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1. What is the distinction of Penology from Correction?

 The study of punishment for crime or criminal offenders is known as penology. It
entails the study of crime control and prevention through criminal offender
punishment. while correction is A branch of the criminal justice system concerned
with the custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of criminal offenders. also, it is
the branch of criminal justice administration that employs the body of knowledge
and practices of the government and society in general in the processes of dealing
with individuals convicted of crimes for the purposes of crime prevention and

2. Define punishment;
 It is also the penalty imposed on an offender for a crime or wrongdoing or the
infliction of some kind of pain or loss upon a person for a misdeed. Punishment
may take forms ranging from capital punishment, flogging, forced labor, and
mutilation of the body to imprisonment and fines.

3. What are the ancient forms of Punishment; and

 In early times the ancient forms of punishment are death penalty, physical torture,
banishment or exile. the death penalty is by burning, beheading, hanging, and
other forms of medieval executions. while the physical torture includes maiming,
mutilation, whipping and other inhumane or barbaric forms of inflicting pain. the
banishment is sending or putting away of an offender by which was carried out
either by prohibition against coming into specified territory such as an island to
where the offender has been removed. and the corporal punishment was inflicted
to offender by flogging, mutilation, disfiguration, and maiming. Public humiliation
and shaming were affected by the use of stocks and pillory, docking stool,
branding, shaving off the hair, etc. The most recent forms of punishment are
imprisonment, parole and probation.
4. What are the early forms of Prison Discipline?
 The early forms of prison discipline include hard labor which is productive work.
Deprivation this is the deprivation of everything except the bare essentials of
existence, Monotony it is the giving the same food that is off diet or requiring the
prisoner to perform daily routine and many more such as uniformity, mass
movement, degradation, corporal punishment, and isolation or solitary

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