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1. Jelaskan pengertian perilaku organisasi.

2. Apa saja berbagai bidang yang telah memberikan kontribusi terhadap bidang perilaku organisasi.
Jelaskan kontribusi mereka.

1. Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of people's behavior in organizational

settings, as well as the connection between human behavior and the organization.
Organizational behavior is a branch of research that explores the effects that
individuals, groups, and organizational structure have on organizational behavior in
order to utilize such information to improve organizational performance.
2. Fields that have contributed to the field of organizational behavior are psychology,
sociology, political science, social psychology, and anthropology.
- Psychology has contributed ideas on learning, motivation, personality, training and
development, leadership, work satisfaction, performance assessment, attitude, ego
state, job design, job stress, and conflict management.
- Sociology has made significant contributions to group dynamics, individual roles in
organizations, communication, norms, status, power, conflict resolution, formal
organization theory, group processes, and group decision-making.
- Political science has made a contribution to organizational behavior. Government
stability at the national level is a key aspect in promoting international trade, financial
investments, expansion, and employment.
- Social Psychology has contributed in the management of change, group decision-
making communication, and people's capacity to preserve social standards in the
- Anthropology has contributed in the environment in order to better understand
organizational human behavior so that acquisitions and mergers go smoothly.
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1. Apa peran manajemen dan jelaskan.

2. Keterampilan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh Manajer?

1. The roles of management.

A. Interpersonal Roles : predominantly social in character that is they are roles in which
the manager's primary responsibility is to interact with others in certain ways. The
manager may also act as the organization's figurehead. The figurehead's
responsibilities include taking visitors to dinner and participating in ribbon-cutting
a. Figurehead
- Represents the company in a symbolic way
- Cutting the ribbon at ceremony for the opening of a new building
b. Leader
- Guides and motivates employees to achieve organizational goals
- Helping subordinates to set monthly performance goals
c. Liaison
- Acts as a go-between among individuals inside and outside the organization
- Representing the retail sales division of the company at a regional sales meeting

B. Informational Roles : involve some aspect of information proccesing. Behavioral

processes are part of each of these roles, because information is almost always
exchanged between people.
a. Monitor
- Seeks out and gathers information relevant to the organization
- Finding out about legal restrictions on new product technology
b. Disseminator
- Provides information where it is needed in the organization
- Providing current production figures to workers on the assembly line
c. Spokesperson
- Transmits information to people outside the organization
- Representing the company at a shareholders’ meeting

C. Decision-Making Roles : a critical component of the work of most managers. High

quality decisions play a key role in the effectiveness of any organization, while poor
decision making can be disastrous. As a result, businesses often invest in professional
development activities to help improve the decision making skills of their top
a. Disturbance handler
- Handles unexpected events and crises
- Handling a crisis situation such as a fire
b. Resource allocator
- Designates the use of financial, human, and other organizational resources
- Approving the funds necessary to purchase computer equipment and hire personnel
c. Negotiator
- Represents the company at negotiating processes
- Participating in salary negotiations with union representatives
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2. Skills required by Managers.

- Technical Skills are skills necessary to accomplish specific tasks within the
- The manager uses interpersonal skills to communicate with, understand, and
motivate individuals and groups.
- Conceptual skills are the manager’s ability to think in the abstract.
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1. Sebutkan kemampuan yang harus dimiliki seorang pemimpin untuk mengendalikan perilaku individu
dalam suatu organisasi.

2. Sebutkan dan jelaskan komponen organisasi yang perlu dikelola

1. The ability that must be possessed by a leader to control the behavior of individuals
in an organization by using control measures that direct employee energy toward the
organization's goals and objectives, such as skill development, productivity
enhancement, and individual behavior improvement. To keep individual conduct under
control, communication must be employed. Individuals conduct is greatly influenced by
the environment. The correct internal environment will aid the company in creating
lucrative job environments that will enable people and groups inside the firm to
collaborate successfully in order to achieve increased productivity.
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2. Organizational components that need to be managed.

- People : Any company that must be managed must handled. Every person has a
particular objective that must be met. Individuals' needs must be identified, and
appropriate efforts must be taken to meet them in order for them to work successfully
and finish their tasks on time.
- Relationship : Relationships between employees, subordinates, and superiors should
be built on mutual trust and full understanding so that it is easier to communicate and
comprehend each other's perspectives.
- Works team and groups : Play a vital role in the organization. Individuals may have to
keep their personal interest aside if it conflicts with a team or group goal. The utmost
interest of stakeholders, government, employees, social groups, and non-governmental
organizations must be kept in mind. Apart from the above, adequate consideration
should also be given to competitors, regulatory agencies, labor force, suppliers, and
resource persons.
- Structure : Organization structure may depend upon the size, number of
products/services produced, skill and experience of employees, managerial staff, and
geographical location. The leader must keep an open mind while dealing with
subordinates and exercise full control over various systems, levels and ensure planned
productivity and achieve a high level of job satisfaction.
- Technology : Managing technology is an important element of any unit. No
compromise should be made in procuring the latest or advanced technology. Various
systems and sub-systems should support technology that exists in an organization.
Adequate attention must also be paid to the service industry.
- Jobs : An assignment assigned to an individual. It encompasses various tasks like
designing of job specification, selection of media and recruiting process. Managers,
therefore, have various tasks to accomplish a particular job. The introduction of
computers has made managerial functions simpler, as the required information is
- Processes : Managers must ensure the high morale of the workforce. Select
appropriate subordinates to carry out a job based on aptitude, personality traits and
mental build-up. Managers must be transparent and maintain a high degree of value
system. There are no shortcuts to this and will pay rich dividends later in life.
- External Environment : The external environment also plays an important role in
managing the points discussed above. It includes economic, cultural, social,
government rules and regulations, legal aspects, political climate, demographics, and
its impact. If the above factors are evaluated appropriately, a manager will be able to
examine and predict human behavior in the organization.

1. Apa dasar dari perilaku individu?

2. Apa penyebab perilaku manusia?’

1. The foundations of individual behaviors are attitude, personality, perceptions,

learning and motivation.
2. Human behavior is affected by various environmental factors. It is based on various
cultural factors in which an individual is brought up and various social systems in which
he is working. Every individual behaves in a different manner, his behavior is
individualistic in nature, and therefore cannot be changed easily without any strong
stimuli. There exists a cause and effect relationship in individual behavior.
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1. Tolong jelaskan jenis model OB

2. Faktor lingkungan apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku individu?

1. Types of OB Model =
- Feudal Model : It regards employees as second-class citizens. The concept is based on
Theory X, which states that acts, policies, and processes are superior to humans.
- Custodial model : It implies that owners are the custodians of the organization's
resources and are obligated to look after the well-being of employees. It believes that
an organization's assets belong equally to industrialists, managers, and employees, and
that no one has monopolistic rights.
- Supportive Model : Employees are active workers with their own worth, attitude,
ambition, and preferences. Employees' attitudes and value systems are used by leaders
to inspire them. Employees are active, according to the supportive model, and with the
right environment and support, they may channel their energies and skills into
increasing the organization's production.
- Collegial model : It refers to a group of people who have a shared goal. Employees
and owners form a partnership, which is the model's foundation.
- Human Value Model: The natural process of behavior is Stimulus, Organism, Behavior
and Consequence. It is generally known as SOBC.
- Contingency model : It was created to deal with a variety of issues, including dispute
resolution, stress management, growth, and managing the complications that arise as
a result of organizational structure changes.

2. Environmental factors that can affect Individual behavior =

- General economic situation of the organization one is serving. An individual serving in
government/ public sector undertaking has a job security. Those serving in private
organization may be worried about retrenchment.
- Wages is another issue. It will determine the social norms an individual is able to
- An individual who has employability is able to secure job in organization of own
- Political,social, legal and tecnological environtment should be sound and condusive to
work culture.
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1. Jelaskan pengertian kepribadian

2. Apa yang menjadi penentu kepribadian?

1. The meaning of personality is an extremely complex and multifaceted human

construct. So yet, no consensus on a definition of personality has been reached.
Personality is defined uniquely by each individual, and this includes characteristic
variables as well as physical appearance. Personality is a dynamic arrangement inside a
person of those psychological processes that define his distinctive adaptation to the
environment. It is the sum of an individual's reactions and interactions with others." In
terms of the physical element, it pertains to individual charm, attitude while dealing
with people, and a smiling face, which may also be included in personality.

2. Determinants of personality is determined by heredity, environment (culture) and

situation under which an individual works.
- Heredity : to acquiring from parents certain biological, physical, and psychological
commonalities. These commonalities are further reflected in physical stature, facial
attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition, and even reflect. Parents pass
on shyness, fear, and distress to the next generation.
- Environtment (cuture) : Every individual is born and brought up in a particular
environment. The environment should be viewed from the point of view of norms,
ethics, and value that are observed and the attitude displayed by the social group. The
more advanced the socio-economic conditions of the society more would the children
be forward-thinking. The cultural background is important to evaluate personality.
- Situation : There is a need to recognize the person-situation interaction of personality.
The individual has to interact with the number of problems in a given situation, which
does not remain constant. Thus personality is situational, the uniqueness of each
situation and any Environment Situation Heredity. Personality measure of personality
must be examined.
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1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan orientasi kepribadian?

2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Norma dan sebutkan jenis-jenis Norma?

Personality Orientation.
1. Achievement Orientation : Every person possesses the need to achieve (nAch)
phenomenon in his personality. The achievement orientation of an individual also
indicates the personality of that individual. A person who possesses high nAch displays
a very dominant personality. He is achievement-oriented and undertakes a task that is
neither easy nor a very challenging or tough task because there would be chances of
failure to achieve the same.
2. Authoritarianism : The Theory of Authorita-tarianism states that there should be
status and power differences between various people. One would therefore find in an
organization, people with low authority and high authority. A person who possesses
high authoritarian is intellectually rigid, they display varied behavior patterns. They are
submissive to those who are superior to them and behave in an exploit-native manner.
3. Theory of Machivellianism : Niccolo Machivellianism refers to the degree to which an
individual is pragmatic and maintains emotional distance with co-workers while
accomplishing any task. A person who practices this theory believes in "end justifies
means" In any organization, people can be classified as having high Machivillistism or
low Machivaillist tendencies. In any organization, people can be classified as having
high Machivellianism or low Machivellianism tendencies. The theory refers to the
degree to which an individual is pragmatic and maintains emotional distance with co-
workers while accomplishing any task.
4. Self-Esteem : Self-esteem refers to an individuals' degree of liking or disliking himself.
People's self-esteem has to do with their self-perceived competence and self-image.
People with a high degree of self-esteem take more risk in job selection and
unconventional assignments. Managers with low self esteem do not take unpopular
stands, which may lead to displeasing others.
5, Self-Monitoring : Self-monitoring is linked to feelings of self-efficacy. It depends on
the circumstances. A person must constantly assess his effectiveness and connect it to
his behavior with subordinates in order to improve. This characteristic demonstrates
an individual's versatility and sensitivity. A self-monitoring personality is more likely to
behave differently in different situations.
6. Risk Taking : Risk-taking is a characteristic shared by many entrepreneurs. They are
capable of making quick decisions.

Norms : The Norm is defined as "acceptable standards of behavior" that are shared by
the group members. Norms differ among groups, communities, and societies, but they
all have them. P.C.De La Porte showed that the group norms that are favorable to the
organization were — organizational pride, teamwork, honesty, security, planning, and
customer relations. As per the Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
the Norm is defined as "acceptable standards of behavior that are shared by the group

Types of Norms:
Norms may differ from organization to organization, nature of work and the location.
Following norms are generally found and practiced by all the organizations.
- Performance Norms: The performance standard is a set by the individual worker and
approved by the superiors. These are general norms, industry standards prevailing in a
particular type of industry. If some worker is slow and can not cope with the workload,
is assisted by other group members. On the contrary, if some worker produces more
than what is required to do, is reprimanded by the group members so that
management does not raise expectations.
- Appearance Norms: In defense services, Appearance Norms are inbuilt in the
organizational culture. Appearance norms are related to the dress code and code of
conduct in the organization. In good organization dress while at work, dress for sports
functions or for dinner is laid down. Workers are not expected to report fellow workers
to their superiors.
- Behavior Norms: Guidelines for general behavior are issued by the management so
that all the employees display behavior in an identical manner. This may include time
management, punctuality, salutation, showing respect to the views of other members'
behavior while on the shop floor, and professionalism. These norms eventually take
the form of organization culture.
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