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NAME : Taufiq Hidayat

STUDENT’S NUMBER : P1337420721029

The Role of Nurses in the New Normal Era


During the Covid-19 pandemic, nurses are one of the health workers who play an important role
in realizing the degree of public health, from the healthy to the sick. Covid-19 is an outbreak of
disease caused by a type of coronavirus. This COVID-19 outbreak originally came from the
Wuhan area in China which was detected on December 1, 2019. Initially, the disease was called
wuhan pneumonia because the symptoms were the same as pneumonia, while the symptoms
were fever, melainase, dry cough, and dyspnea. The corona virus or covid-19 first entered
Indonesia on March 2, 2020 with 2 people who were confirmed positive for the corona virus.
This virus is very easy to spread, it is proven in 1 year of this virus in Indonesia, there have been
a total of positive cases reaching 1,341,314 people. This virus has many negative impacts, one
of which is the decline in social and economic conditions in Indonesia because many people
have lost their jobs. Apart from that, nurses have a very important role in this outbreak, because
nurses are health workers who have the biggest challenge, namely nurses will always be at the
forefront of providing health services during this COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the role of a
nurse is very important during this pandemic.


The new normal era, namely changes in people’s habitual behavior to continue to carry out
activities as usual but still carry out health protocols, this era emerged due to the covid-19
pandemic which required people or communities to continue to carry out activities as usual but
still comply with the applicable health protocols. The COVID-19 pandemic has been declared a
global pandemic by the WHO. Nurses in Indonesia and around the world must dare to be at the
forefront of handling this pandemic. Remain faithful in caring for patients even though they are
always faced with the high possibility of being exposed to COVID-19 and other serious risks.
During this pandemic, nurses have a major role where nurses will be actively involved 24 hours
in providing nursing care to clients. Many efforts have been made by the government to tackle
this pandemic, one of which is PSBB and PPKM. Several work institutions have also carried out
Work From Home or WFH, but nurses and other health professionals must continue to work and
continue to serve themselves. Nurses also have to have 2 things on themselves, namely, they
must remain professional in their work to deal with this epidemic or prioritize personal and
family safety.

The nurse has a role as an educator where she has to act as a team of educators who provide
education to patients, families and communities. In the education provided to the public, it will
strengthen public understanding regarding what and how COVID-19 is, prevention and
transmission of this virus, and how to increase public knowledge about the signs and symptoms
of this Corona virus. If the nurse has given direction or education about COVID-19, then the
public will be alert and apply preventive behavior and live healthy and not panic. Another
nurse’s role is as an advocate, which means that nurses will help reduce stigma for patients and
families who have been identified as covid-19. In addition, nurses also have other important
roles, both in terms of promotive, preventive, and nursing care services in epidemic conditions.
This. However, there are still many people who do not appreciate the nursing profession. Even
though all the nurses who are involved in treating Covid patients in all hospitals in the world and
in Indonesia have sacrificed everything from themselves to their families. Nurses have sacrificed
safety and faced the outermost threat of Covid-19 that could end in death. As part of the front
line in dealing with COVID-19, not a few nurses experience fatigue, both physically and
mentally. The high workload and unfavorable body conditions such as decreased immunity in
the body put nurses at great risk for exposure to COVID-19.


Various problems may arise in nurses, such as physical fatigue. According to the results of
research on the experience of nurses while on duty at the hospital during the COVID-19
pandemic, it was found that physical factors were the main factors experienced by nurses when
carrying out their duties, usually nurses would be exhausted due to a high workload. Therefore,
physical fitness is one that must be maintained by nurses when carrying out their duties. Other
needs that must be taken care of are psychological needs, spiritual needs, and the need to be
heard and understood to be the essence of patient care. The hospital management should pay
attention to the nurses, so that it will be a record of the health aspects of the nurses. For this
reason, physical factors need to be reviewed whether there is an opportunity to ensure the nurse
will be able to rest according to her needs. Rest is essential for physical and mental well-being
to provide opportunities for self-care activities. Hospitals, especially nurses, should always
maintain high quality nursing services accompanied by honesty and professionalism in applying
nursing knowledge and skills according to individual, family and community needs. Nurses
always participate in increasing knowledge and adjusting the management of patients’ basic
needs during a pandemic. Nurses must also strive to improve professionalism in providing the
best service to individuals, families, and communities so that the government and society should
give the highest appreciation to nurses. The struggle of health workers is generally meaningless
without the support of the active participation of the community in overcoming this pandemic.
Concern and support from the community is very valuable and needed to accelerate the handling
of COVID-19, namely by always complying with the rules issued by the government, especially
to continue to comply with health protocols.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, nurses have a very important role. In addition to being one of
the front lines, nurses must also maintain their own condition so that they are not easily infected
with the Covid-19 virus. One of the roles of nurses is as educators who can educate the public
on the importance of maintaining health and complying with health protocols. This pandemic
has changed many people's lives, from parents to small children. What was previously held
offline or face-to-face is now conducted online through media such as zoom meetings and others,
who previously worked in the office, now work only at home. Of course, this greatly changes
the way people live. In addition, nurses must also improve the quality of their services so that
many people are comfortable so they don't feel pressured and can immediately recover from their
illness. For now, the public is asked to continue to comply with health protocols and carry out
vaccinations so that the COVID-19 pandemic is quickly completed.


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