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Claims Department

£ £

Unaffiliated Pertinent Parties

Infringement Investigation music cartel of artist songwriters and engineers operation of fake
stage name celebrity and contract known record label songwriters and artist executive chain and
administration of writing under the known celebrity stage names and in patch ins on contractors
songs as and fake operations of comeos without license rights and also contractor rights use of
finance and finding of operations are not in standing of contractor and without rights of stage
name by contracting label subjulects for over a 4 year time period knowing patched in and also
have different persons and tried and also use contract information of contracted celebrity stage

name artists and also songwriters subjects also log into pages and create pages of known
celebrities for fraudulent use for over a five year period From 2014-2019 hacking into Google
Docs from 2018-2022 and have stated in fake celebrity cartell right of myself licensing agent
that they managed and also other known agents from the year of 2018-2022 I became in need of
vacation I took leave and the ring is still in operation in the fridge of composed songs and

written song fake ads of artists actors that are not in right of one in rights of claim of distribution
and vocal staff operation pose and also have operation of collection by the same since 2011-2022
without affecting and record of reflecting the company as posing as know staff of compies of
members that have affiliated memberships as in collections of funding without contractor statue
of orders in position of directors neighter and also becoming of recording ring of posing as voice
support staffing by tune of pitch and temporary of course in orders of sub line of (a.) of
contractor statue and (c.)-(a.) have no publishing and also Co writes companies listing subjects

still claim company staffing of such without contractors statue guides of sub line (a.) of
construction of constitutional rights and have from paragraph (b.) 27 have infringement
pending for the reasons of and also collection are denied for the reason of statues listed in such
of granted and have removed and been redeeming without the guided
Sub Paragraph 1(a.) - 27 (a.) Claims Grants Guide
constamation of Constantine Constitutional rights of commence guides of position listed grants
of paragraph (a )- (c.) and regards of recommendation of redeemed rights in some of no rights
and standards of the statues listed between and attorneys powers remand in such in remain in
still of the mentioned in so of status of statue's of no limitations of power of attorney and no
guidelines of grants of attorney powers of such understanding the listed additional affiliated
without affidavit in holding of affirmation of affiliate in so of still listed as same vice president in
such are president status of station statue as so as data as president listing as secretary secret of
social business society as same as affiliated names of one as beholder and also in same beside as
attorney's as such in deciding as attributes considering counselors when financial

decisions only of ordering in statue of trade and exchange of position no permission of position
trades when listing in data of corporate in such of the acts of subjects of vocalist recording and
patch ins of un affiliated decided and statements of replacing without decided ordering from
2017-2022 the subjects starting to use spyware I still manadatory by orders of courts statue of
demand of contract addresses in the cartel vocal ring become more established in operations
and began to organize manager schemes without with reference and reflection of the company
and begin to with other stage name songwriters and artists also since my hire for under cover

music enforcement staffing of 2011 I became in knowledge of those things and cortailed subjects
for the reason of the music operation and not having licensing and not being contracted and
making statement of being and becoming and also using known stage name songwriters and
contract named people contract information for use of business operations with they named
affiliated and not listed affiliated presidents on statue advisor guidance of limit of ordering and
position of oversight and day to day opening operation guide of data of the office of the
companies and I still under cover without them knowing of my music enforcement affiliation by
contractors license agent affiliated status of sub paragraph (a.) still undecided of judgement in
fact of these cases I still monetizing and give advisor details of the guides of laws of statues of
contractors and executive listings of guidelines of oversight of finding and living budget that
reflects of contractor and not of company and named president of insurance of named addition
statues of guidelines with affiliate listed statues of reasons of mentioned in such as one of
decided of in tune of each as same in names as one in such of being one of only overall sight of
day to day opening operation of the company office of same under with only interested of
finding more cases of such of no affidavit of affection in no reflection of legal affiliated status
In ordering of written acts of construction statue

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