By G odfre R ay K ing
C ontaining the first gro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences. C H A R T OF " T H E M AG IC P R E SE N C E ”
P rice $2.5 0, P ostpaid $ 2 .7 5
A b e a u tifu lly lith ograp h ed ch a rt, su ita b le fo r fra m in g and contem plation.
T H E M AG IC P R E SE N C E , Volume I I .......... .......... B y G odfre R ay K in g Size 30 x 5 2 /2 on heavy linen fo r S tu d y G ro u ps and in d iv id u al use.
C on tain in g the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences. P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , m ailin g ch arges in clud ed
P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $5.00
Size 12 x 21 on m edium w eigh t paper. P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P ostp aid $1.20
T H E " I AM ” D ISC O U R SES, Size 5 x 7 l/ 2 on lig h ter pap er. P rice 1 5 cents each, P ostp aid 18 cents
Volum e I II _________________ By the Ascended M aster, Saint Germ ain Size 2 1 /2 x 3 — sold in lots o f not less than one dozen.
C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, ex plain in g the A scended M asters’ ap p lic a­
P rice 50 cents p er dozen, P ostpaid 53 cents
tion o f the " I A M ,” w ith th ree color plates. P rice $2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $3.00
Volume V— P arts 1 and 2 ______ _______________________ By C hanera T h is anim ation o f the C h a rts and Flam es enables the stu d en t to feel the action
A selection o f p o w e rfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations an d D ecrees o f the "M ig h ty o f both w ith p o w erfu l in ten sity.
I AM P resence.” P rice $ 1 .75, P ostpaid $2.00 Size 30 x 52 5/2. P rice $ 2 0 0 .0 0 each, P lus E xp ress
A SC E N D E D M A STE R D ISC O U R SES, Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 5 0 .0 0 each, P lu s E xpress
Volum e V I_____________________ By V arious of the Ascended M asters A ll prices fo r C h arts an d Flam es-in -action f.o .b . Los A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia . O rd er
C o n tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d ictated b efo re h u n d reds of stu d en ts, w ith three from S A IN T G E R M A IN P R E SS, IN C ., Los A ngeles B ranch, P .O . B ox 4 2 8 ,
color plates. P rice $2.7 5, P ostpaid $3.00 Los Angeles, C a lifo rn ia .

Volume V II__By V arious of the Ascended M asters and Cosmic Beings
C o n tain in g tw en ty -six D iscou rses, d ictate d b e fo re h u n dred s o f stu d en ts, w ith
th ree co lor p late s. P rice $ 3 .00, P ostpaid $ 3 .2 5 H an d colored steel en g rav in g o f etch ing by C h arles Sin d elar.
Size 1 2 x 1 6 . P rice $2 .0 0 each, P ostpaid $2.25
” 1 AM ” A D O R A T IO N S A N D A F F IR M A T IO N S______ By Chanera
V est P ocket E d ition o f p o w erfu l A d oration s and A ffirm ations. P IC T U R E OF T H E CO SM IC B E IN G , O R IO N , better known as
P rice $ 1 .00, P ostpaid $1.20 " T H E O LD M AN OF T H E H IL L S ”
" I AM ” D E C R E E B O O K L E T __________ __________ _ _____ By Chanera H an d colored steel en g rav in g o f etch ing by R o b ert A g u ila r.
Size 12 x 16. P rice $ 2 .0 0 . P ostpaid $ 2 .2 5
A p a p er bound booklet, con tain in g a collection o f " I AM ” D ecrees w hich ev e ry ­
one can u se to b rin g Freedom to the in d iv id u al, A m erica and the w orld . P IC T U R E OF O U R BELO V ED M ESSEN G ER , G U Y W. B A L L A R D
Size 5 l/ z x 8. P rice 2 5 cents each, P ostpaid 40 cents
A c tu a l ph otograph ic reprod uction in G oldtone.
SPEC IA L ” 1 AM ” D E C R E E S Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2.5 0, P ostpaid $ 2 .8 5
L O O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in h eavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Sain t G e r­ Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3 .5 0 , P ostp aid $4.00
m ain Series. F or Special " I AM ” D ecrees as they come ou t from tim e to tim e; Size 15 x 19 V2. P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E x p ress collect
also Loose-leaf Songs. These D ecrees and Songs are prin ted on fillers punched Size 30 x 40 . P rice each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E x p ress collect
to fit B inder, w hich hold ab o u t 150 leaves (3 0 0 p a g e s).
B in d er P rice $1.25 each, P ostpaid $1.40 " T H E V O ICE OF T H E 'I AM ’ ”
D ecrees and Songs l c per p ag e (2 pages to the le a f ) . M onthly M agazine co n taining a rticles explain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­
P ostpaid — acco rdin g to w eigh t. courses by the A scended M asters and oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ack num bers
a v a ila b le beginning F e b ru a ry , 193 6. Y e arly su b scrip tion s begin w ith M arch,
T R A N S L A T IO N S 1940. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , Single copy 3 5 cents
"U N V E IL E D M Y ST E R IE S” — In T w o V olu m es______ _____ ______ P rice $5.25 A Series o f B ro ad casts a v a ila b le fo r use, containing ex p lan ation o f the Law of
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T h ree V olum es ___________________ P rice $7.75 L ife ; also protection fo r A m erica. For In form ation w rite Sain t G erm ain Press,
" T H E *1 AM ’ D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olum es............... ....................... P rice $6.75 Inc., C hicago, Illinois.
"A S C E N D E D M A ST E R D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V o lu m e s............. P rice $7.00
P lus M ailing C h arges
• THE •
• THE •
MUSIC OF TH E SPHERES I000-A ” 1 AM” COME (Instrum ental)---------- (^ e d e r ic lV ^ K o v ach o rd
1000-B — D ed icatio n ( D on ald R ay K in g
L O T U S MY LO V E T H E S IL E N T S E N T IN E L ( L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S " I AM ” COM E 1 0 0 1-A--- " I A M ” C O M E ( T r i o ) ----------------------- \ V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
10 01-B — D e d ic atio n .. . ........... ....____________ J F red eric k L an d w e h r, N o v ach o rd
’ D on ald R a y K in g
f L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp ist
R O SE O F L IG H T G O D D E SS O F P U R IT Y 1002-A— Rainbow-Rays (T rio )--------- ------------ \ violet Fairchild, Soloist
A G rou p o f Songs— M usic and L y rics by G o d fre R ay K in g. These songs are 100 2 -B — D e d ic atio n ...___ _________________________J F red eric k L an d w e h r, N ovach ord
especially ch arg ed w ith p o w erfu l healing and special a c tiv ity , accordin g to the ' L o tu s R a y K in g
m eaning o f th e ly rics.
( 3 300 -A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Sh rin e C l a s s ) _________________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
E ach piece o f m u sic has b e a u tifu l lith ograp hed cover in color, su itab le fo r
fra m in g , each represen ting th at w hich the m usic p o rtray s. ( 3 3 00-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Sh rin e C la s s ) ___________ ______M r. G . W . B a lla rd
P rice each $ 1 .0 0 - ................... ........................................................................ P ostpaid $ 1 *1 5
3 301-A — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) _____ _________________ M rs. G . W . B a lla rd
3 301 -B— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ......_____________ _______M r. G . W . B a lla rd
R R - 1 201— IN V O C A T IO N ______ ____ ._____ _____M r. and M rs. B a lla rd and D on ald ( 3 3 0 2 -A — IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C l a s s ) ____________ _ . .______M r. G . W . B a lla rd
R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N ig h t) ( H a r p ) .............. _...... ...M rs. B a lla rd / 330 2 -B — T H E R E IS N O D E A T H (Sh rin e C la ss) . . . . __________...M r. G . W . B a lla rd
R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N ........................ ...................................M rs, B a lla rd and D on ald
R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (N e a re r My G od to T h ee) (H a r p ) .M rs. B a lla rd { 3 3 03-A — B E G IN N IN G OF T H E " I A M ” D I C T A T IO N S .............. M r. G . W . B a lla rd
200-A- - L I G H T O F M Y H E A R T ............ (In stru m e n ta l) J L o t u s R ay K in g, H a rp / 3 303-B — C O N T IN U A T IO N D I C T A T I O N S :____ _____________M r. G . W . B a lla rd
2 00-B - -R O S E O F L I G H T .................................... ........................... < F red erick Lan d w eh r,
N ovach ord < 3 3 0 3 -C — C O N T IN U A T IO N D I C T A T I O N S ___________ ______ .M r. G . W . B a lla rd
20 1 -A — L O T U S MY L O V E .............. .............. (In str u m e n ta l) J L o t u s R ay K in g, H a rp ( 3 3 03-D — C O N T IN U A T IO N D I C T A T I O N S ........ .............................M r. G . W . B a lla r d
201-B — V O IC E OF T H E P R E S E N C E ..................... ..................... 1 fr e d e r ic k Lan d w eh r,
V N ovach ord
( 3 3 03-E — C O N T IN U A T IO N D I C T A T IO N S ............................... .M r. G . W . B a lla rd
20 2 -A — SO N ..OF L IG H T ............................. (In str u m e n ta l) jj- o t u s R a y K in g, H a rp { 3 303-F — C O N T IN U A T IO N D I C T A T IO N S _________________ .M r. G. W . B a lla rd
2 0 2 -B — C A L L T O L I G H T ................................... ............. ................. ) F red erick Lan d w eh r,
V N ovach ord (T h e la st three R ecord s com prise one aftern o o n ta lk by M r. G . W . B a lla r d and should
20 3 -A — R A IN B O W R A Y S ................... ...... (In str u m e n ta l) J L o t u s R ay K in g, H a rp be sold in a se t)
2 03-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S............................ .............. < F re d e ric k L an dw ehr, T h e above record s a r e su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l contem plation or u se in S tu d y G rou p s.
* N ovach ord
(A ll records are now shipped d ire ct from the Sain t G erm ain P ress, In c., P.O. B ox 42 8,
500-A — L IG H T O F MY H E A R T .............( T r io ) L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp ist Los A n geles, C a lif.)
500-B — R O SE O F L I G H T ......................................... V iolet F airch ild , Soloist • P rice each— B lu e tr a n sp a re n t m a te ria l (D o u b le fa c e d ) _______________________ $ 3.00
F red erick L an d w eh r, N ovach ord Shipping C h arg es E x tr a
L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp ist
5 0 1-A— L O T U S MY L O V E ........ ...................(T r io )
501-B — V O IC E OF T H E P R E S E N C E ____ ____ V iolet F airch ild , Soloist H e ad q u arters fo r A ll Publications
F red erick L an dw ehr, N ovach ord
5 02-A — SO N OF L I G H T ............................ ( T r io ) L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp ist SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS, IN C., P. O. Box 1133,
502-B— C A L L ..T O L I G H T .......................................... V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
F red erick L an d w ehr, N ovach ord
Chicago, Illinois
503-A — R A IN B O W R A Y S - - ................... (T r io ) L o tu s R ay K in g, H a rp ist
V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS, IN C __ Western Branch,
503-B— O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S __________
F red erick L an dw ehr, N o vach ord P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
S IN D E L A R S T U D I O S , 2 6 0 0 So . H o o v e r S t ., L o s A n g e le s , C a lif o r n ia
(C o p y righ te d by Sain t G erm ain P ress, In c., C h icago, Illin o is)
“ I AM’


r t ie ^ A IK T Q e RM AIN $ E R IE £
■~V 1'Jl

r ta « s s m a**

NUMBER.- 'P u b lish e d a t the SINDELAR. STUDIOS AUG UST

SIX 2 6 0 0 S.HOOVER ST., L os A n g e l e s , C a l . • 1940 -
■Goj>J*yfki-jSaint (fermainZPrvsrf"fnci940 ■
By the Ascended Masters and their A ccredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W . Ballard and son, Donald



The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.


The information given under the heading of "Young Amer­

ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.
This magazine is not an outlet for articles from the stu­
dents, but is the outpouring of the help from the Ascended
Masters and has no human concepts in it.


2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California

CALL you, L ig h t’s C hildren— " I AM” V ictory!

I stand here before y o u ! I can set you fre e !
I offer My Pow er— My Scepter of L ight!
I w ield I t forever! " I AM” I t ’s fu ll M ight!

I clothe you, L ig h t’s C hildren, in My V ictory!

O h, feel It! A ccept It! Its fu ll G lory Be!
Arise! in y o u r Pow er of E tern al Life
A nd stand now resplendent, tran scen d in g e a rth ’s strife!

I free you, L ig h t’s C hildren, by God’s V ictory!

Be My Full D om inion— Life’s G re a t H arm ony!
L ig h t’s T ru e Y outh and B eauty, the G ifts th a t all love,
G reat Jew els from the Presence— the " I AM” above!

I Raise you, L ig h t’s C hildren! Be My V ictory!

W ield all of My L ight Rays! O h, come u n to Me!
D w ell now in "M y G arden of Life” — all D ivine,
W here L ight of E te rn ity ever doth shine!

I open the D oor N O W to y o u r V ictory!

P a rt all h u m an veils! Ascend now to Me!
The L ight all so dazzling dwells ever inside—
The U nfed Flame blazes! Come, w ith Me abide!
— Chanera

Shrine Class— C hristm as D ay
D ecem ber 25, 1938
IN C E you are w illing to respond to the
m ention of My N am e, and since you do
release such energy, such trem endous
am o u n t of substance, then I too respond
to you in w ays th a t you could n o t y et u n d e r­
stan d ; b u t it is sufficient fo r you to know , th a t
you w ill receive My V ictory into y o u r feeling
w o rld fo r co n stan t action. In y o u r o u te r w o rld
of action, I t w ill m ake you victorious in ev ery ­
th in g upon w hich y o u r a tte n tio n is fixed p ro ­
viding you w ill dismiss the old feeling th a t you
are subject to h u m an conditions!
I f you w ill follow this direction, you w ill n o t
one h o u r longer be subject to h u m an lim itations!
For h u n d red s of centuries, I have k n o w n only
V ictory— hence My N am e! T herefore, if you w ill
give in response to Life, th e very little obedience
th a t is req u ired , you m ay have this M ighty
Stream of E nergy flow fo rth w hich is the V ictory
of Life.
Perhaps, I should explain to you th a t this V ic­
to ry is n o t ju st a Q u ality , not ju st a Substance.
I t is a Stream of E nergy— the Ascended M asters’
E nergy, w hich the h u m an can n o t re q u alify . I t
goes fo rth in Its ow n P erfection. T h erefo re, do
you realize w h a t this o p p o rtu n ity m eans to you
to-night? T h in k fo r a few m om ents! D ear ones,
this is n o t a h u m an activ ity . I t is the Pow er of
L ight— M yV ictory an d L ife-energy, w hich is
P u re and P erfect! If you w ill m ain tain harm ony
in y o u r feeling w orld to allow I t to p o u r fo rth ,
you w ill n o t need to ask anyone Its Pow er of
action in y o u r w orld.
This S tream of Life an d E nergy enters into w orld. T hen you w ill not fe a r w h a t m an m ay
y o u r w o rld th r u th e action of y o u r H ig h er M en­ do to you. You w ill stand th e Suprem e A u th o rity
ta l Body a t My D irectio n ; and rem em ber I am in y o u r w orld because it w ill be w holly con­
no t lim ited in reg a rd to the n u m b er of people stru c tiv e . W hen it is w holly co n stru ctiv e, y o u r
w hom I desire to assist. In the need of the e a rth P ow er of Life d raw s from the Infinite P ow er
to-day, an d in th e a c tiv ity of th e stu d en ts w ho of the U niverse to b rin g you dom inion.
have been so earn est and so sincere in th e ir de­ T herefore, I say to you, fe a r no longer h u m an
votion to th e L ight, I am offering you My V ic­ lim itation and discord. T hey have no a u th o rity
to ry ! I t is w ell the stu d en ts should be sincere to in y o u r life, unless you continue to accept th a t
this L ight. W hen I see this sincerity m an ifest­ w hich has no a u th o rity . T he appearance w o rld
ing in m an k in d , th en My G re at Pow er of Life of m ankind is b u t h u m an creation. All d e stru c ­
and E n erg y shall come fo rth to bless them , to tive forces are b u t h u m an creation and they
stre n g th e n them , to give them th e P ow er o f V ic­ have no pow er except th e energy th ey have m o­
to ry in all th a t is co n stru ctiv e upon w hich th e ir m en tarily g ath ered in th e ir d estru ctiv e feeling.
a tte n tio n is fixed— and surely no one of you I call y o u r a tte n tio n to any in divid ual w ho
w ould w a n t to do a n y th in g d estru ctiv e. has become violently a n g ry . T here seems to be
T h erefo re, beloved ones, in th e use of this E n­ limitless energy surg in g fo r the m om ent, b u t
ergy, th e P ow er of Life su rg in g th r u m ankind, w hen th a t force is spent did you ever see one
tr y to feel the difference betw een a vicious de­ violently a n g ry w ho w as n o t exhausted follow ­
sire to do w ro n g and th e stopping of vicious ing it? T hen, the evidence is th ere before you
forces. T h ere is no w ro n g in stopping vicious th a t it w as a h u m an q u a lity ch arg in g fo rth the
forces, fo r m an k in d m u st do it! W h eth er it be energy w hich it had g ath ered u p to th a t m om ent.
individuals or th e a c tiv ity of nations, the Law You w ould be surprised, if you saw people su b ­
is q u ite the same! M ankind has the D ivine R ight ject to violent tem per, how th ey are co n sta n tly
to p ro te c t them selves an d p ro te c t the nation. charging fo rth and ex h au stin g th e ir energy.
T h erefo re, this A ssistance w hich is being o f­ T hen w hen they tr y to b rin g fo rth some achieve­
fered to -d a y to the people of A m erica is In v in ci­ m ent or success, they find themselves unable to
ble P ro tectio n by the P ow er of L ight and E n er­ accomplish it.
gy! W e kn ow how to w ield th a t energy w ith o u t M any times those people h ate others a b o u t
lim it. W e kn o w the lim itations of the hum an. them w ho are successful, because in fits of anger,
N o m a tte r how d estru ctiv e it w ould desire to hav in g spent th eir energy they do n o t have it to
be, W e k now it has no pow er before th a t "M ighty use; b u t th e one w ho is calm and serene has the
I AM Presence” of Life or the L ight Rays w hich limitless P ow er of L ight to p o u r fo rth into his
We call fo rth . or h er w orld to gain the V ictory of th e achieve­
I t is y o u r privilege, it is y o u r rig h t to acq u ire m ent.
this U n d erstan d in g an d this A pplication w hich Beloved stu d en ts of the L ight, how I w ish you
w ill m ake you Invincible in y o u r individual understood com pletely the privilege th a t is yours.
You are gaining rap id ly , th ere is no question of Life th a t you w ill feel I t; th a t you w ill e x ­
a b o u t it, b u t I long fo r you to be a t the point ercise I t; th a t you w ill use I t to go fo rth cleanse
w here you feel the D efinite P ow er w hich is s u rg ­ and p u rify y o u r w o rld of action, ch arg in g fo rth
ing in you; th e Com m and of Life and th e P res­ the M ighty P ow er of L ig h t w hich harm onizes
ence of Life, charge in to y o u r body; in to y o u r ev ery th in g and brings you into th e P ow er and
w o rld of action a t y o u r com m and; fo r a M ighty limitless action of Life w hich is the G lory th a t
L ig h t I^ay to go before you, harm onize, clear every h u m an being w ill have some day.
y o u r w o rld and m ake it victorious. As I u n d e rsta n d y o u r friends the M ethodists
T h a t is w h y beloved ones, m an k in d is foolish used to say: "N o w is the accepted tim e.” T hey
to rem ain in bondage, w hen th ey have this U n ­ spoke w iser th a n th ey knew , I am sure. N ow is
d erstan d in g and P ow er of Life to be free. I t only th e accepted tim e fo r th e G lory an d V ictory of
m eans co n stan t dynam ic application, u n til the Life! My d ear ones, tr y to feel an d u n d erstan d ,
day th ey see them selves V ictorious and M asters to -n ig h t, w h a t this m eans in th e Pow er of Life
o f energy and substance. T h a t is y o u r privilege. w hich W e offer to a c t in y o u r w o rld — in y o u r
A ssert y o u r D om inion! N o one can do it fo r you! feeling w orld.
O ne can assist you an d W e are offering limitless I tell you fra n k ly , beloved ones, if you w ould
Assistance, b u t if you con tin u e to accept old con­ accept this charge into y o u r body th a t I am o f­
ditions of som ething outside in th e w orld of m an ­ ferin g you to -n ig h t, th ere w o u ld n o t again be
k in d th a t can deprive you of w h a t you req u ire, one single im perfection or discord a c t th ere. T h a t
you sh o rt-c irc u it the Assistance We can give. is w h a t th e offer of Life m eans to you. You w ould
Then you go on in y o u r feeling w o rld accepting feel and be the dom inion of y o u r body, an d w hen
things th a t have no pow er unless th r u y o u r a t ­ an y th in g d istu rb in g sta rte d in y o u r body, if you
ten tio n , you feed y o u r Life in to them to come w ould say to it: "S top th a t nonsense! Come in to
back, lim it an d d istu rb you. p e rfe c t action here! I w ill have no m ore of th a t,”
O h, beloved ones, you blessed ones of Los An. it w ould obey on the in sta n t.
geles an d v icin ity an d those visiting here, please T h in k of it, beloved ones, how u n h ap p y are
u n d e rsta n d how impossible it is fo r discord or th e conditions th r u w hich m an k in d have given
lim itatio n to e n te r y o u r w o rld unless th r u y o u r pow er to ev ery th in g in th e w o rld b u t th e Pres­
atte n tio n upon it, you in vite it in to y o u r w orld. ence of Life. Is it n o t u n fo rtu n a te ? Y et it is so.
You can n o t possibly receive an y th in g in to y o u r M ankind have given all pow er to th e appearance
w o rld th a t you do n o t invite by holding y o u r w orld, w hich is b u t h u m an creatio n to come
a tte n tio n upon it. In the N am e of the " I AM back, h arm , lim it and d istu rb th em ; w hen it has
Presence” of Life rem em ber this, m ake it a v ita l no pow er of its ow n, fo r it contains only m om en­
point in y o u r Life and stan d th e M aster of every ta rily ch arged and qualified energy an d w hen it
situ atio n . has spent itself, it is gone forever.
I am determ ined this n ig h t, to so anchor w ith ­ A n g ry individuals send fo rth a charge o f Life’s
in y o u r feeling w o rld th e Presence of My V ictory energy and force w hich w ill knock an o th er u n ­
8 9
conscious. T h a t same pow er and energy charged privilege aside from all o th er achievem ents! To
fo rth fo r co n stru ctiv e purposes m ight w in the give happiness to y o u r fellow -being is one of the
E te rn al V ictory of Life fo r th e in d ividual. T h ere­ g reatest blessings to m ankind.
fore, I say to you, beloved ones of the L ight, use W ould you believe it, th ere are h u n d red s of
y o u r energy as God intended. Use it c o n stru c­ thousands of people in y o u r A m erica to -d ay w ho
tively and then keep ch arg in g , ch arg in g and if they w ould e x e rt th e ir privilege of calling
ch arg in g it fo rth , like m ig h ty w aves going o u t fo rth happiness into th e ir feeling w orld w ould as
gaining an A lm ighty M om entum . T hen, one day C harlie M cC arthy says: "M ow ’em dow n.” (a p ­
w hen you com m and y o u r p a th w a y to be cleared, plause) You w ill notice I believe in being p ra c ­
so w ill it be on the in stan t. You are C hildren of tical. O h, believe Me, I w ill see th a t you get
the L ight and are able to call fo rth the Infinite some of My H appiness, (applause) Individuals
Pow er of L ight, and rem em ber how g re a t y o u r are looking fo r m iracles, isn’t th a t a m iracle?
privilege is. (A pplause)
Suppose y o u r physical bodies w ere not h a r ­ I am so very g ra te fu l th a t you beloved S tu ­
m onized sufficiently to call fo rth g re a t charges dents of L ight are com ing to u n d e rsta n d th a t W e
of energy th r u them . O bserve the C h a rt and are Real and p ractical! Because a G reat Being
then see how those L ight Rays represented there has become free from e a rth ly conditions, is no
can be called fo rth in to action to go before you. reason w hy th a t O ne is n o t p ractical. In fa c t,
T hey can be sent into action by y o u r H ig h er We are the m ost p ractical of all People, because
M ental Body to clear, harm onize, cleanse and W e u n d e rsta n d Life. Oh, m y d ear ones, to u n d e r­
p u rify y o u r p a th w a y fo r the V ictory of Life. stand Life is to become very wise, fo r tru e W is­
I say to you beloved ones, y o u r privilege is dom is the W isdom of Life. T h in k of it, in th a t
w ith o u t lim it, b u t if you w ill n o t assert y o u r M ighty Stream of E nergy b eatin g each h um an
A u th o rity of Life, how can I t bless you? For h e a rt is the W isdom of the ages. Oh, m y d ear
instance, if you w ill n o t accept in to y o u r w orld ones, tr y to feel th a t to -n ig h t, as I am p o u rin g
of action My O ffer, to -n ig h t, of My V ictory, this M ighty R adiance fo rth to you. T ry to feel
w hich is an endless C u rre n t of L ight and E nergy, the M ighty T r u th of th a t. For you w ho u n d e r­
how can I help you? I am ready! Y our Life is stan d the "M ighty I AM Presence” above you
ready, b u t is y o u r feeling w orld ready? I tr u s t and feel Its P ow er of Life giving you action,
it is. H ow ever, I shall do My P a r t— and rem em ­ th ere is no reason in the w o rld w h y you should
b er th a t in My C u rre n t of E nergy is happiness. not have Its Limitless Pow er of A ction a t any
I am a h ap p y so rt of individual. In fa c t, I have tim e a t y o u r call. You alone are the D ecreer fo r
n o t know n a n y th in g else fo r a long tim e, (a p ­ th a t. You alone are th e Pow er w hich can call I t
plause) O h no, W e do no t get tired . No, no, b u t fo rth .
as you gain in the V ictory of being able to p o u r T herefore, I say to you beloved ones, call,
fo rth happiness w h a t an o p p o rtu n ity , w h a t a charge fo rth th a t M ighty Pow er of Life! C all I t
10 fo rth into y o u r body to cleanse and p u rify and
by th e use of the Violet C onsum ing Flam e let the
tw o m eet and fo rev er rem ove im perfections from
you and y o u r w orld. I t is the G lory of E te rn ity ,
beloved ones, and you are now e n terin g into
E te rn ity in its fulness, w ith o u t the reap er of
d ea th ; fo r in all the U niverse th e re is no death,
beloved ones. T h ere is only the G lory and P ow er
of E te rn a l Life!
T o -n ig h t, I am ju st w h e ttin g y o u r appetite,
fo r I shall be w ith you again d u rin g this class,
(applause— audience rising) I th a n k you ladies
and gentlem en, and rem em ber th e n ex t tim e be
read y fo r a long session, (ap p lau se) I th a n k you
so m uch. • GOD TA BO R’S DISCOURSE •
" I A M ” TEM PLE— Los A ngeles, C alif.
D ecem ber 20, 1938
S aint G erm ain: ELOVED C hildren of the L ight, I bless
" I k n o w w ords do n o t convey it, b u t if you you! I hold you w ith in th e Pow ers of
ju s t really realized h o w q u ic k ly could come the L ight. I t is My P rivilege to have
Glories o f all y o u r hearts' desire b y com plete w atch ed over th e W estern p a r t of
h a rm o n y m aintained in y o u r feelings, I am sure A m erica fo r a long period of tim e; because
there is n o t one o f yo u w ho w o u ld not do i t in shortly a f te r the Ascension of Jesus, I cam e to
spite o f a n y th in g ” A m erica to ta k e charge as G u ard ian of the R ock­
ies. M ount T a b o r in the H oly Land w as nam ed
Saint G erm ain: fo r Me.
" Y o u see th e in tellect— O h, not alw ays, b u t W ill you w ho are so earnest, so very sincere
in m ost instances, has go t to have before it some in y o u r service to th e L ight, th en u n d e rsta n d
more or less evidence before it w ill really let go w h y it is th a t step by step, you find th e ex p lan a­
and give over to the feelings the Pow er th a t be­ tion given— n o t only th a t you have been d ra w n
longs to them . Few are able to say to the w rong to g eth er, b u t w h y th e G reat Ones have th r u
activities o f th e in te lle c t: " N o w s h u t u p , sit m any centuries rendered Service in co-opera­
d o w n and behave y o u rse lf”! T here are those w ho tion w ith each other? T o-day O u r Service is com­
can readily do th a t, b u t m ost o f the stu d en ts ing in to Its Final Goal, th e V ictory o f L ight to
cannot say to th e in tellect: rStop th a t, I w ill th e e a rth . (T h a n k you so m u ch )
have no m ore o f it*; I f th e y w o u ld do this, h ow In the conditions o f the e a rth to -d ay an d in all
easy it w o u ld m ake th e rest ” th a t has been done d u rin g th e past, m an k in d
have c o n stan tly d ra w n g re a te r an d g re a te r dens­ T hen, you w ill u n d e rsta n d h o w in y o u r G reat
ity a b o u t themselves t h r u n o t u n d erstan d in g , Love and sincerity you feel such g re a t g ra titu d e
dismissing, repelling n or consum ing the discord. to H im w hom th e G re a t L aw has m ade th e Mas­
T he g re a t ra p id ity w ith w hich m an k in d are free­ te r of Ceremonies, in b rin g in g and releasing to
ing them selves to-day, is a joy beyond an y th in g th e en tire e a rth th e Freedom of m ankind. I q u ite
W e have k n o w n in m any centuries. agree w ith you, from th e h u m an stand po int, it
You do n o t know how w ell W e all love y o u r does n o t seem so encouraging to -d ay ; b u t if you
Saint G erm ain. Rem em ber, th a t H is W ondrous, w ill rem em ber u n d e r the G re a t G reat L aw of
G lorious Blessing in th e Rockies has been know n the "M ighty I AM Presence” you have been
to Me fo r a long tim e. E lectra spoke to you the ta u g h t to know th a t th e appearance w orld has
o th er n ig h t of h av in g been som ew hat conversant no pow er and as you continue to assert th a t w ith
w ith Saint G erm ain’s A ctiv ity , of w hich th e o u te r y o u r deepest feeling, th e L ight w ill go o u t and
w o rld know s so little. I join hands w ith H e r in a c t w ith in the m ental and feeling w orld of m an ­
saying, I too know som ething of y o u r Saint G er­ kind, finally gaining its dominion w ith such a
m ain. P ow er th a t h u m an discord, selfishness, deceit,
I say to you, as One in a u th o rity , th a t y o u r tre a c h e ry an d viciousness w ill vanish from the
privilege is ex trem ely g re a t in being able to give ea rth .
y o u r devotion, y o u r g ra titu d e to H im ! T he G re a t This is n o t idle ta lk , beloved ones! I t is the
L aw th a t governs this U niverse m akes no mis­ A ction of a G reat, G reat Law , the g reatest in
tak e, and the G re a t C e n tral Focus, the seven the U niverse; an d th erefo re in y o u r co-opera-
G rea t Rays governing th e a c tiv ity of this e a rth tion w ith th a t G reat Law , do you n o t th in k you
are u n d e r th e D irection of G re at Beings of L ight. as individuals w ould have Its P rotection, Its Sup­
T he e a rth has passed th r u the a c tiv ity of th e ply, Its H appiness, Its H arm ony? You can have
first Six R ays; and it is now com ing into the A c­ all these qualities of action a t y o u r com m and
tiv ity of the Seventh, w hich is the Final R ay. w ith o u t lim it!
T hen you can u n d e rsta n d w ith Me, w h y this is L et us tr y to -n ig h t to u n d erstan d ju s t w h a t
th e cu lm in atio n of th e ages; or, in o th er w ords, those qualities m ean. You of course w ould n o t
w h y th e d isco rd an t conditions in the accu m u la­ p reten d to com m and the G re a t Intelligence of the
tion of m an k in d , have n o t reached th e ir apex U niverse; b u t rem em ber, you are th e o u t-p ic tu r-
before. I t is because the G re at Cosmic L ight and ing of th e G reatest Intelligence in the U niverse.
P ow er com pelled all to w a it, u n til the incom ing You m ig h t say to Me: "W ell m any of us have
o f th e Seventh R ay and Its P ow er of A ction, n o t been m anifesting so g re a t an Intelligence, be­
w hich is th e V iolet Flam e in Its C onsum ing P ow ­ cause we have fo u n d ourselves enmeshed in all
er. I t is th e only m eans provided by the Presence kinds of qualities” ; y et I say to you, th e L ight in
of Life an d Its M ighty— Its G rea t Intelligence, y o u r h e a rt is a p a r t of th a t g reatest Intelligence
by w hich m an k in d can have dissolved an d con­ w hich exists. T herefore, you are an o u t-p ic tu r­
sum ed fo r them a t th e ir call th e accum ulation ing of th a t A lm ighty Intelligence; and as you
o f th e ages.
14 15
respond to th e lig h t and th e D irectin g In te lli­ Oh, th a t the w orld m ight know this in Its
gence th r u th a t L ight w ith in y o u r h e a rt, you Fulness; because the Ascended M asters are en ­
w ill become th a t M asterfu l Presence of Life, deavoring so earnestly to convey into y o u r con­
w hich W e have become. scious use the G reat M otor of H appiness, and all
T h in k w h a t it w ould m ean to you to suddenly th a t it means to you. Please u n d erstan d h ap p i­
find y ourself in a position to com m and, th r u the ness does not req u ire things; happiness does not
harm onious R adiation fro m y o u r physical body, req u ire ju s t certain conditions. You have be­
a P ow er sufficient to govern an d harm onize lieved this. You have believed, th a t if you ac­
ev ery th in g th a t touched y o u r w orld. W ould q u ired certain supply, certa in environm ent, c e r­
th ere be an y stru g g le o r an y b a ttle th en in the ta in conditions, you w ould produce happiness. I
provision of y o u r w o rld , to p roduce w h atev er assure you th a t such has been trie d millions of
you req u ire fo r service; o r in ren d erin g service tim es and yet has not proven to be the T r u th .
to persons, places or conditions? T r y to feel this H appiness comes alone from the L ight w ith in
clearly and definitely. y o u r ow n h e a rt. Please never fo rg et It! because
M ay I digress ju s t a m om ent to c o n g ra tu la te you can generate this happiness a t will!
y o u r beloved one, o u r beloved R atan a , fo r the I say to you, observe! because some of you
ch arg in g of th e atm osphere of this build in g w ith w ere th ere in the diabolical a c t p e rp e tra te d upon
a clearness of com prehension th a t is m ost re m a rk ­ this beloved Messenger in Chicago, th in k in g to
able. I shall expect you to -n ig h t to com prehend confuse an d in te rfe re , b u t he stood u n to u ch ed ,
clearly th a t w hich I am saying to you, w hich w ill unm oved in the m idst of it all; and w e n t on w ith
enable you to have a g re a t stre n g th an d feel y o u r his service to m ankind, as if nothing had h a p ­
dom inion w ith an e x tra o rd in a ry Pow er! pened and th a t w hich w as intended to tu r n peo­
As y o u r Beloved V ictory said to you last n ig h t, ple aw ay b ro u g h t h undreds of people instead.
rem em ber th a t yours is th e G reatest P rivilege of T h a t is w hy the G reat Law of Life is th e G u a rd ­
Life in h av in g come to kn o w th a t you are the ing, C om m anding Presence. Since ju st such a
O u tp o st of the G re a t Presence of Life. N ow re ­ th in g is contem plated in the com ing Shrine Class,
m em ber, th r u the anchorage of this L ight w ith in w ill you as S tudents of the L ight, arise w ith y o u r
y o u r physical h e a rt, you have th e rig h t, th e a u ­ Swords of Blue Flam e and annihilate the rats
th o rity to be the C om m anding Presence of the from y o u r m idst? H u m an beings w ho stoop so
energy th a t passes th r u y o u r body or called in to low are b u t rats. So I say to you as S tudents of
action a t y o u r call. W ill you rem em ber th a t and the A lm ighty L ight: cleanse y o u r city of these
feel it deeply? vicious creatu res!
You are th e C om m anding Presence governing This L ight shall go on forever, beloved ones!
and c h arg in g all energy th a t passes in to an d th r u T h a t viciousness w ill only last a short tim e and
y o u r body or called fo rth by you to ren d er w h a t­ I m ean all such activities th ru o u t A m erica and
ever c o n stru ctiv e service you w ish; to produce the w orld! You m ay not have com prehended
h ealth in y o u r body, h arm o n y in y o u r w orld, w h a t the G reat Goddess of L ib erty has said to
happiness and lim itless supply. you. I t has been repeated a good m any tim es: " I f
16 17
necessary th a t L ight as of a T h o u sand Suns shall cient to in te rr u p t this M ighty W ork of th e Mes­
descend in to th e e a rth an d dissolve all h um an sengers, th a t th e forces of d estru ctio n fro m E u ­
selfishness an d discord fro m th e p la n e t.” W ell, rope w ould ru sh in upon you, in less tim e th a n
can you believe th a t I t has alread y begun? you can imagine? You, as S tudents of the L ight,
N ow , as We m ention these activities and con­ m u st u n d e rsta n d w h y these vicious forces t r y so
ditions, beloved ones, as you kn o w the pow er of repeatedly to in te rfe re w ith or d istu rb th e Mes­
y o u r a tte n tio n and w h a t it can p ro duce fo r you sengers. T h ere could be only one reason in the
an d th r u you, th en w ill you see and know w h a t w o rld an d th a t w ould be to let the d estru ctiv e
it m eans to have y o u r a tte n tio n called to this forces have th e ir w ay w ith m an k in d ; because
req u irem e n t by w hich you m ay issue y o u r th r u y o u r a tte n tio n , y o u r call to the " I AM”—
M ighty " I AM” Decrees and use physical action, the Presence of Life— is th e only th in g in this
if necessary to w ipe fro m y o u r m idst all d e stru c ­ U niverse w hich w ill ever b rin g you p ro tectio n or
tive forces? Y our city deserves it, y o u r people hold it or y o u r A m erica free from th e d e stru c ­
deserve it. I t is tim e th a t all heckling and in te r ­ tive forces th a t are rav ag in g E urope to-day. W e
ference w ith these Messengers, or atte m p te d in ­ are th o ro u g h ly conversant w ith e v ery th in g th a t
terferen ce, cease fo rev er and I th in k you all q u ite is going on.
agree w ith Me. (ap p lau se) T herefore, beloved ones, w hen W e are ready to
T h erefo re, in th e fulness of all th e P erfection strik e W e only need one stroke! W e as th e G u a rd ­
th a t you wish to have, go fo rth in y o u r calls to ians of h u m a n ity are determ ined th a t this L ight
L ig h t fo r this Freedom th a t y o u r city and y o u r shall go on; and instead of one m illion people, ten
beloved state m ay be the fulness of th a t Pow er m illion w ill be as earn est and determ ined as you
of L ight w hich you w ield! Go fo rth and do Its are fo r th e H appiness, the Freedom , the Limitless
P erfec t W o rk by th e P ow er of th e Sw ord o f Blue Supply, P erfection, H arm o n y and Blessings to
Flame. The Messengers are n o t d istu rb ed by these y o u r A m erica and the w orld.
ru m o rs, th e falsehoods tru m p e d u p an d all th a t You do not realize to-day, how you as the
k in d o f th in g . You as beloved S tudents of the N ucleus of this G re a t L ight in Its ev er-ex p an d ­
L ight, I am sure w ill rise and cleanse y o u r city ing A ctiv ity a t y o u r call to the H e a rt C en ter of
of these lepers. the w hole w orld, in the expansion of this L ight,
T h erefo re, beloved ones in this A ctiv ity , in the need to apply Its Dom inion to b rin g Its H ap p i­
Service th a t Life requires, rem em ber th a t you ness and P erfection to all m ankind. You have a
have Friends w ho w ill stan d by you alw ays! T he few m inor disturbances to -d ay and you have a
day of th e V icto ry of the L ight is a t hand! B etter, frig h tfu l lot of unem ploym ent, th a t is tru e ; b u t
beloved ones, to m ake a little physical effort now w ere you to w itness the conditions in E urope, you
in the p u ttin g dow n of vicious forces, th a n to w ould th in k you have heaven on e a rth in y o u r
allow a d istu rb an ce and conditions th a t w ould A m erica.
b rin g d estru ctio n fo r the en tire A m erica. T herefore, I say to you w hile th e o p p o rtu n ity
Do you realize, if th ere was any force suffi­ is before you— W e can n o t coerce you. W e can
18 19
only u rg e you to go fo rw a rd in y o u r M ighty w are! You are not dealing w ith these Messengers!
" I AM” Decrees, in y o u r call to L ight w ith an You are dealing w ith Us w ho you do n o t believe
ever-increasing pow er and in ten sity, to b rin g exist! Those vicious accusers have said th a t this
ab o u t th e fulness of all y o u r beloved A m erica re ­ beloved Messenger w ho has b ro u g h t so m uch good
quires. Rem em ber, th ere are so m any w o n d erfu l, to A m erica already— th a t his w o rk is psychic. I t
w o n d e rfu l people in y o u r A m erica. T w o million is not! T h e ir accusation is the greatest falsehood
people w hom We know of w ho have not yet ever u tte re d in this w orld. W e are th e In d iv id ­
touched this W ork, w ill have I t before an o th er uals giving these D ictations; and rem em ber the
y ear passes over th e ir heads. whole w o rld soon enough w ill find o u t the T r u th
T h erefo re, if it w ere necessary to c a rry fo r­ of th a t!
w a rd this L ight, tw elve of Us w o u ld come fo rth So, I say to you w ho are so in earnest: Stand
in O u r T angible Bodies; and th en let the whole y o u r ground! Use y o u r Sw ord of Blue Flam e w ith
h u m an w o rld see w h e th e r th ere w as a P ow er of Its Infinite Pow er of A ction an d c u t asunder
Intelligence and L ight th a t w o u ld compel h u ­ every d estru ctiv e force th a t exists! You have the
m an ity in to obedience to the H arm o n y and H a p ­ A u th o rity , the R ight, th e P ow er to do so.
piness of Life! T herefore, beloved ones, m ankind has reached
If anybody is foolish enough to th in k th a t to its apex of d estru ctio n and now the L ight is ta k ­
destroy th e Messengers w ould in te rfe re w ith the ing Its Dom inion! These u n fo rtu n a te individuals
expansion of this L ight, then they are insane! You w ho preach against this and tr y to m ake people
have h eard Us say repeatedly, th a t if necessary, fe a r the Cosmic L ight, how ig n o ran t! how fool­
W e w o u ld ta k e this A ctiv ity u p O urselves and ish! as if they could in te rfe re w ith the O u t-p o u r­
c a rry it fo rw a rd and all y o u r cannons and g a t- ing of a G reat Cosmic L ight of w hich th ey are too
tlin g guns could n o t h arm O u r Bodies, and re ­ ig n o ra n t to u n d erstan d .
m em ber It! b u t O u r L ight Rays can compel every T hen, beloved ones, rem em ber, th a t you stand,
h u m an being to bow his or h er knees in obedience you move, you a c t in th e Presence of Life, w ith Its
to Us, and don’t fo rg et th a t! These Messengers Infinite Pow er. T he Messengers, or W e, have no
w ere n o t sent fo rth fo r any idle purpose and the condem nation of individuals, b u t W e are d e te r­
vicious crea tu re s w ho call this W ork psychic, w ill m ined th a t all d estru ctiv e forces m anifesting
one day find th a t of w hich they have accused th r u such individuals shall cease, and w a tc h it!
these Messengers, tu rn in g upon themselves and T herefore, beloved ones, in all you req u ire in ­
th ey w ill become the victim s of th a t psychic force dividually, rem em ber in the " I AM Presence”
upon w hich th e ir a tte n tio n has been fixed. th a t beats y o u r h e a rt, in Its G reat C om m anding
I am talk in g earnestly and stra ig h t to you to ­ Pow er and Presence are the things th a t you re ­
n ig h t, beloved ones, because of the earnestness, quire. W hen you seek the Presence first and fo re ­
sincerity and in ten sity of y o u r Love and y o u r most in all, th en you w ill find the things you re ­
L ig h t; and I say to these people in Los Angeles q u ire a t h and. W ill you please u n d e rsta n d th a t
w ho are con tem p latin g these vicious things: Be­ 21
to -n ig h t! I k n o w u n d e r pressure you are so in ­ N ow , beloved ones, should n o t the g re a t Love
clined to call fo r things, and it is q u ite all rig h t; of h u m a n ity p ro te c t one w ho can ren d er this
b u t a f te r all, k n o w in g th a t in th e Fulness of the Service to m ankind? Should he be heckled and
Presence are th e things th a t you re q u ire, th en in a ttem p ted to be in te rfe rre d w ith by foolish h a lf
th e Fulness of th e Presence is th e P ow er of y o u r sane individuals? I leave it up to you to judge.
desire! Thousands of cases have been healed a t his call
Rem em ber, th a t in th e Fulness of the Presence an d the projection of those M ighty L ight Rays.
are th e things th a t you desire; in th e Fulness of Show Me an y one else in A m erica w ho can do it.
the Presence is th e P ow er of y o u r desire. T hen This is the evidence before m an k in d ; and should
u n d e rstan d in g this, you w ill see th a t y o u r desire he not have y o u r pro tectio n , should he n o t have
is the P ow er of Life d ra w in g in to action all en ­ th e P ro tectio n of Life th r u you?
erg y th a t acts w ith in y o u r w o rld ; an d to q u a lify R em em ber, w h a t God, the "M ig h ty I AM,”
th a t energy w ith th e P ow er and P erfection of does fo r you I t m u st do th r u you. O nly the As­
Life, y o u r "M ig h ty I AM ,” is th e fu lfilm en t of cended M asters m ay do fo r you w ith o u t doing it
th e L aw ; is the fu lfilm en t of L ife; th e re q u ire ­ th r u y ou; b u t y o u r call to Life causes God th e
m en t of every in d iv id u al upon this e a rth . "M ig h ty I AM Presence” to be com pelled to do
Do you u n d e rsta n d th a t in com plete co-opera­ th r u you w h a t I t has to do fo r y ou; because th a t
tion w ith Life, th ere could n o t be one single th in g is the P erfe c tin g A ctiv ity of Life in all its phases
w ith h eld fro m you th a t you require? Please of m anifestation.
u n d e rsta n d it! N o t one single th in g you req u ire I rejoice w ith you exceedingly, to -n ig h t, in
could be w ith h eld fro m you in th a t fu ll co-opera­ seeing the g re a t achievem ent of the p ast m onths,
tion w ith Life, fu ll obedience to Life. T hen y o u r and now th a t you have been inform ed an d u n d e r­
call w o u ld pro d u ce in stan tan eo u s response a t all stan d how to p ro te c t yourselves ag ain st th e w ave
times an d th a t is w h y W e tr y so earn estly to th a t has atte m p te d to be th ro w n over m an k in d
clear th e com prehension, and set into action in in the fe a r of financial lim itations; since you
the feeling w o rld of each one, th a t Pow er w hich u n d e rsta n d this, you are now able to call fo rth
W e kn o w to be th e C om m anding Presence, fo r this L ight and P ow er of th e "M ig h ty I AM ,” to
I t w ill p roduce these In stan tan eo u s Results. dissolve an d consum e th a t an d keep it consum ed
O nly to -d a y th e Messenger had an answ er to a from y o u r w o rld of action. You can consum e
call. A m o th er w ired and w ro te w ith such a g re a t every v ib ra to ry action of th a t k in d w hich a t ­
call fro m h er h e a rt fo r h e r nine y ear old son w ho tem pts to reach you or y o u r w o rld of action.
had been tak e n to th e hospital; an d one call from T hen you w ill see how free you w ill be from fe a r
th e Messenger restored him , w here the physicians of financial lim itatio n or the lack of an y good
said it w as impossible. H e is w ell to-day, to the thing.
astonishm ent of th e staff of physicians in the T here can n o t be one th in g , one d o llar w ith h eld
hospital. from you th a t you need fo r use, if you w ill
22 u n d e rsta n d this. I f you w ill see th a t it is only
fe ar w hich deprives you of the stre n g th and w ithheld from you! Please believe Me! I speak
pow er to release y o u r supply, you w ill consume w ith A u th o rity w hen I say this, fo r I know this
it. T hen, y o u r call to release in sta n tly the money G reat Law ! I know th a t you have the stre n g th
supply you req u ire, w ill be fulfilled. to so give obedience to Life and cooperate w ith
I w a n t to relate to you— I m ay not m ention the I t in Its fulness. T hen in y o u r m ighty call to
spot, since W e do n o t w a n t to get the a tte n tio n Life, have Its im m ediate A nsw er m ade m anifest
of vicious forces on th em ; b u t th ere is a group fo r y o u r use.
of people in A m erica— y o u r fello w -students, w ho T o-day, you have come to know th e use of
w e n t th r u v ery g re a t p riv a tio n , b u t th ey w ere Life; the use of the G reat Law w hich is the need
stro n g enough to stan d firm in the Presence of of m ankind. To know a G reat Law w ith o u t us­
Life, of L ight, u n til th ey broke dow n the w all ing It, is to rem ain in lim itations and distress; b u t
of h u m an lim itatio n th a t had been directed con­ to know a G reat Law and th en rem ain free from
sciously upon them to deprive them . T hey did not fear, facing the appearance w orld, m eans th a t
know th a t, those m any m onths, b u t th ey applied, you are the C om m anding Presence of th a t energy
applied and applied th e Law w ith g re a t earn est­ w hich comes into y o u r w orld th a t w ill produce
ness and in ten sity ; and w hen they th o u g h t th a t Its P erfection, y o u r P erfection th ere a t y o u r
the tim e should be a t han d and th a t it m ust yield, point in the U niverse.
still it did n ot, they w en t on again w ith redoubled O h, th a t all m ight u n d erstan d w h a t it w ould
force and en erg y ; and then all of a sudden ju st m ean to any individual w ho understood and fe lt
like a physical th in g , th a t w all of lim itation and th a t this Presence w as above him or h er; who
these forces w ho w ere d irectin g it, w ere dis­ w ould stan d and repeat those W ords, " I AM,”
solved and consum ed; and everyone of those " I AM,” " I AM” w hich is th e signal to all the Life
blessed ones w en t fo rth w ith in th ree days into in the U niverse, to come into co n cen trated ac­
desirable positions w hich it w as th o u g h t impossi­ tion a t the point of the U niverse, in w hich th a t
ble to obtain. T w elve of those individuals have call is made. Do you realize w h a t th a t means, be­
been restored to th e ir b irth rig h ts — th e ir rig h t loved ones? I t m eans th a t all L ight, all P ow er of
avenues of service. T hey w ill be fo rever sustained D ivine Love, all Pow er of Intelligence, all Pow er
in w h a te v e r th ey do or to w hich they m ay d irect of A u th o rity comes into action a t th a t call!
th e ir a tte n tio n , as a service to m ankind. N ow , I have a little surprise fo r y o u r beloved
I w a n t you to know th a t to -n ig h t fo r the g re a t one, R atan a. I had a tw o -fo ld purpose in com ing
g re a t en co u rag em en t w hich it is. I say to you to -n ig h t an d d ic ta tin g these w ords to the Mes­
each one, th ere is no pow er in heaven n o r on e a rth senger. I shall leave in this lovely Tem ple of L ight
th a t can deny you o r deprive you, w hen you cast a Presence th a t w ill bless this Tem ple w ith a b u n ­
o u t fe a r from y o u r feeling w orld, give obedience dance, w ith Dom inion, w ith H appiness; and th a t
to Life and call Its Infinite A lm ighty Pow ers in ­ means a g re a t deal m ore th an ju st those w ords.
to action! T here is not one th in g th a t can be I th a n k you fo r feeling w h a t th a t means.
24 25
O h, beloved ones, all w ho so earn estly serve A t this point, w ill you in the stillness of y o u r
th e L ight w ill find the Pow ers of L ight alw ays h earts feel the Pow er of the G reat Silence fo r
read y to serve them . Rejoice beloved ones, ere ju st a few m om ents tak e com m and of y o u r feel­
long, th ere w ill arise in y o u r city a G re a t T em ­ ing w orld and hold Its G reat Dom inion th ere
ple of L ight— one th a t w ill stan d th ere u n d e r the forever?
G u ard ian sh ip of th e G rea t Ones of L ight, W ho Pow ers of L ight, as these beloved ones give
w ill find those m a ste rfu l friends in h u m an form obedience to th a t request, release T h y Infinite
w ho w ill be u n d e r T h e ir D irection, the ea rth ly Pow ers of L ight, T h y M ighty C u rre n ts of E n er­
g u ard ian s— u n til T hey choose to come fo rth in gy to charge w ith in th e w orld of action of each
T h e ir T angible Bodies and be T h eir O w n G u a rd ­ one, Its C om m anding Presence an d P ow er of
ians. L ight to hold Its Dom inion th ere fo rev er; and as
I say to th e goodly n u m b er of th e beloved s tu ­ each call goes fo rth , I t gains Its P ow er of Mo­
dents here w ho have so earn estly decreed, so m en tu m and m akes the n e x t call ten times
earn estly have sought in th e ir calls to Life th a t stro n g er, u n til the fu ll V ictory of instantaneous
this come ab o u t: Y ou w ill rejoice beyond w ords response to every call finds its dom inion in the
w hen you see the fu lfilm en t of th a t g re a t g re a t w o rld and action of each one w ith the Pow ers
call. A gain I rep eat, th a t n o t one th in g can be of L ight.
w ith h eld fro m those w ho earn estly serve the So W e stan d , to -n ig h t, in the E tern al V ictory
L ight, u n til the L ig h t serves them . of L ight, the Freedom of earn est sincere service,
I t is th e G reatest, G reatest O p p o rtu n ity fo r the Pow er of all achievem ent su rg in g a t o u r call
m an k in d in the U niverse to have again come to by the M ighty P ow er of the L ight Rays into o u r
kn o w y o u r " I AM Presence.” M ay I rep eat this w o rld of action; into the w o rld w here W e wish
to you to -n ig h t? Beloved ones, to have come to to give Assistance th a t th e fu ll P ow er of Life
know w ho an d w h ere y o u r "M ig h ty I AM P res­ m ay show to every individual in em bodim ent
ence of L ife” is, is the G reatest P rivilege in the th a t I t really know s no resistance n o r in te rf e r ­
U niverse. T hen you no longer question, you know ence; and the fu ll P ow er of th a t G reat L ight is
y o u r goal an d you see in th e V ictory fro m the fo rev er th e only actin g Presence th r u each one.
beginning, th e a tta in m e n t of th a t Goal. I th a n k you fo r y o u r response an d fo r this p e r­
T h erefo re, to -n ig h t in this ch arged atm os­ m an en t A nchorage w ith in y o u r w o rld fo r con­
phere, feel I t clothing you it Its Invincible P ro ­ s ta n t action. Let I t bless you an d hold you in Its
tectio n , Its M ighty D irectin g Intelligence and Its Em brace of L ight u n til n o t one th in g is able to
P ow er, Its G arm en t of L ig h t th a t w ill give you touch y o u r w o rld b u t the P erfection of Life. I
th e S tre n g th and C ourage in y o u r calls to Life rejoice beloved ones w ith all My H e a rt a t y o u r
an d L ight to release Its Infinite A lm ighty Pow ers ab ility to respond to th a t Decree.
in to action a t once, to produce the results th a t C harge y o u r w orld every n ig h t before you re ­
you req u ire. tire w ith H appiness an d th e P ow er and V ictory
of th e L ight, w ith th e Peace th a t you req u ire;
and then on arising in th e m orning w ith fearless­ • R A D IO NEW S REEL IN T E R V IE W •
ness of the appearance w o rld th a t it can no In te r v ie w , J u ly , 1940
longer deprive you of any good th in g ; and as you
H E S pecial E v e n ts D e p a r tm e n t o f
look upon it, know it has no pow er. Rem em ber, KM TR, in conjunction w ith the Radio
y o u r voicing th a t v ib ra to ry action into y o u r
N ew s Reel, has tran scrib ed an exclusive
w orld, m akes all d estru ctiv e forces powerless,
broadcast in terv iew w ith Mrs. G. W .
as you gain the m om entum of Its Infinite A ction.
B allard, a t the Biltm ore H otel, this aftern o o n , in
We have seen am ong th e s tu d e n t body w ith in
d o w ntow n Los Angeles.
the past few weeks, m anifestations of th e ir calls
th a t are astounding. So, w ill you tak e the a tti­ By T ran scrip tio n , we give you Mrs. G. W .
tu d e of feeling and consciousness th a t you too B allard:
have instan tan eo u s answ ers to y o u r calls and
keep u p th a t A lm ighty Feeling u n til the fulness
of I t finds action there. T hen, you w ill see w h a t H ow do you do, everyone? This is H a n k
a joy it is to have accepted the Pow er, the A u ­ W eaver, speaking on behalf of the Special Events
th o rity and the Presence of Life to tak e Its D o­ D ep artm en t of KM TR in cooperation w ith the
m inion in you and y o u r w orld. T hen w ill you Radio N ew s Reel. We are speaking to you from
know no m ore pain and distress in y o u r body. the B iltm ore H otel in d o w ntow n Los Angeles.
T ak e the com m and to decree th a t never again As you m ay have noted, listeners, from y o u r
shall any inharm ony, pain or distress ever find new spapers this m orning, th e C ourts of the
action w ith in y o u r body. T h a t w ill charge y o u r U nited States indicted tw e n ty -fo u r (2 4 ) m em ­
feeling w o rld w ith Its Pow er of A ction u n til the bers of the G reat " I AM,” and now in answ er to
fulness of all Life shall have Its D om inion there. the in d ictm en t of the tw e n ty -fo u r people, we
We th a n k you, beloved ones, to -n ig h t, and in tro d u ce Mrs. G. W. B allard, to give h er views
hold you in O u r M ighty Em brace of L ight u n til on the situ atio n , as we see it a t the present tim e.
the fulness of all th e P erfection y o u r h e a r t’s Q uestion: Mrs. B allard, first of all, we w ould
desire finds Its A ll-p o w erfu l M anifestation in like to ask you— w h a t is y o u r reaction to the
y o u r w orld of action. Let Us help you to rem ove in d ictm en t by the Federal C o u rt, of these
fo rev er all pain and distress from y o u r bodies; tw e n ty -fo u r people?
all fea r fro m y o u r feeling w o rld ; and help you A n s w e r : We are happy and w illing to co-op-
feel the fu ll conscious Dom inion in y o u r call to era te w ith the U nited States D istric t A tto rn e y ,
Life and Light. May We assist you to r e tu rn to Mr. W illiam Fleet Palm er, and his assistant, Mr.
Life ev ery th in g Life has given you th a t you m ay N orm an N eukom . We th a n k the U nited States
have again the fulness and the A bundance of the G overnm ent fo r the o p p o rtu n ity to let all u n ­
P erfection of Life in all th a t I t w ill c a rry to you d erstan d th a t this L ight and T r u th is Its ow n
th r u this G rea te r U n d erstan d in g and com pre­ D efense and the very high grade of people in the
hension of Life? I th a n k you. " I AM” S tu d en t Body is evidence of the C on­
28 29
s tru c tiv e effect received from applying this Law . never produce an y th in g fo r anyone b u t Good.
T he Ascended M asters’ L aw of th e "M ighty Q uestion: Mrs. B allard, in the in d ictm en t of
I AM Presence” is the E te rn a l T r u th of every tw e n ty -fo u r people, it w as v ery fa r-re ach in g ,
h u m an being’s ow n Life. T he Ascended M asters from coast to coast, and fro m C anada to o u r
are Real, T angible, Living, B reathing Beings of S outhern Borders. We w ould like to ask you—
very g re a t P erfection. T hey are the G uardians w h a t w ill become of th e o th er m em bers of the
of all th a t is C o n stru ctiv e on this e a rth and no o rg an izatio n w ho w ere included in th e in d ic t­
am o u n t of ridicule, falsehood, n o r ignorance of m ent?
m an k in d can tak e them o u t of existence, nor A n sw er: T hey face ex actly w h a t I face, be­
in te rfe re w ith T h e ir fu lfillm en t of the Freedom cause we all stan d fo r ev ery th in g th a t is Good,
and D ivine Ju stice w hich T hey are b rin g in g to T ru e an d P erfect, to all m ankind. W e love th a t
all m ankind. Ideal, and we love A m erica m ore th a n w ords can
T h ere are Beings in this U niverse m ore P e r­ describe. W e stand, face and conquer by th e Law
fect, and f a r m ore P o w e rfu l th a n the h u m an be­ w hich w e have ta u g h t to those w ho have tu rn e d
ings of this e a rth w ho are so fu ll of m istakes, th e ir faces to this L ight, and th a t L ight, w hich is
ignorance, m isery, and d estru ctio n , th a t they the O w n er of all th a t is w ith in this U niverse, is
deny the R eality of th a t w hich is g re a te r th a n G re a t enough to reveal the fu ll T r u th .
themselves. W e have told th e T r u th , the w hole T r u th , and
Q uestion: Mrs. B allard, we w o u ld like to ask noth in g b u t the T r u th ; because we do not need
you— w h a t is y o u r answ er to th e charges of to tell an y th in g else.
fra u d u le n t use of the U nited States m ail, in con­ Q uestion: H ow long has the ” 1 AM” been in
nection w ith the " I AM” ? existence?
A n s w e r : We have provided R eading Rooms A n sw er: W ell, this In stru c tio n , as the As­
w here anyone m ay read the books and receive cended M asters have b ro u g h t it to the o u te r
the In stru c tio n w ith o u t paying one cen t fo r a n y ­ w orld to-day, has been ta u g h t to the people of
th in g . W e have given Good, and only Good. We the U nited States of A m erica and the w orld,
have asked no th in g in r e tu rn b u t the H arm ony since 1934. I t w as ta u g h t in Chicago fo r tw o
of each one’s ow n feelings, so g re a te r Good could years.
come to all. O u r Classes have been open to th e general p u b ­
This w o rk is b ro u g h t fo rth in the in terest of lic fo r alm ost six years, w ith no charge fo r a n y ­
the public good, fo r the P ro tectio n and Illu m in a ­ th in g w hatsoever, an d they have only been closed
tion of the people of A m erica and the w orld. I t in th e last six m onths because of the viciousness
is not a cu lt! I t is not o ccu lt— w hich m eans h id ­ of th e individuals w ho had come into the a u d i­
den. I t is not psychic, nor sp iritu alistic; fo r the ence, n o t to receive the Good we offered, b u t to
Ascended M asters are as fa r above disembodied cause d istu rb an ce, and we have ejected from o u r
spirits, as L ight is above darkness. This A ctiv ity m eetings com m unists, N azis, spies, and in d iv id ­
is intensely p a trio tic and educatio nal, and can 31
uals w ho had come only to create discord, w hich A n sw er: I leave th a t w holly w ith in the action
we do n o t p erm it in o u r class-rooms. of the G reat Law of L ight and T ru th .
Q uestion: Mrs. B allard, does this indictm ent Q uestion: W h at have you to say in closing,
come as a surprise to you? Mrs. Ballard?
A n sw er: N o it does not. Because individuals A n sw er: I give m y Blessing to all m ankind. W e
w ho are u n fo rtu n a te enough n o t to w a n t to obey have only kindness fo r every h u m an being on
th e C o n stru ctiv e W ay of Life, have alw ays hated this e a rth . We have never sought to c a rry re ­
th a t w hich w as above them selves. W e are not venge or retalia tio n to those w ho are so u n f o r ­
su rp rised ; it is th e th in g w hich every G reat tu n a te as to refuse to give obedience to the C on­
M ovem ent has alw ays gone th ru . s tru c tiv e W ay of Life.
W e are u n d istu rb e d by it, because the L ight is I say, as the Ascended M asters have said, and
alw ays m ore p o w erfu l th a n th e d estru ctiv e im ­ as o u r Beloved M aster Jesus said: " F a th e r—
pulses of u n aw ak en ed h u m an beings. w hich w e call the 'M ighty I AM Presence’— fo r­
Q uestion: A nd now , Mrs. B allard, w e w ould give them , fo r they know not w h a t they do; and
like to ask you if you are fam iliar w ith the peo­ do T hou, m y ow n 'I AM Presence’ see w e do n o t
ple w ho launched th e ir com plaint w ith the Dis­ do it too.”
tr ic t A tto rn e y ’s office? T h a n k you very m uch, Mrs. B allard.
A n sw er: Q u ite so. N ow , ladies and gentlem en, w e conclude this
Q uestion: A nd w h a t have you to say in answ er in terv iew w ith Mrs. G. W . B allard, the Messen­
to th e ir charge? ger of the Ascended M asters, reg ard in g the in ­
A n sw er: W e have b u t to say w h a t w e have d ictm en t of the tw e n ty -fo u r m em bers of the
alw ays said— th e T r u th , the w hole T r u th and *1 AM’ o rganization.
n o th in g b u t the T r u th is th a t w e have only given This has been a tran scrib ed p resen tatio n of
G ood; w e shall give only Good; w e have never the Special E vents D ep artm en t of KM TR, in co­
asked anyone to do a n y th in g th a t w e have n o t operation w ith the Radio N ew s Reel.
done ourselves, and w e have sought to m ake the Y our an n o u n cer has been H a n k W eaver.
people of th e U n ited States of A m erica b e tte r T he p ro g ram you have ju s t h eard w as an ex­
citizens, and tru e A m ericans th a t th ey m ight be clusive scoop of the Special E vents D ep artm en t
happier and p ro te c t the C o n stru ctiv e W ay of of KM TR, in conjunction w ith th e Radio N ew s
Life fo r th e generations yet to come; and to be Reel, the latest developm ent in Radio N ew s p re ­
g ra te fu l fo r all th e Blessings th a t have been en­ sentation.
dow ed to the people of this c o u n try and of w hich
w e have been the beneficiaries.
W e feel the obligation to p ro te ct th a t and This
W o rk has been a co n stan t service to th a t end.
Q uestion: W h a t do you believe w ill be the o u t­
come of the indictm ent?
N all justice to th e " I AM” S tudents Saint G erm ain:
th ru o u t th e w o rld , w e give to th e en ­ "F ew can realize really w h a t determ ined ap­
tire stu d e n t body as w ell as to all m an ­ plication means. A n yo n e could set him self fre e
k in d th e T r u th , th e w hole T r u th and so q u ic k ly , i f he w o u ld really ju s t en ter in to and
n o th in g b u t the T r u th th a t— m ake th a t dynam ic application, and everyone
"W e have never used th e m ails to d e fra u d needs m ore or less o f it; because w h en one is u p
anyone of an y th in g ! against th e suggestions o f the o u ter w o rld th ey
"W e have never asked a h u m an being on this need d ynam ic application. I do n o t m ean b y th a t
e a rth fo r m oney to c a rry on this Ascended Mas­ too prolonged application, b u t to give snappy
te r " I AM” A ctiv ity ! W e have n ever asked fo r and p o w e rfu l application tw o , three, fo u r or
a s tu d e n t list n o r sought to d ra w anyone from five tim es a day fo r te n or fifte e n m inutes is m ore
an y o th er activ ity ! p o w e rfu l th a n too prolonged application, u n til
"W e have never in tru d e d on anyone’s free w ill one loses th e pow er o f it.”
nor a t an y tim e ever used an y m ental force or Saint G erm ain:
pow er to persuade, entice or compel anyone to " T he physical w ants to find all kinds o f excuse
come in to This A ctiv ity or give us anything! to th in k it is exhausted. I f it can get the sugges­
"W e have offered good, only good and n othing tion w o rk in g it w a n ts to ju s t be so determ ined
b u t good! th a t it needs rest; th a t it becomes exhausted tv ith
"W e have asked n o th in g in r e tu rn except the a little exertio n and all th a t k in d o f th in g , w h ich
in d iv id u al’s Obedience to the L aw of his ow n is n o t the case.”
Life, by keeping his feelings harm onious so P e r­
fection an d p ro tectio n could fill him and his Saint G erm ain:
w o rld w ith P e rfe c t H appiness” ! I say to y o u — "M ake y o u r p o w e r fu l dynam ic
application. M ost o f yo u are doing it, b u t the
O u r Beloved Ascended M aster, Saint G erm ain,
told us m onths ago th a t A m erica’s g reatest d a n ­ rest o f yo u m u s t feel th e need. Do n o t leave it to
g er lies n o t only in th e spies w ith in o u r c o u n try , y o u r Presence or Me to do th e w o r k w h ich b y
b u t in th e com m unists, nazis, fascists and fifth y o u r application yo u are required to do. So m u ch
colum nists in g overnm ental positions. application is required o f each one to enable Us
The vicious false accusations against this As­ to release the Assistance th a t yo u w o u ld like to
cended M aster A c tiv ity of the " I AM” , w hich have; b u t W e cannot go beyond th e bounds o f
is w holly p a trio tic and ed u catio n al and has re n ­ th a t w hich y o u r application enables Us to give.
dered such service fo r the p ro tection of A m erica, So rem em ber, it is im p o rta n t fo r y o u to m ake
could only come fro m those tra ito rs w ho oppose y o u r d ynam ic application in order to g ive Us the
A m erica’s Freedom and D ivine Justice and o p p o rtu n ity to do the things W e w o u ld love to
whose chief desire is to release d estru ctio n into do fo r you**
o u r land.
Love, G ra titu d e an d Blessings to th e "M ig h ty I AM
Presence,” the U nited States of A m erica and the
A m ericas; th a t a natio n of Ascended M asters m ay
come fo rth on this e a rth to lead th e rest of m an ­
kin d into th e n ex t O ctave of Life’s experiences—
the Ascended M asters’ O ctave of L ight, th e fu ll
M aster P ow er of the U niverse.
W e ask all w ho sing, play or h ear this song to
send fo rth th e ir h e a r t’s deepest Love and Blessings
to all w ith in the U n ited States of A m erica and
the A m ericas; th a t a m om entum of feeling m ay
be charged fo rth into o u r C o u n try w hich w ill
stren g th en and m ake V ictorious every C o n stru c­
tive A c tiv ity an d individual w ith in o u r borders
W e ask th a t all " I AM” S tudy G roups never
fail to sing this song once in each m eeting fo r
A m erica’s blessing.
A m erica, we love you! A m erica, we love you!
A m erica w e love you, and o u r Love is g re a t enough
to hold you e te rn a lly V ictorious in th e L ight.
"GODDESS OF P U R IT Y ” is dedicated in E te r­
nal Love, G ra titu d e an d Blessing to th e "M ighty
I AM Presence” and th e Beloved Cosmic Being, the
Goddess of P u rity , whose p u rify in g a c tiv ity of
• N E W MUSIC • th e L ight Rays, m ankind and the e a rth M UST
T is o u r g re a t privilege and joy to a n ­ have to hold enough h arm ony here to enable them
nounce th e release of tw o new songs by to survive into the f u tu re .
G odfre R ay King (M r. G. W . B allard) T he Goddess of P u r ity controls all activities of
— "A m erica O u r O w n Beloved L and,” the Q u a lity of P u rity to m an k in d and the e a rth
w hich w as released some tim e ago, and— the "G o d ­ an d She w ill p o u r fo rth H e r Cosmic Assistance to
dess o f P u rity .” everyone w ho w ill call to the "M ig h ty I AM P res­
• AM ERICA O U R O W N BELOVED LA N D • ence” and give H e r recognition. T he m om ent you
place y o u r a tte n tio n upon H e r, you are definitely
"A M ERICA O U R O W N BELOVED L A N D ” in connection w ith H e r G reat P erfectio n and
w as o u r Beloved M essenger’s ow n G ift o f Love to Pow er of Life because everyone can c o n ta c t th a t
A m erica and h er people an d is dedicated in E tern al
w hich is G re ater th a n him self th r u his a tten tio n . • SPECIAL N O T IC E ■
T he L ight Rays w hich She projects are L ight,
T is o u r g re a t privilege to announce th a t
Substance, E nergy and P erfectio n from H e r G reat
all f u tu r e pressings of P honograph R ec­
Sphere of A c tiv ity and c a rry trem endous H a r ­
m ony and H ealing Pow er because all anyone ords w ill be m ade from a new blue tra n s ­
needs to heal the m ind, body or feeling w orld is p a re n t flexible m aterial. We have been
com plete P u rity of th e substance of his or her w o rk in g on these fo r some tim e and feel we now
m en tal, em otional and physical bodies. have them perfected to the point w here w e can
W hen this m usic is heard , played or sung, visu­ offer them to the public.
alize H e r M ighty L ight Rays of P u re E tern al This blue tra n sp a re n t m aterial carries a special
L ight-S ubstance p o u rin g in, th r u and aro u n d healing q u a lity and v ib ra to ry action and we know
y o u r physical body, y o u r home and y o u r affairs you w ill be happy w ith them .
— forcin g o u t all o th er substance and leaving
ev ery th in g clean, p u re , harm onious and P erfe c t Because of th e increased cost of this special m a­
in th e D azzling W hite L ig h t of each one’s own teria l it w ill be necessary to increase the cost
"M ig h ty I AM Presence.” slightly. Prices are as follow s:
Send y o u r Love and g ra titu d e to H e r and call All double faced records m ade from blue tra n s ­
fo r H e r O u t-P o u rin g to be sustained, u n til all are p a re n t m aterial $3.00 each— Shipping charges
as P e rfe ct as She is. Since m an k in d know s so lit­ e x tra .
tle a b o u t this G re a t G lorious Being of L ight, let
us welcom e H e r w ith every atom of o u r beings; T he only Records we have released m ade from
and ask H e r to p o u r th r u us H e r G reatest H elp, this new m aterial are those of o u r Beloved Mes­
u n til all m ankind are as P u re, B eau tiful and P e r­ senger, Mr. G. W . B allard, as follow s:
fe c t as She is. N o. 3 3 0 0 -A & B No. 3 3 0 3 -A & B
3 3 0 1 -A & B 3 3 0 3 -C & D
• GEMS OF L IG H T • 3 3 0 2 -A & B 3 3 0 3 -E & F
Saint G erm ain: All RCA Records now on hand m ade from the
I f yo u have to deal w ith conditions in the outer re g u la r m aterial w ill be sold a t the prices form erly
w o rld th a t seem opposing, do n o t feel a n g ry , quo ted — $2.50 fo r double faced records— Ship­
do n o t fe el u n k in d , b u t w ith absolute firm d eter­ ping charges e x tra .
m ination say to th e person, place or condition:
"T h is m u st cease, I w ill have no more o f i t ”! and Please send all orders fo r phonograph records
in th a t yo u w ill release the Pow er o f b ig h t and d ire ct to the S A IN T GERM AIN PRESS, IN C ., Los
th e conditions or individuals to w hom yo u are Angeles, C alif., P.O. Box 428, as all shipm ents will
ta lkin g ivill k n o w th a t it is the Pow er o f L ig h t be made from Los Angeles d irect, instead of the
th a t is speaking and acting. T h a t is h o w yo u be­ Chicago Office.
come M aster o f y o u r W o rld o f action. 39
I t is o u r privilege an d joy to announce the re ­
T is o u r privilege and g re a t joy to announce
lease of a n o th er Series of Records of o u r Beloved
the opening of a B ranch Office of the SA IN T
M essenger’s (M r. G. W . B allard ) Voice— talks
GERM A IN PRESS, IN C ., and the SA IN T
given b y H im a t th e Shrine Class 193 8, as follow s:
G ERM A IN F O U N D A T IO N in Los Angeles,
No. 3 3 04-A— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart, w here G roup Leaders an d dealers m ay secure th e ir stock
Mr. G. W. Ballard both re ta il an d wholesale.
No. 3 3 04-B— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart, W e ask all G roup Leaders w est of the Rockies w ho
Mr. G. W. Ballard
have been sending th e ir orders to the Chicago Office, to
No. 3304-C— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart, now send them to the Saint G erm ain Press, Inc., W estern
Mr. G. W. Ballard B ranch, P.O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.
No. 3304-D— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart, T he re g u la r 30 p ercen t discount w ill be given on all
Mr. G. W. Ballard orders of $5.00 or over (this same a rran g em en t has gone
No. 3305-A— This Truth, Love and Harmony, into effect in C h icag o ), and a small c a rry in g charge w ill
Mr. G. W. Ballard be added to cover shipm ent of stock from C hicago to
No. 3305-B— This Truth, Love and Harmony, Los Angeles.
Mr. G. W. Ballard N o charge accounts w ill be opened, so w e ask all to
accom pany th e ir o rd er w ith check or m oney o rd er to
No. 3306-A— True Understanding of Divine Love,
Mr. G. W. Ballard
p rev en t delay. All orders w ill be shipped as p ro m p tly as
No. 3306-B— True Understanding of Divine Love,
possible and w ill be sent C.O .D . from Los Angeles, u n ­
Mr. G. W. Ballard less fu n d s are included to cover p re-paym ent.
In o rd er to save delay in shipm ent, w e ask th a t g re a t
No. 3307-A— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard care be tak en in listing of orders an d fig u rin g cost so
No. 3307-B— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard ev ery th in g is in D ivine O rd e r before it is sent.
No. 3308-A— Helping all Mankind______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
W e are g ra te fu l to ren d er this additional service and
believe it w ill be of g re a t assistance to those on the W est
No. 3308-B— Helping all Mankind_______Mr. G. W. Ballard Coast, an d w ill also save m uch tim e in delivery.
Please send all orders fo r phonograph records Money w ill be re fu n d ed to those having a cre d it b a l­
d ire c t to th e S A IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, IN C ., Los ance w ith the Chicago Office, as those fu n d s can n o t be
Angeles, C alif. P.O . Box 428. used fo r p u rch asin g stock on the W est Coast. T herefore,
m ay w e req u est th a t y o u r check accom panies order.
These Records are all made from the blue tra n s­ W e wish to extend o u r deepest appreciation of y o u r
p a re n t m aterial. splendid co-operation a t all tim es and w e kn o w g re a te r
P erfection w ill come fo rth in th e f u tu re .
P rice Each $3.00 Shipping C harges E x tra — Mrs. G. W . Ballard and D onald
40 41
New Charts
W e hereby n o tify all readers and individuals
E wish to announce the release everyw here, th a t ev ery th in g in the books of the
of our new Charts, reproduced SA IN T GERM AIN SERIES, the VOICE OF T H E
from the Large Chart used in TIO N S A N D IN ST R U C T IO N S G IV EN T O
our Classes. G ROUP LEADERS is covered by o u r copyrights
w ith all rights reserved, including foreign tra n s ­
These Charts are more intense and lations.

brilliant in color than the former ones; This means, we w ill not allow this in stru ctio n
and In fo rm atio n to be deleted, distorted, a d u lte r­
therefore, more perfect. ated or d ilu ted fo r any purpose w hatsoever and
w e shall p ro te ct them fu lly .
They are produced in two sizes as
W e are determ ined th a t this G IFT OF L IG H T ,
follows: T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended
M asters to m ankind SHALL BE PR O T EC TE D
12"x2r' medium weight paper .. $1.00 an d k ep t PURE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D —
Postpaid.. $1.20 FOREVER— th a t m ankind m ay receive its E te r­
nal Freedom and th e g reatest possible Blessing.
30"x521/£" on linen and mounted for
W e shall use o u r Full Pow er and o u r F ull R ig h t
hanging .......................... Each $12.00 to m ain tain COM PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T
Shipping Charges Postpaid ALL TIMES.


The two smaller sizes — 2Vi" x 5%" and
and 5" x IV2 " on light paper will be MR. A N D MRS. G. W . BALLARD
released at a later date.
W'aL.% |
Sizes below can be purchased at the
~£V : M

SINDELAK: STUDIOS 2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California

l e o O S ' H O O V E K ' ST.
L o s A n q e l e s,- CAL
Jesus Folder, size 5x7, hand colored _________ $ .50 T ax $.02 P ostage $.15
Saint Germ ain, hand colored, 5 x 7 ...................... .5 0 T a x .02 P ostage .15
Jesus Satin book-m ark.......................................... .3 5 T a x .01 Postage .05
PU BLISH ER’S A N N O U N C E M E N T Saint Germ ain Satin b ook -m ark _________ .___ .3 5 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Jesus M iniature, desk fram ed _____________ 1.50 T a x .05 P ostage .20
Saint Germain M iniature, fram ed ___________ 1.5 0 T a x .05 P ostage .20
Jesus M iniature, 2 !/ 2x3*/2 fo ld e r ____________ .25 T ax .01 P ostage .05
All subscriptions m u st s ta r t w ith M arch, 193 6, Jesus M iniature, 2 ^ 2 x 3 /4 tinted fo ld e r______ .4 0 T a x .01 Postage .05
1937, 1938, 1939 or 1940. All back issues m ay Saint Germ ain M iniature, 2 l/ 2x.5l/ 2 fo ld e r ___ .25 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Saint Germ ain M iniature, 2 Vix3 l/ 2 tinted
be secured a t any tim e, eith er by yearly subscrip- fold er _______________________ ____ _______ .4 0 T a x .01 P ostage .05
tion or single copies a t the follow ing rates: Jesus s e a ls __________________ _____ ______ _______ 10 T a x .00 P ostage .03
Saint Germ ain seals_____________ _____ _______ .1 0 T ax .00 Postage .03
"I AM ” Pins ________________ ____ ____ ^........ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .10
In C alifornia $3.09 a year "I AM ” Rings ______________ ..._______ _____..1 2 .0 0 T ax .3 6 P ostage .20
M aster Jesus, 1 2 x 1 6 , hand colored ___________ 2.00 T a x .06 Postage .2 5
In U nited States outside of C alifornia $3.00 Master Saint G erm ain, 12x1 6, hand co lo red .... 2.00 T a x .06 Postage .25
Gold Folder Jesus and Saint G erm ain, 1 2 x 1 6 8.00 T a x .2 4 P ostage .2 5
In o th er countries $3.50 a year Brown Folder Jesus and Saint G erm ain, 1 2 x 1 6 7 .00 T a x .21 Postage .2 5
Jesus* A scension, 1 2 x 1 6 _____________________ 1.2 5 T ax .0 4 Postage .2 5
Single copies, 3 5 cents Jesus’ Ascension, m iniatu re fo ld e r___________ .25 T a x .01 P ostage .05
The Lum inous Presence, 1 2 x 1 6 _____________ 1.2 5 T a x .0 4 P ostage .2 5
The Lum inous Presence, m iniatu re fo ld e r___ .2 5 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Jesus, 15x18, fr a m e d _______________________ 5.50 T a x .17 P ostage .25
T he m agazine m ay be purchased in a ttra c tiv e Saint Germ ain, 1 5 x 1 8 , fram ed ________ ___ _ 5.50 T ax .17 P ostage .25
b o u n d v o lu m es, m a tc h in g th e S a in t G e rm a in Jesus, 7 x 9 1/ 2, fra m ed _____________ ___ ______ 2.50 T a x .08 Postage .20
Saint G erm ain, 7 x9 l/ 2i fra m ed _______________ 2 .5 0 T a x .08 P ostage .20
Series and holding one y ea r’s issues. Price, $4.2 5. Jesus, 5 T/ 2 X7 i/2, fr a m e d -............ ...................... . 1.00 T a x .03 Postage .20
B inding y o u r ow n copies, $1.25. Plus shipping. Saint G erm ain, 5 l/ 2x 7 l/ 2y fra m e d ____________ 1.00 T a x .03 Postage .20
Jesus seal, silver fram ed, tin te d _____________ .3 0 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Saint Germ ain seal, silver fram ed, tin te d ____ .3 0 T a x .01 Postage .05
Your change of address must reach this office not later than Jesus, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish___ _____________ 15.00 T ax .45 P ostage Ex. col.
the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue Saint G erm ain, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish ________ 15.00 T ax .45 Postage Ex. col.
Jesus, 1 9 x24, sepia finish _________________ 7 .5 0 T ax .23 P ostage Ex. col.
being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date. Saint G erm ain, 1 8 x 2 4 , sepia fin ish ________ 7.5 0 T a x .23 P ostage Ex. col.
Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you "I AM” Emblems (s tic k e r s ) _________________ .15 T a x .01 Postage .05
assured. "The M agic Presence,” 3 0 x 4 8 ______________ 15.00 T a x .45 Postage Incl.
"The M agic Presence,” 1 2 x 2 0 _ __ ______ 1.00 T ax .03 P ostage .20
Thank you!

• THE • • THE •
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume I _________ By Godfre Ray King
C ontaining the first group of the au th or’s experiences. CHART OF "THE MAGIC PRESENCE”
P rice $2 .5 0 , P ostpaid $ 2 .7 5
A b e a u tifu lly lithographed chart, su ita b le for fram ing and contem plation.
THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II__________By Godfre Ray King Size 30 x 5 2 5 / 2 on heavy linen fo r S tu d y G roups and in d ivid u al use.
C ontaining the second group of the author's experiences. Price $ 1 2 .0 0 , m a ilin g charges in clu d ed
P rice $2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $3.00
Size 12 x 21 on m edium w eig h t paper. Price $ 1 .0 0 , P o stp a id $1 .2 0
THE "I AM” DISCOURSES, Size 5 x 7 54 on lig h ter paper. P rice 15 cents each, P o stpaid 18 cen ts
Volume III-------------------------By the Ascended Master, Saint Germain Size 2 1 / 2 x 3 %— sold in lots o f not less than one dozen.
C ontaining th ir ty -th re e D iscourses, exp lain ing the A scended M asters’ applica­
P rice 50 cents per dozen, P ostpaid 5 3 cents
tion of the ” 1 AM ,” w ith three color plates. P rice $2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $3.00
Volume V— Parts 1 and 2____________________________ By Chanera This anim ation o f the Charts and Flames enables the stu d en t to feel the action
A selection o f p o w erfu l Adorations, Affirm ations and Decrees of the "M ighty o f both w ith p ow erfu l in ten sity .
I AM P resence.” Price $ 1 .75, P ostpaid $2.00 Size 30 x 52*4» P rice $ 2 0 0 .0 0 each, Plus E xpress
ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Size 12 x 21. P rice $ 5 0 .0 0 each, P lus E xpress
Volume VI-------------------- ----------By Various of the Ascended Masters A ll prices for C harts and F lam es-in-action f.o .b . Los A ngeles, C alifornia. O rder
C ontaining tw e n ty D iscourses d ictated before hundreds of stu d en ts, w ith three from SA IN T GERM AIN PRESS, IN C ., Los A ngeles Branch, P .O . Box 4 2 8 ,
color plates. Price $2.7 5, P ostpaid $ 3.00 Los A ngeles, C alifornia.


Volume VII —By Various of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
C ontaining tw e n ty -six D iscourses, d ictated before hundreds o f stu d en ts, w ith
three color plates. P rice $3 .0 0 , P ostpaid $3.25 H and colored steel en gravin g o f etch in g by Charles Sindelar.
Size 1 2 x 1 6 . P rice $ 2 .0 0 each, P o stp a id $2.25
V est P o c k e t E d itio n of p o w e r fu l A d o ra tio n s an d A ffirm ations. PICTURE OF THE COSMIC BEING, ORION, better known as
Price $1 .0 0 , P ostpaid $1.20 "THE OLD MAN OF THE HILLS”
”1 AM” DECREE BOOKLET_________________ r___ _____By Chanera H and colored steel en gravin g o f etch in g by R obert A gu ilar.
Size 12 x 16. Price $ 2 .0 0 . P o stp a id $2.25
A paper bound booklet, containing a collection o f "I AM” D ecrees w hich e v ery ­
one can use to bring Freedom to the in d ivid u al, Am erica and the w orld .
Size 5 x 8. Price 2 5 cents each, P ostpaid 40 cents
A ctu al photographic reproduction in G oldtone.
SPECIAL "I AM” DECREES Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2 .5 0 , P o stp a id $2.85
LOOSE-LEAF BIN D ER in heavy green cloth, stamped to m atch the Saint G er­ Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3 .5 0 , P o stp a id $4.0 0
m ain Series. For Special "I AM” Decrees as they come out from tim e to tim e; Size 15 x 1 9 1/ 2. Price each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xpress co llect
also Loose-leaf Songs. These Decrees and Songs are printed on fillers punched Size 30 x 40 . Price each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E xpress co llect
to fit Binder, w hich hold about 150 leaves (3 0 0 p a g es).
Binder P rice $1.25 each, P ostpaid $1.40 "THE VOICE OF THE 'I AM’ ”
Decrees and Songs l c per page (2 pages to the le a f). M onthly M agazine containing articles exp lain ing the Law o f Life; also D is­
P ostpaid— accordin g to w e ig h t. courses by the Ascended M asters and other im portant subjects. Back num bers
availab le beginning February, 193 6. Y early subscriptions begin w ith March,
TRANSLATIONS 1940. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , Single copy 3 5 cents
"U N V E IL E D M Y STER IES” — In T w o V o lu m es........................................ P ric e $5.25 A Series o f Broadcasts a vailab le fo r use, containing exp lan ation o f the Law of
"T H E MAGIC PRESENCE”— In T hree Volum es ................... P rice $7.75 Life; also protection fo r Am erica. For Inform ation w r ite Saint Germ ain Press,
"TH E *1 AM’ DISCOURSES”— In T w o V olum es . ______ ___________ P rice $6.75 Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
"A SC EN D E D MASTER DISCOURSES”— In T w o V o lu m e s......... Price $7.00
P lus M ailing C harges
• THE •

1 0 0 0 -A "I AM" COME (I n str u m e n ta l)-------------/ F r e d e r ic k ^ a n ^ I h r ^ N o v a c h o r d

MUSIC OF T H E SPHERES 1 0 0 0 -B— Dedicatio n -— ----------------------------- ( Donald Ray King
LOTUS MY LOVE TH E SILENT SE N T IN E L ( Lotus Ray King, Harpist
1 0 0 1-A— "I-AM” COME (T r io )-------- ----- ----------- \
Violet Fairchild, Soloist
1001-B— Dedicatio n ......._____________________ } Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
R A IN B O W RAYS N A D A O UR LOVE v Donald Ray King
ROSE OF L IG H T GODDESS OF PU R IT Y 1 0 0 2 -A— Rainbow.Rays (Trio) ......... \
Violet Fairchild, Soloist
A G roup o f Songs— M usic and Lyrics by G odfre R ay K ing. These songs are 1002-B-—Dedication__________________ ______ ...._. J Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
especially charged w ith p o w erfu l healing and special a c tiv ity , according to the v Lotus Ray King
m eaning o f th e lyrics. ( 3300-A— INVOCATION No. 1 (Shrine Class) _____ ._______Mr. G. W. Ballard
Each piece o f m usic has b ea u tifu l lithographed cover in color, su itab le fo r
fram in g, each representing th at w h ich the m usic p ortrays.
I 3300-B— INVOCATION No. 2 (Shrine C lass)___ - __________ Mr. G. W. Ballard

Price each $ 1 .0 0 ........... .............. ...................... .............. ................................P ostpaid $1.15 j 3301-A— BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)_____________________Mrs. G. W. Ballard
/ 3301-B— BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)__ ______ _______ _____ Mr. G. W. Ballard
R R -1 2 0 1 — IN V O C A T IO N - ____________ ~ ______ Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and D onald ( 3302-A— INVOCATION (Shrine C lass)______ ....... . . . . . _______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N TE M PLA TIO N (S ilen t N ig h t) ( H a r p ) ____ _____ ...M rs. Ballard I 3302-B— THERE IS NO DEATH (Shrine Class) . . . . _________ Mr. G. W. Ballard
R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D I C T I O N ............................................... ........ Mrs. Ballard and D onald
R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N TE M PLA TIO N (N ea rer My God to T h ee) (H a rp ) ...M rs. Ballard ( 3 303-A— BEGINNING OF THE ”1 AM” DICTATIONS______ Mr. G. W. Ballard

2 0 0 -A — LIG H T OF MY H E A R T ............ (In stru m en ta l) |L o t u s Ray K ing H arp

I 3 303-B— CO NTINUATIO N DICTATIONS __________ _______Mr. G. W. Ballard
200-B— ROSE OF L IG H T .—......... ................................................ ' Frederick Landw ehr,
V N ovachord 3 303-C— CO NTINUATIO N D IC T A T IO N S_______ ____ _____ Mr. G. W. Ballard
20 l- A — LOTUS MY L O V E ...........................(In stru m en ta l) J Lot us Ray K ing, H arp 3 303-D — CO NTINUA TIO N DICTATIO N S___ __ ___ _____ Mr. G. W. Ballard
201-B — VOICE OF T H E PRESENCE................... ............ ...........) Frederick Landw ehr,
V N ovachord ( 3303-E— CO NTINUA TIO N DICTATIONS_________ ________ Mr. G..W. Ballard
2 0 2 -A — SO N_OF LIG H T ______ __ ____ ____(In stru m en ta l) jL o tu s R ay K ing, H arp } 3 3 0 3 -F— CO NTINUA TIO N DICTATIONS...______ — - ______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
202-B — rATT
t cH
hTt . ...................................................... <, Frederick
.......................................................... _ T Landw
, . ehr,
V N ovachord (The last three Records comprise one afternoon talk by Mr. G. W. Ballard and should
be sold in a set)
2 0 3 -A — R A IN B O W RAYS................... ............ (In stru m en ta l) JL otu s R ay K ing, H arp
203-B — O H W O RLD V IC TO R IO U S.......... ....................... .........F rederick Landw ehr, The above records are suitable for individual contemplation or use in Study Groups.
N ovachord (A ll records are now shipped direct from the Saint Germain Press, Inc., P.O. Box 428,
Lotus R ay K ing, H arp ist Los Angeles, C alif.)
5 0 0 -A — LIG H T OF MY H E A R T ........... .(T r io )
500-B — ROSE OF LIG H T ............................. ........ .
V iolet Fairchild, Soloist Price each— Blue transparent material (Double fa c ed )___________ ___ ________ $3.00
F rederick Landw ehr, N ovachord Shipping C h arges E x tra
Lotus R ay K ing, H arpist
5 0 1-A— LOTUS MY LOVE ... .......... .....(T r io )
V iolet Fairchild, Soloist
H eadquarters fo r A ll Publications
5 01-B — VOICE OF T H E PRESENCE_____ __ _
Frederick L andw ehr, N ovach ord
S A IN T G E R M A IN P R E S S , I N C ., P . O . B o x 1133,
Lotus Ray K ing, H arpist
5 0 2 -A — SO N_OF L IG H T .__ _______ ___ (T rio )
V iolet Fairchild, Soloist C h ic a g o , I llin o is
502-B— CALL TO L IG H T __ _____ ______ ____
Frederick Landw ehr, N ovach ord
5 0 3 - A — R A IN B O W RAYS— .___ ______ (T rio )
Lotus R ay King, H arpist S A IN T G E R M A IN PR ESS, IN C .— Western Branch,
V iolet Fairchild, Soloist P . O . B o x 4 2 8 , L o s A n g e le s , C a lif.
Frederick Landw ehr, N ovach ord
S I N D E L A R S T U D I O S , 2 6 0 0 S o. H o o v e r S t ., L os A n g e l e s , C a l i f o r n ia
(Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc., Chicago, Illinois)
m y s t e r ie s PRESENCE


Q ^ ie £>A 1N T Q er M A I N ^ E R I E lS
-----------^--------------------- .....-..........................-r:-:-.
By the Ascended Masters and their Accredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

The trVoice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, th at the most powerful w ork possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.
The inform ation given under the heading of " Young Amer­
ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.
This magazine is not an outlet for articles from the stu­
dents, but is the outpouring of the help from the Ascended
Masters and has no hum an concepts in it.
2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California
HY Chair of Light and Unfed Flame,
Almighty Pow’r from Thee— "I AM,”
Is offered now to those of earth
Whose time has come for Cosmic Birth;
To set them free from their distress,
To raise and to forever bless
W ith Life’s G reat Light— "In Freedom’s Name,”
So each becomes the Unfed Flame!
Thy Chair of Light and Unfed Flame
Illumines now w ith Light, the same
As those we love have felt before,
Who have passed through the "Open Door”
To Heights beyond and V ict’ry True—
Ascended now, Who call to you
To rise Supreme as Lords Who came
From Venus’ Realm of Unfed Flame!
Thy Chair of Light and Unfed Flame,
The G ift so bright from Saint Germain,
Now glows again to raise on high,
Those still on earth and purify
Their hum an forms, until in Light,
They rise— ALL FREE— in God’s G reat Might!
The Heavens resound and now proclaim—
The Chair of Light and Unfed Flame,
Receives us NOW in Thy G reat Name!
Enwrapped in Light, It claims Its Own
And Life reveals Its Radiant Throne!
The "I AM PRESENCE” through our eyes,
Sends forth Its Rays, as we arise
To greet O ur Glorious Saint Germain—
O ur Loved One too— in Unfed Flame!
The Chair of Light and Unfed Flame,
Has raised us NOW in Love’s G reat Name!
We bid the world a soft— "goodbye,”
And soaring swiftly through the sky,
Seek Cosmic Help for those of earth;
LIGHT answers us! reveals the w orth
W ithin those Blessed Words— "I AM”
— Chanera
• MIGHTY CUZCO’S DISCOURSE more than the average of hum anity are m anifest­
"I AM” Sanctuary, San Diego, Calif. ing to-day. Why are you always reaching out for
_______ July 25, 1939 something beyond w hat you are? Because your
HILDREN of Light, of O ur America, I heart knows th at it is there for you.
greet you! Since you belong to both Your Beneficent Friend, Saint Germain, has
Americas, the Goddess of Light has asked brought this vast U nderstanding of Life to you.
— ^ ™J Me to come and talk to you to-night; Remember, all you will ever understand in Eter­
carrying to you a Radiation which it is My Privi­ nity is just concerning your own Life. Over all
lege to give, in the coming conditions which are Temples of True learning in the whole world
before you. have been the words: "M an know thyself” —
The outer world has not known of O ur Activ­ meaning Master thyself and thou w ilt master all
ity for a long, long time; but We have poured substance and energy.
forth O ur Radiation th ruo ut the world and have How is it that We come to wield such Power?
held w ithin O ur Hands the balance of the poles Quite often the people of earth say: "W ell, if
of this earth. In all cataclysmic activity, the poles there are these G reat Masters w ith such Great
change and if there were not a great Intelligence Wisdom, why don’t They use it for mankind?”
governing at the time these changes take place, Who got you in the condition you are in to-day?
w hat do you think would happen to your earth? N ot Us, but yourselves. If you climb down a
Chaos would ensue. I ask you, beloved Students shaft w ithin the earth, you would very likely
of the Light, to place firmly in your consciousness have to climb out if you got out, w ouldn’t you?
to-night, th at not one thing on your earth or in Just so it is to-day w ith m ankind’s own creation.
this System of worlds acts w ithout Directing In­ You have created the limitations and the chains
telligence. th at have bound you th ru the activity of your
You do not act, not one of you, w ithout Di­ own feeling world. Until you reverse that, change
recting Intelligence. If there were not a D irect­ it and bring harm ony instead of discord, you will
ing Intelligence in you, how would you know remain in your chains, dear people! We saw that
where you were going? how would you know and were willing to make the change; therefore,
w hat you w anted to do? You would probably do We are now Beings of G reat Wisdom and Power
the same thing time after time and not know the and nothing in the world denies Us one single
difference. Therefore, observe, from the smallest thing.
to the greatest there is always a Mighty D irect­ Let Me say something to-night th at should be
ing Intelligence and the Light which beats your supremely encouraging to you: Mankind have
heart, contains th at Intelligence. been so slow to grasp these G reater T ruths of Life
Nothing ever came forth in the outer world and apply them, but you have awakened, grasped
of manifestation which did not come th ru the and applied them. I assure you, th at you may
Stream of Light of some individual, as an idea. have all the wisdom on earth, but if you do not
Then, Life contains all you are and a great deal apply it, it will do you no good. Everything in
4 5
Life is application, dear people. I say to you, be­ Why do people from every walk of Life come
loved students, do not get any idea th at you have into this Understanding, know and accept on first
become so purified you do not have to make any presentation, th at It is w hat they have sought all
application. You will never get there, until you their lives? Because the heart always knows; but
are Ascended. N ot only that, but you m ust keep the intellect will not often accept the T ru th, if it
up the guard for your protection, and call forth disagrees w ith the feeling in the heart. T hat is
from your "M ighty I AM Presence” the D irect­ why beloved students, you m ust p u t aside th at
ing Intelligence which is greater than you. We which has not brought you Freedom. W hy hold
have gone th ru the same process you have to go on to a thing th at has not given you help? If you
thru. Therefore, We know w hat you require, but w ent to a medical doctor and he gave you some­
if you won’t listen to Us, how can We help you? thing and you did not get any results after a
I am informed th at there are a great many who week or so, would you just keep on taking it and
listen to these Messengers and quite agree; but taking it for years to come? You would make a
they are too tired to release energy enough to change, would you not?
bring the results th at they require. My dear peo­ It seems to Me, to-day, th at in the condition
ple, if you will not put enthusiasm and energy of m ankind and th at which is confronting you,
into your application, you will not get the an­ it would be very G reat Wisdom for m ankind to
swer; and it is absolutely necessary in every con­ try something beyond w hat they have had in the
dition th at you meet. In every so-called problem past or w hat the outer world offers them as their
that you have before you, is the answer. O ther­ present help. T hat is exactly why We are here. I
wise, how would people’s calls be answered be­ tell you, dear people, there is not one of m ankind
fore they were made verbally? Thousands of in­ to-day who could free himself or herself w ithout
stances of this kind have occurred. Then how is O ur Help. There is not one condition existing in
it? America or the world to-day in which it is not
I w ant you to understand one thing to-night, absolutely imperative to have O ur Help in order
and if I get this over to you, it will be of great to change and correct it.
value. You know We are not supposed to say Since We are out of your octave generally
"if,” anyhow I will get it over to you. Do you re­ speaking; since We have gained O ur Freedom
alize, beloved students, and you who have known th ru this identical application; and since you are
these Messengers for these many years, w hat it in your present condition because of your own
means for a Being like your Beloved Saint G er­ creation, We are able to show you how to correct
main to come forth and clear the way and bring those distressing conditions and how to make
to the understanding of m ankind w hat He has such application which will bring the result you
done in five years? This knowledge of the "M ighty really desire.
I AM Presence” is setting at least two million W hy do you go on, beloved people? Now I ask
people free in your America and the world to­ you to just look within yourselves. You make
day. certain definite application and you go on day
6 7
after day and you do not see any preceptible re­ w ithin your feeling world and as you gain that
sult. Why do you not stop, analyze yourselves momentum, it enables you to send the charge
and see w hat is the m atter? If you stopped and forth quickly. It goes like a rocket to the objec­
said to your Presence: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ tive and the Victory is won then and there.
show me w hat is the m atter here that I am not A very great service has been rendered the
getting an immediate answer to my call,” your Southern p art of California to-night. Oh, that
Presence would explain why. you could understand and realize sometimes
I think it is quite ridiculous for the student when you are just in exact compliance w ith the
body to-day, any one of them to go on w ithout G reat Law (and I mean by th at the G reat Cosmic
having immediate results. You can have them, Law) how one of your calls will produce such
dear people. Do not let your intellect say to you gigantic results, as I am just about to relate. All
once again th at you cannot have instantaneous discarnate entities have been removed from
answers to your calls! If you claim this instan­ Southern California! (applause— audience ris­
taneous action, it will come! ing) I feel very sorry th at our blessed people
I say this to the mass of you: "Think how many who have been having spiritualistic connections
times when you did not have an immediate an­ won’t find them (applause) but some will prob­
swer at your call— you w ent to some fellow-stu- ably go on anyhow.
dent or some person who did not know anything Do you quite understand, my dear people? I
about it at all and said 'I don’t understand w hat in do not mean to make a joke of this, but do you
the world is the reason I have not had the answer realize w hat th at means? If you saw, as We do,
to my call.’ When you do that, you of course are the pressure of discarnate entities you would
just inviting more doubt to prevent the answer.” realize the T ruth. Do you understand w hat We
To know, to dare, to do and to be silent is the are talking about when I say that? I am talking
Law of Life! Dear ones, if you will stop talking about the entities who cannot leave the earth,
to your fellow-students or anyone else about dear people. You are not bothered w ith the good
your application and just saw wood, you will get people, because they have gone into the Octave
there! You know mankind just has to talk! You of Light. I am talking about the fellows who
know friends cannot meet w ithout chattering cannot get out of here and there are plenty of
away. They have to do it to be sociable! Oh, We women too. It is not always the men.
are quite well acquainted w ith m ankind; and O f course you have all been men and women
if you sat down and everyone sat there not say­ many times. You know how some men dislike to
ing a word and looked at each other, somebody hear that. The Messenger used to have a friend
would be sure to think something was wrong, who lived in Santa Monica; and every time he
because somebody was not chattering. saw him, he reminded him how he m ust have
Now, dear ones, remember— the greatest m ot­ been a woman in the last embodiment and he
to of T ru th ever uttered is: "To know, to dare, disliked the Messenger very much. If Life did not
to do and be silent.” Then you hold your energy give you the opportunity to balance the forces
8 9
of Life, how do you suppose in all the Universe dollars. T hru th at Violet Consuming Flame, dear
you would do it? Therefore, these are Mighty people, if you will call the "I AM Presence” to set
Laws, dear people. It into action and sustain It there, remembering
While you are standing, will you please ac­ th at your H igher Mental Body is the D irector of
cept the C urrents which are draw n w ithin the the C urrent of Energy sustaining It, you will be
atmosphere of this room and charge them into free absolutely and you will never know w hat
and thru your bodies w ith their purifying, cleans­ it is to have an accident or mishap.
ing Activity— sweeping into the Violet Consum­ People cannot seem to realize th at these Great
ing Flame under your feet all impurities and Ones who have been your Instructors know ex­
imperfections, dissolve all abnorm al growths and actly w hat you need because They have gone
restore Perfect Sight and Hearing. th ru the same conditions you m ust go thru, in
I SAY TO YOU IN ALL SINCERITY, BE­ gaining the Perfection to which They have a t­
LOVED STUDENTS, W HEN YOU HAVE tained. Then, They are in a position, having gone
GOOD EYE SIGHT AND HEARING, CALL th ru the same process, to tell you exactly w hat
THAT IT BE SUSTAINED! It is the most in­ the students have to do in order to attain as They
credible thing you ever witnessed how m ankind have.
are subject to suggestions. The atmosphere you Every One has told you this application is
move in is seething w ith hum an suggestions; identical w ith all each One has used in gaining
and if you do not know how to draw the Wall His or H er Freedom. I assert w ith all the em­
of Light about you, as shown in the C hart you phasis of My Being to-night: "There is no greater
will be acting out these suggestions from here, Instruction ever to come on this earth than the
there and everywhere. Understanding of your 'M ighty I AM Presence,’
I ask you to observe, beloved students, since and th at you are a p art of It. (applause) If you
you have been more and more firm in doing this, grasp th at your "M ighty I AM Presence” with
have you not found yourself alert and respond­ Its Infinite Intelligence, Limitless Energy and
ing much less to the suggestions of others than Almighty Power is actually beating your heart
you were before? (applause) T hat is why, it is this moment; if you realized th at as you should,
imperative at this time to hold protection against my dear beloved ones, you would w alk out of
all hum an suggestion. this room forever free. There is no question in
I marvel, beloved ones, that the beloved stu­ the world about it; but having so long been en­
dent body, loyal and magnificent as they are, do meshed in the limitations and conditions th at the
not see more clearly the vital Power of the Tube appearance world shows, it is not an easy thing to
of Light about the hum an form and within It the extricate yourself from it.
Violet Consuming Flame. I tell you th at Violet I thank you very much for this receptivity,
Consuming Flame is more valuable to you than to-night, in the acceptance of the C urrents which
all the money or jewels you possess (applause) have flowed into and th ru your bodies. Hold this
— I do not care if you had a hundred million a Cherished Blessing to you, dear ones. We offer
10 11
not our word, not one activity th at is not for For instance in the requirem ents of your city
your blessing. If you will really understand th at and coast activity here, I do not think you quite
when We offer this Assistance and if you will realize the position you are in. Will you believe
call for It to be sustained, it will be done in Its Me, when I tell you th at We have prevented
ever-expanding Activity for your Freedom, Sup­ time, and time and time again certain spy ac­
ply, H ealth and Blessing. tivities, which would have draw n a force into
I ask you to observe th at C urrent of Light Mexico th at would have destroyed your cities
which beats your heart. In It is everything th at here in Southern California before you could
man requires— health, supply, intelligence, cour­ scarcely w ink your eye?
age, strength and everything th at you can use Do you know in the time when the island
in your world of the hum an octave. T hat Light where We are, was a p art of th at vast continent,
is Perfection in Itself, and as soon as you stop right here just beyond your Bay there was a
your hum an qualification of Its Mighty Energy m ountain range in which existed a great city?
as It flows forth and stop driving your energy N ot so many years ago, as the people thought,
below your heart, you will arise in the Majesty there was a mirage and hundreds of people saw
and Power of your "I AM Presence”— the God- the city against the side of the mountains beyond
Being which you are— and you will become Mas­ the Bay. Well, th at did not happen to be a m ir­
ter of every condition th at you confront. age. T hat was because of certain Cosmic condi­
My dear people, how can you continue to ob­ tions. The etheric records of th at city came into
serve these Messengers and see them apply this the view of hundreds of people who happened
Law daily and not see th at they have exact re­ to be tem porarily attuned to see it.
sults every time they apply It? They are not As­ T hat is why to-night, when your beloved Lo­
cended Beings. Therefore, w hat they do, you can tus was impelled to have you make this m ighty
do. T hat is w hat you have got to know. Because call, it is not only to consume th at focus of dis­
they can do these things, you m ust know you cord which is about you here now, b ut the an­
can do the same thing. They are willing to give cient focus of a destructive activity. I shall not
assistance, We are willing to give all the Assist­ try to go into the detail of it, because it was too
ance your Life Stream perm its; but unless you unhappy to even call your attention to it; but
will take this unyielding stand in your applica­ there just beyond the city was the beginning of
tion and attention to the Presence of Life, you w hat finally brought the submergence of th at
will not have the speedy result, you would like vast continent of Mu over night w ith sixty mil­
to have. The Messengers did not have it in the lion people.
beginning. It took them days, weeks and some­ My dear people, these are not imaginings. They
times months to accomplish that which, to-day, are the T ru th of w hat has been. They are reali­
they do th ru one m ighty call. T hat is the power ties and one day when you stand w ithin the G reat
of momentum gained, my dear ones, in doing Light of your Presence and see recorded in the
this. Cosmic Light, every record of every hum an be­
12 13
ing, every city and every nation th at has ever Every planet which exists is inhabited. Really,
been on this earth, then you will understand because of the ridiculous ideas of m ankind con­
th at there is nothing in the world hidden from cerning your system of seven planets do you
Us. These would not be hidden from you, only think this little earth is the only one th at can be
you have by accepting limitations, draw n your­ inhabited; and you have just passed from one
selves into the density in which you do not vi­ civilization to the other? Do you think th at h u ­
brate to these higher vibrations which would man beings can change these G reat T ruths, be­
give you the knowledge as easily as you see each loved ones?
other. T ry to see how We are the advanced p art of
Every hum an being, beloved ones, has w ithin your Life speaking back to you the T ru th which
the brain structure, the All-seeing-eye of God. your heart knows; bringing to your outer atten­
People could use It just as readily as they use the tion the T ru th of Life, which one day you will
physical sight, only w ith the All-seeing-eye, you come to know and understand. You can be free
see in all directions, and w ith these eyes you through Its understanding. There is nothing in
usually see only ahead. Notice how in those an­ this Universe b ut your own Life to consider and
cient civilizations, the same thing occurred which everything th at is produced in the world of h u ­
is acting to-day. Mankind would not give the man limitations to-day is your own C urrent of
obedience to Life, and consequently they only Life and energy acting charged w ith hum an qual­
had a partial awakening of th at All-seeing-eye ification. Well if th at be the case, which it is, then
w ithin them. Then, it became w hat you term w hy not stop th at and let Life become the Perfec­
to-day a psychic sight which was wholly unde­ tion acting through your hum an form?
pendable; but when you actually see w ith the My D ear Ones, I could tell you m any w onder­
All-seeing-eye of God w ithin, you see only T ruth, ful things, b ut unless you become anchored in
the Reality. You will never see a mistake or the power of your own application, you cannot
make a mistake w ith th at All-seeing-eye. You be free! (w on’t you be seated)
cannot do it, it is impossible. I ask you to accept all the Glory which it is
There are thousands of people among the stu­ your privilege to receive while you were stand­
dent body to-day who just like breathing, will ing. My dear ones, this sounds so simple and
come to use the All-seeing-eye in Its Perfect unim portant perhaps, b u t Oh my! If you will
original state; just as this Messenger reads the learn to stand erect and let every activity of
words I flash to him, for It is a perfectly natural the m uscular and nervous system of your body
thing. All which is really of Life is natural, b ut have free flow of those currents of energy, every­
mankind to-day do not conceive of O ur Reality. thing in your Life will be different. If you go
My dear people, is it possible th at m ankind liv­ along all stooped over, you absolutely shut off
ing in the limited conditions of to-day are foolish sometimes half of the currents of energy which
enough to believe they are all th at is? T hat would otherwise flows forth to give Perfect health and
be indeed foolish. action to the body.
14 15
I w ant to draw just one or two illustrations. most peculiar thing. A habit formed w ithin the
You have seen people who have h u rt the knee; hum an structure becomes the m aster of the in­
and because it pained them, they would begin dividual, when by a few sharp commands to that
to favor it and pretty soon the muscles would energy and substance in the body, it would ac­
begin to contract, would raise the heel off the cept you as its Master.
ground, and in order to protect it, they would Oh, My blessed people, take that, use your au­
walk on the toe. I could show you hundreds of thority. Your application is infallible, My dear
people who if they had p ut the foot down, ones. W hen you say: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’
straightened th at limb and continued it would do this or th at” accept your Presence there above
have entirely prevented the shortened, stiffened you; for instantly there go forth those Mighty
limb. C urrents of Light and energy to perform the
Mankind yield so readily to the slighest dis­ service you require. Because of habit, if you do
cord or distress, because they do not like to feel not immediately see the result, the hum an begins
pain and you can’t blame them ; b ut suppose it to question and wonder. You cannot afford to do
was a little for a few minutes and you straight­ it, beloved ones. You m ust realize th at your ap­
ened th at limb out and said: "N ow you straight­ plication is Supreme!
en out and stay there” , the muscles and the You do not feel forced to have results from
leaders in th at limb would respond and obey you. your application like the Messengers did; but they
T hat is how m ankind will come to have abso­ had to apply this Law to survive. Really there are
lutely Perfect Bodies, because they will command a great m any of the students to-day who are go­
them to have Perfect health; to express it; and it ing to have to do the same thing; b ut they won
will be so. the Victory over substance and energy and it
You, by the Light in your heart which beats now does obey them, w ith magnificent results.
within you— now to-night— are Master of your O f course it brings great Peace and Freedom;
feelings, your body and the world of substance Freedom from anxiety and distress of any kind;
and energy which is required to produce Perfec­ because once you come to know that, then there
tion in your world. If you yield th at authority will no condition confront you which will dis­
to something else, you will just have to keep on tu rb or frighten you. You will look at it and
trying, until you discover one day th at a long say: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ project Your Light
time ago, you were Master of the situation, b ut Rays in there! dissolve it and replace it by Your
you did not know it. Ascended M aster Light Substance and hold Your
I rejoice w ith the student body who are seeing Perfection there.”
this, who are taking the firmer stand w ith them ­ We have brought many students to O ur Re­
selves. You have been told so many times th at treats. W ould you like to know, beloved ones,
your feeling world is your Power-house; but if why We have this R etreat out in the middle of
you allow it to rule you instead of commanding it, the Pacific? It is very interesting, and not only
then you will still remain in distress. It is the interesting but magnificent from the standpoint
16 17
of Life. H undreds of people who have been sup­ the preservation of m ankind throughout this
posed to drow n have been brought to O ur Re­ earth where there have been so many of these
treats and trained. On the surface, the only build­ Retreats at one time in action, as there were in
ing which is there is very beautiful, b u t you the Him alayan m ountains in India; but now
would not guess th at far under-neath the ocean some of those have been removed to America—
is one of the most beautiful cities on this planet, One even quite recently?
(applause) Your magnificent Royal Teton here, which is
Those blessed people who were saved from be­ such a G reat Blessing to your America and to
ing drowned, were brought there and lived in which the Messenger has called your attention,
the Radiance of th at place. They were not urged, is of vast importance to you. My dear people,
until they became adjusted to the vibratory ac­ never under-estim ate Its full Value to you; be­
tion which was there. Then they were given very cause it is there, where the Messenger and any­
definite Instruction and the most peculiar thing one perm itted to go to It, can see the physical
of it was, th at not one person who was ever records of any civilization th at has ever been on
brought there rebelled. Can you explain th at to the face of this earth. It is the only Retreat
Me? Then let Me explain it to you. W hen one is where this w orld’s record is complete. W hy is it
just about to meet the reaper, so-called death, he in your America? Because your America is the
or she sees sometimes m any rem arkable things. H eart of Light to this earth.
Those individuals knew positively th at they could These are things far more im portant than the
never have survived in those bodies if rescue had physical outer activity of the saving of America
not come; b ut they never— not one of them— or the prevention of w ar. If you had a beautiful
saw the conveyance by which they were rescued. Light in your home, a beautiful fixture which
Beloved ones, I am trying to have you under­ contained the electrical current th at you admired
stand to-night th at the G reat Forces of Light are very much, you would protect it. If you did not
at your command, when you will so decree it. protect it and someone came along and hit it, it
They are always at O ur command and do O ur would be no more! Everyone in such a household
bidding w ithout question. is taught to protect it, because of its value. The
Beloved students, let Me make you aware to­ American people are being taught to protect the
night th at if it were not for these M ighty Focuses last Focus of Light upon this earth, which can
of Light upon this earth, m ankind would have save the rest of the world. T hat is why We bring
degraded into savagery. How long do you think O ur Radiation into America, according to the
My Home from which I came, to-night, has been requirements. I am here, to-night, because of
there? Remember It was there before the sinking this service which had to be rendered now in the
of th at vast continent of Mu— one million four removing of the discarnates because this is a
hundred thousand years. p art of My field of action.
Do you realize, beloved people, w hat it means I w ant you to see, if you will, how im portant
for these various Focuses of Light to be held for and Real these things are. I mean Real from the
18 19
appearance standpoint. T ry to see, to-night, how Observe, in all th at your attention has been
everything of hum an structure in the outer called to in th at which is being removed, it takes
world to-day is perishable, is it not? W ould your away the pressure of discord upon the hum an
buildings last forever? Does your hum an form, form. Then, do you not see how kind Life is
your garm ent of flesh last forever? Has it in the being to you? How kind these G reat Beings of
past? Really m ankind has from age to age draw n Light are to you? They are doing th at which
the limit of physical life shorter and shorter; for you absolutely could not do, by giving you the
. it is not so long since you used to live two hun­ opportunity time, time, and time again, to go
dred and fifty years in one embodiment; b ut you forw ard w ith Their Assistance into this G reat
cut it down to three score years and ten. How Freedom.
and why? By greater and greater density and Now remember, beloved students, as the G reat
limitations in the flesh structure of the body, due Cosmos said to you, the time is past, when m an­
to more and more discord in the feeling. T hat is kind is to be pled w ith They m ust choose of their
not necessary. All things in the outer world con­ own volition w hether they w ant to go forw ard
tain discord, because they have been qualified in the Freedom of the Light or remain in their
by hum an limitations and th at means physical limitations. I stand amazed, as We have observed
structures. Even though they may be beautiful, the world, how m ankind become so fixed in their
still they contain imperfection. T hat is why in own ideas in which they have lived so long—
the Octaves of Light all is Eternal. Your As­ th at they never change the outer m anifestation.
cended Body will be Eternal. People have said concerning this G reat Light
I repeat to you w hat was recently said w ith which your Beloved Saint Germain has brought
such emphatic Power: "My dear people, when forth; "There is no one th at can change the oc­
the Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Masters cult laws for the earth.” Tell Me why not! Who
have offered you Freedom in this embodiment made them in the first place? Just think of th at
through the new Dispensation of the Ascension, for a minute!
is there one who would not w ant to accept It, The Wisdom which produced the laws of
when you have lived thousands of embodiments eighty thousand or a hundred thousand years
similar to these in limitation? Just because you ago, brought them to the attention of m ankind
have forgotten it, does not mean it is not in ex­ for the requirem ent of th at time. As the vibra­
istence. You will remember it fast enough, when tory action of the earth advances m ankind do
you come into embodiment again.” also— just the same as you change the decorations
Remember the intense desires of one embodi­ and colors w ithin your home! As your under­
ment become the compulsions of the next. T hat standing becomes greater concerning the require­
is why m ankind have draw n themselves steadily ments, so have the Great Laws been changed, not
and surely into greater density, until now to-day, in their Fundam ental Principle and Activity, but
it is being dissipated w ith great power. in their application and result to m ankind.
20 21
To-day, the Greatest U nderstanding of Life the conditions th at cause distress in the outer
and the Laws of Life ever known to man are w orld; b ut why, beloved students, I ask you, will
brought to mankind. The understanding of your m ankind go on allowing one or tw o individuals
"M ighty I AM Presence” in this C hart is correct, to tell them w hat the rest of hum anity shall do?
giving you the eye picture and the Trinity of W hy does mankind subm it to it? Because a man
Action w ithin your own hum an form ; which is placed in office is no reason for keeping him
makes you the Master, the Victor over all condi­ there! If he proves to be no good, he should be
tions of the energy th at charges into and through taken out; and be assured th at the time is mighty
your body, either at your command or other­ close when such individuals are going to be taken
wise; for your Higher Mental Body is the Gov­ out.
erning Power which controls the functions of The political machine of the w orld is the most
your body. You physically do not make any a t­ tragic thing on the face of this earth, and I am
tempt to govern those functions, unless the body no politician; but We certainly observe w hat is
gets out of order. Then see, dear people, how going on, th at is why I know. Take your agita­
these G reat Laws have provided such G reat Wis­ tors in America who produce these conditions,
dom and if you did not interfere w ith It, th at w hat do they count? Nothing but to fill their
Great Wisdom would act and give you not only own selfish pockets, and the blessed men who lis­
Perfect health, b u t happiness, supply and Per­ ten to their agitation find themselves back at
fection in your outer world. w ork w ith weeks or months of wages gone which
Look at the business world! If you think We could have blessed their families; and they never
are not m indful of the requirem ents of m ankind, get the lost time or money back, but the people
observe the building of the destructive forces don’t see that. They listen to those agitators and
through your commission men of America in their wild wranglings and pay for not throw ing
forty years. Someone very shrewd saw an oppor­ them out.
tunity to get the clutches of destructive forces Look at your unfortunate conditions in the
upon m ankind; both the producer and the user various outer world activities to-day— one of
are caught and those destructive forces play them Mankind United! T hat is the most tragic
them at both ends. One day I assure you, not thing before the people to-day; and give thanks
far distant, th at will be removed from America; th at the governmental officials have the T ru th
and the people will receive the produce direct of it. Look at the conditions of the spies from
from the producer, w ithout this exhorbitant sel­ Russia and Germany and the various other places,
fish hum an destructive thing which prevents coming over here and getting your people dis­
m ankind having the supply th at Life and N ature turbed; m aking them believe falsity which they
have brought forth to them in such lavish abun­ have imposed upon their own people, for what?
dance. To place them in the same conditions which are
Your commission men removed from America, in those countries. (A t this point m any started
to-day, would remedy seventy-five percent of to leave) The rest of you had better stay and
listen to Me; because I am telling you a Mighty Now We are at the point, the final point I w ant
T ru th and unless you wake up to-day, dear peo­ to make to-night. In reference to the Great Laws
ple, you are going to find yourselves in a condi­ and the changes th at have been brought about
tion from which you will not be able to extricate for the blessing of m ankind, you are facing the
yourselves. We know w hat these conditions are. greatest change th at has ever been known on
We know w hat is going on behind the scenes, th at this earth to-night; and th at is the Power of the
you don’t even dream of; and I prom pt you right Cosmic Light which is taking command! It is
now because I will talk to you again sometime, reversing and changing the whole activity for
and then I will ask you if I did not tell you the this earth. Unless you understand w hat I mean,
T ru th to-night! you will not understand m any things which will
Dear people, there have been many w onderful occur in the near fu tu re; but if you do under­
things started in your America w ith a very good stand, you will see, face, know and comprehend
motive and good purpose; but many are being exactly w hat is taking place from step to step.
seized upon to-day by the most destructive forces This is why I say to you, to-night, in all th at
from foreign nations; and if the people of Amer­ you wish to be or ever hope to be, all is w ithin
ica are not alert now, they will be caught in the understanding of your own "M ighty I AM
the claws of the destructive force before they Presence,” and your power to call It into action.
know w hat is happening. Then, too late they Why? Because It beats your heart. You cannot
will find they have been a prey to those nefarious be separated from th at G reat Presence and Its
things. G reat Wisdom! W hy not let It take command of
I say to you, My dear people, look at th at your mind and body and produce Its Perfection
C hart. It is the Absolute T ru th of your own there for you! If you don’t w ant to, th at is
Reality and It is the means by which you can set quite your own choice; but I tell you, beloved
yourself free in spite of all m ankind put together. people, the G reat Power of Life is offering you
Then in the Name of your God and your Life, everything w ith so little effort upon your part.
why not tu rn to th at Presence and have Its Do you think when I call your attention to
Glory and Blessing come at your call to set you these M ighty Truths, ju st as I called your atten ­
free from those conditions. It is the only Means tion to Mankind United, th at I am trying to harm
Life will ever offer you by which you can con­ something or some activity? G reat God! dear
quer those conditions w ithout bloodshed; and people, if you do not know w hat you are up
when you have had bloodshed, you still have the against, how are you going to correct it or get
same condition you had before. out of it? Then, there will be those who will
Wake up, people of America! Don’t sleep and say: "Oh, th at is not an Ascended Master A ctiv­
let these nefarious things creep in and drag you ity which refers to these conditions.” W hy not!
down in the quick-sand of hum an foolishness! If We do not tell you how to remedy a thing of
I tell you, you are facing the crisis of the ages! which you do not know, how are you going
Mankind is going to have to choose w hat they to do it? If We do not tell you w hat you are up
are going to do!
against, how are you going to know and protect you have got to be firm and unyielding in your
yourselves? application, especially at first when you are dis­
Mankind does not know the viciousness in the solving a momentum of hundreds and thousands
outer world. They wade right in where Angels of years of accum ulation. T hat is why I said to
fear to tread right along, and then too late they you: If m ankind will call the Presence to use the
find out they cannot extricate themselves. We Violet Consuming Flame w ithin the Tube of
by O ur G reat Love are trying to help m ankind Light, they will see soon enough the great proof
see and know and by their own application of of all they require; b u t unless you will do these
the G reat Law of Life, the "I AM” , prove It to things, you cannot have the proof w ithin your­
themselves, so nothing can ever change them. self; and unless you do have the proof w ithin
You see before you these Messengers who have yourself, you would only believe this Law a short
given the greatest proof the world has ever had time.
of this G reat Law and in a condition, the worst Belief is not pow erful enough to give and sus­
the earth has ever known, w ithout asking for a tain your good perm anently, dear people! It
dime, they call forth from the Treasure-house sometimes encourages you to go on, until you
of their ”1 AM Presence” the supply th at is re­ do prove this T ru th to yourself; but this G reat
quired. Understanding of Life is not based upon faith.
Beloved friends and students, if you will only It is based upon the application of Itself. Since
accept th at your Presence is the Giver, the Life you are here, and are a p art of th at G reat Power
and Intelligence to you, you will know It is your and Intelligence, why would not the lesser p art
Treasure-house. When you make the call for the prove the Greater? How could it help it?
supply you require, your "I AM Presence” prob­ Therefore, when you understand that, be­
ably will not release to you coined money; but loved ones, you will see why Life is offering you
Its Love, Wisdom and Power go into action in your Freedom, by just a little effort upon your
the hum an octave and bring the conditions p art; and We can do for you w hat you cannot
through natural hum an channels th at will bring possibly do for yourselves in your sincere applica­
about the release of the money to you. The Mes­ tion, because as long as you will make sincere,
sengers have proved th at to the whole world to determined application, you will find th at every
anybody who will see. If they can do it, why can­ Power of Light in the Universe will come to
not you? They have never in their lives sought your assistance. T hat is how you prove the Real­
people of wealth or anything of the kind. They ity of Life and your Reality as the Supreme
have turned wholly to their Presence to bring Commander of energy and substance.
the supply they require, to carry on this G reat T hat is why to-night, in bringing this explana­
Light and the "I AM Presence” has never, and tion and the accompanying currents of energy
never will, fail them. which have flowed into your world of action, I
Therefore, I w ant you to see this, because if tru st th at I have been of some benefit to you
you do, your problems will soon be over; b u t in helping you to grasp and feel more pow erfully
26 27
your own Dominion. You m ust prove Life your­
self! If Life would prove Itself to you, It would
have been done ages ago, would it not? Then,
you m ust prove Life by your application and
th at is w hat has been missing in all these ages!
Remember as I leave you these parting re­
marks, may Their Power and U nderstanding
burn Itself into your being and never be for­
gotten for one hour! In every civilization th at has
ever been on this earth, the Words "I AM” have
been used as w ritten in English to-day. T hat is |
the Secret of Life! T hat is the Secret of all appli­
cation, all understanding and you have It to-day!
Only because your Beloved Saint Germain is • OUR BELOVED ASCENDED MESSENGER’S •
the Law of the Seventh Ray, which is the Violet • BENEDICTION TO THE FLAG •
Ray to this earth, has this come forth to-day; for
your G reat Benefactor is far G reater than you HOU wondrous Flag of Beauty and
yet know. Therefore, will you remember it in all Power, as Thou hast so proudly waved
th at confronts you? over Valley Forge and the victories of
You have so long w ithdraw n and forgotten the past; so shall you wave now in the
Life. Now you have returned home again! T hat Victory of the Light for O ur Beloved America
home holds everything there is for you. T hat and her people.
home is your "M ighty I AM” , your Life. It has Oh, Beloved Saint Germain, in the Glory of
been throughout the thousands of centuries of those long forgotten days when Thy family was
the past. It will forever remain so, w hether you gathered about Thee, so again in America shall
believe it or not. Therefore, in all th at you wish such rejoicing be Yours when again there dost
for or hope to be or have, there above you is the stand forth in the heavens, Thy Ascended Glory
Glory of God individualized, the "M ighty I AM” . and Thou shalt descend onto the earth.
T hat is the only place from which you can have So to-night, we offer such great praise, thanks
Freedom, Limitless Supply, Health, Strength, and gratitude for all the blessed people of earth
Power and Courage to meet the conditions of the who have been able to accept This W ondrous
outer. W hy ignore your Presence and Its Power? Understanding which has been brought forth,
Call forth this Strength which you need and then apply It and understand th at It is the Eternal
go forth into your Ascension, either under the Freedom of m ankind. May one million people in
old or new Dispensation. Go forw ard free for­ America before the end of another year have
ever from the wheel of birth and rebirth. come to know and abide w ithin this Mighty
I thank you. Presence of all Life, the "M ighty I AM.”
28 29
Oh, glorious Flag of Freedom! wave forever in GEMS OF LIG H T •
Thy Glory over America and her Victory of the GODDESS OF LIGHT
Light. Bless m ankind in th at same memory and I want you to see, if you will, that We are
Victory of the Light. Hold Thy Victory in the quite normal Beings. We are not limited in any
heart of each one, for: w ay, but We are still using the faculties which
"I AM” the American Flag! you are using in their great extended activity—
"I AM” the Life of Old Glory! the power of your attention, your vision and
"I AM” the Power and Victory of the Stars your feeling. Do you realize, beloved ones, that
and Stripes forever! is all which comprises you? That is all there is
"I AM” th at Presence and Power which will to you— your attention, your vision, your qual­
raise at a moment’s notice millions to defend My ification or your feeling! Those are the activities
Glory; and in the fulness of My Power of Light of your Individualized Focus of Light. It is so
which brought th at into existence. w ith Us and it operates thru all Octaves of Light.
Oh, wondrous Stars and Stripes! so wave Eeach one is a vibratory action of those attributes
proudly on— until all the earth bows in hum ble­ of Life.
ness to the Glory of th at Eternal Freedom of the
Light which Thou dost represent, as well as the GODDESS OF LIGHT
Freedom of America. You know, beloved ones, it does seem positively
G reat Goddess of Liberty, we kiss Thy H and ridiculous that in mankind's frightful struggle
in the Victory of America; and in the Glory of for things, they are so often their own obstruc­
Thy enthroned Power, shall all the earth come to tion! Instead of standing calm and steady and
see and know Thee in the Glory in which Thou letting the Powers of their own Life Stream go
hast stood for many, many, many centuries. Long forth to render the service.
before m ankind knew America, Thou didst
w atch over its shores; and so we bow before Thee GODDESS OF LIGHT
in the Majesty of Thy Presence and Power! Con­ It is quite all right to call for a thing within
tinue to stand guard as Thou has said, and in the a definite period but do not let your human
Final Victory of th at "Light of a thousand suns,” qualification be disappointed, if it does not arrive
so shalt descend into the earth and dissolve all within the time you have set. There are a good
hum an selfishness and discord from the planet many of the students who have done that, then
forever! We thank Thee, Oh Gracious One of when it did not arrive they felt as though their
Light. Bless these beloved students in the fulness efforts had failed. That is not the case in any
of Thy Glory th at all may never forget Thy sense at all. Dear ones, won’t you please watch
Presence— the Presence of all Life beating their this? Do not let your intellect ever again ask
hearts; and in the fulness of Its O ut-pouring "why” in anything! Just go on w ith your appli­
find the limitations of earth have disappeared cation, knowing the Wisdom of your own Pres­
forever, and we thank Thee. ence of Life is constantly acting.
30 31
When people come to you and ask "why” about Please do not give any human being power to
a thing, refer them to the "M ighty I AM Pres­ disturb, lim it or affect you in any way. Just stand
ence,” and ask them to be reminded that if the in that joyous, calm serenity and know that as
energy spent in asking "why” was turned to the you stand within the Glory of your "I AM Pres­
"I AM Presence” in full acceptance of It they ence” not one person on earth can limit or de­
would know why and that the "why” of one prive you of any good thing which belongs to
Life Stream has nothing to do w ith the "why” you. If you stand calm, firm, determined and
of another. Therefore, to answer one question serene not one thing can you be deprived of.
would mean that you might face about and find GODDESS OF LIGHT
twelve more with the same question. Remember, whatever supply of money comes
GODDESS OF LIGHT into your hands, do not stop your application for
I have observed at times that the human is so your financial supply at any time. Hold what
prone to ask "why”— w hy this and w hy that. you have gained and keep calling forth for that
Well, if they were answered, it does not alleviate limitless supply.
the situation; because in a few moments they GODDESS OF LIGHT
will think of some more " w h ys” but as they are Every night before you sleep, will you for a
turned back to the "I AM Presence” that will few moments stand on your feet and call directly
cease. Oh, do not mind if they are disappointed. to your Higher Mental Body to charge your mind
So many people think—-well if this question was and body with Its Perfect Peace and Rest and
answered I would be all fixed for m y achieve­ with Its Limitless Energy and Directing Intelli­
ment. W ell, when those are answered many more gence? Make this a special activity.
will appear, until the individual w ill turn wholly
to the "I AM Presence.” GODDESS OF LIGHT
GODDESS OF LIGHT As you keep calling forth this Great Power of
Light, see that your motives are always right—
I am sure it is not going to be long until you that they are clean and pure in every way! Then
will understand clearly and definitely, if you do as you call It forth know that there is not one
not already, how very practical We are. There thing in human creation which can resist or stand
is not one thing about the human octave that We before that Power of Light which you do call
do not understand and that We are not interested forth. That is the action of the Light Ray, a con­
in. If it is something to be dissolved, then We are centrated form. It is the Substance, Power and
still interested in it. If it is something to expand Action of Life which has within It Divine Love,
Perfection, then We are interested in that. Wisdom and Power.
32 33
"M IGHTY VICTORY” is dedicated in Eternal
Love, G ratitude and Blessing to the "M ighty I
AM Presence” and the Beloved Cosmic Being,
Victory. Mankind m ust have His Victory of the
Cosmic Light as of a Thousand Suns to hold con­
trol of the forces of Life on this earth, if hum an­
ity are to survive here and act constructively in
the future.
Every time this song is sung, played, heard or
the picture contemplated the individual or group
will receive from this Mighty Cosmic Being, Vic­
tory, His Mighty Light Rays enfolding them,
provided they make the call to Him and hold h ar­
mony in the feelings. His Light Rays are Sub­
stance, Light, Energy and Perfection from his
Sphere of Activity. The moment one’s attention
is turned to Him th at one is definitely in connec­
tion w ith His G reat Perfection, Victory and Pow­
er of Life for His Light Rays carry His feeling
of Victory and the Power of Light over all de­
structive forces and qualities.
Send your Love, gratitude and Blessings to
Mighty Victory and call for His O ut-pouring to
be sustained until all are as Perfect and Victori­
ous as He is.
This song is dedicated to the City of Cleveland
where it was first sung— to release a m ighty O u t­
• NEW MUSIC • pouring of Victory’s Mighty Miracles and Vic­
T is our privilege and joy to announce tories of Freedom, Divine Justice and Perfection,
the release of a new Song by Godfre until Cleveland becomes an Alabaster City of
Ray King (Mr. G. W. B allard)-M ighty Light as the Ascended Masters have commanded.
Victory. Both lyrics and music were May the Ascended Masters’ Marvelous "I AM”
w ritten by our Beloved Messenger, Mr. G. W. Temple of Light come forth in th at city quickly,
Ballard and are charged w ith tremendous Power w ithin which the Unfed Flame blazes forth the
of Light and Blessing to all who sing, play or full Cosmic Power of Eternal Victory which
hear it. raises all who enter there into the Ascension as
soon as possible.
34 35
T is our great privilege to announce th at It is our privilege and joy to announce the re­
all future pressings of Phonograph Rec­ lease of another Series of Records of our Beloved
ords will be made from a new blue trans­ Messenger’s (Mr. G. W. Ballard) Voice— talks
parent flexible m aterial. We have been given by Him at the Shrine Class 193 8, as follows:
working on these for some time and feel we now No. 3304-A— Invocation and Explanation of the C hart,
have them perfected to the point where we can Mr. G. W. Ballard
offer them to the public. No. 3304-B— Invocation and Explanation of the C hart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard
This blue transparent m aterial carries a special
healing quality and vibratory action and we know No. 3304-C— Invocation and Explanation of the C hart,
you will be happy with them. Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3304-D— Invocation and Explanation of the C hart,
Because of the increased cost of this special ma­ Mr. G. W. Ballard
terial it will be necessary to increase the cost No. 3305-A— This T ru th , Love and Harm ony,
slightly. Prices are as follows: Mr. G. W. Ballard
All double faced records made from blue trans­ No. 3305-B— This T ru th , Love and Harm ony,
parent m aterial $3.00 each— Shipping charges Mr. G. W. Ballard
extra. No. 3306-A— T rue Understanding of Divine Love,
The only Records we have released made from Mr. G. W. Ballard
this new m aterial are those of our Beloved Mes­ No. 3306-B— T rue U nderstanding of Divine Love,
senger, Mr. G. W. Ballard, as follows: Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3300-A & B No. 3303-A & B No. 3 3 07-A— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
3301-A & B 3303-C & D No. 3307-B— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
3302-A & B 3303-E & F No. 3308-A— Helping all M ankind______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
All RCA Records now on hand made from the No. 3308-B— Helping all M ankind.... . Mr. G. W. Ballard
regular m aterial will be sold at the prices form erly
quoted— $2.50 for double faced records— Ship­ Please send all orders for phonograph records
ping charges extra. direct to the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., Los
Angeles, Calif. P.O. Box 428.
Please send all orders for phonograph records
direct to the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., Los These Records are all made from the blue trans­
Angeles, Calif., P.O. Box 428, as all shipments will parent m aterial.
be made from Los Angeles direct, instead of the
Chicago Office. Price Each $3.00 Shipping Charges E xtra
36 37
New Charts
We hereby notify all readers and individuals
E wish to announce the release everywhere, th at everything in the books of the
of our new Charts, reproduced SAINT GERMAIN SERIES, the VOICE OF THE
from the Large Chart used in TIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO
our Classes. GROUP LEADERS is covered by our copyrights
w ith all rights reserved, including foreign trans­
These Charts are more intense and lations.
brilliant in color than the former ones; This means, we will not allow this instruction
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, adulter­
therefore, more perfect. ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and
we shall protect them fully.
They are produced in two sizes as We are determined th at this GIFT OF LIGHT,
follows: TRU TH AND FREEDOM from the Ascended
12"x21" medium weight paper .. $1.00 Masters to m ankind SHALL BE PROTECTED
Postpaid.. $1.20 FOREVER— th at m ankind may receive its E ter­
30"x521A" on linen and mounted for nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing.
hanging ........................... Each $12.00 We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right
Shipping Charges Postpaid ALL TIMES.
The two smaller sizes — 2W' x 53A" SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC.,
and 5" x IVi" on light paper will be MR. AND MRS. G. W. BALLARD
released at a later date.
38 39
\£ f ! Sizes below can be purchased at the
SIN D E L A R : ST U D IO S 2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California
Z 6 O O S H O O V E R . ' ST.
L o s A n q e l e s ,' C A L
Jesus Folder, size 5x7, hand colored______ ___ $ .50 Tax $.02 Postage $.15
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Saint Germain Satin book-m ark_____________ .3 5 Tax .01 Postage .05
Jesus M iniature, desk framed .............................. 1.50 Tax .05 Postage .20
All subscriptions m ust start w ith March, 193 6, Saint Germain M iniature, fram ed___________ 1.5 0 Tax .05 Postage .20
Jesus M iniature, 2 I/ 2x 3 I/ 2 folder............... ......... .25 Tax .01 Postage .05
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Jesus seals.. ---------------------- --------- ------ ---- -------- 10 Tax .00 Postage .03
In California $3.09 a year Saint Germain seals_____________ ___ _________ .10 Tax .00 Postage .03
"I AM” P in s .------------------------- ---- -------- -------- 1.00 Tax .03 Postage .10
In United States outside of California $3.00 "I AM” R in g s_______________________ ______12.00 Tax .3 6 Postage .20
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In other countries $3.50 a year Gold Folder Jesus and Saint Germain, 12x16 8.00 Tax .24 Postage .2 5
Brown Folder Jesus and Saint Germain, 12x16 7.00 Tax .21 Postage .2 5
Single copies, 3 5 cents Jesus* Ascension, 1 2 x 1 6 _____________________ 1.25 Tax .04 Postage .25
Jesus’ Ascension, m iniature folder___________ .2 5 Tax .01 Postage .05
The Luminous Presence, 1 2 x 1 6 _____________ 1.2 5 Tax .04 Postage .2 5
The Luminous Presence, m iniature folder___ .2 5 Tax .01 Postage .05
The magazine may be purchased in attractive Jesus, 15x18, framed _________ ______ 5.50 Tax .17 Postage .25
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Jesus, 7x9*4, framed _________________ 2.50 Tax .08 Postage .20
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Binding your own copies, $1.2 5. Plus shipping. Jesus, 5 i/ 2 x 7 i/4 , fram ed_____________________ 1.00 Tax .03 Postage .20
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Jesus seal, silver framed, tinted_________________30 Tax .01 Postage .05
Your change of address must reach this office not later than Saint Germain seal, silver framed, tinted____ .30 Tax .01 Postage .05
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"The Magic Presence,” 30x48_______________15.00 Tax .45 Postage Incl.
"The Magic Presence,” 12x20________ . 1.00 Tax .03 Postage .20

40 41
• THE • • THE •
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume I ____ _____ By Godfre Ray King
Containing the first group of the author’s experiences.
Price $2.50, Postpaid $2 .75
A beautifully lithographed chart, suitable for framing and contemplation.
THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II__________ By Godfre Ray King Size 30 x 5 2 ‘/2 on heavy linen for Study Groups and individual use.
Containing the second group of the author’s experiences. Price $12.00, mailing charges included
Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00
Size 12 x 21 on medium w eight paper. Price $1.00, Postpaid $1.20
THE "I AM” DISCOURSES, Size 5 x 7 1/ 2 on lighter paper. Price 15 cents each, Postpaid 18 cents
Volume III_________________By the Ascended Master, Saint Germain Size 2 l/ z x 3 %— sold in lots of not less than one dozen.
Containing thirty-three Discourses, explaining the Ascended Masters’ applica­
tion of the "I AM,” w ith three color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00 Price 5 0 cents per dozen, Postpaid 5 3 cents
Volume V— Parts 1 and 2___________________________ —By Chanera This animation of the Charts and Flames enables the student to feel the action
A selection of pow erful Adorations, Affirmations and Decrees of the "M ighty of both w ith pow erful intensity.
I AM Presence.” Price $1.75, Postpaid $2.00 Size 30 x 52V£. Price $200.00 each, Plus Express
ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES, Size 12 x 21. Price $50.00 each, Plus Express
Volume VI_____________________By Various of the Ascended Masters All prices for Charts and Flames-in-action f.o.b. Los Angeles, California. Order
from SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., Los Angeles Branch, P .O . Box 428,
Containing tw enty Discourses dictated before hundreds of students, w ith three
color plates. Price $2.75, Postpaid $3.00 Los Angeles, California.
Volume V II—.By Various of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings PICTURE OF THE ASCENDED MASTER, SAINT GERMAIN
Containing tw enty-six Discourses, dictated before hundreds of students, w ith
three color plates. Price $3.00, Postpaid $3 .25 Hand colored steel engraving of etching by Charles Sindelar.
Size 12 x 16. Price $2.00 each, Postpaid $2.25
Vest Pocket Edition of pow erful Adorations and Affirmations. PICTURE OF THE COSMIC BEING, ORION, better known as
Price $1.00, Postpaid $1.20 "TH E OLD MAN OF THE HILLS”
"I AM” DECREE BOOKLET _________ ______ _______ ____By Chanera Hand colored steel engraving of etching by Robert Aguilar.
Size 12 x 16. Price $2.00. Postpaid $2.25
A paper bound booklet, containing a collection of "I AM” Decrees which every­
one can use to bring Freedom to the individual, America and the world. PICTURE OF OUR BELOVED MESSENGER, GUY W. BALLARD
Size 5 Yz x 8. Price 2 5 cents each, Postpaid 40 cents
A ctual photographic reproduction in Goldtone.
SPECIAL "I AM” DECREES Size 8 x 1 0 . Price each $ 2.50, Postpaid $2.85
LOOSE-LEAF BINDER in heavy green cloth, stamped to match the Saint Ger­ Size 11 x 14 . Price each $ 3.50, Postpaid $4.00
main Series. For Special “I AM” Decrees as they come out from time to time; Size 15 x 19 V2 . Price each $10.00, Express collect
also Loose-leaf Songs. These Decrees and Songs are printed on fillers punched Size 30 x 40 . Price each $25.00, Express collect
to fit Binder, which hold about 150 leaves (300 pages).
Binder Price $1.25 each, Postpaid $1.40 "TH E VOICE OF THE <1 AM’ ”
Decrees and Songs lc per page (2 pages to the leaf). M onthly Magazine containing articles explaining the Law of Life; also Dis­
Postpaid— according to w eight. courses by the Ascended Masters and other important subjects. Back numbers
available beginning February, 193 6. Yearly subscriptions begin w ith March,
TRANSLATIONS 1940. Price $3.00, Single copy 3 5 cents
"UNVEILED MYSTERIES”— In Tw o Volumes..... ....................................... Price $5.25 A Series of Broadcasts available for use, containing explanation of the Law of
"THE MAGIC PRESENCE”— In Three Volumes........................................Price $7.75 Life; also protection for America. For Information w rite Saint Germain Press,
"THE *1 AM’ DISCOURSES”— In Two Volumes........ ....... ...................... Price $6.75 Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
"ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES”— In Tw o Volum es................ Price $7.00
Plus Mailing Charges
• THE • • THE •
1000-A "I AM” COME (Instrumental)----------- ( p ^ d L fc l^ a ^ e ^ N o v a c h o r d
MUSIC OF THE SPHERES 1000-B— D edicatio n -----------------------------------------( Donald Ray King
1001-A— "I-AM” COME (T rio )---------------------------J Violet Fairchild, Soloist
OH W ORLD VICTORIOUS "I AM” COME 1001-B— D edicatio n _____________J Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
ROSE OF LIGHT GODDESS OF PURITY 1002-A—Rainbow-Rays (Trio)------------------------- 1 Violet Fairchild, Soloist
A Group of Songs— Music and Lyrics by Godfre Ray King. These songs are 1002-B— D edication___________________ ___ _______j Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
especially charged w ith pow erful healing and special activity, according to the v Lotus Ray King
meaning of the lyrics. \ 3 3 00-A — INVO CATIO N No. 1 (Shrine C lass)__________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
Each piece of music has beautiful lithographed cover in color, suitable for { 3 3 0 0-B— INVO CATIO N No. 2 (Shrine C lass).........................M r . G. W . Ballard
fram ing, each representing that which the music portrays.
Price each $ 1 .0 0 -........................................ _........ _...................__....... ..............Postpaid $1.15 3 3 01-A —-BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)_______________________Mrs. G. W . Ballard
3301-B— BENEDICTION (Shrine C lass)______________ _____ Mr. G. W . Ballard
VICTROLA AND PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 3 302-A — INVO CATIO N (Shrine Class) ______________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
R R -l201— IN VO CATIO N ..................................... .........Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald 3 302-B— THERE IS NO DEATH (Shrine C lass)...______________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
R R -1202— CONTEM PLATION (Silent N ight) (H a rp )............... ... .. .Mrs. Ballard
R R -1203— BENEDICTIO N........................................................ . ..Mrs. Ballard and Donald 3 303-A— BEG INNING OF THE "I AM” DICTATIO NS Mr. G. W . Ballard
R R -1247— CONTEM PLATION (N earer My God to Thee) (Harp)____Mrs. Ballard
3 3 03-B— C O N TIN U A TIO N D IC T A T IO N S____________ ______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
200-A — LIGHT OF MY H EART............... (Instrum ental) (L otus Ray King, Harp
200-B— ROSE OF LIGHT..................................................................-(Frederick Landwehr, 3 303-C — C O N TIN U A TIO N D IC T A T IO N S___________________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
201-A — LOTUS MY LOVE........... ................. (Instrum ental) JL otus Ray King, Harp 3 3 03-D — C O N TIN U A TIO N DICTATIO NS ................... Mr. G. W . Ballard
201-B— VOICE OF THE PRESENCE.................... < Frederick Landwehr, ( 3 303-E— C O N TIN U A TIO N D IC T A TIO N S___________ ____ ____Mr. G. W . Ballard
V Novachord
202-A — SON..OF LIGHT........ ......... ................(Instrum ental) /L otu s Ray King, Harp ] 3 3 03-F— C O N TIN U A TIO N D IC TA TIO N S___ __________ _____ Mr. G. W . Ballard
202-B— CALL TO LIGHT............................................... < Frederick Landwehr, (The last three Records comprise one afternoon talk by Mr. G. W . Ballard and should
V Novachord be sold in a set)
203-A— RAINBOW RAYS................................. (Instrum ental) /L o tu s Ray King, Harp
203-B— OH W ORLD VICTORIOUS........................................... < Frederick Landwehr, The above records are suitable for individual contemplation or use in Study Groups.
\ Novachord (A ll records are now shipped direct from the Saint Germain Press, Inc., P.O. Box 428,
Lotus Ray King, Harpist Los Angeles, C alif.)
500-A — LIGHT OF MY H EART....,____(T rio) Price each— Blue transparent m aterial (D ouble faced) ---- -----------$3.00
5 00-B— ROSE OF LIGHT........................................... Violet Fairchild, Soloist Shipping Charges E xtra
Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
501-A— LOTUS MY LOVE........ .................. (T rio) Violet Lotus Ray King, Harpist
Fairchild, Soloist
Headquarters for A ll Publications
5 01-B— VOICE OF THE PRESENCE_______ _ Frederick Landwehr, Novachord SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., P. O. Box 1133,
502-A— SON..OF LIGHT............. ................(T rio) Violet Fairchild,
502-B— CALL TO LIGHT...........................................
Ray King, Harpist
Soloist Chicago, Illinois
Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
Lotus Ray King, Harpist SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, IN C .— Western Branch,
503-A— RAINBOW RAYS— .................... (T rio) Violet
503-B— OH W ORLD VICTORIOUS Fairchild, Soloist
Frederick Landwehr, Novachord
P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
S I N D E L A R S T U D I O S , 2 6 0 0 S o. H o o v e r S t., L o s A n g e le s , C a lif o r n ia
(Copyrighted by Saint Germain Press, Inc., Chicago, Illinois)
N U M B E R .' ' P u b l i s h e d a t t h e S I N D E L A X S T U D IO S OCTOBER
E IG H T 2 6 0 0 S H O O V E R , S T .,L O S A N Q E L E S ,C A L *1 9 4 0 *
( j o p y r i y h i - j Z a i n t ( j e r m a i n 9 )r e s j TnG i940
------------ . . ... ■, , .........— - .. .......... ■ ..':—
By the Ascended Masters and their A ccredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W . Ballard and son, Donald


f* ' OF CALIFORNIA $3.09 A YEAR. # 1#
in OTH ER CO UN T R IE S $3.50 A YEAR.

The "Voice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.

The information given under the heading of wYoung Amer­

ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden tfI AM” Age.
This magazine is not an outlet for articles from the stu­
dents, but is the outpouring of the help from the Ascended
Masters and has no human concepts in it.


2 600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California
mH, Great
Mighty Royal Teton bright!
Mountain of God’s
Oh, Glorious Royal Teton Pure!
Great Mountain of God’s Peace
Power, Where Precious Lanto long has
Of Cosmic Light Supreme o’er served
all, To give mankind release!
Whose Light Rays every hour, Thru Thy Great Heart which shall
Charge thru Our Land, Blest Vic­ endure,
tory’s Might; N ow bursts the Cosmic Light
And God’s All-Seeing-Eye, And sweeps from Our America
Forever acting thru Light Rays, All else but Victory’s Might!
Observes all— you and I!

Beloved Royal Teton fair! Oh, Blazing Royal Teton high!

Great Mountain of God’s Light, Great Mountain of Love’s Flame,
From Thy Loved Star of Golden Out-pouring thru Thy Mighty
Jewels, Heart
The Central Sun’s True Might, The Light from Venus came;
Pour out Thy Gifts beyond And Cyclopea thru God’s Eye,
compare, Now sends forth unto all
Thy Life in Freedom’s Name The Crystal Rays that set earth
Whose Cosmic Splendor all shall free,
see— In answer to our call!
The Mighty Unfed Flame!

Majestic Royal Teton True! Oh, Blessed Royal Teton Light!

Great Mountain of God’s Love, Great Mountain All Divine
Thy Blessed Presence on this earth, Within Thy Heart awaits "The
God’s Fiat from above, Cup”
Is evermore Life’s Altar too Which makes Our Life all Thine!
From which the "Great I AM” Its Pulsing Essence is Thy Might,
Comes forth in Power none can stay We drink now from Its Brim,
And speaks the Great Command! We are the "I AM Presence” Heart
Seven Elohim!
— Chanera
• W O N D ER O U S D A P H N E ’S DISCOURSE • w ill begin to h ear th e H arm onies ab o u t you. W e
W ashington, D. C. Musical have seen m any w ho lived years in th e stillness
June 5, 1939 of the forest, and became sensitized to the H a r ­
G R EET you beloved ones in the N am e monies of the trees, of th e birds an d the condi­
of L ight, sound and color. O h, th a t you tions w hich m ost of m an k in d do n o t believe are
m ig h t w itness and observe the fu ll th e re ; b u t I say to you to -n ig h t, beloved s tu ­
Pow er of all th a t m usic does fo r m an ­ dents, unless you w ill rem ove fro m y o u r feeling
kin d , th e atm osphere an d the e a rth ; fo r as some w o rld th e questioning, doubts an d fears as to
of you kn o w in all sound is color, in all color is this P a r t of Life w ith w hich you have n o t y et
sound. T he o u te r h earin g does n o t recognize it, become acq u ain ted , how can you become ac­
because its v ib ra to ry action is n o t rap id enough q u ain ted w ith it?
fo r you to observe its a c tiv ity th ro u g h the h e a r­ If you d o u b t a th in g , you can n o t experience
ing. it and th a t is w h y m any do n o t have the G lory
T h ere are those of the " I AM stu d en ts” in of the im m ediate fulness of th e ir ap p licatio n -
A m erica to -d ay w ho are n earin g the p oint th a t because th ere is questioning eith er in the intellect
w hen th ey sing songs such as these, th ey w ill see or sometimes, u n k n o w n , in th e feeling. T h a t m u st
th e color of th e ir v ib ra to ry actio n ; an d th en as be rem oved before you have p o w erfu l results.
you p roduce ce rtain colors, you w ill h ear them J u s t so in y o u r listening to th a t w hich is n o t
sing to you. o rd in a rily sound to th e h u m an ear.
Someone has to ld you th a t th e L ight w ith in Oh, m y dear ones, w ill you believe Me w hen
y o u r h e a rt w ill sing. N a tu r e in its harm onious I tell you th a t even fo r you w ho have lived a l­
action sings to you, b u t few ever h ear It. W e m ost y o u r span of Life, o rd in a rily speaking, it is
o fte n go deep in to th e fo rest and th ere the trees possible to still yourselves and begin to k now
sing to Us. M ankind in th e o u te r w o rld have n o t these things first hand? W h at a p ity th a t m an ­
k n o w n this, have n o t experienced it; b u t by com ­ k ind continue to lim it themselves! Do you q u ite
plete H arm o n y w ith in th e feeling w o rld , they u n d e rsta n d w h a t a sudden firm d eterm in atio n
w ould soon come to h ear, see and know these w ould do? For instance, suppose you w an te d to
finer m ore b e a u tifu l things. h ear the finer tones n o t o rd in a rily audible w ith ­
I c o n g ra tu la te o u r beloved artists, to -n ig h t, in y o u r hearing. If you w ould s ta r t y o u r m o­
and had th ey w itnessed the M ighty R adiance m entum and say: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ I in ­
w hich w e n t fo rth , they w ould rejoice forever. sist on being able to h ear these finer things of
N o w m an k in d is ju s t to u ch in g th e p eriphery of Life! I insist on h earing clearly m y Presence of
th e G lory of these G rea t H arm onies of Life w hich Life, the 'M ighty I AM’! I insist on Y our In s ta n ­
w ill become a p a r t of them and w hich it w ill be taneous Invincible P rotection! I insist on Y our
th e ir Joy to experience. You w ill find, O h, m any, Invincible D irectin g Intelligence!” T hen you
m an y tim es, w hen you reach a c ertain stillness w ould q u ick ly have it. T h a t is n o t com m anding
o f th e h u m an fo rm and its feeling activ ity , you
4 5
th e Presence. I t is com m anding substance and accept the v ib ra to ry action of y o u r associates.
v ib ra tio n . You can move in the atm osphere of a vicious
M ay I no t be th o u g h t u n k in d w h en I say most gossip and th a t one m ay n o t speak one w o rd in
of the s tu d e n t body are really n o t insistent y o u r presence; b u t if you are n o t on g u a rd in
enough. You kn o w in th e low er v ib ra to ry action y o u r feeling, you w ill accept his or h er v ib ra to ry
of m an k in d , th ey give u p so easily. W e never action and begin to voice th e th in g w hich is in
kn o w w h a t th a t m eans! W e s ta r t fo r a Goal and th a t one’s feeling w o rld an d you th en pay the
keep on u n til W e reach it! You should do the p en alty fo r it, because you have spoken it. I t is
same, b u t you allow yourselves to be pulled one th in g to feel a th in g , beloved ones, b u t a n ­
h ith e r an d th ith e r by human vibrations about o th er th in g to voice it!
you. You k n o w you have h eard th e expression so
Precious people, once you become aw are of o fte n : " I t is sometimes b e tte r to get it o u t of y o u r
how you are affected by the v ib ra to ry actions system .” I do n o t q u ite agree w ith th a t. You
ab o u t you, you w o u ld call y o u r T u b e of L ight m ig h t suffer a little m ore by n o t g e ttin g it o u t
in to action in a h u rry ! I t seems so difficult fo r of y o u r system b u t you w ill n o t be affecting
m an k in d to come in to th e fu ll realizatio n th a t others if you hold it w ith in . You alone pay th e
th ey can sh u t off a n y th in g they do n o t w a n t on p en alty th en ; b u t fo r M yself, I w ould ra th e r pay
th e spot, b u t it does tak e d eterm in ation. I t does the p en alty fo r m y ow n creatio n by holding it
tak e firmness again st th e o u te r v ib ra to ry action. to M yself, th a n to spread it o u t an d affect m any
You m u st repel it, u n til you gain the Invincible others an d th en pay the p en alty fo r th e w hole
P ro tectio n of the L ig h t ab o u t you so p o w erfu l circle w hich I affected.
th a t you need give it v ery little consideration. My d ear ones, how W e do w a n t the stu d en ts
I assure you no one a t first, ever gains th a t w ith ­ to really get this point. This is n o t said u n k in d ly ,
o u t firm d eterm in a tio n again st th e su rro u n d in g b u t w h y is it in the social w o rld of e a rth th ere
v ib ra to ry action. is such endless gossip and m any times the m ost
vicious type th a t destroys homes an d the c h a r­
My d ear ones, W e have w atch ed how earnest, acters of each other? Because people have nothing
blessed, blessed stu d en ts are set upon by the v i­ to do! M ankind are m ost u n fo rtu n a te beings,
b ra to ry action w hich they c o n ta c t in th e ir as­ w hen they w ill not keep them selves occupied
sociation w ith others. I t o ften m akes them say w ith some co n stru ctiv e th in g . I say to you, be­
and do things they w ou ld give th e ir rig h t arm s loved ones, th a t the h a b it w hich has g ro w n in the
no t to have spoken or done; b u t because they social w orld w here th ere is n o th in g sought b u t
e n ter in to th e v ib ra to ry action of th e ir associates, pleasure of a v ery depraved kind, is m ost de­
they say and do these things w hich en d an g er stru ctiv e— because idle m inds are th e devil’s
th eir e n tire Freedom . T h a t is w h y th e Messengers w orkshop, m ake no m istake a b o u t it.
have p ro m p ted you and pro m p ted you so often, W hen m en and wom en have, m ay I use y o u r
to stan d g u a rd over y o u r w o rld so you do not expression, g row n blaa and as you say: " a ll fed
6 7
u p ” on all kinds of e n te rta in m e n t, th ey are w orn them r u n along, b u t do they? T hey stan d before
o u t because they go, go, go and finally the con­ all th a t imbecilical h u m an ridicule, going on and
s ta n t going has no pleasure fo r them . B eau tifu l giving o u t only Good!
things, concerts, opera and activities of th a t kind A m an le ft this audience last n ig h t in th e M ag­
w hich should b rin g them g re a t u p lift no longer nificence of th e M ighty T a b o r’s D ictatio n and
hold happiness fo r th em ; b u t th ey become so said: " th a t m an is c ra z y .” C an you im agine a
jaded th a t they kn o w no pleasure or happiness h u m an being so depraved, as to fail to appreciate
an y longer. T hen, th ey seek th a t w hich w ill give even the R adiance th a t w as going fo rth , let alone
them th rills, and O h, w h a t thrills! the Spoken W ord— too dead to the b e a u tifu l
O h, m y d ear ones, as a s tu d e n t body it m a t­ v ibrations to know and to feel them ? T h a t poor
ters n o t w h ere you are from , w h e th e r you come old c re a tu re has come to these classes ab o u t every
from th e social w o rld or w h ere you happen to tim e the Messengers have come here an d he goes
be, you are living th e Law of Life in this L ight. aw ay filled w ith h a tre d an d anger. W hy doesn’t
You can n o t go b ack to th e things th a t you once he stay aw ay in th e first place? N ow th a t is q u ite
did. O h, th e p ity of those w ho have tu rn e d aside interesting. W hy doesn’t he stay aw ay? Because
from This L ight! T hey m u st go b ack into the the L ight in him w on’t let him! I t m akes him
o u te r w o rld an d m eet n o t only th e v ib ra to ry ac­ come, even if he goes aw ay to rid icu le; because
tion th ere, b u t th a t of th e ir ow n accum ulation, he never forgets it betw een classes. H e fights and
ever in ten sify in g th e unkindness w hich they fights an d fights w ith him self all those six m onths
m u st m eet. O h, m ake no m istake, beloved ones! betw een, th en he comes b ack an d tries it again.
We have w atch ed them in th e silence of the n ig h t Isn’t the h u m an a stran g e c reatu re?
w eeping th e ir h earts o u t b u t th e in tellect is too My dear beloved precious ones, if th e Messen­
stu b b o rn to r e tu r n to th e L ight. gers listened to foolish h u m an beings, you w ould
I am try in g so earn estly to m ake clear and not be h av in g th e Blessing of the L ig h t; and re ­
plain to you th e G re at Law , fo r some have been cen tly one has been paying his expenses to go
so endangered recen tly by allow ing themselves a ro u n d am ong the stu d en ts, saying: " H a v e you
to tak e on the v ib ra to ry action of very vicious noticed th e G re a t Ones no longer m ention the
u n tr u th and voicing it again— th e m ost d a n g e r­ M essengers” ? My dear ones, w h a t next! I t is only
ous th in g in the w orld. My d ear ones, do you the insane a tte m p t to in te rfe re w ith th e Messen­
th in k th a t each one of Us w o u ld keep saying gers. I t is so ridiculous th a t n o t even a vicious
to you: "T h e Messengers are honest an d sincere! individual w o u ld believe it; b u t see w h a t ex­
This L ight is Real! These D ictations are R eal!” trem ities m an k in d go to to tr y to cloud th e L ight
if it w ere n o t tru e ? Do you th in k if th ey w ere and the L ight dissolves the clouds th e m om ent I t
not Real, W e w o u ld co n tin u e to give them w hen touches them .
the d o u b t of m an k in d is so great? W e could let You are fo rtu n a te , m y blessed friends of A m er­
m ankind r u n along, th e Messengers could let ica, in h av in g the stre n g th of y o u r beloved Mes­
sengers. You are fo rtu n a te indeed. You love the O nly y o u r Life Stream know s th a t, b u t according
Messengers, b u t w h a t do you th in k W e do? Since to th e intensity and d eterm in atio n w ith w hich
w e are capable of so m uch g re a te r Love— pardon you co n tin u e to call, w ill you be Free.
Me— th a n you have, th en W e love them m any M uch has been said ab o u t it, b u t I say to you,
times g re a te r th a n you, and O u r love is very once you realize fu lly w h a t it m eans to charge
P ow erful. You have experienced I t in every class y o u r body w ith the E nergy, Intelligence and
of the Messengers on the closing d ay and u su ally Pow er of the " I AM Presence,” you w ill be able
th ro u g h o u t th e classes. to do am azing things. C harge I t into y o u r body
T herefore, beloved ones, in y o u r acceptance of — ju s t d ra w I t dow n an d charge I t into yo u r
this G rea t L ig h t of y o u r Presence observe the body— and m y d ear ones, you can do w h a t you
c h a rt fo r a m om ent, w hile I speak concerning w o u ld not believe possible, if you w ill only tr y it.
this. I am re fe rrin g to L ight, sound an d color. I f you are w here it is n o t w ell to speak o u t loud,
N otice y o u r accu m u latio n of all th e ages, the you can ju s t in a low firm voice call y o u r ” 1 AM
countless em bodim ents in w hich you have lived, Presence” to charge Its E nergy, Intelligence and
accu m u latin g the Good th a t belongs to you and P ow er in to you and feel the charge come into
I t is th ere in color a ro u n d y o u r E lectronic Body. y o u r body. T hen you w ill soon see and feel the
I t is th e m ost glorious color you ever observed; m om entum w hich you are gaining; and you will
b u t y o u r p resen t physical eyes are n o t able to find yo u rself m uch firm er to w a rd the things
see the tru e In n e r B eauty and P erfection of It. th a t previously d istu rb ed you.
The n earest you have in the o u te r w o rld is the You are gaining the tr u e V ictory an d Pow er
rock cry stal, b u t still th a t is n o t like w h a t w e of Life! S tand so firm an d unyielding in yo u r
see. W hile the m usic has been going on and w hile application, know ing th a t every call is like a
I am ta lk in g to you, I am calling This L ight fo rth g re a t charge released into y o u r body an d feeling
and I t has been so b rillia n t before the eyes of the w o rld ; fo r rem em ber, you are ta lk in g to the " I
Messenger th a t he scarcely sees you sometimes; AM Presence” of Life and th a t charge of sub­
fo r I w a n t you to begin to feel these M ighty A c­ stance from the Presence is the P u r ity and P er­
tivities w ith in th e substance a ro u n d you w hich is fection of Life. T h erefo re I t m u st replace th a t
now being g ath ered in to G reat Pow er. w hich has been d istu rb in g in y o u r body p re­
My d ear ones, you do n o t realize how you are viously.
gaining this m om entum in the P erfection of Life. N ow tr y to see this. You tak e a pail of d irty
Even th o u g h you still m ake m istakes in the o u ter, w a te r and begin to p o u r clear w a te r into it, fin­
y o u r m om entum of calling fo rth co n stan tly in ally the o th er is th ro w n o u t. W hy? Because P u r ­
m ethodical action th e G re ater P ow er from y o u r ity is stro n g er th a n th a t w hich is contam inated.
Presence, m u st one day dissolve all th a t is hum an N ow , please notice this carefu lly ! Y our Presence
w ith in you. One m ay accom plish it quickly, of Life being the Pow er, the Intelligence and
an o th e r m ay tak e longer, an o th er still longer. P erfection of Life and th a t w hich you have accu ­
10 11
m u lated ab o u t you being b u t h u m an ly charged of g re a t service. If th a t should be, th en you in th a t
qualities, how could anyone feel th a t th e hum an one act alone, have rendered a trem endous service,
accu m u latio n has any stro n g force or opposition have you not? Oh, w eary not, beloved ones, in
against th e Pow ers of the L ig h t of y o u r Presence? y o u r calls to Life in the service w hich you are
You see th a t is w h y in healing, in the a d ju st­ ren d erin g to Life, to L ight, to A m erica; an d re ­
m ent of conditions, affairs an d all such activities m em ber ev ery th in g you do is service to Life fo r
w hen you call th e P ow er of L ig h t in to action, y o u r Freedom!
th ere is no opposition; because I t goes into p e r­ M any times the stu d en ts have th o u g h t they
sons, places and conditions an d harm onizes them w ere serving the Messengers of y o u r Beloved Saint
so D ivine O rd e r an d D ivine Ju stice can be estab­ G erm ain. W ell you are assisting w o n d erfu lly , b u t
lished. D id you ever see D ivine Ju stice established you are serving Life fo r y o u r Freedom . Please do
w here th ere w as a fighting a ttitu d e ? You know not let th a t idea get aw ay from you. If you begin
th a t D ivine Ju stice never did come o u t of any to feel you are serving the Messengers or th a t you
situ atio n u n til h arm o n y w as established, because are serving y o u r Beloved Saint G erm ain, you w ill
then only can D ivine Ju stice come. lose m any points w hich w ould tak e you fo rw a rd
W hy do you th in k th e Messengers and th e G reat to V ictory. T here is only O ne G reat Intelligence
Ones k e p t u rg in g an d u rg in g and u rg in g the s tu ­ w hich you can serve and th a t is y o u r ow n Life.
dents to pay a tte n tio n to th e need of H arm o n y In the long period of d ra w in g yourselves dow n
w ith in th e ir feelings? Because the call w as to be into these lim itations, you used the energy of Life.
m ade fo r th e Goddess of P u rity and the Goddess T hen in o rd er to get ou t, you m ust come b ack by
of Justice to come fo rth . T he G rea t Ones knew y o u r ow n call to Life and to L ight and by serving
th a t and T hey k n ew before c ertain o th er things Life. Since you have misused th e energy of Life
could be accom plished, it m u st be done. T h ro u g h in all these centuries th ro u g h w astin g th e energy,
the call of m an k in d , th e change w ith in the m en­ you are now gaining in one life tim e w h a t w ould
ta l and feeling w o rld of the people h ad to be suffi­ otherw ise tak e m any. T h a t is w h a t you are doing
cient to enable it to be done. These things are n o t this tim e.
done by chance. In e v ery th in g of this k in d , the My d ear ones, do you know w h a t this service
w ay is p rep ared an d as you are p re p a rin g now fo r m eans to you? M any of you are living m any em ­
y o u r Ascension, so is ev ery th in g of P erfection bodim ents, so to speak, in five years. Do you q u ite
w hich is com ing fo rth in th e w o rld , p rep arin g the u n d e rsta n d how Life can speed u p an activ ity ?
w ay before it. You can live th ro u g h so m uch in such a sh o rt tim e,
N ow , you are p rep arin g the w ay fo r th e G reat th a t you gain an A lm ighty P ow er and V ictory
Release of the Cosmic L ight. If it be necessary to over o u te r conditions by y o u r Pow er of Life! I
ren d er th a t Service w hich it m ig h t be im perative m ean you are gaining in the control of the energy
fo r the Cosmic L ig h t alone to re n d e r fo r you, m an ­ w hich you are using o u t here. See w h a t m agnifi­
kind an d the e a rth , th en y o u r call w ill have been cen t things occur as soon as you stop re -q u a lify ­
12 13
ing th e G rea t P u rity of Life as I t flows fo rth . See or perhaps tw o, because th ere is so m uch dem and
w h a t has come to the Messengers! I t is a very w o n ­ fo r it these days. Suppose you have a loved one,
d e rfu l th in g , d ear ones. T h e ir Freedom has come w h eth er it be husband, w ife, child or frien d and
because th ey refuse to allow th e ir feeling to tak e th a t one is needing assistance v ery g reatly . Y our
on any discord. Even w ith all th a t is done and first im pulse is to m ake a trem endous physical e f­
said a b o u t them , still they m u st m ain tain th eir f o rt to give th e assistance, isn’t it? You w a n t to
H arm o n y ! O therw ise they w ould find themselves g et rig h t o u t and w restle a ro u n d to do som ething
c a ta p u lte d here th ere and from all directions, by physically, to p rev en t w h a t you th in k m ig h t be
th e forces w hich have been viciously qualified by disaster. T h a t really is not the Law . I say to you
m an k in d . As long as they rem ain harm onious, it p aren ts, friends or sw eethearts, if you w ill call
can n o t to u ch them , it can n o t reach th e ir w o rld ; the " I AM Presence” into action to tak e fu ll com ­
b u t the m om ent you e n te r into some discordant m and of th a t person, produce Its P erfection and
th in g in th o u g h t, feeling or speech, you open y o u r­ hold Its D om inion th ere; th en tak e y o u r h u m an
selves w ide to all th a t d e stru ctiv e q u a lity to flood th o u g h t, a tte n tio n and feeling aw ay from the in ­
y o u r w orld. T hen do not blam e anyone b u t y o u r­ dividual and the " I AM Presence” w ill do the
self if disaster occurs. th in g w hich you can n o t possibly do physically.
Life is so beneficent, b u t the L aw of Life is T h a t is the g re a t need of o u r beloved s tu d e n t body
u n e rrin g . I t is no respecter of persons, places or to-day.
conditions. I t ju st acts. E n erg y acts, d ear ones, You know w hen children are g row n to fu ll
b u t it does n o t have w ith in it, the D iscrim inating s ta tu re and they do m a tu re q u ite young these
Intelligence. You, th e Real You in y o u r H ig h er days— m any a t seventeen are alm ost a t fu ll m a­
M ental Body, are th e discrim in atin g Intelligence. tu r ity — you can n o t use the fo rm er m ethods of dis­
I f you call fo rth energy and you re -q u a lify it, cipline. Since obedience has become so absent in
en erg y w ill a c t a n d p roduce P erfectio n or im per­ children, young people and the older people too,
fection fo r you, according to the q u a lity you give th en th ere m u st be a g re a te r means th a n f a th e r ’s
it. slipper to govern things. You know you can n o t
T h erefo re, I say to you beloved ones to -n ig h t, tak e one th a t is la rg e r th a n you are across y o u r
hold this H arm o n y as you go fo rth from this M ag­ knee. You surely w ould not be com fortable doing
nificent R adiance released by this w ondrous it. T hen th ere m u st be a means of governing and
m usic. T he G lory of Life an d L ig h t is w o n d erfu l, giving th a t Assistance in a w ay w hich is m uch
m arvelous! (I th in k o u r frie n d w as ju st here and m ore valuable and m uch m ore p o w erfu l. T h a t is
le f t) . In receiving th e G lory of Its R adiance hold th ro u g h the " I AM Presence” of the individual.
I t sustained in Its fu ll G lory forever. Do n o t O f course, you can n o t see and know all of this
stru g g le, beloved ones, an y longer. J u s t be h appy w hich transpires, b u t I ju s t m ake the statem en t,
and Free! because it is co n stan tly going on every day. The
Saint G erm ain wishes Me to tak e u p one point Messenger ju st opened a le tte r a f te r d in n er and
14 15
th ere w as th e re p o rt of a m agnificent so-called AM Presence’ you do it.” Oh isn’t th a t vastly
m iracle perform ed. A m o th er w ired him a few different th a n you saying "N o w I am going to
days ago. H e r son w as to be op erated on and a do this” ? and the first th in g you know you are in
bone g r a f t m ade in o rd er to save his limb. A t the a b attle. Avoid those battles! Say " 'M ighty I AM
same tim e congestion set in on th e lungs and he Presence’ now you do th is,” th en you be q u ie t;
was a b o u t finished, w hen she w ired the Messenger. and see how easily and q u ick ly it w ould be done.
H e m ade one p o w erfu l call and w ith in th e h o u r N ow fo r instance, in th e m ost— shall w e say
th e congestion w as gone an d in o n e -fo u rth the d rastic or even tra g ic circum stance th a t con­
tim e, the bone g r a f t had healed. T he doctor stands fro n ts you, the first th in g to do, m y beloved ones,
in am azem ent, n o t h av in g w itnessed an y th in g like is to be still. T he m om ent you become ag itated
it before. in y o u r feelings, you w ill n o t release th e pow er to
O h, m y d ear ones, how can m an k in d scoff and govern the conditions; b u t if you become p e r­
d o u b t, w hen these m agnificent things are done fectly still and say: " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ tak e
every day th ro u g h the calls of the Messengers— com m and of th a t person, place or condition, w h a t­
hu n d red s and h u n d red s and h u n d red s of these ever it is; Sweep y o u r M ighty C u rre n t of L ight
things? T hen, do you n o t th in k W e love these and E nergy in there! P roduce Y our P erfection
Messengers? Do you n o t th in k , W e shall alw ays and hold Y our D om inion” !, th en be still again and
stand by these Messengers fo r th e ir g re a t Love, w a it the o u tp ic tu rin g , y o u r results w o u ld be a b ­
Loyalty, Unselfishness and H onesty? (T h a t was solutely infallible, b u t so m any eith er th ro u g h
o u r frien d , because he is going dow n the street h u r r y or th ro u g h tension in the feeling do n o t
having a trem endous b a ttle again. Poor fellow ! do this.
Isn’t it too bad? ) So, d ear ones, in the g re a t m ag­ Ladies, m ay I say som ething to you? W hen it is
nificent L aw w hich it is y o u r g re a t blessing to ab o u t d in n er tim e and you w a n t to m ake some
apply, if you w ill only do it and ju s t be so happy, application you say: " I have ju s t a few m inutes.
you w ill be so free fro m the distressing conditions. I w ill m ake this application now an d th e n I w ill
I smile sometimes really, because m ankind have have to h u r r y to get d in n er.” D id you ever notice
so long been giving the fu ll force of th e ir a tte n - th a t? G entlem en, w hen you have a f te r d in n er
ten tio n to the appearance w o rld in observing all appointm ents and you are delayed a t the office,
these conditions ab o u t you. you m ake a w ild ru sh home an d dash in to the
W hen you are advised to tak e y o u r a tte n tio n house, are you sure th a t you had y o u r dinner?
off d istu rb in g conditions, I sometimes notice th a t C ould you be sure of it, a fte r you le ft th e house?
w ith some individuals the g re a te r stru g g le they Those are conditions so im p o rta n t, ladies and
m ake to tak e th e ir a tte n tio n off, the closer it gentlem en; b u t m ankind follow th a t h u rry in g
sticks; b u t th a t is because th ey are try in g to do im pulse of th e h u m an and feel th ey have got to
it w ith th e o u te r effort. Please rem em ber in all m ake a w ild ru sh , w hen if th ey w o u ld say:
y o u r req u irem en ts to say and feel: " 'M ighty I " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ you tak e charge of me!
16 17
Stop this h u m an nonsense! You ta k e charge of me Presence daily and ho u rly , you m u st arise in the
an d do this p e rfe c tly ,” you w o u ld be rested and g re a te r and m ore p o w erfu l v ib ra to ry A ction of
you w o u ld get th ere before you w ould, if you y o u r Presence of Life. I t is a n a tu ra l thing. You
w ere in a h u r r y ; so you w o u ld have tim e to eat cannot avoid it, if you continue to m ake th e call.
y o u r d in n er p ro p erly and you w o u ld be on tim e So rem em ber th a t.
a t y o u r ap p o in tm en t because the " I AM P res­ I know , d ear ones, because of h ab it, it is so
ence” w ill do w h a t the h u m an can n o t an d the easy to feel— "now I th in k I had b e tte r have a
m ore you h u r ry the m ore you o b stru c t the w ay little help” — and you go to some s tu d e n t or
m ost of the tim e. G roup Leader or you w rite the Messengers w hen
T he Messengers have proven th a t and the if you w ould ju st be a little m ore firm an d say:
Staif has seen them do it. R ecently, w hen th ey " 'M ighty I AM Presence’ now you see th a t this
w ere leaving Chicago, th ere w as business th a t is done here! G ive me the Evidence of T h y
w as to be a tte n d ed to th a t o rd in a rily w ould re ­ Pow er! M ake me feel th a t m y call to you is s u f­
q u ire th re e or fo u r days. I t w as all done and ficient,” th en you w ill allow the Presence to
com pleted in one. E v ery th in g w as th ere ready sweep into action and do it; b u t the m in u te you
w hen th ey arriv e d , because they h ad called the begin to feel: "N o w I th in k I am going to have
Presence in to action to p rep are th e w ay and it to have help,” you change the v ib ra to ry action
was done. W hen things begin to pile u p on the and th en you a c tu a lly do need help; w h ere if
Messenger, he says, "M ig h ty *1 AM Presence’ tak e you w ould say to the h u m an : "N o w , no m ore of
com m and of this body! Stop all h u m an non­ th a t! My Presence is ju st as p o w erfu l as a n y ­
sense and You see this is done,” and ju st like th a t one’s else; and all I have to do is m ake the call
things are done. T h a t is w h a t you, beloved s tu ­ and be still, fo r m y Presence to do this w hich the
dents, need to p ractice m ore. Presence of the M essenger or anyone else can
P ractic e refu sin g acceptance th e m om ent the do,” you w ould see w h a t a m agnificent change
a tte m p t comes to h u rry , say "S top now ! hold th a t w ould b rin g in y o u r feeling.
on! 'M ig h ty I AM Presence’ tak e com m and! You O h, gain the fu ll confidence in y o u r " I AM
do th is.” T hen you w ill find th a t stillness tak e Presence” ! T h a t is the G reat V ictory of Life, be­
place. loved ones. Oh, it is b e a u tifu l to have assistance,
T h a n k you, beloved ones, fo r this o p p o rtu n ity of course, b u t if you begin to lean too m uch on
to p o u r fo rth My R adiance to you. I w ish W e outside assistance you w ill not gain y o u r V ictory!
m ight have days to go in to this w hich W e have I c o n g ra tu la te the little lady in
ju stly b arely tou ch ed upon to -n ig h t fo r m an k in d how w o n d erfu lly she has stood in the R adiance
are soon going to u n d e rsta n d the fu ll G lory, of h er " I AM Presence” h an d lin g trem endous
Pow er and Blessings of Life, as th ey e n te r in to conditions; b u t determ ined th a t she w ill n o t call
these g re a te r and H ig h er V ib rato ry A ctions of to the Messengers and every tim e o u t comes the
Life. You can n o t help it, as you call to y o u r m agnificent v icto ry ; and now she is gaining such
18 19
confidence th a t it is b e a u tifu l to w atch . W hen
som ething suddenly appears, she tu rn s to the " I
AM Presence” w ith o u t an o th er th o u g h t and Its
P ow er flows fo rth to re g u la te the condition. T h a t
is w h a t all the beloved stu d en ts are soon going
to do. T hey w ill stan d so v ery firm in the L ight
of the " I AM Presence,” d raw in g fro m the G lory M r. B allard:
of th e L ig h t th e ir ow n in Its Infinite P erfection. "M ighty I AM Presence” speak Y our F iat fo r
D ear ones, fro m the L ight ev ery th in g th a t is, A m erica:
cam e fo rth in to being. E v e ry th in g m u st r e tu rn • T H E " I AM” PRESENCE SPEAKS •
in to th a t L ight and you th in k perhaps u n til you " I AM” the Pow er of L ight!
touched this L ight th a t th ere w ere no spheres of " I AM” the M ighty P rotection fo r A m erica,
action o th er th a n this, because you only knew th r u m y children of earth !
this one; b u t m y dear ones, in th e O ctaves of " I AM” the Presence of D irectin g Intelligence
L ight above, is th e Substance of Life ju s t as ta n g ­ w hich changes the d estru ctiv e w ill of m ankind!
ible th ere and Forms as tan g ib le as yours is here. ” 1 AM” the Presence w ith in m an th a t dissolves
O nly w hen m an k in d begin to feel the release forever, and quickly, all com m unistic ideas and
fro m h u m an concepts an d lim itations, w ill they refu sal of the Presence of God, w hich " I AM” !
begin to go fo rw a rd and observe, first hand, the " I AM” the Presence tak in g com m and of the
G lory of those O ctaves of G re at L ight Substance, bodies of m ankind and th e ir feeling w orlds; and
Intelligence and Pow er w hich are the Blessing to as the G reat Cosmic L ight has done My bidding,
this ea rth . so shall I tak e com m and of My people and b rin g
O h, P ow er of L ight, of Love D ivine, My Laws into action w ith in the e a rth and in all
A lm ighty P ow er of H arm o n y , nations! A m erica is My H e a rt, and My H e a rt is
Let T h y L ight shine w ith in the h e a rt the Presence and Pow er th ro u g h w hich I speak
O f all m an k in d in th e G lory of this day to m ankind!
To fill each one w ith V ictory N o longer shall God, My Presence, reign w ith ­
T h ro u g h Life’s G re at P e rfe ct W ay! o u t m an k in d ; b u t instead My Presence shall reign
Stand in th e L ight, Its P ow er so g reat, in the h earts of m ankind b rin g in g th a t dom inion
Looking in the face of V ictory, O pen H is G ate and obedience from the hum an w hich w ill allow
A nd e n te r in to th e Freedom th ere — My Dom inion to tak e place in A m erica and the
F orever released fro m e a r th ’s b inding care. w orld!
I th a n k you and bless you forever. In the fulness of all th a t m an k in d has ex ­
pressed, " I AM” the L ight, the E nergy, th e I n ­
telligence w hich allows them to express. May
everyone feel the C u rre n ts of L ight, to -n ig h t,
th ro u g h o u t A m erica, touch each h u m an h e a rt
20 21
to b rin g all into the consciousness of God, the one • GEMS OF L IG H T •
"M ighty I AM Presence” W ho is the G overnor
K -17
of the w orld.
T h erefo re, My F iat goes fo rth to reach the I say to you again, for goodness sake do not
h earts of m an k in d and q u ick ly so all h earts w ill w o rry about you r financial supply. If you make
tu r n to th a t u p -reach in g P ow er and Source of the call to Life w ith earnest sincere determ ina­
th e ir Being, and th ere find Me w aitin g in the f u l­ tion, then Life is com pelled to an sw er; b u t you
ness of the Pow er w hich I w ield. w ill have to be patien t, u n til Life finds its Ful­
G reat H ost of Ascended M asters, W ho are My ness of action to produce the results.
Messengers! G reat Legion of L ight, W ho are My K -17
Messengers! G reat Cosmic Beings, W ho are My Take you r positive, perm anent, Eternal Stand
Messengers! I call Thee in to action in A m erica th a t: "There are no other gods before Me,” re­
and the w orld! T ak e com m and of the e a rth and minding yourselves the "Me” referred to is you r
h e r people! C om m and obedience from the h um an "M ighty I AM Presence,” whose Rays of Light
and no longer allow it to express its d estru ctiv e and Energy beat yo u r hearts. N o w spiritu ally
ideas and action th r u the w o rld of y o u r hum an and physically there cannot be anything betw een
kingdom . you and you r "M ighty I AM Presence.” Then
In th a t Pow er of L ight, w hich " I AM,” and in how could something come betw een you and
My obedient Servants, w hich are My L ight Rays, you r Presence b y a m ental a c tiv ity ? You are
I call the H ost of L ight, the C om m anding P res­ physical, feeling and m ental beings I Therefore,
ence of th e U niverse, to p ro je ct those L ight Rays you r m ental pow er has a u th o rity, so fa r as you
into e a rth , tak e D om inion th ere and hold th a t are in dividu ally concerned, to do certain things;
M ighty A ction u n til all h u m an creation is dis­ and th a t is w here the prevention has alw ays been
solved forever, m ankind released from the bond­ in tru ded into yo u r feeling w o rld b y yo u r m en­
age of th e ir ow n creatio n and the G lory of God, ta lity ; because the feeling w o rld has been shorn
My Presence, the only C om m anding Presence in of its A u th o rity.
the U niverse and A m erica, w hich is My H e a rt!
Stand, Oh My People, in the L ight of My P res­ K -17
ence, w hich is y o u r h ea rt, and let the P ow er of For months W e have been urging you to keep
th a t L ight dissolve every d iscordant lim iting charging yo u r bodies w ith the Pure Light-Sub-
th in g w hich exists in the w o rld ; and you stand stance of the Ascended Masters — Their Self-
fo rth My Glorified Beings of L ight in the fulness Luminous In telligen t Substance— th a t w hich can­
and ac tiv ity of My Presence, in the G lory of th a t not be requalified b y the humanI As you keep
Presence in the V ictory of the L ight in A m erica pouring th a t Light and E nergy th ru , sweeping
an d the w orld! ou t the im perfection and re-charging yo u r body
My W ord has gone fo rth , and so shall it be w ith the P erfection of Life, soon th a t requalifica­
forever! tion of this Pure Energy of Life w ill cease.
22 23
K -17
You see you cannot command the W isdom of
L ife, b u t you can command the Energy and
Substance of Life to produce Its Perfection for
you. T hat is w h y I th in k you should rem ind
yourselves more often of th a t which is you r
rig h tfu l A u th o rity in order to compel the sub­
stance of you r bodies and conditions about you
to obey yo u r command. Then you are not w a n t­
ing to command something th a t is out of place,
b u t in yo u r command it is the A u th o rity of Life
which is acting in overcom ing and changing the
human q u a lity.
K -17
If you w ere to a tte m p t to com m and one an­
other to do certain things then you w ou ld prob­
ably be largely using human qualities, which you
w ou ld not have a rig h t to do; b u t when you com ­
mand Perfection to m anifest in yo u r bodies or in
you r a ctivities— th a t is Y ou r A u th o rity of Life
because Perfection contains no human release!
The "I AM Presence” is alw ays the fu ll A u th o r­
ity of Life. Please tr y to grasp this, because then
you are using the fu ll A u th o rity and Pow er of
Life to produce P erfection !
K -17
I th in k if you w o u ld still you rself before you T is o u r privilege and joy to announce
sta rt yo u r application and say to yourself: "N o w th e release of a new Song by G odfre
this is the Law . There is no interference w ith It. R ay King (M r. G. W . B a lla rd )—M ighty
I am calling to the W isdom of Life, the Pow er of V ictory. Both lyrics and music w ere
Life, the A u th o rity of Life! Therefore, this call w ritte n by o u r Beloved Messenger, M r. G. W .
has to be answ ered, because I am in accord ivith B allard an d are charged w ith trem endous P ow er
of L ight an d Blessing to all w ho sing, play or
the fulness of all Life, the Pow er of Life w ill flow h ear it.
into action to produce this exact result.
"M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y ” is dedicated in E tern al SPECIAL NOTICE
Love, G ra titu d e and Blessing to the "M ighty I
AM Presence” and the Beloved Cosmic Being, T is o u r g re a t privilege to announce th a t
V ictory. M ankind m u st have His V ictory of the all f u tu r e pressings of P honograph R ec­
Cosmic L ight as of a T housand Suns to hold con­ ords w ill be m ade from a new blue tra n s ­
tro l of the forces of Life on this e a rth , if h u m a n ­ p a re n t flexible m aterial. We have been
ity are to survive here and ac t co n stru ctiv ely in w o rk in g on these fo r some tim e and feel we now
th e f u tu re . have them perfected to the point w here we can
E very tim e this song is sung, played, h eard or offer them to the public.
th e p ic tu re contem plated th e in d iv idual or gro u p This blue tra n sp a re n t m aterial carries a special
w ill receive from this M ighty Cosmic Being, Vic­ healing q u a lity and v ib ra to ry action and we know
to ry , H is M ighty L ig h t Rays enfolding them , you w ill be happy w ith them .
provided th ey m ake the call to H im and hold h a r ­
m ony in th e feelings. His L ight Rays are Sub­ Because of the increased cost of this special m a­
stance, L ight, E nergy and P erfection from his teria l it w ill be necessary to increase th e cost
Sphere of A ctiv ity . T he m om ent one’s a tte n tio n slightly. Prices are as follows:
is tu rn e d to H im th a t one is definitely in connec­ All double faced records m ade from blue tra n s ­
tion w ith His G re a t P erfection, V ictory and P ow ­
p a re n t m aterial $3.00 each— Shipping charges
er of Life fo r H is L ight Rays c a rry His feeling e x tra .
of V ictory and th e Pow er of L ight over all de­
stru c tiv e forces and qualities. The only Records w e have released m ade from
Send y o u r Love, g ra titu d e and Blessings to this new m aterial are those of o u r Beloved Mes­
M ighty V ictory and call fo r H is O u t-p o u rin g to senger, Mr. G. W. B allard, as follow s:
be sustained u n til all are as P e rfe ct and V ictori­ No. 3 3 0 0 - A & B No. 3 3 0 3 - A & B
ous as H e is. 3 301-A & B 3303-C&D
This song is dedicated to the C ity of C leveland 3302-A&B 3303-E&F
w here it w as first sung— to release a m ighty O u t­
p o u rin g of V icto ry ’s M ighty M iracles and V ic­ All RCA Records now on hand m ade from the
tories of Freedom , D ivine Ju stice and P erfection, re g u la r m aterial w ill be sold a t the prices form erly
u n til C leveland becomes an A lab aster C ity of quo ted — $2.50 fo r double faced records— Ship­
L ight as the Ascended M asters have com m anded. ping charges e x tra .
May the Ascended M asters’ M arvelous " I AM” Please send all orders fo r phonograph records
Tem ple of L ight come fo rth in th a t city quickly, d irect to th e SA IN T GERM AIN PRESS, IN C ., Los
w ith in w hich the U n fed Flame blazes fo rth the Angeles, C alif., P.O. Box 428, as all shipm ents will
fu ll Cosmic Pow er of E tern al V ictory w hich be made from Los Angeles d irect, instead of the
raises all w ho e n te r th ere in to the Ascension as Chicago Office.
soon as possible.
26 27
I t is o u r privilege an d joy to announce the re ­
lease of a n o th er Series of Records of o u r Beloved N ew Charts
M essenger’s (M r. G. W . B allard ) Voice— talks
given by H im a t th e Shrine Class 193 8, as follows:
No. 3 3 04-A— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
E wish to announce the release
Mr. G. W. Ballard of our new Charts, reproduced
No. 3304-B— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard from the Large Chart used in
No. 3304-C— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W . Ballard
our Classes.
No. 3304-D— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard These Charts are more intense and
No. 3305-A— This Truth, Love and Harmony, brilliant in color than the former ones;
Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3305-B— This Truth, Love and Harmony, therefore, more perfect.
Mr. G. W . Ballard
No. 3306-A— True Understanding of Divine Love, They are produced in two sizes as
Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3306-B— True Understanding of Divine Love, follows:
Mr. G. W. Ballard

No. 3 3 07-A— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard

12"x21" medium weight paper .. $1.00
No. 3307-B— Calling the Presence----- ----- Mr. G. W. Ballard Postpaid.. $1.20
No. 3308-A— Helping all Mankind--------- Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3308-B— Helping all Mankind---------- Mr. G. W. Ballard
30"x521/£" on linen and mounted for
Please send all orders fo r phonograph records
hanging ........................... Each $12.00
d ire c t to th e SA IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, IN C ., Los Shipping Charges Postpaid
Angeles, C alif. P.O . Box 428.
These Records are all m ade fro m the blue tra n s ­ The two smaller sizes — 2Vi” x 5%"
p a re n t m aterial.
and 5" x 7Vi" on light paper will be
P rice Each $3.00 Shipping C harges E x tra
released at a later date.
28 29
W e hereby n o tify all readers an d individuals SlN D ELA R iSTU D IO S
1 6 0 0 S H 0 0 V E R ' ST.
everyw here, th a t ev ery th in g in th e books of the ° LOS ANQELES.-CAL' •
G R O U P LEADERS is covered by o u r copyrights
w ith all rig h ts reserved, including foreign tra n s ­ All back issues m ay be secured a t any time
eith er by single copies a t 3 5c each ( 40c in C anada
lations. an d foreign co u n tries) or in a ttra c tiv e bound vol­
This means, we w ill not allow this in stru ctio n umes containing one y e a r’s issues priced a t $5.45.
an d In fo rm atio n to be deleted, d istorted, a d u lte r­
ated or d ilu ted fo r any purpose w hatsoever and Y our ow n copies m ay be bound to m atch the
w e shall p ro te c t them fu lly . Saint G erm ain Series a t $1.25 p er year. A m a tc h ­
ing ro d -b in d er is now available a t $1.2 5. All
W e are determ ined th a t this G IFT OF L IG H T , prices plus shipping.
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended
M asters to m an k in d SHALL BE PR O T EC TE D
All subscriptions s ta r t w ith M arch, 1940, a t
an d k ep t PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D —
$3.00 p er year in the U nited States and posses­
FOREVER— th a t m ankind m ay receive its E te r­ sions and $3.50 in foreign countries.
nal Freedom and th e g reatest possible Blessing.
W e shall use o u r F ull Pow er and o u r F ull R ig h t Your change of address must reach this office not later than
to m ain tain COM PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date.
ALL TIMES. Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you
Thank you!

30 31
• THE •
Sizes below can be purchased at the
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volume I__________ By Godfre Ray King
C ontaining th e first group o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California P rice $ 2 .5 0 , P o stp a id $ 2 .7 5
THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume II__________By Godfre Ray King
C on tain in g th e second group o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
$ .50 T ax $.02
P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P o stp a id $ 3 ,0 0
Saint Germ ain, hand colored, 5x7. .50 T ax .02 .15
Jesus Satin b o ok -m ark ........................ .35 T ax .01 .05 THE "I AM” DISCOURSES,
Saint Germ ain Satin b o o k -m a r k __ .35 T ax .01 Postage .05 Volume III________________ By the Ascended Master, Saint Germain
1.50 T ax .05 .20 C on tain in g th ir ty -th re e D iscourses, ex p lain in g the A scended M asters’ applica­
1.50 T ax .05 .20 tion o f the "I AM ,” w ith three color plates. P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P o stp a id $ 3 .0 0
Jesus M iniature, I ' / z ^ V z fo ld e r--------------- .25 T ax .01 .05
Jesus M iniature, 2*/2x3 x/z tin ted fo ld e r----- .40 T ax .01 Postage .05 THE ”1 AM” ADORATIONS, AFFIRMATIONS A N D DECREES,
Saint Germ ain M iniature, I ' / z ’K'hVz fold er.. .25 T ax .01 Postage .05 Volume V— Parts 1 and 2______ ______________________ By Chanera
Saint Germ ain M iniature, 2 x/z ^ 3 x/z tinted A selection o f p o w erfu l A dorations, Affirm ations and Decrees o f the "M ighty
fold er ______________________ ____ _____ .40 T ax .01 Postage .05 I AM P resence.” Price $ 1 .7 5 , P o stp a id $2 .0 0
.10 T ax .00 Postage .03
Jesus s e a ls ..... ...................... ...................-—.......
Saint Germ ain seals------------- ---------------------- .10 T ax .00 P ostage .03 ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES,
"I AM” P in s _______________________ ___ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .10 Volume V I__________________________By Various Ascended Masters
12.00 T ax .36 Postage .20 C ontaining tw e n ty D iscourses d ictated b efore hundreds of stu d en ts, w ith three
2.00 T ax .06 P ostage .2 5 color plates. Price $2.7 5, P ostpaid $3.00
M aster Saint G erm ain, 12 x 1 6 , hand co lo red ... 2.00 T ax .06 Postage .2 5
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I 7.00 T ax .21 P ostage .2 5 Volume V II____ By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
1.25 T ax .04 P ostage .2 5 C ontaining tw e n ty -six D iscourses, d icta ted b efore h undreds o f stu d en ts, w ith
Jesus’ Ascension, m iniatu re fo ld e r________ .25 T ax .01 Postage .05 th ree color plates. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , P ostp a id $3.25
The Lum inous Presence, 1 2 x 1 6 ---------------- 1.25 T ax .04 Postage .2 5
The Lum inous Presence, m iniatu re fo ld e r.. .25 T ax .01 P ostage .05 ”1 AM” ADORATIONS A N D AFFIRMATIONS______ By Chanera
5.50 T ax .17 P ostage .2 5 V est P ocket Edition o f p o w erfu l A dorations and Affirm ations.
5.50 T ax .17 P ostage .2 5 Price $ 1 .0 0 , P o stp a id $1.20
2.50 T ax .08 Postage .20 SPECIAL "I AM” DECREES AND BINDER
2.50 T ax .08 P ostage .20
LOOSE-LEAF BIN D E R in heavy green cloth , stam ped to m atch the Saint G er­
1.00 T ax .03 P ostage .20
main Series. For Special "I AM” D ecrees, and L oose-leaf Songs. T hese Decrees
1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20
and Songs are printed on fillers punched to fit Binder, w h ich hold about 150
Jesus seal, silver fram ed, tin te d __________ ___ .30 T ax .01 P ostage .05
leaves (3 00 pages.) P rice Binder $1.25 each. P ostp a id $1.40
Saint Germ ain seal, silver fram ed, tin te d ------- .30 T ax .01 P ostage .05
D ecrees and Songs 1 l/ z C per lea f (2 p a g e s), postage ex tra .
Jesus, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia finish _________ 15.00 T ax .45 P ostage Ex. col.
P o stp a id — a cco rd in g to w e ig h t.
Saint G erm ain, 24x3 2, sepia finish________ 15.00 T ax .45 P ostage Ex. col.
Jesus, 1 9 x 2 4 , sepia finish_________ _____ _ 7.50 T ax .23 Postage Ex. col. CHART OF "THE MAGIC PRESENCE”
Saint Germ ain, 1 8 x 2 4 , sepia fin ish ________ 7.50 T ax .23 P ostage Ex. col. A b e a u tifu lly lithographed color chart, su itab le for fram in g and com tem plation.
"I AM” Emblems (stick ers) .:______________ .15 T ax .01 Postage .05 Size 1 2 x 2 1 , P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P o stp a id $ 1.20
"The M agic Presence,” 3 0 x 4 8 ______________ 15.00 T ax .45 P ostage Incl. Size 3 0 x 5 2 on h eavy linen, P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , P repaid
"The M agic Presence,” 12x20 _______________ 1.00 T ax .03 Postage .20 Can also be secured in S C E N E -IN -A C T IO N , size 12 x 21, P rice $50.00
T A X COLLECTED ONLY IN STATE OF CALIFORNIA Size 3 0 x 52, Price $ 2 0 0 .0 0 . Both sizes, shipping charges ex tra .
"U N V E IL E D MYSTERIES”— In T w o V olu m es.......................................... P rice $5.25
"TH E MAGIC PRESENCE”— In Three V olum es....................................... Price $7.75
"T H E *1 AM ’ DISC OU RSES”-—In T w o V olum es........ .............................. Price $6.7 5
" A SC EN D E D MASTER DISCOURSES”— In T w o V olum es................. P rice $7.00
P lus M ailing Charges
• THE • • THE •
H and colored steel engravings o f etch in gs by Charles Sindelar. Lotus R ay K ing, H arpist
1 0 0 0 -A— ” 1 AM ” COME (In stru m en ta l)
Size 12 x 16. P rice $ 2.00 each, P ostpaid $ 2 .2 5 F rederick Landw ehr, N ovach ord
1000-B — D ed ication ________ D onald R ay King
PICTURE OF THE COSMIC BEING, ORION, better known as Lotus R ay K ing, H arpist
"THE OLD MAN OF THE HILLS” 1 0 0 1 -A — "I AM ” COME ------------------(T rio ) V iolet Fairchild, Soloist
H and colored steel en gravin g. Size 12 x 16. Price $ 2 .00. P ostpaid $ 2 .2 5 Frederick Landw ehr, N ovachord
1001 -B— D ed ica tio n ________ D onald R ay K ing
A ctu a l photographic reproduction in G oldtone. < V iolet Fairchild, Soloist
1002 - A — R ainbow R ays__ ------ ------ . . . ( T r i o )
Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2 .5 0 , P ostpaid $ 2 .8 5 \ F rederick Landw ehr, N ovach ord
Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3 .5 0 , P ostpaid $4.00 1002-B — D ed ication ________ Lotus R ay K ing
Size 15 x 191/2. P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xpress co llect
( R R -1 2 0 1 — IN V O C A T IO N - .................... ............. ....... Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and D onald
Size 30 x 4 0 . P rice each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E xpress co llect I R R -1 2 0 2 — C O N TE M PLA TIO N (Silen t N ig h t) (H arp S o lo )__ ___ Mrs. Ballard
Profile Size 15 x 19 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , Express co llect
i R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N ------------- ------------------------------- Mrs. Ballard and D onald
} R R -1 2 4 7 — C O N TE M PLA TIO N (N ea rer My God to T h e e )_________ Mrs. Ballard
2 00-A — LIG H T OF MY H E A R T _____ (In stru m en ta l) j Lotus R ay K ing, H arpist
I200-B — ROSE OF L IG H T.______________________ _ 1 Frederick Landw ehr,
V N ovachord
R A IN B O W RAYS N A D A O UR LOVE f 2 02-A — SO N OF L IG H T . (In stru m en ta l) / Lotus R ay K ing, H arpist
) 202-B — CALL TO LIG H T .._____________________________i Frederick Landw ehr,
SON OF L IG H T M IGHTY VICTORY 203 - A— R A IN B O W R A Y S ___________ (In stru m en ta l) / ^ t u s R ay K ing, H arpist
A G roup o f Songs— M usic and Lyrics by G odfre Ray K ing. These songs are 1203-B — O H W O R LD VICTO RIO U S.
< Frederick Landw ehr,
N ovachord
especially charged w ith p ow erfu l healing and a ctiv ity , according to the m eaning
o f the lyrics. Lotus R ay K ing, H arp ist
( 5 00-A — -LIGHT OF MY H E A R T - ------- (T rio )
Each piece o f m usic has b ea u tifu l lithographed cover in color, su itab le for V iolet F airchild, Soloist
\ 500-B — ROSE OF L IG H T ...............
fram in g, each representing th at w h ich the m usic portrays. Frederick L andw ehr, N ovachord
P rice each $ 1 .0 0 ..... ............................... ....... ........................... ............ ..... P ostpaid $ 1 .1 5
L otus R ay K ing, H arp ist
f 501-A — LOTUS MY LOVE._____________(T r io )
V iolet F airchild, Soloist
RADIO BROADCASTING TRANSCRIPTIONS } 501-B— VOICE OF T H E PRESENCE_____ ____ Frederick Landw ehr, N ovach ord
A Series o f Broadcasts availab le for use, con tainin g explanation o f the Law of
Life; also p rotection fo r A m erica. For Inform ation w rite Saint Germ ain Press, 5 02-A — SON OF L IG H T ... (T rio ) L otus R ay K ing, H arp ist
In c., C hicago, Illinois. 502-B— CALL TO L IG H T - V iolet F airchild, Soloist
Frederick Landw ehr, N ovachord


( 50J-A— RAINBOW RAYS____________(Trio) £ * .“* * a7
M onthly M agazine con tainin g articles explaining the Law o f Life; also D is­
) 5 0 3 - B - O H W O R LD V IC TO R IO U S... ------- F r e d V r ^ lc la n d w e h r ” N ovach ord
courses b y the A scended M asters and other im portant subjects. Back num bers
availa b le begin n ing F ebruary, 193 6. Y early subscriptions begin w ith March,
1940. Price $3.00, Single copy 3 5 cents
• THE •
( 5 0 5 -A — AMERICA O UR O W N BELOVED L A N D __________________ M inute Men 33 10 -A— E xcerp ts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8 - ........... Mr. G. W . Ballard
| 5 05-B— SILENT S E N T IN A L ..................... ......... ......... ....... ...................... .. M inute Men 3 310-B — E xcerpts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8 ............ Mr. G. W . Ballard

i 3 3 0 0 -A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. I (Shrine C la ss )____ ____________ Mr. G. W . Ballard 3 310-C — E xcerp ts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8—...... — Mr. G. W . Ballard
3 310 -D -—E xcerpts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8 ......... — Mr. G. W . Ballard
/ 3 3 00-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Shrine Class) ___________ Mr. G. W . Ballard
3 310-E — E xcerpts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3 3 0 1 -A — B E N E D IC T IO N (Shrine C lass) ______ ______________ Mrs. G. W . Ballard 3310-F — E xcerpts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8............... Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3301-B — BE N E D IC T IO N (Shrine C lass) ... ........ ....................... Mr. G. W . Ballard
3 310-G — E xcerpts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8_______ Mr. G. W . Ballard
( 3 3 0 2 -A — IN V O C A T IO N (Shrine C lass) ............................................ Mr. G. W . Ballard 3 3 1 0 -H — E xcerpts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8 _____ — Mr. G. W . Ballard
) 3 3 02-B — TH ERE IS N O D E A T H (Shrine C lass) .............................. Mr. G. W . Ballard
/ 3 310-1— E xcerpts from V icto ry ’s D icta tio n , J u ly 193 8 - ...........—Mr. G. W . Ballard
i J— A doration to M ighty V icto ry
f 3 3 0 3 -A — B eginning o f the "I AM” D ictation s (Shrine C la ss)—-Mr. G. W . Ballard
] K— B enediction by Mr. G. W . Ballard
} 3 3 03-B — Beginning of the "I AM” D ictation s (Shrine C la ss )— Mr. G. W . Ballard

The above records are su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l contem plation or u se in S tu d y G roups.

\ 3 303-C — B eginning of the ” 1 AM ” D ictation s (Shrine C lass)-.-M r. G. W . Ballard
} 3 3 0 3 -D — B eginning of the "I AM” D ictation s (Shrine C la ss)..-M r. G. W . Ballard (A ll records are n ow shipped d irect from the Saint G erm ain Press, Inc., P.O. Box 42 8,
Los A ngeles, C a lif.)
( 3 3 0 3 - E — B eginning of the "I AM” D ictation s (Shrine C la ss)—-Mr. G. W . Ballard
\ 3 3 0 3 - F — B eginning o f the "I AM” D ictation s (Shrine C la ss)— Mr. G. W . Ballard P rice each— B lue transparent m aterial (D o u b le f a c e d ) ......... ....................................— $ 3 .0 0
S hipping C h arges E x tra
(T h e last three Records com prise one afternoon ta lk by Mr. G. W . Ballard and should
be sold in a set)

S 3 3 0 4 -A — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C hart . ..Mr. G. W . Ballard

\ 3 3 04-B — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C hart ...M r. G. W . Ballard

f 3 3 04-C — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h art..... Mr. G. W . Ballard

( 3 30 4 -D — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h art— Mr. G. W . Ballard

f 3 3 0 5 -A — TH IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D H A R M O N Y -..... ................ Mr. G. W . Ballard

\ 3305-B — TH IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D H A R M O N Y _____ ____ Mr. G. W . Ballard
H eadquarters fo r A ll Publications
f 3 3 0 6 -A — TR U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E L O V E .......Mr. G. W . Ballard
} 3 306-B — TR U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E L O V E ........Mr. G. W . Ballard SA IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, IN C ., P. O. Box 1133,
S 3 3 0 7 -A— CALLING TH E P R E S E N C E ................................................... Mr. G. W . Ballard Chicago, Illinois
} 3 3 07-B— CALLIN G TH E PRESENCE .............................................. - M r . G. W . Ballard
S A IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, IN C .— W estern Branch,
f 3 3 08-A — HELPING ALL M A N K IN D ................................ ................Mr. G. W . Ballard
] 3 3 08-B— H ELPING ALL M A N K IN D .................... ...........................Mr. G. W . Ballard P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.
\ 3 3 09-A — IN V O C A T IO N (Shrine C la ss)............................................... Mr. G. W . Ballard
SINDELAR STUDIOS, 2600 So. Hoover St., Los Angeles, California
) 3 309-B — BE N E D IC T IO N (Shrine C la ss )................... .................. Mr. G. W . Ballard (C op yrigh ted by Saint G erm ain Press, In c., C hicago, Illin o is)
m y s t e r ie s PRESENCE
D lSC0t7RSE{

C ?"K e £ ) A in t Q e r m a in ^>e r je £
---------- , ---- ■ - \X /^-- ■--- - ...... -.- ■ = £
By the Ascended Masters and their Accredited Messengers
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard and son, Donald

lllll OF C A L IF O R N IA $3.09 A Y E A R . « r .|*
*' IN O T H E R C O U N T R IE S $3.50 A Y EA R .
P U B L ISH E D M O N T H L Y . S IN G L E C O PIES 3 5 C E N T S .

The tvVoice of the I AM” is the mouth-piece through which

the Ascended M asters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most powerful work possible for America
and the world may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.

The information given under the heading of trYoung Amer­

ica” will be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illumination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters will give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden " I AM” Age.
This magazine is not an outlet for articles from the stu ­
dents, but is the outpouring of the help from the Ascended
Masters and has no human concepts in it.


2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California
H, Mighty Glorious Cosmic Light
From out the C entral Sun,
O ur " I AM P R E SE N C E ” very Breath,
The H eart of everyone—
We thank Thee for Thy Mighty Self,
Thy Life, Thy Light, Thy A ll!
Accept our Love and gratitud e,
T hyself in every call,
Which now we send unto Thy H eart
In praise no tongue can tell,
Oh, Mighty Source of all that is,
In V ict’ry now we dwell!
We give Thee all our hearts in song,
Their Light mankind shall see!
Expand It now with Cosmic Power
For only Light sets FR EE!
Thy Love " I AM” and " I AM” too
Is ALL Life can bestow;
Thou art the Giver and the G ift,
The giving each may know!
We now give back to Thee, " I AM,”
A LL— A LL in Love’s Release!
Thou art the O N LY PRESEN C E too,
The Realm and H eart of Peace!
Thy Cosmic Flame now lights the world,
" I AM” Its Power to raise,
To purify, to bless, set FREE,
For It we now give praise!
We pour our Love, thanksgiving too,
The Light from out each H eart
And as It spreads throughout the earth,
Illumines every p art!
Oh, Mighty Cosmic Light in all,
Thy Splendor NOW — " I AM” !
FU LFILL my H eart’s Command.
— Cbanera
It is Real; that I am Real! One day, you will see
quite well enough that " I AM R EA L,” when I
$AINTGMtMAIRfe choose to come forth in My Tangible Body and
r f I E > I# C @ U F J& E c i talk to you as the Messenger is talking to you now.
jf{inutej4{en Chicago, Illinois Then you will see— but be patient until that time!
jSanctuarjfJfyi■,il9ihi92>$ The Wisdom of the G reat Ones knows w hat is
best for mankind in spite of any human opinions
to the contrary; but it takes time, as you have
r p ^ E N T L E M E N ! Minute Men of Am erica! known it, for m ankind to become re-adjusted to
| I greet you in the Nam e, Power and these conditions. Through this Knowledge I have
V Jf Freedom of Life! In all you have wit- brought forth, which is the unadulterated T ruth
nessed recently, in all the achievements of Life, human opinions of the past have almost
from the Inner O ctave of Light, which you do been turned up-side-down; but that should not
not yet see m anifested or perhaps will not quite be disturbing since in many of your conditions in
understand, let Me give you ju st a little idea as the outer world, you suddenly w ant a change
to the extent of the Expansion of this Light. for you tear down your buildings and replace
First, I w ant to remind you that here in this them with the perfection or change which you
very room at the Musical when the Messengers have determined was better. So when I bring you
were here before— right where I am standing this Magnificent U nderstanding and Application
now, the Goddess of Light stood and through H er of Life, W H ICH IS FREEDOM , if It tears down
G reat Power opened the Doorw ay to the A s­ the old structu re and replaces it by a new one—
cended M asters’ O ctave of Light to bring into more Perfect and B eautiful— it should not be dis­
action a more pow erful Force of Light for the tressing, should it?
Freedom of the " I AM” students of America. I w ant you to see how very practical I am, for
T h at is no figment of anyone’s imagination. It in all these centuries of My A ctivity, I have dealt
was m ighty Real! It still is and will remain so, constantly with the governments of the world
until the people of Am erica are fre e ! but un fortunately few would listen. In Am er­
Gentlemen, I congratulate you on Life having ica, for the first time, I have found this great,
so planned it that you meet in this room to-day. great response.
All brought into this room at that time was for Since I asked the Messengers to go forth and
the Blessing of every one who has ever entered carry This Light, Its Expansion has been unprece­
or ever shall enter it. Many have not understood, dented in the world. It means that when mankind
have not appreciated, the h alf of the Reality reaches a certain point in the Expansion of that
which It was, but such is their m isfortune. Light, It will be ju st exactly like when you pull
Gentlemen, to-day in all I release to you to take the gate up in a dam of w ater and let Its power
command in your feeling world, please feel that rush through. T hat is why the Goddess of Light
opened the Doorw ay into the Ascended M asters’
4 5
Octave of Light— to give H er added Assistance to sengers, knowing that they had neither money nor
that which I have brought forth, and to which influence when I asked them to carry This Light.
all are giving unlimited Assistance at this time. Yet the world observes the achievement to-day.
N ow gentlemen, this applies to every detail of (A pplause— audience rising)
your health, your operation in the human world, Since every one w ants to understand, wants to
or anywhere else that you decide to direct your have a means by which he can produce definite
attention. I w ant you to try and realize to-day action, then is there any reason for doubting this
in the Power of this Radiation— that your atten ­ magnificent T ru th ? This is the first time in the
tion determines w hat you are going to do, w hat history of the earth that there has come forth the
you are going to be and where you are going. Ascended M asters’ Clear U nadulterated Under­
When you understand that your attention is the standing and Application of the Power of your
Power of Life in action carrying your Stream of own Life by which you can have m athematical,
Life and Energy into the objective, then you m ust definite action. Depending entirely upon your de­
know that your attention is the Power by which termination and your firmness, in standing by
you determine the Victory or failure of Life. the application which you make, will you have
O f course from O ur standpoint there is no such quick or seeming delayed answer to all that you
thing as failure in Life. It is but a retarding require. Life in Itself is so Perfect, so Pow erful
process which goes on among m ankind constantly, and Magnificent. If left alone and kept free from
ofttim es by their unwillingness to give obedience human qualification, It would n atu rally produce
to Life and their unwillingness to m aintain the a Perfect Body, m aintain it in Perfect H ealth and
Self-control which is necessary in various activ­ the Radiation from your human form would go
ities; but w hatever or wherever your attention out into your world, harmonize and make every­
is fixed there your Life is flowing. You cannot thing successful wherever you move.
prevent it. Since I brought forth This U nder­ I ask you to observe because it is so out-stand­
standing to show m ankind that they alone are ing, it covers such a vast scope. From the very
responsible for the lack of control of their atten ­ first time the Messengers went to Los Angeles, the
tion, bringing conditions into their worlds by most drastic attem pts were made to prevent their
lack of control that they did not dream could going into action there; but when they called the
be and since they are the O ut-picturing of it " I AM Presence” into action and took the human
to-day in the distress and limitations which exist, mind off the condition, everything came into order
then m ay I have the privilege of showing you and they went from one place to another, until
how all that C A N BE reversed? I say "c an be” they a rriv e d in the Shrine A u d ito riu m larg e
and there is not the slightest question in the enough to hold the people.
world about it! I call your attention from time to time, gen­
I cannot quite understand how the people, the tlemen, to this that you may see there is no ob­
student body of Am erica, do not realize this when struction in the Universe to your determined
they have seen the Alm ighty Victory of the Mes­ application. When you call the Power of the Pres­
6 7
ence into action, that Light is A ll-Pow erful! It m ent.” (A pplause— audience rising) Thank you
is Love, Wisdom and Power, a Substance and In­ kindly, gentlemen. Will you remain standing for
telligence that goes forth into action and by Its ju st a few moments while My C urrents of Energy
Alm ighty Power, harmonizes and dissolves hu­ flow through you?
man discord and lets the Power of Life in Its I know when mankind has not been accus­
Alm ighty Perfection and A uthority take com­ tomed to these things, they do not quite feel the
mand of your affairs and bring Divine Order, Reality. I know you do not see the Streams of
Supply and Success out of it. Energy acting, but please, kindly and joyfully
T h at is why if mankind once really see this accept that which I offer, for It is the most Real
and find that it only requires their staunch firm Thing in the w orld! As the Messengers have told
determination held unw avering in the call to Life you, all the Real things in the world are invis­
to accomplish the Victory, they will apply This ible to the physical sight of the average individ­
Understanding. There is not one person among ual. When I tell you, I am pouring Currents of
the " I AM” Students in America who w ould not Energy into your feeling world to anchor a firm
go forw ard to success in w hatever such an one Action and Power and Presence of Life, am plify­
desired to fix his or her attention upon. Success, ing your own Stream of Life and Energy which
gentlemen, is only a fragm entary part of all the will make you the Dominion, the Commander of
Activity Life w ants you to have. O f course, since yourself and your world, I mean ju st that! I
certain conditions exist in the outer world to-day would not take your time nor Mine to talk child­
in the physical octave, you m ust have certain ish nonsense. You are grow n up, gentlemen, and
things here to be happy and com fortable and have have come to the point of m aturity and decision.
a certain Freedom of action; b u t my dear ones, You are no longer children, not even in the Light.
that is only a small part. W hat every one of your Do you realize ju st w hat that means, when I say
hearts really w ants is the Goal of Life. you are no longer Children in the Light? It means
The culm ination of all the ages and embodi­ that the Light in your heart has expanded to the
ments in which you have lived is at hand, I assure point where It can begin to take command of
you. We alone know that, but I say to you: Be­ your human form and release the Power of R a ­
cause of the Power of the Incoming Cosmic Light, diation which goes forth from your human forms.
great numbers of mankind have got to finish in It means everything in the world.
this embodiment. Does that sound rather auth or­ Now then, let us get ju st as practical as pos­
itative? Gentlemen, I know exactly w hat I am sible. In your homes through your steam and hot
talking about. I am talking about your Life and w ater heat, you have w arm th in your home in
It is the A uthority! the radiation from your radiator, do you not?
The Life Stream of thousands and thousands That is a n atural, a joyfu lly accepted thing on a
and thousands in America has said: "N o w that cold day. The Radiation from Us is fa r more pow­
p art of you in the human garm ent which I have erful and fa r more im portant than the heat from
p ro v id ed fo r you, sh all finish in this em bodi­ your radiator on a cold day. T h at would be tem­
8 9
porary and bless you only while your furnace ing, you pu t up your form s then gather the rest
was in operation. We are the Eternal Furnace of of the substance around them, do you not? The
Life! O ur H eat never goes down, because It is day you understand that it is within your prov­
the Fire of L ife! ince, authority and Power to make a M EN TA L
Now, I shall convey to you exactly w hat I have P IC T U R E o f the P e rfe ctio n you w an t— the
done. My C urrent of Energy is to establish in achievement you w ant, and hold it as definitely
your feeling world that Fire of Life which will before you as a blue print, you will be able to
give you Courage, Strength and Dauntlessness use one of the Trinities of Action of Life, which
in your call to the Power of Life to release Its m ankind has used but little, except in the un ­
Dominion into action, to take command of your guarded state. When looking upon the discord
world of action and enable you to call forth Its and lim itations of the outer world, you really in­
Dominion into the industrial world, into the busi­ picture the discord into your world and then
ness world, into your government and cities; to out-picture the same thing again. To avoid that,
take command and sweep out all destructive you m ust take your attention off the appearance
things which are there! world with its discord, distress and limitations,
I tell you, gentlemen, with the number of you and put it back on the " I AM Presence” — the
here representing the business world, if all of you only place where the Perfection of Life is. Then
were from Chicago and could meet in a body and you will out-picture the Perfection which is here
send forth these Decrees, it would govern and (pointing to the h e a rt)— which is of your heart.
conquer every condition in the City. Why? Be­ Gentlemen, I ask you to consider this C hart as
cause you represent the masculine element. Now im portant to your business w orld as It is to your
then think of the advantage. Ju st a few steps Goal of L ife; for when you understand that these
from you are the D aughters of Light, the feel­ Powers represented here are yours, you will know
ing activity of m ankind; for the feminine ele­ this Power is the only means to-day by which
ment does represent the feeling activity of the the commercial world m ay find peace, anchorage
world. Really, that is the Powerhouse, and when to constructive activity and fulfillm ent. You
you understand how to release your feeling with cannot go much fu rth er in the conditions that
its natural positive element into the world of ac­ now exist and survive.
tion, you will find everything changing with a N ew York, W ashington, D. C., Philadelphia,
speed and power that w ould to-day seem incred­ Chicago are the points that need the greatest
ible to you. It is only as you try out this G reat change to-day. I ask you to observe how at v a ­
Law and prove it IN A C T IO N , will you see Its rious intervals in Philadelphia, the C radle of
magnificent Power and have the Freedom which Liberty and Freedom to the world, there have
It brings to you. been attem pts made to intrude conditions to bring
All these activities are your own Life and It dishonor upon that greatest thing in the U ni­
is as practical as anything in the mechanical world verse— Liberty; but you see each time they fail!
and as definite. When you start to put up a build­ The communists attem pted to drive their destruc­
10 11
tive forces in there to bring discredit upon the I tell you, gentlemen, that a dictator will never
most honorable thing in Am erica, the Cradle of arise in this America, (applause) or come here
Its Liberty. from anywhere else! (A pplause) I am going to
I tell you, gentlemen, make your call and clean say something that I have never said, because it
out of your w orld, out of your business activity, did not seem the time before, b u t to-day it does
every human being who is not a hundred percent, seem the time. I have been recently given certain
a thousand percent, loyal to the United States of Cosmic A uthority in and over America (applause)
Am erica! T h at frig h tfu l thing has come within by the Powers of Light. Do you understand that
one of w recking your N ation ju st like it has those your Goddess of Liberty, Who is a Mighty Real
of Europe. Cosmic Being, is really the Cosmic Mother of
Do you think it was the figment of anybody’s Am erica? Do you quite understand that? I f not,
imagination when the Kaiser of Germ any was at please anchor it firm ly in your consciousness to­
the height of his dominion, that the report was day because of the things which are to follow.
in your papers of how he had prepared a throne Steadily and surely these destructive forces are
for America? Do you think that was im agina­ being wiped out of your nation and I congratu­
tion or newspaper talk? T h at was true gentle­ late our beloved brother here (M r. P otter). T o­
men and that same force has hold of H itler to­ day, steadily and surely the destructive forces
day! Make no mistake about it! The same force are being wiped out of Chicago (applause) and
has hold of Mussolini and Stalin, only with Stalin much has within a few days been taken out which
it is a wholly different thing. He does not think will m ake the fu tu re much more certain and
so much of the conquest of A m erica; b u t he has easier o f attainm ent.
become wholly a fiend o f destruction. He thinks I say to you, gentlemen, stand steadfast and
of scarcely anything else in his suspicion, but to firm. I f you do, you will not find it necessary to
destroy those of whom he is afraid and whom he take up physical battle for anything; but unless
thinks m ight take his place. He has m urdered you do understand this, your young men of
thousands and thousands of magnificent men in Am erica will have to defend your country by
Russia, because of that fiendish suspicion and force.
dread for his own safety. You remember that m agnificent T ru th which
To think that a nation will allow a fiend like the Goddess of Liberty gave you in H er Vision
that to survive seems incredible, but that is the to W ashington. You remember that in H er Vision
pow er o f fe a r over people. T h an k God, the there was the indication that these destructive
"M ighty I AM Presence,” that the American peo­ forces m ight find certain action here. Seeing and
ple— while a lot of them have great fear of one knowing this and that it w as possible to reach so
thing or another— when it comes to a show-down many people in Am erica, I conceived the idea
that fear disappears and the power, the strength that it could be wholly avoided; and W IT H T H E
and energy does come forth. (A pplause— audi­ C O N T IN U E D EX P A N SIO N OF T H IS L IG H T ,
ence rising) I am as sure as I am speaking to you this morn­
12 13
ing, that it can be avoided— that the necessity W ould there be anything in the w orld that We
for physical force will not reach such a point. feared? I hope it will not be necessary, gentle­
This is the im portant point: "In official places, men, but if it is, you will find Me standing forth
in your government, in your city, in the officials in your midst in the T angible Body, as Tangible
who seem to be m anifesting the w rong activity, as your own; and if it should ever come to a
please take your feelings off those individuals— I point where physical force is necessary, I W ILL
mean your feeling of discord. C all the Power of ST A N D T H E LEA D ER OF Y O U R ARMY. (A p­
Light into action with dynamic determination to plause— rising) and no bullets will touch me or
either correct their w rong activity or take them My generals! (A pplause) T h at is how much I
o u t and rep lace them by A scended M aster love you and the people of A m erica! T h at is how
Friends! Please use that term ! H ave all official My Determ ination stands to-day. So This " I AM”
activity replaced with Ascended M aster Friends; A ctivity shall go forw ard to Freedom in Am er­
because you do not know w hat that Q uality sent ica. I w ould like to see any o f your cannons or
forth into the feeling world will do. It will take G atling guns mow down My Form ! Such things
command and enfold individuals ju st as if you don’t exist for me, b ut I can surround an arm y
put your arm s around them, by the Power of with an Invincibility which cannons, G atling
Light, and hold those individuals in the Ascended guns and bombs cannot touch. (A pplause)
M asters’ Radiation and A ctivity which will give I f the Minute Men of Am erica and the student
them the strength to stand against the conditions body will stand, understanding My R eality, then
they find in those official places.” is there anything that I w ould not do for your
Do you understand, gentlemen, that there are assistance, even to coming forth in the Tangible
thousands of the officials in Am erica to-day who Body and taking command? I w ant you to under­
have gone into those positions with a magnificent stand that, gentlemen!
intent; b u t the gangsters or the conditions of de­ There are a few people who still doubt My
structive forces in Am erica find some means to Reality, and still think it is the Messenger who
get a t them and throw fear into them, until they is voicing these W ords; or that he is the one who
finally succum b and do the will of such individ­ has given these D ictations. G reat God! there is
uals? T h at is why I ask you to charge into indi­ not a hum an being living on the face of this
viduals who are placed in office or who replace earth who could give forth the D ictations that
individuals in official positions, to be the Ascended have been given which this Messenger has voiced!
M aster Friends raised up everywhere; because There is not a human being in existence who
that Pow erful Qualification going forth, will en­ could do it. There have been given endugh to fill
able those individuals to be enfolded in the Pres­ a hundred volumes within a year— as if any hu­
ence, the Substance, the Intelligence and the man being could do that. Such an idea is abject
Energy, which is the qualification of the A s­ nonsense!
cended M asters and that is a fearless pow erful So gentlemen, I am trying to anchor you firmly
activity. to-day in the T ru th of My R eality and to the
14 15
degree that you understand and feel It, will I be T hat is why I say to you, gentlemen, you have
able to give you the Assistance which is required. got to be firm ! I am pleading for your Life— and
It is the people of Am erica who need Me! I could remember, students of Am erica, you are not
go on in the O ctave of Light and leave the people serving these Messengers, you are not serving Me,
of America to the mercy of these fiendish forces, you are serving your own Life for your Eternal
but since I have gone thus fa r, is it not right for Freedom; and don’t let that get out of your head.
the people of Am erica to arise and believe in My (A pplause) Sometimes now and then a student
Reality? H A V E I EV ER G IV EN TH EM A N Y ­ has thought, if he or she has not said it— but
T H IN G B U T C O N ST R U C T IV E , B E A U T IFU L, many times have said so: "W hy don’t the Mes­
M A G N IFIC EN T T H IN G S? sengers w atch over me? Why don’t they prom pt
Gentlemen, when somebody says to you that I Me?” G reat Scott! You have an " I AM Presence.”
am not Real, ask such an one that question. Then You have got to call to It, until It does give you
if they say I am not, punch them in the nose. the Prompting. T hat is w hat counts. Look at these
(A pplause) Do you know, gentlemen, I mean humble Messengers. I f you knew the dynamic ap­
that! (A pplause) I f individuals are so ignorant plication they have made to hold their defense
or so vicious— which are the tw o opposites, and and the Expansion of This Light, then you would
can only understand force, then they ought to be understand w hat it means, to stand in your own
supplied. application and win the Victory.
Let me tell you something: I am not advocat­ D id I give them money, or pour money by the
ing fighting, b u t I am advocating a Power of millions into their hands when I asked them to
positiveness that if somebody comes to you and go forth? N o! Because I saw the need of their
says that This W ork is not Real, tell them to shut own application for their Freedom; and praise
their mouths, until they have investigated to see Presence of Life, they understood it themselves!
the T ru th which is here! These people who are I could have supplied them and could to-day, with
so vicious know not one thing about This W ork! the limitless supply of money which they require
How can anybody know anything about It who for anything; b u t Freedom depends upon w hat
has not read these books thoroughly or attended you give; and if you are not in a position to give
these m agnificent classes of the Messengers? They money, then you can give your Love, your call
cannot do it. Then to say something is w rong to Life, to carry on This Ascended M aster " I AM”
without sufficient investigation is a falsehood of A ctivity. T h at is the position of every " I AM”
the rankest kind and should not be tolerated by student in America. I tell you, dear people, the
any human being! A fter the evidence which has whole world wonders how the expansion of the
been given to the whole w orld of this Magnificent student body has occurred in Los Angeles with
W ork, Its Expansion and the Healings of thou­ the number of people there. It is because those
sands— and thousands o f the people set free, if people were willing to give and go w ithout them­
mankind cannot see that, then they are blind selves for the Expansion of This L igh t; and they
indeed. have been responsible for the carrying of this
16 17
W ork to many places in America which would For instance, suppose you call to your Presence
not have been given It otherwise, w ithout their for an automobile. The Energy and Intelligence
assistance. (A pplause) w ould go forth from your Stream of Life in your
The people of America have got to finance and call, to take command and bring into use the
support This Work if they w ant to have It. We automobile you so decreed, or the m ake which
are giving everything in the w orld to intensify you choose; because you are the decreer. I f you
and bring about their Freedom; and if they are chose a Buick, Life w ould not bring you a Chrys­
not interested enough to release the finance, they ler. I f you chose a Chrysler, It w ould not bring
will be the losers. Think w hat This W ork means you a Buick. T h at is the discrim inating Power
to all! In your Groups of Minute Men of Am er­ of Life, dear people.
ica and in the Study Groups, stand them on their
feet and decree for the supply to carry on your I f you call for a certain am ount of cash money
W ork and the W ork of the Messengers and your in hand fo r a certain objective and use, It won’t
Decrees will produce it. T h at is the point. I w ant bring you a load of straw . Do you not see how
you to see this definitely to-day, because it is such M agnificent is the A ctivity of Life? I w ant you
a magnificent attitude to Life. It does not mean to see it. I think you are, and I am eternally
you have got to give money, if you have not got g rate fu l that you are getting this to-day with a
it at the moment, but notice this: I mention this m agnificent Power.
point to give you an illustration. Remember, I am one w ith you! I know what
There have been students all over the country it means to go through the experiences of human
who tem porarily did not apparently have the life, b u t I fortun ately gained my Freedom in
money to buy books and in many instances where time to come to your assistance. (A pplause)
that blessed boy, Frank, said to those people: Gentlemen, did you observe w hat w as said last
"W hy don’t you decree for those books?” either night? I am sorry you did not quite get it; but
the money or the books came into their use, and y o u r beloved L o tu s g a v e you a trem en dou s
every single time where they were w illing to do pointer last night. Pardon Me for jum ping around
that, the books were within their hands in a few considerably, b u t there are certain points, I w ant
hours. to cover w ith you to-day.
If you understand your call to Life will pro­
duce the thing you require, then you will under­ Do you understand why the Kaiser of G er­
stand that there is not one thing you cannot have, m any and why H itler are in this condition to­
even if it is not apparent at the moment. It is day? You will remember, she told you last night
ju st the same with money or with a suit of clothes about the last black m agician who w as seized and
you require; with an automobile, with a certain taken from the earth and who had been an ­
am ount of money you require to conduct your chored in the Black Forest of Germ any. I am re­
business, it is one and the same thing. It is energy peating this because you did not get the fulness
qualified, which takes on the substance you re­ of it. I w ant you to. I w ant you to see how these
quire. forces find, or did find means of anchorage for
the destruction o f mankind and how they seized
upon in d iv id u a ls an d sp rea d th a t poisonous Please understand, that you as one individual
breath throughout the world. standing alone with your " I AM Presence” C A N
H ere is a point that has never been given, but call forth a Power of Light which will lift you
I w ant you to have it to-day. An associate of into any constructive condition in the w orld! I
that pow erful black m agician, who w as an ­ can take any one of you or all of you; take you
chored in the Black Forest, w as also anchored in individually and give you certain directions and
Siberia. You wondered why so m any magnificent if you w ould follow them, I can raise you inside
men were sent to Siberia, even in the time of the of two years into anything you w ould determine
C zar. Yet, my dear people, it w as not a fragm ent to reach: (A pplause) b u t it could not be done if
of w hat has been done since. Those tw o black you doubt My R eality, if you doubt my Ability,
m agicians were the most pow erful in connection if you doubt My Wisdom!
with the forces of earth and had anchored within D oubt is a very destructive force. It is not quite
the earth that which held them firm, b ut now the w ord to use, b u t yet it does lead to that. Let
they are no more! (A pplause) Therefore, all that us use another expression— doubt is the most
now remains is the energy which they had charged stifling force in all the qualities m ankind gen­
forth and their influence which is fa st dissolving erate because it shuts the door tight to the Beauty
and disappearing. You will find that those D ic­ and Perfection which could come forth through
tators, all three of them in Europe, will suddenly them and to them. T h at is why I say, the day has
collapse like a balloon. I ask you to w atch and arrived when the people who doubt My Reality
ob serve! I have n ev er to ld you an u n tru th will have failed on the Pathw ay of L igh t! It is
through these Messengers from the beginning; w orth taking notice of. I cannot help it b u t that
and if people will observe, they will find the very attitu de of doubt makes it impossible for Me
things I have indicated have come forth to the to do that which It is My Province to do and
letter. I am not a prophet, b u t I know w hat is which no one else can do.
going on in the w orld! I go in the w orld wherever Will you observe fo r a moment that I ju st
I choose, to find and get My Inform ation and I happen to be placed as A uthority over the Sev­
have the record absolutely the same as you keep enth R ay, the Violet R ay to this earth? There­
your books to-day. I f you don’t think We are fore, It has made Me certain A uthority and it has
practical, then come up and see! (A pplause— a u ­ recently made Me certain Cosmic A uthority to
dience rising) the governm ent of Am erica! I f the people are
I say fran k ly to you, you are thrilling to Me going to believe I am not Real, then that is why
to-day, for I see w hat is coming forth from you, they will have failed on the Pathw ay of Light!
and I tell you gentlemen, if you continue to build I cannot help it. It is not My fa u lt, b u t since I
that, there w on’t be a single thing which w ould have given Every C onstructive Thing and not one
stand between you and the glorious victory of thing that is destructive— not one thing that is
everything constructive upon which you fixed not helpful; then if people doubt Me, it is because
your attention. their own accum ulation has made them do it.
20 21
T hat is why I w ant to anchor you, if possible, N ow , retain the H igh Lights of w hat I have
to-day in the firmness of My R eality, so it enables said to-day. Do not let them get aw ay from you;
Me to do for you and through you w hat is needed b u t remember We, the G reat Ascended M asters
to be done. Ju st think of it, I have in no wise in­ who have freed Ourselves from human lim ita­
truded upon anyone in A m erica; b ut their Life tions ju st as you are in position to do to-day, are
Streams through the H igher Mental Body of each your Friends. As I have ju st told you, the Cosmic
one, have made the call to Me and that is how Light is commanding many in Am erica to-day to
and why you are here. T h at is how you are Min­ gain their Freedom and that is why this Dispen­
ute Men to-day. Y our Life within you made you sation came forth so you could do it. Then re­
so, not ju st an outer desire. O f course, it causes member, We are your Friends who are Real and
the outer desire to arise b ut w ithout your Inner T rue.
determination to hold and m aintain that, still it Don’t get any idea We are a figment of the
m ight not be. Messenger’s or anybody’s else im agination! My
Therefore, in O ur Relationship remember, in dear ones, the people of Europe knew Me fo r a
that which I stand for to you in Am erica— the hundred years; and hundreds of people saw Me
Messenger is going to get a great surprise right and knew Me before My Ascension; b ut I cer­
now— I stand to you in the same Cosmic position tainly did not do all the things that I was given
as the Goddess of Liberty. I stand to you the credit for. There was an individual who opposed
Cosmic Father of Am erica. (A pplause) everything I attem pted to do. H e often made
Gentlemen, I am telling you something ju st a people believe, he was Me, b u t he is no more!
little before hand. I wish to anchor this other in­ T H E R E ALW AYS COMES A TIM E W H EN D E ­
form ation ju st now: the Goddess of Ju stice, Who C E P T IO N A N D IN T R IG U E ST O P S A N D
with the Goddess o f P urity was so long, long T H A T IS O N E OF T H E V ERY V ITA L T H IN G S
within the H eart of the G reat Silence, has come TO T H E PEO PLE OF T H E E A R T H T H A T H A S
forth since the beginning of this class and this STO PPED, B U T I SH A LL GO O N FO R EV ER !
time She is not blind-folded! (A pplause) This (A pplause)
time She does not stand as a blind-folded indi­
vidual holding the balance b ut by the Power of My Light shall go on forever! So, I thank you
H er Comm anding Presence, SH E COMM ANDS for your Presence here to-day. I thank you for
T H E BA LA N C E! T h at is the difference between the acceptance which is within the Light of your
a hundred years ago and to-day! T ry to remem­ hearts and your feeling worlds and I know that
ber this point and that the Cosmic Light is com­ you are anchored in the Presence of Life and My
pelling these things to come forth! I ask you to Reality, as you never have been before. (A p ­
w atch! Since H er coming forth, you will see D i­ plause) This is necessary! It is im perative! if I
vine O rder and Divine Ju stice take action in the am going on to give you and Am erica the Service
governm ent, in official places, in your industry, which is needed. We are reaching a crucial point
IN M A N N ER S T H A T W ILL SOMETIMES A S­ and I think as conditions seem to be at this time,
T O U N D Y O U ! (A pplause) it largely depends on the period between now and
22 23
the close of the Shrine Class in Los Angeles on the and doubt of them or their sincerity, doubts the
Messengers’ return there. Light which is the Freedom o f every human being
I f I can have all place confidence in Me and on this earth! T h at is why the Light within the
My R eality, I could almost assure you by their G reat Student Body pours forth such ovations,
return and the close of that class, the Freedom of such gratitude, such Love to these two of the
Am erica w ould be secured; b u t I have got to have most sincere individuals who ever w alked in h u­
the confidence o f the people in My R eality in order man form ! (A pplause)
to do it! We have things in order from the invis­ Ju st one more step. When Wisdom so directs,
ible standpoint, certain things within O ur Gov­ I will show you the physical proof of their service
erning Control which makes Me feel quite assured to the Light in several embodiments, which gives
of even more than I care to say to you. them the Power and the Strength to-day to stand
Therefore, gentlemen, in your individual con­ against the viciousness of m ankind; that is why,
tem plation, in your individual application, take gentlemen, I know their Strength, and they have
your stand over your human intellect or anyone’s not failed Me in a single instance. Therefore, I
else for My R eality and stand by it! Then as you tru st that not one of you will ever fail Me or will
pour forth your Radiance to others, you w ill ever fail your Am erica!
convey that T ru th and feeling to them. Do you I thank you and bless you.
know w hat one can do? One could come into this
auditorium , even to you who are anchored to­
day, and continue to pour out doubt and unbelief
o f My R eality and there w ould be only a few of • GEMS OF L IG H T • V
the people in the audience who w ould not get
that doubt. I f it w as continued long enough, it G O DD ESS OF L IG H T
m ight take fu ll action in their Life. Every night before you sleep, will you fo r a
T h at is the Power o f Radiation which m ankind few moments stand on your feet and call directly
do not understand. T h at is why I say to you to­ to your H igher M ental Body— to charge your
day, if you w ant Am erica to be free and you mind and body with Perfect Peace and rest and
w an t your individual Freedom ; if you w ant your with Its Limitless Energy and D irecting Intelli­
individual supply and peace which can be for gence? Make this a special activity.
Am erica and the health, happiness and prosper­ G O DD ESS OF L IG H T
ity you desire, We are the people Who have got It requires much patience with some of m an­
to assist you to it. (A pplause) kind, b ut many are very w orthy of that patience.
This m ight sound peculiar to you, b u t I ask Their hearts are good, but their enthusiasm runs
you to w atch it and see! Every person who ceases aw ay with them. When that gets to a certain
to love or respect these Messengers will have point, they do not realize that to hold the Light
failed. Why, gentlemen? Because they are the rep­ Pattern uniform is the G reatest Blessing in the
resentatives of the Light to this earth (A pplause) world.
24 25
and the charge of Its Qualities into the feeling
world of everyone of m ankind!
" I AM” the G uarding Intelligence that does
answer every sincere call! G lorify thyselves, Oh
children of earth, in My Radiance!
nYocationSa, 'brnM"July2?>,t937. " I AM ” the Infinite Pow er o f L ig h t w hich
is Self-lu m in ou s In te llig e n t S u b stan ce, whose
AM” the Open Door to the Freedom of Mighty Perfecting A ctivity moves into action dis­
m ankind which no man can shut! solving all before It. May every one feel the Glory
” 1 AM” the Open Door to the Free­ of My Light, the "M ighty I AM Presence” flood
dom of mankind which no man can shut! each one’s body and world this instant, sweep­
" I AM” the Open Door to the Freedom of m an­ ing out all else forever and releasing the Fulness
kind which no man can shut! of Its M ighty Powers into action!
" I AM” the release to m ankind o f Its Invincible Beloved Children of earth, it is action, it is
Protection a t their call! contemplation of My Presence that brings cor­
" I AM ” th a t In v in cib le P resence a c tin g a t rect action; and in the fulness of My Presence is
every one’s sincere call! Aw aken, Oh mankind, everything you require for use! Accept It and
to My Presence and have the Glory and D irecting allow My Presence to flood you and your world
In te llig en ce, the In v in cib le P ro tectio n o f My with all that is required for your happiness and
Blazing Light to flood your w orld! Aw aken, Oh com fort! Such is My Law ! Such is your Law of
m ankind! Life which breathes Life into your being!
" I AM” the Resurrection and the Life of all " I AM” the Presence of Life in you! Why not
Perfection that has ever been brought forw ard let It do Its Mighty W ork in and thru you and
in Amplification at this time in the Incoming stop all human action? Let the fulness of My D i­
Golden A ge! recting Intelligence, My Wisdom and Power flood
" I AM” the Resurrection and the Life! " I AM” in and thru you and do Its Perfecting W ork, only
the aw akening of all m ankind now! In My Realm requiring the human to be silent and a t peace.
of Perfection, there is only NOW , therefore, ” 1 So this day, I command all the human to be
AM” the Governing Power of the earth! I call silent; to hold its attention to My Presence, the
forth My Action NOW into the earth to touch "M ighty I AM,” that My Powers and dissolving,
and quicken the heart of all m ankind to the fu l­ P urifying, Cleansing A ctivity shall find Domin­
ness o f Its acceptance of Its Source— " I AM” ! ion in and thru mankind and the earth!
" I AM” the Fulness of the Release of the G reat I have spoken and so shall It be!
Cosmic Light that floods the earth! Last night,
Its G reat Beginning took place! May all through­
out Am erica feel the G lory of that Release to
mankind, accept Its M ighty Perfecting Activities
I w ant you to see, if you will, that We are When people come to you and ask "w h y ” about
quite norm al Beings. We are not limited in any a thing, refer them to the " Mighty I AM Pres­
w ay, but We are still using the Faculties which ence,” and ask them to be reminded that if the
you are using only in their G reat Extended A c­ energy spent in asking "w h y ” was turned to the
tivity— the Power of your Attention, your Vision " I AM Presence” in fu ll acceptance they w ould
and your Feeling. Do you realize, beloved ones, know w h y ; an d th a t the "w h y ” of one L ife
that is all that comprises you? T hat is all there is Stream has nothing to do with the "w h y ” of an ­
to you— your attention, your vision, your q u al­ other. Therefore, to answer one question would
ification or your feeling. Those are the activities mean that you m ight face about and find twelve
of your Individualized Focus of Light. It is so more with the same question.
with Us and it operates thru all Octaves of Light.
Each one is a special vibratory action. GO DDESS OF L IG H T
I have observed at times that the human is so
prone to ask "w h y ” — why this and why th a t?
You know, beloved ones, it does seem positively Well, if they were answered it does not alleviate
ridiculous that in m ankind’s frig h tfu l struggle the situation, because in a few moments they will
fo r things, they are so often their own obstruc­ think of some more "w h ys,” b u t as they are
tion! Instead of standing calm and steady and let­ turned back to the " I AM Presence” that will
ting the Powers of their own Life Force go forth cease. Oh, do not mind, if they are disappointed.
to render the service. So many people think— well if this question were
G O DDESS OF L IG H T answered I w ould be all fixed fo r my achieve­
ment. Well, when those are answered many more
It is quite all right to call fo r a thing within a will appear, until the individual will turn wholly
definite period, b u t do not let your human qualifi­ to the " I AM Presence.”
cation make you feel disappointed, if it does not
arrive within the time you have set. There are a G ODDESS OF L IG H T
good many of the students who have done that, I am sure it is not going to be long, until you
then when it did not arrive, they fe lt as though w ill understand clearly and definitely, if you do
their efforts had failed. T hat is not the case in any not already, how very practical We are. There is
sense a t all. D ear ones, won’t you please do this: not one thing about the human octave that We
do not let your intellect ever again ask "w h y ” in do not understand and that We are not interested
anything. Ju st go on with your application, know ­ in. I f it is something to be dissolved, then We are
ing the Wisdom of your own Presence of Life is still interested in it. I f it is something to expand
constantly acting. Perfection, then We are interested in that.
28 29
Only state a thing as the L aw and make each
individual feel his or her own responsibility as to
Its enactment. N ever advise. N ever give any ex­
pression that can be misconstrued as giving a d ­
vice; fo r in the G reat Law , one Life Stream does
not know w hat the other requires.
Please do not give any human being power to
disturb, limit or affect you in any way. Ju st stand
in that joyous, calm serenity and know that as
you stand within the G lory of your " I AM Pres­
ence,” not one person on earth can limit or de­
prive you of any good thing which belongs to
you. I f you stand calm , firm , determined and
serene, not one thing can you be deprived of.
Remember, w hatever supply of money comes
into your hands, do not stop your application fo r
your financial supply a t any time. H old w hat you
have gained and keep calling forth fo r that lim­
itless supply.
'Whenever you have the opportunity to talk to • NEW M USIC •
someone, preface your rem arks and explanation T is our great privilege and joy to an­
of this L aw with the statem ent that it is the Law nounce the release of a new Song by
of that one’s own Life you are talking about. G odfre R ay King (M r. G. W. B allard)
Therefore, it is not a thing anyone could object — M igh ty V icto ry . Both ly ric s and
to, if he or she w ants Freedom and assistance. It music were w ritten by our Beloved Messenger,
is not anything mysterious or unusual. I f you will Mr. G. W. B allard, and are charged with trem en­
preface your conversation with that, it will im ­ dous Power of Light and Blessing to all who sing,
mediately take aw ay any feeling that it is some­ hear or play it.
thing of a mysterious nature.
30 31

"M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y ” is dedicated in Eternal GEMS OF L IG H T
Love, G ratitude and Blessing to the "M ighty I GO DDESS OF L IG H T
AM Presence” and the Beloved Cosmic Being,
Victory. Mankind m ust have His V ictory of the You know when a thing has occurred three
Cosmic Light as of a Thousand Suns, to hold con­ times, it becomes quite n atural. So if We were to
trol of the forces of Life on this earth, if hum an­ come forth in the Tangible Body three times, you
ity are to survive here and act constructively in w ould feel quite as n atu ral with Us as you do
the fu tu re. with each other, and you would look at Us some­
Every time this song is sung, played, heard or times and wonder, if that was really a Being of
the picture contemplated those using it shall re­ G reat Power, because We would seem to be like
ceive from this Mighty Cosmic Being V ictory His yourselves.
M ighty Light Rays enfolding them, provided they G ODDESS OF L IG H T
make the call to Him and hold harmony in the
Oh, the G reat Wisdom of L ife! How magnifi­
feelings. His Light Rays are Substance, Light,
cent, beloved ones, is the Wisdom of your Life—
Energy and Perfection from His Sphere of A ctiv­
every one of you ju st w aiting Its Release and
ity. The moment one’s attention is turned to Him,
Dominion of that G reat G reat Wisdom that is
that one is definitely in connection with His G reat
you; and yet fo r a long time you have shut It out,
Perfection, V ictory and Power of L ife; for His
b u t soon no more.
Light Rays carry His Feeling of V ictory and the
Power o f Light over all destructive forces and GO DDESS OF LIG H T
qualities. Oh, my dear ones, to think that to-day in the
Send your Love, G ratitude and Blessings to m idst of the human seething vortex, there can be
M ighty V ictory and call for His O ut-pouring to the Magnificence and Power of the Light which
be sustained, until all are as Perfect and V ictor­ has been experienced, which has been the Victory,
ious as He is. and it is only in the beginning of w hat can be.
This song is dedicated to the C ity of Cleveland
where it was first sung, to release a M ighty O u t­
pouring of V ictory’s M ighty Miracles and V ic­ • N O T IC ES •
tories o f Freedom, Divine Ju stice and Perfection, N EW O U T L IN E S A N D LO O SE-LEAF
until Cleveland becomes an A labaster City of D EC R EES
Light as the Ascended Masters have commanded. T is our privilege and great joy to an­
May the Ascended M asters’ Marvelous " I AM ” nounce the release of a complete new
Temple of Light come forth in that city quickly; I FU N D A M EN T A L GROUP Outline to
within which the U nfed Flame blazes forth the take the place of the No. 2 Beginner’s
fu ll Cosmic Power of Eternal V ictory which Outline.
raises all who enter there into the Ascension as This new Outline contains seven (7 ) Lessons
soon as possible. which all beginners need to be informed about.
32 33
N o one entering the Fundam ental Group should SPECIAL N O T IC E
be allowed to enter the R egu lar Study Groups
u n til they have atten d ed the fu ll seven (7 ) T is our great privilege to announce that
Classes, and received a C ard from the Group all fu tu re pressings of Phonograph Rec­
Leader showing they are ready to enter the Study i i i ords will be made from a new blue tran s­
Groups and Large Classes. parent flexible m aterial. We have been
G RO U P LEA D ER S’ IN ST R U C T IO N S w orking on these for some time and feel we now
This Outline contains the Instructions given have them perfected to the point where we can
out in the Classes from time to time regarding offer them to the public.
conducting of Group Meetings, and will replace This blue transparent m aterial carries a special
the letters previously sent out. healing qu ality and vibratory action and we know
This Instruction is being placed in an Outline you will be happy with them.
sim ilar to Nos. 1 and 2 and will be available to
all who wish to be informed about Group A ctiv­ Because of the increased cost of this special m a­
ities. Every G roup Leader should study this In­ terial it will be necessary to increase the cost
struction and be sure to follow same so Groups slightly. Prices are as follow s:
will be uniform everywhere. All double faced records made from blue tran s­
The above Outlines may be secured from the parent m aterial $3.00 each— Shipping charges
Saint Germain Press, Inc., P. O. Box 1133, Chi­ extra.
cago, Ills., or the Western Branch— P. O. Box 428,
Los Angeles, C alif. The records that we have released made from
Price each 5c Each Postpaid 8c this new m aterial are those of our Beloved Mes­
senger, Mr. G. W. Ballard, numbers 3 3 0 0 A & B t o
LO O SE-LEAF D ECREES 3310 I & J K inclusive. Also the follow ing:
Another Lot of Loose-leaf Decrees will be re­
leased during the coming 4 day Shrine Class. No. 1203-1247 No. 500 A & B
There will be about 5 0 pages containing the very 200 A & B 501 A & B
latest Instruction and are very im portant at this 202 A & B
time. These may be secured from the Saint G er­ All RCA Records now on hand made from the
m ain P ress., Inc., C h icago, Ills., or W estern regu lar m aterial will be sold at the prices form erly
Branch, Los Angeles, C alif. quoted— $2.50 for double faced records— Ship­
In order to have a uniform price, all loose-leaf ping charges extra.
decrees and loose-leaf songs have been reduced to
1 Vzc per leaf, consisting of two (2 ) pages. Keep Please send all orders for phonograph records
this in mind when ordering. R egular discount to direct to the SA IN T G ERM AIN PRESS, IN C ., Los
G roup Leaders. Angeles, C alif., P.O. Box 428, as all shipments will
be made from Los Angeles direct, instead of the
Price per leaf— 1 1/2 c Plus postage
Chicago Office.
It is our privilege and joy to announce the re­
lease o f another Series of Records o f our Beloved N e w C h arts
Messenger’s (M r. G. W. B allard ) Voice— talks
given by Him at the Shrine Class 193 8, as follow s:
E wish to announce the release
No. 3 3 04-A— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard of our new Charts, reproduced
No. 3304-B— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard from the Large Chart used in
No. 3304-C— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart, our Classes.
Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3304-D— Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard These Charts are more intense and
No. 3305-A— This T ruth, Love and Harmony, brilliant in color than the former ones;
Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3305-B— This T ruth, Love and Harmony, therefore, more perfect.
Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3306-A— T rue Understanding of Divine Love, They are produced in two sizes as
Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3306-B— True Understanding of Divine Love, follows:
Mr. G. W. Ballard
12"x21" medium weight paper .. $1.00
No. 3307-A— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
No. 3307-B— Calling the Presence_______ Mr. G. W. Ballard Postpaid.. $1.20
No. 3308-A— Helping all M ankind______ Mr. G. W. Ballard 30"x521/£" on linen and mounted for
No. 3308-B— Helping all Mankind Mr. G. W. Ballard
hanging ........................... Each $12.00
Please send all orders fo r phonograph records
direct to the S A IN T G ERM A IN PRESS, IN C ., Los Shipping Charges Postpaid
Angeles, C alif. P.O. Box 428.
These Records are all m ade from the blue tran s­ The two smaller sizes — 2W' x 53A"
parent m aterial.
and 5 x IV2 " on light paper will be
Price Each $3.00 Shipping Charges E x tra
released at a later date.
36 37
We hereby notify all readers and individuals SINDELATL: S T U D I O S
everywhere, that everything in the books of the X 6 0 0 - S H O O V E H ' ST.
L o s A n q e l e s , - CAL
• P U B LISH E R ’S A N N O U N C E M E N T •
GRO UP LEA D ER S is covered by our copyrights
with all rights reserved, including foreign tran s­ All back issues m ay be secured at any time
lations. either by single copies at 3 5c each (40c in C anada
and foreign countries) or in attractive bound vol­
This means, we will not allow this instruction umes containing one year’s issues priced at $5.45.
and Inform ation to be deleted, distorted, ad u lter­
ated or diluted for any purpose whatsoever and
Your own copies m ay be bound to m atch the
we shall protect them fully. Saint Germain Series at $1.25 per year. A m atch­
We are determined that this G IFT OF L IG H T , ing rod-binder is now available at $1.2 5. All
prices plus shipping.
T R U T H A N D FREEDOM from the Ascended
Masters to mankind SH A LL BE P R O TEC T ED
and kept PU RE, T R U E A N D U N C H A N G E D — All subscriptions start with March, 1940, at
FO REV ER— that m ankind may receive its E ter­ $3.00 per year in the United States and posses­
sions and $3. 50 in foreign countries.
nal Freedom and the greatest possible Blessing.
We shall use our Full Power and our Full Right Your change of address must reach this office not later than
to m aintain CO M PLETE P R O T E C T IO N A T the 10th of the month in order to assure that month’s issue
A LL TIM ES. being sent to the new address on the regular mailing date.
Your co-operation will be appreciated and our service to you
Thank you!
• THE •
Sizes below can be purchased at the • SERIES •
't>4Cv U N V EILED M YSTERIES, Volume I__________By Godfre Ray King
C on tain in g the first gro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
2600 South Hoover Street Los Angeles, California P rice $ 2 .5 0 , P ostpaid $2.75
TH E MAGIC PRESENCE, Volume I I __________By Godfre Ray King
C on tain in g the second g ro u p o f the a u th o r’s experiences.
$ .50 T a x $.02 P ostage $.15 P rice $2 .7 5 , P o stp aid $ 3.00
S ain t G erm ain, hand colored, 5x7.. .50 T a x .02 P ostag e .15
Je su s Satin b o o k -m ark _________ __ .35 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Sain t G erm ain Satin b o o k -m ark ___ .35 T a x .01 P ostage .05 Volume III________________ By the Ascended Master, Saint Germain
1.50 T a x .05 P ostage . 20 C on tain in g th irty -th ree D iscou rses, ex p lain in g the A scen ded M asters* a p p lic a ­
1.50 T a x .05 P ostage .20 tion o f the " I A M ,” w ith th ree color p late s. P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostp aid $ 3 .0 0
Je su s M in iature, 2 */2 x 3 l/ 2 fo ld e r__________ .25 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Je su s M in iature, 2 r/ 2 x3 / 2 tin ted fo ld e r___ .40 T a x .01 P ostage .05
Sain t G erm ain M in iature, 2 l/ 2x 3 l/ 2 fo ld e r .25 T a x .01 P ostage .05 Volume V— Parts 1 and 2--------------- ---------------------- By Chanera
Sain t G erm ain M in iature, 2 l/ 2 x 3 l/ 2 tin ted A selection o f p o w e rfu l A d oration s, A ffirm ations an d D ecrees o f th e "M ig h ty
fo ld er ......... .......... ................ ..................... .......
.40 T a x .01 :age .05 I AM P resence.” P rice $ 1 .7 5 , P ostp aid $ 2 .0 0
Je su s s e a ls _______________ ________ ________ .10 T a x .00 :age .03
S ain t G erm ain se a ls................. .................. .......
.10 T a x .00 :age .03
1.00 T a x .03 :age .10 Volume V I______ ___________________ By Various Ascended Masters
12.00 T a x .36 :age .20 C on tain in g tw en ty D iscou rses d icta te d b e fo re h u n d red s of stu d en ts, w ith three
2.00 T a x .06 ag e .2 5 color p lates. P rice $ 2 .7 5 , P ostpaid $3.00
M aster Saint G erm ain, 12 x1 6 , hand colored 2.00 T a x .06 ag e .2 5 A SCENDED M ASTER LIG H T,
G old Fold er Je su s and Sain t G erm ain, 12x16 8.00 T a x .24 ag e .2 5
7.00 T a x .21 ag e .2 5
Volume V II____ ___ By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
1.25 T a x .04 age .25 C on tain in g tw en ty -six D iscou rses, d icta te d b e fo re h u n d red s o f stu d en ts, w ith
Je s u s ’ Ascension, m in iatu re fo ld e r________ .25 T a x .01 age .05 th ree color p late s. P rice $ 3 .0 0 , P ostpaid $3.25
Th e Lum inous Presence, 1 2 x 1 6 ______ ___ 1.25 T a x .04 age .2 5 " I AM” A DO RA TIO N S A N D AFFIRM ATIONS By Chanera
The Lum inous Presence, m in iatu re fo ld er .25 T a x .01 age .05 V est P ocket E dition o f p o w erfu l A d oration s and A ffirm ations.
5.50 T a x .17 ag e .25 P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P ostpaid $1.20
5.50 T a x .17 ag e .2 5
2.50 T a x .08 age .20 SPECIAL " I AM” DECREES A N D BIN D ER
2.50 T a x .08 ag e .20 L O O SE -LE A F B IN D E R in heavy green cloth, stam ped to m atch the Sain t G e r­
1.00 T a x .03 age .20 main Series. For Special " I AM ” D ecrees, and Loose-leaf Songs. T h ese D ecrees
1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .20 and Songs are p rin ted on fillers punched to fit B inder, w hich hold ab o u t 150
Je su s seal, silv er fra m ed , tin te d _________ _______.30 30 TTaaxx .01
.01 P ostage .05 leaves (3 00 p ag es.) P rice B inder $1.25 each. P ostpaid $1.40
Sain t G erm ain seal, silver fram ed , tin te d ____ .3
.300 T a x .01 P ostage .05 D ecrees and Songs 1 l/2c per le a f (2 p a g e s ) , p o stage e x tra .
Je su s, 2 4 x 3 2 , sepia fin ish __ ___________ 15.00 T a x .45 P ostage E x. col. P ostp aid — acc o rd in g to w eigh t.
Sain t G erm ain, 24x3 2, sepia finish . ____ 15.00 T a x .45 P ostage E x. col.
Je su s, 1 9 x2 4 , sepia fin ish ----------------------- 7.50 T a x .23 P ostage E x. col. C H A R T OF "T H E MAGIC PRESEN CE”
Sain t G erm ain, 1 8 x 2 4 , sepia fin ish ________ 7.50 T a x .23 P ostage E x. col. A b e a u tifu lly lith o grap h ed color ch art, su itab le fo r fra m in g and com tem plation.
" I AM ” Em blem s ( s t ic k e r s ) ________________ .15 T a x .01 P ostage .05 Size 12 x 21, P rice $ 1 .0 0 , P ostpaid $1.20
"T h e M agic Presence,” 3 0 x48 15.00 T a x .45 P ostage Incl. Size 30 x 52 on heavy linen, P rice $ 1 2 .0 0 , Prep aid
"T h e M agic P resence,” 1 2 x 2 0 _______ 1.00 T a x .03 P ostage .20 C an also be secu red in S C E N E -IN -A C T IO N , size 12 x 21, P rice $50.00
Size 3 0 x 5 2, P rice $ 2 0 0 .0 0 . Both sizes, shipping ch arg es e x tra .
"U N V E I L E D M Y S T E R IE S ” — In T w o V olu m es............................................ P rice $5.25
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T h ree V olum es............. .......................... P rice $7.75
" T H E 'I AM ’ D IS C O U R S E S ” — In T w o V olum es..................................... P rice $6,75
40 " A S C E N D E D M A ST E R D ISC O U R S E S” — In T w o V olu m es..................P r ic e $7.00
P lu s M ailing C harges
• THE •
H an d colored steel en g rav in g s o f etchings by C h arles Sin d elar. L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
Size 12 x 16. P rice $ 2 .0 0 each, "Postpaid $ 2 .2 5


1 000-A — " I A M ” COM E
1000-B — D e d icatio n ________
.. (In stru m e n ta l)
! F red eric k Lan d w eh r, N ovach ord
D on ald R a y K in g

"T H E OLD MAN OF T H E H ILLS” C L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist

H an d colored steel en g rav in g . Size 12 x 16. P rice $ 2 .00. P ast p aid $2.2 5 1001-A — " I A M ” COM E. --------------- (T r io ) \ V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
I F red eric k L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
1001-B — D e d ic atio n ________ D on ald R a y K in g
A c tu a l p h otograp h ic reprod u ction in G oldtone. I L
Loo tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
1002-A — R ain bow R a y s ____ ............... - - ( T r i o ) V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
Size 8x10 . P rice each $ 2 .5 0 , P ostpaid $2.8 5 )tv ri eric k Lan d w eh r, N ovach ord
F red
Size 11 x 14 . P rice each $ 3.5 0 , P ostp aid $ 4.00 1002-B — D e d icatio n ________ L o tu s R a y K in g
Size 15 x 19 y2. P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xp ress collect
Size 30 x 4 0 . P rice each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E xp ress collect ( R R -1 2 0 1 — IN V O C A T IO N ......... .................................. _Mr. and M rs. B a lla r d and D on ald
I R R -1 2 02— C O N T E M P L A T IO N (Silen t N ig h t) (H a rp S o lo ) _______ M rs. B a lla rd
P rofile Size 15x19 . P rice each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xpress collect
S R R - 1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T I O N - -------- ---------- -------- ---------- M rs. B a lla r d and D on ald
M USIC OF T H E SPH ERES I R R -1 24 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N (N e a r e r M y G od to T h e e ).............. M rs. B a lla rd

L IG H T O F M Y H E A R T C A L L T O L IG H T I 200 -A — L I G H T O F M Y H E A R T ._____ (In str u m e n ta l) / L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist

L O T U S MY LO V E T H E S IL E N T S E N T IN E L \ 200-B — R O SE O F L I G H T _______________________ » F red erick Lan d w eh r,
N ov ach o rd
O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S ” 1 AM ” COM E
R A IN B O W R A Y S N A D A O U R LO V E (In str u m e n ta l) / L o t u s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
202-A — SO N O F L I G H T ..
V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E A M E R IC A O U R O W N B E LO V E D L A N D 202-B — C A L L T O L IG H T < F red erick L an d w eh r,
... ^ N ovach ord
203 -A — R A IN B O W R A Y S ___________ (In str u m e n ta l) / ^ o t“ $ Ra.y ,K i,\ g ’ H arp i$ t
A G ro u p o f Songs— M usic and L y ric s by G o d fre R ay K in g. These songs are < F red eric k L an d w eh r,
203-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S.. ..... ^ N ovach ord
especially ch arged w ith p o w erfu l healing and a c tiv ity , accordin g to the m eaning
o f the ly rics.
E ach piece o f m usic has b e a u tifu l lith ograp h ed cover in color, su itab le fo r L o tu s R a y K in g , H a rp ist
5 00 -A— L IG H T O F M Y H E A R T .. (T r io )
fram in g , each rep resen tin g th at w hich the m usic p o rtray s. V iolet F airch ild , Soloist
500-B— R O SE O F L I G H T ____ ......
F red eric k L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
P rice each $1.00_...................... ........ .............. ........................ ............... P ostpaid $ 1 .1 5

( 501-A — L O T U S M Y L O V E _____________ ( T r io ) ^ 0t.U* * a7 H,a r p ' n

RADIO BRO A D CA STIN G TRA N SCRIPTIO N S | 5 0 1 -B V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E ------------- F ^k L ^n d w eL ?N ov ach ord
A Series o f B ro a d casts av a ila b le fo r use, co ntaining ex plan ation of the L aw o f
L ife ; also p rotection fo r A m erica. F or In form ation w rite Sain t G erm ain P ress,
In c., C h icago, Illinois. ( 502-A — SO N O F L I G H T ............................. ( T r io ) L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
I 502-B — C A L L T O L I G H T ________________ ____ V ,ol,e t S° lo ,“
F red eric k L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
M onthly M agazin e co n tain in g artic le s explain in g the L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ ( 5 0 3 -A — R A IN B O W R A Y S ...........................(T r io ) L o tu s R a y K in g, H a rp ist
co urses by the A scen ded M asters an d oth er im p o rtan t su b jects. B ac k nu m bers I 503-B — O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S ___________ Y ,0 *ct f » ,rch,1“ > S° lo,s* , ,
F red erick L an d w eh r, N ovach ord
a v a ila b le begin ning F e b ru a ry , 1936. Y e arly su bscription s begin w ith M arch,
19 4 0 . P rice $ 3 .00, Sin gle copy 3 5 cents
• THE •
•* * - * *•'R'Wp • SERIES •
\ 3 3 1 0 -A — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 1 9 3 8 ___ ___.M r. G. W . B allard
f 5 05 - A— A M E R IC A O U R O W N B E LO V E D L A N D __________________M inute Men
] 331 0 -B — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ic ta tio n , J u l y 193 8............. M r. G. W . B alla rd
\ 505-B— S IL E N T S E N T I N A L ............................................................................. .. M inute Men

\ 3 3 1 0 -C — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u ly 1 9 3 8 _______ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

( 3300-A -—IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (Sh rin e C la s s ) ............. ..................... M r. G . W . B a lla rd ) 3 3 1 0 -D — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’ s D ic tatio n , J u ly 193 8............ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
I 33 00-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (Sh rine C la s s ) ......... .........................M r. G. W . B a lla rd
j 3 3 1 0 -E — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 193 8--------- M r. G . W . B a lla rd
{ 3 3 01-A — B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rine C la s s ) ______ ____ _____ _____ M rs. G . W . B a lla rd \ 3 3 1 0 -F — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u l y 193 8--------- M r. G . W . B a lla rd
{ 3 3 0 1 -B— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C lass) .................................. ...M r, G. W . B a lla rd
f 3310-G — E x c e rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ic tatio n , J u ly 193 8.............. M r. G . W . B a lla rd
} 3 3 1 0 -H — E x c e rp ts from V icto ry ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 1 9 3 8 .____ _—M r. G . W . B a lla rd
( 3 3 0 2 -A— IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rin e C la s s ) ............................................. M r. G. W . B a lla rd
I 3 3 02-B — T H E R E IS N O D E A T H (Sh rin e C la ss) .............................. M r. G . W . B a lla rd ( 3310-1— E x ce rp ts fro m V icto ry ’s D ic ta tio n , Ju ly 193 8 .................M r. G . W . B a lla rd
\ J — A d o ratio n to M ighty V ictory
S 3 3 03-A — Beginn in g o f the " I AM ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) —.M r. G. W . B a lla rd ( } K — Benediction by M r. G. W . B a lla rd
\ 3 3 03-B— Beginn in g o f the " I AM ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) — M r. G. W . B allard
T h e ab o ve reco rd s a r e su ita b le fo r in d iv id u a l co n tem plation o r u se in S tu d y G rou p s.
f 3 30 3 -C — B eginn in g o f the " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) —-Mr. G. W . B a lla rd
(A ll record s are now shipped d ire ct from the Sain t G erm ain P ress, In c., P .O . B ox 42 8,
\ 3 3 0 3-D — Beginn in g o f the " I AM ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la s s ) ... M r. G. W . B a lla rd
Los A n geles, C a lif.)
S 3 3 03-E — Beginn in g o f the " I A M ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la ss)....M r . G. W . B a lla rd
P ric e each— B lu e tra n sp a re n t m a te rial (D o u b le f a c e d ) ----------------------------- - .$ 3.00
| 3 3 03-F— Beginn in g o f the " I AM ” D ictatio n s (Sh rin e C la ss)....M r . G. W . B a lla rd
Shipping C h arg es E x tr a
(T h e la st th ree R ecord s com prise one aftern oon ta lk by M r. G . W . B a lla rd and should
be sold in a se t)

f 3 3 04-A — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt .M r. G . W . B allard

1 3 304-B— IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a rt .. .M r. G . W . B a lla rd

f 3 3 04-C — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t ..... M r. G . W . B a lla rd

} 3 304-D — IN V O C A T IO N and E X P L A N A T IO N o f the C h a r t..... M r. G . W . B a lla r d

S 3 305-A — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ________ ___ M r. G. W . B a lla rd

\ 3 305-B — T H IS T R U T H , LO V E A N D H A R M O N Y ____ _______ M r. G. W . B a lla rd
H eadquarters for A ll Publications
f 33 0 6 -A — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E ........ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
\ 3 3 06-B— T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G O F D IV IN E L O V E ____ M r. G . W . B a lla r d
SA IN T G ER M A IN PRESS, IN C ., P. O. Box 1133,
Chicago, Illinois
f 3 3 0 7-A— C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E .......................................... ..................................... M r. G . W . B a lla rd
\ 3 3 07-B— C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E ....................................................M r. G. W . B a lla rd
S A IN T G ER M A IN PRESS, IN C .— W estern Branch,
( 3308-A — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D .................. ......... ................ M r. G. W . B a lla rd
) 3308-B — H E L P IN G A L L M A N K IN D ....................................................M r. G . W . B a lla rd
P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, C alif.
SIN D ELA R STUD IO S, 2600 So. Hoover St., Los Angeles, California
f 3 309-A— IN V O C A T IO N (Sh rine C la ss) ............................ ................. M r. G . W . B a lla rd
(C o p y rig h te d by S a in t G erm ain P ress, In c., C h icago , Illin o is)
) 3 309-B— B E N E D IC T IO N (Sh rin e C lass) ........................................... M r. G . W . B a lla rd
u n v e il e d THE MAGIC
1* * I ASf.
D i s c °UHSES

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Mm- m w im m tm m

< ^ K e £>A1NT Q e R M A IN $E R IE £
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By the A scended M asters and th eir A c cred ited Messengers
Mr, and Mrs. G. W . Ballard and son, D onald
I ■■ 1 1'■— ... ~
OF C A L IF O R N IA $3.09 A YEAR. fV # ,
% |,/v IN O T H E R C O U N T R IE S S3.5 0 A YEAR.

The "Voice of the I AM” is the m outh-piece through w hich

the Ascended Masters’ Instruction can reach the students
quickly, that the most pow erful w ork possible for America
and the w orld may be done by the students to release the
greatest Light in the shortest time.


The inform ation given under the heading of "Young Am er­

ica” w ill be the Ascended Masters’ help to the young people
for their protection and illum ination, as they are the builders
of the new civilization and are the channels through which
the Ascended Masters w ill give their Light for the use of the
outer world in the Golden "I AM” Age.
This m agazine is not an outlet for articles from the stu ­
dents, but is the outpouring of the help from the Ascended
Masters and has no human concepts in it.

2 600 South H oover Street Los Angeles, C alifornia

H come, blessed ones, who w ant release,

Behold! Behold! the Goddess of Peace!
She sails on a sea of Golden Flame,
O f Substance Pure, so in Her Great Name,
Strive on and upward to give to all
Her Victory of Peace to those who call
From the H eart’s own depths of Love and Light—
Teach them to rise to Her Great Height!

Her eyes are raised to the Central Sun,

From whence comes all Peace to everyone;
And Life in Its Splendor gives to earth,
All that is Good, whose Glorious Worth
Can never be told in words of man,
Yet all can become God’s fulfilled Plan—
The Plan of Peace and of God’s Goodwill,
For It says forever, Peace! Be Still!

Great Goddess of Peace, we come w ithin

Thy Temple Pure where no earthly din
Can ever enter or ever be,
The Altar of Peace, we all shall see
The Inner Chamber— the Light "I AM,”
In the Silence speak— "The Great Command” !

— Chanera 3
I said: "My Great Teacher, I do not think I can
do it,” and to My utter amazement, He said: "I
think you can.” He asked: "Are you w illing to
try?” I said: "Most certainly,” and to My utter
amazement, it was as though I stood w ithin the
stillness of this room. A t the same time, how much
Assistance He gave Me I cannot tell you. In your
endeavor to enter into the Great Silence, you draw
ELOVED Students of the Light, I greet the Infinite Power of that Great Silence about
you in the Honor, in the Name and the you like a garment; or perhaps We should put it
Power of Life! As the Messengers have a little clearer, like a canopy.
thought, We have been somewhat silent I made very little effort in that call, but My
outw ardly but you can be sure We are very busy attention was fixed A ll-pow erfully upon the
in the Invisible Part of Our A ctivity. Great Silence and to My utter amazement, within
Let Me remind you, before I continue, that w ith a very few moments, I found gathering about
Us, so w ith you here, all Great Power comes from Me that Substance which shut out, just steadily,
the invisible. I am very grateful to your Beloved the turmoil which was about me. One of the sol­
Lotus for calling your attention to and holding diers said to Me afterwards: "What were you
you again steady upon the Great Silence because doing sitting there when such turmoil was going
all the students, in the much agitation which has on?” He said, "I was making a great rush to an­
been stirred up, now need calm, quiet and the still­ other point and thought I was going to run over
ness of the feeling world which makes them know you; but when I came close to you, it was like
the Truth definitely. something took me right around, as if I were de­
My dear hearts, there is not one of you, if you flected.” H e said "What was that you had around
became still enough, who would not know defi­ you?” W ell, I did not explain, I changed the sub­
nitely and clearly w hat to do at any time. Well ject as soon as I could; but the words of that
do I recall in My experience when I was put in soldier did more for Me than sometimes months
training to still Myself in the midst of great tu r­ of training. I knew that instant, if the Force
moil. I never have ventured to say this, but I tell drawn about Me could deflect a human form from
you that you may understand how easy you are running over Me, then It m ust have Great Power
having it to-day in comparison w ith that which and I w ent on and on from that time w ith a speed
We did to gain Our Mastery. The Divine Director and power which, had anyone told Me was pos­
sent Me into a battle front and asked Me to do sible, I w ould have said Myself it was incredible.
certain things in the midst of that turmoil. That That is w hy you do not know, beloved stu­
was the beginning of My Self-control enabling dents, the Power of this Light w ith which you
Me to enter into the Great Silence under all cir­ are dealing. A fter all It is the Law of the U ni­
cumstances. Do you know w hat I said to Him? verse! Oh, do you not see that? Oh, please do not
4 5
forget it, because it does mean everything to you! would like to knock those people in the head but
You are not dealing w ith something just here in that is not the thing to do. They are knocking
the human world. You are dealing w ith a Power themselves in the head fast enough, but you get
that is the Governor of the Universe and you are just a little impatient sometimes! N ow I assure
bringing It HERE! you, out of this w ill come an Ascended Master
Beloved students, is there one of you who fails Miracle of Perfection!
to see the mistake in the old teachings thruout Of course, these attempted suits against the
centuries, when mankind were trying to act here Messengers have got to be stopped by the physical
all the time, from that which they had created, law! These vicious ones who have turned aside
instead of bringing the Power of Light into this from This Light are instigating those things
which had to be undone and freeing the world wherever they can get somebody to listen; but
and themselves from the discord? That is abso­ if you go right after them and lick that vicious­
lu tely imperative! Mankind w ill never be free in ness, they w ill stop it! It is for the student body
eternity, unless they bring This Light thru the to take hold of and lick them— so they w ill see
human form into this octave where the disinte­ the student body is standing back of the Messen­
grating and dissolving of the destructive force gers. Then, you w ill see the viciousness subside
must be done. and everything go on beautifully again.
I w ant to talk to you just a little on Funda­ While all the attention of mankind has been
mentals again, because dear people, you do not on the conditions of the outer world, We have
hold steady enough to some of these few simple been doing some Tremendous Things from the in­
things. They are your attention, your vision and visible standpoint. I w ant each one of you, and
your power of qualification. Any one of them I ask it of you, to w ithin your own heart bow
would lift you to the heights or any one w ill drag before the Mighty Goddess of Light, the Great
you to the depths. YOUR A T TE N T IO N IS THE Host of Light and Mighty Oromasis for that Serv­
MOST POWERFUL FACULTY K NO W N TO ice which is almost finished. From indications It
MAN and that is w hy it is so important to keep w ill be finished before the close of this class. Bow
your attention off destructive things! Do not let in your hearts before the Mighty Astrea!
your attention rest upon destructive conditions When the Great Ones set a certain time in the
except long enough to understand w hat is re­ hope of an accomplishment, you w ill note that
quired to be done. they often accomplish It much before the time
I w ould suggest that as a student body— you set. The astral or psychic world w ill soon be con­
have had your fu n about it— you forget these sumed completely from our America, (applause
vicious articles which have been w ritten in the — audience rising) I mean, dear ones, that the
newspapers because every time your attention substance thrown off by mankind which has been
goes back to them, they help to stir up your feel­ charged w ith viciousness and which has become
ings. Many of you are so tremendously alert and such a pressure upon them, w ill also be com­

6 7
pletely removed. It means the accum ulation of I do not know w hat you think about it, but I do
viciousness released from anger, hatred, wrong not believe I have lost any of My Fire thru these
sex activity and all that releases such discordantly tw o hundred years. Since (applause) establishing
charged substance into the atmosphere of earth, this Government of Freedom and bringing My
will be consumed over America. That, of course, people from seventy thousand years ago here, ( ap­
as We have told you, has been drawn into its own plause) I ought to know something about them,
belt which has formed the astral or psychic and yet you cannot always tell.
world. They are one and the same thing, and H ow ever, w ith all pardon to the Messengers
from the psychic world came such pow erful de­ for being silent, I feel greatly rejoiced to-day in
structive influence upon the mankind of earth. the achievement which is constantly lifting, lift­
As the Messenger said yesterday, the people of ing, liftin g the pressure from you, beloved stu­
Europe and even the dictators do not know what dents, and from the people of America. Oh, when
in the world is the matter. They find they get so We get to a certain point here, We can do all that
far, then the influence seems to disappear be­ is necessary for the rest of the world. Do not
cause the w ar entity of Europe was dissolved! w orry about that; but let us get ready here first.
My dear people, I do trust that you believe and Let us guard this Altar, this Sanctuary in Amer­
understand these Alm ighty Things which are ica which alone holds w ithin Its Hand the Cup
being done. W ithout this Assistance, mankind of Freedom for the world.
would not have the slightest hope upon this That is w hy, beloved students, now I am going
earth! Even w ith Our tremendous Efforts which to get just a little more persistent. I even urge
We are making and have been for tw o hundred you, dear students, to think definitely before you
years, mankind could not go on any longer if start making your application and remember
this consuming of that viciously qualified sub­ that your calls set the Infinite Power of the U ni­
stance had not taken place. verse, of ALL GOOD, of GOD, into action to
Maybe I am a little old fashioned, but I would bring the exact result for which you call.
not like to see My efforts of tw o hundred years My dear ones, please do not be disturbed by
fail this time, (applause— rising) If I know the these affidavits and silly literature which are
American people as w ell as I think I do, there being sent around. N ow w e are getting right
shall be no failure, (applause) Lotus you might down to personal things. Do you know while it
be interested to know that I have had just a little need not necessarily have been so, yet the strength
something to do w ith the article you saw in the within the student body has to be tested!
newspapers. The "Minute Men” of the past shall N ow do not have any sympathy w ith those
rise again! And this time w ith Legions! vicious individuals when I say that, not in the
You know, beloved ones, our beloved people slightest; but there had to come that which drew
of America are very resourcesful. They can do forth the strength from w ithin the students and
a lot in a very short time when it is necessary. proved who had the strength to stand loyal or
not! Really the great, great percent are standing called invisible Legions at her command! W ell,
loyal and the few w ho do not, are of scarcely any the Coming A ctivity of the Elements is a very
consideration. It is the strong, loyal ones who different thing from that, but just that one point
count in the protection of America. conveys a little of w hat I am trying to tell you
Oh, now listen dear students, when We have now.
asked you not to have sympathy for destructive When the Elements of the Air, Fire and W ater
conditions or persons, We mean that for your go into action in the defense of this earth, by the
protection. Do not w orry your precious hearts command of the Great Cosmic Light, things w ill
for one second about these individuals who have happen which mankind never witnessed before
turned aside or failed. They knew exactly w hat upon this earth. We think We have things ready
they were doing. Everyone of them has sufficient for action, or nearly so, and I trust that We w ill
understanding of this Law to know. They know be ready for all emergencies.
IT IS TRUE! no m atter w hat their lips say. So T hink! you, the precious stu d en t body of
do not waste one instant sympathy or considera­ America and the world, have been the means of
tion. Turn your face to your "I AM Presence” all this Tremendous Inner A ctivity being drawn
and move in the Power of Its Light. into outer action which has produced these re­
On the closing day of this class, there w ill sults that no human mind could possibly com­
come the most pow erful release o f the Cosmic prehend, even if the picture stood before them.
Light thus far. I must choose My Words very Only when you are raised still more in conscious­
carefully for w hat I am going to say to you ness w ill you comprehend. Do you think your
now,— Coming into action and to the assistance calls have been in vain these four years? My dear
of this earth, is the action of the Four Elements: people, it is the most magnificent thing ever
earth, air, fire, and w ater. Fire and w ater and known upon this earth, when you think of the
the air— notice now are the T rinity of Action small percentage in numbers of the great student
w ithin the Four Square of Life. You know those body of America and those who are studying and
who have taught and studied deep into the old are sincere to this Light, being able to call forth
occult lore have taught much about the "Squar­ such assistance. Then, my dear ones, do you not
ing of the Circle” and yet not a person in human understand and see w hat your individual calls
form to-day knows w hat that means, but you can and must do for you individually? Since and
are going to see It done! because you have rendered this service to Am er­
When this "Trinity of A ction” takes place, ica, then are you not entitled to something more
you w ill see astounding things. W hile it is quite in your individual lives, even w ithout the asking?
crude in its expression, yet I w ant to draw your Let Me suggest something, a very simple thing.
attention to one thing to give you a little idea of Say this w ith all the feeling at your command
w hat I am talking about. In the book "She” by three times a day: " 'Mighty I AM Presence’
Rider Haggard, you w ill remember how "She” charge me w ith Your Alm ighty Perfection, and
10 11
see that it is sustained.” My dear people, any from them, you w ill understand the deeper you
time, anywhere you can assert that, even every go into the great Law of Life, the more simplified
hour of the day, if you chose so to do; for my It really does become.
dear ones, in that Perfection is everything the When the D ivine Director at a certain stage of
w orld holds for you individually. My Progress said to Me: "N ow you do certain
W hy do I ask this simple thing to-day? Be­ things,” once I ventured to look at Him and I
cause you are at a point where you can utilize it thought: "Can it be possible that such simplicity
w ith great power, and the other reason is this:— can produce such gigantic results,” and H e an­
it keeps your attention from focusing upon dis­ swered instantly and said: "Quite true.” In the
cordant things. So many have not yet come to complication of the intellectual activities, it has
the point where they can call for some thing and caused them to forget the Simplicity of Life which
keep the mind off the thing after they make the allows Its A lm ighty Perfection to pour forth.
call, and that is important; but now in your calls That is w hy, beloved ones, I come to you to-day
for the things which seem important, if you call to try to help you grasp more fu lly the Funda­
the "I AM Presence” to charge you w ith Its A l­ mentals of this Great Law for if you pass one
m ighty Perfection sustained, you cannot possibly by, you may find your chance of success inter­
interfere. Send forth that call silently or other­ rupted.
wise and be sure you do not do it audibly in I w ould offer the suggestion that before you
public where it w ould draw the attention of sleep at night and when you awaken in the m orn­
anyone. Where you can, in the privacy of your ing, you call your outer attention to the A lm ighty
room voice it or in public send it forth silently POWER of your attention and that IT is more
w ith great intense feeling, then w atch the results! important than any one thing to be governed, as
N otice again the third point. Instead of think­ you go forth in your daily actions. Dear beloved
ing of this, that and the other thing in the outer students, if you w ant to have the fu ll release and
world which you m ight w ant to accomplish and m anifestation now which We are so glad and
scattering the force into that, you hold the whole ready to offer, don’t discuss w ith each other dis­
Force of the Light of your Presence and that cordant critical things. If you think someone is
which the Ascended Masters wish to give in the making a mistake, call on the Law of Forgiveness
w ay of Assistance, directly here (pointing to and ask the "Mighty I AM” to correct it, then
heart) to produce Its Perfection and pour the take your mind off these things and each other!
Radiance of that Perfection out into your world. As Mrs. Ballard told you yesterday, one of the
That is the M ighty Magnet which draws to you so-called students has styled herself as My "Inner
all contained w ithin Perfection. Intelligence Service.” I am quite capable of know ­
You w ill notice there are some things which ing w hat is going on. I need no inform ant! Is it
w ill seem more and more simple as these classes not strange individuals can become like that?
are closed but when you see the results produced You can see at once, she does not comprehend in
12 the slightest w hat an Ascended Master is.
Coming back to w hat I was just saying to you, The Power of Light w ill one day show you Its
understand how it is w ith Us. By focusing My Alm ighty Defense! There are so many things
A ttention at any point in the Universe, I can draw which touch fragm entary inform ation and which
to M yself any information I require. Is My A t­ have been brought forth to the outer world, but
tention important? You could do the same thing, w ithout explanation. A few individuals grasp,
if you only would! By your attention held fo­ hold the knowledge for a time and then forget
cused upon your "Mighty I AM Presence,” any it. To-day, because of the release of mankind
moment you needed to know something which from the pressure of the human conditions and
was not yet m anifest in the outer, you could say: creations, they are in a position to hold steady
" 'Mighty I AM Presence’ show me w hat to do; and gain a momentum w ith a power and speed
give me the solution to this,” then be still! Just impossible, even tw o years ago. As long as man­
go on about your business. All of a sudden like kind were not released from this pressure of dis­
a flash, it would come through. Oh, you might cord in the atmosphere, they were constantly
need to make one or tw o more calls, but knowing interfered w ith. That is w hy the interruptions
the Law of Life compels the answer, you know and changes in the feelings of the students caused
there w ould be no such thing as failure. a fluctuating action w ith a great many. I ask you
That is w hy, dear ones, We w ant you now to to w atch your ow n feeling, and see if it is not a
enter in, if you w ill, in real earnest. Oh, your thousand times easier to remain stabilized in this
application my dear ones, is no idle thing! It is Light, than it was a year ago.
the Power of this Universe! When the Messengers were in Philadelphia, I
Perhaps to-day, I should bring out this one consider it from Our Standpoint the apex of the
point to you. W hy do you suppose all of this vicious forces focused against the Messengers.
tremendous Alm ighty Application was rushed Some day after it is past, for your inform ation, I
forward like a great avalanche for mankind’s shall tell you something of w hat was there which
use? It w ould have been impossible, if it had not had been gathering for an entire year because
been known that many of these Inner A ctiv­ of certain forces existing there w ithin the city.
ities which have been achieved, could take place. They saw We were just a little too wise for them
While we have not practiced deception upon you and their fu ry knew no bounds, w hen they found
in any w ay, dear students, yet there are things out the Messengers did not w alk into the net. I
We cannot say to you, if it would cause you to trust I have not lost any of My Alertness.
let up on your application. We cannot tell you Therefore, beloved students, meet w hatever
before hand w hat is needed in the invisible, lest arises in the near futu re w ith firmness and com­
you forget and think your application is not nec­ mand; and if necessary go into legal action to
essary. Your application is still very necessary, so clear out these vicious individuals. You w ill find
go on in greater joy and enthusiasm than ever. it w ill not have to be done more than tw o or
That is w hy. three times, until you w ill have Peace on earth
14 again.
OK, understand this to-day and do not forget tion of the Individualized Presence of God which
it! These Messengers are not accum ulating a mint has placed the human form here; and that there
of money. Everything that comes in from the is nothing of the occult or imagination about It.
sale of the books and the gifts go immediately Be firm when you say these things to people and
into the spreading of this Light and the records make them know you mean it. If somebody tries
show it! These silly individuals think because to start an argum ent say, "Shut up! You can’t
three million people know of this that millions argue this question w ith me! I know and have
have been taken in. It does not mean that three studied this Law, you haven’t, so w hy should you
million sets of books have been sold! They are too try to argue?” If you w ill take that stand, you
stupid to see that, but because they w ant to be w ill have no difficulty in controlling and gov­
vicious they make that pretense! If all the three erning conditions.
million people had the fu ll set of these books, To-day, I am bringing you this information,
America w ould be free to-day, and don’t you for­ but there is a great deal which We shall give you
get it! You must remember also, that through in addition before the close of the class. However,
the Transcriptions hundreds of thousands of peo­ I wanted you to have this information to-day.
ple have gleaned parts of this Instruction and This firmness of the Radiation which I am pour­
are utilizing It, because they see and know It is ing forth to you is to make you feel the confidence
right and constructive. and trust not only in your own Great Presence,
That is w hy I w ant you as students to under­ but in Myself, the Ascended Masters and the
stand clearly that there is no cash accum ulation Messengers that you may become like a great
by these Messengers! Everything is given into Blazing Sun of Light throughout the entire stu­
My D irection! They ask not a dime for themselves dent body.
and never have these seven years! As students, H ow and w hy do you suppose, dear people, the
when you hear something to the contrary, you Goddess of Liberty and the M ighty Arcturus
should put it down right then and there w ith no said: "If necessary that Light as of a Thousand
uncertainty. Therefore, you become the Guard­ Suns would descend into America and sweep all
ians of this Great Light! I do not wish the human selfishness and discord from the planet” ?
Messengers to battle this thing alone any more, That must be drawn! H ow do you suppose It must
but if all the student body in America w ill take arrive? There must be enough momentum in the
hold, I guarantee you before one year is past call of the student body! That call, that momen­
over your heads, you w ill see a transformation tum is nearing Its Goal! May I say to you all:
in the conditions of the people of America, you "Have great courage!” I thank you.
never believed was possible.
In your explanation when people ask you con­
cerning this, if they be sincere, tell them this is
the Law of Life through the Power and Perfec­
In calling for Jesus’ Personal Ray to enfold all who are
constructive, during the Seven Sacred W eeks, It intensifies
His Service to the earth because of the greater recognition of
His Perfection; and H e as w ell as Others of the Ascended
Masters can only assist to the degree that They are accepted
by the people who need Their Assistance.
HRISTMAS, this year, should be more sacred to us Mary, the Mother of Jesus, likewise stands ready to help at
than ever before in our lives, because of the very, all times and as these Decrees go forth hourly, in our call for
very great need of mankind in the rest of the Perfection and Protection, the Light released becomes a Pulsa­
w orld. We should be the m ost gratefu l people on tion of Energy from Their Ascended Master O ctave which
the face of the earth, for the Blessings Life has dissolves the discord and replaces it w ith sustained Perfection.
given us here. Let us all call our ow n H igher Mental Bodies to stand on
T hruout the year 1941, let us once an hour send our Love guard and remind us to do this, so the Pulsation becomes a
and G ratitude to Jesus for H is Personal Ray enfolding those permanent thing u n til w e are ascended.
w ho w ill give H im recognition and adoration. Everyone of
These Great Ones are ready, w illing and anxious to give
us can call forth and visualize His Luminous Presence once
every Assistance mankind requires, b ut hum anity themselves
an hour, around ourselves, our loved ones, those under This
m ust assist themselves by reaching up and co-operating w ith
Radiation and then all thru out the w orld.
the Law of their ow n Life by w hich the Assistance can act in
In doing this definitely give the Decree: ” 'M ighty I AM the physical world.
Presence’ and Beloved Master Jesus, charge! charge! charge!
In the deepest Love, gratitude and praise w e have ever
Your M ighty Perfection and Protection around us all, and see
know n, w e thank our Beloved Messenger, Saint Germain and
that It is alw ays sustained and dynam ically active u n til all
Jesus, for being the Open Door thru w hich w e have been
are ascended.” given This Light. May Jesus release His Greatest Light now
N o m atter how busy any of us m ay be, w e can make that thru our calls and attention to Him. May Saint Germain’s
call in the m idst of w hatever w e are doing and keep that Desire for the protection of Am erica be fulfilled now. May
Perfection going forth to help those w ho w an t the C onstruc­ our Beloved Messenger’s Obedience fill us u n til w e too are
tive W ay of Life everyw here. Free. May the V ictory of the Ascension w hich They w ant for
Remember, the greater the outer problems of the people, us all be accomplished in the most Perfect W ay possible and
the nearer they w ill come to the H eart of God— the "M ighty all be Free quickly.
I AM Presence,” for only w hen the outer necessity drives the We extend to the entire "I AM” Student Body our Eternal
attention back to the Source of Perfection, can Perfection Love and gratitude for your Love, loyalty and willingness to
come forth to the individual; because Perfection can only stand in the Light w ith us and do w hat is required, u n til our
come forth thru connection w ith the attention. America is safe from all destruction and knows Peace Eternal.
The people’s attention m ust be held to the H ighest Power May everything you have given in This Service to the Light
and Ideals of P erfection if they are to have that Power pro­ be amplified millions and millions of times and come back to
tect those Ideals. you bringing only the greatest possible Joy, Freedom and
Because of the great distress in the outer w orld today, the Eternal Perfection to all.
people are so disturbed they do not alw ays know the right The Deepest Love of our "M ighty I AM Presence” enfolds
thing to do in tim e to help themselves. O ur d u ty is to keep you all, un til your Eternal V ictory of the Ascension.
calling the "Cosmic Light o f a Thousand Suns” into action CHRISTMAS 1941.
everyw here w ith such dynam ic Power that It protects and
illum ines all w hom It contacts.

18 19
Won’t you be seated and w ill you be kind
enough to make yourselves as comfortable as pos­
sible and remain seated, no m atter w hat I may
say— because of the Radiance which is here to
render certain Service to you?
H ow I congratulate your beloved Lotus, Our
Beloved Lotus, for her dauntless courage and
strength to put before you the great need; for
little do you understand, beloved students, how
that very feeling w ithin you which is critical or
disturbing or fault-finding is an open w edge pre­
venting your Victory of the Light.
Dear students, w on’t you see that as long as
you allow persons, places or conditions to disturb
you, you w ill never gain your Ascension in this
embodiment, and such has been provided; the
absolute assurance that every one who w ill give
this— after all, very slight obedience— w ill have
that Eternal Freedom.
My dear ones, may I put this before you? T ak­
ing it for granted that you are certain Saint
Germain has told you the Truth, all who w ill give
the obedience may be Free at the close of this
embodiment, Free in their Ascension, Free for­
ever from this earth and its limitations. Is there
anything any human being would not be w illing
to do ta h a v e that? It is not a m atter of persons,
• D A VID LLOYD’S DISCOURSE • places or conditions, it is a m atter of your Free­
Cleveland Breakfast— O ctober 1 5 , 1939 dom, dear people; and if you w on’t assert the
H A N K you, beloved ones of the Light. Mastery of Self-control to have that Freedom,
I greet you in the Name of the Victory can you blame anybody but yourself if you don’t
of Life, the Mastery of Self-control and get it?
the releasing from your own "Mighty N ow dear ones, please see straight this morn­
I AM Presence” of the Limitless Light, Power, ing and see how you alone are the individual
Energy and D irecting Intelligence necessary to concerned w ith your Freedom and your Ascen­
render this service to your beloved America and sion. I guarantee you that every person, every
her people. sincere "I AM” Student, who w ill give this little
20 21
obedience, w ill have his or her Ascension at the thought it was all set to destroy America; but
close of this embodiment. little did those people realize w hat is w ithin the
We have gone over the Student Body— you character of the American people.
w ill pardon me if I say— w ith a fine tooth comb. Other parts of the world have called America
That is a peculiar expression, but, dear people, it — "the children of Europe.” W ell, the children
applies, for w e are seeing absolutely the condi­ of America have outgrown the parents, be as­
tions, the motives w ithin the students, and those sured of that. You who have the amazing ability,
whom We can depend upon to focus that Power the quick speed and power of thought and ac­
for their Ascension and Freedom. tion, have always surprised the rest of the world
That does not come by a sudden impulse. Ever when a crisis arrived. I, Myself, am depending on
since you knew of your "I AM Presence,” this that characteristic w ithin the American people
Preparation has been going on for your Ascension. to suddenly arise and down these officials in
Whether you make It in this embodiment or the America who are determined to put America into
next, still that preparation is going on because war; and I am sure that they w ill do it.
your Presence alone may do that Preparatory If you saw the Service K-17 and His Legions
Work, in your obedience in the fu tu re to Its of Light, Saint Germain and Others are render­
Request. ing in W ashington,— Saint Germain has been
We were talking recently about this because there almost constantly— you w ould understand
of these conditions which are confronting you. His Love for the people of America.
When w e see such intrigue going on in W ashing­ I was an Englishman as you w ell know. Tw ice
ton, some o f it in N ew York, and a lot of it in I have seen our boys go from Canada to battle
Chicago, you cannot tell, We cannot tell, w hat in nations in which they were not concerned;
human beings are going to do. The brazenness of but since they were a part of the mother nation,
vicious human beings is unparalleled in the his­ they had to do so, but one day that thing shall
tory of this earth; but the exposures of the cease from this earth also!
viciousness and the intrigue is also unparalleled Dear people, no m atter w hat confronts you,
in the history of the earth. never lose your courage or cease to issue your
Therefore, the people of America and the world Decrees for the Freedom of the people of Amer­
are awakening more and more to that which is ica and the world from the clutches of destructive
actually going on! W ill you believe that ten years forces! This should interest you tremendously!
ago there were only tw en ty people in America In Our observation among the people of the
who believed a word of the intrigue which was earth, they know just as w ell as you do that this
going on and had been for tw en ty years in your time they are dealing w ith a Force w ith which
America; or a word of the spy activity which they cannot cope. They know they are dealing
has been rampant throughout N orth and South w ith a Power of Light in Something which they
America, laying its claws and plans until it do not understand but they know and feel their

22 23
influence waning daily from that which was easy When you see from Our Standpoint you will
for them only a few months ago. understand, God, the "Mighty I AM Presence,”
N ow this is w hy We feel tremendously en­ alone is the Owner and the Giver of everything
couraged in keeping war out of America and which appears in the human octave; and any
destruction from your young people of America. human being who w ill turn wholly to that Great
Oh, have courage, dear people, if you could see Presence w ill have this supply, w ill have his or
the change from the communistic elements in the her own right activity, because nothing in the
colleges, schools and universities, you w ould have world can prevent it, if those individuals do not
great courage. Harvard which was the first hot­ waver in their feelings.
bed of the communistic element in America, has Let Me try to convey to you that there is not
turned it down completely and w hat a blessing. one person in this room who, if he or she would
All of these things which have arisen, sup­ give fu ll confidence to the Higher Mental Body,
posed to bless and assist mankind, have principally whose Higher Mental Body could not take that
been claws of destructive forces and hundreds one right out of this room, into any condition Its
and thousands of blessed, earnest sincere people Wisdom saw was the right thing for success,
— for instance so many people in America, have happiness, health or w hatever else is required.
not understood. You take the ham and eggs sit­ Your Higher Mental Body given Complete A u ­
uation. My dear people, to have thirty dollars a thority w ill take command and lead you into all
week or a month from nothing in the world to Perfection. Oh, that you could understand that
support it, how could you expect it to survive or — this minute— and give fu ll confidence, power
the nation? Dear people, Life does not operate and feeling to It. A fter all, It does do everything
upon that basis. Every human being has within which is constructive that you already have done.
himself or herself Power to call to Life to bring You m ight think you do a lot of your activity
each one support. from the outer standpoint. O f course you do the
Among their own people in California they are outer action, but m y goodness, it is the Power of
seeing this and the industrial world see that it your Life, directed by your H igher Mental Body,
would be very ruinous w ithin sixty days, if al­ which allows you to achieve anything! W hy not
lowed to go into action. To spread paper that has allow It to achieve the full Perfection which It is?
no value, except somebody’s say so, among the There have been so many people who do see
people as credit is the most dangerous thing to this, giving the fu ll confidence to their Higher
mankind. Mental Bodies. It has led them forward into
These are important things and this is only great release and achievement, which they could
one of the innumerable things which are set into not possibly have contemplated a few weeks
action to catch the attention of mankind and before.
distort the ideas so the nefarious destructive Think of the conditions existing in Europe
forces may gain and hold their clutches upon to-day, of those blessed people not having the
the great mass of mankind.
slightest intimation of w hat you have! Think May I remind you again, my dear people, that
o f it, dear people! The millions in Germany and w ith those very people in Washington, their
Russia half starved to-day, even their God as Higher Mental Bodies w ant the same Blessing
they understood It, has been taken away. Some and Protection which you w ant and for which
are secretly cherishing It in their ow n hearts, but you are calling? I just sometimes almost explode
they have nothing to look for— nothing to look in the Pow erful Intense Desire to convey to the
to, all hope gone! You can possibly imagine an people w hat that one idea would convey, if fu lly
individual, b ut to imagine a nation in such a con­ understood.
dition— millions of people, is quite a different As earnest, sincere Students of the Light, you
thing, dear ones. have the entire Forces of Light and Constructive
In America you are in a position to release at Powers in the Universe at your back, at your call
your call, Powers which if you give the fu ll to render this Great Service. In every destruc­
power to your Higher Mental Body that belongs tive individual who exists in the world, the Higher
to It, could take the place possibly of a hundred Mental Body wants this same Perfection you do.
individuals. Think how you could m ultiply the You cannot use this as a general statement and
energy or substance released at your call. In a don’t misunderstand Me in this, but We have seen
few instances in America, where disgruntled in­ some instances where a certain group of students
dividuals have been dismissed and turned aside were prompted upon hearing of a condition, to
from This "I AM A ctiv ity ” they immediately call directly to the Higher Mental Bodies of those
proceeded to try to get people to let up on their individuals to command those human forms to
Decrees showing how great are the destructive stop any further destructive activity. W ell, the
forces acting w ithin individuals because of all effect has been absolutely amazing. You cannot
things in this world to-day, there is not a thing use this as a general statement, because it is
more important than your Decrees sent forth in something which needs to be directed w ith spe­
the mental and feeling world. That is the Power cial action, but in all conditions that exists to
which must change the feeling w orld of man­ some degree.
kind, their motives and desires and, unless that Remember, all destructive forces have only the
is done, you cannot have this Protection and the human accum ulation w ith which to act and it
results. is only a fragm ent of the Power compared to the
It is the absolute determination of certain Constructive Power of Light which you as sin­
people in W ashington to throw America into w ar cere students are calling forth. That is w hy if you
w ithin six months or shortly after the first of the only saw it, you w ould know you are the Com­
year; but let us know now, they absolutely have manding Presence to silence in W ashington every
no power, influence or money. W ithdraw from destructive individual there, who would drag
them all power, influence and money to act in America into w ar— to w ithdraw all influence,
such capacity. money or whatever else they were using to mis­
lead people.
My dear beloved ones, if any one had told Me you in a position to render a service that in your
before My Ascension that such things existed in heart you have called for during many cen­
the world of human action, I could not possibly turies and, should the condition become such that
have believed it; but when you see the cunning these destructive conditions cannot be kept out
motives of individuals, and in W ashington those of America, then you w ill be needed far more in
who pretend to be such a defense of America the Octave of Light than here.
and underneath are just releasing the quick­ All the Great Ones are seeing with one accord
sand to destroy those whom they are smiling and that this Great "Cosmic Light as of a Thousand
faw ning upon, you w ill understand w hat I mean. Suns” could be released before instead of after
That to Me is the most incredible thing, but it the great conflagration. Should that be done,
proves exactly w hat your Beloved Saint Germain America w ill know such happiness as no activity
said to the Messengers, when they started out to has known in this world in tw o and a half m il­
carry this Light— "that the human ungoverned lion years because that Light w ill take out of
is more vicious than the animal in the jungle,” mankind, in spite of any human desire, in fact
and how true it is. Believe Me, the Messengers w ill remove those human desires of destructive
have found that to be true. activities of all kinds, jealousy, criticism, con­
Beloved ones, you who have this Great Free­ demnation and all those characteristics or qual­
dom at your door to-day, do your utm ost; and ities which are the failures of mankind.
you may be sure your Higher Mental Body, see­ You know the Great Goddess of Liberty’s great
ing your right motive, w ill do w hat else is required statement to remove all human selfishness and
for your Complete Freedom and your Ascension. discord— of course that generally covers it; but
As We observe only a few are really understand­ it means all these qualities which are the limiting
ing and com p reh en d in g w h a t Saint G erm ain powers of mankind would be removed from the
started a short time ago in calling your attention atmosphere and their feeling world. W ell, when
to and reminding you to call w ith all your Being that is removed there is nothing any longer there
for your Ascension so if destructive conditions to act. Then naturally, the Power of Light in the
come into America, you w ould not have to remain individual would take Its Command and there
here and see them, or be a part of them. You do being no obstruction in the w ay, w ould receive
not know, my dear people, w hat that means. the direct impulse from the Higher Mental Body.
If you could have the conscious release in Your They would act in that w holly constructive ac­
H igher Mental Body and go through Russia and tivity which their hearts w ant to do and which
Germany for just four hours, you would know those who have touched this Great Light are
exactly w hat I mean and w hat He means. The sincere in doing to-day.
people to-day who have this great opportunity of Your o p p o rtu n ity , beloved people, is very
being Free forever, are not shunning anything, great. O nly last night, or about tw o o’clock this
my dear ones. You are just taking advantage of morning, We were in conference, and I said to
the opportunity Life is offering which w ill place 29
Them: "Oh, w hat a w onderful thing it would Being, He of course never stops. There is not one
be, if the student body of America could be taken moment of the tw en ty-fou r hours that He is not
in certain groups, shown and retain the memory in action; and surely one day the people of Amer­
of these Great Inner Activities. They w ould re­ ica w ill appreciate w hat He has done. You as
double their forces and energy to render this students do appreciate it— I mean by that, those
service,” N o t that it should be done w ith any who are sincere. Some still feel critical toward
anxiety, but w ith a great calm determination. Do Him when H e does something that they do not
not ever let yourselves feel in your application, understand, but that is very foolish!
anxiety of any kind or frenzy, as it were, be­ An Ascended Being never makes a mistake,
cause that w ould be a far greater mistake. It is dear people! If you w ill keep that before you, it
the great calm determination which is the charge w ill keep you from releasing any feeling ever that
o f the Life Energy that goes forth and renders anything an Ascended Being does could be a mis­
the service. take! There is no such thing! W hat mankind
You have all noticed, perhaps, in your expe­ does not understand, the human ofttim es tries
rience that if something suddenly confronts you to condemn, but that is a mistake of mankind.
and you become sort of hysterical about it, it So as students stand guard over yourselves in
grows worse and worse; but when you quiet down Self-control, so you do not even in speech or feel­
and come into a great calm serenity and the whole ing do these things because w ithout speech, you
thing reverses. You not only see a w ay out, but can have intense feeling which makes a record in
all the constructive forces about you, come into your feeling world that goes on acting there.
action to produce that result w hich is necessary Dear precious people, do you really understand
and which you require. That is the Power of that? Do you really understand that w ith out a
Self-control and Mastery under all conditions spoken word, you can release intense feeling
and it is the great need to-day. which makes a record there in your feeling world
I suggest upon My Own Volition, beloved stu ­ that goes on and on weeks and months after­
dents, that every one of you before you retire at wards? Then you wonder w hat in the world is
night, make that positive call for your Higher the m atter that you do not seem to get results.
Mental Body to take such command of you that Do see this, precious people— when you are
It does give you absolute complete Self-control condemning each other you are condemning God
under all conditions. Then when you feel a re­ — Life. That Life which enables those human
lease and unusual power, you w ill be in a position forms to be here is God, the "Mighty I AM Pres­
to use it safely. ence” and whatever condemnation goes from
I know dear ones, you love your Beloved Saint your lips or feeling toward another who is the ou t­
Germain, but if you saw His endless, tireless e f­ post of the "Mighty I AM,” is a condemnation of
fort on your behalf! It is the most stupendous God! That is the Truth underlying all human
thing, I have ever witnessed. Being an Ascended activity!
30 31
Then let us go one step farther. It is a con­ is there. We have watched the students thruout
demnation of your own Life, since all Life is the land and have seen the lines disappear from
ONE! Do you not see how everything comes back the faces of individuals in a few weeks and a few
home? There is no getting away from it. W hat­ months at most. I tell you dear people, it is a
ever goes out must come back to you! Oh, that transformation, but the people do not always even
the blessed blessed students would understand notice that. We are more considerate of you than
this and then give the obedience and Self-control you are of yourselves, because We do notice it.
necessary! W hat tran sform ation s w o u ld take H ow do you suppose We do notice it? In fact We
place in their precious lives! cannot help but notice it, because of the release
My dear students, because you make mistakes of the Light w ithin the cells of your face.
and still do, do not misunderstand Us when We W hy do you suppose, dear people, that the
plead for the correction. Do not think We are Light appears about the head of the individual
criticizing you or that blessed Lotus is criticizing before other parts of the body? There is scarcely
you. N o such thought is there, but w hat We say a student who is sincere these days, if you put
is the citation of the Law of Life— of your Life— that one w ithin a certain Light, anybody w ith
which must be obeyed, if you are going to have physical sight can see the lumination about the
supply, health and happiness, which is the para­ head and shoulders. Why? Because it is Substance!
mount thing in your Life. You cannot have it That luminosity is Self-luminous Intelligent Sub­
w ithout obedience. That is w hy We do plead so stance. That is w hy the physical sight can see it,
earnestly for that which does give you the quick but the pow erful pull of the outer world upon
release from all these conditions. the things and conditions which seem to be so
Since you are first in many activities, and since important in your world, is stronger just yet than
you are all under tw enty-one, We can justly say: the recognition of the Great Glory and Perfec­
"Beloved Children of the Light.” Do you know tion which you are.
that remark is actually true? Your human qual­ Your Higher Mental Body which is operating
ities w ould say to you: "Well the appearance is this body, so beautiful, so magnificent, so perfect,
still there” ; but I say to you, this is True in your so pow erful, can do all. W hy not let It just take
understanding of your "Mighty I AM Presence,” command of this? My dear ones, do you under­
and in your H igher Mental Body, which is Eter­ stand that, if you just realized it, you could allow
nal Youth, you are not over tw enty-one. W on’t the Higher Mental Body to release such Light thru
you feel that? Feel how spry you w ill feel when your flesh that it would instantly remove every
you live in Perfect harmony! condition of imperfection there? Your Higher
My dear ones, it is possible for every one of you Mental Body has the Power of the Universe with
to call forth that limitless energy to give you the which to do these things and you are going to do
sustained Feeling of Eternal Youth and Buoy­ that! You are coming to feel that and We see it
ancy. It w ill have to out-picture, if the feeling among the vast number of students, the feeling
32 33
gradually growing and intensifying until one
day they can feel that Light release and feel it
dissolve every condition w ithin the physical body
unlike that Light.
That Light is Self-luminous Intelligent Sub­
stance and replaces w hatever of imperfection is
removed on the instant. As you stand for that
Light you w ill feel the Glory of It ever intensify­
ing w ithin you. Dear, dear blessed people, you are
becoming the Victory of that Light. Stand by It,
in It and w ith It, and call It into action w ith such
earnestness so nothing in the world stands before
that Light. Then your problem in the outer world
must disappear because that Light is the solution
of everything!
I see I have kept you quite late, but dear ones,
remember you are at the dividing time of the ages.
N o one can choose for you. You must determine
w hat you shall do— follow your "I AM Presence”
and have your Ascension and Freedom; or the con­
ditions of the outer world and come again in an
indefinite number of embodiments to suffer. May
you take your inflexible stand and hold it w ith
such determination today! May We be able to re­
lease and convey to you in all that has been re­
leased the Strength, Courage, Glory and D eter­
mination which makes you stand so firm, looking
at no one but just w ithin yourselves to find out • NEW MUSIC •
how you may perfect yourselves more and more T is our great privilege and joy to an­
and know that everyone else is doing the same! nounce the release of a new Song by
May you live in that great joy and glory and Godfre Ray King (Mr. G. W. Ballard)
have its Eternal Perfection, the Complete out- — M ighty V ictory. Both lyrics and
picturing in your human form and your world of music were w ritten by our Beloved Messenger,
action. Mr. G. W. Ballard, and are charged w ith tremen­
Thank you and bless you forever in the Eternal dous Power of Light and Blessing to all who sing,
Glory of that Light. hear or play it.
"MIGHTY VICTORY” is dedicated in Eternal GEMS OF LIGHT
Love, Gratitude and Blessing to the "Mighty I
AM Presence” and the Beloved Cosmic Being, GODDESS OF LIG H T
Victory. Mankind must have His Victory of the O b, beloved ones, realize you r great position!
Cosmic Light as of a Thousand Suns, to hold con­ The great joy th a t should fill you r hearts fo r
trol of the forces of Life on this earth, if human­ having come to this point of understanding w h ere
ity are to survive here and act constructively in you can be m aster of yourselves and yo u r w orlds,
the future. b y the calling fo rth of the A ctivities of the P ow ­
Every time this song is sung, played, heard or ers of Light which kn o w no opposite. M y dear
the picture contemplated those using it shall re­ ones, do not fo rg et it fo r a m om ent, w akin g or
ceive from this Mighty Cosmic Being Victory His sleeping. This Pow er w hich you are calling fo rth
Mighty Light Rays enfolding them, provided they know s no resistance b y human d estru ctive forces.
make the call to Him and hold harmony in the
feelings. His Light Rays are Substance, Light,
Energy and Perfection from His Sphere of A ctiv­ GODDESS OF LIG H T
ity. The moment one’s attention is turned to Him, As you keep calling fo rth this G reat Pow er of
that one is definitely in connection w ith His Great Light, see th a t you r m otives are alw ays righ t;
Perfection, Victory and Power of Life; for His th a t th ey are clean and pure in every w a y. Then
Light Rays carry His Feeling of V ictory and the as you call I t fo rth kn o w th a t there is not one
Power of Light over all destructive forces and thing in human creation which can resist or stand
qualities. before th a t Pow er of Light w hich you call forth .
Send your Love, Gratitude and Blessings to T h at is the A ction of the Light Rays, a Concen­
M ighty Victory and call for His O ut-pouring to tra te d Form and is the Substance, Pow er and
be sustained, until all are as Perfect and Victor­ A ction of Life which has w ith in I t D ivine Love,
ious as He is. W isdom and Power.
This song is dedicated to the City of Cleveland
where it was first sung, to release a Mighty O ut­
pouring of V ictory’s M ighty Miracles and V ic­
tories of Freedom, Divine Justice and Perfection,
until Cleveland becomes an Alabaster City of
T is our privilege and great joy to an­
Light as the Ascended Masters have commanded.
nounce the release of a complete new
May the Ascended Masters’ Marvelous "I AM” FUNDAM ENTAL GROUP O utline to
Temple of Light come forth in that city quickly;
take the place of the No. 2 Beginner’s
w ithin which the Unfed Flame blazes forth the
fu ll Cosmic Power of Eternal Victory which
This new O utline contains seven (7 ) Lessons
raises all who enter there into the Ascension as
which all beginners need to be informed about.
soon as possible.
36 37
No one entering the Fundamental Group should SPECIAL NOTICE
be allowed to enter the Regular S tu dy Groups
u n til th ey have atten d ed the fu ll seven (7 ) T is our great privilege to announce that
Classes, and received a Card from the Group all futu re pressings of Phonograph Rec­
Leader showing they are ready to enter the Study ords w ill be made from a new blue trans­
Groups and Large Classes. parent flexible material. We have been
working on these for some time and feel we now
GRO UP LEADERS' IN STR U C TIO N S have them perfected to the point where w e can
This Outline contains the Instructions given offer them to the public.
out in the Classes from time to time regarding
conducting of Group Meetings, and w ill replace This blue transparent material carries a special
the letters previously sent out. healing quality and vibratory action and w e know
This Instruction is being placed in an Outline you w ill be happy w ith them.
similar to Nos. 1 and 2 and w ill be available to Because of the increased cost of this special ma­
all who wish to be informed about Group A ctiv­ terial it w ill be necessary to increase the cost
ities. Every Group Leader should study this In­
slightly. Prices are as follows:
struction and be sure to follow same so Groups
w ill be uniform everywhere. All double faced records made from blue trans­
The above Outlines may be secured from the parent material $3.00 each— Shipping charges
Saint Germain Press, Inc., P. O. Box 1133, Chi­ extra.
cago, Ills., or the Western Branch— P. O. Box 428,
Los Angeles, Calif. The records that we have released made from
Price each 5c Each Postpaid 8c this new material are those of our Beloved Mes­
senger, Mr. G. W. Ballard, numbers 3 3 0 0 A & B t o
LOOSE-LEAF DECREES 3310 I & JK inclusive. Also the following:
Another Lot of Loose-leaf Decrees w ill be re­ No. 1203- 1247 No. 500 A &B
leased during the coming 4 day Shrine Class. 200 A & B 501 A & B
There w ill be about 5 0 pages containing the very 202 A & B
latest Instruction and are very important at this
time. These may be secured from the Saint Ger­ All RCA Records now on hand made from the
main Press., Inc., C hicago, Ills., or W estern regular material w ill be sold at the prices formerly
Branch, Los Angeles, Calif. quoted— $2.50 for double faced records— Ship­
In order to have a uniform price, all loose-leaf ping charges extra.
decrees and loose-leaf songs have been reduced to Please send all orders for phonograph records
1 V2 C per leaf, consisting of tw o (2 ) pages. Keep direct to the SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, IN C ., Los
this in mind when ordering. Regular discount to Angeles, Calif., P.O. Box 428, as all shipments will
Group Leaders. be made from Los Angeles direct, instead of the
Price per leaf— 1 V2 C Plus postage Chicago Office.
38 39
It is our privilege and joy to announce the re­
lease of another Series of Records of our Beloved N ew Charts
Messenger’s (Mr. G. W. Ballard) Voice— talks
given by Him at the Shrine Class 193 8, as follows:
E wish to announce the release
N o. 3304-A — Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard of our new Charts, reproduced
N o. 3304-B — Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W. Ballard from the Large Chart used in
N o. 3304-C — Invocation and Explanation of the Chart, our Classes.
Mr. G. W. Ballard
N o. 3 3 0 4 -D — Invocation and Explanation of the Chart,
Mr. G. W . Ballard These Charts are more intense and
N o. 3 3 0 5 -A— This T ru th , Love and H arm ony, brilliant in color than the former ones;
Mr. G. W. Ballard
N o. 3305-B— This T ru th , Love and H arm ony, therefore, more perfect.
Mr. G. W. Ballard

N o. 3306-A — T rue U nderstanding of D ivine Love, They are produced in two sizes as
Mr. G. W. Ballard
N o. 3306-B — True U nderstanding of D ivine Love, follows:
Mr. G. W. Ballard

N o. 3 3 0 7 -A— Calling the Presence________Mr. G. W. Ballard

12"x21" medium weight paper .. $1.00
N o. 3307-B — Calling the Presence________Mr. G. W. Ballard Postpaid.. $1.20
N o. 3308-A — H elping all M ankind______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
30"x521/£" on linen and mounted for
N o. 3308-B — H elping all M ankind______ Mr. G. W. Ballard
hanging ........................... Each $12.00
Please send all orders for phonograph records
direct to the SA IN T GERMAIN PRESS, INC., Los Shipping Charges Postpaid
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A" x 5%"
parent material.
and 5 x IVi" on light paper will be
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released at a later date.
40 41
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42 43
• THE •

Sizes below can be purchased a t the
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, Volum e I__________ By G odfre R ay King
C o n ta in in g th e f irs t g ro u p o f th e a u t h o r ’s ex p erien ces.
2600 South Hoover Street ^ Los Angeles, California P ric e $ 2 .5 0 , P o stp a id $ 2 .7 5
THE MAGIC PRESENCE, Volum e II - ........... - By G odfre R ay King
C o n ta in in g th e second g r o u p o f th e a u t h o r ’s ex p erien ces.
Jesu s F o ld er, size 5x7, h a n d c o lo re d _________ $ .50 T a x $.02 P ostage $.15
P ric e $ 2 .7 5 , P o stp a id $ 1 .0 0
S ain t G erm ain , h a n d colored, 5 x 7 ___________ .50 T a x .02 P o stag e .15
Jesu s S atin b o o k -m a rk ______________________ .35 T a x .01 P ostage .05 THE "I AM” DISCOURSES,
S ain t G erm ain S atin b o o k - m a rk _____________ .35 T a x .01 P o stag e .05 Volume III_________________ By the Ascended Master, Saint Germain
Jesu s M in ia tu re , desk f r a m e d _______________ 1.50 T a x .05 P o stag e .20 C o n ta in in g th i r t y - t h r e e D isco u rses, e x p la in in g th e A scen d ed M a ste rs’ a p p lic a ­
S ain t G erm ain M in ia tu re , f ra m e d ___________ 1.50 T a x .05 P o stag e .20 tio n o f th e " I A M ,” w ith th r e e co lo r p la te s. P ric e $ 2 .7 5 , P o stp a id $ 3 .0 0
Jesu s M in ia tu re , 2*4x3 l/ 2 f o ld e r ____________ .25 T a x .01 P o stag e .05
Je su s M in ia tu re , 2 !/ 2 x 3 l/ 2 tin te d f o ld e r ______ .40 T a x .01 P o stag e .05 TH E "I AM” A D O R A TIO N S, AFFIRM ATIONS A N D DECREES,
S ain t G erm ain M in ia tu re , 2}4 x 3 i/2 fo ld e r .25 T a x .01 P o stag e .05 Volume V— Parts 1 and 2 --------------------------------------------- By Chanera
S ain t G erm ain M in ia tu re , 2 1/ 2 ts.3 1/ 2 tin te d A selectio n o f p o w e rfu l A d o ra tio n s, A ffirm atio n s a n d D ecrees o f th e "M ig h ty
fo ld e r ___________________________________ .40 T a x .01 P o stag e .05 I AM P re se n c e .” P ric e $ 1 .7 5 , P o stp a id $ 2 .0 0
Jesu s s e a ls ___________________________________ .10 T a x .00 P o stag e .03
S ain t G erm ain seals__________________________ .10 T a x .00 P o stag e .03 ASCENDED MASTER DISCOURSES,
" I AM ” P i n s ________________________________ 1.00 T a x .03 P o stag e .10 Volume V I ___________________________ By Various Ascended Masters
" I A M ” R ings ______________________________ 12.00 T a x .36 P o stag e .20 C o n ta in in g tw e n ty D isco u rses d ic ta te d b e fo re h u n d re d s o f s tu d e n ts , w ith th re e
M a ster Jesu s, 1 2 x 1 6 , h a n d co lo red ___________ 2.00 T a x .06 P o stag e .25 co lo r p la te s. P ric e $ 2 .7 5 , P ostp a id $3.00
M a ster S ain t G erm ain , 1 2x16, h a n d c o lo re d .... 2.00 T a x .06 P o stag e .25
G old F o ld er Jesu s an d S ain t G erm ain , 12x16 8.00 T a x .24 P o stag e .25 ASCENDED MASTER LIGHT,
B ro w n F o ld er Jesus an d S ain t G erm ain , 12x16 7.00 T a x .21 P o stag e .25 Volume V II_______ By Various Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
Je su s’ A scension, 1 2 x 1 6 _____________________ 1.25 T a x .04 P o stag e .25 C o n ta in in g tw e n ty - s ix D isco u rses, d ic ta te d b e fo re h u n d r e d s o f stu d e n ts , w ith
J e su s’ A scension, m in ia tu re f o ld e r ___________ .25 T a x .01 P o stag e .05 th r e e co lo r p la te s. P ric e $ 3 .0 0 , P o stp a id $ 3 .2 5
T h e L u m in o u s P resence, 12x16 _____________ 1.25 T a x .0 4 P ostage .25
T h e L u m in o u s P resence, m in ia tu re fo ld e r .25 T a x .01 P o stag e .05 "I AM” A D O R A TIO N S A N D AFFIRM ATIONS By Chanera
Jesu s, 15x 1 8 , fra m e d ____________________ 5.50 T a x .17 P o stag e .25 V est P o c k e t E d itio n o f p o w e rfu l A d o ra tio n s a n d A ffirm ations.
S ain t G erm ain , 1 5x18, f ra m e d ______________ 5.50 T a x .17 P o stag e .25 P ric e $ 1 .0 0 , P ostp a id $1.20
Jesu s, 7x9 l/ 2y f r a m e d _______________________ 2.50 T a x .08 P o stag e .20 SPECIAL "I AM ” DECREES A N D BINDER
S ain t G erm ain , 7 x 9 * 4 , f r a m e d ______________ 2.50 T a x .08 P o stag e .20
LO O SE-LEA F B IN D E R in h e av y g re e n clo th , sta m p e d to m a tc h th e S ain t G e r­
Jesu s, 5 x/i ' x 7 x/z^ f ra m e d _____________________ 1.00 T a x .03 P o stag e .20
m ain Series. F o r S pecial " I A M ” D ecrees, an d L oose-leaf Songs. T h ese D ecrees
S ain t G erm ain , 5 I/ 2 x 7 I/4 , f ra m e d ____________ 1.00 T a x .03 P o stag e .20
a n d Songs a r e p r in te d on fillers p u n ch ed to fit B in d er, w h ich ho ld a b o u t 150
Jesu s seal, silv er fra m e d , t in t e d _____________ .30 T a x .01 P o stag e .05
leaves (3 0 0 p ag es.) P ric e B in d er $1.25 each . P o stpaid $1.40
S ain t G erm ain seal, silv er fra m e d , ti n te d ____ .30 T a x .01 P o stag e .05
D ecrees an d Songs 1 l/ z c p e r le a f (2 p a g e s) , p o sta g e e x tr a .
Jesu s, 24x3 2, sepia fin ish _________________ 15.00 T a x .45 P o stag e E x. col.
P o stp a id — a cco rd in g to w e ig h t.
S ain t G erm ain , 24x3 2, sepia fin ish ________ 15.00 T a x .45 P o stag e E x. col.
Jesu s, 1 9 x 2 4 , sepia fin is h _________________ 7.5 0 T a x .23 P o stag e E x. col. C H ART OF "THE MAGIC PRESENCE”
S ain t G erm ain , 1 8x24, sepia finish _______ 7.50 T a x .23 P o stag e E x. col. A b e a u tif u lly lith o g ra p h e d co lo r c h a r t, s u ita b le f o r f ra m in g a n d co m tem p latio n .
" I A M ” E m blem s ( s t i c k e r s ) _________________ .15 T a x .01 P o stag e .05 Size 12 x 21, P ric e $ 1 .0 0 , P o stp a id $1.20
" T h e M agic P re sen ce ,” 3 0 x 4 8 ______________ 15.00 T a x .45 P o stag e In cl. Size 30 x 52 on h eav y lin en , P ric e $ 1 2 .0 0 , P repaid
" T h e M agic P re sen ce ,” 12x20 _______________ 1.00 T a x .03 P o stag e .20 C an also be se c u re d in S C E N E -IN -A C T IO N , size 12 x 21, P ric e $50.00
T A X C O L L E C T E D O N L Y IN ST A T E OF C A L IF O R N IA Size 30 x 52, P ric e $ 2 0 0 .0 0 . B oth sizes, sh ip p in g ch a rg e s e x tr a .
" U N V E IL E D M Y ST ER IE S” — In T w o V olum es .............. .......................- P ric e $5.25
" T H E M A G IC P R E S E N C E ” — In T h re e V o lu m es....................................... P ric e $7.75
" T H E 'I AM ’ D ISC O U R SE S” — In T w o V o lu m es.........1............................P ric e $6.7 5
"A S C E N D E D M A ST ER D ISC O U R SE S” — In T w o V olum es ................ P ric e $7.00
44 P lu s M a ilin g C harges
• THE • ; q
• THE •
• SERIES • ... • SERIES •
PICTURE OF TH E ASCENDED MASTER, SA IN T GERMAIN L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p is t
H a n d co lo red steel e n g ra v in g s o f etc h in g s by C h a rle s S in d elar. 10 00-A — " I A M ” C O M E______( I n s tr u m e n ta l)
F re d e ric k L a n d w e h r, N o v a c h o rd
Size 12 x 16. P ric e $2 .0 0 each, P ostpaid $ 2 .2 5 1000-B — D e d ic a tio n . . ----------------- .------- D o n ald R a y K ing

PICTURE OF TH E COSMIC BEING, O R IO N, better know n as ( L

Loo tu s R a y K in g , H a r p is t
"THE OLD M AN OF TH E HILLS” 1 0 0 1 -A — " I _AM ” C O M E_______________( T r io ) < VViio let F a irc h ild , Soloist
I F re
r d e ric k L a n d w e h r, N o v a c h o rd
H a n d colo red steel e n g ra v in g . Size 12 x 16. P ric e $ 2 .00. P ostpaid $ 2 .2 5
1001-B — D e d ic a tio n .............................. D o n ald R a y K ing


A c tu a l p h o to g ra p h ic re p ro d u c tio n in G o ld to n e. 1 002-A — R a in b o w _R a y s_________ ______ (T r io ) < V io let F a irc h ild , Soloist
I F re d e ric k L a n d w e h r, N o v a c h o rd
Size 8x10 . P ric e each $ 2.5 0 , P ostpaid $ 2 .8 5
1002-B — D e d ic a tio n .............................. _...................... L o tu s R ay K in g
Size 11 x 14 . P ric e each $ 3.50, P o stp a id $4.00
Size 15 x 1 9 l/ 2. P ric e each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xp ress co llect ( R R -1 2 0 1 — IN V O C A T IO N ........................................ .M r. a n d M rs. B a lla rd a n d D o n ald
Size 30 x 4 0 . P ric e each $ 2 5 .0 0 , E xpress co llect | R R - 1202— C O N T E M P L A T IO N (S ile n t N ig h t) ( H a r p S o lo )............. M rs. B a llard
P ro file Size 15x19 . P ric e each $ 1 0 .0 0 , E xpress co llect
j R R -1 2 0 3 — B E N E D IC T IO N ____________________ ___1........... M rs. B a lla rd a n d D o n ald
( R R -1 24 7 — C O N T E M P L A T IO N ( N e a r e r M y G od to T h ee) .................M rs. B a lla rd
2 0 0 -A— L IG H T O F MY H E A R T . . ( I n s tr u m e n ta l) / ^ t u s R a y K in g , H a r p is t
I200-B — ROSE O F L IG H T _______
< F re d e ric k L a n d w e h r,
N o v a c h o rd

( 2 02-A — SO N O F L IG H T ______________ ( I n s tr u m e n ta l) / L o t u s R a y K in g , H a r p is t
R A IN B O W RAYS N A D A O U R LOVE 202-B — CA LL T O L IG H T ___________ ___________________ i F re d e n c k L a n d w e h r,
V O IC E OF T H E P R E S E N C E A M ER IC A O U R O W N BELO V ED L A N D V N o v a c h o rd
SON O F L IG H T M IG H T Y V IC T O R Y 2 0 J-A — R A IN B O W R A Y S --------------------( I n s tr u m e n ta l) |

A G ro u p o f Songs— M usic an d L y rics by G o d fre R a y K ing. T hese songs a re

! 2 03-B— O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S -
i F re d e ric k L a n d w e h r,
N o v a c h o rd
esp ecially c h a rg e d w ith p o w e rfu l h ealin g and a c tiv ity , ac c o rd in g to th e m ean in g
o f th e ly ric s. L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p is t
\ 5 00-A — L IG H T O F MY H E A R T _______ ( T r io )
V io let F a irc h ild , Soloist
E ach piece o f m usic has b e a u tif u l lith o g ra p h e d co v er in color, s u ita b le f o r \ 500-B RO SE O F L IG H T -------------------------------- £ £ £ ' ^ n d w X T N o v a c h o rd
fra m in g , each re p re se n tin g t h a t w h ic h th e m usic p o rtra y s .
P ric e each $1.00__................... _____.................................. ............ ........... P ostpaid $1.15
( 5 01-A — L O T U S MY L O V E _____________ ( T r io )
I 501-B— V O IC E O F T H E P R E S E N C E ................. F re d e ric k L a n d w e h r, N o v a c h o rd
A Series o f B ro ad casts a v a ila b le f o r use, c o n ta in in g e x p la n a tio n o f th e L aw of ( 5 02-A — SO N O F L IG H T _______________( T r io ) L o tu s R a y K in g , H a r p is t
L ife; also p ro te c tio n f o r A m erica. F o r In fo rm a tio n w r ite S ain t G erm ain P ress,
In c ., C h icag o , Illinois. I 502-B CA LL T O L IG H T -------------------------------- Frederick L a n d w e h r 'N o v a c h o rd

'THE VOICE OF T H E 'I AM’ ” j J 0 J - A — -R A IN B O W R A Y S - ....................... ( T r io ) L o tu s R a y t o n g , H a r p i «

M o n th ly M ag azin e c o n ta in in g a rtic le s e x p la in in g th e L aw o f L ife ; also D is­ | 5 0 J-B O H W O R L D V IC T O R IO U S ...................... F r ^ e r f c k L a n f w e h r , N o v a c h o rd
co u rses b y th e A scended M a sters a n d o th e r im p o rta n t su b je c ts. B ack n u m b e rs
a v a ila b le b eg in n in g F e b r u a ry , 193 6. Y early su b sc rip tio n s b eg in w ith M arch ,
1940. P ric e $3.00, S ingle copy 3 5 cen ts
( 5 0 5 -A— A M ER IC A O U R O W N BELO VED L A N D ....................... M in u te Men j 3 31 0 -A — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to r y ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 193 8 .---- ----- M r. G. W . B a lla rd
\ 505-B— S IL E N T S E N T IN A L ............... ................ .......................... ........... .. M in u te Men \ 3 310-B — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to r y ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 193 8-----------M r. G. W . B a lla rd

i 3 3 0 0 -A — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 1 (S h rin e C lass) _____________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd \ 3 3 1 0 -C — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 193 8—.......—M r. G. W . B a lla rd

I 3 3 00-B — IN V O C A T IO N N o. 2 (S h rin e C lass) ________________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd ) 3 3 1 0 -D — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ic ta tio n , J u l y 193 8..... ....... M r. G. W . B a lla rd

( 3 3 0 1-A — B E N E D IC T IO N (S h rin e C lass) ______________________M rs. G. W . B a lla rd \ 3 3 10-E — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to r y ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 193 8.............. M r. G. W . B a lla rd
] 3 3 1 0 -F — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 1 9 3 8 -----------M r. G. W . B a lla rd
I 3 3 0 1 -B— B E N E D IC T IO N (S h rin e C la s s ) ______________ ___ _____ M r. G. W . B a lla rd
\ 3 310-G — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to r y ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 193 8—...........M r. G. W . B a llard
( 3 3 0 2 -A — IN V O C A T IO N (S h rin e C la s s ) ..................................... ........M r. G . W . B a lla rd ] 3 3 1 0 -H — E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to r y ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 1 9 3 8 -----------M r. G. W . B a lla rd
) 3 302-B —-T H E R E IS N O D E A T H (S h rin e C lass) ............................... M r. G. W . B a lla rd
[ 3 310-1— E x c e rp ts fro m V ic to ry ’s D ic ta tio n , J u ly 19 3 8............... .M r. G. W . B a lla rd
3 3 0 3 -A — B eg in n in g o f th e " I AM ” D ic ta tio n s (S h rin e C la s s ).—M r. G. W . B a lla rd [ \ J — A d o ra tio n to M ig h ty V ic to ry
3 3 03-B — B e g in n in g o f th e " I AM ” D ic ta tio n s (S h rin e C la s s ) ..- M r . G. W . B a lla rd I 3 3 1 0 1 K— B e n ed ictio n b y M r. G. W . B a lla rd

3 3 0 3 -C — B eg in n in g o f th e " I A M ” D ic ta tio n s (S h rin e C la s s ) —.M r. G. W . B a lla rd T h e ab o v e re c o rd s a r e s u ita b le f o r in d iv id u a l c o n te m p la tio n o r u se in S tu d y G ro u p s.

3 3 0 3 -D — B eg in n in g o f th e " I A M ” D ic ta tio n s (S h rin e C la s s ) — M r. G. W . B a lla rd (A ll re c o rd s a re n o w sh ipped d ir e c t fro m th e S ain t G e rm a in P ress, In c ., P .O . Box 42 8,
Los A ngeles, C a lif.)
3 3 03-E — B e g in n in g o f th e " I AM ” D ic ta tio n s (S h rin e C la s s ) — M r. G. W . B a lla rd
3 303-F — B eg in n in g o f th e " I AM ” D ic ta tio n s (S h rin e C la s s ) —-M r. G. W . B a lla rd P ric e each— B lue tr a n s p a r e n t m a te r ia l (D o u b le f a c e d ) -------------------------------------- $ 3.0 0
• S h ip p in g C h a rg es E x tr a
The la s t th r e e R e co rd s com prise one a fte rn o o n ta l k b y M r. G. W . B a lla rd a n d should
sold in a se t)

3 3 0 4-A — IN V O C A T IO N a n d E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a r t ...M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 304-B — IN V O C A T IO N a n d E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a r t...- M r . G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 04 -C — IN V O C A T IO N a n d E X P L A N A T IO N of th e C h a r t ... M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 3 0 4 -D — IN V O C A T IO N a n d E X P L A N A T IO N o f th e C h a r t . M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3 3 0 5 -A — T H IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G . W . B a lla rd

3305-B — T H IS T R U T H , LOVE A N D H A R M O N Y ____________ M r. G. W . B a lla rd
H eadqu arters fo r A ll Publications
3 30 6 -A — T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E L O V E ........ M r. G . W . B a lla rd
3 3 06-B— T R U E U N D E R S T A N D IN G OF D IV IN E LOVE M r. G . W . B a lla rd SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC., P. O. Box 1133,
3 3 0 7 -A— C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E ...... ............................................ M r. G. W . B a lla rd Chicago, Illinois
3 307-B — C A L L IN G T H E P R E S E N C E ...............................................M r. G. W . B a lla rd

3 3 0 8 -A — H E L P IN G ALL M A N K IN D ........................ ..........................M r. G. W . B a lla rd

SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, IN C .— W estern Branch,
3308-B — H E L P IN G ALL M A N K IN D ....................... ................. ........ M r. G. W . B a lla rd P. O. Box 428, Los Angeles, Calif.
3 309-A-— IN V O C A T IO N (S h rin e C la s s ) .............................................. M r. G . W . B a lla rd SINDELAR STUDIOS, 2600 So. H oover St., Los A ngeles, California
3309-B — B E N E D IC T IO N (S h rin e C lass) ......................................... M r. G. W . B a lla rd (C o p y rig h te d b y S a in t G e rm a in P ress, In c ., C h icag o , Illin o is )

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