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 In the three school of Penology, the most applicable basis in the imposition of
penalty/punishment as a consequence of a wrongdoing is the Classical School of
thought. This suggest that a person calculates pleasure and pain in accordance to
actions and regulations. This clearly means that before a man commits a crime, he
already knew that he will be paying the consequence of his action. All humans have the
right to choose, to seek pleasure or avoid pain and in every choice there is a
consequence. So basically, Classical School just wants a man to receive what he

The contribution of the three school of Penology in our present times includes the
removal of the death penalty as stated in the classical school, excessive penalties, such
as death were unnecessary and therefore unjust. In 1987 during the Fidel Ramos
administration, death penalty was implemented but was abolished later on.
The contribution of Neo -classical school to the present times include the children
below 18 years old or minors cannot be imprisoned, also those person who have
neurological disorder because they cannot calculate pleasure and pain and they should
not be regarded as criminals and as they should not be punished.
The effect of Positive school of thought is that when a person committed a crime, some
are placed under rehabilitation center since they considered sick
Especially those who are taking illegal drugs, they do not know what is right or wrong.

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