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- “The Tropics of Empire Why Columbus Sailed South to the Indies”
Nicolás Wey Gómez (2008)
1. “Los Hijos de La Gran Diosa : Psicologia Analitica, Mito y Violencia” (1999) Marta
Cecilia Velez Saldarriaga.
2. “El Errar del Padre” (2007) Marta Cecilia Velez Saldarriaga

- The Poetics of Political Thinking. (2006) David Panagie.

- Kim Sloan. A New World: England's First View of America. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 2007. Pp. 256.
- HARIOT´S WORK “Brief and true report of the new found land of Virginia
In 1964 Paul Hulton and the eminent historian of Ralegh’s Roanoke ventures, David
Beers Quinn, assembled a two-volume collection entitledThe American Drawings of
John White. Only 600 copies were published. Twenty years later, Hulton assembled an
additional volume, America 1585: The Complete Drawings of John White. The current
volume, A New World: England’s First View of America, was edited and assembled by
Kim Sloan, the curator of prints and drawings at the British Museum.

Sloan has assembled a collection of interesting essays that will help readers appreciate
White’s artwork. Sloan herself brings us up to date on what we know about White’s
background and his career in the “curious and gentle art of limning.” Joyce Chaplin
explores White’s motivations and the importance of his work in the promotional effort
designed to support English overseas enterprise. Christian Feest looks at White’s work
in the context of early European ethnographic representation, and Ute Kuhlemann
examines the partnership between White and the Flemish engraver Theodor De Bry,
who both publicized White’s work and altered it as he presented it to European readers.
Readers, no doubt, will find things to object to and disagree with in each of these
essays, but they will also find themselves thoroughly versed in the scholarly debates
surrounding the meaning of White’s work. For that, and for the beautiful reproductions,
this book should be considered essential reading for anyone interested in the history of
Native Americans, early European expansion into the Atlantic World, and Elizabethan
A la Sombra de lo Político, Por María del Rosario Acosta, Carlos Manrique
Antropología de la inhumanidad, Por María Victoria Uribe Alarcón
Archivo, poética y violencia política Por Jaime Iregui
Arte como presencia indéxica Por María Margarita Malagón
Boulê. Ensayos en filosofía política y del discurso en la antigüedad Por Sergio
Ariza, Catalina González.
- Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (2012) An aesthetic education in the era of
globalization Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012. xvi, 607 p.

- (2011) The Oxford handbook of philosophy in early modern Europe / edited by

Desmond M. Clarke, Catherine Wilson. Biblioteca General Ramón de Zubiría
- Sala de Ciencias Sociales. Piso 1. Biblioteca General Ramón de Zubiría - Sala
de Ciencias Sociales. Piso 1
1. “The Mechanical Philosophy” (pp. 71-95)
2. “Quality and sensory Perception” (pp.160-181)

- Principe de la philosophie chez Hobbes L’expérience de soi et du monde
Milanese, A. (2011)
- Liberté et nécessité chez Hobbes et ses contemporaines: Descartes, Cudworth,
Spinoza, Leibniz
- Hobbes's Political Theory Hardcover – August 26, 1988 by Deborah Baumgold
- Terrel, Jean (1994) Hobbes. Matérialisme et politique Jean Terrel. Vrin
- Jauffrey, Berthier; Arnaud, Milanese (2016) Hobbes et le matérialisme. Editions
- (2015) De l’homme Thomas Hobbes - Vrin - Bibliothèque des Textes
- (2008) Jean Terrel. Hobbes: Vies D Un Philosophe (Philosophica)
vocabulaire de Hobbes (Le) (LE VOCABULAIRE DE) (Francés) Tapa blanda – 15
Octubre 2003 de Jean Terrel

- Sur le rapport entre Hobbes et le matérialisme des Lumières, voir Y. Glaziou,
Hobbes en France au xvii siècle, Paris, PUF, 1993, et O. Bloch, Matière à
histoires, Paris, Vrin, 1997, p. 287-310 (en particulier p. 295-299 pour le rapport
avec Helvétius)

- Thomas Hobbes: Philosophie Première, Théorie de la science et politique. (Paris:

Presses Universitaires de France, 1990),

- Sur la «présence, pas seulement indiscutable, mais ‘centrale’ des ‘sauvages’» dans
la pensée de Hobbes, v. Sergio Landucci, /filosofi e i selvaggi. 1580-1780, Laterza,
Bari 1972, p. 114-142.
- Droit, pouvoir et liberté: Spinoza critique de Hobbes por Christian Lazzeri (1998)
- Hobbes (Philo-philosophes) (Francés) Tapa blanda – 15 Noviembre 1997
- Les passions à l'âge classique. Tome II: Théories et critiques des passions
(Léviathan) (French Edition) (Francés) Tapa blanda – 7 Agosto 2006
de Pierre-François Moreau
- Les theories du pacte social : droit naturel, souveraineté et contrat de Bodin a
Rousseau by Jean Terrel Format:Print BookPublication year:1988


1. Hobbes Matérialisme et politique (1994) Jean Terrel
2. Anthony Levi, s. j., French Moralists: The Theory of the Passions 1585 to 1649,
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964, p. 1-28
3. Droit, pouvoir et liberté: Spinoza critique de Hobbes (Fondements de la politique)
(French Edition) (Francés) Tapa blanda – 1 Enero 1998 de Christian Lazzeri
4. "Thomas Hobbes' Mechanical Conception of Nature" (1928) de Frithiof Brandt.

5. Thomas Hobbes, Court Traite des Premiers Principes, tr.Jean Bemhardt (Paris,
6. "Strong Wits and Spider Webs: A Study in Hobbes's Philosophy of Language"
(1996) Deborah Hansen Soles.
7. le conatus, voir Geoffrey Barnouw, "Le vocabulaire du conatus", in Hobbes et son
vocabulaire. Etudes de lexicographie philosophique, dir. Yves Charles Zarka, Paris,
Vrin, 1992, p. 103-124. "Le vocabulaire de la passion", in Hobbes et son
vocabulaire. Etudes de lexicographie philosophique, op. cit., p. 139-154.
3. "The Selected Works of Pierre Gassendi" (1972) Editorial: (Texts in Early Modern
Philosophy). Traductor: Craig B. Brush de Pierre Gassendi.
4. M. Blay, « Genèse des couleurs et modèles mécaniques dans l’œuvre de Hobbes »,
Thomas Hobbes. Philosophie première, théorie de la science et politique, Paris, PUF, 1990.
5. Lexicon Spinozanum. vol. 1. A-K. Boscherini, Emilia Giancotti

6. Hobbes oggi: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi promosso da Arrigo Pacchi,
Milano-Locarno 18-21 maggio 1988 (Filosofia e scienza nel Cinquecento e nel Seicento.
Studi) (Italian Edition) (Italian) Paperback –
7. “Hobbes and the ‘Continental’ Tradition of Scepticism,” in Skepticism in Renaissance
and Post-Renaissance Thought. New Interpretations, ed. by J. R. Maia Neto and Richard H.
Popkin (Amherst, Mass.: Humanity Books 2004), 65-105.
(1962) _“Disquisitio metaphysica : seu dubitationes et instantiae adversus Renati Cartesii
metapysicam et responsa”_ *de Pierre Gassendi*; Texto editado por: Bernard Rochot.
N° de clasificación: 194. G177 Z96

(1959) _“Dissertations en forme de paradoxes contre les Aristotéliciens : (Exercitationes

paradoxicae adversus Aristoteleos) Livres I et II”_ *de Pierre Gassendi.* Texto editado
por: Bernard Rochot.
N° de clasificación: 185. G251D

(1943) _“Mersenne: ou, La naissance du mécanisme”_ *par Robert Lenoble*

N° de clasificación: 194.9 L569M

Kant Et Hobbes : de la Violence a la Politique Paperback Bibliotheque D'histoire De La

Philosophie French Edited by Research Fellow Luc Foisneau , Edited by Denis Thouard
Hobbes: Une Chronique. Schuhmann.



(Enseñanza del pasado reciente, ¿memoria histórica?)

INV. Memoria y formación:

VARIOS configuraciones de la upn/20160601113240/memoriaFormacion.pdf
subjetividad en
ecologías violentas
Diego Arias El conflicto armado DOI:
colombiano visto por
los escolares
Nylza Offir Educación, memoria DOI:
García-Vera histórica y escuela.
Contribuciones para un
estado del arte

  Bibliography on Skepticism
The present bibliography is divided into five parts. The first lists collections
that contain papers dealing with different periods of the skeptical tradition.
The other four parts list books, papers, discussions, critical notices, and
reviews bearing upon ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary
skepticism. Note that the bibliography is an ongoing project and that I add
new items when I have some free time. Inclusion of a work in this bibliography
does not mean that I consider the work in question worth reading.

An annotated bibliography on Pyrrhonism in ancient, modern, and

contemporary philosophy is provided in my
article  “Pyrrhonism,” Oxford Bibliographies in
Philosophy (2013, revised in 2019), DOI:
I – General Collections of Essays
Burnyeat, M. (ed.). 1983. The Skeptical Tradition. Berkeley/Los
Angeles/London: University of California Press.
Campbell, J. K., O’Rourke, M. & Silverstein, H. S. (eds.). 2010. Knowledge and
Skepticism. Cambridge, MA: MIT

De Caro, M. & Spinelli, E. (eds.). 2007. Scetticismo: Una

vicenda filosofica. Roma: Carocci.
Greco, J. (ed.). 2008. The Oxford Handbook of Skepticism. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Junqueira Smith, P. & Silva Filho, W. (eds). 2007. Ensaios sobre o ceticismo.
São Paulo: Alameda.
Machuca, D. E. (ed.). 2011. Pyrrhonism in Ancient, Modern, and
Contemporary Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer.
–––––––. (ed.). 2013. Disagreement and Skepticism. New
York: Routledge.
Machuca, D. & Reed, B. (eds.). 2018. Skepticism: From
Antiquity to the Present. London: Bloomsbury.
Porchat, O. 2006. Rumo ao ceticismo. São Paulo: Unesp.
Sihvola, J. (ed.). 2000. Ancient Scepticism and the Sceptical Tradition (Acta
Philosophica Fennica 66). Societas 
       Philosophica Fennica: Helsinki.
Silva Filho, W. (ed.). 2005. O ceticismo e a possbilidade da filosofía. Ijuí: Unijuí.
Sinnott-Armstrong, W. (ed.). 2004a. Pyrrhonian Skepticism. New
York: Oxford University Press.

II – Ancient Skepticism  (Pyrrhonism, Academic Skepticism, medical

Empiricism, medical Methodism, Cyrenaicism)
a. Translations
Annas, J. & Barnes, J. (2000). Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of Scepticism. English
translation with an introduction. 2nd
       edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (First edition 1994).
Barigazzi, A. 1991. Galeno: Sull’ottima maniera di insegnare. Esortazione alla
medicina. Greek text, Italian 
       translation, and commentary. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Bergua Cavero, J. 1997. Sexto Empírico: Contra los profesores libros I–VI.
Spanish translation with an introduction.
       Madrid: Gredos.
Bett, R. 1997. Sextus Empiricus: Against the Ethicists. English translation with
an introduction and commentary.
       Oxford: OUP.
–––––––. 2005. Sextus Empiricus: Against the Logicians. English translation
with an introduction. Cambridge: CUP.
–––––––. 2012. Sextus Empiricus: Against the Physicits.
English translation with an introduction. Cambridge: CUP.
Blank, D. (1998). Sextus Empiricus: Against the Grammarians. English
translation with an introduction and commentary.
       Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brittain, C. (2006). Cicero: on Academic Scepticism. Indianapolis: Hackett.
Bury, R. G. (1933–1949). Sextus Empiricus. 4 vols. Greek text and English
translation. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
        Harvard University Press.
Di Marco, M. (1989). Timone di Fliunte: Silli. Introduction, Italian translation,
and commentary. Roma: Edizione
Diogène Laërce, (1999). Vies et doctrines des philosophes illustres. French
translation by J.-F. Balaudé, L. Brisson, J.
       Brunschwig, T. Dorandi, M.-O. Goulet-Gazé, R. Goulet & M. Narcy. Paris:
Le livre de poche.
Einerson, B. & De Lacy, P. (1967). Against Colotes, in Plutarch: Moralia, vol.
14. Greek text and English translation.
       Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Flückiger, H. (1998). Sextus Empiricus: Gegen die Dogmatiker (M VII–XI).
German translation. Sankt Augustin:
Galien, (1998). Traités philosophiques & logiques. Paris: GF Flammarion.
Introduction P. Pellegrin; French translation P.
       Pellegrin, C. Dalimier, & J.-P. Levet.
Gallego Cao, A. & Muñoz Diego, T. (1993). Sexto Empírico: Esbozos pirrónicos.
Spanish translation with an
       introduction. Madrid: Gredos.
   Grgić, F. (2008). Sekst Empirik: Obrisi pironizma. Greek text and Croatian
translation. Zagreb: Kruzak.
   Henry, R. (1962). Photius: Bibliothèque, Tome III. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
   Hicks, R. (1925). Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers. 2 vols.
Greek text and English translation.Cambridge,
         Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    King, P. (1995). Augustine: Against the Academicians. The Teacher. English
translation. Indianapolis: Hackett.
    Sartorio Maulini, R. (1996). Sexto Empírico: Hipotiposis pirrónicas. Spanish
translation with an introduction. Madrid:
    Schäublin, C. (1995). Marcus Tullius Cicero: Akademische Abhandlungen,
Lucullus. Latin text and German translation.
       München: Meiner.
    Sextus Empiricus, (2002). Contre les professeurs. Introduction by P.
Pellegrin, Greek text and French translation by C.
       Dalimier, D. Delattre, J. Delattre & B. Pérez. Paris: Seuil.
    Spinelli, E. 1995. Sesto Empirico: Contro gli etici. Greek text, Italian
translation, and commentary. Napoli: Bibliopolis.
    –––––––. 2000. Sesto Empirico: Contro gli astrologi. Greek text, Italian
translation, and commentary. Napoli: Bibliopolis.
    b. Studies
    Algra, K., Barnes, J., Mansfeld, J. & Schofield, M. (eds.). (1999). The
Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy.
       Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Allen, J. (1990). “The Skepticism of Sextus Empiricus” 2582–607 in W. Haase
(ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der
       römischen Welt II 36.4. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter.
––––. 1994. “Academic Probabilism and Stoic Epistemology”, Classical
Quarterly 44: 85–113.
––––. 1997. “Carneadean Argument in Cicero’s Academic Books”, 217–56
in Inwood & Mansfeld 1997.
––––. 2001. “Rationalism, Empiricism, and Scepticism: Sextus Empiricus’
Treatment of Sign-inference”, 87–146 in his
       Inference from Signs: Ancient Debates about the Nature of Evidence.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.
––––. 2004. “Carneades”, Stanford Encyclopedia of
––––. 2005. “Antiochus”, Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, ascalon.
Anagnostopoulos, G. 1993. “Aristotle and Skepticism”, Skepsis 4: 113–42.
Annas, J. 1988. “The Heirs of Socrates”, Phronesis 33: 100–12. (Critical notice
of Ioppolo 1986.)
––––. 1992. “Sextus Empiricus and the Peripatetics”, Elenchos 13: 203–31.
––––. 1993. The Morality of Happiness. New York & Oxford: Oxford University
––––. 1994. “Plato the Skeptic”, 309–40 in Vander Waerdt 1994.
––––. 1996a. “Scepticism about Value”, 205–18 in Popkin 1996.
––––. 1996b. “Scepticism, Old and New”, 23–254 in M. Frede & G. Striker
(eds.), Rationality in Greek Thought. Oxford:
       Clarendon Press.
––––. 1998. “Doing Without Objective Values: Ancient and Modern
Strategies”, 193–220 in S. Everson (ed.), Companions
       to Ancient Thought IV: Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
––––. 1999. Review of Bett 1997, The Philosophical Review 108: 137–9.
Annas, J. & Barnes, J. 1985. The Modes of Scepticism. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Aubenque, P. 1985. “Scepticisme et vérité: sur les limites d’une réfutation
philosophique du scepticisme”, Diogène 132:
Ausland, H. W. 1989. “On the Moral Origin of the Pyrrhonian
Philosophy”, Elenchos 10: 359–434.
Babut, D. 1994. “Du scepticisme au dépassement de la raison: philosophie et
foi religieuse chez Plutarque”, 549–81 in
       Parerga. Choix d'articles de Daniel Babut (1974-1994), Collection Maison
de l’Orient 24. Lyon.
Bailey, A. 1990. “Pyrrhonean Scepticism and the Self-Refutation
Argument”, Philosophical Quarterly 40: 27–44.
––––. 2002. Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism. Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
Barnes, J. [aka M. R. Stopper]. 1983. “Schizzi Pirroniani”, Phronesis 28: 265–
97. (Critical notice of Giannantoni
––––. 1987. “An Aristotelian Way with Scepticism”, in M. Matthen
(ed.), Aristotle Today: Essays on Aristotle’s Ideal of
       Science. Edmonton: Academic Printing & Publishing.
––––. 1988a. “Scepticism and the Arts”, 53–77 in Hankinson 1988.
––––. [aka H. Maconi]. 1988b. “Nova Non Philosophandi Philosophia”, Oxford
Studies in Ancient Philosophy 6:
       231–53. (Critical notice of Ioppolo 1986.)
––––. 1989. “Antiochus of Ascalon”, 51–96 in J. Barnes & M. Griffin
(eds.) Philosophia Togata I: Essays on Philosophy
       and Roman Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
––––. 1990a. “Pyrrhonism, Belief and Causation: Observations on the
Scepticism of Sextus Empiricus”, 2608–95 in W.
       Haase (ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II 36.4.
Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
––––. 1990b. The Toils of Scepticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
––––. 1990c. “La diaphonia pyrrhonienne”, 97–106 in Voelke 1990a.
––––. 1992. “Diogenes Laertius IX 61–116: The Philosophy of Pyrrhonism”,
4241–301 in W. Haase (ed.), Aufstieg und
       Niedergang der römischen Welt II 36.6. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
––––. 1994. “Scepticism and Relativity”, 51–83 in A. Alberti (ed.), Realtà e
Ragione: Studi di Filosofia Antica. Firenze:
       Leo S. Olschki Editore.
––––. 2000. “Introduction”, xi–xxxi in Annas & Barnes 1994/2000.
––––. 2007. “Sextan Pyrrhonism”, 322–34 in D. Scott (ed.), Maieusis: Essays
on Ancient Philosophy in Honour of Myles
       Burnyeat. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barney, R. 1992. “Appearances and Impressions”, Phronesis 37: 283–313.
Bénatouïl, T. 1997. Le scepticisme. Paris: Flammarion.
––––. 2004. Compte rendu de Brittain 2001, Revue de Métaphysique et de
Morale 43: 438–41.
Bett, R. 1987. “Scepticism as a Way of Life and Scepticism as ‘Pure Theory’”,
49–57 in M. Whitby, P. Hardie and M.
       Whitby (eds.), Homo Viator: Classical Essays for John Bramble. Bristol:
Bristol Classical Press.
––––. 1989. “Carneades’ Pithanon: A Reappraisal of its Role and
Status”, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 7: 59–
––––. 1990. “Carneades’ Distinction between Assent and
Approval”, Monist 73: 3–20.
––––. 1993. “Scepticism and Everyday Attitudes in Ancient and Modern
Philosophy”, Metaphilosophy 24: 363–81.
––––. 1994. “Sextus’s Against the Ethicists: Scepticism, Relativism or
Both?”, Apeiron 27: 123–61.
––––. 1996. “Hellenistic Essays Translated”, Apeiron 29: 75–97. (Critical
notice of Brunschwig 1994a.)
––––. 1999. “Reactions to Aristotle in the Greek Sceptical
Traditions”, Méthexis 12: 17–34.
––––. 2000. Pyrrho, his Antecedents, and his Legacy. Oxford: Oxford University
––––. 2002. “Timon”, Stanford Encyclopedia of
––––. 2006a. “Pyrrho”, Stanford Encyclopedia of
––––. 2006b. “La double ‘schizophrénie’ de M. I–VI et ses origines
historiques”, 17–34 in Delattre 2006.
––––. 2006c. “Socrates and Skepticism”, 298–311 in S. Ahbel-Rappe & R.
Kamtekar (eds.), A Companion to Socrates.
       Oxford: Blackwell.
––––. (ed.). 2010. The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Blackson, T. 2005. “In
Defense of an Unpopular Interpretation
of Ancient Skepticism,” Logical Analysis and the History    
of Philosophy: History of Epistemology 8: 68–81.
Blomqvist, J. 1974. “Die Skeptika des Sextus Empiricus,” Grazer Beiträge 2: 7–
Bonazzi, M. 2003a. Academici e Platonici. Il dibattito antico sullo scetticismo
di Platone. Milano: Led.
––––. 2003b. “I pirroniani, l’Academia e l’interpretazione scettica di Platone”,
181–217 in M. Bonazzi & F. Trabattoni
       (eds.), Platone e la tradizione platonica. Studi di filosofia antica. Milano:
Cisalpino La Goliardica.
––––. 2003c. “Un dibattito tra academici e platonici sull’eredità di Platone. La
testimonianza del commentario anonimo al
       Teeteto”, 41–74 in Papiri filosofici. Miscellanea di studi IV. Firenze Olschki.
––––. 2004. “Contro la rappresentazione sensibile: Plutarco tra l’Academia e
il platonismo”, Elenchos 25: 41–71.
––––. 2007. “Enesidemo ed Eraclito”, Rhizai 4: 329–38. (Critical notice of
Polito 2004 & Pérez-Jean 2005.)
–––––––. 2012. “Plutarch on the Differences between the
Pyrrhonists and the Academics”, Oxford Studies in
      Philosophy 43: 271-298.
Bonazzi, M. & Celluprica, V. (eds.). 2005. L’eredità platonica. Studi sul
platonismo da Arcesilao a Proclo. Napoli:
Boys-Stones, G. 2005. “Alcinous, Didaskalikos 4: in Defence of Platonism”,
201–34 in Bonazzi & Celluprica 2005.
Brancacci, A. (ed.). 2001. Antichi e moderni nella filosofia di età imperiale.
Napoli: Bibliopolis.
Brennan, T. 1998. “Pyrrho on the Criterion”, Ancient Philosophy 18: 417–34.
––––. 1999. Ethics and Epistemology in Sextus Empiricus. New
York/London: Garland Publishing.
––––. 2000. Review of Algra et alii 1999, Bryn Mawr Classical
Review 2000.09.11.
Brittain, C. 2001. Philo of Larissa: The Last of the Academic Sceptics.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
––––. 2005. “Arcesilaus”, Stanford Encyclopedia of
––––. 2006. “Philo of Larissa”, Stanford Encyclopedia of
––––. 2007. “Middle Platonists on Academic Scepticism”, 297–315 in R.
Sharples & R. Sorabji (eds.), Greek & Roman
       Philosophy 100 BC–200 AD, vol. II. London: Institute of Classical Studies.
Brittain, C. & Palmer, J. 2001. “The New Academy’s Appeals to the
Presocratics”, Phronesis 46: 38–72.
Brochard, V. 1887/2002. Les Sceptiques grecs. 4th edition. Paris: Le livre de
Brunschwig, J. 1994. “Once again on Eusebius on Aristocles on Timon on
Pyrrho”, 190–211 in his Papers in Hellenistic
       Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
––––. 1995. Études sur les philosophies hellénistiques. Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France.
––––. 1988/95. “Le problème de l’héritage conceptuel dans le scepticisme:
Sextus Empiricus et la notion de kritērion”,
       289–319 in Brunschwig 1995.
––––. 1990/95a. “Le titre des Indalmoi de Timon: d’Ulysse à Pyrrhon”, 271–
87 in Brunschwig 1995.
––––. 1990/95b. “La formule hoson epi tō logō chez Sextus Empiricus”,
321–41 in Brunschwig 1995.
––––. 1999. “The Beginnings of Hellenistic Epistemology”, 229–59 in Algra et
alii 1999.
Burkhard, U. 1973. Die angebliche Heraklit-Nachfolge des Skeptikers
Aenesidem. Bonn: R. Habelt.
Burnyeat, M. 1980/97. “Can the Sceptic Live his Scepticism?”, 25–57 in
Burnyeat & Frede 1997.
––––. 1982. “Idealism and Greek Philosophy: What Descartes Saw and
Berkeley Missed?”, The Philosophical Review 91:
––––. 1987/97. “The Sceptic in his Place and Time”, 92–126 in Burnyeat &
Frede 1997.
Burnyeat, M. & Frede, M. (eds.). 1997. The Original Sceptics: A Controversy.
Indianapolis: Hackett.
Calogero, G. 1981. “Socratismo e scetticismo nel pensiero antico”, 35–46 in
Giannantoni 1981, vol. I.
Castagnoli, L. 2000. “Self-bracketing Pyrrhonism”, Oxford Studies in Ancient
Philosophy 18: 263–328.
––––. 2010. Ancient Self-Refutation: The Logic and History of the Self-
Refutation Argument from Democritus to
       Augustine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chiesara, M. L. 1988. “Luigi Credaro e Lo scetticismo degli Accademici”, Rivista
di Storia della Filosofia 3: 479–500.
––––. 2001a. Aristocles of Messene: Testimonia and Fragments. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
––––. 2001b. Review of Bett 2000, Elenchos 22: 422–8.
––––. 2002. “Enesidemo e i tropi in Aristocle in Eus. PE XIV 18”, ACME 55: 33–
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III – Medieval Skepticism
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V – Contemporary Skepticism
Bett, R. 1988. “Is Modern Moral Scepticism Essentially Local?”, Analysis 68:
Brueckner, A. 1990. “Skepticism about Knowledge of Content”, Mind 99: 447–
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        Phenomenological  Research  57:  395–400.
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Phenomenological Research 57: 417–25.
––––. 1999. “The Sceptic’s Burden”, International Journal of Philosophical
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Pritchard, D. 2005. Epistemic
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Stroud, B. 1984. The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism. Oxford: Oxford

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                                                                       Updated 6th June 2017

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