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JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 270:856–879 (2009)

The Theropod Furcula

Sterling J. Nesbitt,1,2* Alan H. Turner,1,2 Michelle Spaulding,1,2 Jack L. Conrad1
and Mark A. Norell1
Division of Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, New York 10964

ABSTRACT The furcula is a structure formed by the mounting evidence supporting the homology of the
midline fusion of the clavicles. This is the element which furcula in birds and other theropods, the same
is unique to theropods and is important for understand- questions and arguments resurface with little
ing the link between birds and other theropods. New apparent regard or acknowledgment of rebuttals
specimens from basal theropods suggest that the furcula
or new discoveries. Consequently, these authors
appeared very early in theropod history. We review fur-
cula development, function, and morphology, as well as have used their own creations as evidence in sup-
the anatomical terminology applied to it. Furcular mor- port of a nondinosaurian origin for birds.
phology is highly variable in crown-group avians but is Recent identification of furculae in many thero-
rather conserved among nonavian theropods. Here we pod clades (Barsbold, 1983; Bryant and Russell,
review, or describe for the first time, the furculae in 1993; Makovicky and Currie, 1998; Norell and
many nonavian theropods. Furculae occur in nearly all Makovicky, 1999; Tykoski et al., 2002; Yates and
major clades of theropods, as shown by new theropod Vasconcelos, 2005) has sparked interest in the dis-
specimens from the Early Cretaceous of China and a tribution of the element among theropod dino-
close inspection of previously collected specimens. In- saurs. Bryant and Russell (1993) reviewed the dis-
formative phylogenetic characters pertaining to the fur-
tribution of clavicles (and furculae) in dinosaurs
cula occur throughout Theropoda, though care should
be take to consider taphonomic effects when describing and found that it was unclear whether the avian
furcular morphology. J. Morphol. 270:856–879, 2009. furcula is homologous to the clavicles of other rep-
Ó 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. tiles, or if it was a neomorphic bone shared by some
theropod dinosaur clades and birds. Increased
KEY WORDS: furcula; clavicle; theropod; homology morphological knowledge of nonavian furculae has
led to their discovery or identification in progres-
sively more basal theropods. Moreover, the discov-
INTRODUCTION ery and identification of sauropodomorph (Huene,
Since the close evolutionary relationship between 1926; Yates and Vasconcelos, 2005) and ornithi-
birds and dinosaurs was first suggested (Huxley, schian (Osborn, 1924a; Brown and Schlaikjer, 1940;
1868, 1870), the presence of the furcula (or its Sternberg, 1951; Chinnery and Weishampel, 1998)
homologues) has been a key component of the clavicles has allowed comparisons within Dinosau-
debate. As the furcula in theropod dinosaurs was ria more generally. Recently discovered well-pre-
unknown at the time, its ‘‘absence’’ was considered served, articulated specimens of theropod dino-
to be an important piece of evidence for dismissing saurs and basal birds from the Early Cretaceous of
the putative relationship. This was especially China have allowed the identification of undoubted
apparent in the work of Heilmann (1926) where he furculae in several theropod clades (Fig. 1). Many
stated: ‘‘From this it would seem a rather obvious
conclusion that it is among the Coelurosaurs that Alan H. Turner is currently at: Department of Anatomical Sciences,
we are to look for the bird ancestor. And yet this Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794-8081.
would be too rash, for the very fact that the
clavicles are wanting would in itself be sufficient Contract grant sponsor: NSF; Grant number: DDIG DEB 0608003,
ATOL 0228693; Contract grant sponsor: American Museum of Natu-
to prove that these saurians could not possibly be ral History and Columbia University.
the ancestors of birds’’ (Heilmann, 1926:182).
Since Heilmann’s monograph, the furcula has *Correspondence to: Sterling Nesbitt, Division of Paleontology,
been recognized in several different theropod American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th
groups (Barsbold, 1983; Bryant and Russell, 1993; Street, New York, NY 10024. E-mail:
Makovicky and Currie, 1998; Norell and Makov-
icky, 1999; Tykoski et al., 2002; Yates and Vascon- Received 7 June 2008; Revised 8 November 2008;
Accepted 4 December 2008
celos, 2005). However, doubts concerning the
homology of the theropod ‘‘furcula’’ and the avian Published online 10 February 2009 in
‘‘wishbone’’ have persisted because of consistent Wiley InterScience (
misinterpretations of the available data. Despite DOI: 10.1002/jmor.10724



Fig. 1. Relationships among major clades of theropods. Rela-

tionships from Smith et al. (2007), the latest TWiG matrix in
Turner et al. (2007a), and Clarke et al. (2006). The small fur-
cula symbol indicates which clades have at least one member
with an unambiguous furcula.

specimens retain the furcula in articulation or in

close proximity to the pectoral girdles. The reinter-
pretation of previously unrecognized furculae has
also added to our knowledge of the distribution
and evolution of the furcula (Makovicky and Cur-
rie, 1998). Here, we will examine all known occur-
rences of the furcula among nonavian theropods,
evaluate higher-level diversity patterns of the fur- Fig. 2. Terminology used to describe furculae with examples
from (A) Oviraptor philoceratops (AMNH FR 6517) and (B)
cula in Aves, and where possible comment on Bambiraptor feinbergorum (AMNH FR 30554).
interspecific variation in these groups.
We restrict our descriptions as well as our phylo-
genetic discussion to nonavian theropod taxa with mion process of the scapula through a ligamentous
unambiguously identified furculae. Description joint. Most epicleideal processes thin as they
and inclusion of all avialans into a phylogenetic approach the articulation with the shoulder.
discussion is beyond the scope of this work. How- Although highly diverse in morphology, size, and
ever, we also comment on variation within Aves. attachment to other pectoral elements, the observed
We use birds as equivalent to Avialae as defined furculae always attach the epicleideal processes to
by Gauthier (1986). The crown group name Aves is the acromion process of the scapula either through
used to refer to the living diversity as suggested direct contact or a ligamentous attachment. We
by Gauthier and de Queiroz (2001). apply the term ramus to describe the shaft between
the epicleidium and the symphysis. The cross section
and three-dimensional architecture of the rami vary
considerably throughout the theropod tree.
Most avialans and some nonavialan dinosaurs
Anatomical Terminology
bear a nearly symmetrical ventrally projecting proc-
The furcula is a V or U -shaped midline bone ess at the symphysis termed the hypocleidium (5
that can be divided into three anatomical regions; lamina interclavicularis). The shape of the hypoclei-
the symphysis, the rami, and the epicleideal proc- dium may be expressed as a rod, blade, or knob. The
esses (Fig. 2). For clarity, the epicleideal processes hypocleidium contacts the sternum through either
(or omal tip) will be considered ‘‘proximal’’ and the direct contact or a ligamentous attachment (Baumel
symphyseal region as ‘‘distal.’’ The symphysis (5 and Witmer, 1993). The morphology of this feature
synostosis interclavicularis 5 apophysis furculae varies considerably within some relatively small
sensu Baumal and Witmer, 1993) is located at the avian clades (e.g., procellariiforms) and throughout
midline and represents the area of fusion of the the larger theropod tree (see below). Some basal
two primary clavicles. Some taxa including many theropods (e.g., Coelophysis rhodesiensis) possess a
parrots, owls, Buceros, and Alcedo never ossify the small tuber that displays intraspecific variation.
symphysis; instead, the symphysis is either carti-
lage or fibrous tissue (Newton, 1896; Baumel and
Topographic Connectivity of the Furcula
Witmer, 1993). The epicleidium (5 extremitas
omalis claviculae 5 extremital scapularis) refers to The ancestral archosaur pectoral girdle comprises
the dorsal expansion of the furcula ramus proxi- of paired, dorsally placed scapulae, paired ventrally
mally. The epicleideal processes attach to the acro- placed coracoids, an unpaired midline interclavicle,

Journal of Morphology
and paired clavicles. Clavicles are present in the that the avian clavicle arises from somatopleural
archosaurian outgroups Lepidosauromorpha and mesoderm. This mesodermal origin of avian
Sphenodontia. Within the pseudosuchian clavicles conflicts with the dermal skeletal homology
archosaurs, the clavicle is absent in crocodylo- of the clavicle, as it would be expected to be postotic
morphs (Benton and Clark, 1988). Along the orni- neural crest derived (Smith and Hall, 1990, 1993).
thodiran lineage of archosaurs, the interclavicle, Hall (2001) suggested two possibilities to explain
clavicle and sternum are fused in pterosaurs (Wild, the seemingly anomalous mesoderm-derived der-
1993), whereas the clavicles are not known in Scle- mal bone. First, the clavicle is endoskeletal (endo-
romochlus (Benton, 1999), or other dinosaurian out- chondral) and/or nonhomologous with the reptilian
groups such as Silesaurus opolensis (Dzik, 2003) clavicle. This hypothesis is clearly rejected by
and Marasuchus lilloensis (Sereno and Arcucci, numerous developmental studies confirming the
1994a). Given this absence of clavicles and intercla- dermal homology of the clavicle (Bellairs and Jen-
vicle in dinosaurian outgroups, the homology of the kin, 1960; Romanoff, 1960; Hamilton, 1965; Rus-
furcula to other components of the shoulder girdle sell and Joffe, 1985; Hall, 1986). Additionally, topo-
has been contentious (Bryant and Russell, 1993). graphic connectivity of the furcula to the other
This debate is based largely on absence of evidence pectoral girdle elements in avian and other thero-
and will be explored more fully latter in this article. pod dinosaurs is entirely consistent with and sup-
Ancestrally in theropods, the only contact the portive of homology of the avian clavicle with the
furcula has with the pectoral girdle is by way of ancestral reptilian and tetrapod clavicle.
epicleidial contact with the acromion of the scap- The second hypothesis suggested by Hall (2001)
ula. Ornithothoraces (Enantiornithes 1 Aves) is is that the avian clavicle is dermal, but with meso-
the basal-most clade where the furcula and the dermal contribution. This is supported by the
coracoid contact by way of the prominent acrocora- investment of lateral braincase elements by neural
coid process (5 biceps tubercle or coracoid tuber- crest cells (Schneider, 1999). As a result, Hall
cle), a derived condition within Avialae. This two- (2001) proposed that the dermal/endochondral
part contact of the furcula with the coracoid and (exoskeletal/endoskeletal) composition of an ele-
scapula forms the triosseal canal. This canal trans- ment may not be strictly divided developmentally
mits the supracoracoideus ligment. In more derived along the neural crest/mesoderm line, but ‘‘may
avialans (e.g., Gansus yumenensis), the furcula reflect regional localization and allocation of migrat-
sometimes makes a third contact with anterior ing cell populations.’’ Indeed, Matsuoka et al. (2005)
margin of the carina of the sternum (pers obs). recently showed the existence of cryptic boundaries
In extant avians, the furcula, and the fascia con- between cell types. Neural crest and mesoderm cells
necting it to the anterolateral sternum margin, obey a conserved muscle scaffold. Neural crest-
serves as the anteriormost attachment surface for derived muscles anchor the head to the shoulder
the sternobrachialis component of the pectoralis girdle and Hox-gene controlled mesoderm link trunk
muscles (Baumel and Raikow, 1993). muscles to the posterior neck and shoulder skeleton.
These authors provide a ‘‘muscle scaffold model’’
alternative to the traditional ‘‘ossification model’’ for
Furcula Development
inferring neck and shoulder homologies.
Hall (2001) recently reviewed the development The traditional ‘‘ossification model’’ predicts that
of the avian clavicle. A short overview of its histo- the avian clavicle would be postotic neural crest-
genesis will be presented here. The clavicles and derived because it is a dermal ossification. How-
the bones of the mandible are the first bones to ever, given the work of Chevallier (1977) and Che-
appear during development. Intramembranous vallier et al. (1977) we know the avian clavicle
osteogenesis is initiated at a single center of ossifi- derives from the mesoderm. This mesodermal cel-
cation between Hamburger and Hamilton (H. H.) lular origin of the clavicle is precisely what the
stages 26 and 29, which corresponds to 5–6.5 days ‘‘muscle scaffold model’’ predicts, given that the
of development. Based on the work by Hall (1986), sternobrachialis division of the pectoralis muscles
it is clear that condensation of preclavicular mes- attaches to the furcula. The sternobrachialis is
enchyme occurs at H. H. stage 31–32, initial osteo- mesodermal in origin as illustrated by its enerva-
genesis at H. H. stage 33, and a rapid transitory tion from branches of cranial nerves X, XI, XII.
appearance then disappearance of secondary carti- Thus, avian furcula development provides corrobo-
lage between H. H. stage 34–35. rative evidence for the novel ‘‘muscle scaffold
The fused clavicles in avians are remnants of the model’’ proposed by Matsuoka et al. (2005). Addi-
ancestral tetrapod dermal skeleton. Confirmation tionally, the mesodermal cellular origin of the
that they are derived from dermal or membrane avian furcula is identical to the mesodermal cellu-
bone has come from numerous studies (Bellairs and lar origin of the posterior ossification center of the
Jenkin, 1960; Romanoff, 1960; Hamilton, 1965; Rus- mammalian clavicle, thus further supporting the
sell and Joffe, 1985; Hall, 1986). However, Cheval- avian (and theropod) furcula and mammalian clav-
lier (1977) and Chevallier et al. (1977) demonstrated icle as homologues.

Journal of Morphology
Function of the Furcula U-shaped and anterior-curved versus straight) cor-
relates with the flight requirements of different
To date, only a few studies have examined the
birds. The canonical discriminate analysis placed
function of the furcula. These studies have concen-
various birds into four general categories: soaring
trated on its behavior during flight (Jenkins et al.,
with no flapping, flapping with no soaring, subaqu-
1988; Goslow et al., 1990; Bailey and DeMont, 1991)
eous, and partially subaqueous. Hui (2002) found
and the significance of furcula shape (Hui, 2002).
soaring birds to have more of a U-shaped and
X-ray footage of European starlings (Sturnus
rounded furcula when compared with flapping
vulgaris) during flight suggests the furcula acts as
birds. This study concluded that a change in the
a spring (Jenkins et al., 1988). This study was re-
shape and curvature of the furcula alters the force
stricted to the small European starling because of
vector that the anterior sternobrachialis applies to
size restrictions in the wind tunnel where a cine-
the wing and additionally that furcula shape
radiographic system could record X-ray images. In appears to be more strongly influenced by function
this footage, the furcula, scapula, and coracoid than phylogeny.
bend laterally during the downstroke and restore Clearly, much work remains to be done before
to their original positions after the upstroke. The our understanding of furcula function is anything
energy returned in the upstroke is negligible (Jen- close to comprehensive.
kins et al., 1988). The authors explicitly state that
these data were obtained exclusively from the Eu-
ropean starling and that further studies on other Pneumaticity in the Furcula
birds on other birds are required to confirm the Aves is the only extant clade whose members
result. Jenkins et al. (1988) and Goslow et al. possess pneumatized postcranial skeletons
(1990) observed that the structural diversity of the (Duncker, 1989). This pneumaticity is found in the
furculae among avians and suggested that there is vertebrae, sternum, pelvis, humerus, femur, and
not universal utilization of the furcula as a spring. shoulder girdle (O’Connor, 2004). Pneumaticity
The greatest cross-sectional area of the basal avia- also occurs in a number of nonavian dinosaurs.
lian furcula is aligned transversely, and would not Pneumaticity has long been known to occur in the
likely flex like that of a starling (Jenkins et al., vertebrae of several theropod taxa (O’Connar and
1988). On the basis of this, Jenkins et al. (1988) Claessens, 2005; Wedel, 2006) and in some sauro-
hypothesized that the furculae of early avians podomorphs (Wedel, 2003). Recently, pneumatized
likely functioned as a strut or a brace. or possibly pneumatized theropod furculae have
Jenkins et al. (1988) found an additional possi- been discovered among some dromaeosaurids
ble role for the furcula–respiration. The rami of (Makovicky et al., 2005).
the furcula surround the walls of the clavicular air The furcula of Buitreraptor gonzalezorum
sac. Jenkins et al. (1988) demonstrated a coupling (Makovicky et al., 2005), a dromaeosaurid from
between furcular flexion and sternal ascent and re- the Cretaceous of Argentina, is highly pneuma-
traction. Their data indicate that the furcula may tized, with trabeculae found throughout its inte-
have acted as a spring, and the sternum may have rior as determined by CT scans. Bambiraptor fein-
acted as a pump, and this might represent a sec- bergorum (Burnham, 2004) might have pneumatic
ondary respiratory pumping mechanism between furcula, indicated by a possible pneumatic foramen
the air sacs and the lungs. Furthermore, Jenkins found on either side of the synthesis. However, the
et al. (1988) hypothesized that this system is capa- internal structure is rather solid and not open as
ble of operating independently of inhalation and with Buitreraptor. Another recently discovered
exhalation and it could serve the increased meta- pneumatized furcula is that of the basal tetanuran
bolic demands of flight (Goslow et al., 1990). Aerosteon riocoloradensis (Sereno et al., 2008). The
Bailey and DeMont (1991) tested the ideas of furcula of this specimen has a large slit-shaped
Jenkins et al. (1988) and Goslow et al. (1990). pneumatopore on the posterior-dorsal margin of
They found that: 1) 16 of 17 avians examined (see the bone, which leads to an undivided crescent
Bailey and DeMont, 1991 for list of taxa) did not shaped pneumatocoel that extends proximally half-
store a significant amount of strain energy in the way into each epicleideal process (Sereno et al.,
furcula compared with the kinectic enery of the 2008). This is in great contrast to the pneumatiza-
wings; 2) the furcula is not important in panting; tion of other nonavialian theropods, and seems to
and 3) the wingbeat frequency is a 1:1 ratio with be highly apomorphic given its hypothesized phylo-
respiration in all 17 taxa examined. A 1:1 ratio genetic position. Furthermore, in Buitreraptor the
during respiration suggests that the furcula may pneumatopores are quite small and the bone itself
function in a resonant respiratory system operat- is highly pneumatized whereas the opposite is true
ing during flight. This supports the original con- in A. riocoloradensis.
clusions of Jenkins et al. (1988). It is quite possible that other furculae are pneu-
A recent paper by Hui (2002) suggests that the mantic, especially those of other paravians. How-
morphology of the furcula (e.g., V-shaped versus ever, unless the furcula is broken and the internal

Journal of Morphology
Fig. 3. Anterior views of avian furculae showing diversity of form (all specimens from the ornithology collection of the AMNH).
(A) Anas platyrhynchos 5847. (B) Phaethon rubicaudus 1203. (C) Chauna torquata 3616. (D) Mycteria americana 3768. (E) Sagit-
tarius serpentarius 4006. (F) Falco peregrinus 3394. (G) Corvus ossifragus 1050. (H) Morus serrator 5411. (I) Argusianus agrus
4969. (J) Cochlearius cochlearius 3494. (K) Diomedea epomorpha 1437. (L) Guttera plumifera 6415. Lateral view of avian furculae
showing diversity. (M) Anas platyrhynchos 5847. (N) Mycteria americana 3768. (O) Alca torda 5976. (P) Phaethon rubicaudus
1203. (Q) Corvus ossifragus 1050. (R) Mycteria americana 3768 (reversed), (S) Guttera plumifera 6415. (T) Argusianus agrus 4969.
(U) Falco peregrinus 3394.

Fig. 3. (Continued)

structure is exposed, we must use external cues to as Galliformes, it reliably characterizes Falconi-
discern pneumatic furcula. The presence of pneu- formes (Fig. 3U) (Livezey and Zusi, 2007). A trait
matic furcula outside tetanurans remains to be of the epicleideal morphology that is more consist-
shown. Many relatively large theropods such as ent in its distribution is the shape of the furcula at
Tyrannosaurus rex commonly have broken furculae the transition between the ramus and epicleideal
that are clearly not pneumatized (MAN pers. obs.). process. Most taxa lack a sharp transition between
Taxa that have greatly pneumatized skeletons, these two regions, but in clades such as Sphenisci-
such as the oviraptorid Citipati osmolskae (Clark formes, Pelicaniformes (Fig. 3U), and Galliformes
et al., 2001) clearly do not have pneumatic furcula. (among others) the furcula is more of an inverted
Flattening of the furcula as a result of crushing of L-shaped in profile, as the angle changes sharply
specimens may disguise pneumatic features of the between the two structures. This sharp change in
furcula. structure is accompanied by a well-developed dor-
sal projection in Anseriformes (Fig. 3M). The epi-
cleideal process can also be markedly separated
Variation Across the Extant Orders
from the ramus via a depression on the lateral
There is a large amount of variation present in side of the ramus; this morphology appears pri-
the furculae of Aves (Fig. 3). We surveyed this var- marily in some Falconiformes (Fig. 3U), but it is
iation in extant clades by inspecting furculae from not confined to this clade. Pelicaniformes (Fig. 3H)
the AMNH Department of Ornithology collection and most Falconiformes have epicleideal processes
and referring to the character state distributions where the facet for articulation with the coracoid
of Livezey and Zusi (2006). Among extant birds, is set away from the main body of the furcula on a
ratites and many Psittaciformes lack fused ‘‘pedestal.’’ In this same anatomical region the Pel-
clavicles entirely. Those taxa that do possess furcu- icaniformes (and scattered other taxa such as
lae display a wide array of differing morphologies. some Falconiformes) display a recess between the
The most common condition of the epicleideal proc- ‘‘pedestal’’ and main body of the furcula that con-
ess is one where its breadth is not significantly tains pneumatic pores. The epicleideal process can
larger than that of the ramus. The converse is be elongated, either along the same plane as the
true for some groups of birds where the epicleideal ramus, such as in Galliformes and many Chara-
process is much wider than the ramus. Although driiformes (Fig. 3O), or it can be elongated antero-
this occurs sporadically within many clades, such posteriorly. The latter morphology characterizes

Journal of Morphology
most Passeriformes (Fig. 3Q), with a subset of this or full description of the specimen in the literature. Many of
clade possessing an epicedial process that is not the specimens are described here for the first time whereas pre-
viously described furculae are further discussed and compared
only widened but also bifurcated. with other theropods.
The ramus of the furcula is compressed medio-
laterally in most living birds. In some Galliformes
and in some taxa from numerous other clades, this The Clavicle and Interclavicle in
compression is absent with the furcula roughly cir- Nontheropod Tetrapods
cular in cross section. Most ramii arc laterally to Clavicles are found in a number of tetrapods and are thought
give the furcula a U-shape in anterior view. A to have originated as part of the dermal skeleton of early verte-
V-shaped furcula, however, is found predominantly brates (see above). For the purposes of this review, we will start
with close relatives of the dinosaurs, early archosauriforms and
in Galliformes (Fig. 3I) and Strigiformes. In lateral archosaurs. In the nonarchosaurian archosauriform, Euparkeria
view, the ramus of the furcula typically has a capensis (SAM 5867) the right and left clavicles articulate with
small amount of curvature. This curvature is lack- an interclavicle (Ewer, 1965) as in many other diapsids. The
ing in Anseriformes and Galliformes (Fig. 3T). It is clavicles meet at the midline on their anteromedial edge, are
developed to a great degree in many Charadrii- clearly separated by the interclavicle posteriorly, and the epiclei-
deal processes articulate to the acromion process of the scapula.
formes (Fig. 3O) and Procellariiformes and their Additionally, the interclavicle attaches to both coracoids along
relatives. This subcircular morphology is also their medial edges. Basal members of the crocodile-line archo-
found in isolated taxa in other areas of the avian saurs (pseudosuchians), sister group to the ornithodirans, retain
tree. A deep cavity is seen in the lateral wall of this primitive pattern (e.g., Prestosuchus chiniquensis BSP 34).
The morphology of the clavicles and the presence or absence
the anseriform Chauna torquata (Fig. 3S), but this of the interclavicle is poorly understood in the early ornithodir-
feature does not characterize Anseriformes as a ans. Traditionally, pterosaurs have been considered to lack or
whole, nor is exclusive to this clade. have had greatly reduced clavicles and interclavicles (Gauthier,
The hypocleidium in living birds has a variety of 1986; Sereno, 1991). Recently, Wild (1993) has demonstrated
forms. Where the furcula joins the sternum, a that the clavicles and the interclavicle are present but com-
pletely incorporated with the sternum into a single sternal ele-
‘‘double lobed’’ articular surface is present in Pele- ment in the basal pterosaur Eudimorphodon ranzii. This sug-
caniformes (Fig. 3B), but this morphology is not gests that clavicles and interclavicles are plesiomorphically
unique to the clade. Most taxa, such as the Anseri- present in Ornithodira. Unfortunately, most of the pectoral gir-
formes (Fig. 3A), have a poorly developed hypoclei- dle is not preserved in known specimens of the basal dinosauro-
morphs, Lagerpeton chanarensis and Marasuchus lilloensis
dium, or none at all. A moderately developed hypo- (Sereno and Arcucci, 1994a,b). Thus, it is unclear if they retained
cleidium, noticeable but equal to or less than the the interclavicle. Similarly, the nondinosaurian dinosauriform
depth of the furcula at the symphysis, is present Silesaurus opolensis (Dzik, 2003) fails to preserve unambiguous
in some clades, such as the Charadriiformes and is clavicles or an interclavicle. Therefore, clavicles are unknown in
found in some taxa in other clades (such as Passer- basal dinosauromorphs and the ancestral state for Dinosauria
remains ambiguous.
iformes). An elongated hypocleidium, much longer Ornithischians lack an interclavicle but retain two sepa-
than the depth of the furcula at the symphysis rated clavicles (Osborn, 1924a; Brown and Schlaikjer, 1940;
point, characterizes Galliformes. Some Galli- Sternberg, 1951; Chinnery and Weishampel, 1998). Some early
formes, such as Guttera plumifera (Fig. 3S) pos- sauropodomorphs retain clavicles (Huene, 1926; Galton, 2001).
Recently, Yates and Vasconcelos (2005) reported the presence
sess a hollow pocket at the symphysis, forming a of articulated clavicles in the early sauropodomorph Masso-
scoop-shaped hypocleidium. An elongate hypoclei- spondylus carinatus. They found that the left and right
dium is also found in a subset of some other clavicles meet along their medial margin, but do not fuse. The
clades, including Passeriformes. At the symphysis, two reduced clavicles form a V-shape and articulate to the
a dorsal projection of uncertain homology with the acromion process of the scapula at their proximal ends (Yates
and Vasconcelos, 2005). The condition in Massospondylus
hypocleidium is found in Ciconiiformes (Fig. 3J) serves as the immediate outgroup condition for Theropoda and
and Pelicaniformes. polarizes character states pertinent to the origin and evolution
On the basis of these observations, we suggest of the furcula.
that the morphological variation of avian furculae
is potentially phylogenetically useful. Variation
Furcula in Theropod Dinosaurs
among furculae within clades may be useful for
differentiating species-level taxa. Much work Coelophysis bauri (Cope, 1887). Specimens: AMNH FR 30647
remains before the evolution of the avian furcula (Fig. 4A), AMNH FR 7223, NMMNH P-42353, NMMNH P-
and the usefulness of the furculae in phylogenetic 42577, NMMNH P-42576, NMMNH P-46615, GR unnumbered.
analyses may be realized. Coelophysis bauri is represented by dozens of skeletons from
the famous Coelophysis Quarry in the Late Triassic of northern
New Mexico (Colbert, 1989, 1995). The presence of clavicles (or
a furcula) in C. bauri has been debated. Bryant and Russell
MATERIALS AND METHODS (1993) suggested that C. bauri had neither clavicles nor an
interclavicle because these structures had not been found in
Furculae across Theropoda from various institutions (Table 1) any members of the ‘‘large sample.’’ However, at that time very
were selected to compare, contrast, and search for phylogenetic few Coelophysis skeletons had actually been fully prepared.
characters. Most of the furculae were examined first-hand by Padian (1997) reported that C. bauri has a clavicle without ref-
one of the authors; whereas a few of the specimens were erence to a particular specimen. Recent preparation at the
described from a cast or photograph supplemented by a partial AMNH, GR (Downs, 2000), and the NMMNH (Rinehart et al.,

Journal of Morphology
TABLE 1. Institutional abbreviations

AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, U.S.A.

BSP Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, München, Germany
CAGS Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China
CDPC China Dinosaur Park of Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
CMI The Children’s Museum, Indianapolis, ID, U.S.A.
CMN Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
DINO Dinosaur National Monument, UT, U.S.A.
FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
GR Ruth Hall Museum of Paleontology at Ghost Ranch, NM, U.S.A.
HYMV Heyuan Museum, Guangdong Province, China
IGM Mongolian Institute of Geology, Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia
IVPP Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropolgy Beijing, China
QG National Museum of Natural History, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
LH1 Long Hao Geologic Paleontological Research Center, Department of Land and Resources, Hohhot, China
LH2 Unidad de Paleontologı́a, Departamento de Biologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
MACN-CH Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘B. Rivadavia,’’ Coleccion Chubut, Argentina
MCF-PVPH Museo Carmen Funes, Paleontologı́a de Vertebrados, Plaza Huincul, Neuquén, Argentina
MCNA Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas (J. C. Moyano) de Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina
MNA Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ, U.S.A.
MNN Musese National du Niger, Niamey, Republic of Niger
MOR Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, MT, U.S.A.
MPCA Museo Carlos Ameghino, Cipolletti, Rio Negro Province, Argentina
NGMC National Geological Museum of China, Beijing, China
NMMNH New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A.
SAM South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa
SMM Sternberg Memorial Museum, Hays, KS, U.S.A.
TA Timescale Adventures Research and Interpretive Center, Bynum, MT, U.S.A.
TMP Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, Drumheller, Canada
UCMP University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.
UCRC University of Chicago Research Collection, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
UMNH Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A.
UUVP University of Utah, Vertebrate Paleontology Collections, UT, U.S.A.
WDC-CSG Wyoming Dinosaur Center Thermopolis, WY, U.S.A.
YPM Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, CT, U.S.A.
ZPAL Institute of Paleobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland

2007) has revealed furculae disarticulated and articulated to Recently, a nearly complete furcula was discovered articu-
the pectoral girdle of C. bauri. This is the oldest known occur- lated with the right scapula in the only known specimen of
rence of the element (Rinehart et al., 2007). ‘‘Syntarsus’’ kayentakatae. The right ramus of the furcula is
The furcula of Coelophysis bauri is U-shaped, nearly round in broken and the most proximal segment is missing (Tykoski
cross section, and the interclavicular angle varies from 115 to et al., 2002). It bows anteriorly in dorsal view, is V-shaped, and
1408. The epicleideal facets are unexpanded and have small lon- has an interclavicular angle of 1408. It also has a small tuber
gitudinal grooves. Breaks in the rami reveal dense, compact on the ventral portion of the symphysis (Tykoski et al., 2002),
bone. Rinehart et al. (2007) report that breaks near the end of as seen in some specimens of Coelophysis rhodesiensis, C. bauri,
the epicedial process reveal a hollow cavity and the furcula and and Segisaurus halli. The epicleideal processes are unexpanded
scapulocoracoid grow in near isometry with respect to the hu- and flattened (Tykoski et al., 2002). Breaks in the nearly circu-
merus. Some specimens of furculae of C. bauri have a small lar rami reveal dense bone.
ventrally directed process at the symphysis (NMMNH P-42577, Segisaurus halli (Camp, 1936). Specimen: UCMP 32101
NMMNH P-42576, NMMNH P-44554) whereas other specimens (Fig. 4D).
of C. bauri (NMMNH P-42353, NMMNH P-46615, AMNH In the original description of Segisaurus halli, Camp (1936)
30647) do not. The small process is rounded in cross section, reported the presence of a clavicle in articulation with the pecto-
terminates in a point ventrally, and is like those of C. rhode- ral girdle. Clavicles were unknown in other dinosaurs at the
siensis and Allosaurus. It is unclear if this small process is ho- time. This convinced Camp that S. halli was an unusual theropod
mologous given the phylogenetic hypothesis presented below. (Carrano et al., 2005). Identification of this element as a clavicle
Coelophysis rhodesiensis (Raath, 1969). Specimens: QG 193 followed by Bryant and Russell (1993) and Makovicky and Currie
(CT6/EIII), QG 193 (CT6/E), QG 244 (CT6/F) (Fig. 4C), QG 244 (1998) resulted in the conclusion that the presence of a furcula
(CT6/G). was a tetanuran synampomorphy. Recent repreparation and
Five furculae were found among disarticulated skeletons of study of S. halli demonstrated that Camp’s clavicle is actually a
Coelophysis rhodesiensis (Tykoski et al., 2002). The morphol- broken furcula (Senter and Hutchinson, 2001; Tykoski et al.,
ogy of all the specimens is similar to those of C. bauri. The 2002; Rauhut, 2003a; Carrano et al., 2005). The furcula of Segi-
furculae bow anteriorly, the interclavicular angle varies from saurus halli bears a small tuber at the symphysis, the intercla-
115 to 1408, the epicleideal facets are unexpanded, and the vicular angle is estimated at 1408, and the structure as a whole
rami are nearly round in cross section (Tykoski et al., 2002). may be asymmetric (Carrano et al., 2005). Additionally, the left
The shape of the furcula is U-shaped, more similar to coeluro- ramus has a striated, posterodorsally facing epicleideal process.
saurs than to ‘‘Syntarsus’’ kayentakatae, Suchomimus, and
Allosaurus. Some specimens have a small tuber where the Abeliosauridae
hypocleidium would be located, whereas other specimens lack Carnotaurus sastrei (Bonaparte, 1985). Specimen: MACN-
any projection. CH894.
‘‘Syntarsus’’ kayentakatae (Rowe, 1989). Specimen: MNA Bonaparte et al. (1990) reported a small portion of a clavicle
V2623 (Fig. 4B). associated with the pectoral girdle. Because the fragment is out

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 4. The furculae of non coelurosaurian theropods. (A) Coelophysis bauri (AMNH FR 30647) in anterior view. (B) ‘‘Syntarsus’’
kayentakatae (MNA V2623) in anterior view. (C) Coelophysis rhodesiensis (top CT6.EIII; bottom CT6/G) from Tykoski et al. (2002).
(D) Segisaurus halli (UCMP 32101) in anterolateral view. (E) Suchomimus tenerensis (MNN GAD513) in anterior view. (F) Allo-
saurus (DINO 11541) in anterior view from Chure and Madsen (1996). Relationships based on Smith et al. (2007). Scales 5 1 cm
in A-D. Scales 5 5 cm in E and F.

of articulation and bears no identifiable features of a clavicle or Allosauroidea

furcula, it is not considered further. Allosaurus (Marsh, 1877). Specimens: Allosaurus sp. DINO
11541 (Fig. 2 of Chure and Madsen, 1996); Allosaurus fragilis
Spinosauroidea UUVP 6102, UUVP 6100, UUVP 6101, UUVP 387, UUVP 5754,
Suchomimus tenerensis (Sereno et al., 1998). Specimen: UUVP 11690, UUVP 5753, UUVP 6132 (Figs. B-I of Chure and
MNN GDF500 (Fig. 4E). Madsen, 1996). (Fig. 4F).
The furcula of Suchomimus tenerensis represents the only Chure and Madsen (1996) identified an articulated furcula in
spinosaurid furcula recovered to date (Lipkin et al., 2007). The an undescribed new taxon of Allosaurus. The well-preserved
complete and well preserved furcula is V-shaped with an inter- specimen is V-shaped, has an interclavicular angle of 1308, and
clavicular of 1118, a D-shaped cross section where the anterior has a small tuber on the ventral side of the symphysis. It is
surface is convex and the posterior face is flat. The ventral por- rather similar to those of coelophysoids. Chure and Madsen
tion of the epicleideal processes bear grooves and taper to a (1996) also discovered eight additional furculae from the Cleve-
point (Lipkin et al., 2007). The symphysis bears an asymmetri- land-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry that they assign to Allosaurus fragi-
cal ventrally directed tuber (Lipkin et al., 2007). The ventral lis. All eight furculae are rather similar to DINO 11541; however,
tuber is similar to that of Allosaurus fragilis and coelophysoids. they show the following variation: 1) The small tuber on the ven-
As noted by Lipkin and Sereno (2002) the furcula, though less tral portion of the symphysis in some specimens is absent in
robust, resembles the furcula of A. fragilis. others; 2) the epicleideal articular facets may be raised or unde-

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 5. The furculae of tyrannosaurids and other basal coelurosaurs. (A) Tyrannosaurus rex (MOR 1125) in anterior view.
(B) Albertosaurus sarcophagus (TMP 86.64.1) in anterior view. (C) Daspltosaurus torosus (CMN 8056) in anterior view. (D) Gorgo-
saurus libratus (TMP 91.36.500) in anterior view. (E) Gorgosaurus libratus (TMP 94.12.602) in anterior view. (F) Huaxiagnathus
orientalis (CAGS-IG02-301) in anterior view (from Hwang et al., 2004). Relationships based on Currie et al. (2003) and the latest
TWiG matrix in Turner et al. (2007a). The relationships of UUVP 11689 is not known. Scale 5 5 cm in A-F. Scale 5 1 cm in G.

fined, and striated or smooth; and 3) grooves are present along gastralium based on 1) sigmoidal curvature of the shaft, 2) sym-
the rami in one of the specimens on the posterior side (Chure and metry of the bone and 3) the lack of a joint of the line of fusion
Madsen, 1996). Additionally, the cross sections of the rami vary in the middle of the element. Overall, the general shape (V-
from round to nearly flat within the same furcula (the furcula is shaped, tapering epicleideal processes) of the element agrees
coded as having a nearly round cross section because most of the with the furculae of closely related taxa such as Allosaurus.
cross sections are rounded). The variation found here serves to The symphysis of the element is somewhat distally expanded
illuminate potential complications in the construction of phyloge- like that of a fused gastralia; however, this could be an autapo-
netic characters. Therefore, characters listed below have been morphy of Mapusaurus. Because that specimen was not found
constructed to take the variability into account. articulated and is difficult to differentiate from fused gastralia,
Aerosteon riocoloradensis (Sereno et al., 2008). Specimen: the specimen cannot be unambiguously assigned to a furcula.
MCNA-PV-3137 (Fig. 11 of Sereno et al., 2008). This specimen is not considered further.
Recently, Sereno et al. (2008) described the unique, well-pre-
served furcula from the allosauriod Aerosteon riocoloradensis. Compsognathidae
The furcula is quite similar to that of Allosaurus, although the Huaxiagnathus orientalis (Hwang et al., 2004). Specimen:
furcula of A. riocoloradensis is more anteroposteriorly com- CAGS-IG02-301 (Fig. 5F).
pressed (Fig. 11 of Sereno et al., 2008). The general V-shape, A small furcula was discovered in near articulation in the only
1208 interclavicular angle, and tapering epicleideal processes known specimen of Huaxiagnathus orientalis. It is round in cross
rank among the usual features of a basal tetanuran whereas a section, does not bear a hypocleidium, has an interclavicular
deep pneumatocoel at the symphasis is unique among nonorni- angle of 1308, and is U-shaped (Hwang et al., 2004). Hwang et al.
thuran theropods (Sereno et al., 2008). (2004) noted that the specimen is similar to tyrannosaurids. The
epicleideal processes, however, do not arc laterally as they do in
Carcharodontosauridae tyrannosaurids (Makovicky and Currie, 1998).
Mapusaurus roseae (Coria and Currie, 2006). Specimen:
MCF-PVPH-108.116 (Fig. 21 of Coria and Currie, 2006). Coelurosauria
Coria and Currie (2006) report a potential furcula found Scipionyx samniticus (Dal Sasso and Signore, 1998). Speci-
among the seven partial skeletons of Mapusaurus roseae. The men: Soprintendenza Archeologica, Salerno unnumbered.
specimen was not found articulated and the authors suggest A well-preserved furcula was found in near articulation in
that the bone may be a may be a furcula rather than a fused the holotype of Scipionyx samniticus. The furcula was not

Journal of Morphology
described, but bears the following characteristics: U-shaped, tubera are present at the symphysis. Makovicky and Currie
estimated interclavicular angle of 1408, and a small ventrally (1998) suggested that the greater interclavicular angle and less
directed at the symphysis. It is unclear what the epicleideal pronounced curvature of the furcula of Daspletosaurus could be
processes ends look like, but it appears that the processes are used to differentiate it from Gorgosaurus. This difference in Das-
flexed slightly laterally like that of tyrannosaurids. pletosaurus is supported by an isolated furcula found among Des-
Protarchaeopteryx robusta (Ji and Ji, 1997). Specimen: pletosaurus elements cranial and postcranial elements (Currie
NGMC 2125. et al., 2005). All of the furculae are round in cross section.
A small articulated furcula is present in Protachaeopteryx Specimen: UUVP 11689 (Fig. 22 of Madsen, 1976a).
robusta. It is described as U-shaped and has an interclavicular Chure and Madsen (1996) discuss UUVP 11689, a furcula
angle near 608 (Ji et al., 1998). We have not observed this speci- found isolated within the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry, but do not
men firsthand and the illustration shows little detail. assign the specimen to a specific taxon. Marshosaurus bicentesi-
mus, an enigmatic theropod (Madsen, 1976b), Ceratosaurus, a
Tyrannosauridae neoceratosaur (Gilmore, 1920; Madsen and Welles, 2000), and
Tyrannosaurus rex (Osborn, 1905). Specimens: UCRC V1 Stokesosaurus clevelandi, a tyrannosauroid (Rauhut, 2003b) all
(Fig. 3 of Lipkin et al., 2007), MOR 980 (Fig. 4 of Lipkin et al., occur with abundant Allosaurus skeletons in the quarry (Foster,
2007), MOR 1125 (Fig. 5A). 2007). UUVP 11689 is U-shaped, and has an expansion of the epi-
Brochu (2003) identified a small piece of bone as a potential cleideal processes that is consistent with tyrannosauroids. There-
furcula in his detailed description of Tyrannosaurus rex (FMNH fore, the furcula may belong to S. clevelandi. However, more ma-
PR2081). The potential furcula is V-shaped and lacks a small terial of S. clevelandi must be found to test this hypothesis. As of
tuber on the ventral surface of the symphysis. The bone is simi- 2-26-08, this specimen could not be located at UUVP.
lar to the furculae of other tyrannosaurids, but cannot be
clearly differentiated from a gastral segment (Brochu, 2003). Therizinosauroidea
Larson and Rigby (2005) argue, without much justification, that Beipiaosaurus inexpectus (Xu et al., 1999a). Specimen: IVPP
the ‘‘furcula’’ from FMNH PR2081 represents a pathologic gas- V11559 (Fig. 6E).
tralium. Larson and Rigby (2005) then identified another bone Beipiaosaurus inexpectus, from the Early Cretaceous of China
as the furcula of FMNH PR2081 (Larson and Rigby, 2005; Fig is the first therizinosauroid to preserve a furcula. The articu-
12.5). Brochu (2003), however, had already identified this bone lated furcula has been only partially recovered, but an impres-
as a segment of the last rib of the trunk vertebrae. It is highly sion of the missing portions remains (Xu et al., 1999a). The dor-
asymmetrical and does not bear an articular surface on the pro- soventrally expanded furcula has a very wide interclavicular
posed epicleideal processes. Larson and Rigby (2005) also iden- angle, nearly 1608. The impression also indicates a hypoclei-
tify a furcula in another specimen of T. rex (CMI 2001.90.1). dium was not present and the furcula was oval in cross section
This element is identical to the element identified as the furcula (Xu et al., 1999a).
in FMNH PR2081 (Larson and Rigby, 2005). Falcarius utahensis (Kirkland et al., 2005). Specimen: UMNH-
Lipkin et al. (2007) report an unambiguous furcula in articu- VP 14671 (Fig. 6F).
lation for Tyrannosaurus rex (UCRC V1) from the Lance Forma- A nearly complete furcula was found among the remains of
tion of Wyoming. The U-shaped furcula has an interclavicular the basal therizinosaurid Falcarius utahensis (Kirkland et al.,
angle of 718 (Lipkin et al., 2007). The inside of the furcula is 2005). The well preserved furcula is missing the epicleideal
solid and there is no hypocleidial process (Lipkin et al., 2007). processes. The ramus and symphysis is oval (long axis oriented
The articulated UCRC V1 allowed Lipkin et al. (2007) to assign dorsoventrally) in cross section. A small nub is present on the
two more furculae (MOR 980, MOR 1125) to T. rex. None of ventral side of the symphysis. This is similar to that of Allosau-
these specimens possess a hypocleidium and all have intercla- rus, Suchomimus tenerensis, and coelophysoids.
vicular angles ranging from 718 to 1138 (Lipkin et al., 2007). Neimongosaurus yangi (Zhang et al., 2001). Specimen: LH1
The furculae of MOR 980 and MOR 1125 possess expanded V0001 (Fig. 6G).
and slightly lateral arcing epicleideal process like those furculae The well preserved furcula of Neimongosaurus yangi is robust
of Albertosaurus sarcophagus, Gorgosaurus libratus, and Das- and the rami diverge at an angle at approximately 1358 (Zhang
pletosaurus. Moreover, the presence of expanded and slightly et al., 2001). There is no hypocleidium (Zhang et al., 2001), and
lateral arcing epicleideal process is apparently apomorphic in the epicleideal processes terminate in blunt points. The sym-
tyrannosaurids. Additionally, the furculae of Albertosaurus, physis area is dorsoventrally expanded relative to the rami.
Gorgosaurus, Daspltosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus rex (MOR 980, The high interclavicular angle, blunt epicleideal processes, and
MOR 1125, UCRC V1) are all nearly symmetrical. The absence robust rami are similar to that of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus, a
of these characters in the proposed furculae of T. rex (FMNH character combination unique to these two therizinosauroids.
PR2081 and CMI 2001.90.1) by Larson and Rigby (2005) sug- Given that B. inexpectus is a basal therizinosauroid and N.
gest that Brochu’s (2003) original identification of this element yangi is one of the most derived taxa according to Zanno (2006),
as the last dorsal rib is correct. the characters that these two taxa share suggest that they may
Albertosaurus sarcophagus (Osborn, 1905). Specimen: TMP be found in most therizinosaurids. As with the oviraptorosaur-
86.64.1 (Fig. 5B). ids, the furcula of a clade containing N. yangi and B. inexpectus
Gorgosaurus libratus (Lambe, 1917). Specimens: TMP seem to be easily recongnizable.
94.12.602 (Fig. 5E), TMP 91.36.500 (Fig. 5D), CMI 2001.89.01.
Daspletosaurus torosus (Russell, 1970). Specimens: CMN Oviraptorsauria
11315 (Fig. 1G,H of Makovicky and Currie, 1998), CMN 8056 Caudipteryx zoui (Ji et al., 1998). Specimen: NGMC 97-4-A.
(Fig. 5C). The furcula of Caudipteryx zoui was briefly described as U-
Dapletosaurus. Specimen: TA.1997.002.710 (Fig. 16.8 of Cur- shaped (Ji et al., 1998). The two additionally specimens of C.
rie et al., 2005) zoui (BPM 1001 and IVPP V12430; Zhou et al., 2000) provide
Makovicky and Currie (1998) identified and described the fur- little additional information on the furcula as the elements are
culae of the Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurids Albertosaurus sar- preserved only in lateral profile.
cophagus, Gorgosaurus libratus, and Daspletosaurus. These Oviraptor philoceratops (Osborn, 1924b). Specimen: AMNH
three closely related taxa have similar furculae and will be con- FR 6517 (Fig. 6B).
sidered together. In all of the taxa, the furcula is U-shaped and The holotype of Oviraptor philoceratops preserves a nearly
the epicleideal processes arc laterally (Makovicky and Currie, complete furcula in anterior view. Osborn (1924b) originally
1998). Breaks in the rami reveal dense bone. The interclavicular described this element as an interclavicle. Just 2 years later,
angle ranges from 95 to 1128 and the epicleideal process expands Heilmann (1926) rejected the close relationship of birds and
dorsoventrally (Makovicky and Currie, 1998). This expansion theropods because of the absence of clavicles in dinosaurs
may be apomorphic for tyrannosaurids. Small ventrally directed (Makovicky and Currie, 1998). A reinterpretation by Barsbold

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 6. Furculae of oviraptorosaurids and therizinisauroids. (A) Citipati osmolskae (IGM 100/978) in anterior view (top) and ven-
tral view (bottom). (B) Oviraptor philoceratops (AMNH FR 6517) in anterior view. (C) Khaan mckennai (IGM 100/1127) in anterior
view. (D) Ingenia yanshini (IGM 100/32) in anterior view. (E) Beipiaosaurus inexpectus (IVPP V11559) in anterior or posterior
view. (F) Falcarius utahensis (UMNH-VP 14671) in anterior view. (G) Neimongosaurus yangi (LH1 V0001) in anterior view. Ovirap-
torsaurid relationships from Xu et al. (2007), therizinosaurids relationships taken from Zanno (2006), and larger clade relationships
from the latest TWiG matrix in Turner et al. (2007a). Scales 5 1 cm.

(1983) concluded that Osborn’s interclavicle is actually a fur- a point. In contrast with Oviraptor philoceratops, there is no
cula. The furcula is nearly complete with a U-shaped outline midline keel on the anterior surface of the hypocleidium. The
and is thick at the symphysis. It has an interclavicular angle of distinct bulge of the rami between the hypocleidium area and
approximately 908, is rounded in cross section, and preserves the epicleideal process is shared by other oviraptorsaurs. The
an elongate spike-like hypocleidium (Barsbold, 1983). In con- distal tip of the hypocleidium articulates with the sternal plates
trast to more basal theropod furculae, the furcula of O. philo- as has been inferred for Heyuannia huangi (Lü et al., 2005)
ceratops possesses a symmetrically developed and elongate and O. philoceratops (Barsbold, 1983).
hypocleidium. These two characters also are present in other The epicleideal processes taper to point and articulate on the
oviraptorids. The hypocleidium tapers ventrally and bears a dis- medial sides of the scapulae. This is in contrast with the furcu-
tinct mid-line keel, a character not present in other oviraptor- lae of nonoviraptorsaurs, which lie on the anterior surface of
saurs. Additionally, the rami expand laterally between the epi- the acromion process of the scapula.
cleideal process and the hypocleidium. As in other oviraptor- Khaan mckennai (Clark et al., 2001). Specimens: IGM 100/
saurs, the epicleidial processes are very long and share a large 1127 (Fig. 6C), IGM 100/1002.
overlap with the acromion process of the scapula. Well-preserved nonarticulated furculae are present in the hol-
Citipati osmolskae (Clark et al., 2001). Specimen: IGM 100/ otype (IGM 100/1127) and paratype (IGM 100/1002) of Khaan
978 (Fig. 6A). mckennai. Both share the following characteristics; U-shaped,
Citipati osmolskae is known from a nearly complete skeleton circular in cross section, an interclavicular angle near 908, and
that includes an articulated pectoral region (Clark et al., 2001). are laterally expansion between the epicleideal process and the
The complete furcula has the following suite of characters, oval hypocleidium. The holotype preserves a posteriorly directed
in cross section, U-shaped, elongated tapering epicleideal proc- hypocleidium whereas the furcula of the paratype is not fully
esses, a bulge of the rami between the symphyseal region and prepared and as such the hypocleidium is obscured. The hypo-
the epicleideal process, and an elongated hypocleidium. The cleidium is spike-like but does not bear the keel present in
elongated hypocleidium projects posteroventrally and tapers to Oviraptor philoceratops.

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 7. The furculae of deinonychosaurs. (A) The articulated pectoral girdle in anterior view of Sinornithoides youngi (IVPP
V9612) with arrows highlighting the epicleideal processes. (B) Mei long (IVPP V12733) in anterior view. (C) Buitreraptor gonzalezo-
rum (MPCA 245) in anterior view. (D) Sinornithosaurus millenii (NGMC 91) in anterior view. The arrow indicates the symphasis
of the furcula. (E) Microraptor zhaoianus (IVPP unnumbered). In anterior view. (F) Bambiraptor feinbergorum (AMNH FR 30554)
in anterior view. (G) Velociraptor mongoliensis IGM 100/976 in anterior view from Norell et al. (1997). Relationships after Turner
et al. (2007ab). Scales 5 1 cm.

Heyuannia huangi (Lü, 2002). Specimen: HYMV1-2 (Fig. 13.1 Troodontidae

of Lü et al., 2005). Mei long (Xu and Norell, 2004). Specimen: IVPP V12733
A well-preserved furcula remains in articulation in the holo- (Fig. 7B).
type of Heyuannia huangi. The furcula is U-shaped, oval in A furcula is present in articulation in the well-preserved com-
cross section, has an interclavicular angle of 908, and bears a plete skeleton of Mei long. It is described as robust, flattened in
posteroventrally directed hypocleidium (Lü et al., 2005). The cross section with a small hypocleidium and expanded epicleideal
hypocleidium is smooth and ends in a point as in Khaan mcken- processes (Xu and Norell, 2004). The furcula is clearly U-shaped,
nai and Oviraptor philoceratops. The ramus between the epi- but the epicleideal processes seem not to be expanded much more
cleideal process and the hypocleidium is laterally expanded as than those of dromaeosaurids (Norell and Makovicky, 1999) or
with all the other oviraptorsaurs. Archaeopteryx lithographica (Mayr et al., 2007). The ventral
Ingenia yanshini (Barsbold, 1981). Specimen: IGM 100/32 expansion (described as a hypocleidium) does not have the typical
(Fig. 6D). features present in birds. It is not clear if the there is a ventral
The holotype skeleton of Ingenia yanshini preserves a furcula ridge as with Buitreraptor gonzalezorum (MPCA 245).
that has been prepared three dimensionally. The gently U- Sinornithoides youngi (Russell and Dong, 1993). Specimen:
shaped furcula bears an oval-shaped cross section. The postero- IVPP V9612 (Fig. 7A).
ventrally directed hypocleidium tapers at its termination and is Russell and Dong (1993) described and figured a small por-
similar to that of other oviraptorsaurs. As with other oviraptor- tion of a clavicle in articulation in the holotype skeleton of
saurs, the ramus expands laterally. The epicleideal processes Sinornithoides youngi (Fig. 7A). They concluded that this frag-
taper to a point and it appears that the furcula articulates with ment represented a clavicle and not a furcula. Bryant and Rus-
the medial side of the scapula as with other oviraptorsaurs. sell (1993) accepted this observation in their review and con-

Journal of Morphology
cluded that troodontids did not have furculae. Tykoski et al. compressed, and rounded epicleideal processes. The intercla-
(2002) questioned this conclusion and suggested that the speci- vicular angle varies slightly among the specimens; CAGS 20-
men seems to be broken, yet they still concluded that it is not 8-001 has an interclavicular angle of 918 and CAGS 20-7-004
clear whether S. youngi had a pair of clavicles or a furcula. If a has an interclavicular angle of 828 (Hwang et al., 2002). The
paired clavicle were present, it would be the only documented furcula of M. zhaoianus is very similar to that of other para-
case within Theropoda (Tykoski et al., 2002). vians.
Reexamination of IVPP V9612 in the winter of 2007 indicates
that a complete furcula was present and that the specimen was
broken, probably during preparation or excavation (Fig. 7A). In Avialae
contrast to the furcula of Mei long, the furcula of Sinornithoides Archaeopteryx lithographica (von Meyer, 1861). Specimens:
youngi is very delicate, with thin rami. BMNH 37001 (Fig. 8A), WDC-CSG-100 (Fig. 1 of Mayr et al.,
Dromaeosauridae Two specimens of Archaeopteryx lithographica (BMNH 37001,
Velociraptor mongoliensis (Osborn, 1924b). Specimen: IGM WDC-CSG-100) preserve furculae in anterior view. The furcula
100/976 (Fig. 7G), IGM 100/982. is robust, anteroposteriorly compressed, U-shaped, and lacks a
Two of the Velociraptor mongoliensis specimens (IGM 100/ hypocleidium (Ostrom, 1976). The furculae are very similar to
976, IGM 100/982) preserve furculae. The well-preserved fur- those of other early avialans.
cula of IGM 100/976 remains articulated (Norell et al., 1997). Sapeornis chaoyangensis (Zhou and Zhang, 2002a). Speci-
The furcula is U-shaped, has an interclavicular angle of 1058, mens: IVPP V13275 (Fig. 8C), IVPP V13276 (Fig. 8B), IVPP
and preserves a small tuber on the ventral side of the symphy- V12675 (Fig. 6 of Zhou and Zhang, 2002a), IVPP 13276 (Fig. 6
sis. The furcular rami are round in cross section. The epiclei- Zhou and Zhang, 2002a).
deal processes are unexpanded and continuous with the rami. Well-preserved furculae are well represented in the many
Only the right ramus and epicleideal process of the furcula of specimens of Sapeornis chaoyangensis. The rather robust rami
IGM 100/982 is preserved. The morphology is identical to that and epicleideal processes are anteroposteriorly compressed, thus
of IGM 100/976. The furcula of V. mongoliensis differs from all creating an oval cross section. The U-shaped furcula bears a ven-
of its close relatives and resembles the furculae of coelophysoids trally tapering hypocleidal process much like that of enantiorni-
and Allosaurus. The only major difference between these taxa thine birds (Zhou and Zhang, 2003). The symmetrical and elon-
is that the furcula of V. mongoliensis is proportionally much gated hypocleidal process terminates in a blunt end in IVPP
larger relative to its body size. V13276. Zhou and Zhang (2003) report an interclavicular angle
Sinornithosaurus millenii (Xu et al., 1999b). Specimen: IVPP of 1058 and note that the furcula of S. chaoyangensis (without the
V12811 (Fig. 2 of Xu et al., 1999b), NGMC 91 (Fig. 7D). hypocleidium) closely resembles the furculae of Archaeopteryx
Half of a well-preserved furcula is visible in the holotype of lithographica, Jeholornis prima, and Confuciusornis sanctus.
Sinornithosaurus millenii. The furcula is U-shaped, has an esti- Jeholornis prima (Zhou and Zhang, 2002b). Specimen: IVPP
mated interclavicular angle of 808, and has an anteroposter- V13274 (Fig. 8D).
iorly compressed cross section (Xu et al., 1999b). The epicleideal The furcula of this avialan is preserved in the holotype in
processes are unexpanded and continuous with the rami as ventral view. The left side of the furcula is well preserved
with Bambiraptor feinbergi (AMNH FR 30554) and Archaeop- whereas the right half is partially weathered away and covered
teryx lithographica (Mayr et al., 2007). The furculae of B. fein- by the displaced scapula. The epicleideal process on the right
bergorum and S. millenii share nearly identical morphology. side is, however, exposed and well preserved. Like that of other
Bambiraptor feinbergorum (Burnham et al., 2000). Specimen: basal avialans the furcula of Jeholornis prima is robust and U-
AMNH FR 30554 (Fig. 7F). shaped. It is compressed anteroposteriorly and, although poorly
A well-preserved disarticulated furcula was discovered in the preserved distally in the holotype, a hypocleidium is lacking.
nearly complete skeleton(s) of Bambiraptor feinbergorum. The The furcula rami are generally parallel-sided but narrow
furcula is quite similar to that of Archaeopteryx lithographica slightly at the epicleideal facets.
and other early avialans, but is quite different from that of Jixiangornis orientalis (Ji et al., 2002). Specimen: CDPC-02-
Velociraptor mongoliensis. It is U-shaped, has an anteroposter- 04-001 (Fig. 8E).
iorly compressed cross section, bears no tuber or hypocleidium, The furcula of this basal avialan is well preserved but exposed
and has an interclavicular angle near 808 (AMNH FR 30554; only in ventral or posterior view. Like Archaeopteryx lithograph-
Burnham, 2004). Two small foramina equidistant from the sym- ica, Jeholornis orientalis, Confuciusornis sanctus, and derived
physis of the furcula may be autapomorphic for B. feinbergo- paravians such as Mei long and Sinornithosaurus milleni, the fur-
rum. The epicleideal processes are unexpanded, continuous cula of J. orientalis is large, robust, and strongly U-shaped. Also
with the rami, and have poorly defined articular surfaces. like these taxa, J. orientalis posseses a furcula that appears to be
Buitreraptor gonzalezorum (Makovicky et al., 2005). Speci- anteroposteriorly compressed and lacks a hypocledium. A shallow
men: MPCA 245 (Fig. 7C). sulcus runs alongside the dorsal edge of the rami of the furcula on
Recently, a well-preserved furcula was found among the the ventral surface. Additionally, the furcula rami expand slightly
remains of Buitreraptor gonzalezorum. The furcula has posteri- proximally a trait otherwise only seen in oviraptorsaurs.
orly arcing rami and no hypocleideum (MPCA 245; Makovicky Confuciusornis sanctus (Hou et al., 1995). Specimen: GMV-
et al., 2005). A small ridge is present at the ventral margin near 2133 (Fig. 8H), GMV-2132, GMV-2131.
the intersection of the rami. The inside is hollow with extremely There are many well-preserved samples of furculae in Confu-
thin trabeculae. These character states suggest that the furcula ciusornis. They are all U-shaped, robust, have an interclavicu-
may have been pneumatized (see above). Additionally, the furcula lar angle of about 858. They are anteroposteriorly compressed
is U-shaped, has an interclavicular angle of 808, the cross sec- in cross section and lack a hypocleidium. However, some of the
tion is circular, and it is slightly asymmetrical. The epicleideal specimens have a tiny tuber on the ventral edge where the
processes are unexpanded and continuous with the rami. The fur- hypocleidium would be located (Chiappe et al., 1999). The epi-
cula preserves a three-dimensional shape typical of Aves. This cleideal processes are rounded and slightly offset from the
suggests that other paravian furculae may have a similar shape ramus.
but are crushed or distorted during fossilization (see Discussion). Changchengornis hengdaoziensis (Ji et al., 1999). Specimen:
Microraptor zhaoianus (Xu et al., 2000). Specimens: CAGS GMV-21290 (Fig. 54 of Chiappe et al., 1999).
20-8-001 (Fig. 19a of Hwang et al., 2002), CAGS 20-7-004 (Fig. A well-preserved furcula is present in the holotype and only
19b of Hwang et al., 2002), IVPP unnumbered (Fig. 7E). known specimen of Changchengornis hengdaoziensis. The furcula
Two specimens of Microraptor zhaoianus preserve the fur- is robust, has an interclavicular angle of about 858, U-shaped,
cula in anterior view. Like other dromaeosaurids, the furculae oval in cross section, and lacks a hypocleidium (Chiappe et al.,
have the following characteristics; U-shaped, anteroposteriorly 1999). A small tubercle is located on the anterior side of the

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 8. Furculae of basal avialians. (A) Archaeopteryx lithographica (BMNH 37001) in anterior view. (B) Sapeornis chaoyangen-
sis (IVPP V13396) in anterior or posterior view. (C) Sapeornis chaoyangensis (IVPP unnumbered) in anterior view. (D) Jeholornis
(IVPP V13274) in anterior or posterior view. Arrow highlights the epicleideal process. (E) Jixiangornis orientalis (CDPC-02-04-001)
in anterior view. Arrow highlights the epicleideal process. (F) Iberomesornis romerali (cast of LH2-022R) in anterior or posterior
view. (G) Concornis lacustris (LH2-2814) in anterior view. (H) Confuciusornis sanctus (GMV-2133) in anterior view. Relationships
after Turner et al. (2007ab) and Clarke et al. (2006). Scales 5 1 cm in A–E, H. Scale 5 1 mm in F. Scale 5 5 mm in G.

symphysis (Chiappe et al., 1999). Chiappe et al. (1999) reported dium. The hypocleidium is well-developed, triangular in ante-
that small furrows are present on the ramus on both the ante- rior profile, and extends ventrally roughly one-third the length
rior and posterior sides. These furrows may be the result of of the furcula body.
crushing. The furcula is similar to that of Archaeopteryx lithog- Concornis lacustris (Sanz and Buscalioni, 1992). Specimen:
raphica and Confuciusornis sanctus. LH2-2814 (Fig. 8G).
Iberomesornis romerali (Sanz and Bonaparte, 1992). Speci- The furcula of Concornis lacustris is elongate, with narrow
men: LH2-022R (Fig. 8F). rami as in Iberomesornis romerali. Also as in Iberomesornis
The furcula in the only known specimen of this taxon is well romerali, the interclavicular angle is roughly 608, thereby form-
preserved and exposed in anterior view. The proximal half of ing a V-shaped anterior profile. The lateral margins of the furcula
the epicleideal processes are partially abraded, but their com- are slightly indented or excavated as noted by Sanz and Busca-
plete shape is not lost. The interclavicular angle is roughly 608, lioni (1992). This feature is also present in the South American
which translates into an intermediate shape between a strictly enantiornithine Neuquenornis volans and has been identified as
U-shaped or V-shaped furcula, although like most enantorni- an enantiornithine synapomorphy (Chiappe and Calvo, 1994).
thines it is closer to a V-shape. The epicleideal process is best Proximally, the epicleideal processes are mediolaterally com-
preserved on the left ramus. It is flattened mediolaterally to pressed and abbreviated. As in I. romerali, the hypocleidium is
form its contact facet with the coracoid. The furcular rami are long and tapering. The anterior surface of the hypocleidium bears
slightly dorsoventrally convex and thin toward the hypoclei- a weak keel (Sanz and Buscalioni, 1992; Sanz et al., 1995).

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 9. The furculae of nonavian ornithurines. (A) Yanornis martini (IVPP V13358) in anterior or posterior view. (B) Yixianornis
graubai (IVPP V13631) in anterior or posterior view. From Clarke et al. (2006). (C) Hongshanornis longicresta (IVPP V14533) in
anterior or posterior view. (D) Gansus yumenensis (CAGS-CM-003) in anterior view. (E) Ichthyornis dispar (SMM 2503, YPM 1755)
in anterior or posterior view. From Clarke (2004). Relationships after You et al. (2006) and Clarke et al. (2006). Scales 5 1 cm in

Yixianornis graubai (Zhou and Zhang 2001). Specimen: IVPP Ornithurae

V13631 (Fig. 9B). Ichthyornis dispar (Marsh, 1872). Specimens: SMM 2503,
The furcula of Yixianornis graubaui is damaged at the sym- YPM 1755 (Fig. 9E).
physis. Photographs of the furcula prior to its damage (Clarke The furcula of Ichthyornis dispar is incompletely known
et al., 2006; Fig. 6) shows that this portion of the furcula lacked (Clarke, 2004). As a result, an interclavicular angle is roughly
a hypocleidium and had a distinctively straight, squared-off estimated to be greater than 708 given the angle at the symphy-
edge. The furcular rami are generally narrow, in contrast to the sis. The rami are circular in cross section (Clarke, 2004) and
broad rami common among more basal avialans. In Yixianornis, have a nearly uniform diameter as does the symphysis. The epi-
the furcular rami narrow slightly proximally. The epicleideal cleidium tapers to a blunt point and it appears that a hypoclei-
processes are short, mediolaterally narrow, and taper to a point. dium is not present (see Clarke, 2004). The furcula of Ichthyor-
It is unclear if, or to what extent, this process contacted the nis dispar is very similar to that of Gansus yumenensis.
acromion of the scapula. The imperfectly U-shaped furcula has Gansus yumenensis (Hou and Liu, 1984). Specimens: CAGS-
an estimated interclavicular angle of 758. CM-003 (Fig. 9D), CAGS-CM-004.
Yanornis martini (Zhou and Zhang, 2001). Specimen: IVPP The furcula is both well preserved and well prepared in two
V12444, IVPP V13358 (Fig. 9A). specimens of Gansus yumenensis. The furcula is U-shaped and
The furcula in Yanornis is exposed in ventral view but the thin relative (You et al., 2006) to more basal theropod taxa. You
epicleideal processes are obscured by the coracoids. In overall et al. (2006) reported an interclavicular angle of 388; however,
appearance, the furcula is similar to those of basal avialans. It given the difficulty of the measuring the interclavicular angle
is robust and U-shaped with broad rami that do not taper proxi- (see below), an interclavicular angle of 388 is much too low in
mally. A hypocleidium is lacking. this comparative context. The epicleideal processes are only
Hongshanornis longicresta (Zhou and Zhang, 2005). Speci- slightly narrower than the shaft of the rami and lack distinctly
men: IVPP V14533 (Fig. 9C). differentiated facets. The thin furcular rami have a circular
The furcula of Hongshanornis longicresta differs from those of cross section and the symphysis lacks a hypocleideal process.
basal avialans in having narrow, thin furcular rami. In overall The rami and symphysis have a nearly uniform diameter.
form, the furcula is U-shaped. In contrast to that of more basal Hesperornis regalis (Marsh, 1872). Specimens: YPM 1206.
avialans, the furcula of Hongshanornis is elongate proximodis- The clavicles of Hesperornis regalis are unfused, failing to form
tally. In this sense Hongshanornis resembles more derived avia- a true furcula. Marsh (1880) noted the similarities between the
lans like Gansus yumenensis or Hesperornis regalis. A short hypo- clavicles of Hesperornis and the corresponding elements in em-
cleidium is present and appears to have contacted the sternum. bryonic birds. Proximally each clavicle is very slender, whereas
Details of the epicleideal process are obscured by rock matrix. distally the clavicular ramus expands slightly forming an articu-

Journal of Morphology
lar surface for a midline contact with the complementary clavicle. (character [4]) that is more similar to coelurosaurs
When the two clavicles are articulated they form a U-shaped than to basal tetanurans. It is interesting that
structure superficially similar to other basal ornithurines.
Iaceornis marshi (Clarke, 2004). Specimens: YPM 1734. Jenkins et al. (1988), followed by Bailey and
The known portion of the furcula for Iaceornis marshi is very DeMont (1991), hypothesized that the furcula is
fragmentary, consisting of only a small portion of the proximal related to the breathing system in avians, part of
end. This taxon is discussed here because it preserves a distinct a pneumatic system unique to theropods. It is
autapomorphy. The proximal end (the omal tip) as described by
Clarke (2004) is elongated and pointed.
clear that the first theropods evolved both pneu-
matic features and a furcula at nearly the same
time given that both features are in C. bauri.
The early tetanurans Allosaurus and Suchomi-
mus tenerensis have similar furculae. Unfortu-
The Early Evolution of the Furcula
nately, these two furculae are the only representa-
Gauthier (1986) and Rauhut (2003a) utilized the tives among basal tetanurans and therefore serve
presence or absence of the furcula in their phylo- as the exemplars for a diversity of clades including
genetic analyses of theropods, but did not identify neoceratosaurs, spinosaurids, and carcharodonto-
discrete characters of the furculae. Recently, large saurids. Allosaurus and S. tenerensis share the fol-
phylogenetic analyses of avian relationships by lowing characters: V-shaped, round in cross sec-
Livezey and Zusi (2006, 2007) and analyses of ba- tion, and dense with no modifications to the epi-
sal avialans by Clarke et al. (2006) have used fur- cleideal processes (character 4 [0] and character 6
cula synapomorphies to support avialan and, in [0]). This morphology is very similar to that of the
some cases, more basal theropod relationships. unfused clavicles of the early sauropodomorph
The wealth of articulated specimens of Cretaceous Massospondylus carinatus.
theropods now allows further parsing of characters All coelurosaurs, with the exception of Velocirap-
and character states (see Appendicies A and B1). tor mongoliensis, have furculae that are U-shaped
Many of the characters presented here are a first (character 4[1]). The basal-most coelurosaurs with
attempt at identifying useful phylogenetic informa- furculae have U-shaped furculae. These basal coe-
tion derived from the furcula, whereas other previ- lurosaurs include the tyrannosaurids Albertosau-
ously used characters are scored for more taxa. rus sarcophagus, Daspletosaurus torosus, Tyranno-
The evolutionary transformation of the furcula saurus rex, and Gorgosaurus libratus and the
from separate clavicles is nicely illustrated in compsognathid Huaxiagnathus orientalis. The
archosaurs and their close relatives. Euparkeria tyrannosaurids A. sarcophagus, D. torosus, T. rex,
capensis and early pseudosuchians retain both the and G. libratus share one synapomorphy in the
interclavicle and clavicles. The interclavicle is lost furculae, the expansion of the epicleideal processes
at the dinosaur node or at an unknown node (character 5[1]).
among early dinosauromorphs. From there, the or- No unambiguously recognizable clavicle or fur-
igin of the furcula is well understood with the cula has been found in any ornithomimid even
addition of the work on basal sauropodomorphs of though well-preserved completely articulated speci-
Yates and Vasconcelos (2005) and the discovery of mens are known from many taxa [e.g., Struthiomi-
furculae in early coelophysoid theropods (Tykoski mus altus (Nicholls and Russell, 1985), Gallimimus
et al., 2002; Rinehart et al., 2007). Some orni- bullatus (Osmolska et al., 1972), and the many skel-
thischians have two small clavicles that do not etons of Sinornithomimus dongi (Kobayashi and
contact each other (Osborn, 1924a; Brown and Lü, 2003)]. It is unclear if the furcula was never pre-
Schlaikjer, 1940; Sternberg, 1951; Chinnery and served, if it was not ossified, or if it did not form at
Weishampel, 1998). In contrast, saurischians all. The absence of a furcula would be interpreted as
retain clavicles with the clavicles contacting at the a secondary loss following the phylogeny presented
midline. Coelophysoids, the earliest group of here (Fig. 1). The same absence is also apparent in
undoubted theropods, have fully formed furculae. alvarezsaurids. However, it is also unclear whether
Thus, the critical gap that added ambiguity to Bry- the apparent absence of furculae in alvarezsaurids
ant and Russell’s (1993) analysis of the homology is a phylogenetic loss or a taphonomic/diagenetic
of furcula has been filled by coelophysoids. The one. Unlike ornithomimids, alvarezsaurids are
present analysis demonstrates that the bird fur- known from a few largely incomplete specimens
cula is homologous to the clavicles of other rep- making the absence of a furcula possibly a result of
tiles. In addition, the furcula is probably a synapo- taphonomic processes.
morphy for Theropoda and evolved at least by the Members of the basal maniraptoran clades Ther-
Norian of the Late Triassic (character 2[1]). izinosauridea and Oviraptorsauria have apomor-
The coelophysoids ‘‘Syntarsus’’ kayentakatae, phic furculae that are diagnosable to each clade.
Coelophysis bauri, Coelophysis rhodesiensis, and The furculae of B. inexpectus and N. yangi are ro-
Segisaurus all possess furculae with a gently bust, the epicleideal processes are blunt, and both
curved symphyseal area and divergent epicleideal have an unusually large interclavicular angle, a
processes. All these taxa share a U-shaped furcula combination of characters not present in other

Journal of Morphology
theropods. The absence of these characters in the morphic characters are present in the furculae and
basal-most known therizinosaroid Falcarius uta- do appear to diagnose clades. Enantiornithines
hensis, suggests that the character states shared have a furcula that is laterally excavated (char-
by Beipaiosaurus inexpectus and Neimongosaurus acter 13[1]) (Chiappe and Calvo, 1994). One of the
yangi evolved within the group and may be found characters supporting a sister-group relationship
in nearly all therizinosauriods. Therizinosauroids between the basal ornithurines Yixianornis gra-
have been found as the sister taxon to Oviraptor- baui and Songlingornis lingensis is the presence of
sauria in many theropod phylogenetic analyses a truncated or squared base at the furcula sym-
(Theropod Working Group [ 5 TWiG], Turner physis (character 14[1]) (Clarke et al., 2006).
et al., 2007a). The specializations of the oviraptor- Iaceornis marshi, a poorly known North American
saurid furculae (see below) are not present in ei- ornithurine, autapomorphically possesses epiclei-
ther therizinosauroid with known furculae, sug- deal processes that are long and pointed (character
gesting that these characters are not shared 6[1]). This feature is also seen in oviraptorsaurs
between the two. and anseriforms.
Oviraptorosaur furculae are easily recognizable The early evolution of the furcula shows that
from three identifying features, the presence of most features found in the furcula of extant birds
long tapering epicleideal processes (character 7[1]), are found in all theropods. Only small changes
the presence of a bulge on the ramus between the separate the furculae of early theropods such as
epicleideal processes and the symphysis (character Coelophysis bauri from those of more derived
8[1]), and some have a distinct hypocleidium (char- forms such as Archaeopteryx lithographica. It is
acter 9[1]). These three features are found in all of now clear that all major theropod clades have fur-
the oviraptorsaurs observed here (Khaan mcken- culae plesiomorphically. Clades and taxa in which
nai, Oviraptor philoceratops, Citipati osmolskae, furculae are not found can now be interpreted as a
Heyuannia huangi), but it is not clear whether the result of preservational bias or a secondary loss.
more basal oviraptorosaurs have the same fea-
tures. Oviraptorid furculae also have a unique
Variation Among Nonavian Theropods
articulation with the scapula; the epicleideal proc-
esses articulate on the anterior edge of the scap- Interspecific variation in furculae has been well
ula, rather than just lying on the anterior surface documented in the more basal theropods Allosau-
of the acromion process of the scapula. In some rus (Chure and Madsen, 1996), Coelophysis rhode-
oviraptorid taxa such as O. philoceratops and C. siensis (Tykoski et al., 2002), and Coelophysis
osmolskae, the anterior edge of the scapula sits in bauri (Rinehart et al., 2007), but it has not been
a shallow groove of the epicleideal processes. documented in coelurosaurids with the exception
All oviraptorsaurs share a hypocleidium that is of tyrannosaurids (Makovicky and Currie, 1998).
nearly symmetrical and tapers to point ventrally This variation occurs in the interclavicular angle,
contrasting the small tuber present in many thero- the shape of the epicleideal process, and the pres-
pods. In addition, this analysis indicates that the ence or absence of a tuber on the ventral side of
hypocleidium in extant birds is not homologous the symphysis. Further variation also occurs
with those of oviraptorsaurs. The presence of an within a single element. For example, differences
anterior keel on the hypocleidium (character 9[1]) in the cross section of the ramus, the length of
separates Oviraptor philoceratops from Citipati each ramus, and shape of epicleideal processes
osmolskae and may be useful in differentiating the seem to be variable in one specimen. The furculae
two taxa without cranial material. of the tyrannosaur Gorgosaurus libratus clearly
Paravians, with the exception of Velociraptor show interspecific variation in the overall shape
mongoliensis, share two furcula synapomoprhies (Makovicky and Currie, 1998). It is unclear
an anteroposterior compression of the symphysis whether there is as much or more variation in
and rami (character 3[1]) and a nearly symmetri- maniraptorans. Microraptor zhaoianus and Tyran-
cal furcula (character 11[1]). Dromaeosaurids nosaurus rex are the only taxa with more than one
have rather simple furculae. Most dromaeosaur- specimen with a furcula. The only variation in the
ids have furculae that are U-shaped and thin rel- furcula of these taxa seems to be small differences
ative to those of troodontids and avialans. V. mon- in the interclavicular angle. Moreover, symmetry
goliensis has a unique furcula among dromaeo- is an absence of variation; a character state (11[1])
saurids and paravians. It is similar to that of present in paravians. Variation in the furcula of
Allosaurus and other earlier theropods in being avians with powered flight is very minimal. How-
V-shaped with a small tuber instead of a distinct ever, birds that are secondarily flightless (e.g.,
hypocleidium. Mei long and avialans share one Dromaius and Struthio) have very variable and
character, thickening of the symphysis and rami asymmetrical furcula/clavicles. The absence of var-
(character 12[1]). iation and presence of symmetry may be useful as
Basal avialans do not share any unique features a proxy for determining a change in function, in
relative to other theropods. Within Avialae apo- this case powered flight.

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04. Furcula, general shape of the furcula: V-
Zhou Z, Zhang F. 2005. Discovery of an ornithurine bird and its
implication for Early Cretaceous avian radiation. Proc Natl shaped (0) or U-shaped (1).
Acad Sci USA 102:18998–19002. 0 The unfused articulated clavicles in Masso-
Zhou Z-H, Wang X-L, Zhang F-C, Xu X. 2000. Important fea- spondylus are V-shaped. This shape is found
tures of Caudipteryx—Evidence from two nearly complete in most of the early theropods with furculae,
new specimens. Vertebrata Palasiatica 38:243–254.
including ‘‘Syntarsus’’ kayentakatakae, Sucho-
mimus, and Allosaurus. The ‘‘V’’ shape is a
result of nearly straight rami diverging from
the symphysis whereas U shaped furculae
have curved rami diverging from the symphy-
Fourteen characters are presented below. These sis. The furculae of all coelurosaurs except
characters describe the diversity of the furcula Velociraptor and some of those of Coelophysis
among nonavian theropods. Many of the character rhodesiensis and C. bauri are U -shaped.
states in this set of characters have reversals 05. Epicleideal processes: unexpanded (0) or ex-
throughout the theropod tree. Additionally, charac- panded (1).
ter states found in a variety of taxa are also auta- 0 The furculae of most theropods have unex-
pomorphic for others. panded epicleideal processes. Expanded epi-
01. Interclavicle: present (0) or absent (1) (Gauthier, cleideal processes are present in tyrannosaur-
1986; Sereno, 1991; Juul, 1994; Benton, 1999). ids as identified by Makovicky and Currie
0 The interclavicle is present in archosaurs (1998). Some variation in the size of the epi-
plesiomorphically (Sereno, 1991). Ornithi- cleideal processes is present in Allosaurus as
schians and saurischians lack an interclavicle. noted by Chure and Madsen (1996). The slight
However, the pectoral girdles in the successive expansion of the epicleideal processes in Allo-
sister taxa of the Dinosauria (Silesaurus, Mar- saurus is notably smaller than that of tyranno-
asuchus, Lagerpeton) do not have the pectoral saurids.
region completely preserved. As a result, the 06. Epicleideal processes: rounded, flat, or blunt
optimization of this character is not clear at (0) or taper to a long point (1).
the base of Dinosauria. 0 The epicleideal processes of most furculae
02. Clavicles: unfused (0) of fused (1). are rounded or slightly pointed (e.g., Coelophy-
0 This character essentially describes the pres- sis, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex). This con-
ence or absence of the furcula. The clavicles of trasts with the elongated tapering processes of

Journal of Morphology
the furculae of oviraptorsaurs. The shape of lar angle can be easily measured from the
the ends of the epicleideal processes is related symphysis to the epicleideal processes if the
to the way the furcula articulates with the furcula is V-shaped (straight rami diverging
acromion process of the scapula. In taxa pos- from the symphysis). However, most theropods
sessing rounded epicleideal processes, the fur- have U-shaped furculae and therefore, the
cula attaches to the scapula by way of a liga- exact interclavicular angle of curved rami can-
ment. Here, the epicleideal process lies on the not be precisely measured; the interclavicular
anterior side of the scapula. In contrast, the angle depends on where the measurement is
epicleideal processes of oviraptorsaurs articu- taken along the curved rami and the absence
late on the anterior edge of the scapula. This of distinct landmarks near the symphysis does
articulation is much more expanded than that not allow measurements to be taken from a
of other taxa. This is convergently present in common point. This is even more difficult
anseriforms and Iaceornis marshi, and is an because the epicleideal processes of ornithur-
autapomorphy of the latter taxon as identified ine furculae arc medially at their tips. Fur-
by Clarke (2004). thermore, apparent or unapparent crushing
07. Rami, lateral expansion of the between the and other taphonomic deformations do not
hypocleidium and the epicleideal process: allow precise measurements.
absent (0) or present (1). 0 Here, we measured the interclavicular angle
0 Most taxa display a condition in which the from the epicleideal processes to the symphysis.
ramus of the furcula is the same width as the The measurements were then rounded to the
epicleideal processes and the hypocleidium nearest multiple of ten for scoring purposes.
region (state 0). Oviraptorsaurs have an This character is designed to separate furculae
expanded ramus (state 1). with high interclavicular angles from those with
08. Furcula, hypocleideum: absent or a small tu- lower interclavicular angles, not to quantify the
bercle (0), or present as a distinct and elongate difference between furculae with similar inter-
process (1). clavicular angles.
0 As described in the terminology section, a 11. Furcula shape in anterior view: asymmetrical
hypocleidium is a symmetrical (or nearly so), (0) or symmetrical/nearly symmetrical (1).
ventrally projecting process at the symphysis 0 The furculae of most nonparavian theropods
of the furcula. The small tubera present in are markedly asymmetrical (e.g., Allosaurus,
early theropods are not considered homologous Citipati). The furculae of paravians, with the
because the shape is highly variable within a exception of Buitreraptor, are nearly symmetri-
taxon (e.g., Allosaurus and Coelophysis) and cal. It is unclear if the asymmetry of the fur-
the presence or absence seems to be related to cula of Buitreraptor was the result of taphon-
interspecific variation (e.g., Allosaurus and omy or represents morphological asymmetry.
Coelophysis). All oviraptorsaurs and some avi- 12. Rami: thin diameter (0) or thick diameter (1).
ans are coded as having a hypocleidium. 0 This refers to the thickness of diameter of
09. Hypocleidium: rounded (0) or keeled (1). the rami and hypocleidium region. With the
0 The hypocleidium of oviraptorsaurs is either exception of Mei, Archaeopteryx, Confuciusor-
smooth or keeled. A keeled hypocledium is pres- nis, and Changchengornis all nonavian thero-
ent in Oviraptor and ‘‘Big Momma’’ (IGM 100/ pods have relatively thin furculae. The furcu-
979). lae of Mei, Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis, and
10. Interclavicular angle: between 1008 and 1308, Changchengornis all have thick, robust furcu-
(0), less than 1008 (1), or greater than 1308. lae. Ornithurines have thin rami, much thin-
0 A similar character (character 268 of Senter, ner than those of basal theropods.
2007) was recently utilized. The interclavicular 13. Furcula: laterally excavated: absent (0) or
angle of early theropods is greater than 1008. present (1).
Maniraptorans usually have an interclavicular 0 Furculae almost universally lack lateral exca-
angle of less than 1008, with the exception of vations. Presence of a laterally excavated fur-
Beipiaosaurus and Neimongosaurus which cula an enantiornithine synapomorphy, that
interclavicular angles greater than 1308. Para- was first described by Chiappe and Calvo (1994).
vians have furculae wherein the interclavicu- 14. Furcula: ventral margin of symphysis
lar angle varies from 708 to 908. (5apophysis): curved, angling (0) or with a
0 The limited documentation of the methods truncated or squared base (1).
that previous authors have employed to obtain 0 Presence of a truncated ventral apophyseal
interclavicular angles (e.g., Larson and Rigby, margin is a synapomorphy of a clade including
2005) limits further comparisons to the inter- Yixianornis 1 Songlingornis as identified by
clavicular angles of furculae. The interclavicu- Clarke et al. (2006).

Journal of Morphology
APPENDIX B1. Character scorings for taxa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Euparkeria capensis 0 0 — — — — — — — — — — — —
Pseudosuchia 0 0 — — — — — — — — — — — —
Ornithischia 1 0 — — — — — — — — — — — —
Sauropodomorpha 1 0 0 0 — — — — — — — — — —
Coelophysis bauri 1 1 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 1 0 0
Coelophysis rhodesiensis 1 1 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 1 0 0
‘‘Syntarsus’’ kayentakatae 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 1 0 0
Segisaurus halli 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 1 0 ?
Allosaurus fragilis 1 1 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0
Aerosteon riocoloradensis 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0
Suchomimus tenerensis 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0
Huaxiagnathus orientalis 1 1 0 ? 0 0 0 ? — ? ? 1 ? ?
Scipionyx samniticus 1 1 ? ? ? 0 0 ? — ? ? ? ? ?
Protarchaeopteryx robusta 1 1 0 ? ? 0 0 0 — ? ? ? ? ?
Tyrannosaurus rex 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 0 0
Albertosaurus sarcophagus 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 0 0
Gorgosaurus libratus 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 0 0
Daspltosaurus torosus 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 0 0
UUVP 11689 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 0 0
Beipiaosaurus inexpectus 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 2 ? 0 0 0
Falcarius utahensis 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 0 0
Neimongosaurus yangi 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 2 0 0 0 0
Caudipteryx zoui 1 1 1 1 0 ? ? 0 — 1 ? 0 0 0
Oviraptor philoceratops 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Citipati osmolskae 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Khaan mckennai 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Heyuannia huangi 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Ingenia yanshini 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Mei long 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Sinornithoides youngi 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 ? ? 1 ? 1 ? 0
Velociraptor mongoliensis 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Sinornithosaurus millenii 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Bambiraptor feinbergorum 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Buitreraptor gonzalezorum 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 0 0
Microraptor zhaoianus 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Archaeopteryx lithographica 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Sapeornis chaoyangensis 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Jeholornis prima 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Jixiangornis orientalis 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Confuciusornis sanctus 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Changchengornis hengdaoziensis 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0
Iberomesornis romerali 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
Concornis lacustris 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
Yixianornis graubai 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 1
Yanornis martini 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 1 0 0
Hongshanornis longicresta 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 1 0 0
Ichthyornis dispar 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 1 0 0
Gansus yumenensis 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 1 0 0
Hesperornis regalis 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 — 1 1 1 0 0
Iaceornis marshi 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 — 1 1 1 0 0

Journal of Morphology

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