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Name : wahidah nurul fitri

NIM : 21D30741

Prodi : D3 perekam dan informasi kesehatan

1. what causes distortion in one eye ?

There are a number of causes of blurry vision in one eye. Among the most common ones are
refractive errors, which can lead to long- or short-sightedness. Other possible causes include infections,
migraine, and cataract

2. what are the 6 optical adnexa ?

The parts of the orbital region that are outside of the the eyeball, including the lacrimal
apparatus, the extraocular muscles and the eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows and the conjunctiva.

3. how many uterine adnexa are there ?

The uterine adnexa consist of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The ovaries are attached to the
uterus laterally and/or posteriorly, depending on the position of the patient. The connecting structures
of the ovaries include the utero-ovarian ligament, which attaches the ovary to the uterus; the
infundibulopelvic ligament, which contains the ovarian vessels and joins the ovary to the
retroperitoneum; and the part of the broad ligament that forms the mesovarium.

4. what eye diseases can cause blindness?

The five most common diseases that can lead to vision loss or blindness:

 Diabetic retinopathy.
 Age-related macular degeneration.
 Cataracts.
 Glaucoma.
 Eye injury or trauma
5. what are doctors looking for when they look in your eyes ?

The observation of that nerve is a crucial part of a comprehensive eye examination. By

examining your eyes in this way, your eye doctor can often detect conditions such as diabetes, high
blood pressure, arterial plaque, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, stroke, leukemia and many other

6. what is the most dangerous eye diseases ?

Cataract is a clouding of the eye's lens and is the leading cause of blindness worldwide, and the
leading cause of vision loss in the United States. Cataracts can occur at any age because of a variety of
causes, and can be present at birth.

7. what are the symptoms of eye problem ?

Signs and Symptoms of Eye Problems

 Double Vision. Double vision is a problem that should cause immediate concern, whether it
occurs infrequently and randomly or all the time. ...
 Eye Pain. ...
 Scratchy Pain on the Eye Surface. ...
 Floaters or Spots. ...
 Impaired Peripheral Vision. ...
 Narrowed Field of Vision. ...
 Blind Spots. ...
 Swelling.
8. how do you know if you have an eye diseases ?

Dark spot in the center of your field of vision. Difficulty focusing on near or distant objects.
Double vision. Dry eyes with itching or burning

9. what are the 3 type of vision ?

 Emmetropia. If you have emmetropia it means you have ideal distance vision and don't need
lenses to correct your vision. ...
 Farsightedness. If you are farsighted it means you can see well at a distance, but things up close
are blurry. ...
 Presbyopia.

10. what are the warning signs of a detached retina ?


 The sudden appearance of many floaters — tiny specks that seem to drift through your field of
 Flashes of light in one or both eyes (photopsia)
 Blurred vision.
 Gradually reduced side (peripheral) vision.
 A curtain-like shadow over your visual field.
11. what cause wavy lines in front of your eye ?

Wavy or distorted lines in your vision could be a sign that you have keratoconus, but it could
also be an indicator for retinal tears, retinal detachment, or macular degeneration. These eye conditions
need to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible so that you can maintain crisp, clear vision.

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