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Student Name VTCT No

Date of Issue Completion Date

Task Competent Non competent Insufficient evidence RPL



Assessor Signature Assessor No

Internal Verifier IV No



Learning outcome 1 - Be able to prepare for a body massage treatment.

Task 1
f. Describe salon requirements for preparing yourself, the client and work area
We should be fully prepared for carrying out Body massage treatment by ensuring we are smartly dressed and have great personal hygiene.long hair should be tied back and jewellery removed.We should also be positioned comfortably so we can carry
out the treatment effectively. The client should be prepared for the treatment by securing hair ,remove clothing ,skin preparation,pre heat treatment. client should be positioned comfortably on the treatment bed, so the treatment is an enjoyable as possible
and we should have all of the equipment and products we will require throughout the treatment to hand.

Task 2
h. Describe different consultation techniques used to identify treatment objectives
Questioning_ Ask the client questions about their skin,previous treatments,what they would like to achieve from the treatment.Questioning should be specific to the client and treatment involved.Visual_Examine the clients skin and discuss the analysis
with the client.Manual_Paper consultation forms can be used to gather and record information .If we are treating a returning client we can also refer to the clients record card and update where necessary.

Task 3
i. Describe how to select products, tools and equipment to suit client treatment needs, body types and conditions
First we need to asses what the client would like to achieve from their treatment.for body massage treatment we need to ensure the client is lay down and comfortable,so a treatment bed is required. We then need to select suitable products(oils) which
take into account the clients body skin type and any skin conditions.its important to complete treatment records correctly so that you have on record if the client has any contra_indications which may prevent or restrict a treatment you will also have on
record anything the client may be allergic to.tools_couch,trolly,stool,towels,headband ,bedroll,robe,disposal slippers,disinfecting fluid,tissues,cotton wool,bowls,spatula,mediums_oil (not mineral oil),cream,powder(unperfumed),The effects and benefits
of each should be known.
Mesomorph body type tend to have a medium frame.they may develop muscles easily and have more muscle than fat on their bodies. they are typically strong and solid,not overweight or underweight. their bodies may be described as rectangular in
shape with an upright posture.
Ectomorph body type are recognised long and lean,with little body fat,and little muscle.they have a hard time gaining weight. fashion models and basketball players fit this category.
Endomorph body type is solid and generally soft,Endomorphs gain fat very easily.Endomorphy are usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs.muscles are strong,especially the upper legs.
Fats soft fat,hard,cellulite,adipose tissues,
postural faults kyphosis,lordosis,scoliosis,.
Learning outcome 2 - Be able to provide a body massage treatment.
Task 4
h. Explain how to communicate and behave in a professional manner
To communicate in a professional manner we must be enthusiastic and polite,speak clearly and smile.We should have a positive attitude when speaking to the client and reassure them where necessary so they feel comfortable.We should use good
language,no swearing or slang.we should behave in a professional manner by looking presentable,arriving on time (allowing time to set up for treatments etc) and being organised for the daily schedule.

Task 5
j. Explain the importance of positioning yourself and the client correctly throughout the treatment
Its important that the therapist is positioned correctly during the treatment to ensure they do not cause themselves injury and are abel to perform the treatment properly.if not positioned properly we will not be abel to reach the areas required and the
clients experience will suffer.The client should be positioned correctly to ensure they are comfortable and relaxed throughout the procedure,thus avoiding injury.The client should be close to us in order to provide an effective service but we should not
invade their personal space unnecessarily.

Task 6

k. Explain the importance of using products, tools, equipment and techniques to suit clients’ treatment needs, skin type and conditions
Its extremely important to select the correct products,equipment and tools when carrying out body massage treatment.Product,and the effect and benefits of each technique should be known if the item selected do not suit the clients fail to take into
account any conditions that may be present,We could damage the clients body and skin ,cause irritation or make existing conditions worse.

Task 7

O. Explain the importance of completing the treatment to the satisfaction of the client.
Following a body massage treatment the client should feel satisfied with their results. If the client is not satisfied they will lose faith in our skills and will not return to the salon.If customers are satisfied with the treatment they will spread positive
comments through word of mouth.this will generate more custom,increase the lifetime value of existing regular clients and differentiate us from will also help build staff confidence in performing treatments and allow us to address the
needs of our clients more effectively

Task 8
p. Explain the importance of completing treatment records
We must complete a client record for each treatment.This should record the treatment type,products used,date,objective and outcomes.By keeping this record we gain a better understanding of the client and how they respond to certain treatments.We will
also have a record of technique or (type of massage) and products used. Records can be viewed by each therapist treating the client, so they help share knowledge between staff,thus giving a consistent treatment. Client records note any changes in the
clients body and skin over time and are required for insurance purposes.

Task 9
Q. Describe the methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment
Assessment allows your therapist to track changes in your symptoms, so they can adjust their treatment plan as you assessment allows for a specialised and targeted treatment, this does more than just soothe your symptoms and allows for lasting
results,including decreased pain and increased range of motion.

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