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Live longer 3 minutes videos give your tips how to live longer and how to avoid diseases.

Seven pieces of advice using should.

When you are becoing old you have to take careo f your live in your dayly activities…

1 to avoid deseases you should organize your hause and evited dangerous things or surfaces…

2 you should take care with knives using its carefully.

3 to avoid deseases you should organize kitchen , stairs,and house halls…

4 you should live happy.

5 you should evited problems with anybody.

6 you should live busy and evite parkinson.

7 you shoul made what mama said .

Seven obligación using have to…

1 you have to take risk like get a god job getting out of your confor side.

2 oyu have to have a life project.

3 you have to organize things events keeping your brain busy.

4 you have t olive in peace with te comunity

5 you have to follow your religión and pray.

6 you have to sleep well.

7 and mani time you have to see the doctor .

Seven obligations using must.

1 to evite desease you must take care of your health.

2 you musnt go to bed early.

3 you must look when you are driving.

4 you must wash your hands after leaving the bathroom.

5 you must puto n your mask.

6 you muste at healty.

7 you musnt worried for many things

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