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Beaver Falls, PA

Name: Emma Boyer & Mrs. Date: 04/08/22

Subject: Social Skills Grade Level: 6th - 8th
Autistic Support

Topic: Leadership and TeamWork

PA or Common Core Standards
Standard - 10.4.6.F Identify and describe positive and negative interactions of group members
in physical activities. EC: N/A
● leading
● following
● teamwork
● etiquette
● adherence to rules

Standard - 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. EC: NA

Learning Objectives: Objectives must be written using observable verbs

1. After students have a class discussion about leadership and teamwork TSWBAT treat
each other with positive interaction and solve negative interactions with their team
members by finding Easter Egg scavenger hunt.
2. After students have a class discussion about leadership and teamwork TSWBAT identify
positive and negative components of effective teamwork and leadership during Easter
Egg scavenger hunt.

● 3 packs of plastic easter eggs (Students)
● Treasure hunt list (students)
● Peanut Free Candy (students)
● Smartboard (teacher)
● Youtube link; (teacher)
Lesson Development
(10 minutes) The teacher will introduce the lesson by having students watch the video
“Leadership and effective collaboration.” After watching the video the teacher will ask the
following questions;
● How did these different characters we meet solve their problems?
● What would have happened if they didn’t work together?
● Why is it important for us to work with others?
● What happens if we don’t work with others and seek help to solve problems?
● What makes a good leader?
● What makes a bad leader?

Lesson development (activities, procedures)

(15-20 minutes)
1. Students will then be split into the following pairs; Mason with Atreyu, Braiden, Aiden
and Mrs. JoJo, Jayden with Ms. Emma, and Owen and Jackson. Each pair will be given a
different treasure hunt list idioms hidden in each egg they find. Students will then go
around to find their color egg and look for each idiom each egg tells them to collect.
a. Teams and egg colors
i. Mason, Jacob with Atreyu - yellow and orange
ii. Braiden, Aiden and Mrs. JoJo - Purple and pink
iii. Jayden with Ms. Emma - Eggs with smiley faces on them
iv. Owen and Jackson - Green and blue
2. (15- 10 minutes) After students have found all their eggs and idioms students will then
present to the class their 8 found idioms. And have a class discussion on the following
a. What went well working as a team?
b. What could you do better next time?
c. What was hard for you when working together?
d. How did you solve the problem or how could you solve the problem?
e. How did you see each other be a leader working together?
3. Then as a reward the teacher will pass out candy to all students who were good and
willing participants in the lesson!
Evidence of differentiated instruction (content, process, product, or learning environment)

Closure (summary)
(5 - 10 minutes) The teacher will inform students how they learned about leadership and
team work and now they can have some free time before their next lesson.

1. Objective 1 - Students will be informally assessed through teachers observation, treat
each other with positive interaction and solve negative interactions with their team
members by finding Easter Egg scavenger hunt.
2. Objective 2 - identify positive and negative components of effective teamwork and
leadership during Easter Egg scavenger hunt.

Modifications or accommodations
1. This lesson will be accommodated for student Bradein by clarifying and reading aloud
instruction and having noise canceling headphones as needed.
2. This lesson will be accommodated for student Atreyu by being given
redirection/corrective feedback, cues, visual supports, clarification and reading of
instructions, and allowed appropriate wait time.
3. This lesson will be accommodated for students Jayden by being allowed extra time to
work on assignments.
4. This lesson will be accommodated for student Owen by having clarification and reading
aloud of instruction, use verbal and visual cues, and extended time on in class
5. This lesson will be accommodated for student Jacob by giving clarification on directions
and frequent breaks.
6. This lesson will be accommodated for student Mason by having directions read aloud and
extra time to work on assignments.
Today’s lesson went fantastic! Students loved the Easter Egg Hunt activity and did a great
job working with their teammates. Students had a solid understanding of teamwork collaboration
during discussion time and a great comprehension after watching the video of what characters
did well to help each other out. Also, students did a wonderful job of putting these skills into
practice when searching with their team for eggs and objects around the room to win. I was so
proud of my students and their willingness to participate in the activity. At the end of the lesson I
gave students bunny sour patch kids as a reward for their hard work.
This was a great social skills lesson and I love to do more like it in the future! One thing I
would like to do better in the future is extending the activity to have more teamwork building
aspects and challenge my students even more! This lesson did go a little faster than I expected,
but I still made best use of the extra time to chat further with the students about what went well
and didn’t go well in their teams.

Cooperating Teacher Approval ________________________________________ Date


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