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NIM : 21021013

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan/Semester : Manajemen Reguler Sore / II
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa & Kamis, 19 & 21 April 2022
Waktu : 100 menit
Dosen : Ni Made Rianita, S.Pd., M.Pd.

A. Read the text bellow and then answer the questions!

1. Yunita and Mirasa answered an advertisement for the same job of personal manager of
a bank in a small city. The manager of the bank interviewed each of them and received
letter of recommendation from their previous employers. Then he considered the
information he gathered:
a. Yunita-age 35: married, two children (age 10 and 12), education: B.A. in
economics, master’s degree in psychology, has worked at the Centra Bank in her
home town since graduating from college, has received one recommendation and
now is assistant manager, is considered a steady and reliable worker, hasn’t missed
a day’s work in ten years.
b. Mirasa-Aged 28: divorced, one child (age 3), education: B.A. in English literature
(honor student), master’s degree in business administration, worked at the National
Bank of Jakarta city for two years, was promote twice, left to travel around the word
for six months, then was appointed vice president of a small new bank in Malang,
her department specialized in home portage loans for young couple who could not
get loans from other banks .She was considered as an innovative worker, brought
many new ideas to her work, left Jakarta because she no longer wants to live in a
large city, presently unemployed
Compare the two applicants for the job.
Which one do you think the bank manager decided to hire? Why?
Answer : I think the bank manager decide to hire Mirasa, because she is still young
but full of experienced, she was appointed as a vice president of a bank means that she
is capable to handle big job with full of creative and innovative idea.
Would you come to the same decision, if you were the manager?
Answer :Yes , I Would like to choose Mirasa as well because for me Creative and
innovative workers is really needed on this digital era

Which one do you think would be more interesting to talk to? Why?
Answer : Mirasa I think is the best partner to talk with, because at the age of 28 she
already travelled around the world to get experience but she still able to handle a big
Job in a Bank. We can get more information and experienced from Mirasa’s journey.

2. Ellie is twenty-two and is studying to be an accountant. She will graduate soon and has
already sent out several applications for job in various parts of countries. Two firms
have offered her jobs.
The first offer was from a large and busy bank in Jakarta. It promised an
excellent salary for beginner and good benefits. The bank has a reputation for treating
its employees well. People tend to work there for a long time
Ellie wouldn’t mind the moving to another city but she is concerned that her work there
would not be very interesting. The bank has designed the same kinds of big building
for many years and is not known for its originality. Furthermore, the young accountants
they hire usually must spend several years.
Ellies’s other job offer come from a group of friends of hers who have recently
graduated from Economic Faculty and have set up their own small office near her home.
Elies admires the quality of the work her friend have done. They are open to
experiments in management. Whenever possible they do work what will benefit people.
Since the firm is small, everyone participates in contributing new ideas.
The firm, however, has not been able to make much more so far. Ellie would
have a very small starting salary, just enough to live on. If the firm is not successful,
she would lose her job after few months.
Which job should Ellie take? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer : I think Ellie choose the small firm rather than busy bank in Jakarta, first She
needs to find the job that make her feel comfortable. Busy bank in Jakarta will give her
big salary but more pressure and will make Ellie not comfortable with its work
environment. If she choose the small firm, I am pretty sure that she will feel more happy
because she will work with her friends and together will brainstorm the idea and make
the company getting bigger and bigger, that the most important part learning, growing
, and developing. Since she is still fresh graduate, she needs to start small steps first and
from that keep improving her skill to get better in the future.

3. What do you consider important in choosing a job for yourself? In the following list of
job advantages, which are very important, quite important and not important for you?
- Good pay
- Benefits
- Security
- A chance for advancement to a better job
- Opportunity to do interesting work
- Opportunity to learn
- Long vacation
- Other advantages that are important to you:………………..

- Answer :

- Very important : Comfortable environment, Opportunity to do interesting work,

Security, Opportunity to learn
- Quite important : Good pay, Benefits, A chance for advancement to a better job
- Not important : Distance from home to office, work hours

Do you think that you would have the same answers for the question in the same way
ten years from now, or might other advantages be more important?

Answer : I think starting from now I already think that I will still find the job that suit
to answer before.

4. If you have worked, describe to others a job you have done. What were the advantages
and disadvantages of the job? If you have not yet had a job, describe a friend’s,
relative’s job, or another’s.
Answer : I would like to describe my friend’s job as a teacher, He is 28 years old ,
works at International school at Denpasar. He starts working at 8 am until 3 pm so he
still has spare time after 3 pm to do different job such as giving privat/tutoring lesson.
The pressure of his job also not really matter because everyday he handle the students
and he able and know ho to deal with that. He also experienced in teaching for several
years so I think he will not find any difficulties to teach. The advantage that he got is
he is still has spare time , got good salary, and experienced in teaching. The
disadvantage is he is not able to learn new things because he just focus with his subject
and lesson.

5. What kinds of job would you like in the future? Why do you like that job?
Answer : In the future , I dream to be an accountant in a company or in a Bank. Because
I think Accounting tends to be a universal need. Every company must need an
accountant and that’s why this job give such a big opportunity. Accountant also
lead and teach us how to manage company’s financial which is very important part
to make the company still exist, that also one reason why accountant got big salary
because it’s need full of responsible and as a main role in a company

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