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MF Productions Date: 1/31/2022

Screenplay Dog 101 Projected Release date 2/23/2022


Opening shot/intro:

A screen flashes showing: “MF PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS:”

A second screen flashes showing the title card “DOG 101” The screen
fades as we see Kwanza with a dog (Bogi).

The monolog begins:

Kwanza: Hello. Some of you probably know who I am but for those of
you that dont know, I am Kwanza, a high schooler here at kihei
charter School. This is Bogi the dog. He will be our example for some
of our demonstrations today.

But first,here are some things that I will be speaking about in this
(A screen shows text covering half of the screen with the things
First we have handling and care, then we have Food. Next up is taking
care of teeth. Then exercise,then Socialization, and last but not
least, Vet appointments.

Handling and care is really important to a dogs well being. One of

the most crucial things to have on a dog is a coller with an ID so
that if the dog gets lost, the owner can be contacted. To keep a dog
from running off, it is recommended that you use a leash. At any
public park (such as state parks) it is mandatory to have your dog on
a leash. Your dog is a living being and sometimes needs to defecate
when nature calls. It is important to pick up the fecal matter
disposed of by your dog using a bag.
Demonstration 1 begins

McKade: First you have to Wrap the bag around your hand like a glove.
Then you pick up the fecal matter. Then you take the bag and wrap it
around the fecal matter. You tie the bag to get rid of the stench.
Then last but not least if your are near a trash please dispose of
it. Do not leave it sitting somewhere.
Feeding is a really important part of raising a dog. It is
extremely important that dogs get the proper nutrition they need.
This can be tough because of all the different types of food for
dogs. There is raw, cooked, Kibble, liquidy food. Ultimately it is
important to do background checks before you buy. Ask other dog
owners what they prefer. The largest animal feed companies aren't
always the healthiest. Purina is the safest option for a budget dog,
it'll keep them healthy. Other companies like Blue Buffalo are a lot
more expensive but their products are far more tailored to specific
dog types and breeds to get the max amount of energy from the diet.
Another really good option is Instinct, with an extremely healthy and
preservative-free ingredients list, your dog will be at its tip-top
shape when it's needed the most.

Dylan:Keeping your dog's smile clean and smell-free is just as good

as it's for them as it's for you. If you don't brush your dog's teeth
they are at risk of getting bad breath and other gum problems. You're
going to need to buy a dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste. Don’t use
normal toothpaste as they contain things that are harmful to dogs.
You're going to want to brush your dog's teeth at the same time
everyday. This helps the dog get into a routine and know when to
expect to get their teeth brushed. Sit next to your dog to make sure
you are not in a threatening stance and lightly rub your finger on
their upper gums and teeth. This tests how much the dog is willing to
let you touch their mouth. You may have to do this a couple times
before the dog is comfortable enough to brush their teeth. Next, put
a small bit of toothpaste on your finger and let the dog lick it. Let
your dog get used to the taste of the toothpaste. If the dog refuses
to taste the toothpaste after their first taste for a couple days,
try a different flavor of toothpaste. Now you can finally start to
brush your dog's teeth. Brush a couple teeth at a time with a
circular motion and aim to do this for two minutes. If your dog is
very resistant and you can’t get the insides of their teeth, don’t
worry too much as their tongue keeps this area pretty clean. Pet your
dog and keep them happy as you're brushing their teeth. End your
session with a treat or extra attention and you're done!

To keep your dog looking their best, you're going to have to clean
them. You're going to need a brush for your dog. The kind of brush
depends on how long your dog's fur is. There are many different kinds
of brushes so we recommend asking your veterinarian for advice. Many
brushing sessions in a week are great to keep your dog nice and
clean. If you can brush your dog everyday that's even better. Brush
all the way down to the skin to remove dandruff and shedding hair.
Your dog is going to need baths. These don't have to be frequent but
do them regularly. Washing your dog too much is bad for them. Put
your dog in the tub and get them wet. Then rub them with a dog
shampoo. Make sure to really lather your dog with shampoo. Then rinse
them off with warm water and dry them with a towel. You can do other
things at home like clipping your dog's nails, but we're going to
suggest we leave these to the professionals.

Kwanza:Dogs need exercise to stay healthy. You can give your dog
exercise in many ways; walking them or playing tug of war are some
examples. Puppies are going to need multiple short-length sessions of
exercise. This is going to be safer for them then one long-length
exercise session because of their growing body. The amount of
exercise that your dog needs is largely dependent on their breed.
Some breeds like border collies are very high energy and need a lot
of exercise. Other breeds, like the bulldog, are very low energy and
don’t require that much exercise. If your dog has any kind of health
condition it's important that you talk to your veterinarian about
what exercise they can do.

Dogs are not born comfortable to the world around them. They
have to be introduced to people and other dogs to become socialized.
If you have a puppy between the ages of 3 and 12 weeks then you
should be looking to expose them to all different types of
people,animals and places. Beyond four months it is harder to
socialize a dog but it is not impossible. You can teach an old dog
new tricks! It's important that you expose your dog to all kinds of
people, men, women, children and so on. This makes sure that your dog
is comfortable in the future around these various people. You can
even hire a dog walker to get your dog used to getting walked by
different people. When your dog is first getting used to being
touched, make sure your hand is where the dog can see it. When your
dog gets scared during any of these activities, stay confident and
don’t make a big deal out of skittish behavior, but don't push your
dog excessively.

Veterinarian Check-Ups:
Veterinarians are animal experts that have spent years in
school so they can help you and your dog. You should visit them at
least once per year. You can discuss any questions you have about dog
care and your dog's health. If you have a puppy you'll be visiting
the vet monthly until they are 16 weeks old. If you have a senior dog
you'll be visiting the vet every 6 months.
Thanks for joining us today for this video. We hope you find this
useful. I am Kwanza signing off.

Director: McKade Fasel
Executive Producer: Mckade Fasel
Video Editor: Dylan Morris
VFX: Dylan Morris
Cinematographer/Cameraman: Dylan Morris
Actors: Kwanza Bondar
Script: Kwanza Bondar
Dog: Bogi

Special thanks to:

Mitchell Ford for Bogi
Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation (HARF)
Kihei Charter School
And of course: You the viewer

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