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Solar Panel Detection from Aerial Images

Poonam Parhar, Ryan Sawasaki, Nathan Nusaputra, Felipe Vergara,

Alberto Todeschini, Hossein Vahabi
University of California, Berkeley


With the effects of global climate change impacting the world, collective efforts
are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The energy sector is the single
largest contributor to climate change and many efforts are focused on reducing
dependence on carbon-emitting power plants and moving to renewable energy
sources, such as solar power. A comprehensive database of the location of solar
panels is important to assist analysts and policymakers in defining strategies for
further expansion of solar energy. In this paper we focus on creating a world
map of solar panels. We identify locations and total surface area of solar panels
within a given geographic area. We use deep learning methods for automated
detection of solar panel locations and their surface area using aerial imagery. The
framework, which consists of a two-branch model using an image classifier in
tandem with a semantic segmentation model, is trained on our created dataset of
satellite images. Our work provides an efficient and scalable method for detecting
solar panels, achieving an accuracy of 0.96 for classification and an IoU score of
0.82 for segmentation performance.

1 Introduction
As awareness of the impacts and risks of climate change continue to increase, efforts are being made
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Within the energy industry, strategies are being deployed to
lower carbon emissions by reducing fossil fuel energy sources and integrating renewable energy.
Although solar panel production continues to increase, the integration of renewable energy is losing
momentum and carbon emission reduction goals are falling short due to wavering and unsupportive
policy frameworks [1]. Many previous works have focused on solar energy forecasting based on
weather condition data [2] and solar panel data aggregated from state agencies [3]. However, simply
predicting the solar energy is not sufficient for policy making and determining expansion strategies.
In this paper, we design and evaluate an end-to-end framework for creating a world map of solar
panels. Our framework identifies locations and total surface area of solar panels within a given
geographic area. This information can help solar companies and analysts identify key market areas to
target for further expansion and assist policymakers and environmental agencies in making informed
decisions to meet renewable energy objectives.
Many recent works have developed methods for solar panel detection [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. One such study
that produced notable advances in this area was DeepSolar, which was trained on over 350, 000
images resulting in a precision and recall for solar panel detection of 90% and a mean relative error
of 2.1% for size estimation of solar panels [4]. While Deep Solar’s contributions advanced this
area of study, their methods require substantial amounts of imagery data and computational power
that are only accessible to ventures with the necessary resources. In addition, the vast amounts of

Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning: workshop at NeurIPS 2021.

images could not be labeled using a supervised, ground-truth approach. Our work takes an alternative
approach to previous studies, which results in increased performance while requiring considerably
less supervised data and computational resources.
Many studies in this field deploy a two branch model using a classification model to identify the
solar panel images, which are then passed to a computationally-heavy segmentation model for mask
prediction. Our work, as shown in Figure A.1, builds on these foundational studies and introduces a
number of enhancements with the following contributions:

• Implementation of an EfficientNet-B7 classifier in combination with a semantic segmentation

model based on U-Net architecture utilizing EfficientNet-B7 encoder-backbone to predict
the location and size of PV panels.
• We use a very small dataset consisting of 1,963 satellite images, achieving an average
accuracy of 0.96 and an IoU score of 0.82 for our classification and segmentation models,
• We demonstrate that our models can be applied in various new locations to generate more
labelled data for classification and segmentation training to further improve the models
• We provide a user-interface that identifies the location and total area of solar panels within a
geographical region in quasi-real-time. Additional information on our web application is
provided in Appendix D.

2 Methods

2.1 Data

Given the lack of available datasets, we built our own dataset of satellite images downloaded using
Google Maps Static API. To help train robust models, images are selected with diverse features and
collected from across the U.S. Batches of images are pulled from Arizona, California, Colorado,
Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas
and Washington. The images are at zoom levels 20 and 21, and of sizes 416x416 and 600x600 pixels.
In addition, the dataset contains a mix of both residential and commercial buildings. Early trained
models revealed a number of false positives with images of objects that resemble solar panels. In
subsequent image downloads, we collected no_solar images containing objects that could potentially
be misclassified as solar panels, such as skylights, crosswalks, and sides of tall buildings, as shown in
Figure B.1.
For classification, images are grouped into solar and no_solar categories. As shown in Table 1, both
classes split the data 80% training and 20% validation. For semantic segmentation, we used LabelBox
[9], a platform to manually annotate solar panels in images and generate segmentation masks as
shown in Figure B.2. Table 2 shows the total number of labeled images included in the segmentation
dataset, which is equal to the number of images in the solar data in the classification dataset.
In addition to our training and validation set, we also conducted an experiment on the city of Berkeley,
CA, and created a test set. The Berkeley test set consists of random sampling of 10% of the image
tiles from the 8 council districts within the entire city. This set consists of 2,243 images with a
distribution of 1,922 no_solar and 321 solar class images. We use this test set for evaluating our
individual models and the complete pipeline.

Table 1: Classification dataset Table 2: Semantic segmentation dataset

solar no_solar Total Total
Training 668 1295 1963 Training 668
Validation 168 324 492 Validation 168
Berkeley Test Set 321 1922 2243 Berkeley Test Set 321

2.2 Models

Solar panels detection using image classification In this work, we employ Transfer Learning
and fine-tune an EfficientNet-B7 to classify satellite image tiles into solar and no_solar classes.
EfficientNet-B7 achieves the state-of-the-art 84.4% top-1 and 97.1% top-5 accuracy on ImageNet
with 66M parameters and 37B FLOPS. We fine-tune EfficientNet-B7 on a training set consisting
of 668 image tiles containing solar panels, and 1295 image tiles without any solar panels. The
performance of the fine-tuned model is evaluated against a validation dataset consisting of 168 image
tiles containing solar panels, and 324 image tiles without any solar panels.
In order to train EfficientNet-B7 for solar panels image classification, we replace its top layer
with a Global Average Pooling layer and a fully connected prediction layer having a single output
node. Besides training these two layers, we fine-tune the trainable variables in all of the layers of
EfficientNet-B7. The classification model training plots are shown in Figure B.4
To increase variation and diversity of input images for model training, we augment the images by
applying random horizontal flip, translation, rotation, contrast and cropping on them. Refer to Figure
B.5 for example augmented images. We measure the performance of solar panel image classification
using accuracy, precision and recall metrics. The performance results on the validation set are shown
in Table 3. The classification model achieves a mean accuracy of 0.98 with a mean precision and
recall of 0.98 and 0.95 respectively.

Table 3: Classification model performance Table 4: Segmentation model performance

Accuracy Precision Recall F1 Score IoU Score F1 Score
0.98 0.95 0.98 0.97 0.86 0.92

Solar panels size estimation using semantic segmentation For semantic image segmentation, we
use EfficientNet-B7 as the encoder-backbone to train a U-Net model for segmenting solar panels in
satellite images. Refer to B.7 for an example of the U-Net architecture trained for segmenting images
having solar panels. We annotated 836 images containing solar panels using the LabelBox platform
[9], and produced their corresponding segmentation masks. We resize all images to a size of 512x512
pixels for training and testing. The semantic segmentation model training plots are presented in
Figure B.8, and a few examples of the predicted masks are shown in Figure B.9. Refer to Appendix
B for the experimental setup and hyperparameters used for model training. The performance results
on the validation dataset are shown in Table 4. Our segmentation model reports an IoU score of 0.86
indicating an average overlap of 86.0% between the prediction and the ground truth masks, and a
mean F1 Score of 0.92 representing the ratio of the overlap and the combined area of the predicted
and the label masks.

Procedure for estimating total surface area and number of solar panels The determination of
the solar panel surface area is accomplished by programming a function that accepts the output from
the segmentation model and returns the total area of solar panels within a given image, as shown in
Figure B.10. The segmentation model produces a predicted mask for each image denoting the pixels
that are classified as belonging to a solar panel. The predicted mask is then resized to the size of the
original image. This pixel matrix is fed into the function along with the latitude and zoom of the
image, which are used to derive the size representation of each individual pixel. The length per pixel
is calculated using the Mercator Projection, which accounts for the differences in length per pixel
depending on the zoom and distance from the equator via:

156543.03392 ∗ cos (latitude ∗ 180 )
meters per pixels = (1)

The total area of solar panels is calculated by multiplying the count of ones in the matrix by the area
per pixel value. In turn, the number of solar panels is calculated by dividing the total solar panel area
by 17.6 ft2 , which is the area of a standard PV panel.

3 Results
We evaluated the classification model, segmentation model and the complete pipeline on the test set
created consisting of a random sampling of the images from our Berkeley experiment.

Classification model evaluation The HyperionSolarNet classification model reports a mean ac-
curacy of 0.96 on the Berkeley test set. Table 5 shows the precision, recall and F1 Scores for both
the solar and no_solar classes. With 1922 no_solar images in the test set, the model reports a mean
precision of 0.98, and a mean recall of 0.97, achieving an average F1 Score of 0.98. In comparison,
with 321 solar class images, the classification model achieves a mean precision and recall of 0.82 and
0.91 respectively, and an F1 Score of 0.86. A considerably lower precision for the solar class images
indicates that the model makes notable number of false positive predictions.

Table 5: Berkeley test set classification Table 6: Berkeley test set segmentation
Class Precision Recall F1 Score Support IoU F1 Score
no_solar 0.98 0.97 0.98 1922 0.82 0.89
solar 0.82 0.91 0.86 321

Figure C.1 in the appendix presents the confusion matrix we obtain by running the segmentation model
against the Berkeley test set. To gain a better understanding of where the model is underperforming,
we reviewed all the misclassified images. We present a few examples in Figure C.2, where the title of
the images indicate their true label, but our model misclassified. There are cases where the model still
predicts false positives due to objects such as skylights. Many of the false negatives are due to the
model having difficulty detecting PV panels located along the edge of images. As HyperionSolarNet
is utilized for various new regions, the misclassified images can be correctly labeled and utilized as
training data to improve the model further.

Segmentation model evaluation In the Berkeley test set, we had 321 solar-panel images. We
manually annotated those images using the LabelBox platform [9], and created mask labels for them.
We evaluated the HyperionSolarNet segmentation model against these test set images and the model
reported an IoU score of 0.82. The performance results are presented in Table 6.
In order to understand the model performance better, we examined the predictions that had the IoU
score less than 0.4. A few examples are shown in Figure C.3. We note that in these images, the solar
panels are not very clear and distinguishable, and it is difficult even for human eyes to identify these
solar panels.

Complete pipeline evaluation Using our complete model pipeline, we computed the percentage
error in the prediction of size and number of solar panels for the Berkeley test set. Our architecture
pipeline makes a percentage error of 0.7%, as shown in Table 7 in Appendix C. In addition, using all
the image tiles of the entire Berkeley city, we estimated that there are around 61,480 solar panels in
Berkeley city. Detailed results are included in Appendix C.

4 Conclusion
While this work provides tools to fight climate change, there are potential negative impacts that
should be considered. One primary concern is the unintended use of this tool for surveillance and
investigating compliance of solar energy mandates, which would disparately impact low-income
communities. In addition, while solar panel expansion is beneficial in the fight against climate change,
the negative environmental impacts are yet to be realized. Over the next few decades, solar panels
will reach the end of their life span resulting in toxic waste that will need proper disposal.
There is a heightened urgency to solve the climate change crisis by expanding solar energy. Our
work provides solutions to this challenge by leveraging deep learning methods and implementing a
two-branch model using an EfficientNet-B7 classifier in tandem with a U-Net and EfficientNet-B7
encoder-backbone semantic segmentation model. The use of this two-branch model to predict solar
panel locations and surface area results in improved performance while using a relatively smaller
training dataset.

Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding
We thank Colorado Reed, Professor Paolo D’Odorico, and UC Berkeley for their support and valuable
advice on this work.

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A Appendix
A.1 Background

With the recent advances in deep learning methods, deep learning models are being extensively used in
various computer vision tasks such as image classification, object detection, and image segmentation.
The fast developments in these tasks have been further accelerated by Transfer Learning. Using
Transfer Learning in a classification and segmentation model pipeline, this work presents a supervised
deep learning method to estimate the number and surface area of PV panels from high resolution
satellite images.

Figure A.1: Architecture diagram of the solar panel area prediction pipeline. Satellite images are
passed through an image classification model to identify images containing solar panels. The positive
predictions from the image classification model are then run through an image segmentation model
to identify the pixels belonging to solar panels in an image.

A.2 Image classification

Image classification is the task of classifying images into the groups they belong to. For our case, we
define two categories: images containing solar panels and images without any solar panels in them.
There are several pre-trained models available for image classification, including but not limited to
MobileNet, VGG-16, Inception-v3, RetNet and EfficientNet [10]. As shown in Figure A.2, there
are trade-offs between accuracy and number of model parameters that are to be considered in model
selection. We use transfer learning techniques to fine-tune pre-trained classification models for our
specific classification task.

A.3 Semantic image segmentation

Image segmentation is a challenging computer vision task where the goal is to classify each pixel of
a given image to the specific class or object it belongs to. Semantic segmentation is a specific type of
image segmentation where all the pixels representing a particular class are classified as a single entity.
U-Net [11] is one of the most popular deep learning based semantic segmentation methods. It is a
convolutional neural network architecture having Encoder and Decoder layers that down-sample and
up-sample the given images to extract features and classify pixels to specific classes. The Encoder
or the contraction path is a set of convolutional and max-pooling layers that extract feature maps
from the image and reduce its size as it passes through the encoder layers. On the other hand, the
Decoder or the expansive path employs transposed convolutional layers along with feature maps
from the corresponding encoder layers to restore the resolution and pixel localization information of
the image. The layers of the Encoder can be arranged using any of the image classification neural
networks, which is called the encoder-backbone of the U-Net architecture. The encoder-backbone
also defines how the Decoder layers are built to up-sample the images.

Figure A.2: Accuracy scores of various pre-trained image classification models [10].

A.4 Performance metrics

The performance of our two branch model is evaluated on a validation dataset of 168 solar and 324
no_solar images. In addition, we examine model performance on an experiment conducted on the
entire city of Berkeley. For the classification model, we use the performance metrics of accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1 Score. For the semantic segmentation model, we use the performance metrics
of intersection over union (IoU) and F1 Score. The IoU metric is the overlap of the predicted mask
and the ground-truth labeled mask divided by their union.

Figure A.3: Intersection over Union (IoU) is the area of intersection of the actual object label and the
predicted mask divided by their union.

B Appendix

Figure B.1: Examples of no_solar images with objects that resemble solar panels: skylight, crosswalk,
side of tall building.

Figure B.2: Examples of solar-panel annotations of images in LabelBox.

B.1 Augmentation with Albumentations

In order to bring variation in our training data images and to increase the dataset size, we augment the
images and their segmentation masks. The augmentations include random cropping, flipping, chang-
ing brightness and blur, scaling, and grid and optical distortion of images. We use the Albumentations
library [] to perform the aug-
mentations, which enabled us to apply the same augmentation to an image and its corresponding
segmentation mask.

B.2 Segmentation models library

For training our semantic segmentation model, we use segmentation_models library. It offers a
high level API for training segmentation models, while making 4 different model architectures
and 25 backbones available for each architecture. Furthermore, it provides implementation of
several segmentation losses (e.g. Jaccard, Dice, Focal) and metrics (e.g. IoU, F1-score), which
are very helpful for segmentation model training. The library code is available here: https:

Figure B.3: Image classification into solar and no_solar classes.

Figure B.4: HyperionSolarNet classification model training plots.

Figure B.5: Examples of augmentation on input training images

Figure B.6: Confusion matrix for the validation dataset with the HyperionSolarNet classification

Figure B.7: An example of U-Net architecture trained for segmenting images having solar-panels.
An image having solar panels is passed through the network, and it produces a segmentation mask
for the pixels belonging to solar panels in the image.

Figure B.8: HyperionSolarNet semantic segmentation model training plots

B.3 Experimental setup and hyperparameters

We trained both of our models on a Google-Colab machine having Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPU,
and on an AWS g4dn.12xlarge instance having 4 NVIDIA T4 GPUs.
For training and fine-tuning our classification model, we use a starting learning rate of 1e-05 and
reduce it by a factor of 0.1 as the validation accuracy reaches a plateau and does not improve for
10 epochs. The base model EfficientNet-b7 has 813 neural network layers. Using a batch size of 8
images, we fine-tune the trainable variables in all of the layers of EfficientNet-b7 for 150 epochs.
We use RMSprop as the optimizer and Binary Cross-Entropy as the loss function for our training
For training the semantic segmentation model, we achieved the best performance using a learning
rate of 1e-04 and the Adam optimizer. We reduce the learning rate by a factor of 0.1 as the validation
IoU score reaches a plateau. We perform the model training for 150 epochs. For our training loss
function, we use the Binary Cross-Entropy and the Jaccard loss.

Satellite Image Label Prediction

Figure B.9: Examples of segmentation mask predictions from HyperionSolarNet, along with the
original images and labels.

Figure B.10: Procedure for calculating the area of solar panel in an image.

Figure C.1: Confusion Matrix for the Berkeley test set with the HyperionSolarNet classification

C Appendix

C.1 Percentage error in the prediction of size and number of solar panels for the Berkeley
test set

Using the label masks of the annotated images in the test set, we calculate the total area and number
of solar panels, which we treat as the actual size and number of panels in those images for the purpose
of calculating the percentage error in the predictions. Additionally, we estimate/predict the area and
number of panels by passing the test set images through our complete classification and segmentation
pipeline. Finally, we compare the actual area and the number of panels against the predictions of our
pipeline to determine the percent error in prediction for the test set using the following equation.

| Actual - Predicted |
Percent Error = · 100 (2)

Our architecture pipeline makes an error of 0.7% in predicting the number and size of solar panels in
the Berkeley test set, as shown in Table 7

Figure C.2: Examples of images misclassified by HyperionSolarNet. The title above the image
denotes the actual class, but our model classified as the opposite.

Table 7: Actual and predicted area and number of solar panels for the Berkeley test set
Area (sq. ft.) Number of Solar Panels
Actual 101,765.48 5,787
Predicted 102,609.72 5,828

C.2 Estimated solar panels in Berkeley

We estimated the size and number of solar panels using all the 22,436 image tiles covering the entire
Berkeley city. In Table 8, we share the results.

Table 8: Estimated total area and number of solar panels in Berkeley

Area (sq. ft.) Number of Solar Panels
1,082,431.98 61,480

Figure C.3: Examples of segmentation predictions with an IoU score < 0.4 from the Berkeley test set

D Appendix
D.1 Web application

We built a web-application that provides users an interactive tool to visualize the output from the
classification and segmentation models. The interface allows users to outline a desired geographical
area on Google Maps. With the click of a button, HyperionSolarNet splits the region into smaller
600x600 pixel tiles, identifies the latitude and longitude coordinates of each tile containing solar
panels, and estimates the total surface area of solar panels. In cases where the desired location is a
city boundary or larger, we use a GeoJSON file with the boundary coordinates to preprocess all of
the solar panel tiles, locations and surface area within the region.

Figure D.1: Web application

Our application architecture is built on AWS, using EC2 to host our website and S3 to save all static
content including models, masked images and GeoJSON files. The website is hosted on a g4dn.xlarge
EC2 with T4 GPU and 16 Gb of memory, which is cost effective for inference. The web application
is built using Flask, Nginx as a reverse proxy, and Gunicorn as the application server configured to
use 3 workers. To achieve inference completely independent from the Flask application, we configure
TensorFlow Serving, which provides a server to expose model inference through an API. For our web
application on inference, Flask is used as a proxy that connects by calling an API via post to send data
to the TensorFlow Serving API which delivers prediction results. As input for inference, we require
images for classification and segmentation. The client sends latitude and longitude, height, width
and zoom of the map section. Using this information, we use the Google Map API to generate equal
size image tiles to use as input for inference, which are converted to numpy arrays. The application
returns the classification information for each tile and the segmentation masks overlaid on the image

Figure D.2: Diagram of HyperionSolarNet system architecture.

The application has a few limitations mainly due to memory and costs for GPU instances. Due
to memory restrictions our minimum zoom capacity for online processing is 19. To reduce the
memory usage, we have tested model optimization using TensorRT with the same restrictions. Future
enhancements include improving inference performance by testing new optimizations with TensorRT
and TensorLight and simplifying the model without sacrificing performance.


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