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Grant Brennan

OGL 322

Professor Bates


Personal Reflection on Project Scheduling

In the museum expansion project schedule, I learned that I would prefer to change as little as

possible to the original plan due to the number of unknown variables. This was something that I

felt greatly benefitted my approach to solve and complete the new schedule. This was evident

through the replies I received on my original discussion post. I received comments such as “I like

how you used the numbers already provided to complete the project within the time that was set.

I think your approach was simpler and straight forward, I feel like I over thought the process.”

This comment in particular demonstrated to me that perhaps I had found a viable solution to the

museum expansion project. After reading the rest of the responses to the discussion post, it

became clear to me that I had become more apt at my identification of problems as well as

choosing the right tools for that problem. Had this assignment been given to me earlier in the

semester, I feel I would have been at a considerable disadvantage compared to my understanding

today. In the past seven weeks I feel as though effective communication has been drilled into my

project management toolkit. Most lessons taught in this course had an emphasis on

communicating with my team in a clear concise manner. For example, after learning about the

importance of the planning phase in the overall health of project, a competent project manager

must still provide this information to the rest of the team. Without this important step, all the

work that went into the planning phase from the project manager goes to waste. In the past, my
communication between group members has been less adequate than this course has taught me to

be. I feel as though recognizing this demonstrates my ability to communicate better going

forward. The area of project management where I feel I still need the most improvement is in the

real-world experience. Being a project management student, it is easy to see that risks and

uncertain situations play a large role in project’s and a project manager’s ability to solve these

problems defines his worth. Understanding this, it is clear that I do not have the experience to be

considered a decent project manager. So, I believe it is important that I get more business

experience, like internships. Perhaps my graduation into a project manager comes later than I

expect, with more experience and hours put into it. Lastly, moving forward, I hope to continue

taking courses within the project management major in order to learn more about this area of

work, preparing me to enter the work force. Considering this is a session A course, I still have

half of a semester to continue on these courses, which I am excited to start in the next coming

week. Outside of this, I believe that getting internship experience over the summer would help

me better understand the intricacies of a successful business and the project management

strategies they implement.

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