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Getting to Know You Survey

The class is about to learn about Frylongs and you have no idea what that is (because it’s
completely made up). What would be the best way for you to learn about it?

Check off as many as apply to you.

Put a big circle around your favourite way to learn.

Listening to my teacher talk about it

Watch a video

Write about what I know about it

Read about it already and what I want to learn
about it

Talk in small groups or class See a demonstration or experiment


Play a game that has to do with Explore and investigate

what we are learning

What is your favourite subject in school? Why?



What is your least favourite subject in school? Why?



Draw and/or write your answers.

Three things at a school that I am really good at are:

Three thing at school that are sometimes challenging for me are:

What are some things about you that I should know?

What makes you feel proud?

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