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School: San Isidro Integrated School Grade Level: 9

Teacher: Tracy E. Macapagal Learning Area:English

Week: 6 Quarter: 3


A. Content Standards
. The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other
text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how to use ways of
analysing one-act play and different forms of verbals for him/her to skilfully perform
in a one-act play.
B. Performance Standard
. The learner skilfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and
non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
A. Analyze one-act plays
-Explain how the elements specific to one-act-play contribute to the
development of its themes;
B. Determine tone, mood, technique and purpose of the author
D. At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. identify the elements of a one-act-play;
2. explain how the elements specific to one-act-play contribute to the
development of its themes;
3. define what tone, mood, technique and purpose of the author mean;
4. determine tone, mood, technique and purpose of the author.
II.CONTENT (Nilalaman) : Elements of a One-act-play
Tone, Mood, Technique and Purpose of the Author

A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages :
a. Additional materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal :
technique-and-purpose-of-the author
a. Other Learning Resources: Tables, Pictures/illustrations

 DAY 1
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson (Balik-
aralsanakaraangaralin at/o pagsisimula ng bagongaralin)

 DAY 1
As practiced in the past modules, let’s first have a short review about the prev
Technical Vocabularies for Drama and Theater, types of stages used in theat
To check your understanding about the topics, write a short paragraph consis

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin)

In this module, you’ll learn about the elements of a one-act play and e

What emotions does the illustration below depict? List at least three.


C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

What is a one-act-play?


It is similar to a short story in its

There is a complete drama within one
It is brief, condensed, and single in 1. THEME
effect. 2. PLOT
One situation or episode is presented. 3. CHARACTER
Characters are few in number, quickly 4. DIALOGUE
introduced and very limited in
character development.


It is different from a full-length play

In a one-act play, there is only time for
The One-Act Play, like the longer
one significant event
drama, should have a beginning,
Determining place for hero, where all
middle and an end.
can be won or lost
It may be divided into four stages:
Events leading to this, can be
The Exposition,
included without being shown to
The Conflict,
The Climax
The events that follow must be
The Denouement
inferred or understood by the

1. The Expositionservesas an
The conflict is the very backbone of the
introduction to the play. The situation and
one-act play.
the themes of the play are explained to
3. The climaxit is the turning point of the
the audience and the important
drama. One of the two contending forces
characters are also introduced.
now gains supremacy over the others. It
2. The conflict means a struggle
is an important part of the one-act play
between two opposing forces. The
and constitutes its moment of supreme
conflict may take different forms. There
may be a struggle between two opposite
4. The Denouementis the next and the
interests, ideas, persons, group of
final stage of the one-act play. The play
persons, or the hero and his fate or
now reaches its end. One of the two
contending forces now definitely gets
victory over the other and the action of
the drama concludes.

There is not much area to develop all
Economy is the key aspect here
the characters
Each line must be crafted to focus on
The hero or the protagonist’s
the theme, the incident and the
character needs to be more developed
character of the protagonist
and focused on
The dialogues need to be concise and
The antagonist can be developed to
full of meaning
show conflict
Dialogues irrelevant to the plot must
Some other characters can also be a
be altered or omitted immediately
little bit developed to move the story

There are three dramatic unities which are observed in the One-
Act Play as far as possible.

The unities are – the unity of time, unity of place and the
unity of action. 3
 DAY 2
Directions: Write a short one-act play which involves two
characters following the guidelines below:

1. First, imagine the situation you want to write about and write it down on a sheet
of paper.
2. Then, come up with ideas involving:

a.the details of the characters, including their relationship and nature of problem being
(For examples: two friends, son and father, daughter and father, husband and wife etc.)
b. the topic they are talking about
c. the problem that arises in their conversation
d. the time and background of the conversation ( For example: the setting)
f. how the play starts and how it ends.

D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Direction: Read the story below. Imagine that you are in the situation of the writer.
Then, answer the questions that follow:
It was a dark and stormy night. I sat alone in the old, damaged house staring out
the window. The sky was black, the wind was loud, and the rain slammed against
the broken windowpane. I shut my eyes, remembering my earlier visit, and I felt
so embarrassed and angry. When I opened them, the lightning bolt flashed and lit
up the room once more. I had to get out of the house; I had to hide. No one could
know my horrible mistake. I opened the door, took a deep breath, and ran into the
cold rain.
Processing Questions:
1. What feelings did you have while reading the story?

2. What made you feel this way?

3. What words did you read that helped create this feeling?


An author is broadly defined
as “the person who originated or TONE
-The mood of
gave existence to everything” and text is how reader - The tone is the
whose authorship determines feels after reading. writer’s attitude
towards the subject or
responsibility for what was created. -Mood is the audience of the story.
emotions that you
Narrowly defined, an author is (the reader) feel - There are clues
while reading. in the story that the
the originator of any written work writer uses to identify
and can also be described as a -The details and how the writer’s feel
words that the about the subject. Look
writer. author uses can for them while reading
help create mood. the story.


The author’s technique is a Expository style is a subject-oriented

technique in which an individual author style. The focus of the writer in this type
uses in his writing It varies from author to of writing is to tell the readers about a
author and depends upon one’s syntax, specific subject or topic and in the end
word, choice and tone. the author leaves out his own opinion
about that topic.
There are four basic literary styles
used in writing. These styles distinguish
the work of different authors from one


The author focuses on describing an

event, a character or a place in detail.
Sometimes, descriptive writing style is
poetic in nature in, where author specifies
an event, an object or a thing rather than
merely giving information about an event
that has happened. Usually the
description incorporates sensory details.

Persuasive style of writing is a

category of writing in which the writer
tries to give reasons and justification
to make the readers believe his point
of view. The persuasive style aims to
persuade and convince the readers.



Narrative style is a type of writing

where the writer narrates a story to.
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Direction: Read the following texts intensively. Then, answer the questions that

A. The girls were playing in the pond, splashing each other and trying to catch fish with
their hands. They were having fun, but kept looking over their shoulders at the looming
forest. The long grass of the field kept moving and they sort of felt like they were being
watched… About a half hour passed and still the girls kept checking the field for
movements. It seemed like a pair of dark eyes was on them. They even considered
going back inside, but that would mean homework time. So they continued splashing,
but with caution now. Their eyes hardly left the field.

1. What is the overall tone of this passage?

2. What words helped you to figure out the tone?

3. What dominant emotion is being conveyed by the text?

4. What is the purpose of the text? How about the technique used by the writer?
Defend your answer.

B. Finally, one of the girls pointed to the grass and giggled. "Meow!" A cat sat on the
edge of the field and licked its paw. They did indeed have company. The girls ran over
to the cat and pet his belly. They laughed and the cat sauntered back to the field.

1. What is the overall tone of this passage?

2. What words helped you to figure out the tone?

3. What dominant emotion is being conveyed by the text?

4. What is the purpose of the text? How about the technique used by the writer?
Defend your answer.

F. Developing Mastery


A. Direction: Read the following excerpts of acts and scenes from the one-act play
“Romeo and Juliet”. Then, Answer the questions after each excerpt.

Father Lawrence’s house. Father Lawrence and Romeo are talking.

Romeo: Juliet will be here very soon. I’ll be very happy when we’re married.
Father Lawrence: Listen, Romeo. You only loved Rosaline for a few weeks.
Remember, if you marry Juliet, you must love her, and stay with her, for the rest of your
Romeo: Yes father, I understand. I’ll always love her. (Juliet enters and kisses Romeo)
Juliet: The nurse told me to meet you here.
Father Lawrence: And I will. Come with me.

1. Where is the setting of the act?

2. Who are the characters?

3. What is the dominant tone? Dominant mood?


Juliet is alone in her room.

Juliet: I’m so excited! Romeo is going to be with me tonight. We’re married now, but the only people
who know are Father Lawrence and my Nurse. Here she is now. (The Nurse enters)
Nurse: Juliet, my dear, something terrible has happened (she starts crying.) he’s dead, he’s dead.
Juliet: Who’s dead? Not Romeo? Not my husband?
Nurse: No, Tybalt is dead.
Juliet: Oh, no! My cousin Tybalt! How did he die?
Nurse: There was a fight, and Romeo killed him.
Juliet: It can’t be true. Romeo never fights.
Nurse: But it is true. Tybalt killed Romeo’s friend Mercutio, and Romeo was very angry. The two of
them started fighting, and Romeo killed Tybalt.
Juliet: Where’s Romeo now? And what’s going to happen to him?
Nurse: Romeo is hiding in Father Lawrence’s house. The Prince has told Lord Montague That Romeo
must leave Verona and never come back.
Juliet: So I’ll never see him again! (She starts crying.)
Nurse: Don’t cry my dear. Listen. I’ll go to Father Lawrence’s house and tell Romeo to come here
secretly tonight, to say goodbye to you.
Juliet: Than you, Nurse. You’re very kind. Wait – take this ring. (She gives her a ring.) Give it to
Romeo, and tell him that I love him.

1. Where is the setting of the act?

2. Who are the characters?

3. What is the dominant tone? Dominant mood?


Juliet’s room. Juliet is wearing her wedding dress. The Nurse and Lady Capulet are with her.

Nurse: You look beautiful, my dear.

Lady Capulet: You must go to bed now, Juliet. It’s very late, and you need to rest. Good8 night.
(The Nurse and Lady Capulet leave.)
Juliet: They think that I’m going to marry Paris tomorrow, but they’re wrong (She takes out Father
Lawrence’s bottle.) When I drink this, I’ll fall asleep. They will think I’m 20 dead. Oh, I’m so afraid! I
1. Where is the setting of the act?

2. Who are the characters?

3. What is the dominant tone? Dominant mood?


The Capulets’ house. It is early in the morning and Lord and Lady Capulet, the
Nurse, servants and cooks are all around moving eaily.

Lady Capulet: We need more food! And more tables and chairs!
Lady Capulet: Bring those flowers over here! Hurry up, there isn’t much time left!
Nurse: Why don’t you go to bed, sir? It’s very late.
Lord Capulet: I can’t sleep – I’m too excited! My daughter is going to marry Paris in the
morning! After the wedding, we’re going to have a party. It’ll be the best party I’ve ever
Lady Capulet: Paris will be here soon. Nurse — go and wake Juliet up. (The Nurse goes
Lord Capulet: I can hear music. Paris is coming, with his musicians. (The musicians play
Nurse: Help! Help! (Some servants run to help her.)
Lady Capulet: What's the matter? (The Nurse and servants come back, carrying Juliet.
They are crying.)
Nurse: She is dead! (Everyone stops moving.)
Lady Capulet: Juliet! My only child! (Holding Juliet) Please, wake up! Oh, she's cold!
She's dead!
Lord Capulet: She was the sweetest child in the world. She was only thirteen, and now
she's dead. (Father Lawrence, Paris and the musicians enter. The musicians are still
Paris: I've come here to take Juliet to church! (They see Juliet's body. The musicians stop
Lady Capulet: She was our only child. Now our lives are empty. We will never be happy
Paris: Juliet — dead? This is the worst day of my life.
Father Lawrence: Carry her to the church. We will put her in your family's tomb, next to
her cousin. Put flowers on her body. (They put flowers on her body and carry her out.)

1. Where is the setting of the act?

2. Who are the characters?

3. What is the dominant tone? Dominant mood?

A garden outside a church. It is late at night. Paris is standing near the Capulets'
tomb. It is a very large tomb with a big, heavy door.

Paris: Oh, Juliet! I loved you more than anyone else in the world. I wanted you to be my
wife, but now you're dead. (Putting flowers on the tomb) I'm going to come to your tomb
every night. What's that noise? Someone's coming! (He hides. Romeo enters.)
Romeo: Juliet — I must see your sweet face again! (Paris comes out. Romeo opens the
door of the tomb.)
Paris: Stop! You're Romeo, aren't you? You're one of the Montagues. What are you doing
to Juliet's tomb?
Romeo: Who are you? Leave me alone! (The two men fight, and Romeo kills Paris.
Romeo goes into the tomb, and takes the bottle of the poison out of his pocket.) Juliet, my
love, my wife! You are dead, but you are still beautiful. This will be our last kiss. (He kisses
her, then drinks the poison.) So with a kiss, he dies. (He dies.)
Father Lawrence:(Entering) Juliet will wake up very soon. Where's Romeo! Father John
took a message to him, and the message told him to meet me here. Romeo! (He goes to
the tomb.) The door's open! What's happened?

Juliet:(Waking up) Father Lawrence! It's good to see you. Where’s Romeo?
Father Lawrence: Juliet — something terrible has happened. Romeo is lying next to you,
but he's dead! Quickly — get out of the tomb, and come with me. If anyone finds us here,
there will be trouble!
Juliet: No, Father, I want to be with Romeo. (Father Lawrence runs away.) Romeo, my
love, what's happened? (She sees the bottle of poison.) He's killed himself! Well, I'm going
to die, too. I can't live without him. Romeo, perhaps there's poison on your lips. (She
kisses him.) I'm still alive, but I want to die. I'm not afraid of death. (She takes out a knife,
stabs herself and dies. Some people enter.)
Prince Escalus: Dead! Romeo and Juliet? (Some more people enter, with Father
Lawrence.) Father Lawrence, do you know anything about this?
Father Lawrence: Just a few days ago, Romeo married Juliet. (Everyone shouts in
surprise, and Lady Capulet starts crying.) I married them secretly, because the Capulets
and Montagues are enemies. Juliet didn't want to marry Paris, so I told her to take some
special medicine. She wasn't dead, she was asleep. I wanted to send a message to
Romeo in Mantua, but he didn't get the message. And they have both killed themselves.
Prince Escalus: Lord Capulet, Lord Montague — come here. (They stand in front of the
Prince.) This has happened because you are enemies. Romeo, Juliet, Paris, Mercutio and
Tybalt are all dead.
Lord Capulet: Sir, our arguments have finished. We're friends now, and we will never
fight again. (They shake hands unhappily.)
Lord Montague: We'll build a statue of Romeo and Juliet. It will be made of gold. No one
will ever forget them.
Prince Escalus: Perhaps Verona will be peaceful now. (He looks up at the sky.) There is
no sun this morning. Go home now, all of you, and remember this unhappy story of Juliet
and her Romeo.

1. Where is the setting of the act?

2. Who are the characters?

3. What is the dominant tone? Dominant mood?

1. Based on the excerpts read, who are Romeo and Juliet? What is going on between
the families of the two?

2. Why did Juliet decided to drink the medicine that Father Lawrence gave to her?

3. What is the overall theme of the story?

4. What is the importance of the elements of the play such as the characters, the
dialogue and the plot in the development of the overall theme?

G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living

 DAY 4
1. Do you believe in the saying “Love conquers all”? Defend your answer
2. Should Romeo and Juliet’s relationships be viewed as a rebellion of the young
against the old? Connect your answer to how today’s generations viewed love.

H. Making Generalization and Abstractions about the Lesson

Make a short overview about the lessons tackled.Use the graphics below.




I. Evaluating Learning

 DAY 5
A. Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

___________1. Author is broadly defined as “the person who originated or gave
existence to anything”.
___________2. Tone is what the reader feels while reading a scene or story.
___________3. Mood is attitude of the narrator or viewpoint character toward
story events and other characters.
___________4. Tone is achieved through word choice (diction), sentence
construction and word order (syntax), and by what the viewpoint character
focuses on.
___________5. Mood is not the reader’s emotion, but the atmosphere (the vibe)
of a scene or story.
___________6. It’s what the reader reads or feels or notices.

B. Enumeration

a. What are the four (4) writing styles?

7. 9.
8. 10.

b. What are the three author’s purposes?

11. 13.

c. Give two (2) examples of a mood

14. 15.

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

A. Direction: Think of two favorite movies that you have watched already. Complete the
table by providing the needed details





Prepared by: Noted by:

English Teacher School Head

Reference: DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson
Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Educ. Program)


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