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Invertebrate Biology 124(4): 332–343.

r 2005 American Microscopical Society, Inc.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7410.2005.00031.x

Fine structure of the epistome in Phoronis ovalis:

significance for the coelomic organization in Phoronida

Alexander Gruhl,a Peter Grobe, and Thomas Bartolomaeus

Freie Universität Berlin, Evolution und Systematik der Tiere, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Abstract. The hypothesis of a common ancestry of the lophophorate taxa Brachiopoda,

Bryozoa, Phoronida, and the Deuterostomia can be traced back to the late 19th century when
Masterman recognized a tripartite organization of the body consisting of pro-, meso-, and
metasome, along with coelomic body cavities in each compartment, as characteristic for
Echinodermata, Pterobranchia, Phoronida, and Brachiopoda. This idea became quite pop-
ular under the name ‘‘archicoelomate’’ concept. The organization of the phoronids, and es-
pecially of their transparent actinotroch larva, has for a long time been used as a touchstone
for the validity of this concept. As a coelomic lining can reliably be recognized only on the
ultrastructural level, this technique has been applied for adults of Phoronis ovalis, which is
assumed to be a sister species to all other phoronids. Phoronis ovalis contains only two co-
elomic compartments, a posterior coelom inside the trunk (metasoma), occupying the space
between the trunk epidermis and the digestive epithelium, and an anterior lophophoral co-
elom inside and basal to the tentacular crown (mesosoma). There is no coelomic cavity inside
the epistome (prosoma). This part of the body is filled with myoepithelial cells, which are
continuous with the epithelial lining of the lophophore cavity. These cells form a lumenless
bilayer and possess long, tiny myofilamentous processes, which are completely embedded in
an extracellular matrix. A comparison with data on P. muelleri shows that there is no need
to assume three different coelomic cavities in Phoronida, in contrast to the predictions of
the archicoelomate concept. At least for this taxon, a correspondence to the situation in
deuterostomes can hardly be found.
Additional key words: ultrastructure, coelom, phylogeny

In the majority of recent textbooks on zoology and ians in the Lophotrochozoa (e.g., Halanych et al.
developmental biology, members of the Phoronida 1995; Peterson & Eernisse 2001).
are considered to have a tripartite body, each part The idea of a tripartite body was influenced by the
equipped with its own secondary body cavity (e.g., so-called archicoelomate concept, introduced by
Zimmer 1997; Nielsen 2001; Ruppert et al. 2004). The Masterman (1898), and revived and extended by
same is assumed for Bryozoa and Brachiopoda, Remane (1950), Ulrich (1950, 1972), Siewing
which are traditionally grouped with Phoronida in (1973b, 1980), and Herrmann (1997) in the 20th cen-
the taxon Lophophorata (Hyman 1959). Among oth- tury. These authors emphasized tripartition as a pri-
er characters, trimeric coelomic organization is re- mary feature in coelomate organization and argued
garded as apomorphic for a taxon Radialia, uniting that such a condition could have already been found
lophophorates with deuterostomes (Jefferies 1986; in the bilaterian ancestor. They proposed that the
Ax 1989). Recent ultrastructural and developmental hypothetical bilterian ancestor was the end-point of a
studies, however, have failed to show such a distri- transition from diploblastic medusae to triploblastic,
bution of body cavities (Lüter 2000; Bartolomaeus coelomatous Bilateria, a transition during which
2001). Furthermore, molecular data argue for posi- gastrovascular pouches like those found in certain
tioning the lophophorate taxa together with spiral- cnidarian species became coelomic cavities by enter-
ocoely. Despite mixing different levels of ontogenesis
with assumptions on the course of evolution, this
idea is hardly in accordance with recent data sup-
Author for correspondence. porting the acoelomate organization of earliest bila-
E-mail: terians (Rieger 1986; Ax 1996; Rieger & Purschke
Phoronis ovalis epistome fine structure 333

2005). But even within the framework of the arch- at Kristineberg Marine Biological Station. Shells
icoelomate theory, the most controversial aspect is from dead molluscs were dredged from 35 m depth
whether the first body section of lophophorates, the at 58113.000 N; 11124.410 E. After keeping them a few
epistome, actually contains a coelom as predicted by hours under cold running seawater, individuals of P.
the theory; an epistome coelom is not univocally de- ovalis displayed their tentacle-crowns. The specimens
scribed in phoronids (Caldwell [1882] versus Master- were removed by carefully breaking the shells.
man [1896], de Selys-Longchamps [1907] versus Specimens were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde buff-
Siewing [1974] and Herrmann [1980] for Phoronis ered in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate at 41C for 60 min.
muelleri, Cori [1937] for Phoronida in general, Ruthenium red was added to the fixative to stain cer-
Zimmer [1964] for P. vancouverensis and Emig & tain components of the ECM. After fixation, the
Siewing [1975] for P. psammophila). The reported specimens were rinsed in the same buffer and stored
existence of a coelom became a touchstone for the therein until they were postfixed in 1% OsO4 buff-
validity of the archicoelomate concept (Siewing 1980; ered in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate at 41C for 45 min.
Herrmann 1997). All these studies were undertaken For transmission electron microscopy (TEM),
at the light microscopic level. Clear discrimination specimens were dehydrated in an acetone series and
between different body cavities, however, generally embedded in araldite via propylene oxide. Serial sec-
requires electron microscopic techniques, as the co- tions of B60 nm thickness were made using diamond
elomic cavity is lined by an epithelium, often only knives on a Reichert ultramicrotome (Leica Micro-
B50 nm thick, whereas a primary body cavity is lined systems, Wetzlar, Germany). Sections were collected
by an extracellular matrix (ECM). on copper, formvar-covered single-slot grids, and au-
The proposed tripartition interpreted in many light tomatically stained with uranyl acetate and lead cit-
microscopic studies has not been corroborated by in- rate in a Leica EM Stain processor. They were
vestigations at the ultrastructural level. In the species examined on a Philips CM 100 TEM (Phillips Elec-
of Brachiopoda (Lüter 1998, 2000) examined to tron Optics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands).
date, no independent protocoel was found. In the For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), speci-
phylactolaemate Bryozoa, the open connection be- mens were dehydrated in an alcohol series, automat-
tween epistomal cavity and lophophoral coelom ically critical-point dried with a Bal-Tec CPD 030,
(see Mukai et al. 1997) has been confirmed (T. coated with gold in a Bal-Tec SC 005 sputter coater,
Bartolomaeus, unpubl. data). Bartolomaeus (2001) and examined in a Hitachi S 450 SEM (Hitachi
demonstrated that in P. muelleri in the preoral lobe of Instruments, San Jose, CA, USA).
the larva, as well as in the epistome of the adult, there
is no such cavity and a voluminous ECM can be Terminology
found here instead. Because of the complicated development, the no-
To elucidate whether this character is autapomor- menclature of body axes is confusing. Many anatom-
phic for P. muelleri or can be assumed for the ground ic features are denoted variably by different authors.
pattern of Phoronida, methodically similar investiga- In this study, the nomenclature summarized by Emig
tions have to be undertaken for additional phoronid (1975) is used. However, the terms ‘‘trunk’’ and ‘‘lop-
species. The most recent phylogenetic analyses of hophore’’ were chosen instead of Emig’s ‘‘meta-
relationships within Phoronida argue either for some’’ and ‘‘mesosome,’’ and ‘‘trunk coelom’’ and
P. ovalis WRIGHT 1856 being the adelphotaxon of ‘‘lophophore coelom’’ instead of ‘‘metacoel’’ and
all other phoronid species (Bartolomaeus & Grobe ‘‘mesocoel.’’ This is followed because the traditional
2001), or at least for P. ovalis and P. muelleri to be terms imply as yet unproven correspondence to the
representatives of the highest-level sister taxa within coelomic cavities found in deuterostomes. The term
Phoronida (Emig 1985). In both cases, this would ‘‘secondary body cavity’’ or ‘‘coelom’’ refers to a
mean that similar conditions in both species are most body space lined completely with an epithelium, as
parsimoniously interpreted as a ground-pattern char- defined in Ruppert (1991) and Bartolomaeus (2001).
acter of the Phoronida.
Specimens The epistome is situated between the mouth and
the indented portion of the tentacle ring, which lines
Adults of Phoronic ovalis were collected during the lophophoral concavity. This pillow-shaped organ
October 2001 in the Gullmar Fjord, West coast of is situated at the base of the tentacle ring. Being
Sweden. Preparation and fixation were accomplished closely attached to it, the epistome has a bean-

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The accessory centriole, indicating the direction of

the effective ciliary stroke, is located opposite to the
horizontal rootlet, connected by a basal foot both to
the basal body on one side and to the vertical rootlet
on the other side. The position of the centriole and,
accordingly, the direction of the horizontal rootlet
differ between the median and the lateral cells. The
accessory centrioles are oriented toward the tip of the
epistome in median cells, and are directed laterally in
peripherally situated cells. The axoneme has the usu-
al 9  212 pattern of microtubule arrangement.
The epidermal cells at the tip of the epistome are
higher and much narrower (Fig. 2A). They form a
boundary between the abfrontal and frontal sides.
The most apically situated cells are spindle shaped
and only a few of them are connected to the basal
lamina via a narrow process each. They bear deviant
cilia whose basal structures include three striated ver-
tical rootlets running basally along the core. An ac-
cessory centriole is located somewhere between two
Fig. 1. Phoronis ovalis. SEM. Tentacles are partly removed
of these rootlets (Fig. 2D). The cilium is surrounded
to allow visualization of the epistome (ep). Mouth opening
(arrow) is covered by food and debris particles. loc, by eight enlarged microvilli, forming a collar and car-
lophophoral concavity. rying a thickened glycocalyx. Basal to these cells, the
epithelial nerve plexus is more pronounced. Howev-
like structure when viewed from above (Fig. 1). Its er, neural contacts to these cells could not be found.
convex side faces the mouth opening. The lateral ex- In the frontal apical region, the cells are of elon-
tent of the epistome is 60–70 mm and it measures 20– gated shape. Because of a high concentration of free
30 mm in length and in height. Its surface is ciliated ribosomes, the cytoplasm appears electron dense
and noticeably spongy, and seems to consist of many (Fig. 2A). Furthermore, many specialized gland cells
gland cells. The epistome is composed of peripheral reside between the other epidermal cells (Fig. 2B).
epidermal cells that rest on a basal lamina, which en- They are characterized by a unique fine structure of
closes mesodermal cells containing myofilaments. their vesicles, which is granulous and electron opa-
que, and has oblong and loopy core structures. Their
Epidermis cilia are composed of an axoneme and a basal body
lacking any rootlets. These gland cells clearly differ
At the ultrastructural level, the epidermis of the from gland cells found in the epidermis of the trunk
epistome is composed of a very high epithelium and lophophore (Fig. 3A). Here, four types of gland
whose cells are B20 mm in height (Fig. 2A). Basally cells can be distinguished. All of them do not possess
scattered neural processes were found. The cells rest cilia and their vesicles bear no resemblance to those
on a 100-nm-thick basal lamina (Fig. 4). Three dis- of the epistomal gland cells (Fig. 3C). The other ep-
tinct areas of epistome epidermis can be differentiat- idermal cells bear two orthogonally arranged striated
ed, mainly because of cytological attributes. They are rootlets, the horizontal one pointing toward the tip of
situated on the abfrontal side, at the tip, and on the the epistome, with the accessory centrioles oriented
frontal side of the epistome (Fig. 2A). toward the mouth opening (Fig. 2).
Most cells of the epistome’s abfrontal side are Basally in the epistome, slightly abfrontal to the
slightly prismatic, with one cilium each. The elec- median axis, a concentration of neural processes is
tron-transparent cytoplasm contains a few organ- located (Figs. 4A,B; 5A,B). They belong to a circular
elles, with the oval nuclei located basally. The nerve running interior to the bases of the tentacles
apical cell membrane extends into numerous 0.5- and passing the epistome at its abfrontal side.
mm-long microvilli, which bear a glycocalyx (Fig.
2B–D). Zonulae adhaerens, attached to a zone of ac- Musculature
tin filaments, occur in the apical regions of the cells.
The cells bear ciliary basal structures including a ver- The muscular system of the epistome is underneath
tical and a horizontal striated rootlet (Fig. 2C,D). the subepidermal basal lamina and composed of

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Fig. 2. Phoronis ovalis. TEM. Epistome. A. Sagittal overview showing the different components. epaf, abfrontal
epidermis; epf, frontal epidermis; mc, myoepithelial cells. B. Epistomal gland cell containing excretory vesicles (ve),
nucleus (nu), and an axoneme (an). Normal epidermal cells bear microvilli (mv). C. Ciliary basal structures (ba) of frontal
epidermal cell. The accessory centriole (ac) points toward the mouth opening. hr, horizontal rootlet. D. Ciliary basal
structures of epidermal cell at the epistome’s tip.

myoepithelial cells. In each cell, the myofilaments are These processes are embedded in a thickened lamina
separated from the perinuclear part, which contains fibroreticularis, which is continuous between the
the nucleus as well as the majority of the organelles frontal and abfrontal side of the epistome. The
and cytoplasm. The myofibrils are inside a single long cell somata are situated medially in the epistome
tiny process, which extends laterally (Figs. 4A,C; 6). (Figs. 4B; 6). They are interconnected via zonulae

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336 Gruhl, Grobe, & Bartolomaeus

Fig. 3. Phoronis ovalis. TEM. A. Sagittal section of trunk epidermis. Normal epidermal cells (epc) contain apical secretory
vesicle (asv); specialized gland cells (glc1–4) bear different types of vesicles. Cells settle on an extracellular matrix (ecm).
B. Trunk musculature consists of myoepithelial cells (emc) whose filamentous processes (fp) are arranged either circularly
or longitudinally. They are connected to the ECM via hemidesmosomes (hd). C. Different types of vesicles in epidermal
gland cells. D. Diaphragm separating lophophoral and trunk coeloms. ECM layer (arrowheads) is surrounded by the
lining epithelia of the lophophore (llc) and the trunk coelom (ltc). epc, epidermal cell; gd, intestinal epithelial cell;
fp, filamentous processes of coelomic epithelial cells; glc, gland cell in the nerve ring.

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Fig. 4. Phoronis ovalis. TEM. Epistome. A. Peripheral sagittal section showing myofilament-rich processes (fp) of the
inner epithelial cells completely embedded in an extracellular matrix (ECM) (arrowheads). B. Central sagittal section
showing perikarya of the inner epithelial cells, which are continuous with the lining of the lophophore coelom as indicated
by apical adherens junctions (arrow). C. Cross section. Intraepistomal cells bear myofilamentous processes that extend
laterally into the ECM. epaf, abfrontal epidermis of the epistome; epf, frontal epidermis of the epistome; fp, fibrous
processes of coelomic epithelial cells; lcoe, lophophore coelom; llc, lining of trunk coelom; ne, neural processes.

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Fig. 5. Phoronis ovalis. Schematic

illustration of sagittal sections of
the lophophore region with mouth
opening (mo) and epistome (ep).
Rectangles indicate the position of
TEM micrographs in Figs. 3 and 4.
A. Peripheral sagittal section. Pro-
cesses of coelomic epithelial cells
containing myofilaments invade
the subepidermal ECM (black) of
the epistome. B. Central sagittal
section. Coelomic epithelium
forms a continuous lining inside
of the lophophore coelom and the
epistome. epi, epidermis; gd,
gastrodermis; lcoe, lophophore
coelom; rn, ring nerve; tcoe,
trunk coelom.

adhaerens and are continuous with the myoepithelial that are interconnected via apical adherens junctions
lining of the lophophoral coelom. Basally they ad- (Fig. 3A,B). They form either a distinct circular mus-
here to the matrix by dense plaques and hemidesmo- cle layer or single transverse muscle strands crossing
somes. the coelomic space. The lophophoral coelom fills the
lophophore and extends into the tentacles (Fig. 5).
Coelom Muscle cells with longitudinally arranged myofila-
ments predominate in the tentacles (Fig. 7). The lu-
The lining epithelia of trunk and lophophore co- men of the lophophoral coelom is nearly completely
eloms are exclusively composed of myoepithelial cells filled with amoeboid coelomocytes that also occur in

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Fig. 6. Phoronis ovalis. Recon-

struction of the epistome, longi-
tudinal section. The epistome
is covered by a monociliated
epidermis (epi) (cilia not shown).
The epithelium of the lophophore
coelom (llc) is continuous with
the epistome’s myoepithelial cells.
Their basal processes (fp) contain
myofibrils and embedded within
voluminous subepidermal matrix
(ecm) of the epistome. lcoe,
lophophore coelom; mv, microv-
illi; za, zonula adhaerens.

the processes extending into the tentacles. The co- central ECM layer surrounded by the myoepithelial
elomic epithelial cells can be distinguished from the cells of both lophophoral and trunk coeloms. The
coelomocytes because of apical adherens junctions trunk coelom occupies the space between the diges-
that show their epithelial character. tive tract and the trunk epidermis. Its coelomic epi-
The diaphragm separates lophophoral and trunk thelium forms the pronounced trunk musculature
coeloms (Figs. 3D; 5). It consists of a continuous (Fig. 3B). Two types of muscle cells can be observed.

Fig. 7. Phoronis ovalis. TEM. Cross-

section of a tentacle. Coelom in the
tentacle is lined by myoepithelial
cells (emc) and filled with co-
elomocytes (cc). The coelom
encloses a blood vessel (bv). af, ab-
frontal side; f, frontal side; gc,
gland cell; ne, nerve process.

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The annular muscle cells reside under the subepider- ally. Thus, the epistome is able to accomplish con-
mal ECM and possess processes with circularly ar- strictions along its lateral axis, meaning it can
ranged myofilaments. These processes are embedded become narrower. A constriction along its longitudi-
in the ECM and so the musculature appears pseudo- nal axis is not possible because of the absence of lon-
stratified (Fig. 3B). The longitudinal muscle cells are, gitudinally arranged myofilaments. Movements of
with their somata, integrated into the epithelium. the epistome itself can only be mediated by the mus-
Their myofilamentous processes, which are much culature of the lophophoral region. This has been
thicker than those of the circular muscle cells, extend described in earlier studies, and was not the subject of
into the coelomic lumen. this investigation.

Discussion Coelom

Epidermis In P. ovalis, the myoepithelial cells of the lophoph-

ore’s coelomic lining form a bilayer that extends into
The epistomal epidermis mainly consists of ciliated the epistome like a tongue. There is no fluid filling
cells. The distribution of cilia and the directions of between the cells as in the lophophoral coelom. None-
their rootlets, indicating the direction of the effective theless, the cells are clearly epithelial, as they show a
stroke, gives evidence for the course of the created strong polarity with apical adhaerens junctions and
water flow at the epistome. The water current at the basal hemidesmosomes. Cells facing each other are
middle of the abfrontal side is directed upward, to- never connected by any junctions. Such an arrange-
ward the tip, whereas laterally it is directed around ment can potentially be expanded by fluid accumula-
the epistome, toward the frontal side. On the frontal tion. If this should actually occur, the resulting fluid-
side, the cilia beat in the direction of the mouth open- filled cavity would be confluent with the lophophoral
ing. The cells at the tip of the epistome show no clear coelom. As a septum is lacking, in neither case could
distribution of their accessory centrioles. However, independent coelomic cavities occur in the epistome
their fine structure shows some resemblance to pre- and the lophophore–tentacle complex.
viously described laterofrontal cells of the tentacles, Most studies dealing with the epistomal cavity in
which are presumably sensory. Phoronida do not provide strong evidence for a co-
A unique type of gland cells was found in the fron- elomic nature because they lack clear documentation
tal epidermis of the epistome. Excretion of their ve- of an epithelial lining. Except for the study by
sicular material was not observed, but it is likely that Siewing (1974), all were undertaken at the light mi-
it consists of mucous or tryptic substances, which are croscopic level: Pross (1974) provides pictures of
added to the passing food current. Whereas the gland muscle strands within the epistome but it is not clear
cells of the trunk and lophophoral epidermis find whether they are part of a coelomic lining; this is also
overall resemblance in previous ultrastructural ob- the case in Siewing (1973a). Siewing (1974) and Herr-
servations on the epidermis in other phoronid species mann (1980, 1986) give morphological descriptions
(Pourreau 1979; Fernandez et al. 1991 for Phoronis of ontogenetic and metamorphic stages in P. mu-
psammophila; Aguirre et al. 1993 for P. australis, elleri. However, it is not visibly clear whether the
P. hippocrepia; Temereva et al. 2001 for Phoronopsis ‘‘septum’’ they show in their histological micro-
harmeri), the epistomal gland cells have not been graphs (Herrmann 1980) is a real septum, which con-
found in any of these species. sists of two coelomic epithelia resting base to base on
Gilmour (1978) considers the function of the epis- a common matrix, or if it is the lining of the lop-
tome as to direct the incoming water current and to hophoral coelom resting on a matrix that lines a vo-
reject inappropriate particles. Regarding the ciliation luminous primary body cavity. The only TEM
and the distribution of gland and presumptive sen- micrographs Siewing (1974: figs. 6, 7) provides do
sory cells, it can be assumed that, at least in P. ovalis, not show an epithelium. Zimmer (1978, 1980) give
a second role of the epistome may be to add sub- detailed descriptions and documentation on the oc-
stances to the food current. currence of mesoderm in the actinotroch preoral
hood, and regards it as homologous with the adult
Musculature epistome. Ultrastructural evidence of the coelomic
nature of these structures is absent in these studies.
The epistome is filled with a narrow process of the Moreover, the strong confidence Siewing (1973b,
coelomic epithelium of the lophophoral cavity. The 1980) and others laid in the archicoelomate theory
cells bear myofilamentous processes extending later- seemingly led to the misinterpretation of parts of the

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lophophoral coelom as an epistomal coelom. Despite archicoelomate theory, however, this cavity is not re-
the descriptions they gave, Siewing (1974: fig. 21) and stricted to the epistome, but confluent with the trunk
Emig & Siewing (1975: fig. 6) showed the ganglion at coelom (T. Bartolomaeus, unpubl. data). Although
the anal face of the cavity they interpreted as an epi- developmental studies have to confirm this, it seems
stomal coelom. The ganglion, however, is always ad- likely that the epistome has secondarily been invaded
jacent to the lophophoral coelom in phoronids. by a protrusion of the trunk coelom. Within this
Furthermore, the authors said that the epistomal co- framework of knowledge on coelomic cavities in lop-
elom borders on the trunk coelom, which never oc- hophorate taxa, these findings have far-reaching con-
curs in phoronids because the lophophoral coelom sequences.
acts as a hydroskeleton for the tentacles, so that it lies A system of coelomic cavities consisting of an an-
orally to the trunk coelom. A further argument con- terior protocoel, a pair of mesocoel cavities forming
cerns the position of the big vascular ring vessel, the hydroskeleton of the tentacle apparatus, and a
which, according to Siewing (1974) and others, is sit- pair of metacoel cavities has also been described for
uated in the epistomal coelom. This is clearly a mis- hemichordate and echinoderm species. The tradition-
interpretation, because several authors (Hyman al assumption that such a trimeric coelomic organi-
1959, Temereva & Malakhov 2003, this study) show zation supports the hypothesis of a common ancestry
the ring vessel to be located at the bases of the ten- of deuterostomes and the lophophorates can hardly
tacles in the lophophoral coelom. be held any longer. Whether these findings actually
The present study shows that the epistome of support the Lophotrochozoa hypothesis, according
P. ovalis internally contains myoepithelial cells that to which the lophophorate taxa are modified spiral-
belong to the lining of the lophophoral coelom. This ians, needs to be tested in a broader approach.
result is in accordance with the observations made in Among some other possible autapomorphies for a
P. muelleri (Bartolomaeus 2001). An independent taxon Radialia, consisting of Deuterostomia, Phor-
epistomal coelom is lacking here, too, and muscle onida, Brachiopoda, and Bryozoa, there is no evi-
cells are found inside the epistome. An ECM can be dence for a reduced spiral cleavage in lophophorates
found interspersed between them. Thus, even if there (Zimmer 1997).
should be a cavity within the epistome in any repre-
sentative phoronid, as implied in previous studies, Acknowledgments. We thank the team from
this could be nothing else than either fluid-filled Kristineberg Marina Forskningstation (Sweden) for help
interstices within the matrix, i.e., a primary body with collecting the animals. This work was supported by
cavity, or a part of the lophophoral coelom. DFG BA 1520/3.
Our study clearly shows that there is no evidence
for an epistomal coelom in P. ovalis. As this species is References
sister taxon to the remaining phoronid species, this
result corroborates the assumption that a protocoel Aguirre A, Fernadez I, Pardos F, Roldan C, & Benito J
1993. Further ultrastructural observations on the epider-
or epistome coelom is primarily lacking in Phoronida
mis of phoronids: Phoronis australis and Phoronis hipp-
(Bartolomaeus 2001). According to Pross (1980), Sie-
ocrepia. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 112: 280–291.
wing (1980), and Zimmer (1997), brachiopods pos- Ax P 1989. Basic phylogenetic systematization of the Met-
sess an unpaired protocoel as well as paired meso- azoa. In: The Hierarchy of Life. Fernholm B, Bremer K,
and metacoels, in accordance with the archicoelo- & Jornvall H, eds., pp. 229–245. Elsevier Science Publi-
mate theory. As in the Phoronida, electron micros- cations, New York.
copy changed this interpretation; Lüter (1998, 2000) FFF 1996. Multicellular Animals. A New Approach to
was able to refute the independence of the epistomal the Phylogenetic Order in Nature. Springer, Berlin. 225
coelom. In fact, there is continuity with the secondary pp.
body cavities of the lophophore and median tentacle. Bartolomaeus T 2001. Ultrastructure and formation of the
Lüter (1996) furthermore postulated a single co- body cavity lining in Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida,
Lophophorata). Zoomorphology 120: 135–148.
elomic anlage, which is incompletely divided later
Bartolomaeus T & Grobe P 2001. Phylogeny of the Phor-
during ontogenesis, for the ground pattern of Bra-
onida. Zool. Suppl. 4: 68.
chiopoda. In Bryozoa, finally, only the limnetic phy- Caldwell WH 1882. Preliminary note on the structure,
lactolaemate species show a tripartite organization development and affinities of Phoronis. Proc. R. Soc.
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