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Date: 2/18/2022

Name: Abdullah Saeed


All calculated and measured parameter mentions are tested in GPP ETP lab to analyses where we are
standing now.

Parameters Influent Primary Aeration Final

TSS 762 26 156 84

COD 1352 - 940 -
MLSS No need No need 120 No need

MLVSS No need No need 204 No need

PH 7.7 6.8 8.1 7.7

DO No need No need 3.9 No need

TDS 660 710 840 830

Flow rate 1593 - - -

There are two main stages in ETP plant to monitor and operate to produce desired results. 1 st stage is
chemical treatment stage and 2nd is biological treatment stage. If we maintain these stages ETP plant
automatically gives our desired results lets start analysis currently these stages position or standings.

Chemical stage:
In this stage we need to maintain chemical decomposition organic matter. Few main parameters like PH
and TSS are very important to maintain. In chemical stage we add chemical for coagulation and
flocculation to get desired TSS in aeration tank. But for this reaction we need to maintain PH for better
reaction of coagulation. After chemical stage required design TSS is less than 100 so as shown in table
currently TSS is 26 mg/l mean its so low we are adding chemical more than enough and chemical is
wasting. How can we predict how much chemical dosing maintains, for maintaining chemical we need to
maintain ranges like if influent water TSS is 700-800 mg/l we need to dose 50% like this. Then we will
maintain TSS and reduce chemical consumption.

Biological stage:
This is stage is heart of ETP plant, here we need to grow microbial organism growth continuously and
recycle it until bacterial age is more then limit. For start up in this stage we need to check and maintain
DO, MLSS, COD, and food mass ratio. The most important MLSS concentration in aeration it tells how
much bacteria mass present in aeration. In start we need to maintain 800-900 mg/l but as shown in
table currently its too low mean no microbial growth in aeration. Its mean we need some nutrients and
enough organic matter in aeration. PH in aeration is good now because if its lower than 6.7 nitrification
can occurs which is very bad for microbial growth. Dissolve is also normal if this transmitter showing
right result. Once MLSS is maintain we can recycle and increase nutrients which gives design desired

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