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Daily Lesson Plan Format

Name: Jamie Suto Date(s) of Lesson: Day 6

Student Learning Objective(s) and Related Assessment(s):

Learning Target: I can read a text, utilizing prior knowledge, to identify

important details and key themes within the text. This means I can justify and
summarize in oral forms my understandings in a class discussion around the text.

Language Objective (for emergent multilinguals): I can create, in my reader’s

notebook, a visual representation of unfamiliar words I come across within the text
(ex. word map). In my visual representation of unfamiliar words, I can make
connections between words and use context clues, as well as outside resources, to
gather definitions.

• Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their
development over the course of the text, including how they interact and
build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective
summary of the text. (CCSS: RI.11-12.2)
• Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under
study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from
texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful,
well-reasoned exchange of ideas. (CCSS: SL.11-12.1a)


Handouts of the reading Plant as Persons (which was given as homework)

Reader’s notebooks
Sticky notes/pens/markers

Learning Activities:

Initiation (10 minutes): I will begin class by showing a short clip from We Are All
Connected To Nature; students will be asked to examine how this makes them
think about how this perspective challenges the boundaries we conventionally
draw between humans and plants, additionally drawing connections to their
homework reading Plants as Persons
• Students will watch clip from the video, jotting down anything they find
significant/want to remember (5 minutes)
• Turn and talk about how this video challenges the conventional view we
have of plants and humans being separate (2 minutes)
• Groups will share out what they discussed with their partner (3 minutes)
Lesson Development: Following the initiation, students will be thinking about
the reading Plants as Persons and how we might begin to challenge the boundary
between plants and humans—this will launch us into a more in-depth discussion
of the homework reading assignment (50 minutes)
• Students will begin filling out the Plants as Persons Discussion
Preparation Sheet individually or with a partner; this asks them to look
over the reading, their annotations, synthesize their thoughts about main
ideas, and identify significant quotations; students will also use this time to
identify/define unfamiliar words (20 minutes)
• Using the Discussion Preparation Sheet, students will then go into a
concentric circle discussion of the text Plants as Persons (20 minutes)

Closure: Debrief concentric circle discussion as a whole class (20 minutes)

• Come back together and talk about takeaways from concentric circle
discussion (10 minutes)
• Class mind map to discuss connections between Plants as Persons and The
Island of Missing Trees (10 minutes)

Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction: Differentiate instruction for

Learners. Below, pick one modification and one extension. You will fill in one box
per row.

Content Process Product Environment

Modifications: Students can Students have
choose to choice in how
read/annotate they represent
either the unfamiliar
individually or words they
with a partner come across in
depending on the text.
as well as needs
(auditory vs.
strictly visual).
Also allows
students to
move at their
own pace with
the reading.
Extensions: Give students
access to Plants
as Persons
readings for

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