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The University of Cambodia

The Tony Fernandes School of Business

Course: BUS201: Principles of Management

Name: 24. Mut Tepy


1. The difference between being efficient and being effective:

-Efficient: efficiency is the means of attaining the organization’s goal.
-Effective: effectiveness regards the organization’s ends, the goals.

2. The formal, three-part definition of management:

- The pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively.
- Integrating the work of people.
- Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization's resources.
3. Define the four functions of management:
- Planning: set goals and decide how to achieve them
- Organizing: arrange tasks, people, and another resource to accomplish the work.
- Leading: motivate, direct, and otherwise influence people to work hard to achieve the organization’s
- Controlling: monitor performance, compare it with goals, and action as needed.
4. The seven challenges of begin a manager:
- Challange1: Managing for competitive Advantage, Staying Ahead of Rivals.
- Challenge2: Managing for Information Technology, dealing with the “New Normal”.
- Challenge3: Managing for Diversity, the Future won’t resemble the past.
- Challenge4: Managing for globalization. The Expanding Management Universe.
- Challenge5: Managing for Ethical Standards
- Challenge6: managing for Sustainability, The business of Green.
- Challenge7: Managing for Happiness and Meaningfulness.
5. The differences among the four levels of managers in the organizational pyramid:
- Top managers: make long-term decisions about the overall direction of the organization and establish
the objectives, policies, and strategies for it.
- Middle managers: implement the policies and plans of the top managers above them and supervise and
coordinate the activities of the first-line managers below them.
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- First-line managers: make short-term operating decisions, directing the daily tasks of non-managerial
personnel who are, of course, all those people who work directly at their jobs but don’t oversee.
6. Distinguish among the three types of organization:
- Nonprofit, for-profit, and not-for-profit.
7. Three skill exceptional manager:
- Technical Skills: the ability to perform a specific job. Also, consist of the job-specific knowledge
needed to perform well in a specialized field.
- Conceptual Skills: the ability to think analytically. It’s consists of the ability to think analytically, to
visualize an organization as a whole, and understand how the parts work together.
- Human Skills: the ability to interact well with people and consist of the ability to work well in
cooperation with other people to get things done, especially with people in teams, an important part of
today’s organizations.
8. Three important of Mintzberg’s study in the 1960s:
- A manager Relies more on verbal than on written communication
- A manager works long hours at an intense pace
- A manager’s work is Characterized by Fragmentation, Brevity.
9. Mintzberg also found that managers plays three important role:
- Interpersonal roles, managers interact with people inside and outside their work units.
- Informational roles—as monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson— managers receive and communicate
information with other people inside and outside the organization.
- Decisional roles, managers use the information to make decisions to solve problems or take advantage
of opportunities.
10. I would rather be an entrepreneur because I think middle management is incredibly difficult to do well
because we don't have the freedom or authority to really get things running at top levels. People are most
fulfilled when they are achieving at high levels so I would consider middle management to be an
unfulfilling job. An entrepreneur lives a much more risky life but the rewards have the potential to be far
greater. But, if you are a person that doesn't like to take risks, you probably shouldn't be an entrepreneur.

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