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Contents No, 53 * Sept.-Oct., 1991 BACK TO SCHOOL Geometric Striped Sw Stadium Cushion... Scottish Tam ...... BAZAAR BASICS Chain Plant Hanger... Antique Heirloom Booties Double-Edged Socks ... Chicken and Rooster Potholders Double-Duty Hat ....... PRETTY PINEAPPLES Fashion Doll Outfit Napkin Ring Pineapple Surprise Doily . Pineapple Delight Baby Dress. Cat Rug in ie ~ lit atte ct Publisher/Executive Editor—Annie Potter Editorial Director—Deborah Hamburg Publications Production Manager—Scott Smith EDITORIAL: Editor—Andy Ashley Technical Editor—Sue Jones Stafl—Mickie Akins, Shirley Brown, Peggy Gidden, Dorothy Helms, Sharon Lothrop, Dorothy Mills, Doris Muckleroy Donna Scott, Jennifer Simcik Departments QUICKIES ..14. 15. 16. 18.23 cond ee OFF THE HOOK ....-ccen45 PHOTOGRAPHY: STITCH GUIDE 7 Scott Campbell. Tammy Coquat PHOTO INDEX ART/PRODUCTION: Photo Designer—Randy Jurries Statt—Debby Davie, Jean Marie Duhon, Vem Parks, Karen White = RND. TABLE ANMIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTE dy ESS: Please roll Ary Tralling labo aler with your now addres Sala es Send address changes to Annie's Crochet Newsletter, P.O. Box 57671, Boulder. CO 80322-7671 oy )\ BACK TO SCHOOL It’s not just small children who return to school—ots of men and women take advantage of a continuing education! And with these great crochet patterns, hitting the books has never been so enjoyable! a Design by Ann Parnell Aik hi AL SD ee ce ie es tas yarn—amount each black, blue. white and pink needed for size; tapestry needle; pipe eee! . ded to obtain hath D and I hooks or hooks ne 6", Finished measurement: 3 ozs, black, ozs. each blue and white, 2 02s. pink Man's chest 38"-40". Finished measurement: 43", Yarns: 10 02s, each blue and white Man's chest 42"-44", measurement: 4714" s 12 ozs, each blue and white, 4 ozs. pink Man's chest 46"-48". Finished measurement: 51/4", Yarns: 28 ozs. black, 14 zs. each blue and white, 4 ozs. pink. GAUGES: D hook, & sc "; 8 sc back Ip rows = 1", F hook, 11 sts in pattern 8 rows in pattern = 2 NOTE: Instructions are for man’s chest 34"-36"; changes for 38-40", 42°44" und 46°48" arein | |. PE: 5 FUER HT? si rn si FEET { Su 24 ozs. black, 2 ozs, pink. Finished BACK RIBBING Row 1: With D hook and black, ch 17, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn (16 sc), Rows 2-106 [2-118, 2-130, 2-142]: Working these rows in back Ips (see Stitch Guide), ch 1, se in each st across, turn, At end of last row, do not turn or fasten off. BACK BODY NOTE: When changing colors (seo Stitch Guide), drop first color, pick up when needed. Carry dropped color ulony back of work and fasten off each color when no longer needed. Row 1; Working in ends of Ribbing rows, with F hook and black, ch 4, se in end of each row across, turn (106 sts) [118 sts, 130 sts, 1 |. Row 2: (Ch 1, hdc) in first st changing to blue, hdc in ach of next 2 sts changing to black in last st made, *fp [see following Notes) around next st changing to blue, hde in each of next 2 sts changing to black in last st made; repeat from * across to last st, hde in Jast st, tum. Front of row 2 is right side of work. NOTES: For hde front post (fp), yo, insert hook from right to left around post of next st (see ill.), complete as hde. FRONT BACK For post st (ps), work fp on right side rows and back post (bp) on wrong side rows Ch 1 at beginning of row is not used or counted as a st Always change to next color in last st made, Rows 3-7: (h 1, hde in first st: with blue, hde in each of next 2 sts; (with black, ps around next st; with blue, hdc in each, Of next 2 sts) across to last st; with black, hdc in lust st, turn, At end of last row, fasten off bhic. Rows 8-9: With black, ch 1, sc in each of irst 3 sts, (ps around next st, sc in each of Continued on page 9 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT..1991 5 Back to School Stadium Cushion Design by Kathleen Garen MATERIALS: Rug yarn—10% ozs. blue, 6% ozs. gold; 16" square of 1"- thick foam rubber; tapestry needle; H and | hooks or hook needed to obtain gauge, FINISHED SIZE; 15° across. GAUGE: I hook. 7 se = NOTE: Work in continuous rnds; do not join or turn unless otherwise stated, Mark first st of each rnd. CUSHION SIDE (make 2) NOTE: Work in back Ips (see Stitch Guide) unless otherwise stated. Rnd 14; With I hook and blue, ch 2, 8 sc in 2nd ch from hook (8 se). Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around (16). Rnd c in next st, 2 se in next st) around Rnd 4: (Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 in next st) around (32). Rnd 5: (Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (40). Rnd 6; Sc in first st, 2 su in next st, sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st) 7 times, sc in each of last 3 sts (48), Rnd 7: (Sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (56). Rnd 8: Sc in each of first 3 sts, 2 se in next st, (sc in next 6 sts, 2 sc in next st) 7 times, se in each of last 3 sts (64). Sc in next 7 sts, 2 sa in next ; Sc in first 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 8 sts, 2 sc in next st) 7 times, sc in last 4 sts (80). Rnd 11: (Sc in next 9 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (88). Rnd 12; Sc in first § sts, 2 sc in next st. (sc in next 10 sts, 2 sc in next st) 7 times, sc in last 5 sts (96). Rnd 13: (Sc in next 11 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (104). Rnd 14: Sc in first 6 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 12 sts, 2 s¢ times, sc in last 6 sts (112). Rnd 15: (Sc in next 13 sts, 2 se in next st) around (120), Rnd 16: Sc in each staround. Rnd 17: Sc in first 7 sts, 2 sc in next st, (so in next 14 sts, 2 sc in next st) 7 times, sc in last 7 sts (128). Rnd 18; (Sc in next 15 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (136). Rnd 19: Sc in first 8 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 16 sts, 2 sc in next st) 7 times, sc in last 8 sts (144). Rnd 20: (Sc in next 17 sis, 2 sc in next st) around (152). Rnd 21; Working this md in both Ips, sc in gach st around, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off. TOP NOTE: Work in front Ips throughout. Rnd 1: With H hook and gold, join 6 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.OCT.. 1991 with sce in first st of rnd 1 on 1 Cushion Side, ch 5. (sc in next st. ch 5) around. Rnds 2-18: (Sc in next st, ch 5) around, Rnd 19; (Sc in next st, ch 4) around, join with sl st in first st on rnd 18. Fasten off, FINISHING From foam, using Cushion Side as pattern, cut piece 4" smaller around edge. Hold Cushion Sides wrong sides tog with foam between, matching sts: working through both thicknesses, with [hook and bh h sl st in any st, sl st in each st around. n with sl st in first sl st. Fasten off, Working through all thicknesses, tack Cushion Sides tog in 4 places evenly spaced around md 12 HANDLE With | hook and blue. ch 40, se in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 37 ch, 4 sc in last ch; continuing on opposite side of starting ch, sc in each ch across. Fasten off. With right side facing you, working between sts on center of Handle, with H hook, hold gold at back of work, insert hook between first 2 sts, yo, pull Ip through to front, (insert hook between next 2 sts, yo, pull Ip through to front and through |p on hook) across, Fasten off. Sew ends of Handle to edge of Qushion 7” apart. 0 Stadium Cushion /s the latest design from Kathleen Garen of Florida, This mother of three sons operates a typesetting business and just loves to crochet in her spare time! ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.-OOT., 1991 7 Design by Deborah Levy-Hamburg MATERIALS: Novalty sport yarn- ozs. blue, 14 ozs. red: tapestry needle; 1 hook or hook needed to obtain gauge. FINISHED SIZE: Ono size fits all. GAUGE: 3 sc= NOTES; Back of sts is right side of work. Work in contimous mds; do not join ar tum unless otherwise stated, Mark lirst st ofeach md. TAM Rnd 4: With 1 strand each red and blue held tog, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (6 se Rnd 2: 2 sc:in each st around (12). 8 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.OCT., 1991 Rnd 3: (Sc in next st. 2 se in next st) around (18), Rnd 4: (2 sc in next st, sc in each of next 2 sts) around (24), Rnd 5; (2 sc in next si, sc in each of next 3 sts) around (30), Rnd 6; 2 so in first st, sc in each of next 2 sts, (2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) 4 times, sc in next st; repeat between (), 2 sc in last st (37). Rnd 7; Sc in first 7 sts, (2 sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts) around (42). Rnd &: 2 scin first st, sc in each of next 3 sts, (2 sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts) 5 times, 2scin next st, sc in each of last 2 sts (49), Rnd 9: (Sc in next & sis, 2 sc in noxt st) 2 times, sc in next 7 sts, (2 sc in next st, sc in next 7 sts) around (54). Rnd 10: 2 sc in first st. sc in next 4 sts, (2 sc in next st, sc in next 8 sts) 5 times, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of last 3 sts (61), Rnd 11; Sc in first 10 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 9 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (67). Rnd 12: Sc in first 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, se in next 22 sts, (2 sc in next st, sc in next 10 sts) 3 times, 2 sc in next st, se in last 6 sts (72), Rods 13-16: Scin each st around. Rnd 17: (Sc in cach of next 3 sts, se next ts tog) around to last 2 sts, sc in each of st 2 sts (58), Rnd 18: Sc in first 4 sts, sc noxt2 sts tog, (sc in each of next 3 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) across to last 2 sts, sc. in each of last 2 sts (47). Rnd 19: Sc in each staround. Fasten off. Rnd 20: With 2 strands bine held tog, join with sl st in first st, (ch 2, hde) in same st as sist, hdc in each st around with 2 hdc in last st (49 hdc). First ch 2 counts as first hde. Rnds 21-23: Hde in each st around. At end of last md, join with s! st in first hde. Fasten off. BALL Rnd 1: With 2 strands blue held tog, ch "Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around (10). Rnds $44: Sc in each st around. Rad 5; (Sc next 2 sts tog) around, join with sl st in first se. Leaving 8” for sewing, fasten off Sew opening closed. Tack to center of nd 1.on‘Tam. 4 Geometric Striped Sweater Continued from page 5 next 2 sts) across to last st, sc: in last st, tum. Rows 10-15: Working blue sts with white, repeat rows 2-7. Rows 16-17: Repeat rows 8-9. NOTE: Pattern is established in rows 2- 7, Rows 18-57: Work in pattern, ending with row 9. Rows 58-65: Working blue sts with pink, repeat rows 2-9. Rows 66-84 (66-100, 66-100, 66-116]; Beginning with row 2 of pattern, work in pattern, ending with row 4. Fasten off, Mark center 50 [56, 56, 62] sts for neck. FRONT RIBBING Work same as Back Ribbing. FRONT BODY Rows 1-67 [1-83, 1-83, 1-99]: Repeat same rows of Back Boely. Row 68 [84, 84, 100): For first shoulder, work in pattem across first 34 (37, 43, 46] sts; with blue, hde next 2 sts tog; with black, ps around next st leaving last 69 [78, 84, 93] sts unworked, tur (36) (39, 45, 48). Row 69 [85, 85, 101): Ch 1, skip first 2 sts, ps around next ps, work in pattern acruss, tum (34) [37, 43, 46] Row 70 [86, 86, 102]: Work in pattern across to lust 3 sts; with blue, hde next 2 sts. tog: with black, ps around last st, tum. (33) (36, 42, 45], Row 71 [67, 87, 103]: Ch 1, skip first 2 sts, ps around next ps, work in pattem across, turn (31) (34, 40, 43] Rows 72-73 [88-89, 88-89, 104-105): Repeat rows 6-9 of Back Body. Rows 74-75 [90-91, 90-91, 106-107]; Working blue sts with white, repeat rows 70 and 69 (86 and 85, 86 and 85, 102 and 101]. At ond of last row (28) [31, 37, 40]. Rows 76-84 [92-100, 92-100, 108-116]: Work in pattem, At end of last row, faston off. Row 68 [84, 84, 100]; Skip next 92 (38, 38, 44) sts for neck; for 2nd shoulder, join black with sl st in next st, ch 1, ps around same st as sl st; with blue, hde next 2 sts tog, work in pattern Continued on page 10 ANNIE’'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.OCT., 1991 9 Back to School Geometric Striped Sweater Continued from page 9 across, turn (96) [39, 45, 46], Row 69 [85, 85, 101]: Work in pattern actoss to last 3 sts; with black. (yo, insert hook around next ps, yo, pull through st, yo, pull through 2 Ips on hook), skip next hdc; repeat between ( ), yo, pull through ull 3 lps on hook, tum (34) [37, 43, 46], Row 70 [86, 86, 102]: Ch 1, ps around first st; with blue, hde next 2 sts tog, work in pattern across, tum (33) (36,42. 45 Row 71 [87, 87, 103]; Repeat row 69 {85, 85, 101) of 2nd shoulder (31) (34, 40, 43), Rows 72-73 [88-89, 88-89, 104-105): Repeat rows 8-9 of Back Body, Rows 74-75 [90-91, 90-91, 106-107]: Working blue sts with white, repeat rows 70 and 69 [86 ancl 85, 86 and #5, 102 and 101] of 2nd shoulder, At end of last row (28) (31, 37, 40). Rows 76-84 [92-100, 92-100, 108-116]: Work in pattern. At end of last row, fasten off, Sew shoulder seams leaving sts between markers on Back unsewn. SLEEVE (make 2) Rows 1-40 [1-44, 1-48, 1-52]: Repeal same rows of Back Ribbing. Am Row 1: Working in ends of Ribbing rows, with F hook and black. ch 1, 2 sc in each of fist 2 rows, (sc in next row, 2 s¢ in next row) across, tum (61 sts) [67 sts, 73 sts, 79 Back of row 1 is right side of work, 2: (Ch 1, hde, fp) in first st; with blue, hdc in each of next 2 sts; (with black, fp around next st; with blue, hdc in each of next 2 sts) across to last st; with black, (fp, hde) in last st, turn (63) [69, 75, 81), Row 3: Ch 1, hdc in first st, ps, work in pattern across to last 2 sts; with black, ps, hdc in last st, turn. Row 4: Ch 4, hdc in first st; with blue, hide in next st: with black, ps around same st us last hde made; work in pattern across to last 2 sts; with black, ps around next st; hdc in next st, work in pattern across (0 last 2 with blue, hde in next st: with black, hd in last st, turn. Row 6; Ch 1, hdc in first st; with blue, 2 hde in next st, work in pattern across to last 2 sts; with blue, 2 hde in next st; with black, hde in last st, tam (67) |73. 79. 85). Rows 7-17: Work in pattern. Rows 18-57; Repeat rows 2-17 consecutively, encling with row 9 and (85) pink, repeat row’s 2-9 af Back Body. Rows 66-89; Or desired sleeve length, repeat rows 2-17 of Sleeve Arm consecutively, ending with row 9 and (97) [103, 109, 115] sts. Fasten off, Matching center of last row on Sleeve to shoulder seam, being careful not lo stretch or gather either piece, sew Sleeve to Front and Back. Sew Sleeve and side seams. NECK RIBBING Kad 1: With nght side of work facing you, working in sts and ends of rows around neck edge, with D hook and black, join with sc in first st past right shoulder seam; spacing sts so edge lays flat, sc around, ending with even number of sts, join with s] st in first sc, Row 2: Wor n rows, ch 9, sein 2nd ch fm hook, sc in each ch across, skip next st on md 1, sl st in next st, turn (8 sc, Islst), Row 3: Working in back Ips, skip first s! si, sc in each st across, turn. Row 4: Working in back Ips, sc in each st across, skip next st an md st in both Ips of next st, turn, Next rows: Repeat rows 3 and 4 altemately around md 1, ending with row 3. Pasten off. ‘Sew row 2 and last row tog to form rib. 0 Designer Ann Parnell of Tennessee has ‘enjoyed designing unique crochet clothing for many years. Her Geometric Sinped Sweater came ‘about ater tooking through lots of yam ‘samples during a recent trp to visit us here in Big Sandy. Ann and her husband, Jim, have Iwo grown sons. 10 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.-OCT,, 1991 For years, customers have asked me why Annic’s Attic doesn’t offer craft Supplies as well as patterns: Te always thought it would be easier for you to get yarn, hooks, plastic canvas and such at your local stare. Nowadays, that's not true. Evenif you do have a craft store handy, it's often Jess trouble to pick up the phone or order by mail than drive mites, park, and trudge through a mall, Especially if (like me) you get your best ideas at 5 a.m,, ‘or in the evening after everyone's asleep, Introducing Annie's One Stop Craft Shop. ‘That's why, starting. today, you're going 10 be able to order all your crochet and plastic canvas supplies, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from the same friendly peaple who fill your pattern orders. ‘Two special offers to got you started. ‘The special offers on this page sive you lwo good Fess oy lis. And here's We're here. just waiting, to hear from you. Why not call today’? Onter TOLL EREE | 1-300-LVANNIE | FAX FREE 1-800-88ANNIE 7 days a week-24 hours a day! | ANNIE'S ONE STOP CRAFT SHOP™, T Annie Lane, 1.0, Box 808, Big Sandy, TX 75758-1Ki08 Dept. PUBC SCAA ‘Yes, Amnnile! sci! ne your NEW Craft Shon Cato FREES ‘nd be su to incliide the peodacts anered bel Toul Ei Check enelowed Charge my EIVISA INCE Amex Discover Tow! onclined Cad Send an, Exp Dore, Address Signature CityStae/2ip "Add $305 siping & Nand or sac lea dre TX, rakes wld 7.757 sea Ss oe es | Gt BAZAAR BASICS We've put together several of our favorite quic: ellers! Turn those scrap materials are guaranteed to be bazaar bes ‘n’ easy projects that into terrific money-making quickies! Chain Plant Hanger Design by Wandu Clevenger MATERIALS: Size 10 crochet cotton—50 yds. -shaped hosiery container; 1” plastic ring; araft glue: hook or hook needed to obtain gauge. FINISHED $17 long. GAUGE: 5 sc BOTTOM HANGER Por center ring, ch 10, sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 1, 15 se in center ring, sl st in first sc; for first extension, *(ch 10, sl st in first ch to form ring, do not turn, 10 sc in first half of ring) 7 times. ch 10, sl st in first ch to form ring, 20 se in ring: working in 2nd half of rings, 10 sc in each of next 7 rings, sl st in same st as last s| st on center ring”, sl st in next 5 sts; for 2nd extension, repeat between first *, sl st in next 5 sts on center for 3rd extension, repeat between first *, sl st in last 4 sts on center ring, join with sl st in next sl Fasten off. TOP HANGER For center ring, ch 10, sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 1, 5 sc in ring; being careful to keep rings straight, sl st in 10th st of 8th ring on first extension of Bottom Hanger, 5 sc in center ring, sl st in 10th st of 6th ring on 2nd extension, 5 sc in centar ring, sl st in 10th st of 8th ring on 3rd extension, join with sl st in first sc; for first extension, *(ch 10. sl st in first ch to form ring, do not turn, 10 sc in first half of ring) 8 times; working around plastic ring (see ill.). 2 sc around plastic ring, 10 sc in same ch-10 ring as last 10 se: working in 2nd half of rings, 10 sc in each of next 7 rings, sl st in same st as last sl st on center ring*, sl st in next 5 sts: for 2nd extension, repeat between first *; s| st in next 5 sts on center ring; for 3rd extension, repeat between first *. sl st in lust 4 sts on center ring, join with slst in next sl st. Fasten off. Place large end of egg-shaped container between extensions on Bottom Hanger with bottom of container centered on center ring glue extensions evenly spaced apart to side of container. Repeat with small end of egg- shaped container und Top Hanger. 2) 1 wanted a plant for a small bathroom and everything was either too big ar cost too much’ writes Wanda Clevenger, an Air Force wife and mother of two from Florida, She leamed to crochet from her grandmother as 4 young girl and now finds It very relaxing. Wanda also enjoys reading, bowling and doing plastic ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.-OCT., 1991 13 eS == MATERIALS: Red Heart® Luster Sheen® Art. A.94 by Goats & Clark or sport yarn—1% ozs.; D hook or hook needed to obtain gauge. 3%" sole: changes for-4" sole are in [ | GAUGE: 6 de = 1"; 3 de rows = 1", BOOTIE (make 2) 2 (16), 2 sc in 2nd ch n next 4 [8] ch, hde in next ch, de in next 4 ch, 6 de in last ch; continuing on opposite side of starting ch, de in next 4 ch, hde in next ch, se in next 4 [8] ch, 2 sc in last ch, join with sl st in first sc (28 sts) [36 sts). Rnd 2: (Ch 3, de) in first st, 2 de in next st, de in next 9 [13] sts, 2 de in each of next 6 sts, de in next 9 [13] sts, 2 de in each of last 2 sts, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (38) [46). First ch 3 counts as first de. Rnd 3: (Ch 3, de) in first st, 2 de in each of next 2 sts, de in next 10 [14] » (2 de in next st, de in next st) 5 times, 2 de in next st, de in next 12 116] sts, 2 de in each of last 2 sts, join (49) [57], Fasten off, Instep & Sides Row 1: Starting at Instep, ch 9, se in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch 14 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT. 1991 across, tum (8 sc). Rows 2-8; Ch 1, sc in each st across. turn. At end of last row, do not turn. Rnd 9: Working in rnds. for Sides. ch 25 (33), sl st in opposite end of row 8, ch 3, de in ond of next 7 rows; working in starting ch on apposite side of row 1, de in next 8 ch, de in end of next 8 rows, de in next 25 [33] ch, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (49 de) [57 del. Rnds 10-12; Ch 3, de in each st around, join as before. At end of last md, fasten off, Top Rnd 1; Working in ch and sts around top opening of Sides, join with sl st. in center back ch, ch 4, skip next ch, de in next ch, (ch 1, skip next ch or st, dc in next ch or st) around, ch 1, join with sl st in 3rd ch of ch 4 (17 de) [21 de}. Rnd 2: (Ch 3, de, ch 1, 2 de) in first st, *skip next st; for shell, (2 de, ch 1,2 de) in next st; repeat from * around. join with sl st in top of ch 3 (9 shells) [11 shells}, Rnds 3-4 [3-5]: SI! st in next st, (sl st, ch 3, de, ch 1, 2 de) in next ch sp, shell in ch sp of cach shell around, join as before, Rad 5 [6]; Working this md in back Ips (see Stitch Guide), ch 1, sc in each of first 3 [4] sts er ch; for picot, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch fram hook; (sc in next 3 sis or ch, picot) around, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off. Hold Sides and Sole wrong sides tog, matching sts; working through back Ips, sew tog. Drawstring Ch 90 [100). Fasten off. Beginning and ending al center front, weave through sts of nd 1 on Top. Tassel (make 2) Cut 16 strands each 3" long; tie separate 5” strand around center of all strands held tog leaving ends for tying. Fold strands in half, tie separate strand around all strands 4" from fold. Trim. Tie to ends of Drawstring, Wd Double-Edged SOCKS: Gist denser MATERIALS: Size 10 crochet cotton—25 yds, green; 1 pair white ribbed cuff socks; various sizes green flat buttons; white sewing thread; sewing needle; No, 7 steal hook. NOTE: Fold sock to form cuff. Sew buttons at random on cuff. BOTTOM EDGING Rnd 1: Place slip knot on hook; working around bottom of cuff, with right side facing you, push hook through cuff, yo, pull Ip through cuff, yo, complete as sc, ch 4: spacing sts 4" apart, (sc, ch 4) around, join with sl st in first se. Rnd 2; (SI st, ch 3, 5 de) in first ch sp, 6 de in each ch sp around, join with sl st in top of ch 3. Fasten off. TOP EDGING Working around top of cuff at fold. repeal md 1 of Bottom Edging. Fasten off. 09 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT., 1997 15 Bazaar Basics Design by Judith Stover MATERIALS: 4-ply cotton yarn—3 ozs. each while and black, small amount each brown, red and yellow; H hook or hook needed to obtain gauge. FINISHED SIZE: 9" square. GAU sc = 2"; 7 sc rows ach square on graph = 1 sc Wind black and white into 3 balls each and yollow into 2 balls. When Changing colors (see Stitch Guids), drop first color to wrong side of work, pick up when needed, Do not carry dropped color along back of work, use separate ball of yarn for each section of color and fasten off each color when no longer needed. When using brown, carry across back of work, FRONT Row 1; With black for Chicken and white for Rooster, ch 31, sc in 2nd ch from hook, se in each ch across, turn (30 sc} Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn Rows 3-27: Ch 1, sc in each st ross changing colors according to Chicken or Rooster graph, turn Rows 28-30: Ch 1, se in each st across, urn. At end of last row. fasten off BACK Row 1: With black for Cl nm and white for Rooster, ch 31, se in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn (30 sc) Rows 2-30; Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn, At end of last row, fasten off. ASSEMBLY Hold matching Front and Back wrong sides tog wilh Front facing you. matching sts; working in 2 top center sts, join matching color with sc in 2nd st, sc in each st and in end of each row around with 3 sc in cach corner; for hanging loop, ch 15, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, join with sl st in first so, sl st in first st on loop, Fasten off, Od (J=wuite [i = sRown [= stack @ =FeED = YeLLow 30 28 26 16 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT CUNO a a a Sig he Bazaar Basics — Double-Du Hat’ 4 Florence Jansen ae CROCHET PROJECTS THAT MAKE UPIN AJIFFY! MATERIALS: Size 10 crochet cotton—25 yds. main color (MC), small amount contrasting color (CC); 12° of 4" ribbou; 1" magnot; fabric stiffener; plastic wrap; craft glue; No, 7 steel hook or hook needed to obtain gauge, FINISHED SIZE: 3%" across GAUGE: 9 sc = 1"; 10 sc rows = 1", NOTE: Work in continuous mds; do not join or turn unless otherwise stated. Mark first st ofeach rnd. starting at crown, with MG, ch > in 2nd ch from hook (6 sc). ¢ in each st around (12), cin next st, 2 sc in next st) around (18), Rnd 4: (Se in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (24), Rnd 5; (Sc in each of noxt 3 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (30), Rnd 6: (Sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (36), Rnd 7: Sc in each st around. Rnd 8; (Sc in next 8 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (40) 18 ANNIES CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT. oh in with sl st in firs! sc, Rnd 13: Ch 4, skip next st, (de in next st, ch 1, skip next st) around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of ch 4 (20 de, 20 ch ps). First 3 ch count as first de, Rad 14: Ch 3, de in each ch sp and in each st around, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (40 de), Rnd 15; Ch 3, 2 de in next st, (de in next st, 2 de in next st) around, join as before (60), Rnd 16; Ch 1, se in first st, ch 3, kip next st, (sc in next st, ch 3, skip next st) around, join with sl st in first sc (30 sc, sps), Rnd 17: Ch 1, 3 se in each ch sp around, join as before (90). Rnd 18: (S1 st, ch 1, sc) in next st, ch 4, skip next 2 sts, (sc in next st, ch 4, skip next 2 sts) around, join. Fasten off, Rnd 19: Join CC with se in any ch sp. 4 sc in same ch sp first sc, § sc in each ch sp around, join. Fasten off, FINISHING For pot lid holder, weave ribbon through sts of md 13, tie ands in bow. For fridgie, apply fabric: stiffener, fill crown with plastic wrap, shape. Let dry. Glue magnet to back. Weave ribbon through sts of rnd 13. tie ends in bow. 20 991 A viata tour through the World of Crochet to view in your home for ‘7 days—FREE! \ for a moment a crochet lover's dream trip. a leisurely, loving journey across continents, through museums, into the homes of the world’s most famous crochet artists and historians. Two years ago, | took that tip. 1 explored the needleart collections in famous muscums. | visited the workshops of today's most famous crochet urtists und Visited historians like Eithne d'Arcy, one of the world’s great expemts on crochet, Now you can re-live the whole trip with my 7H-minute video Annie's Crochet Odyssey Enjoy it in your home for 7 days—FREE! Take your time. View it again and agnin. Each time, you'l find Something new to wonder at. Then, if you choose to keep it, pay My special introductory price of just $20,95 (plus $3.50 shipping aand handling) in four easy payments—just $7.49 each "Slippers for the Family —— = 7 wonderful styles, my gift t you, ANNIE'S ATTIC, Ine.* Dept. IRCVB4-IRCVC2 | FREE! : | #1 Annie Lane, P.O. Box 808, Big Sandy, TX 75755-0808 | * Thread Elegance®& lovely accessories for your home — yours jo make, FREE! | Yes Annie! Ill view your video for 7 days, FREE. IfT decide to keep ri pay $7.40 month (US funds) for 4 months, plos $350 shipping and havdiing. Otherwise. I'll return it, and owe you nothing. The Bonus Pallerns are maine to keep—FREE! * Lacy Layette: Name_ —— donne Address ae City/State/Zip | Tenclose £1$7.49 down payment 529,95 fill payment © Bilt me $7.49 4 month in four instattonss me ne Ol Ohare my OVISA CMC Discover Ame xpress Card No. Exp, Date iiseieen eat 20m nates 9 5 = _: ma] 1-800-LVANNIE FAX FREE 1-800-88ANNIE 7 days a week—24 hours a day! | Signature, PRETTY PINEAPPLES Ask any crocheters what their favorite pattern is and chances are it will be a pineapple! So we've put together some terrific pineapple designs in this special section just for you! Fashion Doll Outfit Design by Florence Jansen Mé RIALS: Size 10 croche cotton—565 yds. blue, 20 yds, white: yd, of %" ribbon; size 4/0 snap; blue sewing thread; sewing needle; No, 7 steel hook or hook needed ta obtain gauge FINISHED SIZE: Fits 1116" fashion doll. GAUG 3 de rows =1 DRESS Rnd 1; With blue, ch 40, sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 1. sc in each ch around, join with sl st in first se (40 sc) Rnds 2 Ch 3. de in each st around, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (40 de), First ch 4 counts as first de Rnd 8: Ch 3, 2 de in next st, (de in next st, 2 de in next st) around, join as before (60). Rnd 9; Ch 3 join. Rnd 10: (Ch 3, de, ch 2, 2 de) in first st, de in next 9 sts, *(2 de, ch 2, 2 de) in next st, de in next 9 sts: repeat from * around, join. Rnd 11: S] st in next st, (sl st, ch 3, de, ch 4, 2 de) in next ch sp, *[ch 2. skip next 2 sts, de in next 9 sts, ch 2], skip next 2 sts, (2 de, ch 4, 2 de) in next ch sp: repeat from * 4 more times; repeat between | }, join. Rnd 12: SI st in next st, (sl st, ch 4 11 tr) in first ch sp, (*ch 3, skip next 2 sts and next ch sp. de in next 9 sts, ck 3, skip next ch sp* and next 2 sts, 12 tr in next ch sp) 5 times; repeal between first *, join with sl st in top of ch 4 {ec in each st around, First ch 4 counts as first tr, Rnd 13; Ch 5, tr in next tr, (ch 1, tr in next tr) 10 times, *|ch 3, sc in next ch sp, ch 3. de in next 9 sts, ch 3, sc in next ch sp, ch 3], tr in next tr, (ch 1, tr in next tr) 11 times; repeat from * 4 more times; repeat betwean [ |, join with sl st in 4th ch of ch 5. Rnd 14: Ch 1, se in first ch sp, (ch 3 se in next ch sp) 12 times, “[ch 3. de uext 2 sts tog, de in next 5 sts, de next 2 sts tog), (ch 3, sc in next ch sp) 15 times; repeat from * 4 more times repeat between | |, (ch 3, s¢ in next ch sp) 2 times, ch 3. join with s! st in first sc Rnd 15: Ch 1, *sc in next ch sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch sp) 9 times, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) J times, ch 4, do next 2 sts tog, de in each of next 3 sts, de next 2 sts log, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) 3 times. * around ch 4; repeat from join as before Rnd 16; Ch 1, “sc in next ch sp, (ch 3, 8c in next ch sp) 8 timus, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) 4 times, ch 4, de next 2 sts tog, de in next st, de next 2 sts tog, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) 4 times, ch 4 repeat from * around, join. Rnd 17: Ch 1, *sc in next ch sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch sp) 7 times, (ch 4, se in next ch sp) 5 times, ch -4, de in each of X(3 sts, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) 5 times, ch 4; repeat from * around, join. nd 18: Ch 1, *sc in next ch sp, (ch 3, se in next ch sp) 6 times, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) 6 times, ch 4, de next 3 sts tog, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) 6 times, ch Continued an 20 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.-OCT., 1991 Pretty Pineapples Fashion Doll Outfit Continued trom page 20 4; repeat from * around. join. Rnd 19; Ch 4, *se in next ch sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch sp) 5 times, (ch 4, se in next ch sp) 14 times, ch 4; repeat from * around, join. Rnd 20: Ch 1, “sc in next ch sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch sp) 4 times, (ch 4, se in next ch sp) 15 times, ch 4; repeat from * around, join. Rnd 21; Ch 1, “sc in next ch sp, 3. sc in next ch sp) 3 times, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) 16 times. ch 4: repeat from * around, join. Rnd 22: Ch 1, *sc in next ch sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch sp) 2 times, (ch 4, sc in noxt ch sp) 17 times, ch 4; repeat from * around, join. Rnd 23: Ch 1, *sc in next ch sp, ch 3, sc in next ch sp, (ch 4, sc in next ch sp) 18 times, ch 4; repeat from * around, join, Rnd 24: (SI st, ch 4, de, ch 2, 2 de) in first ch sp. e "(2 dc, ch de) in next ch sp, ch 2, sc in next ch sp. ch 2: repeat from * around, join with sl st in top of ch 3. Rnd 25: SI st in first st, (sl st, ch 3, de; for picot, ch 4, se in 3rd ch from hook; ch 1, 2 de) in next ch sp, (ch 2, sc in next ch sp) 2 times, ch 2, *(2 do, picol, 2 de) in next ch sp, (ch 2, sce in next ch sp) 2 times, ch 2; repeat from * around, join as before, Fasten off. From ribbon, cut 2 pieces each 12" long. ave 1 piece under 2 sts and over 2 sts on md 2. Tie in bow. Repeat with 2nd piece on rnd 6. SLIP Row 1: With bluo, ch 24, sc in 2nd ch from hook, se in each ch across, Ch 1. sc in each st across, i (Ch 3, de) in first st, (de in st, 2 de in next st) across, turn (35 de). Rnd 6: Working in rds, ch 3, do in ¢ach st around, join with sl st in top of ch 3. Rnd 7: Ch 4, (de in next st, ch 1) around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of ch 4, Rnd 8: Ch 3, de in each ch sp and in each st around, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (108). Rnd 9: Ch 1, se in first st, ch 4, skip next st, (sc in next st, ch 4, skip next st) around, join with sl st in first se (53 ch sps) Rnd 10: S] st in each of first 2 ch, ch 1, sc in same ch spas sl st, ch 4, (sein next ch sp, ch 4) around, join as before, : Sl st in each of fi ¢ in same ch sp as sl st, ch (scin next ch sp, ch 5) around, join. Rnd 24: Ch 1, 5 sc in cach ch sp around, join. Fasten off, Sew snap to tap of back opening, SHAWL Row 1: Starting at tip. with white, ch 4, 2 de in 4th ch from hook, turn (3 de) Row 2: (Ch 3, 2 de) in first st. ch 2, skip next st, 3 de in Jast st, turn (6 de, 1 ch sp). Row 3: (Ch 3, 2 de) in first st. ch 2, 3 de in next ch sp, ch 2, 3 de in last st turn (9 de, 2ch sps). Rows 4-16: (Ch 3, 2 do) in first st, 3 de in next ch sp) across to las} 3 sts, ch 2, 3 dein last st. turn. Rnd 17; Working around ouler edge. ch 1. se in each st, 2 sc in each ch sp and 2 sc in end of each row around with 2 sc in tip, join with sl st in first . Fasten off. FRINGE For cach fringe, cut 3 strands blue each 5” Jong. With all strands held tog, fold in half, insert hook in st, pull fold through st, pull ends through fold, lighten. Fringe every other stitch on each side and tip of Shawl, Jd This beautitul pineappie-design Fastion Doll Outfit is the latest design from Florence Jansen, Her love of children helps to inspire fier dol clothing creations like the Fashion Dol Bride outtit featured in Annie's Crochet Nowsletter #57 22 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.-OCT., 1991 Napkin - Ring Cammy Kretschmar MATERIALS: Size 10 crochet cotton—40 yds,; tapestry needle; No. 7 steel hook or hook needed to obtain gauge, FINISHED SIZE: GAUGE: 1 shell = =1", "wa" 2 shell rows NAPKIN RING Row 1: Ch 13, (2 tr, ch 2, 3 tr) in 5th ch from hook, *skip r; for shell, (3 tr, ch 2, 3 tr) in next ch; repeat from *, turn (2 shells, 6 tr), First 4 ch count as first tr, Row 2: For beginning shell (beg shell), sl st in each of first 3 sts, (sl st, ch 4, 2 tr, ch 2, 3 tr) in next ch sp; ch 2, skip nex! shell, shell in ch sp of last shell. tam. Row 3: Beg shell, ch 2, shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, shell in last shell, turn. Row 4: Beg shell, ch 2, 6 tr in next shell, ch 2. shell in last shell, turn, : Beg shell, ch 5, sc in next tr, (ch 6, sc in next tr) 5 times, ch 5, shell in last shell, turn. Rows 6-9: Beg shell, ch 5, skip next ch sp. se in next ch sp, (ch 6, sc in next ch sp) across to ch sp before next shell, skip next ch sp, shell in last shell, turn. Row 10: Beg shell, ch 5, skip next ch sp, sc in next ch sp, ch 5, skip next ch sp, shell in last shell, turn. Row 11: Beg shell, skip next st and sps, sholl in last sheil, turn Row 12; SI st in each of first 3 sts, ch 1, sc in next ch sp, shell in sp between shells, se in last shell, Fasten off. Sew row 1 to row 12.0 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT. 190) 23 Pretty Pineapples Pineapple Surprise Doily x... MATERIALS: p 10 crochet cotlon—s60 yds. ¢ fabric stiffener; plastic wrap; No, 8 steel hook or hook needed to obtain gauge, FINISHED SIZE: 2614" across, GAUGE: 2 shells = 14"; 3 shell rows = " DOILY Rnd 4: Ch 10, sl st in first ch to form ting. ch sc in ring, join with sl st in first sc (20 se}, Rnd 2: Ch 3, de in next 4 sts, ch 2, (de in next 5 sts. ch 2) around, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (20 de, 4 ch sps). First ch 3 counts as first de, Rnd 3: Ch 3, de in next 4 sts 2, 2de) in next ch sp, *de in next 5 sts, (2 de) in next ch sp; repeat from * around, join as before. Rnd 4: Ch 3, de in next 6 sts, *(2 de, ch 2, 2. de, ch 2, 2 de) in next ch sp, de in next 9 sts; repeat from * 2 more times, (2 dc) in next ch sp, is, join. Fasten off. tin next ch sp, (ch sp: (ch 1, skip next st, de in each of next 2 sts) 4 times, ch 1, skip next st], shell in next ch sp; repeat fom * 2 more times; repeal between [ J, join. Rnd 6: For beginning shell (beg shell), slstin each ofnext 2 sts, (sl st, ch 3, 2 de, ch 2, 3 dc) in next ch sp; *[for V st, (de, ch 2, de) in sp between last worked shell and next shell; shell in ch sp of next shell, sl st in next ch sp. shell in next ch sp, V st in next ch sp, shell in next ch sp, sl st in next ch sp]. shell in ch sp of next shell; repeat from * 2 more times: Tepeal Continued on page 26 24 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT_OCT, 1991 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OOCT., 1991 25 Pretty Pineapples Pineapple Surprise Doily Continued trom paige 24 between [], join. Rnd 7: Beg shell, (ch 2, sl st inch spof next V st, ch 2, shell in each of next 2 shells) 7 times, ch 2, sl st in ch sp of next Vsst, ch 2, shell in last shell, join. Rnd 8: Beg shell, (V st in next sl st, shell in cach of next 2 shells) 7 times, V st in next sl st, shell in last shell, join. Rnd 9; Beg shell, shell in cach V st and in each shell around, join (24 shells), Rnd 10: Beg shell, (ch 1, 8 de in next shell, ch 1, shell in each of next 2 shells) 7 times, ch 1, 8 de in next shell, ch 1 shell in last shell, join. Rnd 11; Beg shell, *ch 1, (dein next st, ch 1) 8 times, shell in each of next 2 shells; repeat from * 6 more times, ch 1, (de in next st, ch 4) 8 times, shell in last shell, join. Rnd 12: Beg shell; *{fsr pineapple (p- apl), ch 1, skip next ch sp and next st. sl stin next ch sp, (ch 3, sl st in next ch sp) across to ch sp before next shell, ch 1, skip next st and next ch sp; shell in next shell, V st in sp between last worked shell and next shall, shell in next shell; tepeut from * 6 more times; repeat between | |, jain. Rnd 13: Beg shell (*p-apl, shell in next shell, ch 2, sl st in next V st, ch 2*, shell in next shell) 7 times; repeat between first *, join. Rnd 14: Beg shell (*p-apl. shell in next shell, V st in next $1 st*, shell in next shell) 7 times: repeat between first mM join. Rnd 15: Bog shell, (*p-apl, shell in next shell, shell in next V si*, shell in neat shell) 7 times; repeat between first *, join. Rnd 16: Beg sholl, (*p-apl, shell in next sholl. ch 1, 8 de in next shell, ch 1%, shell in next shell) 7 times; repeat between first *, join. Rnd 17: Bog shell, *[p-apl, shell in next shell, ch 1, (de in next st, ch 1) 8 times]. shell in next shell; repeat from * 6 more times; repeat between [| |, join. Rnd 18; Beg shell, (ch 2, 3 dc) in same ch sp as last shall, *[ch 1, skip next ch sp and next st, sl st in next ¢h-3 sp, ch 1, skip next st and next ch sp, shell in next shell, (ch 2, 3 de) in same ch Spas last shell. p-upl), sholl in next shell, (ch 2,3 de) in same ch sp us last shell: repeat from * 6 more times; repeat between | |, juin, Rnd 19; Bog shell, *[3 de in next ch sp, ch 2; for cluster (cl), (yo, insert hook in same ch sp as last st, vo, pull through ch Sp. yo, pull through 2 Ips an hook) 3 a yo, insert pees in re shell, yo, pull through |, yo, pull 2 Ips Sor ms insert foe hese yo, pull through shell, yo, pull through 2 Ips on hook) 2 times, yo, pull through ail 7 |ps.on hook; ch 2, 3 de in same shell as last half of cl, shell in next ch Sp, p-apl], shell in next shell; repeat from * 6 more times: rapeat between | J, join, Rnd 20: Beg shell, (*shall in each of next 2 ch sps, shell in next sholl, paapl*, shell in next shell) 7 times; repeat between first *, join. Rnd 21: Beg shell, (*shell in next shell, V st in sp betwean last warked shell and next shell, shell in each of next 2 shells, parle. shell in next shell) 7 times: repeat ween first *, join. Rnd 22: Beg shell, (*shell in next shell, ch 2, s] st in next V st. ch 2, shell in each of next 2 shells, p-apl*, shell in next shell) 7 times: repeat between first " join. Rnd 23: Beg shell, (*shell in next shell, V st in next sl st, shell in cach of next 2 shells, p-apl*, shell in next shell) 7 times; Tepeat betwoen first *, join, Rnd 24: Beg shell, (*V st in sp between last worked shell and next shell, shell in next shell, shell in noxt V si, shell in next shell, V st in sp between last worked shell and next shell, shell in next shell, ch 1, skip next ch sp and next st, s} st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, skip next st and next ch sp*, shell in next shell) 7 times; repeat ni first *, join, Fasten aff. Rnd 25: Join with sl st in last shell of rd 24, (ch 3, 2 de) in sume shell as sl st, *[ch 2, cl, (ch 2, 4 dc) in sama shull as last half of cl, ch 2, sl st in next V st, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 1, 8 de in next shell. ch 1, shell in next shell, ch 2, si st in next V st, ch 2], 3 de in next shell; repeat from " 6 more times: repeal 26 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.-OCT., 1991 = between [ J, jain. Rnd 26: Beg sholl. */shell in next ch . V st in next sI st, shell in next shell, ie 1, (de in next st. ch 1) 8 times, shell in noxt shell, V st in next sl st], shell in next ch spi repeat from * 6 more times; Tepeat between [ }, join. Rnd 27; Beg shell, *[V stin sp between Jest worked shell and next shell. shell in next shell, shell in next V st, shell in next shell. (ch 2, 3 de) in same ch Sp as last shell, p-apl, shell in next shell, (ch 2,3 dc) in same ch sp as last shell, shell in next V st), shell in next shell: repeat from * 6 more times; repeat between | j, join, Rnd 28: Beg shell, (*ch 2, sl st in next V st, ch 2. shell in each of next 3 shells, sholl in next ch sp, p-apl, shell in next Shell, sholl in next ch sp*, shell in each of next 2 shells) 7 times: repeal between first *, shell in last shell, join. Rnd 29: Beg sholl, (*V st in next sl st, shell in cach of next 3 shells, V st in s between last worked shell and next shell shell in next shell, p-upl, shell in next shell, V st in sp between last worked shell and next shell*, shell in each of Hext 9 shells) 7 times; repeat between first *, sholl in cach of last 2 shells, join. Rnd 30: Beg shell, (*shell in next V st, shell in each of next 3 shells, ch 2, sl st in hext V st, ch 2, shell in next shell, papl. shell in next shell, ch 2, sl st innext V st, ch 2*, shell in each each of next 3 shells) 7 times; repeat between first *, shell in each of last 2 shells, join. Rnd 31: Beg shell, (*ch 1, 8 de in next shell, ch 1, shel! in each of next 3 shells, V st in next sl st, shell in next shall, Pp apl, shell in next shell, V st in next s] st", shell in each of next 3 shells) 7 times; Tupeut between first *, shell in each of last 2 shells, join. Rnd 32: Beg shell, *[ch 4, (de in next st. ch 1) 8 times, shell in vach of next 3 shells, shell in next V st, shell in next shell, p-apl, shell in next shell, shell in Text V st), sholl in each of next 3 shells; Tepeat from * § more times; repeat between | |, shell in each of last 2 shells, join, Rnd 33: Beg shell, ("ch 2, 3 dein same ch sp as last shell, p-ap!, shell in next shell, ch 2, 3 de in same ch sp as last Shell. shell in each of next 2 shells, 8 de CC SEEESSS SSS a in next shell, shell in next shell, ch 1, skip next ch sp and next st, sI st in’ next ch-3 sp, ch 1, skip neat st and next ch sp, shell in next shell, ch 1, 8 de in noxt shell, ch 1*, shell in cach of next 3 shells) 7 times; repeat between first = shell in each of last 2 shells, join. Fasten off. Row 34: Working in rows, for small point, join with sl st in next ch sp, (ch 3, 2dc, ch 2,3 de) in same Sp as sl st. p-apl, shell in next shall leaving remuining sts unworked, tum. Rows 35-38; Beg shell, peapl, shell in last shell, turn. Row 39; Beg shell, ch 1, skip next ch sp and next st, sl st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, skip next st and next ch sp, shell in last shell, turn, Row 40: For beginning cluster (beg cl), ddinenhofanteseast oon sp, ch 3, (yo, insert hook in same ch sp, yo, pull sp. yo, pull 2 in same shell, yo, through shell, yo, Fal tee aT tae 2 nat, pull through all 6 Ips on hook: ch 3, si st in Std ch from hook, do not turn, Fasten off Row 34: For large point, join with sl st in next ch sp on md 33, (ch 3,2 de, ch 2, 3d) in same ch sp as sl st, shall in each of next 2 shells, ch 1, (de in next st, ch 1) 8 times, 3 de in next sholl, ch 2, cl, ch 2, 4 de in same shell as last half of cl, ch 1, (de in next st, ch 1) 8 times, shell in each of next 3 shells leaving remaining sts unworked, turn, Row 35; Beg cl, ch 2, 3 de in same shell as last half of cl, shell in next shell, p-apl, skip next ch-1 sp, shell in each of next 2 ch-2 sps, p-apl, shell in next shell, 3dein next shell, ch 2, cl, turn. Row 36; (SI st. ch 3, 2 de, ch 2,5 de) in next ch sp, shell in next shell, p-apl, shell in next shell, V st in sp between last worked shell and next shell, shell in next shall, p-apl, shell in next shell, shell in last ch sp, tum. Row 37: Beg cl, ch 2, 3 de in same shell as last half of cl, p-apl, shell in next shell, ch 2, sist in next V st, ch 2, shell in Continued on page 28 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT.. 1291 27 Pretty Pineapples Pineapple Surprise Doily Continued from page 27 next sholl, p-apl, 9 de in next shell, ch 2, cl, tum. Row 38: (SI st, ch 3, 2de, ch 2, 3 do) in next ch sp, p-apl, shell in next shell, V st in next sl st, shell in next shell, p-apl, shell in last ch sp, tum. Row 39: Beg shell, p-apl, shell in next shell, shell in next V st, shell in next shell, p-apl, shell in last shell, turn, Row 40: Beg shell, p-apl, shell in next shell, ch 1, 8 de in next shell, ch 1, shell in next shell, p-apl, shell in last shell, tum, Row 41: Beg shell, ch 1, skip next ch Sp and next st, s1 st in next che3 sp, ch 1, skip next st and next ch sp, shell in next shell, ch 1, (de in next st, ch 1) 8 times, shell in next shell, ch 1, skip next ch sp and next st, $1 st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, skip next st and next ch sp, shell in last shell, turn. Row 42; Beg cl. ch 2,3 de in same shell as last half of cl, p-apl, 3 de in next shell. ch 2, cl, tum. Row 43; (SI s 2 de, ch 2,3 de) in next ch sp, p-apl, shell in last ch sp, tum Rows 44-47: Beg shell, p-apl, shell in last shell, turn, Row 48: Beg shell, ch 1, skip next ch sp and next st, sl st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, stip next st and next ch sp, shell in last shell, tum, Row 49: Beg cl, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook, turn. Fasten off. Repeat small and large points 7 more times, FINISHING Apply fabric stiffener, Insert pieces of plastic wrap under each small point s0 they are raised. Shape. Let dry. G0 One evening while attending @ horse auction with her horse-trader husband, Sandra Smith fad her crochet work with her and realized that the faster the auctioneer talked, the faster she Crocheted She also adds that “crochet is the best entertainment and relaxation | know of— yOu are accomplishing something and usually meet new friends who stop by to talk!” Pineapple Delight Baby ws» Dress MATERIAL : Baby yarn—amount stated in sizo; 2 flat 8mm. buttons; 144" Square cardboard: sewing thread to match yarn; sewing and tapestry needles; hook stated in size or hook needed to obtain gauge. SIZES: Infant's measurement: 1934’ Gauge: No. 2 steel hook, 11 ch — shell rows = 1", Infant's 6-12 mos. measurement: 21%". Yarn: 4% ozs Gauge: No. 1 steel hook, 5 ch=4 shell rows = 14" SODICE FRONT Row 1: C57, do in 6th ch from hook, de in next ch, (ch 1, skip next ch, de in each of next 2 ch) 16 times, ch 1, skip next ch, dein last ch, turn (36 de). Row 2: Ch 3, skip next ch sp; for shell, (2 de, ch 1, 2 de) in sp betweon hext 2 sts; (skip next ch sp, shell in sp between next 2 sts) 16 tim kip next ch, de in next ch, turn (17 shells, 2 de), Fi h 3 counts as first de, Rows 3-4; Ch 3, shell in ch sp of each shell across to last si, de in last st, tum, Row 5: Ch 3, shell in each of first 4 shells, (ch 1, 5 tr in next shell, ch 1, of next 3 shells) 3 times, st, ch 3) in next ch sp. “shell in each of next 9 1. (dein next st, ch vy 5 times; repeat from * 2 more times, shell in each of next 3 shells, de in last shell leaving remaining sts unwarked, turn (12 shells, 17 de), Row 7: Sl st in each of first 3 sts, (sl Continued on page 30 28 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT.-OCT, 198) ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT, 1991 29 Pretty Pineapples Pineapple Delight Baby Dress Continued from page 28 st, ch 3) in next ch sp, shell in each of next 2 shells; “for pineapple (p-apl), ch 1, skip next ch sp, sc in next ch sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch sp) across to ch sp before next shell, ch 1; shell in each of next 3 shells; repeat from *, p-ap], shell in each of next 2 shells, de in last shell leaving remaining sts unworked, turn. Row 8: Ch 3, shell in cach of first 2 shells, (p-apl, shell in next shell. ch 1, 5 trin next shell, ch 1, shell in next shell) 2 times, p-apl, shell in each of last 2 shells. de in next st leaving remaining sl sts unworked, turn, Row 9: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells, *p-apl, shell in next shell, ch 1, (dc in next st, ch 1) 5 times, shell in next shell; repeat from *, p-apl, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, turn, Row 10: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells, (dc in next ch-3 sp, shell in next shell, p-apl, shell in next shell) 2 times, de in next ch-3 sp, shell in each of last 2 shells, dein last st, turn. Row 11: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells, (shell in next de, shell in next shell, p-apl, shell in next shell) 2 times, shell in next de, shell in each of last 2 shells, dein Jast st, turn. Row 12: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 sholls, (ch 1, § tr in next shell, ch 1. shell in next shell, p-apl, shell in next shell) 2 times, ch 1, 5 tr in next shell, ch 1, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, turn. Row 13: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells, *ch 1, (de in next st, ch 1) 5 times, shell in next shell, de in next ch- 3 sp, shell in next shell; repeat from *, ch 1, (de in nest st, ch 1) 5 times, ch 1, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, turn, Row 14: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells, (p-apl, shell in next shell, shell in next de, shell in next shell) 2 times, p-apl, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, turn. Rows 15-16: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells, (p-apl, shell in each of next 3 shells) 2 times, p-apl, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, turn. Rew 17: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells. (de in noxt ch-3 sp, shell in each of next 3 shells) 2 times, de in next ch- 3 sp, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, turn, Row 18; Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells, shel! in next de, shell in next shell, se in ch sp of next shell, sc in uext 16 de and ch, shell in next shall, shell in next de, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, turn. Row 19: For first shoulder, ch 3, shell in each of first 3 shells, dc in next shell leaving remaining sts unwarkod, turn. Rows 20-21: Ch 3, shell in each of next 3 shells, de in last st, turn. At end of last row, do nat turn, Fasten off. Row 19: For 2nd shoulder, skip next 17 sts on row 18, join with s] st in next shell at neck edge, ch 3, shell in each of next 3 shells, de in las{ st, turn. Rows 20-21: Ch 3, shell in each of next 3 shells, de in last st, turn. At end of last row, fasten off. BODICE BACK Rows 1-17: Repeal rows 1-17 of Bodice Front, Row 18: Ch 3, shell in each of first 2 shells, (shell in next de, shell in each of next 3 shells) 2 times, shell in next de, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, turn. Row 19; Ch 3, shell in each shell across. turn. Row 20: Ch 3, shell in each of first 3 shells, sc in ch sp of next shell, sc in next 30 de and ch, shell in each of last 3 shells, de in last st, tum. Row 21: For first shoulder, ch a shell in each of next 3 shells, skip noxt st on last worked shell, de in next st. Fasten off. Row 21: For 2nd shoulder, skip next 31 sts on row 20, join with sl st in first st of first shell at neck edge, ch 3, shell in same shell, shell in each of last 2 shells, de in last st, Fasten off, Sew ends of rows 1-5 on Front and Back tog for side seams, Working in back Ips (see Stitch Guide). sew right shoulder seam. 30 ANNIE'S CROCHET NEWSLETTER SEPT-OCT,, 1991 CC SSESSESS'’S'S:’é'

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