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MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS


Wingmans Guide
TO Affiliate Marketing


About Wayne
Wayne has worked in the finance industry for over 20 years and has made the
shift as a successful online entrepreneur & Affiliate Marketer. Over the last 2
½ years he has refined his approach to Affiliate Marketing to be as fast &
efficient as possible. Now he shares his best secrets with you in this power
packed crash course in 7 easy steps... So you too can make the shift!
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

What Is Affiliate Marketing 3

Why Affiliate Marketing 4

Step 1: The 3 Setcrets To Success 5

1. Mindset 5
2. Skillset 8
3. Toolset 12

Step 2: Choose Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy 17

Traditional Affiliate Link Model (Not Recommended) 17
Funnel Based Model (Better) 18
Tribe / Hub Based Model (Recommended) 19

Step 3: Choosing Your Niche 22

3 Evergreen Niches 23

Step 4: Sourcing Your Affiliate Products 27

Step 5: Big Dog Commissions 30

Big Commission Secret: The Value Ladder 30

Step 6: Traffic & Conversions 36

Paid Traffic 36
Organic Traffic 38
Copywriting 41
Artificial Intelligence (AI) 42

Step 7: Build Your Email List 48

Assembling The Machine 54

Bonus Step - Success Framework 57

1. Target 59
2. Selling 60
3. Strategy 63
4. Action 66
5. Review & Adjust 67
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

What Is Affiliate Marketing

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been at it for years, there’s
always something new to learn about Affiliate Marketing. In this ultimate
guide we’ll cover the basics and beyond, from setting up your very first
website and tracking the results of your campaigns. To earning more money
on the side with niche sites, and using email marketing to build your mailing
list. Even if you’re an experienced marketer, there are plenty of tips here that
will help you boost your affiliate income! Let’s get started.

Affiliate Marketing is built on a connector model, where you as the affiliate

connect purchasers with products & services. That is one of the major
attractions of Affiliate Marketing, you don’t have to create or own a product
or service! It is action-based or performance-based marketing, meaning
companies pay affiliates commissions based on referrals that lead to a
conversion or sale. This is a win/win scenario as the company wins by paying
commissions only when a sale is made. And the Affiliate Marketer wins by
receiving the commission on this sale. This translates to you earning money
by simply referring traffic (people) to their offers. It’s kind of like you
becoming a freelance digital marketer. Referrals are tracked through unique
URL’s (links) that are assigned to you as an affiliate. When someone clicks on
your link and then makes a purchase…Chicky Boom - You Earn A
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Why Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best online businesses for beginners and
experts alike, as it’s an easy & cost effective way to get started. The Affiliate
Marketing model allows beginners to get started with little to no investment,
yet provides the opportunity to scale well into the 6 or even 7 figure per year
range. Other benefits include:
● You don’t have to create a product yourself, set up a shopping cart or
process payments.
● You don’t have to worry about customer service, product fulfilment or
processing any potential refunds.
● You can do this anywhere in the world as long as you have your laptop
and an internet connection. And Affiliate Marketing programs are
almost always free to join.

So now that we have established that Affiliate Marketing is a high income

earning skill that is worthwhile to master, let's dive into the 7 steps to mastery.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Step 1: The 3 Setcrets To Success

You are the hero in your journey to success... as this is your road to travel!
Every Affiliate Marketer, and I assume that includes you, wants to know that
they are on the right track in their journey to success. Whether that is earning
your first $1, $5,000 or $10,000 per month.

Enter what I call the 3 setcrets, which are absolutely crucial to achieving the
success you desire. They are essentially irreducibly complex, that is to say the
removal of any one of the sets, will cause the system to effectively cease
functioning. So let's take a closer look at these mysterious setcrets.

1. Mindset

It all starts with our thoughts… just think about it for a second. Stop and look
around you, wherever you may be, and what do you see? A laptop, a chair, or
maybe a car? Everything that you see started out as a thought or idea in
someone's head! Our thoughts define the ideas that we have about ourselves
and others, and which ultimately determine our success or lack thereof. They
are the foundation upon which we build the edifice of this thing we call our
lives. This is perceptively highlighted by Napoleon Hill in his tour de force
book; Think & Grow Rich in which he states;
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

“Every man is what he is, because of the dominating thoughts which he

permits to occupy his mind. What you think, you will act on, and become
your reality. So choose your thoughts wisely, they will translate to actions,
actions will translate to habits, habits will translate to your character and
your character will translate to your destiny.”

Simply put we become what we think about as our inner world creates our
outer world! That is, our current thinking has generated the level of success
we have achieved in our life to date. I was challenged about this when I first
started my journey to building a successful online business. Where had my
current thinking got me to? Had it got me to a place where I was genuinely
fulfilled and had I achieved financial and personal freedom? The short answer
was no… I knew that I had to change my mindset and my thinking if I was to
ever achieve the success goals I had set myself.

I was introduced to the likes of Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale
who led me on a journey, which has transformed my thinking and world. Most
every successful person, whether that's in business, sport, or life in general,
has attributed their success to first and foremost… you guessed it, having the
right mindset.

If there is only one thing that you take away from this Affiliate Marketing crash
course, let it be this… Listen to The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale here
Then take the 30 day challenge the Earl outlines and do it with all your heart…
it will change your life!
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Here is the 30 day challenge that Earl Nightingale challenges you to

complete, and guarantees to change your life. This has come from the
recording ‘The Strangest Secret’.

1. Write on a card what you want more than anything else. Single goal,
clearly defined.
2. Think of it each day with optimism. Remember – you must become
what you think about, it’s the law
3. Stop thinking about what it is you fear, replace it with a positive
thought – control your thinking
4. Do more than you have to
5. Give of yourself more
6. Don’t concern yourself with how you are going to achieve the goal, just
where you are going. The answers will come to you.

If you let a negative thought enter your mind and you do not replace it, you
must start the 30 day test again.
● We can achieve nothing, without first paying the price.
● Act as though it was impossible to fail.
● Control your thoughts
● Limitations are self imposed.
● Have courage.
● Use your imagination.

The mind is just like a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets
and the more it can expand to attract the things that are in harmony with it.
As we think, we change the physiology of our brain, essentially rewiring it to
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

replace unproductive thoughts with constructive ones, which essentially

attracts success.

Building on the Earl Nightingale The Strangest Secret, Brian Tracy elaborates
on the power of habits to make better decisions and take purposeful action.
Research has shown that fully 95% of what you do or say is determined by
your habits. I know that when I started my online business, I struggled to form
the habits that I knew would help me get where I wanted to go. I had to learn
for myself how to develop these success-creating habits and personality traits.
Once I did - my career, income, and happiness started to skyrocket faster than
I thought possible. Brian states that “personal development isn’t something
that happens to you - it’s something that you must choose to do for yourself.
But once you make that choice, you need to have the right tools to put it into
action successfully.” Are you ready to make a Change?

To discover the power of habit and unlock the key to purposeful action…
✅ Click here
2. Skillset

We have been learning new skills right from our earliest beginnings. When
we took our first tottering steps, blurted out our first gibberish sounding
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

word, to starting our first day at school. This has continued to this very day
and hopefully for many more days to come.

But how was it that we learnt these new skills? Did they magically appear to
us, and did we intuitively just know how to do them? No, I’m guessing that
you learnt exactly the same way I did… by having a mentor or teacher showing
you how to take your first steps or sound your first word! Like every other
aspect of our lives Affiliate Marketing requires you to learn some very unique
skills, without which you won’t survive in the competitive jungle that is
making money online.

From personal experience of trial and error, together with spending

countless hours studying the habits of successful people, the following traits
continually appear when it comes to mastering a particular skill set, whatever
your chosen skill set may be.

1. Have A Clear Goal

One of the most important questions you can ask yourself as a digital
marketer is What do I REALLY want? Don’t just ask yourself, go bone
deep. Be specific about what it is you want, not just something broad
such as success, or financial freedom. Laser into what drives you and
fulfils you as a person. For myself, I had a burning desire to be self
sufficient, to not be dependent on an employer making my financial
decisions for me. I desperately wanted to build something that was my
own, something I could be proud of. That no one could take away with
the stroke of a pen. Once you’ve established what it is that you REALLY
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

want, you will find that this will drive you forward in your journey to
Affiliate Marketing success.

2. Find A Mentor
Unquestionably, the number one Wingman recommendation when
you are starting out as an Affiliate Marketer, is to find ONE successful
online marketer. This digital marketing expert should be your go to
mentor or guide. One of the most common things I see in beginners, is
they really don't know how to make money online. And hey, it's not their
fault, it's just that they haven't had the opportunity to learn the right
way. Often people are trying to learn on sites such as YouTube or blogs
for free. But these so called Youtube gurus always withhold the keys to
success, or even worse don't know what they are doing themselves.

So what often happens is that they end up running from this guru to
that guru trying to learn different tactics. But the end result inevitably
leaves them frustrated and confused. Chasing after one shiny object
after another, without realising where they've gone wrong. This
happens because you are essentially learning from people who only
know how to make short term money. Often these gurus or YouTubers
can't actually teach you to make long term sustainable income as they
haven't actually achieved this themselves.

How do I know this? Well this is exactly how I tried to learn Affiliate
Marketing. Trying all the free content, chasing different gurus and
tactics for months on YouTube and reading blog after blog. And how
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

much money do you think I made? You guessed it, the princely sum of
zero dollars online.

So my Wingman's Recommendation to help skip all the time wasting

confusion, and get right to the point. And help you start making long
term, sustainable money online quickly is to check out;

My personal mentor Vick Strizheus from Four Percent.

Vick is not your average mentor as he has made 8 figures himself

through Affiliate Marketing. So he knows exactly what he is talking
about! Take The FREE Training How To Create & Launch a Wildly
Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business In 30 Days & Make $5,000 (Or A
Whole Lot More) Step-By-Step. Vick does this with beginner friendly
easy to follow steps, so that you can start making money online quickly
even if you have limited or Zero experience.

Click Here 👉 Step by Step FREE Training

3. Master Your Craft
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a
habit." — Will Durant
All successful people, whatever their field of expertise is, have learnt to
master their craft. They have developed the following success based
● Commit to your goal as mastery of your skillset will take time and
it is a journey that never ends. This is essentially committing to
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

your success, as eventually the fruit of your commitment such as

financial freedom & fulfilment in your work etc will be evident.
● Don't give up or quit. Too many people fail to master their skillset
because they allow fear or boredom or discouragement to stop
them in their tracks.
● Be prepared to make sacrifices to pursue mastery. If you choose
to be the best you can be, it will require you to actively spend your
time there. A world class athlete didn’t become world class by
accident. He or she developed training habits that they invested
their time & energy into.
● Develop a growth mindset that is continually learning and
looking for ways to improve. This is essential to honing your skills
by adding new knowledge to the knowledge you have already
attained. The value of understanding how to learn will be an asset
throughout your life.

3. Toolset

“Accept yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, your truths, and know
what tools you have to fulfil your purpose.” - Steve Maraboli

Having the right tools is imperative to successfully completing the task or job
at hand. The way we as humans make and utilise tools is perhaps what sets
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

our species apart from others, more than anything else. Just as a carpenter
requires a hammer, drill and saw, to complete a new build project for their
client. So an Affiliate Marketer needs to be equipped with the appropriate
tools of their trade, to successfully build their business and serve their
customers. The must have Wingman Recommended tools to facilitate this

1. Website or Hub Builder

A website or hub is your home on the internet and as such it needs to be
informative, easy on the eye and easy to navigate. You want it to look and feel
gorgeous! Some of the more well known website builders are;

Wix is a beginner-friendly website builder that gives you a licence for creative
control over your website. Unlike some other builders, it doesn’t sacrifice
power or customizability for ease – instead, it combines simple drag-and-drop
editing tools with a huge range of features.

Squarespace is a premium service website builder, with no allusions to a free

plan, just a 14-day free trial. It’s designed for people who want
fantastic-looking, distinctly professional portfolio or business sites, and
anyone who wants to run an online store. That said, it doesn’t give you the
amount of creative freedom as other web builders, and if you’re not planning
on monetizing your website, the expense might be too high.

Estage is the website or hub builder that I personally use. The team at Estage
state that it’s a place to create your beautiful “Home” on the Internet with the
coolest website builder in the world. I most definitely concur with that as I
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

believe that every entrepreneur and creator should have a "home" on the
internet. Your own central "HUB"... a stage where you can express yourself
creatively, build something beautiful and make an impact. It provides for
built-in sales funnels & done for you webinars to easily & seamlessly integrate
into your website.

Get the FREE training masterclass on how to create & launch a wildly
profitable Affiliate Marketing business. And receive FREE access to Estage for
1 year when you sign up as a Gold Lifetime Member with Four Percent.

✅ Check out the FREE training 👉 How To Launch & Create A Wildly
Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business in 30 days, Step-By-Step.

2. Autoresponders
An autoresponder is a simple yet effective email marketing tool, which allows
you to send a series of scheduled follow-up emails to your customers or
subscribers to your email list. It is based on specific parameters you set
regarding the stages that your subscribers are within your sales funnel . For
example, you may have a need to send a follow-up email to all of your
subscribers who have purchased a specific product from you. Or someone
has just subscribed to your email list, whereafter you take them through a
predetermined set of emails over say a period of 7 days.

It is where the ‘magic’ happens as email is one of the best channels to build
and communicate with your list. Further, it is a well known established fact
within the industry that the ‘money is in the list.’ with a ROI as high as 36x.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

That is a return of $36 for every $1 spent. Autoresponders are essential

marketing tools with the two Wingman Recommendations being;

AWeber is an email marketing service provider with over 100,000 small
business clients worldwide. They help people keep in touch with the
subscribers who have requested to be on their mailing list.
✅ Get an Aweber FREE plan. Visit 👉AWeber’s Website
GetResponse helps online marketers make money from anywhere, with the
flexibility to generate and convert leads from the comfort of their own home.
Providing email marketing and autoresponder services to keep subscribers
informed of your content and offers.
✅ Get a GetResponse FREE plan. Visit 👉GetResponses Website
3. Tracking
So you’ve spent the time, energy & no doubt money to build a website or
sales funnel, published a form, or sent a newsletter. As soon as they are live or
out in the marketplace, you naturally want to ensure people interact with
them by taking action—the most common interaction being people clicking
on a link. Enter click tracking, which is literally tracking what’s being clicked
(and what isn’t). So that you can optimise your offers and conversions, which
are the lifeblood of your business. Link or click tracking enables you to work
on delivering more value to your users, to get the clicks your business needs
to succeed and grow. Check out the Wingman's Link Tracking provider of
choice below;
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

✅ Try Clickmagick FREE for 14 days. Visit 👉Clickmagicks Website

4. Webinar Software
Webinar software is a must have tool for hosting seminars, presentations,
meetings, or any other kind of one-to-many event online. The software can be
streamed directly from a browser or downloaded and installed on a computer
or laptop. Webinar platforms are designed to distribute webinars to
audiences both small & large, depending on your requirements. Webinars are
increasingly popular tools to engage with your audience, promote & sell your
products. They typically have much higher conversion rates (percentage of
sales to the total number of visitors, clicks, attendees etc) than traditional
selling tools such as written copy, video sales letters & websites.

WebinarFuel is an automated webinar platform that doesn't just "play a
video" on a webpage. Experience the benefits of events "feeling" like real live
webinars. Their playback environment was designed specifically for user
experience and higher conversion rates. It’s the Wingman’s choice of webinar
software and it's as easy as 1,2,3!
Step 1 - Record Once… with no audience or pressure
Step 2 - Automate… Let it run 24/7 , completely on autopilot
Step 3 - Scale it… Optimise and scale it without touching it.

✅ Checkout WebinarFuel. Visit 👉WebinarsFuel Website

MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Step 2: Choose Your Affiliate

Marketing Strategy
There are 3 main types of Affiliate Marketing models, with the Wingman's
preferred model being the Tribe / Hub method. This provides a basis to
position your brand, along with yourself as COLLABORATING with other
respected companies, thus building authority as a leader in your field. Let’s
take a closer look at the 3 different models.

Traditional Affiliate Link Model (Not Recommended)

This is where an Affiliate Marketer receives a link from the product or service
provider that he or she is promoting. They will then drive traffic to this link via
the various promotional strategies they have in place. Typically this link will
have their personal affiliate code embedded within this link, so that the
provider knows where the customer has originated, and to pay the Affiliate
Marketer their agreed-upon commission.

However, there are many down sides with this method including;
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

● Many advertising platforms including social media ones such as

Facebook, won’t allow you to drive traffic from their platforms directly to
an affiliate link.
● You’re often unable to collect a prospect's email address. Asking for
and receiving a prospect's email address is a crucial part in building a
long term, successful & profitable Affiliate Marketing buisness.
● It is very difficult to build your ecosystem, brand & presence on the
internet. As you are sending interested buyers directly to another
business, who will most likely incorporate them into their ecosystem. In
other words they will become their customer, enabling them to market
further offers to your lost prospect.

Funnel Based Model (Better)

This is where the Affiliate Marketer sends traffic to a landing page using a
page/funnel building software as a service (SAAS) business, such as
Clickfunnels or Builderall. You do get more control of your front end by having
the ability to capture email addresses to build your list. You can also build a
preframe page to introduce the product or service you are promoting.
The advantages of this method over the standard affiliate link method are;
● You get to capture email addresses and build your email list. This is
huge as the ROI for each email subscriber can be as high as 36x. That is
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

for every $1 you spend on an email subscriber you can make as much as
$36 in return… This is an INSANE ROI and why building your list is so
● You can drive traffic to your own personalised domain. This has
numerous advantages such as, driving traffic from social media and
advertising sites such as Facebook and Google. Further, you can now
start building your own brand as opposed to someone else's.

Tribe / Hub Based Model (Recommended)

This is the ultimate Affiliate Marketing strategy as you are building a real &
enduring business on the internet. Your hub is your home on the internet,
where you build your TRIBE and BRAND to interact with, and provide massive
value to your community. This is where you build trust and long lasting
relationships with your tribe, who will see you as their go to option in your
niche or space. Many of the most successful companies in the word have
adopted the tribe/hub model such as Apple, Amazon, Microsoft to name just
a few. Also, many successful Affiliate Marketing businesses have travelled this
path as well such as;
Nerdwallet - Nerdwallet is a $500M T/O business that connects their
community with financial service products & services.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

● Expedia - Connects their community with travel products & services

such as airline & hotel options.

● Airbnb - Connects their tribe with lodging & homestay options for
vacation rentals & tourism activities.

Advantages over the previously mentioned strategies include the following;

MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

● You can build a tribe or community of passionate members who are

connected and resonate with your brand and values.
● You become a trusted & respected advisor with prospects falling over
themselves to take up your recommendations and offers.
● You have a centralised hub that you can funnel all of your promotional
efforts back to. This ensures your ecosystem is continually built &
● You can plug in done-for-you landing pages, webinars and promotional
tools into your website. Thus ensuring your ecosystem is centralised
with your brand & in one place on the internet.

It is highly recommended that you choose a SAAS provider that will enable
you to build your hub with done-for-you systems, which saves an incredible
amount of time, stress & money.
The Wingman's hub builder of choice is Estage. This is an amazing website
builder that incorporates done-for-you funnels, landing pages and offers.
These can be plugged into your website with a simple copy and paste code.
You get FREE access to Estage for 12 months when you become a member of
Four Percent. Learn with Vick Strizheus, who will help you create & Launch a
wildly profitable online Affiliate Marketing business in 30 days step-by-step.

✅ Four Percent 👉 Learn How To Build Your Wildly Profitable Affiliate

Marketing Buisiness in 30 Days step-by-step.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Step 3: Choosing Your Niche

Your niche (pronounced “nitch”) is your segment of the market. This will
determine the type of affiliate products you promote (we’ll cover how to find
products in step 4) Your choice of niche is really crucial, as not only will it
influence the products & services you market. It will also determine the
audience you market to. It should be congruent with a passion or interest of
yours. As it’s important you resist the temptation to enter a niche because it
“seems like a profitable idea.”

For example, a trend that skyrocketed a while back was Intermittent Fasting
including the OMAD (one meal a day) diet. It seemed like everyone was
talking about this approach to weight loss. And yes there is scope to make
plenty of money in the weight loss industry, so perhaps this would be a
lucrative niche. However, if you are not passionate about intermittent fasting,
and especially if you don't ‘look the part’, then it’s going to be difficult to
become a leader in the intermittent fasting niche (more on why this is
important a little later. Therefore, you are unlikely to see the success you had
hoped for.

However, if you are passionate about sharing the benefits of, say making
money online, then this would be an opportunity worth exploring. It is a
subcategory of one of the 3 Evergreen Niches, and your passion for the topic
will keep you motivated as you build your influence and expertise online.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

3 Evergreen Niches
The 3 Evergreen Niches are the segments that have proven longevity and the
highest earning potential. They are Wealth, Health and Relationships/Love.
Wealth, Health and Love are important to us on an emotional level, which is
crucial. When we are not feeling fulfilled or satisfied within one of these areas,
we are likely to spend money then take action to rectify the situation.

For instance, if you are single and wanting to find ‘the one’ but are not having
any joy. However, you know your significant other is out there somewhere.
You’ll probably be motivated to search for a solution to find this significant
other. This could involve purchasing a dating app subscription designed to
help you find that special someone.


This is the subject niche of the Wingmans Guide, specifically the Make Money
Online niche via Affiliate Marketing. However, there are numerous other
wealth categories including;
Network or Multi Level Marketing
Network or MLM is a brilliant way to earn residual income, or alternatively
build a business that provides a lucrative full-time income. Using the similar
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

smart low cost models of internet marketing with the branding power,
training and support of a franchise model, MLM is a simple yet powerful
income generating machine. It is very easy in life and in business to throw the
baby out with the bathwater, however you simply cannot afford to do that
with MLM.

Gold & Silver Investing

Gold & Silver have over 6,000 years of history as a store of value being
considered ‘real money’, as opposed to fiat or paper currency. That is, money
created by fiat or government decree, which has no intrinsic value. Central
Banks & governments continue to print more ‘money’, which continues to
debase the value of their currency. As opposed to Gold & Silver which
continue to retain their value, day after day, month after month, year after

For instance, a person could walk into a Ford Dealership and purchase a Ford
Mustang in 1965 for roughly $2,500 or the equivalent 2,500 oz of silver. Try
offering to buy a Ford Mustang today for $2,500 and you will be laughed out
of the dealership. However, the same 2,500 oz of silver will roughly buy you a
Ford Mustang today. Powerful anecdotal evidence that Gold & Silver are a
store of value, whereas fiat currency eventually returns to its intrinsic value;
As governments continue to print more money, the economy continues to
plummet, and many people continue to lose their jobs - many key experts say
that this is only the beginning of something much worse yet to come.
However, during this uncertainty, many average, ordinary, everyday people
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

just like myself, are building real wealth through gold and silver on autopilot
and realistically earning as much as $7,000 per week!

✅ Learn To Build Real Wealth & Earn Up To $7k per week 👉 Register Your
Spot For The Wealth Autopilot Webinar


The Health niche has been a very popular and lucrative niche for a number of
years for Affiliate Marketers. It is a MASSIVE niche made up of thousands of
subcategories, and it's very easy to wander around and get lost in. Like other
niches, the money is in the sub-niches or categories within a niche. Preferably
one in which you have experience of & knowledge in. For instance, if you are
interested in the Fitness niche, drill down and find out about what you know a
lot about, and are passionate about. For example, perhaps you are passionate
about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). How do you approach your HIIT
training regime that could be beneficial to other people? If you are into
boxing, perhaps you could promote a program focusing on the boxing
component as a basis for your HIIT program, with a detailed workout plan and
tracking system included.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS


Whether you are looking for love or need advice on repairing a relationship
with your significant other, there are plenty of options available online to
assist you. This is an incredibly lucrative niche as currently there are over
8,000 dating sites open for business around the world. The Covid-19
pandemic has caused every single one of them to see a massive increase in
user traffic. Further, more than half of Americans (54%) say relationships that
begin on a dating site or app are just as successful as those that begin in
person. The same can be true with regards to online options for couples
looking to spice it up. Or parents who are having trouble with their children
(i.e. behavioural issues).

🔑 And this is the key. Even though most Affiliate Marketing takes place
online, money comes from other people By Solving Their Problems.

IMPORTANT: It’s important to remember to follow your passion or interest. If

things go well, you will become a leader in your space and continue to profit
for many years. Too many marketers burn themselves out because they chase
the money instead of following their passion. Remember: You can become
whoever you want to be. Everyone loves a transformational journey. This is a
great way to build an audience.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Step 4: Sourcing Your

Affiliate Products
Now that you’ve decided that Affiliate Marketing is the smart choice to make
money online, you will need to find products to promote. In my opinion, it is
preferable to find products in your niche that you are currently using, or have
a strong knowledge of and affinity with. The good news is that, whether you
are a newbie or an experienced Affiliate Marketer there is no shortage of
products and services with affiliate programs. This is especially handy if you
are a newbie. This is because most of the providers of tools you need to run an
online Affiliate Marketing business, will have an affiliate program that you can
tap into. This is ideal and a cunning strategy to utilise, as it means you can
promote with ‘authority’, the tools that have been useful and beneficial for
your business. Further, a quick Google search for the “product in my niche
affiliate program” can steer you in the right direction.

💡 Wingman’s Tip: The easiest way to find out if the product or service you
have in mind has an affiliate program, is to scroll down to the bottom of their
home page. More often than not this is where you will find a link to their
affiliate sign up page and commission structure.

Popular Affiliate Programs

MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Amazon is the largest ecommerce retailer on the planet, yet many people do
not realise that Amazon has an affiliate program.

As you can see from the US version of the Amazon home page, you can find
the link to become an affiliate at the bottom of the page. Like most other
affiliate programs, this is free to join. After your affiliate account application
has been approved, you will have the opportunity to earn up to 20% on
purchases made by your referrals. And since Amazon sells mostly everything,
you will find relevant products regardless of which niche you choose.

ClickBank is another popular and trusted affiliate opportunity. ClickBank is a
marketplace for digital product producers. Essentially, they connect digital
product producers with affiliates. The best part is that ClickBank processes all
of the transactions for the product producers AND pays the affiliates. When
you partner with ClickBank, you can rest assured that you will be paid.

3 Reasons why you want to promote ClickBank products:

MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

● They are beginner friendly. It’s easy to get approved to promote

● They offer mostly digital products. And since their products are digital,
there is almost no fulfilment costs. This allows companies to pay 75%
commissions. Meaning $60 products can earn you $45 commissions.
● ClickBank has a huge selection. In their marketplace you can find a
digital product to fit any niche. They have everything from
WoodWorking Plans to Survival Strategies and Forex Trading.

💡Wingman’s Tip: When searching for products, sort by “Gravity” or


Software (SAAS) And Web Hosting

Software As A Service (SAAS) and website hosting are highly lucrative Affiliate
Marketing opportunities that can be easy to promote. Online businesses need
tools to run their business. You can earn commissions by connecting new
businesses in need of these products to the software required to run their
business. No selling necessary.
● BlueHost for example is a web hosting company that is great for people
who want to start a blog. They pay a $65 commission for every
customer referred.
● ClickFunnels is an all-in-one solution (they host the web pages, capture
the emails and process the transactions) and they pay a 40% monthly
recurring commission on a product that starts at $97 a month. (more
on ClickFunnels in the next section).
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Step 5: Big Dog Commissions

In general, it is much easier to earn one $2,000 commission than it is to earn
two hundred $10 commissions. The problem for most beginners is that it
takes a lot more skill, experience and technique to sell a product that will earn
a $2,000 commission than it does to sell a product that will earn you a $10
commission. That’s why beginners should partner with companies that have
a proven “Value Ladder.”

Big Commission Secret: The Value Ladder

The Value Ladder is the Affiliate Marketer’s secret to massive earnings.

Typically, you (the affiliate) will promote a low-ticket entry product. In some
cases, it could actually be free. These low-ticket products can sometimes be
referred to as “Trip-Wire Offers.” Examples include:
● Free Trial
● Low Monthly Membership Fee
● Free + Shipping Book

This allows the affiliate to more easily get customers into their partners’
pipeline. Once that first “Trip-Wire Offer” is set, that customer is then
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

attributed to your earnings for life. This means that if they purchase a $2000
product 6 months from now, you still earn the $1000 commission (assuming a
50% commission structure.)

When you join an affiliate partner with a proven Value Ladder, you leverage
the capability and experience of professional marketers with a sizeable
advertising budget. Let’s take a look at 2 programs you can start promoting
today that have lucrative value ladders.

ClickFunnels has numerous Affiliate Marketing opportunities, however, in the
following example you can see how giving a book away for free can earn you
$264.40 in total commissions.

As an affiliate, you simply promote the Dotcom Secrets book. This book is a
tremendous resource that you can feel great about recommending. Plus it’s
free (buyers simply have to pay for Shipping) so it converts at a high rate.
Then ClickFunnels will follow with upsells and back-end offers. All of which
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

earn you a 40% commission. This is without a doubt, one of the best ways for
beginners to start earning big commissions fast.

✅ Get Your Copy of DotcomSecrets 👉 Get Free Book

✌️Access a FREE Clickfunnels 30 day summit with 30 Experts revealing their
step-by-step detailed ACTION PLAN (Day 1 through Day 30) for how they’d get
their business up and rolling… and each plan is DESIGNED to start out from
ZERO. 👉 Join The 30 day summit for Free
Legendary Marketer
Much like ClickFunnels, the Value Ladder put together by Legendary
Marketer has the potential to change the game very quickly. Let’s take a
quick look at the earning potential with Legendary Marketer:

As you can see, massive potential. If one of your referrals purchases a ticket to
the Entrepreneur Mastermind, that earns you a $4,800.00 commission.
Remember, it takes a lot of time and resources to build out a value ladder of
this magnitude. Yet, in partnering with a company like Legendary Marketer,
you can instantly leverage:
● Their back end sales processes
● Their phone sales team
● Their product line
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

● Their years of experience closing sales

☝️One more thing that is interesting about an affiliate partner like Legendary
Marketer is the MLM aspect of it. Don’t be scared. This isn’t a bad thing. And
you don’t have to bug your friends and family (more on that in the next
section). Allow me to explain. When you join Legendary Marketer, you learn
how to promote Legendary Marketer. This can benefit you in 3 ways….

First: Clarity. A lot of times when you sign up to promote an affiliate offer,
the affiliate partners will give you tools. But they will generally rely on the
affiliates to “figure out how to connect the dots.” This may be because a good
affiliate who knows what he/she is doing can drive more traffic than 10,000
beginners. With Legendary Marketer, they focus on teaching you the system
that allows you to earn commissions. This brings us to benefit #2…

Second: Earn While You Learn. You can absolutely hit the ground running.
As a matter of fact, in some cases, brand new affiliates are able to implement
the system and earn their first commissions in 15 days or less. And once you
earn that first commission, that brings up benefit #3…

Third: Self Validating System. When you recommend a product that you
use, you become a trusted ambassador for that product and people are likely
to trust your recommendation. Think of it like this. Let’s say you see an
advertisement for a new restaurant in town. It might catch your attention. It
might peak your interest. But restaurant advertising is nothing new. As a
result you may visit the restaurant, or you may not.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

However, if someone you know says “Oh my gosh. We went to this new
restaurant last night. It was so good, you have to go.” Then there is probably
a high likelihood that you will try that restaurant out. The restaurant's worth
has been validated.

This is the exact same way Legendary Marketer works. If you can say that you
earned your first ever dollar online with Legendary Marketer, then other
beginners are going to be highly likely to join Legendary Marketer. And when
they do, you earn another commission...and the snowball effect kicks in.

✅ To learn more about the Legendary Marketer Opportunity and how you
can launch your online business in 15 days or less….
Visit 👉15 Day Business Challenge

Four Percent
Four Percent is the Wingmans #1 company of choice I collaborate with to
make big commissions. Their message revolves around building your hub or
home on the internet. Together with providing my hub building tool of choice
- Estage.

They have incredible Affiliate Marketing training programs, including the Rolls
Royce of Affiliate Marketing Training - Success Challenge For Affiliate
Marketing. This is where Vick Strizheus the founder of Four Percent and an 8
figure Affiliate Marketer, shows you with over the shoulder step by step
training, how to create & launch a wildly profitable Affiliate Marketing
business In 30 Days. Once your hub is built the focus is on you earning
multiple streams of income, which they provide for their community through
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

their Chicky Boom marketing funnel network. These are done for you
marketing funnels, promoting big ticket commission items that you can bolt
onto your hub or website.

They have regular zoom meetings to stay in touch with their community to
lead, guide and assist members to make money online. I have learnt more
from Vick & Four Percent than any other mentor, in my quest to master my
craft and become an UNSTOPPABLE Affiliate Marketer.

✅ Check out Four Percent and the FREE training 👉 How To Launch & Create
A Wildly Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business in 30 days, Step-By-Step.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Step 6: Traffic & Conversions

Traffic (people clicking on your links) & conversions are without a doubt, two
of the key components of Affiliate Marketing. In fact, I’d go so far as to say the

‘MASTER traffic & conversions and you can write your own ticket in life.’

That is how influential these 2 components are in your ability to be successful

or not, as an Affiliate Marketer. So let’s look at the two types of traffic in the
digital marketing world,
● Paid Traffic (e.g. Facebook Ads)
● Free Traffic (Also referred to as Organic Traffic)
Each has their pros and cons.
Together with the importance of copywriting in converting your traffic. Let’s
dive in…

Paid Traffic

Paid traffic has two main advantages over organic traffic. Paid traffic is fast
and controllable. If you have an offer that you wish to promote on Facebook,
simply pay for the space and choose your target market. You can almost
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

instantly get your offer in front of as many people as your budget will allow. If
a campaign is profitable, scale up. If not, turn it off.

The Challenges of Paid Traffic with Affiliate Marketing

There are two factors that make it difficult for beginners to use paid traffic in
their Affiliate Marketing efforts. Unfortunately, some “gurus” in the space will
tell you otherwise (in hopes of selling a course probably) because paid traffic
sounds easier.

In reality, paid traffic only works for the best Affiliate Marketers. And there is a
perfectly logical reason for this. Advertising is sold on an auction basis
(meaning the space goes to the highest bidder) and everyone has access to
the same affiliate products. So in theory, the profit margins will always go to
zero. Only those with complex funnels & systems will earn the competitive
advantage necessary to make this model profitable.

And reason #2 Affiliate Marketing beginners will struggle with paid traffic is
the payout schedule. Let me explain… If you are selling a product where you
take the payments, then you receive that money almost instantly. Let’s say
that today you spend $100 on ads to make $200 back. That means tomorrow
you can spend $200 to make $400...etc.

With Affiliate Marketing, commissions are often held for 30 days. So if you are
able to spend $100 today to earn $200 in commissions, that’s great. However,
with the affiliate model, you can not immediately re-invest those earnings.
As a result, it is very difficult for beginners to sustain long enough to make
this model work.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

However, in saying that paid traffic can be a fantastic way to get traffic to your
offers/hub/value content quickly. With this in mind check out Mass Traffic
Blueprint - the secret to getting massive traffic.

👉 FREE tutorial reveals how to get up to 100,000 targeted visitors a day.

Organic Traffic

You may have heard of a number of ways you can generate free organic
traffic. Instagram, Facebook Groups and blogging are three examples of ways
people make money with Affiliate Marketing using organic traffic. However,
hands down, the best organic traffic source is YouTube.

YouTube is king. Everything else is secondary. Your first reaction might be

“YouTube is too hard.” In reality, the opposite is true. Here is why.
The most important thing to remember about YouTube is that YouTube is the
second largest search engine (only trailing Google). Because of the
“Discovery” nature inherent to search engines, beginners have just as much of
a chance at “ranking” as established channels. Now, it would be foolish to
think that established channels with huge followings and authority don’t
have an advantage. However, with the right combination of content and
keywords, it is 100% possible for a new channel to rank well and rank fast. And
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

the result of ranking on YouTube is floods of highly targeted traffic. One

“highly ranked” video can change your life.

And this is why YouTube holds such an advantage over “Blogging.” Google is
more established. Ranking can take months or even years. On YouTube,
videos can rank within hours.

The second reason YouTube is great for beginners: It automatically

leverages your #1 competitive advantage. When you boil it down, YouTube
only cares about user experience and watch time. They don’t play favourites.
This can benefit you because as long as you upload consistent content,
YouTube will work hard to find your audience for you.

Think of it like this. Let’s say you and I both are good at making Cupcakes. As
a matter of fact, if we each made a batch of 12 cupcakes and put them to a
group for a blind taste test, there would be no clear winner. It’s safe to say we
are equal in our ability to make cupcakes.

Yet in that blind taste test, 6 people would prefer your cupcakes. And the
other 6 would prefer my cupcakes. Neither one is necessarily better, it just
comes down to a matter of preference. This is exactly how YouTube works.
Your audience is out there waiting for your unique view and approach.

The Best Way To Leverage YouTube

The best strategies for growing your YouTube channel fast is to either educate
or motivate. Both strategies crush it in Affiliate Marketing. Let’s look at 2
specific examples.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

💡A great way to educate on YouTube is to create “How To” videos or Tutorials.

This can be anything from how to brew beer or how to make money with
Airbnb to how to create the perfect smokey eye. Remember, YouTube is a
search engine. And I always like to say that YouTube is the search engine
people use to find solutions. Where Google is the search engine people use
to settle a bet or find a restaurant. When people are looking for solutions, this
is where the money is made.

💪Motivation also works well. People love to be motivated or inspired. Think

about the weight loss or personal development niche. If you have the ability
to inspire people to take action, you will never run out of affiliate product

As you continue to create content, focus on growing your brand, building your
audience, and providing value. This will future proof your business and bring
about exponential increases to your income.

☝️ Remember the #1 rule...It’s so much easier to have an audience and then

find products for them to buy than it is to have a product and try to find
someone who will buy it. Start by building your audience and then simply
feed the machine.

👉 FREE Training Reveals How To Get FREE Traffic From YouTube

MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS


Now that we have investigated ways to generate traffic, the trick is to convert
this hard earned traffic to purchase a product, click on a call to action or
complete whatever measure you have specified. This is where the magic of
copywriting comes to the fore. What is copywriting? In its most basic form, it’s
the art of writing content that converts—i.e. gets people to take some kind of
action, whether it’s to buy a product or sign up for a free trial or whatever else
you might be offering. While some businesses can get away with subpar
writing in their marketing and sales copy, the reality is that conversions for
Affiliate Marketing are directly correlated with how well-written that copy is.

A great deal of online marketing success boils down to writing. Not just any
writing but amazing, engaging copy that can hook your readers and increase
your sales and influence. So it’s important to master copywriting, or hire a
good copywriter (preferably one who understands SEO), or use my number 1
copywriting hack; Artificial Intelligence or AI, to create your sales materials.
Whatever method, or combination of methods you choose, while you don’t
need a degree in English, you should be able to read your work and know if it
makes sense and is easy to read.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Good writing is captivating, informative, and effective. Before creating your

content, think about who you’re targeting, then consider how you can make
them interested in what you have to say. Next, plan out your page, blog or
ad—don’t write it all at once. Think about how you can use words to persuade
readers that your product or service is what they need. As previously
mentioned the number 1 hack that I have found for copywriting, especially for
newbies, is to engage with a powerful Artificial Intelligence software.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

More and more people are learning about what Artificial Intelligence (AI) can
do, especially when it comes to your blog, ad and sales page copy. AI is fast
becoming the next big thing in content generation. What if you could write
copy that would immediately connect with your customers? How would your
business do? While some are still wondering what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is,
others are already using it to achieve amazing results in their business. Since
AI can be used in so many different fields, it comes as no surprise that this
technology can also help those who write content and copy.

So if you want to stay ahead of the curve, then read on about what AI has to
offer when it comes to content and copywriting. As well as how it can help
you come up with captivating subject lines, gripping headlines that increase
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

engagement and boost sales by attracting more people to your website and

Artificial intelligence, or AI, simply refers to machines that are capable of

performing tasks usually requiring human intelligence. AI machines rely on
machine learning—which means they’re fed lots of data, which they then use
to make informed decisions. The most popular use case for AI today:
Text-to-speech generation & content creation.

For instance, Watson, a cognitive system created by IBM, processes more than
200 million pages of content per second in order to assist customers with
questions. The company claims that Watson learns from all of its interactions
with people, which makes it an incredibly powerful AI tool for businesses.
According to Fortune, Watson recently began assisting medical professionals
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York City better diagnose diseases
like cancer.

With technology evolving at a rapid pace, no one really knows what AI will
look like in another 20 years. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in
exploring how we can integrate AI today. Fortunately, there are plenty of
things businesses are already doing with AI that don’t require artificial general
intelligence (AGI) or human-level intelligence. Here are just a few ways you
can use artificial intelligence today to boost your digital marketing strategy

3 Ways Businesses Are Using Artificial Intelligence:

1. Content Creation
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

The number one lifesaving benefit AI provides for my business as an Affiliate

Marketer is content creation. It is extremely effective at eliminating writers
block and takes the guesswork out of writing marketing copy that converts.
This includes content for the following;
Blog Content
Writing blogs is a sinch. No more staring at an empty page for hours at a time
waiting for inspiration. Simply type in a description of your blog post, what
type of industry you are writing for and a few keywords. Then press generate
and hey presto out spits your intro, sections and final blog post. It is an
amazing tool and one that assists newbies to write engaging headlines that
attract readers, together with content that converts them.

Ad Content
Writing Ads is a sinch. AI enables you to create compelling headlines that
attracts your customers attention and screams, read on now! Transition into
subheadlines that further intensifies their interest. Then generate content
that fuels the engine of their desire and compels them to take action! All with
the initial entering of a few words then the push of a button.

Sales Page Content

Writing sales pages is a sinch. Craft attention grabbing headlines that flow
into engaging and compelling copy leading to conversions and sales. AI really
does take the guesswork out of copywriting that converts, and makes you
more money. And we all know that the number one definition of success in
business is money (or certificates of appreciation) in the bank.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

2. Lead Generation
Whether you’re attempting to convert site visitors into leads or find new
potential customers through social media, lead generation services make
finding those people much easier than ever before. They comb through
millions of data points to identify individuals who are most likely to become
sales prospects.

3. Automated Forms
An increasing number of businesses have begun using automated forms for
online purchasing, customer surveys, and live chat. These forms help collect
data automatically, based on answers users give—For example, if they said yes
to a question about children in their household, they would be presented
with childcare options as they shop around an ecommerce website. In
addition to saving time by making these tasks more efficient, these kinds of
forms allow companies to process hundreds of customers per hour without
sacrificing quality.

These days there are a number of Artificial Intelligence tools available for
Affiliate Marketers and businesses to use to help make their copy more
readable, engaging, and potentially increase traffic. While much of these
technologies are still in their infancy, many are becoming increasingly
popular with savvy Internet marketers. Here I’ll discuss the Wingmans #1 AI
tool that has been a game changer for my own online business.

Anyword is without doubt the number 1 AI content creation tool on the
internet today. It’s simply the best! Anyword will generate amazing content
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

for your ads, blogs, landing pages, social media posts, product description,
emails or txt messages. I even use it to help generate content for ebooks such
as this one.

Anyword helps you as an Affiliate Marketer to get it right the first time, and
takes the guesswork out of writing marketing copy that converts. Some of
Anywords features include;
● Original Text Suggestions - Generate multiple text variations in bulk.
Designed to engage and convert.
● Predictive Performance Score - Validate the potential of every message
with an immediate predictive performance score.
● Custom Keywords - Include relevant keywords you want the AI to use in
its text suggestions.
● Ad Account Integration - Get creative optimization suggestions and lift
prediction for your existing ads.
And many more.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

I never have to worry about how to write the content I require to stay ahead of
the competition… and I want this for you as well. Anyword have a 7 day free
trial to test drive their amazing content creating machine. They also have
monthly and annual subscription packages, which in my humble opinion are
worth every cent. That’s because a tool such as Anyword shouldn't cost you
any money, with the revenue generated from using it more than paying for
your subscription. This includes the very generous Affiliate Marketing
commissions they pay for promoting their product.

✅ To learn more about Anyword and how you can receive your free 7 day trial,
together with a special 30% off discount for your first month should you
decide to take up a monthly subscription.

Visit 👉 Anyword and become a content fiend! And enter your special Promo
Code FP30 into the promo field to claim your 30% off for the first month of a
monthly subscription.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Step 7: Build Your Email List

The money is in the list is a very common industry phrase, but it is only half of
the equation. Your list is the most valuable asset for your business, but the
real money is not in the list itself, it is in your relationship with that list. Email
marketing has by far the highest ROI from any other type of ad spend, with a
ROI of up to $36 for every $1 spent. According to Radicati’s 2020 Email
Statistics report, email is used by over 4 billion people — over half of the
world’s population. So it's imperative that you focus on building your email list
of subscribers.

A subscriber is someone who has given you permission to email them on a

regular basis. When you’re first starting out, it might seem like subscribers
don’t matter much, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact,
building your list of subscribers and nurturing those relationships is crucial if
you want to make an impact online and build your TRIBE.

The Invisible Force

Attracting the right type of subscribers, which become the right type of
community members of your tribe is key for your business success. What is
crucial is understanding what drives people to want to enter your world. This
invisible force is of course DESIRE. Your prospects have some sort of desire
that they are looking to fulfil. So the obvious solution is to tailor your message
to provide a solution to fulfil that desire. Everybody, myself included, have 2
levels of desire. It's important to understand what they are so that you can
focus on attracting the right prospects.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Surface Desire - This is the level of desire that is in plain sight. For
Instance as a prospect, I am interested in your offer because I want to
make more money. However, there is another more influential type and
that is;
Core Desire- This is your subconscious desire, which you may not even
be aware is actually driving your purchase decisions. For instance what
is really running your life is not your conscious but subconscious mind.
It is regulating your heart beat, your blood pressure, the goals that you
achieve or don’t achieve etc, they are all controlled & governed by your
subconscious mind. It’s really important to understand this, as it's like
building the foundations of a house, if your foundations are off then the
house or structure will be compromised.

Most prospects when looking at your offers think I want to make more
money, their surface level desire. But what they really want is what that
money can do for them, i.e.freedom to quit their 9-5 job, move to the country
or work when they choose, that is their core desire. Now as previously stated
they may not necessarily be consciously aware of it. However, it's our job as
Affiliate Marketers and entrepreneurs, who are building our online
communities, to appeal to them on both levels, their surface and core desires.
Which if accomplished will result in an insane attraction to you, your offers
and community - without them fully understanding why! When I first looked
into making money online my surface level desire was to make money online,
at least $10k per month. But what was really driving me was my burning
desire to have financial freedom, to not be dependent on other people
making decisions that could affect my financial position - my core desire. You
can take the following mantra to the bank;
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

People don't buy products, they buy results, representations, outcomes &

I.e they have their desires satisfied. So when we as digital entrepreneurs build
landing pages or throw bait out into the ocean called the online marketplace,
we ensure that we are attracting the right kind of prospects, with the right
message. Whereby we can serve them to the best of our abilities. I.e content
that is on point and offers that create real value, and that fulfil their surface &
core desires.

Building Your List

So you may ask how do I get subscribers to opt into my email list? That's a
good question and one that I racked my brains over when I first started
building my business. I found that the #1 hack when building my business as
an Affiliate Marketer (online or offline), was to give people something valuable
in exchange for their contact information. Because when they trust you with
their email address, that gives you access to send great content directly into
their inboxes, which over time will ensure that they know, like & trust you.

So let’s talk about how to go about getting that list built up. There are two
ways you can do it:
1. Build your opt-in page – This is a more passive way of building your list,
because all you have to do is create a landing page and offer something
in exchange for signup (usually an ebook or freebie). The disadvantage
here? Well it takes time for people to visit your site and learn about
what you have to offer.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

2. Focus on relationship/tribe building – This is a more active way of

building your list, because you actually spend time talking to and
interacting with potential subscribers via social media platforms such
as YouTube etc. You’ll likely get fewer subscribers this way, but these
people will be far more invested in what you have to say since they
know you more personally.

What Type Of Content Should I Create For My Emails

If you’re wondering what type of content you should create, think about what
your target audience needs. Do they have questions? Concerns? Ask them!
But also dig deeper: do a little research and find out what their concerns
are—not just what they say their concerns are. Consider your own life too;
chances are that if someone had made an app or website that solved one of
your problems or filled one of your needs, you would use it. Use these insights
as fodder for posts on topics that address those concerns. One of the most
useful tools I use to help with email content creation is the AI tool Anyword,
already discussed in depth in a previous step. Along with an awesome tool
that helps you discover what people are asking about.

AnswerThePublic listens into autocomplete data from search engines like
Google then quickly cranks out every useful phrase and question people are
asking around your keyword. It’s a goldmine of consumer insight you can use
to create fresh, ultra-useful content, products and services. The kind your
customers really want. It's really simple to use. Just type in a topic, brand or
product and hit the search button. For instance I typed in Affiliate Marketing
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

and got back 388 results including 78 questions starting with how, can,
which, what, why etc.

This is a goldmine as AnswerThePublic ensures that your email or in fact any

content creation is as optimised and targeted as possible. Now that you know
what questions people are asking you can build your email content around
answering those exact questions.

Autoresponders are the quiet workhorses of email marketers. They are a
non-negotiable essential tool for anyone serious about making money online.
Using an autoresponder to boost your Affiliate Marketing strategy can be the
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

difference between success and failure of your business. So it’s important to

know what one is and how to use it to your advantage. An autoresponder
helps you to stay in touch with people who have subscribed to your email
list-on autopilot. Autoresponders are used by thousands of internet marketers
to help build their list and drive more traffic to their website or landing pages.

Autoresponders are emails that get sent automatically when triggered by

specific actions. In terms of Affiliate Marketing, they can be set up to send
follow-up emails based on triggers like: A visitor takes a certain action on your
website (subscribes or purchases). A subscriber doesn’t take a specific action
after being added to your email list (click on any link or open any email).
These emails could include informative content like new product offers,
discounts and other special offers, exclusive content (newsletters), etc.,
depending on what triggers them. I use 2 and recommend them both. They

AWeber is an email marketing service provider with over 100,000 small
business clients worldwide. They help people keep in touch with the
subscribers who have requested to be on their mailing list.
✅ Get an Aweber FREE plan. Visit 👉AWeber’s Website
GetResponse helps online marketers make money from anywhere, with the
flexibility to generate and convert leads from the comfort of their own home.
Providing email marketing and autoresponder services to keep subscribers
informed of your content and offers.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

✅ Get a GetResponse FREE plan. Visit 👉GetResponses Website

Assembling The Machine
By now you already know what Affiliate Marketing is. You know how to find
the offers to promote. And you know how to drive traffic to the offers for free.
Now it’s time to learn how you can create a system that can deliver consistent
commissions and passive income. In simple terms, the formula is...


You have most likely seen this same formula or pattern repeated thousands of
times, even if you haven’t yet realised it. The initial value builds your audience.
Take for instance the YouTube & ClickFunnels examples we discussed earlier.
You could build up your YouTube channel by offering mini-tutorials for
beginners. Using a free tool like you can see what questions
people are actually asking.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

As you can see in the image above. By simply entering your main keyword
into the search bar, you can get a list of keywords and questions that
represent what people are actually searching on YouTube. Then simply make
videos addressing these keywords and questions.
● You could make a video that compares Clickfunnels and Builderall
● You could make a video that talks about Clickfunnels’ pricing
● You could offer your review of Clickfunnels...etc.
The key to YouTube is not being super professional. It’s about being relevant
and relatable.
So once again, this is your first piece of value that builds your audience. The
next step in the formula is once again value. Sticking with this same example,
your second piece of value would be a ClickFunnels Setup tutorial. You could
offer this for free in exchange for email addresses (more on this in a second).
This free course will give people confidence and get them to take action. And
because they are in your system, they are likely to click on your affiliate link.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

This is the offer. Sign up for ClickFunnels. And when they do, you earn a
monthly recurring commission, plus 40% of any back end sales.


Looking at that formula again we can see the last step is the follow up.
People are resistant to change. Especially when effort is required. This is true
in weight loss or self improvement just as it is in starting a new business.
Because you captured their email address, you can follow up with them.
Nudging them. Encouraging them. Thus, increasing your conversions. And
this follow up is what turns a good business model into a great business.
Yet, it doesn’t end there. Follow Up is actually two-fold. Because you have
acquired email addresses. You can actually follow up with subsequent and
related affiliate products. For instance, someone looking to start a business
with ClickFunnels might someday be interested in running ads to promote
their business. You as the affiliate can find a reputable Facebook Advertising
Course with an affiliate program. And by simply making a recommendation,
you can easily increase the Lifetime Value of Your List.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Bonus Step - Success Framework

Now that we have discussed the preceding 7 easy steps, I want to highlight
an essential tool. I use this on a regular basis when setting goals, for the
simple reason - it works! It provides a roadmap or reference point to help
break down the steps to your goal. Thereby assisting you in achieving them,
and ensuring you become unstoppable in your field of expertise. I’m talking
about a;

If I were to ask you, do you have goals that you want to successfully achieve
for your ………..? Fill in the blank. It could be to earn $10k a month from my
online business, Lose 20 pounds and keep it off or spend more quality time
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

with my family. The fact that you are reading this guide would suggest you’ll
probably answer in the affirmative, which is great. However, if I were to ask
you do you have a method or framework on how to achieve your goals, I am
willing to wager that you probably don’t. The HOW is pivotal, as if you carry on
doing the same thing you’ve always done, chances are that nothing will

Having a success framework is essential to answering questions such as, how

can I break my goals down into bite sized chunks. To ensure that I don’t get
overwhelmed by the doing. For instance, my daughter and I have a favourite
mantra from when she was as young as 7 years old. We often repeat it when
she was feeling overwhelmed by an upcoming event in her life. I would ask
her ‘how do you eat an elephant darling,’ and she would reply ‘one bite at a
time Dad.’

In the below example my goal is to earn $10k per month through my online
Affiliate Marketing business. This is a typical framework that I would complete
before undertaking any projects, promotion or new sales funnel etc, because
as I said, it works for me and hopefully it will be a useful tool for you as well.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

1. Target
The old adage that if you aim for nothing you’ll hit it everytime, is as true
today as when it was coined. Having a clearly defined goal or target is the first
step of the Success Framework. If this sounds familiar it should do, as we
looked at this in the Mindset section of The 3 Setcrets to success. Hopefully
you started the Earl Nightingale 30 day test? Having personally completed
this, it has changed the way I view myself and how I am to be successful. The
first thing I do is write on my goal card what I want more than anything else.
A single goal, clearly defined. In this case Earning $10k p.m. easily and
consistently on autopilot from my Affiliate Marketing business. On my Goal
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

card I would write something like, I am so happy & grateful now that I am
earning over $10k p.m. easily and consistently on autopilot via sales of the
products I recommend. Commit your goal to writing as I truly believe that if
you don't have it where you can see it, then it does not exist! Pull out your
goal card multiple times a day and read it, then declare it. Through the
process of repetition you are training your subconscious mind to believe it
and drive you towards your goal.

2. Selling
In business we are all selling something to make money. What is it that you
are selling to make money online? It could be a product or a service, your
own, or selling someone else’s as an Affiliate Marketer. In the above example I
have provided collateral or products that I am recommending, and receiving
an affiliate commission for any sales made through my recommendations.
Furthermore, having decided on which products to promote, I need to break
down the numbers or do the math. This will help me to focus in and simplify
how many sales I need a month to reach my target. In the above example I
have to make 23 sales a month, which sounds really doable as opposed to
$10,000 per month. With the potential online customer base numbering in
the millions, getting 23 a month should be a breeze right! The goal here
especially for newbies or inexperienced marketers is to preframe our
subconscious to believe that our goal is attainable.

What is my collateral or products that I will be selling to help me reach my
goal? List these down in your mind map as per my examples below.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Affiliate Marketing Academy

Everything you need to build a thriving Affiliate Marketing business. Learn
exactly how to create and launch your own wildly profitable Affiliate
Marketing business, step-by-step! The 3 modules include
1. Success Challenge For Affiliate Marketing - where you learn to create &
launch a wildly profitable Affiliate Marketing business and make $5,000
a month step-by-step.
2. Scaling to $100,000 and beyond - Where you learn how to go from $5k
to $100k p.m. and beyond.
3. AMA Private Mastermind - Live mastermind for those that have
successfully scaled their business to $100k p.m. or more.
✅ Check out the FREE training 👉 How To Launch & Create A Wildly
Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business in 30 days, Step-By-Step.
15 Day Challenge
Learn The #1 Business Model To Launch Online (Requires No Advanced Tech
Skills) With Legendary Marketer Dave Sharp. In 8 years, Dave has done over
$200-million in sales online, trained over 300,000 students worldwide and has
created over multiple millionaire students. Forbes quoted him as “one of the
masterminds of this industry”.
✅ To learn more about the Legendary Marketer Opportunity and how you
can launch your online business in 15 days or less….
Visit 👉15 Day Business Challenge

This is a tool that all good Affiliate or Digital Marketers will require to be
successful. It is where the ‘magic’ happens as you build and communicate
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

with your list. As it is a well known established fact within the industry that
the ‘money is in the list.’ I use 2 and recommend them both. They are

AWeber is an email marketing service provider with over 100,000 small
business clients worldwide. They help people keep in touch with the
subscribers who have requested to be on their mailing list.
✅ Get an Aweber FREE plan. Visit 👉AWeber’s Website
GetResponse helps online marketers make money from anywhere, with the
flexibility to generate and convert leads from the comfort of their own home.
Providing email marketing and autoresponder services to keep subscribers
informed of your content and offers.
✅ Get a GetResponse FREE plan. Visit 👉GetResponses Website
Now that I have chosen my collateral, I need to break the numbers down so
that I can convert my goal into ‘bite sized’ chunks. Firstly, I want to identify my
AFEC (average front end commission). Then focus on this, which in this
instance will be my main offer-the AMA product. For simplicity sake I won’t
include any other back end offers such as the 15 day challenge or
autoresponders. To calculate this, say I had 100 sales which were broken down
as follows;
50 sales paid monthly at $297 per month with an affiliate commission of 40%
= 118. So $118 x 50 = $5,900
50 sales paid annually at $1999 with an affiliate commission of 40% =
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

$799. So $799 x 50 = $39,980

$5,900 + $39,980 / 100 sales = AFEC of $458
So the question becomes how many sales would I need to make $10,000 p.m?
$10,000/$458 = 22 sales.
That is my magic number… 22! I now have a focal point where I have
reduced $10,000 down to 22, where my subconscious mind can get a little
more excited. You go from wow $10k is a big number, to I think I can do this,
to yes this is doable… 22 sales.

3. Strategy
Now my strategy becomes how do I get 22 sales a month. As an Affiliate
Marketer, I break this conundrum down into the 3 categories below to help
solve the puzzle or answer the question.
1. Assets
What assets do I have at my disposal to assist me on my quest to 22. Assets
such as;
Website/Hub - My home on the internet where I can deliver valuable content
Funnels - Where I can drive traffic to present my solutions to people's needs
Freemium - Maybe develop a FREE giveaway such as this Wingman's Guide
Youtube Videos - Shoot valuable content that can be shared on Youtube.
Blog - Create your Blog that is unique to you and delivers massive value
Email List - Building your email list to present your offers and deliver content
Ideas - What are some creative ideas that you can crystallise.

Now that you have developed some killer assets, it's time to do some
marketing to drive traffic to your assets.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

2. External Marketing
This is marketing to potential customers outside of my ecosystem and who
are on external platforms such as Youtube & Facebook etc.
Google Ads - Creating and placing Google search, display or video ads
Youtube Videos - Creating engaging content videos which potentially drive
traffic to your offers for years to come as they stay on Youtube for long periods
of time.
Influencers - Leveraging influencers to drive people from their circle of
influence to your offers.

✅ Learn all about External Marketing👉 Free Traffic Sources Tutorial

3. Internal Marketing
The name of the game is to leverage external marketing channels, to drive
traffic to your internal ecosystem or hub. This is what smart Affiliate Marketers
do, as they understand they have zero control over external platforms such as
Facebook, Google & Instagram. What if Google decides to make major
changes to its Google Ads algorithm, as it did in early 2008 with it’s then
Adwords platform. This resulted in a double whammy for many advertisers:
Skyrocketing ad spend, while conversion rates for those ads plummeted, in
what is now infamously referred to as… The Google Slap. Whereas once a
customer is part of your internal ecosystem you have control over the
marketing strategies you employ to engage with, and promote to them. The
following are some internal marketing strategies that achieve your goal of
introducing prospects to your world.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Email List
Building your email list should be your number 1 priority and stems from your
external marketing efforts. Email marketing has by far the highest ROI from
any other type of ad spend, with a ROI of up to $36 for every $1 spent. That is
incredible, and the reason for my previous statement that it should be your
numero uno priority. According to Radicati’s 2020 Email Statistics report,
email is used by over 4 billion people — over half of the world’s population.

And that number is only going up. It’s estimated that another half a billion
people will be using email by 2024. The simple truth is that your customers
are actively using email. Make sure you are as well.

Insider Content
Now that you have subscribers and satisfied customers, focus some of your
time on creating insider content that you will only share with your list.
Content that is valuable and provides insights on how they can improve their
online business by improving their mindset or their skillset or their toolset. In
other words, serving them to become better Affiliate Marketers so that they
can achieve their goals and in so doing, live the lifestyle of their dreams.

Build An Inner Circle

This is a core part of your list that raise their hands to agree to get together
with you, say once a week on a zoom meeting. This is where you connect your
inner circle with value, by providing incredibly useful tips & content. Whilst
answering their questions in a Q&A type forum. You might also want to
interview invited guests & experts to leverage their expertise for your group.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

It is here where you will develop a strongly engaged, passionate tribe or


4. Action
"It is easy to sit up and take notice, what is difficult is getting up and taking
action." -- Honore de Balzac

What do I need to do TODAY? Everyday when you wake up, ask yourself what
do I need to do today to move closer to achieving your desired 22 sales for the
month? Or whatever you have identified as your goal. Maybe you need to
produce & finish your version of a Wingmans Guide To Affiliate Marketing, as
your freemium lead magnet. Or you may need to learn marketing and how to
master traffic & conversions. Whatever it is, my suggestion is to prioritise what
is important and 80/20 your actions.

The 80/20 Rule

Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist, and philosopher. He discovered the
80/20 Principle which states that 80% of your output or results will come from
20% of your input or action. Pick the top two activities that will give you the
most results or value for your time.

The key is to determine the most effective activities towards your goals first,
then pursue them relentlessly.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

5. Review & Adjust

Now that you have taken action and you are building your hub and online
community, you will need to constantly review your results and correct where
necessary by pivoting or adjusting.

Steps - Write down the current steps in your process or framework. Be sure to
include the start and end points together with all the steps in the process. I
like to do this on a mindmapping tool as per the example below. This will
assist you to see if there is anything that you need to adjust or you may have
left out that should be included.

Strategy - Your strategy is a critical component, and is essentially the heart of

your Success Framework. Ask yourself the following questions:
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

● Do I have the right Assets to achieve my goals?

● Am I producing relevant & ENGAGING content that is serving my target
● Is my external marketing on point? Am I using the correct marketing
platforms that will reach my target audience?
● Have I got the formula correct regarding content & promotion of offers
in my internal marketing?
These and other factors are important to establish that your strategy is on
point, and that you are as effective as your current experience and skill level
will allow.

Data — Review the available data to see when the needle shifted to the right
instead of the left. Try to determine what could have caused the dip. Was it an
increase in ad spend, ineffectual copywriting in a new funnel, or a new
product launch?

Review and adjust accordingly to improve the bottom line and, if necessary,
change a trend. Small hinges open big doors, so it may be that minor tweaks
and adjustments are required, which can make significant improvements to
your bottom line.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

Affiliate Marketing is a real opportunity. And I believe it is about to go
mainstream. As advertising costs continue to increase, I believe more
businesses will rely on Affiliate Marketing as a way to control their marketing
budgets. One of my favourite quotes is by Bo Bennet…

Because it’s true. The very nature of Affiliate Marketing allows ordinary
people like me to partner with huge companies and leverage their systems.
For this reason, an Affiliate Marketing business is easy to start, yet has the
potential to scale well into the 7 figure range.

🏃‍♂️If you are ready to hit the ground running, yet aren’t sure which direction to
step first, then keep one thing in mind. The most money is in the “Wealth”
niche. Marketing or “starting an online business” represent huge earning
opportunities. If you are interested in this potential, I recommend starting
with one of the two avenues below.
MASTER Affiliate Marketing IN 7 EASY STEPS

How To Launch & Create A Wildly Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business in 30

days, Step-By-Step.
Take The 15 Day Business Builder Challenge to Launch Quickly

I think the Launch & Create An Affiliate Marketing Business in 30 days is

the best for beginners, as it provides the most over the shoulder guidance &
access to done for you sales funnels & offers. However, both opportunities
represent amazing opportunities right now. Why not try both? Thanks for
reading. I hope you found value. Now go out there and crush it!!

Wayne Semmens
Your virtual wingman.

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