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FYI: V16, V17, V18, V19 and future volumes are high quality b/c Voxel gave

help with pictures/formatting and I also spent many hours editing/

translating, along with adding the footnotes. I didn’t spend as much time
on the older volumes b/c they will be of cially translated soon anyway
(although I am working on V15 currently).

***NOTE: Again, although I would say these are quite readable, please do not
expect too much from these translations even if they are now edited. I did not
bother with stuff like adding every little quotation mark/comma/tense or perfect
sentence structure that was wrong because I’m planning to wait for the fan TLs
anyway. Think of these as “ xed” MTLs made to hold us off until the real
translations are posted. Both the of cial and fan translations are better so
please continue to give them the utmost support. You will be missing out
by only reading mine. These are really good if you are impatient like me and
want to get the plot of the future volumes. This was just my own way of
desperately reading something until I can enjoy other translations to their best!

Also, as the of cial volumes come out, I will be deleting these les so as
not to upset anybody (for example, I deleted my volume 12 stuff after the
fan translators/yenpress posted their volume 12).

***Dec 2021 UPDATE: Yes, V13 is worse than the others. Trust me, I’ve been
made well aware of that, lol. Those older volumes in general are lower quality
because I knew that they would be TL’d sooner. I have gone back and redone
V16 to the same quality as the newer ones, and have already started doing the
same with V15, so those others should are done more of cially in the future. I do
NOT plan on doing V13 b/c that one is the next to come out of cially

Also, anyone reading V12-V17 on be warned. They are my MTLs

just copy/pasted without my knowing. Feel free to read them there, but they might
be lower quality because any updates I make won’t be transferred over.

Please enjoy the MTLs! They will be removed once the of cial versions come out
so as not to interfere with of cial translations.

-Miss charVANder

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