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666 receptors to reduce renal phosphate reabsorption. Treatment involves that causes increased O2 affinity; Chap.

uses increased O2 affinity; Chap. 59) have the paraneoplastic

removal of the tumor, if possible, and supplementation with phosphate syndrome.
and vitamin D. Octreotide treatment reduces phosphate wasting in
some patients with tumors that express somatostatin receptor subtype 2.
Octreotide scans may also be useful in detecting these tumors. TREATMENT
Newborns with hepatic hemangiomas can develop a rare form of Successful resection of the cancer usually resolves the erythrocy-
hypothyroidism caused by overexpression of type 3 deiodinase (D3), tosis. If the tumor cannot be resected or treated effectively with
an enzyme that degrades and inactivates T4 and T3. The very high radiation therapy or chemotherapy, phlebotomy may control any
expression of D3, and consumption of thyroid hormones, apparently symptoms related to erythrocytosis.
outstrips the thyroid gland’s rate of hormone production. The disorder
is characterized by low T4, low T3, high TSH, and markedly elevated
reverse T3 (rT3), reflecting the degradation of T4 to rT3. In addition ■■GRANULOCYTOSIS
to treating the underlying hemangioma (rarely other tumor types), Approximately 30% of patients with solid tumors have granulocy-
patients are treated with l-thyroxine replacement, titrated to normal- tosis (granulocyte count >8000/μL). In about half of patients with
ize TSH. Steroids and propranolol may provide benefit, perhaps by granulocytosis and cancer, the granulocytosis has an identifiable
inhibiting growth factor pathways thought to stimulate D3 production. nonparaneoplastic etiology (infection, tumor necrosis, glucocorticoid
administration, etc.). The other patients have proteins in urine and
serum that stimulate the growth of bone marrow cells. Tumors and
HEMATOLOGIC SYNDROMES tumor cell lines from patients with lung, ovarian, and bladder cancers
The elevation of granulocyte, platelet, and eosinophil counts in most
have been documented to produce granulocyte colony-stimulating
patients with myeloproliferative disorders is caused by the prolifer-
factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
ation of the myeloid elements due to the underlying disease rather
(GM-CSF), and/or interleukin 6 (IL-6). However, the etiology of gran-

than to a paraneoplastic syndrome. The paraneoplastic hematologic

ulocytosis has not been characterized in most patients.
syndromes in patients with solid tumors are less well characterized
Patients with granulocytosis are nearly all asymptomatic, and the
than are the endocrine syndromes because the ectopic hormone(s) or
differential white blood cell count does not have a shift to immature
cytokines responsible have not been identified in most of these tumors
forms of neutrophils. Granulocytosis occurs in 40% of patients with
(Table 89-2). The extent of the paraneoplastic syndromes parallels the
lung and gastrointestinal cancers, 20% of patients with breast cancer,
Oncology and Hematology

course of the cancer.

30% of patients with brain tumors and ovarian cancers, 20% of patients
■■ERYTHROCYTOSIS with Hodgkin’s disease, and 10% of patients with renal cell carcinoma.
Ectopic production of erythropoietin by cancer cells causes most para- Patients with advanced-stage disease are more likely to have granulo-
neoplastic erythrocytosis. The ectopically produced erythropoietin cytosis than are those with early-stage disease.
stimulates the production of red blood cells (RBCs) in the bone marrow Paraneoplastic granulocytosis does not require treatment. The gran-
and raises the hematocrit. Other lymphokines and hormones produced ulocytosis resolves when the underlying cancer is treated.
by cancer cells may stimulate erythropoietin release but have not been ■■THROMBOCYTOSIS
proved to cause erythrocytosis. Some 35% of patients with thrombocytosis (platelet count >400,000/μL)
Most patients with erythrocytosis have an elevated hematocrit have an underlying diagnosis of cancer. IL-6, a candidate molecule for
(>52% in men, >48% in women) that is detected on a routine blood the etiology of paraneoplastic thrombocytosis, stimulates the produc-
count. Approximately 3% of patients with renal cell cancer, 10% of tion of platelets in vitro and in vivo. Some patients with cancer and
patients with hepatoma, and 15% of patients with cerebellar heman- thrombocytosis have elevated levels of IL-6 in plasma. Another can-
gioblastomas have erythrocytosis. In most cases, the erythrocytosis is didate molecule is thrombopoietin, a peptide hormone that stimulates
asymptomatic. megakaryocyte proliferation and platelet production. The etiology of
Patients with erythrocytosis due to a renal cell cancer, hepatoma, or thrombocytosis has not been established in most cases.
CNS cancer should have measurement of red cell mass. If the red cell Patients with thrombocytosis are nearly all asymptomatic. Throm-
mass is elevated, the serum erythropoietin level should be measured. bocytosis is not clearly linked to thrombosis in patients with cancer.
Patients with an appropriate cancer, elevated erythropoietin levels, Thrombocytosis is present in 40% of patients with lung and gastroin-
and no other explanation for erythrocytosis (e.g., hemoglobinopathy testinal cancers; 20% of patients with breast, endometrial, and ovarian
cancers; and 10% of patients with lymphoma. Patients with thrombocy-
tosis are more likely to have advanced-stage disease and have a poorer
TABLE 89-2  Paraneoplastic Hematologic Syndromes prognosis than do patients without thrombocytosis. In ovarian cancer,
CANCERS TYPICALLY IL-6 has been shown to directly promote tumor growth. Paraneoplastic
SYNDROME PROTEINS ASSOCIATED WITH SYNDROME thrombocytosis does not require treatment other than treatment of the
Erythrocytosis Erythropoietin Renal cancers, hepatocarcinoma, underlying tumor.
cerebellar hemangioblastomas
Granulocytosis G-CSF, GM-CSF, IL-6 Lung cancer, gastrointestinal ■■EOSINOPHILIA
cancer, ovarian cancer, Eosinophilia is present in ~1% of patients with cancer. Tumors and
genitourinary cancer, Hodgkin’s tumor cell lines from patients with lymphomas or leukemia may
produce IL-5, which stimulates eosinophil growth. Activation of IL-5
Thrombocytosis IL-6 Lung cancer, gastrointestinal
transcription in lymphomas and leukemias may involve translocation
cancer, breast cancer, ovarian
cancer, lymphoma of the long arm of chromosome 5, to which the genes for IL-5 and other
Eosinophilia IL-5 Lymphoma, leukemia, lung cancer
cytokines map.
Patients with eosinophilia are typically asymptomatic. Eosinophilia
Thrombophlebitis Unknown Lung cancer, pancreatic cancer,
gastrointestinal cancer, breast is present in 10% of patients with lymphoma, 3% of patients with lung
cancer, genitourinary cancer, cancer, and occasional patients with cervical, gastrointestinal, renal,
ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. Patients with markedly elevated eosinophil counts
lymphoma (>5000/μL) can develop shortness of breath and wheezing. A chest
Abbreviations: G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM-CSF, granulocyte- radiograph may reveal diffuse pulmonary infiltrates from eosinophil
macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IL, interleukin. infiltration and activation in the lungs.

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Patients with symptoms and signs suggesting a pulmonary embo- 667
lism should be evaluated with a chest radiograph, electrocardiogram,
Eosinophilia arterial blood gas analysis, and ventilation-perfusion scan. Patients
with mismatched segmental perfusion defects have a pulmonary
Definitive treatment is directed at the underlying malignancy: embolus. Patients with equivocal ventilation-perfusion findings should
Tumors should be resected or treated with radiation or chemo- be evaluated as described above for deep venous thrombosis in their
therapy. In most patients who develop shortness of breath related legs. If deep venous thrombosis is detected, they should be antico-
to eosinophilia, symptoms resolve with the use of oral or inhaled agulated. If deep venous thrombosis is not detected, they should be
glucocorticoids. IL-5 antagonists exist but have not been evaluated considered for a pulmonary angiogram.
in this clinical setting. Patients without a diagnosis of cancer who present with an initial
episode of thrombophlebitis or pulmonary embolus need no additional
tests for cancer other than a careful history and physical examina-
tion. In light of the many possible primary sites, diagnostic testing in
asymptomatic patients is wasteful. However, if the clot is refractory
Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are the most com-
to standard treatment or is in an unusual site or if the thrombophle-
mon thrombotic conditions in patients with cancer. Migratory or recur-
bitis is migratory or recurrent, efforts to find an underlying cancer are
rent thrombophlebitis may be the initial manifestation of cancer. Nearly
15% of patients who develop deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary
embolism have a diagnosis of cancer (Chap. 113). The coexistence of
peripheral venous thrombosis with visceral carcinoma, particularly TREATMENT
pancreatic cancer, is called Trousseau’s syndrome.
Thrombophlebitis and Deep Venous Thrombosis
Pathogenesis  Patients with cancer are predisposed to thromboem- Patients with cancer and a diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis or

bolism because they are often at bed rest or immobilized, and tumors
pulmonary embolism should be treated initially with IV unfraction-
may obstruct or slow blood flow. Postoperative deep venous throm-
ated heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin for at least 5 days,
bosis is twice as common in cancer patients who undergo surgery.
and warfarin should be started within 1 or 2 days. The warfarin
Chronic IV catheters also predispose to clotting. In addition, clotting
dose should be adjusted so that the international normalized ratio
may be promoted by release of procoagulants or cytokines from tumor
(INR) is 2–3. Patients with proximal deep venous thrombosis and
cells or associated inflammatory cells or by platelet adhesion or aggre-

Paraneoplastic Syndromes: Endocrinologic/Hematologic

a relative contraindication to heparin anticoagulation (hemorrhagic
gation. The specific molecules that promote thromboembolism have
brain metastases or pericardial effusion) should be considered for
not been identified.
placement of a filter in the inferior vena cava (Greenfield filter) to
Chemotherapeutic agents, particularly those associated with endo-
prevent pulmonary embolism. Warfarin should be administered for
thelial damage, can induce venous thrombosis. The annual risk of
3–6 months. An alternative approach is to use low-molecular-weight
venous thrombosis in patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy
heparin for 6 months. The new oral anticoagulants (factor Xa and
is about 11%, sixfold higher than the risk in the general population.
thrombin inhibitors) are attractive because they do not require close
Bleomycin, l-asparaginase, nitrogen mustard, thalidomide analogues,
monitoring of the prothrombin time and are not affected by dietary
cisplatin-based regimens, and high doses of busulfan and carmustine
factors. However, data on their use in patients with cancer are not
are all associated with an increased risk.
yet mature. Patients with cancer who undergo a major surgical pro-
In addition to cancer and its treatment causing secondary thrombo-
cedure should be considered for heparin prophylaxis or pneumatic
sis, primary thrombophilic diseases may be associated with cancer. For
boots. Breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and patients
example, the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome is associated with
with implanted catheters should be considered for prophylaxis.
a wide range of pathologic manifestations (Chap. 350). About 20% of
Guidelines recommend that hospitalized patients with cancer and
patients with this syndrome have cancers. Among patients with cancer
patients receiving a thalidomide analogue receive prophylaxis with
and antiphospholipid antibodies, 35–45% develop thrombosis.
low-molecular-weight heparin or low-dose aspirin. Use of prophy-
Clinical Manifestations  Patients with cancer who develop laxis routinely during chemotherapy is controversial and not recom-
deep venous thrombosis usually develop swelling or pain in the leg, mended by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
and physical examination reveals tenderness, warmth, and redness. MISCELLANEOUS REMOTE EFFECTS OF CANCER
Patients who present with pulmonary embolism develop dyspnea, Patients with cancer can develop paraneoplastic autoimmune disor-
chest pain, and syncope, and physical examination shows tachycardia, ders (e.g., thrombocytopenia) and dysfunction of organs not directly
cyanosis, and hypotension. Some 5% of patients with no history of invaded or involved with the cancer (rheumatologic and renal
cancer who have a diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary abnormalities are among the most frequent). The pathogenesis of
embolism will have a diagnosis of cancer within 1 year. The most com- these disorders is undefined, but often the conditions reverse if the
mon cancers associated with thromboembolic episodes include lung, tumor is removed or successfully treated.
pancreatic, gastrointestinal, breast, ovarian, and genitourinary cancers;
lymphomas; and brain tumors. Patients with cancer who undergo
surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia have a 20–30% risk of Cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes are discussed in Chap. 54.
deep venous thrombosis. Neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes are discussed in Chap. 90.

Diagnosis  The diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis in patients ■■FURTHER READING

with cancer is made by impedance plethysmography or bilateral Chong WH et al: Tumor-induced osteomalacia. Endocr Relat Cancer
compression ultrasonography of the leg veins. Patients with a noncom- 18:R53, 2012.
pressible venous segment have deep venous thrombosis. If compres- De Groot JWB et al: Non-islet cell tumour-induced hypoglycaemia: A
sion ultrasonography is normal and there is a high clinical suspicion review of the literature including two new cases. Endocr Relat Cancer
for deep venous thrombosis, venography should be done to look for a 14:979, 2007.
luminal filling defect. Elevation of d-dimer is not as predictive of deep Ellison DH, Berl T: The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis.
venous thrombosis in patients with cancer as it is in patients without N Engl J Med 356:2064, 2007.
cancer; elevations are seen in people over age 65 years without concom- Isidori AM et al: The ectopic adrenocorticotropin syndrome: Clinical
itant evidence of thrombosis, probably as a consequence of increased features, diagnosis, management and long-term follow-up. J Clin
thrombin deposition and turnover in aging. Endocrinol Metab 91:371, 2006.

Harrisons_20e_Part4_p0435-p0858.indd 667 6/1/18 5:42 PM

Perhaps no other condition in clinical medicine has caused otherwise Alvarez-Larran A et al: Antiplatelet therapy versus observation in
astute physicians to intervene inappropriately more often than throm- low-risk essential thrombocythemia with CALR mutation. Haemato-
bocytosis, particularly if the platelet count is >1 × 106/μL. It is com- logica 101:926, 2016.
monly believed that a high platelet count causes thrombosis; however, Lamy T et al: Inapparent polycythemia vera: An unrecognized diagno-
no controlled clinical study has ever established this association, and sis. Am J Med 102:14, 1997.
in patients younger than age 60 years, the incidence of thrombosis was Marchioli R et al: Cardiovascular events and intensity of treatment in
not greater in patients with thrombocytosis than in age-matched con- polycythemia vera. N Engl J Med 368:22, 2013.
trols, and tobacco use appears to be the most important risk factor for Vannucchi AM et al: Ruxolitinib versus standard therapy for the treat-
thrombosis in ET patients. ment of polycythemia vera. N Engl J Med 372:426, 2015.
To the contrary, very high platelet counts are associated primarily Verstovsek S et al: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of ruxoli-
with hemorrhage due to acquired von Willebrand’s disease. This is not tinib for myelofibrosis. N Engl J Med 366:799, 2012.
meant to imply that an elevated platelet count cannot cause symptoms
in an ET patient, but rather that the focus should be on the patient, not
the platelet count. For example, some of the most dramatic neurologic
problems in ET are migraine-related and respond only to lowering of
the platelet count, whereas other symptoms such as erythromelalgia

100 Acute Myeloid Leukemia

respond simply to platelet cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitors such as aspirin
or ibuprofen, without a reduction in platelet number. Still others may
represent an interaction between an atherosclerotic vascular system
and a high platelet count, and others may have no relationship to the William Blum, Clara D. Bloomfield
platelet count whatsoever. Recognition that PV can present with throm-

CHAPTER 100 Acute Myeloid Leukemia

bocytosis alone as well as the discovery of previously unrecognized
causes of hypercoagulability (Chap. 113) make the older literature on
the complications of thrombocytosis unreliable.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a neoplasm characterized by infiltra-
tion of the blood, bone marrow, and other tissues by proliferative, clonal,
TREATMENT poorly differentiated cells of the hematopoietic system. These leukemias
comprise a spectrum of malignancies that, untreated, are uniformly fatal.
Essential Thrombocytosis In 2016, the estimated number of new AML cases in the United States
was 19,950, comprising ~1.2% of all cancer cases. AML is the most com-
Survival of ET patients is not different than the general population mon acute leukemia in older patients, with a median age at diagnosis of
regardless of their driver mutation. An elevated platelet count in 67 years. Long-term survival is infrequent; U.S. registry data report that
an asymptomatic patient without cardiovascular risk factors or only 27% of patients survive 5 years.
tobacco use requires no therapy. Indeed, before any therapy is initi-
ated in a patient with thrombocytosis, the cause of symptoms must ■■ETIOLOGY
be clearly identified as due to the elevated platelet count. When the Most cases of AML are idiopathic. Genetic predisposition, radiation,
platelet count rises above 1 × 106/μL, a substantial quantity of high- chemical/other occupational exposures, and drugs have been implicated
molecular-weight von Willebrand multimers are removed from in the development of AML, but AML cases with established etiology
the circulation and destroyed by the enlarged platelet mass, result- are relatively rare. No direct evidence suggests a viral etiology. Genome
ing in an acquired form of von Willebrand’s disease. This can be sequencing studies suggest that most cases of AML arise from a limited
identified by a reduction in ristocetin cofactor activity. In this sit- number of mutations that accumulate with advancing age. Indeed,
uation, aspirin could promote hemorrhage. Bleeding in this situa- genome sequencing is providing paradigm-shifting advances in our
tion is rarely spontaneous and usually responds to ε-aminocaproic understanding of leukemogenesis. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
acid, which can be given prophylactically before and after elective and other databases demonstrate that blood cells from up to 5–6% of
surgery. Plateletpheresis is at best a temporary and inefficient normal individuals aged >70 years contain potentially “premalignant”
remedy that is rarely required. Importantly, ET patients treated mutations that are associated with clonal expansion. The additional
with 32P or alkylating agents are at risk of developing acute leuke- insults that subsequently direct “premalignant” blood cells to leukemia
mia without any proof of benefit; combining either therapy with are quite heterogeneous and still poorly understood.
hydroxyurea increases this risk. If platelet reduction is deemed
necessary on the basis of symptoms refractory to salicylates Genetic Predisposition  Myeloid neoplasms typically occur spo-
alone, pegylated IFN-α, the quinazoline derivative, anagrelide, or radically in adults; inherited predisposition is rare. Yet, it is clear that
hydroxyurea can be used to reduce the platelet count, but none myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition represent an impor-
of these is uniformly effective or without significant side effects. tant and growing subset of disease. Germline mutations associated
Hydroxyurea and aspirin are more effective than anagrelide and with increased risk of developing a myeloid neoplasm include CEBPA,
aspirin for prevention of TIA because hydroxyurea is an NO DDX41, RUNX1, ANKRD26, ETV6, and GATA2 (Table 100-1). Likewise,
donor, but not more effective for the prevention of other types of myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition are a feature of sev-
arterial thrombosis and actually less effective for venous thrombo- eral well-described clinical syndromes, including bone marrow failure
sis. The risk of gastrointestinal bleeding is also higher when aspi- disorders (e.g., Fanconi anemia, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome,
rin is combined with anagrelide. Normalizing the platelet count Diamond-Blackfan anemia), and telomere biology disorders (e.g., dys-
does not prevent either arterial or venous thrombosis. Pegylated keratosis congenita). As new mutations and associations are added to a
interferon can produce a complete molecular remission in some rapidly growing list, it is increasingly clear that genetic predisposition
ET patients, but a role for it or ruxolitinib in ET management has plays a larger role than has been previously understood.
not yet been established. Several genetic syndromes with somatic cell chromosome aneu-
As more clinical experience is acquired, ET appears more benign ploidy, such as Down syndrome with trisomy 21, are associated with
than previously thought. Evolution to acute leukemia is more likely an increased incidence of AML. Down syndrome–associated AML
to be a consequence of therapy than of the disease itself. In manag- in young children (<4 years) is typically of the acute megakaryocytic
ing patients with thrombocytosis, the physician’s first obligation is subtype and is associated with mutation in the GATA1 gene. Such
to do no harm. patients have excellent clinical outcomes but require dose modification
of chemotherapy due to high treatment-related toxicities. Inherited

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740 TABLE 100-1  WHO 2016 Classification of Myeloid Neoplasms TABLE 100-2  WHO 2016 Classification of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
with Germline Predisposition and Related Neoplasms
CLASSIFICATIONa Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with recurrent genetic abnormalities
Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition without a preexisting   AML with t(8;21)(q22;q22); RUNX1-RUNX1T1
disorder or organ dysfunction   AML with inv(16)(p13.1q22) or t(16;16)(p13.1;q22); CBFB-MYH11
  Acute myeloid leukemia with germline CEBPA mutation Acute promyelocytic leukemia with PML-RARA
  Myeloid neoplasms with germline DDX41 mutationb   AML with t(9;11)(p21.3;q23.3); MLLT3-KMT2A
Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition and preexisting platelet   AML with t(6;9)(p23;q34.1); DEK-NUP214
disorders   AML with inv(3)(q21.3q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21.3;q26.2); GATA2, MECOM
  Myeloid neoplasms with germline RUNX1 mutationb   AML (megakaryoblastic) with t(1;22)(p13.3;q13.3); RBM15-MKL1
  Myeloid neoplasms with germline ANKRD26 mutationb   Provisional entity: AML with BCR-ABL1
  Myeloid neoplasms with germline ETV6 mutationb   AML with mutated NPM1
Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition and other organ dysfunction   AML with biallelic mutations of CEBPA
  Myeloid neoplasms with germline GATA2 mutation   Provisional entity: AML with mutated RUNX1
  Myeloid neoplasms associated with bone marrow failure syndromes AML with myelodysplasia-related changes
  Myeloid neoplasms associated with telomere biology disorders   Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms
  Myeloid neoplasms associated with Noonan syndrome AML, not otherwise specified (NOS)
  Myeloid neoplasms associated with Down syndromeb   AML with minimal differentiation
Recognition of familial myeloid neoplasms requires that physicians take a   AML without maturation
thorough patient and family history to assess for typical signs and symptoms
of known syndromes, including data on malignancies and previous bleeding   AML with maturation
episodes. Molecular genetic diagnostics is guided by a detailed patient and family   Acute myelomonocytic leukemia
history. Diagnostics should be performed in close collaboration with a genetic   Acute monoblastic/monocytic leukemia

counselor; patients with a suspected heritable myeloid neoplasm, who test

negative for known predisposition genes, should ideally be entered on a research   Pure erythroid leukemia
study to facilitate new syndrome discovery. bLymphoid neoplasms also reported.   Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia
Source: Adapted from Peterson L et al: Myeloid Neoplasms with Germline   Acute basophilic leukemia
Predisposition, in World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of
  Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis
Oncology and Hematology

Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, update to 4th ed. IARC, 2017.

Myeloid sarcoma
Myeloid proliferations related to Down syndrome
  Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM)
diseases with defective DNA repair (e.g., Fanconi anemia, Bloom syn-   Myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome
drome, and ataxia-telangiectasia) are also associated with AML. Each
syndrome is associated with unique clinical features and atypical toxic- Note: Marrow blast count of ≥20% is required, except for AML with the recurrent
genetic abnormalities t(15;17), t(8;21), inv(16), or t(16;16).
ities with chemotherapy, requiring expert care. Congenital neutropenia
Source: Adapted from Arber DA et al: Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with
(Kostmann syndrome), due to mutations in the genes encoding the recurrent genetic abnormalities, in World Health Organization Classification of
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor and neutrophil elastase, Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, update to 4th ed. IARC, 2017.
is another disorder that may evolve into AML.
Chemical, Radiation, and Other Exposures  Anticancer
drugs are the leading cause of therapy-associated AML. Alkylating changes is recognized based in part on morphology but also on a
agent–associated leukemias occur on average 4–6 years after exposure, medical history of an antecedent myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or
and affected individuals often have multilineage dysplasia and mono- myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm. These clinical features
somy/aberrations in chromosomes 5 and 7. Topoisomerase II inhibi- contribute to AML prognosis and have therefore been included in the
tor–associated leukemias occur 1–3 years after exposure, and affected WHO classification.
individuals often have AML with monocytic features and aberrations Genetic Findings  Subtypes of AML are recognized based on
involving chromosome 11q23. Exposure to ionizing radiation, benzene, the presence or absence of specific, recurrent cytogenetic, and/or
chloramphenicol, phenylbutazone, and other drugs can uncommonly genetic abnormalities. For example, the diagnosis of acute promyelo-
result in bone marrow failure that may evolve into AML. cytic leukemia (APL) is based on the presence of either the t(15;17)(q22;q12)
cytogenetic rearrangement or the PML-RARA fusion product of the
translocation. Similarly, core binding factor (CBF) AML is designated
The current categorization of AML uses the World Health Organiza-
based on the presence of t(8;21)(q22;q22), inv(16)(p13.1q22), or t(16;16)
tion (WHO) classification (Table 100-2), which defines biologically
(p13.1;q22) or the respective fusion products RUNX1-RUNX1T1 and
distinct groups based on cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities in
CBFB-MYH11. Each of these groups identifies patients with favorable
addition to clinical features and light microscope morphology. Mye-
clinical outcomes when appropriately treated.
loid neoplasms with germline predisposition, as introduced above,
Several cytogenetic or genetic AML subtypes often associate with a
are included as a new and important feature of this classification
specific morphologic appearance, such as a complex karyotype and AML
(Table 100-1). The WHO classification enables the identification of
with myelodysplasia-related changes. Patients with such changes typ-
subsets of disease that may now (or in the future) be treated differently
ically fare poorly with standard treatments. However, only one cyto-
and advances the care of AML patients by enhancing recognition of
genetic abnormality is invariably associated with specific morphologic
the molecular basis of the disease from the time of diagnosis. Marrow
features: t(15;17)(q22;q12) with APL. Other cytogenetic and genetic
(or blood) blast count of ≥20% is required to establish the diagnosis of
findings may be commonly but not invariably associated with a mor-
AML, except for AML with the recurrent genetic abnormalities t(15;17),
phological description, highlighting the necessity of genetic and cyto-
t(8;21), inv(16), or t(16;16).
genetic testing beyond simple morphology to most accurately diagnose
Clinical Features  Even with advances in molecular biology, rec- AML. Several chromosomal abnormalities often associate primarily
ognizing clinical features remains important in understanding AML. with one morphologic/immunophenotypic group. Examples include
For example, therapy-related AML is a distinct entity that develops inv(16)(p13.1q22) with AML with abnormal bone marrow eosino-
following prior chemotherapy (e.g., alkylating agents, topoisomerase phils; t(8;21)(q22;q22) with slender Auer rods, expression of CD19,
II inhibitors) or ionizing radiation. AML with myelodysplasia-related and increased normal eosinophils; and t(9;11)(p22;q23), and other

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translocations involving 11q23, with monocytic features. Recurring TABLE 100-3  2017 European LeukemiaNet Risk Stratification by 741
chromosomal abnormalities in AML may also be loosely associated Genetics for Acute Myeloid Leukemiaa
with specific clinical characteristics. More commonly associated with RISK CATEGORYb GENETIC ABNORMALITY
younger age are t(8;21) and t(15;17), and with older age, del(5q) and Favorable t(8;21)(q22;q22); RUNX1-RUNX1T1
del(7q). Myeloid sarcomas are associated with t(8;21); disseminated
inv(16)(p13.1q22) or t(16;16)(p13.1;q22);
intravascular coagulation (DIC) is associated with t(15;17). 11q23 aber- CBFB-MYH11
rations and monocytic leukemia are associated with extramedullary Mutated NPM1 without FLT3-ITD or with FLT3-ITDlow(c)
sites of involvement at presentation, especially gingival hypertrophy.
Biallelic mutated CEBPA
The WHO classification also incorporates molecular abnormalities
Intermediate Mutated NPM1 and FLT3-ITDhigh(c)
by recognizing fusion genes or specific genetic mutations with a role
in leukemogenesis. As a classic example, t(15;17) results in the fusion Wild type NPM1 without FLT3-ITD or with FLT3-ITDlow(c)
(w/o adverse-risk genetic lesions)
gene PML-RARA that encodes a chimeric protein, promyelocytic leu-
kemia (Pml)–retinoic acid receptor α (Rarα), which is formed by the t(9;11)(p21.3;q23.3); MLLT3-KMT2Ad
fusion of the retinoic acid receptor α (RARA) gene from chromosome Cytogenetic abnormalities not classified as favorable
or adverse
17 and the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) gene from chromosome 15.
The RARA gene encodes a member of the nuclear hormone receptor Adverse t(6;9)(p23;q34.1); DEK-NUP214
family of transcription factors. PML is important in many cellular t(v;11q23.3); KMT2A rearranged
processes, including cell growth control, apoptosis, and senescence; t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2); BCR-ABL1
its effects are mediated at least in part by nuclear bodies that store a inv(3)(q21.3q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21.3;q26.2); GATA2,
myriad of proteins/enzymes that are involved in these functions. The MECOM(EVI1)
PML-RARA fusion protein suppresses gene transcription and blocks –5 or del(5q); –7; –17/abn(17p)
differentiation beyond the promyelocyte stage. Pharmacologic concen- Complex karyotype,e monosomal karyotypef

CHAPTER 100 Acute Myeloid Leukemia

trations of the Rarα ligand, achieved with the drug all-trans-retinoic Wild type NPM1 and FLT3-ITDhigh(c)
acid (tretinoin, ATRA), relieve the block and promote hematopoietic Mutated RUNX1g
cell differentiation. However, the effects of ATRA are not primarily Mutated ASXL1g
from direct restoration of gene transactivation via RA signaling. Rather, Mutated TP53h
drug treatment induces degradation of the fusion protein. Mechanistic a
This table excludes acute promyelocytic leukemia. Frequencies, response rates,
work has demonstrated that the RARA fusion partner PML is far more and outcome measures should be reported by risk category, and, if sufficient
important in the pathobiology than was initially understood. PML- numbers are available, by specific genetic lesions indicated. bPrognostic impact of
RARA disturbs nuclear body assembly. This impairs many PML func- a marker is treatment-dependent and may change with new therapies. cLow, low
allelic ratio (<0.5); high, high allelic ratio (≥0.5); semiquantitative assessment
tions, culminating in enhanced self-renewal of leukemic cells. ATRA of FLT3-ITD allelic ratio (using DNA fragment analysis) is determined as ratio
and arsenic trioxide (ATO) both induce PML-RARA degradation (by of the area under the curve (AUC) “FLT3-ITD” divided by AUC “FLT3-wild type”;
different mechanisms), leading to reformation of PML nuclear bodies recent studies indicate that acute myeloid leukemia with NPM1 mutation and
(or enhanced nuclear body activity). Restored PML functions include FLT3-ITD low allelic ratio may also have a more favorable prognosis and patients
should not routinely be assigned to allogeneic hematopoietic-cell transplantation.
the activation of p53 which triggers senescence in leukemic cells. Clin- d
The presence of t(9;11)(p21.3;q23.3) takes precedence over rare, concurrent
ical therapy with ATRA and ATO has revolutionized the care of APL adverse-risk gene mutations. eThree or more unrelated chromosome abnormalities
patients (see “Treatment of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia” section). in the absence of one of the World Health Organization-designated recurring
translocations or inversions, i.e., t(8;21), inv(16) or t(16;16), t(9;11), t(v;11)
Similar examples of molecular subtypes included in the category (v;q23.3), t(6;9), inv(3) or t(3;3); AML with BCR-ABL1. fDefined by the presence
of AML with recurrent genetic abnormalities are those characterized of one single monosomy (excluding loss of X or Y) in association with at least
by the leukemogenic fusion genes RUNX1-RUNX1T1, CBFB-MYH11, one additional monosomy or structural chromosome abnormality (excluding core-
binding factor AML). gThese markers should not be used as an adverse prognostic
MLLT3-KMT2A, and DEK-NUP214, resulting, respectively, from t(8;21), marker if they co-occur with favorable-risk AML subtypes. hTP53 mutations are
inv(16) or t(16;16), t(9;11), and t(6;9)(p23;q34). significantly associated with AML with complex and monosomal karyotype.
The WHO classification of AML continues to expand as knowledge Source: Adapted from Döhner H et al: Diagnosis and management of acute
of specific genetic or cytogenetic aberrations grows. Several AML myeloid leukemia in adults: 2017 recommendations from an international expert
panel, on behalf of the European LeukemiaNet. Blood 129:424, 2017.
subtypes are defined by the presence of genetic mutations rather than
chromosomal aberrations including, for example, AML with mutated
nucleophosmin (nucleolar phosphoprotein B23, numatrin) (NPM1) and AML
with biallelic mutated CEBPA, respectively. Both entities are associated
The allelic ratio affects the prognostic impact of the FLT3-ITD mutation;
with more favorable clinical outcomes, though the NPM1 prognostic
patients with FLT3-ITD “low” allelic ratio (<0.5) fare better. Accord-
impact is affected by coexisting mutation in fms-related tyrosine kinase
ingly, mutated NPM1 without FLT3-ITD or with FLT3-ITDlow are both
3 (FLT3). Activating mutations of FLT3 are present in ~30% of adult viewed as favorable-risk by the European LeukemiaNet (ELN) risk
AML patients, primarily due to internal tandem duplications (ITD) in stratification schema (Table 100-3). Conversely, FLT3-ITDhigh is known
the juxtamembrane domain that have negative prognostic impact. In to have an adverse prognostic impact; patients with mutated NPM1
contrast, point mutations of the activating loop of the kinase (called and FLT3-ITD with an allelic ratio >0.5 are thus intermediate-risk by
tyrosine kinase domain [TKD] mutations) have uncertain prognostic ELN stratification. Involving a different tyrosine kinase, AML with
impact. Aberrant activation of the FLT3-encoded protein provides BCR-ABL1 fusion is a new WHO provisional entity, to recognize rare
increased proliferation and antiapoptotic signals to the myeloid pro- cases that may benefit from BCR-ABL TKI therapy (Table 100-2).
genitor cell. FLT3-ITD, the more common of the FLT3 mutations, occurs
preferentially in patients with cytogenetically normal AML (CN-AML). Immunophenotypic Findings  The immunophenotype of
The importance of identifying FLT3-ITD at diagnosis relates to the human leukemia cells can be studied by multiparameter flow cytome-
fact that is it useful not only as a prognosticator but also may predict try after the cells are labeled with monoclonal antibodies to cell-surface
response to specific treatment such as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI); antigens. This can be important in quickly distinguishing AML from
several TKI are currently in clinical investigation (e.g., midostaurin, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and for identifying some subtypes of
quizartinib, gilteritinib, crenolanib, sorafenib). The FLT3 allelic ratio (of AML. For example, AML with minimal differentiation, characterized
the number of mutated alleles to wild type alleles) provides informa- by immature morphology and no lineage-specific cytochemical reac-
tion beyond the mere presence or absence of the mutation. The ratio is tions, may be diagnosed by flow-cytometric demonstration of the
affected by several mutational scenarios such as one mutated gene and myeloid-specific antigens cluster designation (CD) 13 and/or 117.
one wild type gene, or one mutated gene with no (deleted) wild type Similarly, acute megakaryoblastic leukemia can often be diagnosed
gene, and the ratio of malignant to nonmalignant cells in the sample. only by expression of the platelet-specific antigens CD41 and/or CD61.

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742 Although flow cytometry is widely used, and in some cases essential TABLE 100-4  Molecular Prognostic Markers in AMLa
for the diagnosis of AML, it has only a supportive role in establishing
the different subtypes of AML through the WHO classification. Increas-
ingly, multiparameter flow cytometry is used for the measurement of Genes Included in the WHO Classification and ELN Reporting System
minimal residual disease (MRD) after remission is achieved. NPM1 mutations 5q35.1 Favorable
CEBPA mutations 19q13.1 Favorable
■■PROGNOSTIC FACTORS FLT3-ITD 13q12 Depends on allelic ratio
Several factors predict outcome of AML patients treated with che- and NPM1 mutational
motherapy; they should be used for risk stratification and treatment status
guidance. Genes Encoding Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
Chromosome findings at diagnosis currently provide the most KIT mutation 4q12 Adverse
important independent prognostic information. Several reports have FLT3-TKD 13q12 Unclear
categorized patients as having favorable, intermediate, or adverse Genes Encoding Transcription Factors
cytogenetic risk based on the presence of structural and/or numerical
RUNX1 mutations 21q22.12 Adverse
aberrations. Patients with t(15;17) have a very good prognosis (~85%
WT1 mutations 11p13 Adverse
cured), and those with t(8;21) and inv(16) have a good prognosis
(~55% cured), whereas those with no cytogenetic abnormality have Genes Encoding Epigenetic Modifiers
an intermediate outcome risk (~40% cured). Patients with a complex ASXL1 mutations 20q11.21 Adverse
karyotype, t(6;9), inv(3), or –7 have a very poor prognosis. Another DNMT3A mutations 2p23.3 Adverse
cytogenetic subgroup, the monosomal karyotype, has been suggested IDH mutations (IDH1 and 2q34 & 15q26.1 Adverse
to adversely impact the outcome of AML patients other than those IDH2)
with t(15;17), t(8;21), or inv(16) or t(16;16). The monosomal karyotype KMT2A-PTD 11q23 Adverse
subgroup is defined by the presence of at least two autosomal mono- TET2 mutations 4q24 Adverse

somies (loss of chromosomes other than Y or X) or a single autosomal Deregulated Genes

monosomy with additional structural abnormalities.
BAALC overexpression 8q22.3 Adverse
For patients lacking prognostic cytogenetic abnormalities, such as
those with CN-AML, testing for several mutated genes can help to ERG overexpression 21q22.3 Adverse
risk-stratify. In addition to the NPM1 mutation and/or FLT3-ITD as MN1 overexpression 22q12.1 Adverse
Oncology and Hematology

described above, biallelic CEBPA mutations have prognostic value. EVI1 overexpression 3q26.2 Adverse
Such mutations predict favorable outcome. Given the proven prognos- Deregulated MicroRNAs
tic importance of NPM1, CEBPA, and FLT3, molecular assessment of miR-155 overexpression 21q21.3 Adverse
these genes at diagnosis has been incorporated into AML management miR-3151 overexpression 8q22.3 Adverse
guidelines by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
miR-181a overexpression 1q32.1 and 9q33.3 Favorable
and the ELN. The same markers help to define genetic groups in the
ELN standardized reporting system, which is based on both cytoge-
This table excludes acute promyelocytic leukemia.
netic and molecular abnormalities and is used for comparing clinical Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; ELN, European LeukemiaNet; ITD,
internal tandem duplication; PTD, partial tandem duplication; TKD, tyrosine kinase
features/treatment response among subsets of patients reported across domain; WHO, World Health Organization.
different clinical studies (Table 100-3). These genetic groups should be
used for risk stratification and treatment guidance.
In addition to NPM1 and CEBPA mutations and FLT3-ITD, molec-
ular aberrations in other genes may be routinely used for prognos- the expression of proteins via degradation or translational inhibition of
tication in the future (Table 100-4). Among these mutated genes are their target coding RNAs, have also been associated with prognosis in
those encoding receptor tyrosine kinases (e.g., v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman AML. Overexpression of miR-155 and miR-3151 predicts unfavorable
4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog [KIT]), transcription factors outcome in CN-AML, whereas overexpression of miR-181a predicts
(i.e., RUNX1 and Wilms tumor 1 [WT1]), and epigenetic modifiers favorable outcome both in CN-AML and cytogenetically abnormal
(i.e., additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 1 [ASXL1], AML.
DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 3 alpha [DNMT3A], isocitrate Because prognostic molecular markers in AML are not mutually
dehydrogenase 1 [NADP+], soluble [IDH1], isocitrate dehydrogenase exclusive and often occur concurrently (>80% patients have at least
2 (NADP+), mitochondrial [IDH2], lysine (K)–specific methyltrans- two or more prognostic gene mutations), the likelihood that distinct
ferase 2A [KMT2A, also known as MLL], and tet methylcytosine marker combinations may be more informative than single markers is
dioxygenase 2 [TET2]). Although KIT mutations are almost exclusively increasingly clear.
present in CBF AML and impact adversely the outcome, the remaining Epigenetic changes (e.g., DNA methylation and/or post-translational
markers have been reported primarily in CN-AML. These gene muta- histone modification) and microRNAs are often involved in deregu-
tions have been shown to be associated with outcome in multivariable lation of genes involved in hematopoiesis, contribute to leukemo-
analyses independent of other prognostic factors. However, for some of genesis and may associate with the previously discussed prognostic
them, data remain unclear on the prognostic impact due to conflicting gene mutations. These changes have been shown to provide biologic
reports (e.g., TET2, IDH1, IDH2). Increasingly, novel drugs that inhibit/ insights into leukemogenic mechanisms and also independent prog-
modulate aberrant pathways activated by some of these genes (e.g., nostic information. Indeed, it is anticipated that with the enormous
IDH1, IDH2, KMT2A, among others) are being incorporated into clini- progress made in DNA and RNA sequencing technology, additional
cal trials to treat AML. genetic and epigenetic aberrations will soon be discovered, further
In addition to gene mutations, deregulation of the expression improving classification and risk-stratification in AML patients.
levels of coding genes and of short noncoding RNAs (microRNAs) In addition to cytogenetics and molecular aberrations, several other
also provide prognostic information (Table 100-4). Overexpression of factors are associated with outcome in AML. Age at diagnosis is one
genes such as brain and acute leukemia, cytoplasmic (BAALC), v-ets of the most important risk factors. Advancing age is associated with a
avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homologue (avian) (ERG), poor prognosis for two reasons: (1) its influence on the ability to survive
meningioma (disrupted in balanced translocation) 1 (MN1), and MDS1 induction therapy due to coexisting medical comorbidities, and (2) with
and EVI1 complex locus (MECOM, also known as EVI1) predict poor each successive decade of age, a greater proportion of patients have
outcome, especially in CN-AML. Similarly, deregulated expression lev- intrinsically more resistant disease. A prolonged symptomatic interval
els of microRNAs, naturally occurring noncoding RNAs that regulate with cytopenias preceding AML diagnosis, or a history of antecedent

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hematologic disorders including MDS or myeloproliferative neoplasms, Hematologic Findings  Anemia is usually present at diagnosis 743
is often found in older patients. Cytopenia is a clinical feature associated though it is not typically severe. The anemia is usually normocytic
with a lower complete remission (CR) rate and shorter survival time. normochromic. Decreased erythropoiesis in the setting of AML often
The CR rate is lower in patients who have had anemia, leukopenia, results in a reduced reticulocyte count, and red blood cell (RBC) sur-
and/or thrombocytopenia for >3 months before the diagnosis of AML, vival is decreased by accelerated destruction. Active blood loss may
when compared to those without such a history. Responsiveness to rarely contribute to the anemia.
chemotherapy declines as the duration of the antecedent disorder The median presenting leukocyte count is ~15,000/μL. Lower
increases. Likewise, AML developing after treatment with cytotoxic presenting leukocyte counts are more typical of older patients and
agents for other malignancies is usually difficult to treat successfully. those with antecedent hematologic disorders. Between 25 and 40% of
In addition, older patients less frequently harbor favorable cytogenetic patients have counts <5000/μL, and 20% have counts >100,000/μL.
abnormalities (i.e., t[8;21], inv[16], and t[16;16]) and more frequently Fewer than 5% have no detectable leukemic cells in the blood. In AML,
harbor adverse cytogenetic (e.g., complex and monosomal karyotypes) the cytoplasm often contains primary (nonspecific) granules, and the
and/or molecular (e.g., ASXL1, p53) abnormalities. nucleus shows fine, lacy chromatin with one or more nucleoli charac-
Other factors independently associated with worse outcome are a teristic of immature cells. Abnormal rod-shaped granules called Auer
poor performance status that influences ability to survive induction rods are not uniformly present, but when they are, AML is virtually
therapy and a high presenting leukocyte count that in some series is certain (Fig. 100-1).
an adverse prognostic factor for attaining a CR. Among patients with Platelet counts <100,000/μL are found at diagnosis in ~75% of
hyperleukocytosis (>100,000/μL), early central nervous system bleed- patients, and ~25% have counts <25,000/μL. Both morphologic and
ing and pulmonary leukostasis contribute to poor outcomes. functional platelet abnormalities can be observed, including large and
Following administration of therapy, achievement of CR is asso- bizarre shapes with abnormal granulation and inability of platelets to
ciated with better outcome and longer survival. CR is defined after aggregate or adhere normally to one another.
examination of both blood and bone marrow and essentially represents
Pretreatment Evaluation  Once the diagnosis of AML is sus-

CHAPTER 100 Acute Myeloid Leukemia

both eradication of detectable leukemia and restoration of normal
pected, thorough evaluation and initiation of appropriate therapy
hematopoiesis. The blood neutrophil count must be ≥1000/μL and the
should follow. In addition to clarifying the subtype of leukemia, initial
platelet count ≥100,000/μL. Hemoglobin concentration is not consid-
studies should evaluate the overall functional integrity of the major
ered in determining CR. Circulating blasts should be absent. Although
organ systems, including the cardiovascular, pulmonary, hepatic, and
rare blasts may be detected in the blood during marrow regeneration,
renal systems (Table 100-5). Factors that have prognostic significance,
they should disappear on successive studies. At CR, the bone marrow
either for achieving CR or for predicting CR duration, should also be
should contain <5% blasts, and Auer rods should be absent. Extramed-
assessed before initiating treatment, including cytogenetics and molec-
ullary leukemia should not be present.
ular markers. Leukemic cells should be obtained from all patients and
■■CLINICAL PRESENTATION cryopreserved for future investigational testing as well as potential
future use as new diagnostics and therapeutics become available. All
Symptoms  Patients with AML usually present with nonspecific patients should be evaluated for infection.
symptoms that begin gradually, or abruptly, and are the consequence Most patients are anemic and thrombocytopenic at presentation.
of anemia, leukocytosis, leukopenia/leukocyte dysfunction, or throm- Replacement of the appropriate blood components, if necessary, should
bocytopenia. Nearly half have symptoms for ≤3 months before the begin promptly. Because qualitative platelet dysfunction or the pres-
leukemia is diagnosed. ence of an infection may increase the likelihood of bleeding, evidence
Fatigue is a frequent first symptom among AML patients. Anorexia of hemorrhage justifies the immediate use of platelet transfusion, even
and weight loss are common. Fever with or without an identifiable if the platelet count is only moderately decreased.
infection is the initial symptom in ~10% of patients. Signs of abnormal About 50% of patients have a mild to moderate elevation of serum
hemostasis (bleeding, easy bruising) are common. Bone pain, lymph- uric acid at presentation. Only 10% have marked elevations, but renal
adenopathy, nonspecific cough, headache, or diaphoresis may also precipitation of uric acid and the nephropathy that may result is a seri-
occur. ous but uncommon complication. The initiation of chemotherapy may
Rarely, patients may present with symptoms from a myeloid sar- aggravate hyperuricemia, and patients are usually started immediately
coma (a tumor mass consisting of myeloid blasts occurring at anatomic on allopurinol and hydration at diagnosis. Rasburicase (recombinant
sites other than bone marrow). Sites involved are most commonly the uric oxidase) is also useful for treating uric acid nephropathy and often
skin, lymph node, gastrointestinal tract, soft tissue, and testis. This can normalize the serum uric acid level within hours with a single
rare presentation, often characterized by chromosome aberrations dose of treatment, although its expense suggests that limiting its use
(e.g., monosomy 7, trisomy 8, 11q23 rearrangement, inv[16], trisomy 4, to patients with severe hyperuricemia and/or kidney injury may be
t[8;21]), may precede or coincide with blood and/or marrow involve- prudent. The presence of high concentrations of lysozyme, a marker for
ment by AML. Patients who present with isolated myeloid sarcoma monocytic differentiation, may be etiologic in renal tubular dysfunc-
typically develop blood and/or marrow involvement quickly thereaf- tion for a minority of patients.
ter and cannot be cured with local therapy (radiation or surgery) alone.
Physical Findings  Fever, infection, and hemorrhage are often TREATMENT
found at the time of diagnosis; splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymph- Acute Myeloid Leukemia
adenopathy, and “bone pain” may also be present less commonly.
Hemorrhagic complications are most commonly and, classically, Treatment of the newly diagnosed patient with AML is usually
found in APL. APL patients often present with DIC-associated divided into two phases, induction and postremission management
minor hemorrhage but may have significant gastrointestinal bleeding, (consolidation) (Fig. 100-2). The initial goal is to induce CR. Once
intrapulmonary hemorrhage, or intracranial hemorrhage. Likewise, CR is obtained, further therapy must be given to prolong survival
thrombosis is another less frequent but well recognized clinical fea- and achieve cure. The initial induction treatment and subsequent
ture of DIC in APL. Bleeding associated with coagulopathy may also postremission therapy are chosen based on the patient’s age, overall
occur in monocytic AML and with extreme degrees of leukocytosis fitness, and cytogenetic/molecular risk. Intensive therapy with cyta-
or thrombocytopenia in other morphologic subtypes. Retinal hemor- rabine and anthracyclines in younger patients (<60 years) increases
rhages are detected in 15% of patients. Infiltration of the gingiva, skin, the cure rate of AML. In older patients, the benefit of intensive
soft tissues, or meninges with leukemic blasts at diagnosis is charac- therapy is controversial in all but favorable-risk patients; novel
teristic of the monocytic subtypes and those with 11q23 chromosomal approaches for selecting patients predicted to be responsive to treat-
abnormalities. ment and new therapies are being pursued.

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Oncology and Hematology

FIGURE 100-1  Morphology of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. A. Uniform population of primitive myeloblasts with immature chromatin, nucleoli in some cells,
and primary cytoplasmic granules. B. Leukemic myeloblast containing an Auer rod. C. Promyelocytic leukemia cells with prominent cytoplasmic primary granules.
D. Peroxidase stain shows dark blue color characteristic of peroxidase in granules in AML.

INDUCTION CHEMOTHERAPY All older patients should be considered for clinical trials, but in
particular older patients in the adverse-risk groups delineated
The most commonly used induction regimens (for patients other above should be offered investigational approaches when possi-
than those with APL) consist of combination chemotherapy with ble. Conventional therapy for older patients is similar to that for
cytarabine and an anthracycline (e.g., daunorubicin, idarubicin). younger: the 7 and 3 regimen with standard-dose cytarabine and
Cytarabine is a cell cycle S-phase–specific antimetabolite that idarubicin (12 mg/m2), or daunorubicin (60 mg/m2, or 90 mg/
becomes phosphorylated intracellularly to an active triphosphate m2 for those <65 years). For patients aged >65 years, high-dose
form that interferes with DNA synthesis. Anthracyclines are DNA daunorubicin (90 mg/m2) has increased toxicity and is not recom-
intercalators. Their primary mode of action is thought to be inhibi-
mended. Older patients and those with adverse-risk genetics may
tion of topoisomerase II, leading to DNA breaks.
receive lower intensity therapy with a hypomethylating agent
In adults, cytarabine used at standard dose (100–200 mg/m2) is
(decitabine or azacitidine), clofarabine, or preferably investiga-
administered as a continuous intravenous infusion for 7 days. With
tional therapy (Table 100-6).
cytarabine, anthracycline therapy generally consists of daunorubicin
With the 7 and 3 regimen, 60–80% of younger and 33–60%
(60–90 mg/m2) or idarubicin (12 mg/m2) intravenously on days
of older patients (among those who are candidates for intensive
1, 2, and 3 (the 7 and 3 regimen). Other agents can be added (e.g.,
therapy) with primary AML achieve CR. Of patients who do not
cladribine) when 60 mg/m2 of daunorubicin is used. With the 7 and
3 regimen, it is now clearly established that 45 mg/m2 dosing of achieve CR, most have drug-resistant leukemia, although induction
daunorubicin results in inferior outcomes; patients should receive death is more frequent with advancing age and medical comor-
higher doses as described. Patients failing remission after one induc- bidity. Patients with refractory disease after induction should be
tion are offered reinduction with the same (or slightly modified) considered for salvage treatments, preferentially on clinical trials,
therapy. before receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
In older patients (age ≥60–65 years), the outcome is generally (HCT) that is usually reserved for patients in or near CR. However,
poor due to a higher frequency of resistant disease and increased fit younger patients with primary refractory disease have ~15–20%
rate of treatment-related mortality. This is especially true in cure rates with allogeneic HCT (after myeloablative conditioning);
patients with prior hematologic disorders (MDS or myelopro- for this reason early consideration of future allogeneic HCT feasibil-
liferative neoplasms), therapy-related AML, or cytogenetic and ity (including HLA typing, donor search, etc.) should be part of the
genetic abnormalities that adversely impact on clinical outcome. initial induction approach for most AML patients.

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TABLE 100-5  Initial Diagnostic Evaluation and Management of in AML is selected for each individual patient based on age, fitness, 745
Adult Patients with AML and cytogenetic/molecular risk.
History The choice between consolidation with chemotherapy or trans-
plantation is complex and based on age, risk, and practical consid-
Increasing fatigue or decreased exercise tolerance (anemia)
erations. In younger patients receiving chemotherapy, postremission
Excess bleeding or bleeding from unusual sites (DIC, thrombocytopenia)
therapy with intermediate/high-dose cytarabine for two to four
Fevers or recurrent infections (neutropenia) cycles is standard practice. Higher doses of cytarabine during post
Headache, vision changes, nonfocal neurologic abnormalities (CNS leukemia remission therapy appear more effective than standard doses (as are
or bleed)
used in induction), at least for those who do not have adverse-risk
Early satiety (splenomegaly) genetics. Recent studies suggest that the long-standing practice of
Family history of AML (Fanconi, Bloom, or Kostmann syndromes or high-dose cytarabine (3 g/m2, every 12 h on days 1, 3, and 5) may
ataxia-telangiectasia) not improve survival over intermediate-dose cytarabine (IDAC,
History of cancer (exposure to alkylating agents, radiation, topoisomerase II 1-1.5 g/m2) for such patients. Thus, the ELN has recommended
IDAC at 1–1.5 g/m2, every 12 h, on days 1–3, as the optimal post-
Occupational exposures (radiation, benzene, petroleum products, paint, remission chemotherapy approach for favorable and intermedi-
smoking, pesticides)
ate-risk younger patients, for two to four cycles. While high-dose
Physical Examination cytarabine may not be necessary, it is important to note that younger
Performance status (prognostic factor) favorable-risk patients have worse outcomes when doses below
Ecchymosis and oozing from IV sites (DIC, possible acute promyelocytic 1g/m2 are used. In contrast to favorable-risk, intermediate- and
leukemia) adverse-risk patients should be considered for allogeneic HCT CR1
Fever and tachycardia (signs of infection) when feasible (see transplant discussion below). As older patients
Papilledema, retinal infiltrates, cranial nerve abnormalities (CNS leukemia) have increased toxicities with higher doses of cytarabine, ELN rec-

CHAPTER 100 Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Poor dentition, dental abscesses ommends relatively attenuated cytarabine doses (0.5–1g/m2, every
Gum hypertrophy (leukemic infiltration, most common in monocytic leukemia) 12 h, on days 1–3) in favorable-risk older patients. There is no clear
Skin infiltration or nodules (leukemia infiltration, most common in monocytic value for intensive postremission therapy in non–favorable-risk
leukemia) older patients; allogeneic HCT in CR1 (up to age 75 years) or inves-
Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly tigational therapy is recommended. Indeed, postremission therapy
Back pain, lower extremity weakness (spinal granulocytic sarcoma, most likely
is an appropriate setting for introduction of new agents in both older
in t[8;21] patients) and younger patients (Table 100-6).
Allogeneic HCT is the best relapse-prevention strategy currently
Laboratory and Radiologic Studies
available for AML. Allogeneic HCT is probably best understood as
CBC with manual differential cell count an opportunity for immunotherapy; residual leukemia cells poten-
Chemistry tests (electrolytes, creatinine, BUN, calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, tially elicit an immunologic response from donor immune cells, the
hepatic enzymes, bilirubin, LDH, amylase, lipase)
so-called graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect. The benefit of GVL in
Clotting studies (prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, relapse risk reduction, unfortunately, is offset somewhat by increased
morbidity and mortality from complications of allogeneic HCT
Viral serologies (CMV, HSV-1, varicella-zoster) including graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Given that relapsed
RBC type and screen AML is typically resistant to chemotherapy, allogeneic HCT in CR1 is
HLA typing for potential allogeneic HCT a favored strategy. It is recommended in patients age <75 years who
Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy (morphology, cytogenetics, flow cytometry, do not have favorable-risk disease and who have a human leukocyte
molecular studies for NPM1 and CEBPA mutations and FLT3-ITD) antigen (HLA)–matched donor (related or unrelated). We recom-
Cryopreservation of viable leukemia cells mend allogeneic HCT in CR1 for patients with intermediate-risk
Myocardial function (echocardiogram or MUGA scan) disease (Table 100-3). However, considerable debate exists regarding
PA and lateral chest radiograph whether allogeneic HCT in CR1 is a requirement for younger patients
Placement of central venous access device with intermediate-risk AML, as one large series from the Medical
Interventions for Specific Patients Research Council reported that such patients have similar outcomes
if transplanted only after relapse (and achievement of CR2), sparing
Dental evaluation (for those with poor dentition)
some the long-term morbidity of transplantation. That said, alloge-
Lumbar puncture (for those with symptoms of CNS involvement)
neic HCT is generally recommended as soon as possible after CR1
Screening spine MRI (for patients with back pain, lower extremity weakness, is achieved unless the patient is in a favorable-risk group. Selected
adverse-risk patients without HLA-matched donors are considered
Social work referral for patient and family psychosocial support for alternative donor transplants (e.g., HLA-mismatched unrelated,
Counseling for All Patients haploidentical related, and umbilical cord blood) even in CR1.
Provide patients with information regarding their disease and genetic risks, Notably, more effective methods of in vivo T cell depletion (i.e., post-
sperm banking or menstrual suppression, financial counseling, and support transplant cyclophosphamide following haploidentical transplanta-
group contact tion) have broadened the availability of potential allogeneic HCT
Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CBC, donors. Now, virtually any patient with a healthy parent or child
complete blood count; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CNS, central nervous system; (i.e., haploidentical) has an available donor suitable for allogeneic
DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; HLA, human leukocyte antigen;
HCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; HSV, herpes simplex virus; IV,
HCT if desired. Long-term outcomes with conventional chemother-
intravenous; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; apy for older patients are dismal; transplantation for such patients
MUGA, multigated acquisition; PA, posteroanterior; RBC, red blood (cell) count. is expanding. For older patients, nonrandomized data demonstrate
benefit for older patients in CR1 treated with reduced-intensity con-
ditioning regimens and allogeneic HCT. Prospective data suggest
POSTREMISSION THERAPY that 40% of older patients in CR1 who are candidates for allogeneic
Induction of a durable first CR (CR1) is critical to long-term survival HCT may be cured.
in AML. However, without further therapy virtually all patients Trials comparing allogeneic HCT with intensive chemotherapy or
relapse. Thus, postremission therapy is designed to eradicate resid- autologous HCT have shown improved duration of remission with
ual (typically undetectable) leukemic cells to prevent relapse and allogeneic HCT. However, the relapse risk reduction that is observed
prolong survival. As for induction, the type of postremission therapy with allogeneic HCT is partially offset by the increase in fatal

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Diagnosis AML

Previously Refractory
untreated or relapsed

Favorable-risk Intermediate-risk Adverse-risk treatment

Patient with primary induction

failure and candidate for
Either option Either option Either option
myeloablative allogeneic HCT
acceptable acceptable acceptable
or CR2 achieved with salvage
treatment, and has suitable
donor available
Induction therapy: Induction therapy: Induction therapy:
Daunorubicin+ Daunorubicin+ Daunorubicin+
Cytarabine-based Investigational Cytarabine-based Investigational Cytarabine-based Investigational
regimen therapyb regimenb,c therapyc regimenb,c therapyc Yes:
If CR: If CR, If CR: If CR, If CR:
If CR, Consolidation
Investigational Consolidation therapy: Investigational Consolidation therapy: Investigational No:
therapyd Allogeneic HCT (preferred), therapyd Allogeneic HCT (alternative therapyd Investigational
or IDAC or autologous donor transplant if no HLA- therapy, autologous
HCT if age<60d matched donor available)d HCT considered
for favorable-risk
patients in CR2 with
prolonged CR1

duration (>12
Refractory (No CR) months)
or relapsed

FIGURE 100-2  Flowchart for the therapy of newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML). aRisk stratification according to the European LeukemiaNet (see
Table 100-3). bYounger patients (<60–65 years) should routinely be offered investigational therapy on a backbone of standard chemotherapy for induction and consolidation.
Oncology and Hematology

Older patients, especially those >65 years or with adverse-risk disease, or those who are unfit for intensive daunorubicin + cytarabine regimens, may be considered for
investigational therapy alone or in combination with lower intensity chemotherapy regimens (azacitidine, decitabine). dInvestigational therapy as maintenance should be
considered if available (after consolidation for younger patients and older patients with favorable-risk disease, and for all other older patients after induction).
  For all forms of AML except acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), standard induction therapy includes a regimen based on a 7-day continuous infusion of cytarabine
(100–200 mg/m2/d) and a 3-day course of daunorubicin (60–90 mg/m2/d) with or without additional drugs. Idarubicin (12 mg/m2/d) could be used in place of
daunorubicin (not shown). The value of postremission/consolidation therapy for older patients (>60 years) who do not have favorable-risk disease is uncertain.
Patients who achieve complete remission (CR) undergo postremission consolidation therapy, including sequential courses of intermediate-risk cytarabine, allogeneic
HCT, autologous HCT, or novel therapies, based on their predicted risk of relapse (i.e., risk-stratified therapy). Patients with APL (see text for treatment) usually receive
tretinoin and arsenic trioxide–based regimens with or without anthracycline-based chemotherapy and possibly maintenance with tretinoin. HCT, hematopoietic cell
transplantation; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; IDAC, intermediate dose cytarabine.

treatment-related toxicity (GVHD, organ toxicity). Despite this, there On April 28, 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
is no debate that patients with adverse-risk AML have improved approved midostaurin (RYDAPT, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.)
long-term survival with early allogeneic HCT. Alternatively, high- for the treatment of adult patients with newly diagnosed AML who
dose chemotherapy with autologous HCT rescue is another post- are FLT3 mutation-positive (either ITD or TKD+), in combination
remission approach in non-adverse risk subsets. Autologous HCT with standard cytarabine and daunorubicin induction and cytara-
patients receive their own stem cells (collected during remission bine consolidation. Allogeneic transplantation in CR1 is still recom-
and cryopreserved), following administration of myeloablative che- mended for these patients.
motherapy. The toxicity is relatively low with autologous HCT (5% For patients in morphologic CR, measurement of MRD remains
mortality rate), but the relapse rate is higher than with allogeneic a very important and challenging research area. Cytogenetics are a
HCT, due to the absence of the GVL effect. Favorable and interme- mainstay of disease assessment, and persistence of abnormal karyo-
diate-risk patients may benefit from autologous HCT more so than type (in spite of morphologic CR) is clearly associated with poor clin-
adverse-risk patients. Practically speaking, however, autologous ical outcomes. Immunophenotyping to detect minute populations of
HCT in AML patients is less frequently employed currently due to blasts or sensitive molecular assays (e.g., reverse transcriptase poly-
enhanced relapse risk reduction seen with allogeneic HCT and the merase chain reaction [RT-PCR]) to detect AML-associated molec-
growing use of HLA mismatched donors (in novel transplantation ular abnormalities (e.g., NPM1 mutation, the CBF AML RUNX1/
approaches). RUNX1T1 and CBFB/MYH11 transcripts, the APL PML/RARA
Prognostic factors help to select the appropriate postremission transcript) can be performed to assess whether MRD is present at
therapy in patients in CR1. Our approach includes allogeneic HCT sequential time points during or after treatment. Whether emerg-
in first CR for patients without favorable cytogenetics or geno- ing next-generation sequencing or serial quantitative assessment
type (e.g., patients who do not have CEBPA biallelic mutations or using flow or RT-PCR, performed during remission, can effectively
NPM1 mutations without FLT3-ITD/with FLT3-ITDlow). Patients direct successful subsequent therapy and improve clinical outcome
with adverse-risk disease should proceed to allogeneic HCT at CR1 remains to be determined. Currently, no consensus exists for the
if possible. The decision for allogeneic HCT for younger intermedi- optimal MRD measurement technique, or its application. Data
ate-risk patients is complex and individualized as described above; suggest that MRD measurement can in some settings be a reliable
we recommend it when an HLA-matched donor is available. Subsets discriminator between patients who will continue in CR or relapse,
of patients may benefit from targeted therapy given during remis- but whether subsequent therapy (i.e., allogeneic HCT or additional
sion; emerging data demonstrate survival benefit from incorpora- chemotherapy) can effectively eradicate disease in such patients is
tion of the FLT3 inhibitor midostaurin, for example, into induction not yet clear. In the subset of patients with APL, serial RT-PCR (for
and postremission therapies for patients with FLT3 mutated AML. the PML/RARA transcript) is a very useful and reliable tool to detect

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TABLE 100-6  Novel Therapies in Clinical Development in Acute transfusion-associated GVHD. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)–negative 747
Myeloid Leukemia blood products should be used for CMV-seronegative patients who
Protein kinase •  FLT3 inhibitors (midostaurin, quizartinib, are potential candidates for allogeneic HCT; fortunately white blood
inhibitors gilteritinib, crenolanib, sorafenib) cell filtration is quite effective at reducing CMV exposure as well.
•  KIT inhibitors Neutropenia (neutrophils <500/μL or <1000/μL and predicted
•  PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors to decline to <500/μL over the next 48 h) can be part of the initial
•  Aurora and polo-like kinase inhibitors, CDK4/6 presentation and/or a side effect of the chemotherapy treatment
inhibitors, CHK1, WEE1, and MPS1 inhibitors in AML patients. Thus, infectious complications remain the major
•  SRC and HCK inhibitors cause of morbidity and death during induction and postremission
•  Syk inhibitors chemotherapy for AML. Antibacterial (i.e., quinolones) and antifun-
Epigenetic modulators •  New DNA methyltransferase inhibitors (SGI-110)
gal (i.e., posaconazole) prophylaxis, especially in conjunction with
regimens that cause mucositis, is beneficial. For patients who are
•  Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors
herpes simplex virus or varicella-zoster seropositive, antiviral pro-
•  IDH1 and IDH2 inhibitors
phylaxis should be initiated (e.g., acyclovir, valacyclovir).
•  DOT1L inhibitors Fever develops in most patients with AML, but infections are doc-
•  BET-bromodomain inhibitors umented in only half of febrile patients. Early initiation of empirical
Chemotherapeutic •  CPX-351 (especially in secondary AML) broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal antibiotics has signifi-
agents •  Vosaroxin cantly reduced the number of patients dying of infectious complica-
•  Nucleoside analogues tions (Chap. 70). An antibiotic regimen adequate to treat gram-negative
Mitochondrial •  Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Mcl-1 inhibitors organisms should be instituted at the onset of fever in a neutropenic
inhibitors •  Caseinolytic protease inhibitors patient after clinical evaluation, including a detailed physical exami-
Therapies targeting •  Fusion transcripts targeting nation with inspection of the indwelling catheter exit site and a

CHAPTER 100 Acute Myeloid Leukemia

oncogenic proteins •  EVI1 targeting perirectal examination (for perirectal abscess), as well as procurement
of cultures and radiographs aimed at documenting the source of
•  NPM1 targeting
fever. Specific antibiotic regimens should be based on institutional
•  Hedgehog inhibitors (glasdegib)
antibiotic sensitivity data obtained from where the patient is being
Antibodies and •  Monoclonal antibodies against CD33, CD44,
treated. Acceptable regimens for empiric antibiotic therapy include
immunotherapies CD47, CD123, CLEC12A
monotherapy with imipenem-cilastatin, meropenem, piperacillin/
•  Immunoconjugates (e.g., gemtuzumab ozogamicin,
tazobactam, or an extended-spectrum antipseudomonal cephalospo-
rin (cefepime or ceftazidime). The combination of an aminoglycoside
•  Bispecific T-cell engagers (BiTEs) and dual affinity
re-targeting molecules (DARTs) with an antipseudomonal penicillin (e.g., piperacillin) or an aminogly-
coside in combination with an extended-spectrum antipseudomonal
•  Chimeric antigen-receptor (CAR) T cells or
genetically engineered T-cell receptor (TCR) T cells cephalosporin should be considered in complicated or resistant cases.
•  Immune checkpoint inhibitors (PD-1/PD-L1, Aminoglycosides should be avoided, if possible, in patients with renal
CTLA-4) insufficiency. Empirical vancomycin should be added in neutropenic
•  Anti-KIR antibody (lirilumab) patients with catheter-related infections, blood cultures positive for
•  Vaccines (e.g., WT1)
gram-positive bacteria before final identification and susceptibility
testing, hypotension or shock, or known colonization with penicillin/
Therapies targeting •  CXCR4 and CXCL12 antagonists
AML environment cephalosporin-resistant pneumococci or methicillin-resistant Staphy-
•  Anti-angiogenic therapies
lococcus aureus. In special situations where decreased susceptibility to
Source: Adapted from Döhner H et al: Diagnosis and management of acute vancomycin, vancomycin-resistant organisms, or vancomycin toxicity
myeloid leukemia in adults: 2017 recommendations from an international expert
panel, on behalf of the European LeukemiaNet. Blood. 129:424, 2017.
is documented, other options including linezolid, daptomycin, and
quinupristin/dalfopristin need to be considered.
Caspofungin (or a similar echinocandin), voriconazole, isavuco-
nazonium, or liposomal amphotericin B should be considered for
early relapse and direct initiation of reinduction therapy prior to antifungal treatment if fever persists for 4–7 days following initi-
onset of overt relapse. ation of empiric antibiotic therapy. Amphotericin B has long been
used for antifungal therapy. Although liposomal formulations have
SUPPORTIVE CARE improved the toxicity profile of this agent, its use has been limited
Measures geared to supporting patients through several weeks of to situations with high risk of or documented mold infections.
neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are critical to successful AML Caspofungin has been approved for empiric antifungal treatment.
therapy. Patients with AML should be treated in centers expert in Voriconazole has also been shown to be equivalent in efficacy and
providing supportive care. Multilumen central venous catheters less toxic than amphotericin B; isavuconazonium may also be effec-
should be inserted as soon as newly diagnosed AML patients have tive with fewer drug-drug interactions. Antibacterial and antifungal
been stabilized. They should be used thereafter for administration of antibiotics should be continued until patients are no longer neutro-
intravenous medications/chemotherapy and transfusions, as well as penic, regardless of whether a specific source has been found for the
for blood drawing instead of venipuncture. fever. Unfortunately, this practice likely contributes to development
Adequate and prompt blood bank support is critical to ther- of resistance and increased incidence of nosocomial infections such
apy of AML. Platelet transfusions should be given as needed to as Clostridium difficile colitis, so great care should be taken preferably
maintain a platelet count ≥10,000/μL. The platelet count should in hospital-wide antibiotic surveillance and isolation strategies to
be kept at higher levels in febrile patients and during episodes of reduce these complications. Recombinant hematopoietic growth
active bleeding or DIC. Patients with poor posttransfusion platelet factors have a limited role in AML; myeloid growth factors may
count increments may benefit from administration of platelets from be useful in the postremission setting but are not recommended in
HLA-matched donors. RBC transfusions should be administered to induction or for “palliative” care for patients not in remission.
keep the hemoglobin level >70–80 g/L (7–8 g/dL) in the absence
of active bleeding, DIC, or congestive heart failure, which require TREATMENT FOR REFRACTORY OR RELAPSED AML
higher hemoglobin levels. Blood products leukodepleted by filtra- In patients who relapse after achieving CR, the length of first
tion should be used to avert or delay alloimmunization as well as CR is predictive of response to salvage chemotherapy treatment;
febrile reactions. Blood products may also be irradiated to prevent patients with longer first CR (>12 months) generally relapse with

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748 drug-sensitive disease and have a higher chance of attaining a CR, with long-term disease-free survival; its persistence or reemergence
even with the same chemotherapeutic agents used for first remis- invariably predicts relapse. Sequential monitoring of RT-PCR for
sion induction. Whether initial CR was achieved with one or two PML-RARA is now considered standard for postremission monitor-
courses of chemotherapy and the type of postremission therapy ing of APL, at least in high-risk patients.
may also predict achievement of second CR. Similar to patients Patients in molecular, cytogenetic, or clinical relapse should be
with refractory disease, patients with relapsed disease are rarely salvaged with ATO with or without ATRA; in patients who were
cured by salvage chemotherapy treatments. Therefore, patients who treated with ATRA plus chemotherapy in the frontline setting, ATO-
eventually achieve a second CR and are eligible for allogeneic HCT based therapy at relapse produces meaningful responses in up to
should be transplanted. However, there is no consensus on optimal 85% of patients. Though experience with relapsed APL in patients
treatment for patients who relapse after allogeneic HCT; outcomes who received ATO during initial induction is limited (given that
in this setting are very poor. few relapses occur in low-risk patients, and widespread use of ATO
Because achievement of a second CR with routine salvage ther- during first-line therapy is relatively new), ATO remains the pre-
apies is relatively uncommon, especially in patients who relapse ferred reinduction therapy for patients who relapse. Achievement of
rapidly after achievement of first CR (<12 months), these patients and CR2 should be followed by consolidation with autologous HCT (for
those lacking HLA-compatible donors or who are not candidates for patients who achieve RT-PCR negative status). In the minority who
allogeneic HCT should be considered for innovative approaches on do not achieve negative RT-PCR or who relapse again, allogeneic
clinical trials. Many new agents are in current testing (Table 100-6). HCT may still be potentially curative.
The discovery of novel gene mutations and mechanisms of leuke-
mogenesis that might represent actionable therapeutic targets has ■■FURTHER READING
prompted the development of many new targeting agents. In addi- Ablain J et al: Activation of a promyelocytic leukemia–tumor
tion to kinase inhibitors for FLT3-mutated AML, other compounds protein 53 axis underlies acute promyelocytic leukemia cure. Nature
targeting the aberrant activity of mutant proteins (e.g., IDH1/2 Medicine 20: 167, 2014.
inhibitors) and numerous other biologic mechanisms are being tested Arber DA et al: Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with recurrent

in clinical trials. Furthermore, approaches with antibodies targeting genetic abnormalities, in World Health Organization Classification of
markers commonly expressed on leukemia blasts (e.g., CD33) or leu- Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, update to 4th ed. In
kemia-initiating cells (e.g., CD123) are also under investigation. Once Press.
these compounds have demonstrated safety and activity as single Burnett AK et al: Arsenic trioxide and all-trans retinoic acid treat-
agents, investigation of combinations with other molecular targeting ment for acute promyelocytic leukaemia in all risk groups (AML17):
Oncology and Hematology

compounds and/or chemotherapy should be pursued. Results of a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol
16:1295, 2015.
Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network: Genomic and epige-
APL is a highly curable AML subtype, and ~85% of these patients nomic landscapes of adult de novo acute myeloid leukemia. N Engl
achieve long-term survival with current approaches. APL has long J Med 368:2059, 2003.
been shown to be responsive to cytarabine and daunorubicin, but in Döhner H et al: Diagnosis and management of acute myeloid leuke-
the past patients who were treated with these drugs alone frequently mia in adults: 2017 recommendations from an international expert
died from DIC induced by the release of granule components by panel, on behalf of the European LeukemiaNet. Blood. 129:424, 2017.
the chemotherapy-treated leukemia cells. However, the prognosis Döhner H et al: Review article: Acute myeloid leukemia. N Engl J Med
of APL patients has changed dramatically with the introduction of 373:1136, 2015.
tretinoin (ATRA), an oral drug that induces the differentiation of Fernandez HF et al: Anthracycline dose intensification in acute mye-
leukemic cells bearing the t(15;17), where disruption of the RARA loid leukemia. N Engl J Med 361:1249, 2009.
gene encoding a retinoid acid receptor occurs. ATRA decreases the Lo-Coco F et al: Retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide for acute promyelo-
frequency of DIC but often produces another complication called the cytic leukemia. N Engl J Med 369:111, 2013.
APL (differentiation) syndrome. Occurring within the first 3 weeks Löwenberg B et al: Cytarabine dose for acute myeloid leukemia. N
of treatment, it is characterized by fever, fluid retention, dyspnea, Engl J Med 364:1027, 2011.
chest pain, pulmonary infiltrates, pleural and pericardial effusions, Papaemmanuil E et al: Genomic classification and prognosis in acute
and hypoxemia. The syndrome is related to adhesion of differen- myeloid leukemia. N Engl J Med 374:2209, 2016.
tiated neoplastic cells to the pulmonary vasculature endothelium. Peterson L et al: Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition, in
Glucocorticoids, chemotherapy, and/or supportive measures can World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic
be effective for management of the APL syndrome. Temporary dis- and Lymphoid Tissues, update to 4th ed. In Press.
continuation of ATRA is necessary in cases of severe APL syndrome
(i.e., patients developing renal failure or requiring admission to the
intensive care unit due to respiratory distress). The mortality rate
of this syndrome is ~10%. APL syndrome may also occur, less com-
monly, with ATO in APL.

101 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

In low-risk APL (low leukocyte count at presentation), ATRA
(45 mg/m2/d) plus ATO (0.15 mg/kg/d) was recently compared to
ATRA plus concurrent idarubicin chemotherapy. ATRA/ATO was
superior and is the new standard of care for such patients. CR rates Hagop Kantarjian, Jorge Cortes
in low-risk disease approach 100%, with excellent long-term sur-
vival. Notably, patients with high-risk APL (high leukocyte count)
must be uniquely treated, as they require immediate cytoreduction Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal hematopoietic stem cell
with chemotherapy due to life-threatening APL syndrome often disorder. The disease is driven by the BCR-ABL1 chimeric gene prod-
with rapidly rising leukocyte count after initiation of ATRA. High- uct, that codes for a constitutively active tyrosine kinase, resulting
risk patients are at increased risk for induction death due to this syn- from a reciprocal balanced translocation between the long arms of
drome as well as increased frequency of hemorrhagic complications chromosomes 9 and 22, t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2), known as the Philadel-
(related to DIC). phia chromosome (Ph) (Fig. 101-1). Untreated, the course of CML is
Assessment of residual disease by RT-PCR amplification of the typically biphasic or triphasic, with an early indolent or chronic phase,
t(15;17) chimeric gene product PML-RARA following the final cycle followed often by an accelerated phase and a terminal blastic phase.
of treatment is important. Disappearance of the signal is associated Before the era of selective BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs),

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9 5'

22 e1
Minor BCR
BCR e12
Major BCR e14

CHAPTER 101 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

ABL e19 5'
Micro BCR


Breakpoint 1a

a3 3'
e1a2 e13a2 e14a2 e19a2

Translocation (9;22)
p190BCR-ABL1 p210BCR-ABL1 p230BCR-ABL1
B 3'
FIGURE 101-1  A. The Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome cytogenetic abnormality. B. Breakpoints in the long arms of chromosome 9 (ABL locus) and chromosome 22
(BCR regions) result in at least three different BCR-ABL1 oncoprotein messages, p210BCR-ABL1 (most common message in chronic myeloid leukemia [CML]), p190BCR-ABL1
(present in two-thirds of patients with Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia; rare in CML), and p230BCR-ABL1 (rare in CML and associated with an indolent course). Other
rearrangements (e.g., b14a3) are less common. (© 2013 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.)

the median survival in CML was 3–7 years, and the 10-year survival Therefore, the prevalence of CML in the United States is expected to
rate was 30% or less. Introduced into standard CML therapy in 2000, continue to increase (approximately 100,000 in 2016). The worldwide
TKIs have revolutionized the treatment, natural history, and progno- prevalence will depend on the treatment penetration of TKIs and their
sis of CML. Today, the estimated 10-year survival rate with imatinib effect on reduction of worldwide annual mortality. Ideally, with full
mesylate, the first BCR-ABL1 TKI approved, is 85%. Allogeneic stem TKI treatment penetration, the worldwide prevalence should plateau
cell transplantation (SCT), a curative approach but one that involves at 35 times the incidence, or around 3–4 million patients.
more risks, is now more often offered as second- or third-line therapy
after failure of TKIs. ■■ETIOLOGY
There are no familial associations in CML. The risk of developing
■■INCIDENCE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY CML is not increased in monozygotic twins or in relatives of patients.
CML accounts for ∼15% of all cases of leukemia. There is a slight male No etiologic agents are incriminated, and no associations exist with
preponderance (male:female ratio 1.6:1). The median age at diagnosis is exposures to benzene or other toxins, fertilizers, insecticides, or viruses.
55–65 years. It is uncommon in children; only 3% of patients with CML CML is not a frequent secondary leukemia following therapy of other
are younger than 20 years although in recent years a higher proportion cancers with alkylating agents and/or radiation. Exposure to ionizing
of young patients seem to be diagnosed. CML incidence increases radiation (e.g., nuclear accidents, radiation treatment for ankylosing
slowly with age, with a steeper increase after the age of 40–50 years. spondylitis or cervical cancer) has increased the risk of CML, which
The annual incidence of CML is 1.5 cases per 100,000 individuals. In peaks at 5–10 years after exposure and is dose-related. The median
the United States this translates into about 8000 new cases per year. The time to development of CML among atomic bomb survivors was
incidence of CML has not changed over several decades. By extrapola- 6.3 years. Following the Chernobyl accident, the incidence of CML
tion, the worldwide annual incidence of CML is about 100,000–120,000 did not increase, suggesting that larger dose exposures of radiation
cases. With a median survival of 6 years before 2000, the disease prev- are required to cause CML. Because of adequate protection, the risk of
alence in the United States was 25,000–30,000 cases. With TKI therapy, CML is not increased in individuals working in the nuclear industry or
the annual mortality has been reduced from 10–20% to about 2%. among radiologists in recent times.

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750 ■■PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (FISH) and/or molecular studies (polymerase chain reaction [PCR])
The t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2) is present in >90% of classical CML cases. It detect BCR-ABL1. These patients have a course similar to Ph-positive
results from a balanced reciprocal translocation between the long CML and respond to TKI therapy. Many of the remaining patients have
arms of chromosomes 9 and 22. It is present in hematopoietic cells atypical morphologic or clinical features and belong to other diagnostic
(myeloid, erythroid, megakaryocytes, and monocytes; less often mature groups, such as atypical CML, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, and
B lymphocytes; rarely mature T lymphocytes, but not stromal cells), but myelodysplastic-myeloproliferative neoplasms (MDS-MPN). These
not in other cells in the human body. As a result of the translocation, individuals do not respond to TKI therapy and have a poor prognosis
DNA sequences from the cellular oncogene ABL1 are translocated next with a median survival of about 2–3 years. Detection of mutations in
to the major breakpoint cluster region (BCR) gene on chromosome the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor (CSF3R) in chronic
22, generating a hybrid oncogene, BCR-ABL1. This fusion gene typ- neutrophilic leukemia (90% of cases) and in some cases of atypical
ically encodes for a novel oncoprotein of molecular weight 210 kDa, CML, of mutations in SETBP1 in atypical CML (25% of cases), and of
referred to as p210BCR-ABL1 (Fig. 101-1B). This BCR-ABL1 oncoprotein mutations in SF3B1 in MDS-MPN with ringed sideroblasts and marked
exhibits constitutive kinase activity that leads to excessive proliferation thrombocytosis (MDS-MPD-RST; 50–70% of cases, associated with
and reduced apoptosis of CML cells, endowing them with a growth longer median survival of 7 years vs 3.3 years with wild-type SF3B1),
advantage over their normal counterparts. Over time, normal hemato- confirmed that they are distinct molecular and biologic entities.
poiesis is suppressed, but normal stem cells can persist and reemerge The events associated with the transition of CML from a chronic to
following effective therapy, for example with TKIs. In most instances accelerated-blastic phase are poorly understood. They are often asso-
of Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and in rare cases ciated with characteristic chromosomal abnormalities such as a double
of CML, the breakpoint in BCR is more centromeric, in a region called Ph, trisomy 8, isochromosome 17 or deletion of 17p (loss of TP53), 20q–,
the minor BCR region (mBCR). As a result, a shorter sequence of BCR and others. Molecular events associated with transformation include
is fused to ABL1, with a consequent smaller BCR-ABL1 oncoprotein, mutations in TP53, retinoblastoma 1 (RB1), myeloid transcriptions
p190BCR-ABL1. When occurring in Ph-positive CML, this translocation factors like RUNX1, and cell cycle regulators like p16. A plethora of
may predict for a worse outcome. A third rarer breakpoint in BCR other mutations or functional abnormalities have been implicated in

occurs telomeric to the major BCR region and is called micro-BCR blastic transformation, but no unifying theme has emerged other than
(μ-BCR). It juxtaposes a larger fragment of the BCR gene to ABL1 and the fact that BCR-ABL1 itself induces genetic instability that favors the
produces a larger p230BCR-ABL1 oncoprotein, which is associated with a acquisition of additional molecular events and eventually to blastic
more indolent CML course. Other rearrangements, such as b14a3, occur transformation. In this frame of thinking, one critical effect of TKIs is
much less frequently. their ability to stabilize the CML genome, leading to a much reduced
Oncology and Hematology

The constitutive activation of BCR-ABL1 results in autophosphoryla- transformation rate. In particular, the previously observed sudden
tion and activation of multiple downstream pathways that affect gene blastic transformations (i.e., abrupt transformation to blastic phase
transcription, apoptosis, stromal adherence, skeletal organization, and in a patient who had been in cytogenetic response) have become
degradation of inhibitory proteins. These transduction pathways may uncommon, occurring rarely in younger patients in the first 1–2 years
involve RAS, mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, signal transduc- of TKI therapy (usually sudden lymphoid blastic transformations).
ers and activators of transcription (STAT), phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase Sudden transformations beyond the third year of TKI therapy are rare
(PI3k), MYC, and others. These interactions are mostly mediated in patients who continue on TKI therapy. Moreover, initial experience
through tyrosine phosphorylation and require binding of BCR-ABL1 suggests that the course of CML has become significantly more indo-
to adapter proteins such as GRB-2, CRK, CRK-like (CRK-L) protein, lent, even without cytogenetic responses, in patients on TKI-based
and Src homology containing proteins (SHC). Most BCR-ABL1 TKIs therapy compared to previous experience with hydroxyurea/busulfan.
bind to the BCR-ABL1 ATP-binding domain, preventing the activation Among patients developing resistance to TKIs, several resistance
of transformation pathways and inhibiting downstream signaling. As mechanisms have been observed. The most clinically relevant one is
a result, proliferation of CML cells is inhibited and apoptosis induced, the development of different ABL1 kinase domain mutations that may
allowing the reemergence of normal hematopoiesis. A plethora of sig- prevent the binding of TKIs to the catalytic site (ATP-binding site) of
naling pathways have been implicated in BCR-ABL1-mediated cellular the kinase or maintain the kinase activity despite the presence of a TKI.
transformation. The emerging picture is a complex and redundant More than 100 BCR-ABL1 mutations have now been described, many
transformation network. An additional layer of complexity is related of which confer relative or absolute resistance to imatinib. This has
to differences in signal transduction between CML-differentiated resulted in the development of second-generation TKIs (i.e., dasatinib,
cells and early progenitors. Beta-catenin, Wnt1, Foxo3a, transforming nilotinib, bosutinib) and of a third-generation TKI (ponatinib) with sig-
growth factor β, interleukin-6, PP2A, SIRT1, and others have been nificant efficacy against T315I, a “gatekeeper” mutation that prevents
implicated in CML stem cell survival. binding of and causes resistance to all other TKIs.
Experimental models have established the causal relationship
between the BCR-ABL1 rearrangement and the development of CML.
The presenting signs and symptoms in CML depend on the availabil-
In animal models, expression of BCR-ABL1 in normal hematopoietic
ity of and access to health care, including physical examinations and
cells produced CML-like disorders or lymphoid leukemia, demon-
screening tests. In the United States, because of the wider access to
strating the leukemogenic potential of BCR-ABL1 as a single oncogenic
health care screening and physical examinations, 50–60% of patients
abnormality. Other models however suggest the need for a “second
are diagnosed on routine blood tests and have minimal symptoms at
presentation, such as fatigue. In geographic locations where access to
The cause of the BCR-ABL1 molecular rearrangement is unknown.
health care is more limited, patients often present with high CML bur-
Molecular techniques that detect BCR-ABL1 at a level of 1 in 108 iden-
den including splenomegaly, anemia, and related symptoms (abdomi-
tify this molecular abnormality in the blood of up to 25% of normal
nal pain, weight loss, fatigue), which translate into a higher frequency
adults and 5% of infants, but 0% of cord blood samples. This suggests
of high-risk CML. Presenting findings in patients diagnosed in the
that BCR-ABL1 is not sufficient to cause overt CML in the overwhelm-
United States are shown in Table 101-1.
ing majority of individuals in whom it occurs. Because CML develops
in only 1.5 of 100,000 individuals annually, it is evident that additional Symptoms  Most patients with CML (90%) present in the indolent or
molecular events or poor immune recognition of the rearranged cells chronic phase. Depending on the timing of diagnosis, patients are often
are needed to cause overt CML. asymptomatic (if the diagnosis is discovered during health care screen-
CML is defined by the presence of BCR-ABL1 fusion gene in a patient ing tests). Common symptoms, when present, are manifestations of
with a myeloproliferative neoplasm. In some patients with a typical anemia and splenomegaly. These may include fatigue, malaise, weight
morphologic picture of CML, the Ph chromosome is not detectable by loss (if high leukemia burden), or early satiety and left upper quadrant
standard G-banding karyotype, but fluorescence in situ hybridization pain or masses (from splenomegaly). Less common presenting findings

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TABLE 101-1  Presenting Signs and Symptoms of Newly Diagnosed 5% or less; when higher, they carry a worse prognosis or represent 751
Philadelphia Chromosome–Positive Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in transformation to accelerated phase (if they are ≥15%). Increased
Chronic Phase reticulin fibrosis (by Snook’s silver stain) is common, with 30–40% of
PARAMETER PERCENTAGE patients demonstrating grade 3–4 reticulin fibrosis. This was consid-
Age ≥60 years (median) 40–50 (55–65) ered adverse in the pre-TKI era. With TKI therapy, reticulin fibrosis
Female gender 35–45 resolves in most patients and is not an indicator of poor prognosis.
Splenomegaly 30
Collagen fibrosis (Wright-Giemsa stain) is rare at diagnosis. Disease
progression with a “spent phase” of myelofibrosis (myelophthisis, or
Hepatomegaly 5–10
burnt-out marrow) was common with busulfan therapy (20–30%) but
Lymphadenopathy 5
is rare with TKI therapy.
Other extramedullary disease 2
Hemoglobin <10 g/dL 10–15 Cytogenetic and Molecular Findings  The diagnosis of CML is
Platelets   straightforward and depends on documenting the t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2),
  >450 × 109 cells/L 30–35 which is identified by G-banding in 90% of cases. This is known as
  <100 × 109 cells/L 3–5 the Philadelphia chromosome (initially identified in Philadelphia as a
White blood cells ≥50 × 109 cells/L 35–40
minute chromosome), later identified to be chromosome 22 (Fig. 101-1).
Some patients may have complex translocations (variant Ph) involving
three or more chromosomes including chromosomes 9 and 22 and one
  ≥5% blasts 5
or more additional chromosomes. Others may have a “masked Ph,”
  ≥5% basophils 10–15 involving translocations between chromosome 9 and a chromosome
Peripheral blood   other than 22 (but molecularly showing the BCR-ABL1 rearrangement).
  ≥3% blasts 8–10 The prognosis of these patients and their response to TKI therapy are
  ≥7% basophils 10 similar to those in patients with Ph. About 5–10% of patients may have

CHAPTER 101 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Cytogenetic clonal evolution other than the 4–5 additional chromosomal abnormalities in the Ph-positive cells. These
Philadelphia chromosome usually involve trisomy 8, a double Ph, isochromosome 17 or 17p dele-
Sokal risk   tion, 20q–, or others. This is referred to as cytogenetic clonal evolution
 Low 60–65 and was historically a sign of adverse prognosis, particularly when
 Intermediate 25–30 trisomy 8, double Ph, or chromosome 17 abnormalities were noted. A
 High 10 less common abnormality involving chromosome 3q26.2 also carries a
poor prognosis.
Techniques such as FISH and PCR are now used to aid in the diag-
nosis of CML. They are more sensitive approaches to estimate the CML
include thrombotic or hyperviscosity-related events (from severe leu- burden in patients on TKI therapy. They can be done on peripheral
kocytosis or thrombocytosis). These include priapism, cardiovascular blood, and thus are more convenient to patients. Patients with CML
complications, myocardial infarction, venous thrombosis, visual dis- at diagnosis should have a FISH analysis to quantify the percentage of
turbances, dyspnea and pulmonary insufficiency, drowsiness, loss of Ph-positive cells, if FISH is used to replace marrow cytogenetic analysis
coordination, confusion, or cerebrovascular accidents. Manifestations in monitoring response to therapy. FISH will not detect additional chro-
of bleeding diatheses include retinal hemorrhages, gastrointestinal mosomal abnormalities (clonal evolution); thus, a cytogenetic analysis
bleeding, and others. Patients who present with, or progress to, the is usually recommended at the time of diagnosis. The BCR-ABL1 rear-
accelerated or blastic phases frequently have additional symptoms rangement is usually one of two variants: e13a2 (formerly b2a2) and
including unexplained fever, significant weight loss, severe fatigue, e14a2 (formerly b3a2). About 2–5% of patients may have other RNA
bone and joint pain, bleeding and thrombotic events, and infections. fusion types (e.g., e1a2, e13a3, or e14a3). In these patients, the routine
real-time PCR primers may not amplify the BCR-ABL1 transcripts, thus
Physical Findings  Splenomegaly is the most common physical
leading to false-negative results. Therefore, molecular studies at diag-
finding, occurring in 20–70% of patients depending on health care
nosis are important to document the type and presence of BCR-ABL1
screening frequency. Other less common findings include hepatomeg-
transcripts to avoid erroneously “undetectable” BCR-ABL1 transcripts
aly (5–10%), lymphadenopathy (5–10%), and extramedullary disease
on follow-up studies, with the false impression of a complete molecular
(skin or subcutaneous lesions). The latter indicates CML transfor-
response. The presence of the Philadelphia chromosome with “nega-
mation if a biopsy confirms predominance of blasts. Other physical
tive” PCR with standard methodology should prompt investigation of
findings are manifestations of complications of high tumor burden
atypical transcripts.
described earlier (e.g., cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, bleeding). High
Both FISH and PCR studies can be falsely positive at low levels or
basophil counts may be associated with histamine overproduction
falsely negative because of technical issues. Therefore, a diagnosis of
causing pruritus, diarrhea, flushing, and even gastrointestinal ulcers.
CML must always rely on a marrow analysis with routine cytogenetics.
Hematologic and Marrow Findings  In untreated CML, leuko- The diagnostic bone marrow confirms the presence of the Ph chromo-
cytosis ranging from 10–500 × 109/L is common. The peripheral blood some, detects clonal evolution, that is, chromosomal abnormalities in
differential shows left-shifted hematopoiesis with predominance of the Ph-positive cells (which may be prognostic), and also quantifies
neutrophils and the presence of bands, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, the percentage of marrow blasts and basophils. In 10% of patients, the
promyelocytes, and blasts (usually ≤5%). Basophils and/or eosinophils percentage of marrow blasts and basophils can be significantly higher
are frequently increased. Thrombocytosis is common, but thrombocy- than in the peripheral blood, conferring poorer prognosis or even
topenia is rare and, when present, suggests a worse prognosis, disease representing disease transformation.
acceleration, or an unrelated etiology. Anemia is present in one-third of Monitoring patients on TKI therapy by cytogenetics, FISH, and
patients. Cyclic oscillations of counts are noted in 10–20% of patients molecular studies has become an important standard practice to
without treatment. Biochemical abnormalities include a low leukocyte assess response to therapy, emphasize compliance, evaluate possi-
alkaline phosphatase score and high levels of vitamin B12, uric acid, ble treatment resistance, identify the need to change TKI therapy,
lactic dehydrogenase, and lysozyme. The presence of unexplained and and determine the need to assess for kinase domain mutations. It is
sustained leukocytosis, with or without splenomegaly, should lead to a thus important to recognize the comparability of these measures in
marrow examination and cytogenetic analysis. monitoring response. A partial cytogenetic response is defined as the
The bone marrow is hypercellular with marked myeloid hyperplasia presence of 35% or less Ph-positive metaphases by routine cytogenetic
and a high myeloid-to-erythroid ratio of 15–20:1. Marrow blasts are analysis. This is roughly equivalent to BCR-ABL1 transcripts by the

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752 International Scale (IS) of 10% or less. A complete cytogenetic response 1.0
refers to the absence of Ph-positive metaphases (0% Ph positivity). This 92%
is approximately equivalent to BCR-ABL1 transcripts (IS) of 1% or less. 83%
A major molecular response refers to BCR-ABL1 transcripts (IS) ≤0.1%, 0.8
or roughly a 3-log or greater reduction of BCR-ABL1 transcripts from a 68%

Survival probability
standardized basline. A molecular response MR4.5 refers to BCR-ABL1
transcripts (IS) ≤0.0032%, roughly equivalent to a 4.5-log reduction or 0.6
greater of transcripts.
Findings in CML Transformation  Progression of CML is usu- 0.4
ally associated with leukocytosis resistant to therapy, increasing anemia, Treatment era Total Died

fever and constitutional symptoms, and increased blasts and basophils

TKI 2001-today
(CML-related deaths) 445 17
TKI 2001–today
in the peripheral blood or marrow. Criteria of accelerated-phase CML, 0.2 (all deaths) 445 39
1996–2000 581 178
historically associated with median survival of <1.5 years, include the 1991–1995 367 220 8%
1983–1990 415 308
presence of 15% or more peripheral blasts, 30% or more peripheral ≤1982 227 220
blasts plus promyelocytes, 20% or more peripheral basophils, cyto- 0.0
genetic clonal evolution (presence of chromosomal abnormalities in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
addition to Ph), and thrombocytopenia <100 × 109/L (unrelated to ther- A Years
apy). About 5–10% of patients present with de novo accelerated phase CML Phase Referral Year Total Died Median (months)
or blastic phase. The prognosis of de novo accelerated phase with TKI 1.0 Accelerated 1980–2000 398 325 28
Accelerated 2001–2013 258 86 88
therapy has improved significantly, with an estimated 8-year survival Blastic 1980–2000 196 189 5
rate of 75%. The median survival of accelerated phase evolving from Blastic 2001–2013 175 133 7
chronic phase has also improved from a historical median survival of 0.8
p <0.001
18 months to an estimated 4-year survival rate of 70% on TKI therapy.

Survival probability

Therefore, the criteria for accelerated-phase CML should be revisited

because most clinical criteria defining accelerated phase have lost
much of their prognostic significance. Blastic-phase CML is defined
by the presence of 30% or more peripheral or marrow blasts or the 41%
Oncology and Hematology

presence of sheets of blasts in extramedullary disease (usually skin, soft

p <0.001
tissues, or lytic bone lesions). Blastic-phase CML is commonly mye-
loid (60%) but can present uncommonly as erythroid, promyelocytic, 19%
monocytic, or megakaryocytic. Lymphoid blastic phase occurs in about
25% of patients. Lymphoblasts are terminal deoxynucleotide transfer- p = 0.015 5% 2%
ase positive and peroxidase negative (although occasionally with low 0.0
positivity up to 3–5%) and express lymphoid markers (CD10, CD19, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CD20, CD22). However, they also often express myeloid markers B Years
(50–80%), resulting in diagnostic challenges. This is important because,
FIGURE 101-2  A. Survival in newly diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid
unlike other morphologic blastic phases, lymphoid blastic-phase CML leukemia (CML) by era of therapy (MD Anderson Cancer Center experience
is quite responsive to anti-ALL-type chemotherapy (e.g., hyper-CVAD from 1965 to present). Causes of non-CML deaths in 22 patients were other
[cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, and dexamethasone]) cancers (n = 7), postsurgical complications (n = 3), car accident (n = 2), suicide
in combination with TKIs (complete response rates 60–70%; median (n = 1), neurologic events (n = 3), cardiac (n = 3), pneumonia (n = 1), and unknown
survival 2–3 years). (n = 2). B. Survival in patients with accelerated- and blastic-phase CML referred
to MD Anderson Cancer Center by era of therapy, demonstrating the significant
survival benefit in the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) era in accelerated-phase CML
■■PROGNOSIS AND CML COURSE but the modest benefit in blastic-phase CML. Referred cases included de novo
Before the imatinib era, the annual mortality in CML was 10% in the first and post-chronic-phase transformations.
2 years and 15–20% thereafter. The median survival time in CML was 3–7
years (with hydroxyurea-busulfan and interferon α). Without a curative
option of allogeneic SCT, the course of CML was toward transforma- years 4–10 of follow-up on the original imatinib trials. Patients usually
tion to, and death from, accelerated or blastic phases for most patients develop resistance in the form of cytogenetic resistance or relapse, fol-
as the rate of complete cytogenetic response with interferon was low. lowed by hematologic relapse and subsequent transformation, rather
Even apparent disease stability was unpredictable, with some patients than the previously feared sudden transformations without the warning
demonstrating sudden transformation to a blastic phase. With imatinib signals of cytogenetic-hematologic relapse.
therapy, the annual mortality in CML has decreased to 2% in the first Before the imatinib era, several pretreatment prognostic factors
16 years of observation. More than half of the deaths are from factors predicted for worse outcome in CML and have been incorporated into
other than CML, such as aging-related comorbidities, accidents, sui- prognostic models and staging systems. These have included older
cides, other cancers, and other medical conditions (e.g., infections, sur- age, significant splenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia or thrombo-
gical procedures). The estimated 10-year survival rate is 85%, or 93% if cytosis, high percentages of blasts and basophils (and/or eosinophils),
only CML-related deaths are considered (Fig. 101-2). The course of CML marrow fibrosis, deletions in the long arm of chromosome 9, clonal
has also become quite predictable. In the first 2 years of TKI therapy, evolution, and others. Different risk models and staging systems,
rare sudden transformations are still reported (1–2%), usually lymphoid derived from multivariate analyses, were proposed to define different
blastic transformations that respond to combinations of chemotherapy risk groups. As with the introduction of cisplatin into testicular cancer
and TKIs followed by allogeneic SCT. These may be explained by the therapy, the introduction of TKIs into CML therapy has decreased
intrinsic mechanisms of sudden transformation already existing in the or, in some instances, eliminated the prognostic impact of most of
CML clones before the start of therapy that were not amenable to TKI these prognostic factors and the significance of the CML models (e.g.,
inhibition, in particular imatinib. Second-generation TKIs (nilotinib, Sokal, Hasford, European Treatment and Outcome Study [EUTOS]).
dasatinib) used as frontline therapy have reduced the incidence of trans- Treatment-related prognostic factors have emerged as the most impor-
formation in the first 2–3 years from 6–8% with imatinib to 2–5% with tant prognostic factors in the era of imatinib therapy. Achievement
nilotinib or dasatinib. Disease transformation to accelerated or blastic of complete cytogenetic response has become the major therapeutic
phase is rare with continued TKI therapy, estimated at <1% annually in endpoint and is the only endpoint associated with improvement in

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survival. Achievement of a major molecular response is associated also inhibits VEGFR which may be related to the high incidence 753
with decreased risk of events (relapse) and CML transformation, but of hypertension observed with this agent (Table 101-2). The sixth
has not been associated with survival prolongation among patients approved agent is omacetaxine (Synribo), a protein synthesis inhib-
with complete cytogenetic response. This may be due to the efficacy itor with presumed more selective inhibition of the synthesis of the
of salvage TKI therapies, which are and should be implemented at BCR-ABL1 oncoprotein. It is approved for the treatment of chronic
the first evidence of cytogenetic relapse. Achievement of undetectable and accelerated phase CML after failure of two or more TKIs, at 1.25
BCR-ABL1 transcripts, particularly when sustained (>2–3 years), may mg/m2 subcutaneously twice a day for 14 days for induction and
offer the possibility of treatment-free remission (molecular cure rather for 7 days for consolidation-maintenance. The main adverse event of
than functional cure) in the context of investigational trials, and may omacetaxine is prolonged myelosuppression: omacetaxine 5–7 days
allow temporary therapy interruption in women pursuing pregnancy. induction and 2–5 days maintenance, perhaps combined with a TKI,
The lack of achievement of major or “complete” molecular responses may be equally effective and less toxic (Table 101-2).
should not be considered as “failure” of a particular TKI therapy and/ Imatinib, nilotinib, and dasatinib are all acceptable frontline ther-
or an indication to change the TKI or to consider allogeneic SCT. apies in CML. The long-term results of imatinib are very favorable.
Long-term updates of randomized trials suggest that second gener- The 8-year follow-up results show a cumulative complete cytoge-
ation TKIs and imatinib are more similarly effective in lower-risk CML, netic response rate (occurring at least once) of 83%, with 60–65% of
but second generation TKIs may offer a greater therapeutic advantage patients being in complete cytogenetic response at 5-year follow-up.
for patients with high-risk CML. The estimated 10-year survival rate is 85%. Among patients contin-
uing on imatinib, the annual rate of transformation to accelerated
-blastic phase in years 4–8 is <1%. In two randomized studies, one
TREATMENT comparing nilotinib 300 mg twice daily or 400 mg twice daily with
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia imatinib (ENESTnd) and the other comparing dasatinib 100 mg daily
with imatinib (DASISION), the second-generation TKIs were asso-

CHAPTER 101 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

With TKI therapy, the estimated 10-year survival in CML is 85%. ciated with better outcomes in early surrogate endpoints, including
Since 2001, six agents have been approved by the U.S. Food and higher rates of complete cytogenetic responses (85–87% vs 77–82%),
Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of CML. These include major molecular responses (5-year rates 76–77% vs 60–64%), and
five oral TKIs: imatinib (Gleevec, Glivec), nilotinib (Tasigna), dasat- MR4.5 (5-year rates 42–53% vs 31–33%), with lower rates of transfor-
inib (Sprycel), bosutinib (Bosulif), and ponatinib (Iclusig). Imatinib mation to accelerated and blastic phase (2–5% vs 7%). However, nei-
400 mg orally daily, nilotinib 300 mg orally twice a day (on an empty ther study has shown a survival benefit with second-generation TKIs
stomach), dasatinib 100 mg orally daily, and bosutinib 400 mg orally (with a minimum follow-up times of 5–6 years). This may be because
daily are approved for frontline therapy of CML. All four are also the rate of complete cytogenetic response is ultimately similarly high
approved for salvage therapy (nilotinib 400 mg twice daily; bosu- with either agent, and also because sequential therapy with TKIs (fol-
tinib 500 mg daily), in addition to ponatinib (45 mg daily). Because of lowing close observation and treatment change at progression) pro-
concerns of arterio-occlusive events with ponatinib, the dose is often vides highly effective therapy for most patients that allows adequate
reduced to 15–30 mg daily after a response is achieved. Imatinib, long-term outcome despite relapse or intolerance after initial therapy.
dasatinib (140 mg daily), bosutinib, and ponatinib are also approved Salvage therapy in chronic phase with dasatinib, nilotinib, bosu-
for the treatment of CML in transformation (accelerated and blastic tinib, or ponatinib is associated with complete cytogenetic response
phase), whereas nilotinib is only approved for chronic and accel- rates of 30–60%, depending on the salvage status (cytogenetic vs
erated phase. Dasatinib, nilotinib, and bosutinib are referred to as hematologic relapse), prior response to other TKIs, and the muta-
second-generation TKIs; ponatinib is referred to as a third-generation tions at the time of relapse. Complete cytogenetic responses are
TKI as it is the only currently approved TKI that has clinical activity generally durable, particularly in the absence of clonal evolution
in the setting of T315I mutation (in addition to unmutated BCR- and mutations. Ponatinib is the only TKI active in the setting
ABL1 and BCR-ABL1 with other common mutations). Nilotinib is of T315I mutation, with complete cytogenetic response rates of
similar in structure to imatinib but 30 times more potent. Dasatinib 50–70% among patients who have received 2 or more TKI. The esti-
and bosutinib inhibit SRC family of kinases in addition to ABL1, mated 5-year survival rates with new TKIs as salvage are 70–75%
with dasatinib reported to be 300 times more potent and bosutinib (compared with <50% before their availability). For example, with
30–50 times more potent than imatinib. In contrast to all other TKI, dasatinib salvage after imatinib failure in chronic-phase CML, the
bosutinib has no activity against c-Kit or PDGFR. Ponatinib is effec- estimated 7-year rate of major molecular was 46%, the estimated
tive against wild-type, and mutant BCR-ABL1 clones. It is currently 7-year survival rate was 65%, and progression-free survival rate
the only available BCR-ABL1 TKI active against T315I, a gatekeeper was 42%. Thus, TKIs in the salvage setting have already reduced the
mutation resistant to the other four TKIs (Table 101-2). Ponatinib annual mortality from the historical rate of 10–15% to ≤5%.

TABLE 101-2  Medical Therapeutic Options in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Imatinib mesylate (Gleevec) All phases 400 mg daily See text
Dasatinib (Sprycel) All phases First-line: 100 mg daily Myelosuppression; pleural and
Salvage: 100 mg daily in chronic phase; pericardial effusions; pulmonary
140 mg daily in transformation hypertension
Nilotinib (Tasigna) All phases except blastic phase First-line: 300 mg twice daily Diabetes; arterio-occlusive disease;
Salvage: 400 mg twice daily pancreatitis
Bosutinib (Bosulif) All phases except frontline 500 mg daily Diarrhea, liver toxicity
Ponatinib (Iclusig) Optimal TKI if T315I mutation 45 mg daily (may consider lower starting doses Skin rashes (10–20%); pancreatitis
Failure of ≥2 tyrosine kinase in the future, e.g., 30 mg daily) (5%); arterio-occlusive disease
inhibitors (10–20%); systemic hypertension
Omacetaxine mepesuccinate Failure ≥2 tyrosine kinase 1.25 mg/m2 subcutaneously twice daily for Myelosuppression
(Synribo) inhibitors 14 days of induction; 7 days of maintenance
every month (may consider shorter dose schedules,
7 days of induction, 2–5 days of maintenance)

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754 The goal of CML therapy is viewed differently in the context of retention, weight gain, nausea, diarrhea, skin rashes, periorbital
research versus standard practice. In current practice, functional cure, edema, bone or muscle aches, fatigue, and others (rates of 10–20%).
which can be considered when the relative survival is similar to that In general, second-generation TKIs are associated with lower rates
of the general population, is the current goal of therapy. CML is now of these bothersome adverse events. However, dasatinib 100 mg
considered an indolent disease, which, with appropriate continuous daily is associated with higher rates of myelosuppression (20–30%),
TKI therapy, treatment compliance, careful monitoring, and early particularly thrombocytopenia, with pleural (10–25%) or pericardial
change to other TKIs as indicated, can be associated with close to effusions (≤5%), and with pulmonary hypertension (<5%). Nilotinib
normal survival. Therefore, in standard practice, achievement and is associated with higher rates of hyperglycemia (10–20%), pruritus
maintenance of a complete cytogenetic response are the aims of ther- and skin rashes, hyperbilirubinemia (typically among patients with
apy because complete cytogenetic response is the only outcome asso- Gilbert’s syndrome and mostly of no clinical consequences), and
ciated with survival prolongation. Lack of achievement of a major headaches. Nilotinib is also associated with occasional instances
molecular response (protects against events; associated with longer of pancreatitis (<5%). Bosutinib is associated with higher rates of
event-free survival) or of negative BCR-ABL1 transcripts (offers the liver toxicity and of early and self-limited gastrointestinal adverse
potential of TKI interruption on investigational studies) should events, particularly diarrhea (70–85%). Ponatinib is associated with
not be considered indications to change TKI therapy or to consider higher rates of skin rashes (10–15%), pancreatitis (10%), elevations
allogeneic SCT. A general practice rule is to continue the particular of amylase/lipase (10%), and systemic hypertension (50–60%; severe
TKI chosen at the most tolerable dose schedule not associated with in 20%). Arterio-occlusive events (cardiovascular, cerebrovascular,
grade 3–4 side effects or with bothersome chronic side effects, for as and peripheral arterial) have been reported with most TKI. The
long as possible, until either cytogenetic relapse or the persistence of incidence appears to be highest with ponatinib, but both nilotinib
unacceptable side effects. These two factors (i.e., cytogenetic relapse and dasatinib are associated with these events at an incidence
and intolerable side effects as judged by the patient and treating significantly higher than imatinib. Nilotinib and dasatinib may
physician) are the indicators of “failure” of a particular TKI therapy. cause prolongation of the QTc interval; therefore, they should be
A second emerging general practice rule is that patients with CML evaluated cautiously in patients with prolonged QTc interval on
electrocardiogram (>470–480 ms), and drugs given for other medical

should always receive daily TKI therapy throughout their lifetime

(chronic, transformation), either alone (chronic) or in combinations conditions should have relatively smaller or no effects on QTc. These
(possibly for those in transformation although combinations not for- side effects can often be dose-dependent and are generally reversible
mally approved), except perhaps in situations of “molecular cure” with treatment interruptions and dose reductions. Dose reductions
(elective discontinuation of TKI with close observation if BCR-ABL can be individualized. However, the lowest estimated effective
Oncology and Hematology

transcripts undetectable are sustained for >2–3 years) or after alloge- doses of TKIs (from different studies and treatment practices) are
neic SCT with undetectable disease. imatinib 200–300 mg daily; nilotinib 150–200 mg twice daily; dasat-
Because of the increasing prevalence of CML (cost of TKI therapy) inib 20 mg daily; bosutinib 300 mg daily; and ponatinib 15 mg daily.
and the emerging evidence of possible organ toxicities with long- With long-term follow-up, rare but clinically relevant serious
term use (e.g., renal with imatinib, arterio-occlussive with nilotinib, toxicities are emerging. Renal dysfunction and occasionally renal
dasatinib, and ponatinib), a goal of therapy of increasing interest in failure (creatinine elevations >2–3 mg/dL) are observed in 2–3% of
CML is to achieve eradication of the disease (molecular cure) that is patients, more frequently with imatinib and bosutinib than other TKI,
prolonged and durable, with recovery of non-neoplastic, non-clonal and usually reverse with TKI discontinuation and/or dose reduction.
hematopoiesis off TKI therapy. The first step toward this aim is Rarely, patients may develop TKI-related peripheral neuropathy or
to obtain the highest rates of undetectable BCR-ABL1 transcripts even central neurotoxicities that are misdiagnosed as dementia or
lasting for at least 2 or more years. This is currently achievable in Alzheimer’s disease; they may reverse slowly after TKI discontin-
about 25–30% of patients treated with imatinib and in 40–45% of uation. Pulmonary hypertension has been reported with dasatinib
patients treated with second-generation TKIs. As a result, molecular (<1–2%) and should be considered in a patient with shortness of
cures (off TKI therapy) are estimated to be about 15% post-imatinib breath and a normal chest x-ray (echocardiogram with emphasis on
therapy and 20–25% post–second-generation TKIs. measurement of pulmonary artery pressure). This may be reversible
Recommendations provided by the National Comprehensive with dasatinib discontinuation and occasionally the use of silden-
Cancer Network (NCCN) and by the European LeukemiaNet afil citrate. Systemic hypertension has been observed more often
(ELN) propose optimal/expected, suboptimal/warning, and failure with ponatinib. Hyperglycemia and occasionally diabetes have been
response scenarios at different time points of TKI treatment dura- noted more frequently with nilotinib. Finally, mid- and small-vessel
tion. Unfortunately, they may have been misinterpreted in current arterio-occlusive and vasospastic events have been reported at low
practice, because oncologists often report that their aim of treatment but significant rates with nilotinib and ponatinib and should be con-
is the achievement of major molecular response and disease eradica- sidered possibly TKI-related and represent indications to interrupt or
tion. Significantly, a substantial proportion of oncologists consider a reduce the dose of the TKI. These events include angina, coronary
change of TKI therapy in a patient in complete cytogenetic response artery disease, myocardial infarction, peripheral arterial occlusive
if they note “loss of major molecular response” (increase of BCR- disease, transient ischemic attacks, cerebral vascular accidents,
ABL1 transcripts ([IS] from ≤0.1 to >0.1%). This perception may be Raynaud’s phenomenon, and accelerated atherosclerosis. Although
the result of confusion regarding the aims of the NCCN and ELN these events are uncommon (<5%) (10-year cumulative rates 10% with
guidelines, which have been updated often as a result of matur- nilotinib 300 mg BID, 16% with 400 mg BID, compared with 2.5% with
ing data and have multiple treatment endpoint considerations. imatinib), they are clinically significant for the patient’s long-term
Although such endpoints may have been suggested as possible prognosis and occur at significantly higher rates than in the general
criteria for failure or suboptimal response, it is important to empha- population. Serious arterio-occlusive and vasospastic events are more
size that no randomized study has yet shown that a change of TKI common with ponatinib 45 mg daily (5-year rates 20%).
treatment in patients with complete cytogenetic response because Discontinuation of TKIs and Treatment-Free Remissions or “Molecular
of a loss of major molecular response, versus changing at the time Cures”  Several studies have confirmed that TKI discontinuation
of cytogenetic relapse, has been shown to improve survival or other among patients who achieve undetectable BCR-ABL1 transcripts
long-term outcome. This is likely because of the high efficacy of sal- for longer than 2–3 years can result in treatment-free remission rates
vage TKI therapy at the time of cytogenetic relapse. of 40–60%. Since the incidence of durable undetectable BCR-ABL1
Side effects of TKIs are generally mild to moderate, although transcripts is 20–45%, about 13–22% of all patients with CML on TKI
with long-term TKI therapy, they could affect the patient’s quality therapy may achieve treatment-free remission status or molecular
of life. Serious side effects occur in <5–10% of patients. With ima- cure. This approach is still considered investigational, but may be
tinib therapy, common mild to moderate side effects include fluid ready for community practice provided it is done under optimal

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conditions. These include the following: patients must have low TABLE 101-3  General Suggestions Regarding the Use of Tyrosine 755
Sokal-risk CML in first chronic phase (no evidence of transforma- Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs) and Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation
tion), with history of quantifiable BCR-ABL1 transcripts (e13a2, (SCT) in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
e14a2), on long-term TKI therapy (5 to 8+ years), with documented CONSIDERATION OF
undetectable BCR-ABL1 transcripts for >2–3 years (assessed every CML PHASE USE OF TKI ALLOGENEIC SCT
6 months during this timespan and with a PCR with adequate Accelerated or blastic Interim therapy to As soon as possible
sensitivity), and should be monitored at referral centers that offer achieve minimal CML (exception: de novo
rigorous testing of residual CML disease. Patients must also be burden accelerated phase)
compliant to frequent monitoring (PCR studies every 1–2 months T315I mutation Ponatinib to achieve Depends on longer term
for the first 6 months, then every 2 months until 2 years and every minimal CML burden follow-up results of
3–6 months thereafter). ponatinib efficacy
Imatinib failure in Second-line tyrosine Third-line after second-
ALLOGENEIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANT chronic phase; no clonal kinase inhibitors line TKI failures
Allogeneic SCT, a curative modality in CML, is associated with long- evolution, no mutations, long-term
term survival rates of 40–60% when implemented in the chronic good initial response;
no T315I
phase. It is associated with early (1-year) mortality rates of 5–30%.
Although the 5- to 10-year survival rates were reported to be around Clonal evolution or Interim therapy with Second-line
mutations, or no alternative second
50–60% (and considered as cure rates), about 10–15% of patients die cytogenetic response to generation TKI or
in the subsequent 1–2 decades from subtle long-term complications second-line TKI ponatinib to achieve
of the transplant (rather than from CML relapse). These are related minimal CML burden
to chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), organ dysfunction, Older patients Salvage TKIs as longer- May forgo allogeneic
development of second cancers, and hazard ratios for mortality (≥65–70 years) after term therapy SCT in favor of good
higher than in the normal population. Other significant morbid- imatinib failure in quality of life and

CHAPTER 101 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

ities include infertility, chronic immune-mediated complications, chronic phase survival in chronic phase
cataracts, hip necrosis, and other morbidities affecting quality of Imatinib failure; – Second-line: curative,
life. The cure and early mortality rates in chronic-phase CML are emerging nation one-time cost $20,000–
100,000 (versus
also associated with several factors: patient age, duration of chronic >$40,000–100,000/
phase, whether the donor is related or unrelated, degree of match- year with TKI)
ing, preparative regimen, and others. In accelerated-phase CML, the
Note: Mutations involving Y253H, E255K/V, or F359V/C/I: prefer dasatinib or
cure rates with allogeneic SCT are 20–40%, depending on the defi- bosutinib. Mutations involving V299L, T315A, or F317L/F/I/C: prefer nilotinib.
nition of accelerated disease. Patients with clonal evolution as the
only criterion have cure rates of up to 40–50%. Patients undergoing
allogeneic SCT in second chronic phase have cure rates of 40–50%.
The cure rates with allogeneic SCT in blastic phase CML are ≤15%. TKI. Patients with clonal evolution, unfavorable mutations, or lack
Post–allogeneic SCT strategies are now implemented in the setting of major/complete cytogenetic response within 1 year of salvage TKI
of molecular or cytogenetic relapse or in hematologic relapse/trans- therapy have short remission durations and should consider alloge-
formation. These include the use of TKIs for prevention or treatment neic SCT as more urgent in the setting of salvage. Patients without
of relapse, donor lymphocyte infusions, and second allogeneic SCTs, clonal evolution or mutations at relapse and who achieve a complete
among others. TKIs appear to be highly successful at reinducing cytogenetic response with TKI salvage, have long-lasting complete
cytogenetic/molecular remissions in the setting of cytogenetic or remissions and may delay the option of allogeneic SCT to third-
molecular relapse after allogeneic SCT. line therapy. Finally, older patients (age 65–70 years or older) and
those with high risk of mortality with allogeneic SCT may forgo this
Choice and Timing of Allogeneic SCT  Allogeneic SCT was con- curative option for several years of disease control in chronic phase
sidered first-line CML therapy before 2000. The maturing positive with or without cytogenetic response (Table 101-3). In emerging
experience with TKIs has now relegated its use to after first-line nations, where generic imatinib is now available at the annual price
TKI failures. An important question is the optimal timing and of $400–3000, frontline imatinib is a cost-effective therapy. However,
sequence of TKIs and allogeneic SCT (whether allogeneic SCT second-line therapy with allogeneic SCT, a one-time curative option
should be used as second- or third-line therapy). Among patients with a cost of $20,000–100,000, may be considered (in preference
who present with or evolve to blastic phase, combinations of che- to second-generation TKIs—annual cost above $40,000–100,000)
motherapy and TKIs should be used to induce remission, followed as a more cost-effective national health-care strategy in CML.
by allogeneic SCT as soon as possible. The same applies to patients Table 101-3 summarizes a general guidance to the choice of TKIs
who evolve from chronic to accelerated phase. Patients with de versus allogeneic SCT.
novo accelerated-phase CML may do well with long-term TKI
therapy (estimated 8-year survival rate 75%); the timing of alloge- MONITORING THERAPY IN CML
neic SCT depends on their optimal response to TKI (achievement Achievement of complete cytogenetic response by 12 months of ima-
of complete cytogenetic response). Among patients who relapse in tinib therapy and its persistence later, the only consistent prognostic
chronic phase, the treatment sequence depends on several factors: factor associated with survival, is now the main therapeutic end-
(1) patient age and availability of appropriate donors; (2) risk of point in CML. Failure to achieve a complete cytogenetic response by
allogeneic SCT; (3) presence or absence of clonal evolution and 12 months or occurrence of later cytogenetic or hematologic relapse
mutations; (4) patient’s prior history and comorbidities; and (5) are considered as treatment failure and an indication to change ther-
patient and physician preferences (Table 101-3). Patients with T315I apy. Because salvage therapy with other TKIs re-establishes good
mutations at relapse should be offered ponatinib and considered outcome, it is important to ensure patient compliance to continued
for allogeneic SCT particularly in blastic phase and perhaps also TKI therapy and change therapy when cytogenetic relapse is con-
in accelerated phase (because of the short follow-up with pona- firmed unless this is related to non-adherence. Patients on frontline
tinib). Patients with mutations involving Y253H, E255K/V, and imatinib therapy should be closely monitored until documentation
F359V/C/I respond better to dasatinib or bosutinib. Patients with of complete cytogenetic response, at which time they can be moni-
mutations involving V299L, T315A, and F317L/F/I/C respond tored every 6 months with peripheral blood FISH and PCR studies
better to nilotinib. Comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, (to check for concordance of results), or more frequently if there
pulmonary hypertension, chronic lung disease, cardiac conditions, are concerns about changes in BCR-ABL1 transcripts (e.g., every
and pancreatitis may influence the choice for or against a particular 3 months). Monitoring by PCR only is reasonable in patients who

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756 are in major molecular response. Cytogenetic relapse on imatinib is in combination with TKIs to sustain complete hematologic or
an indication of treatment failure and need to change TKI therapy. cytogenetic responses. Busulfan is often used in allogeneic SCT
Mutational analysis in this instance helps in the selection of the preparative regimens. Because of its side effects (delayed myelo-
next TKI and identifies mutations in 30–50% of patients. Mutational suppression, Addison-like disease, pulmonary and cardiac fibrosis,
studies by standard Sanger sequencing (which is the technique cur- myelofibrosis), it is now only rarely used in the chronic manage-
rently available in most clinical laboratories) in patients in complete ment of CML. Low-dose cytarabine, decitabine, anthracyclines,
cytogenetic response (in whom there may be concerns of increasing 6-mercaptopurine, 6-thioguanine, thiotepa, anagrelide, and other
BCR-ABL1 transcripts) identify mutations in ≤5% and are therefore agents are sometimes useful in different CML settings to control the
not indicated. Earlier response has been identified as a prognostic disease burden.
factor for long-term outcome, including achievement of partial Others  Splenectomy is now seldom considered to alleviate symp-
cytogenetic response (BCR-ABL1 transcripts ≤10%) by 3–6 months of toms of massive splenomegaly and/or hypersplenism. Splenic
therapy. Failure to achieve such a response has been associated with irradiation is rarely used, if at all, because of the postirradiation
significantly worse survival. adhesions and complications. Leukapheresis is occasionally used
The use of second-generation TKIs (nilotinib, dasatinib) as front- in patients presenting with extreme leukocytosis and leukostatic
line therapy changed the monitoring approach slightly. Patients are complications. Single doses of high-dose cytarabine or high doses
expected to achieve major cytogenetic response (or BCR-ABL1 tran- of hydroxyurea, with tumor lysis management, may be as effective
scripts ≤10%) by 3–6 months of therapy. Failure to do so is associated and less cumbersome.
with worse event-free survival, transformation rates, and survival.
However, the 3- to 5-year estimated survival among such patients Special Considerations  Women with CML who become pregnant
is still high, around 80–90%, which is better than what would be should discontinue TKI therapy immediately. Among 125 babies
anticipated if such patients were offered allogeneic SCT at that time. delivered to women with CML who discontinued imatinib ther-
Changes of therapy for patients with “slow” response have not been apy as soon as the pregnancy was known, three babies were born
proven to be of long-term benefit compared to changes when more with neurologic, skeletal, and renal malformations, suggesting the
teratogenicity of imatinib known from animal studies. A similar

obvious signs of resistance appear. Thus, this adverse response to

therapy is considered a warning signal, but it is not known whether experience has been reported with dasatinib, the incidence of mal-
changing therapy to other TKIs at that time would improve lon- formations was reported to be higher, 10–12%. There are no or little
ger-term outcome. data with other TKIs. Control of CML during pregnancy can be
managed with leukapheresis for severe symptomatic leukocytosis
Oncology and Hematology

in the first trimester and with hydroxyurea subsequently until

Patients in accelerated or blastic phase may receive therapy with delivery. There are case reports of successful pregnancies and deliv-
TKIs, preferably second- or third-generation TKIs (dasatinib, nilo- eries of normal babies with interferon α therapy and registry stud-
tinib, bosutinib, ponatinib), alone or in combination with chemo- ies in essential thrombocytosis of its safety, but interferon α can be
therapy, to reduce the CML burden, before undergoing allogeneic antiangiogenic and may increase the risk of spontaneous abortions.
SCT. Response rates (major hematologic) with single-agent TKIs Approximately 10–15% of patients on TKI therapy may develop
range from 30 to 50% in accelerated phase and from 20 to 30% chromosomal abnormalities in the Ph-negative cells. These may
in blastic phase. Cytogenetic responses, particularly complete involve loss of chromosome Y, trisomy 8, 20q–, chromosome 5
cytogenetic responses, are uncommon (10–30%) and transient in or 7 abnormalities, and others. Most chromosomal abnormalities
blastic phase. Studies of TKIs in combination with chemotherapy disappear spontaneously and may be indicative of the genetic insta-
are ongoing; the general experience suggests that combined TKI- bility of the hematopoietic stem cells that predisposes the patient
chemotherapy strategies increase the response rates and their durabil- to develop CML in the first place. Rarely (in <1% of instances),
ity and improve survival. This is particularly true in CML lymphoid abnormalities involving chromosomes 5 or 7 may be truly clonal and
blastic phase, where the combination of anti-ALL chemotherapy evolve into myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myeloid leukemia.
with TKIs results in complete response rates of 60–70% and median This is thought to be part of the natural course of patients in whom
survival times of 2–3 years (compared with historical response rates CML was suppressed and who live long enough to develop other
of 40–50% and median survival times of 12–18 months). This allows hematologic malignancies.
many patients to undergo allogeneic SCT in a state of minimal CML
burden or second chronic phase, which are associated with higher ■■GLOBAL ASPECTS OF CML
probability of long-term survival. In CML nonlymphoid blastic Routine physical examinations and blood tests in the United
phase, anti-AML chemotherapy combined with TKIs results in CR States and advanced countries result in early detection of CML
rates of 30–50% and median survival times of 9–12 months (com- in most patients. About 50–70% of patients with CML are diag-
pared with historical response rates of 20–30% and median survival nosed incidentally, and high-risk CML as defined by prognostic models
times of 3–5 months). In accelerated phase, response to single TKIs (e.g., Sokal risk groups) is found in only 10% of patients. This is not the
is significant in conditions where “softer” accelerated phase criteria same situation in emerging nations where most patients are diagnosed
are considered (e.g., clonal evolution alone, thrombocytosis alone, following evaluation for symptoms and many present with high tumor
significant splenomegaly or resistance to hydroxyurea, but without burden, such as massive splenomegaly, and advanced phases of CML
evidence of high blast and basophil percentages). In accelerated (high-risk CML documented in 20–30%). Therefore, the prognosis of such
phase, combinations frequently include TKIs with low-intensity patients on TKI therapy may be worse than the published experience.
chemotherapy such as low-dose cytarabine, low-dose idarubicin, The high cost of TKI therapies (annual costs of $90,000–140,000 in
decitabine, interferon α, hydroxyurea, or others. the United States; lower but variable in the rest of the world) makes
OTHER TREATMENTS AND SPECIAL THERAPEUTIC the general affordability of such treatments difficult. Although TKI
CONSIDERATIONS treatment penetration is high in nations where cost of therapy is not
an issue (e.g., Sweden, European Union), it may be less so in other
Interferon `  Interferon α is considered in combination with TKIs
nations, even in advanced ones like the United States, where out-of-
(an investigational approach), sometimes after CML failure on TKIs,
pocket expenses may be prohibitive to a subset of patients. Based
occasionally in patients during pregnancy, or as part of investiga-
on the sales of imatinib worldwide and charity-free drug supplies,
tional strategies with TKIs to eradicate residual molecular disease.
it is estimated that <30% of patients are treated with imatinib (or
Chemotherapeutic Agents  Hydroxyurea remains a safe and effec- other TKIs) consistently. Although the estimated 10-year survival in
tive agent (at daily doses of 0.5–10 g) to reduce initial CML bur- CML is 85% in single-institution studies (e.g., MD Anderson Cancer
den, as a temporary measure in between definitive therapies, or Center), in national studies in countries with TKI affordability (Sweden)

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1.0 Hochhaus A et al: Long-term outcomes of imatinib treatment for 757
chronic myeloid leukemia. N Engl J Med 376; 917, 2017.
Kantarjian HM et al: Nilotinib is effective in patients with chronic
0.8 myeloid leukemia in chronic phase after imatinib resistance or
intolerance: 24-month follow-up results. Blood 117:1141–1145, 2013.
Rousselot P et al: Loss of major molecular response as a trigger for
restarting tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in patients with chronic-
Overall survival

phase chronic myelogenous leukemia who have stopped imatinib

after durable undetectable disease. J Clin Oncol 32:424–430, 2014.
Sasaki K et al: Conditional survival in patients with chronic myeloid
0.4 leukemia in chronic phase in the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
Cancer 122:238–248, 2016.
Shah NP et al: Dasatinib in imatinib-resistant or –intolerant
0.2 Chronic phase chronic-phase, chronic myeloid leukemia patients: 7-year follow-up
Accelerated phase of study CA180-034. Am J Hematol 9:869–874, 2016.
Blast crisis

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Years after diagnosis

102 Acute Lymphoid Leukemia

No. at risk
CP 699 672 631 530 446 365 278 212 144
AP 32 22 21 18 14 10 5 4 2

CHAPTER 102 Acute Lymphoid Leukemia

BC 17 11 10 7 6 5 4 4 1
Dieter Hoelzer
FIGURE 101-3  Survival in chronic (CP), accelerated (AP), and blastic crisis (BC)
phases of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in the population-based Swedish
national registry study. The accelerated- and blastic-phase cases are de novo
presentations. The favorable outcome with de novo blastic phase may be due In acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the malignant clone arises
to use of 20% blasts or more to define blastic phase. (With permission from Dr. from hematopoietic progenitors in the bone marrow or lymphatic
Martin Hoglund, Swedish CML Registry, 2013.)
system resulting in an increase of immature nonfunctioning leukemic
cells. Infiltration of bone marrow leads to anemia, granulocytopenia,
and thrombocytopenia with the clinical manifestations of fatigue,
(Figs. 101-2 and 101-3) or in company-sponsored studies (where all weakness, infection, and hemorrhages. These symptoms are more often
patients have access to TKIs throughout their care), the estimated the reason a patient first seeks medical advice rather than consequences
10-year survival worldwide, even 16 years after the introduction of TKI of tumor bulk, such as lymph node enlargement, hepatosplenomegaly
therapies, is likely to be <50%. The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and caused by leukemic infiltration, or symptoms of the central nervous
End Results (SEER) data from the United States report an estimated system (meningeosis leukemica).
5-year survival rate of 60% in the era of TKIs. The diagnosis of ALL is made by morphology from smears of periph-
The current high cost of TKI therapies poses two additional consid- eral blood or bone marrow. The classification includes cytochemistry,
erations. The first are the treatment pathways and guidelines in nations immunological markers, cytogenetic, and molecular genetic analysis.
where TKIs may not be affordable by patients or the health care system. ■■INCIDENCE AND AGE
In these conditions, there are trends of pathways advocating allogeneic ALL is the most frequent neoplastic disease in children with an early
SCT as frontline or second-line therapy (i.e., after imatinib failure; as a peak at the age of 3–4 years. The incidence in adults ranges from 0.7 to
one time cost of $20,000–100,000) despite the associated mortality and 1.8/100,000 per year, being somewhat higher in younger adults (1–1.5
morbidities. The second is the choice of frontline TKI therapy once for the age group 15–24 years) and decreasing thereafter, only to increase
imatinib becomes available in generic forms, hopefully at much lower again in elderly people to 2.3 for age >65 years. The frequency of immu-
annual prices, e.g., $2000–10,000 per year (currently $400 per year in nological, cytogenetic, and genetic subtypes changes with age.
India). This will depend on the maturing data in randomized studies
of second-generation TKIs versus imatinib in relation to important ■■ETIOLOGY
long-term outcome endpoints, particularly survival, but also event-free The etiology of acute leukemias is unknown. There are, however, inter-
survival, transformation-free survival, and treatment-free remission. nal and external factors that influence the incidence of leukemia. In
ALL, inheritance of certain diseases and exposure to ionizing radiation
or to chemicals, including prior chemotherapy, are associated with an
■■FURTHER READING increased risk of developing leukemia, but less than in acute myeloid
Baccarani M et al: European LeukemiaNet recommendations for the
leukemia (AML).
management of chronic myeloid leukemia. Blood 122:872, 2013.
Cortes J, Kantarjian H: How I treat newly diagnosed chronic phase ■■CONGENITAL DISORDERS
CML. Blood 120:1390, 2012. Patients with some rare congenital chromosomal abnormalities have
Cortes JE et al: Ponatinib in refractory Philadelphia chromosome- a higher risk of development of acute leukemia; e.g., Klinefelter’s
positive leukemias. N Engl J Med 367:2075, 2012. syndrome, Fanconi’s anemia, Bloom’s syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia,
Cortes JE et al: Final 5-year study results of DASISION: The dasatinib and neurofibromatosis. There is a twentyfold increased incidence of
versus imatinib study in treatment-naïve chronic myeloid leukemia leukemia in patients with Down syndrome, in whom ALL is increased
patients trial. J Clin Oncol 34:2333, 2016. in childhood or AML at an older age. Genetic predisposition may play
Gambacorti-Passerini C et al: Long-term efficacy and safety of a part in acute leukemia even, when not associated with another inher-
bosutinib in patients with advanced leukemia following resistance/ ited disease, as the identical twin of a leukemic child has a fivefold risk
intolerance to imatinib and other tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Am J of developing acute leukemia.
Hematol 90:755, 2015.
Hochhaus A et al: Long-term benefits and risks of frontline nolitinib ■■INFECTIOUS AGENTS
vs imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase: 5-year Human T-cell leukemia virus I (HTLV-I), endemic in Japan and
update of the randomized ENESTnd trial. Leukemia 30:1044, 2016. the Caribbean, is the etiological agent for adult T-cell leukemia/

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758 lymphoma, an aggressive adult T-cell leukemia (see Chap. 196). In the in ~70% of patients. The normal hemopoietic elements are greatly
endemic African type of Burkitt’s lymphoma, the Epstein-Barr virus, reduced or absent. A biopsy of the bone marrow will further demon-
a DNA virus of the herpes family, has been implicated as a potential strate marked hypercellularity with replacement of fat spaces and
causative agent. normal elements by infiltration with leukemic cells.


The diagnosis of acute leukemia is made by examination of the periph- The examination of the cerebrospinal fluid is an essential routine diag-
eral blood and bone marrow. Classification of the patient’s disease also nostic measure for ALL. There are different opinions as to when the first
requires cytochemical stains, assessment of expression of immunolog- lumbar puncture should be done. One procedure is to delay the exami-
ical markers, cytogenetic analysis, and molecular markers. The major nation until remission is achieved in order to avoid seeding the central
aim of classification is to distinguish between AML and ALL because nervous system (CNS) by circulating leukemic blast cells from the
of the different treatment approaches and drug sensitivities. The immu- peripheral blood. On the other hand, early recognition of CNS disease
nological markers are the major criteria to subdivide ALL into B-cell will lead to immediate CNS-specific therapy, which is required for such
lineage or T-cell lineage (T-ALL) leukemias. Cytogenetic and molecular patients. Thus, other clinicians prefer to perform the lumbar puncture
evaluation provide further identification of ALL subgroups. before treatment starts. This procedure is restricted to patients with an
adequate platelet count (>20 × 109/L), an absence of manifest clinical
■■PERIPHERAL BLOOD hemorrhage, and without a high white blood cell count. For safety
Peripheral blood counts and a differential count from a Wright-Giemsa- reasons, all patients should receive intrathecal methotrexate at the first
stained blood smear are essential at the time of presentation. The lumbar puncture.
white blood cell count in about 40% of ALL patients is reduced or
normal (Table 102-1). Thus, in the frequently used automatic blood ■■MORPHOLOGICAL SUBTYPES IN ALL
cell counter, the disease may not be detected. One-third of the patients Three morphologic subgroups of acute lymphoblastic leukemia are
have a moderately increased initial white blood cell count, between distinguished by the French-American-British classification. Whereas
10 × 109 and 50 × 109/L. Leukemic blast cells (LBC) in the peripheral the distinction between L1 and L2 morphology has no clinical conse-

blood are largely responsible for the rise in white blood cell count, but quences, the detection of L3 ALL is of clinical and prognostic relevance.
it is noteworthy that in 8% of the ALL patients, no circulating leukemic It is observed in up to 5% of adult patients and should be distinguished
blast cells are observed. as it is indicative of mature B-ALL, usually termed Burkitt’s leukemia,
Peripheral blood observation shows characteristic anemia, thrombo- with distinct treatment options. A surface marker confirmation should
cytopenia, and neutropenia. The reduction in the level of hemoglobin be obtained.
Oncology and Hematology

is usually mild to moderate, but nearly one-third of the patients have

hemoglobin levels <7–8 g/dL. A platelet count below the critical num- ■■IMMUNOLOGICAL SUBTYPES OF ALL
ber of 20 × 109/L is seen in one-fifth of the ALL patients. The proportion A series of monoclonal antibodies is employed to identify antigens
of patients with granulocyte count <0.5 × 109/L usually associated with expressed on the surface of normal or leukemic cells. The main aim of
high risk of infection was only one-fifth in adult ALL series. the immunological classification is to subdivide ALLs according to the
presence or absence of B-cell or T-cell markers, or B-phenotypic/hybrid
■■BONE MARROW EXAMINATION acute leukemia. A marker is positive if >20% of the cells are stained
Bone marrow aspirates are important for immunological, cytogenetic, with the monoclonal antibody (Table 102-2).
and genomic markers. Direct smears from the bone marrow are essen-
tial to confirm the diagnosis of acute leukemia and to distinguish
B-Cell Lineage  More than 70% of adult ALLs are of B-cell origin,
and the most frequent immunological subtype, common ALL, is charac-
between AML and ALL. The bone marrow is usually heavily packed
terized by the presence of ALL antigen, a glycoprotein (gp100/CD10).
with leukemic blast cells comprising >90% of the nucleated cells
Common ALL blast cells do not carry markers of mature B cells such as
cytoplasmic immunoglobulins or surface membrane immunoglobulins.
TABLE 102-1  Laboratory Values at Diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Pre-B-ALL (early B-ALL) is characterized by the expression of cytoplas-
Leukemia mic immunoglobulin, being negative in common ALL but is otherwise
    ALL identical with all other cell markers. Very rarely, the common ALL anti-
gen may be absent in this subtype. Mature B-ALL comprises about 3–4%
N   1273*
of adult ALL patients. The blast cells express surface antigens of mature
Initial white blood cell <10 41%
count B cells, including the sIgM. Common ALL antigens may also be present
10–50 31%
and also occasionally cytoplasmic immunoglobulin. Pro-B-ALL (also
(× 109/L) >50 28% termed early B-precursor ALL) is a leukemia that was formerly termed
Neutrophils <50–100 12% non-T, non-B-ALL, or null-ALL as neither T-cell nor B-cell features could
<100,000 16% be demonstrated. This subtype is Tdt (terminal) deoxynucleotidyl trans-
Platelets <20 22% ferase, and CD19 positive and forms about 11% of adult ALL.
(× 109/L) 21–40 22%
T-Cell Lineage  Approximately 25% of adult ALL belongs to the
41–100 29%
T-cell lineage. All cases express the T-cell antigen (gp40, CD7) and cyto-
>100 27% plasmatic or surface CD3. They may, according to their step of T-cell
Hemoglobin (g/dL) <7 20% differentiation, express other T-cell antigens, e.g., the E-rosette receptor
7–9 33% (CD2) and/or the cortical thymocyte antigen T6 (CD1). A minority
>9 47% of T-ALL blast cells may also express common ALL antigen together
Leukemic blasts in PB 0% 8% with other T-cell antigens. According to these markers, it is possible to
25–75% 34% distinguish a pro-T-ALL (also termed early T-precursor ALL), cortical,
>75% 36% or thymic T-ALL and a mature T-ALL expressing different stages of
Leukemic blasts in BM <50% 4% differentiation.
51–90% 25% Biphenotypic or Mixed Leukemias  Biphenotypic leukemias
>90% 71% are defined as those in which markers of lymphoid and myeloid
Source: Data from three consecutive German Multicenter Trials for Adult ALL lineages are coexpressed on the same leukemic cells without the typ-
(GMALL). ical phenotype of either ALL or AML. Bilineage leukemias are those

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TABLE 102-2  Immunological, Cytogenetic, Molecular, and Clinical Characteristics of Adult ALL 759

B-lineage ALL HLA-DR+, TdT+, CD19+ 76%        
CD79a+ and/or CD22+
Pro B-ALL No additional 12% t(4;11) 70% ALL1-AF4 High WBC (>100.000/mL) Mainly BM
differentiation markers, (q21;q23) (20% Flt3 in MLL+) (26%) (>90%)
Freq. myeloid
coexpression (>50%)
Common ALL CD10 49% t(9;22)(q34;q11) 33% BCR–ABL Higher age >50 years (24%) Mainly BM
del(6q) (30–50% in c/preB) (>90%)
Prolonged relapse
kinetics (up to
5–7 years)
Pre-B-ALL CD10±, cyIg+ 11% t(9;22)(q34;q11) 4% t(1;19)/    
t(1;19)(q23;p13) PBX-E2A
Mature B-ALL CD10 ±, sIg+ 4% t(8;14)(q24;q32)   Higher age >55 years (27%) Frequent CNS (10%)
t(2;8)(p12;q24) Frequent organ involvement Short relapse
t(8;22)(q24;q11) (32%) kinetics
and CNS-involvement (13%) (up to 1–1.5 years)

CHAPTER 102 Acute Lymphoid Leukemia

T-lineage ALL cyCD3 or sCD3 24%     Younger age (90% <50 years) Frequent CNS (10%)/
Frequent mediastinal tumors extramedullary (6%)
(60%) Intermediate
Frequent CNS involvement relapse kinetics
(up to 3–4 years)
High WBC (>50/mL) (46%)
Early Pro/Pre No additional 6% t(10;14)(q24;q11) 5% HOX11-TCR    
T-ALL differentiation t(11;14)(p13;q11) <5% LMO/TCR
markers, mostly CD2- 12% 2% SIL-TAL1
Cortical T-ALL CD1a+, sCD3± In T-ALL
sCD3+, CD1a- 6% 4% NUP213-ABL1
Mature T-ALL 33% HOX11b
5% HOX11L2b
50% Notch1b

with two populations of blast cells with either lymphoid or myeloid involving ABL1, JAK2, PDGFRB, and several others. The frequency is 10%
antigens. They must be differentiated from AML by coexpression of in children and 25–30% in young adults, but does not increase further with
lymphoid markers and from ALL by coexpression of myeloid markers. age. Treatment could be directed at the underlying genetic pattern with
BCR-ABL inhibitors (e.g., dasatinib) or JAK2 inhibitors (e.g., ruxolitinib).
Cytogenetic analysis should be performed in all cases of acute leuke- Early T-Precursor ALL  (ETP-ALL) is characterized by lack of
mia. The demonstration of a specific karyotype may be required for CD1a and CD8, weak CD5 expression, at least one myeloid/stem cell
the confirmation of the diagnosis, but chromosome abnormalities may marker, a specific transcriptional profile and the possible involvement
be also important independent prognostic variables for disease-free of several critical genes. No new treatment approaches are currently
survival or may lead to a specific targeted therapy. available for this subtype, and thus hematopoietic stem cell transplan-
tation in first complete remission is the preferred option.
The diagnostic techniques are standard cytogenetics, fluorescence in ■■MINIMAL RESIDUAL DISEASE (MRD)
situ hybridization, and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. MRD is the detection of residual leukemic cells, not recognizable by
These methods allow the detection of Ph+ ALL, with the chromosomal light microscopy.
translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11), and the detection of the corresponding Methods for determining MRD are based on the detection of
BCR-ABL1 gene rearrangement. Further ALL entities that have been leukemia-specific aberrant immunophenotypes by flow cytometry,
identified are t(4;11)(q21;q23)/MLL-AFA4, abn11q23/MLL, and t(1;19) the evaluation of leukemia-specific rearranged immunoglobulin or
(q23;p13)/PBX-E2A. T-cell receptor sequences by real-time quantitative polymerase chain
Gene expression profiling, single nucleotide polymorphism array reaction, or the detection of fusion genes associated with chromosomal
analysis, array-comparative genomic hybridization, and next genera- abnormalities (e.g., BCR-ABL, MLL-AF4). The detection limit with
tion sequencing recognize newly defined ALL entities with poor prog- these methods is 10–3–10–5 (0.1–0.001%). The phenotypic aberrations are
nosis: Ph-like ALL and early T-precursor ALL. unique to each patient with ALL and can be detected in up to 95% of
individuals. Methods for MRD evaluation and standardization of MRD
■■NEW ENTITIES quantification have been extensively described.

Ph-Like ALL,  also called BCR-ABL1-like ALL, is characterized ■■MRD RESPONSE AND TERMINOLOGY
by genetic lesions similar to Ph+ ALL, associated with IKZF1 deletion, Molecular response can be evaluated only for patients in complete
CLRF2 overexpression, and tyrosine kinase activating rearrangements cytological remission, with one marker or more for MRD analysis and

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760 TABLE 102-3  Response Parameters According to MRD ■■TREATMENT IN ADULT PATIENTS WITH ACUTE
Complete (hematologic) Leukemic cells not detectable by light Pediatric-Inspired Therapies  Pediatric-inspired therapies for
remission microscopy (<5% blast cells in bone marrow) adolescents and young adults provide increased drug intensity at
Complete molecular Patient in complete remission, MRD not several stages of treatment, including larger cumulative doses of drugs
remission MRD-negativity detectable, ≤0.01% = ≤1 leukemia blast cell in such as glucocorticoids, vincristine, L-asparaginase, and consequent
central nervous system-directed therapy, which should be strictly
Molecular failure/ Patient in complete hematologic remission but adhered to, thereby reducing the role of stem cell transplant in such
MRD-positivity not in molecular complete remission >0.01%
cases. In a 2012 meta-analysis of 11 trials, including 2489 adolescents
Molecular relapse/ Patient still in complete remission had prior and young adults, pediatric-inspired regimens were superior to con-
MRD-positivity molecular complete remission
ventional adult chemotherapy. However, none of the trials was a ran-
Leukemic blast cells detectable in bone marrow
domized comparison. Table 102-4 gives the outcome of recent studies
not detectable (<5%)
with pediatric-inspired regimens for adolescents and young adults
Hematologic relapse >5% ALL cells in bone marrow/blood
with a median age of 27 years. The complete remission rate was very
high with 93% (85–98%), and the overall survival rate of 70% (60–78%)
was very encouraging. Survival rates at ≥5 years were 70% (67–78%)
samples available at diagnosis and followed at specific time points compared to 34–41% with the former protocols.
during the course of disease. Results are classified as presented in Adult ALL  The treatment results for adult ALL patients have
Table 102-3. moderately improved (Table 102-4). The overall survival is 36%
with a wide variation from 27 to 60% due to differences in the
■■MOLECULAR RESPONSE AFTER INDUCTION intensity of the chemotherapy regimen and the outcome of stem cell
Achievement of molecular complete response/molecular remission is the

In several current multicenter prospective trials, the overall survival

most relevant independent prognostic factor for disease-free survival and
rate for standard-risk adult ALL patients is now 50–70% with chemo-
overall survival. Patients with molecular complete remission after induc-
therapy alone. Overall survival for high-risk patients increased from
tion therapy had significantly superior outcome in several studies, with
20–30% to >50% when they received an allogeneic stem cell transplant
a disease-free survival of 54–74%, compared to 17–40% for MRD-positive
in first complete remission.
Oncology and Hematology

patients. Patients with molecular failure after induction therapy should

proceed to a targeted therapy to reduce the tumor load, to be followed by Elderly ALL  Since palliative treatments or intensive chemother-
immediate allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. apy regimens have failed, with either low complete remission rates or
high early death rates, short elderly specific ALL protocols have been
■■PROGNOSTIC FACTORS, RISK STRATIFICATION, initiated, with less intensive therapy (avoiding anthracyclines and
AND MRD alkylating agents). With these protocols, the complete remission rate
The aim of identification of prognostic parameters at diagnosis, which was increased to 73%, early death could be reduced to 13% (0–36%),
include age, white blood cell count, specific immunophenotypes, and and overall survival was 42%.
cytogenetic and genetic aberrations, is to stratify patients into risk
groups: standard-risk patients without any poor-risk factors, with a ■■MAINTENANCE
good chance of cure by chemotherapy, and high-risk patients with one Maintenance therapy usually consists of 6-mercaptopurine and metho-
or more of those risk factors. High-risk patients are most often candi- trexate, a strategy transferred from childhood ALL. The duration of
dates for a stem cell transplant in first complete remission. maintenance therapy is between 2 and 2.5 years. The potential effect of
■■WILL MINIMAL RISK DISEASE EVALUATION further intensification cycles of maintenance therapy remains unclear.
REPLACE PRETHERAPEUTIC RISK FACTORS? In a large multicenter Italian study after intensive consolidation treat-
The question arises as to whether the evaluation of MRD overcomes ment, patients were randomly assigned to postconsolidation therapy
all of those pretherapeutic risk factors, or whether they should be com- with conventional maintenance or to intensified maintenance with
bined. A practical approach is to enter the conventional prognostic fac- additional alternating treatment courses of different intensity. There
tors and MRD into a decision algorithm. Thereby defined standard-risk was no difference in the survival rate at 10 years between the treat-
patients who are highly likely to achieve molecular remission (about ment groups, which may suggest that, after adequate induction and
90–95%) will remain as standard-risk patients, whereas those who consolidation therapy, the intensity of the maintenance therapy has no
are MRD-positive will be defined accordingly as high-risk patients. influence on survival.
Clinically defined high-risk patients are potential candidates for a Maintenance therapies should be adapted to immunological sub-
stem cell transplant in first complete remission. However, it is not types of ALL. In mature B-ALL, maintenance is not required. In T-ALL
clear how to proceed if they achieve a complete molecular remission, and B-Lineage ALL with relapses up to 2.5 years, maintenance therapy
since some studies suggest a lack of benefit from transplant in those is necessary. In Ph-positive ALL, maintenance should include a BCR/
who are MRD negative. If MRD information is not available, the risk ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), most likely the one that was used
stratification should rely on clinical risk factors evaluated at diagnosis. during induction and consolidation therapy. It is now also standard to
Unfortunately, 20–30% of adult ALL patients who are MRD-negative give a TKI after allogeneic stem cell transplant in Ph-positive ALL as a
after induction will relapse. Potential reasons include loss of sensitivity, maintenance therapy. The duration of maintenance therapy with a TKI
evolution of leukemic subclones, and extramedullary origin of disease. is also 2–2.5 years and may be guided by MRD evaluation.


The goal of induction therapy is the achievement of a complete remis- LEUKEMIA
sion, or even better, a molecular complete remission, mostly evaluated Without some form of prophylactic CNS-directed therapy, in very
within 6–16 weeks of starting chemotherapy. With current regimens early studies without any intensive systemic chemotherapy, around
(see Fig. 102-1), the complete remission rate has increased to 80–90%, 30% of adults with ALL developed CNS leukemia. Prophylactic CNS
being higher for standard-risk patients (≥90%), and lower for high-risk therapy in ALL is essential for several reasons: CNS leukemia is more
patients (~80%). The outcome of ALL is strictly related to the age of the easily prevented than treated; once CNS leukemia has developed, it is
patient, and treatment protocols considering the age of an individual generally followed by systemic relapse shortly after; and effective CNS
patient have emerged. prophylaxis also prevents systemic relapse.

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Risk and MRD Adapted German Multicenter Study for Adult ALL—GMALL 07/2003 761
Overview Plan and Indication for SCT in CR1

Stratification according to
risk factors and MRD

Mol. CR
ReInduction Maintenance
6 MP 6 MP 6 MP

Induction Cons. I
V Phase I Phase II SR/ Mol. relapse
CNS 24 Gy Med 24 Gy Failure
collection SCT Hematol.
HR Triple MTX

CHAPTER 102 Acute Lymphoid Leukemia

å å å å å å (HR/VHR) å å å å å

MRD decision

d11d26 d46 d41 wk16 wk22 wk30 wk41 wk52

1 4 5 7 9 11 13 16 19 22 25 27 30 33 36 39 41 43 46 49 51 53 weeks
FIGURE 102-1  An example treatment schema for adult ALL. A variety of effective treatment programs are available. Each generally includes an induction phase
followed by a consolidation phase and concludes with a maintenance phase. 6-MP, 6-mercaptopurine; arac, cytosine arabinoside, or cytarabine; ASP, L-asparaginase;
cyclo, cyclophosphamide; HD-MTX, systemic high-dose methotrexate; HR, high risk; MTX, intrathecal methotrexate; SCT, stem cell transplantation; SR, standard
risk; VM26, teniposide.

Several treatment options are available for prevention of CNS blood-brain barrier; dasatinib and ponatinib do, whereas imatinib and
relapse: intrathecal ( therapy, cranial radiation therapy (CRT), and nilotinib do not.
systemic high-dose or intrathecal therapy is usually based on metho- In several studies with combined modalities of CNS prophylaxis, the
trexate as single drug, but combinations with cytosine arabinoside and/ CNS relapse rate was ≤5%. In trials with early high-dose chemotherapy
or glucocorticoids are used in some studies. The route of application is and intrathecal therapy with or without CNS irradiation, the CNS
generally lumbar puncture. CRT (18–24 Gy in 12 fractions >16 days) relapse rate was as low as 2%.
may be administered with or without parallel intrathecal therapy. Sys-
temic high-dose chemotherapy may include methotrexate or cytosine ■■THERAPY OF CNS DISEASE
arabinoside since both drugs reach cytotoxic drug levels in the cere- About 5–10% of adult patients present with manifestations of CNS
brospinal fluid (CSF) and showed efficacy in overt CNS leukemia. A leukemia. The incidence is correlated with the immunological subtype
liposomal preparation of cytosine arabinoside has been introduced for and is higher in mature B-ALL up to 10–15% and in T-ALL up to 10%.
the treatment of CNS in patients with ALL or lymphoma; this formu- For the treatment of CNS leukemia, the same treatment measures as
lation is more effective since it has a half-life of >2 weeks, compared to those used for CNS prophylaxis are employed, either intrathecal MTX
only a few hours for the other used intrathecal drugs. alone or in combination with cytosine arabinoside or hydrocortisone.
In Ph-positive ALL, tyrosine kinase inhibitors are now an essential The intrathecal therapy is given 2–3 times per week, continued for >2
part of the treatment strategy. TKIs are equally effective at crossing the or 3 weeks until two consecutive CSF examinations show no evidence

TABLE 102-4  Outcome of Adult ALL

Pediatric-inspired 2008–2015 6 832 27 93% 5% 70%
for adult ALL (15–60) (85–98%) (1–7%) (60–78%)
Adult protocols 1998–2016 20 7961 32.7 84% 7% 36%
(12–92) (74–93%) (1–10%) (27–60%)
Elderly protocols 1996–2016 62
  Palliative 4 94 60–91 43% 24% 7 months
  Intensive 12 519 60–92 56% 23% 14%
  Age-specific 11 653 55–85 73% 13% 42%
Weighted mean and range.

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762 of leukemic infiltration. When adult ALL patients with initial CNS leu- TABLE 102-6  Expression of Antigens in B-Cell Lineage ALL for
kemia are treated adequately, leukemia-free survival and CNS relapse Potential Antibody Therapy
rate are not inferior to those without CNS involvement. SURFACE EXPRESSION
Relapse in the CNS is difficult to treat. Mostly it occurs synchro- ANTIGEN ALL SUBTYPE ON LBC MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY
nously with bone marrow relapse, and if leukemic blasts are not seen CD20 Burkitt 86–100% Rituximab
morphologically, MRD is positive in nearly all cases. This requires a lymphoma/ Ofatumomab
local as well as a systemic therapy. The outcome after CNS relapse leukemia
is still dismal, and an allogeneic stem cell transplantation is the most B-precursor 30–40%
promising option to achieve a remission. CD22 B-precursor 93–98% Inotuzumab
Mature B-ALL ~100% Epratuzumab
Moxetumomab pasudotox
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an essential part in the
treatment strategy of adult ALL. As a stem cell source, peripheral blood CD19 B-precursor 95–<100% T-cell-activating therapies
cells are increasingly used compared to bone marrow. Also with regard Mature B-ALL 94–<100% Blinatumomab
to the donors, there is a shift from sibling donors to matched unrelated Bispecific CD3/CD19
donors or haploidentical transplants from relatives. Indications for CAR T cells
stem cell transplantation in first remission are controversial. However, (Chimeric antigen receptor
in most studies, it is recommended for patients with persistent MRD modified T cells)
and all high-risk patients either defined by conventional clinical Abbreviation: LBC, leukemic blast count.
prognostic factors or by MRD positivity. High-risk patients have a
Source: D Hoelzer: Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2011:243, 2011.
survival rate of ≥50% if transplanted in first remission. For standard
risk patients with sustained molecular remission, allogeneic stem cell
transplantation is not recommended in first remission. Autologous
stem cell transplantation in first remission is restricted to a few disease Treating adult Ph+ ALL with an allogeneic stem cell transplant in first

entities, e.g., in Ph+ ALL, and should be done only in patients who are complete remission is still the best treatment option. However, patients
MRD negative or older patients. may receive only chemotherapy plus a TKI as primary treatment, not
For all relapsed adult ALL patients, an allogeneic stem cell trans- undergoing a stem cell transplant in first remission. Thus, a Ph+ group
plant is the only curative option to date, and it is recommended with lower relapse risk could probably be identified by MRD response,
Oncology and Hematology

to all patients in second or later complete remission. The potential absence of additional chromosomal abnormalities, or IKZF1 gene
advantages of stem cell transplant short treatment duration, favorable deletion. Faster and deeper molecular responses are achieved with sec-
outcome in some trials must be balanced against the disadvantages; ond-generation TKIs (dasatinib, nilotinib), but it is not clear whether this
mortality of about 20%, morbidity, late complications, reduced quality translates into a survival benefit. A third-generation TKI is ponatinib,
of life, and has to be assessed in relation to the improved outcome with which targets the T315I and other resistant mutations either present at
targeted therapies. diagnosis, or developing after treatment with other TKIs.


Substantial progress in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia has been Immunologically based treatments with monoclonal antibodies or
made in the last decade by the introduction of targeted therapies, either activated T cells are showing encouraging antitumor effects in patients
with tyrosine kinase inhibitors or by immunotherapeutic approaches with ALL.
(Table 102-5). B-lineage blast cells express a variety of specific antigens, such as
CD19, CD20, and CD22. Monoclonal antibodies have been developed
Patients with Ph+ ALL constitute ~25% of adult B-lineage ALL, with Anti-CD20  The anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab has sub-
the incidence increasing to about 50% among elderly patients. In the stantially improved the outcome of patients with de novo Burkitt leuke-
“pre-Imatinib era,” complete remission rates were 60–70%, the survival mia/lymphoma. With repeated short cycles of intensive chemotherapy
in those patients treated with chemotherapy alone was ~10%, and combined with rituximab, the overall survival of such patients increased
after allogeneic stem cell transplant it was ~30%. The results improved to >80% compared to earlier results of <60% without rituximab.
substantially when the first-generation TKI imatinib became available, Anti-CD22  Monoclonal antibodies directed against CD22, linked
with complete remission rates of 80–90%, but particularly the rate of to cytotoxic agents, such as calicheamicin (inotuzumab ozogamicin),
molecular remissions (BCR-ABL-negativity) increased from 5 to 50% or or to plant or bacterial toxins (epratuzumab) are being explored in
higher, and the 5-year survival increased to ≥50–60%. refractory/relapsed adult ALL. In a trial of patients with relapsed/
refractory ALL treated with inotuzumab ozogamicin, the complete
response rate (including responses without blood cell count recovery)
TABLE 102-5  Targeted Therapies in Ph-Positive Adult ALL was 66%, and of those, 78% achieved a molecular complete remis-
sion. When inotuzumab is combined with less intensive chemother-
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
apy (anthracyclines and alkylating agents) encouraging results were
  Ph/BCR-ABL+ ALL obtained in elderly patients (>60 years) as first-line therapy.
   Imatinib, Dasatinib, Nilotinib, Bosutinib, Ponatinib Anti-CD19  Targeting CD19 is of great interest, as this antigen is
  Ph-/BCR-ABL-like ALL
expressed in all B-lineage cells, most likely including early lymphoid
precursor cells. A promising approach is the bi-specific antibody
   ABL1, ABL2; Dasatinib, JAK2; Ruxolitinib
blinatumomab, which combines single chain antibodies to CD19 and
Immunologic Approaches (see Table 102-6) CD3, such that T cells are brought into proximity with and lyse the
  Antibodies directed leukemia surface antigens CD19-bearing B cells.
  Monovalent antibodies This antibody was effective in patients with positive MRD, and 80%
   Bivalent antibodies against the tumor and CD3 (e.g., blinatumomab) converted to MRD-negativity; some patients had promising survival dura-
  Adoptive cellular therapy tions even without stem cell transplantation. In a trial of adult patients
   T cells engineered to kill leukemic cells
with refractory/relapsed ALL treated with blinatumomab, the rate of
complete remissions was 43%, and the MRD response rate was 82%.

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Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cells  The adoptive some patients presenting asymptomatically and never requiring therapy, 763
transfer of CAR-modified T cells directed against CD19 is a promising whereas others present with symptomatic disease, require multiple lines
approach to the treatment of CD19+ childhood or adult ALL. Complete of therapy, and eventually die of their disease. Over the past 10–15 years,
response rates in adults ranged from 67 to 91% with an MRD negativity the understanding of CLL origin and biology has grown exponentially,
in 60–81% of the complete responders. The rate of allogeneic stem cell leading first to more refined disease definition, prognostic markers, and,
transplantation after CAR T cells varied from about 10 to 50%. Since subsequently, introduction of novel therapies that have significantly
patients who underwent an allogeneic stem cell transplant after CAR changed the natural history of this disease. In this chapter, we review
T-cell therapy had a similar outcome as the nontransplanted patients, the epidemiology, biology, and management of CLL, with a focus on
the value of the transplant is unclear. CAR T-cell therapy can be highly new knowledge that is currently changing standards of care.
toxic. The accompanying cytokine release syndrome related to systemic
immune activation produces fever, hypotension, confusion, and delir- EPIDEMIOLOGY
ium. These effects appear in the first week of therapy and generally CLL is primarily a disease of older adults, with a median age at diag-
abate, but severe neurotoxicity may be slow to recover. The CD19 neg- nosis of 71 and an age-adjusted incidence of 4.5/100,000 people in
ative relapse rate after CAR T-cell therapy is 10–20%, and those patients the United States. The prevalence of CLL has increased over the past
have limited treatment options. decades due to improvements in therapy for this disease and also
survival of older patients from other medical ailments. In 1980, the
■■CONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 5-year overall survival of patients was 69%, and this increased to 87.9%
Progress in ALL has led to the recognition of better defined ALL sub- in 2007 and is likely even higher today. The male:female ratio is 2:1;
entities, the importance of MRD as a prognostic factor and therapeutic however, as patients age, the ratio becomes more even, and over the
target, and the value of new targeted therapies. Treatment outcome age of 80, the incidence is equal between men and women. The disease
of adult ALL has improved with about half of the patients surviving is most common in Caucasians, less common in Hispanic and African
>5 years and those surviving 5 years are most likely cured. Newer Americans, and is rare in the Asian population.
options, such as less intensive chemotherapy, reduction of stem cell

CHAPTER 103 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Unlike many other malignancies, there have been no definitive links
transplantation, and incorporation of targeted therapies are promising between CLL and exposures. Indeed, CLL is one of the only types of
options to reduce toxicities and improve the life quality. leukemia not linked to radiation exposure. Agent Orange exposure
has been implicated, and CLL is thus a service-connected condition
■■FURTHER READING for those who were exposed to Agent Orange in the Vietnam conflict.
Bassan R, Hoelzer D: Modern therapy of acute lymphoblastic leuke- CLL is one of the most familial-associated malignancies, and the
mia. J Clin Oncol 29:532, 2011. first-degree relative of a CLL patient has an 8.5-fold elevated risk
Campana D: Minimal residual disease in acute lymphoblastic leuke- of developing CLL than the general population. MBL is also more
mia. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2010:7, 2010. common in families with two first-degree relatives having CLL, fur-
Coustan-Smith E et al: Early T-cell precursor leukaemia: A subtype of ther supporting a genetic predisposition of this disease. Despite this,
very high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Lancet Oncol 10:147, specific genes conferring risk in the familial setting outside of specific
2009. families have been difficult to identify. In genome-wide association
Gökbuget N et al: Adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia studies (GWAS), ~30 SNPs have been identified, which is estimated to
and molecular failure display a poor prognosis and are candidates account for 19% of the familial risk of CLL. Genes involved in apop-
for stem cell transplantation and targeted therapies. Blood 120:1868, tosis, telomere function, B-cell receptor (BCR) activation, and B cell
2012. differentiation have all been implicated in GWAS. Variants in shelterin
Hoelzer D et al: Improved outcome of adult Burkitt lymphoma/ complex proteins involved in telomere maintenance such as POT1 have
leukemia with rituximab and chemotherapy: Report of a large pro- been identified in a small number of families.
spective multicenter trial. Blood 124:3870, 2014.
Iacobucci I, Mullighan C: Genetic basis of acute lymphoblastic leu- BIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
kemia. J Clin Oncol 35:975, 2017.
Kantarjian HM: Inotuzumab ozogamicin versus standard therapy for ■■CELL OF ORIGIN
acute lymphoblastic leukemia. N Engl J Med 375:740, 2016. The cell of origin in CLL has not definitively been established. The
Park JH et al: CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapeutics for hematologic morphology, immunophenotype, and gene expression pattern of CLL
malignancies: Interpreting clinical outcomes to date. Blood 127:3312, cells are that of a mature B cell (Fig 103-1), and so it has been presumed
2016. that the initiating cell is a mature lymphocyte, perhaps memory B
Roberts KG et al: Targetable kinase-activating lesions in Ph-like acute cells. However, many facets of CLL biology do not support this idea,
lymphoblastic leukemia. N Engl J Med 371:1005, 2014.

103 Chronic Lymphocytic

Jennifer A. Woyach, John C. Byrd

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a monoclonal proliferation of

mature B lymphocytes defined by an absolute number of malignant
cells in the blood (5 × 109/mL). The presence of malignant B cells under
this count in the blood without nodal, spleen, or liver involvement and
absent cytopenias is a precursor of this disease called monoclonal B-cell
lymphocytosis (MBL) with ~1–2% chance per year of progressing to overt FIGURE 103-1  Chronic lymphoid leukemia in the peripheral blood. (From Williams
CLL. CLL is a heterogeneous disease in terms of natural history, with Hematology, 7th ed, in M Lichtman et al [eds]: New York, McGraw-Hill, 2005.)

Harrisons_20e_Part4_p0435-p0858.indd 763 6/1/18 5:44 PM

764 including antigen-binding characteristics of CLL cells and the presence with a more indolent disease course. Conversely, ~40% of patients will
of stereotyped BCRs. Other possibilities include a stepwise process have IGVH <2% mutated from germline, which is associated with
including a series of transforming events at various stages of B-cell more rapid progression of disease and short survival. Unfavorable
development, potentially including de-differentiation of more mature biologic properties including enhanced telomerase activity, overex-
cells. The self-renewing, multipotent hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) pression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase, increased nuclear
might also be the originating cell of CLL, postulated based on trans- factor-κB (NF-κB) activity, high-risk genomic features, and clonal
plant studies in mice showing clonal leukemic cell development with evolution are also associated with IGHV unmutated disease.
same or different characteristics from donor leukemia after transplan- Because IGHV sequencing was initially cumbersome to perform, a
tation of HSC. More work will be required to elucidate the origins of number of surrogate factors have been identified; however, none yet
CLL. have been shown to be equal or superior to IGVH sequencing. The most
prevalent of these surrogate markers are Zap-70 expression, ZAP-70
■■B-CELL RECEPTOR SIGNALING IN CLL methylation, and surface CD38 expression. Zap-70 protein is a normal
Perhaps the most important advancement in CLL biology is the under- intracellular T-cell signaling protein that is aberrantly expressed in
standing of the role of BCR signaling in the disease. CLL has distinct most IGHV unmutated CLL cells. CD38 is a marker that is also more
BCR signaling as compared to normal B cells, which is characterized highly expressed on the surface of IGHV unmutated CLL cells. Both
by low-level IgM expression, variable response to antigen stimulation, these prognostic factors are widely used but limited in their applicabil-
and tonic activation of antiapoptotic signaling pathways that promote ity. Zap-70 protein status is difficult to measure by flow cytometry, and
tumor survival. CLL cells by gene expression profiling share many it has low reproducibility. Measurement of methylation status of the
features with antigen-activated mature B cells, suggesting a role for ZAP-70 promoter is much more precise but not widely available. CD38
activation of BCR signaling in the disease pathogenesis. Tissue-based expression is easier to measure by flow cytometry but not as highly
microarrays have revealed upregulation of BCR pathway genes in the predictive of outcomes and can change during the course of disease.
lymph nodes and bone marrow compared to the peripheral blood,
suggesting a particular importance of this pathway in microenviron- ■■CYTOGENETIC ABNORMALITIES
mental homing. Besides IGHV mutational status, recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities

Fitting with the role of BCR signaling in CLL, one of the most influ- are the most robust prognostic factor clinically available in CLL. These
ential prognostic factors identified in this disease is the mutational sta- abnormalities are typically identified by fluorescent in situ hybridiza-
tus of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable (IGHV) region. During tion (FISH) analysis; however, stimulated metaphase karyotype has a
normal B-cell maturation, the variable regions of the immunoglobulin role as well. The most well-characterized abnormalities include del(13)
Oncology and Hematology

heavy chain undergo somatic hypermutation. In CLL, ~60% of patients (q14.3), trisomy 12, del(11)(q22.3), and del(17)(p13.1) (Fig. 103-2). The
have IGVH that is ≥2% mutated from germline. This may indicate a presence of sole del(13)(q14.3) is associated with more indolent disease,
more mature, postgerminal center progenitor, and is typically associated prolonged survival, and good response to traditional therapies. Usually

17p deletion
11q deletion
12q trisomy
13q deletion as
sole abnormality
Patients surviving (%)




1 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180
No. AT Risk
17p deletion 23 18 13 8 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11q deletion 56 53 47 43 33 27 20 15 10 4 2 2 1 0 0 0
12q trisomy 47 44 41 29 24 17 14 13 12 11 4 3 2 1 1 0
Normal 57 51 45 37 30 27 20 17 12 11 6 5 2 2 1 1
13q deletion as sole 117 117 106 91 80 63 45 36 24 16 12 11 3 1 1 0
FIGURE 103-2  Outcomes among CLL patients with various cytogenetic abnormalities. (From Döhner H et al: N Engl J Med 343:1910, 2000.)

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this abnormality is not seen on banded karyotype analysis, and when ATM mutations, which are heterogeneous and occur throughout the 765
present on karyotype, it indicates a larger deletion involving the retin- gene, occur in 10–15% of CLL patients. ATM mutations often coexist
oblastoma gene, which negates the favorable prognosis associated with with del(11)(q22.3), eliminating ATM on the alternate allele. Similar to
this marker. Trisomy 12 has a more intermediate prognosis. The del(11) TP53, mutations in ATM tend to result in impaired response to DNA
(q23.3) results in deletion of the ATM gene and is associated with bulky damage, which can reduce responsiveness to chemotherapy.
lymphadenopathy and aggressive disease in young patients, with infe- In contrast to the aforementioned mutations, those in MYD88 tend
rior prognosis, more rapid progression to symptomatic disease, and to occur in IGHV mutated CLL and be associated with a more indolent
shorter survival. The del(17)(p13.1) results in loss of one allele of the prognosis. This gene is involved in Toll-like receptor signaling, and the
tumor suppressor TP53 and is associated with the poorest prognosis most common mutation, L265P, results in constitutive activation and
in CLL with rapid disease progression, poor response to traditional NF-κB activity.
therapies, and shorter survival. Other abnormalities have been shown Along with abnormalities in coding genes, it has become apparent
to be important in smaller studies but are not routinely performed at that noncoding genes such as microRNAs are recurrently altered in
all centers. Finally, complex karyotype (three or more abnormalities) CLL. The most common cytogenetic abnormality, del(13)(q14.3) results
on stimulated metaphase karyotype analysis has significant adverse in loss of the miR15/16 cluster, which is important in the pathogenesis
impact on time to treatment and overall survival. of CLL. In normal cells, miR15A/miR16A inhibit antiapoptotic gene
Clonal evolution, or acquisition of cytogenetic or molecular abnormali- expression (including BCL2, CCND1&3, and CDK6), and this specific
ties, is common in CLL, especially in patients with IGHV unmutated CLL. deletion allows for overexpression of these genes and thus increased
Because the cytogenetics of patients can change even in the absence of cell survival. Loss of other miR expression such as mir-181a leads
therapy, it is recommended that FISH +/− cytogenetics are checked before to overexpression of proteins such as the antiapoptotic gene MCL-1
every line of therapy, mostly to evaluate acquisition of del(17)(p13.1). and TCL1. Overexpression of miR-155, an onco-miR associated with
B-cell transformation, has also been documented in the majority of CLL
Compared with many other malignancies, the genome in CLL is rel-

CHAPTER 103 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

atively simple, with an average CLL genome carrying ~20 nonsynon- ■■IMMUNOLOGY
ymous alterations and ~5 structural abnormalities. And, unlike many CLL is characterized by dysregulation of the normal immune system in
other hematologic malignancies, there is no unifying genetic lesion, addition to the malignant immune cells. Besides numerical abnormali-
and most recurrent genetic driving mutations exist at frequencies of ties due to bone marrow dysfunction, even in the early stages of disease
<5%. Whole genome and whole exome sequencing have identified the there are skewed ratios of immune cells and functional abnormalities.
most common mutations in CLL to be in SF3B1, NOTCH1, MYD88, Innate immune system defects associated with CLL include reduced
ATM, and TP53 (Table 103-1). Most of the identified mutations in these complement proteins and activity, qualitative neutrophil defects, and
genes are common among different malignancies, and with the excep- functional defects of natural killer cells.
tion of MYD88, they are generally subclonal drivers identified with More focus has been placed on the impairments in the adaptive
much higher frequency in IGHV unmutated disease. immune system in this disease. Within the CD4+ T-cell compartment, a
NOTCH1 mutations are present in ~15% of CLL patients and are qualitative defect is noted similar to chronic antigen stimulation induc-
commonly associated with trisomy 12. Although multiple different ing a phenotype of T-cell exhaustion typical of what is seen in chronic
mutations are seen, most are located within the PEST (proline, glutamic viral infections such as hepatitis. This has been demonstrated to lead
acid, serine, and threonine) domain and result in constitutive NOTCH to impaired T-cell cytotoxic capacity and reduced proliferative ability.
signaling. NOTCH1 mutations have been associated with lower sen- Additionally, there are physical changes in the T-cell cytoskeleton that
sitivity to CD20 antibody therapy and increased risk of transforma- causes impaired immune synapse formation with antigen presenting
tion to aggressive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL; Richter’s cells. In addition to a lack of capacity to respond to pathogens, the
transformation). T-cell defect in CLL also likely leads to tumor cell tolerance. During
SF3B1 is a component of the RNA spliceosome and is mutated the course of the disease, the polarization of the CD4+ T cells shifts
in 10–15% of CLL cases. Mutations appear to be associated with from a Th1 (cytotoxic) phenotype to a Th2 phenotype, which leads to
intermediate-risk disease, and, functionally, SF3B1 may be important in expansion of immunosuppressive cytokines such as IL-10. Addition-
the response to DNA damage. ally, in the later stage of disease T regulatory cells are expanded, which
Mutations of the tumor suppressor TP53 are found in ~5% of CLL in contributes to an immunosuppressive phenotype.
previously untreated early stage disease and up to 40% in later stages. Other components of the immune microenvironment are altered
Seventy percent of the time these mutations coexist with del(17)(p13.1), as well to form a more supportive environment for the malignant
effectively eliminating TP53 function. As expected, and consistent with cells. M2 monocytes have been shown to differentiate into a type of
other malignancies, TP53 mutations are associated with a poor progno- tumor-associated macrophage known as a nurse-like cell in CLL. These
sis and expected lack of response to DNA-damaging therapies. cells promote survival by secreting chemokines and cytokines that
increase migration and activation.
The humoral immune system in CLL is also dysregulated, as is
TABLE 103-1  Recurrent Mutations in CLL
expected for a malignancy that results in very few normal B cells.
GENE FREQUENCY OF MUTATIONS (%) Hypogammaglobulinemia is very common and affects all subclasses of
SF3B1 8–14 immunoglobulins, occurring in ~85% of patients at some time in their
TP53 5–13 disease course, and is more common as disease progresses. A correla-
NOTCH1 10–13 tion between low IgG and IgA and infection risk has been established,
MYD88 4–8 but isolated IgM reduction does not seem to be associated with excess
ATM 8–11 infection risk. Also, CLL cells can secrete monoclonal IgM in a small
BIRC3 <5 number of cases, and this can correlate with disease progression.
XPO1 <5
EGR2 <5
The presentation of CLL most commonly occurs as an incidental
IKZF3 <5 diagnosis made at the time of medical evaluation for another cause. In
Abbreviation: CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia. this regard, CLL is most commonly diagnosed on routine blood work

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766 TABLE 103-2  Typical Immunophenotype of CLL Compared with Other B-Cell Malignancies
CLL + − + + (dim) + − + (dim)
Mantle cell lymphoma + − + + (mod/bright) − + + (mod/bright)
Marginal zone lymphoma −/+ − + + (mod/bright) −/+ − + (mod/bright)
Follicular lymphoma − + + + + −
Abbreviation: CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

demonstrating an elevated lymphocyte count in asymptomatic indi- can occur with the primary care physician as this does not represent a
viduals, although some patients present with symptoms and require malignancy, whereas CLL is mostly comanaged with both a primary
early therapy. When noting either an elevated total white blood cell care physician and a hematologist.
(WBC) count with lymphocytic predominance or a normal WBC with a
differential showing a lymphocytosis, the next step is to perform flow COMPLICATIONS OF CLL
cytometry on the peripheral blood. In CLL, this will reveal the typical A significant amount of morbidity and mortality related to CLL is
immunophenotype that includes the typical B-cell markers CD19, due to complications of the disease. In general, complications besides
CD20, CD22, CD23, the T-cell marker CD5 (CD5 is also expressed on disease progression include infections, secondary cancers, autoim-
the B1 subset of B cells that typically has unmutated immunoglobulin mune complications, and transformation to a more aggressive clonally
and responds to antigens independent of cognate T-cell help), and dim related lymphoma.
surface immunoglobulin of either kappa or lambda type (Table 103-2).

Atypical phenotypes can be seen as well and usually can be differenti- ■■INFECTIONS
ated on the basis of morphology, cytogenetics, or clinical presentation. Infections are a leading cause of both disease-related morbidity and
In cases in which the clonal B cell count based on flow cytometry is death in patients with CLL, with ~30–50% of deaths in CLL patient
≥5 × 109/L, no further workup is needed to confirm the diagnosis of CLL. attributed to infection. Owing to the immune dysfunction associated
Some patients will present with a small clonal proliferation of CLL with the disease, patients are at risk for both typical and atypical infec-
Oncology and Hematology

cells in the peripheral blood but will also have lymphadenopathy or tions. Besides this baseline risk of infections, most CLL therapies can
splenomegaly. In these cases, the likely diagnosis is small lymphocytic increase infection risk. For many nucleoside analog-based chemother-
lymphoma (SLL), a semantic designation from CLL that denotes a apy regimens used in CLL, prophylaxis for Pneumocystis pneumonia is
primarily tissue-based disease rather than bone marrow/blood-based indicated for at least 6 months following therapy to allow recovery of
disease. The genetic and molecular features of SLL are identical to those functional T cells. Viral prophylaxis is also indicated for many chemo-
of CLL. The retention of the cells in tissues may be related to the expres- therapy regimens and for patients with a history of varicella zoster to
sion of particular adhesion molecule. Thus, SLL patients are managed diminish reactivation and morbidity from this virus.
identically to CLL, and often in the later stages of disease these patients Because of the abnormalities in cellular and humoral immunity,
will often have blood and bone marrow involvement as well. vaccine responses in CLL are limited in many patients, especially in
the later stages of disease. In one study, one dose of 13-valent pneu-
MONOCLONAL B-CELL LYMPHOCYTOSIS mococcal vaccine produced an adequate immune response in only 58%
Patients who do not meet the diagnostic criteria for CLL based on quan- of patients compared with 100% in age-matched controls. Despite the
tification of clonal B cells in the peripheral blood and who do not have known limitations, vaccination against influenza and pneumococcal
associated signs of CLL including lymphadenopathy, organomegaly, or pneumonia is recommended in CLL. Live vaccines, such as the vari-
cytopenias have a disorder known as monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis cella zoster vaccine, should be avoided because of the small risk of viral
(MBL), which is now thought to precede every case of CLL. Analogous reactivation with an immunocompromised host.
to monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance (MGUS) in mye- As discussed earlier, hypogammaglobulinemia is common in CLL
loma, not all MBL progresses to CLL. MBL is initially characterized by and can be associated with significant risk for infections, primarily of
a CLL-like immunophenotype in ~75% of cases but can also be atypical mucocutaneous etiology such as sinusitis and bronchitis. In addition,
(CD23 negative or bright CD20) or CD5 negative. More relevant for women can have frequent urinary tract infections. While administra-
prognosis is characterization by count, with low-count MBL defining tion of prophylactic intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) has not been
those patients with <0.5 × 109 clonal B cells/L, and high-count MBL shown to improve survival, it has been shown to reduce the number of
defining those with >0.5 × 109 but <5 × 109/L. Patients with low-count minor or moderate bacterial infections, and thus is indicated in patients
MBL have a negligible rate of progression to CLL, whereas those with with hypogammaglobulinemia who suffer from recurrent infections
high count progress to overt CLL at a rate of 1–2% per year, warranting or have pulmonary bronchiectasis. It is also our practice to adminis-
continued monitoring. Population-based studies have estimated the ter at least one dose immunoglobulin to CLL patients who develop
prevalence of MBL up to ~12% in the general population, where it is influenza with coexisting hypogammaglobulinemia to diminish risk of
most common in elderly men. It is especially common in first-degree post-influenza pneumococcal pneumonia. IVIg is probably indicated in
relatives of CLL patients, where the frequency is ~18%. patients who have been hospitalized for a serious infection and in those
Although the risk of MBL progression is relatively low, it has whose IgG level is <300 mg/dL.
become apparent that patients still experience complications that
suggest an immune dysfunction in MBL that is similar to that seen with ■■SECONDARY MALIGNANCIES
CLL. Rates of serious infections requiring hospitalization appear to be Multiple population-based studies have shown that patients with CLL
significantly increased in MBL, similar to the rates seen in CLL. In a are at an elevated risk to develop other cancers, with a rate up to three
case-control study, patients with MBL had a 16% chance of hospitaliza- times that of the general population, even in the absence of cytotoxic
tion over a 4-year time period, compared with 18.4% in patients with chemotherapy. The most common types of cancers seen in CLL are skin
newly diagnosed CLL. Secondary cancers also appear to be increased cancers, prostate, and breast cancers, although other cancers are seen as
in MBL. These data suggest that monitoring for patients with MBL well. Skin cancers are particularly common, with a rate of 8- to 15-fold
should focus on vaccinations and age-appropriate cancer screening, as higher than the general population, and may behave more aggres-
the probability of complications appears to be higher than the risk of sively. All CLL patients should be counseled on the use of sunscreen
progression in most of these patients. Follow-up for patients with MBL while outdoors and should undergo preventative skin examinations.

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In one single-center study, older age at CLL diagnosis, male sex, The prevalence of Richter’s transformation is difficult to estimate based 767
high β2 microglobulin, high lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and chronic on previous studies, but one prospective observational study estimated
kidney disease were associated with excess risk of other cancers; other a rate of 0.5% per year for DLBCL and 0.05% per year for HL. Risk
CLL-specific risk factors have not shown association with other cancer factors for development include bulky lymphadenopathy, NOTCH1
risk. mutations, del(17)(p13.1), and a specific stereotyped IGVH usage.
While cancer risk is higher, there are no specific recommendations for Lymphomas arising in the setting of CLL can either be clonally related
increased cancer screening in CLL patients. Age- and sex-appropriate or unrelated to the initial CLL, with prognosis significantly better for
screenings should be recommended. clonally unrelated lymphomas. In addition, patients with Hodgkin’s
Conflicting data exist regarding the risk of cancers following transformation have improved outcome, particularly in the absence of
CLL-specific therapy. Chemoimmunotherapy, in particular alkylator- prior fludarabine treatment.
containing regimens, seems to be associated with an increased risk for Clinical signs of Richter’s transformation include rapid progression
secondary cancers. in adenopathy, often in a specific area, and constitutional symptoms
including fatigue, night sweats, fever, and weight loss. LDH is usually
■■AUTOIMMUNE COMPLICATIONS high. In suspected cases, the first step is 18FDG-PET/CT (fluorodeox-
Autoimmune complications are frequent in CLL. Most commonly, yglucose–positron emission tomography combined with computed
these include autoimmune cytopenias, but autoimmune complications tomography) scan to localize an area for biopsy. Standardized uptake
of other organs including glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, and neurop- values (SUV) <5 is consistent with CLL and can rule out Richter’s trans-
athies have also been reported. Of the autoimmune cytopenias, the formation in many cases. SUV >5 are suspicious for Richter’s transfor-
most common is autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), which is an mation, with SUV ≥10 very concerning. Excisional biopsy is diagnostic.
antibody-mediated destruction of autologous red blood cells (RBCs). Needle biopsy should be discouraged.
Second most common is immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), which Therapy for DLBCL Richter’s transformation usually involves
shares some features with AIHA and has a similar mechanism targeting combination chemoimmunotherapy. Outcomes are poor with median

CHAPTER 103 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

platelets. These two syndromes may occur in isolation, sequentially in survivals of 6–16 months in most series for clonally related Richter’s
the same patient, or present in combination as Evan’s syndrome. Pure versus ~5 years for clonally unrelated. This highlights an area of unmet
red cell aplasia (PRCA) and autoimmune granulocytopenia (AIG) are need in CLL therapy and an area of active investigation. For fit patients
comparatively rare and can occur alone or in combination with other who achieve a response with therapy, stem cell transplantation has the
AIC. It is difficult to tease out whether autoimmune cytopenias lead possibility to induce long-term remissions and should be explored.
to worse prognosis in CLL because of various complicating factors. Patients with Hodgkin’s disease can be treated according to the
However, it is clear that these can lead to significant morbidity, both algorithm for this disease, with many individuals being cured.
due to the process itself and due to therapies required for management.
AIHA usually presents as an isolated anemia with an elevated retic- WORKUP OF CLL AND APPROACH TO
ulocyte count and features of hemolysis including elevated bilirubin THERAPY
and LDH, and low haptoglobin. Detection of a warm IgG antibody on
the surface of RBCs with a Coombs test can help solidify the diagno- ■■WORKUP AND STAGING
sis, although Coombs-negative cases can occur. Immediate therapy is Workup of a patient with new diagnosis of CLL based on typical
almost always necessary, and consists of transfusion and immunosup- immunophenotyping includes a detailed history of infectious history;
pression. Glucocorticoids are often used for initial therapy, although in family history of CLL; and careful physical examination with attention
most cases additional treatment is needed due to either poor response to the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver. In patients desiring to know the
or recurrence with taper of steroid dosing. Rituximab can be successful, expected natural history of their CLL, prognostic testing using FISH
and therapy directed toward the underlying CLL is often effective in and stimulated karyotype as well as IGHV sequencing can be per-
more resistant cases. Transfusion of blood in cases of robust AIHA must formed. Imaging with CT scan is usually not necessary unless there are
be initiated with caution as transfusion reactions can be seen due to symptoms and concern for intra-abdominal nodes out of proportion to
poorly matched blood. peripheral nodes. Bone marrow biopsy is not undertaken until therapy
ITP can be more difficult to diagnose, as it may be difficult to differ- is initiated except in cases of unexplained cytopenias.
entiate from progression of disease due to the lack of laboratory tests
that identify platelet destruction from this mechanism. Signs that point
There are two widely used staging systems in CLL: The Rai staging
toward ITP include isolated thrombocytopenia and rapid decline in
system is used more commonly in the United States, whereas the Binet
platelet levels in the absence of an alternative etiology. A bone marrow
system is more commonly used in Europe. Both characterize CLL on
biopsy showing normal or increased megakaryocytes can be used to
the basis of disease bulk and marrow failure (Table 103-3). Both rely
confirm the diagnosis but is often not necessary. In CLL, treatment for
on physical examination and laboratory studies and do not require
ITP is usually instituted when platelet levels drop to 20–30,000 or if
imaging or bone marrow analysis. While the initial staging systems
there is evidence of bleeding complications or need for invasive proce-
could reliably predict survival in CLL, with the changes in therapy
dures. Like AIHA, initial therapy consists of glucocorticoids and IVIG,
with rituximab also being an effective method to induce long-term
remissions. Also, the thrombopoietin receptor agonists romiplostim
and eltrombopag are effective in secondary ITP. In many cases, ITP TABLE 103-3  Staging of CLL
can be successfully treated without treating the underlying CLL. In Rai Staging System
cases in which anemia or thrombocytopenia appear, it is important to Low risk (stage 0) Lymphocytosis only
investigate the mechanism as the approach to therapy of autoimmune Intermediate risk Lymphocytosis with lymphadenopathy, with
cytopenias in CLL differs from cytopenias due to marrow replacement. (stage I/II) or without splenomegaly or hepatomegaly
High risk (stage III/IV) Lymphocytosis with anemia or thrombocytopenia
■■RICHTER’S TRANSFORMATION due to bone marrow involvement
One of the most devastating complications of CLL is Richter’s trans-
Binet Staging System
formation, transformation of CLL to an aggressive lymphoma, most
commonly DLBCL. The World Health Organization also recognizes A <3 areas of lymphadenopathy
Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) as a variant of Richter’s transforma- B ≥3 areas of lymphadenopathy
tion; other aggressive lymphomas are rarely identified. Some older C Hemoglobin ≤10 g/dL and/or platelets
series have included prolymphocytic transformation in this category, <100,000/μL
although this has much less prognostic impact on long-term outcome. Abbreviation: CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

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768 TABLE 103-4  Criteria for the Initiation of Therapy combination of FCR improved survival over the combination chemo-
Symptoms Indicating Need for Therapy in CLL
therapy regimen FC. Alone, this antibody has shown modest activity,
but activity is improved with higher doses and increased frequency of
Evidence of progressive marrow failure (worsening of anemia or
administration. Both ofatumumab and obinutuzumab are effective as
thrombocytopenia not due to autoimmune destruction)
single agents, but it is likely that monoclonal antibodies will be most
Massive (≥6 cm below costal margin), progressive, or symptomatic
widely used in combination. Current trials are focused on combining
anti-CD20 antibodies with therapies that target BCR signaling or
Massive (≥10 cm), progressive, or symptomatic lymphadenopathy
antiapoptotic proteins. Antibodies against other targets are also being
Autoimmune anemia or thrombocytopenia not responsive to standard therapy
developed, including CD19, BAFF receptor, and CD37.
Constitutional symptoms (one or more of the following: unintentional weight
loss ≥10% over 6 months, significant fatigue, fevers ≥100.5°C for 2+ weeks B-Cell Receptor Signaling Inhibitors  Three specific targets
without infection, night sweats for >1 month without infection)  were the first identified: spleen tyrosine kinase, phosphoinositide-
Abbreviation: CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia. 3-kinase (PI3K), and Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK). Therapeutics
directed at the latter two targets have moved forward through clinical
trials and are now utilized in clinical practice.
Idelalisib is a reversible, p110 delta isoform-specific PI3K inhibitor.
since the original description of the stages, the impact of initial stage Because the delta isoform is specific for B lymphocytes, this agent has
on survival is not as clear. Cytogenetic and genomic testing can help selective effects on the CLL cells with relative sparing of other hemato-
refine outcome of these staging tests. An international collaboration poietic cells. The definitive phase III study of the idelalisib plus rituxi-
integrated both clinical and genomic staging to better predict outcome mab regimen assessed this combination versus placebo plus rituximab
at diagnosis and time of initial treatment. in 220 patients and showed an ORR of 77% (vs 15% with rituximab plus
placebo) with improved progression-free and overall survival. Toxicity
■■CRITERIA FOR THE INITIATION OF THERAPY specific to idelalisib included elevated alanine transaminase (ALT) and
Currently, a watchful waiting strategy is used for most patients with aspartate transaminase (AST) in the first 3 months of therapy and diar-

CLL, with therapy reserved for patients with symptomatic disease. rhea, colitis, pneumonitis, and rash later (9+ months) into treatment.
This recommendation is based on multiple trials showing no survival These side effects appear to be more common in younger patients given
advantage with earlier therapy, although this question is currently idelalisib earlier in the course of their disease.
being revisited with novel targeted therapies. Ibrutinib is a relatively selective, irreversible inhibitor of BTK.
With the exception of patients participating on early intervention This target is attractive because, unlike other kinases in the BCR
Oncology and Hematology

studies in CLL, disease-related symptoms that require the initiation pathway, BTK does not have natural redundancy and is selective for
of therapy are outlined in Table 103-4. Except for the rare patient who B cells, so inhibition leads to a B-cell–specific phenotype. As initial
presents with disease requiring urgent therapy, most times these symp- therapy, ibrutinib was compared with chlorambucil, and there was
toms can be monitored over short periods to determine relatedness to an 84% lower risk of progression or death with ibrutinib, with 90%
CLL and need for therapy. of ibrutinib-treated patients alive and progression-free at 18 months.
In the relapsed phase III study, ibrutinib was compared to the CD20
■■INITIAL THERAPY FOR CLL monoclonal antibody ofatumumab, and there was a 78% reduction in
Chemoimmunotherapy and Monoclonal Antibody Therapy  the risk of progression or death with ibrutinib. Side effects distinct to
Chemotherapy and chemoimmunotherapy are the standard therapies ibrutinib include rash, diarrhea, dyspepsia, increased risk of bleeding
for CLL. For patients who are young (≤65 years), the gold standard for (particularly when on anticoagulation therapy or with surgery), and
therapy is a combination of the nucleoside analogue fludarabine, the atrial fibrillation. Second-generation BTK inhibitors with more speci-
alkylator cyclophosphamide, and the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody ficity such as acalabrutinib are in clinical trials and may diminish these
rituximab (FCR). In phase III study, this combination produced an side effects. Although direct comparison of agents targeting p110 delta
overall response rate (ORR) of 93% with a complete response (CR) rate PI3 kinase and BTK has not occurred, BTK inhibitors appear to induce
of 44%. Median progression-free survival (PFS) is almost 5 years. Substi- more durable remissions.
tution of bendamustine for fludarabine and cyclophosphamide or addi- The success of ibrutinib and idelalisib has generated significant
tion of other chemotherapy-based treatments to FCR have not improved interest in other molecules targeting PI3K, BTK, and other members of
outcome. A subset of patients treated with the FCR regimen has durable the BCR signaling pathway. One issue with most drugs targeting this
responses over 10 years. This group is primarily composed of those pathway in CLL is that while durable responses are common, CRs are
patients with mutated IGVH and good cytogenetic risk. However, not, which leads to the recommendation for indefinite therapy with
despite the efficacy of this regimen, short- and long-term toxicities limit these molecules. Combination clinical trials are currently underway to
its adaptability to many patients with IGHV-mutated disease. Short- determine whether combinations with other active agents might allow
term toxicities are mostly related to myelosuppression and include discontinuation of drug in some settings.
neutropenia and infection. Long-term cytopenias are less common, but Antiapoptotic Therapies  BCL2 is another promising target in
they do occur. Also, there is about a 3–5% risk of therapy-related mye- CLL. Venetoclax is an orally bioavailable, selective BCL2 inhibitor.
loid neoplasm with this regimen that is almost always fatal. Trials in It is currently Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for
the future will need to focus on the superiority of FCR versus targeted marketing in patients with relapsed or refractory CLL who have the
regimens for patients who may be cured by chemoimmunotherapy. del(17)(p13.1). In a phase I study, the ORR with this agent in relapsed/
For older patients or those with multiple comorbidities, FCR is not refractory CLL was 79%, with 69% of patients on the recommended
an appropriate option due to toxicities. For these patients, the alkylator phase II dose being progression-free at 15 months. Unlike the BCR
chlorambucil in combination with the anti-CD20 antibody obinutuzumab signaling antagonists, venetoclax is able to induce very deep responses
or bendamustine with rituximab are appropriate options. While neither including CRs with minimal residual disease negativity in a subset of
produces remissions as durable as FCR, both can induce CRs and remis- patients. Distinct toxicities associated with venetoclax include neu-
sions of 2–3 years in many patients. Toxicities with these regimens mostly tropenia, diarrhea, and acute tumor lysis syndrome. Tumor lysis syn-
relate to myelosuppression, but neither is as immunosuppressive as FCR. drome risk can be mitigated with stepped-up dosing at the beginning
Monoclonal antibodies given alone or in combination with of treatment.
chemotherapy were the first targeted therapies to be successful in
CLL. Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies including rituximab, ofatu- Immune Therapies  Current immune therapies include allogenic
mumab, and obinutuzumab are all used in this disease. Rituximab stem cell transplantation, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell
was the first agent to show a survival advantage in CLL, where the therapy, and oral immunomodulatory agents such as lenalidomide.

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TABLE 103-5  Response Criteria in CLL 769


CR <4000/μL None >1.5 cm Not palpable Normocellular, <30% •  Platelet count >100,000/μL
lymphocytes, no B •  Hemoglobin >11 g/dL
lymphoid nodules
•  Neutrophils >1500/μL
PR Decrease ≥50% from Decrease ≥50% Decrease ≥50% from Infiltrate ≤50% of One of the following:
baseline from baseline baseline baseline •  Platelet count >100,000/μL or ≥50% from
•  Hemoglobin >11 g/dL or ≥50% from baseline
•  Neutrophils >1500/μL or ≥50% from baseline
Stable Not meeting CR/PR/PD Not meeting Not meeting CR/PR/PD Not meeting CR/PR/ Not meeting CR/PR/PD criteria
disease criteria CR/PR/PD criteria criteria PD criteria
PD Increase ≥50% Increase ≥50% Increase ≥50%   •  Platelet count ≤50% of baseline due to CLL
•  Hemoglobin decrease >2 g/dL due to CLL
Refers to sum of the products of multiple lymph nodes evaluated by CT scan. bBased on physical examination. cBone marrow only required to confirm CR.

Abbreviations: CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; CR, complete response; PD, progressive disease; PR, partial response.

Stem cell transplantation is currently considered the only stan- Roberts AW et al: Targeting BCL2 with venetoclax in relapsed and
dard curative approach to CLL. Because most CLL patients are older refractory CLL. N Engl J Med 374:311, 2016.
and many have significant comorbidities, myeloablative transplants Thompson PA et al: Fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab

CHAPTER 104 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

incur extensive morbidity and mortality, making them prohibitive in treatment achieves long-term disease-free survival in IGHV-mutated
many individuals. Reduced intensity conditioning (RIC) allogeneic chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood 127:303, 2016.
transplants have been successfully incorporated into the treatment Woyach JA et al: Resistance mechanisms for the Bruton’s tyrosine
of patients up to ~75 years in age but still have a ≥50% frequency of kinase inhibitor ibrutinib. N Engl J Med 370:2286, 2014.
chronic graft-versus-host disease.


Following the completion of therapy or during therapy for indefinite
targeted agents, response is initially assessed using physical exami-
nation and laboratory studies (Table 103-5). If residual disease is
not detected using these methodologies, CT scans are used to assess
response. Bone marrow biopsies with flow cytometry are indicated if
104 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Caron A. Jacobson, Dan L. Longo
no disease is detected to confirm CR.
It has been established in various malignancies that complete tumor
eradication is associated with longer survival. In CLL, if no malignant
cells can be detected in the bone marrow down to a level of 1 CLL cell Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL) are cancers of mature B, T, and NK
in 104 leukocytes (0.01%), the patient is said to be negative for minimal cells. They were distinguished from Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) upon
residual disease (MRD). Following combination chemoimmunother- recognition of the Reed-Sternberg (RS) cell, and differ from HL with
apy, eradication of MRD correlates with long-term survival and poten- respect to their biologic and clinical characteristics. Whereas ~80–85%
tially cure in a subset of patients receiving FCR chemoimmunotherapy. of patients with HL will be cured of their lymphoma by chemother-
It has yet to be established whether MRD negativity in the setting of apy with or without radiotherapy, the prognosis and natural history
targeted therapies is a meaningful endpoint. of NHL tends to be more variable. NHL can be classified as either a
mature B-NHL, or a mature T/NK-NHL depending on whether the
■■CONCLUSION cancerous lymphocyte is a B, T, or NK-cell, respectively. Within each
CLL is treated only when it becomes symptomatic. At the time of category are lymphomas that grow quickly and behave aggressively, as
therapy chemoimmunotherapy in a small subset of patients is poten- well as lymphomas that are more indolent, or slow growing in nature.
tially curative. In the majority of remaining individuals with symptom- For a list of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of
atic CLL, targeted therapy directed at BTK greatly improves survival lymphoid neoplasms, see Table 104-1.
and also reverses the immune deficiency associated with the disease.
■■FURTHER READING In 2017 over 72,000 new cases of NHL were diagnosed in the United
Burger JA et al: Ibrutinib as initial therapy for patients with chronic States, about 4% of all new cancers in both males and females making
lymphocytic leukemia. N Engl J Med 373:2425, 2015. it the eighth and ninth most common cause of cancer-related death
Byrd JC et al: Targeting BTK with ibrutinib in relapsed chronic lympho- in women and men, respectively. The incidence is nearly 10 times the
cytic leukemia. N Engl J Med 369:32, 2013. incidence of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. There is a slight male-to-female
Hallek M et al: Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic predominance and a higher incidence for Caucasians than for African
lymphocytic leukemia: A report from the International Workshop Americans. The incidence rises steadily with age, especially after age
on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia updating the National Cancer 40, but lymphomas are also among the most common malignancies in
Institute-Working Group 1996 guidelines. Blood 111:5446, 2008. adolescent and young adult patients. The incidence of NHL has nearly
Landau DA et al: Evolution and impact of subclonal mutations in doubled over the last 20–40 years, and continues to rise by 1.5–2% each
chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Cell 152:714-26, 2013. year. Patients with both primary and secondary immunodeficiency
Oakes CC et al: DNA methylation dynamics during B cell maturation states are predisposed to developing non-NHL. These include patients
underlie a continuum of disease phenotypes in chronic lymphocytic with HIV infection; patients who have undergone organ transplanta-
leukemia. Nat Genet 48:253, 2106. tion; and patients with inherited immune deficiencies and autoimmune
Puente XS et al: Whole-genome sequencing identifies recurrent conditions. The 5-year survival rates for NHL is 72% for Caucasians
mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Nature 475:101, 2011. and 63% for African Americans.

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770 TABLE 104-1  WHO Classification of Lymphoid Malignancies (FL) are more common in Western countries. A specific subtype of non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma known as the angiocentric nasal T/natural killer-
(NK-) cell lymphoma has a striking geographic occurrence, being most
Mature (peripheral) B-cell neoplasms Mature (peripheral) T-cell neoplasms
frequent in Southern Asia and parts of Latin America. Another subtype
 Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma   T-cell granular lymphocytic leukemia of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma associated with infection by human T-cell
(Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia)  Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 is seen particularly in southern Japan and
  Hairy cell leukemia (HTLV-1+)
the Caribbean. Likewise, there are differences in the age-dependent
 Splenic marginal zone B-cell  Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, incidence of NHL by histologic subtype, with aggressive lymphomas
lymphoma nasal type
like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and Burkitt’s lymphoma
 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell  Enteropathy-associated T-cell
(BL) being the most common entities in children, and DLBCL and indo-
lymphoma of MALT type lymphoma
lent lymphomas including FL being the most common forms in adults.
 Nodal marginal zone B-cell   Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma
The relative frequencies of the various types of lymphoid malignancies,
 Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell including Hodgkin’s lymphoma, plasma cell disorders, and lymphoid
  Follicular lymphoma lymphoma
leukemias is shown in Fig. 104-1.
  Mantle cell lymphoma   Mycosis fungoides
A number of environmental factors have been implicated in the
 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma   Sezary syndrome occurrence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, including infectious agents,
(including subtypes)    Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, NOS chemical exposures, and medical treatments. Several studies have
 High grade B-cell lymphoma with  Angioimmunoblastic T-cell demonstrated an association between exposure to agricultural chemi-
MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 lymphoma
rearrangements cals and an increased incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Patients
 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma can develop non-Hodgkin’s lym-
  High grade B-cell lymphoma NOS ALK+ phoma; it is unclear whether this is a consequence of the Hodgkin’s
 Burkitt’s lymphoma/Burkitt’s cell  Anaplastic large cell lymphoma,
leukemia lymphoma or its treatment, especially radiation.
Several NHL are associated with infectious agents (Table 104-2).
 Primary mediastinal large B-cell  

lymphoma Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is associated with the development of

  Plasmablastic lymphoma Burkitt’s lymphoma in Central Africa and the occurrence of aggressive
NHL in immunosuppressed patients in Western countries. The major-
  Primary effusion lymphoma
ity of primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphomas are associated
with EBV. EBV infection is strongly associated with the occurrence of
Oncology and Hematology

  Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma extranodal nasal NK/T-cell lymphomas in Asia and South America.
  ALK+ large B-cell lymphoma HTLV-1 infects T cells and leads directly to the development of adult
Abbreviations: HTLV, human T-cell lymphotropic virus; MALT, mucosa-associated T-cell lymphoma (ATL) in a small percentage of patients infected
lymphoid tissue; NK, natural killer; WHO, World Health Organization. as babies through ingestion of breast milk of infected mothers. The
Source: Adapted from SH Swerdlow et al: WHO Classification of Tumours of median age of patients with ATL is ~56 years; thus, HTLV-1 demon-
Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, 5th ed. IARC, 2016.
strates a long latency from infection to oncogenesis (Chap. 196). Infec-
tion with HIV predisposes to the development of aggressive, B-cell
The incidence of NHL and the patterns of expression of the various non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This may be through overexpression of
subtypes differ geographically and across age groups. T-cell lym- interleukin 6 by infected macrophages. Infection of the stomach by the
phomas are more common in Asia than in Western countries, while bacterium Helicobacter pylori induces the development of gastric MALT
certain subtypes of B-cell lymphomas such as follicular lymphoma (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) lymphomas. This association is


31% Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Plasma cell

CLL 22% Follicular lymphoma


Hodgkin’s lymphoma
62.4% 7.6% MALT lymphoma
7.6% Mature T-cell lymphoma

ALL 6.7% Small lymphocytic lymphoma

6% Mantle cell lymphoma
2.4% Mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma
2.4% Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
2.4% Burkitt’s lymphoma
1.8% Nodal marginal zone lymphoma
1.7% Precursor T lymphoblastic lymphoma
1.2% Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
7.4% Others
FIGURE 104-1  Relative frequency of lymphoid malignancies. ALL, acute lymphoid leukemia; CLL, chronic lymphoid leukemia; MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid

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TABLE 104-2  Infectious Agents Associated with the Development of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, ataxia telang- 771
Lymphoid Malignancies iectasia, and common variable immunodeficiency syndrome are com-
INFECTIOUS AGENT LYMPHOID MALIGNANCY plicated by highly aggressive lymphomas. The elevated incidence of
Epstein-Barr virus Burkitt’s lymphoma lymphoma in iatrogenic immunosuppression, AIDS, and autoimmune
disease argues strongly for immune dysregulation contributing in the
  Post–organ transplant lymphoma
pathogenesis of some lymphomas. An increased risk of NHL has been
  Primary CNS diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
observed in first-degree relatives with NHL, Hodgkin’s lymphoma or
  Hodgkin’s lymphoma chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In large databases studies, about
  Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type 9% of patients with lymphoma or CLL have a first-degree relative with
HTLV-1 Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma a lymphoproliferative disorder.
HIV Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
  Burkitt’s lymphoma ■■IMMUNOLOGY
Hepatitis C virus Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma All lymphoid cells are derived from a common hematopoietic progen-
Helicobacter pylori Gastric MALT lymphoma itor that gives rise to lymphoid, myeloid, erythroid, monocyte, and
Human herpesvirus 8 Primary effusion lymphoma megakaryocyte lineages. Through the ordered and sequential activa-
  Multicentric Castleman’s disease tion of a series of transcription factors, the cell first becomes committed
to the lymphoid lineage and then gives rise to B and T cells.
Abbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; About 90% of all lymphomas are of B-cell origin. A cell becomes
HTLV, human T cell lymphotropic virus; MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue;
NK, natural killer. committed to B-cell development when it expresses the master B lin-
eage transcription factor PAX5, which ultimately results in a transcrip-
tional program that leads to the rearrangement of its immunoglobulin
supported by evidence that patients treated with antibiotics to eradi- genes, which involves chromosomal recombination as well as somatic

CHAPTER 104 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

cate H. pylori have regression of their MALT lymphoma. The bacterium hypermutation to create an immunoglobulin gene that is unique to
does not transform lymphocytes to produce the lymphoma; instead, a that B cell. The sequence of cellular changes, including changes in cell-
vigorous immune response is made to the bacterium, and the chronic surface phenotype that characterizes normal B-cell development is
antigenic stimulation leads to the neoplasia. MALT lymphomas of the shown in Fig. 104-2. Most B-cell lymphomas arise following the process
skin may be related to Borrelia sp. infections in Europe, those of the eyes of immunoglobulin gene recombination and somatic hypermutation,
to Chlamydophila psittaci, and those of the small intestine to Campylobacter which leads to class switching and affinity maturation of the mature
jejuni. Chronic hepatitis C virus infection has been associated with the immunoglobulin, respectively, suggesting that it is the error-prone
development of lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma and splenic marginal nature of these genetic events that contributes to oncogenesis. Certainly
zone lymphoma (MZL). Human herpesvirus 8 is associated with pri- the frequency of chromosomal translocations that result in the activa-
mary effusion lymphoma in HIV-infected persons and multicentric tion of an oncogene or the inactivation of a tumor suppressor gene in
Castleman’s disease, a diffuse lymphadenopathy associated with sys- B-cell NHL may be the result of these normal cellular processes gone
temic symptoms of fever, malaise, and weight loss. awry (see below). In addition, the key roles of the transcription factors
In addition to infectious agents, a number of other diseases or expo- MYC and BCL6 and the anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 in the process of
sures may predispose to developing lymphoma (Table 104-3). Diseases B-cell development explain why the genes encoding these proteins are
of inherited and acquired immunodeficiency as well as autoimmune commonly mutated in B-cell lymphomas.
diseases are associated with an increased incidence of lymphoma. The A cell becomes committed to T-cell differentiation upon migration
association between immunosuppression and induction of NHLs is to the thymus and rearrangement of T-cell receptor (TCR) genes. This
compelling since if the immunosuppression can be reversed, a percent- requires the expression of the T-cell master regulatory transcription
age of these lymphomas regress spontaneously. The incidence of NHL factor, NOTCH-1. As in B cells, the development of the mature TCR
is nearly hundredfold increased for patients undergoing organ trans- involves the rearrangement and recombination of the TCR loci, which
plantation necessitating chronic immunosuppression, and is greatest in is error-prone and potentially oncogenic. The sequence of the events
the first year post-transplant. About 30% of these arise as a polyclonal that characterize T-cell development is depicted in Fig. 104-3.
B-cell proliferation that evolves into a clonal B-cell malignancy. The Although lymphoid malignancies often retain the cell-surface phe-
NHLs that occur in the context of immunosuppression or immunode- notype of lymphoid cells at particular stages of differentiation, this
ficiency, including HIV infection, are frequently associated with EBV. information is of little clinical or prognostic consequence. The so-called
Histologically, DLBCLs are most frequently associated with immuno- stage of differentiation of a malignant lymphoma does not predict its
suppression and autoimmune diseases, although almost all histologies natural history. The antigen footprint, or immunophenotype, of the
can be seen, especially MALT lymphomas in the context of autoimmune cell, however, is valuable diagnostically as it allows for the distinguish-
diseases like Sjogren’s and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The rare inherited ing of specific NHL subtypes. It can be detected by flow cytometry of
immunodeficiency diseases X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome, single cell suspension from blood, bone marrow, body fluid or disag-
gregated tissue using fluorescently labeled antibodies against these
antigens, or by immunohistochemical staining of paraffin-embedded
tissue sections with enzyme-linked antibodies against these antigens
TABLE 104-3  Diseases or Exposures Associated with Increased Risk
of Development of Malignant Lymphoma followed by a colorimetric reaction.
As already mentioned, malignancies of lymphoid cells are asso-
Inherited immunodeficiency disease Autoimmune disease
ciated with recurring genetic abnormalities including chromosomal
  Klinefelter’s syndrome   Sjögren’s syndrome
translocations and genetic mutations that may in part be the result of
  Chédiak-Higashi syndrome   Celiac sprue aberrant immunoglobulin or TCR development. While specific genetic
  Ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome  Rheumatoid arthritis and systemic abnormalities have not been identified for all subtypes of lymphoid
  Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome lupus erythematosus  malignancies, it is presumed that they exist. As previously discussed,
 Common variable immunodeficiency Chemical or drug exposures B cells are even more susceptible to acquiring mutations during their
disease  Phenytoin maturation in germinal centers; the generation of antibody of higher
Acquired immunodeficiency diseases   Dioxin, phenoxy herbicides affinity requires the introduction of mutations into the variable region
  Iatrogenic immunosuppression  Radiation genes in the germinal centers. Given this, other nonimmunoglobulin
  HIV-1 infection  Prior chemotherapy and radiation genes, e.g., bcl-6, may acquire mutations as well. Likewise, many lym-
  Acquired hypogammaglobulinemia therapy  phomas contain balanced chromosomal translocations involving the
antigen receptor genes; immunoglobulin genes on chromosomes 2, 14,

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772 Follicular/diffuse
lymphomas IgM±IgG

Bone marrow Lymphoid follicle

Unclassified Pre–B ALL Burkitt’s
IgM IgM IgM CD19+/−
IgD IgG CD20
TdT CD22+/−
HCR κR or D λR or D
H H Follicular center B cells
CD19+ CD19+ CD19+ CD19+ CD19+ CD19+ Waldenström’s myeloma
CD10+ CD10+ CD20+ CD20+ CD20+ IgM
CD20+ CD22+ CD22+ CD22+
CD22+ CD21+ CD21+ CD21+
Lymphoid Mature
stem cell Early B cells Intermediate B cells B cells
Mantle cell CLL CD19+/− CD38+
lymphoma SL CD20+ PCA–1+
IgM IgM±IgD CD38+
Secretory B cells

CD19+ CD19+
Oncology and Hematology

CD10+/− CD20+
CD20+ CD22+/−
CD22+ CD21+
CD21+ CD5+
Mantle zone B cells

Antigen-independent differentiation Antigen-driven differentiation

FIGURE 104-2  Pathway of normal B-cell differentiation and relationship to B-cell lymphomas. HLA-DR, CD10, CD19, CD20, CD21, CD22, CD5, and CD38 are cell
markers used to distinguish stages of development. Terminal transferase (TdT) is a cellular enzyme. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement (HCR) and light
chain gene rearrangement or deletion (κR or D, λR or D) occur early in B-cell development. The approximate normal stage of differentiation associated with particular
lymphomas is shown. ALL, acute lymphoid leukemia; CLL, chronic lymphoid leukemia; SL, small lymphocytic lymphoma.

and 22 in B cells; and T-cell antigen receptor genes on chromosomes (GCB) cells or activated peripheral blood B cells (ABC). Patients whose
7 and 14 in T cells. The rearrangement of chromosome segments to lymphomas have a GCB-like pattern of gene expression have a consid-
generate mature antigen receptors must create a site of vulnerability erably better prognosis than those whose lymphomas have a pattern
to aberrant recombination. Examples of this type of event include the resembling ABCs. This improved prognosis is independent of other
(8;14)(q24;q32) translocation in BL, involving the MYC proto-oncogene known prognostic factors. Similar information is being generated in
and the IgH gene; the (14;18)(q32;q32) translocation in FL, involving FL and MCL. The challenge remains to provide information from such
the BCL2 proto-oncogene and the IgH gene; and the (11;14) (q13;q32) techniques in a clinically useful time frame.
translocation in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), involving the gene
encoding cyclin D1 (CCDN1) and the IgH gene. Less commonly, chro-
mosomal translocations produce fusion genes that encode chimeric APPROACH TO THE PATIENT
oncogenic proteins. Examples of this include the (2;5)(p23;q35) translo- Regardless of the type of lymphoid malignancy, the initial evalua-
cation involving the ALK and NPM1 genes in anaplastic large cell tion of the patient should include performance of a careful history
lymphoma (ALCL) and the t(11;18)(q21;q21) translocation involving and physical examination. These will help confirm the diagnosis,
the API2 and MLT genes in MALT lymphoma. Table 104-4 presents identify those manifestations of the disease that might require
the most common translocations and associated oncogenes for various prompt attention, and aid in the selection of further studies to
subtypes of lymphoid malignancies. optimally characterize the patient’s status to allow the best choice
Gene profiling using array technology allows the simultaneous of therapy. It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of a care-
assessment of the expression of thousands of genes. This technology fully done history and physical examination. They might provide
provides the possibility to identify new genes with pathologic impor- observations that lead to reconsidering the diagnosis, provide hints
tance in lymphomas, the identification of patterns of gene expression at etiology, clarify the stage, and allow the physician to establish
with diagnostic and/or prognostic significance, and the identification rapport with the patient that will make it possible to develop and
of new therapeutic targets. Recognition of patterns of gene expression is carry out a therapeutic plan.
complicated and requires sophisticated mathematical techniques. Early The duration of symptoms and pace of symptomatic progression
successes using this technology in lymphoma include the identification are important in distinguishing aggressive from more indolent lym-
of previously unrecognized subtypes of DLBCL whose gene expres- phomas, as are the presence or absence of “B” symptoms, such as
sion patterns resemble either those of follicular, or germinal center B

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DIFFERENTIATION THYMUS MALIGNANCIES fevers, night sweats, or unexplained weight loss. Patients should be
asked about localizing symptoms that may point towards lympho-
matous involvement of specific sites, such as the chest, abdomen, or
Stage I Majority of
Prothymocyte T cell ALL CNS. Comorbid diagnoses that may impact therapy or monitoring
on therapy should be reviewed and acknowledged, including a
CD: 2, 7, 38, 71 history of diabetes or congestive heart failure. A physical exami-
nation should pay close attention to all the peripherally accessible
Stage II
sites of lymph nodes, the liver and spleen size, Waldeyer’s ring,
Thymocyte Minority of T-ALL whether there is a pleural or pericardial effusion or abdominal
Majority of T-LL ascites, whether there is an abdominal, testicular or breast mass, and
CD: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 38 whether there is cutaneous involvement as all of these findings may
influence further evaluation and disease management.
Laboratory studies should include a complete blood count,
Stage III routine chemistries, liver function tests, and serum protein elec-
Thymocyte Minority of T-LL
CD: 2, 3, 4/8, 5, 6, 7; TCR
Rare T-ALL trophoresis to document the presence of circulating monoclonal
paraproteins. The serum b-2 microglobulin level and serum lactate
PERIPHERAL BLOOD AND NODES dehydrogenase (LDH) are important independent prognostic factors
Majority of in NHL. Staging of certain diseases may involve a bone marrow
Mature T Helper T-CLL, CTCL, biopsy; results of other laboratory and staging studies may also
Cell Sezary Cell, NHL
warrant a marrow evaluation. A lumbar puncture for evaluation
CD: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; TCR of lymphomatous involvement may be indicated in the setting of
concerning neurologic signs or symptoms, or diseases that are high

CHAPTER 104 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Mature T Cytotoxic/ Minority of
risk for CNS involvement. The latter may include disease involving
Suppressor Cell T-CLL, NHL the paranasal sinuses, testes, breast, kidneys, adrenal glands, and
epidural space, as well as highly aggressive histologies like BL. Since
CD: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; TCR HIV and hepatitis B and C infection can be risk factors for devel-
FIGURE 104-3  Pathway of normal T-cell differentiation and relationship to oping NHL, and since treatment for some NHL can result in the
T-cell lymphomas. CD1, CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD6, CD7, CD8, CD38, and potentially life threatening reactivation of hepatitis B, patients with
CD71 are cell markers used to distinguish stages of development. T-cell antigen a new diagnosis of NHL should be screened for these viruses as well.
receptors (TCR) rearrange in the thymus, and mature T cells emigrate to nodes Lymphoma histology and clinical presentation dictates which
and peripheral blood. ALL, acute lymphoid leukemia; T-ALL, T-cell ALL; T-LL,
T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma; T-CLL, T-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia; CTCL, imaging studies should be ordered. Chest, abdominal, and pelvic
cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; NHL, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. computed tomography (CT) scans are essential for accurate stag-
ing to assess lymphadenopathy for indolent lymphomas, whereas
positron emission tomography (PET) using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
(FDG PET) is useful for aggressive lymphomas, including BL,
DLBCL, plasmablastic lymphoma, and the aggressive T-cell NHLs.
TABLE 104-4  Genetic Features of B- and T-Cell Lymphomas It is highly sensitive for detecting both nodal and extranodal sites
GENETIC FEATURE GENES LYMPHOMA involved by NHL. The intensity of FDG avidity, or SUV, correlates
t(8;14) MYC/IgH Burkitt’s lymphoma with histologic aggressiveness, and may be useful in cases when
t(2;8) MYC/Igκ disease transformation of an indolent lymphoma to a diffuse aggres-
t(8;22) MYC/Igλ sive lymphoma is suspected. PET scanning can also differentiate
t(11;14) BCL1 (CCND1)/IgH Mantle cell lymphoma; between treated disease and active disease at the end of therapy
multiple myeloma in patients with residual masses on CT scans. Consensus recom-
t(14;18) BCL2/IgH Follicular lymphoma, diffuse mendations regarding PET scanning were published as a result of
t(3;14) BCL6/IgH large B-cell lymphoma an International Harmonization Project, and state that PET should
(DLBCL) only be used for DLBCL and Hodgkin’s lymphoma, that scanning
t(11;18) API2/MALT1 MALT lymphoma during therapy should only be done as part of clinical trials, and
t(1;14) BCL10/IgH that the end-of-treatment scan should not be done before 3 weeks
t(14;18) MALT1/IgH but preferably 6–8 weeks after chemotherapy and 8–12 weeks after
t(3;14) FOXP1/IgH radiation or chemoradiotherapy. There is no evidence that long-term
Trisomy 3 Unknown Splenic marginal zone follow-up should include PET scanning. More recently, though, PET
7q21 deletion CDK6 lymphoma scan results at the end of therapy for FL have been associated with
t(9;14) PAX5/IgH Lymphoplasmacytic prognosis, with patients with residual PET avid disease at the end
6q21 deletion Unknown lymphoma of treatment having a poorer prognosis than those who are PET
negative, and so it may be used for this prognostic purpose. Finally,
inv(14) TCRa/TCL1 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma,
NOS; T-PLL magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful in detecting bone, bone
marrow and CNS disease in the brain and spinal cord. The staging
t(2;5) NPM1/ALK Anaplastic large cell evaluation is outlined in Table 104-5.
t(1;2) TPM3/ALK lymphoma (ALCL)
The Ann Arbor staging system developed in 1971 for HL was
t(2;3) TFG/ALK adapted for staging NHLs (Table 104-6). This staging system focuses
t(2;17) CTLC/ALK on the number of tumor sites (nodal and extranodal), location, and
inv(2) ATIC/ALK the presence or absence of systemic, or B, symptoms. Table 104-6
Trisomy 3 Unknown Angioimmunoblastic summarizes the essential features of the Ann Arbor system.
Trisomy 5 Unknown T-cell lymphoma This anatomic based system is less useful in NHL, which dis-
Isochromosome 7q Unknown Hepatosplenic T-cell seminates widely, not in an ordered stepwise fashion. A majority of
lymphoma patients with NHL have advanced stage disease at diagnosis. Apart
Abbreviation: MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue.
from early-stage disease limited to a radiation field where local

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774 TABLE 104-5  Staging Evaluation for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma TABLE 104-7  International Prognostic Index for NHL
Physical examination Five Clinical Risk Factors
Documentation of B symptoms Age ≥60 years
Laboratory evaluation Serum lactate dehydrogenase levels elevated
  Complete blood counts Performance status ≥2 (ECOG) or ≤70 (Karnofsky)
  Liver function tests Ann Arbor stage III or IV
  Uric acid >1 site of extranodal involvement
 Calcium For Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
  Serum protein electrophoresis 0, 1 factor = low risk 35% of cases; 5-year survival, 73%
 Serum β2-microglobulin 2 factors = low-intermediate risk 27% of cases; 5-year survival, 51%
Chest radiograph 3 factors = high-intermediate risk 22% of cases; 5-year survival, 43%
CT scan of abdomen, pelvis, and usually chest 4, 5 factors = high risk 16% of cases; 5-year survival, 26%
Bone marrow biopsy
For Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Treated With R-CHOP
Lumbar puncture in lymphoblastic, Burkitt’s, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
with positive marrow biopsy 0 factor = good 10% of cases; 4-year survival, 94%
Gallium scan (SPECT) or PET scan in large cell lymphoma 1, 2 factors = intermediate 45% of cases; 4-year survival, 80%
3, 4, 5 factors = poor 45% of cases; 4-year survival, 53%
Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography;
SPECT, single-photon emission computed tomography. Abbreviations: ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; R-CHOP, rituximab,
cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone.

therapy with radiation is an option, all other disease is treated the same 71, 51, and 36%, respectively. Similar disease-specific IPIs have been
regardless of stage. Histology and clinical parameters at presentation developed for MCL and peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) as well.

are more important than stage with respect to prognosis. The Interna- These prognostic indices take into account the proliferative index
tional Prognostic Index (IPI) is perhaps the best predictor of outcome and cell surface markers, respectively.
(Table 104-7). The IPI was developed based on the analysis of over Finally, as mentioned previously, gene expression profiling has
2000 patients with aggressive NHLs treated with an anthracycline identified DLBCLs with differential prognoses: GCB and ABC,
Oncology and Hematology

containing regimen. Age (≤60 vs >60); serum LDH (≤normal vs where GCB-like DLBCL is associated with a significantly better
>normal); performance status (0 or 1 vs 2–4); stage (I or II vs III or OS. A more readily accessible immunohistochemical algorithm has
IV); and extranodal involvement (<1 site vs >1 site) were identified been developed, based on the presence of absence of CD10, BCL6,
as independently prognostic for overall survival (OS). A point is and MUM1 that correlates closely with gene expression profiles and
awarded for each risk factor and then summed, defining four risk can differentiate the majority of GCB from non-GCB-like DLBCL.
groups: low-risk (0 or 1); low-intermediate (2); high-intermediate (3); These profiles have prognostic importance but to date do not alter
and high (4–5). The 5-year OS rates for patients with scores of 0 to 1, treatment recommendations for the primary treatment of DLBCL.
2, 3, and 4–5 were 73, 51, 43, and 26%, respectively. The age-adjusted Current clinical trials do stratify by DLBCL subtype, and it appears
IPI separates patients ≤60 from patients >60. For the age adjusted IPI, that agents like the Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor ibru-
only stage, LDH, and performance status were important. Younger tinib and lenalidomide are most active in non-GCB DLBCL in the
patients with 0, 1, 2, or 3 risk factors had 5-year survival rates of 83%, relapsed setting. Treatment may then be differentiated by these
69%, 46%, and 32%, compared to 56%, 44%, 37%, and 21% for older subtypes in the future.
patients. When factoring in the introduction and clinical benefit of
rituximab, the 4-year progression-free survival is 94%, 80%, and 53%
for 0 and 1, 2, or 3 or more risk factors, respectively. CLINICAL FEATURES, TREATMENT, AND
The follicular lymphoma prognostic index (FLIPI) is a similar pre- PROGNOSIS OF SPECIFIC NHL
dictive model for FL, derived from the analysis of over 4000 patients.
Age >60, stage III/IV disease, the presence of >4 nodal sites, an
B-cell NHLs can be characterized into two broad groups—those that
elevated serum LDH concentration and a hemoglobin <12 were
behave aggressively, require immediate or urgent treatment with com-
identified as independent prognostic variables, and summation
bination chemotherapy regimens, and are potentially curable, and those
of each variable identified three risk groups. The median 10-year
that are more indolent in nature, can be observed and treated only
survival rates for patients with zero to one (low-risk), two (interme-
when they cause symptoms or signs of organ function impairment, are
diate-risk), or three or more (high-risk) of these adverse factors were
very responsive to therapy, but are not ultimately curable in the vast
majority of cases. Among the aggressive diseases, the most common
are NHL and DLBCL; and the most rapidly prolific are NHL and BL.
TABLE 104-6  Ann Arbor Staging for Lymphoma*
FL is the second most common NHL and the most common indolent
STAGE DESCRIPTION NHL. Other indolent NHLs include MZL, lymphoplasmacytic lym-
I Involvement of a single lymph node region (I) or single extra- phoma (LPL), and hairy cell leukemia (HCL). MCL is an intermediate
nodal site (IE) grade lymphoma that shares some characteristics with the aggressive
II Involvement of two or more lymph node regions or lymphatic lymphomas (fairly urgent need for treatment and aggressive upfront
structures on the same side of the diaphragm alone (II) or with
combination chemotherapy regimens), but like the indolent lympho-
involvement of limited, contiguous, extralymphatic organ or
tissue (IIE) mas, it is not readily curable with conventional dose therapies.
III Involvement of lymph node regions on both sides of the Burkitt’s Lymphoma  Burkitt’s lymphoma/leukemia is a rare dis-
diaphragm (III), which may include the spleen (IIIS), or limited, ease in adults in the United States, making up <1% of NHL, but it makes
contiguous, extralymphatic organ or tissue (IIIE), or both (IIIES)
up ~30% of childhood non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It is one of the fastest
IV Diffuse or disseminated foci of involvement of one or more
extralymphatic organs or tissues, with or without associated
growing neoplasms, with a doubling time of <24 h. In general it is a
lymphatic involvement pediatric tumor that has three major clinical presentations. The endemic
(African) form presents as a jaw or facial bone tumor that spreads to
All stages are further subdivided according to the absence (A) or presence (B) of
systemic B symptoms including fevers, night sweats, and/or weight loss (>10% of
extranodal sites including ovary, testis, kidney, breast, and especially
body weight over 6 months prior to diagnosis). to the bone marrow and meninges. The non-endemic form has an

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FIGURE 104-4  Burkitt’s lymphoma. The neoplastic cells are homogeneous, FIGURE 104-5  Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The neoplastic cells are
medium-sized B cells with frequent mitotic figures, a morphologic correlate of heterogeneous but predominantly large cells with vesicular chromatin and
high growth fraction. Reactive macrophages are scattered through the tumor, and prominent nucleoli.
their pale cytoplasm in a background of blue-staining tumor cells gives the tumor
a so-called starry sky appearance.
The tumor consists of a diffuse proliferation of large, atypical lym-

CHAPTER 104 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

phocytes with a high proliferative index (Fig. 104-5). These cells typi-
cally express the B-cell antigens CD19, CD20, and CD79a. Expression
abdominal presentation with massive disease, ascites, and renal, testis,
of CD10 and BCL6 is consistent with the tumor cell being of germinal
and/or ovarian involvement, and, like the endemic form, also spreads
center origin (GCB), while the expression of MUM1 corresponds with
to the bone marrow and CNS. Immunodeficiency-related cases more
the non-GC or activated B cell (ABC) subtype. BCL2 is overexpressed
often involve lymph nodes and may present as acute leukemia. BL has
in anywhere from 25 to 80% of DLBCL, whereas BCL6 is positive in
a male predominance and is typically seen in patients <35 years of age.
more than two-thirds of cases, either as the result of translocations,
On biopsy, there is a monotonous infiltration of medium-sized cells
gain of copy number, or promoter mutations. MYC is rearranged in
with round nuclei, multiple nucleoli, and basophilic cytoplasm with
10% of DLBCLs, and ~20% of MYC-rearranged cases have concurrent
vacuoles. The proliferation rate is ~100%, and tingible body macro-
BCL2 or BCL6 rearrangements, a combination referred to as “double-
phages give rise to the classic “starry sky” appearance of this tumor
hit lymphoma.” These double-hit lymphomas are associated with an
(Fig. 104-4). Tumor cells are positive for B-cell antigens CD19, CD20,
extremely poor prognosis with a median OS of only 12–18 months.
and surface immunoglobulin. They are also uniformly positive for
Amplification and/or overexpression of MYC independent of rear-
CD10 and BCL6 but negative for BCL2. Endemic BLs are EBV positive,
rangements or amplification has also been described and is also associ-
whereas the majority of non-endemic BLs are EBV negative. BL is
ated with a poor, albeit better, prognosis.
associated with a translocation involving MYC on chromosome 8q24
Combination chemotherapy offers potentially curative therapy for
in >95% of the cases. The most common partners are chromosomes 14,
DLBCL, regardless of the stage. The addition of the anti-CD20 antibody
2, or 22, rearrangements that produce fusions of MYC with either the
rituximab to cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and predni-
IgH (80%), kappa (15%), or lambda (5%) light chain genes, respectively.
sone (R-CHOP) improved survival beyond CHOP alone and is the stan-
While exquisitely chemosensitive, it is imperative that treatment for
dard first-line chemotherapy for this disease. For patients with early
BL be initiated quickly given the rapid doubling time and high mor-
stage disease localized to a radiation field, treatment options include
bidity of this disease. There are several effective intensive combination
full course chemotherapy with R-CHOP every 3 weeks for 6 cycles, or
chemotherapy regimens, all of which incorporate high doses of cyclo-
abbreviated chemotherapy for 3–4 cycles followed by involved field
phosphamide. Prophylactic therapy to the CNS is mandatory. Cure can
radiotherapy. For advanced stage DLBCL, therapy is with a full course
be expected in 70–80% of patients when treated promptly and correctly.
of chemotherapy. On average, about 60–65% of patients with DLBCL
Salvage therapy has been generally ineffective in patients whose dis-
can be expected to be cured with this approach, and the likelihood of
ease progresses after upfront therapy, emphasizing the importance of
cure is predicted by the IPI, gene expression profile cell of origin, and/
the initial treatment approach and referral to a tertiary cancer center
or MYC cytogenetics and expression. Several studies have investigated
with experience treating this disease.
alternative anthracycline-containing chemotherapy regimens and/or
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma  Diffuse large B-cell lym- consolidation autologous stem cell transplantation in first remission
phoma (DLBCL) is the most common histologic subtype of NHL for higher-risk disease without improvement over R-CHOP alone.
diagnosed, representing about one-third of all cases. Previously felt to Dose adjusted R-EPOCH (rituximab, infusional etoposide/vincristine/
be “one disease” it is now recognized as a heterogeneous collection of adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, prednisone) is one such regimen.
multiple entities. It is slightly more common in Caucasians and men, Although this regimen is no better than R-CHOP for DLBCL in general,
and the median age at diagnosis is 64. The relative risk of DLBCL is it is often used to treat primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma and
higher amongst people with affected first-degree relatives (RR 3.5-fold), double-hit DLBCL based on results from phase 2 and retrospective
and patients with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, patients studies, respectively. CNS prophylaxis with either intrathecal chemo-
on immunosuppression, and patients with autoimmune disorders also therapy or high-dose systemic methotrexate and leucovorin rescue
have a higher risk of developing DLBCL, often EBV-related. The major- should be considered for patients with high risk of CNS dissemination.
ity of patients present with advanced stage disease, with only 30–40% This includes patients with primary testicular involvement and breast
of patients having stage I or II disease; about 40% of patients will have involvement, as well as patients with several IPI risk factors and diffuse
“B” symptoms, and 50% of patients will have an elevated LDH. Up bone marrow involvement, renal involvement, or adrenal involvement.
to 40% of patients will have involvement of non-lymph node sites The use of CNS prophylaxis for disease involving the paranasal sinuses
including bone marrow, CNS, GI track, thyroid, liver, and skin. Patients or the epidural space is less clear but may be considered.
with extensive bone marrow involvement, or involvement of the testes, Over one-third of patients will either have primary refractory
breast, kidney, adrenal gland, paranasal sinus, or epidural space are at disease or disease that relapses after first-line chemotherapy. These
increased risk of CNS dissemination. patients may still be cured with salvage chemotherapy regimens

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776 followed by autologous stem cell transplantation. Patients with a poor
performance status or advanced age that are not candidates for such
an approach, however, are often managed with palliative intentions.
Radiation to symptomatic areas of disease can be transiently helpful.
Less intensive chemotherapy with drugs like gemcitabine, cytarabine,
or bendamusine can help control disease and symptoms for a limited
period of time. These patients should be referred for clinical trials when
applicable. For patients in whom more aggressive therapy is an option,
treatment is with combination chemotherapy using various combina-
tions of drugs primarily in order to identify patients with chemosen-
sitive disease. Patients with chemosensitive disease have the greatest
likelihood of benefiting from high-dose chemotherapy and autologous
stem cell transplant, which improves response duration and survival
over salvage chemotherapy alone and leads to long-term disease free
survival in about 40–50% of patients. For patients with chemorefractory
disease, clinical trials or palliative therapy or clinical trials should be
considered, with a goal of achieving a disease response sufficient for
FIGURE 104-6  Follicular lymphoma. The normal nodal architecture is effaced by
allogeneic stem cell transplant. Several new agents have shown some nodular expansions of tumor cells. Nodules vary in size and contain predominantly
promise in patients with relapsed DLBCL, including ibrutinib, particu- small lymphocytes with cleaved nuclei along with variable numbers of larger cells
larly in the ABC cell of origin subtype, lenalidomide, and everolimus. with vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli.
Chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR-T cells) are an investiga-
tional immunotherapy approach for treating malignancies that have
had early success in CLL and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, as antiapoptotic protein BCL2, this genetic event is necessary but not suf-

well as B-cell NHL. This strategy uses T cells collected from a patient ficient for malignant transformation of the B lymphocytes and multiple
that are genetically modified to express a receptor that will bind to a genetic events are required for the development of FL. Studies have
surface antigen expressed on the patient’s own tumor cells. In the case identified the most common recurrent genetic events in FL, and they
of B-cell malignancies, CD19 has been targeted most commonly. After included mutations in several epigenetic modifying genes, including
infusion, autologous CAR-T cells home to sites of disease and also per- MLL2, EZH2, CREBBP, and EP300. The major differential diagnosis
Oncology and Hematology

sist over time. The CARs consist of an extracellular antigen recognition is between lymphoma and reactive follicular hyperplasia. The coex-
domain (typically a single chain Fv variable fragment from a monoclo- istence of DLBCL must be considered. Patients with FL are often sub-
nal antibody) linked via a transmembrane domain to an intracellular classified, or graded, into those with predominantly small cells, those
signaling domain (usually the CD3ζ endodomain), resulting in the with a mixture of small and large cells, and those with predominantly
redirection of T-cell specificity toward target antigen-positive cells, and large cells. The WHO Classification adopted grading from 1 to 3 based
one or more costimulatory domains including CD28, 4-1BB, or OX40 on the number of centroblasts, or large cells, counted per high power
to enhance cytokine secretion and effector cell expansion, and prevent field (hpf): grade I, from 0 to 5 centroblasts/hpf; grade II, from 6 to
activation-induced apoptosis and immune suppression by tumor- 15 centroblasts/hpf; and grade III, >15 centroblasts/hpf. Grade III has
related metabolites. Anti-CD19 CAR-T cells have been approved for the been subdivided into grade IIIa, in which centrocytes predominate,
treatment of relapsed/refractory DLBCL following two prior systemic and grade IIIb, in which there are sheets of centroblasts. While this
therapies. This would include patients with chemoinsensitive disease distinction cannot be made simply or very reproducibly, these subdivi-
following second-line salvage chemotherapy for whom autologous sions do have prognostic significance. Patients with FL with predom-
stem cell transplant is not an option, or for patients who relapse after inantly large cells have a higher proliferative fraction, progress more
autologous stem cell transplant. In this setting, the response rate of rapidly, and have a shorter OS with simple chemotherapy regimens.
CAR-T cells is over 80%, with over 50% of patients achieving a com- Grade IIIb FL is an aggressive disease and considered most similar to
plete response. These responses appear to be durable, with 70% of DLBCL and treated as such with curative intent.
complete responders still in remission past 1 year of therapy. The most common presentation for FL is with new, painless lymph-
Other large B-cell lymphomas include intravascular large B-cell adenopathy. Multiple sites of lymphoid involvement are typical, and
lymphoma, T-cell/histiocyte–rich large B-cell lymphoma, EBV- unusual sites such as epitrochlear nodes are sometimes seen. However,
positive DLBCL of the elderly, and ALK-positive large B-cell lym- essentially any organ can be involved, and extranodal presentations
phoma. Patients with the latter two diseases tend to have a poor do occur. Most patients do not have an elevated LDH or fevers, night
prognosis, whereas the addition of rituximab to CHOP chemotherapy sweats, or weight loss, although histologic transformation to DLBCL
has dramatically improved outcomes with intravascular large B-cell does occur at a rate of ~3% per year and can be associated with these
lymphoma, and the outcomes in T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lym- signs/symptoms. As discussed previously, prognosis is best predicted
phoma are similar to DLBCL. R-CHOP remains the treatment of choice by the FLIPI. Staging is typically done with CT scans of the chest,
for each of these lymphomas. abdomen and pelvis, as well as the neck if neck disease is suspected,
although PET/CT scans can be helpful in cases where disease trans-
Follicular Lymphoma  FLs are the second leading NHL diag- formation is suspected, as transformed disease will be more FDG avid
nosis in the United States and Europe and makes up 22% of NHL than indolent disease, or for confirmation of early-stage disease, where
worldwide and at least 30% of NHL diagnosed in the United States. definitive local therapy with radiation may be considered.
This type of lymphoma can be diagnosed accurately on morphologic Although FL is highly sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
findings alone and has been the diagnosis in the majority of patients in these therapies are usually not ultimately curative, except in the setting
therapeutic trials for “low-grade” lymphoma in the past. of early-stage disease. If the disease can be encompassed in a radiation
Evaluation of an adequate biopsy by an expert hematopathologist is field, involved field radiotherapy at a dose of 24–30 Gy may be cura-
sufficient to make a diagnosis of FL. The tumor is composed of small tive, with 5-, 10-, and 15-year freedom from treatment failure of 72%,
cleaved and large cells in varying proportions organized in a follicular 46%, and 39%, and an overall 5-, 10-, and 15-year survival rates of 93%,
pattern of growth (Fig. 104-6). Confirmation of B-cell immunopheno- 75%, and 62%, respectively. If radiation therapy would not be tolerated,
type (monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain, CD19, CD20, CD10 or if a patient prefers not to receive radiation, observation is a reason-
and BCL6 positive, and CD5 and CD23 negative) and the existence able alternative with a median time to treatment not reached at 7 years
of the t(14;18) and abnormal expression of BCL-2 protein are confir- of follow-up in one study. Many of these patients are diagnosed inci-
matory. While >85% of FL will harbor a t(14;18) and overexpress the dentally or at a time when their lymphoma is not causing symptoms

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or signs of organ function impairment. Numerous studies have shown expression of kappa or lambda light chains and with small monoclonal 777
that treating patients with asymptomatic disease does not improve immunoglobulin spikes.
survival compared with a program of close observation with treatment Splenic MZL is largely a disease of older Caucasian patients; infec-
reserved for symptomatic disease progression or organ dysfunction. tion with hepatitis C is a risk factor for this disease and treatment of
Thus, asymptomtic patients should be observed. When treatment is hepatitis C can result in regression of the lymphoma. Patients present
indicated, there are a variety of treatment options, ranging from the with a lymphocytosis with or without cytopenias and splenomegaly.
use of the monoclonal antibody against CD20, rituximab, alone or its Bone marrow involvement is common. Diagnosis can be made by
use in combination with chemotherapy. Treatment decisions are often flow cytometry of the peripheral blood; malignant lymphocytes will
determined by the indication for treatment and/or by the volume of be positive for surface immunoglobulin, CD19, and CD20 and will
disease being treated. For patients requiring therapy for inflamma- generally lack CD5 and CD10. On peripheral smear they have small
tory or autoimmune phenomenon thought to be driven by FL, or for nuclei and abundant cytoplasm with “shaggy” or villous projections. It
patients with low volume disease, single-agent rituximab is associated can be differentiated from hairy cell leukemia by the absence of CD25,
with a response rate of ~70% and a median response duration of CD103, and annexin A1. Recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities include
>2 years. This response duration is improved with the addition of trisomy 3 and abnormalities of chromosome 7q. Therapy is indicated
maintenance rituximab following a favorable response to rituximab for symptomatic disease or significant cytopenias. Splenectomy is
induction therapy. For patients with a larger volume of disease at the reasonable for selected patients with excellent relief of symptoms and
time of treatment initiation, the addition of rituximab to chemother- cytopenias. Splenectomy is associated with an overall response rate of
apy like cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone 85% and an estimated progression-free and OS at 5 years of 58 and 77%,
(CHOP) or cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone (CVP) has respectively. Single-agent rituximab can improve splenomegaly and
improved survival in this disease. The combination of bendamustine cytopenias in >90% of patients. In a study of induction with weekly
and rituximab (BR) has been compared to R-CHOP and results in rituximab followed by maintenance, the response rate was 95%, with
longer response duration and less toxicity. BR then has become the overall and progression-free survival at 5 years of 92 and 73%, respec-
standard of care for the first-line therapy of medium to high-volume

CHAPTER 104 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

tively. Other options for therapy at relapse are similar to those used
FL. Similarly, the addition of maintenance rituximab following a good for FL and include retreatment with rituximab, alkylating agents, and
response to R-CHOP or R-CVP improves response duration when used
purine analogues in combination with rituximab. The survival rate of
in newly treated FL patients.
patients is in excess of 70% at 10 years.
In patients with FL, the disease nearly always recurs following ther-
MALT lymphoma is an MZL lymphoma of extranodal tissue, most
apy, after which retreatment is again reserved for symptomatic disease
commonly the stomach but other common sites include the skin,
or disease interfering with organ function. Single agent rituximab
salivary glands, lung, small bowel, ocular adnexa, breasts, bladder,
or alternative chemotherapy regimens can again be employed. Both
thyroid, dura, and synovium. It is associated with states of chronic
autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation yield
inflammation either due to autoimmune diseases like Sjogren’s syn-
high complete response rates in patients with relapsed FL, and long-
term remissions can occur in 40 and 60% of patients, respectively. The drome or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or chronic infections with organisms
latter is associated with considerable treatment-related morbidity and like Helicobacter pylori (gastric), Borrelia burgdorferi (skin), Chlamydia
mortality and so is usually reserved for patients with multiply relapsed psittaci (conjunctiva), Campylobacter jejuni (intestines), and hepatitis
FL that is no longer responsive to chemotherapy. More targeted oral C virus. The essential pathologic feature of MALT lymphoma is the
therapies like lenalidomide and the PI3 kinase inhibitor idelalisib are presence of lymphepithelial lesions, which result from invasion of
active in both untreated and relapsed FL. On average, most patients mucosal glands and crypts by the neoplastic lymphocytes. These cells
will live with FL for 15–20 years, a number that is increasing given our are positive for CD19, CD20, and CD79a and negative for CD5 and
improved understanding of the genetics and microenvironment of FL, CD10. Recurrent cytogentic abnormalities include t(11;18), t(14;18),
and the increasing number of drugs and therapies being tested in this t(1;14), t(3;14), and trisomy 8. The t(11;18) is most common, occurring in
disease. However, in addition to a high risk FLIPI, patients who do not up to 50% of MALT lymphomas. It results in the fusion of the apoptosis
have a complete metabolic response by PET/CT scanning to their pri- inhibitor 2 (API2) gene and the MALT1 gene, resulting in activation
mary therapy, and patients who relapse within 2 years of the completion of nuclear factor κB (NFκB). Unlike other indolent B-cell lymphomas,
of their primary chemotherapy tend to do poorly with chemotherapy. MALT lymphomas present most commonly with stage I or II dis-
Patients with FL have a high rate of histologic transformation to ease. In these cases, radiation therapy may be curative. Alternatively,
DLBCL (~3% per year). This is recognized ~40% of the time during patients may respond to antibiotics for the associated underlying infec-
the course of the illness by repeat biopsy and is present in almost all tion. Treatment of symptomatic or organ impairing relapsed, refractory,
patients at autopsy. This transformation is usually heralded by rapid or advanced stage disease is similar to approaches used in FL with
growth of lymph nodes—often localized—and the development of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or chemoimmunotherapy.
systemic symptoms such as fevers, sweats, and weight loss. When this
Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma  About 1% of all NHLs will
happens in patients who have had previously untreated FL, treatment
be lymphoplasmacytic lymphomas, which are indolent B-cell NHLs
with R-CHOP chemotherapy, as for DLBCL, can be curative for the
with lymphoplasmacytic differentiation, most commonly associated
aggressive component while the FL may eventually recur. In patients
with a monoclonal IgM paraprotein. Nearly all patients will have stage
with previously treated FL that transforms to DLBCL, prognosis is
IV disease at diagnosis with bone marrow involvement. Patients with
poor, and successful therapy with an aggressive combination chemo-
high levels of circulating IgM paraproteins constitute a specific entity
therapy regimen should be consolidated with an autologous stem cell
known as Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia and can have symptoms
transplant. Finally, as discussed previously, grade 3B FL is more similar
due to hyperviscosity as a result of the circulating IgM. Activating
to DLBCL than it is to FL and should be treated as such.
mutations in MYD88, an adaptor protein that is involved in signaling
Marginal Zone Lymphoma  The second most common indolent downstream of the Ig receptor leading to NFκB activation, is present
B-cell NHL is MZL. There are three main types: splenic MZL, extran- in >90% of cases. Tumor biopsies are notable for proliferation of small
odal MZL of MALT, and nodal MZL. lymphocytes, lymphoplasmacytic cells, and plasma cells, and malig-
Nodal MZL most closely resembles FL clinically, and much of the nant lymphocytes are positive for CD19, CD20, and surface IgM but
way we manage and treat it is based on studies done in FL. Tumor generally negative for CD5 and CD10. Like the other indolent NHLs,
biopsies in this disease show parafollicular and perivascular infil- treatment is indicated for disease that causes symptoms or interferes
tration by monocytoid-appearing atypical lymphocytes with folded with organ function; hyperviscosity related to elevated serum IgM
nuclear contours that are positive for CD19, CD20, and CD79a but and paraneoplastic neuropathy are additional indications for therapy.
negative for CD10 and largely negative for CD5. Some cases can have Single-agent rituximab may be useful for low-volume disease, but can
plasmacytoid differentiation and can be associated with a monoclonal be associated with a transient rise in serum IgM concentrations that

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778 can cause or exacerbate hyperviscosity. Chemoimmunotherapy with specific clinical presentations or contexts or by molecular or biologic
regimens like BR and rituximab, cyclophosphamide, and dexametha- features, but many of which fall into the category of PTCL not other-
sone are active, as are myeloma therapies such as bortezomib. Given wise specified (NOS). T-cell NHLs are significantly more rare than the
that 85% of IgM remains intravascular, acute relief of hyperviscosity B-cell NHLs, and as such, our understanding of their biology is less
symptoms can be obtained by plasmapheresis. For recurrent disease, advanced, and our therapies are less well developed. While some T-cell
one can often utilize agents that were previously used. For patients lymphomas, like mycosis fungoides, can behave indolently and some,
with more refractory LPL, the mTOR inhibitor everolimus and the oral like ALK-positive ALCL, can be cured with chemotherapy, the majority
BTK ibrutinib are active. Selected patients with relapsed disease are are associated with a poor prognosis. The advent of genomic technol-
considered for high-dose therapy with ASCT or alloSCT. The results ogies is enhancing our ability to understand the genetic and biologic
seen are similar to that of other indolent lymphomas. basis of these neoplasms.
Mantle Cell Lymphoma  MCL comprises about 6% of NHLs. It Mycosis Fungoides  Mycosis fungoides is also known as cutane-
is an intermediate grade lymphoma that like the indolent B-cell NHLs ous T-cell lymphoma. This lymphoma is more often seen by dermatol-
is not curable with conventional therapies, but like the aggressive ogists than internists. The median age of onset is in the mid-fifties, and
lymphomas often requires more aggressive chemoimmunotherapy the disease is more common in males and in blacks.
regimens with or without an autologous stem cell transplant to achieve Mycosis fungoides is an indolent lymphoma with patients often
a reasonable response duration. This therapy is not curative, however, having several years of eczematous or dermatitic skin lesions before
and median survival with this disease is on the order of 5–10 years. An the diagnosis is finally established. The skin lesions progress from
exception to this is a more indolent, SOX11 variant that often presents patch stage to plaque stage to cutaneous tumors. Early in the disease,
with circulating disease with splenomegaly but without significant biopsies are often difficult to interpret, and the diagnosis may only
lymphadenopathy and with a low Ki67 (<10%). This subset behaves become apparent by observing the patient over time. Adenopathy may
more like the indolent B-cell NHLs and can be observed until treatment reflect involvement with mycosis fungoides or be read as dermatopathic
is indicated by symptoms or organ function impairment. Similarly, change. In advanced stages, the lymphoma can spread to lymph nodes
there is a blastic variant with a high Ki67 index that is associated with a and visceral organs. Patients with this lymphoma may develop general-

poor prognosis and a median OS of only 18 months. For other patients, ized erythroderma and circulating tumor cells, called Sézary’s syndrome.
prognosis is best predicted by the biologic mantle cell prognostic index Rare patients with localized early-stage mycosis fungoides can be
(MIPI), which factors in age, performance status, LDH, white blood cured with radiotherapy, often total-skin electron beam irradiation.
cell count, and Ki67 expression to determine a risk group. This disease More advanced disease has been treated with topical glucocorticoids,
is more common in men, and the average age of diagnosis is 63. Over topical nitrogen mustard, phototherapy, psoralen with ultraviolet A
Oncology and Hematology

two-thirds of patients will have stage IV disease, mostly with bone (PUVA), extracorporeal photopheresis, retinoids (bexarotene), electron
marrow and peripheral blood involvement, at the time of diagnosis. beam radiation, interferon, antibodies, fusion toxins, histone deacet-
Other common extranodal sites of involvement include the GI tract ylase inhibitors, and systemic cytotoxic therapy. Unfortunately, these
where diffuse lymphomatous polyposis may be seen. treatments are palliative.
The pathognomonic cytogentic finding in MCL is t(11;14), which
brings the gene for the cell cycle control protein cyclin D1 under the Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma, Not Otherwise Specified 
control of the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene promoter on chromo- PTCLs include a number of entities, which constitute 15% of all NHLs
some 14. This translocation is present in >90% of cases. The remaining in adults. PTCL, NOS, comprising 6% of all NHLs, is the term used
cases usually overexpress cyclin D2, cyclin D3, or cyclin E. Tumor cells for cases that are not other entities defined in the WHO classification.
also are positive for B-cell markers CD19 and CD20, as well as CD5. Named varieties include ALCL, angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
They usually lack CD10 and CD23. (AITL), hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma, enteropathy-associated T-cell
Therapies for MCL are evolving. Patients with localized disease lymphoma, and subcutaneous panniculitis T-cell lymphoma. PTCL
might be treated with combination chemotherapy followed by radio- NOS is a disease of older individuals, with a median age at presentation
therapy; however, these patients are exceedingly rare. Similarly, of 65, and the majority of patients will have advanced-stage disease at
patients with the indolent variant can be observed until disease pro- diagnosis, with involvement of the bone marrow, liver, spleen, and
gresses to cause symptoms or signs of organ function impairment. For skin being common. Associated “B” symptoms and pruritis are also
the usual presentation with disseminated disease, standard lymphoma common. These lymphomas can be associated with a reactive eosino-
treatments like R-CHOP have been unsatisfactory, with the minority philia as well as hemophagocytic syndrome. The IPI has been applied
of patients achieving complete remission. The addition of high dose to PTCL NOS and provides some assessment of outcomes, but even the
cytarabine to an R-CHOP-like backbone with or without consolidation low-risk group has a median OS of just >2 years.
autologous stem cell transplantation in first remission has improved This diagnostic category is a collection of heterogeneous lymphomas
progression-free survival, but it has not elicited cures in this disease. that vary widely and lack typical findings of other specific PTCL sub-
These include the Nordic regimens and R-HyperCVAD (rituximab, groups. Because of this heterogeneity, histology, immunophenotype,
cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, dexamethasone, cytara- and genetics are variable. Often lymph nodes are effaced by atypical
bine, and methotrexate). BR has activity in this disease and is more lymphoid cells of various sizes, sometimes associated with vascular
effective and better tolerated than R-CHOP. Newer studies with short proliferation or an infiltrate of eosinophils and/or macrophages. As
follow-up suggest that strategies that combine BR with cytarabine most of these lymphomas behave aggressively, note is often made of
with or without autologous stem cell transplant may be effective and mitotic and apoptotic figures as well as geographic necrosis. The cells
well tolerated. Maintenance rituximab, following a good response to often are positive for CD3, and the majority of PTCL NOS is positive for
induction chemotherapy or after autologous stem cell transplant, also CD4 rather than CD8, but some are negative for both markers. There
improves outcomes over observation alone. For relapsed disease, the can be loss of more mature T-cell markers like CD5 and CD7, and this
BTK inhibitor ibrutinib has single-agent activity with a response rate is associated with a more aggressive course. There are some recurrent
of almost 70% but a response duration of only 18 months. Drugs like translocations, including t(7;14), t(11;14), inv(14), and t(14;14), all of
lenalidomide, bortezomib, and temsirolimus can similarly induce tran- which involve the TCR genes.
sient partial responses. Appropriate patients who respond to salvage The most common primary therapy for PTCL NOS involves a
therapy should be considered for allogeneic stem cell transplant, which CHOP-like chemotherapy backbone—either CHOP alone or CHOP in
can lead to long-term disease-free survival in 30–50% of patients. combination with etoposide, or CHOEP. The latter may provide the
most benefit to younger patients and patients with more favorable
■■MATURE (PERIPHERAL) T-CELL DISORDERS disease risk factors. Autologous stem cell transplant has been inves-
Mature T-cell disorders include cutaneous lymphomas, like mycosis tigated for patients in their first remission and does seem to improve
fungoides, and the PTCLs, some of which are distinguished based on PFS in certain contexts. Drugs like gemcitabine, bendamustine, and

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pralatrexate have activity in relapsed disease, as do the histone deacet- Other PTCL Subtypes  Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma, 779
ylase inhibitors romidepsin and belinostat. All of these agents are hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma, and subcutaneous panniculitis-like
associated with transient responses in a minority of patients. Patients T-cell lymphoma are other less common PTCL subtypes. Enteropathy-
should be considered for clinical trials. For patients who do achieve type intestinal T-cell lymphoma is a rare disorder. Type I occurs in
remission, reduced intensity allogeneic stem cell transplantation can patients with a history of gluten-sensitive enteropathy and is associated
yield long-term non-relapse survival on the order of 40–50%. with HLADQA1*0501, DQB1*0201; a gluten-free diet can prevent the
development of this lymphoma. Type II is not associated with celiac
Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma  AITL constitutes disease and may be a separate disease entity. Patients are frequently
about 20% of T-cell NHL and about 4% of all NHL diagnosed. Patients cachectic and sometimes present with intestinal perforation. The prog-
present with a variety of signs and symptoms, most often including nosis is poor with a median survival of 10 months. Therapy is often
lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, B symptoms, rash, polyarthri- with combination chemotherapy, including high-dose methotrexate, and
tis, and hemolytic anemia. Over 80% of patients have advanced stage autologous stem cell transplant in first remission. Hepatosplenic γδ T-cell
disease at diagnosis, and bone marrow involvement is common. Poly- lymphoma is a systemic illness that presents with sinusoidal infiltration of
clonal hypergammaglobulinemia is common, as are elevated LDH, the liver, spleen, and bone marrow by malignant T cells. Tumor masses
eosinophilia, a positive Coombs test, and opportunistic infections. generally do not occur. The disease is associated with systemic symp-
On biopsy, lymph nodes are effaced by a polymorphous infiltrate toms and is often difficult to diagnose. Recurrent genetic events include
of lymphoctyes, ranging in size and shape, and of immunoblasts. The isochromosome 7q and trisomy 8. Treatment outcome is poor, but regi-
neoplastic lymphocytes are positive for CD3 as well as CXCL13, PD-1, mens that include ifosphamide, like ifosphamide, carboplatin, etoposide
CD10, and BCL6, most closely resembling CD4-positive follicular (ICE) or ifosphamide, etoposide, cytarabine (IVAC), are associated with
helper T cells. There is an expanded follicular dendritic cell network better outcomes in small series of patients. Responding patients should
surrounding tumor cells. Scattered immunoblasts are often EBV pos- be considered for allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Subcutaneous
itive and may give rise to secondary EBV-positive B-cell lymphomas panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma is a rare disorder that is often confused
at a later time. Genetic analysis of this disease has revealed recurrent

CHAPTER 104 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

with panniculitis. Patients present with multiple subcutaneous nodules,
mutations in TET2 (76%), DNMT3 (33%), and IDH2 (20%). which progress and can ulcerate. There is a more indolent form that
There is a subset of AITL that can remit with immunosuppression tends to express a/b TCRs and can be managed with immune suppres-
with agents like glucocorticoids or methotrexate. Most patients, how- sion, whereas lymphomas that express g/d TCRs are more aggressive and
ever, will need combination chemotherapy with regimens like those are associated with a worse prognosis and coincident hemophagocytic
used in PTCL NOS. Median response duration is short, median OS is syndrome. This is a disease of young men in their fifth and sixth decades
only 15–36 months. Treatment of relapsed disease is similar to that of of life. Patients with aggressive disease are managed with multiagent
relapsed PTCL NOS. chemotherapy, and responding patients should be considered for alloge-
Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma  ALCL is the next most neic stem cell transplantation.
common T-cell lymphoma after AITL but is more common in children,
Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma  Adult T-cell leukemia/
accounting for up to 10% of pediatric lymphomas. Approximately
lymphoma (ATLL) is a disease that is most prevalent in Japan and the
40–60% of cases with harbor t(2;5) which fuses a portion of the nucle-
Caribbean basin. It is a neoplasm that is driven by HTLV-1, often con-
olar protein nucleophosmin-1 (NPMI) gene to a part of the anaplastic
tracted through the breast milk of infected mothers. The average age at
lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene, the product of which has constitutive
diagnosis is 60, so there is a long latency between viral infection and
tyrosine kinase activity. These patients have a much more favorable
viral transformation, and only 4% of infected patients will develop the
prognosis compared to ALK-negative ALCL, akin to that of DLBCL.
disease. This suggests that HTLV-1 may not be sufficient to cause the
There is an additional, more indolent and favorable subtype that
malignant phenotype. There are four disease variants: acute (60% of
occurs in the breast tissue of patients with breast implants, and there is
patients), lymphomatous (20% of patients), chronic (15% of patients),
a cutaneous variant. In general, this is a disease that is more common
and smoldering (5% of patients). Prognosis varies across these groups
in men. ALK-positive disease is a disease of younger patients with a
with with median survivals of 6 months, 10 months, 24 months, and
median age at diagnosis of 34 years, whereas the median age at diagno-
not yet reached, respectively. Presentation depends on the subtype,
sis of ALK negative patients is 58. With the exception of the cutaneous
but most commonly patients present with circulating disease and bone
variant and the variant associated with breast implants, most patients
marrow involvement, hypercalcemia, lytic bone lesions, lymphadenop-
present with rapidly growing lymphadenopathy with or without extra-
athy, heptosplenomegaly, skin lesions, and opportunistic infections.
nodal involvement; B symptoms are common.
The pathognomonic finding is the malignant “flower cell” that is
Most cases of ALCL involve large atypical lymphocytes with a
positive for CD4 and CD25, as well as CD2, CD3, and CD5 but lack-
horseshoe-shaped nuclei with prominent nucleoli (“hallmark” cells).
ing CD7 (Fig. 104-7). Combination chemotherapy is generally used,
Tumor cells tend to be localized within the lymph node sinuses, and
almost all are positive for CD30 but negative for CD15. A majority will
also express CD3, CD25, CD43, and CD4. ALK rearranged ALCL can be
diagnosed by FISH cytogenetics for t(2;5) or by immunohistochemical
staining for ALK.
ALCL is generally treated with CHOP, although like PTCL NOS,
CHOEP may benefit younger patients, particularly with ALK+ disease.
Overall, ALCL has a better prognosis than PTCL, and this is particu-
larly true for ALK-positive disease, which has an 8-year OS of 82 versus
49% for ALK-negative disease. Relapsed ALK-positive ALCL is treated
similarly to relapsed DLBCL, with salvage combination chemotherapy
to identify chemotherapy sensitivity followed by autologous stem cell
transplant. For patients with chemoinsensitive diseaese or for ALK-
negative disease, the conjugated anti-CD30 antibody to monomethyl
aurostatin E (MMAE) brentuximab is highly active with a response
rate of 86% and a complete response rate of 57%. It is currently being
investigated in combination with cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, and
prednisone for the primary treatment of disease. The ALK inhibitors,
including crizotinib, are active in refractory ALK-positive ALCL with FIGURE 104-7  Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. Peripheral blood smear showing
excellent outcomes. leukemia cells with typical “flower-shaped” nucleus.

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780 but for patients fortunate enough to respond, response durations Classical HL is one of the success stories of modern oncology. Until
are very short. Other active agents in this disease include the anti- the advent of extended-field radiotherapy in the mid-twentieth cen-
retroviral agent zidovudine, interferon α, and arsenic. In any patients tury, it was a highly fatal disease of young people. Radiation therapy
who do respond to therapy, allogeneic stem cell transplant should be cured some patients with early stage disease, and the introduction of
considered. multi-agent chemotherapy in the 1970s resulted in further improved
cure rates, both for patients with early and advanced stage disease.
Extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma, Nasal Type  Extranodal Cure rates now are >85%. The new challenge in the treatment of HL is
NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type, is a lymphoma that is associated
late therapy-related toxicity, including a high rate of secondary malig-
with EBV infection in nearly all cases and more common in Asia
nancies and cardiovascular disease. Current clinical trials are aimed at
and native populations in Peru. It usually presents with a mass and
minimizing this risk while preserving efficacy.
obstructive symptoms in the upper aerodigestive tract with occasional
extranodal sites, but over two-thirds of patients will have localized ■■EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETIOLOGY
disease. It is more common in men, and the median age at diagnosis is HL is of B-cell origin. The incidence of HL appears fairly stable, with
60. This disease has its own prognostic score, which takes into account 8260 new cases diagnosed in 2017 in the United States. HL is more
the presence or absence of B symptoms, disease stage, whether LDH common in whites than in blacks and more common in males than in
is elevated, and whether there is lymph node involvement. EBV viral females. A bimodal distribution of age at diagnosis has been observed,
load at diagnosis and end of therapy is also predictive. with one peak incidence occurring in patients in their twenties and
Treatment for early stage disease is usually with combined modal- the other in those in their eighties. Some of the late age peak may be
ity therapy of chemotherapy (commonly using etoposide, ifosfamide, attributed to confusion among entities with similar appearance such
cisplating, and dexamethasone) and intensity-modulated radiation as anaplastic large cell lymphoma and T-cell/histiocyte–rich B-cell
therapy (50–55 Gy), and patients with localized disease involving the lymphoma. There are four distinct subtypes of classical Hodgkin’s
nasal passages do quite well, with 3-year OS of ~85%. Patients with lymphoma (cHL) that are differentiated based on their histopathologic
more advanced stage disease do poorly with disseminated extranodal features (Table 105-1): nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity, lympho-
relapse occurring frequently, and median OS is only 4.3 months. The cyte-rich, and lymphocyte-depleted. Patients in the younger age groups

most commonly used regimen for the regimens is the SMILE regi- diagnosed in the United States largely have the nodular sclerosing sub-
men (dexamethasone, methotrexate, ifosfamide, l-asparaginase, and type of HL. Elderly patients, patients infected with HIV, and patients
etoposide). in Third World countries more commonly have mixed-cellularity HL
or lymphocyte-depleted HL. Together, nodular sclerosis and mixed
Oncology and Hematology

cellularity types account for nearly 95% of cases. Infection by HIV is

Al-Zahrani M, Savage KJ: Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise
a risk factor for developing HL. In addition, an association between
specified: A review of current disease understanding and therapeutic
infection by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and HL has been suggested. A
approaches. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 31:189, 2017.
monoclonal or oligoclonal proliferation of EBV-infected cells in 20–40%
Bachy E, Salles G: Treatment approach to newly diagnosed diffuse
of the patients with HL has led to proposals for this virus having an eti-
large B-cell lymphoma. Semin Hematol 52:107, 2015.
ologic role in HL. However, the matter is not settled definitively. Viral
Broccoli A, Zinzani PL: Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma.
oncogenesis appears to play a greater role in HIV-related cHL: EBV
Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 31:223, 2017.
can be detected in nearly all cases of HIV-associated cHL, compared
Cheah CY et al: Mantle cell lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 34:1256, 2016.
to only one-third of cases of non-HIV-associated cHL. Reed-Sternberg
Du MQ: MALT lymphoma: Genetic abnormalities, immunological
(HRS) cells are the malignant cells in HL. HRS cells in HIV-associated
stimulation and molecular mechanism. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol
cHL express the EBV-transforming protein latent membrane protein 1
30:13, 2017.
(LMP-1), and the EBV genomes from multiple disease sites in the same
Dunleavy K et al: Update on Burkitt lymphoma. Hematol Oncol Clin
HIV-associated cHL patient are episomal and clonal, suggesting that
North Am 30:1333, 2016.
EBV is directly involved in early lymphomagenesis.
Jacobson CA, Freedman AS: Is there a best initial treatment for a new
Histologically, the HRS cell is diagnostic of cHL (Fig. 105-1). These
patients with low grade follicular lymphoma? Curr Hematol Malig
cells are large cells with abundant cytoplasm with bilobed and/or mul-
Rep 11:218, 2016.
tiple nuclei. By immunohistochemistry they are often PAX-5 positive
Sesques P, Johnson NA: Approach to the diagnosis and treatment of
but have low to no expression of other B-cell antigens like CD19 and
high-grade B-cell lymphomas with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6
CD20. They express CD15 and CD30 in 85 and 100% of cases, respec-
rearrangements. Blood 129:280, 2017.
tively. These cells, though, comprise <1% of the tumor cellularity, with
Zucca E, Bertoni F: The spectrum of MALT lymphoma at different
the majority of the tumor made up of a surrounding inflammatory
sites: Biological and therapeutic relevance. Blood 127:2082, 2016.
infiltrate of polyclonal lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils, macro-
phages, plasma cells, fibroblasts, and collagen. The HRS cell interacts
with its microenvironment via cell-cell contact and elaboration of
growth factors and cytokines, which results in a surrounding cellular
milieu that protects it from host immune attack. The surrounding
environmental cells likewise support the HRS cells via cell-cell sig-

105 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

naling and cytokine production which provides signals that promote
proliferation and survival of the HRS cell itself. Interestingly, 97% of
HRS cells in cHL harbor genetic aberrations in the PD-L1 locus on chro-
Caron A. Jacobson, Dan L. Longo mosome 9p24.1, resulting in overexpression of PD-L1, the ligand for

Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) is a malignancy of mature B lymphocytes. TABLE 105-1  WHO Classification of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
It represents ~10% of all lymphomas diagnosed each year. The majority Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin’s lymphoma
of HL diagnoses are classical HL (cHL), but there is a second subtype Classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma
of HL, nodular lymphocyte predominant HL (NLPHL). While this   Nodular sclerosis
diagnosis does resemble cHL morphologically in certain respects, there  Lymphocyte-rich
is some evidence that it is more related to the indolent B-cell NHLs bio-   Mixed cellularity
logically than it is to cHL. The majority of this chapter will be specific  Lymphocyte-depleted
to cHL, with a discussion of NLPHL at the end.

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TABLE 105-2  The Ann Arbor Staging System for Hodgkin’s 781
I Involvement of a single lymph node region or lymphoid
structure (e.g., spleen, thymus, Waldeyer’s ring)
II Involvement of two or more lymph node regions on
the same side of the diaphragm (the mediastinum is
a single site; hilar lymph nodes should be considered
“lateralized” and, when involved on both sides,
constitute stage II disease)
III Involvement of lymph node regions or lymphoid
structures on both sides of the diaphragm
 III1  Subdiaphragmatic involvement limited to spleen,
splenic hilar nodes, celiac nodes, or portal nodes
 III2  Subdiaphragmatic involvement includes paraaortic,
iliac, or mesenteric nodes plus structures in III1
IV Involvement of extranodal site(s) beyond that
FIGURE 105-1.  Hodgkin’s disease: A classic Reed-Sternberg (RS) cell is present designated as “E”
near the center of the field. RS cells are large cells with a bilobed nucleus and     More than one extranodal deposit at any location
prominent nucleoli surrounded by a pleiomorphic cellular infiltrate.
    Any involvement of liver or bone marrow
A No symptoms
the inhibitory PD-1 receptor on immune cells. This is one mechanism B Unexplained weight loss of >10% of the body weight

CHAPTER 105 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

whereby the HRS cell may be able to avoid immune destruction in its during the 6 months before staging investigation
inflammatory microenvironment and may contribute to the general-   Unexplained, persistent, or recurrent fever with
ized immune suppression in HL patients. temperatures >38°C during the previous month
  Recurrent drenching night sweats during the previous
APPROACH TO THE PATIENT E Localized, solitary involvement of extralymphatic tissue,
excluding liver and bone marrow
Classic Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Most patients with cHL present with palpable lymphadenopathy
that is nontender; in most patients, these lymph nodes are in The diagnosis of HL is established by review of an adequate
the neck, supraclavicular area, and axilla. More than half of the biopsy specimen by an expert hematopathologist. HL is a tumor
patients will have mediastinal adenopathy at diagnosis, and this characterized by rare neoplastic cells of B-cell origin (immunoglob-
is sometimes the initial manifestation. Subdiaphragmatic presen- ulin genes are rearranged but not expressed) in a tumor mass that
tation of cHL is unusual and more common in older males. One- is largely polyclonal inflammatory infiltrate, probably a reaction to
third of patients present with fevers, night sweats, and/or weight cytokines produced by the tumor cells. The differential diagnosis
loss, or “B” symptoms. Occasionally, HL can present as a fever of of a lymph node biopsy suspicious for HL includes inflammatory
unknown origin. This is more common in older patients who are processes, mononucleosis, NHL, phenytoin-induced adenopathy,
found to have mixed-cellularity HL in an abdominal site. Rarely, and nonlymphomatous malignancies.
the fevers persist for days to weeks, followed by afebrile intervals Staging for cHL is anatomically based given the propensity of
and then recurrence of the fever. This pattern is known as Pel- the disease to march from one lymph node group to the next group,
Ebstein fever. HL can occasionally present with unusual manifes- often contiguous to the first. Staging is important for selecting ther-
tations. These include severe and unexplained itching, cutaneous apy of appropriate intensity, but the outcome of optimal therapy for
disorders such as erythema nodosum and ichthyosiform atrophy, all the stages is excellent. Patients are stratified based on whether
paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration and other distant effects they have early stage, stage I or II, or advanced stage, stage III or
on the CNS, nephrotic syndrome, immune hemolytic anemia and IV, disease. Patients with early stage disease have a better prognosis
thrombocytopenia, hypercalcemia, and pain in lymph nodes on overall but are further classified as favorable or unfavorable based
alcohol ingestion. on a variety of factors. These factors vary from study to study but
Evaluation of patients with HL will typically begin with a careful include bulky disease, number of lymph node areas involved, an
history and physical examination. Patients should be asked about elevated ESR (>30 if B symptoms are present; >50 if B symptoms
the presence or absence of “B” symptoms. Comorbid diagnoses are absent), and age. Prognosis in advanced stage disease is best
that may impact therapy should be reviewed, including a history predicted by the International Prognostic Score (IPS), which ascribes
of pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure given the use a point for male sex, older age (>45 years), stage IV disease, serum
of chemotherapy drugs that can cause both lung and heart tox- albumin <4 g/dL, hemoglobin <10.5 g/dL, white blood cell count
icity. A physical examination should pay attention to the periph- ≥15,000/μL, and a lymphocyte count <600/μL and/or <8% of white
erally accessible sites of lymph nodes and to the liver and spleen blood cell count. Five-year progression-free survival ranges from
size. Laboratory evaluation should include a complete blood count 88% for patients with no risk factors, to 62% for patients with four
with differential; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; chemistry studies or more factors, but very few patients have multiple risk factors.
reflecting major organ function including serum albumin; and HIV
and hepatitis virus testing. A PET/CT scan is used for staging, and
is more accurate than a bone marrow biopsy for evaluation of bone
marrow involvement as the bone marrow involvement in cHL tends TREATMENT
to be patchy and therefore potentially missed on a unilateral bone Classic Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
marrow biopsy. The initial evaluation of a patient with HL or NHL is
similar. In both situations, the determination of an accurate anatomic The overwhelming majority of patients with HL will be cured with
stage is an important part of the evaluation. Staging is done using either chemotherapy alone, or a combination of chemotherapy and
the Ann Arbor staging system (Table 105-2). radiation therapy. It has long been appreciated that patients with
advanced stage disease do not benefit from the addition of radiation

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782 therapy to chemotherapy and are thus treated with chemotherapy drug conjugate brentuximab, which is an antibody against CD30
alone. For early stage disease, however, treatment with combined conjugated to the microtubule inhibitor MMAE. This drug has been
modality therapy has been associated with a small decrease in risk of combined with adriamycin, bleomycin, and dacarbazine in early
relapse but with an increased risk of late toxicity including secondary phase studies for advanced stage HL with favorable efficacy com-
malignancies, thyroid disease, and premature cardiovascular disease pared to historical controls. We await the data from the randomized
and stroke resulting in minimal or no improvement in long-term sur- trial of AVD+brentuximab compared to ABVD. Drugs that target the
vival. Much of this risk can be attributed to radiation therapy. Thus, PD-1/PD-L1 axis have been developed in an attempt to boost the
investigation into the treatment of early stage HL at present is aimed host immune recognition of tumors. This was particularly attractive
at trying to maximize treatment outcome without using radiother- in HL given the overexpression of PD-L1 on the HRS cell surface.
apy. This is an area of controversy in the treatment of HL. In the setting of relapsed disease, these drugs, which include pem-
brolizumab and nivolumab, have very high response rates and are
EARLY STAGE DISEASE associated with durable responses. These are now being tested in
The most common chemotherapy regimen used to treat HL in the conjunction with chemotherapy both as salvage therapy for relapsed
United States is ABVD (adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and disease and in previously untreated patients.
dacarbazine). This regimen is given every other week, with each
cycle including two treatments. In patients with low-risk, or favor- RELAPSED DISEASE
able disease, the use of 4–6 cycles of ABVD alone, without radiation Patients who relapse after primary therapy of Hodgkin’s lym-
therapy, results in progression-free and overall survivals of 88–92% phoma can frequently still be cured. Patients who relapse after
and 97–100% at 5–7 years. This may be associated with a slightly an effective chemotherapy regimen are usually not curable with
increased risk of relapse when compared with abbreviated che- subsequent chemotherapy administered at standard doses. Alter-
motherapy (ABVD x4 cycles) followed by involved field radiation native salvage chemotherapy administered at standard doses,
therapy (30 Gy), but with no difference in overall survival owing then, is given in order to document sensitivity to chemotherapy
to the excellent salvage strategies used for relapsed HL and to the and to achieve maximum reduction of tumor mass. For patients
late toxicities seen following radiation therapy to the chest. German

who respond completely or nearly so, autologous bone marrow

studies have examined a very abbreviated chemotherapy regimen transplantation can cure over half of patients. Standard salvage
(ABVD x2 cycles) and low-dose radiation (20 Gy) for particularly chemotherapy regimens include ICE (ifosfamide, carboplatin,
good risk disease with two or fewer lymph node areas involved etoposide) or GND (gemcitabine, navelbine, doxil). For patients
and found that this was equally effective to standard combined with early stage disease who do not respond sufficiently to salvage
Oncology and Hematology

modality therapy of ABVD x4 cycles and 30 Gy of radiation, though chemotherapy, radiation therapy can be very effective to achieve a
long-term follow-up is not yet available to assess the impact of the remission; whether to consolidate such a remission with an autol-
lower radiotherapy dose on late toxicities. Finally, the use of an early ogous stem cell transplant is debated. For patients with advanced
interim PET/CT scan can aid decisions on the duration and extent stage disease in whom salvage chemotherapy fails, the antibody
of therapy. In one study, a negative PET/CT scan after 3 cycles of drug conjugate brentuximab vedotin, a CD30-directed antibody
ABVD predicted for excellent outcomes with no additional therapy; linked to the microtubule toxin MMAE, is active and can be tried
in another, a negative PET/CT scan after 2 cycles of ABVD predicted as a bridge to allogeneic transplant. This immunotoxin is also
for good outcomes with 2 additional cycles of ABVD alone, without being combined with chemotherapy for use in both the first-line
radiation therapy. salvage setting and for the upfront treatment of both early- and
For unfavorable risk disease, the omission of radiation ther- advanced-stage disease. The anti-PD-1 immune checkpoint inhibi-
apy following chemotherapy is associated with a more significant tors, nivolumab and pembrolizumab, have efficacy in relapsed HL,
increased risk of relapse compared to favorable risk disease, but and many responses are durable.
again with no change in overall survival. For these patients, treat-
ment options would include ABVD x4 cycles followed by involved SURVIVORSHIP
field radiation therapy or ABVD alone for 6 cycles. Treatment deci- Because of the very high cure rate in patients with HL, long-term
sions are often based on the extent of the radiation field and the complications have become a major focus for clinical research.
unfavorable risk factor, with patients with non-bulky disease being In fact, in some series of patients with early-stage disease, more
candidates for chemotherapy alone if radiation would be contraindi- patients died from late complications of therapy than from HL itself.
cated for another reason. Combined modality therapy has typically This is particularly true in patients with localized disease. The most
been used for patients with bulky disease, although patients with serious late side effects include second malignancies and cardiac
bulky disease who have a negative PET/CT scan after chemother- injury. Patients are at risk for the development of acute leukemia in
apy may not benefit from additional radiation therapy. the first 10 years after treatment with combination chemotherapy
Alternative chemotherapy regimens to ABVD have been devel- regimens that contain alkylating agents plus radiation therapy. The
oped and include the Stanford V regimen and escalated BEACOPP. risk for development of acute leukemia is greater after MOPP-like
Neither of these regimens has resulted in improved outcomes in and BEACOPP-like regimens than with ABVD. The risk of devel-
patients with early stage disease. opment of acute leukemia after treatment for HL is also related
to the number of exposures to potentially leukemogenic agents
ADVANCED STAGE DISEASE (i.e., multiple treatments after relapse) and the age of the patient
Patients with advanced stage disease do not benefit from the addi- being treated, with those aged >60 years at particularly high risk.
tion of radiation therapy after a complete response to chemotherapy The development of carcinomas as a complication of treatment for
alone and should be treated with chemotherapy alone. The most HL is a major problem. These tumors usually occur ≥10 years after
common regimen used in the United States is ABVD x6 cycles. treatment and are associated with use of radiotherapy. For this
Again, Stanford V and escalated BEACOPP have been evaluated in reason, young women treated with thoracic radiotherapy for HL
advanced stage disease and are not associated with an improvement should institute screening mammograms 5–10 years after treatment,
in overall survival but are associated with increased toxicity. The and all patients who receive thoracic radiotherapy for HL should
small fraction of patients who do not achieve complete remission be discouraged from smoking. Mediastinal radiation also acceler-
with chemotherapy alone (partial responders with persistent PET ates coronary artery disease, and patients should be encouraged to
scan positivity account for <10% of patients) may benefit from the minimize risk factors for coronary artery disease such as smoking
addition of involved field radiotherapy. and elevated cholesterol levels. Cervical radiation therapy increases
Newer drugs have been developed for the treatment of relapsed the risk of carotid atherosclerosis and stroke and thyroid disease,
HL (see “Relapsed Disease,” below). These include the antibody including cancer.

Harrisons_20e_Part4_p0435-p0858.indd 782 6/1/18 5:44 PM

A number of other late side effects from the treatment of HL are Radford J et al: Results of a trial of PET-directed therapy for 783
well known. Patients who receive thoracic radiotherapy are at very early-stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma. N Engl J Med 372:1598, 2015.
high risk for the eventual development of hypothyroidism and Rashidi A et al: Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
should be observed for this complication; intermittent measurement in Hodgkin lymphoma: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Bone
of thyrotropin should be made to identify the condition before it Marrow Transplant 51:521, 2016.
becomes symptomatic. Lhermitte’s syndrome occurs in ~15% of
patients who receive thoracic radiotherapy. This syndrome is mani-
fested by an “electric shock” sensation into the lower extremities on
flexion of the neck. Because of the young age at which HL is often
diagnosed, infertility is a concern for patients undergoing treat-
ment for HL. Chemotherapy regimens containing alkylating agents

106 Less Common Hematologic

induce permanent infertility in nearly all men. The risk of perma-
nent infertility in women treated with alkylating agent-containing
chemotherapy is age-related, with younger women more likely to Malignancies
recover fertility. Infertility is very rare after treatment with ABVD.
NLPHL is now recognized as an entity distinct from cHL. Previous The most common lymphoid malignancies are discussed in Chaps.
classification systems recognized that biopsies from a small subset 102, 103, 104, 105 and 107, myeloid leukemias in Chaps. 100 and 101,
of patients diagnosed as having HL contained a predominance of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in Chap. 98, and myeloproliferative
small lymphocytes and rare Reed-Sternberg-like cells; tumors have a syndromes in Chap. 99. This chapter will focus on the more unusual
nodular growth pattern and a clinical course that varied from that of

CHAPTER 106 Less Common Hematologic Malignancies

forms of hematologic malignancy. The diseases discussed here are
patients with cHL. This is an unusual clinical entity and represents listed in Table 106-1. Each of these entities accounts for <1% of hema-
<5% of cases of HL and defines NLPHL. tologic neoplasms.
NLPHL has a number of characteristics that suggest its relation-
ship to NHL, rather than cHL, however. The HRS-like cell, or L&H
(lymphocyte and histiocyte) or “popcorn” cell, is a clonal prolifer-
TABLE 106-1  Unusual Lymphoid and Myeloid Malignancies
ation of B cells that are positive for B cell markers CD45, CD79a,
CD20, CD19, and BCL2. They do not express two markers normally Lymphoid
found on HRS cells, CD30 and CD15. This lymphoma tends to have Mature B-cell neoplasms
a chronic, relapsing course and sometimes transforms to diffuse   B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
large B-cell lymphoma, including a specific subtype of diffuse large   Splenic marginal zone lymphoma
B-cell lymphoma known as T cell/histiocyte-rich B-cell lymphoma,   Hairy cell leukemia
which shares an immunophenotype with the L&H cell. This natural   Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
history most closely resembles that of the indolent B cell NHLs out-   Mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma
lined in Chaps. 104 and 106..
  Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma
Patients with NLPHL are more commonly male (75%). Like cHL,
  Primary effusion lymphoma
the age distribution of patients with this disease has two peaks,
but unlike cHL these peaks include children and adults ages 30–   Lymphomatoid granulomatosis
40 years, respectively. The majority of patients diagnosed have stage Mature T-cell and natural killer (NK) cell neoplasms
I or II disease (75%), with a minority having advanced stage disease   T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
at diagnosis. B symptoms are uncommon.   T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia
Patients with early stage disease at diagnosis should be treated   Aggressive NK cell leukemia
with definitive radiotherapy. This is associated with a 15-year   Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type
non-relapse survival of 82%. The treatment of patients with   Enteropathy-type T-cell lymphoma
advanced stage NLPHL is controversial. Some clinicians favor no   Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma
treatment of asymptomatic disease and merely close follow-up, akin   Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma
to the indolent B cell NHLs. For patients who need therapy due to
  Blastic NK cell lymphoma
symptoms or signs of organ function impairment, both cHL regi-
  Primary cutaneous CD30+ T-cell lymphoma
mens and B-cell NHL regimens have been used, including ABVD
and R-CHOP. A single institution experience with R-CHOP resulted   Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
in a 100% response rate in a small group of patients without a single Myeloid
relapse with 42 months follow-up. Although this is short follow-up Chronic neutrophilic leukemia
for an indolent disease, some believe R-CHOP may be curative in Chronic eosinophilic leukemia/hypereosinophilic syndrome
this disease and advocate treating with advanced stage disease at Histiocytic and Dendritic Cell Neoplasms
diagnosis, regardless of symptoms or organ function.
Histiocytic sarcoma
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Langerhans cell sarcoma
Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma
Alperovich A, Younes A: Targeting CD30 using brentuximab vedotin
in the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma. Cancer J 22:23, 2016. Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
Ansell SM: Hodgkin lymphoma: 2016 update on diagnosis, risk- Mast Cells
stratification, and management. Am J Hematol 91:434, 2016. Mastocytosis
Armand P et al: Programmed death-1 blockade with pembrolizumab Cutaneous mastocytosis
in patinets with classical Hodgkin lymphoma after brentuximab Systemic mastocytosis
vedotin failure. J Clin Oncol 34:3733, 2016. Mast cell sarcoma
Ng AK, van Leeuwen FE: Hodgkin lymphoma: Late effects of treat- Extracutaneous mastocytoma
ment and guidelines for surveillance. Semin Hematol 53:209, 2016.

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784 RARE LYMPHOID MALIGNANCIES center, and ongoing mutations suggest that the mutation machinery
All the lymphoid tumors discussed here are mature B-cell or T-cell has remained active. About 40% of patients have either deletions or
natural killer (NK) cell neoplasms. translocations involving 7q21, the site of the FLNC gene (filamin Cγ,
involved in cross-linking actin filaments in the cytoplasm). NOTCH2
■■MATURE B-CELL NEOPLASMS mutations are seen in 25% of patients. Chromosome 8p deletions may
also be noted. The genetic lesions typically found in extranodal mar-
B-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia (B-PLL)  This is a malig-
ginal zone lymphomas (e.g., trisomy 3 and t[11;18]) are uncommon in
nancy of medium-sized (about twice the size of a normal small lym-
phocyte), round lymphocytes with a prominent nucleolus and light
The clinical course of disease is generally indolent with median sur-
blue cytoplasm on Wright’s stain. It dominantly affects the blood, bone
vivals exceeding 10 years. Patients with elevated lactate dehydrogenase
marrow (BM), and spleen and usually does not cause adenopathy. The
(LDH) levels, anemia, and hypoalbuminemia generally have a poorer
median age of affected patients is 70 years, and men are more often
prognosis. Long remissions can be seen after splenectomy. Rituximab is
affected than women (male-to-female ratio is 1.6). This entity is distinct
also active. A small fraction of patients undergo histologic progression
from chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) and does not develop as a con-
to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with a concomitant change to a more
sequence of that disease.
aggressive natural history. Experience with combination chemotherapy
Clinical presentation is generally from symptoms of splenomegaly
in SMZL is limited.
or incidental detection of an elevated white blood cell (WBC) count.
The clinical course can be rapid. The cells express surface IgM (with or Hairy Cell Leukemia  Hairy cell leukemia is a tumor of small
without IgD) and typical B-cell markers (CD19, CD20, CD22). CD23 is lymphocytes with oval nuclei, abundant cytoplasm, and distinctive
absent, and about one-third of cases express CD5. The CD5 expression membrane projections (hairy cells). Patients have splenomegaly and
along with the presence of the t(11;14) translocation in 20% of cases diffuse BM involvement. While some circulating cells are noted, the
leads to confusion in distinguishing B-PLL from the leukemic form clinical picture is dominated by symptoms from the enlarged spleen
of mantle cell lymphoma. No reliable criteria for the distinction have and pancytopenia. The mechanism of the pancytopenia is not com-
emerged and gene expression studies suggest a close relationship pletely clear and may be mediated by both inhibitory cytokines and

between mantle cell lymphoma and B-PLL and significant differences marrow replacement. The marrow has an increased level of reticulin
with CLL. About half of patients have mutation or loss of p53, and fibers; indeed, hairy cell leukemia is a common cause of inability to
deletions have been noted in 11q23 and 13q14. Nucleoside analogues aspirate BM or so-called “dry tap” (Table 106-3). Monocytopenia is
like fludarabine and cladribine and combination chemotherapy (cyclo- profound and may explain a predisposition to atypical mycobacte-
phosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone [CHOP]) have
Oncology and Hematology

rial infection that is observed clinically. The tumor cells have strong
produced responses. CHOP plus rituximab may be more effective than expression of CD22, CD25, and CD103; soluble CD25 level in serum
CHOP alone, but the disease is sufficiently rare that large series have is an excellent tumor marker for disease activity. The cells also express
not been reported. Splenectomy can produce palliation of symptoms tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. The immunoglobulin genes are
but appears to have little or no impact on the course of the disease. BM rearranged and mutated, indicating the influence of a germinal center.
transplantation may be curative. Imatinib may also have activity. No specific cytogenetic abnormality has been found, but most cases
contain the activating BRAF mutation V600E.
Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma (SMZL)  This tumor of
The median age of affected patients is mid-fifties, and the male-to-
mainly small lymphocytes originates in the marginal zone of the spleen
female ratio is 5:1. Treatment options are numerous. Splenectomy is often
white pulp, grows to efface the germinal centers and mantle, and
associated with prolonged remission. Nucleosides including cladribine
invades the red pulp. Splenic hilar nodes, BM, and peripheral blood
and deoxycoformycin are highly active but are also associated with
(PB) may be involved. The circulating tumor cells have short surface
further immunosuppression and can increase the risk of certain oppor-
villi and are called villous lymphocytes. Table 106-2 shows differences
tunistic infections. However, after brief courses of these agents, patients
in tumor cells of a number of neoplasms of small lymphocytes that aid
usually obtain very durable remissions during which immune function
in the differential diagnosis. SMZL cells express surface immunoglobu-
spontaneously recovers. Interferon α is also an effective therapy but is
lin and CD20, but are negative for CD5, CD10, CD43, and CD103. Lack
not as effective as nucleosides. Chemotherapy-refractory patients have
of CD5 distinguishes SMZL from CLL, and lack of CD103 separates
responded to vemurafenib, a BRAF inhibitor. It is not yet clear if vemu-
SMZL from hairy cell leukemia.
rafenib can induce long-term remissions without continuous treatment.
The median age of patients with SMZL is mid-fifties, and men and
women are equally represented. Patients present with incidental or Nodal Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma  This rare node-
symptomatic splenomegaly or incidental detection of lymphocytosis based disease bears an uncertain relationship with extranodal marginal
in the PB with villous lymphocytes. Autoimmune anemia or throm- zone lymphomas, which are often mucosa-associated and are called
bocytopenia may be present. The immunoglobulin produced by these mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphomas, and SMZLs.
cells contains somatic mutations that reflect transit through a germinal Patients may have localized or generalized adenopathy. The neoplastic
cell is a marginal zone B cell with monocytoid features and has been
called monocytoid B-cell lymphoma in the past. Up to one-third of the
TABLE 106-2  Immunophenotype of Tumors of Small Lymphocytes patients may have extranodal involvement, and involvement of the
CD5 CD20 CD43 CD10 CD103 sIg CyclinD1 lymph nodes can be secondary to the spread of a mucosal primary
Follicular neg pos pos pos neg pos neg lesion. In authentic nodal primaries, the cytogenetic abnormalities
Chronic lymphoid pos pos pos neg neg pos neg
leukemia TABLE 106-3  Differential Diagnosis of “Dry Tap”—Inability to
B-cell pos pos pos neg neg pos pos
Aspirate Bone Marrow
prolymphocytic Dry taps occur in about 4% of attempts and are associated with:
leukemia   Metastatic carcinoma infiltration 17%
Mantle cell pos pos pos neg neg pos pos   Chronic myeloid leukemia 15%
lymphoma  Myelofibrosis 14%
Splenic marginal neg pos neg neg neg pos neg   Hairy cell leukemia 10%
zone lymphoma
  Acute leukemia 10%
Hairy cell neg pos ? neg pos pos neg
leukemia   Lymphomas, Hodgkin’s disease 9%
  Normal marrow Rare
Abbreviations: neg, negative; pos, positive.

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associated with MALT lymphomas (trisomy 3 and t[11;18]) are very The malignant effusions contain cells positive for HHV-8/KSHV, 785
rare. The clinical course is indolent. Patients often respond to combi- and many are also co-infected with Epstein-Barr virus. The cells
nation chemotherapy, although remissions have not been durable. Few are large with large nuclei and prominent nucleoli that can be con-
patients have received CHOP plus rituximab, which is likely to be an fused with Reed-Sternberg cells. The cells express CD20 and CD79a
effective approach to management. (immunoglobulin-signaling molecule), although they often do not
express immunoglobulin. Some cases aberrantly express T-cell mark-
Mediastinal (Thymic) Large B-Cell Lymphoma  This entity ers such as CD3 or rearranged T-cell receptor genes. No characteristic
was originally considered a subset of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; genetic lesions have been reported, but gains in chromosome 12 and
however, additional study has identified it as a distinct entity with its X material has been seen, similar to other HIV-associated lymphomas.
own characteristic clinical, genetic, and immunophenotypic features. The clinical course is generally characterized by rapid progression and
This is a disease that can be bulky in size but usually remains confined death within 6 months. CHOP plus lenalidomide or bortezomib may
to the mediastinum. It can be locally aggressive, including progressing produce responses. HAART therapy for HIV should be maintained
to produce a superior vena cava obstruction syndrome or pericardial during treatment.
effusion. About one-third of patients develop pleural effusions, and
5–10% can disseminate widely to kidney, adrenal, liver, skin, and even Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis  This is an angiocentric,
brain. The disease affects women more often than men (male-to-female angiodestructive lymphoproliferative disease comprised by neoplastic
ratio is 1:2–3), and the median age is 35–40 years. Epstein-Barr virus–infected monoclonal B cells accompanied and out-
The tumor is composed of sheets of large cells with abundant numbered by a polyclonal reactive T-cell infiltrate. The disease is graded
cytoplasm accompanied by variable, but often abundant, fibrosis. It is based on histologic features such as cell number and atypia in the B
distinguished from nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s disease by the pau- cells. It is most often confused with extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma,
city of normal lymphoid cells and the absence of lacunar variants of nasal type, which can also be angiodestructive and is Epstein-Barr
Reed-Sternberg cells. However, more than one-third of the genes that virus–related. The disease usually presents in adults (males > females)
are expressed to a greater extent in primary mediastinal large B-cell as a pulmonary infiltrate. Involvement is often entirely extranodal and

CHAPTER 106 Less Common Hematologic Malignancies

lymphoma than in usual diffuse large B-cell lymphoma are also over- can include kidney (32%), liver (29%), skin (25%), and brain (25%). The
expressed in Hodgkin’s disease, suggesting a possible pathogenetic disease often but not always occurs in the setting of immune deficiency.
relationship between the two entities that affect the same anatomic The disease can be remitting and relapsing in nature or can be
site. Tumor cells may overexpress MAL. The genome of tumor cells is rapidly progressive. The course is usually predicted by the histologic
characterized by frequent chromosomal gains and losses. The tumor grade. The disease is highly responsive to combination chemotherapy
cells in mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma express CD20, but surface and is curable in most cases. Some investigators have claimed that low-
immunoglobulin and HLA class I and class II molecules may be absent grade disease (grade I and II) can be treated with interferon α.
or incompletely expressed. Expression of lower levels of class II HLA
identifies a subset with poorer prognosis. The cells are CD5 and CD10 ■■MATURE T-CELL AND NK CELL NEOPLASMS
negative but may show light staining with anti-CD30. The cells are
CD45 positive, unlike cells of classical Hodgkin’s disease. T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia  This is an aggressive leu-
Methotrexate, leucovorin, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vin- kemia of medium-sized prolymphocytes involving the blood, mar-
cristine, prednisone, and bleomycin (MACOP-B) and rituximab plus row, nodes, liver, spleen, and skin. It accounts for 1–2% of all small
CHOP are effective treatments, achieving 5-year survival of 75–87%. lymphocytic leukemias. Most patients present with elevated WBC
Dose-adjusted therapy with prednisone, etoposide, vincristine, cyclo- count (often >100,000/μL), hepatosplenomegaly, and adenopathy. Skin
phosphamide, and doxorubicin (EPOCH) plus rituximab has produced involvement occurs in 20%. The diagnosis is made from PB smear,
5-year survival of 97%. A role for mediastinal radiation therapy has which shows cells about 25% larger than those in small lymphocytes,
not been definitively demonstrated, but it is frequently used, espe- with cytoplasmic blebs and nuclei that may be indented. The cells
cially in patients whose mediastinal area remains positron emission express T-cell markers like CD2, CD3, and CD7; two-thirds of patients
tomography–avid after 4–6 cycles of chemotherapy. have cells that are CD4+ and CD8–, and 25% have cells that are CD4+
and CD8+. T-cell receptor β chains are clonally rearranged. In 80% of
Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma  This is an extremely patients, inversion of chromosome 14 occurs between q11 and q32.
rare form of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma characterized by the Ten percent have t(14;14) translocations that bring the T-cell receptor
presence of lymphoma in the lumen of small vessels, particularly alpha/beta gene locus into juxtaposition with oncogenes TCL1 and
capillaries. It is also known as malignant angioendotheliomatosis or TCL1b at 14q32.1. Chromosome 8 abnormalities are also common.
angiotropic large cell lymphoma. It is sufficiently rare that no con- Deletions in the ATM gene are also noted. Activating JAK3 mutations
sistent picture has emerged to define a clinical syndrome or its epi- have also been reported.
demiologic and genetic features. It is thought to remain inside vessels The course of the disease is generally rapid, with median survival
because of a defect in adhesion molecules and homing mechanisms, of about 12 months. Responses have been seen with the anti-CD52
an idea supported by scant data suggesting absence of expression of antibody, alemtuzumab, nucleoside analogs, and CHOP chemotherapy.
β-1 integrin and ICAM-1. Patients commonly present with symptoms Histone deacetylase inhibitors like vorinostat and romidepsin may also
of small-vessel occlusion, skin lesions, or neurologic symptoms. The have activity. Small numbers of patients with T-cell prolymphocytic
tumor cell clusters can promote thrombus formation. In general, the leukemia have also been treated with high-dose therapy and allogeneic
clinical course is aggressive and the disease is poorly responsive to BM transplantation after remission has been achieved with conven-
therapy. Often a diagnosis is not made until very late in the course of tional-dose therapy.
the disease.
T-Cell Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia  T-cell large
Primary Effusion Lymphoma  This entity is another variant of granular lymphocytic leukemia (LGL leukemia) is characterized by
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma that presents with pleural effusions, increases in the number of LGLs in the PB (2000–20,000/μL) often
usually without apparent tumor mass lesions. It is most common accompanied by severe neutropenia, with or without concomitant
in the setting of immune deficiency disease, especially AIDS, and is anemia. Patients may have splenomegaly and frequently have evi-
caused by human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8)/Kaposi’s sarcoma herpes dence of systemic autoimmune disease, including rheumatoid arthritis,
virus (KSHV). It is also known as body cavity–based lymphoma. Some hypergammaglobulinemia, autoantibodies, and circulating immune
patients have been previously diagnosed with Kaposi’s sarcoma. It complexes. BM involvement is mainly interstitial in pattern, with fewer
can also occur in the absence of immunodeficiency in elderly men than 50% lymphocytes on differential count. Usually the cells express
of Mediterranean heritage, similar to Kaposi’s sarcoma but even less CD3, T-cell receptors, and CD8; NK-like variants may be CD3–. The
common. leukemic cells often express Fas and Fas ligand.

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786 The course of the disease is generally indolent and dominated by perforation from responding tumor. If the tumor responds to treatment,
the neutropenia. Paradoxically, immunosuppressive therapy with recurrence may develop elsewhere in the celiac disease–affected small
cyclosporine, methotrexate, or cyclophosphamide plus glucocorticoids bowel.
can produce an increase in granulocyte counts. Nucleosides have been
used anecdotally. Occasionally the disease can accelerate to a more
Hepatosplenic T-Cell Lymphoma  Hepatosplenic T-cell lym-
phoma is a malignancy derived from T cells expressing the gamma/
aggressive clinical course.
delta T-cell antigen receptor that affects mainly the liver and fills
Aggressive NK Cell Leukemia  NK neoplasms are very rare, the sinusoids with medium-size lymphoid cells. When the spleen is
and they may follow a range of clinical courses from very indolent involved, dominantly the red pulp is infiltrated. It is a disease of young
to highly aggressive. They are more common in Asians than whites, people, especially young people with an underlying immunodeficiency
and the cells frequently harbor a clonal Epstein-Barr virus episome. or with an autoimmune disease that demands immunosuppressive
The PB white count is usually not greatly elevated, but abnormal large therapy. The use of thiopurine and infliximab is particularly common
lymphoid cells with granular cytoplasm are noted. The aggressive form in the history of patients with this disease. The cells are CD3+ and
is characterized by symptoms of fever and laboratory abnormalities of usually CD4– and CD8–. The cells may contain isochromosome 7q,
pancytopenia. Hepatosplenomegaly is common; node involvement is often together with trisomy 8. The lymphoma has an aggressive natural
less common. Patients may have hemophagocytosis, coagulopathy, or history. Combination chemotherapy may induce remissions, but most
multiorgan failure. Serum levels of Fas ligand are elevated. patients relapse. Median survival is about 2 years. The tumor does not
The cells express CD2 and CD56 and do not have rearranged T-cell appear to respond to reversal of immunosuppressive therapy.
receptor genes. Deletions involving chromosome 6 are common. The
Subcutaneous Panniculitis-Like T-Cell Lymphoma  Sub-
disease can be rapidly progressive. Some forms of NK neoplasms
cutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma involves multiple sub-
are more indolent. They tend to be discovered incidentally with LGL
cutaneous collections of neoplastic T cells that are usually cytotoxic
lymphocytosis and do not manifest the fever and hepatosplenomegaly
cells in phenotype (i.e., contain perforin and granzyme B and express
characteristic of the aggressive leukemia. The cells are also CD2 and
CD3 and CD8). The rearranged T-cell receptor is usually alpha/beta-
CD56 positive, but they do not contain clonal forms of Epstein-Barr

derived, but occasionally the gamma/delta receptors are involved, par-

virus and are not accompanied by pancytopenia or autoimmune
ticularly in the setting of immunosuppression. The cells are negative
for Epstein-Barr virus. Patients may have a HPS in addition to the skin
Extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma, Nasal Type  Like lym- infiltration; fever and hepatosplenomegaly may also be present. Nodes
phomatoid granulomatosis, extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma tends are generally not involved. Patients frequently respond to combination
Oncology and Hematology

to be an angiocentric and angiodestructive lesion, but the malignant chemotherapy, including CHOP. When the disease is progressive, the
cells are not B cells. In most cases, they are CD56+ Epstein-Barr virus– HPS can be a component of a fulminant downhill course. Effective
infected cells; occasionally they are CD56–Epstein-Barr virus–infected therapy can reverse the HPS.
cytotoxic T cells. They are most commonly found in the nasal cavity.
Blastic NK Cell Lymphoma  The neoplastic cells express NK
Historically, this illness was called lethal midline granuloma, poly-
cell markers, especially CD56, and are CD3 negative. They are large
morphic reticulosis, and angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion.
blastic-appearing cells and may produce a leukemia picture, but the
This form of lymphoma is prevalent in Asia, Mexico, and Central and
dominant site of involvement is the skin. Morphologically, the cells are
South America; it affects males more commonly than females. When it
similar to the neoplastic cells in acute lymphoid and myeloid leukemia.
spreads beyond the nasal cavity, it may affect soft tissue, the gastroin-
No characteristic chromosomal abnormalities have been described.
testinal tract, or the testis. In some cases, hemophagocytic syndrome
The clinical course is rapid, and the disease is largely unresponsive to
(HPS) may influence the clinical picture. Patients may have B symp-
typical lymphoma treatments.
toms. Many of the systemic manifestations of disease are related to the
production of cytokines by the tumor cells and the cells responding to Primary Cutaneous CD30+ T-Cell Lymphoma  This tumor
their signals. Deletions and inversions of chromosome 6 are common. involves the skin and is composed of cells that appear similar to the
Many patients with extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type cells of anaplastic T-cell lymphoma. Among cutaneous T-cell tumors,
have excellent antitumor responses with combination chemotherapy about 25% are CD30+ anaplastic lymphomas. If dissemination to
regimens, particularly those with localized disease. Radiation therapy lymph nodes occurs, it is difficult to distinguish between the cutaneous
is often used after completion of chemotherapy. Four risk factors have and systemic forms of the disease. The tumor cells are often CD4+, and
been defined, including B symptoms, advanced stage, elevated LDH, the cells contain granules that are positive for granzyme B and perfo-
and regional lymph node involvement. Patient survival is linked to the rin in 70% of cases. The typical t(2;5) of anaplastic T-cell lymphoma is
number of risk factors: 5-year survival is 81% for zero risk factors, 64% absent; indeed, its presence should prompt a closer look for systemic
for one risk factor, 32% for two risk factors, and 7% for three or four involvement and a switch to a diagnosis of anaplastic T-cell lymphoma.
risk factors. Combination regimens without anthracyclines have been This form of lymphoma has sporadically been noted as a rare complica-
touted as superior to CHOP, but data are sparse. High-dose therapy tion of silicone on saline breast implants. The natural history of breast
with stem cell transplantation has been used, but its role is unclear. implant associated lymphoma is generally indolent. Cutaneous CD30+
T-cell lymphoma often responds to therapy. The anti-CD30 immuno-
Enteropathy-Type T-Cell Lymphoma  Enteropathy-type T-cell toxin conjugate, brentuximab vedotin, is active. Radiation therapy can
lymphoma is a rare complication of longstanding celiac disease. It most
be effective, and surgery can also produce long-term disease control.
commonly occurs in the jejunum or the ileum. In adults, the lymphoma
Five-year survival exceeds 90%.
may be diagnosed at the same time as celiac disease, but the suspicion
is that the celiac disease was a longstanding precursor to the develop- Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma  Angioimmunoblas-
ment of lymphoma. The tumor usually presents as multiple ulcerating tic T-cell lymphoma is a systemic disease that accounts for about 15%
mucosal masses, but may also produce a dominant exophytic mass or of all T-cell lymphomas. Patients frequently have fever, advanced
multiple ulcerations. The tumor expresses CD3 and CD7 nearly always stage, diffuse adenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, skin rash, polyclonal
and may or may not express CD8. The normal-appearing lymphocytes hypergammaglobulinemia, and a wide range of autoantibodies includ-
in the adjacent mucosa often have a similar phenotype to the tumor. ing cold agglutinins, rheumatoid factor, and circulating immune com-
Most patients have the HLA genotype associated with celiac disease, plexes. Patients may have edema, arthritis, pleural effusions, and
HLA DQA1*0501 or DQB1*0201. ascites. The nodes contain a polymorphous infiltrate of neoplastic T
The prognosis of this form of lymphoma is typically (median cells and nonneoplastic inflammatory cells together with proliferation
survival is 7 months) poor, but some patients have a good response of high endothelial venules and follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). The
to CHOP chemotherapy. Patients who respond can develop bowel most common chromosomal abnormalities are trisomy 3, trisomy 5, and

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an extra X chromosome. Aggressive combination chemotherapy can activating mutations of the gene (CSF3R) encoding for the receptor for 787
induce regressions. The underlying immune defects make conventional granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), also known as colony
lymphoma treatments more likely to produce infectious complications. stimulating factor 3 (CSF3). Patients with CNL might be asymptomatic
at presentation but also display constitutional symptoms, splenomeg-
■■RARE MYELOID MALIGNANCIES aly, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Median survival is ∼2 years and
The World Health Organization (WHO) system uses PB counts and causes of death include leukemic transformation, progressive disease
smear analysis, BM morphology, cytogenetic and molecular genetic associated with severe cytopenias, and marked treatment-refractory
tests in order to classify myeloid malignancies into several major cat- leukocytosis. CNL is rare with <200 reported cases. Median age at diag-
egories (Table 106-4). Amongst them, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) nosis is ∼67 years, and the disease is equally prevalent in both genders.
is discussed in Chap. 100, MDS in Chap. 98, chronic myeloid leukemia
(CML) in Chap. 101, and JAK2 mutation-enriched myeloprolifera- Pathogenesis  CSF3 is the main growth factor for granulocyte pro-
tive neoplasms (MPN) in Chap. 99. In this chapter, we focus on the liferation and differentiation. Accordingly, recombinant CSF3 is used
rest (listed in Table 106-4) including chronic neutrophilic leukemia for the treatment of severe neutropenia, including severe congenital
(CNL), “atypical CML, BCR-ABL1 negative (aCML),” chronic mye- neutropenia (SCN). Some patients with SCN acquire CSF3R mutations
lomonocytic leukemia (CMML), juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia and the frequency of such mutations is significantly higher (∼ 80%) in
(JMML), “chronic eosinophilic leukemia, not otherwise specified those patients who experience leukemic transformation. SCN-associated
(CEL-NOS),” mastocytosis, “MPN, unclassifiable (MPN-U),” MDS/ CSF3R mutations occur in the region of the gene coding for the cytoplas-
MPN, unclassifiable (MDS/MPN-U), “MDS/MPN with ring siderob- mic domain of CSF3R, and result in truncation of the C-terminal-negative
lasts and thrombocytosis (MDS/MPN-RS-T),” and “myeloid/lymphoid regulatory domain. In 2013, Maxson et al. described a different class
neoplasms with eosinophilia and rearrangements of PDGFRA, PDGFRB, of CSF3R mutations in ∼ 90% of patients with CNL; these were mostly
FGFR1 or with PCM1-JAK2.” This chapter also includes histiocytic and membrane proximal, the most frequent being a C-to-T substitution at
DC neoplasms, transient myeloproliferative disorders (TMD) as well nucleotide 1853 (T618I). In a subsequent confirmatory study, CSF3R
as a broader discussion on primary eosinophilic disorders including

CHAPTER 106 Less Common Hematologic Malignancies

mutations were found to be specific to WHO-defined CNL. About 40% of
hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES). the T618I-mutated cases also harbored SETBP1 mutations. CSF3RT618I
has been shown to induce lethal myeloproliferative disorder in a mouse
■■CHRONIC NEUTROPHILIC LEUKEMIA model and in vitro sensitivity to JAK inhibition.
CNL is a clonal proliferation of mature neutrophils with few or no
circulating immature granulocytes. In 2013, CNL was associated with Diagnosis  Diagnosis of CNL requires exclusion of the more com-
mon causes of neutrophilia including infections and inflammatory pro-
cesses. In addition, one should be mindful of the association between
some forms of metastatic cancer or plasma cell neoplasms with second-
TABLE 106-4  World Health Organization Classification of Myeloid
Malignancies ary neutrophilia. Neoplastic neutrophilia also occurs in other myeloid
malignancies including aCML and CMML. Accordingly, the WHO
1.  Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and related precursor neoplasms
diagnostic criteria for CNL are designed to exclude the possibilities
2.  Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN)
of both secondary/reactive neutrophilia and leukocytosis associated
2.1.  Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), BCR-ABL1 positive with myeloid malignancies other than CNL (Table 106-2): leukocytosis
2.2.  JAK2 mutation-enriched MPN (≥25 × 109/L), ≥80% segmented/band neutrophils, <10% immature
2.2.1.  Polycythemia vera myeloid cells, <1% circulating blasts and absence of dysgranulopoiesis
2.2.2.  Primary myelofibrosis or monocytosis (monocyte count <1 × 109/L). BM in CNL is hypercellu-
2.2.3.  Essential thrombocythemia lar and displays increased number and percentage of neutrophils with
2.3.  Chronic neutrophilic leukemia (CNL) very high myeloid to erythroid ratio and minimal left shift, myeloid
2.4.  Chronic eosinophilic leukemia, not otherwise specified (CEL-NOS) dysplasia or reticulin fibrosis.
2.5.  Myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable (MPN-U) The recent discovery of CSF3R mutations (see above) and their
3.  Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) almost invariable association with WHO-defined CNL has allowed its
3.1.  MDS with single lineage dysplasia
incorporation in the WHO diagnostic criteria (Table 106-5). In practi-
cal terms, the presence of a membrane proximal CSF3R mutation in
3.2.  MDS with ring sideroblasts (MDS-RS)
a patient with predominantly neutrophilic granulocytosis should be
3.3.  MDS with multilineage dysplasia
sufficient for the diagnosis of CNL, regardless of the degree of leuko-
3.4.  MDS with excess blasts cytosis. Unfortunately, several exclusionary criteria still need to be met
3.5.  MDS with isolated del(5q) for diagnosing CNL in the absence of CSF3R mutations (Table 106-5).
3.6.  MDS, unclassifiable (MDS-U)
3.7.  Provisional entity: Refractory cytopenia of childhood Treatment  Current treatment in CNL is largely palliative and
4.  MDS/MPN overlap suboptimal in its efficacy. Several drugs alone or in combination
4.1.  Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) have been tried and none have shown remarkable efficacy. As such,
allogeneic stem cell transplant (ASCT) is reasonable to consider in the
4.2.  Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia (aCML), BCR-ABL1 negative
presence of symptomatic disease, especially in younger patients. Oth-
4.3.  Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML)
erwise, cytoreductive therapy with hydroxyurea is probably as good
4.4. MDS/MPN with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis (MDS/
as anything, and a more intensive combination chemotherapy may
not have additional value. However, response to hydroxyurea therapy
4.5.  MDS/MPN, unclassifiable (MDS/MPN-U)
is often transient, and some have successfully used interferon a as an
5.  Mastocytosis alternative drug. Response to treatment with ruxolitinib (a JAK1 and
6. Myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with eosinophilia and rearrangement of JAK2 inhibitor) has been reported in several case reports but, as is the
case with hydroxyurea treatment, the response is often incomplete and
6.1.  Myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with PDGFRA rearrangement temporary.
6.2.  Myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with PDGFRB rearrangement
6.3.  Myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with FGFR1 rearrangement
6.4. Provisional entity: Myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with PCM1-JAK2
“Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR-ABL1 negative (aCML)”
is formally classified under the MDS/MPN category of myeloid
Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition
malignancies and is characterized by left shifted granulocytosis and

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788 TABLE 106-5  2016 World Health Organization (WHO) Diagnostic Criteria for Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia (CNL), Atypical Chronic Myeloid
Leukemia, BCR-ABL1-negative (aCML), and Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
PB leukocyte count ≥25 × 109/L Granulocytosis
PB segmented neutrophils/bands ≥80%
PB immature granulocytesa <10% ≥10%
PB blast count <1% <20% <20%
PB monocyte count <1 x 10(9)/L No or minimal monocytosis ≥1 × 109/L
Persistent and lasting for at least 3 months
Dysgranulopoiesis No Yes
PB basophil percentage <2%
PB monocyte percentage <10% ≥10%
Bone marrow Hypercellular Hypercellular Dysplasia in ≥1 myeloid lineages
↑Neutrophils, number and % ↑Granulocyte proliferation or
<5% blasts Granulocytic dysplasia clonal cytogenetic/molecular abnormality
Normal neutrophilic maturation ±erythroid/megakaryocyte <20% blasts or promonocytes
<20% blasts

CSF3R T618I or other activating CSF3R mutation Yes

or persistent neutrophilia, splenomegaly, and no
identifiable cause of reactive neutrophilia
PB and BM blasts/promonocytes <20% <20%
Oncology and Hematology

Evidence for other MPN: CML, PV, ET, or PMF No No No

Evidence for reactive No No
Leukocytosisb or monocytosis
Immature granulocytes include myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes, and metamyelocytes. bCauses of reactive neutrophilia include plasma cell neoplasms, solid
tumor, infections, and inflammatory processes.
Abbreviations: BM, bone marrow; CML, chronic myeloid leukemia; ET, essential thrombocythemia; MPN, myeloproliferative neoplasms; PB, peripheral blood; PMF, primary
myelofibrosis; PV, polycythemia vera.

dysgranulopoiesis. The differential diagnosis of aCML includes CML, aCML. However, a favorable experience with ASCT was reported in
which is distinguished by the presence of BCR-ABL1; CNL, which is nine patients; after a median follow-up of 55 months, the majority of
distinguished by the absence of dysgranulopoiesis and presence of the patients remained in complete remission.
CSF3R mutations; and CMML, which is distinguished by the presence
of monocytosis (absolute monocyte count ≥1 × 109/L). The WHO diag- ■■CHRONIC MYELOMONOCYTIC LEUKEMIA
nostic criteria for aCML are listed in Table 106-5 and include granulocy- CMML is classified under the WHO category of MDS/MPN and is
tosis, dysgranulopoiesis, ≥10% immature granulocytes, <20% PB or BM defined by an absolute monocyte count (AMC) of ≥1 × 109/L in the
myeloblasts, <10% PB monocytes, <2% basophils, absence of otherwise PB and accounting for ≥10% of the leukocyte count. Median age at
specific mutations such as BCR-ABL1, PDGFRA, PDGFRB, FGFR1, or diagnosis ranges between 65 and 75 years and there is a 2:1 male pre-
PCM1-JAK2 and not meeting WHO criteria for CML, PMF, PV, or ET. dominance. Clinical presentation is variable and depends on whether
The BM in aCML is hypercellular with granulocyte proliferation and the disease presents with MDS-like or MPN-like phenotype; the former
dysplasia with or without erythroid or megakaryocytic dysplasia. is associated with cytopenias and the latter with splenomegaly and fea-
The molecular pathogenesis of aCML is incompletely understood; tures of myeloproliferation such as fatigue, night sweats, weight loss,
about a fourth of the patients express SETBP1 mutations, which are, and cachexia. About 20% of patients with CMML experience serositis
however, also found in several other myeloid malignancies, including involving the joints (arthritis), pericardium (pericarditis and pericardial
CNL and CMML. SETBP1 mutations in aCML were prognostically effusion), pleura (pleural effusion), or peritoneum (ascites).
detrimental and mostly located between codons 858 and 871; similar
Pathogenesis  Clonal cytogenetic abnormalities are seen in about
mutations are seen with Schinzel-Giedion syndrome (a congenital dis-
a third of patients with CMML and include trisomy 8 and abnormali-
ease with severe developmental delay and various physical stigmata
ties of chromosome 7. Almost all patients with CMML harbor somatic
including midface retraction, large forehead, and macroglossia). A
mutations involving epigenetic regulator genes (e.g., ASXL1, TET2),
somatic missense mutation in ethanolamine kinase 1 (ETNK1N244S)
spliceosome pathway genes (e.g., SRSF2), DNA damage response
was described in 9% of patients with aCML but was also seen in 14%
genes (e.g., TP53), and tyrosine kinases/transcription factors (e.g.,
of patients with CMML, 6% of patients with mastocytosis (especially in
KRAS, NRAS, CBL, and RUNX1). However, none of these mutations
association with eosinophilia), and rarely in other MPN.
are specific to CMML, and their precise pathogenetic contribution is
In a series of 55 patients with WHO-defined aCML, median age at
diagnosis was 62 years with female preponderance (57%), splenomeg-
aly was reported in 54% of the patients, red cell transfusion requirement Diagnosis  Reactive monocytosis is uncommon but has been
in 65%, abnormal karyotype in 20% (20q- and trisomy 8 being the most reported in association with certain infections and inflammatory con-
frequent) and leukemic transformation in 40%. Median survival was ditions. Clonal (i.e., neoplastic) monocytosis defines CMML but is also
25 months. Outcome was worse in patients with marked leukocyto- seen with JMML and AML with monocytic differentiation. The WHO
sis, transfusion requirement, and increased immature cells in the PB. diagnostic criteria for CMML are listed in Table 106-5 and include (1)
Conventional chemotherapy is largely ineffective in the treatment of persistent PB monocyte count of ≥1 × 109/L with monocyte percentage

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of ≥10%, (2) absence of BCR-ABL1, PDGFRA, PDGFRB, FGFR1, or The 2016 revised WHO diagnostic criteria for JMML requires the 789
PCM1-JAK2 rearrangements, (3) not meeting WHO criteria for CML, PV, presence of PB monocyte count ≥1 × 109/L, <20% blasts in blood or BM,
ET, or PMF, (4) <20% blasts and promonocytes in the PB and BM, and splenomegaly, and absence of BCR-ABL1. Diagnosis also requires the
(5) dysplasia involving one or more myeloid lineages or, in the absence presence of one of the following: somatic mutation of PTPN11, KRAS,
of dysplasia, presence of an acquired clonal cytogenetic or molecular or NRAS; clinical diagnosis of NF1 or NF1 mutation; germline mutation
genetic abnormality or non-reactive monocytosis lasting for at least of CBL and loss of heterozygosity. Diagnosis of JMML can still be con-
3 months. sidered without the aforementioned genetic features, in the presence of
The BM in CMML is hypercellular with granulocytic and monocytic monosomy 7 or any other cytogenetic abnormality or in the presence
proliferation. Dysplasia is often present and may involve one, two, of two of the following: increased hemoglobin F, presence of myeloid
or all myeloid lineages. On immunophenotyping the abnormal cells or erythroid precursors in the PB, GM-CSF hypersensitivity in colony
often express myelomonocytic antigens such as CD13 and CD33, with assay, and hyperphosphorylation of STAT5.
variable expression of CD14, CD68, CD64, and CD163. Monocytic-
derived cells are almost always positive for the cytochemical non- ■■MDS/MPN, UNCLASSIFIABLE (MDS/MPN-U)
specific esterases (e.g., butyrate esterase), while normal granulocytic The WHO classifies patients with morphologic and laboratory features
precursors are positive for lysozyme and chloroacetate esterase. In that resemble both MDS and MPN as “MDS/MPN overlap.” This cat-
CMML, it is common to have a hybrid cytochemical staining pattern egory includes CMML, aCML, and JMML, which have been described
with cells expressing both chloroacetate and butyrate esterases simul- above. In addition, MDS/MPN includes a fourth category referred
taneously (dual esterase staining). to as MDS/MPN, unclassifiable (MDS/MPN-U). Diagnosis of MDS/
MPN-U requires the presence of both MDS and MPN features that are
Prognosis  A recent meta-analysis showed median survival of not adequate to classify patients as CMML, aCML, or JMML. MDS/
1.5 years in CMML. Numerous prognostic systems have attempted to MPN also includes the provisional category of refractory anemia with
better define and stratify the natural history of CMML. One of these, ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis (RARS-T); the 2016 revision of
the Mayo prognostic model, assigns one point each to the following

CHAPTER 106 Less Common Hematologic Malignancies

the WHO classification document has changed the term RARS-T into
four independent prognostic variables: AMC >10 × 109/L, presence of “MDS/MPN-RS-T.”
circulating immature cells, hemoglobin <10 gm/dL and platelet count In a study of 85 patients with MDS/MPN-U, median age was
<100,000/mL. This model stratified patients into three risk groups: low 70 years and 72% were males. Splenomegaly at presentation was
(0 points), intermediate (1 point), and high (≥2 points), translating to present in 33%, thrombocytosis in 13%, leukocytosis in 18%, JAK2
median survival of 32, 18, and 10 months, respectively. mutations in 30%, and abnormal karyotype 51%; the most frequent
A French study incorporated ASXL1 mutational status in 312 CMML cytogenetic abnormality was trisomy 8. Median survival was 12.4
patients. In a multivariable model, independent predictors of poor months and favorably affected by thrombocytosis. Treatment with
survival were WBC >15 × 109/L (3 points), ASXL1 mutations (2 points), hypomethylating agents, immunomodulators, or ASCT did not appear
age >65 years (2 points), platelet count <100,000/mL (2 points), and to favorably affect survival.
hemoglobin <10 gm/dL in females and <11 gm/dL in males (2 points).
This model stratified patients into three groups: low (0–4 points), inter-
mediate (5–7 points), and high risk (8–12 points), with median survival
of “not reached,” 38.5 and 14.4 months, respectively.27 ASXL1 and
MDS/MPN-RS-T is classified in the MDS/MPN category because it
DNMT3A mutations also have an adverse effect on CMML.
shares dysplastic features with MDS-RS and myeloproliferative features
Treatment  Current treatment in CMML consists of hydroxyurea with ET. The 2016 revised WHO diagnostic criteria for MDS/MPN-
and supportive care, including red cell transfusions and use of ery- RS-T includes anemia associated with erythroid lineage dysplasia,
thropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA). The value of hydroxyurea was presence of ≥15% ring sideroblasts, blast count of <5% in BM and <1%
reinforced by a randomized trial against oral etoposide. No other in the PB, platelet count of ≥450 × 109/L, and absence of BCR-ABL1,
single or combination chemotherapy has been shown to be superior PDGFRA, PDGFRB, FGFR1, PCM1-JAK2 mutations or t(3;3)(q21;q26),
to hydroxyurea. ASCT is a viable treatment option for transplant- inv(3)(q21q26), or del(5q). These diagnostic criteria also require the
eligible patients with poor prognostic features. Given the MDS/MPN absence of history of MPN, MDS, or other type of MDS/MPN and
overlap phenotype and the presence of MDS-like genetic/methylation also either the presence of SF3B1 mutation or absence of exposure to
abnormalities in CMML, hypomethylating agents such as 5-azacitidine cytotoxic or other treatment that could be blamed for the morphologic
and decitabine have been used with limited efficacy; in a study using abnormalities.
decitabine in CMML, overall response rate was 48% with 17% complete One hundred eleven patients with MDS/MPN-RS-T were compared
remissions and median survival of 17 months. The experience with with 33 patients with RARS. The frequency of SF3B1 mutations in MDS/
5-azacytidine was somewhat similar. MPN-RS-T-T (87%) was similar to that in MDS-RS (85%). JAK2 V617F
mutation was detected in 49% of MDS/MPN-RS-T patients (including
■■JUVENILE MYELOMONOCYTIC LEUKEMIA 48% of those mutated for SF3B1), but none of those with MDS-RS. In
JMML is primarily a disease of early childhood and is included, along MDS/MPN-RS-T, SF3B1 mutations were more frequent in females
with CMML, in the “MDS/MPN” WHO category. Both CMML and (95%) than in males (77%), and mean ring sideroblast counts were
JMML feature leukocytosis, monocytosis, and hepatosplenomegaly. higher in SF3B1-mutated patients. Median overall survival was 6.9 years
Additional characteristic features in JMML include thrombocytopenia in SF3B1-mutated vs 3.3 years in unmutated cases. Six-year survival was
and elevated fetal hemoglobin. Myeloid progenitors in JMML display 67% in JAK2-mutated vs 32% in unmutated cases. Multivariable analysis
GM-CSF hypersensitivity that has been attributed to dysregulated identified younger age, JAK2 and SF3B1 mutations as favorable factors.
RAS/MAPK signaling. The latter is believed to result from mutually Predictors of poor survival in MDS/MPN-RS-T include anemia, abnor-
exclusive mutations involving RAS, PTPN11, and NF1. A third of mal karyotype, and presence of ASXL1 or SETBP1 mutations. Interest-
patients with JMML that is not associated with Noonan syndrome ingly, the presence of SF3B1 mutations in MDS/MPN-RS-T is associated
carry PTPN11 mutations while the incidence of NF1 in patients with- with increased risk of thrombosis. Several case reports have suggested
out neurofibromatosis, type 1 and RAS mutations are ∼15% each. In that treatment with lenalidomide might induce red cell transfusion
general, in about 85% of JMML cases, one of the classical RAS path- independence and complete remissions in MDS/MPN-RS-T.
way mutations (PTPN11, NRAS, KRAS, NF1, and CBL) is present; in
addition, a myrof other mutations, such as ASXL1, RUNX1, SETBP1, ■■MYELOPROLIFERATIVE NEOPLASM,
JAK3, CUX1, and others have been reported. Drug therapy is relatively UNCLASSIFIABLE (MPN-U)
ineffective in JMML, and the treatment of choice is ASCT, which results The category of MPN-U includes MPN-like neoplasms that cannot
in a 5-year survival of ∼50%. be clearly classified as one of the other seven subcategories of MPN

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790 (Table 106-4). Examples include patients presenting with unusual with infections, especially those related to tissue-invasive helminths,
thrombosis or unexplained organomegaly with normal blood counts allergic/vasculitic diseases, drugs, and metastatic cancer. Primary eos-
but found to carry MPN-characteristic mutations such as JAK2 and inophilia is the focus of this chapter and is considered when a cause for
CALR or display BM morphology that is consistent with MPN. It is secondary eosinophilia is not readily apparent.
possible that some cases of MPN-U represent earlier disease stages in Primary eosinophilia is classified as clonal or idiopathic. Diagnosis
PV or ET, which however fail to meet the threshold hemoglobin levels of clonal eosinophilia requires morphologic, cytogenetic, or molecular
or platelet counts that are required per WHO diagnostic criteria. Spe- evidence of a myeloid neoplasm. Idiopathic eosinophilia is considered
cific treatment interventions might not be necessary in asymptomatic when both secondary and clonal eosinophilias have been ruled out as
patients with MPN-U, whereas patients with arterial thrombotic com- a possibility. HES is a subcategory of idiopathic eosinophilia with per-
plications might require cytoreductive and aspirin therapy, and those sistent AEC of ≥1.5 × 109/L and associated with eosinophil-mediated
with venous thrombosis might require systemic anticoagulation. organ damage (Table 106-6). An HES-like disorder that is associated
with clonal or phenotypically abnormal T cells is referred to as “lym-
■■MYELOID NEOPLASMS WITH GERM LINE phocytic variant hypereosinophilia” (Table 106-6).
The 2016 WHO revision on the classification of myeloid neoplasms Clonal Eosinophilia  Examples of clonal eosinophilia include
adds a section referred to as “myeloid neoplasms with germ line pre- eosinophilia associated with AML, MDS, CML, mastocytosis, and
disposition” and includes cases of AML, MDS, and MDS/MPN that MDS/MPN overlap. Myeloid neoplasm-associated eosinophilia also
arise in the setting of a germ line predisposition mutation, such as includes the WHO MPN subcategory of chronic eosinophilic leukemia,
CEBPA, DDX41, RUNX1, ANKRD26, ETV6, or GATA2. This particular not otherwise specified (CEL-NOS) and the WHO myeloid malignancy
category of diseases also includes myeloid neoplasms that arise in the subcategory referred to as “myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with eosin-
background of BM failure syndromes, Down syndrome, Noonan syn- ophilia and rearrangement of platelet-derived growth factor receptor
drome, neurofibromatosis, and telomeropathies. (PDGFR) α/β or fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1)” or with
PCM1-JAK2 (Table 106-4).
■■TRANSIENT MYELOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDER The diagnostic workup for clonal eosinophilia that is not associated

TMD, also referred to as transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM), with morphologically overt myeloid malignancy should start with
constitutes an often but not always transient phenomenon of abnor- PB mutation screening for FIP1L1-PDGFRA and PDGFRB mutations
mal megakaryoblast proliferation, which occurs in ∼10% of infants using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or reverse transcription-
with Down syndrome. TMD is usually recognized at birth and either polymerase chain reaction. This is crucial since such eosinophilia is
undergoes spontaneous regression (75% of the cases) or progress into
Oncology and Hematology

easily treated with imatinib. If mutation screening is negative, a BM

acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) (25% of the cases). Almost examination with cytogenetic studies is indicated. In this regard, one
all patients with TMD and TMD-derived AMKL display somatic must first pay attention to the presence or absence of 5q33, 4q12, 8p11.2,
GATA1 mutations. TMD-associated GATA1 mutations constitute exon or t(8;9)(p22;p24.1) translocations, which, if present, would suggest
2 insertions, deletions, or missense mutations, affecting the N-terminal PDGFRB, PDGFRA, or FGFR1-rearranged or PCM1-JAK2-associated
transactivation domain of GATA-1 and result in loss of full-length clonal eosinophilia, respectively. The presence of 5q33 or 4q12 translo-
(50-kD) GATA-1 and its replacement with a shorter isoform (40-kD) cations predicts favorable response to treatment with imatinib mesylate
that retains friend of GATA-1 (FOG-1) binding. In contrast, inherited and that of t(8;9)(p22;p24.1), a transient response to ruxolutinib while
forms of exon 2 GATA1 mutations produce a phenotype with anemia 8p11.2 translocations are associated with aggressive myeloid malignan-
whereas exon 4 mutations that affect the N-terminal, FOG-1-interactive cies that are refractory to current drug therapy.
domain, produce familial dyserythropoietic anemia with thrombocy-
topenia51 or X-linked macrothrombocytopenia. Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia, Not Otherwise Specified
(CEL-NOS)  CEL-NOS is a subset of clonal eosinophilia that is
■■PRIMARY EOSINOPHILIA neither molecularly defined nor classified as an alternative clinico-
Eosinophilia refers to a PB absolute eosinophil count (AEC) that pathologically assigned myeloid malignancy. We prefer to use the term
is above the upper normal limit of the reference range. The term strictly in patients with an “HES” phenotype who also display either a
“hypereosinophilia” is used when the AEC is above 1500 × 109/L. Eos- clonal cytogenetic/molecular abnormality or excess blasts in the BM or
inophilia is operationally classified into secondary (non-neoplastic pro- PB. The WHO defines CEL-NOS in the presence of ≥1.5 × 109/L AEC
liferation of eosinophils) and primary (proliferation of eosinophils that that is accompanied by either the presence of myeloblast excess (either
is either neoplastic or otherwise unexplained). Secondary eosinophilia >2% in the PB or 5–19% in the BM) or evidence of myeloid clonality.
is by far the most frequent cause of eosinophilia and is often associated Cytogenetic abnormalities in CEL, other than those that are associated

TABLE 106-6  Primary Eosinophilia Classification

Absolute eosinophil count >600 × 109/L >1500 × 109/L >1500 × 109/L >1500 × 109/L
Peripheral blood blast >2% Yes or no Yes or no No No
Bone marrow blast >5% Yes or no Yes or No No No
Abnormal karyotype Yes or no Yes or no No No
PCM1-JAK2 abnormality
BCR-ABL1 No No No No
Abnormal T lymphocyte No No Yes No
phenotype or clonal T cell
Eosinophil-mediated tissue Yes or no Yes or no Yes or no Yes

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with molecularly defined eosinophilic disorders, include trisomy 8 (the addition, some patients manifest thromboembolic complications, hepa- 791
most frequent), t(10;11)(p14;q21), and t(7;12)(q11;p11). CEL-NOS does tosplenomegaly, and either cytopenia or cytosis.
not respond to imatinib, and treatment strategies are often not different BM histological and cytogenetic/molecular studies should be exam-
from those utilized in other similar MPNs; ASCT for transplant-eligible ined before a working diagnosis of HES is made. Additional blood
patients with poor risk factors and participation in experimental treat- studies that are currently recommended during the evaluation of
ment protocols otherwise. “HES” include serum tryptase (an increased level suggests mastocyto-
sis and warrants molecular studies to detect FIP1L1-PDGFRA), T-cell
PDGFR Mutated Eosinophilia  Both platelet-derived growth fac- immunophenotyping, as well as T-cell receptor antigen gene rear-
tor receptors α (PDGFRA located on chromosome 4q12) and β (PDGFRB
rangement analysis (a positive test suggests an underlying clonal or
located on chromosome 5q31-q32) are involved in MPN-relevant
phenotypically abnormal T-cell disorder). In addition, initial evaluation
activating mutations. Clinical phenotype in both instances includes
in HES should include echocardiogram and measurement of serum
prominent blood eosinophilia and excellent response to imatinib
troponin levels to screen for myocardial involvement by the disease.
therapy. In regards to PDGFRA mutations, the most popular is FIP1L1-
Initial evaluation of the patient with eosinophilia should include
PDGFRA, a karyotypically occult del(4)(q12), that was described in
tests that facilitate assessment of target organ damage: complete
2003 as an imatinib-sensitive activating mutation. Functional stud-
blood count, chest x-ray, echocardiogram, and serum troponin level.
ies have demonstrated transforming properties in cell lines and the
Increased level of serum cardiac troponin has been shown to correlate
induction of MPN in mice. Cloning of the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion
with the presence of cardiomyopathy in HES. Typical echocardio-
gene identified a novel molecular mechanism for generating this con-
graphic findings in HES include ventricular apical thrombus, posterior
stitutively active fusion tyrosine kinase, wherein a ~800kb interstitial
mitral leaflet or tricuspid valve abnormality, endocardial thickening,
deletion within 4q12 fuses the 5’ portion of FIP1L1 to the 3’ portion of
dilated left ventricle, and pericardial effusion.
PDGFRA.57 FIP1L1-PDGFRA occurs in a very small subset of patients
In a Mayo Clinic study of 98 consecutive patients with idiopathic
who present with the phenotypic features of either SM or HES, but the
eosinophilia, including HES, median age was 53 years (55% males),
presence of the mutation reliably predicts complete hematologic and

CHAPTER 106 Less Common Hematologic Malignancies

and overt organ involvement was seen >80% of the cases including
molecular response to imatinib therapy.
54% involving organs other than the skin. The frequencies of car-
The association between eosinophilic myeloid malignancies and
diac involvement, hepatosplenomegaly, increased serum tryptase and
PDGFRB rearrangement was first characterized and published in 1994
interleukin-5 levels were 8, 4, 24, and 31%, respectively. The study also
where fusion of the tyrosine kinase encoding region of PDGFRB to
revealed that 11% of the affected patients harbored pathogenetic muta-
the ets- like gene, ETV6 (ETV6-PDGFRB, t(5;12)(q33;p13) was demon-
tions including TET2, ASXL1, and KIT; the presence of such mutations
strated. The fusion protein was transforming to cell lines and resulted
did not appear to influence phenotype and the number of informative
in constitutive activation of PDGFRB signaling. Since then, several
cases was too small to assess prognostic relevance. Instead, the study
other PDGFRB fusion transcripts with similar disease phenotypes
identified anemia and presence of cardiac involvement or hepatosple-
have been described, cell line transformation and MPD-induction in
nomegaly as risk factors for survival.
mice has been demonstrated, and imatinib therapy was effective when
Glucocorticoids are the cornerstone of therapy in HES. Treatment
with oral prednisone is usually started at 1mg/kg/d and continued
FGFR1 Mutated Eosinophilia  The 8p11 myeloprolifera- for 1 to 2 weeks before the dose is tapered slowly over the ensuing 2 to
tive syndrome (EMS) (also known as human stem cell leukemic/ 3 months. If symptoms recur at a prednisone dose level of >10 mg/d,
lymphoma syndrome) constitutes a clinical phenotype with features of either hydroxyurea or interferon α is used as steroid-sparing agent. In
both lymphoma and eosinophilic MPN and characterized by a fusion patients who do not respond to usual therapy as outlined above, mepo-
mutation that involves the gene for fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 lizumab or alemtuzumab might be considered. Mepolizumab targets
(FGFR1), which is located on chromosome 8p11. In EMS, both myeloid IL-5, a well-recognized survival factor for eosinophils. Alemtuzumab
and lymphoid lineage cells exhibit the 8p11 translocation, thus demon- targets the CD52 antigen, which has been shown to be expressed by
strating the stem cell origin of the disease. The disease features several eosinophils but not by neutrophils.
8p11-linked chromosome translocations and some of the corresponding
fusion FGFR1 mutants have been shown to transform cell lines and ■■MASTOCYTOSIS
induce EMS- or CML-like disease in mice depending on the specific Mast cell disease (MCD) is defined as tissue infiltration by morpholog-
FGFR1 partner gene, ZNF 198 or BCR, respectively. Consistent with ically as well as immunophenotypically abnormal mast cells. MCD is
this laboratory observation, some patients with BCR-FGFR1 mutation classified into two broad categories; cutaneous and systemic mastocy-
manifest a more indolent CML-like disease. The mechanism of FGFR1 tosis (SM). MCD in adults is usually systemic and the clinical course
activation in EMS is similar to that seen with PDGFRB-associated MPD; can be either indolent or aggressive, depending on the respective
the tyrosine kinase domain of FGFR1 is juxtaposed to a dimerization absence or presence of impaired organ function. Symptoms and signs
domain from the partner gene. EMS is aggressive and requires combi- of MCD include urticaria pigmentosa, mast cell mediator release symp-
nation chemotherapy followed by ASCT. toms (e.g., headache, flushing, lightheadedness, syncope, anaphylaxis,
pruritus, urticaria, angioedema, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramps),
PCM1-JAK2 Associated Myeloid/Lymphoid Neoplasm
and organ damage (lytic bone lesions, osteoporosis, hepatosplenomeg-
with Eosinophilia  The 2016 revised WHO document includes a
aly, cytopenia). Aggressive SM can be associated with another myeloid
provisional entity under myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with eosino-
malignancy, including MPN, MDS, MDS/MPN overlap (e.g., CMML),
philia referred to as “myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with PCM1-JAK2.”
or present as overt mast cell leukemia (MCL). In general, life expec-
The entity is characterized by the t(8;9)(p22;p24.1) cytogenetic abnor-
tancy is near normal in indolent SM but significantly shortened in
mality and a phenotype that displays marked male predominance,
aggressive SM.
organomegaly, eosinophilia, and hetereogenous morphologic features
Diagnosis of SM is based on BM examination that shows clusters
similar to MPN, MDS, or MDS/MPN. Current drug therapy for PCM1-
of morphologically abnormal, spindle-shaped mast cells that are best
JAK2-associated disease is suboptimal, although some affected patients
evaluated by the use of immunohistochemical stains that are specific to
have displayed transient responses to ruxolutinib therapy.
mast cells (tryptase, CD117). In addition, mast cell immunophenotyp-
Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Blood eosinophilia that ing reveals aberrant CD25 expression by neoplastic mast cells. Other
is neither secondary nor clonal is operationally labeled as being laboratory findings in SM include increased levels of serum tryptase,
“idiopathic.” HES is a sub-category of idiopathic eosinophilia with per- histamine and urine histamine metabolites and prostaglandins. SM is
sistent increase of the AEC to ≥1.5 × 109/L and presence of eosinophil- associated with KIT mutations, usually KITD816V, in the majority of
mediated organ damage, including cardiomyopathy, gastroenteritis, patients. Accordingly, mutation screening for KITD816V is diagnosti-
cutaneous lesions, sinusitis, pneumonitis, neuritis, and vasculitis. In cally useful. However, the ability to detect KITD816V depends on assay

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792 sensitivity and mast cell content of the test sample. The 2016 WHO clas- BRAFV600E gain-of-function mutations, which indicates high-risk
sification of mastocytosis includes (1) cutaneous mastocytosis (CM), disease and resistance to first-line therapy, while responses to targeted
(2) SM, and (3) mast cell sarcoma (MCS). SM is further classified into therapy with vemurafenib have been reported.
(a) indolent SM (ISM), (b) smoldering SM (SSM), (c) SM with an asso-
ciated hematological neoplasm (SM-AHN), (d) aggressive SM (ASM), Langerhans Cell Sarcoma  Langerhans cell sarcoma (LCS) also
and (e) MCL. represents neoplastic proliferation of LCs with overtly malignant mor-
Both indolent and aggressive SM patients might experience mast cell phology. The disease can present de novo or progress from antecedent
mediator release symptoms, which are usually managed by both H-1 LCH. There is a female predilection and median age at diagnosis is
and H-2 histamine receptor blockers as well as cromolyn sodium. In estimated at 41 years. Immunophenotype is similar to that seen in LCH
addition, patients with propensity to vasodilatory shock should wear and liver, spleen, lung, and bone are the usual sites of disease. Progno-
a medical alert bracelet as well as carry an Epi-Pen self-injector for sis is poor and treatment generally ineffective.
self-administration of subcutaneous epinephrine. Urticaria pigmentosa Interdigitating Dendritic Cell Sarcoma  Interdigitating DC
shows variable response to both topical and systemic corticosteroid sarcoma (IDCS), also known as reticulum cell sarcoma, represents
therapy. Cytoreductive therapy is not recommended for indolent SM. In neoplastic proliferation of IDCs. The disease is extremely rare and
aggressive SM, either interferon α or cladribine is considered first-line affects elderly adults with no sex predilection. Typical presentation is
therapy and benefits the majority of patients. In contrast, imatinib is asymptomatic solitary lymphadenopathy. Immunophenotype includes
ineffective in the treatment of PDGFR-unmutated SM. A controlled study S-100+ and negative for vimentin and CD1a. Prognosis ranges from
of patients with ISM or SSM demonstrated marginal value of masitinib benign local disease to widespread lethal disease.
(oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor that inhibits KIT and LYN) with reported
cumulative symptomatic response rate of 18.7% vs 7.4% for placebo. Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma  FDC reside in B-cell folli-
Treatment responses were more impressive in another study that used cles and present antigen to B cells. FDC neoplasms (FDCN) are usually
the multikinase inhibitor midostaurin in patients with the more aggres- localized and often affect adults. FDCN might be associated with
sive forms of SM, with 45% of the patients achieving major response. Castleman’s disease in 10–20% of cases and increased incidence in

schizophrenia has been reported. Cervical lymph nodes are the most
■■DENDRITIC AND HISTIOCYTIC NEOPLASMS frequent site of involvement in FDCN and other sites include max-
DC and histiocyte/macrophage neoplasms are extremely rare. DCs illary, mediastinal, and retroperitoneal lymph nodes, oral cavity, the
are antigen-presenting cells, whereas histiocyte/macrophages are gastrointestinal system, skin, and breast. Sites of metastasis include
antigen-processing. BM myeloid stem cells (CD34+) give rise to mono- lung and liver. Immunophenotype includes CD21, CD35, and CD23.
Oncology and Hematology

cyte (CD14+, CD68+, CD11c+, CD1a–) and DC (CD14-, CD11c+/–, Clinical course is typically indolent, and treatment includes surgical
CD1a+/c) precursors. Monocyte precursors, in turn, give rise to macro- excision followed by regional radiotherapy and sometimes systemic
phages (CD14+, CD68+, CD11c+, CD163+, lysozyme+) and interstitial chemotherapy.
DCs (CD68+, CD1a–). DC precursors give rise to Langerhans cell DCs
(Birbeck granules, CD1a+, S100+, langerin+) and plasmacytoid DCs Hemophagocytic Syndromes  HPS represents non-neoplastic
(CD68+, CD123+). Follicular DCs (CD21+, CD23+, CD35+) originate proliferation and activation of macrophages that induces cytokine-
from mesenchymal stem cells. Dendritic and histiocytic neoplasms are mediated BM suppression and features of intense phagocytosis in
operationally classified into macrophage/histiocyte-related and DC- BM and liver. HPS may result from genetic or acquired disorders
related. The former includes histiocytic sarcoma/malignant histiocyto- of macrophages. The former entail genetically determined inability
sis (MH) and the latter Langerhans cell (LC) histiocytosis, LC sarcoma, to regulate macrophage proliferation and activation. Acquired HPS
interdigitating DC sarcoma, and follicular DC sarcoma. is often precipitated by viral infections, most notably Epstein-Barr
virus. HPS might also accompany certain malignancies such as T-cell
Histiocytic Sarcoma/Malignant Histiocytosis  Histiocytic lymphoma. It is characterized by pancytopenia and elevated ferritin
sarcoma represents malignant proliferation of mature tissue histiocytes levels. Interferon g is thought to play a role. Clinical course is often
and is often localized. Median age at diagnosis is estimated at 46 years fulminant and fatal.
with slight male predilection. Some patients might have history of lym-
phoma, MDS, or germ cell tumors at time of disease presentation. The
three typical disease sites are lymph nodes, skin, and the gastrointesti-
Arber DA et al: The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization
nal system. Patients may or may not have systemic symptoms including
classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia. Blood
fever and weight loss, and other symptoms include hepatosplenomeg-
127:2391, 2016.
aly, lytic bone lesions, and pancytopenia. Immunophenotype includes
Haroche J et al: Dramatic efficacy of vemurafenib in both multisys-
presence of histiocytic markers (CD68, lysozyme, CD11c, CD14) and
temic and refractory Erdheim-Chester disease and Langerhans cell
absence of myeloid or lymphoid markers. Prognosis is poor and treat-
histiocytosis harboring the BRAF V600E mutation. Blood 121:1495,
ment often ineffective. The term MH refers to a disseminated disease
and systemic symptoms. Lymphoma-like treatment induces complete
Lortholary O et al: Masitinib for treatment of severely symptomatic
remissions in some patients and median survival is estimated at 2 years.
indolent systemic mastocytosis: a randomised, placebo-controlled,
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis  LCs are specialized DCs that phase 3 study. Lancet 389:612, 2017.
reside in mucocutaneous tissue and upon activation become special- Maxson JE et al: Oncogenic CSF3R mutations in chronic neutrophilic
ized for antigen presentation to T cells. LC histiocytosis (LCH; also leukemia and atypical CML. N Engl J Med 368:1781, 2013.
known as histiocytosis X) represents neoplastic proliferation of LCs Pardanani A et al: Predictors of survival in WHO-defined hypereo-
(S-100+, CD1a+, and Birbeck granules on electron microscopy). LCH sinophilic syndrome and idiopathic hypereosinophilia and the role of
incidence is estimated at 5 per million and the disease typically next-generation sequencing. Leukemia 30:1924, 2016.
affects children with a male predilection. Presentation can be either Patnaik MM et al: Mayo prognostic model for WHO-defined chronic
uni- (eosinophilic granuloma) or multi-focal. The former usually myelomonocytic leukemia: ASXL1 and spliceosome component
affects bones and less frequently lymph nodes, skin, and lung, while mutations and outcomes. Leukemia 27:1504, 2013.
the latter is more disseminated. Unifocal disease often affects older Swerdlow SH et al: The 2016 revision of the World Health Organiza-
children and adults while multisystem disease affects infants. LCH tion classification of lymphoid neoplasms. Blood 127(20):2375, 2016.
of the lung in adults is characterized by bilateral nodules. Prognosis Taylor J et al: Diagnosis and classification of hematologic malignancies
depends on organs involved. Only 10% of patients progress from on the basis of genetics. Blood 130:410, 2017.
unifocal to multiorgan disease. LCH of the lung might improve upon Thompson PA, Ravandi F: How I manage hairy cell leukemia. Br J
cessation of smoking. Approximately 55% of patients with LCH harbor Haematol 177:543, 2017.

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tumors. There is a sharp spike in this region called an M component (M 793

107 Plasma Cell Disorders

Nikhil C. Munshi, Dan L. Longo,
for monoclonal). Less commonly, the M component may appear in the
β2 or α2 globulin region. The monoclonal antibody must be present at a
concentration of at least 5 g/L (0.5 g/dL) to be accurately quantitated
by this method. This corresponds to ~109 cells producing the antibody.
Kenneth C. Anderson Confirmation of the type of immunoglobulin and that it is truly mono-
clonal is determined by immunoelectrophoresis that reveals a single
heavy and/or light chain type. Hence immunoelectrophoresis and
The plasma cell disorders are monoclonal neoplasms related to each electrophoresis provide qualitative and quantitative assessment of the
other by virtue of their development from common progenitors in the M component, respectively. Once the presence of an M component has
late B-lymphocyte lineage. Multiple myeloma (MM), Waldenström’s been confirmed, the amount of M component in the serum is a reliable
macroglobulinemia, primary amyloidosis (Chap. 108), and the heavy measure of the tumor burden, making M component an excellent tumor
chain diseases comprise this group and may be designated by a vari- marker to manage therapy, yet it is not specific enough to be used to
ety of synonyms such as monoclonal gammopathies, paraproteinemias, screen asymptomatic patients. In addition to the plasma cell disorders,
plasma cell dyscrasias, and dysproteinemias. Mature B lymphocytes des- M components may be detected in other lymphoid neoplasms such as
tined to produce IgG bear surface immunoglobulin molecules of both chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and lymphomas of B- or T-cell
μ and γ heavy chain isotypes with both isotypes having identical idi- origin; nonlymphoid neoplasms such as chronic myeloid leukemia,
otypes (variable regions). Under normal circumstances, maturation to breast cancer, and colon cancer; a variety of nonneoplastic conditions
antibody-secreting plasma cells and their proliferation is stimulated such as cirrhosis, sarcoidosis, parasitic diseases, Gaucher’s disease, and
by exposure to the antigen for which the surface immunoglobulin is pyoderma gangrenosum; and a number of autoimmune conditions,
specific; however, in the plasma cell disorders, the control over this including rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis, and cold agglutinin
process is lost. The clinical manifestations of all the plasma cell disor- disease. Monoclonal proteins are also observed in immunosuppressed

CHAPTER 107 Plasma Cell Disorders

ders relate to the expansion of the neoplastic cells, to the secretion of patients after organ transplant and, rarely, allogeneic transplant.
cell products (immunoglobulin molecules or subunits, lymphokines), At least two very rare skin diseases—lichen myxedematosus (also
and to some extent to the host’s response to the tumor. Normal devel- known as papular mucinosis) and necrobiotic xanthogranuloma—are
opment of B lymphocytes is discussed in Chap. 342 and depicted in associated with a monoclonal gammopathy. In papular mucinosis,
Fig. 104-2. highly cationic IgG is deposited in the dermis of patients. This organ
Three categories of structural variation are present among immu- specificity may reflect the specificity of the antibody for some antigenic
noglobulin molecules that form antigenic determinants, and these are component of the dermis. Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma is a histiocytic
used to classify immunoglobulins. Isotypes are those determinants that infiltration of the skin, usually of the face, that produces red or yellow
distinguish among the main classes of antibodies of a given species nodules that can enlarge to plaques. Approximately 10% progress to
and are the same in all normal individuals of that species. Therefore, myeloma. Five percent of patients with sensory motor neuropathy also
isotypic determinants are, by definition, recognized by antibodies from have a monoclonal paraprotein.
a distinct species (heterologous sera) but not by antibodies from the The nature of the M component is variable in plasma cell disorders.
same species (homologous sera). There are five heavy chain isotypes It may be an intact antibody molecule of any heavy chain subclass, or it
(M, G, A, D, E) and two light chain isotypes (κ, λ). Allotypes are distinct may be an altered antibody or fragment. Isolated light or heavy chains
determinants that reflect regular small differences between individuals may be produced. In some plasma cell tumors such as extramedullary
of the same species in the amino acid sequences of otherwise similar or solitary bone plasmacytomas, less than one-third of patients will
immunoglobulins. These differences are determined by allelic genes; have an M component. In ~20% of myelomas, only light chains are
by definition, they are detected by antibodies made in the same spe- produced and, in most cases, are secreted in the urine as Bence Jones
cies. Idiotypes are the third category of antigenic determinants. They proteins. The frequency of myelomas of a particular heavy chain class
are unique to the molecules produced by a given clone of antibody- is roughly proportional to the serum concentration, and therefore, IgG
producing cells. Idiotypes are formed by the unique structure of the myelomas are more common than IgA and IgD myelomas. In ∼1% of
antigen-binding portion of the molecule. patients with myeloma, biclonal or triclonal gammopathy is observed.
Antibody molecules (Fig. 107-1) are composed of two heavy chains
(~50,000 mol wt) and two light chains (~25,000 mol wt). Each chain
has a constant portion (limited amino acid sequence variability) and
a variable region (extensive sequence variability). The light and heavy ■■DEFINITION
chains are linked by disulfide bonds and are aligned so that their vari- MM represents a malignant proliferation of plasma cells derived from a
able regions are adjacent to one another. This variable region forms the single clone. The tumor, its products, and the host response to it result
antigen recognition site of the antibody molecule; its unique structural in a number of organ dysfunctions and symptoms, including bone pain
features form idiotypes that are reliable markers for a particular clone or fracture, renal failure, susceptibility to infection, anemia, hypercal-
of cells because each antibody is formed and secreted by a single clone. cemia, and occasionally clotting abnormalities, neurologic symptoms,
Because of the mechanics of the gene rearrangements necessary to and manifestations of hyperviscosity.
specify the immunoglobulin variable regions (VDJ joining for the heavy
chain, VJ joining for the light chain), a particular clone rearranges only ■■ETIOLOGY
one of the two chromosomes to produce an immunoglobulin molecule The cause of myeloma is not known. Myeloma occurred with
of only one light chain isotype and only one allotype (allelic exclusion) increased frequency in those exposed to the radiation of nuclear
(Fig. 107-1). After exposure to antigen, the variable region may become warheads in World War II after a 20-year latency. Myeloma has been
associated with a new heavy chain isotype (class switch). Each clone seen more commonly than expected among farmers, wood workers,
of cells performs these sequential gene arrangements in a unique way. leather workers, and those exposed to petroleum products. A variety
This results in each clone producing a unique immunoglobulin mole- of chromosomal alterations have been found in patients with mye-
cule. In most plasma cells, light chains are synthesized in slight excess, loma: hyperdiploidy, 13q14 deletions, translocations t(11;14)(q13;q32),
secreted as free light chains, and cleared by the kidney, but <10 mg of t(4;14)(p16;q32), and t(14;16), 1q amplification or 1p deletion, and
such light chains is excreted per day. 17p13 deletions. Evidence is strong that errors in switch recombi-
Electrophoretic analysis permits separation of components of the nation—the genetic mechanism to change antibody heavy chain
serum proteins (Fig. 107-2). The immunoglobulins move heteroge- isotype—participate in the early transformation process. However,
neously in an electric field and form a broad peak in the gamma region, no single common molecular pathogenetic pathway has yet emerged.
which is usually increased in the sera of patients with plasma cell Genome sequencing studies have failed to identify any recurrent

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λ Light-chain locus
L1 Vλ1 L2 Vλ2 L Vλ–30 Jλ1 Cλ1 Jλ2 C λ2 Jλ4 Cλ4

κ Light-chain locus
L1 Vκ1 L2 Vκ 2 L3 Vκ3 L Vκ–36 Jκ1–5 Cκ

Heavy-chain locus
L1 VH1 L2 VH2 L3 VH3 LH VH–40 DH1–23 JH 1–6 Cµ

Light chain Heavy chain


Germline DNA

recombination C

D–J rearranged
DNA joined
Oncology and Hematology

recombination C
V–J or V–DJ joined
rearranged DNA

Transcription C
Primary AAA
transcript RNA



Polypeptide chain


FIGURE 107-1  Immunoglobulin genetics and the relationship of gene segments to the antibody protein. The top portion of the figure is a schematic of the organization
of the immunoglobulin genes, λ on chromosome 22, κ on chromosome 2, and the heavy chain locus on chromosome 14. The heavy chain locus is >2 megabases,
and some of the D region gene segments are only a few bases long, so the figure depicts the schematic relationship among the segments, not their actual size. The
bottom portion of the figure outlines the steps in going from the noncontiguous germline gene segments to an intact antibody molecule. Two recombination events
juxtapose the V-D-J (or V-J for light chains) segments. The rearranged gene is transcribed, and RNA splicing cuts out intervening sequences to produce an mRNA, which
is then translated into an antibody light or heavy chain. The sites on the antibody that bind to antigen (the so-called CDR3 regions) are encoded by D and J segments
for heavy chains and the J segments for light chains. (From K Murphy: Janeway’s Immunobiology, 8th ed. Garland Science, 2011.)

mutation with frequency >20%; N-ras, K-ras, and B-raf mutations are ■■INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE
most common and combined occur in >40% of patients. Evidence of An estimated 30,280 new cases of myeloma were diagnosed in 2017,
complex clusters of subclonal variants is present at diagnosis, acquires and 12,590 people died from the disease in the United States. Mye-
additional mutations over time, indicative of genomic evolution that loma increases in incidence with age. The median age at diagnosis is
may drive disease progression. Interleukin (IL) 6 may play a role in 69 years; it is uncommon under age 40. Males are more commonly
driving myeloma cell proliferation. It remains difficult to distinguish affected than females, and blacks have nearly twice the incidence of
benign from malignant plasma cells based on morphologic criteria in whites. Myeloma accounts for 1.3% of all malignancies in whites and 2%
all but a few cases (Fig. 107-3). in blacks, and 13% of all hematologic cancers in whites and 33% in blacks.

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SP G A M Κ λ SP G A M Κ λ SP G A M Κ λ

CHAPTER 107 Plasma Cell Disorders

Normal Polyclonal increase Monoclonal IgG lambda

FIGURE 107-2  Representative patterns of serum electrophoresis and immunofixation. The upper panels represent agarose gel, middle panels are the densitometric
tracing of the gel, and lower panels are immunofixation patterns. Panel on the left illustrates the normal pattern of serum protein on electrophoresis. Because there
are many different immunoglobulins in the serum, their differing mobilities in an electric field produce a broad peak. In conditions associated with increases in
polyclonal immunoglobulin, the broad peak is more prominent (middle panel). In monoclonal gammopathies, the predominance of a product of a single cell produces
a “church spire” sharp peak, usually in the γ globulin region (right panel). The immunofixation (lower panel) identifies the type of immunoglobulin. For example, normal
and polyclonal increase in immunoglobulins produce no distinct bands; however, the right panel shows distinct bands in IgG and lambda protein lanes, confirming the
presence of IgG lambda monoclonal protein. (Courtesy of Dr. Neal I. Lindeman; with permission.)


The incidence of myeloma is highest in African Americans and MM cells bind via cell-surface adhesion molecules to bone marrow
Pacific Islanders; intermediate in Europeans and North Amer- stromal cells (BMSCs) and extracellular matrix (ECM), which triggers
ican whites; and lowest in people from developing countries MM cell growth, survival, drug resistance, and migration in the bone
including Asia. The higher incidence in more developed countries may marrow milieu (Fig. 107-4). These effects are due both to direct MM
result from the combination of a longer life expectancy and more fre- cell–BMSC binding via adhesion molecules and to induction of vari-
quent medical surveillance. Incidence of MM in other ethnic groups ous cytokines, including IL-6, insulin-like growth factor type I (IGF-I),
including native Hawaiians, female Hispanics, American Indians from vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and stromal cell–derived
New Mexico, and Alaskan natives is higher relative to U.S. whites in growth factor (SDF)-1α. Growth, drug resistance, and migration are
the same geographic area. Chinese and Japanese populations have a mediated via Ras/Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase, PI3K/Akt,
lower incidence than whites. Immunoproliferative small-intestinal dis- and protein kinase C signaling cascades, respectively.
ease (IPSID) with alpha heavy chain disease is most prevalent in the Bone pain is the most common symptom in myeloma, affecting nearly
Mediterranean area. Despite these differences in prevalence, the char- 70% of patients. Persistent localized pain usually signifies a pathologic
acteristics, response to therapy, and prognosis of myeloma are similar fracture. The bone lesions of myeloma are caused by the proliferation
worldwide. of tumor cells, activation of osteoclasts that destroy bone, and suppres-
sion of osteoblasts that form new bone. The increased osteoclast activ-
ity is mediated by osteoclast activating factors (OAFs) produced by the
myeloma cells (mediated by several cytokines, including IL-1, lympho-
toxin, VEGF, receptor activator of NF-κB [RANK] ligand, macrophage
inhibitory factor [MIP]-1α, and tumor necrosis factor [TNF]). The bone
lesions are lytic in nature (Fig. 107-5) and are rarely associated with
osteoblastic new bone formation due to their suppression by dickhoff-1
(DKK-1) produced by myeloma cells. Therefore, radioisotopic bone
scanning is less useful in diagnosis than is plain radiography. The bony
lysis results in substantial mobilization of calcium from bone, and seri-
ous acute and chronic complications of hypercalcemia may dominate
the clinical picture (see below). Localized bone lesions may cause the
collapse of vertebrae leading to spinal cord compression. The next most
common clinical problem in patients with myeloma is susceptibility to
bacterial infections. The most common infections are pneumonias and
pyelonephritis, and the most frequent pathogens are Streptococcus pneu-
moniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae in the lungs and
Escherichia coli and other gram-negative organisms in the urinary tract.
FIGURE 107-3  Multiple myeloma (marrow). The cells bear characteristic
morphologic features of plasma cells, round or oval cells with an eccentric nucleus
In ~25% of patients, recurrent infections are the presenting features,
composed of coarsely clumped chromatin, a densely basophilic cytoplasm, and >75% of patients will have a serious infection at some time in their
and a perinuclear clear zone containing the Golgi apparatus. Binucleate and course. The susceptibility to infection has several contributing causes.
multinucleate malignant plasma cells can be seen. First, patients with myeloma have diffuse hypogammaglobulinemia if

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MM cell Raf MEK p42/44 MAPK Proliferation

Cytokine-mediated JAK STAT3
Mcl-1 Drug
Adhesion-mediated apoptosis

PI3-K Akt NF-κB Cyclin D

Cell cycle
FKHR p21
Cytokines Adhesion
IL-6 molecules
VEGF PKC Migration


FIGURE 107-4  Pathogenesis of multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma (MM) cells interact with bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) and extracellular matrix proteins via
Oncology and Hematology

adhesion molecules, triggering adhesion-mediated signaling as well as cytokine production. This triggers cytokine-mediated signaling that provides growth, survival,
and antiapoptotic effects as well as development of drug resistance.

the M component is excluded. The hypogammaglobulinemia is related in the urine because glomerular function is usually normal. When
to both decreased production and increased destruction of normal the glomeruli are involved, nonselective proteinuria is also observed.
antibodies. The large M component results in fractional catabolic rates Patients with myeloma also have a decreased anion gap [i.e., Na+ –
of 8–16% instead of the normal 2%. Moreover, some patients generate a (Cl− + HCO3−)] because the M component is cationic, resulting in reten-
population of circulating regulatory cells in response to their myeloma tion of chloride. This is often accompanied by hyponatremia that is felt
that can suppress normal antibody synthesis. These patients have very to be artificial (pseudohyponatremia) because each volume of serum
poor antibody responses, especially to polysaccharide antigens such as has less water as a result of the increased protein. Renal dysfunction
those on bacterial cell walls. Various abnormalities in T-cell function are due to light chain deposition disease, light chain cast nephropathy,
also observed including decreased Th1 response, increase in Th17 cells and amyloidosis is partially reversible with effective therapy. Myeloma
producing proinflammatory cytokines, and aberrant Treg cell function. patients are susceptible to developing acute renal failure if they become
Granulocyte lysozyme content is low, and granulocyte migration is not dehydrated.
as rapid as normal in patients with myeloma, probably the result of a Normocytic and normochromic anemia occurs in ~80% of myeloma
tumor product. There are also a variety of abnormalities in comple- patients. It is usually related to the replacement of normal marrow by
ment functions in myeloma patients. All these factors contribute to the expanding tumor cells, to the inhibition of hematopoiesis by factors
immune deficiency in these patients. Some commonly used therapeutic made by the tumor, to reduced production of erythropoietin by the
agents, e.g., dexamethasone, suppress immune responses and increase kidney, and to the effects of long-term therapy. In addition, mild hemo-
susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infection, and bortezomib predis- lysis may contribute to the anemia. A larger than expected fraction of
poses to herpesvirus reactivation. patients may have megaloblastic anemia due to either folate or vitamin
Renal failure occurs in nearly 25% of myeloma patients, and some B12 deficiency. Granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia are rare except
renal pathology is noted in >50%. Of many contributing factors, when therapy-induced. Clotting abnormalities may be seen due to the
hypercalcemia is the most common cause of renal failure. Glomerular failure of antibody-coated platelets to function properly; the interaction
deposits of amyloid, hyperuricemia, recurrent infections, frequent use of the M component with clotting factors I, II, V, VII, or VIII; antibody
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents for pain control, use of iodi- to clotting factors; or amyloid damage of endothelium. Deep venous
nated contrast dye for imaging, bisphosphonate use, and occasional thrombosis is also observed with use of thalidomide, lenalidomide,
infiltration of the kidney by myeloma cells all may contribute to renal or pomalidomide in combination with dexamethasone. Raynaud’s
dysfunction. However, tubular damage associated with the excretion phenomenon and impaired circulation may result if the M component
of light chains is almost always present. Normally, light chains are forms cryoglobulins, and hyperviscosity syndromes may develop
filtered, reabsorbed in the tubules, and catabolized. With the increase depending on the physical properties of the M component (most com-
in the amount of light chains presented to the tubule, the tubular cells mon with IgM, IgG3, and IgA paraproteins). Hyperviscosity is defined
become overloaded with these proteins, and tubular damage results based on the relative viscosity of serum as compared with water.
either directly from light chain toxic effects or indirectly from the Normal relative serum viscosity is 1.8 (i.e., serum is normally almost
release of intracellular lysosomal enzymes. The earliest manifestation twice as viscous as water). Symptoms of hyperviscosity occur at a level
of this tubular damage is the adult Fanconi’s syndrome (a type 2 prox- greater than 4 centipoise (cP), which is usually reached at paraprotein
imal renal tubular acidosis), with loss of glucose and amino acids, as concentrations of ~40 g/L (4 g/dL) for IgM, 50 g/L (5 g/dL) for IgG3,
well as defects in the ability of the kidney to acidify and concentrate and 70 g/L (7 g/dL) for IgA; however, depending on chemical and
the urine. The proteinuria is not accompanied by hypertension, and physical properties of the paraprotein molecule, it can occasionally be
the protein is nearly all light chains. Generally, very little albumin is observed at lower levels.

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of patients with neuropathy, the IgM monoclonal protein is directed 797
against myelin-associated globulin (MAG). Sensory neuropathy is also
a side effect of therapy, specifically thalidomide and bortezomib.
Many of the clinical features of myeloma, e.g., cord compression,
pathologic fractures, hyperviscosity, sepsis, and hypercalcemia, can
present as medical emergencies. Despite the widespread distribution of
plasma cells in the body, tumor expansion is dominantly within bone
and bone marrow and, for reasons unknown, rarely causes enlarge-
ment of spleen, lymph nodes, or gut-associated lymphatic tissue.


The diagnosis of myeloma requires marrow plasmacytosis (>10%), a
serum and/or urine M component, and at least one of the myeloma
defining events detailed in Table 107-1. Bone marrow plasma cells are
CD138+ and either monoclonal kappa or lambda light chain positive.
The most important differential diagnosis in patients with myeloma
involves their separation from individuals with MGUS or smoldering
multiple myeloma (SMM). MGUS is vastly more common than mye-
A loma, occurring in 1% of the population aged >50 years and in up to 10%
of individuals aged >75 years. The diagnostic criteria for MGUS, SMM,
and myeloma are described in Table 107-1. Although ~1% of patients per
year with MGUS go on to develop myeloma, all cases of myeloma are

CHAPTER 107 Plasma Cell Disorders

preceded by MGUS. Non-IgG subtype, abnormal kappa/lambda free
light chain ratio, and serum M protein >15 g/L (1.5 g/dL) are associated
with higher incidence of progression of MGUS to myeloma. Absence of
all three features predicts a 5% chance of progression, whereas higher
risk MGUS with the presence of all three features predicts a 60% chance
of progression >20 years. The features responsible for higher risk of
progression from SMM to MM are bone marrow plasmacytosis >10%,
abnormal kappa/lambda free light chain ratio, and serum M protein
>30 g/L (3 g/dL). Patients with only one of these three features have
a 25% chance of progression to MM in 5 years, whereas patients with
high-risk SMM with all three features have a 76% chance of progres-
sion. There are two important variants of myeloma—solitary bone plas-
macytoma and solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma. These lesions
are associated with an M component in <30% of the cases, they may
affect younger individuals, and both are associated with median sur-
vivals of ≥10 years. Solitary bone plasmacytoma is a single lytic bone
lesion without marrow plasmacytosis. Extramedullary plasmacytomas
usually involve the submucosal lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx
or paranasal sinuses without marrow plasmacytosis. Both tumors are
highly responsive to local radiation therapy. If an M component is pres-
ent, it should disappear after treatment. Solitary bone plasmacytomas
may recur in other bony sites or evolve into myeloma. Extramedullary
plasmacytomas rarely recur or progress.
Serum protein electrophoresis and measurement of serum immu-
noglobulins and free light chains are useful for detecting and charac-
terizing M spikes, supplemented by immunoelectrophoresis, which is
B especially sensitive for identifying low concentrations of M compo-
FIGURE 107-5  Bony lesions in multiple myeloma (MM). A. The skull demonstrates nents not detectable by protein electrophoresis. A 24-h urine specimen
the typical “punched out” lesions characteristic of MM. The lesion represents a is necessary to quantitate Bence Jones protein excretion. Serum alkaline
purely osteolytic lesion with little or no osteoblastic activity (above). B. PET/CT
phosphatase is usually normal even with extensive bone involvement
showing multiple fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-avid lesions in skeleton (left panel)
with their resolution on achieving complete response (CR) (right panel). (Part A because of the absence of osteoblastic activity. It is also important to
courtesy of Dr. Geraldine Schechter; with permission. Part B courtesy of Dr. Sundar quantitate serum β2-microglobulin and albumin (see below).
Jagannath; with permission.) The serum M component will be IgG in 53% of patients, IgA in 25%,
and IgD in 1%; 20% of patients will have only light chains in serum and
urine. Dipsticks for detecting proteinuria are not reliable at identifying
Although neurologic symptoms occur in a minority of patients, they light chains, and the heat test for detecting Bence Jones protein is falsely
may have many causes. Hypercalcemia may produce lethargy, weak- negative in ~50% of patients with light chain myeloma. Fewer than 1%
ness, depression, and confusion. Hyperviscosity may lead to headache, of patients have no identifiable M component; these patients usually
fatigue, shortness of breath, exacerbation or precipitation of heart fail- have light chain myeloma in which renal catabolism has made the light
ure, visual disturbances, ataxia, vertigo, retinopathy, somnolence, and chains undetectable in the urine. In most of these patients, light chains
coma. Bony damage and collapse may lead to cord compression, radic- can now be detected by serum free light chain assay. IgD myeloma
ular pain, and loss of bowel and bladder control. Infiltration of periph- may also present with light chain disease. About two-thirds of patients
eral nerves by amyloid can be a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome and with serum M components also have urinary light chains. The light
other sensorimotor mono- and polyneuropathies. Neuropathy asso- chain isotype may have an impact on disease behavior. Whether this is
ciated with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance due to some genetically important determinant of cell proliferation or
(MGUS) and myeloma is more frequently sensory than motor neur- because lambda light chains are more likely to cause renal damage and
opathy and is associated with IgM more than other isotypes. In >50% form amyloid than are kappa light chains is unclear. The heavy chain

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798 TABLE 107-1  Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Myeloma, Myeloma Variants, and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance
Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS)
Serum monoclonal protein (non-IgM type) <30 g/L
Clonal bone marrow plasma cells <10%*
Absence of myeloma defining events or amyloidosis that can be attributed to the plasma cell proliferative disorder
Smoldering Multiple Myeloma (Asymptomatic Myeloma)
Both criteria must be met:
•  Serum monoclonal protein (IgG or IgA) ≥30 g/L or urinary monoclonal protein ≥500 mg per 24 h and/or clonal bone marrow plasma cells 10–60%
•  Absence of myeloma defining events or amyloidosis
Symptomatic Multiple Myeloma
Clonal bone marrow plasma cells or biopsy-proven bony or extramedullary plasmacytomaa and any one or more of the following myeloma defining events:
•  Evidence of one or more end-organ damage that can be attributed to the underlying plasma cell proliferative disorder, specifically:
•  Hypercalcemia: serum calcium >0.25 mmol/L (>1 mg/dL) higher than the upper limit of normal or >2.75 mmol/L (>11 mg/dL)
•  Renal insufficiency: creatinine clearance <40 mL per minb or serum creatinine >177 μmol/L (>2 mg/dL)
•  Anemia: hemoglobin value of >20 g/L below the lower limit of normal, or a hemoglobin value <100 g/L
•  Bone lesions: one or more osteolytic lesions on skeletal radiography, CT, or PET-CTc
•  Any one or more of the following biomarkers of malignancy:
•  Clonal bone marrow plasma cell percentagea ≥60%
•  Involved: uninvolved serum free light chain ratiod ≥100
•  >1 focal lesions on MRI studiese
Nonsecretory Myeloma

No M protein in serum and/or urine with immunofixationf

Bone marrow clonal plasmacytosis ≥10% or plasmacytomaa
Myeloma-related organ or tissue impairment (end-organ damage, as described above)
Solitary Plasmacytoma
Oncology and Hematology

Biopsy-proven solitary lesion of bone or soft tissue with evidence of clonal plasma cells
Normal bone marrow with no evidence of clonal plasma cellsa
Normal skeletal survey and MRI (or CT) of spine and pelvis (except for the primary solitary lesion)
Absence of end-organ damage such as hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency, anemia, or bone lesions (CRAB) that can be attributed to a lymphoplasma cell
proliferative disorder
POEMS Syndrome
All of the following four criteria must be met:
1. Polyneuropathy
2.  Monoclonal plasma cell proliferative disorder
3.  Any one of the following: (a) sclerotic bone lesions; (b) Castleman’s disease; (c) elevated levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
4. Any one of the following: (a) organomegaly (splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, or lymphadenopathy); (b) extravascular volume overload (edema, pleural effusion, or
ascites); (c) endocrinopathy (adrenal, thyroid, pituitary, gonadal, parathyroid, and pancreatic); (d) skin changes (hyperpigmentation, hypertrichosis, glomeruloid
hemangiomata, plethora, acrocyanosis, flushing, and white nails); (e) papilledema; (f) thrombocytosis/polycythemiag
PET-CT=18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET with CT. aClonality should be established by showing κ/λ-light-chain restriction on flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, or
immunofluorescence. Bone marrow plasma cell percentage should preferably be estimated from a core biopsy specimen; in case of a disparity between the aspirate
and core biopsy, the highest value should be used. bMeasured or estimated by validated equations. CIf bone marrow has less than 10% clonal plasma cells, more than
one bone lesion is required to distinguish from solitary plasmacytoma with minimal marrow involvement. dThese values are based on the serum Freelite assay (The
Binding Site Group, Birmingham, UK). The involved free light chain must be ≥100 mg/L. eEach focal lesion must be 5 mm or more in size. fA small M component may
sometimes be present. gThese features should have no attributable other causes and have temporal relation with each other.
Abbreviation: POEMS, polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein, and skin changes.

isotype may have an impact on patient management as well. About to document extent of bone marrow infiltration and cord or root
half of patients with IgM paraproteins develop hyperviscosity com- compression in patients with pain syndromes. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
pared with only 2–4% of patients with IgA and IgG M components. (18F-FDG) PET/CT is a valuable tool to assess bone damage and
Among IgG myelomas, it is the IgG3 subclass that has the highest detect extramedullary sites of the disease (Fig. 107-5). The use of
tendency to form both concentration- and temperature-dependent 18
F-FDG PET/CT is recommended to distinguish between smolder-
aggregates, leading to hyperviscosity and cold agglutination at lower ing and active MM and to confirm a suspected diagnosis of solitary
serum concentrations. A standard workup directed at detecting mono- plasmacytoma. It is also a valuable tool to evaluate response in
clonal plasma cells and myeloma-defining events as well as prognosis patients with oligo- or nonsecretory myeloma.
is detailed in Table 107-2. A complete blood count with differential
may reveal anemia. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is elevated. Rare ■■PROGNOSIS
patients (~1%) may have plasma cell leukemia with >2000 plasma Serum β2-microglobulin is the single most powerful predictor of sur-
cells/μL. This may be seen in disproportionate frequency in IgD (12%) vival and can substitute for staging. β2-Microglobulin is the light chain
and IgE (25%) myelomas. Serum calcium, urea nitrogen, creatinine, and of the class I major histocompatibility antigens (HLA-A, -B, -C) on
uric acid levels may be elevated. the surface of every cell. Combination of serum β2-microglobulin and
The clinical evaluation of patients with myeloma includes a care- albumin levels forms the basis for a three-stage International Staging
ful physical examination searching for tender bones and masses. System (ISS) (Table 107-3) that predicts survival. With the use of high-
Chest and bone radiographs may reveal lytic lesions or diffuse oste- dose therapy and the newer agents, the Durie-Salmon staging system
openia. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers a sensitive means is unable to predict outcome and thus is no longer used. High labeling

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TABLE 107-2  Standard Investigative Workup in MM TABLE 107-3  Risk Stratification in Myeloma 799

Investigations to Evaluate for Clonal Plasma Cells CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES

Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy (fine needle aspiration of plasmacytoma if STANDARD RISK (80%) HIGH RISK (20%)
- Histology METHOD 6–7+ YEARS) 2–3 YEARS)
- Clonality by kappa/lambda immunostaining by flow cytometry or Karyotype No chromosomal aberration Any abnormality on
immunohistochemistry conventional karyotype
Investigations to Evaluate Clonal Paraprotein FISH t(11;14) Del(17p)
t(6:14) t(4:14)
Serum protein electrophoresis and immunofixation
Del(13) t(14:16)
Quantitative serum immunoglobulin levels (IgG, IgA, and IgM)
24-h Urine protein electrophoresis and immunofixation
amp 1q34
Serum free light chain and ratio
Immunofixation for IgD or IgE in select cases INTERNATIONAL STAGING SYSTEM
Investigation to Evaluate End-Organ Damage MEDIAN SURVIVAL,
Hemogram to assess for anemia
β2M <3.5, alb ≥3.5 I (28%)a 62
Chemistry panel for renal function and calcium
β2M <3.5, alb <3.5 or II (39%) 44
Skeletal survey to evaluate bone lesions
β2M = 3.5–5.5
- PET/CT or MRI if SMM or solitary plasmacytoma with no other MDE or
β2M >5.5 III (33%) 29
extramedullary disease
Other features suggesting high-risk disease:
Investigation for Risk Stratification
  De novo plasma cell leukemia

CHAPTER 107 Plasma Cell Disorders

- b-2 microglobulin and serum albumin for ISS stage
  Extramedullary disease
- Fluorescent in situ hybridization for hyperdipoidy, del17p, t(4;14); t(14;16),
  Elevated lactate dehydrogenate (LDH)
amp1q34, and del 13 on bone marrow sample
  High-risk gene expression profile
Specialized Investigation in Selected Cases
Percentage of patients presenting at each stage.
Abbreviations: β2M, serum β2-microglobulin in mg/L; alb, serum albumin in g/dL;
Abdominal fat pad for amyloid FISH, fluorescent in situ hybridization.
Serum viscosity if IgM component or high IgA levels or serum M-component
>7 g/dL
Abbreviations: ISS, International Staging System; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; IgG or IgA disease. About 10% of patients have smoldering MM
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PET/CT, positron emission tomography/
computerized tomography.
(SMM) and will have an indolent course demonstrating only slow
progression of disease over many years. For patients with SMM,
no specific therapeutic intervention is indicated, although early
index, circulating plasma cells, performance status, and high levels of intervention with lenalidomide and dexamethasone may prevent
lactate dehydrogenase are also associated with poor prognosis. progression from high-risk SMM to active MM. At present, patients
Other factors that may influence prognosis are the presence of with SMM only require antitumor therapy when myeloma-defining
cytogenetic abnormalities and hypodiploidy by karyotype, fluorescent events are identified. Patients with solitary bone plasmacytomas
in situ hybridization (FISH)–identified chromosome 17p deletion, and extramedullary plasmacytomas may be expected to enjoy pro-
and translocations t(4;14), (14;16), and t(14;20) and 1q34 amplifica- longed disease-free survival after local radiation therapy at a dose
tion. Chromosome 13q deletion, previously thought to predict poor of around 40 Gy. Occult marrow involvement may occur at low inci-
outcome, is not a predictor following the use of newer agents. The dence in patients with solitary bone plasmacytoma. Such patients
ISS system, along with cytogenetic changes, is the most widely used are usually identified because their serum M component falls slowly
method for assessing prognosis (Table 107-3). Microarray profiling has or disappears initially after local therapy, only to return after a few
formed the basis for RNA-based prognostic staging systems. Genome months. These patients respond well to systemic therapy.
sequencing efforts have allowed for characterization of critical genes, Patients with symptomatic and/or progressive myeloma require
pathways, and clonal heterogeneity in myeloma. The median number therapeutic intervention. In general, such therapy has two purposes:
of mutations per transcribed genome in myeloma is around 58. A very (1) systemic therapy to control myeloma; and (2) supportive care
heterogeneous mutational landscape with no unifying mutation has to control symptoms of the disease, its complications, and adverse
been observed. The most frequently mutated genes are KRAS and effects of therapy. Therapy can significantly prolong survival and
NRAS (about 20% each), followed by TP53, DIS3, FAM46C, and BRAF, improve the quality of life for myeloma patients.
all mutated in 5–10% of the patients. All other mutations were observed The therapy of myeloma includes an initial induction regimen
in <5% of the patients. These results are now being applied to develop followed by consolidation and/or maintenance therapy and, on
new targeted personalized therapies in myeloma. subsequent progression, management of relapsed disease. A num-
ber of agents available for use at various stages of the therapy and
their doses, schedules, and combinations are detailed in Table 107-4.
TREATMENT Therapy is partly dictated by the patient’s age and comorbidities,
Multiple Myeloma which may affect a patient’s ability to undergo high-dose therapy
and transplantation (Fig. 107-6).
No specific intervention is indicated for patients with MGUS. Thalidomide, when combined with dexamethasone, achieved
Follow-up once a year or less frequently is adequate except in higher responses in two-thirds of newly diagnosed MM patients. Subse-
risk MGUS, where serum protein electrophoresis, complete blood quently, lenalidomide, an immunomodulatory derivative of tha-
count, creatinine, and calcium should be repeated every 6 months. lidomide, and bortezomib, a proteasome inhibitor, have each been
A patient with MGUS and severe polyneuropathy is considered for combined with dexamethasone with high response rates (>80%) in
therapeutic intervention if a causal relationship can be assumed, newly diagnosed patients with MM. Importantly, their lower toxicity
especially in the absence of any other potential causes for neuropa- profile with improved efficacy has made them the preferred agents
thy. Therapy can include plasmapheresis and occasionally rituximab for induction therapy. Efforts to improve the depth of response and
in patients with IgM MGUS or myeloma-like therapy in those with the fraction of patients responding have involved using three-drug

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800 TABLE 107-4  Standard Therapeutic Agents in Myeloma
Immunomodulatory Thalidomide (T) Oral 50–200 mg qd TD, VTD Newly diagnosed and relapsed
Lenalidomide (R) Oral 5–25 mg daily × 21 days q 4 week RD, RVD, DaRD, ERD, KRD, IRD Relapsed
Pomalidomide (P) Oral 2–4 mg daily × 21 days q 4 week PD Relapsed
Proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib (V) IV or SC 1.3 mg/m2 days 1, 4, 8, 11 OR 1, 8, VD, VTD, VRD, DaVD, VCD Newly diagnosed and relapsed
Carfilzomib (K) IV 20–56 mg/m2 days 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16 q 4 KD, KRD Relapsed
Ixazomib (I) Oral 4 mg days 1,8,15 IRD Relapsed
Antibodies Daratumumab (Da) IV 16 mg/kg/week for 8 weeks then every Dara, DaRD, DaVD Relapsed
2 weeks for 16 weeks and then every 4 weeks
Elotuzumab (E) IV 10 mg/kg days 1, 8, 15, and 22 for first two EloRD Relapsed
cycles then on days 1 and 15. Along with RD
Histone deacetylase Panobinostat (Pa) PaVD Relapsed
Alkylating agents Melphalan (M) Oral melphalan, 0.25 mg/kg per day for 4 days MP, MPT, MPR, MPV, high-dose Newly diagnosed and relapsed
(with Pred) every 4–6 weeks M conditioning
Cyclophosphamide (C) IV—300–500 mg/m2 weekly × 2 q 4 weeks VCD Newly diagnosed and relapsed
Oral—50 mg qd × 21 days
Bendamustine (B) IV 70–90 mg days 1, 2 or days 1, 8 q 4 weeks BD or BVD Relapsed

Steroid Dexamethasone (D) Oral 10–40 mg q week All stages

Prednisone (P) Oral 1 mg/kg
Oncology and Hematology

regimens. The combination of lenalidomide, bortezomib, and dex- In patients receiving lenalidomide, stem cells should be collected
amethasone achieves close to a 100% response rate and 30% com- within 6 months, because the continued use of lenalidomide may
plete response (CR) rate, making it one of the preferred induction compromise the ability to collect adequate numbers of stem cells.
regimens in transplant-eligible patients. Other similar three-drug Initial therapy is continued until maximal cytoreduction. In patients
combinations (bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone or who are transplant candidates, alkylating agents such as melpha-
bortezomib, cyclophosphamide, and dexamethasone) also achieve lan should be avoided because they damage stem cells, leading to
>90% response rate. Herpes zoster prophylaxis is indicated if borte- decreased ability to collect stem cells for autologous transplant.
zomib is used, and neuropathy attendant to bortezomib can be In patients who are not transplant candidates due to physi-
decreased both by its subcutaneous administration and administra- ologic age >70 years, significant cardiopulmonary problems, or
tion on a weekly schedule. Lenalidomide use requires prophylaxis other comorbid illnesses, the same two- or three-drug combina-
for deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) with either aspirin or if patients are tions described above are considered standard of care as induction
at a greater risk of DVT, warfarin or low-molecular-weight heparin. therapy. Previously, therapy consisting of intermittent pulses of

Newly diagnosed Smoldering myeloma

No therapy except on clinical study
No Regular follow-up
Myeloma defining events

Yes If appearance of MDE

Transplant eligible Transplant ineligible*

Induction therapy Induction therapy

RVD, VCD, VD or LD No response RVD-lite, VCD, VD, RD
till maximum effect VMP till maximum effect
Response Response
HDT with ASCT/
Maintenance Maintenance

Treatment of relapsed disease

alternate regimen
* Due to age or co-morbidities.

FIGURE 107-6  Treatment algorithm for multiple myeloma. C, cyclophosphamide; D, dexamethasone; M, melphalan; P, prednisone; R, lenalidomide; RVD-lite, weekly
regimen; V, bortezomib. Alternate regimen-combinations including daratumumab; elotuzumab; panobinostat; carfilzomib; ixazomib, pomalidomide or agents; ASCT,
autologous stem cell transplantation; HDT, high-dose therapy; MDE, myeloma defining events.

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melphalan, an alkylating agent, with prednisone (MP) was used. has shown significant activity in combination with lenalidomide 801
However, a number of studies have combined novel agents with and dexamethasone in relapsed/refractory myeloma but not as a
MP and reported superior response and survival outcomes. In single agent. Panobinostat, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, in com-
patients >65 years old, combining thalidomide with MP (MPT) bination with bortezomib and dexamethasone has been approved
obtains higher response rates and overall survival compared with for treatment of relapsed refractory myeloma based on superior
MP alone. Similarly, significantly improved response (71 vs 35%) response and progression-free survival compared to bortezomib
and overall survival (3-year survival 72 vs 59%) were observed with and dexamethasone alone. Incorporation of the large number of
the combination of bortezomib and MP compared with MP alone. active agents at various stages of therapies including in the newly
Lenalidomide added to MP followed by lenalidomide maintenance diagnosed patients is improving survival as well as quality of life.
also prolonged progression-free survival compared with MP alone. Improvement in the serum M component may lag behind the
These combinations of novel agents with MP also achieve high CR symptomatic improvement due to longer half-life (~3 weeks) of the
rates (MPT, ~15%; MP plus bortezomib, ~30%; MP plus lenalido- immunoglobulin. The fall in M component depends on the rate of
mide, ~20%; and MP, ~2–4%). Continuous use of the lenalidomide tumor kill and the fractional catabolic rate of immunoglobulin. Light
and dexamethasone combination appears to be superior to the chain excretion, with a functional half-life of ~6 h, may fall within
MPT regimen, making it a standard of care for older adults with the first week of treatment. Because urine light chain levels may
myeloma. relate to renal tubular function, they are not a reliable measure of
High-dose therapy (HDT) and consolidation/maintenance are tumor cell kill in patients with renal dysfunction; however, improve-
standard practice in the majority of eligible patients. Randomized ments in serum free light chain measurement are often seen sooner.
studies comparing standard-dose therapy to high-dose melphalan Sequencing- and multicolor flow cytometry-based methods are now
therapy with hematopoietic stem cell support have shown that used to assess minimal residual disease (MRD) in bone marrow.
HDT can achieve high overall response rates, with up to 25–40% Absence of MRD predicts longer survival. Although patients may
additional CRs and prolonged progression-free and overall survival; not achieve complete remission, clinical responses may last for long

CHAPTER 107 Plasma Cell Disorders

however, few, if any, patients are cured. Although two successive periods of time.
HDTs (tandem transplantations) are more effective than single The median overall survival of patients with myeloma is
HDT, the benefit is only observed in the subset of patients who do 8+ years, with subsets of younger patients surviving >10 years. The
not achieve a complete or very good partial response to the first major causes of death are progressive myeloma, renal failure, sepsis,
transplantation, which is rare. Moreover, a randomized study failed or therapy-related myelodysplasia. Nearly a quarter of patients die
to show any significant difference in overall survival between early of myocardial infarction, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or stroke—
transplantation after induction therapy versus delayed transplanta- all intercurrent illnesses related more to the age of the patient group
tion at relapse. These data allow an option to delay transplantation, than to the tumor.
especially with the availability of more agents and combinations. Supportive care directed at the anticipated complications of the
Allogeneic transplantations may also produce high response rates, disease may be as important as primary antitumor therapy. Hyper-
but with significant toxicities. Nonmyeloablative allogeneic trans- calcemia generally responds well to bisphosphonates, glucocorticoid
plantation can reduce toxicity but is recommended only under therapy, hydration, and natriuresis, and rarely requires calcitonin as
the auspices of a clinical trial to exploit an immune graft-versus- well. Bisphosphonates (e.g., pamidronate 90 mg or zoledronate 4 mg
myeloma effect while avoiding attendant toxicity. initially once a month and later less frequently) reduce osteoclastic
Maintenance therapy prolongs remissions following standard- bone resorption and preserve performance status and quality of life,
dose regimens as well as HDT. Two phase 3 studies have demon- decrease bone-related complications, and may also have antitumor
strated improved progression-free survival, and one study showed effects. Osteonecrosis of the jaw and renal dysfunction can occur in
prolonged overall survival in patients receiving lenalidomide com- a minority of patients receiving bisphosphonate therapy. Treatments
pared to placebo as maintenance therapy after HDT. In nontransplant aimed at strengthening the skeleton such as fluorides, calcium, and
candidates, two phase 3 studies showed prolonged progression-free vitamin D, with or without androgens, have been suggested, but
survival with lenalidomide maintenance after MP plus lenalidomide are not of proven efficacy. Kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty should be
or lenalidomide with dexamethasone induction therapy. Although considered in patients with painful collapsed vertebra. Iatrogenic
concern arises regarding an increased incidence of second primary worsening of renal function may be prevented by maintaining a
malignancies in patients receiving lenalidomide maintenance, its high fluid intake to prevent dehydration and enhance excretion of
benefits in reducing the risk of progressive disease and death from light chains and calcium. In the event of acute renal failure, plasma-
myeloma far outweigh the small increased risk of second cancers. In pheresis is ~10 times more effective at clearing light chains than peri-
patients with high-risk cytogenetics, lenalidomide and bortezomib toneal dialysis; however, its role in reversing renal failure remains
have been combined and show promise as maintenance therapy controversial. Importantly, reducing the protein load by effective
after transplantation. antitumor therapy with agents such as bortezomib may result in
Relapsed myeloma can be treated with a number of agents improvement in renal function in over half of the patients. Use of
including lenalidomide and/or bortezomib, if previously not used. lenalidomide in renal failure is possible but requires dose modifi-
These agents in combination with dexamethasone can achieve a cation, as it is renally excreted. Urinary tract infections should be
partial response rate of up to 60% and a 10–15% CR rate in patients watched for and treated early. Plasmapheresis may be the treatment
with relapsed disease. The combination of bortezomib and liposo- of choice for hyperviscosity syndromes. Although the pneumo-
mal doxorubicin is active in relapsed myeloma. Thalidomide, if coccus is a dreaded pathogen in myeloma patients, pneumococcal
not used as initial therapy, can achieve responses in refractory polysaccharide vaccines may not elicit an antibody response. The
cases. The second-generation proteasome inhibitor carfilzomib and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines may be more protective. Prophy-
immunomodulatory agent pomalidomide have shown efficacy in lactic administration of intravenous γ globulin preparations is used
relapsed and refractory MM, even MM refractory to lenalidomide in the setting of recurrent serious infections. Chronic oral antibi-
and bortezomib. An oral proteasome inhibitor, ixazomib has also otic prophylaxis is not warranted. Patients developing neurologic
been approved in combination with lenalidomide and dexametha- symptoms in the lower extremities, severe localized back pain, or
sone as an all-oral regimen for relapsed MM. Two antibodies are problems with bowel and bladder control may need emergency MRI
approved for treatment of relapsed MM. Daratumumab targeting and local radiation therapy and glucocorticoids if cord compression
CD38 achieves high response rates and improved progression-free is identified. In patients in whom neurologic deficit is increasing
survival as a single agent with further improvement in response or substantial, emergent surgical decompression may be necessary.
and survival when added to bortezomib and dexamethasone, or Most bone lesions respond to analgesics and systemic therapy, but
lenalidomide and dexamethasone. Elotuzumab targeting SLAMF7 certain painful lesions may respond most promptly to localized

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802 radiation. The anemia associated with myeloma may respond to and dilation of the retinal veins characteristic of hyperviscosity states.
erythropoietin along with hematinics (iron, folate, cobalamin). The Patients may have a normocytic, normochromic anemia, but rouleaux
pathogenesis of the anemia should be established and specific ther- formation and a positive Coombs’ test are much more common than in
apy instituted, whenever possible. myeloma. Malignant lymphocytes are usually present in the peripheral
blood. About 10% of macroglobulins are cryoglobulins. These are pure
M components and are not the mixed cryoglobulins seen in rheuma-
WALDENSTRÖM’S MACROGLOBULINEMIA toid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. Mixed cryoglobulins
In 1948, Waldenström described a malignancy of lymphoplasmacy- are composed of IgM or IgA complexed with IgG, for which they are
toid cells that secreted IgM. In contrast to myeloma, the disease was specific. In both cases, Raynaud’s phenomenon and serious vascular
associated with lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly, but the symptoms precipitated by the cold may occur, but mixed cryoglobu-
major clinical manifestation was hyperviscosity syndrome. The dis- lins are not commonly associated with malignancy. Patients suspected
ease resembles the related diseases CLL, myeloma, and lymphocytic of having a cryoglobulin based on history and physical examination
lymphoma. It originates from a postgerminal center B cell that has should have their blood drawn into a warm syringe and delivered to
undergone somatic mutations and antigenic selection in the lymphoid the laboratory in a container of warm water to avoid errors in quanti-
follicle and has the characteristics of an IgM-bearing memory B cell. tating the cryoglobulin.
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia (WM) and IgM myeloma follow a
similar clinical course, but therapeutic options are different. The diag- TREATMENT
nosis of IgM myeloma is usually reserved for patients with lytic bone
lesions and predominant infiltration with CD138+ plasma cells in the Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia
bone marrow. Such patients are at greater risk of pathologic fractures
Control of serious hyperviscosity symptoms such as an altered state
than patients with WM.
of consciousness or paresis can be achieved acutely by plasma-
A familial occurrence is common in WM, but its molecular bases
pheresis because 80% of the IgM paraprotein is intravascular. The
are yet unclear. A distinct MYD88 L265P somatic mutation is present
median survival of affected individuals is ~50 months. However,

in >90% of patients with WM and the majority of IgM MGUS. Other

many patients with WM have indolent disease that does not require
commonly occurring mutations include CXCR4 (30–40%), ARID1A
therapy. Pretreatment parameters including older age, male sex,
(17%), and CD79B (8–15%). Presence of MYD88 mutation status is
general symptoms, and cytopenias define a high-risk population.
now used as a diagnostic test to discriminate WM from marginal
Treatment is usually not initiated unless the disease is symptomatic
zone lymphomas (MZLs), IgM-secreting myeloma, and CLL with
Oncology and Hematology

or increasing anemia, hyperviscosity, lymphadenopathy, or hepato-

plasmacytic differentiation. This mutation also explains the molecular
splenomegaly is present. Ibrutinib is approved by the U.S. Food and
pathogenesis of the disease, with involvement of Toll-like receptor
Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency
(TLR) and interleukin 1 receptor (IL-1R) signaling leading to activation
(EMA) for use in patients with symptomatic WM. It targets the con-
of IL-1R–associated kinase (IRAK) 4 and IRAK1 followed by nuclear
stitutively activated BTK. In patients with one prior line of therapy,
factor-κB (NF-κB) activation. MYD88 mutation also triggers Burton’s
the overall response to ibrutinib was 91%. Best responses to ibruti-
tyrosine kinase (BTK), hemopoietic cell kinase (HCK) growth, and sur-
nib are observed in patients with mutated MYD88 and wild-type
vival signaling, which are now important therapeutic targets in WM.
CXCR4 status, while delayed and lower response rates to ibrutinib
CXCR4 mutations induce AKT and extracellular regulated kinase-1/2
are observed in patients with mutated CXCR4. The other first line
(ERK 1/2) signaling. This pathway can lead to development of drug
treatments include rituximab (anti-CD20) alone or combined with
resistance in the presence of its ligand CXCL12.
alkylators (bendamustine and cyclophosphamide), or proteasome
The disease is similar to myeloma in being slightly more common
inhibitors (bortezomib). Rituximab can produce IgM flare, so either
in men and occurring with increased incidence with increasing age
plasmapheresis should be used before rituximab or its use should
(median 64 years). The IgM in some patients with macroglobulinemia
be initially withheld in patients with high IgM levels. Fludara-
may have specificity for myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), a pro-
bine (25 mg/m2 per day for 5 days every 4 weeks) and cladribine
tein that has been associated with demyelinating disease of the periph-
(0.1 mg/kg per day for 7 days every 4 weeks) are also highly effec-
eral nervous system and may be lost earlier and to a greater extent than
tive single agents. With identification of the MYD88 mutation, inhib-
the better known myelin basic protein in patients with multiple sclero-
itors targeting IRAK1/4 and BCL2 are being evaluated. Although
sis. Sometimes patients with macroglobulinemia develop a peripheral
high-dose therapy plus autologous transplantation is an option, its
neuropathy, and half of these patients are positive for anti-MAG anti-
use has declined due to the availability of other effective agents.
body. The neuropathy may precede the appearance of the neoplasm.
The whole process may begin with a viral infection that may elicit an
antibody response that cross-reacts with a normal tissue component. POEMS SYNDROME
Like myeloma, the disease involves the bone marrow, but unlike The features of this syndrome are polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endo-
myeloma, it does not cause bone lesions or hypercalcemia. Bone marrow crinopathy, M-protein, and skin changes (POEMS). Diagnostic criteria
shows >10% infiltration with lymphoplasmacytic cells (surface IgM+, are described in Table 107-1. Patients usually have a severe, progressive
CD19+, CD20+, and CD22+, rarely CD5+, but CD10− and CD23−) with sensorimotor polyneuropathy associated with sclerotic bone lesions
an increase in number of mast cells. Like myeloma, an M component is from myeloma. Polyneuropathy occurs in ~1.4% of myelomas, but the
present in the serum in excess of 30 g/L (3 g/dL), but unlike myeloma, POEMS syndrome is only a rare subset of that group. Unlike typical
the size of the IgM paraprotein results in little renal excretion, and only myeloma, hepatomegaly and lymphadenopathy occur in about two-
~20% of patients excrete light chains. Therefore, renal disease is not thirds of patients, and splenomegaly is seen in one-third. The lymph-
common. The light chain isotype is kappa in 80% of the cases. Patients adenopathy frequently resembles Castleman’s disease histologically, a
present with weakness, fatigue, and recurrent infections similar to condition that has been linked to IL-6 overproduction. The endocrine
myeloma patients, but epistaxis, visual disturbances, and neurologic manifestations include amenorrhea in women and impotence and
symptoms such as peripheral neuropathy, dizziness, headache, and gynecomastia in men. Hyperprolactinemia due to loss of normal inhib-
transient paresis are much more common in macroglobulinemia. Pres- itory control by the hypothalamus may be associated with other central
ence of MYD88 and CXCR4 mutations also affects disease presentation. nervous system manifestations such as papilledema and elevated cere-
Presence of CXCR4 mutations is associated with higher bone marrow brospinal fluid pressure and protein. Type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs in
disease burden and higher incidence of hyperviscosity. Patients with about one-third of patients. Hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency
wild-type MYD88 show lower bone marrow disease burden. are occasionally noted. Skin changes are diverse: hyperpigmentation,
Physical examination reveals adenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly, hypertrichosis, skin thickening, and digital clubbing. Other manifes-
and ophthalmoscopic examination may reveal vascular segmentation tations include peripheral edema, ascites, pleural effusions, fever, and

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thrombocytosis. Not all the components of POEMS syndrome may be with Campylobacter jejuni. It involves mainly the proximal small intes- 803
present initially. tine resulting in malabsorption, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. IPSID
The pathogenesis of the disease is unclear, but high circulating levels is associated with excessive plasma cell differentiation and produces
of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6, VEGF, and TNF have been truncated alpha heavy chain proteins lacking the light chains as well
documented, and levels of the inhibitory cytokine transforming growth as the first constant domain. Early-stage IPSID responds to antibiotics
factor β are lower than expected. Treatment of the myeloma may result (30–70% complete remission). Most untreated IPSID patients progress
in an improvement in the other disease manifestations. to lymphoplasmacytic and immunoblastic lymphoma. Patients not
Patients are often treated similarly to those with myeloma. Plasma- responding to antibiotic therapy are considered for treatment with
pheresis does not appear to be of benefit in POEMS syndrome. Patients combination chemotherapy used to treat low-grade lymphoma.
presenting with isolated sclerotic lesions may have resolution of neuro-
pathic symptoms after local therapy for plasmacytoma with radiother- ■■MU HEAVY CHAIN DISEASE
apy. Similar to MM, novel agents and high-dose therapy with autologous The secretion of isolated mu heavy chains into the serum appears to
stem cell transplantation have been pursued in selected patients and occur in a very rare subset of patients with CLL. The only features that
have been associated with prolonged progression-free survival. may distinguish patients with mu heavy chain disease are the presence
of vacuoles in the malignant lymphocytes and the excretion of kappa
HEAVY CHAIN DISEASES light chains in the urine. The diagnosis requires ultracentrifugation or
The heavy chain diseases are rare lymphoplasmacytic malignancies. gel filtration to confirm the nonreactivity of the paraprotein with the
Their clinical manifestations vary with the heavy chain isotype. light chain reagents because some intact macroglobulins fail to interact
Patients have absence of light chain and secrete a defective heavy chain with these serums. The tumor cells seem to have a defect in the assem-
that usually has an intact Fc fragment and a deletion in the Fd region. bly of light and heavy chains because they appear to contain both in
Gamma, alpha, and mu heavy chain diseases have been described, their cytoplasm. Such patients are not treated differently from other
but no reports of delta or epsilon heavy chain diseases have appeared. patients with CLL (Chap. 104).
Molecular biologic analysis of these tumors has revealed structural

CHAPTER 108 Amyloidosis

genetic defects that may account for the aberrant chain secreted. ■■FURTHER READING
Attal M et al: IFM 2009 study. Lenalidomide, bortezomib, and
■■GAMMA HEAVY CHAIN DISEASE (FRANKLIN’S dexamethasone with transplantation for myeloma. N Engl J Med
DISEASE) 376:1311, 2017.
This disease affects individuals of widely different age groups and coun- Avet-Loiseau H et al: Long-term analysis of the IFM 99 trials for mye-
tries of origin. It is characterized by lymphadenopathy, fever, anemia, loma: Cytogenetic abnormalities [t(4;14), del(17p), 1q gains] play a
malaise, hepatosplenomegaly, and weakness. It is frequently associated major role in defining long-term survival. J Clin Oncol 30:1949, 2012.
with autoimmune diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Its most Chng WJ et al: International Myeloma Working Group. IMWG consen-
distinctive symptom is palatal edema, resulting from involvement of sus on risk stratification in multiple myeloma. Leukemia 28:269, 2014.
nodes in Waldeyer’s ring, and this may progress to produce respiratory Dimopoulos MA et al: Daratumumab, lenalidomide, and dexametha-
compromise. The diagnosis depends on the demonstration of an anom- sone for multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 375:1319, 2016.
alous serum M component (often <20 g/L [<2 g/dL]) that reacts with Hunter ZR et al: Genomics, signaling, and treatment of Waldenstrom
anti-IgG but not antilight chain reagents. The M component is typically macroglobulinemia. J Clin Oncol 35:994, 2017.
present in both serum and urine. Most of the paraproteins have been of Landgren O et al: Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signif-
the γ1 subclass, but other subclasses have been seen. The patients may icance (MGUS) consistently precedes multiple myeloma: A prospec-
have thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, and nondiagnostic bone marrow tive study. Blood 113:5412, 2009.
that may show increased numbers of lymphocytes or plasma cells that Palumbo A et al: Revised International Staging System for multiple
do not stain for light chain. Patients usually have a rapid downhill myeloma: A report from International Myeloma Working Group.
course and die of infection; however, some patients have survived J Clin Oncol 33:2863, 2015.
5 years with chemotherapy. Therapy is indicated when symptomatic and Raje N, Roodman GD: Advances in the biology and treatment of bone
involves chemotherapeutic combinations used in low-grade lymphoma. disease in multiple myeloma. Clin Cancer Res 17:1278, 2011.
Rituximab has also been reported to show efficacy. Rajkumar SV et al: International Myeloma Working Group updated
criteria for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Lancet Oncol 15:e538,
Robiou du Pont S et al: Genomics of multiple myeloma. J Clin Oncol
This is the most common of the heavy chain diseases. It is closely related
35:963, 2017.
to a malignancy known as Mediterranean lymphoma, a disease that
affects young persons in parts of the world where intestinal parasites
are common, such as the Mediterranean, Asia, and South America. The
disease is characterized by an infiltration of the lamina propria of the
small intestine with lymphoplasmacytoid cells that secrete truncated
alpha chains. Demonstrating alpha heavy chains is difficult because
the alpha chains tend to polymerize and appear as a smear instead of
a sharp peak on electrophoretic profiles. Despite the polymerization,
108 Amyloidosis
John L. Berk, Vaishali Sanchorawala
hyperviscosity is not a common problem in alpha heavy chain disease.
Without J chain–facilitated dimerization, viscosity does not increase
dramatically. Light chains are absent from serum and urine. The
patients present with chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and malabsorption ■■GENERAL PRINCIPLES
and have extensive mesenteric and paraaortic adenopathy. Respiratory Amyloidosis is the term for a group of protein misfolding disorders
tract involvement occurs rarely. Patients may vary widely in their clin- characterized by the extracellular deposition of insoluble polymeric
ical course. Some may develop diffuse aggressive histologies of malig- protein fibrils in tissues and organs. A robust cellular machinery exists
nant lymphoma. Chemotherapy may produce long-term remissions. to chaperone proteins during the process of synthesis and secretion, to
Rare patients appear to have responded to antibiotic therapy, raising ensure that they achieve correct tertiary conformation and function,
the question of the etiologic role of antigenic stimulation, perhaps by and to eliminate proteins that misfold. However, genetic mutation,
some chronic intestinal infection. Chemotherapy plus antibiotics may incorrect processing, and other factors may favor misfolding, with
be more effective than chemotherapy alone. IPSID is recognized as an consequent loss of normal protein function and intracellular or extra-
infectious pathogen–associated human lymphoma that has association cellular aggregation. Many diseases, ranging from cystic fibrosis to

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