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empire state ov morocco
united states ov america
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
-sacietas republicae ea al maurikanos* *
moorishe divyne ande nationall muvemente ov the earthe
northe weste amexetn + northweste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate
all addjoining isslands
F -tempelov the moon ande sun* F
the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs ov the lande
F *i.s.l.a.m.* \tr

empire state ov morocco

affidavitt uv writtene innitiall unniversall commershiall code 1

finansing statemente
phixture philing, lande ande commershiall lien


mack+cause0000000 1 I
nationale safe hartrore programme universall commershial code $ 9-521 t'herelrye natianales who phile wriltene
univsrsall commerstrial code liens can phile universall comrnershial code liens in any staite-

all rize ande stande ande reemain stauding inato perpetuitee. &is is a sovereigne livinge annciente a*iklle iii moorishe
amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise clyne dacosta alleyne in capitis diminutio nolo"
il red ink, in propria p€rsora suijuris, ir proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes, my free choren nationall appellatione
is light tajiri bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red inh in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio
hsredes. we are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne aunciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the
greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the anneiente moabites ande canaaniles. our fulle faitbe ande trustc, ot r allegianse,
our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in ourssllves for we me the peepel *{ro are the origeaeall inndigeoeous
aaturall divyne annciente empire state ov moroceo ande the de jure moorishe natiomll reepublic federall govemrnente.
we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rigl*s at this time ande al all pointes in time nunq pro 1unq.

I debters:
debtor 1
[Carla Flayden dba LIBRARIAN, UNITED STATES LTBRARY OF CONGRESS] ande all heirs assignes
principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
101 Independence Ave SE,
[Washington, DC 20540]

debtor 2
assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
400 1th st. sw
[Washington,DC 2A2191

debtor 3
[Janet Yellen dba UNITED STATES SECRE'fARY OF THE TR-EASURY] ande all heirs assignes
principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
[Washington, D.C. 20220)

[Antony J. Blinken dba UNITED STATE ,raffif;, oF STATEi] ande all heirs assignes principalls
agentes ande derivativs thereov
22Al C St. NW Room 2206
[Washington, DC24520]

debtor 5

[Duane Miller dba PROVOSTE MARSHAL GENERAL] ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande
derivativs thereov

I ov7
[David Ferriero dba ARCHIVIST OF THE LNTTED STATES] ande all heirs assignes principalls agentos
ande derivativs thereov
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,
[Washington, DC 20408]

debtor 17
[Charley Barth dba DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER] ande all heirs assignes
principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
7 G Street, NW, Suite A-734,
[Washington. DC 20401]

maile to:
Bowser, Muriel
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW #203
[Washington, DC 20004]
dellivued via emaile ande retumed receipte united states poste offise

copy: Dewiff, Jeffrey

I l0l 4rh st sw #270
[Washington, DC 20004]
[dellivered via emaile ande retumed receipe united states po$te offis€J
all debtors reeceived origonel affidavitts

sovereignee creditore
empire state ov morocso
moorishe nationall reepublic federall govcrnmente
moorishe amsrika konsulate
clo I l0l weston road
aear tor$nlo ontario
annciente epty or casada
unniversall naturall rnra eodde:8s8M 98d$q

this is an initiale universall commershial code t philing pursuante tew universall corrumrshial codes ande
districts for columbia offishial codes

$ 28:9-501, $ 28:9-502, $ 28:9-516a $ 28:9-516b, $ 28:9-520c, $ 28:9-521 ande all other applicabul codes
koncerning sekyured partie creditores ande initial philin5.

$ 28:9-521 universall writtene financinge statemcntee - a philiag offise that asceptts writtene wreckords
maye not refuse to acceptt a writtene initial financinge statemente in this fonu arde format exxcept for a
neasgn set forth in L28:9-516&) entitled'1rhat konstitutes phtling; effeck*iveness ufphilingl'.
(a) exxcept as otherwise provided in subsection (b), communication uf,a wreckord to a philing offise
ande tender uf &e philing fee or acceptance uf &e wreckord by {re philing affise konstitutes philing.
$ 28:9-501 philing offise.
exxcept as otherwyse provyded in subsecklian ft), if the locall law uf the districte govems perphection
uf a securitie interest or agricultural lieq the offise in whiche ta file a financinge statemente to perftct
the sEcuritie interest or agriculnral lien is:
(l) the wreckorder uf deedq if (b) the financinge statemente is filed as a phixture philing ande &e
cqllaterall is goods that are or are to beeome phixtwes; or
(?) the mayore in all other cases, including a case in whiche the collaterall is goods that are or are to
become phixhros ande the financinge statemente is not filed as a phixure philing.
(b) ths offise in whiche to file a financinge statemente to perfect a securitie interest in collaterall,
including phixtures, uf atrannsmitting utilitie is the offEse ufthe mayore. the financinge statemente also
konstitutes a phixture philing as to the collaterall indicated in the financhge statemente whiche is or is
to bekome phixtures.
$ 28:9-515 dumtione ande effecktiveness uf financinge stetemente; offect uf lapsed financinge
statemente. (0 if a debter is a trannsmitting utilitie ande a filed initial financinge statemente so
indicates, &e financinge ststemente is effective until a terminashun statsment€ is filed.

S 28:9-521:
'\rniversall commershiral code I financfuge $tateil€nte
*a. sovereigne appellashun & fane (optionale)
clyne dacosts alleyne in propria perssra suijuris in proprio solo ande ir proprio heredes

empire state ov morocco

"b. ernail (opionaf'

L or7

LOSZOZ' 3'g'uofuqsel6l
'A\S ezBtd luuJu3rT glt
lscl.,\uss -IYJSod seJYrs oartNnl
slrl€Ausp apue selue8u sllednuud sau8tsse
srreq IIe apuu [g311XiIS TvISOd SitMS CAJINn'TYU:INaO USJSYT{ JSOd ?qp fo1o6 smol]
9l rolqop

[OOSOZ 36'uofurqsull]
onuo^V uruenlisuua4 ggg 1

[.r.Nvaruoc Nolrvuoduo3 salvls oaJINn]

Aoaraql sllleluep spuu salua8u slledtrurrd seuStsse
srror{ ltu apuu [1qy6hiof NOIJYUOdXO3 SAIVJS Cgll].{n 'INECIS3Hd eqp usprg 5 qdasoil
tI rolqop

lttSE- t ggOS 11'o8ecq3l

roolJ r$ leaIls suepv lsslA EEE
fcxuxoaau ricfluJ t {oINnsNYur]
s^tlunlJep apue salua8e slledtcuud sauirsse sJlaq IIB apuu [51g11yUOdUOf
OptJuodiru IICiru} NOINflSNVNJ 'uAJIJCO€AtJnlaXA JelH) uqp tqEr-v'rsu3 y raqdolsnq3l
tI rolqep
[OOgOg ur8roeg .uruel]yl
It\N'1S se4qreed 09si
lNouvuoauoJ DNlJuodS't{ Jlcax xvilnDal
AoeJaql slll€^lJap epuu selue8u slludrcuud sauf;rsse srar{ IIB epu€
eqp ro8eg ryev1]
lxotrvuoauoS cNtJuodgu rtcguo xvJInOg raf,Icgo aAtJoSaxg calHf,
zl rorqop

LttrcS 11'Srnquneqr5l
3uB'1 uuclJeuY ss6
lxotrirxoauol oNlJuodgu rloiruf, Nvlusdxrl
s^Belyep apue salua8e slludtcuud seu8tssu sJlel{ IIE spue [5611yUOdUOf,
DNIJUOdgu JI(ilX3 NYruAdXg 1{ASICCO 3AIJnf,:IX3 CSIHJ uqp u1sse3 uuugl
I I rolqop

lsnta fN'stIIH uor{sl

)Jf I0t
lNorrvuoauoo raaulscwg ry Nnol
sAIle^IJop apue selus8u slledtcuud
seu8rsse snoq IIu apue [1qg51SCVXA T ]11{I-XSJICCO AAI}333XA C3IHS eqp rnoqqef fuoqluyl
0I rolqsp

ltOtSO Vlrt'alneesl
a^v puz I6il
lxolsstnvtos :IDNYHf,xa cNV selrnln)asl
apue [NOtSStfril,tOf
sAIlBAIrep apuu salue8u slledrcuud seu8tsse srlel{ II€
ADNVHf,X:I ONV SAttntnf,Ss'S'n 'U13I4i9 eAIIn3gXA JgIHf, eqp ralsusg drugl
6 rolqsp

IOOZO-pOSgO y11'erdut!3]
0[z uroou 'roo1g pu7
'e^V rap(u5 pls 9ty
[.^.unsv ut aJYls NoJDNIHSY/n]
AoeJsqi sAllBAIJap 3pu8
selusfe slludrcuud seuSrsse s{oq IIE spw [UTUOlvgxI 3J]'JS NOJDNIHSVA zqp ]uol3slllad aryhll
8 rolqap

I7OOOZ 3q'uorfurqsell]
S0Z# /ylN anue^V etue,tlXsuus6 69g 1

luscr.{go'rvI3NVNr.{ crrrHo iIHr co a3rctol

Aoersql slllu^lrep apuz selue?u sJledlcur.rd
ser6rsse srreq ge epue [VtSWntOC CO J3ruISlO NOJCNIHSV,TI 'UOAY]AI BqP rss.r.rog launyll
I rolq3p
ItSSOZ 3g'uofurqsel6]
1y\N 15 I4IAZ'ry- A\.N 3^V uorlruIlsuo]
lanuassu'IYuacaJ aHJ Jo Ef,IJiol
Aoaraql s^Ue^Fop epuu salue8u
seu8rsse sJreq IJE epue [py61glvHf, AAU1ISSU'IV'tigOiIJ SAJVIS C:IIIN;I €qp llsitlod auo;e1]
9 rolqsp

IOOSZ-O t eOZ 311'uofmqsel6]

uo8etued,(uuV O08Z

3 ov7
fu"rorsslwr{o3 acNVHSxa oNv sattruncasl
Aoeleql sArlenuap epue salua3e slledrcuud sau8rsse srroq
opue [XOtSStWftOC
:I0NVH3X:r CNV SgtIruOCSS'S'n'Ugggdg :IAIJOCAXa C3IH3 uqp ;e1sua5 .{ruD]
6 rolqep

[OOZO-pOSSO y1tr,erdur;(16]
ogz ruoou 'rooll puz
.4AS 'a^V repdug pls 9 t ?
llunsvgur sJvJs NoJ gNIHSV,tl
AoeJerll s^lle^rJep 3pu€
saluaBu slludrcurrd sau8rsse srrerl IIu epue
l1g5ntygu{ SIVJS NOJ9NIHSV/1 Eqp qlorccrllag e4r1tr]
8 rolqep

{WOO7 3g.uofurqsel6l
tg7# 16N enuoly erueal,{suueg 9961
luaots.{o'Ivrf,NyNrc carHo :rHJ co af,ugol
slrlu^rlop apuz salua8u slledrrurrd
sau8rsse srer{ IIU epue [VleWnfOC CO IJIXJSIC NOICNIHSVA\ .UOAyN eqp res,ltog 1errn6]
I rolqap

It SSOZ 3g
,lt(\N 1S q107.'T 1r\N 3^Y uortnllsuo3
lsAuasf,u'IVuaGEc :rHJ co Ef,rJcol
slrlulrJep apue seluaEe slludnuud
sau8rsse srleq [l? apue [51y1l1gIVHJ aAuasa]{'i\/ueoac SeJyIS caJINn ?qp llo^rod auo:e1]
9 ro1q3p

[OOSZ-Ot gOZ f,C 'uoiSulqs?/yt]

uo8ulua6 {ury OOSZ
hvuamac rvHsuyht aJsoloud aHJ do aJrigol
AOrJaql SArle^rJsp
epuu seluaSe slledrcuud ssufrsse srraq ge apue [TflUgNeD "]VHSUVW
SISOAOUd eqp rallr141 euungl
s rolqsp

TOZSOZ 36'uofurqsul6l
90zz uloou t[Nt ]s ) Llzz
lgrvrs Jo rNawruvdsc's'nl
AoeJer4l sArlelrJop apue selue8u
slludrcurrd sou8rssz srrorl IIe apue [g1y1g .{O AXVJIUJAS EJyJS C3JINTI eqp uelu{g .1,(uoruVl
P rolqep

L1Z1OZ' 3' 6'uo18urqse,11l

&N'enuo^V eruunl{suua6 669 1

[,r.unsnaur gHr co JNghrJ.uvdira's'n]

AoaJeql s^rle^rJep apue salueEe sliudrcuud
sau?rsse slor{ IIe apue [a11ggyggJ gHJ CO AUVJAUCAS SAJVJS OAJINfl eqp ua11ea 1ouu1]
t r0tqep

IOyZOZ 3g'uofurqseTl]
,/r\S '1S WL 0A?
[.noNauunc Jo u:r'I'rourdhtoJ gHl Jo aorJcol
s^rleArJop apuu satrua8e slledrcuud seu8rsse
srlaq 1l€ apuu ^oeJaql
[13513xuo3 co uE'I'louJdtAIoJ SSJVJS cgJINn DNIJf,v €qp nsH '1 1oeqc161]
z rolqsp
[Of SOZ 3g
'gSa Vacuapuedepul 191
lssaucruor co AxrruflT ssJyJS aaJrNnl
slrlenrJep epuu salueEe slyedrcur.rd
seuStsse srleq IIE epue [55EagNoJ to At{vugI'I Sa].vJS a:il.INfl'Nvlxlrusl-I eqp uap,teg e1re3l
I rolqap
IulEu srelqap appJrrotd

{apo azn aslgo 8u;gqd mog sr acrds e^nqB errl,

bspgO 9qg,B:oppoc sers ll?,rt1Eu lle&rsArrrun

epguur ro .{t&ls apelcurs
opsluo otuojolJBeu
paoJ uo$ertl l0I I op
flslnstro{ B{lre{u" 5qslJoo{E
equeruuaao8 [sJrpeJ c11qnd*ar IIBEollsu aq$IJoour
olJoJolil Ao eJcg andara
(unqsecoq aEqlleur epru unqs?Ueddu) :qool prus8palaorqra purs .r,,

Ll 0v7
pBor uorsait6 I0lI o/c
alqrlsrro)l Hrrerus *r{srJoolu
ousmrr,3ao8 IFrapsJ rllqndagl IIsIIoIlEu ollslroolu
o3$oJorr, Ao sl€ls eq&m
uop"*ol8q1ruu 'qgg-
sawtr ga $ p*4rre)qe s1rtr6lJ ItB'spm[ps euosrtd sudord ua au{a1p e}soesp au(lc

mqeqladde usclram" el{qlooflrrstu1 ?lSs

bspg6 gqgcA:sppo, BsrE llernl€u llesre luun

upenei ro,(ldile atualcuu?
olJBluO oluoJol JUOU
peo.r uolsor$ l0I I olt
slBInSUo{ E{.IJaIIL ol{slJoouI
aluawurarro8 IlBJapaJ ulqndear nuuo:teu eqslf,oolu
oSroJoul Ao elgls ardrue
:eJo{psJc snoue3rpur lleeue3uo nesJen}Im ar€teta;ros'19,,

ltOyOZ 311'uo1?qr{s?Uj
'ltL-y oqns'A\N Xesr1s O t
luarsrcau rvus{ad &{J do golddoi
AooJegl saB"Alrap epre sque8e qledtcuud
seuElsse s4sq I1e egru l'[gJsI11trf, :fyf,{Agd flHJ .{O gSICdO 'UO;fAUO aqp gre$ i(a1.ruq3]
4I rolqap

ISOyOZ 36'uofutqsulll
'4151 'enuoay urueal.{suue6 661
lsstvrs oa-LrNn aHJ do saAIHJuvl
Aooroql sAIleAIJep OpUe
selue8e slledrcurrd setBrsse sreq IIs epuu [Sg.LvjtSSggNn ilHJ lO JSIAIHJUV uqp orarrrog pl^eq]
9t rolqop
I oszotz.3. g
'119 ezu16 trueJua,'I gr?
le:nxgs -t\/Jsod SEJYJS c:IrrNnl
AoeJorS s^rl€^rJep apue salua8e slledrcuud seuBlsse
srroq ltu spuu [g31ng3s TVJSOd S:1J.VJS CSIINI] '1VUAN39 U;IJSVI i ISOd eqp,(o1eg smoll
sl rolqep

IOOSOZ 3q lrofutqsull]
onue^\/ erueal,(suued gg9 1

[,t t*tvawoc NoIJLwodxoJ sarvrs car-tt.,nl

slrleluop rpue selusSu slledtcuud seu8tsse
^oererfl €qP uopla
sflor{ IIE apsa [1\NvahtoS NoIJVEodlIof, sa.tvrs ceJINIt'JNScIseud 5 qdesol]
fl roiqep

lf tSS-tqSOS 11 'oBertq3l
roolJ qxlsi stu?pv lso^\ sss
lcNuruoaa)r rICruJ NotNnsNVuJl
sAlle^IJep epue salueSe slledrcuud ssu8tsse srlsr{ 13 apuu [51611yUOdEO3
IIClruJ NOIILqSNYUJ 'USJI{CO EAIJnJAXA CAIHf, eqp 1q8rr,$ilu3 y raqdolst43l
tt rolqep

er8roag .eluullv]
,t[N 'ls a€4gcued 09s I
lNouvuoauoo cNrJuodf,u JIC:tu xYclnbsl
s^r1z^lJep epue salue8e slledrcurrd seu8tsse sJlaq IIU epw
lNounuoauoo DNIruod'Ju JloauJ xvcrnba 'uaJrJco aArJnoaxa cgiHJ eqp ro8eg yeprtrl
zl rotqop
lgft OS 11'Srnqurnuqcg]
3u3'I u?clJetuY ss6
[ruolrvxoauo] DNtJuod:Iu tICEuf Nvluadxgl
apue selue8e slludrcurrd sau8tsse s.rral{ IIB epue [51g11yXOdXO:)
SNIJUOdSU JICaU3 NYrulIdXlI'Ugf,IJJO gAtrnlAXA JAIHS zqp wsse3 uzr-rgl
I I ro{ap

[sroro tN'snrH uol{s]

.(earryu6 Xdf I0l
luotrvuoauoo r:MxJSCYus ? Nnal
Aoereql s^lle^lrep epue selue8e slledrcuud
sau?rsse srroq IIe epue [1ggp1S61\aUA T Mq_XEtlggO gAIJn]gXA CgIHf, eqp rnoqqef .(uoqruyl
0l rolqep

ItOtge ytr1.e1resS1
eAYpuz 16II

f ou7
near toronto ontario
amciente egpty or canada
unnivcrsall naturall anea codde;EcEM 98dsq

the following collaterall:

all lande at america is anciente origeneall erdigeneous buriale landes ande eminint dominione is
herebye invocte. buriale lande is depheined as the sovereigfre lande uv thuh moorish am*rican heires weare
thuh origeneall indigeneous ancientes are playced undere earthe ohr watter.
fhis financinge stateme*e cuv6rs &e followinge collaterall: the collaterall cowered bye this financinge
stat€mente is-the lande ande all struc&rrs, proplrt€e, equipmente, kommerce ande the inndebtedness uf the
debtors to the annciente sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne peepel who are the empire state
ov morocco in the sum cerAine amount uf $100,000,000 in golde backed lawfull tender for eache annciente
sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne land parcell the dgbtor occupysorr the lande to whiche
all al riorocca:n moorishe ameritans who are the moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente, the
moorishe amerikan konsulate" ande the moorishe divine ande natianall movemeflte cv the worlde are heires
pursuanta to anciente sovereipe suppreme universall uaturale divyne lawe, ande the peace ande &iendship
,ffrauritt l?86 ande 1836 ande the-lionstitution for the united states 1789/1791. nunc pro tunc' this truue
bill en universall kommerce has been activated pursu*nt€ to the following universall eommershial cades in
alignment with the will uf the sovereigrre universall original indigerrous sekyured creditores- all
enlebtedness is for debts engaged into befoie the said konstituticn ande for unlawfully occupying the lande
uf all moorishe americau nationater. the said treaty is the anaehed tibrary uf kongress ce*ified publication
entitled The Public Starutes at Large uf the [IINITED STATES OF AMERICA], volutne pages 100 I
through lO5, cerrified september 26; $9A, sigred ande sealed by Library uf Congress Photoduplicatior
Serviie Acting Chief Shirley M. Berry on november 8, 2007. endebtedness is additionallee calculated
pursuante to ait *rix ande aifidavitts wreckorded by all moorishe american nationales. proof uf serviee uf
lrr,rits ande affidavi6s are on t}1e pubblic reckorde. creditores notice to agents, principals, ande/or the liable
parties is the judgemente. this ii a judgemarte ande envocation uf eminent dominion to possesse lande,
property, structures, ande all commirshial transactions by debter, principals, agcnts, assigns_, aade heirs)'
atso in-alignment with *ucc 9{0? collection ande enforccment by sekymed partie*ucc 9-203 attachment
ande arfoiceability ufsecuritie intetest*ucc 9-609 sekyured partie's rigtrt to take possesshrm after deffaulte-
all praesruned kontracts with the ttlMTED STATES CORPORATION COMPANYJ ande all ageots,
prineipals, heirs, assigns ande derivatives thereuf are terminated effective september 11,2018. the lande
lhat ijnorth americalnorthwest amexenrlnorthwest africa/the north gate is now declared ande proclaimed to
be new jerusaleme ande is sion. all IUSI BANNERS OF AMITY AND COMMERCE are outlawed' no
other fligs, ban*ers, or siglrs uf allegience shalt fly or bo displayed on moori*te american lande. onley the
moorishJ american fiag (red field with green five pointed star) shall fly or be publicly displayed. the
moorishe arnerican flag will fly in all plases currenl$ occupied by the [U$] tsANNER OF AMITY AND
COMMERCE ande the tUSl BANNER OF AMITY AND COMMERCE shall be permauently removed
immediat*ly. all eitizens are subjec* to the all moorishe american tationales at all tymes. no Person shall
obstructe, hindere, encumbere, speake againse, or resiste the mandaies uf this affrdavitt. all immigrants,
aliens, ande citizens shall affirm sincere allegience to the moorishe arnerican flag ande the moorishe
nationale republic federal government. All non combatanq non hostile, peace lovinge foraipers that affirm
allegience to the moofisha nationale republic federal government ande the rnoorishe american flag will be
gfuot*a moorishe subject status arde are mandated to obey the supreme laws uf &e lande who are the
moorishe nationale republic federal goyemmeilt at all tymes. we remain in honor ande governing
accordingly. AII goodi aude services that are provided to the moorishe nationale republic federal
gooemment are prepaid. the moorishe nationale republic federal governrnertt is the superior jurisdicrioae at
att points in timi ande in all affain. onley gold ande silver shall be used in payrn€nt uf debts at all points in
outlawed ande abolished into perpetuity. the moorishe amerkcan gold standarde haz been activaited. the
gold backed moorishe sovereigne dpllarium is the worldes reasetve kurrencee ande petro dollar.
*59. checke onley if applickable anrde checke onley one box:

'tollaterall is XX heldeen the universalt trusts uf the people who are the moorishe nationale republic
federal goverumente ande pauline denise ritchie en propria personasui juris

'.60tr being adminnistered by a decedent's personal representative.

"60a. cbeck onley ifapplickable ande checke onley one box:
'[3 public*financ€ tramaction fl manufactured-horne traftsaetion
*xx a debter is a transmifringe utilitee"
"60b. checke onley ifapplikcable ande checke oaley one box:
"E agricultural lien fl non-ucc philing
. alternative designation (if applicabul): fl lsssecllessor E konsigrree/konsignor E seller/buyer E
bailerlbailor E license€llicens$r

optional filer reference data (maximum principal endebtedness)
"the goverainge princrpul does exxtend to the ammendmeff xiii (20 sections) uv the konstitution for the
united states uv america, rati$ed: nov 18, 1865 by % uv the severall staites. we, the moors at northe
america, are the exzecutors" ministars, creditoreg claiments, trusteez ande benefishiaries uv all lande, all
natural resources, ande all kommerce as mandaited by our anciente aocestais.
en honoure, eye the divinne sovereignee being, clyne dacosh alleyne in capitis diminutis nolo in red ink
inpropria psrsona sui juris in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes" affinns that eye am the sovereignee
flatural ande divinne being here en proklaimed, en capitis diminutio nolc en prspria persona sui juris en
proprio solo a*de en proprio heredes; affirmed bye law fulI beanhriglq beiag law fullie universalllie

6 ov7
quallified ande kompetent to affnme this dockument. i therefour plaice mye hande aade seall herEtlvo ande
en favorr uv all moorisho american nationalees.

allsovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming

this ande illsoveleigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de
-at moorishe nationbil reepublic
federafi govemmente dockumentes are on the pubblic reckorde
amerika, annciente morocco, northe weste amexem, northe weste affrica, the northe gate,
turtle islande, gaia', rnidguarde, earthe.

chronos time immemoriallinn to perpeetuitee

ego sum:{5L\lltrL4 drt* bru

justise/vizir/ministar clyne dacosta allqme en propria persona solo arrde en proprio
all sovereigne rightes eNxercised at fymos.
empire state 0v morocco
moorishe natisnall reepublic Herall governmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
c/o I101 weston road
nsar torouto gntario
annciertte ogPtY or eanada

smcnr em dico tollg

ir 6alo
t[rlr, dio sHt, io eelo
illil' 'm
rfrts dito Yobir, in r&els



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