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Please discuss the three common principles [of the path of justice and
sustainability] that Dr. Shiva talks
1. Diversity vs. monocultures
Dr.Shiva explains the first principle of Diversity, she states that nature does not work on
the principle of sameness,uniformity, and monocultures. She explains that nature is
constantly changing and evolving as well as striving for diversity of expression.
2. Law of return vs. return on investment
The second principle is the Law of return is tied to the Diversity principle, because both
principles focus on farming as perennial as possible, as close to nature. This giving
back is known as the circular economy in ecological systems which is maintaining the
nutrient cycles and water cycles and if both these cycles are properly maintained, even
climate change is a rupture of the nutrient cycle. The law of return is the only way we
will have sustainability when we give back to the earth. The law of Earth is the only way
we will have justice. The return of investment has a huge issue of capital accumulation
comes from this illusion of extraction. Which is where you take what nature gives you,
take what people create, and make it into the miracle creation of value. This repetition of
history was the rule of the robber barons, where the consequences are deep inequality,
where a handful of people control the entire economy that led to the Great Depression.
Law of return focuses on working with nature, giving and returning whereas return of
investment focuses on taking and returning nothing in exchange and then profiting from
3. Sharing the earth’s gifts in the commons vs. private ownership
Sharing the earth's gifts in the commons refers to the seeds being common, land, water,
air we breathe, knowledge, food, nourishment, and democracies. Reclaiming the
commons is a big part of working against the issue of commons turning into privatization
of common goods. The commons are the things that are needed for people, their right
to have whereas private ownership creates a disparity between groups and allows for
commons to be difficult to have or not even have at all.
2. Please discuss the extractive empire and deaths from famine that resulted
from it in India and the invention of joint stock companies [original
corporations] of no liability or limited liability.
The extractive empire led to the deaths from the famine that resulted from it in India and
the invention of joint stock companies of no liability or limited ability. India needed to be
enslaved so India could not be able to grow their own food or feed themselves which
resulted in the 60 million famine deaths in India by the extractive economy of the Empire
beginning with East India Company. The Earth’s unaccountable business with no liability
or limited liability was created by 300 merchant adventures to go and conquer and

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3. Please discuss what the economy of rent collection is and how it works.
The economy of rent began during the colonization where the wealthy people took over
lands for example farms and then had those living in poverty pay rent all leading into the
famine. Those who collect rent, collect our money, and the renters have to work,
whereas the rent collectors do not do anything other than collect rent. They make
money through other people's labor. She described it as a drought induced by intensive
sustainable, unsustainable agriculture and commodity production- leading people to be
forced to leave their homes. D.Shiva stated that if we do not do something about this
more than 90 percent of humanity will either be in detention centers or refugee camps.
4. What is the zero budget logic?
The zero budget logic is what Bill Gates wants to implement in our education where he
does not want teachers, he wants computers because e-learning brings profit to
Microsoft whereas teachers cost money and don’t help increase his profit.
5. Please discuss how Dr. Shiva frames the basis of the Immigration crisis.
Ever since colonialism started, uprooting people from their homes has been the method
and the refugee crisis is the latest in this.
6. Please discuss small farms vs giant industrial farms, what percentage of the
food comes from each and what percentage of the resources does each use?
The majority of our food comes from small farms, around 80% of it. Small farms use
only 25% of land and 25% of resources. The 20% comes from giant industrial farms that
are becoming bigger and unmanageable and are the next excuse for the next level of
concentration. Bigger farms do not care for your health. The food system has become a
giant mechanism that is generating seeds that are pumped with chemicals and are
more harmful to people's health. They go to your farm and take pictures of your farm,
consolidate all of this and sell it as a new commodity calling it big data.
7. Please discuss the five companies that control food and health.
The five companies that control food and health are Mansanto, Dupoint, Syngenta,
Dow, and BFS. The mechanism of business that has been created out of this death
machine. We need to unify in our diversities to protect the earth and regenerate our
health and freedom. The food system is filled with companies that are influencing
people in regard to what is bad for you, good for you, and at the end of the day these
companies are contributing to the chemicals your body is consuming.
8. According to Dr. Shiva what is “fake food”, “fake economics” and “fake
knowledge” and what their relationship to one another is.
The two big assaults come from fake food, fake economics, and fake knowledge.
Dr.Shiva goes on to add that fake knowledge is replacing real intelligence, ecological
intelligence, emotional intelligence,cooperative intelligence of communities at work, and
including the intelligence of the plants, bacteria in our gut, and life intelligence. Machine

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learning is artificial intelligence that will get rid of the farmer on the farm. The fake
economics of zero budgeting is externalizing costs. Studies have shown that in the
industrial system of the big supermarket chains and corporations, the farmers do not
receive more than 1 to 4 percent of the value.
9. Please discuss terra nullius and bio nullius relation to colonization.
When the land was colonized that jurisprudence that was created was Terra Nullius (the land is
empty, if they are not white Christians they are not people). This idea that you can exterminate
them, their culture is an impediment of our Empire over lesser creatures of the earth boil from
New England the governor. They were trying to create intellectual property rights and an empire
over life, this is bio nullius- they declare life as empty, seed as empty, and declare indigenous
knowledge as not knowledge. They take the knowledge of the people who have experience like
the Indegneous communities and rule it as not credible but then take the knowledge and claim it
as theirs which feeds into colonization.

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