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Name : Indah Rachmadanis

Class : XI SOSIAL 1

Prosedur How To Prevent Corona Virus

1. . Avoif the crowd

we must avoid the crowd because we do not know if there are people who get sick in the
middle of the crowd and it can spread quickly so we must avoid the crowd.
2. Keep a sosial distancing

we must always maintain a distance so as not to be infected, the distance of about 6 feet or
1.8 meters to two meters is a good minimum distance from others.

3. Use a mask

Use a mask if you want to go outdoors or if you see someone not wearing a mask, give the
mask to people who need it.
4. Diligent hand washing

Wash your hands with soap so that the germs on your hands disappear.

5. Drink a vitamins

take vitamins so that our body's immune is not weakened.

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