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SFT 300 – Project Del.

1 (15%)

This Assessment is based on our class discussions, the material uploaded to

Moodle, and your own research.

Your task is to follow a decision-analysis process to propose a plan that would help
AUM become a smart campus.

Full Name I.D

 Type your answer on this document. Do not handwrite your answer and then
take a photograph.
 Base your answer on the theory from your textbook, our discussions, the
material uploaded to Moodle, and your own research.
 Do not copy parts from the book / slides / websites.
 The completed answer should be uploaded to Turnitin by Thursday, April
21 @ 23:59.

Grading rubric

The answer follows the rules. 25

The answer is complete, and the information is accurate. 25
The answer shows some originality. 25
The answer is well-written. 25

Please note that a delayed submission (including submission of wrong /

corrupt file) will result in the following grade deduction:

 1 Day – 40% Deduction

 2 Days – 60% Deduction


AUM goes smart!

Smart Campus is defined as “a physical or digital environment in which humans and
technology-enabled systems interact to create more immersive and automated
experiences. Smart Campus is a term used to describe educational institutions that
use next-generation technologies woven seamlessly within a well-architected
infrastructure. This can enhance the campus experience and provide education in a
manner that all can access. It creates proactive interactions to foster positive

Through the “AUM goes smart” project, AUM invites students to come up with
fresh, creative, and innovative ideas that will contribute to the realization of the “AUM
goes smart” plan.


Provide ideas that will:

1. Improve student experiences.
2. Enhance campus safety.
3. Reduce operational costs.
4. Boost university reputation.
5. Reduce your carbon footprint.

You will need to decide on specific ideas (5 ideas) that are also practical and
realistic. To do that, you will need to go through a decision analysis process that will
help you decide which ideas will be the most effective.
Task 1: Brainstorm ideas that could help you achieve your objectives (you will
need a list of 10 ideas).

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________

Task 2: Fill in the decision analysis matrix below for 8 of the ideas.

Decision Analysis Matrix

Criteria Practicality Cost .......... ……..










For information on decision matrix analysis, visit:
Task 3: Based on the data from the Decision Analysis Matrix, prepare a list of
the 5 ideas that appear to be the most effective ones.
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________

Task 4: Write a short proposal to present your “AUM goes smart” plan to the
University Committee. You need to include the 5 most effective ideas
according to your Decision Analysis Matrix.

Make sure to follow the form of a report using appropriate headings, sub-
headings, bullet-points etc. (about 400 words)

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